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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 36, No. 46): April 27, 1883

Maxham & Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 36, No. 46): April 27, 1883" (1883). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1026.

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EPd.UAXHAM DAin. B. WQfO amm. . ■■P'Clgs a»Rn r«(>r»ii■braiBToas *i; 'i^pE OfJ> yifAtUVILLB AoADIMT or r8\fiul oiiil Buitximo is ibing of tlm past, and lltit will li^nqstorih have aa extstano* only lo pictiin and in qsemory. 1^ wax built In 1839, iliu laU Xr. jbemocl Dotibhr be­ k<«poata«nJ/ortho>e whowUbrartM* ann* ing tbe. c.inlractor, and ifeter Oetohcll (father ol Mr. BlefxurC. (ietcbell) doing' .VatatTille.Jao. 1, IBM. the brick Work. It was on ihts bnfldlag VoL. ixxvi. Waterville, Maine *1: • Friday, -April 2T. 1883.- NO. 46. that obr worthy Town TreasPiW; Mr. E. A. Ftper, laid hifs ,Qr8t bilok, at'an AHO, appreniit^e.' wittt Mr. Gctchell. In the A UISTAKKN loRA.—As soon as a boy onry that bo la •• a enh headed old trllo- )’wivBRtlLL£^ MAINE ^istellati^. leKTUAechool and looks about to see bite and a bullul.batod entroni.astracae iFdfckm'ah—thelucij^t paper—dnifeir date ROOM PAPERS, Kbat ho shall do next, he is very likely pmcilopodus. ’ Thisikhowludgo .can be of July 'Id, 1839, wu flnil the following to bo told l>y some unwise pbrjnn, •• The uiHiswl ds a letter of intttMlnctlon when Interior Decorations woH.d owes you a living.” lliis proba*' you am in StuCbtob and wUb to call on notice ol tills bnilding; , The following is the potih recited by bly. sti'ikee bim as being h Very wise, the editor, ^ . IVb liaye beon c(ulte remiss In negleci- 9BHBSH FOStEE^V' / m . AND 1 __ L. U. Ci^rnisb, Bsq., at the Farley ban­ remark, and the boy says to hirosulf, It ing to oottee^so .important an ocourrenoo Why A Krrosirb Lamp B(!iWf8.u-X Ip ithR.hislory of our village aa.tlie.ereo- Window,' Shades- quet in Augusta last weelt: it is true that the.Ii,i,h.. world "owes in^ me a liv Counsellor at^aw, The i.atesi DesIijnB of the Leading tion q( an Auiideniy buildings .whioh was Manuractnrers. In aneieni times, nAfsaab eras qnlto oompleta place and gppk ^o w,urk vv^nrullyi but oppinienced a slior); liiue since on that •> liiat Imtked tfaa song of oifnstr^), pore and /i JLilffu itii cbiicludtfa tliiil llinru ia no beauiifnl site at few rods south of ibu wa; of |[ STOCK Window Skades aweet. oil Into a lighletl lamp. Must persons .WhoM fingen, nunbUhg o'dr the fraU-tnuM lUD in it, ttntl lio Slop, to consider: " li now mealing house. It Is to bo hulk: in in all SlylcB and Culonoga mtide to order, supuoso that It ia tHo kereaene Itself w'hich' a substantial manner, of brlci^raajterials, lofed bidden depths that Baoohoa na'er Ihe World owes mr a living, whr should J. K. SQULE, End put djf in the very best manner. ' Unnblo myscirt liidUiu world-pny il* cxplnties, ami if tliey are very careful lo two stories higb. It is tifiy-two feet keep tin* Oil itself from being'touched by ^afeeHohier^j^ ?A4tflsicw Come and see the flneat line ever offered ooold fires . debt to me." Suddenly he loae* hts long, loclitding tho tod feet (aujcctloii tbe dro or the light there win bu no- dsn- for snlo in VVatcrvillc. When Dido wined tbe TrojSn lord, place and hits nbililuii to do. Up I, lur- j fur entry way, and t|ilr1y;-fo(iriwide.'Tbo'' JiMUr^,Pirat-cla8»,IUMiio^ V>?^r In thia way. D e 9v towns, and dug cituals.. Su^ipbody siwpl cussing ihe merits ol llie last novel. ffA-RD Y)ir ABE Yet, 'ere this memory Vi hall is placed, van stilus of money In constriieiing rail- Bensipii la urn-, burning lluiil is anotUeri. Morrill tliliilts the aUlUor ought to be Arc now ready Ibr business, at thier new and ele. A plotnre fair, ope not to be effaoed. roads, steamboats, ducks, lighlhuupc*, and imj/llnir aleohul, uthur.and chloni- OmcviiO giinesii,. And Aral to him. the evening'i bonqred |aeet,' MimejxMiy pays the policeman, tbe fire- iiii ij)' not join in the atiihorslilp of the Piice«i tb'lliliit'^hf^tPiines. Frank, fear!esa,.FM'ley> lirtt f.qit Vieelist, iiian, the soldier, sailor, the lighthouse the lamp is nearly ivmjil^ of sh'u would SUCH AS . Hay comittf .ymwa w.ltb.bim, moat kindly deal, FIDIC, MAYSR, M. D. keeper und Scbot^lDiaStor. not care to ffll it. Thu einoty space is flll- novel, and so be sure of Imving tlic read­ Lubin's Tetlow's, Oolite's and.. And aWehier bieaelnga day bV day reveal; I will) jt uloud of explosive vapor arts His cup ot Kfin wfth riches d'erflow, From iba day you wore born your, tix- ing all lo Ibemsclvcs P Tho reading pub- pV 818. ‘ii| “OUT DOORI PUMPS ' Robinson's Toil^ S$oaps. fng fret/', the oil in the lamp. Wlien she n«»Pif ElmiHiod. Health, ir«re tber and mother have fed, clothed, and lio kuow tliein both. i , . A Syeci^ty. Hair Brusbes, Mirroi's, .'‘Perftitoes, shelteri'd' you. It hits curt you nuthlug. |[)oabe8 the nozslu of the eun into the lamp, Bat*not lo^dcrthfUd Farley would We^^oaff, Moue of Ibuse^-i^t /liiblio works, rliiid.-t, dlla the empty apace and pushes the uluuil We fiod the {^lowing notleo of a gri|- cufii 8 to tl A. Af. •“ '-Face PoWderEj'^chet Powders. ■ uf expliMivu vapor up, tbe rapop is o'bjl^' h to 2 and 7 to 8 P. M. W, Aliidld &"'Co. Sd. here’s W her'^the ahseat better hal: canals; Mwn's,"navies and armies, co.n Gold and Silver Hair PQwdet^,, fe}'" i^Qg may she hxle the empire all her ou . you anythiug. How uau sny the od to pour out over the lamp at tbe top In­ tleman well knowp In this vIclEiliy Id' —HTTir ' 1 luve, her scepter, .snd her bouse her to the room outside. the Maine Parmer: VU . 1 it Rec'hptions, Parties, ^asqb4iAdes. throne.' world owes you n llvhig P Is It not you who :ire in debt? Whnl has a boy dor.6 Of course it strikes against Ihe blazing Patent Medicines,,. Drug Stuffs Sucoeas to both,, to both a happy life, wick which (he girl Is holding down by Wo are pleased lo state that Mr. B. 11. The gallant Major and hia oharming wife. to deserve :itl this? Nut a thing. It is Mitchell, a Kennebec county boy, -ko Ss C Thayer, M. D. Sponges,’ &c, &c. you who liiust pay—not the world, oneshfu. Thu blaze ol the wiuk sets Ihj invisible cloud of vapor on Are and there biu been Wosj for several yesi;*, bos re.- TltY CUE DIAMOND OIIOWN AND And next, to Phipps, (for in ))honetio days ' All ! boys, he iv.'is a ruolish creature tumod bonjo ft the urgent reqWst of the. 3oft ^]^V^atioii9l,Bank. Pb and F can go each oiler's ways.) . < is an vxplution which ignileathe oil and GOLD MEDAL ' Next, then, to him, our stranger^ guest to^ who liml said, "The' world owes me n Ei^tey Uegan Co., and will hereafter bare, living;” He told a very silly fable. The aeatters it over her clothes and furnttare of night, the room. Tills is the way In whlcly ,h control uf tlioir k|plno buslnesa Mr. RKSIDENCB A. I.. lUcFADDEN, G I G ^A R S . Stranger no longer, (or his phsa is right, tyorldowcsno man a liviiig.jlll ho hu Mitchell will be romenibtjred as fo;yuer- Main^St., Htxtto Uniktrian Church* FIVE jVND ten cents. done some worthy dbed, some good work kerosene lamp bnrsls. The aaitye tjii^g Tbrioe welcome thou, and may thy new-found ly of tbe Hrra of Mufston s Mit^lioll of Dealer in all klildijQf^ to make the world better aipl |t bilrer may happen when a girl p'uurS thp. oil Also Genuine Henry Clay, Normanda home over the tire In a range or stove, it there Is Waterville, and was a succeBSlul buslous-. and other choice brands. Be all you wish in happy years to eome, place to live in. Those old lellows who raa^. He is .to have charge of tbq,pniiro 7ILLIA1* T HAIJSES,,: dug capals aud laid out towns, who a cloud of va|)or ia the uptiur part ol the FINE LINE OF And laat, but not by any means the least, can, or it the stove it hot enough toqiilck- field in Maine, for, the tlsiey Gnnqpau.v, LUMBER. To Her, who hovers o'er this pleasant-feast, Imill ctii'es' dnd Invented all these splen organizing and carrjflng fbijWMd llieii ir jttt X^aw»: CIOA RLTTLS did ihings.