PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee Inquiry into the legislative and regulatory framework relating to restricted‑breed dogs Parliament of Victoria Economy and Infrastructure Committee Ordered to be published VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT PRINTER March 2016 PP No 152, Session 2014‑16 ISBN 978 1 925458 18 3 (print version) 978 1 925458 19 0 (PDF version) Committee membership Mr Joshua Morris MLC Mr Khalil Eideh MLC Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins MLC Chair Deputy Chair Western Metropolitan Western Victoria Western Metropolitan up to 8 October 2015 Mr Philip Dalidakis MLC Mr Nazih Elasmar MLC Mr Bernie Finn MLC Southern Metropolitan Northern Metropolitan Western Metropolitan up to 4 August 2015 Ms Colleen Hartland MLC Mr Craig Ondarchie MLC Ms Gayle Tierney MLC Western Metropolitan Northern Metropolitan Western Victoria from 4 August 2015 Inquiry into the legislative and regulatory framework relating to restricted‑breed dogs iii Committee staff Secretariat Dr Christopher Gribbin, Acting Secretary Mr Pete Johnston, Inquiry Officer Council Committees office Ms Annemarie Burt, Research Assistant Ms Kim Martinow de Navarrete, Research Assistant Ms Esma Poskovic, Research Assistant Mr Anthony Walsh, Research and Legislation Officer Committee contact details Address Economy and Infrastructure Committee Parliament of Victoria, Spring Street EAST MELBOURNE, VIC 3002 Phone 61 3 8682 2869 Email
[email protected] Web This report is also available online at the Committee’s website. iv