If you receive a copy of this plan you must: Read and Understand it: Identify the Role you have to play and be prepared to undertake the actions ascribed to you.

Mr. Kieran Lehane,

Director of Services

October 2018 Operational and Maintenance Services Department Revision A Service Operations Directorate Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019


2018/2019 Winter Service Plan

A1 Document Control

Revision Status Revision Details Date A Draft October 2018

B Final Minor amendments following review November 2018

A2 Approval List

Role Name Signature Date Ms Ciara Power, EE Central Author Services Mr Trevor McKechnie, SEE Checker Central Services Winter Service Manager (Senior Mr Hugh McGrath, SE Engineer) Director of Service Mr Kieran Lehane, DOS Operations

A3 Distribution List

Issued To Organisation / Company Location

Limerick City & County Management Team C/O Merchants Quay Council

Duty Engineer: Limerick City & County Operations West Padraig Vallely, EE Council Operations North John Sheehan, EE

John Cooney, Health and Safety Limerick City & County Merchants Quay Advisor Council

Paudraig Prendiville, Fleet Manager Machinery Yard LC&CC NCW

Jim Cahill, Foreman Machinery Yard LC&CC NCW

Limerick City & County Vincent Murray, SE, Strategy Merchants Quay Council

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Issued To Organisation / Company Location

Hugh McGrath, SE, Limerick City & County Dooradoyle Operations & Maintenance Services Council

Robert Gallagher, A/SE Limerick City & County Dooradoyle Operations & Maintenance Services Council

Diarmuid Sheehy, EE Operations South Area Office

John O’Keeffe, EE Operations West Area Office

James Moylan, EE Operations North Dooradoyle

James O’Rourke, SS Operations South, Kilmallock Area Office Anthony O’ Riordan, SS Kilmallock

John Coleman, SS Operations West, / Rathkeale Area Office Mike Costello, SS Rathkeale

Richard Gleeson, SS Operations West, NCW NCW Area Office Mike Ahern, SS

Sean Commons, SS (E) Sean O’Malley, SS (E) John O’Dwyer, SS (W) Operations North Dooradoyle Mike McCarthy, Roads Superintendent (N/Met)

Limerick City & County Niall Murray, Asst Chief Fire Officer Emergency Services Council

TII Stephen Smyth St. Martin's House, TII Waterloo Road, Winter Maintenance Manager Dublin 4, Ireland

Stephen O’Rourke Department of Transport, Department of Transport Transport House, Winter Maintenance Manager Kildare St, Dublin 2, Ireland

Michael Hayes, SE Tipperary County Council Nenagh,

John Leahy, SE Clare County Council Ennis, County Clare

Aidan Weir, SE County Council Mallow

Senior Engineer, Roads Kerry County Council ,

Lagan Projects: PPP Eoghan O’Sullivan Coonagh, Limerick company

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Issued To Organisation / Company Location

Tom McConway Colas RoadBridge Ennis, Co Clare

Head of Forecasting Met Éireann Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9

A4 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this document is to identify the processes, procedures and key personnel employed by Limerick City & County Council, to deliver the winter service on Priority Routes for and to ensure the safe movement of vehicular traffic and keep to a minimum delays caused by adverse weather. It is desirable that these routes be kept serviceable in the normal winter weather conditions, as far as reasonably practicable. The scope of the plan deals with all National Roads (excluding those catered for by the TII Network B Maintenance Contract, Network A Maintenance Contract & the Tunnel PPP Operator M20, M7, M8, N18 and a portion of the N21), a number of strategic Regional Routes and a number of strategically important Local Roads – categorized in Priority 1, 2 and 3 terms and covering a total of in excess of 707km throughout the County. See Appendix H.

A5 Policy

It is the policy of Limerick City & County Council to provide a winter service plan, which, as far as reasonably possible, allows the safe movement of vehicular traffic on the more important defined routes of the road network, while minimising delays & accidents directly attributed to adverse weather conditions in accordance with the priorities set out below as resources permit. Current practice is to endeavour, within the resources available, to maintain major traffic routes in a PASSABLE CONDITION.

The desired level of service may not be achievable at all times. Even where the weather forecasting is predicted properly the freezing point may be a number of hours earlier or later in arriving than predicted. It cannot be guaranteed that the network will remain in an ice or frost free state. The primary responsibility for road safety remains with the driver of the vehicle. Road users cannot assume that all roads are free of ice at any stage and must be themselves responsible for ensuring that they drive or use the road with proper care and attention to their own actions.

Limerick City & County Councils Policy and Procedure for Management of Winter Maintenance is provided in Appendix F of to this document.

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A6 Level of Service With approximately 4,000 kms of roadway in County Limerick, it would be unrealistic to expect that every road and pedestrian area in the county can be treated. Therefore, priority has to be given to National Route system (Priority 1), which carries the most intensive volumes of commuter traffic. Every effort is made to ensure that this network is maintained open for traffic at all times, in spite of weather conditions. In extreme weather conditions i.e. a continuous spell of sub-zero temperatures, attention is also given to regional and local road networks on the basis of need and the availability of resources.

Routes to be provided with a winter service have been prioritised into three classifications in accordance with the TII Draft Winter Service Manual.

Route Description Level of Service Designation Priority 1 Those routes which are essential to be To be treated during all weather kept serviceable in all weather conditions, events as far as reasonably practicable The aim is to treat the national road network and strategic locations on the public road network. See Priority 1 Route Map Appendix H Priority 2 Those routes which are desirable to be To be treated as part of the normal kept serviceable in the normal winter winter service but may have weather conditions, as far as reasonably interruptions to treatment in certain practicable. severe weather events. See Priority 2 Route Map Appendix H Priority 3 Those routes that could be kept serviceable Not treated as part of the normal once Priority 1 and 2 routes have been winter service but may receive treated, if resources allow intermittent treatment during certain severe weather events Treatment Route Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Mobilisation Time 1 hr 1 hr When possible

Treatment Time 5 hr 5 hrs When possible

Footpaths and Cycleways Footpaths and cycleways will be treated in towns, villages and city environs as resources, particularly personnel availability and Health and Safety considerations, permit. Metropolitan Pedestrian Areas – pedestrian areas can be treated with salt using the 2m3 spreader on a 7.5 tonne truck. Metropolitan Footways – Footways can be treated using the following resources: • 3 no pedestrian spreaders • 1 no tractor with fertiliser spreader. The Metropolitan footways have been categorised into three categories as follows; • Priority 1,Priority 2, Priority 3, Not For Treatment

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Table: Metropolitan Winter Maintenance Policy for Footpaths

Route Description Street/Area/Location Designation

Prioritised Pedestrian Areas in Priority 1 Bedford Row, Thomas Street Metropolitan Area

Catherine St; Little Catherine St; Litlle Pedestrian Areas & Main Streets in Priority 2 William St; Cruises St; Todd’s Row and Metropolitian Area Chapel St

Main Commercial Streets of William St; Henry St; O’Connell St; Patrick

Metropolitan Area St; Arthurs Quay & Francis St

Route to Colbert Train Station from Shannon St; Roches St; Parnell St; O

pedestrian Areas Connell St.

Route to St Munchins Maternity Sarsfield St; Ennis Road Hospital

Matthew Bridge, Sarsfield Bridge, Footpaths on Bridges in Thomond Bridge, Shannon Bridge, Abbey Metropolitan Area Bridge, Baal’s Bridge

Metropolitan Operational Area Treatment Routes:

FP01: Bedford Row - Thomas Street Pedestrian areas – Bedford Row, Thomas St; Little William St and Little Catherine St to be treated with rock salt using lorry/truck mounted gritter.

FP02: Cruises Street Pedestrian Areas Cruises’s St, Todds Row and Chapel St to be treated with rock salt using lorry/truck mounted gritter.

FP03: Footpath on Bridges FP03a: Shannon Bridge FP03b: Sarsfield Bridge FP03c: Thomond Bridge FP03d: Mathew Bridge FP03e: Baal’s Bridge FP03f: Abbey Bridge FP03g: O’Dwyers Bridge

FP04: CIE Station to Sarsfield St Parnell St, Roches St, Catherine St from Thomas St to Cecil St; Shannon St (Catherine St to Henry St), Henry St (Shannon St to Sarsfield St).

FP05: Upper William St to Maternity Hospital Upper William St; William St; Sarsfield St; FP03b Sarsfield Bridge, Ennis Road & Bellfield Rd to St Munchins Maternity Hospital.

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FP06: O Connell St to Nicholas St O Connell St from Monument, Patrick St; Rutland St; FP03d Mathew Bridge, Bridge St; Francis St; Arthurs Quay.

FP07: City Hall Crosbie Row, Newgate St

Rural Operational Areas There are a number of hand operated mini salt gritters available for pedestrian areas and footpaths in the County areas. Listed below are some of the areas where salting of footpaths using these hand operated mini salt gritters could be carried out where resources permit;- Newcastlewest, , Rathkeale, , Kilmallock, , , Adare, Croom, , Doon, , Hospital, Dromcolligher.

Salting Records Records of salting are to be completed for all salting routes by drivers by completing the Salting Record template provided in Appendix L.

A7 Overall Map of the Service Plan Area The overall map of the area covered by the Winter Service Plan is enclosed in Appendix H and includes the following: • The overall extent of the network covered by the Winter Service Plan • Local Authority boundaries • Details of adjoining networks or PPP roadways • Treatment routes & their priority. • Weather stations / Ice prediction outstations: N21 Abbeyfeale, N21 Rathkeale, N24 Pallasgrean • Limerick City & County Council Compounds and Depots

Inter Authority Agreements: The Routes below will be salted through Inter Authority Agreements/Private Operators: M20 & M7 & N21 (from Monearla to Lantern Lodge): MMaRC – Colas RoadBridge M8: MMaRC- Lagan Egis N18/Tunnel: Lagan Projects R515, R522 – Dromcollogher to Cork County Bounds – Cork County Council R639 Kilbeheny, Parts of the N24, R505, R513, R515 and R516 – Tipperary County Council

A8 Roles and Responsibilities:

Severe Weather Severe weather will be monitored by all municipal & metropolitan district offices. The Senior Executive Engineer of each office will engage with and report to the Operations and Maintenance Senior Engineer. The response to the severe weather event will be co- ordinated by the Senior Engineer or a delegate of the Senior Engineer.

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Winter Service Manager The duties of this role are as follows: • To ensure the preparation of the Winter Service Plan prior to the start of each winter season. • To undertake coordination with neighbouring local authorities and any relevant private operators on the winter service plan. • To issue the winter service plan to the TII & DTTAS • To ensure the preparation of a rota of suitably experienced duty engineers and send a final copy to MET Eireann. • To ensure the preparation of suitably trained operatives identifying the availability of labour throughout the entire period. • To ensure suitable plant equipment & salt supplies are available, to undertake effective winter service operations & manage any ordering of salt. • To provide advice to the duty engineer. • To give direction and advice on any aspect of the winter service plan. • To liaise with the relevant Director, TII & DTTAS. • To provide factual information concerning the network to an GARDA SÍOCHÁNA & media. • To ensure preparation of route treatment maps. • To respond to public enquires or winter service complaints that may arise • Fill out returns to TII & DTTAS. • Carry out end of season review on issues that arose that submit the report to the Director.

Duty Engineer The Duty Engineer will • be available outside normal working hours, this means anytime during the rostered period. • keep a log of activities, operation, decision making etc and use the Road DSS Manager module so that a complete picture of decision making and operation can be inspected by TII if required. • supplement the information contained on Road DSS manager if requested. • access the Road DSS manager monitoring system on the hour or as required. • Track the actual conditions over their area. • Obtain updated or more detailed weather forecasts using MET Eireann services. • Use the Thermal maps to direct field operatives to the more vulnerable areas with emphasis on Precautionary Salting.

The Duty Engineer has responsibility:

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• for producing the daily winter service action plan using RoadDSS. This plan includes routes, commencement times, spread rates and other ancillary instructions (e.g. hold off in showers, mount snow ploughs etc). This action plan should take into account the guidelines in TII Circular contained in Appendix B. • to maintain records including planned and actual route treatments; treatment times; changes to proposed treatments; other events e.g. notifications from the public, staff other agencies. • To communicate the appropriate persons of the Daily Action Plan including the Cleaning Dept SEE.

Road Senior Supervisors and Superintendents: The Road Senior Supervisor and Superintendents within an area has responsibility for ensuring: 1) Plant and equipment are available and maintained and where necessary alternative arrangements are made. 2) That Salt usage and requirements are reported on a daily basis to the Executive Engineer Central Services. 3) Staff are available and where necessary alternative arrangements are made. 4) The Organisation of Working Time Act is managed for drivers & operatives. 5) Salting is carried out on routes prescribed by the Duty Engineer. 6) Drivers are properly instructed as to the Daily Action Plan and the staff carrying out the plan. 7) To use his/her discretion within limits set by the Winter Service Policy; The Duty Engineer; salting on non prescribed roads if the conditions warrant it e.g. bus, heavy goods vehicle stuck, request from Gardai etc. Generally during the week the above responsibilities can be carried out during normal working hours. For out of hours, at weekends and holiday periods it is intended that the arrangements that have applied for a number of years will continue to apply for the Road Senior Supervisors and Superintendents.

Winter Service Drivers:

Winter Service Drivers responsibilities include: 1) Ensuring the vehicle is clean and has sufficient fuel to complete the predetermined salting route. 2) Ensuring that the Romaquip salt spreader is refuelled and safely secured to the vehicle. 3) Ensuring that all safety features (including reversing camera, reversing alarms and flashing beacons) are operational. 4) Ensuring the vehicle is equipped with a first aid kit and fire extinguisher. 5) Wearing appropriate PPE gloves, HI-VIS clothing, safety footwear, helmet etc. The driver and helper shall wear appropriate PPE (HI-VIS clothing) at all times, including when in the cabs of the vehicles.

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6) Carrying out walk around vehicle check & report any faults to the machinery yard foreman. Ensure that all ratchet straps are in good condition & within test. 7) Ensuring GPS system is operational and switched on. 8) If they need to use their mobile phone pull into a safe roadside location. Do not use the mobile phone while driving. 9) Carrying driving license, CPC card, Safepass and appropriate CSCS cards. 10) Ensuring that all access steps are free of ice and snow. 11) Obeying the rules of the road. 12) Driving the vehicle at the appropriate speed for the prevailing weather conditions. 13) Reporting any incidents that may occur with other drivers or the general public. 14) On completion of the gritting operation filling out a plant log and report any problems encountered. 15) The operation and maintenance of the Winter Service gritting, salting and snowploughing vehicle/associated equipment, including the loading of equipment and materials. 16) Pick up and drop off winter service equipment and plant as required at locations determined from time to time by the Council. 17) Assisting and accompanying other staff members in these activities 18) Relaying information regarding routes treated and details of same in log sheets. 19) Contacting the Fleet Manager once they have returned to the agreed depot / location. They must also notify the Fleet Manager of the quantity of salt spread for that day/night.

Driver /Operator Safety advice notes are provided in Appendix J.

Machinery Yard The Machinery Yard has responsibility for maintenance and repair of plant and equipment along with providing call out services for repairs. The Machinery Yard has also responsibility of the delivery and restocking of salt to depots as notified by the Areas.

Executive Engineer Central Services: • The Executive Engineer has responsibility for updating the National Salt Management System (NSMS) on a weekly (or daily) basis and coordinating salt deliveries/collections as required.

Area Engineers : • The Area Engineer has responsibility for carry out specific route risk assessments on the salting routes. • Maintaining the salt depots.

