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R Graphics Output Hexapoda Remipedia Branchiopoda Cephalocarida Pancrustacea Malacostraca Copepodoidea Thecostraca Ostracoda Oligostraca Chilopoda Diplopoda Myriapoda Pauropoda Arthropoda Symphyla Chelicerata CheliceromorphaPantopoda Tardigrada Tardigradoidea Ecdysozoa Lobopoda Onychophora Loricifera Nematoda Nemathelminthes Nematomorpha Kinorhyncha Priapulida Clitellata Orthonectida Annelida Myzostomida Sipunculida Protostomia Euannelida Nemertini Nemertea Archynchocoela Entoprocta Kamptozoa Cycliophora Gymnolaemata LophophorataEctoprocta Phylactolaemata Phoronida Rhynchonelliformea Brachiozoa Craniiformea Linguliformea Spiralia Gastropoda Scaphopoda Bivalvia Mollusca Cephalopoda Monoplacophora Polyplacophora Aplacophora Neodermata PlatyhelminthesRhabditophora Catenulida Mesozoa Dicyemida PlatyzoaGastrotricha Gastrotrichoidea Syndermata Gnathifera Micrognathozoa Gnathostomulida Chaetognatha Sagittoidea Bilateria Ascidiacea Tunicata Larvacea Mammalia Aves Reptilia Amphibia Vertebrata Dipnoi Actinopterygii Chondrichtyes Deuterostomia Cyclostomata Cephalochordata Leptocardii Pterobranchia Hemichordata Enteropneusta Holothurioidea Ophiuroidea Echinodermata Echinoidea Asteroidea Crinoidea Xenoturbelloidea XenacoelomorphaAcoelomorpha Nemertodermatida Acoela Myxosporea Myxozoa Malacosporea Polypodiozoa Medusozoa Hydrozoa Scyphozoa Animalia Natantes Cubozoa Cnidaria Staurozoa Coronatae Octocorallia Anthozoa Hexacorallia Ceriantharia Phagocytellozoa Placozoa Trichoplacoidea Ctenophora Ctenophora Ctenophoroidea Homoscleromorpha Calcarea Spongia Porifera Demospongia Hexactinellea Pinopsida Gnetopsida Spermatophyta Angiospermae Cycadopsida Ginkgoopsida Pteridopsida Marattiopsida Pteridophytina Ophioglossopsida Psilotopsida Vegetabilia Pteridophyta Equisetopsida LycopodiophytinaLycopodiopsida AnthocerotophytinaAnthocerotopsida Bryopsida Polytrichopsida Oedipodiopsida BryophytaBryophytina Andreaeopsida Sphagnopsida Takakiopsida Jungermanniopsida Hepaticae Marchantiopsida Haplomitriopsida Charophyceae Charophytina Mesostigmatophyceae Streptofilophyceae Ulvophyceae Chlorophyceae Chlorodendrophyceae Trebouxiophyceae ChlorophytaChlorophytina Pedinophyceae Chloropicophyceae Nephroselmidophyceae Mamiellophyceae Pyraminomonadophyceae Palmophyllophyceae PrasinodermophytinaPrasinodermophyceae Glaucophyta Glaucophyceae Florideophyceae Bangiophyceae Rhodophyta Proteorhodophyceae Cyanidiophyceae Rhodelphidia Picomonadea Chlorobionta Rhodelphea Endohelea Palpitia Cryptista Leucocrypta Cryptophyceae Hemimastigophora Hemimastigea Centrohelea Rappephyceae Heliozoa Prymnesiophyceae Alveida Telonemia Telonemea Xanthophyceae Chrysoparadoxophyceae Phaeosacciophyceae Xanthophytina Phaeophyceae Phaeothamniophyceae Raphidophyceae Actinophryida Chrysophyceae Chromophyta Eustigmatophyceae Chrysophytina Pinguiophyceae Olisthodiscophyceae Pelagophyceae Panalgae Dictyochophyceae Pelagophytina Bolidophyceae Bacillariophyceae Heterokonta Bigyromonadea Oomycota Oomycetes Eogyrea Labyrinthulea Bicoecea Opalozoa Placididea Opalinea Platysulcea Cariacotrichea Spirotrichea Spirotrichia Armophorea Litostomatea Oligohymenophorea Prostomatea Plagiopylea CiliophoraVentrata Phyllopharyngea Nassophorea Colpodea Protocruziea