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Lincolnshire 464 HAlNTON. LINCOLNSHIRE. Penrose, receiver. Letters arrive by mes~enger from A school was built by the late G. F. Heneage esq. in 1846. Wragby at 9 a. m. ; on sundays, 10.20 a. m. ; dispatched it is supported by Ed ward Hcneage esq. M. P. &; the at 4 p.m.; on sundays at p.m. The nearest tcle- . , . graph office is at South Willingham milway station ch1lclren s pence, Miss Annie Genrgina Selvage, mistress Cheadle Very Rev. Canon Fras. n.n. Crowder John, miller (wind) & farmer Wallis Joseph, farmer, bailiff to E. [Catholic1 Hibbitt Ed ward Evison, farm"r Heneagc esq. M.P., D.L., J.P Heneage Edward M.P.,D.L.,J.P. The Hudson Thomas, farmer Webster "'m. Heneage Arms, & farmel' Hall; & Brook's & Traveller's clubs, Neave William, farmer Wilson George Henry, secretary to E. London s w Prnrose George & Sons, groceril,drapers Heneag-e esq. M.P., D.L., J,P Borringham John, farmer & tailors Winter George, carpenter Coppin Thomas, smith & farrier Richardson Edward, butcher GREAT and LITTLE HALE are townships, form- in Little H<tle, of 20 acres, let at £3o; boti,J. sums are dis­ ing the parish of Hale Magna, in the Southern division of tributed in fuel. The Marques'! of Bristol, who is lord oi the county, parts of Kesteven, wapentake of Aswardhurn, the manor, J. Farrant esq. and Hussey Packe esq. D.L., J.P. Sleaford union, petty sessional division and county court are the principallanclowners in Gre'\t Hale. The population district, rural deanery of Aswardhurn-with-Lafford No. 2, of the township of Great Hale in 1881 was 708, and the entire and archcleaconry and diocese of Lincoln. Great Hale is pdrish 1,070; the area is s,no acres, mcludmg Little Hale~ s! miles east-south-east h-orn Sleaford and half a mile rateable value, £m, 820. s_outh ~rom Heckington station on the ~ost_on and .sl~aford Little Hale township is one mile south oi Great Hale. hne. fhe chn,reh ~f St. John thP Baptist IS a bmldmg of The M.uquess of Bristol. who is lord of the manor. Hussey rubble o~ the Earl) Norm~n •. Early and L3:te Decorated and Packe esq. D.L., J.P. Rev. John Cheilds. George Hides esq. Perpendicular styles, consis~m.g of nave., aisles, south porch Mrs. Dickens, G. Sills, l<'elix Tomlinson, Charles Sharpe and and a wes~ern tow~r contalmng 5 bells: the tower dates J. S. Godfrey esqrs. are the principal landowners. The soil from a ~erwd anterior to the Conquest, but has ;no features is in some parts light loam, and tn others clay; 'Subsoil, clay of genume ~xon cha:racter; the octagonal font .belonl?s to and stone. The chief cro 8 are wheat barley oats beans the Perpendicular perwd and has been engraved m "S1mp- d d · h p · '· ded.' · ' ' • F t " t th t d f th th · · see s an turn1ps. T e acreage 1s mclu w1th Great s~n ~ on s h: a ~ eas lelrn en ob e. souh alshe1 ~~la Hale. The population in 1881 WI\S 362, p1scma, on t e opposite wa an aum ry: m t e nort a1s e . are a floor tablet, brass and monument to Robert Cawdron, BROADHURST IS one m1le and a half south-east. 1665, also brass to his son :Francis Cawdron, 165o, and a Parish Clerk. John Ingatt. brass to Anne Cawdron, wife of Robert, recording the fact PoST OFFICE, Great Hale.-''\'illiam Ward, receiver. Let- that she bore to her husband ten snns and six daughters ; ters arrive from Sleaford at 9.15 a.m. ·; dispatcherl at 4·5 date of this brass 1625. The register dates from !J.bout the p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at year 16go. The living is a di8Charged vicarage, rated in Heckington the King's Books at £8 6s. yearly value £6oo gross with PosT OFFICE, Little Hale.-John Green, receiver. Letters. residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancell.)r, and held since arri,•e from Sleaford at 9.36 a.m. ; dispatched at 4 p.m :z882 by the Rev. Ernest Julius Turckheim. The poor's National school (mixed), capacity, 130; average attend- allotments in Great Hale, of 19 acres, let at £34 ye1.rly, and ance, 90 Great Hale. Knight Frederick, shoe maker Ba rnesSophia( Mrs.) & J o hn,farmers,Fen_ Barnes Mrs. Old vicarage Makins John, market gardener Dickens l\Ionica (Mrs.), farmer, Fen Turckheim Rev. Ernest Julius [vicarJ M as ton Frederick, farmer Diekenson Thomas, Bowling green Barnard Edward, baker Mettam John, farmer Faulkner Charles, farmer Clarke George, farmer Money Henry, carpenter & wheelwright Fountain Henry, farmer, Fen Cox John, farmer Read Waddington, farmer Garatt Julia (Mrs.), fanner Dring Jas. RosP & Crown, & blacksmith Rear George, farmer, Fen Green \Valter, Nag's Head Elkington