A Service of Continuing Education and Extension - l5il University of Minnesota , Duluth VOL. 2 NUMBER 2 AUGUST 1980 •

calendaP of events

The UMD Theatre makes your summer Minnesola Bluegrass & Old Time EXHIBITION SCHEDULE The Whole Food Co-op will be Music Associalion Feslival, Augusl8, 9, entertaining with four great plays sponsoring a benefil dance .on Friday, & IO al Wildwood Campgrounds in showing through August 16th. "The August 8lh al lhe Park Point School Taylor Falls, Minnesota. Fealuring THE TWEED MUSEUM OF ART Workers Wife", "South Pacific", Gymnasium (24lh and Minnesola Ave ) Spectrum from Lexinglon, Kentucky. "Arsenic and Old Lace" , and "A Funny from 9-12 p .m. Irish and American Plus some of lhe finesl bands in lhe Thing Happened On The Way To The music by the Corona Twins. The dance Upper Midwesl. To order lickels and July 29-Sept. 7 Forum". For informalion call 726-8561 . is direclly sponsored by lhe Muriel for further informalion conlacl Selections from the permanent Engstrom Library and Boo1< Exchange. collection. Sludio Gallery. M.B.O.T.M.A., Box 9782, Minneapolis, TAKE BACK THE NIGHT SPEAK All proceeds will direct! y benefi l lhe co- MN. 55440 or call (612)633-9473. op library. Admission at lhe door is one in HibbingAugust2al OUT-MARCH good boo)s or a $2 donation. For more Aug. 1-27 7:30 p .m.. The women of Northern informalion call lhe Co-op al 723-1687. Contemporary Japanese Prints - Main Minnesota gather 10 peacefully Fiddle Contesl Mower County Gallery Fairgrounds, Sunday, Augusl 10, 1980 demonstrate and publicly denounce at 12:00 p.m. in Crane Pavillion, violence against women. Held in Auslin, Minnesola. Three calegories: Aug. 3-31 Bennel Park. For informalion call lhe Junior, Adull, and Senior. Three prizes Kathy Bombera Graduate Exhibition, Women's Coalilion al 728-3679. Court Gallery If you or your organizalion wish to Iisl in each calegory. This coolest is for an event in our monthly calendar, amaleurs earning less than one-half Aug. 9-Sept. 30 Artery Workshop al Spirit Mountain, please submil lhe information by lhe income fiddling. Contacl Sue Radloff, Augusl 18-23. For informalion call 724- 15lh of each month. Austin, Minnesota. Know Whal You See (conservation and resloratipn of art works) - Balcony 4994 .

Letters Ccont.l Being a musician, just returning to the Midwest after a year and a half out Easl, what a pleasure it was for me to find your slation on the radio. I happened lo Hey, Hey WDTH we love you. I have find it lasl nighl during your --~:Zf, , jusl been blessed wilh a new child and session. would die al 6;.l 4 in lhe morning rocking her if nol for lhe Awakening Your seleclions are great, & I just Program-love lhal clean pickin' wanted to express my appreciation. - folk. I gol lhis money on lhe Maralhon Please send me a program of your Weekend by singing on the streels. Keep lislening schedule if you could. w lhat good music coming. m I'll be teaching here in Shell Lake at lhe Terrence Smilh U of W-Extension Indianhead Center Duluth, MN. Jazz Camp and will turn my fellow inslruclors onlo your slalion. Keep up Dear Tom, lhe good work!

I jusl wanted lo drop you a line Dear Sir: regarding your programming on Sunday afternoon from Noon lO 3:00. I We agree with your decision lo cancel lhink il is high time thal Soul Arrival the Soul Arrival program on Sunday was relieved from such a prime time afternoons. (How about Salurday tool) spot. I see thal lhere is a need for such a The D.J : does a fine job bul soul music program, bul nol two days in a row. is not conclusive to Saturday and Sunday afternoon lislening when folks I fell that lhe Rhylhm and Blues are enjoying their work or jusl taking it program was a good start. It seemed to easy out in the country. The Folk me, however, that the person in charge Migration's programming is great!! was straining too hard to make sure thal We're sure a lOl of people would like every single song he played could be more of lhis program earlier Saturday identified as . I wish afternoon and Sunday. You're doing a more of lhe music was not from so long great job there at WDTH. Keep it upll ago. It is a great change, however and I will look forward to seeing this type of Your friends, P.rogramming evolve. Congratulations! Andrew C. Brekke Karen Salisbury Gene Schilling Duluth,,MN. Desiree L. Hutala Judy Brekke I just stopped by in order to show my James M. Eades whole hearted support for who's ever Colleen Schilling idea il was to DROP on Sunday afternon, the Soul Arrival program. Once a week is more than enough for WDTH Staff, that particular show. Just a word of thanks for all the good Peter B. Soulus listening. Hope the contributions will Duluth. MN. help keep you all on the air, especially your Early Awakening shows. We never Dear Radio Station: take the radios off 103 FM . Good Luck.

I'm writing in regard to the Soul Arrival Kevin show on Sunday afternoon. By all means replace it wilh your planned rhythm and blues show. Wed,J1ug, 27 Congralulalions lO all involved in the ~-i;~oze 0 I am also writing for six or seven other production of lhe new R & B show. In folks in my neck of the woods who two weeks this has become our favorile Grui~, ,-,; enjoy your station but feel lhat " Disco program. Keep up the great work. Sucks" as they say. Nothing personal hosted DJ mind you, but "R & B from noon lO 2502 LONDON ROAD Best wishes, DULUTH, MINN. 55112 three" is our slogan around here. It's ~hango~a (211) 728-3871 good music to pull weeds by and I've Mike & Kathy Paulus also noticed lhat my tomato plants tend Solon Springs, WI. to shrivel during your Soul Arrival show, even when the radio is off! Thank you,

