Message from our Rector Dear Reader, As I write this letter for your March edition, our days are becoming longer, bright spring bulbs are bursting into life bringing joy and colour to the world. We turn our backs on the dark winter days and look ahead to new beginnings. A new beginning is awaiting Rev’d Sue as we say farewell to her on 3 March with a special service at Milton Malsor starting at 10.30 a m. Sue will then have a few weeks to move to her new Benefice. I do hope you will be able to come to her induction service at Aynho parish church on Saturday 30 March at 3.00 p m. We give thanks for the time she has spent with us and we send her forward with our love and prayers as she begins this new chapter of her ministry. The next part of this letter is something that I thought I would not be writing for several years to come, but, as we know, God moves in mysterious ways. It is with a heavy heart that I must tell you that I also will be moving on to pastures new. Last May, Bishop Donald asked me to consider moving to the Spencer Benefice. In obedience I have followed that call and after much soul searching and prayer, I finally went for an interview in January and I have been appointed as the Rector of Brington with & Norton & w Chapel Brampton & & & . This has been a very difficult decision for me, I love it here; we have built a strong Benefice and we have so many good things going on and I had plans for our future together. The Bishop pointed out to me that you don’t need me now - you are all in a good strong place; my job here is done and he feels that I am needed in the Spencer Benefice. I shall be leaving you sometime in May. At this point I do not have the date but please pencil Sunday 2 June at 3.00 pm in your diary as that is when Bishop John will be inducting me into my new Benefice. I hope you, my friends, can be there with me. So, it is new beginnings all around. Some expected, some not but if we go forward to whatever life brings to us with God beside us, Christ within us and through the power of the Holy Spirit, then all shall be well. Yours in Christ, Rev’d Andrea Streetchurch The Benefice team is on duty for the first time this year on Sunday 17 March 2019. Linda and Doris are happy to receive donations from Alderton. Jean Glanville will co-ordinate for Grafton Regis. Roger Evans (01604 862473) and Andrea Downhill (01604 864280) are in the team and will be happy to receive donations from Stoke Bruerne and Shutlanger and donations from Blisworth may be dropped off in the church porch before 11.30 a m please. Donations of sandwiches, cakes, wrapped biscuits, crisps, fruit, fruit squash are most welcome. May thanks to you all for your generous support. Doris Service Schedule for March 2019 Sunday 3 March Sunday 17 March 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, BCP, Milton Malsor 8.00 a m: Holy Communion, BCP, Blisworth 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Shutlanger 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Milton Malsor (with APCM) 11.00 a m: Word and Worship, Blisworth 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Grafton Regis (with APCM) 6 March – Ash Wednesday 11.00 a m: Morning Worship, Blisworth 7.00 p m: Holy Communion, CW, Blisworth Sunday 24 March Sunday 10 March 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Milton Malsor 9.30 a m: Morning Worship, Milton Malsor 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Alderton (with APCM) 9.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Stoke (with APCM) 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, CWQ, Blisworth (with APCM) 11.00 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Blisworth Sunday 31 March – Mothering Sunday 10.30 a m: Holy Communion, CW, Alderton Every Wednesday: 9.30 a m, Morning Prayer, Blisworth and Milton Malsor

Useful Telephone Numbers for the United Benefice of Blisworth and Stoke Bruerne with Grafton Regis, Alderton and Milton Malsor Rector: Revd Andrea Watkins, tel 01604 857619 Curate: Rev’d Sue Cooper, tel 01604 764243 Churchwarden of Blisworth: Mrs Fiona McKenzie, tel 01604 859541 Churchwardens of Stoke Bruerne: Mrs Christine Frost, tel 01604-862561 and Mr Lee Arnfield, tel 01604 864553 Churchwardens of Grafton Regis: Mrs Jean Glanville, tel 01908 543463 and Mrs Judy Kendrick-Simonsen, tel 01908 542535 Churchwarden of Alderton: Mrs Amanda Selvey, tel 01327 811380. Churchwardens of Milton Malsor: Mrs Jane Treharne, tel 01604 858323 and Mrs Sue Bell, tel 01327 351043

The Julian Group for Silent Prayer The Julian Group for Silent Prayer – making space for God. The group meets on the second Monday of the month (11 March) from 5.00 p m to 6.00 p m, usually at 2 Towcester Road, Blisworth. You are welcome to join us to ‘taste and see’ or on a regular basis. Contact Sue Cutts or Hilary Spurrier for more information.