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A9 Health Safety & Welfare It is the objective of Limerick City & County Council Operations & Maintenance Services Directorate to ensure the health safety and welfare of all employees and persons affected by its activities. The objective will be achieved by using the Operations & Maintenance Ancillary Health & Safety Statement and the Policy and Procedure for the Management of Winter Maintenance. This Plan should be read in conjunction with these documents. A document outlining Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment for Salting operations is provided in Appendix G to this document. The Policy and Procedure for the Management of Winter Maintenance is provided in Appendix F to this document.

A10 Rosters Details of the duty rosters, for specified periods on duty, by groups/teams, for each treatment route and for each depot, for the following personnel: • List of Senior Supervisors, Superintendents and contact details in Appendix A • Mechanics and fitters; List of Mechanics and fitters and contact details in Appendix C • Drivers; List of Drivers and contact details in Appendix C • Duty engineers; Refer to Appendix B for Duty Engineers roster

A11 Contact Details • For the Duty Forecaster refer to Appendix B Meteorological Office (Duty Forecaster) 01-8064255 01-8064255 • Technical support for the Bureau Weather Service: Vaisala – Louise Hurst Phone: 0044(0)1216831269 Fax: 0044(0)1216831226 • Garda stations (24 hour numbers):

Divisional HQ – Henry Street 061-212400

District Office – Roxboro 061-214340

District Office – Askeaton 061-601630

District Office – Bruff 061-382940

District Office – 069-20650 022-31450 District Office – Mallow 022-21105 • Adjoining Local Authority Winter Service Manager(s) / Duty Engineer(s): Details attached in Appendix D • PPP Companies / Private winter service operators: Lagan Projects Ltd. /Colas Roadbridge, Egis Lagan, MMaRC Winter Maintenance attached in Appendix E • Ambulance, fire department and other agencies:

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Office & Out of Office Hours Agency Nos

061- 556000 Limerick City & County Council Business/ out of hours Emergency - 061 417833

065-6821616 Clare County Council 087-4169496 Tipperary County Council 0761-065000 021-4276891 Cork County Council 021-480048(24Hr)

Army, Sarsfield Barracks, Limerick 061-314233

061-556877 Civil Defence, Limerick City & County Council 086-6095344 087-7624164

HSE, Limerick (Ambulance Control) 061-316655 061-228177

1850 372999(24Hr) ESB, Limerick 087-2197222 021-4542090(24Hr) 061-316165 Munster Regional Communication Centre 061-316165 061-217300 Iarnrod Eireann, Limerick 061-418619 061-418855 Bus Eireann, Limerick 61-412240 061-418403 Meteorological Office(Duty Forecaster) 01-8064255

061-209102 OPW Limerick 087-2497449

HSE – Hospitals Name Telephone No 061-301111 Switchboard Regional Hospital, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick 061-482119 Reception 061-482219 Reception

Blood Transfusion Service, Dooradoyle 061-482267 St Nessan’s Orthopedic Hospital, Croom 061-397276

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St. John’s Hospital, Limerick 061-462222 General Hospital, Nenagh 067-31491 Our Ladys Hospital, Cashel 062-70400 South Tipperary General Hospital, Clonmel 052-6177000 General Hospital, Ennis 065-6824464

A12 Supplementary Resources Limerick City and County Council has the details of various contractors and plant hire firms which can be used in the event of emergencies subject to resources being available.

A13 Decision Matrix Decision matrix for the Duty Engineer

Road Surface Predicted Road Conditions Precipitation Temperature Wet Wet Patches Dry No rain May fall below No hoar frost 1°C No action likely, No fog Salt before frost monitor weather (see note a) No rain (see note a) No hoar frost Salt before frost No fog Expected hoar frost Salt before frost (see note b) Expected fog Expected to fall Expected rain Salt after rain stops (see note c) below 1°C before freezing Expected rain Salt before frost, as required during rain and after rain during freezing stops (see note d) Possible rain Possible hoar Monitor weather Salt before frost frost conditions Possible fog Expected Snow Salt before snow fall The decision to undertake precautionary treatments will be, if appropriate, adjusted to take account of residual salt, surface moisture or prevailing weather conditions (precipitation). All decisions should be evidence based, recorded and require careful monitoring and review.

Notes: (a) Particular attention should be given to the possibility of water running across carriageways and other running surfaces e.g. surface water off adjacent fields after heavy rains, washing off salt previously deposited. Such locations should be closely monitored and may require treating in the evening and morning and possible other occasions. Ideally the source of the run-off should be diverted from the roadway.

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(b) When a weather warning contains reference to expected hoar frost, considerable deposits of frost can occur. Hoar frost usually occurs in the early morning and is difficult to cater for because of the probability that any salt deposited on a dry road too soon before its onset, may be dispersed before it can become effective. Careful monitoring is required under this forecast condition which should ideally be treated just as the hoar frost is forming. Such action is usually not practicable and salt may have to be deposited on a dry road prior to but as close as possible to the expected time of the condition. Hoar frost may also be forecast at other times of the day, in which case the timing of salting operations should be adjusted accordingly. (c) If under these conditions, rain has not ceased by early morning, crews should be called out and action initiated as rain ceases. (d) Under these circumstances rain will freeze on contact with running surfaces and full precautionary treatment should be provided even on dry roads. This is a most serious condition and should be monitored closely and carefully throughout the danger period. It is worth noting that the MMARC and PPP operators do not follow the same decision criteria as detailed above. The routes under their control are treated once the temperature is forecasted is at 1 degree and below.

A14 Treatment Matrix Treatment Matrix Guide for Dry Unmodified Salt

Weather Conditions Treatment Road Surface Conditions Air Salt Spread Rate Ploughing Road Surface Temperature (RST) Temperature (gm/m2) Frost or forecast frost 10 No RST at or above -2°C Also refer to Note (b) Frost or forecast frost 20 No RST below -2°C and above -5°C Frost or forecast frost RST below -5°C and above -10°C 20 No and dry or damp road conditions Frost or forecast frost RST below -5°C and above -10°C 2 runs X 20 No and wet road conditions (existing or anticipated) Light snow forecast (<10mm) 20 No Forecast for Medium/heavy snow 2 runs X 20 No or a freezing rain forecast Ice formed Above -5°C 20 Not possible At or below - Ice formed 2 runs X 20 Not possible 5°C 20 to supplement Snow covering exceeding 30mm ploughing, up to 40 if Required temperatures are falling Snow accumulations due to 20 to 40 to supplement Required prolonged falls ploughing

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Weather Conditions Treatment Road Surface Conditions Air Salt Spread Rate Ploughing Road Surface Temperature (RST) Temperature (gm/m2) Successive treatments Hard packed snow/ice Above -8°C at 20 to 40 Not possible (repeat as needed) Successive treatments at 20 to 40, At or below Hard packed snow/ice supplemented by Not possible -8°C abrasives (repeat as needed) Successive treatments Sustained low temperatures Below -10°C at 20 to 40 (repeat as Not possible needed)

Notes: (a) Rate of spread for precautionary treatments may be adjusted to take account of variations occurring along the route such as residual salt, surface moisture (in the air or on the road surface) and traffic density. (b) For salt stored outside, it may be necessary to increase the spread rate for precautionary treatment salting from 10gm/m2 to 15-20gm/m2. (c) All decisions should be forecast based, recorded on DSS and require careful monitoring and review. (d) Ice refers to all ice on the road surface, including black ice.

Target Spread Rates by Location

Location Salt Spread Rate As described in the Carriageways Treatment Matrix Guide Hard shoulder or carriageway marginal strips 50% of selected treatment

Porous Surfacing Plus 25% of selected treatment

Footways, cycletracks and pedestrian areas 25 gm/m2


General • It is impractical to spread sufficient salt to melt anything other than very thin layers of snow and ice. • Ploughing is the only economical, efficient, effective and environmentally acceptable way to deal with all but very light snow. • Ploughing down to the road surface is preferred. However, snow ploughs shall be set to avoid risk of damage to the plough, the road surface, street furniture and level crossings.

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• Ploughing to the road surface minimises salt usage and makes salt treatments more effective. • Drainage shall not be obstructed when ploughing. Windrows or piles of snow shall be removed or be positioned to allow melt water to reach the drains. If necessary, piles of snow shall be removed so that melted snow does not overload drainage systems or run back onto the road. • Windrows shall be removed or ploughed back when further periods of heavy snow are anticipated. This will provide space to plough further snowfalls.

Preparation before ice and snow • To prepare for and facilitate ice and snow treatments the following shall be considered: • When snow is forecast, ploughs shall be prepared and positioned in order that snow clearance can start without delay as and when required. • To facilitate the breakup and dispersal of ice and snow by trafficking, treatments shall be made before snowfall or freezing rain so that sufficient de-icer is present on the surface to provide a de-bonding layer. • Although it will increase salt usage, before snowfall and where practicable, consideration shall be given to spreading salt as close to the forecasted event on as much of the network as possible (i.e. beyond the normal precautionary salting network). This will provide a de-bonding layer and facilitate the break up and dispersal of snow by traffic in areas where subsequent treatments may not take place for some considerable time or at all.

Depths of snow (Light snow, moderate to heavy snow) • Two main snowfall categories are defined here – light snow and moderate/heavy snow. The reasons for this are: The highest practicable spread rates are considered to be 40g/m2 of dry salt. When combined with the action of traffic, this is sufficient de-icer to melt snow depths which are equivalent to 1mm of water at temperatures down to -2˚C. Generally, there is approximately 1mm of water in 5mm depth of wet snow, 10mm depth of ‘normal’ snow and 15mm depth of dry, powdery snow. ‘Light’ snow is taken to be snow equivalent to 1mm of water (or less) while snowfalls equivalent to more than 1mm are considered to be moderate/heavy.

Precautionary Treatments before snow or freezing rain

Precautionary Treatments Before Snow Or Freezing Rain Heavy traffic Light or medium traffic Weather conditions (Categories 1 and 2) (Category 3) Spread: Spread: 40 or 2x20g/m2 of dry salt, or 20g/m2 of dry salt, or 40 or 2x20g/m2 of pre-wetted salt, Light snow forecast 20g/m2 of pre-wetted salt, or or 15g/m2 of treated salt 30 or 1x15g/m2 of treated salt Spread: Spread: Moderate/Heavy snow 40 or 2x20g/m2 of dry salt, or 20-40g/m² of dry salt forecast 40 or 2x20g/m2 of pre-wetted 20-40 g/m² of pre-wetted salt salt, or 15-30 g/m² of treated salt (see Note

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30 or 2x15g/m2 of treated salt 1)

40 or 2x20g/m² of dry salt, or Freezing rain forecast 40 or 2x20g/m² of pre-wetted salt, or 30 or 2x15g/m² of treated salt Note 1: The lower rates (e.g. 20g/m2 for dry salt) can be used if the snow is likely to settle quickly, e.g. when the road surface temperature is below zero, the road surface is not wet and the snow is not wet, and/or there is little traffic after snowfall begins and settles.

Treatments during snowfall General Ploughing shall start and, where practicable, be continuous to prevent a build-up of snow. On heavily trafficked roads it is preferable to prevent a build-up of more than 10mm depth of snow, whereas the build-up shall be no more than 50mm depth where there is a risk of compaction by traffic.

Table Treatments During Snowfall Plough to remove as much material as possible (e.g. slush, snow, compacted snow) (ploughing shall be as near as possible to the level of the road surface) Ice or compacted snow on surface (see No ice or compacted snow on surface Note 2) To provide a de-bonding layer, spread: 20g/m² of dry salt, or Is traffic likely to compact subsequent 18g/m² of treated salt or snowfall before further ploughing is 24g/m2 of pre-wetted salt possible? (See Note 1) YES NO To provide a de-bonding layer, spread: 20g/m² of dry salt, or 18g/m² of treated salt, or No de-icer shall be spread 24g/m2 of pre-wetted salt (See Note 1) Note 1: During and after snowfall, only the ploughed lane shall be treated if other lanes have still to be ploughed. The spread width settings shall be adjusted accordingly.

Note 2: A de-icer shall not be spread alone without abrasives to anything other than a thin layer of ice or compacted snow when snowfall has ceased or future snowfall will be less than 10mm. Applying salt alone to compacted snow and ice can produce dangerously slippery conditions if a weak brine film is formed on top of the ice/snow layer

Treatment when slush is on the road (and it may refreeze) General It is important to remove as much slush as possible by ploughing to reduce the amount of material available to form ice when temperatures drop, as well as to reduce the amount of salt required for subsequent treatments.

Treatment When slush is on the road, treatments shall be as follows:

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Table - Treatment For Slush When Freezing Conditions Are Forecast Plough to remove as much slush as possible (ploughing shall be as near as possible to the level of the road surface). After removing slush, spread: 40g/m² of dry salt, or 36g/m² of treated salt, or 48g/m2 of pre-wetted salt (See Note 1) Note 1: After snowfall, and when there will be no further ploughing but some slush remains on the road surface, it may be necessary to change the settings normally used for Precautionary Treatment to ensure a satisfactory distribution is achieved over the target spread width.

Treatment when thin layers of ice (up to 1mm) have formed When a thin layer of ice has formed, including after freezing rain the following treatment shall be made:

Table - Treatment For Thin Layers Of Ice (Less Than 1mm Thick) Forecast weather and Medium/Light Traffic Heavy traffic road surface conditions Lower of air or road Spread: Spread: surface temperature 40 or 2x20g/m² of dry salt, 20g/m² of dry salt, or higher than -5˚C or 18g/m² of treated salt or 36 or 2x18g/m² of treated 24g/m2 of pre-wetted salt salt or 48 or 2x24g/m2 of pre- wetted salt 40g/m2 of salt/abrasive mix (see Notes 1 and 2) Lower of air or road Spread: Spread: surface temperature 40 or 2x20g/m2 of salt/ 40 or 2x20g/m2 of salt/ abrasive less than -5˚C abrasive mix (50:50) (see mix (50:50) (see Notes 1 and 2) Notes 1 and 2) Note 1: Abrasives shall ideally be 5-6mm and angular, but gradings down to 1-5mm shall be reasonably effective. After abrasives have been used, drainage systems shall be checked and cleared if necessary. Recovered material, which will be contaminated with road oil, shall be disposed of safely.

Note 2: Care is needed when salt is mixed with abrasives with a high moisture content. Checks shall be made that the mixture remains free flowing, does not clump and can be spread effectively.

Treatment for thicker layers of ice or compacted snow When thicker layers of ice have formed, including after freezing rain, the treatment shall be as follows:

Table - Treatment For Layers Of Compacted Snow And Ice Plough to remove as much material (e.g. slush, snow, compacted snow) as possible from the top of the compacted layer

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Medium Layer Thickness (1 to 5 mm) High Layer Thickness (greater than 5mm) For initial treatment, spread: For initial treatment, spread: 40g/m2 of salt/abrasive mix (50:50) (see 40g/m2 of abrasives only (see Notes 2, 3, 5 and Notes 1, 3, 4 and 5) 6) For successive treatments, spread: For successive treatments, spread: 20g/m2 of abrasives only (see Notes 2, 3, 5 and 20g/m2 of salt/abrasive mix (50:50) (see 6) Notes 1, 3, 4 and 5) After traffic has started breaking up the layer, spread: 20g/m2 of salt/abrasive mix (50:50) so salt can penetrate the layer and reach the road surface (see Notes 1, 3, 4 and 5) Note 1: For medium thicknesses of compacted snow and ice, treatments without abrasives shall only be used when earlier Precautionary Treatments have successfully established a de-bonding layer, and there is sufficient traffic to break up the layer of ice quickly.

Note 2: For high thickness of compacted snow and ice (greater than 5mm), treatments with a significant amount of salt shall not be considered because they may leave the surface uneven. Any brine formed on the surface may collect in hollows and deepen them further, which can lead to a very uneven surface.

