General Index

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General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 317 ) GENERAL INDEX. « A Alnor (BInor), Thomas, 23. Alys, Thomas, 121. Absolon le Clerk, 75. a Manne, John, 98. Ackworth, Allen, 12,17. Ambree, ancient Roll of Manor of, 12. Acrise Court, 221. Ambrose, Bennet, 101. Act for provision of money to dis- Ampton, 66. band forces, 3 ; supplemental acts, Andrews, Edward, 19 ; Mary, 18. 6. Anfrey, son of Ranulph the baker, Acton, Middlesex, 247. 75. Adam tlie dyer and Mary his wife, 75. Angell, C. P., 91. Adams (Adames). George, 186 ; John, Ansell, Anne, 23 ; William, 23. 26 ; Mr., 176, 177. Anselm the Smith, 74. a Dane, James, 108, . will of, 99 ; Appulford, William, 259. John, 99 : Margery, 97, 99 ; Sara, Armore, Mary, 20 ; Robert, 20. 97 ; Thomas, 99 ; William, will of, Armstead, Mr., 271. 97 ; Mr., 176. Arnald, Alexander, 31 ; Margret, 30. Adcock, John, 314. Arnett, Richard, xlviii. ad Donam,'William, 73. Arnold, A. A., on the Poll Tax in Adisham (Edesham), Court of, 72 ; manor of, 77; Priory of Holy Rochester, 1660, l ; on the Tex- Trinity in, 70. tus Roffensis in Chancery,1633, JEneid of Virgil, translation [of by 225. John Boys, 82, Ashby, Thomas, 57, 66. Aid for the King's Needs on lands Ashford. 81. belonging to Hospital of St. Mary, Ashley, Thomas, 32 ; William, 18. Ospringe, 39, 69. Asq., John, 31. Alcock, Stephen, 13, 29. Asshele, wood of, 46. Aldington, visitation at, 238. Asshenden, Robert, 166. Aldridge, William, 12. 23. Assherynden, John, 137; Stephen, Aldye, John, 98. "137. Alewey, Joan. 128 ; Simon, 128. Assheton, William, 54. Alington, George, 16. Assignment, description of, in rela- Allen (Alen, Aleyn, Alyn). Agnes, tion to land, lxxxiv. 94, 109; Alexander, will of, 97 ; Assiter, Judith, 24. Alice, 94 ; Anthony, 105, 119 ; Asston. John, 236. Christian, 94, 105 ; Florence, 97 ; At Church, Alice, 111 ; Harry, 110, Harry, 123; Joan, 105, 119; John. 111 (2) ; James, 109. 110, 111 (2) ; 94, 99,105,108,116,119 (2) ; John,' John, 110(2), 111; John, sen., will jun., 114 ; Margery, 105 ; Mildred, of, 111 ; Margaret, 109, 110, 111; 313; Nicholas, 105, will of, 94; Philip. 110. I l l ; Richard, 110, 111 ; Richard, 11, 27, 153 ; Robert, 24, Thomas, 110, 111, will of, 109 (2) ; 313, 314 ; Simon, 94, 99 ; Thomas, Wm., 110 (2), 111. 25, 94, 97; Vincent, 94, 105, 111, at Hall, Alice, 98, 111; John, 98, 99, will of, 99 ; WiUiam, 94 (2), 97, 99, will of, 111. 105, 109, 111, will of, 105. Atkins, Elizabeth, 19; Frances, 19; Allerd, Margaret, 25. James, 28. Allison (Ellison), William, 19, at See (atte See), Agnes, 123; Alice, 318 GENERAL INDEX. 108,114 ; Christian, 123 ; Cristine, Barrows, Mary, 27. 106 ; Elianor, 97, 98, 108, 109; Bartholomew, Philip, 12, 17; Leo- Elizabeth, 122 ; Hamo, will of, 95 ; nard, 12. Hamon, 106, 114, will of, 122; Bartlet, Henry, 16. Henry, 98, 101, 103; Isabell, 122; Barton, Thomas, 22. James, 122, 123 ; Joan, 123 ; John, Barun, Alan. 74; Martin, 74, 65, 106, 122; Katherine, 97. 98, Bassett, Joane, 113 ; Robert, 12, 22. will of, 108 ; Margaret, 114 ; Mar- Bat, George, 24. gery, 108 ; Marione, 95 ; Mawdelyn, Bate, Elizabeth, 136 ; William, refer- 123 ; Michael, 123 ; Robert, 97 (3), ence to Smallhythe Chapel in will 98, 99. 109, 122 ; Thomas, 95 (2), of, 135. 