
P4’s Topic. Old and Lesson Learning Objective Activity Overview Number 1 To learn about the Watch this video explaining how landforms change over time. way landscapes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i7w7eJh3kQ change over time Edinburgh is built on top of a . Use the internet to research what a Volcanic plug. Then, draw a labelled diagram of a . Take a photo of it and upload it to Seesaw.

2 To learn about Use the internet to research what the major landmarks of Edinburgh’s Old Town are. This is a good features of the website to get more information. Old Town. https://www.visitscotland.com/info/towns-villages/old-town-and-new-town-p918411

Design a poster showing your favourite Old Town Edinburgh Landmarks. Once you’ve finished your poster take a picture of it and upload it to Seesaw. 3 To learn about Use the internet to research what life was like growing up in Old Edinburgh. Try and compare your life daily life in the now to children who grew up in Edinburgh’s Old Town. Write down 5 differences. past. 4 To learn about Find out about ‘Burke and Hare’. WARNING. THIS MIGHT GET GRUESOME! infamous characters from https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofScotland/Burke-Hare-infamous-murderers- the past graverobbers/

Make “wanted” poster for the two men. Once you’ve finished it upload a photo of it to Seesaw. P4’s Topic. Old Edinburgh and Castles 5 To learn to reflect Listen to the story of (The plan is I’ll upload a video to Seesaw of me reading it). on a story Do you think the story is real? In Edinburgh there is a statue of Greyfriars Bobby. Using whichever materials you have make your own statue of the dog. Here is a recipe for salt dough should you need it. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/how-make-salt-dough-recipe

6 To know the main Watch this video explaining how Medieval Castles developed. parts of a castle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXXDThkJ3Ew

Right down a list of key features of Medieval Castles.

7 To know the Read the information sheet about . Look online at pictures of the castle. How is it the features of same as the castles you learnt about in the previous lesson? How is it different. Edinburgh Castle On Seesaw send me an audio message describing to me what Edinburgh Castle looks like and where it is.

8 To make a model of Use the link in the webpage below to help you make your own model of Edinburgh Castle. a castle https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/members-area/kids/guide-to-castles/

Once you’ve finished upload a picture of it to Seesaw. P4’s Topic. Old Edinburgh and Castles 9 To understand how A timeline is a tool we use in history to help us see when different events happened. The one below is a Edinburgh has timeline showing when different dinosaurs lived. changed

Create your own timeline for the . Use this website to help you. www.localhistories.org/edinburghtime.html

Don’t try and include all of them as there are a lot! Try and choose the ones that you think are the most important.

P4’s Topic. Old Edinburgh and Castles 10 To recognise Go on a virtual tour of Edinburgh using Google Maps, visiting its famous landmarks. See if you can find Edinburgh’s most all of the landmarks below. famous landmarks.

P4’s Topic. Old Edinburgh and Castles

Try and upload to Seesaw a picture of you ‘visiting’ one of these landmarks! Use the drawing tool to help you do this!

P4’s Topic. Old Edinburgh and Castles 11 To name different Use the internet to find out about different castles in . This is a good website to help you. castles found in Scotland https://www.visitscotland.com/see-do/attractions/castles/great-scottish-castles/

Make a poster on the Seesaw picture tool of different castles in Scotland. You will need to find pictures of them on the internet and then use the camera button to upload them on the picture tool. Which is your favourite castle and why? 12 To use your If you were a King or a Queen who lived in a castle what would you be like? Would you be a nice Monarch imagination to or cruel one? How would you treat your subjects? write a diary entry Write me a diary entry about 1 day in the life of your castle.