BOOK SUGGESTIONS FOR EXPERIENCED BRIDGE PARTNERSHIPS If you want to improve your partnership background reading is important. You can only learn so much from your mistakes at the bridge table so subscribing to a and buying the latest books that can help you in specific areas can make a difference especially if your partner can be persuaded to read the same books.

There follows a list of my current top ten books. There are many more that are worthwhile, but these are those that have had the most impact on my approach to the game. Before we see the list … not a book but at the top is … MAGAZINE $99 per annum

Another useful subscription website is: – lots of good new theory from Eric Rodwell and friends!

SIMONS TOP TEN BOOKS OF RECENT YEARS – In no order! Title Author Comments Published BREAKING THE A great read .. proves the point that rules are made to be broken! A whole 2010 BRIDGE RULES section on leading low from a doubleton honour! (First Hand Play) THE Mark I don’t play the Multi but found this book invaluable for other defences 2010 MYSTERIOUS Horton listed, Dixon, Winters, ACBL, Meckwell,Granovetter,Kokish. Also includes MULTI Multi defence to 1NT, Norwegian 2H defence, and lots more. WINNING NO Do your partners complain about your leads? This book settles lead 2011 LEADS & arguments. After reading this book I am trying to convert all my partners Taf Anthias to playing 3rd & 5th leads ….. more useful if you tend to lead less from 4 card suits!! Opps bid 1NT 3NT. What do you lead from KT5;A2;T65432;.84 at IMPS or MPS !? The best lead is 7% better than the next best lead! WINNING SUIT David Bird I was so impressed with LEADING v NO TRUMPS that I bought this book 2012 CONTRACT & and was not disappointed. Both books are based on a statistical analysis of LEADS Taf Anthias opening leads and highlight the differences in leading when playing pairs or IMPS. Against part scores side suit Hx leads are favoured …. Trump leads less favoured. Bill Jacobs If you are tired of traditional systems and want to play “Something 2012 REVEALED Completely Different”. A surprise for the definition of INTERMEDIATE 2 BIDS, GAZILLI and other gadgets. VIKING Glen Now this is another surprise entry. I realise that very few people want to 2006 PRECISION Groetheim spend the time learning a relay but that is not the point in buying this book! The relays themselves can be applied to other situations, and I have noticed a few players in tournaments recently playing 1M 1NT as game forcing! And also 1M 2C as invitational. The Viking asking bids can be applied to non-Viking systems! THE RODWELL Eric Don’t be put off by the first few example hands. This book shows why 2012 FILES Rodwell Meckwell have been at the top for so long. THE NO TRUMP Danny Kleinman analyses the various NT ranges for opening, responses and 2009 ZONE Kleinman various defences. This book will help you improve all your bidding after any NT opening by either opps or partner. THE COMPLETE Mike Do you open light in 3rd seat? If you don’t you are missing out. But how do 2011 GUIDE TO Lawrence you stop partner getting too high with his 11 count! Playing 5 card majors PASSED HAND can you open with a 4 card major in 3rd seat? How do you stop partner BIDDING getting too high with his 3 card support? THE CONTESTED Roy Do you consistently get outbid by more aggressive opponents. This book 2012 AUCTION IN Hughes looks at common situations and explores how to manage them effectively. BRIDGE There is a chapter on defending against nebulous minors!

Simon Gottschalk – September 2013 [email protected]