Zachary R. Trowner

• 2 • SUPPORT PUBLIC Re[U)t to the Listener RADIO Airwaves is a monthly publication - of WDTH-FM, the public radio station at the University of Minne- REPORT TO THE LISTENER Dear Entertainers, Dear Folks, sota, Duluth. A yearly membership in WDTH costs just $20. Member- I certainly didn't get the "Blues" when I FALL MARATHON In response to your question about the ship entitles you to receive "~ir- heard that the Sunday edition of Soul Soul Arrival and R 8c B programs. I feel waves" mailed directly to your We've tentatively set the date and goal Arrival was being dropped.' It was once the Sunday's programming is too home. for our Fall Marathon. Unless plans a very good program but somehow it (or heavily weighted with R 8c B and SouL change, we will take to the air Friday, I) has changed. I'm sure the switch will Write or call us at University of October 10th, and finish Sunday the make a lot of listeners very happy. The· I would prefer your fine eclectic M1nnesota, Duluth, 130 Humani- 19th. Our goal will be $110,000 for the IO addition of "Black Crys" is also much- programming featuring related Jazz, ties Bldg., Duluth, Minnesota appreciated. I do have one request . Country, Classical, etc. at the day event. While this seems ambitious, Rock, 558 I 2, 218-726-7181. we will count renewals from last year though and that is: "Play more Rock' N D.J.'s discretion. Frankly I feel that towards the total, which should make Roll". current programming on Sundays is the WDTH STAFF the goal possible. It might not be easy, low point of your exceptionally fine but that is what we need to keep Thanks, weekly schedule. Station Manager ..... Tom Livingston growing. Program Director ...... John Ziegler Tom Dymesich I'd like to add WDTH is the finest radio Asst. Program Ditecto r .. Pa ul Schmitz Ashland, WI. station I've ever · tuned in-one Engineering ...... Peder Nelson drawback, I live in Mellen, WI. and Senic>rs Project ...... Jea n Johnson have a hard time pulling in a clear SUNDAY SOUL ARRIVAL Thank you for bringing my children and me music and information we can't signal on certain days. Any chance of a The University of Minnesota is future power boost? Also, I'd like to bea My call for letters about ·Soul Arrival get on any other radio station. committed to the policy that all generated lots of mail, and almost all of contributing member of your station. persons shall have equal access to Are you still taking pledges? If so send it was in favor of the change. I was Jan Gylund it's programs, facilities, and em- me a form. actually disturbed by the lack of Mason, WI. ployment without regard to race, response from the black community. creed, color, sex, national origin, We've included as many as we can. Keep up the good work: I'm pleased to or handicap. Thank you for taking the time to write. Dear Tom, have this opportunity to respond. As far as the R 8c B programs go, the individual who was scheduled to do the Here's some photos of the fishing trip Greg Radke - program proved unreliable, and since with the N.W. Passage Boys' Home Mellen, WI. we were counting on his library for the from Webster, WI. on 18 June. The lake programs, it is unlikely that the Sunday Dear Friends at WDTH, was pretty rough that day, blowing NE Dear WDTH, afternoon shows will continue to be so we missed quite a few fish that struck. strictly 8c Instead, expect the mixed Please acknowledge this informal note R B. We did however bring in six fish for the The "Soul Arrival" program is format that you hear daytimes during as our response to your "Soul Arrival day so everybody had one to bring fantastic-Lou Hudson does a great job Experiment." We admire youreffor_ts to the rest of the week. home. Twas a fun trip and I'm glad you of deejaying. His music is what gets me program music of all varieties. were able to sell it last falL Apparently through the day while at work. Keep the However, we feel that one hour o( Soul nobody went for it this spring-too bad. station going. Fishing's been good so far this summer. Arrival is plenty for us; three hours ~f MORE MAIL Why don't you get a group together and SA should satisfy the hard-core (unkers; come on over? Station Manager: and six hours, especially on Saturday The nicest letter we got this month and Sunday afternoons, is just too comes from Skip Porter who last fall I am a listener and member of your much. Keep up the good work- offered the premium of the charter trip Regards, radio station WDTH on Saturday and on Lake Superior. The trip was taken Sunday; starting from 12 Noon. Dan 8c Anne Stenoien by a half-way house in Wisco!)sin called Skip Porter Northwest Passage. Apparently the trip Bayfield, WI. WDTH provides the only black outlet was a success, and we even got a picture. of any radio station in Duluth. Speaking for myself, and I'm sure many Greetings, other black people here in Duluth and other surrounding areas, the only radio Your fine radio station catches my ears program we listen to is "Soul Arrival'', more than any other. The only other Saturday and Sunday; plus "Blues a'nd radio I listen to is MPR, (Prairie Home Things" on Sundays. Even though 8c All Things Considered). On.e your Soul Arrival programs were on for criticism: "By-Lines" from The six hours a week; it did however, Liberitarian organization, the Kado provide an atmosphere of being a Institute does not allow any comment radio station for "All the people". that I would call "progressive" or "radical". The program legitimizes the To discontinue your Sunday's "Soul Liberitarian perspective while voiding Arrival '.' show would deprive a lot of any true leftist analysis. Are there any listeners and members of such a show similar services from Liberation News altogether; as lots of people are at work Service? during the hours of your Saturday show. Peace,

On your last telethon, I increased my Joshua Mark membership pledge; and will fulfill it ·and continue to support WDTH if, and as long as I feel WDTH will fulfill and at least continue in the fashion that enticed me as a listener and member in the . LAKE SUPERIOR TROLLING

