religions Article Together toward Christ: Comparing Orthodox and Wesleyan Positions on Evangelism Kristina Whiteman 1,2 1 Asbury Theological Seminary, Orthodox Christian Mission Center, Wilmore, KY 40390, USA;
[email protected] 2 Mission Specialist in Care and Training States, St. Augustine, FL 32086, USA Abstract: Inspired by the events of the 2018 consultation of the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative, this brief article seeks to pare down the broader question of “greater Christian unity” within the North American sphere to a more digestible, specific, practical question: How do Wesleyan and Orthodox positions on evangelism compare? This question is examined by describing the Wesleyan and Orthodox views of evangelism, delineating some key similarities and differences, and proposing a way forward for Wesleyans and Orthodox, together toward Christ. Keywords: ecumenism; Wesleyan; Orthodox; evangelism; John Wesley; Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative 1. Introduction In the summer of 2018, approximately sixty Eastern and Oriental Orthodox and Evangelical protestants gathered at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology for a consultation of the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative.1 As a convert with both deep gratitude Citation: Whiteman, Kristina. 2021. for my Wesleyan Free Methodist upbringing and devotion to the spiritual home I have Together toward Christ: Comparing found in Eastern Orthodoxy, I was deeply blessed by the opportunity to participate with Orthodox and Wesleyan Positions on these men and women, clergy and laity, from around the world. The days were filled Evangelism. Religions 12: 495. with fellowship, with good discussions, and with some honest talk about what makes us the same and what makes us distinct.