South Hill Neighbourhood Development Plan 2017 - 2030


Date: 25th April 2017


1. Consultation Process Introduction Background to the plan

2. Public events and consultation activities Timeline Stakeholder consultations Table 1 - Statutory organisations consulted Table 2 - Non-statutory organisations contacted Table 3 - People who responded to our pre-submission consultation 3. Issues raised during consultation 3.1 No policies on footpaths, infrastructure, speeding, and parking. 3.2 Renewable energy 3.3 Provisions for affordable housing

Appendices 1. South Hill Parish Plan 2007 2. Horticultural Show 2014 Survey 3. Survey Results for Horticultural Show and Community Day 4. Residents Survey December 2014 with numerical results 5. SEA Screening Decision 6. Natural response 7. Historic England response 8. NFU response 9. St Sampson's Church response 10. town council response 11. SHARE response 12. Residents responses 13. Non-residents responses 14. Council officers comments 15. November 2016 Survey results



1.1 This Consultation Statement has been prepared to fulfil the legal obligations of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 in respect of the South Hill Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). 1.2 The legal basis of this Consultation Statement is provided by Section 15(2) of Part 5 of the 2012 Neighbourhood Planning Regulations, which requires that a consultation statement should:

contain details of the persons and bodies who were consulted about the proposed neighbourhood development plan;

explain how they were consulted;

summarise the main issues and concerns raised by the persons consulted; and

describe how these issues and concerns have been considered and, where relevant addressed in the proposed neighbourhood development plan.

1.3 The policies contained in the NDP are the result of considerable interaction and consultation with the community and businesses within the parish. This has taken place over a period of approximately 3 years. The work has involved printed and online surveys, public meetings and engagement events. This has been overseen and coordinated by the NDP Development Team which was formed to develop the NDP on behalf of the South Hill Parish council who are the qualifying body.

1.4 This Consultation Statement summarises all statutory and non-statutory consultation undertaken with the community and other relevant statutory bodies and stakeholders in developing the NP. In particular, it describes how concerns have been addressed and what changes have been made to the final NP as a result of statutory pre-submission consultation.

Background to the plan

1.5 South Hill Parish Council started the process of producing a Parish Plan in December 2005. In June 2007 the final version of the plan was published (see appendix 1). The Localism Act 2011 introduced the possibility of taking this further by developing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the parish, and on 29th November 2013 the parish council applied for designation as a Neighbourhood Planning area.

1.6 The NDP Development Team was set up after a public meeting on 28th April 2014 to launch the Neighbourhood Plan Initially, the NDP Development Team comprised parish councillors, Geoff Clemerson, David Skelton, Nick Easton, Dennis Hicks, and local residents Tony Butterfield, David Polden, Steve Moir, and John Hickman. The first meeting of the team was held on 13th May 2014 and it was agreed that, in view of the small size of the NDP area, and its population, proceedings would be kept informal, with any major decisions being referred to the parish council who were the designated body. 1.7 Team meetings have been held regularly during the process, and progress reported back to the parish council at its monthly meetings. Details of major developments have been reported in the parish council minutes, and can be found on the parish council website, South Hill Parish Council website and also on the 'South Hill Connection' website. 1.8 At the first meeting, the team identified three main policy issues, housing, business development, and environment. Working groups to look at these areas were set up as follows: HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Steve Moir, John Hickman EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Tony Butterfield, Nick Easton, David Skelton ENVIRONMENT PRESERVATION Geoff Clemerson, Dave Polden Membership of the NDP development team has been somewhat fluid since its inception, with Councillors Dan Smith, James Gale and Andrew Budd, and residents John Packer and Alison Humphreys, joining, and John Hickman and David Polden leaving due to other commitments. The present team members are:

Geoff Clemerson (team leader) David Skelton Nick Easton, Tony Butterfield, Dan Smith James Gale Steve Moir Andrew Budd



2.1 The Neighbourhood Plan was launched with a public event held in the Village Hall on 28th April 2014. This was advertised in the 'South Hill Connection', by emails to the majority of households in the parish, and by word of mouth to those who were not on the internet. 29 residents attended this meeting, and 2 officers were in attendance to help answer questions about Neighbourhood Planning. There was strong agreement from the attendees that we should proceed to develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan, and 4 members of the public expressed interest in joining the development team.

