1 Relationship between Geographical Location and Evaluation of 59 2 60 3 Developer Contributions in GitHub 61 4 62 5 Ayushi Rastogi Nachiappan Nagappan 63 6 64 7 UCI, Irvine Research, Redmond 65 8 [email protected] [email protected] 66 9 67 10 Georgios Gousios André van der Hoek 68 11 TU Delft, Netherlands UCI, Irvine 69 12 [email protected] [email protected] 70 13 71 14 ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 72 15 Background Open source software projects show gender bias sug- Open source software (OSS) development has always been envi- 73 16 gesting that other demographic characteristics of developers, like sioned as a merit-based model [24]. This gave rise to the term ‘code 74 17 geographical location, can negatively influence evaluation of con- is king’ [11][24], indicating a belief that the quality of the code 75 18 tributions too. Aim This study contributes to this emerging body being contributed should be the sole factor in determining whether 76 19 of knowledge in by presenting a quantitative or not the code is accepted to be included in the primary line of 77 20 analysis of the relationship between the geographical location of de- development. 78 21 velopers and evaluation of their contributions on GitHub. Method Various studies, however, have shown that in addition to techni- 79 22 We present an analysis of 70,000+ pull requests selected from 17 cal factors relating to code quality, social factors influence accep- 80 23 most actively participating countries to model the relationship be- tance or rejection decisions. For instance, social closeness between 81 24 tween the geographical location of developers and pull request submitter and integrator, as built through prior interactions, can 82 25 acceptance decision. Results and Conclusion We observed struc- positively influence acceptance27 [ ]. As another example, status 83 26 tural differences in pull request acceptance rates across 17 coun- in the community increases acceptance [27]), while size of the 84 27 tries. Countries with no apparent similarities such as Switzerland contribution decreases acceptance [15]. 85 28 and Japan had one of the highest pull request acceptance rates Only recently, a demographic attribute of contributors – gender, 86 29 while countries like China and Germany had one of the lowest pull is found to influence evaluation of contributions in OSS projects. 87 30 request acceptance rates. Notably, higher acceptance rates were In a study of 1.4 million GitHub user profiles, Terrell et al. found 88 31 observed for all but one country when pull requests were evaluated that code contributions by female developers were less often ac- 89 32 by developers from the same country. cepted than their male counterparts when their gender was identi- 90 33 fiable [26]. 91 34 CCS CONCEPTS This paper contributes to this emerging body of knowledge in 92 35 software development with a study that focuses on a demographic 93 • Software and its engineering → Open source model; Pro- 36 attribute of developers - geographical location. We elicit the re- 94 gramming teams; • Human-centered computing → Empirical 37 lationship between the geographical location of developers and 95 studies in collaborative and social computing; 38 evaluation of their contributions by modeling GitHub projects’ 96 39 archival data using country of residence of developers to measure 97 40 KEYWORDS geographical location and pull request acceptance decision to mea- 98 41 Open source, geographical location, pull requests, GitHub. sure evaluation of contributions. 99 42 We present an analysis of 70,000+ pull requests originating from 100 ACM Reference Format: 43 17 most actively participating countries on GitHub. We control 101 Ayushi Rastogi, Nachiappan Nagappan, Georgios Gousios, and André van 44 for the influence of other factors known to influence pull request 102 der Hoek. 2018. Relationship between Geographical Location and Evalu- 45 acceptance decision to quantitatively analyze the relationship of the 103 ation of Developer Contributions in GitHub. In ACM / IEEE International 46 Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) country of submitters with overall pull request acceptance decision. 104 47 (ESEM ’18), October 11–12, 2018, Oulu, Finland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, We also consider the case in which submitter and integrator are 105 48 8 pages. ://doi.org/10.475/123_4 from the same country for its possible relationship with pull request 106 49 acceptance decision. 107 50 Our findings reveal that there are statistically significant dif- 108 51 Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or ferences in the acceptance rates among the pull requests issued 109 52 classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed by developers from different countries. We, however, could not 110 for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation 53 on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. attribute the observed differences to the factors which may seem 111 54 For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). obvious otherwise. For example, we examined whether contribu- 112 55 ESEM, 2018 tors from non-English speaking countries have lower pull request 113 © 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). 56 ACM ISBN 123-4567-24-567/08/06. acceptance rate compared to English speaking countries. We did 114 57 https://doi.org/10.475/123_4 not find any pattern though. 115 58 1 116 ESEM, 2018 Ayushi Rastogi, Nachiappan Nagappan, Georgios Gousios, and André van der Hoek

