District Census Handbook, Lucknow, Part XIII-A, Series-22, Uttar Pradesh

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District Census Handbook, Lucknow, Part XIII-A, Series-22, Uttar Pradesh 'qlff XIII .. 3i yr;-q/SE RJES .. 22 111" ~ct ;fq, " ~~SI~ 'f;taw;ft UTTAR PRADESH Part XIII -A VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORIY f\iT~T fim"T ~~~~ ~;lur'iT DIsrIru.C-r , ~a,!ff(tanT LUCK NOW DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK "{tit~i' ~r~ 1 ~n:ijTll' ~~Hrfi1<r. ~T t~~ifi I ::sr.;~T !ffi"'<IT~<l1 ~'6'( ~r~ j 1. !ffiITq;n 2. srT'Rilll'i 3. f~ ttiT 11~ 4. f~ ~ ~Cf~of aIT~ ix-xi 5 . f~ \ifil{J'IlfilT ~~ffQtpT <fiT q-n:'tI'(f ,dii-xlI.jii {i. f<r.l~O'fWT<fi' fccq-oft (~OO irJ 1-14 7. ~lT1lT -I "lIN fii~!ITCfi'T 16-198 ij~~T(1 : l-~f\if~ti'fi( (il ~«ffi OO~ (ii) lATi1T <fiT q1Jf~~11 ~T 16-19 (iii) ~Tll f~~f!!fOfiT 24-63 0) (j~«r~ ifrrrf'i:f(.f {ii) lJp:ff CfUTT~~if ~1 66-68 (iii) "lIT+r ffl~fl1TliT 72-103 3--q~~qfill (I) ~«1t?1' +rrrrf~ (ii) ~mT Cfft qO'fT~ ~r t06 -108 (iii) "«Ilf f~~fu'!i'T H2-13) qft~T I f!U'e1T, f'tffCfiCtIl arj'{ apl:f ~fqm8TT em ~'t1:1c:m: «T~ 138 -141 U ~Ffqllj';;T 'SfqT~ ~~ ;;rr,\ lfR tJil' rrfl"if, (ij(1'ij' cT~if) 7SfiftfUfiiT rrtTU t ~flf ~q ~CTT a:rt'fi'~ l42 ill q~~ EO} 'i§~ ~fcr!;TT ~CT lJ1lI'T etft \l:~'T 1. iff~~r~~ 143 2• ~(S{'fa:i 144 3. IT)~ii~mlfiif 145 -146 LV ~fiffi' GfrfQ'llr Q'q'T ar~~f'tRl' iifiimmlir 'li'T iiI',nT191TT 'fiT ~1:1 '5I'rrd~T a- ~q-fQ q-f,\ij't iii aqmt 'lTm 'fiT ~{t (at) ~f~~f 1. if~Tqrq 159-1681- 2. ~@;ifa; 3. ~)~ {{(\iT*", 169-17~ (i{) at2~f~ ~~~lff 177 8. ~'111T-II;:rn: ~~T fqCf'{lJJ' I sr~ arl~ ~ ~m' 180-181 fcrq'\1l'J' II ijif~T Cfi'T \lTfa~ q~ 1:!;~ f~~fff, 1979 182-183· fqq'{lJJ' III 'l~WiiT fq~, 1918-79 184-1~> fqq'{1l'J' IV mckrm a;1'{ OTrlf ~fqf:'(T~, 1979 186-187 m~1l'J' IVar 8lf~f:;;r(f tf~1 qf~ijlff 1979 ~Tci'GrfrrCfi arl~ ar;?f ~ 188-191 f~ V frqfCfiffiT. ~ifalCfi, ~iSf;; an'( ~i~faCfi' ~fq~n~. 1979 192-195, fcrcr'{Of VI Olf~, crrfiJrinf ~Fr afr1: ~, 1979 196-191' ijm:i epi' OTqqf.e:lft.. crqr ~'T ~T 198 199-20S; CONTENTS Page No. 1. Forward iii-iv 2. Preface vii-viii 3. Map of the district 4. Important Statistics of the district ix-xi 5. District Census Handbook xxv-xxxv 6. Analytical Note 1-14 7. Section I-Village Directory 16-198 TAHSIL :- 1. MALIHABAD (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 20-23 (iii) Village Directory 24-63 2. LUCKNOW (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 69-71 Wi) Village