PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th December 2016 At 8pm in HORSPATH VILLAGE HALL.

Present: Mr T Ayres, Mr K Brooks, Mr P Apologies Dobson (Chairman), Mr J Dobson, Mr P Ewart, Mr M Harris, Mr D Horsley, Mrs H Palmer, Mrs S Watson, Mrs H Kogel (Clerk). Mrs E Gillespie (District Councillor), Mrs A Purse Absent: (County Councillor). Public: 13

195/16 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – There were no apologies to be made. 196/16 DECLARATION OF INTEREST – There were no declarations.

197/16 MINUTES FOR APPROVAL. The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st November 2016 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

198/16 MATTERS ARISING. Mr Horsley stated that the Christmas tree will be put up this coming weekend and all help will be gratefully received.

199/16 MAPLE TREE CHILDREN’S CENTRE – Ms. Vicki Job and Mr Chris Sewell. Ms. Job explained to Councillors that as a result of recent cuts in OCC’s budget, a committee has been formed to try and save the Maple Tree Children’s Centre from closing. They have produced a business plan which will be submitted to OCC and if it is accepted they will become an independent charity. Approximately 60% of the children/families currently using the centre are from Horspath. As a parent it can be very lonely at home and those who signed up for a parenting course state that their confidence grew and so did their families. Approximately 88% of the total people using the centre state that their lives are better for it. Ms. Job stated that they are approaching local Parish Councils to help financially support the centre. Mr Horsley asked how 60% of the children/families in Horspath use the centre. Ms. Job stated that they regularly visit the centre and will attend a variety of other activities/courses offered by the centre. Ms. Job stated that they are also hoping to fund a play bus in the future. Mr Harris asked how many children are able to attend one session. Ms. Job stated that it is hard to predict on a day to day basis. There are two rooms available to use, one of which will take 60 children/adults and also an outdoor area that they encourage people to use. Ms. Job stated that OCC has asked them to express an interest in leasing the building and then they will negotiate a lease on their behalf. They are hoping that the rent will be waived. Mr Harris asked if there were enough staff to operate the centre. Ms. Job stated that they so have enough staff but they are OCC staff who are able to work until their contracts expire. However, the business plan does include sufficient staff. Mr Peter Dobson asked if they hold any accounts. Ms. Job stated that until the charity is approved they are not able to open a bank account. They are approaching charities to ask for their support. The Church of is expressing an interest in overseeing the centre until the charity is operating. Mr Peter Dobson asked how long the centre has been open. Ms. Job stated that the centre has been open for 8 years but their newly formed committee has only been in operation for 6 months. Mr Peter Dobson asked what services the centre offers to families. Mr Job stated that there are a range of services for everyone who has children, parents, grand-parents, uncles, aunts etc. A Health Visitor is also available at the centre. There are peak sessions to prepare children for pre-school as well as school. There are also sessions held on a Saturday. Mr Peter Dobson asked if they have any finances to start up with. Ms. Job stated that there are no funds available at the moment but OCC will fund £30,000.00 over the next three years. Wheatley Parish Council has stated that they will donate at least £10,000.00. They are approaching all local Parish Councils in the hope that they will also make a donation. Mr Peter Dobson asked what is the timing on the agreement with OCC. Ms. Job stated that they have to submit their bid to OCC in January 2017 and if it is successful funds will be in place by March 2017. Mr Horsley asked if there is a charge to families using the centre. Ms. Job stated that there will be a voluntary contribution but if families can’t afford to pay there will be no charge. Children’s Centres have never been allowed to use government vouchers are they are not a children’s nursery. Mr Peter Dobson thanked Ms. Job and Mr Sewell for attending the meeting and stated that this will be considered by Councillors at the next meeting.