117 2 BACKGROUND called the integrator or committer, receives what is called a pull 175 118 This section presents a brief history on bias at work originating request when a contributor submits their proposed update. The 176 119 from individuals’ demographic attribute - geographical location, integrator then ‘pulls’ the code from the repository of the contribu- 177 120 and how it translates to OSS projects. This is followed by relevant tor, examines it closely, and makes their decision as to whether to 178 121 background material concerning the notion of pull-based develop- push the code to the main branch. This two-phased process allows 179 122 ment and factors that are already known to influence pull requests. projects to be more transparent, with open discussions taking place 180 123 surrounding complex pull requests, thereby making the overall 181 124 2.1 Bias at work originating from individuals’ process more democractic [18]. Today, nearly half of the projects 182 125 geographical location on GitHub use the pull-based development model [12]. Particularly 183 126 because these projects tend to be larger and public, numerous pre- 184 127 The role of individuals’ demographic attribute - geographical loca- vious studies have focused on various aspects and implications of 185 128 tion - in influencing evaluation of contributions is known for long the pull-based development model (e.g., Yu et al. examined factors 186 129 in traditional workplaces, where people meet in-person for work influencing latency in pull request evaluation32 [ ] and Gousios et 187 130 and are aware of the demographic attributes of fellow contributors. al. studied aspects of work practices and challenges in pull-based 188 131 Indeed, a whole body of literature has emerged, albiet dispersed development [13]). 189 132 over many communities. For instance, in the Olympics and other 190 133 forms of international competitions, experienced judges with sig- 2.3 Factors influencing pull request acceptance 191 nificant training in fairly evaluating all participants were found 134 Previous studies have already begun to look at pull request accep- 192 to nonetheless rank participants from their own nations higher 135 tance and the influence that different factors may have. For instance, 193 than participants from other nations [23]. As another example, in 136 it has been found that a developer’s technical and social reputa- 194 academia, papers with authors from some regions receive fewer 137 tion positively influences acceptance of the changes they submit 195 citations than papers from authors of other regions, even when the 138 in their pull requests [7][15][20][27]. Some of these studies fur- 196 papers were of comparable quality [19]. 139 ther demonstrated that adhering to a project’s technical and social 197 In open source software development, in contrast, developers 140 norms increases the chances of acceptance [15][17][27], although 198 collaborate online, from same or different geographical locations 141 with the caveat that, the more mature and popular a project is, the 199 and were not aware of the demographic attributes of fellow de- 142 lower the chances of pull request acceptance are overall [15][27]. 200 velopers. In recent years, with the rise of environments such as 143 Focusing on the nature of a pull request itself, it has also been 201 GitHub [3], Bitbucket [1], and others (e.g., [4][5]), OSS developers 144 shown that the size of the change, its perceived quality, and the 202 today can become much more aware of the demographic attributes 145 theme and objective of the pull request, among others, influence 203 of their fellow developers [28], which may lead to them consciously 146 its chances of acceptance considerably [15][27][31][25]. 204 or subconsciously changing the way they interact with and make 147 Broadly, the factors that have been found to seemingly influence 205 decisions toward their fellow developers [29]. 148 pull request acceptance can be categorized as being related to: (1) 206 A recent study of 1.4 million GitHub user profiles reported bias 149 the developer themselves, (2) the project as a whole, and (3) the 207 in evaluation of code contributions when a demographic attribute 150 specific pull request. Our study adds to what is known thus farby 208 of contributors - gender, was known to fellow contributors [26]. 151 focusing on country of developers as having a potential impact. As 209 The study by Terrell et al. found that code contributions by female 152 we will show in the below, we control for the factors that previous 210 developers were less often accepted than their male counterparts 153 studies have found, thereby being able to more singularly attribute 211 when their gender was identifiable26 [ ]. The results of this study 154 whether the country in which a developer resides has an effect on 212 suggests that other demographic attributes of contributors like geo- 155 the evaluation of their contributions. 213 156 graphical location, which are known to a significant percentage of 214 157 fellow contributors [28], may influence evaluation of contributions. 3 METHOD 215 158 216 We provide a step-by-step introduction to how we collected and 159 2.2 Pull-based development 217 analyzed the relationship using GitHub projects’ archival data. All 160 218 GitHub, the site of our study, supports two models of collaborative data and procedures used are publicly available for replication 2. 161 development: (1) the shared repository model and (2) the pull-based 219 162 development model. The shared repository model grants everyone 3.1 GitHub projects’ archival data 220 163 access to directly make changes to a single, shared repository of 221 To analyze the influence of the country of developers on pull re- 164 code. Every change is therefore public immediately and not subject 222 quest acceptance decisions, we measure a variety of factors that: (1) 165 to a further level of review first. The use of the shared repository 223 have been previously identified as possibly influencing pull request 166 model is prevalent with small teams and organizations collaborating 224 acceptance, and (2) can be deduced based on stored archival data 167 on private projects.1 225 regarding past activities of developers (submitters and integrators). 