2.2 After the launch event, the NDP Development Team started to plan a major questionnaire to be circulated to everyone in the community. Each of the working groups produced sections related to their issues, and it was decided to test public opinion by a short survey at the annual Horticultural show on the 16th August 2014. A copy of this survey is at appendix 2. 2.3 On the 20th September 2014, we organised a Community Day at the parish hall. Various local organisations were invited to attend and promote their activities, and the NDP team were on hand to take questions and discuss residents concerns. We were also keen to recruit more members for the team itself. The event was a success, with over 100 people attending, and several people raising concerns for the NDP Team to look at. A summary of the results of this survey and the previous one at the Horticultural Show are at appendix 3.

2.4 A 24 page questionnaire was printed and delivered by hand to every household in the parish on the 21st to 23rd December 2014. The survey was designed to allow space for every occupant of each household to reply. Replies were collected from every household in the week after New Year 2015. The response rate was 82%. There is a copy of the survey document with a summary of the numerical responses is at appendix 4. 2.5 The Development team staged a major exhibition in the village hall to present the results of the survey, and our vision for the future of the parish 21st March 2015.

2.6 With the forthcoming election raising uncertainties about the future of Neighbourhood Planning under a new government, and other pressing commitments for some members of the team, it was decided to delay any further action until September 2015. By the 26th January 2016 the first draft of the completed NDP was ready for circulation to all the team members. The team continued to work on or the NDP, in collaboration with officers from Cornwall Council. After much discussion and consideration of various additions, corrections, and amendments, version 6 of the draft plan was submitted to Cornwall Council for comment on the 20th May 2016. Comments from Cornwall Council were received on the 27th May 2016. 2.7 After incorporating changes suggested by Cornwall Council, and further discussion by team members, version 9 of the draft NDP was presented to the South Hill Parish Council on the 9th July 2016. The Parish council voted to approve the draft NDP, and for the pre- submission consultation to start. The consultation was advertised on all the notice boards in the parish, by email to most households, and on the Parish Council and 'South Hill Connection' websites.

2.8 Pre-submission consultation closed on 30th September 2016. Comments were received from 3 statutory bodies, Historic England, Cornwall Council, the NFU, and Callington Town Council, 12 residents of the parish, and 3 other members of the public, South Hill Association for Renewable Energy (SHARE), and St Sampson's Church. All responses are shown in appendices 5 to 14.

2.9 25th October 2016. Joint meeting of team with parish council and Cornwall councillor George Trubody to review plan in the light of consultation responses..

2.10 2nd November 2016. NDP news update circulated to residents by email.

2.11 10th November 2016. Further consultation of residents about business and energy polices carried out online using Survey Monkey. 100 residents responded. The results are shown at appendix 15.

2.12 13th December 2016. Further email correspondence with George Trubody to discuss the latest survey results and to obtain his advice on the possible inclusion of an energy policy.

2.13 16th December 2016 Latest draft of NDP sent to Cornwall Rural Community Charity (CRCC) for their planning consultant , James Evans, to examine and give expert advice.

2.14 12th January 2017 James Evan's report on our draft NDP received and circulated to team.

2.15 7th February 2017. Final amendments made to NDP in accordance with the majority decision of the NDP Development Team.

2.16 4th March 2017. Public breakfast event held at the parish hall in Golberdon to present the final draft of the NDP to the residents of South Hill. This was advertised by posters, email and leaflets delivered around the parish, and by notices in the 'South Hill Connection'. The event was well attended by 86 residents, and by our Cornwall Councillor Stephanie McWilliam, and by Sheryll Murray MP

Stakeholder consultations

2.17 Throughout the process, The NDP Development Team worked closely with Cornwall Council. Officers gave advice on matters pertaining to housing, business development, and were able to discuss early drafts of the Neighbourhood Plan. 2.18 Other consultees that particular Working Groups engaged with included South Hill Association for Renewable Energy (SHARE) who were represented by their director, Councillor David Skelton who was a member of the team.

