Fall Newsletter
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Fall 2019 Ready, Set ... VOTE! By: Rodney R. Watson As we move into the final days before state elections, we often reflect on our reasons for voting for a particular candidate. In the case of retirees, we want our elected officials to protect our current Defined Benefit plan guaranteed in our state constitution. As you go into the voting booth you might consider the following quote often attributed to President Lyndon Johnson: “A man without a vote is a man without protection.” How do we make informed voting decisions, and which candidates will protect our cur- rent benefit plan? LRTA annually adopts a list of Legislative Priorities that helps our members focus on issues aimed at benefit- ing and protecting our retirement benefits. (cont. on page 2) A MESSAGE FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR please contact them and ask them to We know that the incumbent governor, respond, sign and return the survey to John Bel Edwards, has supported ac- our office as soon as possible. A copy of tive and retired teachers through pay the survey is available on page 9 of this raises and opposition to hybrid plans newsletter. You may also contact the that could change our current benefit LRTA state office for additional copies. structure. The governor supports pay- ing down the retirement debt before As a reminder, because LRTA is a private considering retirement reform that nonprofit, we cannot endorse candi- might include hybrid plans within cer- dates. However, we can encourage tain conditions. Ralph Abraham did not members to vote for individuals who respond to the LRTA legislative survey have previously and currently sup- but provided very specific platforms port our best interests. Individual Local to the Council for a Better Louisiana Units do not fall under the governance (CABL).He believes the current retire- umbrella of LRTA and, therefore, may ment plan is a fiscal burden to the state endorse candidates who have favorably and should be reformed to provide (cont. from cover) responded to our survey. more mobility. This suggests a hybrid Additionally, as each political candi- system, which LRTA strictly opposes date announced their intention to run The five priorities included in the survey for teachers. Research shows hybrid for office, LRTA sent them a survey are as follows: plans produce lower benefits and do consisting of five questions that reflect not foster recruitment and retention our Legislative Priorities. We asked that 1. LRTA opposes any legislation that of teachers. Additionally, Abraham each candidate complete, sign and would alter the defined benefit structure supports an unrestricted constitutional return that survey to our office where of the Teachers’ Retirement System of convention. This means both education we have aggregated their responses Louisiana (TRSL). and retirement could lose constitu- into spreadsheets by voting districts. tional protections. LRTA has opposed 2. LRTA supports Permanent Benefit all proposed constitutional conventions I shared this information with every Increases (PBIs) when the criteria to targeting education and retirement. member at all of the District meetings grant one is met. during the month of September. The To date, we have no other information information that we received at the 3. LRTA opposes constitutional conven- from Eddie Rispone or the other gu- time this document went to press is also tions that would remove budgetary pro- bernatorial candidates. We will update included in this newsletter. A compre- tections for education and retirement. our documents on the LRTA webpage hensive, updated list of all candidates should we receive that information prior can be found on the LRTA webpage 4. LRTA supports the repeal of the Gov- to the election. at www.lrta.net. Click on the popup ernment Pension Offset (GPO) and the icon labeled: “2019 LRTA Legislative Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). Finally, I hope that each of our mem- Survey Results” and scroll through the bers will make a decision to support information related to your LRTA and 5. LRTA supports teacher and support candidates who support our legisla- Voting districts. We update the survey staff pay raises and fully funding educa- tive priorities, regardless of political results daily so that our members can tion though the Minimum Foundation party, so that your vote represents the decide which candidates support our Program (MFP). “protection” needed to preserve our legislative priorities. retirement plan. It’s also important that we have a gov- You will see many candidates have not ernor who supports retired teachers, as responded to our survey request. In we’ve had legislation introduced every the absence of information, we cannot year during my tenure as your Executive