-^these telegraphs, these ships, ly uvaporizc some of the oil us it falls.— 5 Fair Friendsbip, who with golden chain un­ RuiiiLMiibur lliat it 4s not the nil but the extensive bn'smoss. llis- hcnqtfuartci- OFFICE ON TEMPLE STREET. INOLITDING seen, these magnilicenl eugiiics—hadihe riglit will be at the factory's warerooms. No Orderspromptly filled at Lowest Market Prices Doth bind ua heart to heait, acknowledged ides. They worked manlully, and the invisible vapor wliieli explodes. Taking UnHll«,«very SaWl-doy. Sweet Corporal and Old Judge. 601 Watliiiigloii street, . Umtir At nut,- Orders for qneen. world at last did owe them a liviug, and cart df the oil will not' protract you.— I There is no Z.tftey a.xcepl in Ibu rule: the careful ner.soiial su|>ervisti,a u( Mi. So runs my rhyme, aimplt and stale forsooth, paid il many limes over. 11 you lueiin Mileliell, tlie already large sales of tlie.-.’ Glycerole of Orange? Flowers, batyemember what's apparent truth, to get out of the great deb* y<1- liumeleos families. prfMok.*^ 'All Work'warranted. Has and EiherAd* ATTOKNEV AT LAW. Losces Puid iu G4 Years. $64,660,000.'- vitii'a King Lear, by'Emma Lskaaroa; A'Song; Burp, Jr., of Lyun, llass,—has issued a iii4at>tarod to aU suitable persona itial desire it. eireuiar vyilh rul'ercuce to next Memorial Four weeks next Thursday the ponplp Tim I’roviiieiiil I’arliiiiiioiit iiunsii in Mllliken Block, WATEUVILLE,! ME. The English Volunteera During the Late Inva­ of New York and Iffookiyu will p'roba- Janifary 1,18^3. sion, byiiOharlea DufHey Wiy/ier; UnJf-Livea, Day, id which he rueoumicnds tfist in Quubeu was Imrued ou Ihu night of tli- i3mir4ISmswr' by John Jap^es iTie Aborigines and tbe eiiies luid towns where ih'eiu may be bly witness :ui event of iui'inji-tiincu tn CASH CAPITAL li.000,000 00 Cloloii[Btia,.by Edwaru Fggjeatun; A Woman'a posts ol the Gl and Army ol Uie Republic, both cities.— tlio ditto for opening tlie lOlli—lielicveil to bo tho 'Work of Feiii- MISS HELEN N.EBAIES, Reserve for Ue-lnsurance, (Fire) 1,573,720 40 Reason, by W.D« Ifowell.'i; Oardinal Mamiingi Kast River Bridge now llxed for May 24. Iti'lB. GONTRAOTO B g TKACHKROP “ •* “ Cinlund) y,437 80 byC.l^gan Paul • Moral Purpnae iu Art* by eiimps ol tbe Sons of Veterans iu those “ Unpaid Losses, (Fire) 170,631 00 places, offer iliuir services to Hie posts The strneturu lias lieui; fourteen years in AND Sidney Lanier: At Teague Poteet' Joel .1 J 1 T( “ “ “ “ flnlandj 44,340 20 Chandler Harris; Thia Lily, by E. M. Booth; tor such doty as tjkcy may direct in the bnilding. and tbe expenililurus have been The old Capl. Clark house ou.Cullegt Vocal Music Alt other Claims, 64.280 37 at Ihe mlu uf over a million dbllars a ,I ,.*ff 'Job' Catpenters. NET BUUFLU8, 3.193,182 12 Topics of the Time, Open Letters, Brio-a- proper ubsei'Vance til the day; snd in Street, sometinies kiiuwn us tliu rrol. AN D1 . , year. Thu ivuu^lvof .lhosu citiu., will soon .'.pi^AT^s Af^b EsriftrATEs made. /•fK 1. Brac. plau s wliuie there may bu no piisls oT Elocution, TOTAL ASSETS, 9,064,610 68 The illuatraied articles are Mrs. Jackoon’s jliave a chuiice of determining whutlier Briggs lionsu, lius been sold to Mr. Hall ^ ' shop ptf ,TEMPLE ST. I .. -k . sketch of Father Juniperu'a w«*rk in founding G. A. R.. ho urges ilial evdi’y soii' of u veteran should luui it to be his saefed the game is wortli the candle. C. Burleigh uf Yussulburu’. JOIIAB D. H.1TDEN. '1I■■,•. I ' - T ------—^------r- nia r Mr CuithingV vee^irdpt his sdventur-a in duly lo ;decurute ibe Unal resl 'Ihc following real estate transfers Cash in Bank, (1941),730 25 Zuni; Mr. Jamea^'gossip about Du MuurierV A genlleman gaVuM party in lionur ut JOHNSON, Gash in hands oi Agents, 332,976 24 iiig plaecs'uf iluud hurocH. Thu Sons of a distinguished iillstionary lately re- 'Kuul Ksta&, 358,009 OU pietprps; Mr.’Stunnel's uccount of the old have been made recently : APPUTOIIII. PUISTED/ PhiludelplSia Rbrury; and Mr. EggleKto.u'a new Veterans, in Maine will undoubtedly pet turliuil from, his Held of ^ork. Tho U- Luuns ou Bond and Mortgage, 46,727 09 ill aeuorduucs wiili the spirit uf this cir- Waterville, Francis l,ntlipp lo J-im,- Counsellor at X^aw, Loans on Collaterals, 24,890 00 chapter of AmericanihUA^**/- .There is also a dies n|>p»«(rt*d In very dccollole dressit, Stoeks and Bonds, 7,349,916 72 poi tiait of Salvini ai^iLing Lear and anothpr of euhu'.—|,la:wis;uu JourniiL mil Mursbull, $3,000. C. K. Gray, IS. Accrued luterest, ^,376 37 and us the host feared thej style inlolit ' >r ■i>i Wateroilie, Maine. Caidinai Manning, Ur. iiU>cktonV ooutflnu- • '. ■ ~ ' r ■ ' i ' U. 11. I'lilblferund 1,. E.Tlinyer loCbii-- WATEB.VILLE. don U,a new/'Rudder Grange" storv. Mr. shock his revoiv'iiee, lie iipolo;;(ized loldiH 'AfEicS iiH BnnelV't New BnlldluK. TOTAL ASSETS, 9.054,610 58 Good Crop of Cohn NotwiT'iista’S'd- lor it, saving that lusldoii vor L. II. 8opei-V.Storc, Oflic. l^uru WArFilVILf.F, M^, Fire ’Insurance Co. , ,')yto 14.a0 A. M.: l.’SO tb's P. M. important points In currant litcruturo and in­ it in March,' and again iu May, and tho der lliu act ol 1872 to reeuver damages Cluitoii.—Daniel E. Oreoly to Ollvi-,’ B|||'‘^QBT'CALL3 answered from the otBce. OF HATITFOUD, CONN, vention will be noted among Tuples of the Inst 61 Mdy Tplanted it wiiii eurii, mark­ fur loss of support Irom hef husband, re Winn,‘$'20. ffiirriet Dodgu to Jullmin Abstract ol Slatement, Jan. 1, 1883. I ime. ing il off in rows tlircu feet apart, and snitiiig from Ids intoxiuatlon. .Bhe brings Uuzzetl, $50. Al Ihnr McNally to Fi oiiu J^ddre^ The Ceutury Co., Ndw York City,— using 'about four hifudred puuiids ol aeliuD iiguiiist the Reunistuns ol GaVd'm- F. Fluig. $0i)0. Cash Capital,' •1.250,000 00 •4 a year. ? * * , . ' ' I ' ' QRSnT BROTHERS, Reserve far Re-rnsaranee, 1.463,406 6j Braotey’s Fbospliate in rows; dropped er wlh) site claims sold the liquor to her ..Vil Out-tHiding Clalrns, 265,544 17 Lippincott'9 Magazine.—^The larg- ReV. Mu. I’ori'LK, will bo ubs-nit at • MANUFACT-UBKIiS OK tbe corn rialit inuhes apart,.cnilivated husband, lloatb und Farr lor pills.; liNet Surplus over all, 1,368,'240 7 7 ait wxl mv-i irnwrlum article in-the May yiNjE C4ER1A0ES A SLlilGHS. I’Supiusas to Policy-Holders, .2,608,240 77 mid hoed il twice. ' Il whs very stout Clay and Baker for dell.-*.—[Keiincbee tli6 Co.ilereneu in-xt Sunday, und llie number la Cap'>.