The Seal of the Unity of the Three SAMPLE
!"# $#%& '( !"# )*+!, '( !"# !"-## By the same author: Great Clarity: Daoism and Alchemy in Early Medieval China (Stanford University Press, 2006) The Encyclopedia of Taoism, editor (Routledge, 2008) Awakening to Reality: The “Regulated Verses” of the Wuzhen pian, a Taoist Classic of Internal Alchemy (Golden Elixir Press, 2009) Fabrizio Pregadio The Seal of the Unity of the Three A Study and Translation of the Cantong qi, the Source of the Taoist Way of the Golden Elixir Golden Elixir Press This sample contains parts of the Introduction, translations of 9 of the 88 sections of the Cantong qi, and parts of the back matter. For other samples and more information visit this web page: Golden Elixir Press, Mountain View, CA © 2011 Fabrizio Pregadio ISBN 978-0-9843082-7-9 (cloth) ISBN 978-0-9843082-8-6 (paperback) All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Typeset in Sabon. Text area proportioned in the Golden Section. Cover: The Chinese character dan 丹 , “Elixir.” To Yoshiko Contents Preface, ix Introduction, 1 The Title of the Cantong qi, 2 A Single Author, or Multiple Authors?, 5 The Dating Riddle, 11 The Three Books and the “Ancient Text,” 28 Main Commentaries, 33 Dao, Cosmos, and Man, 36 The Way of “Non-Doing,” 47 Alchemy in the Cantong qi, 53 From the External Elixir to the Internal Elixir, 58 Translation, 65 Book 1, 69 Book 2, 92 Book 3, 114 Notes, 127 Textual Notes, 231 Tables and Figures, 245 Appendixes, 261 Two Biographies of Wei Boyang, 263 Chinese Text, 266 Index of Main Subjects, 286 Glossary of Chinese Characters, 295 Works Quoted, 303 Introduction “The Cantong qi is the forefather of the scriptures on the Elixir of all times.
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