200/16 EMERGENCY BUSINESS. Mr Harris stated that he has recently purchased new lights for the Christmas tree and also a new battery for the Parish Council’s Smallholder 135 tractor. Mr Harris reported that he attended a “Save the Green Belt” meeting yesterday which was chaired by Helen Marshall – Director of CPRE Oxon. Landowners owning land in the Green Belt are planning a series of urban extensions with the latest development being proposed to SODC by Brasenose College which is looking to build across the agricultural land from Road all the way along to Road, . This is unacceptable as Horspath wants to remain as a village separated from Oxford by the open land of the Green Belt. The landowners will at some point submit planning applications to SODC for the urban extensions, which could be from as early as mid-January 2017, so there will be little time for Parish Councils to develop a strategy in advance to oppose them. Mr Harris proposed that the Clerk reply to Brasenose College’s agents - Barton Willmore stating that their proposals are inappropriate and an unwelcome development, so therefore there is no purpose in discussing it further at this time. The document from Brasenose College is now in the public domain and is available for anyone to see on the internet. Mr Ewart stated that last year each field was rated to see how it fulfilled each of the five purposes of the Oxford Green Belt, so has this now been discarded? Mr Harris stated that it is still very clear that Green Belt areas cannot be built on unless exceptional circumstances apply. Each District Council has to show in its Local Plan that it has a five year supply of land allocated for housing as central government is promoting development. Mr Harris stated that professional advice will need to be sought once any planning application for building in the Green Belt near Horspath has been submitted. Horspath Neighbourhood Development Plan has to show how land in the village is currently used and how we want it to be used in the future. Mr Harris will be contacting SODC to apply for the £5,000.00 grant to progress our Neighbourhood Plan.

201/16 PLANNING APPLICATIONS. P16/S3729/ Land (Agricultural) Cuddesdon Road, Horspath (Full Application) FUL Steel framed shed to store animal food, tools, grape processing equipment. - Horspath Parish Councillors consider that this application should be approved. P16/S3729/ Land (Agricultural) Cuddesdon Road, Horspath (Full Application) FUL Steel framed shed to store animal food, tools, grape processing equipment. (As corrected by proposed elevation drawings in relation to the eaves of the building accompanying letter from applicant received 22nd November 2016). **Amended details** - Horspath Parish Councillors considers that this application should be approved.

P16/S3516/ 7 Gidley Way, Horspath FUL As amended by plan ref P01 B which shows the existing boundary brick wall being reduced from 1m to 0.6m along the highway boundary. **Amended details** - Councillors would like to re-confirm previous responses that this application should be refused on the basis that it is an over-development of the land that is meant for one house. There is also concern that there is no rear access for emergency services. Mrs Gillespie suggested that a representative of the Parish Council attend the planning meeting at SODC on 14th December 2016. Mr Peter Dobson stated that a representative is not available to attend the meeting, so written objections will be sent to SODC. Mrs Gillespie stated that this is acceptable, but not ideal. Mr Horsley stated that he has attended planning meetings in the past at SODC and has given his objections but the planning application was approved in a pre-meeting at SODC. Mrs Gillespie stated that there are no pre-meetings held. P16/S3993/ Robinson Trees Compound, Sandy Lane, Horspath MPO Modification of planning obligation relating to P97/NO616/RET. - Councillors have no strong views on this application and accepts that SODC will determine it as it considers appropriate. P16/S2902/ 2 Gidley Way, Horspath (Full Application) FUL Erection of detached two storey house and associated works, including revised access, parking and turning area for 2 Gidley Way. Revised application for smaller house design, previous application P16/S0099/FUL was refused. As amplified by the overlay which was received on 15t November 2016 showing a comparison between the refused scheme (P16/S0099/FUL) and the current proposal. **For information purposes only**

PLANNING PERMISSIONS/REFUSALS/APPEALS. P16/S2594/ 1 Wrightson Close, Horspath (Full Application) FUL The erection of a two bedroom bungalow on land to the side of no.1 Wrightson Close, Horspath. – Granted. Mr Horsley stated that although planning permission has been granted, further permitted development rights have been refused. P16/S2971/ Robinson’s Trees Compound, Sandy Lane, Horspath (Full Application) FUL Removal of P02/NO375 Condition(s) 4 (Permission) and 5 (Demolition). – Granted. P16/S3217/ Brookside, 183 Cuddesdon Road, Horspath (Full Application) FUL Redevelopment of agricultural buildings to form 4 office buildings (B1 use) and associated parking (as amended by plan received 18th October 2016 enlarging parking area and widening access). – **This application has been withdrawn by the applicants**