*4oli.h CodiUrtii'H on -laaho and and nice, some ul it slauding eight teel ' ' ' -lALSO- EDW. G. HEADER, Agent. Muiitanii, which abound, in UKcfnl informa­ Journal. .Methodist pnIpH will be Hired by I’lebi tion in rclfard to thcM Weatero teiritorieei and high or Inoi'c, and having Irom two to ^jeMNTlNb AND PAPERING in btmntt contract to tb. vigorona life-found tliree well Qllud cars to the slock. It Charles Dcqi.xY Waiinku is to be­ dent Pep|M-r. there, ia the hluRgiak exiatenoe amiuiugly de- was considered the bust tie Id of corn in come editor of the Drawer In lls'rper's l)bo« Aarfanbful^/Rftnoe/. Address, Dir, B. F. SanburN, assist-ant siiimiiu i2. North Vassalboro. icted in *' Aahuie with . Florida 8pu»gi;r,” Sagmlahoc county. R Ini.s lieen i( very Muuthiv, ly Erneet ingerrulit while another Florida tuiulunt lit Ibu Maino liisaiio lluspiliit, ‘AS', Cochrane i Artist. E dry yeai* id'this viciiiiiy, and aimiy, who sketch. *' Among OitmvDlooms." by Ohcrie. E.mily Faitufiii.i, says of Americiiu lius been appointed niipuriuteuduiit. •ii''PMve. and Wholesome Burr I'od^. given a pictnie of-what ih rao.t^l did Dol iisu iiiiy uf Brudl'ey’s I’lionpbule, Ml Willis FIAE PORTRAITS fa-einating in Ihe aamn region, with aueo-'^ did not li'jireaiiy corn to gnlher. women: "1 am salibliud that most uf Tlie two teacbers in the Ndriual School ^dotea of Hn. Stowe..Tcllemoo Dai^.and other O. R.'FLETCumt.” Ilium liave u pruliy goixl lime of it.” ai . ANDY [n Crayon, India htk, Und eelebritiea. Ac, a pendant to this, “ An After­ at Farmington—Mu>s Ferley ami Air. ‘’Tar (tg . . Fliillnook—wlio rolusod to iK-rform llieit noon A.bbourne," gi^ec charming glimpce. An Test foh .Imtir.ilKBATEi) .The FostiuastOr General fi'irt’ ri*conlly. ' \Mctde Eresh' Eoery Day ai Buy Your Water Colors. of one of the ghrden bpolc of England, the libeided tliiit t1i6 fulliiwhlg ruio imisf bo d'ti'ties louge( j'li tiiq school, on aecounl of early liorne of George Eliot. "Great Mind. BlKlAtt.- A lew years agoi P. CasB.mi.i- H fancied iiisult received last Monday at Testimonialrt fn)m Painter* In Horton and vicinity jor propo-iud the use of metliyl aleoliol slriclly observed : •' roslmiiSturs at offi­ *.A. THOMPSON’S ^veu on appilcntlou. a meeting ul lliu Teachers' Assoulation to:; Ih': dotuelion iifgliico.vo wlnoi inix'ol ces ni/t located in guverniiielit builuings ...... CA'CAI^DY FACTORY. (a lyuciim eondueled wholly by pnpil-i Satisfaction Positively Giiamnteed. with oane sn;;ar. Al a recent meeting will I'equii'u a deposit of lifly cunts for have been sus|>ended by ordci ul St.ilu ‘n iiK , . ' Ordera left with W. W. COCHRANE, (Sole of the Aineiieuii Chemieal Soeiuty he an caoli key lo lock boxes lunted by tlieiii AgHiitffuii for WatorvlUci will receive prompt utteii- drurnutio Httemnln. by .1. BiHiider MhIIIicwh, . , . f » .1 . i • . . . "..i i - .. and uu leliii’ii ot the keys, they will re Superinleudeiil ot Seboola Euee. '<-iOR. a. M, tWITCHELL, tiun'.■ At 1*EUC1VAL»S. a line specimen of diflcrlminating critielsni, ! wollM not fund the uiiiount from the postal revenue, ...... -•••- -' ------r ^ ^ , penilvened by anecdote and epigniin.iignim. **.. i'be----, work when anliydi'ous grape sugar (um taking a ri-ceipt froiii llie pittiy to wlioiu Rev. T. F. Wliile, of the BaptU; nv jd___ Ei>^_ ’risrr, Jswe; in the Lotos, ' llluatmb^'.by a beantl- | ylose) iusteud of ordinary liydrnted g lu- eburuh,Ellsworth, has been inviled'bi d , ful full page engcuving, malnwlni the kttoiig paid.' ""...... ‘ ' ...... ’ ‘ \i I-.-,,,... ~ Horse-Shoeing tind euse is used. In place of that test he livi-r tlio memorial sermon, before \Vra ^6ice te joRbi^d. inteieet uf the iirec’eding instolroents. “ Adritt ~i I’eliBiicoU Bay,” ia a very amusing and now suggests that a sample of the sus \Vd.tJ am' Si’BAous'a reputation takes tf.ff.Rice I'ost O.A.R., of that ulfy,, on 0*»';B L oc K well-wi itten stoi^. *' Out of Money.'' by Em- poeted sugar be placed in a beaker-glass tlie babbulli fireoediiig Aleiimrisl Day., Tho untlurnlgiieU Liivo lIiIh tiny furmed h co- on unollier shade uf blackness Irum Ibe partnorHUlp. und will ooiitluue llie buhiness of VVbeeler, is very graoefni a^ charming, ov teacup'. And an equal qiinriliiy of sugar exposure of the methods Ito employed to he wlllVo plenitod to see any desiring OE orso Shoeing ni\ hole time and fattentlon to the practical part uf lo cool, the pure eaiie sniriij- will beeome ets to k'ee^’a liutllo uf Dd. D'ull’a CoUi^ ^LMVyOOD HOTEL And BILVEK ST. IL. the bubftieSs lo tbe shop. Fopulak Science Monthly for solid agniu, wliile the adulternted nriieie Syrup liuiidy. latest st>’le.s ul Wall ij*,.ipei'a, Buidei-. a P. SHERMAN & CO. May UuH the following ountentn:— will reni.iin a sirup. In n sample sent lo Ceiling bucuralluny, Qdi'lnins, .Fiximc'- The Itemediea of NAttUrc. Cuiiaumptitm, by Fe­ him to test he found that nhout 20 per Thu liquor bill whieli ademeernlic mii- lice. Allot o-ii',old'iWlurns of I'apei. 0. P. SHERMAN. C. E. CU.V8E, lix L.OawAld.M. D.; Soienoean(i Consoience, cent ut crysinllliie glucose hud \jeen add­ joritv bus rusheil ihruuj'h New York and Ih rdei's will bu sold al prices beloi-; WsliTvUlc, Fsb. W, IB83, by Prufetaor I'bumM Sergeant Perry; PhyHioe Ihu in Geiientl Elduoation, by Profeahor 1‘. G. Muii- ed. The forin 111 llie crystals in Ihe nn^- lugi^utpru and', sent jo thy Govenor iur unbeard ul. Give ns a cull. denhkU; MicruHoopio Life in tbe Air, by Lou- hydrous glucose wore, lie said,’enkpy dis- slgiialiiru isuiie uftlje lui^t ru^vululiuna- Geu. W. Uoitit, I’liunf^ Block, buck: BRO’S, irt Olivier, iliUHtiated: Huw Much AniinalH Suceessur to J. F. I’ OFFICE, TEMPLE ST. tiiigiiishnblo from eitlicr cane sugar or ry measures of,it* class ever chpedy). ... ^ Know; CbemUtry, and Plmrmaoy: Ptwition ordinary hydrated gliienso by means of It puU tiu fimit’ lulhu num!»sr o(licenses Proprietor; Succes4orstoW.ll. Buck A Co., end Htruke In Bwimming. by .U. Likaib. C, K., Steamer Star uf the East hits n lUnrtrtkted; How the Aiiciunt Foreeto Keoaiue llie inlcro.-C'ipe. I'liu quiiiiiily can only tbiit niiiy be g'ru’nted,'ail'd ruiiiuvqsull I'u- A/ the Ms C, iRs R.Crossiftff, (3ual: A Hupentiitiouii Dog; From Buttercup be determined by opiieiil means. st'i-ictiiiii8 as ui [llseus where saloons may sullied her trips butwei-u the Keumbx- KmWW “/S vehlole,.! lli. .bon- Maim-St., Watkuvillk, 9o MonkWHoixl, byFf«»!eMMMr GmuI AUmu; Qji be iqtened. it abolishes all restrielions and Boston, making lier first trip Dealers in tbe Colors of VVtter; A Wonder from ^e Deep 'fl)e miiu wliu will engage •uecessAilly upon ilw sale ot liquors to minors and to Monday. Thu Star of. the .East bos be, n Sea; OymnaetioH, by AifreU Worceatcr, A . M*; in a ci'iisikIu ngiiiiist llie et il of bis own diunkurds. GrocerieSi PrpvuionB, FFoOr Why are we ilight BandedHanded ; Lengthening the heart must have the spirit uf ii true ^—- . - . tliorouglily overliauli'iCtluriug the winlei_ Vihible-Mpsctnin) illastrstedi U'jij.liuundaries Meal, of Ailrsnscuyi I^la XiiavituMno, Uiiitcrval ? kniglit, lur he uttempls the most dilU “A GitkAT many Norllieru paiHirs,” anil nmjiy improvement- madu, Inclinliiig' ‘“Wisjil# ______by laubiO.'lliill. FiK-U nitllSaii-Work cull Hud heroic task witlibi the limits ui says the Memphis ('1,'euLussi ej Appeal and all kinds of a new Imili-r. Hi-o advi-rtlsemont. I and Hand-Work; Sketoh uf I'rufeaaor Illohard Imnian endeavor. It is eomparulively (Deiuocjtilie), "uru eoinipenjaig on lliij, B.:ir«ITT wen. F.U.8., with periraiti Correspondence, (lijitrNTEy PRODUCE easy to run a tilt sgaiust a fellow mor­ lael that ibo Murnluu e|.