Table 1 - Statutory organisations consulted

Organisation Contact Reply Comments Action Natural England Appendix 6 Historic England Appendix 7 No issues Noted Church of England Esther Pollard None Diocese Plymouth RC Diocese None NFU Cornwall Patrick Aubrey Appendix 8 Noted Fletcher Highways England None Network Rail Acknowledged South West Water Stephen Bird Acknowledged Environment Agency Acknowledged NHS Kernow Clinical Acknowledged Commisioning Group Federation of Small Business Ann Vandermeulen No response Age UK Cornwall No response Home and Communities Agency No response BT No response PC Clerk Acknowledged St Ive PC Clerk Acknowledged Stoke Climsland PC Louise Power Acknowledged Callington Town Council Helen Dowdall Appendix 10 Noted Cornwall Council Sarah Arden Appendix 14 Amended South West Water Martin Dunn Advisory Noted EE Ofcom Three Jane Evans Western Power Distribution Marine & Maritime agency National Grid EDF Energy British Gas Leon Millard ctil Wales & Western Utilities

Table 2 - Non-statutory organisations and landowners contacted

Name Location Reply Action taken Roger Daniel Callington No response Philip Barriball Polhilsa No response Gordon Mortimore via Ms Scandratt No response Mark Pethick South Hill No response Nicholas Lintott Bicton Mill No response David Williams Carcoe Farm No response Regen SW Exeter University No response St Sampson's Church South Hill Appendix 9 Noted S.H.A.R.E. South Hill Se appendix 11 Noted

Table 3 - People who responded to our pre-submission consultation

Name, Location Summary of comments Action David Skelton, Resident See appendix 12 See 3 below Susan Skelton, Resident See appendix 12 See 3 below Ali Humphreys, Resident See appendix 12 See 3 below Kathryn Skelton, Non resident See appendix 13 See 3 below Heather Degand, Lincoln See appendix 13 See 3 below Joseph Degand, Lincoln See appendix 13 See 3 below (son-in-law of David Skelton) Judith Ayers, Parish Church Wants more reference to St Sampson's See 3.4 Church as a focus for community wellbeing Littlewood, Local contractor Supports plan Noted Mr & Mrs Scarrot, Residents Not enough about social housing See 3.3 Ivan Callanan, Resident Items from residents survey not in plan See 3.1 Mr & Mrs Tasker, Residents No more social housing See 3.3 Suzette Gale, Resident Supports plan Noted John Packer, Resident Need more evidence for business policies See 3.5 Geoff Hardman, Resident Need renewable energy policy See 3.2


There were 14 public responses to the consultation which raised a number of different issues. It is difficult to know whether these represent a balanced view of the overall views of the community, but it is relevant to point out that 6 of the responses came from one extended family, containing residents and non-residents, some of these comments related to renewable energy (see 3.2) , others related to the vision contained within the NDP. It was suggested that this vision too closely copied another nearby Parish. This was discussed during the NDP team meetings and again at Parish Council meetings. The guidelines for creating an NDP advise that each Parish should look at any NDP’s that have been submitted by similar parishes. This was the process that was followed and the wording of the vision of was agreed by the NDP team and the wider Parish Council.

3.1 No policies on footpaths, infrastructure, speeding, and parking. The residents' survey carried out in 2014 included questions on a wide range of topics, not all of which have resulted in planning policies in the NDP. Several residents have objected to this in their response to the consultation. The NDP Development Team believes this is partly due to misunderstanding about the role of Neighbourhood Planning, and the policies they can contain. The very limited rural development expected over the plan period gives little scope for any major improvement to rights of way or footpaths, but Policy C3 does ensure the parish council will have some opportunity to carry out some improvements.

The lack of on-street parking had been commented on and this was dealt with by ensuring that parking provision had been built into both the Housing and Business policies.

None of the information gained from the survey about residents views is not wasted, as it will continue to inform the parish council for years to come, and has already resulted in action by the council to improve the maintenance of our footpaths.

