May 8, 2016 the Ascension of the Lord
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May 8, 2016 The Ascension of the Lord STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION ON READINGS Acts 1: 1-11; Ps 47: 2-3, 6-9; Eph 1: 17-23; Lk 24: 46-53 On this Seventh Sunday of Easter, most Catholics in the United States also celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Traditionally, Ascension Thursday occurred 40 days after Easter (May 5 this year); however, most dioceses in the U.S. have trans- ferred this Holy Day of Obligation to the Sunday fol- lowing it, which this year is today. Christ’s Ascension is important to us. It is one of our core beliefs, to the extent that when we profess our faith at Mass, regardless which Creed we use, we de- clare, “He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.” To deny Christ’s Ascension is to deny His Resurrection. Before His Ascension, which is described in our First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Jesus tells His followers, “…you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” We, too, have been baptized and imbued with the Holy Spirit. This Third Member of the Holy Trinity is the aspect of God that lives and empowers each of us. We may think that the Holy Spirit has more work to do among those who do not believe, but there is also considerable work to be done among those of us who do believe. We are called to serve; we are called to discipleship; we are called to lives of stewardship; we are reminded of that in all of today’s readings. In his homily on the Ascension of Christ last year, Pope Francis said, “The Ascension tells us He is with God the Father, where He always intercedes in our favor.” Parish Office Mass Schedule 8755 Scarborough Drive Weekend .......... Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 8:30 am, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 10:30 am, 12:30 pm (Spanish) & 4:30 pm Weekday ............................ Monday-Friday 12:15 pm Hours ............................... Monday-Friday 9 am-5:00 pm Phone: (719) 528-8407 Fax: (719) 598-1696 Sacrament of Reconciliation Email: [email protected] Monday-Friday: 11:50 am-12:10 pm, Wednesday: 5- 6pm, Saturday: 2:30-3:30 pm, Sunday (in Spanish): Parish Clergy 11:55 am-12:25 pm or by appointment. Pastor, Fr. Kirk Slattery [email protected] Eucharistic Exposition and Parochial Vicar Fr. Jose Andere [email protected] Adoration Deacon Pat O’Connor [email protected] First Friday: 10am to noon. Deacon Mike McGrady [email protected] Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday 10 am to 7 pm. Help Wanted Sacristans are desperately needed for the 10:30 and 4:30 Confirmation Masses on Sundays. The training is "on the job." Please Congratulations contact Beth Kaplan at 459-9878 or via email at Congratulations to the 51 young [email protected]. You may also visit the Saint men and women who were Gabriels website for further information. confirmed on Thursday, May 5. May the Holy Spirit fill your hearts and Senior Social Group strengthen your faith in Our Lord We would love to have all seniors (55+)in our parish join Jesus Christ. Thanks to all you our friendly social group. For more information call helped contribute to this faith Sharon at 282-1912. In May, our lunch is on Tuesday, May journey, especially the teaching 10 at Ruby Tuesday (5820 Stetson Hills Blvd) at noon. staff . Marian Movement of Priests First Communion Masses 68 Saint Gabriel children will be receiving their First Regional Cenacle Communion on Saturday May 14 and Sunday May 15. The For all who would like to know our Mother Mary in a more number of children and their families is far too large to personal way and to pray for our Holy Father and priests, host at one Mass. We have decided to break up the St. Joseph’s Parish invites you to join the weekly cenacle of ceremonies and have them during the 5pm Mass on the Marian Movement of Priests on Wednesday mornings Saturday, 8:30, 10:30 and 12:30 Spanish Mass on Sunday. at 8:30 am after Mass. We will be hosting a Regional There will be more family, friends and parishioners in MMP Cenacle on Saturday, May 14th with Mass at 8 am attendance than usual during these Masses. Please pray for and Cenacle to follow. Please come and bring your loved our children receiving this wonderful Sacrament. ones. St. Joseph’s is located at 1830 S. Corona Ave. in Colorado Springs. For more information, call Mary Jo at Gabriel’s Gifts 392-9039. The Gabriel’s Gifts donation that was taken to the Marian House this week was 116 lbs. of baby formula, diapers and Mission Lakota baby food. Mission Lakota will be serving the people of Rosebud