Francis, farmer, Fen Rowe Edward, farmer Green John, shopkeeper Everitt Martin, butcher Singleton Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmPr Harri'l Charles, farmer Faulkner Rebecca (Mrs.), butcher Ward Luke, farmer Hessel Charles, farmer Fenton Joseph Bentley, blacksmith Ward Willi.J.m, boot maker Hutchinson John, farmer, Fen GartQn Thomas, grocer & draper Ward William, wheelwright Hides George, farmer, The I<"ields Harris George, farmer, Fen Ward 'William, jun. grocer, bakPr & Key Richard, farmer Harris Thomas, farmer, Fen post office Parker Thomas, shopkeeper IngattThomas,wheel wright & carpenter 'Vheatman George, baker Rll.wson 'William, grocer & draper Ingatt John, carpenter Wise Charles, Nag's Head Skinner ''Villiam, shoe maker .Tohnson Jonathan, farmer, Fen ·wood William, market. gardcnPr Smith Mnry (Mrs.), wheelwright Keal John, market gardener Little Hale. Stennett Joseph, farmer, Fen Key Francis & Timothy, farmers Bardsley Henry Alltm, farmPr HALLINGTON is a parish and station on the Louth residence at Raithby, in the gift of Henry Chaplin esq. M.P and Lincoln railway: it is in the Northern division of the and held since 1869 by the Rev. William Henry Honey M.At •• county, parts- of Lindsey, Wold division of the hundred of LL.B. of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, who resides at. Louth Eske, Louth union and county court district, rural Raithby. Henry Chaplin esq. M. P., D.L., J.P. is lord of the deanery of Louth Eske and Ludborough No. 3, arch deaconry , manor and sole landowner. The soil is chalk and clay~ of Stow and diocese of Lincoln, 2§- miles south-west from subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. Louth. No traces of the church now remain: the site is The area is 1,498 acres; rateable value, [1,787; the popula-­ used as a burial ground : the inhabitants attend the church tion in 1881 was u2. at Raithby. The register is included in that of Raithby. Letters through Louth, the nearest money order & telegraph The living is a vicarage, consolidated with Raithby rectory, otlice joint yearly value £640, including 74 acres of glebe, with Railway Station, James Chambers, station master Chatterton William, fa1·mer I Johnson & Co. coal factors I Oliver George Allenby, farmer HALTHAM-UPON-BAIN is a parish \n the Mid re~Pster dates from the year 1561. The living is a di;:~ division of the county, Pltrts of Lindsey, soke, petty sessional charged rectory, united with that of Roughton, joint yearly division, county court district, and union of Horncastle, value £6so, in the gift of F. S. Dymoke esq. and held since rural deanery of Gartree, and archdraconry and diocese of 1867 by the Rev. Henry SpmTier B.A. of Trinity College, T.ineoln, 4 miles south from Horncastle. The church of St. Dublin. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. F. S. Dymoke esq. Benedict is a ¥ery old stone building, in thll Early Norman, the Hon. the Queen's Champion, who is lord of the manor, Early English, and Later styles, consisting of chancel, nave Sir Henry James Hawley hart. and W. H. Trafforrl esq. are of three bays, north aisle, south porch and low wooden the principal landowners. The soil is sand and clay ; sub­ belfry on the western gable containing I bell : the south soil, same. The chief crops 1\l'e wheat, oats and turnips. doorway is Early Norman, the next earliest feature being The area is 2,380 acres; rateable value, £1,198; the popula­ the Early English arcade; the chancel is Decorated through- tion in 1881 was 179. By the Act 44 Vie. c. X\"ii. a detached out, the east window being a remarkably tine specimen of portion of the :Fen Allotment was transferred to the new the style, with elaborate tracery in the head : in the jamb parish of Wildmllor. of one of the windows is a curious recess, with a little pillar Parish Clerk, RJbcrt Richardson. at the angle, sel'Ving as a canopy to a piscina within ; there LETTF.R Box clcarccl at 3 p. m. Letters through Horncastle~ are also three sedilia, an aumbry, and four brackets; in the which is the nearest money order & telegraph office churchyard stands the base of an ancient cross. The The children of the parish attend the School at Ruughton Haltham-upon-Bain Gaunt ·william, farmer Perkiu'l 'William, farmer Dun ham H ubbert, farmer Goodyear Alfred,MarmionArms &; grocr Priestley J oseph, blacksmith Fleteher George, bootmaker Houldershaw Curtis, farmer Strawson Jame.s. fnrmer Gaunt Thomas, farmer Knowles John, carpenter &whcreh1'right Vear GeO'rge. farmer .
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