Directory 72-103 3. MOHANLALGANJ (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 109-111 (iii) Village Directory 112-135 Appendices Tahsil Wise Abstract of Educational, Medical and. other ame.nities r t • 138-141 II Land Utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (census towps) 142, [II ltist of villages where no amenity other than the drinking water is available. 1. Malihabad 143 2. Lucknow 144 3. Mohanlalganj 145-146 IV List of villages according to the population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges. A-scheduled Castes 1. Malihabad 147-158 2. Lucknow 159-168 3. Mohanlalganj 169-176 B-Scheduled Tribes 1. Lucknow 177 8. Section II-Town Directory Statement I Status and Growth History 180-181 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location of towns,. 1979 182-]83 Statement III Municipal finance. 1978·79 184-185 Statement tv Civic and other amenities, 1979 186-187 Statement IV-A Civic and other amenities in notified slums. 1~79 188-191 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreation and Cultural Facilities 1979 192-195 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industries and Banking, 1979 196-197 Appendix Town showing their out growth with population 198 Errata 199-205 ~~ m:ri £fir art'{ ~ \;I1'l ol'1T ~O'i {!'T'\T ~'lir~cr f~z;rr i31'rrrrorrrr ~fQ'$n:crif)r, i31'i{ij"orolT CfiT ~if) 61ClFtr ~(,CfrT 'StEliTW'1' ~ I fi3l'~T \iI"1'4f11l"ilT ~taWffiCfiT CfiI '\;q'rnif trT ifilT'liT,\'1i'T, srm~li'r, fcr[rrrl a'q'r ~Trr'1i'~T3fl t rnT ~~ TCfilfT 1jf'ffiT ~ I f~ &ffir ~ T'1'm\UT, ~~fi1rij' cr~T OOij' ir:jfifTaIT %' GfrrR ~T rif~T ~f!lTHl'<r if ~~'1i'r fcr~!f iT~~ ~ I f:jf~r ~rrlforrrT ~€crlftcronf ttCfiI1T~ ~ij'r srCfi'fllTrr ~ ~) fCfi' ~rq'f1{li' iifollforrrT ~rr\ t arr'fit lffqror ~~1 ~ lfTl1 W''{ en: cr~T 'ilf,{ ~e=r ~ cHi ~ ar'la'r\ 'Stt~er Cfi'\crr ~ I lfr+rT o:~ '1'IfU;r \,Nz;ri:T ~ri:frrraf1 ij'1=C{;:!1T arl1{i~ arr~ 1ft ~~ sr~ij' ftfiil' ~CC ~ I f~m ijf<'f'jOI'1'T ~ffl~ftcrCfi'T ~{i1.1T CfiT 'Str{nr 1951 <fiT ~';lforrrr if g3Tf I ~€l'ij' T3I'~ t SfcZr'tl \tTlr arl'{ '1'lf'{ t f~ srT~ijCfi GJ<fil1JT<fT ij'R a'~ Gf'1'rrOI'i'f Cfi')' sr~~ ~T\fVr.rt 'St!fi'Tfmr iiiT ~ ~fl 1961 Cfi1' iif~ori1f if f;jj'~r GfoiIfOf'1'T ~~fmT CfiT mr Tertia' <tl'\ f~lfT tflff ij'q"T f~~ 'fir Tcr~n:O'fmrli ~{ir, 'Stm~r'i''1i arr<ilf, iif1'lfOfrrr ~11:flJrlff erq'T \fT+(, ~, '1'tf'{ f;:r~fiJ'CfiT r~rrq srr~fqif) ~;;4fiJfrrf «f,{ ,ft ~T I SI''liTfwcr fonq ~lr I 1971 if f3f~r Gf';IfO'frrr ~tcr~ftcrfr ~~r ffi'1' mqr it f'1'tfiRV£T ij'lf f<fj(fT ~T I mlf ~Iar" it \fliT ~. 