
I wish to go to

Lacy Taneytown, MD cystic fibrosis

Lacy’s Wish To Go To New Zealand

Lacy from Taneytown, MD has always been interested in fantastical stories and movies, such as The and . Lacy is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, and she finds joy and relief in watching The Lord of the Rings movies. When she learned that Make-A-Wish® Mid-Atlantic would be granting her one true wish, Lacy immediately knew what to wish for. Lacy wished to go to New Zealand, where the epic journeys of Tolkien’s characters were filmed.

Lacy began her exciting journey with a luxurious limo ride to the airport. Upon landing in New Zealand, Lacy and her family explored some of the adventurous activities that the country has to offer. One of Lacy’s favorites was a thrilling zip line ride through the rolling hills and lush foliage of Waiheke Island. Lacy also loved exploring the famed ports of Auckland and the local shops and restaurants surrounding them, where she tried some of the country’s signature dishes. Her personal favorites were the fish and chips and the steak and king crab leg platters. Lacy was thrilled to visit the Auckland Art Gallery and stopped in an amazing bookstore, where she browsed countless books. Of course, her favorite part of the entire trip was visiting the – the location where many important scenes from The Lord of the Rings and were filmed. The movie set was much larger than Lacy thought it would be, and it was completely awe-inspiring.

After Lacy’s wish was granted, she said that the experience was even more amazing than she could ever imagine. Lacy and her family have countless memories from this trip and feel more hopeful for the future.

Make-A-Wish® Mid-Atlantic was founded in 1983, and has granted the wishes of more than 10,000 children fighting critical illnesses such as cancer, pediatric AIDS, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Duchene’s muscular dystrophy, kidney and heart disease.
