'" t.

AMPHIPOD : 1 I ,~j NE WSLETTER 3 V october 1973

This third issue of the Amphipod Newsletter is the first to appear lD off-set. This has become possible through the most welcome help of Zoo- Tax, a "Service CeYit er of Taxonorr.ic Zoology" in Lund, Sweden, and Zoo- Tax is also responsible for the distribution of this issue. Technical Pl'l)blems in connection wi th these changes have caused some delay in the 2oIT,Fleter: ,el"_t of this issue, but I hope this will be counteracted by increased quality and lowered cost: Zoo- Tax is incredibly cheap.

I prem.ised to suggest a subscription fee in this lssue. I now propose a fee of 4. German Mark (BRD) annually (or rat'her; for 2 issues) , preferably to be paid by International Money Order to my address in TromS0. As far as I can see, ttis will be sufficient and it will even enable us to send the Newsletter cheaper ( or even free ) to a few COlleagues with very limited budgets. The first subscription will cover Newsletter 2 and 3, and it would be an advantage if many of you could at the same time pay the next subscription, so that I 'll have some credit. I all1 most grateful to those COlleagues who have sent me money earlier, and they 211'e of course not expected to pay now. In the next issue I shall give further details of the financia l situation; meanwhile I shall be glad to have your comments.

Apart froni the ~sual i tems I have sol icited three other types of contri­ bution for this issue. The first is an essay about methods , in this case in scanning electron microscopy. The second gives a survey of the activi­ ties of a group of colleagues, working on ; a simj,lar paper on work being done In Lyon has been promised by Dr. Ginet for next issue. The third is a short report from a meeting, and gives some idea of who came together to talk about what. Again, I shall be very glad to hear if you want more cont ributions of this type, or if not, what else you propose. Unfortunately, I have not got anything yet from physiologists, geneticists

O~" Pd~ 'asi tol09::'sts, to help balance the Newsletter .

The deadline for contr ibutions to the next New sletter 1S 1 May 1974.

Troms0 , october 1973 my;j/v/~ v Wim Vader - 2-


Amphipods are, on the whole, good objects for scanning electron micro­ scopy. Sclerotization lS In most sufficiently strong to prevent serlOUS distortion in drying. Therefore unsophisticated dehydration and drying methods give good results. Slender appendages such as antennae and poster­ ior pereiopoGs, however, break easily in the course of the coating proce­ dure and in whole mounts they have a tendency to charging if they are not attached to the specimen holder along most of their length. This should be taken into account when mounting specimens . For detailed studies of individual appendages they should preferably be mounted separately .

The greatest difficul ty, however, lS to obtain. clean preparations, per­ mitting cetailec ' studies of integ1JJTIent features. Amphipods are richly provided .wi th . integumental glands, the secretions of which are denaturated by alcoholic fixatives and tend to form films covering the integument. These fi lm s are very difficult to remove (cf. below). Alco­ holic fixatives should therefore be avoided, and sea-water Bouin has also given bad results. As a rule glutaraldehyde, 2 - 5%, or (preferably) formaldehyde 4-10%, give cleaner preparations , but disappointments are frequent, and it is obvious that the mechanisms underlying surface film formation are not properly understood. Specimens preserved in formalde­ hyde shoUld not be transferred to alcohol afterwards but kept in for­ maldehyde. In order to prevent loss of calcareous matter from the int e­ gumen t the solution shoUld be kept :'1eu tral , so that formation of formic acid cannot take place.

Several methods can be used for cleaning specimens , but it shoUld be understood that they are very far from perfect. It is often useful to wash specimens before and/~ after fixation in a tensid solution. This will help to remove extraneous particles from the body surface but it has no or little effect on surface f~l~s. Washing in a low-frequency ultrasonic cleaning apparatus is sometimes favourable, but care must be taken so that del ica te s tructtlres are not damag ed . The washing shoul d be carried out in water or in 20% acetone. The effect is very variable but sometimes quite good.

Some recent exper:'nlen ts wi th potassium hydroxyde solutions have given promising results with respect to removing secreted films. They are , however, too preliminary to be formulated as recommendations for a standard procedure. It is obvious that the strong solutions(10 - 15% hot KOH), often used by entomologists, although effectively removing - 3-

films also cause damage to integumental structures. It appears as if 3 - 5% KOH applied at room terrperature for some hours may give geo~ results. It is, however, still impossible to give this as a general recommenda tion, and it appears as if coneen tra tions and irr.r.,ersion times may have to be varied with respect to and fixation. Thus the method although promising should not be used unless a good 5DPpl) ef rr.a tel'ia 1 fol' eXFerimen ts is available. A perfected potassium hydroxyde cleaning method may bring great advantages because it ought to be

applicatle also ~o specimens fixed and stored in alcohol.

With respect to coating a gold - palladi~w mixture 60/40 has glven very satisfactory results.

A~ a standard met}lod for preparing amphipods for scanning microscopy the following procedure is recommended . Steps given in brackets are optional.

1. ( Wash specimens in tensicl sol ~l tj orl) 2, F~x in 4 - 10% £orrnalde~yde 3. ( = 1) 4. (Store In neutralized 2 - 4% formaldehyde) 5. Transfer to water 6. (Clean with potassium hydroxyde solution) 7. Transfer to 20 % acetone 8. ( Cl ean in l ow-frequency ultrasonic device ) 9 . Take s p ecimens through a series of acetone solutions 40 - 60 - 80% to pure acetone, 2 - 4 hours in each solution. 10 . Dry and mount on specimen holder, or 11 . ( Take specimens fronl pure acetone to ac:etor.e- arr.yl ac(:"tate 50/:;;0 fcn 12 hours and then to pure amyl acetate for 1 2 - 24 hours. Recommended for specimens with thin cuticle ) 12. (= 1 0) 13. Coc.t witY, solcI - palladium 60/40. -4·· , DEUXIEIvl E COL LOQLJE INTfl:RNA'I"JOl-JA.l~ SLH? GAMlVlARIJS G' I'i\JTPliAlWUS. T,YOlll JU J LLET 197 J .

f\. . 1,. ROUX

Du 9 au 12 ~ui IJ p"i -, 97 3 s'

Claude Bernard I ] e "Deuxi.cnlc"' Coll oqlle J nLerna bonal sur Gammaru s e t

Niphargus" . C~ CoIl oqu~ [a it sui t e cl. elf'S r(~un ions SepC1"reeS dcs specia­ listes de ces deux genrE:s cJ'/\ntfJYllpoeJes, VJ':RONI~: (l.i:aJie) en 1969 pou r Nip hargus , KARLSRUlfE (J\llcmaOi"e) cn 1971 pour ~GalflfllcH'~.

Une ~L.l'E:L taine de clH::'lcLell'::-~: c, ppar t eYli)n t a 11 Yla bons participerent au Co l loque de LyOl~. Toutes les S2rlYlCr-=S F'uren t ·coHllilunes aux special istes de s deux genrcs de GaJllIllal'idae, 'a 1 'exception d'une seule re"union n2servee aux problelil~s Lr~s '~p(~cic\.ljses elclasystelt12lLique de Niphar gus (fin de la seance d1-: IneY'credi InaLin 'I"' j1-I"iJlet) . I,es communications e t l es discussions corr'espOY1nan tes furent groupes seIon les grands themes s u ivants: systematique ~u niveau gen~rlque,

sys "u2ma t ique an niveau ~~peci Pique et problowes de J

A l'issue de ce" Colloque I le Dr. 1'1. P. D. HEIJEI

Colloque Internati onal ai t Lieu au LaboraLoire de L:~lllYloloCJj e cJE

] f I L.':: t j Tl1 i j'-!i:;:;<-Planclc a SCHLl'T'Z/HF;SS~; (Al1ernasne). Par sui te de I ' a b s ence regrettee de specia l istes europ~ensqui n'ont pas eu la possi ­ bilite de se rendre ~ LY011, jl fut 0galement propose que la r~u nion de SCHLI1 Z se tienne en 1975. -5-


Nom Ville

N. ALOUF Beyrouth Liban Cl. BOD Albi France B. BRUN Marseille France Cl. DE PROYER Bruxelles Belgique H.G. DENNERT Amsterdam Pays- Bas J . DUCRUET Lyon France D. DUMAY Marseille France J. GIBERT Lyon France R. GINET Lyon France A.M . GOEDMAKERS Amsterdam Pays- Bas . ~ K~ JAZDZEWSKI Lodz Pologne GoS. KARAMAN Titograd Yougoslavia M. VAN MAREN Amsterdam Pays- Bas

J 0 MATHIEU Lyon France M.P.D. MEIJERING Schlitz Allemagne C. MORAND Lyon France S. PINKSTER Amsterdam Pays-Bas J .L. REYGROBELLET Lyon France Co ROUX Lyon France AoL. ROUX Lyon France G. RYDQVIST Lund Su~de E. SELLEM Dijon France A. SKALSKI Ratusz Pologne DoH. STEELE St. JOMS, Nfld Canada JoH.STOCK Amsterdam Pays- Bas M. J. TURQUIN Lyon France Wo VADER Troms0 Norv ~ge A. VIGNA TAGLIANTI Rome Italie - 6-


N. ALOUF - "Les du Liban" . N. ALOUF - "Relation entre la paleogeographie et la repartition geographique de Niphargus au Liban" . Cl. BOU - "Technique de recolte des amphipodes dans les sous- ecoule­ ments des rivieres" . B. BRUN - "La differenciation des populations de G. insensibilis le long de la cote francaise de la Mediterranee". H.G. DENNERT - "Competitive exclusion between G. pulex and G. duebeni" . J. DUCRUET - Film "La reconna i s~;al:lcf' sexuelle chez les Gammares du groupe pUlex'! J . DUCRUET - "Action de l'ecdysterone sur la mue des Crustaces Amphi­ podes femelles Gammarus pulex et G. fossarum. Premiers resultats . D. DUMAY - "Regime alimentaire de Gammarus crinicornis et G. subt'y'pjS~Y~s Resultats pre liminaires . Jo GIBERT- "Essai de systematique biochimique chez Niphargus".

A.M. GOEDMAKERS - "HybridizatJon between G. gauthieri and G. wautieri" 0 W. HAMMOUD!J .DUCRUET - "Recherche d'une substance attractive chez les Gammarus du groupe pulex", , , K. JAZDZEWSKI - "Gammarus and Chaetogammaru,2 in Polish waters" . G. S. rARAMAN - "EchinogamFlarus en Italie et en Yougoslavie" .