168 The pull-based development model contrasts the shared reposi- 226 To these factors, we add the country in which developers reside 169 tory model in separating the development effort of individual con- 227 when they submit pull requests, as well as the country of the inte- 170 tributors (submitters) from the decision whether or not to include 228 grators. Using the combined data, we prepare two statistical models, 171 the code they submit for consideration [12]. A separate role, often 229 172 one focusing solely on the country of the submitter in relationship 230 173 1https://help.github.com/articles/about-collaborative-development-models/ 210.6084/m9.figshare.6865799 231 174 2 232 Relationship between Geographical Location and Evaluation of Developer Contributions in GitHub ESEM, 2018

233 to pull request acceptance, and one taking into account whether the more active projects that are more likely to include participants 291 234 the submitter and integrator are in the same country. from across the globe. We enriched this data set by leveraging the 292 235 GHTorrent dataset made available on August 18, 2015 [2] to add 293 3.1.1 Factors influencing pull request acceptance. As discussed 236 the country from which each individual pull request was made by a 294 in Section 2.3, factors that may influence pull request acceptance can 237 submitter and the country from which each individual pull request 295 be classified into being related to the developer themself, the project 238 was accepted or rejected by an integrator. 296 overall, or the pull request. For our study, we use a combination of 239 To decide upon a country, we needed to apply some heuristics, 297 the factors that were identified by Tsay et27 al.[ ] and by Gousios et 240 as developers in GitHub can choose to specify their location in free- 298 al. [15]. Table 1 presents the result, as organized by project charac- 241 form text in their GitHub profiles. Developers who, for instance, 299 teristics first, then developer characteristics, and finally pull request 242 write ‘US’, ‘United States’, or ‘XYZ Apartments, New York’ all are 300 characteristics. We add a fourth category, geographical location, 243 somewhere in the United States. To infer the country of developers 301 which naturally belongs to developer characteristics, but is sepa- 244 from these free-form textual specifications, we use the ‘country- 302 rated out since it is the focus of our study. 245 NameManager’ script used in a previous study by Vasilescu et al. 303 The individual columns of the table should be read as follows. 246 [29], which uses heuristics to, for instance, map the three previous 304 The first column lists specific factors that may influence pullre- 247 examples all to the United States. We augmented the script with 305 quest acceptance. The second and third columns list the specific 248 one additional heuristic to address situations where developers did 306 measures, as mined from the respective repositories they studied, 249 specify an affiliation and/or domain name but did not provide a 307 through which Tsay et al. and Gousios et al. incorporated vari- 250 location, so we can map, for instance, someone who specified an 308 ous factors in their model (note that they did not study the exact 251 affiliation of ‘Peking University’ to China. To do so, our heuristic 309 same set of factors). The fourth column lists the specific measures 252 learns from those entries where the country is specified in addition 310 we choose to use in our models, with the fifth column listing the 253 to the affiliation and/or domain name and subsequently maps itto 311 variable name we use in the remainder of the paper for each of 254 entries where the country is missing but the affiliation and/or do- 312 the measures. As one example, social closeness was estimated by 255 main name is the same. To minimize false positives, we only apply 313 Tsay et al. using two measures: whether the developer followed 256 this heuristic if the affiliation and/or domain name map to a single 314 the integrator prior to submitting their pull request and whether 257 country across all such entries, and if more than 20 entries exist. 315 the developer followed the project repository prior to submitting. 258 For example, we map ‘Peking University’ to China only if there are 316 Gousios et al. did not measure this factor. In our model, we choose 259 at least 20 occurrences in which ‘Peking University’ maps to China, 317 to measure it using both measures from Tsay et al., and use the 260 and no mappings of ‘Peking University’ to other countries. 318 names dev_followed_integrator and dev_watched_project for these 261 319 two measures. 262 3.1.3 Pull request selection. After we collected all the data, we 320 Where possible, we adopt the measures of Tsay et al. or Gousios 263 applied a number of criteria – in order – to select the set of pull 321 et al., although we made an exception in three measures. We changed 264 requests to use as the basis for our analysis. We first examined 322 the measure of code quality from test LOC per 1,000 LOC (kloc) 265 the state of the pull requests. At any time, a pull request can be in 323 to test LOC per 100,000 lines of code (lloc). We do this to bring all 266 ‘open’, ‘merged’ or ‘not-merged’ state. ‘Merged’ pull requests were 324 factors with numeric values to a comparable scale of measurement. 267 accepted by the integrator, ‘not-merged’ pull requests were rejected, 325 Similarly, we measure test cases per 1,000 LOC and asserts per 1,000 268 and ‘open’ pull requests did not have a decision associated with 326 LOC as test cases per 100,000 LOC and asserts per 100,000 LOC 269 them yet. We included in our analysis ‘merged’ and ‘not-merged’ 327 respectively. 