CONTENTS September 2005, Vol.100, No.09

Editorial: ...... 2

Refutation of the Christians’ Faith in the Unity of God – Part 15 ...... 4 On the Unity of God and the need to abstain from associating partners with God: The domain of the Creator and the created are separate. Associating partners with God includes not only worship of any created thing but extends to such devotion to material means that the Provider of the means is forgotten. Hadhrat (as) – Promised and

Spiritual Progress to Achieve Closeness to Allah ...... 14 Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V draws attention to the importance of both progressing spiritually and doing good works: we should always be inclined towards improving our nearness to Allah. Hadhrat – Khalifatul Masih V The Holy ’s(sa) Kind Treatment of His Wives ...... 25 The kind and equal treatment of the Holy Prophet(sa) to his wives sets an excellent example for all married couples.. Bilal Atkinson – UK Peace and Governance...... 40 The importance of recognising one's duties to one's fellow human beings provides a framework for leadership. Maulvi A. Wahab Adam – Ghana

Report on the 39th UK ...... 45 Some 25,000 people attended the Annual Convention of the Muslim Association UK. A brief report of the proceeding of this Convention. Laiq Ahmad Tahir - UK

COVER/BACK PHOTOGRAPHS: Those who believe in the Qur’an, those who follow the BACK: Putrajaya Mosque in Malaysia (from Shuttleworth Photo Library). Jewish scriptures, and the Sabeans and the Christians – any FRONT: Flag-hoisting ceremony of who believe in God and the last Day, and do righteous deeds Ahmadiyya Community and UK flag at start – on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. of the 39th Jalsa UK. (The Holy Qur’an: Ch.5: V.70)

Basit Ahmad Chief Editor and Manager: Mansoor Ahmed Shah Bockarie Tommy Kallon Management Board: Special contributors: Design and layout: Fareed Ahmad Mr Munir-ud-din Shams (Chairman) Amatul-Hadi Ahmad Tanveer Khokhar d Fazal Ahmad. Farina Qureshi r Mr Mansoor Shah (Secretary) Publisher: a Fauzia Bajwa Mr Naseer Ahmad Qamar Proof-readers: Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah o Mansoor Saqi Mr Mubarak Ahmad Zafar Abdul Ghany Jahangeer

B Khan and Shaukia Mir Distribution: Mahmood Hanif Mr Mirza Fakhar Ahmad l Hanif Mr. Abdul Baqi Arshad a Mansoora Hyder-Muneeb i r Navida Shahid All correspondence should The © Islamic Publications, 2005 o

t Sarah Waseem be forwarded to the editor at: The London Mosque ISSN No: 0034-6721 i 16 Gressenhall Road d Saleem Ahmad Malik London, SW18 5QL

E Tanveer Khokhar United Kingdom

Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 1 EDITORIAL Mansoor Saqi– UK

Religion is a dynamic phe- both progressing spiritually and nomenon, not a static one. God doing of good works. It is not has sent to guide sufficient to simply be content at mankind and He continues to remaining at one level but care for his His creation. He instead there is a need to responds to prayer when called cultivate the desire to progress. upon. This dynamic nature of In the beginning of this address it religion is also reflected in the is stated: manner in which man can continue to progress in ‘The Holy Qur’an has urged developing a relationship with Muslims, saying: that you the Creator and this is achieved should always be concerned by carrying out one’s duties to and try to do your utmost in God and also one’s duties to performing good deeds and one’s fellow human beings. making progress in your Islam instructs the believer worship, progress in good concerning both his duties to works, progress in higher God and to man. values and progress in fulfilling the rights of others. In this issue of the The Review of Allah does not merely expect Religions the address by Hadhrat us to safeguard ourselves Khalifatul Masih V delivered at from evil and do good works the closing session of the Jalsa but has instructed that we Salana (Annual Convention) of should vie with each other in the Ahmadiyya Muslim the doing of good deeds’. Community in Tanzania is presented. In his address Hadhrat Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V Khalifatul Masih V draws adds: attention to the importance of

2 The Review of Religions – September 2005 EDITORIAL

‘Now see what a lovely recognition that all resources that teaching Allah has given us we have are really from God, through which we have been also provides a framework for shown the way for our leadership. On page 40 of this religious and material and issue is the text of a speech national progress. In fact, it is delivered at the Inter-Religious a key to success and if we act Federation for World Peace held upon it we can bring about a in Korea earlier this year. In a radical change within speech Maulvi Abdul Wahab ourselves.’ Adam explores the themes of leadership and governance from The importance of recognising a religious perspective, and how one’s duties to one’s fellow the Holy Qur’an lays down the human beings together with a principles for leadership.

In this journal, for the ease of non-Muslim readers, ‘(sa)’ or ‘sa’ after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’, or the name ‘Muhammad’, are used. They stand for ‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ meaning ‘Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him’. Likewise, the letters ‘(as)’ or ‘as’ after the name of all other prophets is an abbreviation meaning ‘Peace be upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis salatu wassalam’ for the respect a Muslim reader utters.

The abbreviation ‘ra’ or (ra) stands for ‘Radhiallahu Ta’ala anhu and is used for Companions of a Prophet, meaning Allah be pleased with him or her (when followed by the relevant Arabic pronoun). Finally, ‘ru’ or (ru) for Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy of Allah the Exalted be upon him.

The Review of Religions – September 2005 3 Refutation of the Christians’ Faith in the Unity of God - Part 15

This series sets out, in the words of the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a summary of his exposition of four outstanding topics: ISLAM; ALLAH, THE EXALTED; THE HOLY PROPHET(sa) and THE HOLY QUR’AN. The original compilation, in , from which these extracts have been translated into English, was collated with great care and diligence by Syed Daud Ahmad Sahib, Allah have mercy on him and reward him graciously for his great labour of love. Amin. The English rendering is by the late Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, may Allah be pleased with him, and is quoted from The Essence of Islam, Volume 1. All references throughout, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, are from the Holy Qur’an.

It needs to be pointed out that understand the logic used by the long before the extracts author rather than focus on reproduced below from the individual words. writings of the Promised (ed) Messiah(as), the Christian mis- sionaries in India at that time had embarked upon a virulent attack n these days, the Unity and against the God of Islam, the Holy Existence of God are subject to Prophet(sa), and the Holy Qur’an. powerfulI attacks. The Christians Although the langauge used have tried hard and have written a below may sound unkind to an good deal on the subject, but orthodox Christian ear, it is a lot whatever they have said or more gentle than the langauge written, is about the God of Islam used by Christian comtem- and not about a dead, crucified poraries of the Promised and helpless god. We affirm it Messiah(as). We urge readers to confidently that whoever begins

4 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REFUTATION OF THE CHRISTIANS’ FAITH IN THE UNITY OF GOD to write on the Existence and should not be devoted to material Being of God Almighty, would in means as if they were a sort of the end have to revert to the God partner in the operation of that is presented by Islam, Rububiyyat. One must con- because every leaf of the book of centrate on the Provider of means nature points to Him and naturally rather than on the means. The every man carries His impress third grade is that having within himself. witnessed perfectly Divine (Malfoozat, Vol. I, p. 83) manifestations, one should consider every other being as The Christians should remember nonexistent including one’s own that it is not at all established that self. Everything beside God was the resurrection, nor Almighty, Who possesses perfect have the Christians been attributes, should appear as mortal resurrected. They are dead more to one’s eyes. Spiritual life means than the other dead, and lie in that these three grades of faith in narrow and dark graves and are Unity should be achieved. fallen into the pit of paganism. They neither possess the spirit of Now consider carefully that all faith nor the blessings of such eternal fountains of spiritual life spirit. They have not achieved have come into the world through even the lowest grade of faith in Hadhrat Muhammad, the chosen the Unity of God, which is to one(sa). It is only the Muslims, abstain from the worship of though they are not Prophets, who creatures. They worship as creator experience converse with God one weak and helpless like Almighty like the Prophets, and themselves. though they are not Messengers, God’s bright signs appear at their The Unity of God has three hands, and the rivers of spiritual grades. The lowest grade is to life flow through them and no one abstain from the worship of any else can compete with them. Is created thing like oneself, neither there anyone who would take up stone nor fire nor man nor any this challenge and, standing in star. The second grade is that one opposition, would exhibit

The Review of Religions – September 2005 5 REFUTATION OF THE CHRISTIANS’ FAITH IN THE UNITY OF GOD

blessings and signs as an answer? name of the proclamation of Unity (A’ina-e-Kamalat-e-lslam, Ruhani in practice, are without blessing Khaza’in, Vol. 5, pp. 223-224) and vain when they are empty of humility and nothingness and are Evils of Associating Partners not pursued with a single-minded with God heart! I regret that I have not found (Malfoozat, Vol. I, pp. 167-168) words in which I should set out the evils of leaning towards Associating others with God takes anyone except God. People cringe many forms and is called shirk. before others and flatter them, There is the obvious shirk in which invokes the jealousy of which Hindus, Christians, Jews God Almighty. This is Prayer of and other idol-worshippers these people, from which God indulge, in which a man or stone withdraws and which He casts or lifeless things or faculties or aside. I set out the matter in a fictitious deities are worshipped crude way, though it is not its true as God. Though this form of shirk reality and yet it is easy to follow. is still current in the world, yet A self-respecting man’s jealousy this is the age of light and would not tolerate another person education, and reason is establishing a relationship with his beginning to abhor this form of wife, as in such a case, he would shirk. It is true that some people consider his wretched wife worthy subscribe to these stupidities as of being killed and very often that part of their national religion, yet is what happens in fact. Similar is at heart they are beginning to be the jealousy of the Divine. repelled by them. Servitude and prayer are reserved for His Being. He does not But there is another type of shirk, approve that anyone else should be which is spreading secretly like worshipped or should be called on poison and it is greatly on the in supplication. So remember well increase in this age and that is that that to lean towards any beside there is no trust in and Allah is to cut asunder from Him. dependence upon God Almighty. Prayer and Unity, for Prayer is the

6 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REFUTATION OF THE CHRISTIANS’ FAITH IN THE UNITY OF GOD

We do not say, nor is it part of our faith, that means should be discarded altogether. For God Almighty has Himself urged the use of means and if means are not used to the extent to which they are necessary, this would be to dishonour human faculties and to defame the grand action of God Almighty in bestowing them. If means are discarded altogether, it would mean that all faculties which God Almighty has The founder of the Ahmadiyya bestowed upon man should be left Muslim community was Hadhrat (as) idle and should not be put to any Mirza Ghulam Ahmad . use, which would amount to The founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community was Hadhrat condemning God’s action as vain Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). In 1891, and useless and therefore a great he claimed, on the basis of Divine sin. Therefore, we do not at all revelation, that he was the Promised mean, nor is it part of our religion, Messiah and Mahdi whose advent had been foretold by Muhammad, that means should be discarded the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace altogether. The use of means up to and blessings of Allah be upon him) the proper limit is necessary. and by the scriptures of other faiths. Means are needed for the His claim constitutes the basis of the hereafter also. To carry out the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim commandments of God Almighty community. and to avoid vice and to carry out good works is all undertaken so should discharge his duties, a that we should be at ease in this cultivator of land should occupy world and the next. Thus himself with agricultural oper- righteous conduct is a substitute ations, a labourer should perform for means. God has not forbidden his labour so that all of them use of means for the fulfilling of should be able to discharge the worldly needs. A public servant obligations that they owe to their

