CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E103 HON
January 22, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E103 PANELISTS scendants and relatives, institutions, organiza- Finally, the 26th annual gala reception and Mike Betz spoke highly about the recent re- tions, historic places and groups. To name a awards ceremony hosted by Hon. CORRINE port, which was part of the Million Records few, such as the Kenneth Hawkins American BROWN was held in the Veterans’ Committee Project, an initiative of Student Veterans of Legion Post #61 of Atlantic City, New Jersey Hearing Room of the Cannon House Office America (SVA), which measured for the first- that contributed to linking the past with the Building. This year’s awards were presented time ever veterans’ performance in higher present. At the family level, there were de- by Ron Armstead before a full house to education; D. Wayne Robinson, a retired scendants Rev. Dr. Grainger Brown, Jr., the Linwood Alford, Gregory Cooke, Sgt. Patricia Command Sergeant Major spoke about Stu- Grandson of Cpl. Clifton Merimon, 372nd, who Harris, Col. Conway Jones, USAF, Ret., Will dent Veterans of America (SVA) Chapters earned the Distinguished Service Cross ‘It Takes a Village’ Smith, Robert ‘Bobby’ across the country, student veterans return on (DSC), Croix de Guerre and Medaille Miltiare; White, Ellis Ray Williams, Come Home Balti- investment (ROI) to America and his way of Tara Johnson, Granddaughter and Sgt. more, Eastern Seals Dixon Military and Vet- giving back as President/CEO; Col. David DeMarqus Townsend, USMC, disabled Iraq erans Community Service Center, Fulton Sutherland spoke about the importance of soldier and Great-Grandson of Sgt. Henry County Veterans Court and Mentorship Pro- connecting with families and community.
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