202/16 CLERK’S UPDATE. Repairs to Pathway in Burial Ground – This work has now been completed. Defibrillators – The defibrillators have now been received. Councillors agreed that one will be placed on the wall of the Village Hall and the other on the wall at the main entrance of the School. Mr Peter Dobson will contact Mr Hamlet to arrange fitting. Repairs to hardstanding area at the front of the Village Shop – Waiting for quote. Location of new tree on Village Green – Mr Ayres suggested that the new tree be planted in the corner of the embankment to fill a gap where other trees have been felled. The Clerk will check the location with SODC Forestry Department. Manor Farm Road – Mr Peter Dobson has received a request to lower the curb on the corner of Manor Farm Road/Church Road to enable pushchairs/wheelchairs to cross the road easier to access the shop. It was agreed that the Clerk will contact Mr Keith Stenning at OCC to request a quote for this work to be carried out. Mrs Purse stated that OCC will carry out requests, however the Parish Council will have to fund the works. SODC – Big Clean Up – SODC has asked if there are any particular areas that the Parish Council would like included in this project.

203/16 DISTRICT & COUNTY COUNILLOR REPORTS. Mrs Elizabeth Gillespie (District Councillor) – Mrs Gillespie commented that Horspath is very lucky to have Mr Martin Harris to defend our villages and the Green Belt. Brasenose College did approach SODC to come along and do a presentation but SODC said it was too late. OCC also own a part of the land in the Green Belt and they have agreed for houses to be built. Mrs Gillespie stated that there is a lot of land in South that is not constrained by any policy against development, so building in the Green Belt will not be proposed. The VOWHDC had some land taken out of the Green Belt for housing development. SODC is still looking at possible sites for housing development and the draft Local Plan will be available for consultation at the end of January 2017, however, airfield is still the preferred site for strategic housing development. Mrs Anne Purse (County Councillor) – Mrs Purse reported that a consultation is taking place at the moment with regards to the services to elderly people and the effects of the recent cuts in the budget. Mrs Purse encouraged people to register their objections on OCC’s website. Mrs Purse will pursue the repair to the street light in the village, however, due to the contractors walking out OCC will only carry out repairs that are considered a health & safety issue. There is a priority list of jobs in place for when the new contractor starts.

204/16PRECEPT 2017/18. The Clerk circulated a copy of the draft Precept to all Councillors for consideration and will be finalised at the January 2017 meeting. Councillors agreed that the money set aside for the war memorial will stay in the reserves. A letter has recently been published in the Oxford Mail stating that Horspath Parish Council is spending £80,000.00 on traffic calming. This is incorrect information, as the amount allocated for the traffic calming is £14,500.00. Mr James Dobson suggested a new category on the precept for services, street lights and curbs.

205/16 TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN – Cuddesdon Road. Mr Ayres stated that all Councillors have now seen the plans/drawings produced by Glanville Consultants. Councillors agreed for Mr Ayres to take this forward and arrange for the plans/drawings for Cuddesdon Road to be submitted to OCC for approval. Councillors also agreed that the Oxford Road scheme will be deferred until January 2017.

206/16 REPAIRS TO CHURCHYARD PATHWAY AT MANOR FARM ROAD. Mr Peter Dobson and Mr Ayres are meeting with James Prior tomorrow to discuss the works required. 207/16 ANNUAL REVIEW OF RISK ASSESSMENTS. It was agreed that this item will be deferred until January or February 2017.