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family and children and other and as He has said: relations and to their own selves. ...And He who puts his trust in All this is right up to the proper Allah – He is sufficient for limit and is not forbidden; but him. (Ch.65:V.4) when, transcending that limit, a person places all his trust in the and as He has said: means, that becomes shirk which casts a person far away from his ...He who fears Allah – He will true purpose. For instance, if a make for him a way out, and person says that had it not been will provide for him from for a certain factor, he would have where he expects not. died of hunger, or that if had it not (Ch.65: Vs.3-4) been for a certain property or an occupation, he would have been and as He has said: in bad shape, or if it had not been for a certain friend, he would have ...And He protects the been in trouble, this would be righteous. displeasing to God. He would not (Ch.7: V.197) approve that a person should rely so much upon property, or other The Holy Qur’an is full of verses means or friends that he should that God is the Guardian of and stray far away from God provides for the virtuous. Then Almighty. This is a very when a person relies wholly upon dangerous form of shirk which is the means, and puts his whole patently contrary to the teaching trust in them, in so doing he of the Holy Qur’an as God ascribes to them some of the Almighty has said: attributes of God, and sets them up as another god beside God. ...And in heaven is your When he leans towards one side, sustenance, and also that he advances towards shirk. Those which you are promised. who lean towards officials and (Ch.51:V.23) receive bounties and titles from them, honour them as they should

8 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REFUTATION OF THE CHRISTIANS’ FAITH IN THE UNITY OF GOD honour God and thus in a way human beings, or anything else, worship them. This alone uproots and should express disgust and a person’s belief in the Unity of abhorrence against deifying them; God and diverts him from his true the second condition is that no purpose and casts him far away. undue importance should be The Prophets (peace be on them) attached to material means. The teach that there should be no third condition is that one’s ego conflict between Unity and and its purposes should also be material means and that each excluded and negatived. Very should keep to its proper place often a person has in mind his own and that the end should be Unity. qualities and power and imagines They desire to teach man that all that he has achieved certain good honour and all comfort and all with his own power and he fulfilment comes from God. If depends so much upon his power anything else is set up in that he attributes everything to it. opposition to Him there would be Real faith in the Unity of God is a conflict in two opposites in achieved when a person negatives which one would be destroyed. his own powers also. The Unity of God must always (Malfoozat, Vol. III, pp.79-82) prevail. Means should be used but should not be deified. The Christian doctrine is that those who do not believe in the Belief in Unity gives birth to the Trinity and do not subscribe to the love of God Almighty, as one atonement of Jesus would be realises that all benefit and loss is condemned eternally to hell.... To in His hands, that He is the true confine Limitless God to three or Benefactor and that every particle four partners and to believe that proceeds from Him without the each is perfect in himself and is intervention of anyone else. When yet in need of association, and to a person achieves this holy imagine that God was word in the condition, he is known as a beginning and that the same word believer in the Unity of God. One that was God descended into the condition of belief in Unity is that womb of Mary and acquired a man should not worship stones, or body from her blood and was born

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in the usual manner and suffered ago, (according to Christian all the ailments of childhood and doctrine – Ed) separate bodies when he grew up, he was seized were assigned to the three and put upon the cross, is partners. The form of the father is abominable shirk, whereby man like that of Adam, for (the author has been deified. God is above wrote this work more than a descending into a womb and century ago - Ed) He created acquiring a body and being seized Adam in His own image (Genesis by His enemies. 1:27), and the son appeared in the form of Jesus (John 1: 1) and the Human nature rejects that God Holy Ghost assumed the form of a should undergo such suffering dove. (Matthew 3:16).... and that He Who is the Master of all Greatness and is the According to the Christians, these Fountainhead of all honour should three embodied gods are permit such humiliation for embodied forever and have Himself. The Christians admit separate beings forever and yet all that this was the first occasion of three combined are One God. If the humiliation of God and that anyone can tell us, we should like He had never suffered such to know how could all these three humiliation before. It had never be one and yet have separate happened before that God should eternal bodies. Let someone unite have been established in the Dr. Martyn Clarke and Padre womb of a woman like the sperm. ‘Imad-ud-Din and Padre Thakar Ever since people had heard the Das into one despite their separate name of God, it had never bodies. We can confidently affirm happened that He should have that if the three are beaten into been born of a woman like a one and their flesh is mixed human child. The Christians together, they who were created admit all this and also admit that three by God cannot become one. the three partners in the Godhead did not in the beginning have It would not be improper to say three separate bodies, but that at a that these three gods of the certain point in time, 1896 years Christians are like three members

10 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REFUTATION OF THE CHRISTIANS’ FAITH IN THE UNITY OF GOD of a committee and according to he would at once have come them every commandment is down, but on no occasion did he issued by them unanimously or by demonstrate his power. a majority, as if Godhead were a republican form of government As for his miracles, they are far and God could not carry on the fewer than those of most other government and personally is Prophets; for instance, if a dependent upon the decisions of Christian were to compare the the council. miracles of Prophet Elias, which are set out in detail in the Bible In short, any one can see that the and which include the revival of god of the Christians is this the dead, with the miracles of compound God. Jesus son of Mary, he would have (Anjam-e-Atham, Ruhani to confess that the miracles of Khaza‘in, Vol. 11, pp. 34-36) Prophet Elias were grander and more numerous than those of The Christian religion is deprived Jesus son of Mary. The Gospels of the Unity of God. These people repeatedly mention that Jesus used have turned away from the True to drive out evil spirits from those God and have made a new god for who suffered from epilepsy and themselves who is the son of an this is considered a great miracle, Israeli woman. But is this new god which is regarded as laughable by all-powerful as the True God is research scholars. It has now been powerful? His own history bears established that epilepsy is caused witness against this. Had he been by some weakness in the brain or all-powerful, he would not have some ulcer in the brain or by some been beaten up by the Jews, would other disease, but no one has not have been taken into custody asserted that it has anything to do by the Romans and would not with evil spirits. have been put upon the cross. When the Jews said that if he Neither the birth of Jesus nor any came down from the cross on his of his miracles can be cited as own, they would believe in him, proof of his godhead. God

The Review of Religions – September 2005 11 REFUTATION OF THE CHRISTIANS’ FAITH IN THE UNITY OF GOD

Almighty has mentioned the birth (Nasim-e-Da’wat, Ruhani of John the Baptist along with the Khaza‘in, Vol. 19, pp. 378-382) birth of Jesus in order to indicate that as the extraordinary birth of Of what use is a god some of John does not take him out of the whose faculties fell into a decline category of human beings, so the like some of the faculties of a birth of Jesus son of Mary does person who grows old? Of what not prove that he was God.... use is a god who cannot forgive the sins of his servants till he is Jesus possessed no extraordinary flogged and is spat upon and is power. He was a humble person kept in custody and is nailed to and was characterised by human the cross? We abhor a god who weakness and lack of knowledge. was subdued by the low Jews who The Gospels show that he had no had lost their own kingdom. We knowledge of the hidden; he went believe in the True God Who to a fig tree in order to eat of its made a poor and helpless one of fruit and was not aware that there Makkah His Prophet and was no fruit on the tree. He manifested His Power and confessed that he had no Supremacy in the same age and to knowledge of the Day of the whole world. When the King Judgement. Had he been God, he of Persia sent his emissaries to should have known of the Day of arrest the Holy Prophet(sa). God Judgement. He possessed no Almighty directed His Messenger Divine attribute and there was to tell the emissaries that his God nothing in him which is not to be had the previous night killed their found in others. The Christians god. It is to be observed that on admit that he died. How the one side is a claimant to unfortunate then is the sect whose godhood who is arrested by a God is liable to death. To say that Roman soldier and is taken into he was revived after his death custody and his night-long affords no comfort. What reliance supplications are not accepted; can be placed in the life of one and on the other side is a person who is liable to death? who claims only to be a Prophet

12 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REFUTATION OF THE CHRISTIANS’ FAITH IN THE UNITY OF GOD and God Almighty destroys kings long and his supplication should who are opposed to him. For a not be accepted? Can any heart seeker after truth there is a very draw comfort from the idea that helpful proverb: god should spend nine months in a womb and be nourished on Make friends with the supreme blood and should be born wailing one so that you too should through the usual channel? Can become supreme. any reasonable person accept that after an eternity of time God What use have we for a religion should assume a body and one that is dead and what benefit can part of him should take the form we derive from a book that is dead of man and another should take and what beneficence can a god the form of a pigeon and that bestow upon us who is dead? these bodies should confine Him (Chashma-e-Masihi, Ruhani for ever. Khaza‘in, Vol. 20, p. 353) (Kitab-ul-Bariyyah, Ruhani Khaza‘in, Vol. 13, pp. 86-87) That to which they call us is a low idea and a shameful doctrine. Can reason accept that a humble This concludes the section on ‘Allah the creature who possesses all the Exalted’. From next month, we begin the section on ‘The Holy Prophet’ – Ed. qualities of a man should be called god? Can reason tolerate that creatures should flog their Creator and that the servants of God should spit in the face of the Powerful God and should seize Him and should nail Him to the cross and that He should be helpless in their hands? Can anyone understand that a person should call himself God and should supplicate a whole night

The Review of Religions – September 2005 13 Spiritual Progress to Achieve Closeness to Allah Closing Address delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the worlwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community at the Jalsa Salana Tanzania, 11 May 2005 (The Review of Religions has published this address at its exclusive responsibility).

After bearing testimony to When you are engaged in trying to the Unity of God and that overtake each other in this race, Muhammad(sa) is His then your standards will be of a Messenger, seeking refuge very high level. from Satan, commencing in the name of Allah and having Now see what a lovely teaching recited the opening chapters Allah has given us through which of the Holy Qur’an, Hadhrat we have been shown the way for Khalifatul Masih V said: our religious and material and national progress. In fact, it is the The Holy Qur’an has urged key to success and if we act upon it, Muslims that you should always be we can bring about a radical change concerned and try to do your within ourselves. utmost in performing good deeds and making progress in your Remember, when nations begin to worship, progress in good works, pay less attention towards progress progress in higher values and in good works, or if the con- progress in fulfilling the rights of sciousness that we have to make others. So, Allah does not merely progress in good deeds is no longer expect us to safeguard ourselves there, then a decline begins to set in from evil and do good works but the life of the nation and leads to its has instructed that we should vie downfall and that of its people. with each other in the doing of When evil spreads so much that good deeds. It is as if you are racing their concern towards it disappears, with each other in doing good. then even the care of what is sacred

14 The Review of Religions – September 2005 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS TO ACHIEVE CLOSENESS TO ALLAH and shamelessness ceases to exist. worship Allah Who is Omnipotent in accordance with the ways told Therefore, every Ahmadi should to us by Allah. make the goal of his life to conform to the commandments of Allah The Companions of the Holy which says: Prophet(sa) were so keen in excelling one another in their …Vie then with one another in worship that they were always good works… trying to find different methods of (Ch.2:V.149) worship. Once, some poor Companions got together and Then, in accordance with the came to meet the Holy Prophet(sa) promises of Allah, he would be and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! worthy of reaping the rewards and Our rich brethren pray like us and blessings of Allah. fast like us and do other good works. But in one aspect, they Today, you are poor because of the excel us and are earning greater absence of: reward than us, and this is in their financial sacrifice whereas we are …Vie then with one another in helpless. Their effort is greater good works… than ours. Tell us some way in (Ch.2:V.149) which we can become equal to them in good works.’ Become the persons to restore credibility to your nation and The Holy Prophet(sa) said to them, make its name famous. ‘After every Prayer, start To vie with each other in good saying thirty-three times: works means that you should obey ‘SubhanAllah’ (Holy is Allah) the commandments of Allah. and thirty-three times Allah’s command is that Worship ‘Alhamdulillah’ (all praise Me in the manner that worship belongs to Allah) and thirty- should be done. It is obligatory on four times ‘Allahu Akhbar’ every Ahmadi, therefore, to (Allah is the Greatest)

The Review of Religions – September 2005 15 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS TO ACHIEVE CLOSENESS TO ALLAH

