British Open Challenge 2013 - Leaderboard - Final Result

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British Open Challenge 2013 - Leaderboard - Final Result British Open Challenge 2013 - Leaderboard - Final Result Name Golfer 1 Golfer 2 Golfer 3 Golfer 4 Golfer 5 Golfer 6 Total Kavanagh, Sharon Dustin Johnson 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Ian Poulter 1 Adam Scott 1 Lee Westwood 1 Tiger Woods 2 11 Beirne, Joseph Hunter Mahan 3 Phil Mickelson -3 Brandt Snedeker 4 Lee Westwood 1 Henrik Stenson 0 Jason Dufner 8 13 Gibney, Owen Tiger Woods 2 Adam Scott 1 Ernie Els 8 Graeme McDowell 12 Phil Mickelson -3 Ian Poulter 1 21 Teape, Patrick Jason Day 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Charl Schwartzel 6 Tiger Woods 2 Jason Dufner 8 Lee Westwood 1 23 Gleeson, Tom Tiger Woods 2 Lee Westwood 1 Phil Mickelson -3 Shane Lowry 9 Ernie Els 8 Sergio Garcia 7 24 Walsh, David Tiger Woods 2 Graeme McDowell 12 Phil Mickelson -3 Brandt Snedker 4 Lee Westwood 1 Dustin Johnson 9 25 King, Padraic Charl Schwartzel 6 Shane Lowry 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Graeme McDowell 12 Adam Scott 1 Ian Poulter 1 26 Comerton, Niall Tiger Woods 2 Graeme McDowell 12 John Daly 0 Matt Kuchar 6 Lee Westwood 1 Sergio Garcia 7 28 Neary, Fiachra Tiger Woods 2 Adam Scott 1 Phil Mickelson -3 Charl Schwartzel 6 Brandt Snedeker 4 Bill Haas 19 29 Hogg, Albert Tiger Woods 2 Ernie Els 8 Matt Kucher 6 Sergio Garcia 7 Dustin Johnson 9 Phil Mickelson -3 29 Molloy, Vincent Keegan Bradley 6 Shane Lowry 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Graeme McDowell 12 Francesco Molinari 3 Tiger Woods 2 29 McDermott, David Lee Westwood 1 Tiger Woods 2 Ernie Els 8 Dustin Johnson 9 Jason Day 9 Adam Scott 1 30 Martin, Seamus Darren Clarke 7 John Daly 0 Ernie Els 8 Hunter Mahon 3 Francesco Molinari 3 Bubba Watson 9 30 Roche, Niall Nicolas Colsaerts 19 Paul Lawrie 8 Phil Mickelson -3 Charl Schwartzel 6 Henrik Stenson 0 Lee Westwood 1 31 McGirl, Jo Henrik Stenson 0 Tiger Woods 2 Justin Rose 20 Phil Mickelson -3 Adam Scott 1 Graeme McDowell 12 32 McGirl, Tara Tiger Woods 2 Justin Rose 20 Phil Mickelson -3 Adam Scott 1 Graeme McDowell 12 Henrik Stenson 0 32 Vesey, Gary Tiger Woods 2 Lee Westwood 1 Ernie Els 8 Graeme McDowell 12 Ian Poulter 1 Shane Lowry 9 33 Noonan, Niall Justin Rose 20 Angel Cabrera 4 Tiger Woods 2 Jason Day 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Adam Scott 1 33 Bohan, Aoife Tiger Woods 2 Lee Westwood 1 Ian Poulter 1 Shane Lowry 9 Graeme McDowell 12 Ernie Els 8 33 King, Pat Brendan Grace 13 Brandt Snedeker 4 Charl Schwartzel 6 Graeme McDowell 12 Phil Mickelson -3 Tiger Woods 2 34 McCarthy, Fiona Rickie Fowler 22 Phil Mickelson -3 Henrik Stenson 0 Graeme McDowell 12 Francesco Molinari 3 Lee Westwood 1 35 Tierney, Declan Ernie Els 8 Bill Haas 19 Tiger Woods 2 Jason Day 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Bubba Watson 35 Daly, Isabella