Note 3: Abrasives shall ideally be 5-6mm and angular, but grading down to 1-5mm shall be reasonably effective. After abrasives have been used, drainage systems shall be checked and cleared if necessary. Recovered material, which will be contaminated with road oil, shall be disposed of safely.

Note 4: Care is needed when salt is mixed with abrasives with a high moisture content. Checks shall be made that the mixture remains free flowing, does not clump and can be spread effectively.

Note 5: When there are layers of snow, compacted snow, or ice of medium or high thickness on the road surface, it may be necessary to change the settings normally used for Precautionary Treatment to ensure a satisfactory distribution is achieved over the target spread width.

Note 6: A small amount of salt shall be added to the abrasive to prevent freezing of the water within it. If the moisture content of the abrasive is 7%, 25g of salt per tonne of abrasive is sufficient to prevent freezing if thoroughly mixed.

A15 Plant, Vehicles and Equipment Limerick City and County Council operates, 3 no 9m3 demountable salt spreaders (2 LCCC, 1 hired), 6 no 6m3 demountable salt spreaders, 7 no 2m3 demountable mini salt gritters, 5 demountable snowploughs, 3 graders (maybe used as snow ploughs in extreme exceptional weather conditions), 3 artics with trailers for salt delivery (29 tons per trailer) and 7 other rigid trucks (4x20T payload and 3x15T payload) as required. 1 no 4m3 spare demountable salt spreader (Not Operational_work ongoing), I no 6m3 spare demountable salt spreader ((Not Operational_work ongoing). 1 no 2m3 demountable salt spreader (NCW). 10 hand operated mini salt spreaders for footpaths. Tractor and Fertilizer spreader (Hire)

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Loading shovels/teleporters/JCBs are located in each depot. The maximum loading Capacity of Vehicles used in Winter Service Operations is outlined ion Appendix I. Guidance notes on plant operation are provided in Appendix J.

A16 Details of Depots Details of depots included in Appendix A

A17 Materials and Spares De-icing takes place in the Machinery Yard Newcastle West and other depots as necessary. Fuel is purchased as required for each vehicle using the low value purchase cards supplied by Limerick City and County Council. Spare parts for winter service machinery (Routes 1- 12 & 15) are stored in the Machinery Yard Newcastle West. The person responsible for re-ordering is the Machinery Yard Foreman Jim Cahill. All plant (Routes 1-15) is fully serviced and refitted as necessary prior to the Winter Maintenance Season. All salt gritters are supplied by Romaquip, Birr, Co. Offaly including spare parts. The gritters employed on Routes 13 & 14 in the Metropolitan Area are maintained by Romaquip. The Metropolitan Area Engineer is currently responsible for the management of this.

Supply of Salt The salt for Winter Service Operations is supplied by the TII & the Department of Transport through a framework agreement for the supply of de-icing materials. Salt is allocated to the local authority at the start of the season and is drawn down utilising the National Salt Management System. Orders & weekly usage records for de-icing materials are to be sent through a new Salt extranet and shall be coordinated centrally by the Executive Engineer in Operations Central Services.

Contacts for Salt Management System in Kildare NRDO

Chris Hoban 045-898199

Bernard Sweeney 045-898199

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Salt Storage Salt reserves are stored at the depots listed in the table below


Kilpeacon (Rented) 156,120E; 147,100N 2700 Indoor ( leased)

Clarina 151,150E; 153,981N 300 Indoor

Galvone 159,094E; 155,547N 500 Indoor

Grange 170,454E; 150,129N 100 Outdoor

Kilmallock 161689E; 127,308N 400 Indoor

Doonakenna 121,271; 129,439N 300 Indoor

Holycross 135,880E; 142,075N 150 Outdoor

Kinard 113,150E; 145,895N 250 Indoor

Ballyfroota 175,254E; 126,386N 200 Indoor

4,900 TOTAL

Loading of Salt Spreaders Salt Spreaders can be loaded at all depots. Plant used to for loading salt include: • Telescopic loader • JCBs • 360 degree excavator • Mini excavator

A18 Winter Service Operations Responsibility for managing call-outs on a daily basis lies with the Duty Engineer, of which there are two, who as necessary liaise with the other members of that team and individual Area Road Supervisors and Superintendents depending on weather forecast, RoadDSS system prediction and local conditions as well as local traffic information. Daily calls are considered from early afternoon on receipt of Met Eireann weather forecasts and any other forecasts in respect of precipitation or changes in weather systems. System is monitored

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throughout the evening and night as necessary. There are no limitations on the time that the call-out is made other than Health & Safety considerations for Drivers particularly and other staff involved in operation. Every effort is made to ensure that all call-outs are on a planned basis several hours ahead due to time for mobilisation which is quite long for some routes. In case of unforeseen and on the spot call-outs every effort is made to ensure that mobilisation is less than 1 hour. In most cases mobilisation would be considerably less than 1 hour. In managing call-outs the Duty Engineer will monitor the RoadDSS system and other weather information systems available to them and allow for best available information to them on traffic movement e.g. times of day, traffic peaks, local events, day of week and seasonal issues such as Christmas events. The call which is essentially a judgement call will also rely on issues such as: • Any exceptional warnings from Met Eireann, • General observations on prevailing conditions and from RoadDSS weather stations located in County Limerick and those peripherally in neighbouring administrative areas. • Liaison with Duty Engineers in neighbouring administrative basis and road operators. • Liaison through Limerick City and County Council’s out of office hours Emergency Notification. Winter Service Operations Communications Protocals are provided in Appendix K.

A19 Level of Preparedness for 2018-2019 Season. Limerick City and County Council has the competencies to deal with all situations extending from prevention to dealing with extreme weather/climatic events and aftermaths. A programme of training has extended to all operators involved in winter maintenance of both Priority 1 and 2 routes which involves the use of heavy unit gritters and mini gritter units. This has involved all drivers involved in Priority 1 units completing accredited training through national training centres. This has been extended to those involved in smaller units to the best available training though not accredited for personnel involved in Priority 2 routes only. A roster will be prepared of all drivers including all Priority 1 & 2 drivers and an appropriately qualified standby for regular changeover and to provide adequate standby for intensive works during extreme weather condition. Adequate salt supplies are in place and other stocks are on call as necessary. Lines of communication are open to all adjoining authorities to ensure that there is no conflict in terms of operations or omissions during periods of intensive operations or extreme events.

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Appendix A Depots, Staff, Senior Supervisors, Superintendents and contact details

Revision A October 2018 Appendix A

Role Name Title Phone No

Winter Service Manager Hugh McGrath Senior Engineer 087 4129125

John Sheehan Executive Engineer 087-6792478 Duty Engineer Padraig Vallely Executive Engineer 087-2311056

John Sheehan Executive Engineer-Operations North 087-6792478

James Moylan Executive Engineer-Operations West 087-6883980

Area Engineer Padraig Vallely Executive Engineer-Operations West 087-2311056

John O'Keeffe Executive Engineer-Operations West 087-9849176

Diarmuid Sheehy Executive Engineer-Operations South 087-9189843

Mike McCarthy Superintendent-Metropolitan District 087-6812640

Mike O'Shea Senior Supervisor-Operations North 087-9425742

John O'Dwyer Assistant Supervisor 0- Operations North 087-2587417

Sean Commons Senior Supervisor-Operations North 087-9427371

Supervisors James O'Rourke Senior Supervisor-Operations South 087-2754332 & Superintendants Anthony O'Riordan Senior Supervisor-Operations South 087-2052839

Richard Gleeson Senior Supervisor-Operations West 087-2741967

Mike Ahern Senior Supervisor-Operations West 087-2754303

John Coleman Senior Supervisor-Operations West 087-2754330

Mike Costello Senior Supervisor-Operations West 087-2853578

Central Services Ciara Power Executive Engineer 087-9970422

Paudriag Prendville Fleet Manager 087-6427368 Machinery Yard Jim Cahill Foreman Foreman 087-2648852 INDOOR OR DEPOT COORDS CAPACITY (T) OUTDOOR

Kilpeacon 156,120E; (Rented) 147,100N 2700 Indoor ( leased)

151,150E; Clarina 153,981N 300 Indoor

159,094E; Galvone 155,547N 500 Indoor

170,454E; Grange 150,129N 100 Outdoor

161689E; Kilmallock 127,308N 400 Indoor

121,271; Doonakenna 129,439N 300 Indoor

135,880E; Holycross 142,075N 150 Outdoor

113,150E; Kinard 145,895N 250 Indoor 175,254E; Ballyfroota 126,386N 200 Indoor 4900 TOTAL Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix B Duty Engineers roster & Arrangements

Revision A October 2018 Appendix B

Winter Service Duty Engineers’ Roster for the Period 15th October 2018 to 30th April 2019

Local Authority: Limerick City & County Council

Week starting Duty Week starting Duty Week starting Duty Week starting Duty Monday Engineer’s Monday Engineer’s Monday Engineer’s Monday Engineer’s Initials Initials Initials Initials 15/10/2018 JS 03/12/2018 PV 21/01/2019 JS 11/03/2019 PV 22/10/2018 JS 10/12/2018 JS 28/01/2019 JS 18/03/2019 JS 29/10/2018 PV 17/12/2018 JS 04/02/2019 PV 25/03/2019 JS 05/11/2018 PV 24/12/2018 PV 11/02/2019 PV 01/04/2019 PV 12/11/2018 JS 31/12/2018 JS 18/02/2019 JS 08/04/2019 PV 19/11/2018 JS 07/01/2019 PV 25/02/2019 JS 15/08/2019 JS 26/11/2018 PV 14/01/2019 PV 04/03/2019 PV 22/04/2019 PV

Duty Engineer’s Name & Office Office Fax Office E-mail Address Home Phone Home E-mail Address Mobile No. Initials Phone No. No. No. John Sheehan (JS) 061 496291 061 336738 john,[email protected] 061 307489 - 087 6792478 Padraig Vallely (PV) 069 62100 069 62861 [email protected] 068 41895 - 087 2311056

Send to (E-mail preferable): CAFO, Met. Éireann, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9. Attention: Duty SMO. E-mail: [email protected]

Copy to: Mr. Owen Smith, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Parkgate Business Centre, Parkgate Street, Dublin 8. E-mail: [email protected]

Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix C List of Mechanics, Fitters and Drivers and contact details

Revision A October 2018 Appendix C

Role Name Location/Route Phone No

Tim Dore 087 2746292

James Browne 086 3054103 Mechanic Machinery Yard Con Mulcahy 877573746

Noel Gore 087 2766366

Gerry McCarthy 087 6249954 Driver Route No. 1 Pat Buckley 087 2838948

Kevin Timmons 085 2708830 Driver Route No. 2 Seamus Foley 087 6400348

Mike O'Shea 087 2785559

Driver John Noonan Route No. 3 087 6549422

John Dalton 087 7823663

Doonagh Noonan 087 1187681 Driver Route No. 4 Vincent Cronin 087 9239257

Mossie Forde 087 7737539 Driver Route No. 5 Tommy Doyle 086 3824130

Timmy Joe Horgan 087 7665356 Driver Route No. 6 John Paul Dore 087 6186651

Dave O'Connor 087 4563845 Driver Route No. 7 TBC

Ned Sheehan 089 4382231 Driver Route No. 8 Terry Madigan 087 9803210

Matt Ryan 087 2962778 Driver Route No. 9 Donie English 086 8865088

Michael Meaney 086 8201345 Driver Route No. 10 Edmond Tobin 087 6659530 Tony Broder 087 9309236 Driver Route No. 11 Mike O'Grady 087 9736361

Paddy Hennessy 086 3598165 Driver Route No. 12 Ollie Barry 087 0613260

Driver Declan Carroll Route No. 13 086 3668655

Noel Kinnane 087 6110328 Driver Route No. 14 John O'Dwyer 087 2587417

James O'Shea 086 1016417 Driver Route No. 15 Roger Gleeson 087 0452129 Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix D Adjoining Local Authority Winter Service Manager(s) / Duty Engineer(s) roster

Revision A October 2018 Appendix D

Winter Service Duty Engineers’ Roster for the Period 15th October 2018 to 30th April 2019

Local Authority Name : Cork County Council – North & East Region

Week starting Duty Engineer’s Week starting Duty Engineer’s Week starting Duty Engineer’s Week starting Duty Engineer’s Monday Initials Monday Initials Monday Initials Monday Initials 15/10/2018 AW 10/12/2018 BOG 04/2/2019 JM 01/4/2019 AW 22/10/2018 JM 17/12/2018 AW 11/2/2019 BOG 08/4/2019 JM 29/10/2018 BOG 24/12/2018 JM 18/2/2019 AW 15/4/2019 BOG 5/11/2018 AW 31/12/2018 BOG 25/2/2019 JM 22/4/2019 AW 12/11/2018 JM 07/1/2019 AW 04/3/2019 BOG 19/11/2018 BOG 14/1/2019 JM 11/3/2019 AW 26/11/2018 AW 21/1/2019 BOG 18/3/2019 JM 03/12/2018 JM 28/1/2019 AW 25/3/2019 BOG

Duty Engineer’s Name & Initials Office Office E-mail Address Mobile No Phone No Aidan Weir – AW 022-30426 [email protected] 086 8206913 Jim Moloney - JM 022-30403 [email protected] 086 8354424 Brendan O’Gorman- BOG 025-31666 [email protected] 087 2696968

Send to: CAFO, Met. Éireann, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9. Attention: Duty SMO. E-mail: [email protected]

Copy to: Ms. Margaret Claffey, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Parkgate Business Centre, Parkgate St., Dublin 8. E-mail: [email protected]

Winter Service Duty Engineer’s Roster for the Period 18th October 2018 to 30th April 2019

Local Authority: Tipperary County Council

2018-2019 Winter Service Duty Engineer

W/C Initials * W/C Initials * W/C Initials * W/C Initials * Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday 18/10/2018 PMcG/DM 06/12/2018 JR/TOD 24/01/2019 JR/TOD 14/03/2019 PMcG/DM 25/10/2018 PMcG/DM 13/12/2018 PMcG/DM 31/01/2019 JR/TOD 21/03/2019 JR/TOD 01/11/2018 JR/TOD 20/12/2018 PMcG/DM 07/02/2019 PMcG/DM 28/03/2019 JR/TOD 08/11/2018 JR/TOD 27/12/2018 JR/TOD 14/02/2019 PMcG/DM 04/04/2019 PMcG/DM 15/11/2018 PMcG/DM 03/01/2019 JR/TOD 21/02/2019 JR/TOD 11/04/2019 PMcG/DM 22/11/2018 PMcG/DM 10/01/2019 PMcG/DM 28/02/2019 JR/TOD 18/04/2019 JR/TOD 29/11/2018 JR/TOD 17/01/2019 PMcG/DM 07/03/2019 PMcG/DM 25/04/2019 JR/TOD

*First named Engineer Duty Engineer for Northern Districts – Second named Engineer Duty Engineer for Southern Districts

Duty Engineer’s Name & Office Phone Office E-mail Address Mobile No Initials No Jim Ryan (JR) 0761 06 6082 [email protected] 087-9823843 Philip McGrath (PMcG) 0761 06 6629 [email protected] 087-6258068 Darby Mullen (DM) 062 80733 [email protected] 087- 2276989 Tom O’Donnell (TOD) 052-6172305 [email protected] 087-8280043

Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix E PPP Companies / Private winter service operators

Revision A October 2018 Appendix E

PPP Companies / Private Winter Service Operators

Direct Route /Lagan Operations and Maintenance Ltd Clonmacken Toll Admin Bldg Clonmacken Co. Limerick V94 V2Y3 T: +353 (0) 61 322500

Lagan Operations and Maintenance Ltd Ballyoran Castlelyons Fermoy Co. Cork P61 R262 T: +353 (0) 25 51864

Colas Roadbridge Joint Venture TII Maintenance Depot, Tulla Road, Co. Clare Ennis IRELAND E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +353 656703432 Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix F

Policy & Procedure For Management Of Winter Maintenance

Revision A October 2018 Appendix F

Limerick City and County Council

Policy and Procedure for the Management of Winter Maintenance

Rev 01 HS-P&P-17 Page 1

Document Revision Item Date Issued By Approved By No No HS-P&P-17 01 Development Health & Safety Monitoring of procedure Safety Section Committee

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Contents 1.0 Policy Statement 4 2.0 Purpose 4 3.0 Scope 4 44.0 Objectives 4 5.0 Definitions 5 6.0 Key Hazards 5 7.0 Roles and Responsibilities 5 7.1 Director of Service and Section Heads 5 7.2 Winter Maintenance Manager 5 7.3 Duty Engineer 6 7.4 Roads Senior Supervisor and Superintendents 7 7.5 Winter Maintenance Drivers 7 7.6 Machinery Yard Engineer 8 7.7 Executive Engineer Service Operations 8 7.8 Employees 9 7.4 Health and Safety Officer 9 8.0 Procedure 9 9.0 Emergency Preparedness 10 10.0 Training 11

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1.0. Policy statement It is policy so far as is reasonably practicable to eliminate the hazards that give rise to safety, health and welfare risks for employees and those who may be affected by their activities, where this is not possible, implement control measures that will manage the hazards and risks, that may arise, so as to prevent injuries at work. It is policy to protect employees and others who may be affected from or by the hazards and risks associated with the undertaking of the winter maintenance. It is policy of Limerick City and County Council to provide a Winter Maintenance Plan, which, as far as reasonably possible, allows the safe movement of vehicular traffic on defined routes of the road network, while minimising delays and accidents directly attributed to adverse weather conditions in accordance with the Winter Maintenance Plan.