^(!i'- in ilui booth i'lie seen-t of ihe Keuly motor is iml will Ao all kinds of 8ditur'a Table. Literary Notioes, Foliar Mia- tal, or au external evil; bnl Iu set our make uu ue^.ro coiiveris. Wu risu in in- Wherc.tnayiiSfouiid at'*11 time* sfullaupolv Icellauv, Note*. Reely biis.tlms duseriuud it. ".Moluen: o ' Isiieu ill rest iigulnst a cheribbed siu, n furili Utuso yuurnals tuat it they will read M TKOMAS SMARTi OHOftaE EAMILT OBOBKRIEb. "I I’ubtiabed by D. Appleton 4 Cl., Now'Jfork d/sliili gtiiliun is lliu priiiiary geueralnr >,i l(c, TT G KIN a M^toufsotaror and Repairer of ' City, at atf a year. habit llml has beeqip^.sipi.^-rond lialure. 4>p. •t>i. ^lofiuuti lUuulugy.Jiuijt. wiU.4ui4 v’»br«l-n'y • pbuoimieim. I'rupulsoiy i-• u •4 MMDmMo . Butter;pKiD<)IA. Egga, »!.•, and remorselessly rid j it down—to grap­ out that no negro it uligiblu tq membi-r- eas ymaiLvung jr'om analytic 1 action up­ A- Thompsoti*s Csndy furniture and FANCr WOOO Every tear U aoiwered by n bloaftom; ple with u si-crel liiult in the solitude of ship iu u Aloi'iuon ohureb.’’ on vompuiindllnid and vapor rouudatiim W’nptlf ittendea to. WORK. \T(&i; CoBt)e*, Sugars, S’pi'dtia, Jed. Every aich with aunga And lau);hter blent; —^------Apple-^KMiOit upeti (bo hreeaiuft tw»» them; out own soul ; and Uglit and wresllu for evuivu eflieruai mailer di.stinelivu Iron, I-T n weary months, years perhiqis, tliis does ThoGlubo Demucruj of 8l. lomlssavs AllUtndsof KEFAfltlNU done proraplly. April IrnuwiTher uwu *nd U oouieuts that the pruuosud ship railway across tliu uxydized. hydrogepaied and uitrogen.i j»Tb Aiurtta Uialirskl CrtlmDlik. .f Umbr«!lastn4 Parosole mended. j^8u’*an Coolidgei require heroism uf the higliest order, ted cuuijiuneuts.'' Wu don’t butiev.i It JlatSs, and the luiiii who can du il is my ideal Isthmus ol 'Tehuantupec has nut been ab- ^ fy^een Vaturntt. . > jgrShop Esst Tempio-jt.t NTatervHU. Good hssllh util*gtoatoin'bl'fprtuoei. No undoiiud, as many supposo. Caplain will work. ClottfJJftS?S^ep, $36; Hatl RiisRla, $40 ------t, ■ remedy has sooflmi reiiored this ptiA to the knight.—[K. 1‘. Rott. GABHPKtsyOB •ulrering us tlood’iBarsapuTilla. Ify «- Jaiitus U. Eads, fis projector, says that A heavy siorm prevuijeii in Colmad '! Butler Eggs,Chooao snd'all'kindaiol Ooubtry How iDaigniflotDt 1i life,counted ify sny ofj Those who do Dot enjoy tlio honor of the work Is boilig viguttnuily prosecuted, Nebraska, Wyomm;^ aflil tho Noriliwe-' D.'F. wma,. Sti' adqliaiulauco with tlie editor uf tho and that the massive raitioad will be tin und Terms. Produse. the rosulu mat time eSn measure! Hu^ grand generally Satuidny. llousus weru nu T-A.XIi:>ER]VEJST OT-Gooda delivered St all parts of tbe vlllate 1» glorioue 1* thia aame fleeting life, iniuaurod! Btocktou, California, Herald, iiiiiy bo ished lung before Du Lussep’s Fauama routud, telegrapli lines i>ruslratud an.I Ghre^u's Fullishera. fhwofoharn. Hjr tbe pouibllitiea oreteiUky! pleased tb Idafll flout'tbd San Joso Met Canal is opened railroads liluekudud with snow. Ti £itBt9kmtknSt^e6t‘,vi.Y* 16 WATREVII-IiB. mim ’®558L U’aterbillc ^HaiI .... %|1 27, 1885. 1------^fr- -Si----.- OAKLAND. MAtK«l|; LADIES / Apfil-mh, 180, iTERftip ®taterbillt fflail. TlieOrnnimnr, Intcrmcdiiittti*n(I tWjO i 'j, ^ t / ior^tyliBh,are sElling’^rl|2. '» #rontAlto, BbttoiLado' BootsBoo, L. VEAZIE. ^fljpary school* Oommencod IM Mo^ Kldnetf^ n^dcr\;)diti|A$(dlg of mnny BPH.M&XHAH DAN'L B. flTOO. I'rtny. The only cimiige In IcaoliS^ irckM Da&loi>.^i« Wonl Oood M At oIRiarally lirtF prices. M y ■J. F. CONLEtii. (IkITOBS'add U.l. termo Is, In ,the OLower L*|tniii^/r w1if)ih!, Oirrd-(Mra, .4*ci.y l^llel tbijCE: 1MCOCCS2 Miw Sarnh sT. Hftlielt- sneoewfi Mif* i FronciflOomiirtf^ 89 Sllnincr iim SECURITY. fit PI W ATpT^ • • AytHL 27, 1893. Belanflror^ who oo account of sloknuM; ^ WatKbvili.e MABKBt.—Our dcAlcrs ■was otilipd to give up the School. .. „„ ^ , b.nk'nots .1 .a, The ftflcntlon of thole who hare Catril«riu In* pay fur liuUer 20 els.) vftffo aO-cis.; p<^ IVe come befote: the people of IVatetiftl/e dHii Ihc Baptist Hnciciy gives it MUp|>cl ; bank in l,owell, And I know lt,’> w«i ihe o|ilnloii reft* and who aro dofllrout of rcfiliilti( larfer In* tatucs 76 CIS.! lurkty 17-18 rts. ; cliick- For tber details of the cyclone’s work and CUtcrlHlnmelU at Memorial Hall ibis ol a well known oitl»«n in apenklng of eltyneaea.I* {tereit than ean bo aocured thrOegh Barlnk* Bahkl vl __• 1. ; aorFrAnola Oomard. Yonr reporter fnnnd Mr. ODS 16 cisi; round hug* 8 its.; liny $12; sunounding towns^ with^ latge and betAitu ■ show that It ojtcndcd over four states, evening* Their .irogruiiiiiuj fa nil iit- Ootnnrd nt hli* piuABant hiirao* which* with 0140/ or the atnal inreatonenti* and who would nothai* .dry wuud $6. and that the destruction of Hie and prop- trnclive one* largely uiiiiiioal. pitntomimofl othi'rn. lutooiH aunnrr uiO fronii the ard ihr.^ Capilwl by f-pecul •ting in iD|ir(in4o|i f ' ' ' ful stock of goods^ adapted to the 1 j-lng Intcrsperae.l; and tlic well k no a n frl?n^^^ "cTty whs Immense. It Is first rcpe)rted marketable itooke and bond*, l«called to To R e u t. talent ol tlio Sypicly iii this (tircclton ' i.owctl know, a great antn-rcr from kidney amt A SPKCIAL LAND SYNDICATE* at Wesson, Mississippi, which village, gualllnlces HU exocllent perfuriuauce, urinary trooniea for along ilmn. Sly phyaiclan he BODFieil HOtSK, a< xt South cf Dr together with that of BoattregarJ three 'n,« I...,-comIona In Ilio (l„aL„inro •“'« I’-*»»'•>«'f««nltof dt«**a«I ktdiiSya and en. Which te now being managed by Bonutih's. uitCulugi.ftt. spams AND SOMMED TDADL-t. ilie petsonat'o ia m llIC Upvren^ largement of Ihn proalalo *ln*.l. I had aulTored Tiik U. S. ConaTii«6no^ amo laVKaTWaHT Co. T loqdde uf^ WkhH * 1VSBB. QoUleu-TLllr liud tlio Three Bears,' tt lenlbly, sod allliougli my do< tor*i trerttmeDt lind WatortHlld, April '<&* 1^8S. tf miles distant, was entirely destroyed, and been ihc beat Which "till*'city amirdod, I got lio • The fascinating schemei for speeulatlng In Jy lie presented noil Tuesday,and Wednes-' w - —a.*,^.. ..11.. . a a a- . _ ... •• I m ill III* aSlial (likoB* dlKaviAa ' Havifig been in the matkei ihe pasti ten belter. 