3.2 Renewable energy The survey that we carried out in 2014 showed that there were strong divisions in the parish about some aspects of renewable energy. More people replied to this part of the survey than any other. The majority were in favour of rooftop solar panels, but were opposed to wind turbines and large scale solar panel farms. A significant minority held other views. There was also some support for other forms of renewable energy, such as managing woodland to produce fuel.

There is an organisation in the parish to promote renewable energy in the parish, SHARE (South Hill Association for Renewable Energy) and this was represented on our NDP development team by its managing director, David Skelton.

There were a number of difficulties in formulating policies on Renewable Energy for our plan. NDPs need to be permissive, rather than prohibitive, so it is not possible to simply prohibit certain types of development. It was suggested that we might have a policy which supported community led renewable energy projects, such as those sponsored by SHARE, with any financial or practical benefits retained within the Parish, but this would have resulted in a planning policy which appeared to favour a particular organisation and would not therefore have been acceptable..

Government policy on renewable energy has shifted since we started work on our plan, and the Cornwall Local Plan has now been approved and adopted. Policy 14: Renewable and low carbon energy, in the Cornwall Local Plan, contains much of what we might have wanted to include in a renewable energy policy. There are two significant impacts on our plan. Applications for wind turbines will not be considered unless sites have been allocated in a Neighbourhood Development Plan. We have made no such allocations of sites. Domestic rooftop solar panels are now usually automatically approved, and we do not need to include them in our plan.

The development team itself was divided on the issue, and because of this we sought outside expert advice from Councillor George Trubody. He warned us not to include policies which might divide opinion among the residents, and could therefore cause the whole NDP to fail at the referendum stage. On his advice, we conducted another online survey, which showed there was only limited support for the proposed energy policy. At his suggestion, we also sought expert advice from a planning consultant. He looked at our latest proposal for an energy policy in December 2016, and advised was that most of it was either not allowed, or was no longer appropriate. He suggested that we drop a separate policy entirely, and perhaps incorporate some elements in the other policies. Our Housing Policy H1, and Business Development Policy B1, already contain references to the orientation of roofs for the efficient use of solar panels.

After further discussion of our latest survey results with George Trubody in January 2017, and with the benefit of the planning consultant's advice, it was decided by a large majority of the NDP development team, that we would not include a separate energy policy.

3.3 Affordable Housing The responses to the consultation showed a wide variety of opinions on this topic. Some residents have queried why the NDP does not address the need for social housing in the parish, while others strongly opposed any further such housing. The NDP Development Team recognised that there are difficulties in tackling this issue in a very rural area with limited infrastructure, no public transport, shops, schools, post office, and only limited recreational facilities. We believe that the provisions for affordable housing in Policy H1 - Housing Development, go as far as is practical to tackle this issue in this area.

3.4 St Sampson's Church Several residents commented that there was strong support for preserving St Sampson's church, and wondered why this was not reflected in the NDP policies. The development team took the view that since the church is already a Grade 1 listed building, and the standing stone in the churchyard is a scheduled monument. there was little more that the NDP could do to protect it. The comments from St Sampson’s Church itself were also discussed. The team were sympathetic to the aims of the church expressed in their comment, but it was deemed that what they were requesting was not relevant to the NDP which should be about planning and development, but rather something that could be raised within the Parish Council.

3.5 Lack of evidence to support Business Policies Some residents complained that the business policies in the NDP were not fully supported by enough evidence from the earlier surveys. The team accepted this, and following the advice from George Trubody, a further survey was carried out (see 2.11).

APPENDICES PLease note that many of these appendices are links to documents on the South Hill Parish Council website.

Appendix 1 South Hill Parish Plan 2007

Appendix 2. Horticultural Show 2014 Survey

Appendix 3 Survey Results for Horticultural Show and Community Day 2014

Appendix 4 Residents Survey December 2014 with numerical results

Appendix 5. SEA Screening Decision

Appendix 6. Natural England response

Appendix 7. Historic England response

Appendix 8. NFU response

Appendix 9. St Sampson's Church response

Appendix 10. Callington Town Council response

Appendix 11. SHARE response

Appendix 12. Residents responses

Appendix 13. Non-residents responses

Appendix 14. Cornwall Council officers comments

Appendix 15. November 2016 Survey Results