270 pull requests, but excluded ‘open’ pull requests since we cannot 328 Note that our model omits a specific measure for team size, as 271 predict the future of these pull requests. 329 well as two measures for code quality (#test cases per kloc and 272 Second, when we started engaging with the data, we noticed 330 #asserts per kloc). As we discuss in the below, these three measures 273 that the distribution of submitters and their countries is highly 331 contain information that is included in others, and hence we leave 274 skewed (kurtosis: γ =98.2). To address this, we only kept those pull 332 them out of further consideration. 275 requests from countries that represent at least 1% (which equates 333 Note also that our model does not include gender, a factor that 276 to 1000+ pull requests) of the total number of pull requests. This 334 was recently found to correlate with pull request acceptance (specifi- 277 ensures diversity while maintaining sufficient data points per coun- 335 cally, pull requests by female developers were more often rejected) [26]. 278 try for analysis. As a result, our analysis includes 17 countries: 336 We were unable to find a reliable way to obtain the gender for all 279 United States (38%), United Kingdom (8%), Germany (6%), France 337 70,740 pull requests we include in our study (see below). If we only 280 (5%), Canada (4%), Japan (3%), Brazil (3%), Australia (2%), Russia 338 included those pull requests for which we could obtain gender data, 281 (2%), Netherlands (2%), China (2%), Spain (2%), India (2%), Switzer- 339 our sample would have been too small. 282 land (1%), Sweden (1%), Italy (1%), and Belgium (1%). Together, the 340 283 3.1.2 Data collection. The basis for our analysis is the data made pull requests originating from the selected 17 countries constitute 341 284 publicly available by Gousios et al. [14], covering 1,069 projects and approximately 83% of the pull requests available for analysis. 342 285 370,411 pull requests in Python (357), Java (315), Ruby (359), and As a final step, we removed any pull requests that were inte- 343 286 Scala (38). Gousios et al. selected these projects to represent the top grated by the submitters themselves. This occurred in a somewhat 344 287 1% of all GitHub projects in terms of their respective counts of pull surprisingly high 37% of the cases. Given the focus of our analy- 345 288 requests at the time. Our sample is therefore not representative of sis, we only include those pull requests that were integrated by 346 289 all projects in GitHub, but this is intentionally so in order to focus on developers other than the submitter. 347 290 3 348 ESEM, 2018 Ayushi Rastogi, Nachiappan Nagappan, Georgios Gousios, and André van der Hoek

349 Table 1: Factors influencing pull request acceptance 407 350 408 351 Measure 409 Characteristic 352 Tsay et. al [27] Gousios et. al [15] Our study Variable name 410 353 Project characteristics 411 354 Maturity #months in existence - #months in existence proj_months_existence 412 355 Team size #contributors #active core team members #active core team members - 413 Popularity #watchers #watchers #watchers proj_watchers 356 414 Size of code - #non-comment LOC #non-comment LOC proj_ncloc 357 415 Openness to external con- - %external contributions %external contributions proj_external_contribs 358 tributions 416 359 Code quality - #test LOC per 1,000 LOC #test LOC per 100,000 LOC proj_test_loc_per_lloc 417 360 - #test cases per 1,000 LOC #test cases per 100,000 LOC - 418 361 - #asserts per 1,000 LOC #asserts per 100,000 LOC - 419 362 Developer characteristics 420 363 Status in community #followers #followers #followers dev_followers 421 364 Status in project direct commit access (yes=1; - direct commit access (yes=1; dev_commit_access 422 365 no=0) no=0) 423 366 Social closeness followed integrator prior - followed integrator prior dev_followed_integrator 424 (yes=1; no=0) (yes=1; no=0) 367 425 watched project prior (yes=1; - watched project prior (yes=1; dev_watched_project 368 426 no=0) no=0) 369 Experience - #previous pull requests on #previous pull requests on dev_prev_pull_requests 427 370 project project 428 371 - previous pull request suc- previous pull request success dev_success_rate 429 372 cess rate rate 430 373 - - #months of project participa- dev_months_participation 431 374 tion 432 375 Pull request characteristics 433 376 Uncertainty of pull request #comments #comments #comments pr_comments 434 Size of change #changed LOC #changed LOC #changed LOC pr_changed_loc 377 435 #files changed #files changed #files changed pr_changed_files 378 436 Quality inclusion of tests (yes=1; no=0) #changed LOC in tests inclusion of tests (yes=1; no=0) pr_test_inclusion 379 437 Geographical location 380 Country of submitter country geo_country 438 381 Same country submit- same country (yes=1; no=1) geo_same_country 439 382 ter/integrator 440 383 441 384 442 385 Ultimately, of the 370,411 pull requests that were included in probability of pull request acceptance is less than the probability 443 386 the Gousios data set, 70,740 pull requests remain as the subject of of pull request rejection, and vice-versa. The impact of the vari- 444 387 the analysis below, all of them containing full location information. ous characteristics shown in Table 1 on pull request acceptance 445 388 Because we performed the removals described above in order, the is reported as percentage of deviance [22]. The interpretation of 446 389 minimum number of pull requests across all countries was 813. percentage of deviance is similar to the percentage of total variance 447 390 explained by least square regression [9]. 448 391 3.1.4 Statistical method. Pull request acceptance is a binary During feature selection, we add the value ‘one’ to independent 449 392 classification problem. We built two logistic regression models. The count variables and log-transform the result to stabilize the variance. 