Tiger Woods 2 Shane Lowry 9 Martin Kaymer 9 Lee Westwood 1 Sergio Garcia 7 Darren Clarke 7 35 Devanney, Ashley Tiger Woods 2 Bubba Watson 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Sergio Garcia 7 Justin Rose 20 Ian Poulter 1 36 Hanly, Sean ( Snr) Robert Karlsson 22 Lee Westwood 1 Phil Mickelson -3 Graeme McDowell 12 Francesco Molinari 3 Adam Scott 1 36 Mahon, Robert Martin Kaymer 9 Hunter Mahan 3 Brandt Snedeker 4 Angel Cabrera 4 Ernie Els 8 Bubba Watson 9 37 Madden, Kieran Phil Mickelson -3 Lee Westwood 1 Tiger Woods 2 Sergio Garcia 7 Ernie Els 8 Rory McIlroy 22 37 Harvey, John Adam Scott 1 Jason Day 9 Matt Kucher 6 Phil Mickelson -3 Angel Cabrera 4 Louis Oosthuizen 20 37 Talbot, Siobhan KJ Choi 10 Jason Dufner 8 Graeme McDowell 12 Tiger Woods 2 Charl Schwartzel 6 Henrik Stenson 0 38 Awesome, Team Tiger Woods 2 Webb Simpson 13 Ian Poulter 1 Matt Kuchar 6 Brandt Snedeker 4 Graeme McDowell 12 38 Philips, Tony Sergio Garcia 7 Todd Hamilton 15 Shane Lowry 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Adam Scott 1 Bubba Watson 9 38 Beirne, Joseph Phil Mickelson -3 Graeme McDowell 12 Tiger Woods 2 Brandt Snedker 4 Francesco Molinari 3 Thorbjorn Olesen 22 40 Beirne, Adrian Phil Mickelson -3 KJ Choi 10 Jim Furyk 20 Sergio Garcia 7 Ian Poulter 1 Miguel Angel Jimenez 5 40 McCarthy, John Graeme McDowell 12 Rory McIlroy 22 Adam Scott 1 Ian Poulter 1 Francesco Molinari 3 Lee Westwood 1 40 British Open Challenge 2013 - Leaderboard - Final Result McDermott, Kevin Jason Day 9 Tiger Woods 2 Phil Mickelson -3 Adam Scott 1 Nicolas Colsaerts 19 Graeme McDowell 12 40 Duignan, Patricia Sergio Garcia 7 Phil Mickelson -3 Bubba Watson 9 Rickie Fowler 22 Tiger Woods 2 Angel Cabrera 4 41 Kenny, Ollie Padraig Harrington 11 Paul Lawrie 8 Graeme McDowell 12 Henrik Stenson 0 Shane Lowry 9 Lee Westwood 1 41 McKenna, Eileen Jason Day 9 Angel Cabrera 4 Sergio Garcia 7 Tiger Woods 2 Rory McIlroy 22 Phil Mickelson -3 41 Higgins, Pat Tiger Woods 2 Graeme McDowell 12 Sergio Garcia 7 John Daly 0 Padraig Harrington 11 Ye Yang 9 41 O'Rourke, Mick Tiger Woods 2 Lee Westwood 1 Sergio Garcia 7 Matt Kuchar 6 Miguel Angel Jimenez 5 Justin Rose 20 41 Gilligan, Jim Matt Kuchar 6 Charl Schwartzel 6 Lee Westwood 1 Shane Lowry 9 Paul Lawrie 8 Gonzalo Fernandez -Castano11 41 Gilmartin, Seamus Jason Day 9 Sergio Garcia 7 Padraig Harrington 11 Shane Lowry 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Bubba Watson 9 42 Duignan, Damien Rory McIlroy 22 Phil Mickelson -3 Graeme McDowell 12 Shane Lowry 9 Adam Scott 1 Ian Poulter 1 42 MCDermott, Eileen Brandt Snedeker 4 Henrik Stenson 0 Justin Rose 20 Phil Mickelson -3 Graeme McDowell 12 Shane Lowry 9 42 Hanly, Donal Angel Cabrera 4 Graeme McDowell 12 Martin Kaymer 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Henrik Stenson 0 Justin Rose 20 42 Emmet, Phil Graeme McDowell 12 Rory McIlroy 22 Phil Mickleson -3 Geoff Ogilvy 10 Adam Scott 1 Ian Poulter 1 43 O'Hara, Grainne