1 aiild anally, ' Doctor, It’a no nan. You I mliiliig nnd other chance entaiirprlaee. to reellae a gical numtierol persons killed, day oveuings, arc aa follows i have done oil thatIt. I. In your pdWer lo do, 1 know , IminedlaleIminediatu fortunea, have provi d noeo de lualve (hat MKSkSKMtiKHS notice. son Is a manufacturing village, and 1601 Qiioeii, Airs. Ilubb.trd; Golden Hair, thol: but I muetgot help from aome other aouroe ■ aitcutton la liira^ toward holler aeeorlty and days, and owing to the intense competitioH or die,' Finally f waa fndueeii to try Dr. Ken. more po.lllve pfhBt.. Iiivuatora In Routhwertern Oflico of tho Sheriff of Kenri'-beo Co. to StO houses aro reported entirely de­ Lillian Bolangeri Ancient Bard, Mr. ,1. nedv■ CaFAYUHirB ltB»KDY, a modlolne wbloh >»"<•-landn kavr aeon their poatciaioba ‘advance in Val­ W, Ullmaii f Lighifoot, May llallottt had beenI reeonimendeil rerg hlflilf fur kidnr* i ue nfrom oae to live hundred pyr cent dnrinx Die ■: apyif OF MaihKs among the lafgest Houses in the Country, We stroyed, with at least 76 persons killed Faithful, Mrs. Bacheldor: Frailty, Mrs. dlaeaau.aaea. 1 received help at once. It lia. acted F**t few jeore, aa th# mareh uf-immlfratlott aad KxxkWiKfaM. A)t^ 34 A D.'TVtk. Ilka na charm...... witli...... me. Why . aof. __Dr.. _____Kensedy_ ’a r*'*railway’ enterpriae. Iiave gone forward, with the 'THIS Is to five notice* that on tho twentyvtblrd or badly Injured. Of Beauregard it is Msmilloii; Airy,'Fkliia Uolanger) Will- FAVORITE IIBMRDYIaaataonaat pn*aratioii, oatlafActlon niwaye that their prliioipol was aafe. 1 day uf April* A. D, 1883, a warrant In lo- have bettn able to get bargains in " luj The SraoiAL l,AJn> STaDioAta aoatruU SM.oqo reported that •• the town may be said no o’-the wiap. Edith lioy; Big Bruin, Mam­ and 1 know It. 1 didn't think a.iythliu wuuld help •olvcncy whs tcsucd uiituf (he ooiiit'.if Inxilveuey^ me, but till, has i|l«n me bolter heaP "" ----- — ...... ftjtute ol longer to exist.” Two large hrioU stores my Muff nod Tiny Cub, Mr. C. F. Mclo* modlelne ever preaetlbed fur me. I .v»s ui - lire. Mr. C. W. Oilmiiii, and Harry Fol- mended it to ever ao many of mp friend, were demolished, and the timbers scat- sum, respoclivi-ly,—who are " immense mf Lowell, and with Ihe lamo rcault. They .... estate tOpio J COTB ft UI.R10 BkIJsLB, Choice Dry Goods there ia nothlnt like Dr, Kenoedy'a FA VOKITK and will receive-fix per cent annual Interest, pay* eu-portiiers uhdertnk flrnl t.uie ft iHXiRte. lerrnl lor miles. The railroad depot was ns the Three Boiit-i. IlMMEDY." able quarterly; the money fooeivod 11 invested, ehtora«ou petition ol tbroDgh R trusted** In land wlileli the Compahy carried away, and nut a sign ol it left. Tho plot of tliu Operetta Is simple, What Ur. Gomard aayi can bo depended upon, the Creditt'^O) which petition whs flivd on the never! before knevun. To convince you We founded as it is oa the juveniio story of aa aeqaalbted with the xenileman kno#*.' reserve the right to sell.exehanyo or Irose, re* Hghtcenthday of April, A D. t8F1, to which laet The town of Tightman, on the Notchee tiivesling the proceeds* thus turntag pr«. term tned by a majority vote of lia members; one* tranafer of any properly by them arc forbidden by stock and get prices. , ' vicinity greatly injured. At Caledonia, Paris of it nru line; nnd the singing, lo- 1881**0(1 recorded In the Kennebec liegiitry of half of the uutgrowlog profile will bo paid lo div* law: tbato meeting of the OredUors of oold Debt­ gnther with tile iniricato marching and Deedi y Hook IMge OSft'coirYeyed i^tne Fair** Idende to the •hai^hujdprs In said Syndicate, and ors, to urOTe.tboIr debts and chooseone or more ia miles north of Columbus, many houses tiuid daTlnge Hank In norikagu, » oerliln parcel the balance will go fo tb« Companv, wlio assomo niaianeus of Uieff e-tate* will be held kt a'Court of elegant costumes, all lielp in iniiklng up of real vkUite tltuatcd lit Cliutoa, Kennebeo and pay all expeoaea connected with the transact Ins^veney V> be Itoldcn at FrobawCoaitUoom, In Lack of time prevents 'our qUoting Prices were destroyed, and trees and fences a most enjoyable wliulii. County* Maine*bounded a«fulle«t: tldhs. ‘ Augusta.'on Mdnrtay. the Hth day of May* A. D., Beginning at a point about olxtteti todt eati of It la optional with the holdera of the CeiHUleateH 18ftM* at twoVcloCk in the afternoon* Llown away for miles around. Several The organization wliich has liecn known MaUiiew t*ratda douUiMrt corner at ulooa, U»«ne« to iurrendertheMat any-time* at par and accrued Xilven undbe roy hand the date first above writtdm this week, bu^^next vuebk you wilr ‘ fur I ho past seven ye.ars as the ” Wusl Bout.ierly on (he Eovt line ofonld Low’i home lot tnieTest. in exchkbge for find, af prlcea estab* R. MvFADDBM* DepfRySherilT* J other towns in Miss, are reported as suf Watervlllu Bund," will imlil fiirtlier no- about one hundred and twenty rode to a point fished by the Kxeoiithro (>>nimittec* for which Aa Metstnger of tba Court of Tnsotvenky for sold from ' '' J aboot •isteen rodtEoilof William Calii'i North- Warrantee Deed* will be given. (fennty f ^ Kaxliybec. . 45' ^ fering In a similar way; and from half a Hue be known as “Gilman’s Band-" eoit corner to a 91000; thence Westerly on the ThonsHnde uf Instances showing ibe safely and dozen points in Georgia the devastated Tlie old members are part and parcel of Boolh line of nald Low's home lot about sixteen Immonte profit reallaed through similar luvest* rods to Wm. Cain's Iniid* tlMDce Houttierly on the mentscan beetled; lo fact one can scarcely take A lEUROUS OFFeill ' track of the cyclone is detailed ^ith the Hie Band ns fornierly ; and it is the aim Uofi line of Wm. Cola's land and Ibe l^t line of up a newspaper but what Iholr atuntlon la d ireet* - • E. L..VEAZIE^- oi all conuerned to niiku tliu-llriid more Joshua Emery's land to the Fidecn lllle line; ed to tho boom ” In lands aad tiumurous speeu- destruction of life and property. In tlienoe KasterJy on said Fifteen Milo line aboot one lotions now in progress In the groat Soulliwest, niiiiv’s ofliciont for the conitng season Hiaii it hundred und twenty rods to land of David Jaquith; 1of Immigration heads that way; millions Ware's "Block, "Waterville, ATaine. several instances there Is a total loss of has ever----- born.------—----Union. thentte NurtberlyM.awaia^wia. oo Juqullh'a iF-.AKoit Hue«i— aud—I I*lino— ' oro b«lag'expcnded 111 raliWsv conatmctlonf fH>m I I »■ I I i*»ii«* farm houses, cattle, au'l croi». All over of laalah Uouiidy to the road I thence Northerly lid JamnasaoUics . or thrlviogitirrolng. « avulemenu______SPECIAL CONS TABLES. on the road about forty rods to tho laud of spring into doUco almost dallyf but while one Amalie Fills! the stale tlio storm was lorrilic, outside tusChadwick; tbvnce Westerly on land of skid at a dtstAodk eon not expect to reap any advontsgc Vof likeumntiem, Ifeurnl- Kdllnm of Mail ; — Chadwick and said Low's land* about eighty rods by the personal iiiveslmtnt of a frw delhirs, still gia. Gout, iHlou*nts» and IntliisStaie • tho track of the cyclone. In Alabama In your last issue you slate that a ro- to land of Matthew Pralt: thence Southerly aboul (hrougrj sueh advaouges os ere prooented by this Huidache, have been need By special reqntfi wa pubjlsl^ for th* latcrea 'I'"'A t J IllSL! motisfraneu against llic iippoiutmeiit of tweniVvfour rode to ihe oontbeoat eorner of said C'ompany (lirougli tfaeir plan of unUing small more than sixty years and of people ihotare sulferlag, aad'hoplngand pray* the loss ol life and property are widely I'rall^t lot; thence Easterly at^ot sUteea rods to •uma* aided by Influence* all tlie advantages of have never failed to cure. log for relief. The stateracot of a reliable man. special constables, signeil,liy all I ha law­ the place of beglniilog.