450 393 first model (termed Model 1 in the remainder of the text) captures We verify the variance by using the AIC and Vuong test for non- 451 394 the effect of country of submitter on pull request acceptance. The nested models [30], for both the transformed and original data. We 452 395 second model (Model 2) captures the effect of the submitter and measure the effect size using Cramer’s10 V[ ]. We computed the 453 396 committer being in the same country on pull request acceptance. Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) to check for multicollinearity and 454 397 Both models control for the project, developer, and pull request eliminated highly correlated variables that caused multicollinearity. 455 398 characteristics presented in Table 1, so we can isolate the effect of Any VIF value greater than 5 indicates multicollinearity [9]. As a 456 399 country. In both models, each pull request (with its unique project, result, we removed team size measured as active core team members, 457 400 developer, and pull request characteristics) is an independent ob- code quality measured as test cases per kloc, and code quality 458 401 servation. We choose the R implementation of logistic regression measured as asserts per kloc from further consideration (which is 459 402 [16][21] and report statistical significance at a p-value <0.05. The why Table 1 lists them as ‘-’ for our study). 460 403 chances of pull request acceptance are measured as log odds. If the We show the effect of predictor variables on pull request ac- 461 404 value of log odds is 0, the chances of pull request acceptance and ceptance via three values: coefficient, standard error, and p-value 462 405 rejection are same. If the value of log odds is less than 0 then the 463 406 4 464 Relationship between Geographical Location and Evaluation of Developer Contributions in GitHub ESEM, 2018

465 (shown as coefficient (standard error)p−value in Table 2). Each co- acceptance) and Model 2 (effect of submitter and integrator being 523 466 efficient in the logistic regression models reads as the effect ofthat in the same country on pull request acceptance), nearly identical 524 467 variable on the log odds of pull request acceptance when other coefficients, standard errors, and p-values (significance indicated 525 468 predictor variables are kept constant. For instance, in Table 2, an by stars: *** p<0.001; ** p<0.01; * p<0.05) result for the control 526 469 increase in proj_months_existence by a month decreases (negative variables. An increase in the maturity of a project, popularity of 527 470 coefficient) the estimated chances of pull request acceptance by a project, openness of a project to external contributions, size of 528 471 exp(-0.01) = 0.99. The standard error term gives the confidence the code base, number of months a submitter has participated in 529 472 interval of the computed log odds: exp(coefficient ± 1.96 × stan- a project, size of the change in code contained in the pull request, 530 473 dard error) and the p-value shows the statistical significance of the and uncertainty in the pull request all correlate with a decrease in 531 474 variable to predict pull request acceptance. P-values less than 0.05 pull request acceptance. An increase in code quality of the project, 532 475 are considered statistically significant. number of past pull requests on the project by the submitter, past 533 476 A slight difference exists in the interpretation of the coefficients success rate of the submitter, status in the project of the submitter, 534 477 for continuous and categorical variables. The coefficient of a contin- quality of the pull request, and whether the submitter followed the 535 478 uous variable signifies the estimated change in the log odds ofpull project prior to contribution, all correlate with an increase in pull 536 479 request acceptance for a unit increase in the value of a continuous request acceptance. 537 480 variable. The coefficient of a categorical variable shows the change Note that the effect sizes generally are relatively small, with the 538 481 in log odds of pull request acceptance relative to a base-level or log exception of quality of the change (pr_test_inclusion), uncertainty 539 482 odds ratio. For instance, to measure the influence of country, we in the pull request (pr_comments), and the experience of the de- 540 483 choose the United States, where the majority of developers reside, veloper (dev_prev_pull_requests), which have the strongest effect 541 484 as the base level. The influence of being located in the United King- sizes. In this context, we note that, for variables proj_watchers, 542 485 dom, then, reads as the estimated change in the log odds ratio of pull proj_test_loc_per_lloc, and dev_months_participation, we choose 543 486 request acceptance when the country is the United Kingdom versus to retain the sign of the coefficients, even though the magnitude of 544 487 the United States. This implies that, for every 100 pull requests the coefficient is less than the precision at which we report results. 545 488 accepted from the United States, approximately exp(0.13)*100=114 Shifting focus to the effect of country, Model 1 in Table 2 shows 546 489 pull requests are accepted from the United Kingdom. Similarly, to the chances of pull request acceptance for different countries. As 547 490 study the influence of submitters and integrators being in the same discussed, results are to be interpreted relative to the United States, 548 491 country, we present the estimated changes in log odds ratio of pull which has the largest population of submissions. As one exam- 549 492 request acceptance when the submitter and integrator are from the ple, for every 100 pull requests accepted from submitters from the 550 493 same country versus different countries. United States, an estimated count of exp(0.26)×100=130 pull re- 551 494 Each model is summarized in terms of six values: Akaike Infor- quests are accepted from submitters from the Netherlands. This 552 495 mation Criteria (AIC), Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC), Log means that pull requests from Netherlands based submitters have a 553 496 Likelihood, Deviance, Number of Observations (Num. obs.), and higher chance of being accepted than pull requests from submitters 554 497 Area Under Curve (AUC). Number of Observations reports the based in the United States. 