208/16 HORSPATH BUS SERVICE. Mr Peter Dobson reported that a meeting has recently taken place with Little Milton, and Parish Councils to discuss the possibility of providing a future bus service. Wheatley and Littleworth Parish Councils were not represented. The general opinion was that providing a bus service would not be financially viable for any of the villages. Mrs Palmer has been in contact with 001 Taxis who will run taxis for Horspath residents for fixed prices from Horspath to specified destinations with a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 8 people sharing the fare. It has been suggested that this initial service could be developed into a scheduled one involving one or two 8-seater Minibuses on runs from Horspath to Cowley Centre and to Oxford City Centre at different times of the day depending on demand. Mrs Palmer has put information about this option on the village website along with a form to be completed by people to indicate their preferred times. The total cost of this service would be £1,500.00 per week, which if used by 500 residents would work out at £3.00 per person per trip. If the village can form groups of people to regularly use the service this would prove a very good offer. Mr Horsley stated that this service would only run if it is used by enough people, if not it would be a higher charge. Mr Horsley thanked Mrs Palmer for all of her help. Mr Horsley stated that another option would be that Horspath Stone Pit Trust could contribute towards the cost of this service which would still be a third of the cost of the bus service provided by Heyfordian bus company. The morning and evening services could be a very popular choice for residents. This could be trialled for a three month period, however a lot of people have now made their own travel arrangements since the 103 bus service stopped. Mr Peter Dobson stated that Horspath has the benefit of being able to support this form of travel financially, however HSPT is not just there to fund a bus service, it is for a range of different things and it would be irresponsible to do that as there are other projects that may require funding in the near future. Mr Ewart stated that he would like to contact Heyfordian Bus Company to find out how many zero fares they had logged, to give a more accurate statistic on how many people were using the 103 buses. Mrs Purse stated that some villages are using the Comet bus service, which is a service for which you can block book time slots, but when they are filled, no more are available. Mr Peter Dobson stated that he had heard from other Parish Councils that this service is ceasing. Mr Harris stated that he has looked at Comet’s website, and they only offer services between the two school bus run times, so this service will not be of any use to people looking to get to and from work. Mr Harris has met with the managing director of 001 Taxis who are prepared to be flexible, if there is no demand there will be no taxi and no cost, if there is demand they will supply a taxi to the destination required. There are no fixed routes, just suggestions of routes and times, so these can be changed if required. They have also agreed to include taking teenagers in/out of Oxford in the evenings. All residents in the village have been given a leaflet with more information. A resident commented that although Wheatley still has a bus service, some residents are interested in the Horspath to Cowley Centre and Oxford city centre service. There are three bus services still operating in Wheatley so it may be worth looking at a service to get people from Horspath to the bus stops for these services. Mr Peter Dobson stated that Councillors are looking at an alternative service to replace the old bus service. Mr Horsley stated that it is illegal for Parish Councils to provide a bus service. Mr Harris stated that he has attended the meetings with all four bus companies and it is just not financially viable for them to continue with the service. The to Wheatley service might conceivably divert to Horspath if people would use the service. If we were to advertise the 001 Taxi service and trial, there will be no cost involved. It was also suggested by 001 Taxis that a radio call button could be installed at the village shop for people to use. They are also developing an app for mobile phones for sharing 001 taxis. Mr James Dobson suggested that we gather the data from residents and see what services are required and then further discussions can take place, however, the service must be viable as the majority of people using a bus service do not pay as they have a bus pass. 209/16 CORRESPONDENCE a. RSN – Rural Opportunities Bulletin. – (Circulated via email). b. OCC – Daytime Support Consultation for People over 18 in Oxfordshire. (Circulated via email). c. PCSO Ryan Dollery – Monthly Update. (Circulated via email). d. Charity Commission – News Autumn 2016. – (Circulated via email). e. OALC – October Update. – (Circulated via email). f. Open Spaces Society – Commons Reregistration Project Officer(s). – (Circulated via email). g. RSN – Weekly Email News Digest 31.10.16. – (Circulated via email). h. RSN – Rural Intelligence from behind the headlines 28.10.16. – (Circulated via email). i. OALC – Minutes & Meetings Training 7.12.16. – (Circulated via email). j. RSN – Rural Intelligence from behind the headlines 4.11.16. – (Circulated via email). k. RSN – Seminar – Grants and Funding. – (Circulated via email). l. Barton Willmore – Copy of submission to SODC’s Preferred Options Consultation. – (Circulated via email). – Mr Harris will draft a reply for the Clerk to send. m. RSN – Weekly Email News Digest 7.11.16. – (Circulated via email). n. RSN – Rural Vulnerability Service – Fuel Poverty. – (Circulated via email). o. SODC – BT Payphone Removal Consultation. – (Circulated via email). p. SODC – New Residential Dwelling to be Numbered 143 Cuddesdon Road. – (Circulated via email). q. RSN – Rural Intelligence from behind the headlines 11.11.16. – (Circulated via email). r. Community First Oxfordshire – News at a Glance. – (Circulated via email). s. RSN – Spotlight on Rural Health. – (Circulated via email). t. RSN – Weekly Email News Digest 14.11.16. – (Circulated via email). u. RSN – Rural Vulnerability Service – Rural Transport November 2016. – (Circulated via email). v. RSN – Free Seminar, Grants & Funding. – (Circulated via email). w. RSN – Weekly Email News Digest 21.11.16. – (Circulated via email). x. OALC – Lobby for Parish Councillors to claim Dependants Carers Allowance. – (Circulated via email). y. OALC – Powers in Relation to Bus Services. – (Circulated via email). z. RSN – Rural Intelligence from behind the headlines 18.11.16. – (Circulated via email). aa. OCC – Entry to Primary or Infant School – September 2017.* bb. RSN – Rural Vulnerability Service – Rural Broadband November 2016. – (Circulated via email). cc. CPRE – Christ Church/Green Belt Campaign. – (Circulated via email). dd. OALC – Training Programme 2017. – (Circulated via email). ee. Oxfordshire South & Vale Citizens Advice – Headlines November 2016. – (Circulated via email). ff. SODC – Takeaway Fined for Mice Infestation. – (Circulated via email). gg. RSN – Weekly Email News Digest 28.11.16. – (Circulated via email). hh. SODC – Councils’ Housing & Homelessness Support among the Best in the Country. – (Circulated via email). ii. RSN – Rural Intelligence from behind the headlines 25.11.16. – (Circulated via email). jj. Ms Mackenzie – Car Parking Issue in Wrightson Close. – (Circulated via email). – Mr Peter Dobson stated that this is being addressed by the Headteacher and the local PCSO. kk. OALC – Monthly Employment Briefing – Mediation. – (Circulated via email). ll. CPRE – News November 2016. – (Circulated via email). mm. OALC – November Update for Council Members. – (Circulated via email). nn. Ms Lewis – Email regarding footpath from the bridge to Gidley Way. – (Circulated via email). – It was agreed that the Clerk will request that this area is included on SODC’s Big Clean Up, however, the pathway is very narrow. oo. SODC – Independent Review of Members Allowances. – (Circulated via email). pp. Ms Valerie Ives – Letter regarding Bus Service. – Noted. qq. Oxfordshire Association for the Blind. – Thank you for donation letter.* rr. OCC – Determination of application to deregister land wrongly registered as Village Green at 5 Church Road, Horspath.* - Noted. ss. Wheatley Park School. – Thank you for donation letter.* tt. Wheatley Parish Council – Newsletter. – (Circulated via email). * original held by the Clerk, copy available on request. # displayed on Village Hall & village noticeboards.

