Human Genome Prozram U.S. Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research SC-72 GTN Germantown, MD 20874-1290 301/903-6488, Fax: 3011903-8521 E-mail:
[email protected] A limited number of print copies are available. Contact: Sheryl Martin Human Genome Management Information System Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1060 Commerce Park, MS 6480 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 865/576-6669, Fax: 865/574-9888 E-mail:
[email protected] An electronic version of this document will be available on February 27, 2000, at the Human Genome Project Infonnation Web site under Publications ( Abstracts for this publication were submitted via the web. DOE/SC-0002 DOE Human Genome Program Contractor-Grantee Workshop VIII February 27-March 2, 2000 Santa Fe, New Mexico Date Published: February 2000 Prepared for the U.S. Department ofEnergy Office of Science Office of Biological and Environmental Research Washington, DC 20874-1290 Prepa.-ed by Human Genome Management Information System Oak Ridge National Labomtory Oak Ridge, 1N 37830 Managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORP. for the U.S. DEPAR1MENT OF ENERGY UNDER CONI'RACT DE-AC05-960R22464 Contents1 Introduction to Contractor-Grantee Workshop VIII . 1 Sequencing . 3 1. Sequence Analysis of HUman Chromosome 19 Anne Olsen, Paul Predki, Ken Frankel, Laurie Gordon, Astrid Terry, Matt Nolan, Mark Wagner, Amy Brower, Andrea Aerts, Marne! Bondoc, Kristen Kadner, Manesh Shah, Richard Mural, Miriam Land, Denise Schmoyer, Sergey Petrov, Doug Hyatt, Morey Parang, Jay Snoddy, Ed Uberbacher, and the JGI Production Sequencing Team . 3 2. Draft Sequencing Procedures for Chromosome 16 Sequencing Mark 0.