555 498 count of pull requests analyzed for data modeling. AIC, BIC, Log We identify three groups of countries, each arranged in decreas- 556 499 Likelihood, and Deviance assess the fit of the model: the lower their ing order of chances of pull request acceptance. The first group, con- 557 500 values, the stronger is the fit of the model. We also evaluated the sisting of Switzerland (146), Netherlands (130), Japan (128), United 558 501 fitness of the model by calculating the Area Under Curve (AUC). Kingdom (114), and Canada (113), represents countries in which 559 502 An AUC greater than 0.5 is considered acceptable.3 submitters have a higher chance of pull request acceptance rela- 560 503 The deviance table (Table 3) presents the variance explained tive to the United States. The second group, consisting of Sweden 561 504 by each predictor variable. The NULL model is the default model (81), Germany (78), Brazil (76), Italy (73), and China (68), represents 562 505 without any predictor variables. Predictor variables are added to countries in which submitters have a lower chance of pull request 563 506 improve the model fit and are characterized by degree of freedom acceptance relative to the United States. Finally, countries in the 564 507 (Df), deviance explained (Deviance), and statistical significance (p- third group include Belgium (109), Spain (108), Australia (105), India 565 508 value<0.05) of the variable. For ease of understanding, the residual (102), France (102), and Russia (94), which exhibit a pull request 566 509 degree of freedom and residual deviance after the addition of each acceptance rate that is not distinguishable from that of submitters 567 510 predictor variable are provided. from the United States. 568 511 Examining this grouping, we cannot necessarily identify pat- 569 512 4 RESULTS terns. We might have expected, for instance, to see consistently 570 513 This section presents our findings from the data analysis of GitHub higher or lower acceptance rates from countries in the same con- 571 514 projects’ archival data. tinent, or consistently higher acceptance rates from countries in 572 515 which English is either the primary language or a major secondary 573 516 4.1 GitHub projects’ archival data analysis language in school. This is not the case. The three countries with 574 517 the highest rates (Switzerland, Netherlands, Japan) are from two 575 Before we discuss the effect of geographical location, we first briefly 518 different continents; the three countries with the lowest rates are 576 examine the control variables as shown in Table 2. We note that, in 519 from three different continents, yet two of those continents are also 577 comparing Model 1 (effect of country of submitter on pull request 520 represented among the three countries with the higher rates. In 578 521 3https://www.kaggle.com/wiki/AreaUnderCurve terms of English, Sweden and Germany are known for teaching 579 522 5 580 ESEM, 2018 Ayushi Rastogi, Nachiappan Nagappan, Georgios Gousios, and André van der Hoek

581 Table 2: Logistic regression models of factors influencing Table 3: Deviance explained by factors influencing pull re- 639 582 pull request acceptance [AUC: 0.7] quest acceptance 640 583 641 584 Model 1 Model 2 Df Deviance Resid. Resid. Pr(>Chi) 642 585 (Intercept) 2.82 (0.14)∗∗∗ 2.61 (0.14)∗∗∗ Df Dev 643 586 Control variables NULL 70739 52354.02 644 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 587 proj_months_existence −0.01 (0.00) −0.01 (0.00) proj_months_existence 1 509.46 70738 51844.56 0.0000 645 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ proj_watchers 1 175.49 70737 51669.07 0.0000 588 proj_watchers −0.00 (0.00) −0.00 (0.00) 646 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ proj_external_contribs 1 321.47 70736 51347.59 0.0000 589 log(proj_ncloc + 1) −0.06 (0.01) −0.06 (0.01) 647 proj_external_contribs −0.01 (0.00)∗∗∗ −0.01 (0.00)∗∗∗ proj_test_loc_per_lloc 1 47.84 70735 51299.75 0.0000 590 648 proj_test_loc_per_lloc 0.00 (0.00)∗∗∗ 0.00 (0.00)∗∗∗ log(proj_ncloc + 1) 1 30.85 70734 51268.90 0.0000 591 649 log(dev_followers + 1) 0.06 (0.01)∗∗∗ 0.07 (0.01)∗∗∗ dev_months_participation 1 25.46 70733 51243.45 0.0000 592 dev_commit_access 0.06 (0.07) 0.05 (0.07) log(dev_prev_pull_requests 1 1014.64 70732 50228.81 0.0000 650 593 dev_followed_integrator1 0.11 (0.03)∗∗ 0.10 (0.03)∗∗ + 1) 651 594 dev_watched_project1 0.04 (0.03) 0.05 (0.03) dev_success_rate 1 389.62 70731 49839.19 0.0000 652 595 log(dev_prev_pull_requests + 1) 0.17 (0.01)∗∗∗ 0.17 (0.01)∗∗∗ pr_test_inclusion 1 22.73 70730 49816.46 0.0000 653 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 596 dev_success_rate 0.01 (0.00) 0.01 (0.00) log(pr_changed_loc + 1) 1 164.02 70729 49652.44 0.0000 654 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ 597 dev_months_participation −0.00 (0.00) −0.00 (0.00) log(pr_changed_files + 1) 1 0.11 70728 49652.34 0.7444 655 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ pr_comments 1 2.62 70727 49649.72 0.1055 598 log(pr_comments + 1) −0.25 (0.01) −0.24 (0.01) 656 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ log(dev_followers + 1) 1 57.46 70726 49592.26 0.0000 599 log(pr_changed_loc + 1) −0.06 (0.01) −0.06 (0.01) 657 log(pr_changed_files + 1) 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) log(pr_comments + 1) 1 273.45 70725 49318.81 0.0000 600 658 pr_test_inclusion1 0.26 (0.03)∗∗∗ 0.26 (0.03)∗∗∗ dev_watched_project 1 2.82 70724 49315.99 0.0931 601 659 geo_country_switzerland 0.38 (0.11)∗∗∗ 0.46 (0.11)∗∗∗ dev_followed_integrator 1 6.79 70723 49309.20 0.0092 602 geo_country_netherlands 0.26 (0.09)∗∗ 0.36 (0.09)∗∗∗ geo_country 16 143.61 70707 49165.59 0.0000 660 603 geo_country_japan 0.25 (0.08)∗∗∗ 0.34 (0.08)∗∗∗ geo_same_country 1 35.39 70706 49130.20 0.0000 661 604 geo_country_united kingdom 0.13 (0.04)∗∗ 0.20 (0.04)∗∗∗ 662 605 geo_country_canada 0.12 (0.07) 0.22 (0.07)∗∗ of pull request acceptance by a factor of exp(0.18)=1.2 as compared 663 606 geo_country_belgium 0.09 (0.12) 0.18 (0.12) to when the submitter and integrator are from different countries. 