'i'rr'{ f'i'~fW'1i'f, mrr "ar'l if \tf+r ttci 'ilT,{ srf({'f'lf ~iiIfO'f;;T ij"f'{ ij'q'T '1N tlij''' if farq~ilfO'fTc+r!fi' ~lir, sr!ifr~rrrti a:rf:fi~, fjfz;rr i;fiiiflJ'(rTT ij'T'{fO'flff CC~ «rq ~rCJ';rr3fr ar1"\ srrq'f+r:fi Gf'1'IfOf<rT «T'{ q''{ arfa-rfW ~ fCf!i~rqollc:+tCfi ffi,\fOr:rt ~1' rrzff I lI'Wfq' ~~ ,{T'3'111 if '1Tf1" t1ij''' <fiT f~;;T ~;lfcrr<rT e-f'\fU'rrfi Q'Ii {t ijffl{G' '{liT IJ'lfT I ~ OR ~~ if ~~ ~ ~~ if f~;~ ~Iit Eii efif\QT '{~ 'C9Tq'T ;:r~f ~ I 1981 Cfi1' fi5f~T Gf'1'4fOfrtT ~tcr$f~<fiT ~(5f~r <fiT ~cr'ttaT 6'1.'ff'{ Cfi'{a- ij'l1lf VTIJ q 'i'lJ''\ roi~fwifi'r t m~ql em ~: #:;:m rn ~ fC§ '1't tJ:VfTarr CfiT ~T~ Cfi\it CfiT Wtt'1' ftfilfT ~1fT ~ I «T~ ~1' ijllf 1971 t art'fi'?'l ~ WI'<rT CAr ~ \~T 'if\' ~T;:r ,(~T tftrT ~ I f~ • <111 ~~'{ aF1f ijitr ~ftrrtTtt <;I'T+{ rrr~r~T it i;« a:r~w t ij'Tq­ ~Q Cfi1' tI~ ~ f9l' ~ Cfili WertH ~r'ml' ;,rm it ~q'\'I'QtT ,;:r@ ~ cr) frrlicCf+r t'lJ'Tii Cfi'f ~u i;f~i If&: ~fCJ'CTT ~q~ia' ~ ~ G:1' iifn:l' I lflll' ~fucpT ~ q'f'{crfuq ~cr if fcrWli'fi',{ a:rcr:tq'Tq"fT ~fCJ'qrif ttaf lfq \3"qmq ~ ijl=q-firrcr GIl fCftia' artri, ~T~e rCfi~ ;rtt & '\;~ lATmur ~~T if ~&=+t' f'i'lITiif'1' Cfi1' arfCf!Ffi'~mTl Cfi1' farfwlSc ~fcr Cfft arq-~r aI lf~ Eiiar~ ~q'rc;'r:r f'1'lf~ if ~1' ij'~T1f'll ;:r~r ~TIf'f ~f~li' cr~~3Tr ttaf ~1r3Tl <fi1' arr'ta' i{ ar't{ fCJ'iim It ~~1'11 ar[~~i{ '1i'T CfiI1 , I ~~ it ~r ~m ~TttT I ~)f'mr ~iFf arm!:f'liCfT <11~ t f\'l'~ arrifi'9r Cfi1' ~Tij' ~ ,\;(Yfl.'f ~ ~~ ;:rift ~~1"r3fr CfiT ijl1r~llT fCfilJ'T ~lfT ~ I Sf'" f~~T ~, 'SI'T~f+rCfi tqr~ij' \3'cr*~ Q~r ~r~rf~ Cfip;fWmarr q''{ ~~'i~ ~a'''t ,\;(Illf {r ~1' ;r~ &I VllI' t ft>{o: ~ +rT1T EliT '1't \I;:q.:fT ~ '\;'1' mm CfiT Iffi.T =tffilJ'T fiif'1' otfi q'i~rrr ~~lT ~ I ~fCJ'crurl ~ \'I'r~rf;:qa' i;f'1'~1i!fT ~ qf,{CJ''f'{ tt~r ~qrff ~it t r~~ tt'1i '1'ij'T t~ "~ iifiit(lS!IT ~ q'f,{i:fT~T <tft mT" f~lfT tflfT ~ I i:«t ~,f it ~) q'f~f~ iifT~ ;rq.& f'if'iif 8l'lW'il1j i;frfu ffqr i;fiRrTff CfiT "f~ Gf;nTe!:fT ~ ariq'rCJ t 81'1ij'f'{ <;I'm <ti1 o~ ~ ~T+t' ~ Cf\1~ '1T ~Tqm \3"cr~rr 'i'Q:f ~ <fiT \I;:q1'~ f'Cfiij'f ;rm ~ I ~+t' 81TCf!i~aT <11MF+t' Eli"\' arrCJQ~iifidlarl Cfi1' -fcr t f~~ 'i'lT\ f'1'~fuapr t 'SI'T~q' it '11' dWTa-;; qi~ ~~ ;:r~ +!if q'\ ~T \3'q~ Cfi"{niT rrlfr ~ I W ~ £fiT ~lfT'i' it WCfi'{ ~ tt~ f[~ ~oft % c;1fif ~ f~ ~'1' iIf~ it ~ wcrcrtaff (farGf'{1JT ivA) ;oT ~ '1'ij'f f~ r~trT