This act will equal their were in trying to excel each other almsgiving and financial in doing good. They wanted to sacrifice.’ excel in doing good works at all times and wanted to make Allah So the Companions began secretly pleased with them. to recite these words. When their richer brothers saw that their less These commandments in the Holy well-off brothers were engaged in Qur’an and such Traditions of the some form of utterance, the well- Companions that have come to us to-do wanted to find out what the are not so that we should listen to less well-off were doing. After them and somehow by being some time, they found out that the safeguarded utter SubhanAllah less well-off or poor were engaged (Holy is Allah), but so that we too in the remembrance of Allah and should try to act upon them. We that the Holy Prophet(sa) had told too should try to follow these them that this was equal to their footpaths. We too should try to financial sacrifices. Upon this the acquire high standards in the well-to-do also began to remember worship of Allah and in the Allah in the same manner. remembrance of Allah. We too should tread these paths and The poor Companions gathered acquire the pleasure of Allah. again and appeared before the Holy Prophet(sa) and said: ‘O Then apart from worship, there are Messenger of Allah, the rich have many social values and there are also started to pray like us.’ many noble and excellent moral values which Allah has They meant that the Holy commanded us to make a part of Prophet(sa) should stop the rich our lives and to continue to make from this worship. But the Holy further progress in these. So, by Prophet(sa) asked, ‘What more can I making these a part of our lives, do about the one whom God has we have to try and bring about a enabled to do good works?’ good change in our lives, because, otherwise, we would slowly See how keen the Companions become insensitive to these

16 The Review of Religions – September 2005 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS TO ACHIEVE CLOSENESS TO ALLAH matters and would not be able to It is narrated in a that the distinguish the good from the bad. Holy Prophet(sa) said that any good Our passion and respect for the word, any wise thing, is the lost sacred and inviolable would be treasure of a believer and confined to mere words and with wherever and whenever he finds the passage of time even that it, the believer should quickly grab would begin to disappear. After it. One advantage of this would be this, as I said earlier, man is that you will not view other people reduced to a wretched existence with envy or hatred and you will while the nation gets sucked up by not be construing their good things a whirlpool to an abyss or very as bad things but you would be great depth. May Allah save every desperate to get rid of your evil Ahmadi from such an end. Out of things. our kindness for mankind as a whole, we pray that Allah protects Anyway, this commandment to vie everybody from such disgrace. with one another in good works will keep elevating you up, and up. In this connection, you should also It is also an instruction for the remember that each good thing nation because it does not mean and each good deed is a good work that each person should make an and it should be acquired. Do not individual effort but in addition to take into account who told you personal effort, the commandment about it or do not try to identify in requires effort to be made on the whom did you find such and such national level also. When you vie a good deed. Even if you see a with each other on a Jama’at and good thing in a Kafir or a national level, it will mean that disbeliever, or in a person of some once you reach a certain stage, you other faith, and you do not have will endeavour to bring your that good work in your brother and fellow countryman to characteristics, then you should that level. You will exert your acquire it without hesitation of any effort to get them to that level. kind and without any trouble or When everyone will be trying to botheration. help one another in this manner, all avenues of progress will be

The Review of Religions – September 2005 17 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS TO ACHIEVE CLOSENESS TO ALLAH

open to you and you will continue The one who is called to enter by to march forever forward. one gate, stands in need of no other gate, but would there be any Now I will quote a few more fortunate one who would be called Ahadith (Traditions - Ed) from from all these gates?’ The which you will be able to see how Prophet(sa) said; ‘Yes, and I hope the Holy Prophet(sa) used to induce that you will be one of the the believers by citing them fortunate ones.’ various examples to improve them. In one Hadith, Abu So, see how he explained by Hurairah(ra) relates that the Holy quoting the example of each good Prophet(sa) said, ‘The person who is work. He has only quoted a few distinguished in any good work examples. He has said that even will be invited to enter the gates of though someone is doing good Paradise for it. He will hear, O deeds but he is very much ahead of Servant of Allah! This gate is others in one particular good better for you. Come through this work, then Allah would call this alone. If he was eminent in the person from that gate. observance of Prayers, he will be summoned from the gate of However, it is not that there should Prayers. If he was illustrious in be someone who says his Prayers , he would be called from the frequently and thinks that he is gate of Jihad; if he was foremost in worshipping Allah although he is fasting, the well-watered gate; if usurping the rights of others. If he he was exemplary in almsgiving, comes to do the Hajj (Pilgrimage the gate of almsgiving would – ed), it does not mean that all his beckon him.’ sins, past and future ones are all forgiven and now no matter how Hearing this directive of the Holy he behaves, he has a passage to Prophet(sa), Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) heaven. If he is a trader, he cheats asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah! My others, derives unreasonable father and mother be sacrificed to profit, or exploits the poor by you! (This is an expression of granting them a loan on which giving love to the beloved person). they are forever repaying the

18 The Review of Religions – September 2005 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS TO ACHIEVE CLOSENESS TO ALLAH interest; all these evil deeds of his Now he has not assigned any one will extinguish the virtue of his method as the formula for going to Prayers and Hajj. The Holy Paradise. But he has said Worship Prophet(sa) said that in order to Allah and bow down before Him enter by any gate of Paradise, he because this is the object of man’s should be distinguished in a good creation as Allah has said: work. Although he should be doing other good works at the And I have not created the Jinn same time, he should be prominent and the men but that they may in one of them. worship Me. (Ch.51:V.57) Having done some good work, those who look down on others Then he has said: Do not commit with great pride thinking that they shirk by associating partners with have pleased Allah, they should Allah. Some people apparently understand clearly that a good observe their Prayers and claim work is one that can be found in all that they are worshipping Allah matters and affairs and which is but there are some traces of shirk consistent and regular. (associating partners with Allah - Ed) hidden in them. For example, Another Hadith makes this if because of one’s work or abundantly clear: business, one has not attended to one’s Prayers on time, then one Hadhrat Abu Ayub(ra) narrates that has not fulfilled the rights of the a person asked the Holy Prophet(sa) Prayers but has preferred one’s to tell him a formula that would work or business to Allah. There take him straight to Paradise. The are many such false gods amongst Prophet(sa) said, ‘Perform worship; people. In one Hadith, it says that do not associate anyone with Him; to trust a magician or sorcerer is say your Prayers in congregation; also a shirk or like a belief in a pay the Zakat; and treat your false god. So one should not think relatives well and in a kind that idol worship alone is a kind of manner.’ shirk but one should save oneself from such hidden false gods.

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As mentioned earlier, the object of generated. When such an man’s creation is the worship of atmosphere is created, then many Allah. Now worship has a internal disputes which arise from particular form that Allah has petty and small matters would taught us. One of them is, automatically end. obviously, Prayers. The true method is to observe Prayers This is why the Holy Prophet(sa) regularly, in the method taught by has said that if you adopt these God, at the appointed time, and to good values, then you would be say it in congregation. So pay worthy of entering Paradise, but attention towards this also. the society in which such good Populate your Mosques. works take place, would find heaven on earth – in this world Then He instructed to pay the also – they will begin to behold Zakat. Those who are not obliged scenes of paradise on this earth. to pay the Zakat, should pay sadaqah (voluntary alms giving - But remember that as I have Ed) and give alms for the poor and mentioned earlier a good work is needy. The Promised Messiah(as) only that which keeps getting has said that one should give better and in whose search man is chanda for the sake of spreading always trying to work. It cannot be the Faith. This is also a big good that you should put your first step work towards which the Jama’at on the rung and keep standing on should pay attention. the ladder because if you keep standing there you will not be able Then there is a good social work to climb higher. In this connection of which he has reminded us, that the Promised Messiah(as) states: is, to treat your relatives well. Look after your close relatives and ‘One should become one who be kind towards your relatives. vies with others. Staying put Because of this benevolent on one station is not a good treatment, love and affection quality. You see, stagnant would be fostered and an atmos- water ultimately begins to phere of brotherhood would be become dirty. Because of mud

20 The Review of Religions – September 2005 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS TO ACHIEVE CLOSENESS TO ALLAH

it begins to smell and becomes standing stagnant in some pit and unpalatable. Running water is if rain falls, then in the beginning always clear and tasty even even small pools and water in though under it there may be some valleys appears to be clean. silt but this silt can have no But if there has been no rain for a effect on it’. long time, then the water would be dirty no matter how big the pool of He says: ‘The same is the water is. There are some animals condition of man that he that swim in it – swim in the pools should not be stationary in one – and make it filthy. Many place. That is a dangerous diseases can also spread from it. position. All the time, the step And if there has been a drought should be in the forward and there has been no rain, then direction. One should improve such pools also dry up. So the in good works because Promised Messiah(as) has said that otherwise God Almighty does if man improves in good works but not help man. In this way man does not benefit from the fresh becomes bereft of light and its rain of new good works, then such ultimate end sometimes is a man would also be like that apostasy. Man becomes blind stagnant water and would make within. God’s succour and help waste all his good works by accompanies only him who is standing in one place. A bad always moving forward in environment will also affect you. good works and does not stand in any one place and it is only But running water is the water of these whose end is good.’ (Al rivers in which the fresh water of Hakam, Vol.12 No.16 dated 2 rainfall gets mixed and fresh March 1908 page 6) springs flow into it, and water from melting snow on high Now see how beautifully the mountains also flows into it. In Promised Messiah(as) has drawn other words, it is getting fresh our attention to improving water from all sources. In ourselves in doing good works. whichever wide area this flowing You all know that if water is river passes through, it bestows its

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benefits to the creation of God. It they would be far removed from fulfils their needs. It cleans the Ahmadiyyat and Islam. Or like the impurities by its flow. unclean water of the pool, you may have some traces of religion but So the person who is keeping his this will be of no benefit for your good works on the move and is future generations. Your future enhancing them, is benefiting generations will be far removed from the good works of other from religion and good works. noble and holy servants of God around him, is trying with prayers Every Ahmadi should, therefore, and the help of Allah to comply always try to get ahead in good with the teachings of the Holy works. Only then will you be like Qur’an on the doing of good the water of the river and just as works and then because he is that water brings benefit to restless to do further good works, everything, you should try to then Allah too showers His benefit yourself and others. And, to blessings and bestows His bring benefit to others is that you bounties on him. Then indeed such should deliver the message of the a man will become like the Messiah of Prophet Muhammad(sa), flowing river which the world the message of the Promised holds in high regard and from Messiah(as) who is the spiritual son which it benefits from it. The of the Holy Prophet(sa). That pollution of the environment has message is the one which Allah no effect on him. sent down to the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa) in order to establish So every Ahmadi like the flowing Allah’s shariah (Law- Ed). water should keep his good works always on the move. From this, not When you adopt good works in only would we benefit ourselves this manner and act on this shariah but would also benefit others. and convey the message of good Otherwise, as the Promised works to the world, then blessings Messiah(as) has said that they of Allah will shower down on you remove themselves from their in great abundance and your good Faith and a time would come when works will progress further. You

22 The Review of Religions – September 2005 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS TO ACHIEVE CLOSENESS TO ALLAH will become ever closer to anything which is not in the Almighty Allah. It is your duty to interest of the Jama’at and for its take this spiritual water that Allah good and which is not good for the sends down on you to others. If nation and which is against the you do not convey this message well-being of the people. If by and this spiritual water which you treading the paths shown by Allah, have received as a result of the you try to establish good works Promised Messiah(as) to others, and improve on them, then there then you would be shutting one can be no affair which can be a gate of good works on yourself means of your ill-reputation, which unless, of course, you have a brings the name of the Jama’at into concern for your brothers and you disrepute and which gives the grab their hands and haul them up nation a bad name. so that they too begin to make progress in good works. Jama’at Ahmadiyya Tanzania has created many such people who You have a general nobility of rose to a high status by making good manners amongst your progress in their good works, who people and are influenced by good advanced in piety and about whom deeds. If you advance in the field even the Jama’at felt proud. They of tabligh, you can bring about a served their nation. Amongst our revolution. You will Insha Allah past Ahmadis is the example of Mr (God Willing), be able to save Amri Obedi. And I hope there will yourselves, save your future be very many in present times also. generations and save your nation as well. So understand well your If you are concerned and worried responsibilities. that your end should be good so that when you come face to face May Allah enable every Ahmadi before Allah, you are the one to man and every Ahmadi woman, earn the pleasure of Allah, then every Ahmadi aged person, and make progress in your worship every Ahmadi child to understand and also advance in your good their responsibilities and to make works. If you conduct yourself in progress in good works. Do not do accordance with divine teachings,