-x containing about one personal attention and large capital with the great­ Also* reporlod, with destructive freshits. The yers iu town, but one, was presented to liunared and tblrty*tlve acres. est amount of profits eon oe realized. Immediate track of the cyclone. In Mis­ And tlic ounditlon of sold mortgage having been As the Company are directly lotereatcd In ftie RlLL’8 PlI-E OIUTREXT LE. Thayer & Son (he Govomur and Coiincil. brokeu.ROld Fairfield Bavluga Lank, by rensoa promotion uf Uailway Construction* they possese -Over Eighty-five sissippi, Alabama nnd Georgia, iudiealcs A natural infeieoce Irom that might thereof* claims a forooloaure. superior advantages for (be selection of hiuds and is a never falling cure for alt kinds of PiltB — A good Christian man, well-known throughout town sites on the line where railroads will soon Thousands testify to-these foots. ClreuUrs and bo Hist all tlie lawyers but one were op­ £. G. PIlATr. Treasurer sample boxes, (full size) sent free. IMesae send our state for lile good works. A man whose state­ Ihkl it was one oi the must iurious and of Falrduld Savings Dank. greatly enhance tbeirvalue; our ^eltlun enables ments oannot be impeached. 1 have eulfered with ill open their posed to the enforcciiioiit ofl llic liquor Fairfield* April 31* 1883. 48 us to secure opportunities in advance of the usual stamps to psy return postage. For Sale every W where* and in this town by F. N. KINCAID Drug­ the Liver and Kidney complaint and waa ot times destructive that lias occurred in several law. 1 siguod Hie remonstrauec, aud land mgenlstoud, as such opportunltlea come with­ very blUlous. in our control. Townships will be mnppcd out, gist ft Apothecary* Cor, Malb and Common Sts,* years past. ______■ my rea-on was Ibis:—The Dreserit. dep­ J¥OTI€E. tracings forwarded to our Agents in Kurope* as Watervllle, Maine. . • ' v V ..) uty slicriff lias di-elarci, ijiruugh tiie WATEUVILLE SAVINGS BANK,’ well as to Immigrant Bureaus in the United States Price 35cenis p-'r box. O. A, HILL, Proprie­ Thousand Bottles A Sad Uksui.t ol the outrageous at> piiblie press, bis iiileiiHon and purpose to and Canada. tor* Portland Maine. annual mkbtino, At tills time we have contracts on large sections tempt of Mr. L. D. Gclcholl to forcibly nrosGcilte all violations of tlic liquor law My wife has also suffered for years with (he ub Annual Heeling of corporators sud Mera* of timber, coul, farming, and mineral lands.- to­ same trouble and palpitation of the heart, filso NEW STOEE abduct Ills child Irom the custody of its 1 believe bo intends to do it; nnd that bers ot the Watcrvlllo Buvlngs Book* wlU be gether witii valuable town sites, to which points Cows For Sale- thst terrible disease that many an iinforlflDale lie sboiild lie left lo maki^ nnd exeuulo Theld at the ICoomi of Ihe Bank, In Wutervllle, on railroads aru eiiher now constructed or In progress woman Is sufferlog with, Female Weaftnest; mother, is the suicide ol Mr. Blillman Tuesday»the l5lb day or May next, at 3 o'clock of conUrucUon. Three Gooil Oue.i. Inquire of his own plans. He has been in ofllco in the iiflernoou, to act upon the following arti­ Thesharos of this Syndicate Stock are ^100 each, Flagg, the grandfather of the child. lie tint throe inoulli.s. It i.s lair to give cles* to wit; and a limited number will be sold at pur; a Cou­ JAMES DBUM.M «ND, Sold in 1882 him a longer period of lime, lur trial. 1. To tUlany vaeanoles that may exist In the pon CartlUcute for the Interest, and ooaditlons of 3w45* ' Elm Sli'cel. was Homowliat injured la tho affray, it membership. lhesyndicati» pUn are aitnched to each. We employed several dotfUfrSAflfl a*used different will be'remembered,—more nieiitally, April 26. * 3. To choose a Board of Trustees. All nisliiiig to invest in tlie above will find R to klndS'Af mscUelncs but ^ey $fflrexs, *W* (heir advantage to call ur remit at once. was advised to try the Housonoiu Bhuoo Purifier 3. To chooi'e a Uonrd of Advisors. In remitting pleas>> nend check,* KiOTlCF.. {lerhaps, than bodily—which was uo Miss Mat PxuKF.n is buck in tho old 4. To transact auy other business that may be desired lor the interest of the Bank. payable to order uf the Company. The Certifi­ By virtue of a licence from the Judge of Pro- doubt the Immediate cause of hi.s suicide, home, nnd lias boon engaged ns a clerk cate will be forwarded by return malt. bn-e for (He oouiity bf KoMiiebeo, 1 siinU sell at On Its ^ K. U. DRUMMOND, Scc'y. 0 No InveMlnient uf lees ilian fliuo can be received* though there is a streak of insanity in Watervlllo, April W* 188.1. Puhtle AUetion, aa the 3rd day of Hay, 1833, and Cough Syrnp. After using seVorftI bnltles, to in D. Gnllerl’s dr} goods hlorc. 3w4ft bu l two or more may join together in the puroitase his f.smily. Ilisniind appeared to ben of one or more shaiuSfUiid their names will be (inleHS previously disposnd of a,t privftto snl<>* the our surprise it rt^ltevcd us, and with much pleas­ The next Anmiiil ConvouHon of tlio __ _ moTICI^ placed jointly m the Certificate. All further par­ atook of goods In tho store ewnoU by the latp WII* ure and satfafflcflen 'ire de hlglilir reegminpAdU as gool ileal disturbed by tho afTiiir, and ticulars ran be had at the olQcca. Uatn M. Buck. Sale to eoramench nt 3 o'clock P.U.* Maine Fiirnier’.s Almanac will bo lield al on the premises. last Friday licjiutig himself in his burn. Holol Nort.. In Aiigueta on tVcdiiesday, Whereas, my wife. Jenettu rrlcit, has left my The U. S. Cunstfiicllon & iDvi-sliueiitCn Merits. WITH AN .bed stul board without reasonable ^cause, and Offloes* 50 to 83 Moaon Building. L. E. TflAYER* Administrator on the It is a sad case, (ruly, from liegioning to .liiuo 13, 1883. Tile progrnninie will cm ngnini*! my consent, this Is to forbid all persooe estate of William M. Buck. a valuable medicine, 'fp all Men and women tba tn>-) liraco a Sulmatory uy “ T. H. MeL—n ; ’ giving her credit on my itocuunt* as I have made No. 70 KILBY 8TREKT* BOSTON, MASS Watcrvlllo* April Id* 1883. 3w4S are suffering Hltli any of the above diseases, we end, it iiuieiul tliu iii'l lias been reaclicd. ample provisions fur her at my home In Fairfield. do advise (heih to try It. i cannot pralMc It as an election ol olllcers andoHu-r liusincsa; CUAULK8 FUIEdT. KsNNEnac County.—In Court of Probate held at hlgli at U deserves, (o the suff-rlngpeoplp. April 17.188B. \ aw45 Aiigui-U, on (he fourth Monday of April, 1S93. ST A IE OP MA^NE. WtNTiir.—TuPSll.'iy was cold with oc- rending oi Hie Alinanae lleruld liy the He$pt. UKV. JOHFf SWNNEY^ Sisrks, Me. EHTIRB editor, “ llurralisong; Dinner—tousis (>U8aN a. UUCK.widuwuf KBkNEhKc B8. SurspioR Court TUIAfi UOTThES 26 CKNT8. cssi flakes of suow in the air, but and response.s—Toastmaster, " Y-a-se;” Al Milltown, N. 0., on tho evening ol WILLIAM M. BUCK. Inte of WiUervlIte. April Terra, 1383. Wednesday luoriiing brought us a snow poem, liy “Ale;” aimg; valedielory, by (be 19th* L. K. Dtivifi* an employe ol the In rnid county, dccedSed, havlnn prenented tier n] WILLIAM JICWtiLL, LiUWmt, XSDIOlilEft THAT ABE St. Croi.x coltoa nil!l. while retiiruiog plication for Hiiovvanceout of tnu per$ontil e^tni III^IJ^ rncrfftirflendlid by rell.ble pyoplc In onr storm which l.-isled until noon, and giv­ “ Adrian.’ Genllemeu Coniriliutor.s are of said dcouHRcd: V3. Sidle f.