Sergio Garcia 7 Tiger Woods 2 Vijay Singh 22 Phil Mickelson -3 Ernie Els 8 Darren Clarke 7 43 Kelly, David Rickie Fowler 22 Miguel Angel Jimenez 5 Graeme McDowell 12 Phil Mickelson -3 Charl Schwartzel 6 Lee Westwood 1 43 Hogg, Keith KJ Choi 10 Jason Day 9 Graeme McDowell 12 Tiger Woods 2 Charl Schwartzel 6 Angel Cabrera 4 43 Kilroy, Niall Sergio Garcia 7 Shane Lowry 9 Louis Oosthuizen 20 Henrik Stenson 0 Lee Westwood 1 Matt Kuchar 6 43 Beirne, Des Adam Scott 1 Louis Oosthuizen 20 Ian Poulter 1 Brendan Grace 13 Graeme McDowell 12 Phil Mickelson -3 44 Talbot, Oliver Tiger Woods 2 Lee Westwood 1 Adam Scott 1 Luke Donald 29 Brandt Snedeker 4 Sergio Garcia 7 44 Carter, Steve Justin Rose 20 Lee Westwood 1 Miguel Angel Jimenez Angel Cabrera 4 Shane Lowry 9 Padraig Harrington 11 45 Prendiville, Ger Justin Rose 20 Martin Kaymer 9 Graeme McDowell 12 Phil Mickelson -3 Keegan Bradley 6 Ian Poulter 1 45 Phillips, Mairead Phil Mickelson -3 Charl Schwartzel 6 Shane Lowry 9 Tiger Woods 2 Bubba Watson 9 Rory McIlroy 22 45 McDermott, Tara Thorbjorn Olesen 22 Sergio Garcia 7 Ernie Els 8 Brandt Snedker 4 Hunter Mahan 3 Ian Poulter 1 45 McGreevy, Niall Adam Scott 1 Charl Schwartzel 6 Phil Mickelson -3 Graeme McDowell 12 Shane Lowry 9 Justin Rose 20 45 Carroll, Reggie Shane Lowry 9 Louis Oosthuizen 20 Jamie Donaldson 9 Angel Cabrera 4 Lee Westwood 1 Tiger Woods 2 45 Nolan, Breege Shane Lowry 9 Justin Rose 20 Bubba Watson 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Shane Lowry 9 Tiger Woods 2 46 Lavin, Enda Brendan Grace 13 Henrik Stenson 0 Luke Donald 29 Adam Scott 1 Charl Schwartzel 6 Phil Mickelson -3 46 Campbell, Ann Lee Westwood 1 Bubba Watson 9 Phil Mickelson -3 Sergio Garcia 7 Sandy Lyle 23 Shane Lowry 9 46 Higgins, Brian Hunter Mahan 3 Ian Poulter 1 Rickie Fowler 22 Graeme McDowell 12 Padraig Harrington 11 Phil Mickelson -3 46 McGuire, Pascal Jim Furyk 20 Sergio Garcia 7 Phil Mickelson -3 Graeme McDowell 12 Tiger Woods 2 Ernie Els 8 46 Mc Weeney, Phil Nicolas Colsaerts 19 Phil Mickelson -3 Lee Westwood 1 Camillo Villegas 21 Henrik Stenson 0 Jason Day 9 47 O'Hara, Patricia Darren Clarke 7 Sergio Garcia 7 Paul Lawrie 8 Rory McIlroy 22 Phil Mickelson -3 Danny Willett 6 47 Martin, Niamh Phil Mickelson -3 Rory McIlroy 22 Rickie Fowler 22 Hunter Mahon 3 Adam Scott 1 Tiger Woods 2 47 O Boyle, Sean Rory McIlroy 22 Graeme McDowell 12 Tiger Woods 2 Shane Lowry 9 Lee Westwood 1 Adam Scott 1 47 McDermott, Tom Keegan Bradley 6 Tiger Woods 2 Vijay Singh 22 Dustin Johnson 9 Padraig Harrington 11 Phil Mickelson -3 47 Farrell, Martin Angel Cabrera 4 Luke Donald 29 Lee Westwood 1 Tiger Woods 2 Sergio Garcia 7 Miguel Angel Jimenez 5 48 British Open Challenge 2013 - Leaderboard - Final Result Molloy, Patricia Darren Clarke 7 Jamie Donaldson 9 Robert Karlsson 22 Bud Cauley 9 Ian Poulter 1 Henrik Stenson 0 48 King, C & P Brandt Snedeker 4 Tiger Woods 2 Adam Scott 1 Graeme McDowell 12 Martin Kaymer 9 Louis Oosthuizen 