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then indeed you will be the Before I end, I urge you once again beneficiaries of His blessings. that whatever good things you learn Allah is the best One to bestow, the during these two days, make them a One most honest about His part of your lives. When you return promises. Allah runs towards him home, do not forget them. But try who walks towards Him. So if and establish them amongst your there is any weakness, it is within children and your wives. May ourselves. We must try and remove Allah enable you to do that. May it. Allah make you the beneficiary of all those prayers that the Promised Remember that a very great good Messiah(as) said about those who work is to be loyal to your nation take part in the Jalsas. Allah always and to love it. In fact, according to keep you in His protection; and one Hadith, to love one’s country is remove all your worries, sorrows a part of faith. An Ahmadi should and difficulties; and open up many not show the love of his country by ways of progress for this country; word alone but by his actions and and may He continue to increase the biggest means of achieving this in your hearts your loyalty and is by your effort and hard work. By affection for the Jama’at and the establishing the examples of Khilafat. faithful ones, bring your country into the front line amongst nations. May He take you home safely. It is such a large and beautiful and Amin. evergreen country. It is rich in natural resources. This country should have taken its place amongst the developed world. May Allah enable you to bring this about also.

Always remember that an Ahmadi is a peace-loving citizen and shape your lives living within the laws of the land.

24 The Review of Religions – September 2005 The Holy Prophet’s(sa)

BasedKind on a Treatmentspeech at the 39th Annual of Convention His Wivesof the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (UK), July 2005

By Bilal Atkinson – Regional Amir North East, Stockton-on-Tees, UK

The topic I shall attempt to address aunts, and the daughters of thy today concerns the Holy Prophet maternal uncle, and the Muhammad’s(sa) domestic life with daughters of thy maternal special reference to the character aunts who have emigrated with of his relationship with all his thee and any other believing wives, and the kindness he woman if she offers herself (for displayed towards all of them. marriage) to the Prophet However, before I embark on this provided the Prophet desires to wondrous journey depicting love, marry her: this (provision) is kindness and respect, I should only for thee, as against(other) spend a little time explaining some believers – We have already of the background and historical made known what We have points in relation to the Holy enjoined on them concerning Prophet’s marriages. The Holy their wives and those whom Qur’an says: their right hands possess – in order that there may be no O Prophet! We have made difficulty for thee ( in the lawful to thee thy wives whom discharge of thy work). And thou hast paid their dowries, Allah is Most Forgiving, and those whom thy right hand Merciful. possesses from among those (Ch.33:V.51) whom Allah has given thee as gains of war, and the daughters This verse of the Holy Qur’an of thy paternal uncle, and the refers to three kinds of women daughters of thy paternal whom the Holy Prophet(sa) could

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marry in addition to his already her, and the good impression her wedded wives: other qualities had made upon him. It is true Khadijah willingly Women who had migrated to placed all her resources at her Madinah with the Holy Prophet(sa) husband’s disposal, such was her and women who offered respect, affection and trust for her themselves willingly for marriage husband and he, in turn, dis- to him. These special allowances tributed the greater part of her clearly demonstrate that the Holy goods and property among the Prophet’s(sa) marriages were poor, the needy and the afflicted. motivated by pure considerations He also freed all her slaves. other than the sensual gratification that his ignorant and mischievous He thus voluntarily chose a life of critics try to depict. Those who poverty for himself and his wife, had left their homes for the sake of and this speaks highly of Islam and those widows whose Khadijah’s deep affection for her husbands had been killed in wars husband and of her lofty character fighting in defence of or even that she accepted his choice against Islam had special claim on cheerfully. the Holy Prophet’s(sa) generosity, kindness and consideration. It is in The marriage, despite the disparity view of these considerations that in age and affluence, proved a very he married most of his wives. happy one. Khadijah bore Muhammad(sa) several children: of The Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa) these, the sons died in infancy, but was twenty-five years old when he the daughters grew to womanhood married Khadijah, who was forty and in due course married. When at years old and had been twice home, Muhammad(sa) occupied widowed, and had her own himself, as was his practice, in children. In making his own helping with the household tasks decision, Muhammad(sa) must have and taking care of his wife and been principally influenced by the children. kindly treatment Khadijah had accorded him while he worked for Muhammad(sa) was a loving and

26 The Review of Religions – September 2005 THE HOLY PROPHET’S(SA) KIND TREATMENT OF HIS WIVES affectionate husband, showing After Hadhrat Khadija’s death, he tender regard and consideration married Hadhrat Saudah, a pious for Khadijah; she, on her part, was widow of advanced age. He so devoted a wife that when, married all his other wives, fifteen years after their marriage, between 2 and 7 years after her husband received the Divine migration: a critical period when Call, she responded to it he was constantly engaged in immediately and was a constant active fighting and his life was source of comfort and support to perpetually endangered and the him throughout the remaining ten fate of Islam itself hung in the years of their life together. Many balance. years later Muhammad(sa) used to look back to this period of his life The Holy Prophet(sa) also married with fond remembrance. Hadhrat Aisha, the daughter of his closest friend, Hadhrat Abu Bakr. For twenty-five years, and in the Her youthfulness and intelligence prime of his life, the Holy ensured the Holy Prophet’s(sa) Prophet(sa) had observed strict demonstration of Islam and monogamy in his marriage with traditions were accurately Hadhrat Khadija and for twenty- reflected from close quarters as an five years he was her faithful, example for all mankind long after loving husband. Only when she his death. died, after twenty five years of marriage, when he was already He married Hafsah whose husband more than fifty years old and now was killed in the Battle of Badr with the enormous task of and Zainab bint Khuzaimah whose spreading God’s word to mankind husband was killed in the Battle of did he marry again and more than Uhud. He married Umm Salamah, once. During the latter part of his the widow of one of his beloved life after the death of his beloved Companions, who had been left wife Hadhrat Khadija, the Holy with several children to look after. Prophet(sa) married eleven times It is worthy of note that a hundred intermittently. families of the Bani Mustaliq were liberated by Muslims when the

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Holy Prophet(sa) married divorced women – who were by Juwairiyah. He married Zainab no means noted for their youth or bint Jahsh, the divorced wife of beauty. Zaid five years after migration, as he wished to soothe her wounded After this point the Holy feelings as the respected lady had Prophet(sa) lived for about three felt deeply humiliated at being years as virtual ruler of the whole divorced by Zaid. He also married of Arabia when comforts and Umm Habibah, daughter of Abu amenities of life were at his Sufyan, who was widowed (in disposal and yet he entered into no exile in Abyssinia). further marriage. Does not this fact alone establish the honesty The Holy Prophet(sa) married and sincerity of the Holy another widow, Hadhrat Safiya, Prophet’s(sa) motives in marrying seeking union with and his wives? Each of these marriages pacification with her tribe. had a social, merciful or political reason, for he wanted, through the It is recorded that another women he married, to honour widowed lady by the name of pious women, or to establish Maimunah, proposed herself to be marriage relations with other clans taken in marriage by the Holy and tribes for the purpose of Prophet(sa), which he accepted opening the way for the gracefully in the interest of the propagation of Islam. With the education and training of Muslim sole exception of Hadhrat Aisha, women. Lastly, he married Mariah he married women who were 7 years after migration and thus by neither virgins nor young. raising a freed slave girl to the highly eminent spiritual status of The words from the verse I have the ‘Mother of the Faithful’, he quoted earlier – ‘if she offers gave a deathblow to slavery. herself (in marriage) to the Prophet’ – have been taken as These were the pious and specially referring to Maimunah righteous motives of this noble who is reported to have offered Prophet(sa) in marrying widows and herself to be taken into marriage

28 The Review of Religions – September 2005 THE HOLY PROPHET’S(SA) KIND TREATMENT OF HIS WIVES by the Holy Prophet(sa). The clause, who fails to uphold that standard ‘This (provision) is only for thee as in marriage, whether monogamous against other believers,’ means or polygamous, falls short of that that it was a special privilege of which is required of him. As the Holy Prophet(sa) and was due to regards treatment of wives the the special nature of his duties as a Holy Qur’an states: Divine Prophet. The clause may also refer to the special permission ... And consort with them in granted to the Holy Prophet(sa) to kindness; and if you dislike retain all his wives, after the them, it may be that you dislike commandment was revealed a thing wherein Allah has limiting to four the number of placed much good. wives allowed to Muslims at one (Ch.4:V.20) time. It states: These words of the Holy Qur’an And if you fear that you, (the are brief, but contain every detail society), may fail to do justice of how to make married life a in matters concerning orphans success in every way. The stress (in the aftermath of war) then has been laid on men’s duty to be marry women of your choice, kind to their wives and it signifies two or three or four. And if you that the husband’s treatment of his fear you will not deal justly, wife should not only be extremely then (marry only) one or what kind and affectionate, but also of a your right hands possess. That type that is liked and respected by is the nearest way for you to everyone concerned. avoid injustice. (Ch.4:V.4) The Holy Prophet(sa) emphasised In Islam the purpose of marriage is that a husband should make it his that the parties concerned may be habit to overlook trivial faults of enabled to lead their lives at the his wife and not fuss over any highest level of righteousness. minor mistakes on her part. Islam does not permit self- indulgence in marriage and forbids The Holy Prophet(sa) has also said, unchaste behaviour. A Muslim ‘No believer should ever bear a

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grudge against his wife because of The Holy Prophet(sa) attached great an imperfection of hers, for if she importance to a husband’s kind has an imperfection, she has some treatment of his wife. He observed, lovable virtues also which please that after belief in God and in His him.’ (Muslim – Book of Prophet(sa) and in His Faith, the Marriages) deeds of a man in respect of his treatment of God’s servants shall There is a Tradition of the Holy be subject to Divine scrutiny. The Prophet(sa) to the effect that kind treatment of a wife holds a nothing pleases Satan more than a place of high priority, so much so husband and wife quarrelling with that in the eyes of God the best of each other. He further said on one Muslims is the one who is best in occasion that there were some the treatment of his wife. The Holy people who exhibited great Prophet’s(sa) advice on this point is eagerness for getting married, but an excellent illustration of this fact. when they brought their wives to their homes, they neither cared to He said. ‘The best among you is he provide for their sustenance nor who is the best in his treatment of for their comfort. He said that it his wife and I am the best of you in was the duty of the husband to the treatment of my family.’ look after the needs of his wife and (Tirmirdhi - narrated by Hadhrat to be kind to her. Jabir)

The Holy Prophet(sa) has laid so The Holy Prophet(sa), as is true of great a stress on the importance of every aspect of his life, is cordial relations between man and incomparable in his treatment of his wife that once he said, ‘If a his wives. Under Divine guidance, believer puts a morsel in the he has shown us how to promote mouth of his wife out of love, and preserve happy and cordial Allah will reward him for it, relations between man and wife. because it is an act which will He has laid down golden rules please his wife who would feel which, if followed, would serve as that her husband loved her dearly.’ principles against all forms of (Bukhari & Muslim) marital discord.

