Reputed Owners, Lessees Or Reputed Lessees, And
4246 reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and Rodden, Frome Selwood, and Berkeley, or some of occupiers of such lands respectively, will be them, in the county of Somerset; and Burton deposited, for public inspection, on or before the Bradstock, Bothenhampton, "Walditch, Bradpole, thirtieth day of November in the present year, Loders, Netherbury, Poorstock, Toller Porcorum, with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Toller Fratrum, Frome Vauchurch, and Maiden Northumberland, at his office in the town of New- Newton, or some of them, in the county of Dorset; castle-upon-Tyne; with the Clerk of the Peace the periods limited by such Acts respectively, or for the borough and county of Newcastle-upon- some or one of them, for the compulsory purchase Tyne, at his office in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; with of lands and houses for the purposes of the Wilts, the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Durham,' Somerset, and Weymouth Railway, as by the said at his office in the city of Durham, in the said Acts respectively authorized, and also to extend, county of Durham ; and with the Clerk of the in respect of those portions of the line of the, Peace for the county of Cumberland, at his office Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway, as at in the city of Carlisle, in the said county of Cum- present authorized, which are situate within the berland ; and a copy of so much of the said aforesaid parishes, or some of them, the periods plans, sections, and books of reference as relates limited by the said Acts respectively, for the com- to each of the
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