Copyrighted Material
INDEX ABC Television Studios 152 Chrysler Building 96, 102 Evelyn Apartments 143–4 Abyssinian Baptist Church 164 Chumley’s 66–8 Fabbri mansion 113 The Alamo 51 Church of the Ascension Fifth Avenue 56, 120, 140 B. Altman Building 96 60–1 Five Points 29–31 American Museum of Natural Church of the Incarnation 95 Flagg, Ernest 43, 55, 156 History 142–3 Church of the Most Precious Flatiron Building 93 The Ansonia 153 Blood 37 Foley Square 19 Apollo Theater 165 Church of St Ann and the Holy Forward Building 23 The Apthorp 144 Trinity 167 42nd Street 98–103 Asia Society 121 Church of St Luke in the Fields Fraunces Tavern 12–13 Astor, John Jacob 50, 55, 100 65 ‘Freedom Tower’ 15 Astor Library 55 Church of San Salvatore 39 Frick Collection 120, 121 Church of the Transfiguration Banca Stabile 37 (Mott Street) 33 Gangs of New York 30 Bayard-Condict Building 54 Church of the Transfiguration Gay Street 69 Beecher, Henry Ward 167, 170, (35th Street) 95 General Motors Building 110 171 City Beautiful movement General Slocum 70, 73, 74 Belvedere Castle 135 58–60 General Theological Seminary Bethesda Terrace 135, 138 City College 161 88–9 Boathouse, Central Park 138 City Hall 18 German American Shooting Bohemian National Hall 116 Colonnade Row 55 Society 72 Borough Hall, Brooklyn 167 Columbia University 158–9 Gilbert, Cass 9, 18, 19, 122 Bow Bridge 138–9 Columbus Circle 149 Gotti, John 40 Bowery 50, 52–4, 57 Columbus Park 29 Grace Court Alley 170 Bowling Green Park 9 Conservatory Water 138 Gracie Mansion 112, 117 Broadway 8, 92 Cooper-Hewitt National Gramercy
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