M.P.D. MEIJERING - "Neue Anlagen f1.!tr experimentelle untersuc:hungerl aYl

ll Fliesswasser- Tieren • Q.a MORAND - "Comparaison biom~trique de deu,"'( populations de Niphargus

longicauq~tus"o S. PINK.STER - "MigratioB DF two synipa tric speCles of Gammarus in a French estuary" . G. RYDQVIST!E . DAHL - '1 Chemosensory hairs of Tali trid amphipods". A. SKA_L§KI - "La variabili t ~ de Niphargus leopoliensis en Pologne" . D.H,STEELE - "Size and cycles of some Canadian gammarids". J.H. STOCK - "Les unites de niveau generique dans la taxonomie des Gammarides" ,

M. J. TUl~QUIN - Film "Niphargus, un animaJ cavernicole".

A. VIGNA - TAGLIANTI 11 Les Amphipodes souterrains de Turquie".

Reunion du groupe de Verone (N iphargus ). - 7 -



1 . Revision of the Ponto Caspian genera of fresh and brackish water gammarids. This revision is mainly based on the study of rich Mus eum collections, including type material. Prof. Dr. J.H. stock 2. Revision of the Gammarus pulex- group based on material from cir­ c1..lIrJYledi terranean countries. Part of this ma terial is collected during systematic sampling in these areas. Furthermore rich col­ lections could be obtained from other Musea in western Europe. The only countries from which material is lacking at the moment are Egypt and Lybia. Dr. S. Pinkster & Drs. A.M.C. Goedmakers. 3. Hybridization experiments between various morphologically different populations belonging to the Gammarus pulex- group. In 1971 and 1972 cross-breed experiments have been done between many populations, alJ called G. pulex fronl southern France. This resulted in the descrip­ t i on of a new species, G. monspeliensis. Other experiments pointed out that many morphologically very different populations from many l ocalities in Europe all belonged to Gammarus fossarum Koch. In a series of experiments which where done in cooperation with Dr. A.L.

Roux it was proved tha t Q..:...... Y@~l.!j~l'j Roux from France and G. gau thieri from Spain indeed are good species. Hybridization experiments have been planned between popula tions from Poland, The Netherlands and many parts of France.

Ecology :

4. Up stream and downstream migration patterns of estuarine gammarids with special accent on the relation to fysico- chemical factors and competition between sympatric species. During some years field­ work has been done in an estuary in Brittany(Bretagne), France. Special attention has been given to the relation between temperature, sal inity and light upon migration patterns of a mixed population of Ganunarus zaddachi and GaJmnarus chevreuxi. At the mom e n t latc:::'a tory experiments are carried out in an attempt to explain the data obtained in the field. Models have been developed to simulate the situation fOlli1d in estuarie s . The project is carried out by B.Sc. students working for their doctoral degree under supervision of Prof. Dr. J.H. Stock, Dr. S. Pinkster and Drs . H.G. Dennert. -8· .

5. Distribution and ecology of Gammarus duebeni and Gammarus duebeni celticus in West and North-west Europe and experimental approach of the fysico-chemical factors influencing this distribution. In various experiments the adaptation of both subspecies of Gamnlarus duebeni to different environmental factors is investigated. The competition between both subspecies and Garrmarus pulex is studied. The project is mainly worked out by Drs. H.G. Dennert, assisted in smaller details by B.Sc. students. 6 . Range extension of the alien amphipod Gammarus tigrinus in the Netherlands and its competition to local amphipod species. Every year extensive sampling is done in the whole country. In the labo­ ratory many experiments are carried out under many different condi­ t ions to find out what maked this species.so strong in competition with local inhabitants. Dr. S. Pinlester, Prof. Dr. J.H. Stock and a varying number of students are working on the subject. 7 . Mi gration of gammarids in the limnic parts of the river la Slack in Nor thern France. In the upper parts of this river three species coexist: Gammarus fossarum, Gammarus pulex and Echinogammarus beril­ loni. During a period of three years the yearly migration pattern and the influence of many factors like light-intensity, streamvelo­ city, and temperature will be studied. Drs. A.M.C. Goedmakers. · 8 . Distribution and ecology of Chaetogammarus marinus and EUlimnogarruna­ rus obtusatus. The biology of both species will be studied in rela­ tion to geographical position, time of the year, tidal changes, sa­ lini t y and other factors. Investigations will be executed to find some explanation for the difference in vertical distribution of the two species observed in the field. Special attention will be paid to s~Bstrate- preference and other competative factors. Depending f rom the results obtained in the field, laboratory experiments will be carried cut concerning S-tolerance, substrate choice, influence of periodical desiccation and immersion in seawater. Drs. M.J. van Ma r en.


Everyone working taxonomically with amphipods knows the name of mud Stephensen, who was the head of the Crustacea Department of the Copen­ hagen Museum from 1910 to 1947 and published 130 papers on , more t han half of which were on amphipods ( Vidsk. Meddr dansle naturh o

For en Q llQ, 1948 : VIII-XV) 0 -9-

It lS probably less well known that throughout his 37 years of service in the museum he devoted much time and effort to building up a reference collection of amphipods which certainly still exceeds any other in num ber of species representee. This was done partly by obtaining per­ mi ssi on t o retain specimens from the often large collections of amphipods

he was asked to work up, al'~d par tly through an extensive exchange with a great many of the contemporary amphipod specialists.

Apart from a few m~nor studies, Stephensen never got to work on the rich material of tropical amphipods brought back by Dr. Tl:.. Mortensen from many parts of the Pacific and South African waters. However, practi­ cally all of th~se vast collections, and other material of unidentified am phipods in the museum, were sorted into families or even genera.

The need for systematic revisions of many genera and families of arnphi­ pods is obvious, but fortUXJatfC]:Y .c,E'''veral specialists are engaged in t his useful work. Some revisors mainly base their work on literature, whi l e others include a study of relevant species and/or genera.

The i~te~t~on of this note is to direct the attention of the latter type of revisor to the availability in the Copenhagen Museum of a large and useful material ef identified and 1.U'lidentified (but sorted) amphi­ pods. In my opinion, a major- if not the primary- objective of museum col lections is to have them utilized for scientifjc purpose, and I ~ha lJ hp. very tar-PY to respond to any application for loans of amphipods.

Torben Wolff Dept. of Crustacea

LAST MINUTE ADDITIONS NEWS FROM COLL EAGUES K. SHYAMA SUNDAIU: I am at present mainly working on the anatomy and hist ochemistry of talitrid amphipods with special reference to t he digestive, nervous and reproductive systems. Further research i n terests are correlative on neuroendocrine system and reproduc­ tive system. BI BLIOGRAPHY JAN KOW SKII , A.V. & S.V. VASSILENICO , 1972 . (Commensological sketches . .:2.,. Caprella astericola sp. n.(kophipoda, Caprellidea) from Asterias amurensis. Zool. Zh. ~:947-951 (In Russian with English summary) . - 10- VASS ILENKO, S. V., 1972. ( ~aprellidae (Amphipoda) from the Antarctic and Subantarctic. ) Issled. Faun. Morei 11 (19): 345-357 . ( In Russian. Redescriptions and figures of Dodecas elongata,

(Dr . Vassilenko kindly sent me a further 1972 paper, a monograph on caprogammarus gurj anovae by Kudrjaschov and Vassilenko . I have, however not yet have had the time to unravel the Russian. Titles of the paper and the periodical. W.V . )


H.G. ANDRES : I work about littoral amphipods from the cold water stream:; nf Scuth lunerica ancl South Africa.

E.L~ BOUSF I ELD : During January, my wife and I spent a delightfUl 15 - day holiday period in the Hawaian islands. We were taken on an I.B.P. collecting tour on four of the larger is ands ( Kauai, Oahu , Maui, and Hawaii) by officers of the B"shop Museum ( especially by entomologis t Frank Howarth), and managed to increase the number of kno~m species of terrestrial amphipods (Talitridae) from five to twenty-five, or which 17 are apparently new to science. Some species of orchestiids have apparently in­ vaded fresh- water streams (in absence of Hyalellidae, etc. ) , others live only in tree moss, leafaxils , and one blind white species is apparently restricted to lava tubes" on the "ancient" island of Kauai. The common leaf litter species on all islands of the chain is the ubiquitous, introduced Talitroides topitotuID Burt which has fortunately not entirely replaced the native species in that habitat, espec"ally at higher eJevations. The oldest islands have welldeveloped endemic faunas whereas the most recent island ( Hawaii ) apparently has no endemic terres­ trial amphipods. It was a novel experience for a marine biologist to be collecting amphipods by means of a drop-sheet and aspirator, but nonetheless it is a very effective and salutory means of sampling this very rich Hawaian fauna that still offers ma jor systematic challenges despite 100 years of environmental and ecological alteration by mankind. - 11 -

BERNARD BRUN : J ' ai entam~ avec Messieurs GtJY BT~[) T et AWl'OINE CHAMPEAU VB programme COmml.,ill de recherches SUi 1 cl SJ~,f\~ tiqlle et la dyna­

mique des populations de .GamfnClY'~ in'.,(,>11'> i 1)j_l i~ ei G. aequicauda; nous nous iYlt,~ressons ~SJaJellleYJ L ollX f)r'o];J'me; de 111Orphog~ese

souleves par I' ~tude des Va]~iCl i'i,ons 1n()m~ L' i q1..leS o

Parallelement, mle DANl.EL.\:<.: DlH'iJ'\.Y a. en-i aJll~ des j'echerches rela ti ves ,aux problemes de la sp~cia. r iO/l '; che'/, G.. crinicornis

et G. subtypicus (~tud e comparaU ve cJe I cl. var'iabiJ it~ et ~cologie cOl11p ar~e ) •

J • R. CHES S : I have not followed up my ea:('l -i e(' obs ~'\fa 'lions of commensal arnphipods, but I do hope to have ciYl oppor·LLU1.i ty in the near future . I have data on the occurrt-'nce oP a ne v species of Na,ina which burrows in to and inhabi ts cl'lambel's :i.n the brown alga Less oniopsis littoralis .

BOB COOPER : As I mentioned earlier the next section l. \lIi11 be tackling is the Lysianassidae follO\lred by the OecJl.cel'otidae. I would be

pleased to hear from anyone \lJork~ ng on oedj cerot id problems.. In the paper I men ioned earJ . er containinSJ Amphipoda f.i.."om Stewart Island a new and species is described, allied to Methali­ medon , but with a very short pedm'lcle i 0 I he:; i. hi 1"d uropod.

DAVID CULVER : My research interes ts Lba L are connected \vi th amphipods center around analysis of species iY'lterd 'lJon'; dnd community

structure of Appalachian cave s Ll'ealIl COHlJrni.n i ties .. Together, amphipods and isopods fODm the bulk of Ulese cOJillJw.ni ties. My research up to very recenlly has COlieen tra led on competi tive interactions between the isopod.s and clJflphil)ods (see Ecology ~: 102- 110) . At present I am working on U1eiJilpac.t of preda ion by the salamander GyrinophiluS Eorphyriricus on the amphipod and

isopod population ~ ..

ANAJvlARIA ESCOFET : I am mainly :.inLerested jn liLLoral Jlla.cine amphipods ;

I am working hard on Tali lroidea f .l'Olll t.he A UaYlt ,i. coast bet­ ween 340 and 420 S, in order to gel Lhe Ph. Do I have also in preparation a key to identiFy L1'le COlIUllOlI tllnf-,Ihipods in the Mar

del Plata area l and a paper dl)0l1l. clJJlphipc)clc) of salldy beaches between 340 and 42 0 So - 12-

TONY FI NC HAM : My work at the moment is mainly concerned with the rhythm~c swimming behaviour of intertidal amphipods and isopods o For this I am using photo-electric equipment wh "ch gives a con­ t i nuous printout of activityo Together \vith Bob Cooper I am pre­

paring a joint paper on new species of amphipods g I am a so plotting the distribution of amphipods . from _sarua.y~shores around

t he coasts of New Zealand o

I. GLEDHI LL : My amphipod work is centered around subterranean species, especially NiEhargus and Crangonyx in Britain.

CHARLES GR IFFITHS: The first of my series of papers on the Amphipoda of s outhern Africa is out. The second and third parts are alrea9:yin press and should appear about the end of the year, while a more ext ensive fourth paper, which includes descriptions of some 13 new species, is being typed at present. After this I hope to work on a fully illustrated key to the Amphipoda of Africa Sout h of 20° S, in which I hope to illustrate ma...VJ.Y of K.H"

Ba..rnard i s species foy- which illustrations were never published.