2.0.Purpose To provide guidance and a series of actions, on how to prevent injury and/or ill-health associated with the provision of winter maintenance and to ensure that all legal obligations are met in this regard.

3.0. Scope This policy is applicable to all employees engaged in winter maintenance. This policy shall be read in conjunction with Limerick City and County Council’s current Winter Maintenance Plan

4.0. Objectives . Demonstrate compliance with legislation. . Document roles and responsibilities. . Develop a risk assessment for the management of Winter Maintenance . Implement the control measures . Provide appropriate training. . Provide evidence of required record keeping.

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5.0. Definitions Winter Maintenance is the process of precautionary salting or gritting when ice, frost and/or snow are expected and the clearing and treating of ice, frost and/or snow from public roadways.

6.0. Key hazards . Plant and equipment . Noise . Vibration . Driver fatigue . Weather conditions . Road conditions . Live traffic . Members of the public . Lone working . Manual handling . Slips, trips and falls . Working at height . Overloading vehicles . Load stability.

7.0. Roles and responsibilities The following roles and responsibilities are specific to this policy and procedure and are in addition to the other roles and responsibilities assigned to the post-holder.

7.1. Directors of Service and Section Heads shall: . Ensure the objectives specified in section 4 of this policy and procedure is delivered. . Be familiar with and comply with the requirements of this policy and procedure.

7.2 Winter Maintenance Manager . To ensure that the preparation of the Winter Maintenance Plan prior to the start of each winter season

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. To undertake coordination with neighbouring local authorities and any relevant private operators on the Winter Maintenance Plan. . To issue the Winter Maintenance Plan to the TII & DTTAS . To ensure the preparation of a rota of suitably experienced duty engineers and send a final copy to the MET . To ensure the preparation of suitably trained operatives identifying the availability of labour throughout the entire period. . Ensure the Organisation of Working Time Act is managed for drivers & operatives. . To ensure suitable plant equipment & salt supplies available, to undertake effective winter maintenance operations & manage any ordering . To provide advice to the duty engineer . To give direction and advice on any aspect of the Winter Maintenance Plan . To liaise with the relevant Director, TII & DTTAS . To provide factual information concerning the network to An Garda Siochána and the media. . To ensure preparation of route treatment maps. . To respond to public enquires or winter maintenance complaints that may arise . Fill out returns . Carry out an end of season review on issues that arose and submit a report to the Director.

7.3 Duty Engineer . The Duty Engineer will be available outside normal working hours, this means anytime during the rostered period. . The Duty Engineer will keep a log of activities, operation, decision making etc and use the Road DSS Manager module so that a complete picture of decision making and operation can be inspected by TII if required. . The Duty Engineer will supplement the information contained on Road DSS manager is requested. . The Duty Engineer will access the Road DSS manger monitoring system on the hour or as required. . Track the actual conditions over their area. . Obtain updated or more detailed weather forecasts using MET Eireanns services.

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. Use the Thermal maps to direct field operatives to the more vulnerable areas with emphasis on Precautionary Salting. . The Duty Engineer has responsibility for producing the daily Winter Maintenance action plan using Road DSS. This plan includes routes, commencement times, spread rates and other ancillary instructions (e.g. hold off in showers, mount snow ploughs etc). This action plan should take into account the guidelines in TII Circular. . The Duty Engineer also has responsibility to maintain records including planned and actual route treatments; treatment times; changes to proposed treatments; other events e.g. notifications from the public, staff other agencies.

7.4 Road Senior Supervisors and Superintendents: The Road Services Supervisor within an area has responsibility for ensuring: . Plant and equipment are available and are in maintained and where necessary alternative arrangements are made . That Salt usage and requirements are reported on a daily basis to the Executive Engineer Service Operations . Staff are available and where necessary alternative arrangements are made. . The Organisation of Working Time Act is managed for drivers & operatives. . Salting is carried out on routes prescribed by the Duty Engineer. . Ensuring that drivers are properly instructed as to the Daily Action Plan and the staff carrying out the plan. . To use discretion within limits set by the Winter Maintenance Plan; and the Duty Engineer: salting on non prescribed roads if the conditions warrant it e.g. bus, heavy goods vehicle stuck, request from Gardai etc.

Generally during the week the above responsibilities can be carried out during normal working hours. Out of hours, at weekends and holiday periods it is intended that the arrangements that have applied for a number of years will continue to apply for the Road Senior Supervisors and Superintendents.

7.5 Winter Maintenance Drivers: . Ensure the vehicle is clean and has sufficient fuel to complete the predetermined salting route. . Ensure that the Romaquip salt spreader is refuelled and safely secured to the vehicle.

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. Ensure that all safety features (including reversing camera, reversing alarms and flashing beacons) are operational. . Ensure the vehicle is equipped with a first aid kit and fire extinguisher. . Wear appropriate PPE gloves, hi vis clothing, safety footwear, helmet etc. . Carry walk around vehicle check & report any faults to the machinery yard foreman. Ensure that all ratchet straps are in good condition and within test. . Ensure GPS system is operational and switched on. . To use a mobile phone pull into a safe roadside location. Do not use the mobile phone while driving. . Carry driving license, CPC card, Safepass and appropriate CSCS cards. . Ensure that all access steps are free of ice and snow. . Obey the rules of the road. . Drive the vehicle at the appropriate speed for the prevailing weather conditions. . Report any incidents that may occur with other drivers or the general public. . On completion of the gritting operation fill out a plant log and report any mechanical problems encountered. . The operation and maintenance of the winter maintenance gritting, salting and snowploughing vehicle/associated equipment, including the loading of equipment and materials. . Pick up and drop off winter maintenance equipment and plant as required at locations determined from time to time by the Council. . On completion fill out plant operation log and report any problems encountered during salting operation. . Assisting and accompanying other staff members in these activities . Relaying information regarding routes treated and details of same.

7.6 Machinery Yard Engineer . The Machinery Yard has responsibility for maintenance and repair of plant and equipment along with providing call out services for repairs. The Machinery Yard has also responsibility of the delivery and restocking of salt to depots as notified by the Areas.

7.7 Executive Engineer Service Operations:

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. The Executive Engineer has responsibility for updating the National Salt Management System (NSMS) on a weekly (or daily) basis and coordinating salt deliveries/collections as required. 7.8 Employees shall: . Ensure they are familiar with and comply with the requirements of this policy and procedure. . Ensure they are familiar with and comply with the requirements of the Winter Maintenance Plan . Ensure that they are familiar with and comply with the requirements of the risk assessment for winter maintenance.

7.9 Health and Safety Officer shall: . Be familiar with and comply with the requirements of this policy and procedure. . Coordinate the safety management system. . Advise on the implementation of this policy and procedure. . Undertake inspections of this policy and procedure. . Undertake audits of this policy and procedure.

8.0 Procedure Undertake site specific risk assessment for all salt depots to include stocking and loading of vehicles. Undertake route specific risk assessments for each route.

. Undertake risk assessment for winter maintenance activities including: . Hand spreading of salt . Manual activities such as clearing snow and ice . For each item of equipment (snow plough, gritter, loader, demountable bulk spreader, etc) . Salting/gritting . Snow ploughing . Offload and wash down of equipment . Undertake pre-season tasks and checks such as: . Identify route priorities based on topography, areas where there is high level of accidents, pedestrian areas, schools, hospitals and local knowledge

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. Route risk assessments . Checking vehicles, equipment and attachments . Briefing all relevant employees . Consider having available snow tyres, snow socks for tyres, shoe crampons, ice grip attachments for employees’ shoes . Develop a generic risk assessment for clearing footpaths in pedestrian areas . Implement controls . Drivers shall be diligent about the changing weather and/or road conditions and if they deem it unsafe to continue then they shall inform the relevant line managers . The relevant line manager shall inform An Garda Síochána of such an event with a view to closing the road . Undertake inspections to ensure compliance with this policy and procedure . Undertake audit of compliance with this policy and procedure.

9.0 Emergency Preparedness In preparing for an emergency arising while carrying out winter maintenance cognisance should be given to the following issues: . Employees being stranded . Employees sustaining an injury . Vehicular incidents . Recovery of vehicles . Violence and aggression . Lone working . Communication . Frostbite, hypothermia and dehydration Provision of: . First aid box . Fire extinguisher . Torch . Breakdown warning signs . Shovel . Thermal blankets . Hot drinks and high carbohydrate foods . Potable water

Rev 01 HS-P&P-17 Page 10

. Suitable means of communication.

10.0 Training All employees involved in winter maintenance receive training annually on . Policy and Procedure for the Management of Winter maintenance. . Limerick City and County Council’s Winter Maintenance Plan. . Snow day training including applicable plant and equipment.

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Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix G Generic Risk Assessment for Winter Service

Revision A October 2018 Appendix G






2018/2019 SEASON

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment


In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, Part 3 Section 19 every employer shall identify the hazards in the place of work under his or her control, assess the risks presented by those hazards and be in possession of a written assessment (known as a risk assessment) of the risks to the safety, health and welfare of any employee or group of employees who may be exposed to any unusual or other risks under the relevant statutory provisions.

The risk assessment is to outline protective and preventative measures taken and the resources provided for protecting safety, health and welfare at the place of work. The health and safety measures put into place must be adequate to eliminate, control or minimize the risk of injury.

The risk assessment is to be reviewed where there has been significant change in the matters to which it relates or there is another reason to believe that it is no longer valid.

Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 states that every employer must prepare a written statement known as the safety statement based on the identification of the hazards and the risk assessment carried out under Section 19 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. The Safety Statement will specify the manner in which Safety, Health and Welfare at work of his or her employees shall be secured and managed. This hazard and risk assessment must be read in conjunction with the parent safety statement and the ancillary safety statement for the water division collectively known as the “Safety Statement”.

Hazard: A Hazard is anything that can cause harm.

Hazard Identification: Process of recognizing that a hazard exits and defining its characteristics

Risk: Risk is the likelihood that a person may be harmed by the hazard, together with severity of harm suffered. Risk is also dependent on the number of people exposed to the hazard.

Risk Group: Category of persons exposed to the identified hazards i.e. employees, contractors or visitors.

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Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Likelihood: The likelihood that someone will be harmed by a hazard on a scale of 1 to 5.

Severity: The severity of the harm that is likely to be suffered on a scale of 1 to 5.

Risk Rating: The risk rating is a calculation of the likelihood that someone will be harmed multiplied by the severity of the harm that is likely to be suffered

Risk Assessment: is a careful examination of what, in the workplace, could cause harm to people, so that the employer can weigh up whether he or she has taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm.

Control Measures The control measures are those measures, which are put in place to reduce and/or eliminate the risk. When considering control measures the general principles of prevention must be used. This are defined in Schedule 3 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 as:  Avoidance of Risks  Evaluation of unavoidable risks  The combating of risks at source  The adaptation of work to the individual, especially as regards the design of places of work, the choice of work equipment and the choice of systems of work, with a view in particular, to alleviating monotonous work and work at a predetermined work rate and to reducing the effect of this work on health.  The adaptation of the place of work to technical progress  The replacement of dangerous articles, substances of systems of work by safe or less dangerous articles, substances or systems of work  The giving of priority to collective protective measures over individual protective measures  The development of an adequate prevention policy in relation to safety, health and welfare at work which takes account of technology, organisation of work, working conditions, social factors and the influence of factors related to the working environment.  The giving of appropriate training and instructions to employees

Scale Risk - Likelihood Scale Risk - Severity 1 Very unlikely 1 Minor 2 Unlikely 2 Moderate 3 Moderately Likely 3 Significant 4 Likely 4 Serious 5 Very Likely 5 Major

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Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Assessing Likelihood LIKELIHOOD SCORE DESCRIPTION POSSIBLE INDICATORS RATING Very likely 5 More than 80% Regular occurrence. chance of Circumstances frequently occurrence encountered - daily/weekly/monthly Likely 4 60% - 80% Likely to happen at some point chance of within the next 1-3 years occurrence Circumstances occasionally encountered (few times a year) Moderately 3 40% - 60% Expected to happen once a year Likely chance of occurrence Unlikely 2 20% - 40% Only likely to happen once every 3 chance of or more years occurrence Very unlikely 1 Less than 20% Has happened rarely/never before chance of occurrence

Assessing Severity SEVERITY SCORE DESCRIPTION POSSIBLE INDICATORS RATING Major 5  Major loss of  Service disruption >5 days service  One or more fatalities  Fatalities  Financial loss >€500k or  Major financial up to 75% of budget loss Serious 4  Loss of major  Service disruption 3-5 service days  Major injuries  Major injury to  Serious financial individual/several people loss  Financial loss €50-500k or up to 50% of budget Significant 3  Major impact on  Service disruption 2-3 aspect of service days  Severe injuries  Severe injury to  Significant individual/several people financial loss  Financial loss €5-50k or up to 25% of budget

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Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Moderate 2  Minor injury or  Service disruption <1 day illness, first  Minor injury to aid treatment individual/several people required  Financial loss <€5k or up  <3 days absence to 10% of budget Minor 1  Brief disruption to  Adverse event leading to service minor injury not requiring  Minor injuries first aid.  Minor financial  Financial loss <€1k or up loss to 1% of budget

Risk Rating

5 5 10 15 20 25 Very


4 8 12 16 20 4 Likely

3 6 9 12 15 3 Moderatel y Likely 2 4 6 8 10

1 2 3 4 2 Unlikely 5

1 2 3 4 5 Minor Moderate Significant Serious Major

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Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Rating Descriptive Risk Rating Interpretation and /or action

12 - 25 High Immediate action required.

Activity should be stopped until

control measures can be

implemented to reduce risk to

medium rating.