In closine-. 1 must say, the people of AT ITS FINEST Duluth, UMD and WDTH should be very 'thankful' for Lou Hudson. ~MAEVfA / WDTH, Very sincerely yours, <:.35t.:> Just a note to let you know the past 2 -1/2 DAY OR FULL DAY days (Sat. 8c Sun.) progamming on your We think that your decision of Vernon H . Brown by reservation only cancelling the Soul Arrival show is a early afternoon radio show was greatly Duluth, MN. enjoyed by our family. You can play good one. We support the new R 8c B ALL GEAR SUPPLIED format on Sundays. The music played Otis Redding's "Try A Little I would like to express my enthusiasm on the Soul Arrival show is reoetitious Tendern-ess" and ' over your decision to eliminate the except food and beverage and not really down to earth soul (closer "Georgia" anytime as far as I'm Sunday "Soul Arrival" in favor of a R 8c to 'Disco Arrival'). There is plenty of concerned. Can't get enough of those B show (which I would have assumed CAPTAIN & GUIDE good R 8c B music around! Have you good sounds. Keep up the good work- 'Soul' was). Now if you could do the ever heard Willie Murphy's show in the it's greatly appreciated! same on Sat ..... G.S. PORTER Cities? Good luck with the new show. P.O.BOX808 We will be listening. Sincerely, ' BAYFIELD,WISC.54814 Sincerely, (715) 779-5655 Rick Brandenburg Dawn Kast i.: T.W. Eldred Kris Kjos Duluth, MN. LaPointe, WI.


- , Mon.-Thurs. Friday Saturday Sunday

6:00 Awakening 6:00 Awakening 7:00 Awakening 7:00 Awakening 10:00 Press Review (Wed. 10:00 Press Review 12:00 Soul Arrival 12:00 Soul Arrival Economic Perspectives) 10:15 Mid-Morning Report 3:00 Folk Migrations 2:30 Black Crys From the Ghetto 10:15 Mid-Morning Report I0:3ef Feature 6:00 Free-Form Program 3:00 Blues N' Things 10:30 Album Feature 11 :00 Noon Song 8:00 Third World of Music 6:00 One For the Road 11:00 Noon Song 1:30 First Person Radio 8:30 Equal Voice 7:00 Insight 1:30 M. - Senior Radio Program 2:00 Folk N' Blues 9:00 Jazz Expansions 8:00 Something For Your Head T . - Something For Your Head 4:45 Evening News 12:00 Moondance 8:30 Marconi's Wireless Theatre W. - Spotlight Psychology 5:00 Harmony of the Spheres 3:00 Sign-Off 9:00 Jazz Expansions T . - Third World of Music 7:00 Insight 12:00 Moondance 2:00 Workshop 8:00 Jazz Expansions 3:00 Sign-Off 4:45 Evening News 11:00 Moondance 5:00 Harmony of the Spheres 3:00 Sign-Off 7:00 Insight 8:00 Jazz Expansions . 11:00 Moondance 2:00 Sign-Off