30 The Review of Religions – September 2005 THE HOLY PROPHET’S(SA) KIND TREATMENT OF HIS WIVES

Unfortunately Western criticism of No man has ever been as kind and Islamic marriage values is based courteous to his wives as the Holy upon a total misconception of the Prophet(sa). spirit of kindness and fairness that Islam tries to inculcate and which He used to help his wives in their was demonstrated by the Holy household chores such as Prophet(sa). kneading flour for bread, fetching water, kindling the fire for Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan cooking, patching his own clothes writes in response to these and cobbling his own shoes. He criticisms: would milk his own goats and would tie his camel and look after ‘..there are unfortunately many it personally. No work was too low among the Muslims (nowadays) for him. In person he would do who fall short of the standard shopping, not only for his own that Islam prescribes (and the household but also for his Holy Prophet exemplified) in neighbours and the helpless. He this respect (of marriage). ...It is never despised any form of work, unfair to ascribe the (marital) however humble it may have been. shortcomings of such Muslims to Islam, as it would be (equally Hadhrat Aisha narrates that the unfair) to ascribe the vicious Holy Prophet(sa) helped her in the immorality that is unfortunately daily household chores, all this so prevalent in the West today to over and above his duties to the . whole of mankind as a Prophet of ..Islam insists upon chastity and God. He mended his own clothes the upholding of moral and and shoes, went himself to fetch spiritual values (within water for his use and would never marriage) as against the seek help in these matters. This Western preference for nominal aspect of his character impressed monogamy and unchecked his companions immensely. promiscuity.’ (Muhammad – Seal of the Prophets p.61) The Holy Prophet(sa) is reported to have said:

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‘The most perfect in faith Again, Hadhrat Aisha has also amongst you is he who is most reported, ‘I once accompanied the courteous, and the best among Holy Prophet(sa) on one of his you is he who is best in the journeys. On the way we stopped treatment of his wife; the more and in a jovial mood we both a man is good to his wife the competed in a short race which I greater shall be his value won. But a few years later when I before Allah.’ had gained weight, the Holy (Tirmidhi – Book of Prophet(sa) had a race with me Marriages) again and easily beat me, and then said, ‘This settles the debt I owed It was a habit of the Holy you!’ (Abu Daud) Prophet(sa) to joke and laugh with his wives within the bounds of The Holy Prophet(sa) was so careful decency. Hadhrat Aisha has concerning the sentiments of reported that once when the Holy women that on one occasion when Prophet(sa) returned from the battle he was leading the prayers he of Tabuk or Hunain, he observed a heard the cry of a child and curtain that hung over a niche in concluded the service quickly, the wall. A gust of wind removed explaining thereafter that as he had the curtain from over the niche and heard the cry of the child he exposed her dolls placed inside. imagined that the child’s mother The Holy Prophet(sa) said ‘Whose would be distressed. He therefore are these dolls?’ She replied that concluded the service quickly so they were hers. Among them was that the mother could attend to the a two-winged horse about which child. he said, ‘Do horses ever have wings?’ And she replied ‘Well! I The Holy Prophet(sa) was so careful thought you knew Solomon’s with regard to the kind treatment horses were winged ones.’ At this of women that those around him the Holy Prophet(sa) burst into a who had not previously been hearty laugh. (Abu Daud Book 41 accustomed to consulting with No.4914) women over important matters found it difficult to improve

32 The Review of Religions – September 2005 THE HOLY PROPHET’S(SA) KIND TREATMENT OF HIS WIVES themselves to the standards that an important social lesson in that the Prophet was anxious to see we should learn that there is established and maintained. nothing wrong in exchanging ideas with our wives on such Hadhrat Umar relates: ‘My wife important matters. occasionally sought to intervene in my affairs with her counsel and I The Holy Prophet(sa) was so would rebuke her, saying that the conscious of the feelings and Arabs had never permitted their sentiments of women that he women to intervene in their always exhorted those men who affairs. She would retort: ‘That is had to go upon a journey to finish all past. The Holy Prophet(sa) lets their errands quickly and return his wives counsel him in his home as soon as possible so that affairs and he does not stop them. their wives and children should Why don’t you follow his not suffer separation longer than example?’ (Bukhari) was necessary. Whenever he returned from a journey he always The Holy Prophet(sa) not only came home during the daytime. If consulted his Companions in most he found night time approaching matters, but was keen for them to towards the end of his journey, he also seek the advice of their would camp outside Madinah for women, as he was aware that the night and enter it next knowledge and wisdom had not morning. He also told his been limited by Almighty God to Companions that when they men only. For example, during the returned from a journey they negotiations of the Treaty of should not come home suddenly Hudaibiya the Holy Prophet(sa) without giving notice of their made the point of consulting his return (Bukhari & Muslim). wife Umm Salama, who gave her opinion, fully aware that the Once Hadhrat Safiyah, a wife of Prophet(sa) did not need her advice. the Holy Prophet(sa), was travelling He thus illustrated his equal regard with her husband. She used to for the opinion of men and wrap herself in a sheet and sit women. In doing this he taught us behind him on the camel’s back.

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Whenever she had to mount the to straighten it out suddenly, you camel, the Holy Prophet(sa) offered are likely to break it. (Muslim – his knee for her to step on. Book of Prophets)

Once the camel on which the Holy Continuing with this analogy, the Prophet(sa) and Hadhrat Safiyah actual curve of the rib provides the were riding, slipped and they both greatest protection for the heart fell down. A Companion, Abu and lungs contained within and to Talha, ran towards the Holy straighten them would be Prophet(sa) to offer assistance but detrimental. the Prophet of God directed him to go to the aid of the lady first. It is narrated that once Hadhrat (Bukhari – Book of Jihad) Safiyah was found weeping and the Holy Prophet(sa) enquired of the On one occasion the Holy cause of her weeping. Hadhrat Prophet(sa) was on a journey when Safiyah said: ‘Hafsah said to me women, including some of his that I was a daughter of a Jew’. wives, were also of the party. At (Tirmidhi - Book of Traditions) one stage the camel drivers, fearing they were late, began to On this, the Holy Prophet(sa) asked drive the camels fast. The Prophet Hadhrat Hafsah to fear Allah and admonished them: ‘Mind the then said to Hadhrat Safiyah: ‘You crystal’ meaning that they should are the daughter of a Prophet; your have due regard to the comfort of uncle was also a Prophet. You are the women. (Muslim – Book of the wife of a Prophet. What Excellences) excellence can Hafsah have over you?’ (Tirmidhi – Book of His reference to the women as Excellences) ‘crystal’ implied that women are precious and delicate. On another Once Hadhrat Aisha and Hadhrat occasion he explained that a Hafsah together addressed woman is by her nature like a rib. Hadhrat Safiyah: ‘We are You can straighten it out with occupying a position of superior persistent gentleness, but if you try dignity with the Holy Prophet(sa)

34 The Review of Religions – September 2005 THE HOLY PROPHET’S(SA) KIND TREATMENT OF HIS WIVES because we are not only his wives in the course of conversation you but also his cousins’. Hadhrat have to refer to God, you refer to Safiyah resented this and Him as the Lord of Muhammad. complained to the Holy Prophet(sa) But if you are not pleased with me, who remarked: ‘Why did you not you refer to Him as the Lord of say your relationship was with Ibrahim.’ (Bukhari V.7 Book 62 three Prophets of God. Hadhrat No.155) Muhammad is my husband, Prophet Aaron was my father and Hadhrat Muawiya al-Qushairi Prophet Moses was my uncle? relates: ‘I enquired of the Holy (Tirmidhi – Book of Excellences) Prophet(sa) what claim my wife had upon me,’ and he replied: ‘Feed Although there are reports of her with that which God bestows Hadhrat Aisha and some of the upon you in the way of food, and Holy Prophet’s(sa) other wives clothe her with that which God losing their temper with him, bestows upon you in the way of never once has it been recorded clothes and do not chastise her nor that the Holy Prophet(sa) reacted in abuse her nor put her out of your the same way. He was never house.’ (Abu Daud – Book of known to have addressed them Marriages) harshly as other men are prone to do. He was extremely kind and fair There were certain special towards his wives. If on occasion directions for the wives of the any one of them failed to comport Holy Prophet(sa) which set forth the herself with due deference towards ideal of good behaviour and him he merely smiled and passed should be emulated by all the matter over. believing women. As regards the standard of life prescribed in the The Holy Prophet(sa) said to Aisha Holy Qur’an for the wives of the one day: ‘Aisha, whenever you are Holy Prophet(sa), he was upset with me I always get to commanded: know it.’ Aisha enquired: ‘How is that?’ He said: ‘I have noticed that O Prophet! Say to thy wives: when you are pleased with me and ‘If you desire the life of this

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world and its adornment, come said to their credit that they chose then, I will provide for you and his companionship rather than send you away in a handsome considering individual material manner. gains.

But if you desire Allah and His If any one of them had elected to Messenger and the Home of part company with him, it would the Hereafter, then truly Allah have entailed no displeasure of has prepared for those of you God, on the contrary she would who do good a great reward. have been handsomely provided (Ch.33:Vs.29-30) materially.

Thus the standard of marital status The Holy Prophet(sa) treated his of a Muslim man and woman is set wives with equality and kindness; up so high that on one hand the he had no jewellery or fancy husband’s treatment of his wife is clothes to please his wives, but he declared to be a measure of his had a most tender and loving moral excellence in the eyes of heart. The treatment of his wives God and on the other hand the and their respect for him show fulfilment of a wife’s duty to her conclusively that the object of his husband is declared to be marriages was anything but self- mandatory to win the pleasure of indulgence. Even as master of God. Arabia he led a simple life. But for all his sobriety in regard to It is to this high standard of the worldly goods, he was ever sacrifice of material benefits and anxious to raise the status of of an affluent lifestyle, which women in his community and these verses of the Holy Qur’an society. refer. The companionship of the Holy Prophet(sa) demanded this Hadhrat Aisha has reported that sacrifice, and his wives had to her great husband had remarked make a choice between a many a time that ‘The best of you comfortable life or his is he who is good to his wife, and companionship, and it should be women are like pleasing roses.’

36 The Review of Religions – September 2005 THE HOLY PROPHET’S(SA) KIND TREATMENT OF HIS WIVES

According to a report from ‘Yes’ and recited the following Abdullah bin Umar, the Holy couplet: Prophet(sa) had declared: ‘the whole world is a thing to be made ‘He is untainted with the use of and the best thing in the defilement of childbirth and world is a virtuous wife.’ (Ibni suckling; and if you look at his Maja – Book of Marriages) resplendent face you will witness a radiant, luminous In this regard Hadhrat Aisha also flash of lightning playing relates: - thereon.’