6 - 10 Medium Activity can proceed but with

caution and ensuring control

measures are maintained.

Efforts should be made to

reduce risk rating to low.

1 - 5 Low Activity can proceed. Control

measures must be monitored

and reviewed as required to

ensure they remain suitable and


Revision A October 2018 Page | G-5

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) Access & Slips, Trips & LC& CC 5 5 25 • Adequate external lighting provided Area 2 3 6 Egress Falls leading to Staff incl. High within grounds of the yard. Engineer / Medium physical injuries Drivers/ Roads Contractors/ • Site enclosed by security fence. Supervisor Visitors/ Members of • Access routes are to be kept clear at the Public all times.

• Salt barns/pile and wash down areas are to be visually inspected on a regular basis and kept clear from build up of ice, snow and dirt.

• High visibility vests & relevant PPE to be worn by staff whilst working within yard due to live traffic. All LC&CC employees given PPE.

• Signage displayed regarding wearing of high visibility vests.

Live Traffic Struck by LC&CC 5 5 25 • Banksmen assisting in operation of Line 2 5 10

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-6

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) Vehicle- Staff incl. High loading salt should be located in a Manager/ Medium Physical Drivers/ safe location clear of the immediate LC&CC Injuries Contractors/ danger of the operation. Drivers Visitors/ Members of • Drivers should be briefed on the the Public designated route within the depot and follow appropriate signage where provided.

• Ensure routes are clearly communicated to all drivers.

• Exercise extreme caution when exiting or entering the yard.

• Adequate external lighting provided within grounds of the yard.

• Adhere to speed limit signs displayed.

• Avoid reversing where possible.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-7

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) Assistance from banksman to be used where reversing takes place.

• All plant fitted with appropriate auxiliary devices and visual aids e.g. CCTV, flashing beacon, reversing alarm, mirrors.

• Park in designated area provided.

Loading & Failure of LC&CC 5 5 25 • Follow procedure for the loading and Line 2 4 8 Unloading of Equipment/Falls Staff incl. High unloading of Romaquip spreader. Manager/ Medium Spreader From Height Drivers/ LC&CC leading to Contractors/ • Ensure all guards are in place and Drivers Physical Visitors the spreader is properly attached to Injuries the truck.

• On site training given to all salting drivers by suitably qualified persons.

• Ensure persons stand clear when loading/unloading spreader.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-8

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L)

• Ensure area is clear of persons when loading salt.

• All salting drivers have current CSCS cards for teleporter loading shovel.

• Only certified ‘holding down straps’ are to be used in the loading and unloading of spreaders. New certified straps issue at the start of each season. ‘Check straps’ to underside of salting unit to be inspected at the start & during the season.

• Ensure appropriate PPE is worn at all times i.e. High visibility vests, safety boots and gloves.

• Regular maintenance schedule in place.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-9

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) • Maintenance is not to be undertaken on machinery when in operation.

• No maintenance should be undertaken outside of the maintenance training which was provided on the Winter Service Operator Course.

• Maintenance should only be undertaken from ground level using the mallet and nylon pole provided.

• Under no circumstances should operatives enter the hopper of the spreader.

• Staff to be provided with training in manual handling

• Report any defects immediately to the machinery yard foreman.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-10

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L)

• No operatives are permitted to work on the top of the spreader during loading or any time due to risk of fall from heights. If access is required for maintenance then adequate access equipment is to be provided.

• Access ladder and platform to rear of spreader to be maintained in good condition.

Mounting/ Failure of LC&CC 5 5 25 • The snow plough is to be inspected Line 2 3 6 Unloading the Equipment Staff inc. High before use. Manager/ Medium Snow Plough resulting in Drivers/ LC&CC Physical Contractors/ • The snow plough is to be mounted Drivers Injuries Visitors as per manufacturers instructions and training received from suitably qualified providers.

• No personnel should be in the proximity of the plough during

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-11

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) mounting / demounting procedure.

• All personnel must ensure that appropriate PPE is worn at all times.

• Report any defects the line manager.

• The snow plough is to be unloaded as per manufacturer’s instructions and training received from suitably qualified providers.

• No personnel should be in the proximity of the plough during mounting / demounting procedure.

• Snow plough to be stored & maintained as per training received & manufacturers instructions.

Operation of Failure of Lifting LC&CC 5 5 25 • Ensure that the vehicles including the Line 2 3 6

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-12

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) Telescopic Equipment Staff incl. High spreaders are adequately maintained Manager/ Medium Handler leading to Drivers/ throughout their working life and that LC&CC Physical Contractor/ maintenance records are kept. In the Drivers Injuries Visitors case of hired vehicles owner to provide maintenance records .

• Only CSCS trained staff are permitted to operate telescopic handler. All salting drivers & HGV mechanics to hold current CSCS card.

• Plant to be examined and inspected by a competent person annually.

• Report any defects immediately to the Machinery Yard Foreman.

• Ensure dangerous parts of the vehicle such as exposed exhaust pipes; power take offs etc are adequately guarded

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-13

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L)

• Park plant in designated area/locations when not in use. These locations should be signed.

• Appropriate PPE provided and worn at all times i.e. High visibility vests, safety boots and gloves.

• Planned preventative maintenance in place.

• Locking attachments on teleporter & salting units to be secured at all times.

• Ensure that the steering and braking systems are suitable and effective.

• Where seat belts are fitted in plant they must be worn at all times.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-14

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) • Buckets, lifting gear should be lowered to the ground and keys removed from the ignition when not in operation.

• Only load 1 vehicle at a time.

• While waiting to be loaded other vehicles must park in designated parking place.

• No employee is to work within the working radius of the boom.

• Ensure use auxiliary devices and visual aids i.e. Use of CCTV, reversing alarm, flashing beacon provided on telescopic handler, report any defects.

• Ensure fixed steps and grab bars are

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-15

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) maintained allowing drivers to access teleporter safely.

• Weekly inspections undertaken by designated machinery yard staff using relevant Limerick City & County Council Plant Inspection form.

Driving Work Loss of Control LC&CC 5 5 25 Line 2 3 6 Vehicle of Vehicle, Staff incl. High • All drivers are holders of Manager/ Medium Fatigue Drivers/ appropriate licences for vehicle Roads Contractors/ and receive annual CPC training. Supervisors Visitors/ • Organisation of Working time Act /LC&CC Members of to be managed by line managers. Drivers the Public Rosters with standby drivers to be used. • Site specific risk assessments carried out on all routes when resources allow it. This will aim to identify the following non exhaustive list of hazards: water

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-16

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) on the road, areas of poor mobile coverage, narrow roads, steep roads. These hazards will then be highlighted on a route map & local controls where practicable will be implemented and driver controls discussed with winter service operators . • Salting Routes to be clearly communicated to all drivers & relief drivers at pre season training/safety talk.

• Appropriate PPE provided and to be worn at all times i.e. High visibility vests, safety boots and gloves, including when in the cabs of the lorries.

• Drivers must undertake vehicle inspection for defects before leaving

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-17

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) depot & complete daily check form. Any defects must be notified to the machinery yard immediately. • First time use of a new vehicle, drivers must familiarise themselves with the controls of the vehicle. • Do not drive if feeling tired or sleepy, sick. If unfit for driving the relief driver must be called. • Appropriate rest periods to be provided. • Ensure fixed steps and grab bars are maintained allowing drivers to access cab of truck safely. • Do not drive under the influence of a toxicant to the extent of endangering your own life and that of others as this can affect your

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-18

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) judgement, co-ordination and reaction time. • Do not answer mobile phone when driving. All drivers provided with hand free set. • Follow designated routes for salting/gritting roads as out lined in the winter maintenance plan.

• Drive with your lights on at all times, including the lights on the salting units.

• Planned preventative maintenance provided at machinery yard.

• Trucks fitted with a Vehicle Management System (VMS) must be turned on when in use.

• Ensure flashing beacon in operation

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-19

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) at all times.

• Unauthorised passengers must not be carried in workplace transport vehicles.

• Do not leave a running vehicle unattended. Remove keys from ignition.

• Ensure all vehicle cabs are fitted with an appropriate fire extinguisher, travelling first aid kit and are maintained in a clean hygienic state.

• Report any defects in vehicles & salting units or safe systems of work to the supervisor in charge.

• Comply with the Road Traffic Act s and comply with members of the Garda Siochána.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-20

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L)

• All accidents, incidents i.e. collisions or near misses are to be immediately reported to the Machinery Yard Foreman. Driving in Loss of Control LCC 5 5 25 Line 2 5 10 Adverse of Drivers/ High • Ensure windows and mirrors of Manager / Medium Weather Vehicle leading Contractors/ vehicles are clear before you set LC&CC Conditions e.g. to physical or Visitors/ out. Drivers Ice/Snow fatality Members of • Check tyres ensuring tread depth the Public is adequate. • Ensure headlights, taillights & all lights on the salting units are all in working order. • Manoeuvre gently, slow down and leave extra distance between you and the vehicle in front. • Watch out for black ice especially in sheltered/shaded areas on roads, under trees and adjacent to

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-21

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) high walls. • Anti Lock Braking System provided in all trucks. • Trucks fitted with a Vehicle Management System (VMS) must be turned on when in use. • Preventative maintenance is carried out i.e. the vehicle is properly maintained, serviced and engine oil viscosity is suitable for cold conditions

Lone Working Loss of Control LC&CC 5 5 25 • Contact Fleet Manager or his Line 2 3 6 of Vehicle/ Drivers High designate prior to leaving the Depot Manager/ Medium Accident & and on return to the Depot once LC&CC Emergencies salting activities are completed. Drivers arising from work • Report any defect to machinery yard supervisor.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-22

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L)

• Trucks fitted with a Vehicle Management System (VMS) • Drivers have completed the operators training provided by suitably qualified providers. Such training includes safety practices; start up procedures, controller operation, machine functions, loading/unloading procedures, spreader maintenance and good operating procedures.

• Drivers to inform line manager / duty engineer of any medical conditions / circumstances that may affect the employee’s suitability for lone working.

• Follow designated routes for salting/gritting roads as outlined in the winter maintenance plan.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-23

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L)

• Commence salting at the designated time only.

Refuelling at Fire, Dermatitis LC&CC 4 5 20 • Keys issued to LC&CC Drivers only. Line 2 3 6 Fuel Pumps following Staff incl. High Manager/ Medium contact with Drivers/ • No Smoking Prohibited, Signage LC&CC diesel Contractor/ displayed. Drivers Visitors • Switch off engine before refuelling

• Don not use mobile phones when refuelling unless in an emergency

• Appropriate PPE to be worn when carrying out refuelling

• Report any spillages immediately to supervisor

• Appropriate Spill kit to be provided in the event of a spillage.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-24

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L)

• Appropriate fire extinguisher to be provided in vicinity of work area.

Fire Asphyxiation, LC&CC 5 5 25 • Staff to familiarise themselves with Line 2 3 6 Burns Drivers/ High the emergency evacuation plans, Manager/ Medium Members of location of the fire points, fire LC&CC the Public assembly points at the machinery Drivers yard.

• Be aware of approved escape route and exits and keep clear at all times

• Ensure all trucks are provided with an appropriate fully charged fire extinguisher which is to be serviced as part of annual service contract.

Access to First Accident, LC&CC 4 5 20 • Staff to familiarise themselves with Line 2 3 6 Aid Provisions incident Drivers High first aid facilities and designated first Manager/ Medium resulting in aider at the machinery yard. LC&CC injury Drivers

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-25

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) • Each driver is to be provided with a travel first aid kit which is to be regularly checked and kept fully stocked and in date in accordance with the HSA Guidelines.

• First aid training to be provided to staff where required.

• All first aid treatment to be recorded on approved record sheet.

Manual Back Injuries/ LC&CC 5 4 20 • Organise work in such a way as to Line 2 3 6 Handling Physical Drivers High eliminate or minimise manual Manager/ Medium Injuries & handling. LC&CC Staff Strains • All loads should be assessed prior to lifting. • Suitable mechanical equipment to be provided to eliminate manual handling lifting. • Where mechanical equipment is not

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-26

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) suitable assistance is to be sought – two man lift • All personnel shall receive manual handling training • Appropriate PPE to be worn i.e. Gloves, safety boots.

Hand Tools Physical LC&CC 3 3 9 • Before any piece of equipment is Line 2 2 4 i.e. Shovel Injuries/ Eye Drivers Medium selected and used to carry out an Manager/ Low Injuries activity ensure it is suitable for the LC&CC task. Drivers • All hand tools are to be checked before use and any damaged parts must be replaced before work begins. • Report defects found to the line manager. • All users of work equipment are responsible for their storage, use and

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-27

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) general care. • Ensure hand tools are checked at regular intervals. • Ensure appropriate PPE is worn i.e. Gloves, Eye protection, safety boots where required etc.

Handling & Use Contact with LC&CC 3 4 12 • Ensure the safety data sheet for Line 2 2 4 of Hazardous Hazardous Drivers Medium hazardous substances are available Manager/ Low Substances e.g. Substances and communicated to staff. LC&CC Oil etc • Appropriate PPE to be provided and Drivers worn.(inc goggles & Gloves) • Read hazardous warning label before use. • Report any concerns to line management. • Ensure appropriate first aid and emergency procedures are provided and maintained. Clearing Getting trapped LC&CC 4 5 20 • Turn of engine and conveyor before LC&CC 2 2 4 blockage in the on hopper / Drivers & High trying to clear blockage. Drivers & Low

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-28

Limerick City & County Council Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Operations & Maintenance Services 2018/2019 Season

Risk Assessment Summary Sheet Task/Activity: Salting Operations Including Loading and Workplace Location: Depots/ Unloading of Salting Spreaders/Snow Ploughs, Loading of Countywide on Designated Salting Routes Spreaders With the Salt, Salting of Designated Routes Assessor: Ciara Power Date: October 2018 Rev No: 1 Generic Risk Assessment Risk Assessment after application of Control Measures Risk Risk Rating Rating before after controls Responsible controls Severity Severity Severity Hazard Risk Risk Group Likelihood (H/M/L) CONTROL MEASURES Person Likelihood (H/M/L) hopper/conveyor conveyor, Helpers • Appropriate PPE to be provided and Helpers falling from a worn (Inc. goggles & Gloves) height • Remain on the ground (Do not climb/access the hopper) • Use nylon pole and mallet provided to agitate the blockage. • Should the blockage remain, contact the machinery yard foreman and request the assistance of a mechanic.

Revision A October 2018 Page | G-29

Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix H Prority 1 & Prority 2 Routes for Winter Service

Revision A October 2018 Appendix H

Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Limerick County Council Winter Maintenance Pre-Treatment Routes 2018-2019

A.16 Treatment Route Cards

See over.

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Sean Commons

Depot: Kilpeacon / Grange Depot, Boher


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Gerry McCarthy

Roster B Pat Buckley

Vehicle: Fleet No. 505, 18 tonne truck, 01LK3125, Capacity 8 tonne

Average Speed for route: 45-50 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 10 m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1: 15-20 gms/m2 / 8 tonnes

Priority 1&2: 15-20 gms/m2 / 16 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 1 N24 & Eastern City Environs

Priority 2 R505 from its junction with the N24 at Grange West to its Junction with the R507 in Doon. R506 from the its junction with the R445 at to its junction R505 at Dromsallagh, Cappamore. R507 from its junction with the N24 at Cluggin Cross to its junction with the R505 in Doon. The L5173 Groody Link Road from its junction with the R445 Dublin Road at Groody Roundabout to its junction with the R527 Ballysimon road at the Ballysimon Road Roundabout. L1124 from its junction with the R506 at Maddaboy to its junction with the R506 at Cappanouk, Abbington.