98,105, 111, 114, 122, 123, will of, Bates, John. 20. 106; Thomasine, 122; Vincent, Battely, Somner, memorial to Rev. 106, 114 ; William, 95, 97, 98. 102, Clement Hardyng- from, 238. 106, 10S, 109, 123, wills of, 97 (2), Batten, Edward,. 12, 24 ; Col. Frede- 114, 122. rick Grjerae, 12; la3titia, 12 ; Gen. Athallys (Athalls), John. 97. SiSley John, 12. Attaway, Robert, 22. Battle Abbey Boll, 79. Atte w e l l , William, 25. Batty, John, 19. Atwater (At Water), Aunfrid, 73 (2), Bayley, Richard, 25 ; Susanna, 18. 75 ; John, 32 ; Mary, 32. Baynard, Mary, 23 ; Walter, 23. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 150, 155. Bazalgette, Sir Joseph, xlix. Austen, Elizabeth, 26 ; Joan, 170; Beale (Bele), J., 187 ; Margret, 168 ; Robert, 172,178 (2). Thomas, 112. Aversilver, 72. Beard, John, 21. Awger, 113. Beaufort, John, Duke of, 58; Lady Awvgare, William, 113. Margaret, 58. Ayllinge, Goodward, 165. Beche, Agnes, 130; Nicholas, 153; Ayres, George, 20. William, 130, 151 (2). Beconfield, Tangreton alias, 43. Bedemangore, manor of, 62. B Beecher, John, 28. Beere, Bobert, 120. Babington, Bev. J. A., 191. '. Beggyng, John, 76 ; Walter, 76. Bacheler, John, 55, 66. Bekynfield, land in, 119. Back, John, 31. Belebregge, land at, 102. Backett, John, 27. Bell, Rev. James, 246. Badcocke, Henry, 154 ; James, 154 ; Bellowne, Thomas, 10, 31, Richard, 154. Beltinge (Beltynge), land and mes- Baily, William, 120. suages in, 97, 99,101,105,116. Bakeohilt, 72. Benden. John, 165 ; John, sen., 163. Baker, Agnes, 120 ; Cecile, 120 ; Bennett (Benet), John, 116, 165; David, 26 ; Paith, 32 ; George, 25 ; Lewis Clifford, 80; Thomas, 236; James, 101, 119 ; Jane, 26; John, William, 18. 120, 157, will of, 101; Sir John, Bensteed, Joane, 29, 31 ; Thomas, 29. 150, 155, 156; Laurence. 32; Be- Beryngham, Garrard, 160. beccah, 32 ; Tho., 32 ; William, 96, Best, Henry. 31. 101, will of, 119. Bestfelde, William, 157. Balcanquel, Walter, Dean of Boches- Beswyke, Sir Oliver, 113, 114, 116, ter, 228, 229; note by in Textus 118 (2), 119. Boffensis, 228. Betenham, Archbishop's Wood in, 39. Baldwin, Anne, 19 ; Richard, 28. Betteshanger, 79, 80. Ballam, John, 165. Betts, Elizabeth, 32 ; Nicholas, 32 ; Ballard, Elizabeth. 19, 30; William, Samuel, 32 ; William, 26 ; Sir Wil- 19. liam, 113. Bar, Frauncis, 169. Beverley, Robert, abstract from will, Baret, Valentine, 55. 237. Barfreston, 241. Bevington, Henry. 21. Barker, Elizabeth, 25 ; Richard, 236. Bidynden, 138. Barlow, Daniel, 19 ; Margret, 19. Bierwhite, Joane, 168; John. 168; Barrell, Francis, 11 (2), 18 ; Henry, 11. Mary, 168, GENERAL INDEX. 319 Bigge, John, 168 ; Robert, 168. Bowlen. William, 26. Biggs, Phabin, 19 ; William, 19. ' Boyde, John, 236. Bilsington, Bector of, 233. Boykin, Elinore, 103 ; Godlef e , 103 ; Bilton, Bev. Henry, 245. Isabel, 103 ; John, 111 (2), 119 (3), Bircheford, Andrew, 66, will of, 119 ; John, jun., Ill (2) ; Birchett, John, 173. John, sen,, 114,118 ; Margery, 103 ; Birchington, 129. Sare, 119; William, 119, will of, Bircholt, 237. 103. Bird, John, 25 ; Samuel, 26 ; William, Boys (Bois), Edward, 80. SI (2) ; Sir 25. Edward, 81; family of, 79 ; John, Biron, Eev. Edwin. 246, 247; Bev. 80, 81 (3), 82 (2), 84 (3), 243; Sir Henry Brydges, 248. John, 80, 81, 82. S3, 84 ; Thomas, Bishopsden, Joan, 130 ; Thomas, 130. 