J OHN R. HOLSINGER: My recent amphipod research projects include: 1. Completion of a paper with Dr. Milan Straskraha on a new genus and two new species of subterranean from South Africa. 2. Completion of a lengthy manucript on the syst~latics of the -subterranean amphipod genus Stygobromus(Gammaridae). This is I of a part series designed to complete the revision of the genus in North America . ],. Completion of a paper describing two new species of Mexiweckelia ( Gammaridae, Hadzia- group) from Mexico and Texas. 4. Routine identification and curatorial work on the freshwa t er -amphipod collections on the U.S . National Museum ( Smiths onian Institution) ; primarily collections of Gammarus and Crangonyx. Please note that I will be returning to my permanent job at Old Dominion University in ~arly July 1973 (Adress see Amph . Newsl. ,gg )

JEAN JU ST : I arr, primarily working with arctic and subarctic gammaridean amphipods ( taxonomy, biogeography , evolution, biology). My o~m colle cting activities have so far been confined to Greenland. I have just completed a manuscript on Menigratopsi.,? Dahl and I am presently working on a revision of Acanthonotozorn~ Boeck (see e l sewhere in this Newsletter). I am further working on a mCLYlU­ script dealing with the amphipod fauna of the Thule area, NW Greenland. This will be followed by a similar work on a very large epifauna material from Kap Farvel . S. G~eeYlland . ~lnallv I have - 13- recently completed a manuscript on the amberfossilized genus Palaeogammar~s Zaddacho

KENNETH Av KIMBALL: I ~n a graduate student working on the hyperiid and pelagic gammarid fauna of the Caribbean Sea for my Master's

degree u I have obtained my specimens from some of Dre HoBo Owre's zooplankton samples, which were collected from many areas in the

Caribbean 0 The samples were taken with openingclosing nets at all depths ; some samples were taken at a dept of several thousand

metres ( see owre & Foyo, 1972, Bull. mar 0 Sci . 22: 483-521)0 MY work is mainly concerned with which species are- present and their horizonta.l and vertical distribution~

COLIN LEVINGS: At present I am involved in an ecological study.- of Anisogammarus confervicolus at a disturbed estuary at the end of a fjord here in British Columbia. Industry and shifting sediment created by river diversion are related to differences in biomass and life historyo Since the amphipod has been shown to be of importance in the diet of young salmon, there is a great deal of interest in the effects of industry on the amphipod.

JAMES LOWRY: Later this year I have a paper coming out in the Trans o am o micr. Soc. on a new species of Biancolina from the Sargasso I Sea.

JACQUES MATHIEU: Acclimatation thermique et m~tabolisme respiratoire de Nipha,r..a:!-.2.

ALAN MYBRS: I am interested, in the main; in the biology~ particularly taxonomy but also behaviour and ecology of amphipods of the families Aoridae, , Ischyroceridae and of world- wide origin. In addition to a study of the above families in relation to the handbook of Mediterranean Amphipoda, I am presently working on a revision of the genus Lembos of the

Mediterranean, and of the Lembos species of East Africa o I am also studying the biology of Amphitholina cuniculus in the West

of Irel and '0

J . L. REYGROBELLET~ Cycles sexuels, histologie des gonades, caryotypes de Niphargus.

HERMAN O. SN~DERS : MY interest are in invertebrate toxicology and

amphipod culture o - 14-

HIROSHI TAMURA: I am presently engaged in the population dynamics an n life }listories of the family Tali tridae, with spe<;ial reference to the genus _O_r ...c_ h e,;.;o,::,s::....t3-..~.

NINA TZ,\BTKOVA : My' monograph on Gammarus and Anisogarmnarus species from the North and Far- Easter n Seas of the US SR (inCluding he Bal tic Sea) is now in pI'ess and may be published in 1974. The ~s contains l(eys , descri ptions and illustrations of all Russian marine and brackish- water species, with the redescription of some species from type material, together wi th data on ecology an cl geographical dis"lri.bution . flJ)RIM; Mo v.TENNER: My present interest in amphipods is a study of the natural history of Or chesti a traskiana from a population biology I . approach. It appears as if there is some adaptive radiiltion on one of our offshore islands even though there seems to be little

or no morphological differences in the different populations o Some of the populations live in fresh water, some are terres­ triQl. and Qther.s l.i1Le in. the marine habitaL


When I made up the first list of addresses ( in AQN. 2) I accepted all addressEm of amphipod workers sent to me , but asked everybody to write and t ell whether they were interested in receiving further issues and willing to pay for them. Drs. Dick (36 ), Gras (57 ) and Schornikow (158) wrote to tell that they are not at present working with amphipods, and many of you registered their interest. Unfortunately. though per­ haps predictably, many of you (The numbers 2 ,6,8.9,18~19 20,21.24,25,

32,34,41 ,51 ,5 4 ,60 ,61 ,64,65 J 66 .69,70 I 81 . 85 ,92.96,1 07 ,116,120,126,128.

1 29 , 1 31 , 1 33 J 1 38 , 1 39 , 1 40 , 1 42 J 1 43 , 1 66 , 1 67 • 1 6 8 , 176 , 1 69 • 1 82 , 1 84, 1 87 t 1 88 t 195,197,and 198 of the list in A.N.2) did not respond at all, and these colleagues will not receive further issues of the Newsletter, unless I do hear of their positive interest.

For the same reason, I must ask you E.2.! to give ~ names of colleagues who might be interested in receiving the Newsletter, but to contact these colleagues directly and ask ~ to write to me if they want the Newsletter.

A number of mistakes has crept into the first list, while some of us also have changed adress. - 15 -

Correction and Changes of address

10. B. Bou; New address: La Forestole 1 Cambon 81000 Albi France

14. B. Brun; Correct address: Laboratoire de Biologie Animale Universite de Provence Centre de Saint - Jer~me 13013 Marseille France

22. N. Coineau; Correct address: Laboratoire Arago 66650 Banyuls- sur- Mar (P.-O) France

50. Richard, E£! Robert Fox

67. J.R. Holsinger returned to his permanent address .

86. J.Just; New postal address: Universitetets Zoologiske Museet Universitetsparken 15, DK- 2100 K0benhavn 0 Danmark

93. K.A. Kirnball, not A.K.

111. J.A. Mathias, new address: Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Biolo '~ical Sciences Penang, Malaysia

153. B. Rygg, new address: N.r.V.A. Gaustadalleen 25, Blindern, Oslo 3.

162. Chang- Tai Shih, not Chi Tai Shih 163. correct name: miss K. Shyamasundari Additional addresses.

199. N.J. Alouf Faculte des Scienees Universite libanaise Hadath- Beyro~th 6160 - 17 -

208. S. D. Levings Fisheri es Research Board of Canada Pacific Environment I ns t i tute 4160 Marine Dri ve West Vancouver B. C. Canada 209. J . . Mathieu and 210 . J . L. Reygrobellet both: Unive r sit ~ Claude Bernard D~partment de Biologie Animale et Zoologie Biologie Souterraine 43, Bd . du 11 November 1918 F. 69 Villeurbanne France 211. H. Tamura Department of Biology Ibaraki University Mito 310 Japan 212. A. M. Wenner University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Biological Sciences Santa Barbara, Cal. 93106 U. S. A. 213 . P. Lambert Marine Biology Division Library British Columbia Provincial Museum Victoria, B. C. Canada

214. Hisao Inoue Yasato Senior High School Yasato- machi, Niihari- gun l baraki-ken , Japan

215/216 John Chapman School of Natural Science California State University, San Francisco 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francis co Cal . 94132 U. S. A. - 19-

on how to collect, conserve and dissect them, approximately 200 species are dealt with in the keys, which for many genera cover the whole Atlantic coast of North America: 125 of these are then fully described and illustrated. The plates have been brought together in the back of the book , and arrows point out features of special importance for identification. Especially valuable is also the quite specific infor­ mation about biotope, ecology and life cycle of the treated species. Altogether, this is a most valuable monograph and it will indispens­ able for all amphipodologists working in the northern Atlantic.

Seven new species are described in the Handbook : Amphiporeia gigantea, Bathyporeia parkeri,colomastix halichondriae, Proboloides holmesi, Rudilemboides naglei, and Synchelidium americanum, and two new genera: Psammonyx (for Anonyx nobilis), and Pseudunciola (for Unciola obliguua ) . In the reviewer's opinion, it would have been an advantage if a formal description of these taxa had been published separately in advance: no space could apparently been found now for comparison with extralimital congeneric species, more complete illustrations, and designation of type specimens and type localities.All these things are admittedly of little or no interest for most users of this handbook, but they are most important to amphipod specialists.

Likewise, Dr. Bousfield has used this opportunity to introduce some major changes at the family level, notable a division of the Gammaridae i n to three families, and a substantial emendation of the Aoridae, Photidae and Corophiidae. Again, space did not permit an extensive argumentation of these changes.

The book is nicely produced, with very few misprints, but there is an unexpectedly high number of minor factual errors in the spelling of scientific names and author's names, European distribution data, and irr::lusion of European taxa in the keys. An amusing example on p. 1 88 is Microprotopus longimanus (du Croisic), not the first time the l ocality indications on the figures in Chevreux & Fage (1925 ) have led to this type of misunderstanding . All three Marinogammarus­ species (PP. 58-59) were in fact published in 1938 and in the genus

Gammarus, and the genus Idunella is not of Chevret~, but of Sars . The key to "North Atlantic species of Melita" mentions M. palmata as " European", but omits M. gladiosa, M. obtusata, M. pellucida and M. reidi , and neither the "key to American Atlantic species of Metopa", nor the otherwise very useful list of "Gammaridean amphipods recorded or probably occurring in the New England shelf region" on pp. 283- 290, make any mention of Metopa hirsutimana Blake, 1929, from Maine (or of M. groen- 1-ansiica, with which Gurjanova in 1951 has synonymized this species), - 21 -


I am currently describing a new s pecies of Colomastix, which is closely related to C. pusilla. In reviewing the literature I have come across a t last three descriptions of C. pusilla from European waters which differ greatly from one another. Barnard also has reported wha~ he believed to be C. pusilla from the Pacific Ocean. I you happen to have specimens of Colomastix pusilla, would it be possible for me to borrow them for comparison with my material} which comes from sponges in the Florida Keys (U .S.A. )?



Mr . R. Shillaker of this laboratory is starting research work for his Ph.D. at Millport on the effect of suspended sediment on bonelli and Lembos websteri . He would appreciate any information pert . nent to this topic or any more general information on distribution, zonation and ecology of these species.




JOHN CHAPMAN : I am at present working on introduced estuarine amphipods of the Pacific coast of the U. S. and would be very interested in any information you might have .