AU-GUST __H_i 9hli9_hts__

SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAMS saxophone), Bob DeVos (guitar), Idris Goode", "PLaying In The Band" and helped to organize Vietnam Veterans FOR AUGUST Muhammad (drums), and Buddy more. For Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against Caldwell (congas). With "Groove" in The War, the Pentagon G.I. Mon. Aug. 4 & Wed. Aug 6: Steve command at the Hammond B-3 organ TUESDAY- 5 Coffeehouse, and other forces. Krasner, Director of the Arrowhead this record starts to burn and then Tonight's Insight has Mr. Thorne Agency on Aging, discusses the builds into pure incandescence from the 5:00 - Andre Walls is the featured speaking about "Resistance Inside The development of the Area Plan on title tune until the final Monk's classic soloist in . the ''Symphonic Variations Military". (P.tcifica). Aging (citizen input is requested) and "Hackensack''. for and Orchestra'' by ' Cesar the 3rd Annual Conference on Aging. Franck. Erich Leinsdorf conducts the 7:30 - The Senior Citizens Radio Also Lyman Brooks asks seniors, 11:00 - Tonight on Moondance we London Symphony Orchestra. This Program. (Produced by the Senior "What's Your Opinion?" Produced by feature The Paul Butterfield Blues work might have been subtitled Citizens Radio Project for WDTH). the Senior Citizens Radio Project for Band from a 1971 recording "Sometime "Prelude, Variations and Finale". It is a WDTH. I Just Feel Like Smilin"'. This edition virtual fantasia in one continuous 8:00 - The brilliance of of the B.B.B. featured Ralph Walsh symphonic movement. tonight on Jazz Expansions from his Mon. Aug. 11 & Wed. Aug. 13: More (guitar), Rod Hicks (bass), and Gene Douglas recording "Iron Man" . Opinions collected by Lyman Brooks, Dinwiddie (reeds). "Play On", "Little 7:00 - Tonight on Insight we explore Clifford Jordan (soprano sax), Woody and Judith Kaplan, Director of UMD's Piece of Dying", and "Blind Leading the problem "Gay and Pregnant". A Shaw (trumpet), (bass), School of Social Development Aging The Blind" are just some of the tunes gay lifestyle does not necessarily (vibes), and J. C. Project talks about the work of that aired this evening. exclude parenthood, as many men and Moses (drums) are a few of the people Project. Produced by the Senior lesbians were parents before they came that contribute to this wonderful Citizens Radio Project for WDTH. out, and some have chosen to have recording. children after coming out. (Produced by Mon. Aug. 18 & Wed. Aug. 20: Aging MONDAY - 4 Philip Maldari for Pacifica). 11:00 - Tonight a new release from In Iceland, final program in a series Martha Davis and the group The about senior citizens in the Nordic 5:00 - Bartok's "The Miraculous 8:00 - Tonight a new release from Motels entitled "Careful". "Party countries. From Radio Sweden. ~artdarin" is one of his greatest early trumpeter Jack Walrath entitled Professionals", "Days Are O.K.", and scores. A dance pantomine, the work is "Demons In Pursuit" . Best known for "Slow Town" are a few of the tunes to Mon. Aug. 25 & Wed. Aug. 27: Home distinguished by primitive rhythms and his 3½year tenure in the Jazz Workshop listen for. Care for the Elderly, a discussion with relentless atonal harmony. Janos of , Walrath has also led service providers in the Duluth area, Ferencsik conducts the Budapest several bands, played for a year with and Seniors and Consumer Fraud, with Philharmonic. Ray Charles, and bacl<,ed many Motown THURSDAY - 7 Frank Blatnik interviewing Waldo artists. He is joined tonight by Dannie Kalsow, Duluth Postmaster. Produced 7:00 - First Person Radio. (Produced by Richmond (drums), Jim McNeely 5:00 - OPUS-79: Dutch Avant-Garde by the Senior Citizens Radio Project for MIGIZI Communications Service). (piano), John Scofield (guitar), and Ray Music That Came To Prominence in WDTH. Drummond (bass). 1979. Tonight the first of two programs 7:30 - The second part of Insight exploring the most recent experimental tonight is from a teach-in held in 11:00 - Tonight on Moondance we music from the Netherlands . FRIDAY -1 Berkeley, CA. this past May during feature a brand new recording that "Symphony for Saxophones and which Vietnam veteran Jack sounds like it came out of Memphis Orchestra" by Otto Kelling, and 5:00 - Manuel DeFalla's unique and McCloskey gave a speech on his return during the Stax/Volt heyday of the late "Flexio" by Theo Loevendie are the charming chamber opera " Master to the after serving during 50's and 60's. Big Twist and The works on tonight's program. The Peter's Puppet Show" is tonight's the war. (Pacifica). Mellow Fellows cook up a storm on Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra classical feature. A kind of play within a tunes like "You & Me", " Nobody Wants is conducted by Bernard Haitink and play, this piece is doubly intriguing 8:00 - Oscar Peterson tonight on Jazz To Lose", and "The Sweet Sound of Richard Dufallo, respectively. because the audience, like the characters Expansions from The Montreux '77 Rhythm & Blues". in the play they watch, are all puppets. Jazz Festival with friends Dizzy 7:00 - Tonight on Insight we have a Our recording features a Spanish cast Gillespie, Clark Terry, Eddie speech by Jack Nelson, the current and orchestra. "Lockjaw" Davis, Niels Pederson, and national coordinator of the Politics of Bobby Durham. "Things Ain't What WEDNESDAY - 6 Food Program for the group Clergy and 7:00 - Tonight on Insight we'll hear a They Used To Be", "Just In Time", and Laity Concerned. Mr. Nelson was in speech given by political activist Tom "If I Were A Bell" are a few of the tunes 5:00 - J. S. Bach's "Weddiug Cantata" Minneapolis this past May and he Hayden in Minneapolis this past June. to be heard tonight. is featured tonight in a recording using addressed the problem of feeding the Hayden was speaking at the Progressive original Baroque instruments or copies world's rapidly growini population. 'Roundtable, a recently organized forum 11:00 - Tonight the music of The thereof. The Vienna Boy's Choir, Kurt (Produced by Andy Marlow for for political discussion. (Produced by Grateful Dead from their "live" release Equiluz, tenor and Max van Egmond, KUOM). . Andy Marlow for KUOM). done al Winterland, Bill Graham's bass, with the Concentus Musicus Filmore East, and Manhattan Center in Vienna under the direction of Nikolaus 8:00 - Tonight a new release from the year 1971. Garcia, Weir, Lesh, Harnoncourt perform. Continued.on next µage Richard "Groove" Holmes called Kreutzmann, and McKernan run "Good Vibrations". Joining Holmes through some classics: "Goin' Down 7:00 - Lee Thorne spoke at a teach-in in will be Houston Person (tenor The Road Feeling Bad", "Johnny B. Berkeley, CA. on May 12, 1980. He has --

Give a Gift of Music .....

Give a gift membership in WDTH to someone you love. They will receive_ "Airwaves" free of charge for a year, as well as the satisfact_ion of supporting a worthwhile·cause. Your donation is TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

I'd like to buy a gift membership for: Name ______,______Street .. .,,, ., City ______State ______Zip ____

Enclosed is my membership check for: $20 regular $30 family $10 fixed income & students $50 sustaining $100 Century Club Other ____

Mail to: WDTH, 130 H, UMD, Duluth, Minnesota 55812 ..

.,,,.,..., ~ . ... - - ' --..A\ztl . . "' '

. J J . ' ; J

: J' I


.- .. August 1'.8-23 Duluth~ Minnesota

l D~AWING ·~ ln_structor: Steven Hartman . . PAINTING - Instructor: Terrence T. Choy .

WATERCOLOR- - Instructor: William- Lewis BLOCK PRINTING - Instructor: Sister Mary Charles McGough CHILDREN.'S CLASS - Instructor: Constance Gustafson '


· 1340 Arrowhead R. 413 Cedar Ave. So. Duluth, Minn • .5~011 Minneapolis, Minn. 55454 (21:8) 724-4994 (612) 335-255·8 t • -