664 607 geo_country_spain 0.08 (0.10) 0.15 (0.10) To understand whether this is a consistent phenomenon across all 665 608 geo_country_australia 0.05 (0.07) 0.14 (0.07) countries, or whether this is somehow an effect of one or a few 666 ( ) ( ) 609 geo_country_india 0.02 0.07 0.12 0.07 countries dominating the results (for instance, based on a much 667 geo_country_france 0.02 (0.06) 0.11 (0.06) 610 higher volume of ‘same country contributor and integrator’ pull 668 geo_country_russia −0.06 (0.07) 0.04 (0.07) 611 requests coming from those countries), we analyzed our data per 669 geo_country_sweden −0.21 (0.09)∗ −0.10 (0.09) 612 geo_country_germany −0.25 (0.04)∗∗∗ −0.16 (0.05)∗∗∗ country as well. We found that, for all countries except India, accep- 670 613 geo_country_brazil −0.27 (0.06)∗∗∗ −0.19 (0.07)∗∗ tance rates for contributions coming from submitters from the same 671 614 geo_country_italy −0.31 (0.08)∗∗∗ −0.21 (0.09)∗ country as integrators were higher, ranging from just 2.4% higher 672 615 geo_country_china −0.39 (0.09)∗∗∗ −0.27 (0.10)∗∗ (United States) to 13.4% higher (China). The sole exception, India, 673 ∗∗∗ 616 geo_same_country1 0.18 (0.03) was lower in acceptance rate by 7.4%. This implies that integrators 674 617 AIC 49231.59 49198.20 imperceptibly have a higher preference for contributions from their 675 618 BIC 49534.09 49509.87 own countries (except for, again, India, which we discuss later in 676 619 Log Likelihood −24582.80 −24565.10 the paper). 677 Deviance 49165.59 49130.20 620 Second, again comparing the results from Model 2 to Model 1, we 678 Num. obs. 70740 70740 621 observe that, compared to the United States, Canada is included in 679 ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗p < 0.05 622 the group of countries from which pull requests are more likely to 680 623 be accepted, and Sweden is not in the group of countries for which 681 624 students English in schools, yet are among the countries with the pull request acceptance is less likely. With no other significant shifts 682 625 lowest acceptance rates. We return to this discussion in Section 6. in results, the prior observations regarding an absence of possible 683 626 We note that the coefficients for the various countries are larger patterns in the groupings hold for Model 2 as well. 684 627 than the coefficients for the control variables. This does notnec- Finally, we observe that the coefficients of all countries increase 685 628 essarily mean that the effect is larger. We remind the reader that, in Model 2 as compared to Model 1. We caution against over- 686 629 while most control variables are numerical and thus interpreted interpretation of the difference here. The variablegeo_same_country 687 630 relative to the intercept, countries are categorical and interpreted clearly is related with the various geo_country variables. Given that 688 631 relative to a baseline (United States). The variability in pull request its addition to the model is the only addition, it is multicollinear- 689 632 acceptance across different countries, thus, is responsible for the ity that we believe causes the amplification of the coefficients for 690 633 larger coefficients. the individual countries. Interpreting the increase in other ways 691 634 Compared to Model 1, Model 2 in Table 2 documents the effect of is likely to draw false conclusions. The reason we did not remove 692 635 taking into account whether or not the pull request submitter is in the individual countries from Model 2 is that, given our results in 693 636 the same country as the pull request integrator (geo_same_country). Model 1, they serve as a control for the independent variable of 694 637 First, we note that being in the same country increases the chances geo_same_country. 695 638 6 696 Relationship between Geographical Location and Evaluation of Developer Contributions in GitHub ESEM, 2018

697 Table 3 shows the impact on pull request acceptance in terms of What factors cause difference in pull request acceptance? It is 755 698 deviance. Relative to the control variables, the country of submitters known that many different factors can influence pull request ac- 756 699 (geo_country) and the same country of submitters and integrators ceptance, with several previous studies (discussed throughout the 757 700 (geo_same_country) each explain some of the effect present. While paper) identifying various factors and showing how they play a role. 758 701 the effect of being in the same location is relatively small(not Our study adds two additional factors: (1) country of the submitter 759 702 surprising given that it is multicollinear and residual after the ef- who issues pull request, and (2) co-location of a submitter and inte- 760 703 fect of individual countries is already accounted for), the effect of grator in the same country. Controlling for the factors identified in 761 704 geo_country shows actually a moderate effect. This implies, once prior studies, we built two models through which we showed that 762 705 again, that integrators are somehow differentiating pull requests both the country of the submitter who issues a pull request and the 763 706 from submitters from different countries. co-location of a submitter and integrator in the same country have 764 707 an effect on pull request acceptance. Our study, thus, adds tothe 765 708 set of factors known. 