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Spreading Average Time Free run Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (mins) (km) (km) (km/hr) Its Junction with Its junction with P1 N24 the R507 at the R527 at 23.837 Cluggin Cross Ballysimon The Roundabout its junction with P1 R527 on the Childers the N24 at 2.62 Rd Ballysimon Its junction with Its junction with P2 R505 the N24 at 13.929 the R507 in Doon Grange West Annacotty to its R506 from the its junction R505 at P2 R506 junction with the 17.218 Dromsallagh , R445 at Cappamore. Its intersection Its intersection with the R445 at P2 L1573 with the R527 at 2.075 Groody Garryglass Roundabout L1124 from its its junction with junction with the the R506 at P2 L1124 4.453 R506 at Cappanouk, Maddaboy to Abbington. Totals 0.000 64.132 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Mike O’Shea

Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Yard


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Kevin Timmons

Roster B Seamus Foley

Vehicle: Fleet No. 506, 26 tonne truck, Hired Vehicle, 9t Capacity

Average Speed for route: 40-60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 9 m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1: 20-25 gms/m2 / 9 tonnes

Priority1 & 2: 20-25 gms/m2 / 13 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 1 City Environs Serving University Hospital routes (R510, R526 & R859) and R445 from its junction with the R466 in Birdhill to Groody Roundabout. R503 Newport road from its junction with the Newport Road M7 Interchange and its junction with the R504. R926 from its junction with the M20 at Dooradoyle to its junction with the R526 at crescent shopping centre roundabout (To maintain access to the Midwest Regional Hospital). R526 from the city boundary at Ballinacurra to its junction with the N20 at Attyflin (To maintain access to the Midwest Regional Hospital). R510 from its junction with the R526 at Loughmore roundabout Ballycummin to its junction with the M20 at the Dell roundabout (To maintain access to the Midwest Regional Hospital).

Priority 2 R525 from its junction with the R445 at Dalys Cross to its junction with R466 at Montpelier. R466 from its junction with the R455 in Birdhill to the Clare county boundary at Montpelier. L1118 from its junction with R445 at Kilmurray roundabout through to its junction with the L1117 by the University of Limerick. L1117 from its junction with the L1118 by the University to its junction with the R445 at the Castletroy Park roundabout at Groody. L1114 (Monaleen Road) from its junction with the R445 to its junction with the L1113 at Sandville Cross.

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

L1115 (School House Road) from its junction with the L1114(Monaleen Road) to its junction with the L1116(Golf Links Road). L1116 (Golf Links Road) from its junction with the R445 to its junction with the L1115 (School House Road). L1165 Castletroy Distributor Road. L1121 from its junction with the Castletroy Distributor road to its Junction with the L1114 road the Monaleen Road. L5173 Groody Link Road. L1144 from its junction with the M20 to its junction with the L5145 at Ballyclough. L5145 from Derrybeg Cross to Ballyclough. L1405 from Raheen Church to its junction with the L1144 at Derrybeg Cross. L5124 From Garryglass ( R527) roundabout to its intersection with the L1171 Old Ballysimon Road. L1171 Old Ballysimon Road.

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) L1144 Its jnc with the Ballincurra P1 Greenfi R926. Dooradoyle 1.627 Gardens elds interchange. Rd R926 from its junction with the crescent shopping P1 R926 2.048 M20 at centre roundabout Dooradoyle to its junction with R526 from the the R510 at P1 R526 city boundary at 2.693 Ballycummin Ballinacurra r/bout N69 /Dock rd to its junction at P1 R510 2.178 Rbout Raheen R/bout R445 from R446 junction, P1 R445 16.340 Groody rbout Birdhill From its jnc with To Quins Cross P1 R859 1.552 N69 in Rbout Fr Rusell Rd from Its jnc with P1 L1429 Quins Cross Dooradoyle Rd 1.277 rbout R526 M7 Newport Its junction with P1 R503 7.33 Roundabout the R504 R525 from its to its junction with junction with the P2 R525 R466 at 4.79 R445 at Dalys Montpelier. Cross from its junction to its junction with with the M20 at P2 L1144 the L5145 at 1.98 Dooradoyle Ballyclough. interchange from Derrybeg P2 L5145 to Ballyclough .424 Cross to its junction with from Raheen the L1144 at P2 L1405 3.124 Church Derrybeg Cross.

to the Clare R445 Junction in county boundary P2 R466 4.749 Birdhill at Montpelier.

from its junction to its junction with with R445 at the L1117 by the P2 L1118 Kilmurray University of 1.447 roundabout Limerick at Milford through Close to its junction with L1117 from its the R445 at the P2 L1117 junction R445at Castletroy Park 1.086 Milford Close roundabout at Groody

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

(Monaleen to its junction with Road) from its P2 L1114 the L1113 at 1.993 junction with the Sandville Cross. R445 (School House to its junction Road) from its with the P2 L1115 junction with the 1.136 L1116(Golf Links L1114(Monaleen Road) Road) Golf Links Road to its junction with P2 L1116 from its junction the L1171 Old 2.484 with the R445 Ballysimon Rd Castletroy Distributor Road from its To its intersection P2 L1165 intersection with with theL1121 in 1.433 the R445 at Monaleen Annacotty Roundabout from its junction to its Junction with the with the L1114 P2 L1121 Castletroy .276 road the Distributor road Monaleen Road L1165. From its intersection with To its intersection P2 L1573 the R445 at with the R527 at 2.075 Groody Garryglass Roundabout to its intersection From Garryglas with the L1171 P2 L5124 R527) .260 Old Ballysimon roundabout Road Old Ballysimon Road from its To its intersection P2 L1171 intersection with 2.395 with the N24 the R527 at Garryglass Totals 0.000 64.697 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Sean O’Meara

Depot: Kilmallock Depot


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Mike O’Shea

Roster B John Noonan

Roster C John Dalton

Vehicle: Fleet No. 507, 18 tonnes truck, 01LK4969, 8t Capacity

Average Speed for route: 50-60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 10 m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1: 20-25 gms/m2 3.5 tonnes

Priority 1 & 2: 20-25 gms/m2 9 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 1 N20 from the Attyflinn Interchange Entrance to the Cork Co Boundary.

L-1419 Church Road from its junction at the N20 Interchange to its junction with The L1478 Bridge Street in Croom.

The L1478 from its junction with the L1419 Church Street to its junction with the R516 High Street in Croom.

The R516 from its junction with the L1478 Bridge Street to its junction with the L1410 in Croom.

Priority 2 R516 from its junction with the L1410 in Croom to its junction with the R512 in Bruff. R512 from its junction with the R516 in Bruff to its junction with the R517 at Flemingstown. R515 from county boundary at Ballysallagh Co.Cork through Kilmallock to Knocklong. R513 from its junction with the R515 in Knocklong to its junction with the L1511 at Pinkers Cross. R517 from its junction with the R512 at Flemingstown through Kilfinnane village.

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) Jnc with the From R526 at Turrets at P1 N20 26.969 Attyflin Charleville Church From N20 jn with L1419, L1419 rbout P1 L1478 Jnc with L1410 0.890 (Croom & R516 Interchange) From county boundary at Its jnc with R513 P2 R515 Ballysallagh 20.761 in Knocklong Co.Cork through Kilmallock from its junction To the Square P2 R517 with the R512 at 5.454 Killfinnane Flemingstown Its jnc with Its jnc with R512 P2 R516 13.415 L1410in Croom main Street , Bruff To its intersection Its jnc with R516 P2 R512 with the R517 at 13.085 Main St Bruff Flemingstown Its jnc with the Its Jnc with the P2 R513 L1511 at Pinkers 2.925 R515 Knocklong Cross Totals 0.000 83.499 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Mike O’Shea

Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina, Co. Limerick


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Doonagh Noonan

Roster B Vincent Cronin

Vehicle: Fleet No. 509, 26 tonnes, 06 LK 5511, 9t Capacity

Average Speed for route: 50-60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 10 m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1: 20 – 25gms/m2 6.5 tonnes

Priority 1&2: 20 – 25gms/m2 9 tonnes

Route Description:

Priority 1 N21 from Lantern Lodge, Adare to Reens Pike. R526 from its junction with the N20 Attyflin to the Loughmore Roundabout. R510 from its junction with the M20 at the Dell roundabout to its junction with the Loughmore Roundabout on the R526.

Priority 2 R512 From its city boundary at Grossagalla to Bruff. R511 from LimerickCo Boundary to Meanus & its intersection with the R518.

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) from Lantern P1 N21 to Reens Pike 17.348 Lodge, Adare from its junction P2 R526 with the L0852 at Dell Roundabout 4.634 Luceys Cross to its junction with from its junction the Loughmore with the M20 at P1 R510 Roundabout on .58 the Dell the R526. roundabout

From R509 to Meanus and its roundabout on P2 R511 junction with the 19.87 Childers road R516 Limerick City From its intersection with Its jnc with R516 P2 R512 21.73 R509 at Main St Bruff Crossagalla Totals 0.000 64.162 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Mike Costello

Depot: Kinard Depot, Glin, Co. Limerick


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Mossie Forde From Rota List

Roster B Tommy Doyle From Rota List

Vehicle: Fleet No. 508, 26 tonnes, 05 LK 2663, 9t capacity

Average Speed for route: 50-60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 9.5 m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1: 10 - 15gms/m2 / 4.5tonnes

Priority 1&2: 10 - 25gms/m2 9 tonnes

Route Description:

Priority 1 From the N69 junction with R518 to Kerry County Boundary at Ballydonohoe , & R518 from its western junction with N69 through Askeaton to it eastern junction with N69 Askeaton.

Priority 2 R523 from to Kerry Co Boundary . R524 from Glin to its junction with the N21 in Abbeyfeale. R521 from Robertstown, to Ardagh. L1226 from its junction with the R521 at Cosgroves cross to Gortadroma landfill.

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) Its jnc with Its intersection P1 L1250 0.317 R518(Askeaton) with N69 to Kerry County junction with P1 N69 Boundary at 31.192 R518 at Askeaton Ballydonohoe to it eastern From its western junction with junction with N69 P1 R518 L1250 Askeaton 2.052 through Askeaton on R518 . From its jnc with Its jnc with R521 P2 R523 15.326 R524 Athea Ardagh Village P2 L1338 Inc with R523 Jnc with R524 .65 Its jnc with R524 to Kerry Co P2 R523 3.097 in Athea Boundary to its junction with Its jnc with N69 P2 R524 the L1336 22.75 Glin Buckleys Cross. from its jnc with Its jnc with the N69 P2 R521 R523 Ardagh 13.007 Robertstown, Cross Roads Foynes Totals 0.000 88.391 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Richard Gleeson

Depot: Doonakenna, , Co. Limerick


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Timmy Joe Horgan

Roster B John Paul Dore

Vehicle: Fleet No. 504, 18 tonnes, 01 LK 2763, 8t capacity

Average Speed for route: 50-60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 10 m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1: 20 - 25 / gms/m2 5 t

Priority 1&2: 20 - 25 / gms/m2 7 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 1 N21 from Reens Pike, Rathkeale to Kerry County Boundary at Kinkilea Lower, Abbeyfeale.

Priority 2 & . R579 from Broadford to the County Boundary

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Spreading Average Free run Time Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) Priority (km) (km/hr) Kerry County N21 from Reens Boundary at P1 N21 32.77 Pike, Rathkeale Kinkilea Lower, Abbeyfeale. To its junction from Dromcoliher P2 R515 with the L1324 at 18.00 through Ballagh Killacullen to the County P2 R579 from Broadford 3.230 Boundary Jnc with P2 L1323 Jnc with L1326 8.04 L1324Tournafulla Jnc with L1323 Jnc with the R515 P2 L1324 3.51 Tournafulla Killacullen Jnc with L1326 P2 L1325 To jnc with L1323 2.56 Mountcollins Totals 0.000 74.585 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Mike O’Shea

Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Yard


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Dave O’Connor From Rota List

Roster B T.B.C From Rota List

Vehicle: Fleet No. 510, 26 tonnes, 07LK6256, 9t capacity

Average Speed for route: 60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 16.25m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1: 20-25 gms/m2 11 tonnes

Priority 1& 2: 20-25 gms/m2 ? tonnes

Route Description:

Priority 1 N69 from Greyhound Track Roundabout to junction with R518 at Askeaton.

Priority 2 R518 from its eastern junction with the N69 at Ballyhomin to its junction with the R520 at Ballynashig. R523 from its junction with the N20 at Reens to its junction with the N20 at Amogan Beg. R519 from its junction with the R520 at Snows Cross Frankfort to Ballingarry.

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) to junction with from Dock Rd R518 at P1 N69 Roundabout 21.35 Askeaton. From Greyhound To Dock rd Rbout P1 R510 Rbout Dock Rd 1.49 from its eastern to its junction with junction with the the R523 at P1 R518 N69 at 9.8 Rathkeale Ballyhomin from its junction to its junction with P2 R523 with the N20 at the N20 at 3.507 Reens Amogan Beg from its junction P2 R519 with the R520 at to Ballingarry 3.15 Frankfort Totals 0.000 52.042 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Richard Gleeson

Depot: Donnakenna Yard

Drivers/Teams: Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Ned Sheehan

Roster B Terry madigan

Vehicle: Fleet No. 501, 18 tonnes, 97LK3109, 8t capacity

Average Speed for route: 60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 16.25m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 2: 20-25 gms/m2 / 9 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 2 R522 from Newcastlewest to Square R520 from its junction with the N21 To its junction with the R518 at Ballynashig R518 from its junction with the R520 at Ballnashig to Killmallock

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) R522 from Dromcolliher P2 R522 17.138 Newcastlewest Square To its junction From its junction P2 R520 with the R518 at 15.287 with the N21 Ballynahasig From its junction Jnc with R512 in P2 R518 with the R520 at 17.318 Killmallock Ballhasig Ist jnc with Its jnc with R520 P2 R519 1.385 R520Frankfort Glenwilliam P2 R520 Jnc with N21 Jnc with R521 0.18

Totals 0.000 51.308 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

Revision A October 2018 Page |H-18

Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Sean Commons

Depot: Kilpeacon / Grange Depot


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Matt Ryan

Roster B Donie English

Vehicle: Fleet No. 544, Minigritter Castleconnell, 08LK2595, 2t capacity

Average Speed for route: 60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 16.25m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 2: 20-25 gms/m2 / 4 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 2 R513 from its junction with the N24 to its junction with the R516 in Hospital.

R514 From its junction with the R512 at Rockstown to its junction with the R513 in Herbertstown.