inform our membership regarding their Director that was aimed at changing views on retirement. However, it’s not our benefit plan, which could reduce too late to garner their views. If you see our benefits (particularly for new hires). Rodney Watson a candidate within your voting district LRTA Executive Director who has not responded to the survey, 02 Vol. 47, No. 2 Fall 2019 Voting Matters A MESSAGE FROM OUR LRTA PRESIDENT look at these resources before you go to our membership for devoting a to the polls. It’s very important that portion of their time to LRTA. When we understand where the candidates we all come together for a common stand on issues that could affect re- purpose, we are an unstoppable team. tirees and our benefits in the future. We must always work to MAKE YOUR RETIREMENT YEARS GREAT! Speaking of elections, LRTA will hold its own elections this winter. In Janu- ary 2020, LRTA will mail ballots to eligible members in their member- ship appeal packets. Life Members, Nancy L. Quigley Active Members and Continuous LRTA President Members (members whose dues are auto-deducted) are considered vot- Fall has arrived (even if it doesn’t feel ing members of LRTA. Please note 2019 LRTA Fall Meeting like it yet)! This means the 2019 LRTA that Associate Members and Non- Fall Meeting is right around the corner. Members are not eligible to vote in The schedule for the Fall Meeting is statewide elections. Come on “Down by the Riverside!” Loui- on page 8 of this newsletter and a siana retired educators are invited to registration form is on page 12. If you Eligible members will vote for the attend the LRTA Fall Meeting October attended a fall District meeting, you LRTA President, LRTA First Vice- 21-23. The meeting will take place at the should have received a registration President and LRTA Second Vice- Baton Rouge Marriott at 5500 Hilton form with your meeting materials. President. The Nominating Committee Avenue in Baton Rouge, La. The theme The Fall Meeting will take place at will present a statewide ballot to the is “Celebrating Retirement Down by the Riverside!” the Baton Rouge Marriott October Executive Board on October 21 at the Fall Meeting in Baton Rouge. This bal- 21-23. We have an agenda full of Use the form on page 12 of this news- dynamic speakers and activities to lot, along with candidate biographies and information, will be included in letter to register for the Fall Meeting. keep the excitement going. Make Attendees must pre-register for the pre- your membership packets in January. sure to the join the LRTA Email Club convention banquet by October 11. Al- and like the LRTA Facebook page for though on-site registration is available, more updates. Also, check out the Fall I want to mention some changes for pre-registration will ensure that you will Meeting registration page at the next newsletter. Traditionally, the receive a packet containing your name www.lrta.net/fallmeeting for impor- LRTA Winter Newsletter is eight pages tag and other meeting materials upon tant information on registering and long. This is to ensure the newsletter arrival. reserving hotel rooms. I look forward is folded and stuffed properly in the to seeing all of you “down by the envelopes. You may have noticed a The Baton Rouge Marriott is generously riverside” in just a few short weeks. change in the quality of paper for the offering a special hotel room rate. The last few editions of the LRTA News- rate is $100 per night, plus tax. The cut- letter. The paper used in previous off date for this special rate is October Soon it will be time for the primary 7, unless the hotel sells out prior to this elections for Louisiana. I encourage newsletters is no longer available. The new paper is slightly thicker and date. To reserve a room, call 1-800- all of you to take the time to mail in 228-9290 and ask for Louisiana Retired heavier. Due to production constraints, your ballots or vote at the polls for the Teachers Association. You may also the LRTA Winter Newsletter will be Oct. 12 primaries. LRTA has provided make a reservation online. For more in- good resources in this newsletter and FOUR PAGES moving forward. formation about reserving hotel rooms on the LRTA website (www.lrta.net) to and other Fall Meeting business, visit help you make informed voting deci- This is an exciting but busy time of www.lrta.net/fallmeeting. We hope to sions. I encourage everyone to take a the year for most of our members. see you there! I want to express my appreciation www.lrta.net 03 2019 LRTA LEGISLATIVE SURVEY RESPONSES LRTA reached out to all candidates running for Governor, State Treasurer, Senate and House of Representatives to gauge their thoughts and opinions on the LRTA Legislative Priorities. LRTA mailed or emailed over 330 candidates and received 97 responses, as of September 13. These responses are listed below.