rrlfr ~ I ~ aM'~T EfIl GfRrT ~ fCfi' m(.ii{ qfHirif t ~tn't t ~ Climq ~ if ~«?r f'i'lfT~ifi1 Cfi) ~'['lffir f~ I ( ii ") fqcroJf IV if 8fi11 WCiataif lfi1' ~~ifT it ~~f~ GfTfu l:jf~lfu lfiT G(;ni~T a~r fqq'{tlf v it !lir~ ~Taff ~ ma' ~ ro~T lfi~~ltiijf ay;tf ~Taff iti m~ W amrlf ij' ~ ~ &I ir~r{m ~ it wqmaff <til' andw ij\VTT ~T ~ fcrm~ ~f[\T 'iii'\' ~1Jft Cfi) ttrTir if ~ fctilfT ~T WfiijT ~ I ~ ~~ f~ if ~1: etT W ~f1Ta «til' '5fT '\.~1 ~ I ;j0 fcrq1;,uff it ~~ srmlijif EfiT snft~r~ ij'~T :jfif~lfT ~ if~ Hrni'f CPT W' ~'(lilf 'fil' ~ iti ~ mAif\1d f.pm ~t I srMflrcF Gfi{ifurifT tn"\ EfiT m~ 1981 «til' Gfi{ifll"R'T 'iliT c~Cfij'qij qlif"f if anfi:rCfi tr'f al';:lf ~T it trftCRirt ~ SlfTif it \~tfi\ ar.1ltiT ifm ~ I S1l1irorr it fq{ll+q if ~);r it' ~(~ ij' 1981 !fi'T f:jfm ~tTll"R'T ~~f~T eji) ~ 'S('CfiT~ ij' o/fTltT ~T ~ fill mtr· "aT" ~6' it lTllf fJ,r.i il'if~ fijij''![Cfi'T ~'T GfTlf orR ~llT "q-" it if~i~ m I{'( armm ~/~~f<rn ~fa'" iti Sl1~f"Ep' iifiIifurifl ~l\ ~ ijT~~ijT~ ~TlT a!l1T il'if\ 5fllll f"Cli' \iFllT1JfifT ~T\ f~T i5mr I fGi\1T '5fiFTuril'T ~Hl~f~~T ~ m'\.l~ it OTcr~~:nq;H ~fcr~TTaff it Sl1~ ~T ~l~ ~T if\ 1i1<i4[UI'1T ~ ~ ~l\ ~'ijijG ij'lrn'iliT CfiT 'ij~ll!m ~ f~f~a fCf1!~~rlJmlT<ti ~1i tfi) ~Cfi\ ~WfiT '\3"ql!)ftlijT eji) ir~l~ ~ w:rTtT fcti'fT 1Tl!'T &t· Sl'CfiTllTif <ill' ~q~fijaT ifiT ~'li=r iti r~f!, B"'Pn~ iJ!I1T ay;:lf ~~cf'~:uf fcf~l'ffilaff tfiT sr~fim Cfim ~ fiif~T iJ~T ff~ at; ~N'~i'f Cfl1 ~Ra' t¥1T<f ~ RlfT ffi ~ I \ ~ 5fCfiT~ \T~lf ij\CfiT~ or1\ :jfil'tTUTiI'T ~f[oil' q'iT ij~efO Sl'lfHf ~ I ~T ~cft;:sr ~to, fil'~ \i1'i{~'1'T qf\"lrnrr, ~u't sr~~ if; fifi~tr ;r arfEf.~T CfiT Q.tfiTcHUT rr,ct ~tf.~if fCfilfT f[lfT ~ I ~ 11:av1' ~ it ~Tiilf ij"{Cfil"\ if Cff<f f.Iim &I W srCliT!iT'1' ctn" q'\.'{:tfil'T "qier.:iI' l1;cf tr~qlf EfiT !:fiT~ ir~ 'iliTm ~ 6'TO f!,ifO Ii1'l'O 'fllT, '3'1{ +r~T\~T\ (m'lITIi1'Cfi an;lflf'1'} ir fCliliT I iTO ~TO to ~Tlf, ~q ~~l\fGft~T\ (;n'1f:q~) ~ 1iT;:rf:;;rerr!:fiT ijltl,{ CIi\~ it ffCfiil'l'CIiT 1iT~ ({Wrr m-T ~ I Gi'ij4IUI'11 fil'~m~l!l ij' sntij' orfCfi~"til' Ii1'tlif I)1T rr,JfO ~JfO ~3H, cm:rsc; 8T~~arif arfS''iliT\T;J CfiT ~ I It \3il' ~'+ft ~ srfij arT'll\: cli~6' CIi'\iJT ~ fGf,~it ~~ qf\ll')iilifT it orqifT lt1q({T'f ~lfT ~ I ;rt fmri' 26 m, 1982 FOREWORD The District Census Handbook (DCH), complied by the Census Organization on behalf of the State Government., is oae of the most valulble products of the Census.
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