L.P. the depth of 's musical (drums) and friends, these guys tear up 7:30-Tonighl on the second portion of AUGUST HIGHLIGHTS expression. "Some Of My Lies Are True", "Don't Insight we present a talk given by (cont.) Ever Tell Me That You LoveMe",anda Gloria Steinem in October of 1979 11:00 - Tonight the newest release by nice tune "Now Here's You". when Ms. Steinem was on the UMD the legendary Eric Clapton "Just One campus in an appearance sponsored by 8:00 - The big band of Toshiko Night". Recorded "live" at the the Friends of Planned Parenthood and Akiyoshi and is in the Budokan Theatre in Tokyo in THURSDAY -14 the Minnesota Women's Political 5potlight tonight from their 1978 December of 1979 this L.P. contains Caucus. She spoke on the subject of ~el ease "". some old favorites, some new attempts, 5:00 • "Songs and Grounds" by Henry reproductive rights and political . trumpet), (reeds), Gene and a commercial success or two. Tune Purcell. A new recording from 1750 action. (Produced by Paul Schmiu fof Cherico (bass), and Peter Donald in for "Blues Power", " Further On Up Arch Records, featuring a delicious WDTH). (drums) are just a few of the The Road", "Worried Life Blues", selection of music by the master of ,, outstanding musicians that perform on "Rambling On My Mind" and many England's "Golden Age" in music. 8:00 - " Le Jazz Grand" by Michel this L.P.. "Elegy", "Kogun", and others. Anna Carol Dudley is the soprano, and Legand 8c Co. From March of 1978 with "Henpecked Old Man" are tunes to Laurette Goldberg, harpsichord; Carol an All-Star group that included Phil iisterl for. Herman, viola da gamba; Catherine • Woods, , Jon Faddis, TUESDAY - 12· Liddell Strizich, lute; and Robert . , Grady Tate, Harry Leahey 11:00 - One of the early recordings by Strizich, lute and baroque guitar are the and many others, our feature tonight / Fleetwood Mac is in the spotlight 5:00 - Rachmaninoff's "Concerto No. I fine group of accompanying musicians. showcases the writing and arranging tonight on the Moondance program. At in F-Sharp Minor for Piano and talents of leader Michel Legrand. this point in time guitarist Peter Green Orchestra, Op. I" is a youthful work 7:00 • Tonight on Insight Vickie was the moving force behind the group showing very much the influence of Lofquist speaks with several guests 11:00 -Tonight we feature the music of and his blues roots dominate. Robert Tchaikovsky. Rachmaninoff did revise about energy issues that affect the Jefferson Airplane from the album Johnson's "Hellhound On My Trail", it in 1919, nearly twenty-five years after Minnesotans. Proposals for pipelines "Crown of Creation". Grace Slick, Paul "Shake Your Money Maker", and it first appeared, and that version is in the state, uranium mining in Kantner, Marty Balin and Co. rock " Looking For Somebody" are tunes to heard in this recording with Valentina Minnesota, and the possibility of much through "Star Track", "In Time", "Ice listen for. Kamenikova at the piano and Jiri greater dependence on renewable Cream Phoenix" and others. Pinkas conducting the Brno Stale energy sources are discussed tonight. Philharmonic Orchestra. (Andy Marlow for KUOM). TUESDAY -19 FRIDAY - 8 7:00 • Tonight on Insight we present a 8:00 - "Clifford Jordan " lecture by one of the University of is our feature tonight on Jazz 5:00 - Arnold Schoenberg's "Serenade 5:00 - Dutch Avant-Garde, continued. Minnesota's best known graduates: Eric Expansions. Record~d in the spring of for Seven Instruments and Bass Voic~. On tonight's program, we hear Severeid. Born in North Dakota, 1969 with friends Julian Preister Op. 24" is one of the Viennese master's "Intervals 11, Music on War and Peace" Severeid graduated from the U.M. (trombone), (trumpet), transitional works. Of the seven by Joep Straesser. Anne Haenen, mezzo. School of Journalism in 1935. He was Wynton Kelly (piano), Richard Davis movements, three are composed soprano and the Netherlands Chamber in Minneapolis this past April to be (bass), and Al Heath (drums). Clifford serially, that is, with the twelve tone Choir and Instrumentalists are present at the naming of the said: "This record made in the method Schoenberg had just developed, conducted by Kerry Woodward. The Journalism School's library in his world/ Along with my friends in the while the remaining movements are second work is by Peter Schat: honor, and to deliver the 1980 Guy world/ ls the music of my composed freely. Our recording "Symphony No. I, Opus 27 ." Colin Stanton Ford Memorial lecture. world/ Welcome''. features Kenneth Bell, bass and The Davis conducts the Amsterdam (Produced by Andy Marlow for Light Fantastic Players. Concertgebouw Orchestra. KUOM). 11:00 - From his days as a member of The Allman Bros. Band until the 7:00 - Tonight on Insight we present a 7:00 - Tonight on Insight "Peggy 8:00 - Tonight on Jazz Expansions we present, there have been some highs and Public Policy Forum from the Seeger at KPF A". This program feature a new release of material from lows for Dickey Beus. Tonight's feature American Enterprise Institute which includes an interview conducted by 1956-57 from the horns of Frank Foster is one of the better musical periods as addresses the question "Choosing Susan Dernes interspersed with and Frank Wess called "2 Franks Beus combines with some good players Presidential Candidates: How Good Is excerpts from a performance recorded at Please". Together with Kenny Burell and puts his songwriting talents up The New Way?" The Great American Music Hall in San (guitar), (trombone), front on "Atlanta's Burning Down". Francisco. (Pacifica). · Eddie Jones (bass), and K~nny Clarke Tune in to hear "Back On The Road 8:00 - is our featured artist (drums), Frank and Frank wail through Again", "Dealin' With The Devil", tonight from a 1964 recording 8:00 - Tonight the music of the late, a series of original compositions like "Mr. Blues Man" and more. entitled "". (tenor great Hampton Hawes from his 1958 "Stop ap", "Alternative", "Hard sax), Herb Busher (bass), and 1 Sock' and "M,C.". . ', r·ecording "' For;' Rea'J" "" Jith the • j ' (drums) join Curson on side one with immortal Scott LaFaro on bass, Harold The Zagreb Radio Orchestta his Land on , and Frank 11 :00 - "The Last of the Red Hot FRIDAY-15 backdrop on side two. This is a fine Butler at the drums. Having played Burritos" is tonight's feature on the mixture of styles and textures and puts with , Dexter Gordon, Moondance program. The music of 5:00 - Mozart: "Symphony No. 40 in G Curson's trumpet out front irl both Teddy Edwards, Howard McGhee and The Flying Burrito Bros.: "Sneeky" Minor, K. 550". The great G Minor is mainstream and free settings. many others shaped the beautiful lines Pete Kleinow, Al Perkins, Gram heard in a recording no longer available that flow from the keyboard of this Parsons, Rick Roberts and Co.. "Devil featuring the Brno State Philharmonic 11:00 - " It's Only Rock 'n Roll" giant. In Disguise", "Six Days On The Road", Orchestra conducted by Martin tonight by The Rolling Stones. From "Don't let Your Deal Go Down" and Turnovsky. 