March 2019 - 1 - Volume 39, Issue 3


Music Event On 22 March 2019 there will be a special, intimate music event at St Mary the Virgin Church in Stoke Bruerne. Doors open at 6.30 p m and the performances will begin at 7.00 p m. Tickets are available at £10 from or directly from The Boat Inn. Call 01604 862428 to secure your place. Refreshments, (both alcoholic and soft drinks) will be available between acts and will be provided by The Boat Inn. There will be four high quality acoustic acts, each performing a 30 minute set of their original music, ranging from folk to highly poetic storytelling through song. The acts are as follows: Tu-kay and Ryan, a local duo becoming known for their lush harmonies and carefully considered lyrics. Leicester based singer/songwriter, Andy Griffiths, with his soothing vocals and songs steeped in folk history and tales of love, hope and madness. Kenneth J Nash, with his haunting music speaking of love, regret and renewal. Local group, Hazeyjane, whose music creates an atmosphere of emotional intimacy. Intelligent and thought provoking lyrics combine with beautiful vocals and a diverse depth of sound. For added comfort, feel free to bring a blanket and cushions to add to the warm and intimate atmosphere created in the natural surroundings of the church. We invite you all to support the church and local artists for what promises to be a unique experience in a wonderful setting.

St. Mary the Virgin Church Coffee Morning Many thanks to all those who came along to support our first coffee Morning of the year, on Saturday 9 February. We had a good turn out and it was good to welcome a few newcomers. There was the usual buzz from folk enjoying a natter over a coffee and cake. We raised, in total, £195 towards church funds. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the event. Our next coffee morning will be on Saturday 11 May at the time of 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon. On that occasion “ReChoired” will be performing from 11.00 a m and there will be a plant stall so there will be lots to look forward to! We shall also have lilies on display, in memory of deceased loved ones. Please come and join us for what promises to be an eventful morning.

Music Evening We are thrilled that St Mary the Virgin Church has been chosen as the venue for ‘an evening of high quality original music’ by Audio Vendor, on Friday 22 March. It will be something new for the church and we look forward to hosting the event. We are grateful to The Boat Inn for providing drinks between acts. Doors open at 6.30 p m. We hope you will come along and join us for this new experience. Further details can be found in this issue of GRASS.

Spring Tidy The date for our annual spring tidy at the church is Saturday 13 April, between 9.30 a m and 12.00 noon. We are so grateful to those of you who regularly give of your time to help us clean the church inside and out. It makes such a difference and it is much appreciated. Please put the date in your diary. Many thanks on behalf of the PCC.

Annual Parish Assembly Tuesday 12 March, 7.00 p m All Stoke Bruerne Residents are encouraged to attend the Annual Parish Assembly which will take place in the village hall. As well as reviewing the year just gone, we will be discussing priorities for 2019 and beyond. We also hope to have a representative from NCC Highways present to discuss the issue of traffic in the village and representatives from ABILITY, which is a Community Transport Scheme that could possibly be extended to cover Stoke Bruerne.

Speed Indicator Sign The first sign is now on order and should be installed over the next few weeks.

Community Litter Pick Sunday 24 March, 10.00 a m Volunteers are needed to clear Stoke Bruerne of the high level of litter which seems to have accumulated over the winter months. All equipment is provided - just wear appropriate clothing. We will meet at the telephone kiosk outside The Boat Inn at 10.00 a m. Please spare us just a couple of hours to make our village clean and tidy for all.

Book Club The next Book Club meeting 26 March at the Boat Inn at 7.00 p m; the book is ‘Travelling Light’ – a collection of short stories by Tove Jansson. The April meeting of Book Club is 30 April at The Boat Inn at 7.00 p m and the book is ‘All The Light We Cannot See’ by Anthony Doerr. All are welcome. Andrea Downhill

March 2019 - 2 - Volume 39, Issue 3

Stoke Bruerne C of E Primary School Our School Council children were very keen to do something kind for Valentine’s Day this year. So we decided to invite all of our parents, neighbours and villagers into school for coffee and cake on Thursday and we called it ‘kindness day.’ The staff and School Council members baked and the children served coffee, tea and cake to all of our lovely visitors. In each of the three classrooms we also had kindness day activities running. We talked about how we can be kind to our friends and neighbours. We painted rocks with kind words on and we will be hiding them over the holidays for people to find. All in all, we think our visitors and children had a very nice morning indeed.