‘Once I was plying the Hearing this the Holy Prophet(sa) spinning wheel and the Holy dropped what he was holding in Prophet(sa) was sitting near me his hand, stepped forward and mending his shoes. I noticed kissed her forehead and said, ‘The that his forehead was covered pleasure you gave me by what you with drops of sweat which have said has, I believe, far appeared to be emitting a light exceeded the ecstasy of delight whose lustre increased as I which the sight of the drops of my watched them. I was greatly sweat have given you.’ (Rahmat- amazed and the Holy ul-lil-A’alameen: Vol.2, p153). Prophet(sa) looked up. He looked at me and enquired. There are many illustrations of the ‘Oh Aisha! What has amazed profound love and devotion of the you?’ and I replied, ‘O Prophet Holy Prophet’s(sa) wives. of Allah! In the drops of perspiration on your forehead I One incident relates to his wife am noticing a lovely and Maimunah. ‘She met the Prophet sparkling light. By Allah! If for the first time in a tent in the Abu Kabir Hazli had seen you, desert. If their marital relations his verses would fit you had been coarse, if the Prophet(sa) admirably.’ The Holy had preferred some wives to others Prophet(sa) said, ‘Do you because of their physical charms, remember the verses?’ I said, Maimunah would not have

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cherished her first meeting with Even in the final days of the Holy the Prophet(sa) as a great memory. Prophet’s(sa) life, he was ever If her marriage with the Prophet mindful of his kindness to his had been associated with wives and their sensibilities. With unpleasant or indifferent memo- the consent of his other wives, he ries, she would have forgotten decided to remain in Hadhrat everything about it. Maimunah Aisha’s room during his final lived long after the Prophet’s(sa) illness as he had no strength to death. She died full of years but visit them individually in each of could not forget what her marriage their rooms. with the Prophet(sa) had meant for her. All his wives agreed and the Messenger(sa) spent his last days in On the eve of her death at the age Aisha’s room. of eighty years, when the delights of the flesh are forgotten, when He respected and honoured the things only of lasting value and rights of his wives even under the virtue move the heart, she asked to most severe conditions. This was be buried at one day’s journey the Messenger(sa) of God. from Makkah at the very same spot where the Holy Prophet(sa) had Because of his generosity and camped on his return to Madinah, kindness each of his wives thought and where after his marriage she that she was his most beloved. The had first met him. The world idea that any man could show knows of many stories of love absolute equality and complete both real and imaginary, but not of fairness in his relationship with many which are more moving as nine women seems impossible. this.’ (English Commentary of the For this reason, the Holy Holy Qur’an by Hadhrat Mirza Prophet(sa) asked God’s forgive- Bashir Uddin Mahmood Ahmad, ness for any unintentional Volume 1 page clxiv-clxv. Also favouritism he may have available as The Life of committed. He would pray: Muhammad) ‘I may have unintentionally

38 The Review of Religions – September 2005 THE HOLY PROPHET’S(SA) KIND TREATMENT OF HIS WIVES

shown more love to one of proves that the emancipation of them than the others and this women came not in the twentieth would have been injustice. So, century but at the time of the O Lord, I take refuge in Your advent of the Holy Prophet grace for those things which Muhammad(sa) and the religion of are beyond my power.’ Islam, as bestowed by Almighty (Tirmidhi ‘Nikah’ 41/4 God. Bukhari ‘Adab’68)

The Holy Prophet(sa) treated All verses and translations of the Holy members of his family with utmost Qur’an have been taken from the kindness. However, he never English translation of the Holy Qur’an by the late Maulawi Sher Ali published forgot his first wife, Khadija, who with alternative translation of, and was also the first to accept him as footnotes to some of the verses by Prophet(sa). He was a loving father Hadhrat Fourth (as) and a loving husband. But above successor of the Promised Messiah all, he was a servant of God. All and under the auspices of Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Fifth his love was for God. His entire Successor of the Promised Messiah(as) household followed his example and Supreme Head of the Ahmadiyya faithfully. The large family denied Movement in Islam. – (Islam themselves the pleasures of this International Publications Ltd. 2004) world and shared all the hardships of the Prophet’s(sa) life. Upon his demise he left no property, no gold, nor cash for his family, but he did leave a priceless key – a set of Islamic teachings to help unlock the gates of Paradise for all mankind.

The Holy Prophet’s(sa) kindness to his wives is an invaluable example and a tradition perfectly demon- strated for all men to follow, and

The Review of Religions – September 2005 39 PEACE AND

GOVERNANCEBased on a statement by Maulvi Abdul Wahab Adam Amir (Head) and Missionary In Charge of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Ghana, at the Conference on Peace and Governance organised by the International and Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace at Cheong Pyeong International Conference Centre, Korea, from 12- 16 February 2005.

I greet you all with the Islamic because IIFWP’s aim at fostering salutation of peace!- Assalaumu cooperation in the quest for peace Alaikum Warahmatullah in our troubled world is highly Wabarakautuh! - ‘May the Peace, commendable. Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you all.’ The history of our world abounds with countless instances of the It is gratifying to participate in destruction of national and this conference organised by the international peace through wars Inter-religious and International that have painted many lands red Federation of World Peace with the blood of innocent (IIFWP). millions of people - men, women, and children. Prominent among As an adherent of a world religion the causes of these wars have whose very name means been the attempt by countries to ‘PEACE’, I consider it a religious dominate and exploit others, duty that should be discharged racial, religious, and political with absolute commitment. The intolerance, injustice, and denial participation in any endeavour of human rights. These diabolical that seeks to promote peace attempts begin as ideas that anywhere in the world, deserves originate in the minds of leaders every encouragement and support whose world view is shaped by of all genuine lovers of peace nations that reject the equality of

40 The Review of Religions – September 2005 PEACE AND GOVERNANCE man and universal brotherhood. positive direction. Therefore, the Such people wish for others what application of their unadulterated they do not wish for themselves teachings can produce a leadership and their peoples. Thus, the theme which cannot but bring about good for this conference ‘Leadership governance so lacking in many and Governance’ is very apt for countries of the world today. The its bold attempt to discuss and result is the undermining of define the quality of leadership national, regional and international that can ensure good governance peace. and peace in the world. In examining leadership, we must From the religious perspective, it is pose the question: What is easy to discern why God, in His expected of leadership? My infinite wisdom, planned that the submission is that leadership has a organisation of human societies transformational element. A needs to revolve around leaders. Leader should tread a path that The Scriptures of all religions makes an imprint on both his reveal that their Founders did not office and the political, social, and only provide moral leadership the moral environment that he/she through preaching moral values leaves behind. and spiritual verities which aim at transforming the societies to which For this to happen, people aspiring they were sent, they also offered to leadership positions or already leadership in secular matters that in leadership positions must advanced the material conditions recognise the fundamental tenets, of those societies. But even more as mentioned a short while ago, importantly, these religious leaders that should promote good lived the teachings they sought to governance, rule of law, human inculcate. The teachings of rights and peace. Without this, Prophets, including Krishna(as), leadership falls victim to self Budha(as), Confucius(as), Jesus(as), aggrandisement, arrogance, and and Muhammad(sa), exemplified all capriciousness which are recipes that is good and noble and radically for the destruction of peace. influenced their peoples in a

The Review of Religions – September 2005 41 PEACE AND GOVERNANCE

Foundations Of Islamic before and accountable to God for Thought On Governance the manner in which they Let me reflect on the theme from discharge the trust entrusted to the Islamic perspective. The them. starting point of all Islamic thought, whether political, The Moral Basis Of economic, or social, is the truth Government that real ownership, sovereignty, The Holy Qur’an again proclaims and power belong only to God. We the moral basis of government and read in the Holy Qur’an: leadership.

And blessed is He to whom Say, ‘O Allah, Lord of belongs the kingdom of the sovereignty, Thou givest heavens and the earth and all sovereignty to whomsoever that is between them, and with Thou pleasest; and Thou takest Him is the knowledge of the away sovereignty from Hour, and to Him shall you be whomsoever Thou pleasest. brought back. Thou exaltest whomsoever (Ch.43:V.86) Thou pleasest and Thou abasest whomsoever Thou The verse makes it clear that all pleasest. In Thy hand is all empires and kingdoms, and all good. Thou surely hast power instruments of control by man over to do all things.’ man, and even the lower animals, (Ch.3:V.27) are a trust put into his care for the common good of all. No one, This verse is an unmistakable therefore, should presume to act as declaration that sovereignty and if he/she were the absolute master, the right to rule over others because the real proprietorship emanate from God. No one has ownership and dominion over any inherent, personal, intrinsic, everything and everyone rest only or independent claim to it. We are with God. Others in their told that Allah is the King of respective spheres are no more kings, Master of masters. He than TRUSTEES, answerable bestows sovereignty and king-

42 The Review of Religions – September 2005 PEACE AND GOVERNANCE doms upon whomsoever He of justice for the sake of deems fit and takes away relationships, whether at the kingdoms from whomsoever He personal, group, national, or pleases. So when power falls to international levels, through the lot of anyone, it bestows upon bribery, presentation of false him only a mandate, not a right, of evidence, or self interest. absolute ownership. No matter what form authority takes, no The Holy Qur’an says: matter in what shape the instruments of control are O ye who believe! Be strict in fashioned, empires, kingdoms, observing justice, being democracies or dictatorships, witnesses for the sake of Allah, whatever usages or laws are even though it be against established by such agencies, they yourselves or against parents remain answerable and and kindred. Whether he be accountable to God for putting rich or poor, Allah is more them into operation. If their laws regardful of them both than create unrest, discord, strife and you are. Therefore, follow not unhappiness, or if they fail to low desires so that you may be make a positive contribution to the able to act equitably. And if common objective of human you conceal the truth or evade civilisation, these agencies expose it, then remember that Allah is themselves to indictment before well aware of what you do. the august Throne of the Divine (Ch.4:V.136) Maker and Master of the universe. Again it states: Major Injunction For Leaders The Holy Qur’an lays down O ye who believe, be steadfast another important principle for in the cause ofAllah, and bear leadership and that is the witness in equity; and let not a requirement that leaders carry out people’s hostility towards you their duties with strict impartiality incite you to act otherwise than and absolute justice. They should with justice. Be always just, not attempt to pervert the course that is nearer to righteousness.

The Review of Religions – September 2005 43 PEACE AND GOVERNANCE

And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is through His Messengers for our well aware of what you do. guidance. (Ch.5:V.9) Persons in leadership positions at The cumulative effect of these all levels owe it as a duty to verses is that appointees to exercise the mandate given them leadership positions at the local, within the purview of the divine national or international levels are principles which in many to guard against partiality for or countries form the basis of moral against particular individuals, and criminal laws. classes of people, or nations for any reason. We ignore them at our own peril. We ignore them at the expense of We are told, moreover, that this is peace because God alone is the not an arbitrary order devoid of Source of all peace. rational basis. It rests on the sure foundation of a deep truth which leads to far reaching beneficial results when properly observed. Evenhanded justice for all, irrespective of circumstances of birth, race, colour, ethnicity, class or political or religious leaning, is the foremost condition needed to create a sense of security and peace in society and in the world.

Peace As Dividend Of Good Leadership The peace that we seek for our world and which appears to elude us can only be found in our recognition of the principles that our Creator has laid down for us

44 The Review of Religions – September 2005 Report on the 39th Jalsa Salana UK (held at Rushmoor Arena,

Aldershot) Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V - head of the worlwide Ahmadiyya community

By Laiq Ahmad Tahir – UK ushmoor Arena was the new The Jalsa Gah also included MTA venue for the 39th Annual studios, VIP marquees to entertain ConventionR of the Ahmadiyya eminent guests, First Aid facilities Muslim Association UK. Situated manned by qualified doctors and a in the lush green countryside near homeopathic dispensary. Aldershot, the area is known as the home town of the Military British A brief report of the principal Army. highlights follows.