>f Con.iimpHon,'Dyj*pyp.i«, Fcm.le DU- invited lo take their wives and the Lady IWnn a cimrch nieeting at Barton eeule Ordebed, THui notice thereof be aWon thn VA R niE IR WELL, en-e., KldnrV, I.und nnd LIvrr Trouble, Lo.t New Stock of Goods. ing us several inelies of snow at one Contributors Ibeir husbands. The M. C. inont. was hit by it bullet lired from : werku rtucceraifoly prior io the second Mondiiy of •Mnnhond. Kneurtldllnm, Cough., CM.rrh .nd Mnf next, in tiio Mull, a newapuppr pniiU'd Upon the nnnexed writ nnfi libel, It Is ordered ijirolul. Humor., DUlkuine.i. etc., lime, though eoustaully dissolving. R. II. will qpiry them tor one fare fur thiekot by the wayHirle. The wound that Dull.’O thert'of be giveu to the libelee by In Waterville* that all persons iuterchted may at­ y//jf ttottSsiiOLD BLoon pcrifif.r and Hie round trip. is in Ihe right side, anti is painful but tend a I'robiito Court tlieu to be hold at Aiigusin, publl'vblng a copy bt the same, or an abstrcri and show (wuec* if any tlicy haeo why the pra) er thereof. togeUuT With this order tht'reoii, three Mn. Edwabd Bcck, firm of Buck uol serious. The ball was iiirncd by a CO van SYRUP, 'of said petition should noi Ih* grniiu*d. weeks l•uccei^ivOy lathe Watervilh-JtaU.aiiewa And for, Aelie. and I*aln., Rev. j K. RiollAiiusnif ol It ii 'snff<— Droliieta, veturus homo with improved G. A. OsnoiiN has bonglit the rem­ rib* and passed out under llie right arm. K5HCHV O. BKAN. Jadn. paper i>rlnU!(l|)rlnU!(l In WrWatervllle. in sa>d coiinly of His lifo had been threatened by iluory- AUdetl nOWAIlD OWKN* Kcflslcr. 48 Kt-iuiebec...... tho last pubilnation to be twenty nay a fns RKI.IKF tINIMKNT. grndimle of Coiby, ciias ot ’fid—bn S.C-, nant ol Mr. Eph. Low’s stock of goods al iuast bcfoie the next term of $uid court* to (fl eeplod Ihe cull 'of the tJbotrilf Bfjnare hcalili. nious letters, decorated with suggestive T’hede ibedtcine. .r. compounded from the pur. nnd cleared the store by auction. He W. WATERVILLE SAVINGS BANK. hulden al Augui'tn, wiilu d end for $aid o 'iinryof oil- of rpnt. nnd herb., and .old by all de.lcra. Unlilisi Church, EnsC Boston, Mass. hieroglyphics. As the bullet hit him he Kenncbi'c,on the Nfci>nd Tucsdity of June next, JOlIX W. I’KKKINS A CO., Partland, H.idc lias also purchased Mr. S. M. Newhall's efropped the reins and exclaimed,'** They HE member* of tho West Watervlllo that .stie inuy then nnd there appear in foid court Whblcle Dealere. Fahubus’ Totyfcev—• We keep Hors, lIiRAU SiDLSY & Co., of Uooheslcr, N. Bank Corporation are hereby notified that lind answer to »aid iibui* l^^he hi e fit. ■V., SecdsniPO auil Florisis, lisvo wou .an slock of goods, nnd is again in business. have got mo at lust.” He attributes ib'o tbeir annual meettog will be held at the rooms of Ai. 0. DTX8, Clerk. Forks, Rakes, Bhovcia, Spades, St'ybc the Bank,OR Moodsy,thc seventh day of May Snaths and farming tools »4 all kinds'. George i.s a live man. attack to a recent change ut religious Abstract oj Writ tstid LUteft fnvl.alilo reputation by llieir enlcrpriso, next, at two o'clock in the afternoon*'fur the Tin* rcluilile, uarofnlly prepiircil -Ml of tliese arc staceford pooHk., Wr tctll faith. He waa Irom Montreal* and :i transaction of the fillowing buslnme: Tho Libi'iiant alleK<'s that he was married to nml hu8t purgative ol Ibo prenuot ngu is honesty and fair dealing, nnd of coursi Mb. \V. a. U. Boothhv, who stanJa]Oalliolic, bul had renounced his faith, lit, Klcotion of Members. ttie aaid Llbclh’e* nt Waiervillo, In the Statb of buy the heat, rveii if the) do'.enfl ns a hsvo a largo trade. Tboir seeds arc al­ alter atlendine Hie nu'eHuj;s ol Ihe evnu- 2d, Klcotion oi Trustees. Maine, on the 3(1 diiy of May, 1883; that tlic enid little more. Tuti ORn u.iy goort goods high among tho insurance meu of our 8d, To vote upon a prnpoeitlon to change the libellant and lihellue colinbited In ihia state after ways Iruo lo name. Tliey liiive many gclisla al Milltown, and had professed ntme of (he Dank to Ouseade, or to any other their sat4 marrlngei liiat thu libt-lhtnt resided In hero as low as yi,u oao buy rbenp geaids Blato, has lately refused an advantageous conversion to Methodism. Grave clmrg- flame * and to take any 'aoUoo which may be nec­ lht4 etafe when tlie causu of diV.irci* neCrUed as Brandreth’s Pills. at utbur piaomf. ti. T. Hanson. customers in this vicinity, all ot whom essary in the matter. herelnufier set forth, and hud resided here In Tlicy nr« compniindi'd of Roofs, Horlie offer from abroad. os against him had been prelerred by 4th, To change tlie sixth article of the By-Laws* good fulth one year prior to the date beK’of ; that Rev. K. .7. (loYowiD, (graduate ad Cot- will speak iu their praise. Send llicm anonymous leltcis to Hev. Mr. Lucas. •o to have the seal qf'the Bank confonn to the the libellant hart CV4 r been failliful tolilsmarii- .and Ginns of thu must iic.iling and bene­ JuDOR WlilTxiiousE decreed a divorce agu obligation 4* but thai tiio said llbelleo has been by, cliiis of ’76) Inte pastor of the stMifch all order and you will not fail to be sat- These charges had been investigated and now name. ficial ki d. in Amher.-it, N. M., liaa been rdgngeaf l» of a couple on Thuraaay, very promptly 5th, To troDsael any other business which may unmindful uf the some; ihuton the tenth day of As n Fiiinily Medicine ilicy nrc iinri- lafled. In their elegant Seed Oatalogue proved false. legally be done at tho meeting. l8.'*2, slie Uti^rlj^descrted the Hbeilant wltii- fill li viienney caused by Ibe resignotion uD the showing that the husband was a OKO. H. BU VAST, Treasurer. out reasonuble caurte, and has continued said de- vnllcd, curing Hi-ndiiclie. CoiisHpalion, tlicy offer libenvl premium* to boys for drunken wurlhluss lellow, who had Flower Seeds, Trellises, Rustic Bas­ Oakland. Me.* April 37* 1883. eertiou to t lo tlUng of thU libel; that on the ilret ol Rev. George W. Rigler, Profrtaor of duy of Maroii. 183:), anil on divers other days and IJvor Comiilaint, Kheiirontism, Dyspep. Languages in the Vermont Aeadewy at special crops. drawn his wife’s money from the bank kets, &c., nt Dorr’s Book Store, times since said Intel marriage' (lie said libellee sin; cic.'irini' the blood nl nil impurities; oil a forged check. " Du you know what The board ol lnietoesol normal schools committed the crime of adultery. Saxton’s River, of which Prof, .H.jM. ncling on tlic Liver, Kidneys, nnd other Willard is Principnl. The suit of a wife against a Gardiner this man's habits are?’’ was the question The Irish revolutionary riroles in th’is wilLprnceed lo Kiinuinglon* VVatlnesdiiy, WlierefoFo he prays that a divorce from the hii|Hirliinl orgiins, removing Ihe waste country were greatly agitated by the tes­ bonds of matrimony between hims<.lf aud said liquor dealer, for loss of suppoit from asked a wiluess. “ Well, there’s this May 2ad, and invesiigiite the Iroublt* Ubeliee may be decreed. Hrsiic, and adding years to the lives of Cdtleky.—Our stock of CtM-lesp etisi' timony taken in London, last week, re. there. And the libullant lurther niioges that bu hat prises a lull line of the heat stMnkknl bsr husband, occasioned by intoxieatioii, druukennoss,'’ he auswered, ” aad 1 duu’t nil who use them. know as ho has any other habit,’’—where- gnrdliig tho licadquni'turs of tho dyna­ used r»‘a-

iliiiiiH jlf, J8S3.