81 (3), 82; William, 81, 82; Sir Blake, Robert, 29 ; William, 74. William, SO. Blaksole, close called, 120. Bracelet of Kimmeridge shale, 310.' Blakysham, land called, 119. Brackleshe, John, 28. Blean, 243. Bracur, Boger, 72. Hode Court, 82. Bradfeild, John, 24. Blengate, lands in Hundred of, 101. Bradley, Elizabeth, 23. Blewett, Henry, 25. Brassett, Anthony, 29. Bliburgh, prior and convent of St. Brathredge, Mary, 17. Mary, 74. Brattighe, land in, 72. Blossom, Christopher, 150,151; Juli- Bravet, Anthony, 29. ane, 150 ; Lore, 150 ; Phillip, refer- Bremsteede, John, 29. ence to Smallhythe Chapel in will Brenset (Brenzett), 135 ; Inquisition of, 136 ; William, 150, at. 234. Blount, Law Diotionary, description Brett (Bret), Elizabeth, 27 ; Percival, of Tenant al Praeipe from, lxxx. 163, 164 ; William. 236. Boad, John, 23. Brewer, Clement, 16 (2), 32, 33 (3). Bobbinge, 72. Brickenden (Brekynden, Brigenden, Bockland near Faversham, land in, 53. Brykenden), Agnes, 147; John, Bococke, Matthew, 18. 136, 149 (2), 150, 153,173 : Robert, Bocton, land in, 74. 148, 182, will of, 137 ; William, 137, Bocton under the Blean,' land in, 54, extract from will of, 19. 76. Bridges, Old, in England and Bolcome, Alexander, 31. Wales, hy Aymer Vallance, Bolden, Avice, 115; Franois, 115; xl vii. Joan, 115 (2) ; Robert, will of, 115. Bonehill, land and weirs at, 106. Bridgman, Bartholomew, 23; John, Boniface, Archbishop, 43. 264. Bonnett, Stephen, 81. Brimton, Edward, 27 ; John, 27. Bonney, Edmund, 31. Bristow, John, 29. Bonnington, 79, 80, 186, 241; manor Britton, Henry, 27. of, 220. Briwere, Walter, 72. Booreman, Agnes, 110 ; Andrew, will Broad. William. 21. of, 110. Broadsheafe, Elizabeth, 168; Wyl- Boorne, Edward, 20 ; Elizabeth, 17 ; liam, 108, Susanna, 16, Broadstairs, Late - Celtic dis- Borley, John, 97. coveries at, by Howard Hurd, Boteler, John, 236. 309 ; skulls dug up at, 208. Botlesham, W., Bishop of Rochester, Brockley, Bury St. Edmunds, 188, 235. Brockman, Rev. Tatton, part of Hythe Bougeor, Margery, 117. Churoh restored by, 270, Bounde, Edward, 56. Brome, John, 20. Bourchier, John, 237 (2). Bromefield, land and tenements in, Bouthill, weir at, 117. 102, 112,115. Bowen, Prancis, 18; Mr., 173 ; Ro- Bromston, John, 67, bert, 22. Brooke (Broke), Agnes, 150 ; Marie, Bowhill, weirs in, 123. 24 ; Susanna, 24 ; Sir Wm., 313,314. Bowker, Sir William, 121. Brooker, Arthur, 20. Bowie, Marie, 167: William, 167. Brooks, Jo., 26 ; Mary, 20. 320 GENERAL INDEX. Brown (Browne), Abraham, 31 ; charities, 245 ; Eastbridge Hospital, Adam, 67; Anne, 32; Bartholo- 243, 245 ; Friars-Preachers and mew, 26 ; Henry, 31; Eev. J., 210 ; Friars-Austin of, 97 ; Holy Cross, John, 32 ; Mr., 32, 33 ; Quarles, 20 ; 101, 238 ; North Lane, 101; Prior Robert, 67 ; Stephen, 56 ; Susanna. and Convent of Holy Trinity, 75 ; 21; Thomas, 23, 27. St. Augustine's, 109 ; St. Gregory, Bryan, Sir Thomas, 66. 82; St. John, 117 ; St. Mary Bre- Bryant's Dictionary of Engravers, den, 237; St. Mildred. 75; St. reference to J. Cole in, 219. Sepulchre, 237 ; tenement in Wor- Brytey, John. IS ; Martha, 18. gate, 75. Buck, Judith, 12 ; Peter, 12 (2), IS ; Canterbury Cathedral, 77, 286 ; archi- Sir Peter, 12. tectural features compared with Buckland, manor of, 122.
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