Spanning over 120 acres, the Jalsa Proceedings of Day 1: Gah (the site where the Jalsa or FRIDAY 29TH JULY Convention is held) was The day started with the Friday impressively laid out with the service prayer. Ahmadi men, main marquees surrounded by women and children started to various offices and accom- arrive in such large numbers that modation facilities. The final day’s the main marquee was full even attendance figure was 25,249. before the Friday Service Prayer

The Review of Religions – September 2005 45 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

started. A large number of people explained the verse with particular had to sit outside the marquee. reference to Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention). He had said that if Hadhrat Amir ul Mo’mineen, all the Jalsa participants engaged Khalifatul Masih V, arrived for the in fervent remembrance of Allah, Friday Service Prayer at everyone would be counted 1pm. During his sermon, Hadhrat amongst His loved ones in return. Khalifatul Masih expounded the And who is more fortunate than responsibilities of Jalsa guests. He the one who is near and dear to said that while Islam stresses the Allah, the Almighty! importance of taking care of guests, it also provides clear In the end, Hadhrat Khalifatul guidance on how to be a good Masih rendered general guest. He advised all guests to instructions to the participants of overlook minor lapses by Jalsa Salana. He also requested organisers. Hadhrat Khalifatul everyone to keep all those Masih further elaborated on this Ahmadis at the forefront of all subject with noble and shining their prayers who are currently examples from the life of the Holy suffering an intense and violent Prophet(sa) and the Promised persecution in some countries of Messiah(as). He reminded that a the world. guest who is a true believer is expected to bring blessings for his Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih host and all Ahmadi guests should subsequently led the Jumu’ah prove to be the guests who fulfil Jumu’ah (Friday) and Asr prayers these criteria. in congregation.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih also Flag Hoisting advised that during the Jalsa Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih arrived everyone should spend their days for the flag hoisting ceremony at and nights in the remembrance of 4:30pm. He was greeted with Allah. He quoted the commentary slogans of Allah-u-Akbar (Allah is of the verse by Hadhrat Musleh-e- the Greatest) and Ahmadiyyat Ma’ud(ra), in which he has Zinda-Baad (long live

46 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

Ahmadiyyat). Hadhrat Khalifatul Parliament for London as well as Masih hoisted the Liwa-e- the spokesperson for the European Ahmadiyyat flag which was Liberal Democrat Group on surrounded by 73 other flags, Justice and Home Affairs signifying the international aspect Committee. The Baroness said of the Jalsa. Amir Uk hoisted the that she deeply appreciated the union Jack. After leading the silent motto of the Ahmadiyya prayers Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Community – Love for All Hatred proceeded to the main marquee for for None – and we needed this the inaugural session. motto to face the dangers of the present time. She also praised Inaugural Session Ahmadis for setting an example on The main marquee had an air of how to deal with the potential excitement whilst everyone eagerly conflict of being a British citizen awaited the arrival of Hadhrat as well as being a member of the Amirul Mo’mineen, Khalifatul Muslim faith. Masih V. The stillness of the moment, the happy faces, the Tony Colman, a loyal and glorifying hearts and the satisfied precious friend of the community, souls – the electric feelings of the a former MP for Putney (UK), is Jalsa ran through everyone. currently leading various UN Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih’s arrival projects in Africa. Tony praised was once again greeted with heart- the contributions of Humanity warming slogans. First in leading welfare projects in Africa. He also mentioned his plan With the permission of Hadhrat to set up a Friends of Ahmadiyya Khalifatul Masih, four of the Muslim Association together with eminent guests present for the Lord Avebury. This would be a inaugural session were invited to high profile group that would help briefly address the Jalsa. These to raise awareness of the plight guests included: and persecution faced by Ahmadi Muslims at the hands of Muslim Baroness Sarah Ludford, a zealots in various countries. Tony Member of the European also mentioned his personal bond

The Review of Religions – September 2005 47 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

with Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih British society. The message of IV(ru) and how Hadhrat Khalifatul tolerance and peace preached and Masih’s prayers and homeopathic practised by the Ahmadiyya treatment cured his granddaughter community has never been needed from leukaemia. He said that he more than today. He also said that considered himself an honorary the Ahmadiyya message is the key member of the worldwide to create a harmonious society in Ahmadiyya community. Britain and thus Ahmadis have to play a significant role in creating a Hon. Dominic Grieve, is a peaceful society for the future Member of Parliament and shadow generations of this country. Attorney General. He conveyed his personal greetings and those of Hon. Mark Oaten, MP for Michael Howard – Leader of the Winchester and Liberal Opposition in the House of Democratic Shadow Home Commons. He said that everyone Secretary. It was Mark’s first expe- recognised the con-tributions of rience of attending the Jalsa and he the Ahmadiyya Community to the said that he was very impressed by

48 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA the immaculate orga- nisation of the event.

Inaugural Address Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih started his inaugural address by reciting verse 187 from Surah Al- Baqarah (Ch.2). He said that Allah guarantees to those The speeches and other functions of the UK Jalsa were broadcast live on satellite of His people who television and in 8 different languages submit themselves to simultaneously. Him that He listens to their supplications and responds However, when we beseech to their prayers. However, this guidance from Allah, we should promise by Allah is conditional on envisage those who were the one becoming fully submissive to recipients of these favours from Him. It is, in fact, a huge favour their Lord and pray to Allah that from Allah that He has given us a He may enable us to advance in clear purpose to our life i.e. to virtuous pursuits as well. If, become a true servant of His. Then however, our prayers do not take Allah has also taught us the ways effect, we must become to achieve this purpose by teaching concerned, take our own account us a prayer in the Holy Qur’an: and search our heart and soul to ‘Guide us in the right path: the identify our slackness. Every path of those on whom Thou has Ahmadi should often pray for bestowed Thy blessings’ (Ch.1: guidance in the right path. The Vs.6-7). It is a profound prayer that elevated levels of faith can only we recite several times a day in our be achieved if we offer our Prayers. This supplication is the prayers with more care and essence of Salat (prayer). continue to raise our standards of worship to new heights. In

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Many VIP’s, politicians and special guests attended the UK Jalsa and were given a tour of the site as well as viewing exhibitions about the worldwide Ahmadiyya community.

addition, we will have to cleanse silent prayers and the first day’s our hearts of any impurity and proceedings came to a close. remove all bad practices from our lives. Only then can our prayers PROCEEDINGS OF DAY 2: draw the divine blessings and SATURDAY 30TH JULY prosperity that we implore. Today, First Session only Ahmadiyyat can bring peace The session was chaired by Dr. and guidance to the world. May Mashhood Fashola, Amir of the Allah enable all to bring a Ahmadiyya Muslim com-munity revolutionary change in them- in Nigeria. selves during the blessed days of Jalsa. There were three speeches in this session. The first speech was At the end of this moving address, delivered by Maulana Abdul Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih led Ghaffar Ahmed, Regional

50 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

The Ahmadiyya community’s simple but powerful message.

Missionary UK. Mr Abdul Ghaffar Apa sent a letter to Ahmed is a Ghanaian and an requesting for a missionary to be alumnus of sent to Ghana. In those days, . It is therefore very Hadhrat Maulana Abdur Raheem interesting and commendable that Nayyar Sahib was working as a he delivered his lecture speech in missionary in London. He was eloquent and fluent Urdu. He instructed by Hadhrat Musleh spoke on the ‘inspiring events Mau’ood(ra) to go to Ghana. He set during the establishment of the out on this journey on 9th February community in Ghana and its 1921 and reached Gold Coast progress.’ (Ghana) on 28th February. Within a few weeks, 4,000 people had joined Inspiring Events During the the fold of Ahmadiyyat. Hadhrat Establishment of the Community Maulana Hakeem Fazlur Rehman in Ghana and its Progress Sahib, Hadhrat Maulana Nazeer In 1920, a man called Yusuf had a Ahmad Ali Sahib and Hadhrat dream that a white man was their Maulana Nazeer Ahmad Mubashir ‘Imam’. He mentioned his dream to Sahib are amongst the pioneer Mahdi Apa, the chief of Ashanti missionaries in Ghana. They tribe. Under divine inspiration and travelled the land many a time on with someone’s proposal, Mahdi foot and reached the most remote

The Review of Religions – September 2005 51 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

areas with the message of the true provided for the spiritual needs of Islam for Ghanaian people. It is the His creation by sending prophets to fruit of those extraordinary services all nations and people. This is why and sacrifices by the early the faith of a Muslim is not missionaries that now Ghanaian complete until he declares that all missionaries are serving prophets of God were true in their Ahmadiyyat in various countries of claim. Also, Islam instructs all the world. The Ahmadiyya Muslims to follow the life of all community is actively engaged in prophets as Islam is the several welfare activities in the culmination of the true teachings of country including establishing and all previous faiths. Islam teaches running six hospitals, four respect for other religions and does homeopathic clinics, a homeo- not promote compulsion in matters pathic laboratory that caters to the of religion. Allah the Almighty has needs of the entire African commanded Muslims in the Holy continent, and hundreds of primary, Qur’an to protect the places of secondary and higher secondary worship of other religions and to schools. deal with them justly. The speaker presented several incidents from The second speech of the morning the history of Islam that showed session was on the subject ‘Status how the non-Muslim population of Other Faiths in Islam’ by had enjoyed religious freedom Maulana Mubashar Kahloon Sahib, under Muslim rule. Nazir Islaho Irshad and Mufti e Silsala. Finally, Mr Bilal Atkinson, the Regional Amir of the North East Status of Other Faiths in Islam Region UK, spoke on the topic of The concept of God in Islam is that ‘The Holy Prophet’s(sa) Treatment of the ‘Lord of all the worlds’. of his Wives.’ A gist of this speeche Islam teaches all its followers that is given below: Allah is the Creator of this universe. Just as He has made The Holy Prophet’s(sa) Treatment provisions for the physical needs of of his Wives the human race, He has also This was a moving account of the

52 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

Holy Prophet’s(sa) domestic life. ignore the commandments of Allah This has been reproduced on page and do not make any effort to bring 25 of this issue. a holy change in their lives, fail to fulfil their obligations towards Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih’s Allah and His creation and thus Address to Ladies incur divine punishment. On the In accordance with the traditions of contrary, those who engage in good Jalsa, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih deeds and make the effort to please addressed the ladies at the end of their Lord have been promised the second session. Hadhrat salvation and blessings. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih, together with Khalifatul Masih invited every Hadhrat Begum Sahiba, had earlier Ahmadi to take his or her own presented medals of academic account whether he or she is achievements to Lajna who had fulfilling the purpose of their life achieved outstanding results during and that of the advent of the the last year. Promised Messiah(as) in our time. Ahmadi ladies will be counted Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih(atba) amongst the fortunate people of the started his address with the latter days, as mentioned in the recitation and a brief explanation of Holy Qur’an, only when they will verses 21 and 22 of Surah Al- bring a holy change and raise their Hadid. He said that Allah the standard of worship. Ahmadi ladies Almighty, time and time again, has are not responsible for themselves drawn our attention towards the alone but also have the purpose of our creation in His Holy responsibility for the training and Book. We should therefore ponder education of their future progenies. over these teachings to understand Ahmadi ladies should always this purpose and follow the remember that their charm and commandments prescribed for pride should never lie in their successfully achieving this material possessions but only in purpose. their righteousness. Worldly gains are not everything, it is only an Those people who are totally lost in illusion; understand the purpose of material pursuits in this world and your life and adorn yourself with

The Review of Religions – September 2005 53 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

righteousness as this will truly commandments of Allah and enhance your charm. warned that there will be no paradise for those who do not Ladies spend a lot of money in follow these commandments. He order to wear fashionable clothes. also invited Ahmadi ladies to start It is female nature to want to stand a struggle (jihad) to stem the out from the others. However, the advancement of evils in the dress of an Ahmadi woman should society and uproot them cover her modestly. Hadhrat completely. All such ladies who Khalifatul Masih reminded ladies engage in this jihad will guarantee living in the western society that a paradise for themselves and for they are not giving due importance their future generations. to adequate covering in their dress. Ahmadi ladies should fulfil the The ladies attendance for this standards as commanded by God, session was 8,579. and should protect themselves from exposure to this society. Third Session Those who reach the age of A pre-session was chaired by Mr observing purdah should do so, Rafiq Ahmed Hayat, Amir UK, in but should refrain from adopting which some honourable members double standards. The covering for of the community at large were going outside should be no invited to address the Jalsa. The different to that used for going to following dignitaries addressed the mosque. Ahmadi ladies should the audience: always keep the pleasure of Allah at the forefront in everything they Cllr. George Dawson, The do in life. If you embrace Worshipful Mayor of Rushmoor. righteousness, it will attract the He welcomed Jalsa in Rushmoor. mercy of Allah, your faith will strengthen and you will advance Dr. Prem Sharma, Human Rights further in virtuous deeds. Activist. He said that recent events have brought the British society Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih advised closer together. The Ahmadiyya ladies to follow all the Community has always preached

54 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA harmony. He said the message of Hon. Stephen Hammond, MP for the Ahmadiyya Community is the Wimbledon. He commended the right one. work of Humanity First.