Reservation from July 10-15. Seventy-six percent of the people there live below the poverty level. They are in need Recycling of new socks, t-shirts and underwear in both adult and Thank you for supporting our recycling efforts. When children sizes. Their library is in need of good used books recycling batteries, please DO NOT put tape on the ends. If for K-5th grade. If you have popular Middle School books tape is put on the ends, it must be removed before it can be they could use them too. Collection bins will be in the taken to the recycling facility. Thank you for your Narthex till June 5. cooperation in this matter. Attention Young Adults… Care Packages for the Homeless St. Gabriel’s Parish has some exciting opportunities for you! Summer Mission Trip for Young Adults Spend 8 days of your summer with St. Gabriel’s Young Adult Ministry & the Salesian Sisters “VIDES” program as we take the Gospel on the road to San Antonio, Texas. Each day is centered around faith in action as we engage in service, daily Mass/ prayer, leadership formation & community building. Young adults ages 21-35 are invited to participate. When: June 18 – 25, 2016 Where: San Antonio, TX Care Packages for the Suggested donation: $125 (Includes car transportation, Homeless was a huge accommodations, meals at volunteer site, leadership success. On a very chilly formation & missionary experience.) Registration deadline April 30th morning, 22 is May24. teens and adults handed out 215 packages to the Diocese of Colorado Springs Young Adult Retreat poor of our community, Saturday, May 21 10am-8pm @ Holy Rosary Chapel in in under 40 minutes. It Cascade. Only $10 registration fee by Wednesday May 18 was a truly amazing All young adults ages 21-35 are invited to attend this day of experience. The reflection which will include speakers, Mass, prayer, generosity of our parish was so greatly appreciated by all adoration, confession, good food, and fellowship. Retreat who received the packages. The smiles and “God bless you” includes continental breakfast, lunch & dinner! were in abundance. For all those who donated items, thank Please contact Sr. Bernadette to register for either of these you so much for letting us serve the poor with your events or to join our on-going ministry for young adults at donations, without you this service project would not be [email protected] or 719-352-1614. possible. St. Gabriel the Archangel 2 Colorado Springs, CO Calendar Second Collection This Weekend this Weekend Sat-Sun Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate for sale after all Masses. This weekends second collection supports the Catholic Communication Sat Cinco De Mayo after 5 pm Mass. Campaign (CCC). This collection Sun Mother’s Day. supports projects throughout the world that evangelize both Catholics Upcoming Activities and non-Catholics alike through the use of media outlets. Please Tues, May 10 Senior Social Group lunch at Ruby Tuesday’s (5820 Stetson prayerfully consider supporting this Hills Blvd) at noon. campaign. Your gift means that people in our diocese, our country, and our Tues, May 10 Blue Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 12:10 pm. world will better know the love of God Wed, May 11 Eucharistic Adoration from 10am – 7pm. Pray the rosary and and the Church . Divine Mercy chaplet after the 12:15 Mass. Children’s hour at 2 pm. Pray the rosary at 6:15 pm. Evening Prayer and Blue Mass Benediction start at 6:40 pm. Bishop Michael Sheridan will preside Wed, May 11 Knights of Columbus Council Meeting at 7 pm. at the annual “Blue Mass” on Tuesday, May 10 at St. Mary's Cathedral at Thurs, May 12 Saint Gabriel Ladies Auxiliary Ministry Meeting at 6:30 pm. 12:10 pm. We have invited our community's law enforcement, Save The Date correctional, fire safety, and EMT professionals to gather for May 14-15 First Communion. worship. We will also remember June 13-17 Vacation Bible School at St. Gabriel. those who have fallen and support those who unselfishly serve and July 30 Strong Catholic Marriage Workshop protect us. You are invited to come and celebrate this Mass with Bishop Sheridan at the Cathedral. Divine Mercy FORMED presents 10 weeks of Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told. Renowned speaker and author Father Michael Gaitley tells the dramatic history of God's Love and Mercy s interwoven through the transformative message of St. Faustina, the miraculous appearance of Mary at Fatima, the witness of Maximilian Kolbe, and the world-changing papacy of Pope St. John Paul II. Episodes will be available for a limited time on as a special event beginning April 3. Each episode will be viewable for 2 weeks.