Canal Partnership The weather through the winter has not been too bad (so far!) so the gallant volunteers in the adoption group have managed to meet each month to keep the canal area looking as tidy as possible. We hope you have had a chance to walk along the woodland walk, which is looking very good at present with some of the bulbs we planted giving a good display although I think the mice may have been guilty of stealing quite a few. A lot of work has gone in to clearing drainage channels alongside and under the Boat Horse Road, and hopefully this will be of benefit when heavy rain returns. Some of these channels contain amazing brick work – the Victorians knew how to do a good job. Work is presently ongoing to maintain the various seats around the area – special thanks to Roger who has spent much time and effort making improvements. Several of our volunteers are now trained and certified to use power tools so that will help keep on top of tasks as the year goes on. The next adoption group task day is on Wednesday 13 March, meeting at 9.30 a m in the museum car park – everyone is welcome for as long as they wish to stay. Visit to find out more details. The Canal Partnership is continuing to have discussions and input into the plans which the Canal River Trust is making to improve the visitor experience for those who come to Stoke Bruerne. To begin with, these will include basic improvements e g to the existing toilet facilities and the cafe. A few environmentally-friendly play activities for children are planned, e g a ‘mud kitchen’ – sounds suitably messy! The Partnership is also pleased that the old pond dipping signs down at the Lock 17 side ponds are going to be renewed – these are popular and educational for children. The Partnership continues to urge the value of its initiative, ‘Waterways on Prescription’, advocating the health benefits of walks by the canal. If this is something you or someone you know think you might benefit from, have a look at South Northants Council’s website for details of their health walks, one of which takes place in Stoke Bruerne every week. Now that spring is here, it might just be what the doctor ordered. Helen Westlake, Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership


Sunday Bus Timetable Through Stoke Bruerne Wearing Roy’s hat on this occasion, this is a reminder that the village has the benefit of the X7 coming through Stoke Bruerne every two hours on Sundays as per the timetable below, between Northampton and Milton Keynes. This is the same timetable that Roy leaflet house dropped around the village last May. Sundays & Some Bank Holidays

ROUTE X7 Northampton – Milton Keynes via Stoke Bruerne

NORTHAMPTON (Bay 18 Drapery) 8.36 10.36 12.36 14.36 16.36 18.46 Delapre Park gates 8.43 10.43 12.43 14.43 16.43 18.53 Grange Park (Saxon Avenue) 8.48 10.48 12.48 14.48 16.48 18.58 Roade (Hyde Road) 8.53 10.53 12.53 14.53 16.53 19.03 Stoke Bruerne 8.57 10.57 12.57 14.57 16.57 19.07 Grafton Regis (White Hart) 9.02 11.02 13.02 15.02 17.02 19.12 Milton Keynes rail station Y4 9.17 11.17 13.17 15.17 17.17 19.23 CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES 9.27 11.27 13.27 15.27 17.27 19.33

CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES 10.27 12.27 14.27 16.27 18.27 20.27 Milton Keynes rail station Z4 10.35 12.35 14.35 16.35 18.35 20.35 Grafton Regis opp White Hart 10.50 12.50 14.50 16.50 18.50 20.50 Stoke Bruerne 10.54 12.54 14.54 16.54 18.54 20.54 Roade (Hyde Road) 11.01 13.01 15.01 17.01 19.01 21.01 Grange Park (Saxon Avenue) 11.05 13.05 15.05 17.05 19.05 21.05 Delapre Park gates 11.12 13.12 15.12 17.12 19.12 21.12 NORTHAMPTON (Northgate bay 5) 11.20 13.20 15.20 17.20 19.20 21.20

So think about letting the bus take the strain for that bit of retail therapy on Sundays! In the meantime, there is the offer of lifts to Towcester via The David Blagrove Trust that is listed elsewhere in this issue of GRASS. From January Stagecoach also revised the timetable for the bus service that runs between Northampton and Milton Keynes through Roade during the week with the introduction of the X6. This effectively provides two bus services per hour along this route. Note also that the X7 can take you to Market Harborough and Leicester should you wish. Timetables are available via the Stagecoach website. Christine Sears

March 2019 - 3 - Volume 39, Issue 3

Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club At our next meeting on 13 March we will be welcoming national flower arranging demonstrator, Nick Grounds. Nick is highly entertaining with his comedic commentary as he demonstrates his creative skills and will be sure to have you rolling in the aisles. The theme for the evening is ‘The Materialist’. The club would love to have as many guests as possible to join us for this open evening. Entrance fee includes refreshments and biscuits. All flower arrangements demonstrated will be raffled at the end of the evening. Meetings take place at Roade village hall at 7.30 p m. Fee £5 at the door. Do join us! If you’d like to consider becoming a member of this very friendly and sociable club, contact Christine Sears on 01604 863563 for more details.