Cllr. David Harmer, represents Hon. Adam Holloway, MP for Waverly Western Villages in Gravesham in Kent also addressed Surrey council. He said that he the Convention. was pleased to see that the community was able to find a new Baroness Emma Nicholson, site for their Convention that was MEP, praised the community for bigger and more suited to their spreading the message of peace in needs. the world, helping the suffering people of Iraq and showing Hon. Lars Rise, Member of kindness, generosity and love for Parliament Norway. He said that others. She also presented a letter the conflict between Islam and the of gratitude to Amir UK on behalf West has become more prominent of the people of Najaf for the since the end of the Cold War. generous help provided to them. However, the differences can only be resolved with love and The Jalsa audience expressed their tolerance. The Ahmadiyya motto gratitude for the kind words and provides a perfect guidance on best wishes from their guests by how to achieve peace in the world. raising traditional slogans at the end of each speech. Tariq Chaudhry, The president of the Pakistan Chamber of At the conclusion of the pre- Commerce and Trade in the UK, session Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih praised the efforts of Humanity arrived in the Marquee to share an First. He said that the Ahmadiyya account of the progress made by Muslim Community him made the Ahmadiyya Community him proud to be a Muslim. He saw worldwide. Whilst Hadhrat Amir Ahmadis as the most hard ul Mo’mineen spoke of these working, pragmatic Muslims. countless blessings, the Heavens also stirred by this moving

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account, showered their blessings. • Despite extremely adverse These droplets of rain could social and political factors, there perhaps be measured but the were 209,799 new converts divine favours showered on the joining the community this year. Ahmadiyya Jama’at are indeed These belonged to 109 countries countless. and 290 nations of the world. The largest number of new Here are some of the facts and conversions was achieved in figures highlighting the progress Nigeria. achieved by the Jama’at in the last year. • There were 985 new branches of the community set up this year. • The community spread to three new countries this year – • The community was blessed namely Gibraltar, Bahamas and with 319 new mosques of which St Vincent. The community now 135 came with their has roots in 181 countries of the congregations and Imams. This world. The number has doubled brings the total number of since 1984. mosques bestowed upon the Community, since 1984, to • A main focus for this year was 13,776. to re-invigorate the links in some of the countries where the • The total number of Mission community had penetrated in houses has increased to 189. the past. In this respect, contacts in Azerbaijan, Macedonia, • Two new translations of the Moldova, Malta, Finland, Holy Qur’an were published – Solomon Island and Venezuela Uzbek and Creole – bringing were strengthened. Hadhrat the total to 60. Another 21 Khalifatul Masih advised the translations are ready for community to concentrate on proofreading. the Tarbiyat of the people who had previously joined the • The sermons delivered by Ahmadiyya Jama’at. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru),

56 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

in 1983 and 1984 have now • The Ahmadiyya Radio in been compiled and published. Burkina Faso is also gaining popularity in local areas. • Almost a million books and pamphlets were printed in 288 • 3,689 new-born children were different languages. presented to the Jama’at under Waqf-e-Nau scheme. The • Hundreds of thousands of scheme now has 19,400 boys people attended 257 exhibitions and 10,200 girls. organised this year. • Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih also • Millions of people visited 2,755 briefly mentioned some of the bookstalls around the world. welfare efforts undertaken by the Ahmadiyya Muslim com- • The first websites in Arabic and munity during the year. Chinese languages were launched. • Last year, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih had expressed his desire • There are 37 hospitals and 465 to increase the number of schools serving the African Musian (persons who have continent under the blessed pledged to abide by the Nusrat Jehan scheme. The conditions of and have community has started estab- bequeathed above one-tenth of lishing schools in Francophone their income and estate upon countries from this year. death to the community) to be increased by 15,000 during the • In addition to MTA, another year. By the grace and mercy of 186 programmes spanning over Allah 16,148 applications have 8,000 hours (this equates to 11 been submitted and are being calendar months) were broad- processed. cast. These programmes were watched by approximately 600 • Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih also million viewers worldwide. mentioned that the purchase of a new Jalsa site of 208 acres at

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Alton in the UK was in its final baptised into Christianity, there was stages. only one heart that kept the love of Allah and His Prophet(sa) ignited. The proceedings of the second day This was Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam concluded at the end of this most Ahmad(as) of Qadian who fervently inspiring progress report. The Jalsa supplicated to Allah to change the audience returned with their hearts fortunes of Islam. At the same time singing hymns of glory on he studied the allegations raised witnessing these favours. against Islam. Ultimately, he entered the arena as a champion of PROCEEDINGS OF DAY 3: Islam under divine inspiration and SUNDAY 31st JULY challenged all religious leaders of Fourth Session the world to a religious bout that Mir Mahmood Ahmad Sahib, should be based on logic and principal Jamai’a Ahmadiyya unquestionable divine support. He Rabwah, chaired the session. The left no stone unturned to prove the session consisted of three speeches. supremacy of Islam over other First of all, Ch. Hameedullah faiths. The speaker illustrated the Sahib, Wakil-e-A’la of Tahrik topic in the light of several Jadid, enlightened the audience on examples from the life of the the topic of ‘The inviolable honour Promised Messiah(as). with which the Promised Messiah(as) held Islam.’ A gist of This scholarly speech was followed these lectures follows. by a moving and inspirational one on the subject of ‘The Institution of The inviolable honour with Khilafat and our Responsibilities.’ which the Promised Messiah(as) This was delivered by Maulana held Islam Ataul Mujeeb Rashed Sahib, Imam When Islam was being attacked of the Fazl Mosque, London. from all directions, and the opponents of Islam had predicted a Institution of Khilafat and our woeful end of this faith, when the Responsibilities Muslims themselves had lost all The demise of each prophet is hope and their leaders were being followed by a second mani-

58 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA festation so that the mission Finally, he mentioned a few started by the prophet himself can shining examples of obedience be taken to its ultimate successful from the companions of the Holy conclusion. Khilafat and prophet- Prophet(sa) and the Promised hood both are bestowed by Allah. Messiah(as) and said that these The only difference is that examples set the standard for us to whereas Allah directly appoints a follow. Today, we should make prophet to his seat, a khalifa is such a firm pledge that we will elected through the faithful follow Hadhrat Khalifatul followers. However, the khalifa is Masih(atba) in every commandment always elected under divine will. in such a way that the angels are The Khilafah is a reward for the proud of our obedience. faithful that is conditional on righteousness and doing virtuous Mr Rafiq Ahmed Hayat, Amir deeds. In return, the Khilafah UK, rendered an inspiring account brings two blessings: the glory of on ‘The Obedience of the Islam and peace in the state of fear. Companions (may Allah be Khilafah in the Ahmadiyya pleased with them).’ Muslim community was estab- lished according to the prophecies The Obedience of the of the Holy Prophets(sa) and the Companions (may Allah be Promised Messiah(as). Imam Sahib pleased with them) briefly mentioned some of the The obedience of the companions blessings of Khilafah that the was driven by their love for the Ahmadiyya community has Holy Prophet(sa). Amir Sahib enjoyed. He also mentioned our explained this point with the help responsibilities with respect to of numerous examples from the Khilafah. Absolute and utmost life of the Companions of both the obedience is the first step, but it Holy Prophet(sa) and the Promised requires listening to everything Messiah(as). He said that the rise of said by Hadhrat Khalifatul Islam was linked to the obedience Masih(atba). If we claim to love our to the authority and when this Khilafah then we must give a obedience gradually withered practical proof of our claim. away, the Muslims lost their glory

The Review of Religions – September 2005 59 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

International initiation ceremony at the hands of the Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V and supremacy. He also said that souls belonging to 109 countries we are fortunate to have the and 290 nations that embraced Khilafah amongst us. It is this rope Ahmadiyyat. Alhamdulillah. of Allah to which we must hold fast. Fifth Session Some more dignitaries attending The International Bai’at the last day of Jalsa were The dignified and moving permitted to address the audience ceremony of the International just before the concluding session. Bai’at has become a traditional part The session was chaired by Mr of the Annual Convention UK. Rafiq Hayat. The following guests This is the time when millions of briefly addressed the convention. Ahmadis around the world renew their pledge of initiation at the Cllr. Diana Whittingham, The hands of Hadhrat Khalifatul Worshipful Mayor of Masih(atba). There were 209,799 new Wandsworth.

60 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

Professor Elizabeth Howlett, Ahmadi, mentioned some of the Member of London Assembly. services rendered by the Jama’at She said that she had enormous in Sierra Leone. admiration for the work done by the Ahmadiyya Community. Message from Presidents of several countries. Amir Sahib Mr Baldev Singh Mehra, The read a message of good wishes representative of Sikh sent to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Gurdawaras. He said that he found by the Presidents of several the Ahmadiyya motto very close countries including Sri Lanka, to his heart. Trinidad and Tobago and Ghana.

Cllr. Judy Saunders, The Concluding session Worshipful Mayor of Merton, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih(atba) said, ‘Your mosque is looked upon arrived in the main marquee for as a symbol of peace.’ She also the final session at 4:28pm. referred to multi-faith prayers held at Baitul Futuh Mosque and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih(atba) commended the community for presented Academic Excellence taking this step. Awards, comprising of a gold medal and a Certificate of Hon. Jeremy Hunt, MP for SW Achievement, to various Ahmadi Surrey, said that Ahmadis have students who had achieved always practised peace and present outstanding results in their studies a loving interpretation of Islam. during the last year.

Mrs. Sharon Rowles, MEP for In his concluding address, Hadhrat South East Region, said that it was Khalifatul Masih(atba) spoke on the her first visit to a Jalsa and she was subject of Tau’hid or the Unity or very impressed by its organisation. Oneness of God. He said that this Paramount Chief Rashid subject has been dealt with in the Kamada-Bongay, Paramount Holy Qur’an from beginning to Chief of Kakwa Chiefdom of Bo end and this is the fundamental Region in Sierra Leone, an condition for accepting Islam.

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All Qur’anic teachings revolve Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih(atba) around the concept of God. One advised all Ahmadis to also take can claim to have a belief in the stock of themselves. Ahmadis absolute unity of God only by should make a greater effort to following the commandments of reform themselves. Those who Allah. understand the subject of Tau’hid will bring a great change in their The culmination of this teaching of lives. When Ahmadis are able to Tau’hid is in the unity of Muslims display these changes, the world as a nation. Unfortunately, today will unite under the banner of there are divides amongst Muslims Ahmadiyyat itself. and this is why they cannot implement Tau’hid in the world as At the end of this enlightening Tau’hid cannot be established address, Hadhrat Khalifatul without accepting the Promised Masih(atba) led silent prayers and Messiah(as). The non-Ahmadi the Jalsa reached its successful Muslims should pray for guidance conclusion. Afterwards, Hadhrat in this matter. If they pray with pure Khalifatul Masih(atba) remained at intentions they will definitely be the stage for a little while and guided by Allah. listened to traditional Arabic and African slogans and anthems. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih(atba) Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih(atba) also invited non-Ahmadi Muslims to visited the ladies marquee and take a look at their state of affairs listened to poems recited by the and ponder over why they are Lajna. facing disappointment at every front. This is only because they oppose the reformer of the time. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih(atba) invited all Muslims to ponder over the message of Hadhrat Imam Mahdi(as) and seek guidance from Allah in this matter and not to adopt the example of people before them.

62 The Review of Religions – September 2005 REPORT ON THE 39TH UK JALSA SALANA

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