The ‘Amma Tell Me’ Series The ‘Amma Tell Me’ Series is a charming and informative series of children’s books that introduces the major Hindu festivals and figures to young readers in a fun and non-preachy way. Written in rhyme with vivid, captivating illustrations, the books are perfect for families wanting to share stories from with their children or for educators looking for resource on Indian festivals and culture for their students. The series has ten books on the festivals of Holi, Diwali, and on the Hindu gods , and . The book is for children in the 3 to 9 years age group.

Amma, Tell Me About Holi !

Come let’s hear the magical story, First, a tale of colours and childhood fun: Of Holi in all it's vibrant glory. Naughty Krishna and , his loved one. As told to Klaka, an eager little boy Next, an evil king who thought he was God, By his Amma, with dollops of joy. His son Prahalad refused to accept the fraud.

Amma, Tell Me About Diwali !

Brilliant firecrackers lighting up the night, First the celebration of Prince and his Diyas twinkling like stars - what a sight! homecoming, This is Diwali, in all its glory His victory over Ravana, the evil demon King. As told to little Klaka, a magical story. Next a story of , the Goddess of wealth Who rewards her true devotees with fortune and health.

Amma, Tell Me About Ganesha !

We celebrate Ganesha’s birthday Lord Ganesha, loved by one and all With so much fun and lots of fanfare Is the divine son of and His idols are offered to the rolling seas And this is the story of how he and With ardent prayer and tender care. His jumbo elephant head came to be!

Amma, Tell Me About Krishna ! Part 1 of the Krishna Trilogy

The festival of Janamashtami - The story of his magical escape from prison, Celebrates the birth of Krishna, Across the flooded river Yamuna. An avatar of Lord , Helped by a snake called Shesh Naag, Born to rid the world of evil Kansa. His arrival at the home of Nand and Yashoda!

Amma, Tell Me How Krishna Fought the Demons ! Part 2 of the Krishna Trilogy

When Kansa learnt of Krishna's escape, This is the story of how one by one, His rage knew no bound. Krishna bravely fought them all – He summoned all his demons How Putana, Trinavarta, Vatasura and Bakasura And ordered, “I want that boy found!” All met their fall! Amma, Tell Me How Krishna Defeated Kansa ! Part 3 of the Krishna Trilogy

Another story of Krishna’s adventures, And finally, the story of how evil Kansa Fighting Kaliya, a demon in snake form, Tried to kill Krishna, with methods so grim. And lifting a mountain on just one finger, But be they an elephant or ace wrestlers, As a shield from an angry god’s thunder- No one succeeded in harming him! storm.

Amma, Tell Me About Hanuman ! Part 1 of the Hanuman Trilogy

The first book in a series on Hanuman, Born in the being of the Wind god, The god that Amma likes best. Blessed with mighty Shiva’s divinity, The trouble he got into as a baby, The story of the hard lesson that he learned: Trying to gobble up the sun for breakfast. That great power comes with great responsibility.

Amma, Tell Me How Hanuman Crossed the Ocean ! Part 2 of the Hanuman Trilogy

In this new and epic story, The story of how he charmed a mountain, Hanuman leaps across a mighty ocean, Defeated a dragon and crushed a snake. With his forgotten powers regained, How he fought the powerful guard of Lanka, And with his strength, wit and devotion. On his great mission for Rama’s sake!

Amma, Tell Me About Hanuman’s Adventures in Lanka ! Part 3 of the Hanuman Trilogy

Here’s the story of how Hanuman reached See how he uprooted an entire hill; A golden city in search of , lady of his Flew like the wind to save Lakshmana from death; liege. How Rama’s loyal devotee showed us How he faced off with the mighty Ravana What lies in his heart, the reason for his breath. And held his capital Lanka to a fiery siege.

Amma, Tell Me About !

The story of Rama, the righteous prince, Beloved prince of Ayodhya, next in line to be king; Written ages ago by the poet Valmiki. Banished to the forest at his stepmonther’s behest. This is Ramayana - an ancient, epic poem, Fought the demon Ravana to rescue his wife As told by Amma to Klaka and Kiki. Helped by an army of monkeys in his quest.

Bhakti Mathur lives in Hong Kong with her husband, their two sons and their two dogs. She is a banker by profession. Bhakti started the ‘Amma Tell Me’ Series in 2011 as a way to introduce her two young sons to Indian festivals and mythology. Bhakti is a committed writer ambassador for Room to Read, a global non-profit which offers holistic literacy and girls’education programs. An avid reader, a long-distance runner and a yoga enthusiast, when not working or running after her boys, she is happiest curled up with a book in her hand and a hot cup of chai.

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