
Harvard Math 252x

Configuration Spaces in Algebraic Taught by Ben Knudsen

Notes by Reuben Stern

September 4, 2017


0.1 Preliminaries ...... 1

1 Wednesday, August 301 1.1 A bunch of examples...... 3

2 Friday, September 13

0.1 Preliminaries This is Math 252x, configuration spaces in , taught by Ben Knudsen. The goal is to understand the homotopy and of configuration spaces. Office hours will be on Thursdays from 1-3 pm.

1 Wednesday, August 30

Definition 1.1. The configuration space of k ordered points in the X is

k Confk(X) = {(x1, . . . , xn) ∈ X : xi 6= xj if i 6= j}.

The unordered configuration space is

Bk(X) := Confk(X)/Σk.

m ∼ n Aside 1.2. As we’ll see, B2(R ) = B2(R ) if and only if n = m, so configuration spaces are

1 sensitive to the of . A computation shows

2 2 0 B2(T \ {∗}) 6' B2(R \ S ), even though the two have the same dimension and share S1 ∨ S1 as a common deformation retract.

Example 1.3. The (p, q)-lens space is the quotient

3 L(p, q) := S /Cp,

3 2 2πi/p 2πiq/p where Cp acts on S ⊆ C by multiplication by (e , e ).

2 Theorem 1.4 (Reidemeister). L(p, q1) ' L(p, q2) if and only if q1q2 ≡ ±n mod p, and ∼ ±1 L(p, q1) = L(p, q2) if and only if q1 ≡ ±q2 mod p.  For instance, L(7, 1) and L(7, 2) are homotopy equivalent but not homeomorphic.

Theorem 1.5 (Longoni-Salvatore). B2(L(7, 1)) 6' B2(L(7, 2)).  So there are two compact manifolds that have the same homotopy type but different configura- tion spaces.

Question 1.6. How much do configuration spaces know of the background ?

Perspective 1.7. Let’s consider braids: they can wind around each other, but cannot intersect. 2 It follows that π1(Bk(R )) is the braid on k strands. Artin showed that

2 ∼ π1(Bk(R )) = hσ1, . . . , σk−1|σiσj = σjσi if |i − j| > 1; σiσj + ...i

Braid-like groups are fundamentally important in theory, mapping class groups, quantum groups, (braided monoidal categories), and motion planning and robotics.

Perspective 1.8. (). There is a space of framed embeddings of a manifold with a fr ` n n n fixed trivialization of the tangent , i.e., Emb ( k R , R ), which maps to Confk(R ), and in fact is a homotopy equivalence. Since embeddings can be composed, the collection

n {Confk(R )}k≥0 of homotopy types has a hidden algebraic structure of an En-operad.

There are a lot of things to say now:

1. Iterated loop spaces a la May. It turns out that ! a Embfr Rn, Rn × (ΩnX)k −→ ΩnX k

n tells us that Ω X is an En-algebra. This has two consequences:

n n • H∗(Confk(R )) provides operations in H∗(Ω X). • From the recognition theorem, there is an algebraic classification of n-fold loop spaces.

2 2. Factorization homology (Lurie, Ayala-Francis), also known as topological chiral homology. R R Suppose I have an En-algebra A; this gives a manifold M A. Roughly, M A is a space of configurations of points in M, labeled by A.

R n • M Ω X ' Mapc(M,X) if X is (n − 1)-connected (called non-abelian Poincaré duality, due to Lurie and Salvatore). • Applications to configuration spaces. 3. calculus (Goodwillie, Weiss). Suppose you want to understand Emb(M,N). We get a tower of approximations

. .


Emb(M,N) T1Emb(M,N).

1.1 A bunch of examples

Example 1.9. Take a look at the empty manifold. Bk(∅) = Confk(∅) ' {∗} if k = 0, and it is 0 empty otherwise. This follows from the convention ∅ = {∗}. Example 1.10. Now look at R0.  0 {∗} k = 0, 1 Confk(R ) = ∅ k > 1.

Example 1.11. R1. The configuration space of 2 points is just what you think it would look like: 1 ∼ 2 the disjoint union of the interiors of two 2-simplices. And B2(R ) = ∆ is contractible. Now what if k > 2? We have a π0Confk((0, 1)) → Σk, which is actually a . Each component is homeomorphic to Bk((0, 1)). There is a map

k Bk((0, 1)) −→ ∆ taking (x1, . . . , xk) to (x1, x2 − x1,..., 1 − xk). This is a . 1 1 2 1 Example 1.12. Now consider S . Conf2(S ) = T \ S , which is a cylinder, so is homotopy 1 1 equivalent to S . Similarly, the unordered configuration space B2(S ) is the mobius band. n n n−1 n Example 1.13. Now look at R . Conf2(R ) maps to S ×R>0×R , which is a homeomorphism. So the (x , x ) 7→ x2−x1 is a homotopy equivalence. Gauss map 1 2 kx2−x1k

2 Friday, September 1

Recall the definition of a configuration space from last time:

3 Definition 2.1. Let X be a topological space. The (ordered) configuration space of k k points in X is the set Confk(X) = {(x1, . . . , xk) ∈ X : xi = xj iff i = j}. The unordered configuration space Bk(X) is the quotient of Confk(X) by the natural action of the symmetric group Σk.