766 5 THREATS TO VALIDITY 709 What could explain the effect of country on pull request acceptance? 767 710 5.1 Construct validity This is perhaps the most difficult question to answer. Our analysis 768 711 Pull request acceptance. A pull request can be reopened multiple already eliminates, through an extensive set of control variables, 769 712 times after it is first merged or rejected. Because we chose to use the typical reasons for differences in pull request acceptance rates. 770 713 first decision regarding acceptance and not later choices, our results Moreover, as part of our analysis we dove deeper into our results to 771 714 may not reflect eventual decisions if later decisions exhibit a differ- make sure that hidden effects within the data were not inadvertently 772 715 ent pattern. This choice was made in previous studies (e.g., [27][32]), leading us to draw certain conclusions. We carefully set minimum 773 716 but future work should consider extending our study (and previous thresholds (to avoid over-interpretation of small data) and examined 774 717 studies) to assess the entire life cycle of a pull request. whether certain skews in the data could be a cause (such as, for 775 718 Other confounding factors. It is possible that other confounding instance, one country dominating all others). These kinds of skews 776 719 factors (e.g., academic versus industry affilitation, programming turned out not to be present. This means we need to look elsewhere 777 720 language, gender) may impact our findings. for possible explanations as to why country might have something 778 721 to do with pull request acceptance. 779 722 One particular reason we looked at was language,... Another 780 723 5.2 Internal validity reason could be demographics: could one country mostly have, for 781 724 Data accuracy. The accuracy of the results of a study depends on instance, college students contributing whereas another has mostly 782 725 the accuracy of the data on which it is built. To mitigate collecting professionals? Our data does not capture this information, though 783 726 our own data and possibly introducing errors, we used GHTor- we have no good reason to believe that such strong differences in 784 727 rent data, which has been extensively used in several prior studies open source participant demographics exist along country lines. 785 728 (e.g., [26][29]). The only additional data collection we performed As can been seen from the above discussions, it is evident that 786 729 concerned obtaining the geographic location of submitters and in- there is a lot more work required in this space to understand the 787 730 tegrators. For this, we used an existing script used in prior research reasons for our observed distribution. We hope to partner with 788 731 and added a heuristic to improve on its results. experts in the empirical community with experience in qualitative 789 732 analysis to help investigate these factors more. Additionally, we 790 733 look forward to collaborating with other empirical researchers in 791 734 5.3 External validity the analyzed countries to understand better if there are specific 792 735 Generalisability. The quantitative analysis presented in this study cultural or external factors which can help in understanding the 793 736 is performed on a subset of projects found on GitHub. Our sample results. That said, this empirical study to the best of our knowledge 794 737 is not representative of all software projects (see Section 3.1.2 as to is the first step towards understanding this problem. In empirical 795 738 why). studies it is important to contextualize the environment in which 796 739 the results are obtained to generalize results across studies. In gen- 797 740 6 DISCUSSION eral, practitioners become more confident in a theory when similar 798 741 findings emerge in different contexts6 [ ]. Towards this end, we hope 799 742 Is there a difference in pull request acceptance rates among differ- that other researchers replicate our study in different context and 800 743 ent countries? Our analysis of GitHub pull requests indeed shows environments to build an empirical body of knowledge. Overall, at 801 744 differences to exist, with the differences significant for anumber present, we do not have a strong reason as to why the differences 802 745 of countries as compared to the United States as a baseline. Five are as they are. We can only conclude that they exist. 803 746 countries (i.e., Switzerland, the Netherlands, Japan, United King- What is next? Our study represents a first step in highlighting 804 747 dom, and Canada) have significantly higher acceptance rates; five the issue of differences in pull request acceptance across submitters 805 748 other countries (i.e., Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Italy, and China) from different countries. The issue must be understood inmore 806 749 have significantly lower acceptance rates. detail: why it seems to happen, how it happens, what triggers it 807 750 Despite these wide differences in acceptance rates across the17 happening, and in what ways might it be preventable? We advocate 808 751 countries analyzed, all countries except India, have a higher pull a multi-faceted research agenda moving forward: replication of 809 752 request acceptance rate when both the submitters and integrators 810 753 are from the same country. 811 754 7 812 ESEM, 2018 Ayushi Rastogi, Nachiappan Nagappan, Georgios Gousios, and André van der Hoek

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