Appendix 3 – Page 1
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Address 1 Address 2 Support/ Comments Object The Borough Aldreth Object Size will dominate the flat topography of the fenland landscape. Detract from Ely Cathedral. Inefficient. Impact on wildlife. Too close to residential property and the A10. Greed of landowners cannot be of greater importance that preserving productivity of grade1 agricultural land. Reduction in property prices. MOD has reservations. Visual impact from Wicken fen should be considered. The Borough Aldreth Object Too close to residential properties and the A10. Inefficient. Local residents face disruption during construction phase. Insufficient infrastructure. Vast amounts of concrete in the ground for years to come. Impact on wildlife. Impact on visual amenity of residents, upon Ely Cathedral must be considered alongside impact from Wicken Fen. Sufficient renewable energy produced in ECDC area. Renewable targets met. The Borough Aldtreth Object Out of character with the landscape and will do very little to benefit the environment in such a low wind speed area. The Borough Aldreth Object Too close to village of Stretham and will dominate area surrounding them. Seen from huge distance including Ely Cathedral. Noise and shadow flicker a significant disturbance. Companies erecting them and landowners gain massive payments at expense of everyone else as price of electricity increase to subsidise it. The Borough Aldreth Object Too close to nearby villages and too tall. Would degrade aesthetic qualities of landscape as well as affecting bird life and amenity value of the area. Other emptier open spaces to site this means of developing alternative energy. Cumulative effect. The Borough Aldreth Object Comments stand despite revised Environmental Statement. The Borough Aldreth Object Despite recent submissions I still object. High Street Aldreth Object Impact on landscape. Fens are renowned for ‘big skies’ and turbines will distract views. Main point of reference on landscape is Ely Cathedral – replacing with wind turbines is vandalism. Noise and flicker effects and inefficient. High Street Aldreth Object Turbines do not comply with policies EN1, EN2 and EN6 and would destroy the landscape and settlement character, affect residential amenity and protected species. High Street Aldreth Object Public benefits fail to outweigh the tremendous harm it will cause. Appendix 3 – page 1 Turbines do not comply with policies EN1, EN2 and EN6. Cannot minimise environmental and amenity impacts. Value of landscape demonstrated in Mereham Inquiry. May support land owner financially but will erode agricultural enterprise as a whole in the area. Scale is not inkeeping. Also contrary to Local Plan. Affect on social mobility of residents and reduction in house prices. Renewable targets already met. School Lane Aldreth Object Aldreth already feeling burden from berry fen. These turbines still higher than Ely Cathedral and would have hugely detrimental impact on the landscape. Spoils area for those that live here an visit. East Cambs already providing enough renewable energy. Very strong local opposition. School Lane Aldreth Object Example of how these developments can multiply as there is also an application for 3 turbines nearby. Need to protect environment from greedy developers. Low wind speeds in area, obstructive views, noise and shadow flicker, distance from very busy A10. Impact on wildlife. Can affect people with sensory processing difficulties, especially people on the Autistic spectrum. Do not know how they will affect a person until it is too late. School Lane Aldreth Object Objections still stand. Clear from fight to stop turbines on Berry Fen that local people do not want this. Current government has said that wind farms should only go ahead with support of local residents. High Street Earith Object Will dominate landscape and rivers. Clearly visible from Cambridge and Ely. Impact on unique view of Ely Cathedral. Will set a precedent. Prefer solar panels. John Anne Close Ely Object Not efficient – minimal contribution to the National Grid. Blot on landscape which would impact on peoples quality of life. Serious impact on visitors first impression of Ely and its Cathedral. Morley Drive Ely Object Blight on local landscape and views of Ely Cathedral. Negative impact on tourism. If any applications are approved this will set a precedent. Turbines do not reduce as much CO2 as stated. Not needed to aid renewable targets. Detrimental impact on wildlife and birds. St Marys Street Ely Object Too close to dwellings - subjected to noise and television reception affected. Danger to bird life and their habitat. Shadow flicker on A10 could distract motorists. Height means they will dominate and change the unique landscape. Insufficient