HISAO INOUE: I have recently started work on the geographical distri­ bution of the Talitridae in the Tohoku district (northern part of mainland) , and on the morphology of terrestrial forms, espe­ cially Orchestia, in Ibaraki prefecture . L.R. McCLOSKEY : Presently I have a student interested in pursuing a project of mine, namely the association of amphipods with marine sponges. In the Puget Sound area there seem to be a number of amphipods which may be obligate associates of certain sponges . The amphipods most often live in the galleries and exhalent canals of the host sponge (Note change of address. ) p .3~ - 22-


The bibliography has this time been split up in t hree parts, as this enabl ed me to divide the work more evenly over the period; I do not hope this will be a serious drawback. I am very much indebted to Cla ude de Broyer (Bruxelles ) and Jan Stock (Am sterdam ) for their efforts to get this bibliography as up-to-dat e as possible. Of the books announced in Newsletter 2, that of Dr. Bousfield is r eviewed in this issue; Dr . Ho l singer ' s book has not yet been available in Europe , while I do not know if Dr.J~nk6wski's work has been published.

Many people have expre s sed interest in l earning about the existence and whereabouts of trans lations of amphipod papers in foreign languages ( especially Russian ) into English, and the possibility and cost J f procuring partial or comple te copies from these works. I s hall of course be g l ad to be able to give such informa tion in the New s l etter , but am dependent upon your help.

During the Symposium in Lyon it was proposed to include "papers in press" in this bibl iography , and thi s has been done to a limited extent in thi s issue. Comments appreciated.

ALLEN, G.H. , 1972. Notes on sampling amphipods and euphausiids in the North Pacific Ocean. Trans. am. Fis h . Soc . 101: 577 -5 82. BARNARD, J. L . , 1973. Deep-sea Amphipoda of the genus Lepechinella (Crustacea ) . Smithson. Contr . Zool . 133: 1-30. (with 9 new s peci es ).

BELLAN-SANTINI, Do , 1972. Amphipodes provenant des continus s tomacaux de trois es p ~ces de pOlss ons Nototheniidae r~colt~s en Terre Ad~lie (Antarctique ) . Te thys 1:683-702 . (with descrip- t i on and f igures of Eus irus antdrcticus , E . microps, Cheirimedon femoratus , C. fou gne ri , Hippomedon kergueleni, Orchomene pinguides , and O. ultima n.sp. )

& M. LEDOYER, 1973. Inven taire des amphipodes g ammariens r~co l t~s dans l a r~gion de Marseille. Tethys 1 (1972): 899-9340 (A most useful annotated check-list, bringing together t h e amphipod data from the many ecological papers published on the marine fauna of this area ) . -23-

BLANCHET, M-F, 1 972. Effets sur la mue et sur la vitellog~nese de la -

~ _ecdysone introduites aux etapes A et D ,du cycle d'intermue 2 chez Orchestia gammarella Pa llas ( Crustac~ Amphipode ) . Comparaison I avec les effets de la ~ _ et de l ' ~ -ecdysone aux autres etapes de l ' intermue. C. -r. Seanc. hebd . Acad. Sci . Paris 274 D:? ? (not seen ) .

BONE, D.G. 1 972. Aspects of the biology of the antarctic amphipod Bovallia gigantea pteffer at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands . Br. antarct. Surv. Bul l. 27: 105 - 122.

BREGAZZI, P.K., 1972 . Life cycles and seasonal movements of Cheiri­ medon femoratus (Pfeffer ) and Tryphosella kergueleni ( Miers ) ( Crustacea : Amphipoda ) . Ibid. 30: 1 -34.

------, 1 972. Habitat selection by Cheirimedon femoratus ( Pfeffer) and Tryphosel la kergueleni (Miers ) (Crustacea: Amphi- poda ) . Ibid. 31 : 21 -31 .

BOUSFIELD, E.L. & D.R. LAUBITZ, 1972. Stations lists and new distribu­ tional records of l ittoral marine invertebrates of the Canadian Atl antic and New England regions. Natn Mus. Can . Publ s, BioI. Oceanogr . L: 1-49 . BOWMAN , Th. E. 1 973. Pelagic amphipods of the genus and closely related genera (: ) . Smithson. Contr. Zool. 1 36: 1 - 76. (Published 9 march 1973. An important monograph. ) & R.B . MANNING, 1 972. Two arctic bathyal crustaceans: the shrimp Bythocaris cryonesus new species, and the amphipod Eurythenes gryllus, with in situ photographs from Ice I s land T- 3.

Crustaceana~: 187-201 .

BRUSCA, G.J., 1973. Pelagic Amphipoda from the waters near Oahu , Hawaii, excluding the family Scinidae. Pacif. Sci. 27: 8-27 (not seen ) .

BULLER, A.T. & J. MCMANUS, 1 972. Corophium burrows as environmental indicators of Quaternary estuarine sediments of Tayside. Scott. J . Geol. £: 145-150. BULNHEIM, H.-P., 1972. Vergleiche nder Untersuchungen zur Atmungsphysio­ logie euryhaliner Gammariden unter besonderer Berlicksichtigung der Salzgehaltanpassung. Helgol. wiss. Meeresunters. 23: 485 - 534. -24-

CULVER, D.C., 1973. Competition in spatially heterogeneous systems : an analysis of s imple cave communities. Ecology 54: 102-11 0.

DANCAU, D., 1972. Sur la presence en Roumanie du genre Karamaniella (Amphipoda ). Trav. Inst. Speol. "Emile Racovi tza" 11: 225 -231 ,

DUNAY, D., 1973. Etude comparee de la fecondite de deux especes du groupe "locusta": Gammarus crinicornis Stock 1966 et G. subtypicus Stock 1966 (Amphipoda), Tethys ~ (1972): 975-980. , PAHRNI, J. & H.A. GUENIN, 1973. Quelques observations sur la conjugaison chez Spirochona gemmipara Stein (Cilie Chonotriche). Rev. Suisse Zool, 1.2: 1687-1690. PINCHAM , A.A., 1973. The association of amphipods in the shallow-\Vater sand habitat of Strangford Lough , C. Down. ------J . mar . bioI. Ass. U.K. 2]: 119- 126 .

GINSBURGER-VOGEL, T., 197 2. Demonstration experimentale de l' homogamihie femelle chez Orchestia cavimana (Heller)(Crustaces Amphipodes Talitridae ). ______C-r. Seanc. hebd . Acad. Sci. Paris 275 D: 1811 - 1813.

GOEDMAKERS , A., 197 2. Gammarus fossar~~ Koch , 1835 : redescription based on neotype material and notes on its l ocal variation (Crustacea , Amphipoda). Bydr. Dierk. 42: 124-138.

GOORMAGHTIGH, E. & M. PARMENTIER , 1973. Le Crustace amphipode , " parasite" de la meduse octopus. ______Les Naturalistes Belges 54: 130-135.

GRAF, P., 1972. Stockage de calci~~ et formation des SOles ches l ' embryon d'Orchestia (Crustace, Amphipode, Tal itride). Notion d ' intermue embryonnaire. ______C. r. Seanc. hebd. Acad. Sci. Paris 275 D, 1 66 9 - 1 67 2, PI s. 1 - 2 .

Etude comparative de 1 ' action de l ' ecdysterone chezle ------,1 972. Gammaride hypoge Niphargus et le Talitride epig~ Orchestia (Crustaces, Amphipodes ). Ibid. 275 D: 2045-2048 .

GREZE, 1.1., 1972. (A comparative analysis of the structure of summer populations of Pleonexes gammaroides and Ericthonius difformis ln the Mediterranean and Black Seas ). Zool. Zhurn. Ll: 1468-1476. (Russian with English summary ).

------, 1973. (peeding of amphipods in the Black Sea). pp. 183-205 in: Trofologia vodnykk zhivotnykh, Moskva 1973 ( In Russian. A study of food selection , digestion rate , daily rhythms and daily food intake in 31 species of Black Sea amphipods.) -25-

GRIFFITHS, C.L., 1 973. The Amphipoda of Southern Africa. Part I. The Gammaridae and of Southern Mosambique. Annls. S. Afr. Mus. 60: 265 - 306. (N ew taxa: Gitanopsi s marlae , J ani ce (Aoridae ), J. spinidactyla , Gammaropsis inhaca). HEARD, R.W. & W. B. SIKORA, 1972. A new specles of Corophium Latreille , 1 806 (Cr u stacea : Amphipoda ) from Georgia brackish waters with some ecol ogical notes. Proc. biol . Soc. Wash . 84: 467-476.

HOBROUGH, J.E. t 1973. The effects of pollution on Gammarus pulex (L .) subsp. pulex (Schellenberg ) in the inle t streams of Rostherne, Cheshire. Hydrobiol ogia 11: 1 3-36. HOPPENHEIT, M., 1972 . Wi rkungen einer e inmaligen Rontgenbestrahlung auf die Fortpflanzung del" Weibchen von Gammarus duebeni (Crustacea Amphipoda ) . Helgol. wiss o Meeresunters 23: 467-484. HOWDEN, H. F. & L.E.C. LING , 1 973 . Scanni ng e l ectron microscopy: Low­ magnification pictures of uncoated zoological specimens. Science , N. Y. 179: 386-388.

I VAN OVA , M.B. , 1972. The infl u ence of temperature on the oxygen con­ sumption by Gammaracanthus l a custris Sars (Amphipoda). Polsk i Arch. Hydrobiol . ..l.2: 31 9- 324.

KARAMAN, G. & S. RUFFO, 1972. ( On the presence of Halicreion aequimanus (Norman ) (Crustacea Amphipoda , Oedicerotidae ) in the Medite r ra- nean). Memorie Mus. Civ o Stor. Nat. Verona ..l.2: (1 97 1) : 477-484. (In I talian with English summary ) .

KARLING, T.G., 1 973. 1st Hypoblepharina Borunig (Turbellaria) elne komm e n salistische Gattung ? Mit Beschreibung e iner neuen Art aus del" Amphipode Cherimedon femoratu s . Z . Morph. Tiere 75: 5 1-58 . (On a turbell arian which lives inside the mars uplUffi of an amphipod. I have found a s imilar anima l common in the marsupium of Tryphosa horingii in western Norway) .

KHMELEVA, N.N., 1972. (Intensity of generative growth in Crustacea ) . Dokl. Ak a d. Nauk SSSR 207 : 707 - 710 (In Russian, Eng lis h abs tract in FAO. Aq. Sci. Fish. Abstr. 2 (4), 1973, p. 99 ) .

KRAPP-SCHICKEL, G., 1972. Ratselhafte Hyale carinata (Amphipoda , Crustacea) . Memorie Mus. Civ. Stor . Nat. Verona..l.2 (1971): 177 - 189. ( Py thia n. gen., with H. carinata as type and only species ) -26-

LAKE , P.S., 1973 . Trialdehyde fixation of tlssue for e lectron mlcroscopyv Crustaceana 24: 244-246 .

LAUBI TZ , D.R., 1972. The Caprellidae (Crustacea : Amphipoda) of Atlantic and Arcti c Canada. Natn Mus. Can. PubIs. bioL Oceanoqr. 4 : 1-82 . (Seventeen species de scribed in detail of which Aeginina aenigma tica is new) .

LEDOYER, M. , 1972 . Etude comparative de Monoculodes edwardsi Ho lmes , 1905 , et de Monoculodes crassirostris Hansen , 1887 (crustacea , Amphipoda) Bul l. Mus. natn Hi s t. nat. Ser. 3 , .§J.: 767-774.