1974 "Ain't TooProudToBeg", "Time 11:00 - Moondance tonight features a several other tunes tonight. Waits For No One", "Dance Little 1979 recording' by the Granati Brothers 7:00 - "The Whole World Is Watching- Sister" and more from this legendary entitled "G Force". Hermie, Ricky, 1968" is our feature tonight on Insight. group. Joey, and David Granati joined by This program was produced by KPFA friend Tony Lee Bonomo make up the WEDNESDAY -13 and examines U.S. involvement in group. "Nite", "What In The World", Vietnam, and the assassinations of and "You Looked So Good" are just a 5:00 - "I don't see why I should not Martin Luther King and Bobby few of the tunes on tap tonight. write a symphony about myself-I find Kennedy . (Produced by Helen myself quite as interesting as Napolean Mickiewicz for KPFA. Pacifica). or Alexander". Richan~ Strauss supposedly thus justified his 8:00 - One of the finest tenor MONDAY -11 " Symphonia Domestica", an saxophonists to pick up the instrument unabashedly autobiographical tone PioneerCraftsCo-op Don Byas is the artist we feature tonight • 5:00 - Mexican composer Manuel poem. Our recording features the on Jazz Expansions. From a ) 963 Ponce is featured today as we hear his Cleveland Orchestra lead by George recording entitled " Anthropology" guitar concerto entitle~ "Concierto de! Sze!!. with Bent Axen (piano), Niels Pedersen A SCENIC DRIVE UP THE Sur". Composed for his friend Andres (bass), and William Schiopffe (drums) Segovia and first performed by them in 7:00-Tonight the program " UFOs and we will hear "Billie's Bounce", "Night NORTH SHORE FOR 1941, the work makes use of Mexican Extraterrestrial Life" with Glen In Tunisia", and " Don't Blame Me" . rhythms and harmonies. John Langhorst from UMD's Marshall UNIQUE CRAFTS & ART Williams is the soloist and Andre Alworth Planetarium. Glen was 11:00 - Tonight on the Moondance Previn conducts the London interviewed by WDTH's Paul Schmitz program we feature the blues 9-7 DAILY Symphony Orchestra. about the facts and the myths of harmonica of Mr. James Collon from unidentified flying objects and the aura his 1968 recording " Cut You Loose". 4miles n. two harbors on 61 7:00 - First Person Radio. (Produced surrounfiing them. (Produced in the James Cook (guitar), Wayne Talbert by MIGIZI Communications Service). studios of WDTH). \ (keyboards), Martin Fierro (reeds), and friends sail through "Coast Blues", 7:30 - Tonight we present an interview 7:30 - The Senior Citizens Radio "Slippin' and Slidin'", "Honest I Do" from 1964 with the late Alfred Program. (Produced by the Senior and many others. Hitchcock. Colin Edwards, of KPFA, Citizens Radop Project for WDTH). condticted the interview while MONDAY -18 Hitchcock was making "Vertigo" in 8:00 - Tonight a live recording from San Francisco. The program is a nice Montreux in July of 1974 with the solo 5:00 - "The Music of Luigi bit of nostalgia .with Hitchcock piano artistry of Roland Hanna in the Dallapicolla". Another new release cracking jokes and talking about spotlight. "Take The 'A' Train", "A from 1750 Arch Records, this disc gives WHOLE FOODS mystery movies. (Pacifica). Child Is Born", "I Got It Bad and That us a sel tion of shorter works by one of . ) ~mu'!:!?:,Co•op Ain't Good", as well as ' Hanna the major European composers of the I Mon-Fri •······ Noon- 1pm I 8:00 - Tonight from April of 1976 "The originals like "Time Dust Gathered", 1950's and 60's. Four works are Sat •······ 10am-5pm . Survivors' Suite" from Keith Jarrell "Perugia", and "Wistful Moment" are included: "Divertimento in Quattro 631 East 8th Street with Dewey Deman (tenor sax), Charlie tunes to listen for. .,1 Duluth, MN 55805 Esercizi", "Rencesvals", "Quattro • • J 123-1681 Haden (bass), and Liriche di Antonio Machado", and '8ometl/_ing Jot' "Eve,yo~ (drums). Not only demonstrating his 11:00 - Tonight we feature a new "Cinque Canti". I keyboard dexterity but also performing recording by Huey Lewis and the News. on soprano sax, bass recorder, celeste, With Chris Hayes (guitar), Sean • 7:00 - First Person Radio. (Produced by and osi drums, it becomes clear on this Hopper (keyboards), Bill Gibson MIGIZI Communications Service). AUGUST HIGHLIGHTS (cont.) FRIDAY- 22 of episodes about love-some funny, 8:00 • Tonight we feature trombonist some serious, and often both at the same Albert Mangelsdorff, a man who has time. A production of Radio Canada WEDNESDAY· 20 5:00 • Respighi's "Pines of Rome" is developed a very unique style of one of the most popular pieces of International. ~ul~i-voiced playing. By playing and 5:00 · Chopin: "Preludes, Op. 28". Italian Impressionism in music. It has a smgmg at the same time he can build • Tonight two generations of alto Twenty-four of the greatest miniatures new recording now from Radio Canada 8:00 whole six or seven note chords-alone! players. Jackie McLean who studied at ever composed for the piano, spanning with the Vancouver Symphony He is joined on this 1976 recording by a complete range of emotions and Orchestra conducted by Kazuyoski the universities of Charlie Parker and bassist and drummer Bud Powell; and Gary Bartz who Alphonse Mouzon. colors. The featured pianist IS Ivan Akiyama. learned from the likes of Mr. McLean Moravec. .. 7:00 · "Greensboro Rally" is the are brought together in a 1973 recording 11:00 · Tonight music by the group from Copenhagen called "Ode To 7:00 · "Zimbabwe-The First Ten Days Insight feature tonight. In February Genesis from their latest release of Independence" is the topic of the first 1980 five Communist Workers Party Super". Parker's "Red Cross", and "Duke". Tony Banks (keyboards), Mike members were murdered during an several originals like Bartz's "Monk's Rutherford (bass), and Phil Collins half or our Insignt program tonight. Dance" and McLean's "Great Bill Sutherland, field rep. for the anti-Ku Klux Klan rally. Following (drums) are the nucleus of this band. that incident thousands of people Rainstreet Blues" are tunes to be heard "Behind The Lines", "Man Of Our American Friends Service Committee in tonight. Southern Africa, witnessed the elections marched in Greensboro to kick off a Times", and "Alone Tonight" are and tells about the problems that new civil rights offensive for the l 980's: tunes to be heard tonight. (Pacifica.) 11:00 • The music of Dan Hicks And country faces. (Produced by Anita His Hot Licks is featured tonight on Frankel. Pacifica). 