Grafton Regis: 1,000 Years of History in 100 Minutes. Please note that our 11 May and 22 June walks will take place as planned, but the date for the third walk is now 14 September. Take a leisurely Saturday afternoon walk through our picturesque village and meet some of the people linked with our amazing history. They range from Plantagenet and Tudor kings and queens to commoners, and from Norman times to the present day. We start at 2.30 p m in our uniquely decorated village hall, visit the beautiful Church of St Mary the Virgin, and return to the hall for tea and cakes. The cost is £9.50 for adults, £1.00 for under 16s, and under 5s free. All profits are equally divided between the funds for the maintenance of the Church and of the village hall. Booking is essential. For further information and to book, please ring Kathy on 0791 009 2132 or email [email protected]

White Elephant Event Our white elephant sale raised £456.98 towards the costs of £1,100 for new bell ropes; a further £50 has been raised since the day. Also, Shirley and Colin Coxall have kindly offered to fund the cost of a rope. This leaves us with £396.02, just under the cost of 2 ropes to raise. There was so much support for the event in donations, people’s time and from buyers on the day. Thank you to everyone. St. Mary PCC


Blisworth Mothers’ Club BMC - Blisworth Mothers’ Club celebrates 50 years existence. The committee would like to invite any former members to join them for a celebratory 60s style 3-course meal in Blisworth village hall on Tuesday 19 March at 7.30 p m. The cost will be £10, which includes wine. Please contact Beryl Paylor, tel: 01604 858476, or Chris Lea, tel 01604 857659, for more information and tickets, which are payable in advance by 5 March, 2019.

Benefice Service On Sunday 3 March there will be a benefice service at Milton Malsor at 10.30 a m, which will be Rev’d Sue’s last service. We hope for a bounteous attendance for this memorable occasion. On Saturday 30 March we are all invited to Rev’d Sue’s installation as Rector of the Astwick Vale Benefice at 3.00 p.m. at Aynho.

Bible Study An 8 week bible study begins on 4 March, based on the book “Living Sayings of Jesus”, which can be obtained for £4 from Rev’d Andrea. Further details of venue etc. from Andrea will be published in due course.

Bishops Bible Day The annual Bishop’s Bible Day is at Northampton High School on Saturday 16 March. It is necessary to book, and forms are available in church, or details can be found on the Diocese of Peterborough web site.

Streetchurch Sunday 17 March is the benefice day for Streetchurch. Donations of sandwiches, cakes, biscuits, fruit, crisps etc can be left in the church porch at St John’s between 8.00 a m and 11.00 a m.

Lent Lunch All are invited to a soup, bread, cheese and fruit lunch at 2, Towcester Road Blisworth on Sunday 17 March between 12.30 p m and 3.00 p m. Donations are invited in aid of the continued support for the Stepanavan region of Armenia. Last year there were 10 different home-made soups – you are welcome to taste the full range this year! The money raised will help to support education in a very poor corner of Europe.

March 2019 - 4 - Volume 39, Issue 3

Blisworth Art & Crafts Group Dates for your diary later in the year where the Art & Crafts Group will be demonstrating their works are as follows: • 4 & 5 May Blisworth Art Show • 10 & 11 August Blisworth Canal Festival • 5 to 13 October SNA Art Trail.

Benefice Safeguarding Training A training morning for the benefice has been arranged for Saturday 16 March. The venue is 2, Towcester Road Blisworth. Timings have yet to be finalised but are likely to be 9.30 a m to 1.00 p m. If you would like to attend, please contact Hilary Spurrier on 01604 859181 or [email protected].