______, 1972 . Pr~sence de Perioculodes aequimanus (Kossmann ) dans les eaux me diterran~ennes (r~g i on de Marseille) et comparaison avec P. l onglmanus (Bate et Westwood) (Crustacea , Amphipoda ) . I bid. , Ser. 3 , .§J.: 775-781 .

------, 1973 . Amph ipodes gammariens de la frondaison des herbiers d ' Enhalus de la region de Nosy B~ (Mada gas car ) (Syst~matique et ~colo gie ). Comparaison avec la fauna des herbiers de Tu lear (Cymodocea , Thalassia , etc. ) Tethys , Suppl. ,L: 25 - 3r, . (\Vi th descriptions of Amphi thoe kulafi , Erichthonius bras iliens1', Hornellia incerta (= TUlearogammarus peresi ), and Max illipius recti telson n . gen . n. sp. / type of the new family I"1a xillipiidac) ------, 1973 . Etude systemati que des amphipodes recueill i s a Tul~ d l (Madagascar ) l ors d ' une petite s~rie de p~ches ~ la l umlerc . Comparasion avec les phenom~nes observ~s en M~diterran ~e. Ibid. ,L : 37-50 . ( with figures of Ampelisca tenuicornis , Gu ernea petalocera , Periocul odes l ongimanus and P . acuticoxa n. sp. )

------, 1973. Etude des amphipodes gammariens des biotopes d0 substrats sableux et sablo-vaseux de la r~gion de Tu l ~ar et de Nosy-B6 (Madagascar ) . Ibid. ,L : 51-94. (New taxa : Amp elisca dentitelson , Ronconoides ( Eusiridae ) , R. brevicornis , Ceradocus s pinifera , Ceradomaera ( Gawoaridae ) , C. plumosa , Leucothoe dentata , Hippomedon rotundipleura , Monoculopsis ( Oedicerotidae ), M. l on gimana , Metaphoxus brevidactylus , ~ O Yl ' 7~­ carpus and M. pIa tyrostris. Several other species are redescY' l r . "· and figured .)

------, 1973 . Amphipodes gammariens nouveaux ov. peu connus de la r~ g i on de Marseille. T~thys 4 ( 1972 ): 88 1-898. (New t aXa. : Lembos rubromacul atus , Leptocheirus spinimanus , Pardisynopia walkeri. Figures of Gi tana abyssicol a , G. sarsi , Lembos spiniven­ tris, Stenopleustes nodi fer , Stenothoe cattai , S. gal l ensis and S, marina var. mediterranea ) . -27,-

LOCKWOOD, A.P.M. & C.B.E. INMAN, 1973. The blood volume of some illnphipod crustaceans in relation to the salinity of the environ­ ment they inhabit. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 44 A: 935-942. (Deals with Gammarus pulex , G. duebenii, G. locusta and Mar. finmarchicus )

______, 1973. Changes in the apparent permeability to water at moult In the amphipod Gillnffiarus duebenii and the isopod I dotea linearis. ------Ibid. 44 A:943-952. ______, 1 973 , Water uptake and loss in relation to the salinity of the medil.,un in the amphipod crustacean

Gillnffiarus duebenii. J. expo Biol. ~: 149-164. ------& T.H. COURTENAY, 1 973. The influence of evironmental s tability on the water fluxes o£ the amphipod

crustacean Gammarus duebeni. Ibid. ~: 1 37-148.

MACKINTOSH , J., 197 3. The effect of hunger and satiety on swiffillling activity in the amphipod , Marinogillnffiarus obtusatus. ______Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 45 A:483-488.

MANN , H.G.W . , 1972. Toxicity and degradation of tensides in sea water. Pp 248-250 in M. RUIVO ( ed): Marine Pollution and Sea Life , FAO Roma , 6 24 pp.

MAREN , M.J. van, 197 2. La repartition ecologique des amphipodes de la famille des Gammarides dans les departements franrais de l' Heraul t et des Bouches -du-Rhone. BYrd. Dierk. 42: 193-203.

MATEUS , A. & E. de OLlVElRA MATEUS , 1 972. Une nouvelle es~~ce d'Hadzia (Crustacea Amphipoda) du Portugal. Publ~oes Inst. Zool. " Augusto Nobre" 117: 9-30.

JvIAYER , F.L. & H.O. SANDERS , 197 3 . Toxicology of phthalic acid esters in aquatic organisms. pp. 153-157 in:Environmental Health Perspectives (I.a. tests with Gillnffiarus pseudolimnaeus ) .

MAYZAUD , P. & S . DALLOT, 1973. Respiration et excretion azotee du zoo­ plancton. 1. Evaluation des niveaux metaboliques de quelques esp~ces de Mediterranee occidentale. Mar. Biol. 12: 307-31 4. (Data on nitrogen excretion and respiration , and the inf luence of t emperature on these processes, in i.a. s edentaria (with and without its barrel )) .

MICHAEL, A.D. , 1 972 . Numerical analyses of marine survey data: a study applied to Amphipoda of Cape Cod Bay, Mass. Ph. D. Thesis Dalhousie Univ. Halifax (not seen ). - 28-

MI LNE , D.J. & R.A. ELLIS , 1973. The effect of salinity acclimation on the ultras tructure of the gills of Gammarus oceanicus (Seger- strale, 1 947 ) (Crustacea: Amphipoda ) . Z . Zellforsch. mikr. A.l1at. ill:311 - 31 8 .

MORINO, H. , 1 972. Studies on the Talitridae (Amphipoda, Crus tacea ) in Japan. 1 . Taxonomy of Talorchestia and Orchestoidea . ______

Publ. Seto mar. biol. Lab. ~: 43- 65. ( Deals with T. sinensis, T. nipponensis n.sp. , and o. trinitatis ) MYERS , A.A. , 1 972. Taxonomic studies on the genus Grandideriell a Couti~re ( Crustacea, Amphipoda ) 11. The Malagasy species. ______Bull . Mus. natn . Hist. nat. , Ser. 3 , 64: 789- 796. (G.mahafalensis Couti~re and G. spinicoxa n.sp. )

NIELSEN, S.-O. & J.-O. STROMBERG , 1973. Su rface structure of aesthe- tascs in Cryptoniscina (Isopoda, Epicaridea ) . Sarsia~: 59-74. (i.a. of Parapodascon stebb ingi , a parasite of amphip ods ) .

______, 1 973. Morphological characters of taxono- mical importance In Cryptoniscina ( Isopoda, Epicaridea) . ______

Sarsia~: 75-96.

OBRDLIK, P., 1 972. A population of Rivul ogammarus f ossarum Koch (Amphipoda ) in a small fishless stream. Hydrobiologia 40: 279-295. (Adundance , biomass , sex and size composition ) .

PAUL, A.Z. , 1 973. Trapping and recovery of l i ving deep- sea amphipods from the Arctic Ocean floor. Deep- Sea Res. 20: 289-290.

PINKSTER , S. , 1972. On members of the Gammarus pulex- group ( Crustacea, Amphipoda ) from western Europe. Bydr. Dierk. 42: 164- 1 91 .

(Treats Gan~arus lacustris , G. wauti eri , G. fossarum, G.gau t hieri, G. ibericus and G. pulex with as subspecies G.p . gallicu s, G.p. araurensis n.sp. and G.p. monspeliensis n.ssp. )

______, 1 973. The EChi nogammarus berilloni- group, a number of predominantly Iberi an amphipod s pecies ( Crustacea) . Ibid.43: 1-38 (Treats E. berilloni, E . cal vus ( Margalef ) . E. meridi onal is n. sP.i E . longisetosus n. sp.J E. tarragonensis n. sp .$ . aquilifer,

E. zebrinus , E u femina tus n. sP.) E . sch i nosetosus~. sp.) and E. margalefi n.sp.

FYATAKqVA, G.M. 1 973. ( Some data on reproduction and fecundity of Caspian Amphipoda ) . ______Zool. Zh. 52: 676-684 ( In Russian ) . -29- REES , C.P. , 1972. The distribution of the amphipod Gawnarus pseudolim­ naeus Bousfield as influenced by oxygen concentration , substratum , and current velo city. Trans. amer. micro Soc. 21: 5 14-529.

REPELIN , R. , 19720 Etude preliminaire des amphipodes du bol alimentaire

de poissons p~lagiques provenant de p~ch e a la l ongue ligne. ----

Cah. Orstom, Ser. Oceanogr . .1..Q: 47-55. (mostly Hyperiidea ) 0

RUFFO , S. , 1972. (Studies on amphipod crustaceans 69. A new genus of Lysianassidae from t he Golfe di Napol i and observation on Lysia- nella dellavallei Stebbing (Crustacea Amphipoda)) Memorie Mus . Civ. Stor . nat . Verona 12( 1 97 1) : 1 03-11 2 (Italian with French r~swn~. Rhinolabia n . gen . )

SALVINI-PLAWEN , L. v on , 1972. as food-sources for marine inverte- brates . Cah. Biol. mar . .:!l.: 385-400. SANDERS , H.O. , F . L. MAYER & D.F. WALSH, 1 973. Toxicity , residue dynillTIics , and reproductive effects of phthalatc esters in aquatic invertebrates. Environm. Res. 6: 84-90. (with l.a. Gammarus pseudolimnaeus ).

SAUDRAY , Yo , 1 972 . Premieres observations en microscopie ~lectronique a balayage , sur l es for mations t~gumentaire s du bord palmaire des gnathopodes des gamma rid~ s . C-r. Seance hebd. Acad . Sci. Paris 275 D: 8 31- 834 .

------, 1972 . C ons~qu ences du cycle de mue et d ' intermue s ur la morpholog ie fonc tionelle des pars mo laris des Cru sta c~s Pera- carides. Rev. Trav . I nst . Peches Nantes 36: 271-273.

SEGERSTRALE , S.G. , 1972 . The dis tribution of some malacostracan crustaceans in the Baltic Sea in relation to the temperature factor. Havforsk . Inst. Skr. He l singf. 237 : 1 3-26 .

SE LL EM , E ., 1972 . Les s urfaces cuticulaires des gnathopodes de deux Crustac~s Amphipodes : Niphargus (Gammaride hypog~ ) et Gammarus (GarruTIarid~ ~pig~ ), In t . J. Speol. .1 : 257 -27 4.

SHERSTYANKIN , P.P. & V. M. KAPLIN , 1973. (Inves tigation of Macrohectopus branickii Dyb . in the Lake Baikal by means of limpidity measure- men t device). Hidrobiol. Zhurn . .2 : 89-91. (In Russian , not seen ).

SHOREY , W.K ., 1973 . Macrobenthic ecology of a sawdust-bearing substrate in the Penobscot River estuary ( Maine ) . J. Fish . Res. Bd . Can. 30 : 493-497 . (Corophil,UTI volutator one of the dom ir:ant species ) -30-

STEELE , D.H. & V.J . STEELE , 1 972. The biology of Gammarus (Crustacea , Amphipoda) in the northwestern Atlantic. 6. Gammarus tigrinus Sexton . Can. J . Zool. 50: 1063-1068.

STOCK , J .H., 1972 . Les Gammaridae (Crustaces Amphipodes) des eaux douces et saumatres de Corse. ----- Bull. Zool. Mus. Univ. A ' dam 2 : 197-220. ( " No pronounced end em ism in the Corsican freshwater g arrullarids " ) .