8:00 • Tonight the David Matthews Big Moondance from the album "Where's The Money?" Dan, band, and the 7:30 · The Senior Citizens Radio Band "Live At The Five Spot" with FRIDAY- 29 Matthews (piano), Frank Vicari Lickettes run over "I Feel Like Program. (Produced by the Senior Singing", "Coast To Coast", "Dig A Citizens Radio Project for WDTH). (saxophone), Joe Shepley (trumpet), 5:00 · Janet Millard is the featured Bert Collins (trumpet), Sam Brown Little Deeper" aftd more. flutist on an anthology disc of 20th 8:00 • "Black Fire" by Andrew Hill is (guitar) and others. Miles Davis' century pieces. Included are "Assobio a our feature tonight on Jazz Expansions. "Nardis", Monk's "Round Midnight", Jato (the Jet Whistle)" by Heitor Villa- With com pa trio ts Henderson ( tenor and originals like "Three On The Lobos, '-'Sonitudes" by Robert Hughes, Joe WEDNESDAY • 27 sax), Richard Davis (bass), and Roy Stairs", and "Prayer" are a few of the "Capriccio for Flute and Piano" by Haynes (drums) Hill Shows his grasp of tunes. Wayne Peterson, and "Hungarian 5:00 · Jean Martinon was one of the Peasant Suite" by Bela Bartok. the greats (Bud Powell, Art Tatum, outstanding conductors of his Monk, etc.) but also shows his own 11:00 · Tonight the music of the group Horslips from the LP. "Happy To generation, especially in the French 7:00 • "How Long Should They Serve? voice on tunes like "Subterfuge", repertoire. He also composed some very "Cantarnos", anct Tired Trade". Meet. .. Sorry To Part". Jim Lockhart Limiting Terms For The President and (keyboards), Johnny Fean (guitar), fine pieces, having been a pupil of Congress" the topic to be discussed Albert Roussel, and following his an LP. "live" on April Barry Devlin (bass), Eamon Carr tonight by John Danforth (Rep. 11:00-Tonight teacher in striving after a bright, Fool's Day 1980 at My Father's Place" (drums), and Charles O'Connor Senator from Missouri), Charles transparent sound picture. One of these in Roslyn, New York, we hear music by (guitars, etc.) make up this group. Bartlett (Pulitzer Prize winning is the Violin Concerto No. 2, Op. 51. We The Fools. The album is called" ... First newspaper columnist), Gene hear it performed by the violinist to Annual Official Unofficial April Fool's MONDAY· 25 Kirkpatrick and Walter Burns (both whom it was dedicated, Henryk Day Live Bootleg... " and tonight you'll from The American Enterprise Szeryng. Rafael Kubelik conducts the 5:00 · Schubert's "Fantasy in C for Institute). (Produced by A.E.I.). hear "Spent The Rent", "Night Out", Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. · "It's A Night For Beautiful Girls" and Violin and Piano" is played by Sergiu . Luca, violin and Joseph Kalichstein, 8:00 • "Eric and Earl" tonight on Jazz more. 7:00 • Tonight on the first half of piano. Four basic sections are Expansions. A brand new release from Insight we hear a lecture by Mike intertwined in one continuous young saxophonist Eric Schneider and Hennon as he talks about his movement. One of them, a set of verteran pianist Earl "Falha" Hines experiences as part of a journalist variations, is based on the main theme with Duke Groner (bass), and Barrett THURSDAY· 21 exchange program with the small of one of Schubert's songs, "Sei mir Deems (drums). Old classics like Duke's South American country or Uruguay. gegruesst". "In A Mellotone", "All Of Me", and 5:00 • "A Night in the Garden Court". (KBEM). Take a musical journey back to a more ·--Tuere- .WHI .Nrver_ }tr Anorher You" 7:00 • First Person Radio. (Produced by are done is a s~ingin' style tonight. genteel age when the sounds of a string 7:30 • The Senior Citizens Radio quartet accompanied the dinners of the MIGIZI Communications Service). Program. (Produced by the Senior 11 :00 • Tonight's Moondan~e feature is elegant hotel guests. The San Francisco Citizens Radio Project for WDTH). String Quartet has, since 1975, . 7:30 · Tonight on the second portion of a "live" recording by the group The recaptured some of that lost period by Insight we hear from John Kairns, Si!!gel-Schwall Bc1_nd from 1974. 8:00 • The late was a very their weekly performances in the former President of the Minneapolis Recorded at the Brewery in Lansing, fine alto saxophonist who never gained Garden Court of San Francisco's City Council and past President of the Michigan, and at the Quiet Knight in even a small amount of the acclaim he .C.heraton-Palace Hotel. The music National Ripon Society. He spoke in with Corky Siegel (harmonica was due. Tonight we feature one of his ranges from Mozart and Haydn to Fritz Minneapolis in January of 1979 about and piano) and Jim Schwall (guitar) fine recordings "Out of Nowhere" with Kreisler and Tchaikovsky. A new • Minnesota media. (KBEM). this band lays down some good rockin' Dolo Coker (piano), Larry Gales (bass), release from 1750 Arch Records. blues like "Rock Me Baby", "West and Jimmie Smith (drums). 8:00 • Tonight "An American Coast Blues", and "Sun Is Shining". 7:00 • Tonight on Insight ": Concerto" composed by Patrick 11:00 • From the 1972 L.P. · Straight Life". Art Pepper is one of the Williams and performed by the London "Powerglide" tonight on the finest jau musicians alive today; in the Symphony Orchestra with program tonight we learn about this (alto), Dave Grusin (piano), Grady Tate Moondance program we feature the music of the group The New Riders Of man as he reads from his new (drums), and (bass). The Purple Sage. Tune in for "I Don't autobiography and provides examples Need No Doctor", "Runnin' Back To of his alto saxophone work as well. 11:00 · Tonight we rock with ~he You", "Duncan and Brady" and others. the Northland's (Produced by Bob Rosenbaum. sounds of Hound Dog Taylor and the Pacifica). House Rockers from the album music & sound giant "Natural Boogie". Together with 8:00 · Eric Kloss and Brewer Phillips (second guitar), and THURSDAY • 28 "Together" from a 1976 Muse Ted Harvey (drums) Hound Dog cooks recording. These remarkable duets up a storm on "Roll Your 5:00 • Guillaume Dufay, recognized St10W•Vl?O feature the reed artistry of Kloss with the Moneymaker", "Buster's Boogie", and today as the first true Renaissance keyboard genius of Mr. Miles. "The "One More Time" and many others. composer, marks the transition from 218-727-1177 Goddess, The Gypsy & The Light", the Middle Ages to the modern world. 24 hour answering "The Wise Woman", and "Together" TUESDAY• 28 "Missa Ecce ancilla domini ", according are particularly noteworthy . • to Alexander Blachly, was "written at 5:00 · Handel's "Royal Fireworks the height of the composer's power 11:00 - King Crimson and their L P. Music" is a true spectacle, and a new and ... builds large archit<"ctural arches "Starless And Bible Black" will be recording from Columbia brings out its of unprecedented sweep." Our spotlighted tonight on the Moondance brilliant features~ The New York recording features the Pomerium program. Robert Fripp (guitar), David Philharmonic is conducted by Pierre Musices under the direction of Mr. r.rnss /violin and keyboards), John Boulez. Blachly. • Wetton (bass), and Bill Bruford 7 (percussives) make up King Crimson on 7:00 • "Canadian Love Scenes". A 7:00 • Education: A Human this 1974 release. slightly off-beat radio drama consisting Technology" was the title of a three-day I SPECIALIZING IN symposium held this summer at UMD. Tonight we will present excerpts from the conference which covered such FOREIGN CAR REPAIR topics as humanism and its role in Hello., neighbors! ff education, technology-based systems in 1131 EAST SUPERIOR ST. education, and the impact of DULUTH,MINNESOTA humanism and technology on lb!Ro~l$n~t education. (WDTH). (218) 724-7983 ~ore hours: Monda\/ Frid2'y 10-9 Tues., Wed, Th1Ant. 10-s:.30 &tlAr-day 10-s SUPPORT PUBLIC RADIO Letters (cont.)