One thing we can ask is about functoriality of this construction: is Confk(X) functorial? It is to a certain extent: if f : X → Y is an injective map of topological spaces, then there is a map Confk(f) filling in the dashed arrow in the commutative diagram

f k Xk Y k ⊆ ⊆

Confk(X) Confk(Y ), Confk(f) given by applying f coordinate-wise. It is clear that this induced map is Σk-equivariant, so it descends to a map Bk(f): Bk(X) → Bk(Y ). Thus we have two :

inj Σk Confk(−):Top −→ Top inj Bk(−):Top −→ Top.

Here, Topinj is the category of topological spaces and injective maps, and TopΣk is the category of topological spaces with a Σk-action, and Σk-equivariant maps.

Proposition 2.2. If f : X → Y is an open embedding, then so are Confk(f) and Bk(f).

k k Proof. For Confk(f), note that f is an open embedding, and Confk(X) is open in X . For Bk(f), the natural map Confk(X) → Bk(X) is a quotient map, and thus an open embedding. Open embeddings compose.

Definition 2.3. An injective, continuous map f : X → Y is called an isotopy equivalence if there is an injective, continuous map g : Y → X and homotopies

0 H : f ◦ g ⇒ 1Y and H : g ◦ f ⇒ 1X

0 such that Ht and Ht are injective for all t ∈ [0, 1]. Basically, it is a “homotopy equivalence through embeddings”.

Proposition 2.4. If f : X → Y is an isotopy equivalence, the induced maps Confk(f) and Bk(f) on configuration spaces are homotopy equivalences.

Proof. Consider the diagram

(H0)k (X × I)k Xk

H∆ Xk × Ik i


Confk(X) × I Confk(X)

4 ∆ k ∆ 0 0 The composite map H : Confk(X) × I → X acts by H (x1, . . . , xk, t) = (Ht(x1),...,Ht(xk)). 0 k Because Ht is injective, this map pulls back along the inclusion i : Confk(X) → X to give a well-defined homotopy Confk(X) × I → Confk(X).

Example 2.5. Let M be a manifold with nonempty . Then ∂M has a collar neighborhood U =∼ ∂M × (0, 1]. By retracting along the (0, 1] coordinate, the inclusion M,˚ → M is an isotopy equivalence, so ' Confk(M˚) Confk(M).

Notation 2.6. Fix a basis B of the topology of X. Define two partially-ordered sets Bk and Σ Bk as follows:

( open k ) ∼ G 1. Bk = Uk ⊆ X : U = Ui,Ui ∈ B . We order this by saying U ≤ V if U ⊆ V and the i=1 inclusion i : U,→ V induces a bijection on π0.

Σ n ' o 2. Bk = (U, σ): U ∈ Bk, σ : {1, . . . , k} −−→ π0(U) . This is ordered by saying (U, σ) ≤ (V, τ) if U ≤ V in Bk and i ◦ σ = τ, where i : U → V is the inclusion.

Now let O(X) denote the poset of open of X. We will define two functions,

◦ Bk :Bk ,−→O(Bk(X)) and ◦ Σ Confk :Bk ,−→O(Confk(X)) as follows:

◦ Bk(U) = {x ∈ Bk(U): x intersects each component of U nontrivially} ◦ n o Confk(U, σ) = (x1, . . . , xk) ∈ Confk(U): xi ∈ Uσ(i) .

k ◦ ∼ Y ∼ ◦ Lemma 2.7. There are Confk(U, σ) = Uσ(i) = Bk(U). i=1 Proof. The proof starts by considering the diagram

k X Confk(X) Bk(X)

k Y ◦ ◦ Uσ(i) Confk(U, σ) Bk(U). i=1

The dashed arrows can easily be seen to be filled in. finish this proof Σ Proposition 2.8. The set Bk is a basis for the topology of Confk(X). The set Bk is a basis for the topology of Bk.

Proof. Finish later.

5 Corollary 2.9. The π : Confk(X) → Bk(X) is a map.


−1 ◦ ∼ G ◦ π (Bk(U)) = Confk(U, σ) σ ∼ ◦ = Bk(U) × Σk.

Corollary 2.10.

k G =∼ Confi(X) × Confk−i(Y ) ×Σi×Σk−i ΣK Confk(X t Y ). i=0

In particular, we have a homeomorphism

k G =∼ Bi(X) × Bk−i(Y ) Bk(X t Y ). i=0

 Now, let ` ≥ k be integers. The projection map X` → Xk onto the first k coordinates induces a dashed map on configuration spaces:

` Conf`(X) X (x1, . . . , x`)

k Confk(X) X (x1, . . . , xk).

The fiber over (x1, . . . , xk) ∈ Confk(X) is the configuration space Conf`−k(X − {x1, . . . , xk}).

Reminder 2.11. Let f : A → B be a continuous map. Recall that the mapping space of I f is the homotopy pullback of f along the evaluation map ev0 : B → B:

I Ef B p y ev0

f A B p(0)

There is a homotopy equivalence A → Ef , and the “evaluation at 1” map Ef → B is a fibration. The of f is the fiber of ev1 : Ef → B. A square A A0 f f 0 B B0

6 is said to be homotopy cartesian if the induced map hofib(f) → hofib(f 0) is a weak equivalence.

Now let M be a manifold.

Theorem 2.12 (Fadell–Neuwirth). The square

Conf`−k(M − {x1, . . . , xk}) Conf`(M)

(x1, . . . , xk) Confk(M) is homotopy cartesian. 

Corollary 2.13. If M is a simply-connected n manifold with n ≥ 3, then Confk(M) is simply- ∼ connected for all k. In particular, π1(Bk(M)) = Σk.

Proof. Associated to the fibration from Fadell–Neuwirth (and taking ` = k, k = k − 1), we have a long in homotopy