STRONG , D. R., 1 972 . Life history variation among populations of an amphipod (Hyalella azteca ) . Ecology .2l.: 1103-1111.

SUTC LIPFE , D.W. , 1 972. Notes on the c hemistry and fauna of water-bodies

in North~~ber lan d with special emphasis on the distribution of Gammarus pul ex (L.), G. lacustris Sars and Asell us communis Say (new to Britain). Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. '17 : 221-248 .

------,1 972 . An examination of subsp ecific differences in the merus of the fifth walking leg of the amphipod Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg . Freshw. BioI. 2: 203-216.

THURSTON , M.H. , 1 972 . Two new species of Orchome ne Boeck (Crustacea , funphipoda ) from the Fa l kland I s lands , South Georgia and Graham Land . Brit. antarct. Soc. BulL 30: 5 1-63 . (0. schellen- bergi and O. tabarini n.spp. , compared with O. macronyx ) .

, 1973. The Crustacea Amphipoda of Signy I sland , South Orkney ------Island . Br . antarct. Surv. sci ent . Rep. Il: in the press .

TYLER , A.W., 1 973 . Cal oric values of some North Atlant i c invertebrates . Mar . BioI. 12: 258-261. (i. au Leptocheirus pinguis )

TZVETKOVA , N. L ., 1 972. (On paralle lism in littoral gamrnarids (Arnphi poda , Gillllmaridae ) of the Atlanti c and Pacific.) Zool. Zhurn . 33 : 307 -31 4 (in Russian ).

------, 1 972 . (Taxonomy of the genus Gammarus Fabr. wi th the description of some new s p ecies of gammarids ( Amphipoda , Garnmari-

dea ) fr~ 1l the North-Western part of the Pacific Ocean. Trudy zool. I nst. Akad. Nauk SSSR~: 201-222. (in Russian u An important pape r, with diagnoses of the subgenera ? Pephredo Rafinesque ( type: G. fasciatus ) and Lagunogammarus Sket (type : G. zaddachi ) of the genus Gammarus , keys to Russian Gammarus , Marinoqammarus and Anisogammarus , a nd descriptions of the new -31- species G. ( Lag.) jcamtschaticus and A. (Eogammarus) aestuariorwrt. )

VADER , W. , 1972. Terrestrial Amphipoda coll ect ed in greenhouses in the Ne therlands. Zoo1. BYdr. , Leiden ..:!l.: 32-36 . (In the Ne t herlands only Tali troides all uaudi . Other European occurrences of 5 species are listed ).

______, 1 973 . A b ibliography of the Ellobiopsidae , 1 959-1 97 1 , \)fi th a list of Thalassomyces species and their hosts. Sarsia 52 : '175-'180 .

& s . L0NNING , 1973 . Physiological adaptation in associated

amphipods. A c~nparative study of tolerance to sea anemones in four s p ecies of Lysianassidae . Sarsia 2l. : 29-40 . VI GNA TAG LIANT I, A., 1972 , (A new Gammaridae of subterranean waters : Ilvanel la inexpectata n . gen . n. sp. of the i s l and of Elba), ___ Ke morie Mu s o Civo Stor . nat . Verona..l.2 ( 1 97 1): 39-5 6 . (In Italian wi th French and English summaries ) .

VOBIS , H., '1972 . Rheota ktisches Verhal ten von Gammarus pulex , Gammarus roeseli und Gammarus fossarum bej_ verschi edenem Sauerstoffgehal t

des Wassers . Bel" . Landesstelle Ge\)f~ss.k . wasserWlr- tich . Plammg Baden-WUrttemberg ( 1 972 ): 32 pp ,

WATLING , L o , 1 972 . A new s pecles of Acetabul astoma Shornikow from Cen tral Cal ifornia with a review of the genu s. Proc . biol o Soc . Wash . 85 : 48'1-488 . (The ostracods of this genus live as parasites on amphipods ) 0

WEN NER , A 0]\1. , 1 972 . Sex ratio as a fun ction of s ize in marin e Crus tacea .

~ n . Natur . 1 06 : 321 -3500

WH I TE , M. G. & D. G. BON E , 1872 . The interrel ationship of Hyperia galba (Crustacea , Amphipoda ) and Desmonerna gaudi c ha u d i i (Scyphomedusae Semaeostollleae ) from the Antarcti c. Br. antarct . Surv . Bull . 27 : 39-4 9 . (The Hy peria of thi s study has been referred to H. macrocephala by BOW MAN 1 97 3 ) .

WILDI SH , D. J . , 1 972. Polychl orina ted biphenyls (PCB) in sea water and thei r effect on reproduction of Gammarus oceani cus. Bull . envi ronm . Contam o Toxicol . 2 : 1 82- 187.

WOL FF . w. J " 1 973 . The estuary a s a habi ta t . An analysis of data on the soft-bot tom macrofa"Lma of t he rivers Rhine , Meuse and Scheldt . Zool o Verh . Leiden '126 : 1 -242.

YOO, KWANG IL , 1 972 . The biology of the pelagic amphipod , Primno rnacro­ pus Guer in the western North Pacific . 2 . Geographical distribu-

tion and vertic al d istributional r atterno ---- Korean J . Zool. .JL : 87-91 . -32-

______, 1 972. (Faw1al studies on the amphipods of Korea) pp. 162- 1 81 in: MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ed.): Floral studies on some taxa of plants and faunal studies on some taxa of in Korea. Seoul 1 972 (In Korean wi th English swnmary. 1 3 specles of Hyperiidea from pelag ic samples , with figs of Vibilia viatrix , Hyperia latissima, Parathemisto j aponica , Hyperi­ oides latipes, Parascelus typhoides, and Simorhynchotes antennarius


RUFFO , S. & G. VESENTINI PAIOTTA, 1972. Etudes hydrobiologiques en Nouvelle Caledonie ( Mission 1 965 du premier institut de Zoologie de l ' Universite de Vienne ) . ( Amphipodes de l a Nouvell e Caledonie ) . Cah. ORSTOM , Ser. Hydrobiol. ~: 247-260. (Italian with German and French swnmary. Description of the new species paracalliope novaecaledoniae and Orchestia starmuehlneri, and redeseription of O. pusill a ) .

ALOUF , N. , 1 973. Biotope et description de Niphargus a ltagahizi n.sp. , Amphipodae Gammarid~ souterrain du Liban. Int. J. Spelcol .2: 49-61 (not seen ) . DAWCAU , D.& S. ANDREEV , 1 973. Sur un nouvel amphipode souterrain de Bulgarie Niphargus kochianus melti censis n.ssp. Int. J. Spelcol. 2: 1 35-'142 (not seen). SHAPOVALOVA, I.M . & M.P. VOLOGDIN, 1 973. (On quantitative estimation of lake Amphipoda). Hidrobiol. Zh. 2: 85-90 (In Russian , not seen ) .

TIGANUS, V. , 1 972. Ecological observati ons on the fauna associated to the Cystoseira belt along the Romanian Black Sea coast. Cercetari mar ina ~: 153-167 (not seen).


Lawrence R. McC l oskey (nr. 11 5 ) has moved to: Department of Biology Walla Wa lla College , Wa shington 99324 , College Place U.S.A . -33-


ALOUP , N.-J. , 19720 Description d 'un n ouve l amphipode garr@arid~ des eaux souterraines du Liban , Niphargus nadarini n o SPa Ann . Speleolo 27: 547-558 .

BERNE R, L. , 1972 . Liste r~gionale des Gammarid~ s (Crustaces- Amphipodes). Bull . Soc. Et. Sci. nat. Vaucluse ( 1 970-72): 97-99.

BIRSTEIN, J.A. & S.l. LJOVUSCHKIN , 1 972. ( Crangonyx setiferus sp. n . (Crustacea , Amp hipoda ) from springs of Tian Shan. Pauna of the subterranean waters from Middle Asia ) Trudy zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk.2..l : 1 39-146 (in Russian; not seen ) .

BORGH OUTS , C.H. & C.L. DEELDER , 1973. A device to catch bottom-dwelling macroplankton. Aquaculture 1: 435-442. BREGA ZZI , P.K. & E o NAYLOR , 1972. The locomotor activity rhythm Or Tali t rus saltator (Montagu ) (Crustacea: Amphipoda). J . exp o BioI . 22 : 375-391 . BREGAZZI , P.K. & E. NAYLOR , 1972. The effects of low temperature upon the l ocomotor activity rhythm of Talitrus saltator (Montagu ) (Crustacea : Amphipoda). J. exp o BioI. 22: 393-4000 BU LN HEIM , H.P. , 1 972 . On sex-deter mining factors in some e uryhaline Ganunarus speci es . Pp. 11 5-1 30 in B. BATTAGLIA ( ed. ), Proc . 5th euro Symp mar. BioL , Padova 1972.

CHAMBERS , M.R. , 1 973 . Notes on the gammarid fauna of the Prisian Lake District following the invasion of the alien amphipod Gammarus tigrinus Sexton. Bull. zoo l. Mus. Univ. A ' dam 3: '1-6 .

DE BROYER , C. , 1973. Notes sur les Orchomene (Amphipodes , Lysianassidae )

de L ' Oc~an Austral. 1 . Description d ' Orchomene hureaui n. s p. de Terre Ad~lie. Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat . Belg. 49 (7) : 1-12, figs . 1-4 . ------, sous presse. R~vi s i o n du genre Ade lie lla (Am phipodes , Lysianassidae) et description d ' une nouvelle esp~ce antarctique . Crustaceana .

------, sous presse . Notes sur l es Orchomene (Amphipodes , Lysia- nassi dae ) de I ' Oc ean Austral. 20 Redescript ion d ' Orchomene chelipes (Walker) et d ' £. goniops (Wa l ker ) de l a Mer de Ross . Bull . Inst. r . Sci. nat . Belg. -34-

DE LL , R.K., 1 972. Antarctic benthos. Adv. mar. BioI. 10: 1-216. (An important revlew, with extensive bibliography) .

DENNERT, H.G., 1973. Notes on some euryhaline gammarids (Crustacea, Amphipoda ) from the west coast of Norway. Bijdr. Dierk. 43 (2 ), in press.

DUCRUET, J. , 1 973. Comportement sexual specifique et interspecifique chez les Gammares du groupe pul ex ( Crustaces Amphipodes ) . C.-r. Seanc. hebd.Acad. Sci. Paris 276 D: 1037 - 1039 .

ERCOLINI , A. & F. SCAPINI, 1972. On the nonvisual orientation of littoral amphipods. Monit. zool. ital . ~: 75 -84 (not seen ),

ESCOFET, A. , 1973. (Observations on the feeding and digging habitats of Bathyporeiapus ruffoi and Bathyporeiapus bisetosus (Amphipoda, Oedicerotidae)) . Physis , Buenos Aires, Ser. A, 32: 95 - 103 ( In Spanish wi th Engl ish summary ) . -

1973. ( A key to the common amphipod genera In the area of Mar del Plata ) . A publication of the Inst. BioI. mar. Mar del Plata ( Contribuci6n 239 ) . Mimeographed, 30 pp. (In Spanish. An illustrated key treating common amphipod genera in the intertidal and shallow-water (O-S m) region, with an intro­ duction to amphipod eidonomy , and notes on collection, fixation, dissection and mounting. Also notes on ecological distribution. )

FAHY , E. , 1972. The life cycles of s ome invertebrates in an isothermic stream in western I reland. Scient. Proc. r. Dublin Soc., Ser. A, 4: 331-342 ( wi th i.a. data on Gammarus duebenii ) .