20 48 McGirl, Callum Justin Rose 20 Matt Kuchar 6 Graeme McDowell 12 Phil Mickelson -3 Brandt Snedeker 4 Jason Day 9 48 Creighton, Andrew Phil Mickelson -3 John Daly 0 Padraig Harrington 11 Luke Donald 29 KJ Choi 10 Ian Poulter 1 48 Dolan, Renee Phil Mickelson -3 Rory McIlroy 22 Ernie Els 8 Tiger Woods 2 Graeme McDowell 12 Sergio Garcia 7 48 Daly, Michael Adam Scott 1 Tiger Woods 2 Angel Cabrera 4 Darren Clarke 7 Luke Donald 29 Miguel Angel Jimenez 5 48 Ingoldby, Brendan Brandt Snedeker 4 Ernie Els 8 Jason Day 9 Matt Kucher 6 Graeme McDowell 12 Bo Van Pelt 10 49 O'Reilly, Paul Graeme McDowell 12 Ian Poulter 1 Phil Mickleson -3 Justin Rose 20 Bo Van Pelt 10 Ye Yang 9 49 Gralton, Hugh Ian Poulter 1 Lee Westwood 1 Tiger Woods 2 Padraig Harrington 11 Rory McIlory 22 Graeme McDowell 12 49 O'Hara, Grainne Shane Lowry 9 Ian Poulter 1 Francesco Molinari 3 Sergio Garcia 7 Darren Clarke 7 Vijay Singh 22 49 Guckian, Eoin Sergio Garcia 7 Rory McIlroy 22 Phil Mickelson -3 Lee Westwood 1 Justin Rose 20 Tiger Woods 2 49 McGirl, Eamon Tiger Woods 2 Justin Rose 20 Adam Scott 1 Graeme McDowell 12 Jason Day 9 Matt Kuchar 6 50 McGirl, Callum Henrik Stenson 0 Jason Day 9 Luke Donald 29 Phil Mickelson -3 Matt Kuchar 6 Bubba Watson 9 50 Daly, Molly Angel Cabrera 4 Stewart Cink 8 Miguel Angel Jimenez 5
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    BMW Corporate Communications Media Information BMW International Open 30th March 2017 Kaymer to tee off in Munich: German golf fans can look forward to watching the two-time major winner at the BMW International Open. • The only German winner of the BMW International Open to date, Martin Kaymer, to return to München-Eichenried in June. • All the other six Germans on the European Tour will also be in action: Marcel Siem, Max Kieffer, Florian Fritsch, Bernd Ritthammer, Alexander Knappe and Sebastian Heisele. • Tickets available at Munich. In a history spanning almost 30 years, the BMW International Open has only produced one German winner: Martin Kaymer triumphed in 2008, when the tournament celebrated its 20th anniversary at Golfclub München-Eichenried. This year, the 32-year-old will return to the scene of that success, as he bids to claim a second title. The three- time Ryder Cup winner will be joined at the BMW International Open (21st to 25th June) by the remaining six German pros playing their golf on the European Tour this season. “I am already looking forward to the BMW International Open in Munich,” said Kaymer. “It is particularly nice for me to play in front of the home fans in my native Germany. Furthermore, the victory at the 2008 BMW International Open will always remain a very special title for me – that is why I am always so pleased to return to this fantastic tournament.” Kaymer defeated Denmark’s Anders Hansen in a play-off in 2008, following a real rollercoaster ride of a final round.
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