Heterotrichea Chromobionta PostciliodesmatophoraKaryorelictea Alveolata Coccidiomorphea Apicomplexa Gregarinomorphea Apicomonadea Dinoflagellata Ellobiopsea Myzozoa Syndinea Dinozoa Oxyrridea Squirmidea Perkinsida Protalveolata Colponemida Globothalamea Tubothalamea Monothalamea Retaria Acantharia Polycystinea Taxopodida Ascetosporea Gromiidea RhizariaRhizariaEndomyxa Plasmodiophorea Proteomyxidea Skiomonadea Chlorarachniophyceae Metromonadea Filosea Granofilosea Sarcomonadea Ventrifilosea Choanomonadea Filasterea Choanozoa Pluriformea Ichthyosporea Eurotiomycetes Lichinomycetes Geoglossomycetes Sordariomycetes Laboulbeniomycetes Leotiomycetes PezizomycotinaDothideomycetes Lecanoromycetes Sareomycetes Xylonomycetes Ascomycota Orbiliomycetes Pezizomycetes Saccharomycetes Archaeorhizomycetes TaphrinomycotinaTaphrinomycetes Protista Neolectomycetes Agaricomycetes AgaricomycotinaDacrymycetes Tremellomycetes Wallemiomycetes WallemiomycotinaBartheletiomycetes Mixiomycetes Microbotryomycetes Cystobasidiomycetes Atractiellomycetes PucciniomycotinaClassiculomycetes Basidiomycota Pucciniomycetes Spiculogloeomycetes Agaricostilbomycetes Tritirachiomycetes Malasseziomycetes Moniliellomycetes Panmycota UstilagomycotinaUstilaginomycetes Exobasidiomycetes EntorrhizomycotaEntorrhizomycetes Glomeromycetes Sanchytriomycetes Mucoromycetes Kickxellomycetes Eomycota Olpidiomycetes Nephridiophagida Chytridiomycetes Blastocladiomycetes Aphelidea Microsporea Opisthosporidia Cryptomycetes Cristidiscoidea Discosea Tubulinea Archamoebae Amoebozoa Variosea Mycetozoa Cutosea Breviatea Apusomonadea Anisomonadea Sulcozoa Hilomonadea Mantamonadea Ancyromonadea Kinetoplastea Diplosonematea Euglenozoa Postgaardea Euglenophyceae Percolozoa Heterolobosea Discoba Jakobea Loukozoa Tsukubea Excavata MalawimonadeaMalawimonadea Eopharyngea Metamonada Parabasalea Anaeromonadea Lokiarchaea Asgardarchaeota Heimdallarchaeota Wukongarchaeota Korarchaea Filarchaeota Crenarchaea Cenarchaea Halobacterota Archaebacteria Archaeoglobi Euryarchaeota Thermoplasmata Methanobacteria Thermococci Nanoarchea Nanoarchaeota ‘Undinarchaeota Micrarchaea Fervidibacteria Acetothermia Atribacteria Caldisericia Firmicutes Dictyoglomia Mollicutes Bacilli Limnochordia Clostridia Actinomycetia Actinobacteria Parcubacteria \N Microgenomates Caldilineia Monera Ktedonobacteria Chloroflexes Dehalococcoidia Thermomicrobia Terrabacteria Chloroflexi Fimbriimonadia Armatimonadetes Armatimonadia Nostocineae Oscillatorineae Cyanobacteria Gloeobacteria Vampirovibrionia Melainabacteria Thermotogia Synergistota Synergistia Thermi Fusobacteriota Fusobacteria Rhodobacteria Methylomirabilia Desulfobacteria Sumerlaeota Aminicenantes Nitrospiria Bacteria Proteobacteria Acidobacteria Chrysiogenetes Calescamantes Deferribacteres Epsilonproteobacteria Aquificae Dependentiae Marinimicrobia Chlorobia Ignavibacteria Rhodothermaeota Bacteroidia Bacteroidetes Latescibacteria Calditrichaeota Gemmatimonadetes Fibrobacteria Cloacimonetes Gracilicutes Chlamydiia Omnitrophica Kiritimatiellaeota Planctobacteria Verrucomicrobiia Lentisphaeria Planctomycetia Poribacteria Hydrogenedentes Aerophobetes Elusimicrobia Goldbacteria Elusimicrobes Spirochaetae Spirochaetes.
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