GURJANOVA, E . F . , 1 972. (some new speci es of amphipods (Amphipoda, Gammari dae ) from the northwestern part of the Pacific and the High Arctic ) . Trudy zool . Inst . 21: 1 29- 200 . ( I n Russian. The f i rst part of thi s paper consists of a revision of the family Pl eustidae , with a key to and diagnoses of all genera , of whi ch the fol lowi ng are new ( type species in parenthe­ ses ) : Pleustoi des ( P. cari natus n.sp. ) , Arctopleustes (Neopleus­ tes ramysl ovi), Pl eustomesus (Paramphithoe media ) and Pleusto­ stenus ( P. d i spl osus n.sp. ) . In the next part of the paper the genere Pleustes and Paramphithoe are revised and the following new taxa described in the Pleustidae, Paramphithoidae and Acanthonotozomatidae: Pl eustes panoplus sibiricus, P. cataphractus j aponensis, P. angulatus ( new rank ) paradoxus, Stenopleustes cornigera gagarae , Neopl eustes pUlchellus euacanthoides, Pleu­ stoides carinatus, P. guadridens ( nov. comb.) ochoticus , Pleu­ stomesus japonicoides,Pl eustostenus displosus,paramphithoe cuspidata eugenovi , P. paraparadoxa, P. monocera, P. buchholzi ~5 -

vafer, P. concinna and Odius cassigerus.

HOFFER, S.A . , 1972. Some aspects of the life cycle of Parathemisto abyssorum (Amphipoda: Hyperiidae) in the Gulf of St . Lawrence . Cano J. Zool. 50: 1175 - 1178 .

JANK OW SKI, A.W., 1 972. (Commensological sketches. 3 . New genera of Chonotricha Exogemmina symbiotic with Isopoda, Amphipoda and Decapoda) Zool. Zhurn. 21:1617 - 1624 (in Russian, only abstract seen. The order Chonotrichida is divided into 2 suborders Exogemmina and Endogemmina. The diagnoses of 4 families of Exo­ gemmina are presented, and the following new taxa described from Amp h ipoda: Toxochona with T. mirabilis (on Anisogammarus), Heterochona with H. crinita and H. trifaria (on Gammarus), He l iochona elegans and H. a l ternans . The five know species of He l iochona s.str. all inhabit northern Marinogammarus and Amp h ithoe species )

JA~D~ EW SKI, K. , 1972. ( Asellus aquaticus (L ) and Gammarus sp. in the area of the preserve (Fauna Niebieskich zrodet ) . Zeszyty Naukowe Univ. odzkiego Nauki matem. - przydr., Ser. 2, 46:27 - 32 . ( In PO l ish. The Gammarus of the title is a species allied to G. fossarum and G. wautieri ) .

,1 973. Ecology of gammarids in the Bay of Puck, Polish ------Balti c Sea. Oikos, Suppl e 11, in press .

& J. D. VAN MANSVELT, 1973. Gammarus kischinef fensis Schel lenberg, 1937, in south-eastern Poland . Bull. Zool . Mus . Un i v. A'dam 3: 7 - 12.

KA RA MAN , G.S., 1973. XXXIV. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Amphipoden. Neu­

beschreibung der Art Ni p hargus tauri Schellenb~rg, 1933 . ( Gammaridae ) aus dem Taurus Gebirge, Klein Asien. Crustaceana 24: 275 -280.

1 973. XLIV. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda. On t hree interesting Neogammarus species from Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas ( Amphipoda: Gammaridae ) . Acta Mus. macedon. Sci. nat. 11: 109- 129 . (Neogammarus adriaticus n . sp., N.festae a n d N. nudus ) .

------, 1973. XLV. Contribution to the knowledge of the ~nphipoda. Orchestia stephenseni Cecchini , 1928, one new species for Adria­ t i c fauna ( Gammaridae: Talitridae ) . ------Fragm . balca- n i ca..2: 1 37 - 145.

------, 1973. Two ne\v species of family Gammaridae from Yugoslavia, Niphargus deelemanae n. sp. andTyphlogammarus algor no sp. XLVII. - 36- Contribution to the lmowle dge of the Amphipoda . Arch . f. Hydrobiol . , in press.

1973. XLIX. Contribution to the knowledge of the Amphipoda. On three Nipharqus s pecies (Fam . Gammarida) from the Balkans. Int. J . Speleol. L' in press. (on Niphargus stygius ravanicanus, N. adbiptus n.sp., and N. val achicus) .

KASYMOV, A.G., 1972 . (Freshwater fauna of the Kaukasus). I sdateljastvo ELM, Balm 1972, 286 pp . (In Russian, not seen. Amphipoda on pp . 85 - 88).

KHAN , M. A. Q. , A. KAMAL, R.J. WOLIN & J . RUNNELS, 1972 . In V1VO and vitro epoxidation of aldrin by aquatic food chain organisms . Bull . environm. Contam . Toxicol. 8: 21 9- 228 (not seen ) .

KINZELBACH, R., 1972 . Zur Verbreitung und Dkologie des Suszwasser-Strand­ flohs Orchestia caVHflana Heller, 1 865 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Talitridae) . Bonn. zool . Beitr. 23: 267 - 282 .

KRAPP- SCHICKEL, G. , manuscript. CAMILL HELLER' S Sammlung adriatischer Amphipoden- 1 866 und heute.-(An important revision of the Heller collection, which formed the base for his classical 1 866 paper, reporting on 80 species, of which 29 were described as new. To day the col lection hOlds 59 speCles, among which the types of 9 valid species des cribed by Heller, and of a new genus and species of Acanthonotozoma tidae , described by Krapp- Schickel. The paper contains further a thorough revision of some Mediterra­ nean Hyale and Parhyale s pecies) .

LE MOS DE CASTRO, A. , 1972. (Talitrus (Talitroides) pacificus Hurley, a terrestrial amphipod introduced into Sao Paulo . )------Arq . Inst. Biol. Sao Paulo 39:201 - 203. ( In Portuguese, not seen) .

MAREN, M.J. van, 1 973. (Ecology and distribution of the Gammaridae ln the lagoons to the North- West of Naples . Italy) . Vers l . Kon. ned . Akad. Wetensch., afd . Nat . k . , 82: 80- 84 (in Dutch) .

MATHIEU, J., 1973 . Metabolis me respiratoire de Niphargus rhenorhodanen- sis (Crustace Gammaride souterrain) . Preniers resultats. ______

Ann. Speleo l . ~ , sous presse .

MEYERING, M.P.D., 197 3. Zur Rolle der Gammariden als Destruenten von

Blattmaterial in Waldbachen . ------Tagungsber. Ges. Oleol., Tagung Giessen (1 972 ) : 97 - 100 .

MILLS, E . L . , 1972 . Amphipods and equipoise. A study of T . R. R. STEBBING. ______Trans . Connecticut Acad . Arts Sci . 44 : 239-256. -37 - MORAND , C., 1 973. Contribution a l'etude taxonomique de Niphar-gus (Amphipode Gammaride ) . Croissance comparee de 2 populations de Niphargus longicaudatus rhenorhodanensis. These Doct. spec., BioI. anim., Univ. Lyon I, 51 pp, 23 PIs.

PELLENARD, D. , 1 973. Les microorganismesde l'argile souterraine et l ' alimentation de Niphargus virei (Crustace Amphipode hypoge ) . These Doct . spec., BioI. anim., Univ. Lyon I, 101 pp.

PRATT , S . D., 1 973. Benthic FaLma. Chapter 5 (70 pp ) in S .B. SAILA (ed. ) : Coastal and Offs hore environmental inventory Cap e Hatteras to Nantucket Shoals. Univ. Rhode I s l and , mar. Publ. Ser. 2 (with a special discussion on the Amphipoda on pp. 40- 45 ) .

RE PEL IN , R., 1972. Observations sur la distribution de Phronimidae ( Crustaces amphipodes ) dans le Pacifique accidental de 5° N a 20° S. Cah. ORSTOM, oceanogr. 12: 189-201. RU FFO, S. & A. VIGNA TAGLIANTI , 1 973. Three new species of Bogidiella from Mexico and Guatemala (Amphipoda , Gammaridae ) . Quat. Acc. Naz. Lincei, in press.

SAN DE RSON , J.M. , 1 973 . A catalogue of the Amphipoda (Crustacea) in the col l ection of the late D.M. REID, now in the Royal Scottish Museum , Edinburgh. Roy . scott. Mus. Inform. Ser., nat. Hist. 1: 1-79. ( It should be noted that this paper also contains a list of 20 new species, described (but never published) by Reid from the collection of t he Lund Chile Expedition, which must be of much interest to students of antiboreal amphipods. The paper can be obtained free from The Librarian, Royal Scottish Museum, Chambers Street, Edinburgh, Scotland).

SKET , B. , 1 972. Die Niphargus jovanovici ______Gruppe (Amphipoda, Gammaridae ) in Jugoslawien und NO-Italien, taxonomisch, zoo­ geografisch und phylogenetisd1betrachtet. Razprave Diss. , Lj ubl jana .12: 3-45. (Deal s with Niphargus serbicus , N. j . j ovanovici , N.j. mUltipennatus, N. j . grandii, N. aberrans n .sp . and N. microcerberus n.sp . )

STOC K, J .H. , 1 973. Systematics of certain Ponto- Caspian Gammaridae. Verhandl. zool . Inst. Mus. Hamburg, in press (Treats generic delimitations in the Pontogammarus_D ikerogammarus group , wi th description of a new freshwater species from Turkey ) . -38- ______, 1973. (A porpolse with lice). Levende Nat. 26: 107-109. (in Dutc h . First record of I socyamus delphinii from the Netherlands , on the new host Phocoena phocoena) . ------, 1973. The exi stence of interstitial members of the Gammarus-group. Crus t aceana 24: 339-341 . (Notes 6 species (in 4 genera ) of interstitial Gammarus s.l . )

______, 1 973. Echinogammarus afer sp. nov. ,un nouvel Amphipode Gammarid~ d ' Afrique du Nord. Memorie Mus. Civ. St. nat. Verona , in press (A s p ecies from Tunisia and Lybia, allied to E. tacapensi s ) . ------, 1973. Whal e-lice in Dutch waters . Bull . zool. Mu s. Univ . A ' dam 3: 93-97 . ( Mentions 3 spp . of Cyamidae from the Netherlands).

STRONG , D.R., 1972. Life history variation among popul ations of an amphipod (Hyale lla azteca ) . ______Eco l ogy D: 11 05 - 1111 . THURSTON, M.H., 1973. On the identity of Lanceola aestiva Stebbing, 1888 (Amphipoda , Lanceolidae ) . Crustaceana 24: 334-335 (A senior synonym of Scypholanceol a vanhoeffeni. Much material identified as L . aestiva is in fact L. loveni) .

VASSILENKO, S.V., 197 2. (New s p ecies of the genu s Caprella (Amphipoda, Capre llidae ) from the Sea of Okhotsk and the north- west Pacific ) . Trudy zoo l. Inst. ~: 223-236 (In Russian , New s pecies: C. bathya lis , C. centrota, C. clavigera, C. litoralis , C. pacifica, C. rotuntidentata) .