Spreading Average Free run Time Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) Priority (km) (km/hr) its junction with Its jnc with the P2 R513 18.23 the N24 R516 in Hospital Its jnc with R512 its jnc with R513 P2 R514 6.955 at Rockstown at Herbertstown Totals 0.000 25.185 00.0

Route Efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: James O’Rourke

Depot: Ballyfroota Yard


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Michael Meaney

Roster B Edmond Tobin

Vehicle: Fleet No. 551, Minigritter Ballyfroota, 08LK2602, 2t capacity

Average Speed for route: 60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 16.25m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 2: 20-25 gms/m2 / 5 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 2 R513 from its junction with the L1511 at Pinkers Cross to the Cork county boundary at Ballyaghaderg bridge. R662 from its junction with the R513 at Upper Ballyfauskeen Cross Roads to Galbally and on to its junction with the Tipperary county boundary at Lissard. R663 from its junction with the R662 in Galbally to the Tipperary County Boundary. R517 from its junction with the L1511 castle Lane in Kilfinnane to the Cork County Boundary

Spreading Average Free run Time Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) Priority (km) (km/hr) to the county Its jnc with 1511 boundary at P2 R513 16.400 at Pinkers Cross Ballyaghaderg bridge from its junction to Galbally to its with the R513 at junction with the P2 R662 Upper Tipperary county 9.492 Ballyfauskeen boundary at Cross Roads Lissard. Its junction wioth Tipperary County P2 R663 the R662 in 1.380 Boundary Galbally jnc with L1511 To the the Cork P2 R517 castle lane 6.244 County Boundary Kilfinnane Totals 0.000 33.515 00.0

Route efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Richard Gleeson

Depot: Donnakenna Yard


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Tony Broder

Roster B Mike O’Grady

Vehicle: Fleet No. 545, Minigritter Newcastlewest, 08LK2596, 2t capacity

Average Speed for route: 60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 16.25m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 2: 20-25 gms/m2 2 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 2 R521 from Ardagh to Newcastlewest R523 from Ardagh to its junction with the N21 at Reens Pike

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) Its jnc with R523 Its jnc N21 in P2 R521 5.274 Ardagh Newcastlewest To its junction Its jnc with R521 P2 R523 with the N21 at 6.013 in Ardagh Reens pike From its junc To its junc with P2 R515 with N21 at the L1324 at 6.300 Devon Cross Killacullen Totals 0.000 17.587 00.0

Route efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: John Coleman

Depot: Holycross


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Paddy Hennessy From Rota List

Roster B Ollie Barry From Rota List

Vehicle: Fleet No. 530, Minigritter Rathkeale, 08LK2580, 2t capacity

Average Speed for route: 60 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 16.25m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 2 : 20-25 gms/m2 / 4 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 2 R523 from Rathkeale to its junction with the N21 at Amoghan Beg. R519 from Ballingarry to its junction with the N21 at Murphys Cross,Graigue.

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) to its junction from Ballingarry with the N21 at P2 R519 10.740 Murphys Cross,Graigue Rathkeale P2 3 Town to its junction From its junction with the R520 with the R523 at P1 R518 at 13 Rathkeale Ballnahassig from its junction P2 R519 with the R520 at to Ballingarry. 3.15 Frankfort Totals 0.000 29.89 00.0

Route efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Mike McCarthy

Depot: Park Road


Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Declan Carroll

Vehicle: Fleet No.? Minigritter/truck T, 07 LK 2456, capacity ?t

Average Speed for route: 50 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 9.8 m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1 & 2: 10-20 gms/m2 / 1.5 -2.5 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 2 – 28.1km

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) Its intersection L8078 Old Clare Co P2 with r445 at 2.379 Rd Boundary LIT rbout Its intersection Clare Co L8080, with R464 P2 Boundary at 1.378 L10001 Long Knocklishen Pavement Rd

Clare co Its intersection P2 R464 Boundary at with R527 2.421 Quinspool Condell Rd

P2 R445 Ivans Cross Groody Rbout 6.247 Clare Co Grove Island P2 R463 Boundary at 1.387 Rbout Corbally Jnc of Liddy St Jnc with Bank P2 R526 & Sarsfield Place via .574 Street Arthurs Quay To Grove P2 R463 Bridge St .35 Island rbout Corbally Link Rd & Its intersection Grove Island P2 1.035 Pa Healy with Rbout Rd Its intersection Patrick Street, P2 R526 with Sarsfield .285 O’Connell St Street Its intersection Its intersection P2 Park rd with R445 at .172 with PA Healy rd Pennywell P2 R526 Bank Place (inc) Baals Bridge .31 Its intersection Pennywell Rd , with Upper P2 R858 .966 new rd William St via St Johns Sq Lwr Gerald Its intersection P2 R527 .176 Griffin St (inc) with Roches St R509, Roxboro P2 Parkway rbout 2.261 Childers rd Rbout R527 Jnc with Old Tipperay Rd P2 Windmill rd Rbout on 1.661 Tipperay rd L10256 childers Rd Its jnc with Its jnc with P2 R858 Rosbrien Rd .990 Careys Rd on Childers Rd Its jnc with Its jnc with John O’Connell Ave P2 R526 1.193 Carew Park at Punches Cross P2 R526 Its jnc with Its jnc with .27

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Greenfield rd O’Connell Av at New St L10469 Ballincurra P2 Childers Rd .421 Green gardens Fields Rd South Circular Rd, Henrys St Its jnc with Jnc of Liddy St P2 & Liddy St 2.044 Ballincurra Rd & Honan Quay L10441, R526, L10398 Jurys Hotel R510 Dock Greyhound P2 rbout on 1.585 Rd Track Rbout Mallow Street Totals 0.000 28.105 00.0

Route efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Mike McCarthy

Depot: Park Road

Drivers/Teams: Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A Noel Kinnane

Roster B John O’Dwyer

Vehicle: Minigritter/truck T, 12 L 15, ? Capacity

Average Speed for route: 50 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 8.7m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1 & 2: 10-20 gms/m2 / 1 .1 -2.5 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 2 – 18.16km

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) Clare Co Tesco rbout, P2 R445 1.02 boundary Coonagh Tesco rbout, P2 R445 Ivans Cross .971 Coonagh

R857 Jnc with P2 Ivans Cross 2.24 Ennis Rd Clancy Strand

R857 Jnc with Clancy Jnc with P2 Sarfield .705 Bridge, Strand o’Connell St Sarsfield St R857 Jnc with Williams Jnc with P2 Roxborough .503 Street & O’Connell St Upper Rd Williams St From Rbout with Jnc with P2 R512-49 M20 (John .521 Childers Rd Carew park) Its Jnc with R509 Jnc with P2 Roxborough .356 Childers Rd Childers Rd Rd at rbout

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards

Its Jnc with R511 Childers rd at Its jnc with P2 Roxboroug 1.4 Roxborough Rd Tipperary Rd h Rd at rbout Mc Donalds Its jnc with P2 R526 rbout at 2.958 Sarsfield St Ballykeefe Lwr Mallow St Tesco rbout at P2 R527 4.113 Condell Rd Coonagh P2 R526 Lwr Mallow St Lwr Mallow St .113 Upper Mallow St Its jnc with P2 L10367 .371 & Mallow St O’Connell St L10442 P2 Roxborough Rd Boherbouy .583 Careys Rd Parnell St & Its jnc with It jnc with P2 Wickham .594 Careys Rd Williams St St P2 Sexton St .226

P2 Roches St .279 Bishops Quay, Howleys P2 .261 Quay , Harveys Quay P2 L10459 Train station Careys Rd .48

P2 Henry St Mallow St Sarsfield St .466

Totals 0.000 18.16 00.0

Route efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Treatment Route Cards


Supervisor: Sean O’Meara

Depot: Kilmallock Yard

Drivers/Teams: Roster Driver Assistant

Roster A James O’Shea

Roster B Roger Gleeson

Vehicle: Fleet No. xxx, Minigritter Kilmallock, Reg, 2t Capacity

Average Speed for route: 50 km/hr

Average spread width for the route: 9.0m

Route Tonnage at 10 / 20 / 40 gms/m2: Priority 1 & 2: 10-20 gms/m2 / 1 .1 -2.5 tonnes

Route Description: Priority 2 R512 from its junction with the R517 at Flemingstown to the Cork County Boundary

Spreading Average Free run Time Priority Road From To Action Distance Speed (km) (mins) (km) (km/hr) Its junction with Cork County P2 R512 the R517 at 12.473 Boundary Flemingstown Totals 0.000 12.473 00.0

Route efficiency XX%

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Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix I Maximum Loading Capacity

Revision A October 2018 Appendix I

Route Information Loading information Axle loading Route Info Vehicle Weight Maximum Salt Rating Unladen Vehicle Salt Spreader Snow Plough Driver & Miscalleane Gross Vehicle Loading Registration (GVWR) Weight (ULW) Load Size of load Helper Load ous Load Weight Allowable Axle No. 1 Axle No. 2 Axle No. 3 Length Of Route No. Number Vehicle Description Vehicle Make (Kg) (kg) (kg) gritter M3 (kg) (kg) (kg) (GVW) (kg) (kg) Rating (kg) Rating (kg) Rating (kg) Route Depot Route No. 1 01 LK 3125 Tipper Lorry (2 Axle) Mercedes Benz 18,000 7,780 2,520 6 500 170 30 11,000 7,000 71.857 Grange / Kilpeacon Route No. 2 01 LK 4116 Tipper Lorry (3 Axle) Scania 28,500 13,360 2,820 9 500 170 30 16,880 11,620 49.627 Clarina / Kilpeacon Route No. 3 01 LK 4969 Tipper Lorry (2 Axle) Mercedes Benz 18,000 7,970 2,520 6 500 170 30 11,190 6,810 81.879 Kilmallock Route No. 4 06-LK-5511 Tipper Lorry (3 Axle) Renault 26,000 11,680 2,820 9 500 170 30 15,200 10,800 64.162 Clarina / Kilpeacon Route No. 5 05 LK 2663 Tipper Lorry (3 Axle) MAN 26,000 9,980 2,820 9 500 170 30 13,500 12,500 88.391 Kinard Route No. 6 01 LK 2763 Tipper Lorry (2 Axle) Mercedes Benz 18,000 7,960 2,520 6 500 170 30 11,180 6,820 74.858 Donnakenna Route No. 7 07-LK-6256 Tipper Lorry (3 Axle) Mercedes 26,000 10,520 2,820 6 0 170 30 13,540 12,460 7500 9500 9500 52.042 Clarina / Kilpeacon Route No. 8 97 LK 3109 Tipper Lorry (2 Axle) Mercedes Benz 18,000 7,640 2,520 6 0 170 30 10,360 7,640 51.308 Donnakenna Route No. 9 08-LK-2595 Small Tipper Lorry Mitsubishi C/Cab 7,500 3,840 2 170 30 4,040 3,460 21.22 Grange / Kilpeacon Route No. 10 08-LK-2602 Small Tipper Lorry Mitsubishi C/Cab 7,500 3,760 2 170 30 3,960 3,540 40.906 Ballyfroota Route No. 11 08-LK-2596 Small Tipper Lorry Mitsubishi C/Cab 7,500 3,700 2 170 30 3,900 3,600 11.28 Doonakenna Route No. 12 08-LK-2580 Small Tipper Lorry Mitsubishi D/Cab 7,500 3,720 2 170 30 3,920 3,580 16.9 Holycross Route N0 13 07 LK 2456 2 500 170 30 28.105 Galvone Route No 14 12 L 15 Small Tipper Lorry 6 170 30 18.16 Galvone Spare 4 MET Spare 6 NCW Notes: 1 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR): Represents the vehicles maximum safe weight that should not be exceeded. 2 Unladen Vehicle Weight (UWL): Represents the weight of the vehicle prior to loading of personnel, salting units, snow plough, material, etc. 3 Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW): Represents the weight of a vehicle plus the weight of the personnel, salting units, snow, plough and miscalleaneous loads, prior to loading of salt material. 4 If snow plough is not fitted, Maximum Salt Loading Allowable may be increased by 500kg for Routes Numbered 1 - 6. Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix J Operator & Plant Guidance Notes

Revision A October 2018 Appendix J

Limerick City & County Council Winter Services Plant and Operator Guidance

1. Winter Service – Plant Guidance Notes

1.1. Salter Maintenance  Where plant operational issues are detected, the Operator shall advice the Duty RSS who shall subsequently contact the Machinery Yard to arrange repair/maintenance.  Lorry inspection sheets must be completed in accordance with Green Folder.

Salter must be inspected daily (dismount of salter is NOT required for daily checks)

Prior to commencing each run:  Check hydraulic oil level – can inspect visually at side of salter donkey engine – if level of oil drops advice RSS  Check bed of lorry under salter for any leaks from donkey engine (visual check only)  Check flashing beacons are operational  Ensure salter and lorry both have fuel and that the salter is filled with salt  Check the restraint straps are in position and in good condition and that the salter is correctly and safely attached to the lorry  On completion of each run:  Wash down the rear of the salter including the spinner, chute, sensor (gently!) and the reflectors (to maintain high visibility)  Report any missing Lorry PPE/equipment or plant defects to Duty RSS  Once a week RSS to organise:  dismount the salter, empty hopper and wash out same  visually inspect the salter components and raise any concerns with Duty RSS to arrange maintenance through Machinery Yard  dip the donkey engine for oil and order more if required via Duty RSS through the Machinery Yard

1.2. Lorry Maintenance Prior to commencing the route:  Operators should complete a visual inspection of lorry's tyres, mirrors, indicators, water, oil etc. and check that all lights and heaters are working. Operators must complete the associated daily checklist paperwork prior to leaving their respective depot.  Should a vehicle require repair / maintenance the machine driver should contact the garage foreman  Operator should familiarise themselves with vehicle's controls

1.3. During Salting Operation The salt spinner sensor is connected to the tracking system to record when and where salt has been spread on the road network. The RED WARNING LIGHT on the computer inside the lorry cab will come on when there is NO salt being discharged from the spinner (ie if the lorry is stopped at a junction, or there is a planned no salt output). If the RED WARNING

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Limerick City & County Council Winter Services Plant and Operator Guidance

light comes on while salt is being spread, the operator should stop the lorry and go to the rear of the salter and clear any build up of salt/snow/debris from around the sensor – this should reactivate the sensor and recording process. If this action does not put the RED WARNING light off, report the fault to the Duty RSS on completion of the route.

Should the hopper become blocked during salting operations the following steps should be followed:

 The driver / helper should attempt to clear the blockage on site, based on the training provided at the Winter Service Operator Course.  The engine of the lorry and conveyor shall be turned off before trying to clear the blockage.  Under no circumstances should operatives climb / access the hopper / conveyor to clear the blockage. All attempts to clear the blockage must be undertaken from ground level.  A nylon pole and mallet have been provided to the Winter Maintenance staff to aid in clearing any obstructions.  Should the operative be unable to clear the blockage they should contact the garage foreman and request the assistance of a mechanic.

1.4. Lorry Cab hygiene  All personal items, effects, food stuffs, drink cans/bottles, rubbish MUST be removed by Operator / Helper at end of each run, leaving the lorry cab in good clean condition for next operator  RSS too organise Lorry Cab (internal) to be swept out and wiped down on weekly basis

1.5. Health and Safety  Operators to familiarise self with Winter Service – Operator Safety advice prior to commencement of season and review as required  All relevant plant check sheets should be completed as per Green Folder  Each operator must familiarise themselves with route site specific risk assessment  FOBS must be used by Operators during entire salting operation

2. Winter Service - Operator Safety Advice

2.1. List of PPE/Safety Equipment required to be in Lorry  Fully stocked first aid kit.  Fully charged fire extinguisher.  GPS Tracking Device for Lone working  Hand lamp or torch.  Warning signs in case of breakdown.  Shovel  Suitable nylon pole for the clearing of blockages (2 rods each 1m long)

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Limerick City & County Council Winter Services Plant and Operator Guidance

 Mallet  Thermal blankets during extreme weather conditions.  Yak Tracks (for extra grip in snow and ice)

2.2. List of PPE for Operator (to be brought by each Operator when on duty.)  Hi-Vis Jacket and Leggings (Category 3)  Safety Footwear  Woollen Gloves & Hat  Extra pair of thick wool socks  Thermal flask with hot drink and a light snack  Bottles of water  Fully charged mobile phone  Driving licence All operatives (Drivers & helpers) are required to wear Hi-Vis Jacket and Leggings and safety footwear when in the cab and outside of the cab at all times while working.

In the event of a breakdown/accident/emergency, and while awaiting rescue, Operator should take precautions against the cold weather hazards of hypothermia, dehydration or frost bite. Precautions against the cold weather hazards:  Keep warm using PPE and blanket (and if working, vehicle heater)  Keep hydrated (drink water)  Stay with vehicle (tracking devise on vehicle not on Operator!)