electricity would be generated to Appendix 3 – page 2 justify affects on environment. Cowslip Drive LittleThetford Object Size of the turbines is so large it will have a detrimental impact for many miles. Affect on house prices. Purpose of turbines is not clear. Noise. Cranwells Way Little Thetford Object Turbines should be placed a lot further away from villages/towns/cities. Mereham development turned down because of landscape value. Turbines are inefficient. Proximity to A10 – increase in traffic movements. Noise created and television signal affected. Insufficient public consultation. Negative impact on houses prices. No benefits to villages or surrounding areas. Aldreth Road Haddenham Object Turbines will dominate landscape. Impact on residential amenity through noise, shadow flicker and visual intrusion. Degrading of views of Windmill, Old Engine and Stretham Church. Affect on River Ouse Walk and biodiversity in area. Will set a precedent. Aldreth Road Haddenham Object Turbines will dominate landscape. Impact on residential amenity through noise, shadow flicker and visual intrusion. Degrading of views of Windmill, Old Engine and Stretham Church. Affect on River Ouse Walk and biodiversity in area. Will set a precedent. Aldreth Road Haddenham Object Turbines will dominate landscape. Impact on residential amenity through noise, shadow flicker and visual intrusion. Degrading of views of Windmill, Old Engine and Stretham Church. Wind speed insufficient and it is unlikely that any CO2 savings will be made. Aldreth Road Haddenham Object Major detrimental change to landscape, views and visual amenity. Contrary to policies EN1 and EN2. Major detrimental impact on cultural heritage. Major detrimental change to residential visual amenity. Possible disturbance to archaeological remains. Major detrimental impact on leisure amenities. Disturbance from noise. Harm to wildlife. Cumulative impact. Affects on house prices and social mobility. Turbines likely to be inefficient and the developer has not attempted to obtain accurate windspeed measurements. Renewable energy targets already met. Aldreth Road Haddenham Object Major detrimental change to landscape, views and visual amenity. Contrary to policies EN1 and EN2. Major detrimental impact on cultural heritage. Major detrimental change to residential visual amenity. Possible disturbance to archaeological remains. Major detrimental impact on leisure amenities. Disturbance from noise. Harm to wildlife. Cumulative impact. Affects on house prices and social mobility. Appendix 3 – page 3 Turbines likely to be inefficient and the developer has not attempted to obtain accurate windspeed measurements. Renewable energy targets already met. Aldreth Road Haddenham Object Having read the revised ES I cannot see any new information to reduce or mitigate the adverse impacts and irreversible harm. Contrary to ENV1 and ENV6. Cumulative impact. Noise impact, impact on protected species and heritage assets. Provision should be made for a bond for demolition and removal of turbines. Does not comply with ministerial statement. Aldtreth Road Haddenham Object As above. Bell Gardens Haddenham Object Too close too many houses in Stretham. Intrusive to the closest houses. Visible for miles and would dominate and permanently spoil attractive fenland landscape and skylines. Out of keeping with rural environment. Amenity that droves and footpaths provide would be seriously degraded. The site is in the direction of the prevailing wind, noise audible at all times. Site is close to Old West River wildlife corridor – inevitable that birds will suffer fatal collisions. Precedent will be set. Windfarm forest effect already underway. No attempt to obtain accurate wind speed measurements. Must choose most beneficial type of renewable energy. Great Mill View Haddenham Object Turbines would industrialise rural landscape and impact cannot be mitigated. Mereham Inquiry stated visual value of the landscape. Residential and leisure amenity will be affected. Negative impact on views of Ely Cathedral. Safety issues – ice throws, noise and flicker. Government aware of issues. Hazard to drivers and health side effects. Close to Old West River. Applicant’s own ecologists recommend further survey work. Any bird deaths are unacceptable. Mortality risk for bats even greater. Impact on social mobility and house prices. Cumulative impact. Wind farms are inefficient and there is no need/. Great Mill View Haddenham Object Technology is not energy or CO2 efficient. Assessing each application on its own overlooks cumulative effects. More efficient, safer and less intrusive wind technologies available. UK Govt policy is rapidly evolving and changing – unwise to commit at this time. Low speed area and applicant has carried out no measurement of wind patterns or strength.