The London Gazette, June 19, 1900. 3813
THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 19, 1900. 3813 Captain (District Officer) Maurice Spencer is LINE BATTALIONS. „ . seconded for service in the Army Ordnance The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, Lieutenant Department. Dated 6th May, 1900. Geoffrey D. Broughton is seconded for service Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery, Lieutenant in South Africa. Dated 18th May, 1900. Rudolph E. T. Hogg is seconded for service The undermentioned Second Lieutenants, to be with the Hyderabad Contingent. Dated 9th Lieutenants :— June, 1900. A. L. Field, on augmentation. Dated 1st April, Supernumerary Lieutenant Charles W. Scott to 1900. be Lieutenant, on augmentation. Dated 23rd C. J. Torrie, on augmentation. Dated 1st April, May, 1900. 1900. The undermentioned Officers to be Second Lieu- A, Boxwell, vice R. H. W. Brewis, promoted. tenants :— Dated 1st April, 1900. Dated 5th May, 1900. L. de V. FitzGerald, vice H. P. Creagh-Osborne, Lieutenant G-eorge Duncan Mann, from tbe promoted. Dated 1st April, 1900. Prince of "Wales's Own Norfolk Artillery. E. J. de Pentheny-O'Kelly, vice D. A. L. Day, Lieutenant Marcus Cecil Anson Bickards, from promoted. Dated 1st April, 1900. the Clare Artillery. S. S. Butler, vice R. F. Meiklejohn, promoted. Second Lieutenant Henry Bull, from the Duke of Dated 28th April, 1900. Edinburgh's Own Edinburgh Artillery. The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), Dated 12th May, 1900 :— Second Lieutenant Benjamin Isidore Herbert Lieutenant Robert Oldershaw, from the 1st Adler, from 2nd Volunteer Battalion, to be Cheshire and Carnarvonshire Volunteer Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant Artillery, and from Corporal Imperial Yeo- R. W. Macnaghten, promoted. Dated -5th manry.
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