Church Cleaning Rota March Don and Doreen Allen Churchyard Rota 18 March – 1 April Doris (Graham Welch – PCC funded)

Alderton’s Knight in Distress A funding bid was applied for from the Cathedral and Church Buildings Division in May 2018 and we have recently heard that we have been awarded £4,000 towards the cost of the first stage of conservation of our 800-year-old wooden effigy of a knight. We are currently waiting for a faculty to allow us to proceed with the work but our paint conservator, Elizabeth Cheadle, hopes to begin in May. This is a really excellent start to the year and we will be planning plenty more fundraising occasions as the year goes on, beginning with the table top sale at Grafton Regis, which raised £87. We still have a rough estimate of at least £20,000 to find to complete the work needed to secure our knight and tell his story. Margaret H-T


Rev’d Sue Cooper We say farewell and God-speed to Rev’d Sue Cooper at the benefice service which is being held at Holy Cross Church on Sunday 3 March at 10.30 a m. It will be a chance to give thanks for Sue’s ministry throughout the benefice and to wish her well as she takes up her ministry in the Astwick Vale Benefice. Her induction will be on Saturday 30 March at 3.00 p m at Ayhno church. Many will be going from Milton Malsor to support her that day.

Film Club The Film Club is screening the film Selma on Friday 1 March at 7.30 p m.

Coffee Morning The monthly coffee morning at Holy Cross takes place on Saturday 2 March from 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon.

WI The Milton & Collingtree WI meet on Thursday 14 March when Will Adams from the Samaritans will be speaking.

Historical Society The Milton Malsor Historical Society will hold its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 21 March at Raynesford House at 7.30 p m; the new film on the history of Northampton Racecourse is being shown.

Scout Group The Scout Group’s quiz and chips event, which includes a fish and chip supper, is taking place at the village hall on Friday 22 March.

APCM The Annual Parochial Church meeting at Holy Cross church is being held on Sunday 17 March following the 9.30 a m service. Elections of Churchwardens, PCC members and other church officers will take place. All members on the electoral roll are welcomed to attend and participate in the meeting.

Mothering Sunday Mothering Sunday is on 31 March and the Benefice will meet at Alderton church at 10.30 a m.

Churchyard Keen observers will notice that the church pathways connecting to the rear part of the graveyard have been completed recently. Also the gate lantern has been replaced with a beautifully designed arch and lantern. Planning permission has been granted for the replacement of the roof of the south aisle with terne-coated stainless steel, the lead being stolen some months ago.

March 2019 - 5 - Volume 39, Issue 3

Mums and Tots This takes place every Friday morning through term time at Milton Malsor Village Hall from 9.30 a m until 11.30 a m. All mums and tots welcome.


Allotment Available in Alderton A 15pole allotment on good easy weedable, very fertile and well- drained soil (on the old farm manure heap site) is available in Alderton. There is easy road access and plenty of manure/mulch material available. The site isn’t rabbit fenced but we have successfully grown a good variety of crops on it for several years. Ill health forces a lack of use. Please phone 01327 811547

Towcester Heartbeats – Green Token Scheme at Waitrose, Towcester Towcester Heartbeats is one of the chosen 'good causes' which will be supported by Towcester Waitrose in March, and we would be grateful for every green token donated to us, as we are saving hard to provide another defibrillator in Towcester/surrounding villages. Annie Simpson

Voluntary Drivers Urgently Needed in Stoke Bruerne, Alderton and Shutlanger TADD is a long-established local charity operating a door to door community transport service for the people in the SNC area. The service enables members to attend medically related appointments and services, is affordable and allows them to retain independence in the absence of suitable public transport, and avoid reliance on family, friends and neighbours. For the first time in over 30 years, the charity has a waiting list of over 100 for membership, due to a shortage of volunteer drivers. There are a number of areas and villages in the TADD catchment area, including Stoke Bruerne and surrounding villages where we have a shortage of drivers, which means we have to use drivers from much further afield. This goes against the principle and cost effectiveness of volunteering to support one’s local community. Drivers need to have access to a car, be available on a fairly regular basis for a minimum of half a day a week and complete a DBS check. Mileage is reimbursed at the HMRC rate, insurance premiums are not affected and journeys are allocated weekly by mutual agreement. To learn more about volunteering for TADD visit or email [email protected].