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Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix K Communications Protocol

Revision A October 2018 Appendix K

Limerick City & County Council Communications Protocol

Communications Protocol: The provision of Winter Service is a collaborative team effort requiring good communication between Plant Operators, Roads Senior Supervisors & Superintendents, Duty and Monitoring Engineers as well Area Management and Central Services in the Machinery Yard. The protocol below is intended as a guide how communications should work in the first instance on a routine basis. In situations of severe weather it is recognised that this may be amended to suit specific circumstances. a) The Duty Engineer having decided the Action to be taken makes the call and the text is issued to all staff involved in Winter Service and all roads Area Management Staff. b) Each Area has a rota for organising resources that the Senior Executive Engineer (SEE) or his designate has developed with the Road Services Supervisors. c) The Road Services Supervisor (RSS) will arrange resources required including staff and plant. If there are any problems with either they are to liaise with the Plant Yard and Area Management as far as possible to resolve. Other Areas may also be called in for assistance if necessary by the RSS and the Area SEE. d) The Duty Engineer should be contacted by the RSS and advised if there are changes to staff or plant that mean the Service is not being provided as planned on the developed rotas. Examples might include different Drivers or Plant sharing routes when a vehicle is broken down. e) If a driver is unable to complete a route within the normal time due to a breakdown or due to problems at a particular location (eg. clearing a hill or an RTA) the following process should be followed: i. Contact the designated Machinery Yard Foreman (in the case of a breakdown). ii. Contact adjacent colleague drivers on duty to complete the route upon completion of their own route and ring the Duty Engineer to update them on the situation. iii. In severe weather events colleague drivers may not be in a position to complete routes and this should be notified to the Duty Engineer who can confirm this with the media and others. iv. In any event where part of a route is not complete the Road Service Supervisor for that Area should be contacted by the Driver. Maps of Road Service Supervisors Areas will be provided. f) If necessary Drivers may ring the “Duty” Road Services Supervisors out of hours during salting in situations where they cannot resolve problems with colleague drivers or where they wish to highlight specific problems on the network that should be addressed during working hours or by Drivers sharing the route with them on the rota or any other specific problems. g) Drivers must only commence salting at the designated time specified by the Duty Engineer. h) Drivers will complete a salting report for passing on to their colleague drivers on the same route sharing the rota with them. i) Drivers will contact the Fleet Manager once they have returned to the agreed depot / location. They must also notify the Fleet Manager of the quantity of salt spread for that day/night.

j) The Fleet Manager should contact the Duty Engineer as required.

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Limerick City & County Council Winter Maintenance Plan 2018/2019

Appendix L Salting Records

Revision A October 2018 Appendix L

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : 01 LK 3125 Gritter Type: 8t Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Grange Route No:1

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Length salted 1 10/20/15g per Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) m2 Its Junction with the R507 at Its junction with the R527 at P1 N24 23.837 Cluggin Cross Ballysimon The Roundabout on the its junction with the N24 at P1 R527 2.62 Childers Rd Ballysimon Its junction with the N24 at Its junction with the R507 in P2 R505 13.929 Grange West Doon R506 from the its junction with Annacotty to its junction R505 P2 R506 17.218 the R445 at at Dromsallagh , Cappamore. Its intersection with the R445 at Its intersection with the R527 at P2 L1573 2.075 Groody Roundabout Garryglass L1124 from its junction with the its junction with the R506 at P2 L1124 4.453 R506 at Maddaboy to Cappanouk, Abbington.

Routes National Rds Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : 01 LK 4116 Gritter Type: 9t Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Route No: 2

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 L1144 Its jnc with the R926. P1 Ballincurra Gardens 1.627 Greenfields Dooradoyle interchange. Rd R926 from its junction with the crescent shopping centre P1 R926 2.048 M20 at Dooradoyle roundabout R526 from the city boundary at to its junction with the R510 at P1 R526 2.693 Ballinacurra Ballycummin r/bout to its junction at Raheen P1 R510 N69 /Dock rd Rbout 2.178 R/bout P1 R445 R445 from Groody rbout R446 junction, Birdhill 16.340 From its jnc with N69 in P1 R859 To Quins Cross Rbout 1.552 Mungret Fr Rusell Rd from Quins Cross Its jnc with Dooradoyle Rd P1 L1429 1.277 rbout R526 P1 R503 M7 Newport Roundabout Its junction with the R504 7.33 R525 from its junction with the to its junction with R466 at P2 R525 4.79 R445 at Dalys Cross Montpelier. from its junction with the M20 to its junction with the L5145 at P2 L1144 1.98 at Dooradoyle interchange Ballyclough. P2 L5145 from Derrybeg Cross to Ballyclough .424 to its junction with the L1144 at P2 L1405 from Raheen Church Derrybeg Cross. 3.124

to the Clare county boundary P2 R466 R445 Junction in Birdhill at Montpelier. 4.749

to its junction with the L1117 from its junction with R445 at P2 L1118 by the University of Limerick at 1.447 Kilmurray roundabout through Milford Close P2 L1117 L1117 from its junction R445at to its junction with the R445 at 1.086 Milford Close the Castletroy Park roundabout at Groody (Monaleen Road) from its to its junction with the L1113 at P2 L1114 1.993 junction with the R445 Sandville Cross. (School House Road) from its to its junction with the P2 L1115 junction with the 1.136 L1116(Golf Links Road) L1114(Monaleen Road) Golf Links Road from its to its junction with the L1171 P2 L1116 2.484 junction with the R445 Old Ballysimon Rd Castletroy Distributor Road from its intersection with the To its intersection with P2 L1165 1.433 R445 at Annacotty theL1121 in Monaleen Roundabout from its junction with the to its Junction with the L1114 P2 L1121 Castletroy Distributor road .276 road the Monaleen Road L1165. From its intersection with the To its intersection with the P2 L1573 2.075 R445 at Groody Roundabout R527 at Garryglass From Garryglas R527) to its intersection with the P2 L5124 .260 roundabout L1171 Old Ballysimon Road Old Ballysimon Road from its P2 L1171 intersection with the R527 at To its intersection with the N24 2.395 Garryglass

Routes National Rds Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section. Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : 01LK 4969 Gritter Type: 8t Salt Depot: Kilmallock Route No: 3

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 Jnc with the Turrets at P1 N20 From R526 at Attyflin 26.969 Charleville Church L1419, From N20 jn with L1419 rbout P1 L1478 & Jnc with L1410 0.890 (Croom Interchange) R516 From county boundary at P2 R515 Ballysallagh Co.Cork through Its jnc with R513 in Knocklong 20.761 Kilmallock from its junction with the R512 P2 R517 To the Square Killfinnane 5.454 at Flemingstown Its jnc with R512 main Street , P2 R516 Its jnc with L1410in Croom 13.415 Bruff To its intersection with the P2 R512 Its jnc with R516 Main St Bruff 13.085 R517 at Flemingstown Its Jnc with the R515 Its jnc with the L1511 at P2 R513 2.925 Knocklong Pinkers Cross

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section. Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : 06LK5511 Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Route No: 4

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 P1 N21 from Lantern Lodge, Adare to Reens Pike 17.348 from its junction with the L0852 R526 Dell Roundabout 4.634 P2 at Luceys Cross to its junction with the from its junction with the M20 at P1 R510 Loughmore Roundabout on the .58 the Dell roundabout R526. From R509 roundabout on to Meanus and its junction with P2 R511 19.87 Childers road Limerick City the R516 From its intersection with R509 P2 R512 at Crossagalla Its jnc with R516 Main St Bruff 21.73

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : 05LK2663 Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kinnard Route No: 5

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 P1 L1250 Its jnc with R518(Askeaton) Its intersection with N69 .317 junction with R518 at Askeaton to Kerry County Boundary at P1 N69 31.192 Ballydonohoe From its western junction to it eastern junction with P1 R518 2.052 with N69 through Askeaton L1250 Askeaton on R518 . From its jnc with R524 Its jnc with R521 Ardagh P2 R523 15.326 Athea Village P2 L1338 Inc with R523 Jnc with R524 .65 P2 R523 Its jnc with R524 in Athea to Kerry Co Boundary 3.097 to its junction with the L1336 R524 Its jnc with N69 Glin 22.75 P2 Buckleys Cross. from its jnc with N69 Its jnc with the R523 R521 13.007 P2 Robertstown, Foynes Ardagh Cross Roads

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used


Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : 01LK2763 Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Doonakenna Route No: 6

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 N21 from Reens Pike, Kerry County Boundary at Kinkilea P1 N21 32.77 Rathkeale Lower, Abbeyfeale. from Dromcoliher through to its junction with the N21 at P2 R515 24.748 Ballagh Devans cross P2 R579 from Broadford to the County Boundary 3.230 P2 L1323 Jnc with L1326 Jnc with L1324Tournafulla 8.04 P2 L1324 Jnc with L1323 Tournafulla Jnc with the R515 Killacullen 3.51 Jnc with L1326 Mountcollins P2 L1325 To jnc with L1323 2.56

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : 07LK6256 Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Route No: 7

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 to junction with R518 at P1 N69 from Dock Rd Roundabout 21.35 Askeaton. From Greyhound Rbout Dock P1 R510 To Dock rd Rbout 1.49 Rd from its eastern junction with to its junction with the R520 at P1 R518 22.545 the N69 at Ballyhomin Ballynashig. from its junction with the N20 to its junction with the N20 at P2 R523 3.507 at Reens Amogan Beg from its junction with the R520 to Ballingarry. P2 R519 3.15 at Frankfort

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : 97LK3109 Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Doonakenna Route No: 8

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 to County Boundary at P2 R522 R522 from Newcastlewest 17.168 Knocknavorahee,Dromcoliher To its junction with the R518 at P2 R512 From its junction with the N21 15.287 Ballyhasig From its junction with the R520 R518 Jnc with R512 in Killmallock 17.318 P2 at Ballhasig P2 R519 Ist jnc with R520Frankfort Its jnc with R520 Glenwilliam 1.385 P2 R520 Jnc with N21 Jnc with R521 .18

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section. Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Grange Route No: 9

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 Its jnc with the R516 in P2 R513 its junction with the N24 18.23 Hospital its jnc with R513 at P2 R514 Its jnc with R512 at Rockstown 6.955 Herbertstown

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kilmallock Route No: 10

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 Its jnc with 1511 at Pinkers to the county boundary at P2 R513 16.400 Cross Ballyaghaderg bridge from its junction with the R513 to Galbally to its junction with P2 R662 at Upper Ballyfauskeen Cross the Tipperary county boundary 9.492 Roads at Lissard. Its junction wioth the R662 in P2 R663 Tipperary County Boundary 1.380 Galbally jnc with L1511 castle lane To the the Cork County P2 R517 6.244 Kilfinny Boundary

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Doonakenna Route No: 11

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 P2 R521 Its jnc with R523 Ardagh Its jnc N21 in Newcastlewest 5.274 To its junction with the N21 at P2 R523 Its jnc with R521 in Ardagh 6.013 Reens pike

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Route No: 12

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 Its jnc with R518 Main Street to its junction with the N21 at P2 R523 3.161 Rathkeale Amoghan Beg to its junction with the N21 at R519 from Ballingarry 10.740 P2 Murphys Cross,Graigue. Rathkeale P2 3 Town

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section. Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Route No: 13

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 L8078 Old Its intersection with r445 at LIT P2 Clare Co Boundary 2.379 Cratloe Rd rbout L8080, Clare Co Boundary at Its intersection with R464 Long P2 1.378 L10001 Knocklishen Pavement Rd Clare co Boundary at Its intersection with R527 P2 R464 2.421 Quinspool Condell Rd P2 R445 Ivans Cross Groody Rbout 6.247 P2 R463 Clare Co Boundary at Corbally Grove Island Rbout 1.387 Jnc of Liddy St & Sarsfield Jnc with Bank Place via R526 .574 P2 Street Arthurs Quay P2 R463 Bridge St To Grove Island rbout .35 Corbally Link Rd & Its intersection with Grove Island Rbout 1.035 P2 Pa Healy Rd Its intersection with Sarsfield R526 Patrick Street, O’Connell St .285 P2 Street Its intersection with PA Healy Its intersection with R445 at P2 Park rd .172 rd Pennywell P2 R526 Bank Place (inc) Baals Bridge .31 Its intersection with Upper R858 Pennywell Rd , new rd .966 P2 William St via St Johns Sq P2 R527 Lwr Gerald Griffin St (inc) Its intersection with Roches St .176 R509, Parkway rbout Roxboro Rbout 2.261 P2 Childers rd R527 Jnc with Old Windmill rd Tipperay Rd Rbout on childers P2 1.661 Tipperay rd L10256 Rd Its jnc with Rosbrien Rd on R858 Its jnc with Careys Rd .990 P2 Childers Rd Its jnc with O’Connell Ave at R526 Its jnc with John Carew Park 1.193 P2 Punches Cross Its jnc with O’Connell Av at R526 Its jnc with Greenfield rd .27 P2 New St L10469 P2 Green Childers Rd Ballincurra gardens .421 Fields Rd South Circular Rd, Henrys St & Liddy P2 St Its jnc with Ballincurra Rd Jnc of Liddy St & Honan Quay 2.044 L10441, R526, L10398 R510 Dock Jurys Hotel rbout on Mallow Greyhound Track Rbout 1.585 P2 Rd Street

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Route No: 14

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 P2 R445 Clare Co boundary Tesco rbout, Coonagh 1.02 P2 R445 Tesco rbout, Coonagh Ivans Cross .971 R857 P2 Ivans Cross Jnc with Clancy Strand 2.24 Ennis Rd R857 P2 Sarfield Jnc with Clancy Strand Jnc with o’Connell St .705 Bridge, Sarsfield St R857 Williams P2 Street & Jnc with O’Connell St Jnc with Roxborough Rd .503 Upper Williams St From Rbout with M20 (John R512-49 Jnc with Childers Rd .521 P2 Carew park) R509 Its Jnc with Roxborough Rd at Childers Jnc with Childers Rd .356 P2 rbout Rd

R511 Its Jnc with Childers rd at P2 Roxborough Its jnc with Tipperary Rd 1.4 Rd Roxborough Rd at rbout P2 R526 Its jnc with Sarsfield St Mc Donalds rbout at Ballykeefe 2.958 Lwr Mallow St P2 R527 Tesco rbout at Coonagh 4.113 Condell Rd P2 R526 Lwr Mallow St Lwr Mallow St .113 P2 L10367 Upper Mallow St & Mallow St Its jnc with O’Connell St .371 L10442 P2 Roxborough Rd Boherbouy .583 Careys Rd Parnell St P2 & Wickham Its jnc with Careys Rd It jnc with Williams St .594 St P2 Sexton St .226 P2 Roches St .279 Bishops Quay, Howleys .261 P2 Quay , Harveys Quay P2 L10459 Train station Careys Rd .48 P2 Henry St Mallow St Sarsfield St .466

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.

Winter Maintenance Report Sheets 2018/2019

Driver : Mobile No: Salting Operation: Pre salting/ Post salting

Reg No : Gritter Type: Salt Depot: Kilpeacon / Clarina Route No: 15

Date: Salting Commencement Time: Salting End Time: Road Surface Condition: Wet/Dry Frost/Snow : Heavy / Light

Priority Road No Route From To: Length (km) Length salted 1 Its junction with the R517 at P2 R512 Cork County Boundary 12.473 Flemingstown

Routes Non National Roads Total Tonnage Used Salt tonnage used



Drivers Signature: Date:

1 If the length salted is less than the overall length please clarify in the Comments section.