MlSCELll.i?LNY ftiiiiiif [jkMiiJ'Mi. [jt^fe JffE ATTENTION I .g n g Sttnlk^, Out. 45i 1881.* orimpcHb^lfl-bii *-----It pretnlnin^relBlnn^ttelne Value StateState Fair.Falr^. II1*70. r^sutgEu TBAiitz. LSiveWatervlli, f,, j/(il’ortl*iid * Biifon,’ MAbgatts' os' MontJi ^ <>rtlyi;»il* a.m;t S.lbK.&.i lO.Mp.ia. ■ ” and wav3r,p»| jj' a Jli ^URBIS^ \ yfa Uwl8tODD.16Hin.iforPortland 1.66 hi;' worth wfirfe, HOLIDIY PRESENTS BelMftt/ODAfir, BangW If V$|ic$boroM.24i' f ' ■ THAU A whole or”rip^.^Ehl tSldVeeeiMU^o^d^Sf^ mYkufaotures And that ii the hair of the period, O. ‘ Glovteeleamedordy m. t 8.03 n m. • Old GraMy |^o«l»HerRfnlil.H______and QreRadineaa how' For BairMt'A: BtnKOrv fits «. tt.flDZd) .'So mvclfm yard, and eo1|huoh an oUnco; CHICKERING PIaNO, $400.00. .'or Skowhegnn nilxoci 8.00*. m., (Mordiv. Nattm^nrl witnflprlni and boUnbe; ever iplltflplltdorff^j or fodedi rcflnlihedrcflnl equal to new. New Ddofs^ Saski Blinds, CARPENTER AGTlON ORGAN, Cmpe grkatly iHij^foved. eJtteptFir.) ro.06 p. rti. i TOT W**lIFAfervlll, i Patettt Ware, with a orimp. oi%*‘ ban^t'* Hortn Ati«on. fi OS p. m. MAsSn\ MM^N $i», Crhjri and SkMtI Pd^eeti under 1\ 26t. can Window and Door Frainei, , < Fluffy or atiff, to cling or hang. ienivf mrfU,l Pnllraan Tr*in, »ob tfttf ,aight, No matter what feature or tint of akin, MOULDINGS Ift. d^oy, iDolniled. Pollmtii ear, on doy trti, or rtt^v, or plump or thin, frrncu BTEAM pmatbbruknovator. b'.t#4fci> B«ngor »hU ’Botlot.' •Tuno or rayohe, or aprite o,r Cl^tie, A POSITIVE CURB FOR CONSUMP 1.13 Ill^FeRtberBede, flllcnrai BotsfervnmiOerled Hmir M^uaa, or Gorffoa,or Aphrodite. TION IN AEE STAGES. ORGANETTE. $a.,0, lO. thoroughly cleansed by ateame Upholstered Fur* ConatAMiy on hand Southern Pine Floor RoarAf Fgttntft’rkAiIii'Wr'Bb'Hoii an# Pottitb pfatlUv nlture clcaneud Without damage. Carpets and niaiohed or square Joints fitted for btc. Glazed Via Angn.r,, 6 45, 10.15 •. Bi.| tU LeWiito Falraann ahMIcif mifully •* For BUrdiiiE at tliO Luii^b, CougliA, Windows to orders BalluMers, hard, wood or Or matron M>Wfr fliitl ▼aini»- '4 • ORGANINA, $10, , , Lnre Ourtilnebteansed dud flnlihad i» #ood tte •t6.80«i m 11.10 R.nil 10.80p.m.; for Skov CoI(li<)CA>!:p, BrunehUi^. JnfluetaSa, . new. Sleigh Trimmlnge restoreAtC^ *1**’^^ drlml* soft. Newell rdsts. Mouldings fn great va« began, 8.00 a.m., (Uoi^.ya Moaned.); Sj The hea m. (Sat’yaonly. rabommended by all the leading physicians VIOLINS, $1, 1.50, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, EMiLk'BAKBIER!, Ih-oprietori as^tow M our whdleaala, Md wa'Jdoltv^r The Farorlle IVei'erlptlon ht the (M* pnffa that match, or puffa that vary, who are acquainted with Its use. 'Sears atiame rate. Via Lewietonl .4.65 p, m. -i ■ Failing atill to catch the wajry^ Id, 20. KNAUPF tlROR., Ageuts for WntervlHe. . Fortliind 10140 n-.m.. - .-T- , Anytmng. everything, ao that it be .-''t ' Prices large I'ize,. ..,SU VI^m|B^BVlGLINlBftXBSi, 30o;.60a.'60ci70angor& Eaat.O lOana.) 685,; Sold by Drug^l^t. eyitywkm*. . ^ vie-. jn. mixd.-, 0i65 p. m.t fromMortii Adpod t 'or Li?UfOrrbaj;, or Whilw; Itjflaroniatlon and [ TTbcae are the thougbU that make me blue, GUITARS, $.';,Xll6. W,,t WaterTlUle, 8.00 a. m. ) (JiC“iaUuii uf iho Womb; Prolat>«u« or Fallinf of When I ride or drive the city through. Dr. Willougliby. the elteiiding physician at UieWomb; IrruifUtartllef, Klontl|itt(> Sick Hoad* Or walk the atreeta nr tread the abope. BANJOS, $4, 6. >NATERVILU SAYINQS BANK Fbeiokt TBAiiia,ara dn« from- Portlaai eche X'diiey CorapUliiU, Dtrrenneaa, Painful Or crowd through *'teall,*' ** reoeptiona,' the Sister. Huspilal end ene of Bnirulo’s most Clarinets, Flutes, Eiles and Piccolos, 'Via Uewiaoo, 8.53 a. iq. I.IS p.m, 7.83. p. ig: anil Irreipilar MonatruaUun and Amcntarbraa. prominent nteMh'ers.of tb, pruMtslob, Imi ns,d TKUSTBEa—Reuben Foster, Moses L.vford, C.O. Via .\ngpata.3 50.S.15 p, m.) from.Sk-ovlit For m^kinf a-Toaio lot fn'']^eTe hope,' ReiMbetfdl^l^ld&rma the of^Wdtdrvlll (jiirnl-li. Franklin Smith Nath. Header, A. M ce nnlfe , aeek, alaa 1 id a happy bdme gan, 8 50 a. m, (Mondaya oiiiy.))4.45, p.- wHoh niirnloif cbildrori. or Inniu^h chance oHI it for yeers, and says . ^ lat snwbaN.Juet rdtarned fhwi fioston.whb * Greenwood,-Hiram t'Irhoir;,- , : from Bangay A Vanoaboro’, iS.iU.B.-m.j. gii, in • prepar.itioii, r.iUoti boahaa NO KC^UAL in TMithn WORLDSWORLd! ! For oae from whom I noVr would roam ; Standard cheap music & music books. ..— ■ ;_i. < ir>Mubavetr^ oihcr remmites without aue> And Tafgh for eumething tfmtVi not in town— Bufliilo, Aug. 17, 1882, piiD.t, p. m.. , -St' ... , - ■ •'-(.a, do bf» dUcouraced. but give *'bAMaa'' ^ A woman Whoae hair ia her beauty’s cmwn. Or. Ru$h', .Vedical AtMKialiou: Eidtest Fall. Fashions, Deposit., atone dollar and upwards,redglyed PAYbVN Tl}OSK»X;QM.«Bpl,^ T m(f* a tiiif/le trioL It n verfuilt to five quick Dear Doctors.—I uniiesitfltlngly add my and offera her sehrlcfiN to All who wtll^vor her and piiton /aterls^ at ^sm[a|nceficei>tor..e|iob wild permanfnC I O Berenice, crowned In the akiee, « name to the Ion, list of regular practitioners SEWIN8 MACHINES. with work, with confldeuce that bhe can give ’ eat- month'. Jl you are ironbleii with any weakneea or oom* PORtLAMD AND/ftdSTlIII ' Are these tnihgNright)’ Are these things wine f vlio have recommended vour “ Spactflj fdr Cah'< HtUARTXSIlfGER, $27. iiiAetloti. w . I Nnrax to bo-palil on deposi^bY depositors. . idiiiiit oommon to'uur Mt lay a<>ide the dootor'e Nd, by the light of.thy trennesi gloir! , sumption.’’ I neve used it for many years fn She iB^repared to do |irftfflre1y *' nirr jn have lyVavs been Oiofe than paliaSed with the I ■ $$v 'ii f f. C P • i ' it not withd|rawn are added to deposita and in­ will bo ^roi) 'for any'eseo i>? Kcmsla wHtTS:. lito Mtetai-iiSAiw Weeklies* nr fnmbllUy which *'liELSON & CO., 20 Lots in desirahlo loculiles in (he aecure a comrortablc nightV faft, and svold tb, O iuliduHjy usked^ axpenaa and iaconvanialnod OfaklrivlDg in Boatn village. ', late at.nigbt. “Oil, no; the coQteiitSaro alike all the HARDWARE, PAINTS & OILS 2 B’lne Residence's on Iligb-st., vary Througb Tlokete for gala. .. aal all th« srlBol,, w.-tv thVougii.” DR. RUSH’S STOVES RANGES AND cheap. ata(i»ni-on tbeMatne CcDtraiBailrnad. Will YOU knoek the head out ot the ] tt 1 B'ai'DJ of 67 Acres on Fairfield Rond. Tt--kot» to New York via tb*. varloi) | other end i* ’ j ■ Fnrnacc-^, ' Wood-Lot In North Sidney. n -la d Sound Lines,ror aala'. " iM.-ht Inker. An ueanl. ANSGOM ILOCK, •• Certntiily, inadan),” add in two min BEGULtigS Brown A Carver’s Plain, Stamped anO Japa ‘ned J B. COYLE Jr. Cen’l Ag5bt,Po)’tIac4, Utes t/io ferit was uecor.innehcd arid she j Ronl Estate Agency. saw the .‘■ame grailo o’ choice apples. n^ion "Main nnd Elm Street.)' FOR TIimWARE, Ae, Tips B.itislied her that tliece was no’ do- MAINE STE^SHIP ,00. ' ' C DEALERS IS Ce;iliOu anil she paid over'her money. It Heart Troubles. ■WIL-L.IAMS HOUSE BLOCK, J.^ WESLEY OILMAN, J>BA1/HR >N SKUl.^EEKI.Y LIKE IV WHS not until she related (he cireumsian- SURE CURE FOR ALb DISEASE Mail! Stvoat...... Wa tcrville, Me F 1m JO XJ R, ees at (ho diuiior table that anything hap­ Sheet Mii»ie and all Jciiitls (>f Music XeW YORK. pened to raise a