Paulerspury Picturedrome The last picture show of our winter season is proof that we are not a bunch of old fuddy-duddys in this village. Bohemian Rhapsody is described as a foot-stomping celebration of Queen, their music and their extraordinary lead singer, Freddie Mercury, and chronicles the years leading up to their legendary appearance at the Live Aid Concert in 1985. Friday 8 March, Paulerspury village hall. £5 at the door. D Batten

Notes from a Local Farmer Welcome, readers, We are now well into February and halfway through winter. So far so good, with well below average rainfall and some pleasant days. We are now making ready for lambing, with the sheds now empty of corn and the lambing boxes are being constructed and the shed littered down with straw, and hayracks put in. We are separating the ‘reds’ from the ‘blues’ as they will lamb first, so we can bring them in once they start. Lambing percentage is down this year, so the scanning tells us, with more singles and fewer threes. This is due to weather conditions last autumn affecting fertility. We have just had 500 tons of gsypsom delivered to spread in the autumn. This is recycled plasterboard, which is intended to make heavy clay soil more friable. It is currently free but we have to pay for spreading. Estate fencing is being carried out on good weather days, as is fence moving on the stubble turnips as they eat their way through five acres at a time every two weeks. We have also just finished selling the last of the lambs from 2018 at relatively good prices. Next time I speak to you, we will be in the middle of lambing. Robert Davy

Voluntary Drivers Urgently Needed in Stoke Bruerne, Alderton and Shutlanger TADD is a long-established local charity operating a door to door community transport service for the people in the SNC area. The service enables members to attend medically-related appointments and services, is affordable and allows them to retain independence in the absence of suitable public transport and avoid reliance on family, friends and neighbours. For the first time in over 30 years, the charity has a waiting list of over 100 for membership due to a shortage of volunteer drivers. There are a number of areas and villages in the TADD catchment area, including Stoke Bruerne and surrounding villages where we have a shortage of drivers, which means we have to use drivers from much further afield. This goes against the principle and cost effectiveness of volunteering to support one’s local community. Drivers need to have access to a car, be available on a fairly regular basis for a minimum of half a day a week and complete a DBS check. Mileage is reimbursed at the HMRC rate, insurance premiums are not affected and journeys are allocated weekly by mutual agreement. To learn more about volunteering for TADD visit or email [email protected]

March 2019 - 6 - Volume 39, Issue 3

Ark Stained Glass Although Ark Stained Glass by the tunnel portal is closed at the moment, we are still open for business in Northampton or by post. We carry out commissions, restorations and repairs and have a retail outlet at the old bakehouse antique centre Abington Avenue, Northampton. Please contact us on details below if we can be of assistance. Martin, Ark Stained Glass (Based in Northampton).,,, tel 07779 513167.

Crusader Community Boating Crusader Community Boating brings the peace and tranquility of ’s waterways to the disabled, disadvantaged and elderly through free group trips on our specially equipped wide beam boat. We are funded by voluntary donations. Crusader Community Boating is a Northamptonshire charity that enables people with physical or mental disabilities, as well as those from care homes, to enjoy a day trip on the local waterways in its purpose-built boat - an experience they might otherwise be denied. Trips run from Gayton Junction, at Blisworth Arm, along the Grand Union Canal. Passengers either bring a picnic or we make a lunch stop at the Wharf canalside pub at Bugbrooke. There is no charge for these trips as we rely on voluntary donations and our own fundraising activities. To help fund the free trips, we also run a number of private charter trips for groups of up to 20 passengers. This is a perfect day out for family and friends celebrating a special occasion. The charity, run entirely by volunteers who are also responsible for generating their own funding, is continuing a service for the local community that was started by St John Ambulance over 20 years ago. Due to an increase in demand for the current service, and the charity’s objective of introducing an expanded service for primary school children, we are currently seeking financial support to purchase a second boat. For further details, please see and follow us on Facebook /crusadercommunityboating Press Enquiries: Colin Neal, Chair of Trustees, [email protected],, tel 01604 510656/07796 686 956

News from The Old Mail For events and happenings in the nearby villages: Cosgrove, Potterspury and Yardley Gobion, see the newsletter, The Old Mail, is available online at various websites:;;

How to Contact the Police 999 – for a crime or incident in progress 101 – you will be asked with which police station you would like to be connected 03000 111 222 – direct dial Email for Towcester: [email protected]. Your local officers are as follows: Alderton: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Grafton Regis: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Stoke Bruerne: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Blisworth: PCSO 7012 Tara Cooksammy Shutlanger: PCSO 7018, Peter Firth, tel 101 ext 343971 Milton Malsor: PCSO 7012 Tara Cooksammy For more local SCT information, visit the local policing pages at


Beautiful young people are accidents of nature but beautiful old people are works of art.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Distinguish between things you can control and those you can’t. The past cannot be undone. You can’t control what other people think of you. But you can control what you are right now.