Please keep the Rhythm and Blues show on Sundays. I would prefer that you drop Soul Arrival from your programming entirely . Keep up the good Bluegrass, Swing, and Old Time Jazz.

Jeff Naden Solon Springs, WI.

Gooa Day,

Thank you for removing Soul Arrival from one weekend day. A further suggestion would be to eliminate Soul Arrival on the other weekend day and substitute your Old Time Rock 'N Roll show and New Rock 'N Roll for it. Please do itl 11 Thank you.

Stewart Oscars Mason, WI.


Concerning Sou!Arrival-We listen to WDTH quite a bit; Don listens to it all day at work. On weekends we have iton toward the Seniors program project. I most important. A portion of the funds until Soul Arrival-we jnst don't enjoy understood that when I contributed will be used to pick up part of Jean the pop-hype sound. One day of SA that the money was for general station Johnson's salary, and a portrion of her sounds okay for those who like it. We funding and new equipment. Not to time wiir be used to coordinate our ' recommend local music, and/ or slight the seniors program or it's Senior Citizens Program. While we political music for Sunday, 12-3. Other director but I feel putting most of the won't know until later in the year how ideas include older Jazz, e.g. New money toward this is :wrong. much support we can raise for the Orleans, Bee Bop, Swing, etc. A show Seniors Program, from other source·, with a revolving theme?? Anyhow we Sincerely,, (this will determine how much time we support only 3 hours of SA per weekl can put into it), I'm sure that much less Great Stationingl Alan Ringer than $ I of your donation will go into Brimson, MN. the Seniors Program. Please feel free to Our support, stop by to look at our budget and tour Dear Alan: the station at the same time. I'm sorry Josh Mark & Don Schaufnagel about the confusion, and thanks f0r Mason, WI. The funds from the marathon will go your concern and support. into our general operating budget. We Good Morning, have completed an order for two new Sincerely,• turntables, and as our new engineer I've heard rumors that a good porliion of starts work next month, we will put Tom Livingston the " Marathon Money" is going more of the funds where he decides is Station Manager

WDTH-FM Non Profit Organization University of Minnesota, Dul U.S. Postage 2400 Oakland Ave. JA"1E VI ET~ PAID Dulutti, Minn. 55812 PER MIT No 67 38J LIJRARY Duluth. Minnesota J V 8F "1N - JJLJTH JULUT,, "1N 5:,