------, 1972. (A new family , new genus and species of caprellids (Amphipoda, Capre llidea ) from the North Pacific ) . Ibi t. ~: 237 - 25 O. (In Ru ssian .. . Paracercopidae n. fam. Further new taxa: Cercops dentatus , C. draconi, Pseudocercops , P. kussakini , paracercops, P. setifer . )

VINCENT, M., 197 2. Temp~ratur e et r~cup~ration du calcium de la carapace

apr~s la mue chez . Ec hinogammarus berilloni. Comparaison avec Gammarus pulex pul ex. C.-r. Soc. Biol . Fil . 166: 668-670.

WATLING, L . & D. MAURER, 1973 . A n ew euryhaline specles of parapleustes (Am phipoda ) from the east coast of North America. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash. 86: 1-8. -39- BIBLIOGRAPHY III

BALCESCU, D. , 197 2. Sur deux nouvelles esp~ces de Gr~garines parasites che z l' Am phipode Synurella illnbulans ( Fr. MUller) de Rounlanie. Rev. rourn. BioI. ( Zool. ) 12: 289-295 (Cephaloidophora s ynurellae and C. margaretae n. sPP. )

BARNARD, J . L . , 197 2. A review of the family Synopiidae ( = Tironidae ) , mainly distri but ed in the deep sea. Smithson. Contr. Zool. 124: 1-94. ( An important paper. Keys to all genera and species are pr ov ided, and relationships within the family explore by diffe r en t methods. Three new genera are diagnosed: Ileraustroe (ty p e s peci es: Aus t rosyrrhoe i l ergetes, one further species: Syrrho i tes t orpen s ) , Latacunga ( for L. latacunga n.sp. (type ) and L. coma nita n .sp . ) , and Priscosyrrhoe (for Austrosyrrhoe priscis ).

BARNARD, J . L . , 197 2. The marine fauna of New Zealand: -living lit t or a l ( Cru stacea Amphipoda) . N. Z. oce anogr . I nst . Mem. 62: 1 -216. ( One of the author's rapIdly growing list of ma jor regional monographs. In it 31 new speCIes are described a nd ma ny others redescribed and figured. Many family c onc e pts a r e revised. In the Talitroidea Barnard now recognizes t h e f oll owing fami lies: Talitridae, with the sub­ families Ta lit r i n ae, Hyalinae and Hyalellinaej Ceinidae with the subfamilies Ceini nae ( Ceina, Taihape n.g . and Waitomo n.g.) and Chiltoniiriae , Dogiel inotidae ( Dogielinotus, Haustorioides )) Eophliantidae (Eophliantis , Bircenna, Ceinina, Cylindryllioides, Lignophliantis and wandel ia ) ) Kuriidae ( Kuria), Najnidae (Na j na ), and Phlia ntidae (Phlias , Heterophlias, Iphinotus, Iphiplateia, Palinnotus , Pa r iphinotus , Pereionotus, Plioplateia and Quasimodla , poss ibly a l so Temnophl ias ) . The Prophliantinae (Prophlias and Haus toriops i s ) b ecome a subfamily of the Dexaminidae, Biancolina is made the type of the monotypic Biancolinidae, while Amphitho­ lina i s r e tur n e d to the. Ampithoidae. The Calliopiidae and Pontogene iidae are a malgamated with the Eusiridae and both Aoridae a nd Pho t i dae with the Isaeidae, vrhile the Thaumatelsoni­ nae are s ubor dinated to the Stenothoidae, subsequent to the discovery of the intermediate genus) Raurnahara . A new family, Nihotungidae , i s based on the peculiar new genus, Nihotunga.

BELLAN-SANTINI, D. 1973 . Sur deux n ouvelles esp~ces m~diterran~ennes de Bathy pore i a (Amphipoda , Hau storiidae) . Bull. Soc.

zool. Fr . ~: 91 - 103. -40-

BERREUR- BONNENFANT, J. & J .-J. MEUSY, 1972 . Effet inhibiteur des broyats de glandes androgenes sur 1 'incorporation in vitro de leucine tri tiee par les ovaries d' Orches-tia garrunarella P., Crustace ~nphipode. C.-r.Seanc. hebd . Acad . Sci. Paris 275 D: 1641- 1644.

BOUS FIELD, E.L . , 1973. Shallow-water gammaridean AAphipoda of New England. Cornell University Press" Ithac a and London, XII + 312 pp.

CAZAUX, C. & P.J. LABOURG, 1 973. Contribution ~ 1 'etude de la faune marine de la region d'Arcachon. Bull . Soc . linn. Bordeaux 3: 1 33-143 Notes the presence of Corophium multisetosum In S.W. France.

CZECZUGA, B. & A. SKALSKI, 1 973. Presence of beta- carotene and xanthop­ hylls in two species of the genus Niphargus (Crustacea,AAphi- poda ) . Hydrobiologica 42: 355 - 362.

DORGELO , J., 1973 . Comparative ecophysiology of garrunarids (Crustacea: AAphipoda) from marine, brackish and fresh- water habitats exposed to the influence of salinity- temperature combinations. Neth. J . Sea. Res. 1: 253- 266 . (Experiments with Chaetogammarus marinus, Gammarus tigrinus and G. fossarum, In order to assess the main as well as the interaction effects of salinity and temerature).

HAECKEL, J.W., M.P.D.MEYERING & H. RUSETSKI, 197 3. Gammarus fossarum Koch a l s Fallaubzersetzer in Waldb~chen. ------Freshw. BioI. 1: 241-249.

JONES, D.A., N. PEACOCK & O.F .M. PHILLIPS, 1973. studies on the migration of Tritaeta gibbosa, a subtidal benthic amphipod. Neth. J . Sea. Res. 1: 135 - 149. KINZELBACH, R., 1972. Einschleppung und Einwanderung von Wirbellosen in Ober- und Mittelrhein (Coelenterata, Plathelminthes, Annelida, Crustacea, Mollusca). Mz. naturw. Arch. 11: 109-150(i.a. Orchestia cavimana, and Gammarus berilloni).

KLEKOWSKI, R.Z., K.W. OPALINSKI & S. RAKUSA- SUSZCZEWSKI, 1973. Respira­ tion of Antarctic AAphipoda, walkeri Stebbing , during the winter season. Polsk. Ar ch . Hydrobiol. 20: 301-308 (not seen ) . -41-

MARSH I G. A., 1973. The Zos tera epifaunal corrunun i Ly in the York Pi ver) Virginia. Chesap. Sci . .l1: 87 -97 (with Arnpi thoe longimana as one of 5 dominant species).

RAO , K.H. & K. SHYAMASm'JDARI, 1972 . On the genetics of the genus Elasmopus pectinicrus (Bate ) an associate of the crinoid Tropismetra enorinus Clark at Waltair . Curl". Sci. 41: 533-534 ( not seen ) .

RASMUSSEN, E . , 1973. Systematics and ecology of the Isefjord marine fauna (Denmark), with a survey of the Eelgrass (zostera) vegetation and its communities. Ophelia 11: 1-507 (Amphipoda on pp. 165 -200. The author doubts the specific distinctn'ess of the NW- European Gammarus species, as no clear morpho]ogical discon­ tinuities can be fOl,md in his very extensive Isefjord material ) .

SEGERSTRALE, S.G . , 1973 . Results of bottom faw'la sampling in certain localites in the Tv~rminne area (inner Baltic), with special reference to the so-called Macoma Pontoporeia theory. ___ Commentat. biol. 67: 1- 12 .

SHYAMASm'JDARI, K. 197 3. Studies on the tube-building amphipod Corophiurn triaenonyx Stebbing from Visakhapatnam Harbor: Effect of salinity and temperature. BioI. Bull. (Wood' s Hole) '144: 503-510.

STEVENSON, M. M. & A. E. PEDEN, '1973. Description and ecology of Hyalella texana n.sp. (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Edwards Plateau of Texas. Amer. MidI. Nat. §.2: 426-436. STOCK, J . H., 1973. (A porpoise with lice) ------Levende Nat. 76: 144 (In Dutch . A second record of Isocyamus delphinii in the Netherl ands ) .

TZVETKOVA, N.L . , 1973. Gammarus setosus Dementieva, 1931 (Crustacea: Amphipoda ) : proposed validation under the plenary powers. ______Bull . zool . Nom encl. 30: 47-48 (PQblished July 19730 The proposal

a l so requests the suppression of the name ~tsbergensis Vosseler,

1889 (Arch. Naturg o 55: 158), as published in the binomen Gamma rus spetsbergensis, a senior S~'lonym of G. setosus.)

WIEDERHOLM, P. 1973. On the life cycle of Pontoporeia affinis (Crustacea, Amphipoda ) in Lake M2:ilaren. Zoon 1: 147 -'151 .

WOLFF, W.J., 1972. origin and history of the brackish water fauna of N.W. Europe. Proc. 5 th eur. Symp. mar . Biol. Padova - ",. ( 1 972 ) : 11 - 1 8 . -42-

OPINION 992, 1973. Gammarus aeguicau~

( Martynov, 1931 ) (Crustacea, Amphipoda ) validated under the plenary powers . ______Bull . zool . Nomencl . 30: 15-16 ( Gammarus aeguicauda is placed on the Official List, while Ga@narus plumicornis costa. 1853 , and G. tunetanu s Simon, 1 885. are suppressed).


BARNARD , J. L . , 1973. Re.vision 01 Corophiidae and related families (Amphipoda ) . Smi thson. Con tr. Zool. 151: 1-27 (Advocates the establishment of a superfamily Corophiidea, existing of the iar.ilies Corophiidae ( inclusive Aoridae, Isaeidae and Photidae ) , Ischyroceridae (including the former corophiid genera Cerapus, Ericthonius, Pseudericthonius and Runanga), Ampithoidae, Biancoli nidae, Podoce ridae and Cheluridae. The Corophiidae and Ischyroceridae are revised at the generic level . )

BRUN , B. , 1973. Contribution A l'~tud e de la variabil it~ g~n~tique d ' un car actere ch~tota x ique chez Ga mmarus insensibilis stock , --~'---~-- ( C ru stac~ Amphipode ) . Archs Zool . exp o gen . 114: 21 3-221 .

MYE RS , A.A., 1973 . Neomegamphopus kunduchii sp. novo ( Crust: Amphipoda ) from East Africa , with a discussion of gnathopodal dominance in

isaeid amphipods . Zool . J . linn . Soc . ~: 263-267. (Figure omitted by Editors and published as an erratum later on. The new genera Ledoyerella and Maragopsis are established for Lembos caputphotis Ledoyer and L. isochelatus Ledoyer,respectiv€ly . The phylogenetic significance of secondary sexu al deve lopment of gnath opoda in male isaeid amphipods is discussed, but the author is of the opinion that the Aoridae ss. form a distinct, recogni­ zable group on other criteria .

RU FFO , S., 1973. (Studies on amphipod crustaceans 74 . A contribution to t h e revision of the genus Bogidiella Hertzog . ) BoI l. IYlst. Entomol. Univ. Bologna 31: 49- 77. ( Italian with Engrish summary. An important revision. In a f ootnote on p. 58 the author questions the validity of the family Beaudettiidae, which is separated from t he Gammaridae solely by the absence of the mandibular palp, as in various freshwater gammarids this palp i s more or l ess strongly reduced ) .