March 2019 - 7 - Volume 39, Issue 3


March 2019 - 8 - Volume 39, Issue 3

THE CLOSING DATE FOR THE NEXT EDITION OF GRASS is 16 March thanks to Jackie Grundon for proof reading If you can get any copy to us earlier than that it would be very much appreciated Please send any copy to: Linda Dards, Moorend, Spring Lane, Alderton NN12 7LW tel 01327 811265, e-mail: [email protected]. Could you please include your name & phone number with entries in case we have any problems. If you would like to add photographs or drawings to your text these are welcome and can be supplied via email or as photos, and returned after scanning. Contributions by email are most welcome, we can accept most formats; please request a response from us on receipt – so you are sure that we have your submission. Word (any version) is preferred.

March 2019 - 9 - Volume 39, Issue 3

United Benefice Calendar for 2018/19 All groups and organisations within the community are warmly invited to include events here.

March 2 Coffee morning, Milton Malsor Church, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 12 Annual Parish Assembly, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m, Stoke Bruerne 13 Canal Partnership adoption group task day, 9.30 a m. 13 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 14 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – First aid, Red Cross 14 Milton Malsor & Collingtree WI – talk on the Samaritans 17 Lent lunch, Blisworth 12.00 noon to 3.00 p m 17 Streetchurch team on duty 19 Blisworth Mothers’ Club meal – Blisworth village hall, 7.30 p m 21 Lunch club, Grafton Regis, 12.30 p m, village hall 21 Towcester Heartbeats meeting, The Forum, 7.00 - 8.30 p m – gentle yoga 21 Milton Malsor Historical Society meeting – film show & AGM 22 Fish and chips event, Milton Malsor village hall, 6.45 p m 22 Music event, Stoke Bruerne church, 7.00 p m 24 Stoke Bruerne litter pick, 10.00 a m 26 Book Club meeting, The Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m 26 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 29 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 30 Sue Cooper’s Induction, Aynho parish church, 3.00 p m April 6 Yoga morning, Paulerspury village hall 11 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – Easter extravaganza 18 Towcester Heartbeats meeting, The Forum, 7.00- 8.30 p m – AGM & social 26 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 30 Book Club meeting, The Boat, Stoke Bruerne, 7.00 p m May 4/5 Blisworth art show 8 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 9 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – resolutions and social evening 11 1,000 years of history in 100 minutes, Grafton Regis 14 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 16 Towcester Heartbeat meeting, the Forum, 7.00 – 8.30 p m – recipies, taster evening 31 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon June 13 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – fashion show 15 Milton Malsor & Collingtree WI outing to Kew Gardens 22 1,000 years of history in 100 minutes, Grafton Regis 25 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 28 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon 30 Towcester Heatbeats – canal trip July 9 Milton Malsor Historical Society outing to Cowper Museum 11 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – flower arranging 21 Streetchurch team on duty 26 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon August 8 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – surprise trip 10/11 Blisworth canal festival 13 Milton Malsor Historical Society outing to Delapre Abbey 13 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 30 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon September 11 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 12 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – animal rescue 14 1,000 years of history in 100 minutes, Grafton Regis 24 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 27 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon October 5-13 SNA ART trail 6 Streetchurch team on duty 9 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 10 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – AGM 25 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon November 12 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m 13 Shutlanger & Stoke Bruerne Flower Club, 7.30pm Roade Village Hall 14 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – passionate about pasta 29 Coffee and cakes at 7 Pond Bank – homemade jams & bring and buy, 10.00 a m to 12.00 noon December 12 Blisworth WI, 7.30 p m, village hall – Christmas party 17 Stoke Bruerne Parish Council meeting, 7.30 p m Community choir: Come along and join the community choir who are meeting every Thursday night from 7.30 p m till 9.00 p m in Holy Cross Church, Milton Malsor. All are welcome to swell the ranks, and subscriptions are only £2 per person.

March 2019 - 10 - Volume 39, Issue 3