210/16 PAYMENTS. Chq To Whom Paid Details Vat Total £ 2420 Mr R Gray Grass Cutting Burial Ground 129.50 Grass Cutting Play Area 35.00 Diesel 175.91 Grass Cutting Village Areas 25.00 2421 CHEQUE CANCELLED 2422 Wheatley Park School Donation to Prize Giving Awards 150.00 2423 Ox’shire Assoc for the Donation 50.00 Blind DD PWLB Burial Ground Repayment 2166.27 2424 WEL Medical Ltd 2 x Defibrillators & 2 x Cabinets 534.70 3208.20 2425 Mrs H Palmer Payment of Easyspace Invoice 28.75 172.49 2426 JJ Bark Annual Service & Repairs to 78.21 469.24 Tractor/Mower 2427 SODC Emptying Dog Bins 14.65 87.91 2428 Mr P Aries Bus Shelter Maint Oct/Nov 2016 120.00 Xmas Box 20.00 2429 Mrs Hayley Kogel Salary 24/10/16-24/11/16 387.17 2430 Mrs Hayley Kogel Home Office Nov 2016 30.00 TOTAL 656.31 7226.69

PAYMENTS – HORSPATH RECREATION ACCOUNT. Chq To Whom Paid Details Vat Total £ 100043 Mr R Gray Grass Cutting Village Green 665.00 100044 ARB UK Felling of Lime Tree on Village Green 500.00 100045 Mr P Aries Fuel for equipment to clear Village Green 25.00 TOTAL 1190.00

211/16 RECEIPTS – None.

212/16 AOB a. Mr Harris reported that the Council’s Caroni Topper mower needs a service. Councillors agreed for Mr Harris to go ahead and arrange for the service to be carried out, subject to a cost estimate. b. Mrs Palmer asked when the next HSPT meeting will be held. Mr Peter Dobson stated that the date of the meeting will be circulated once a date has been set. Mrs Palmer thanked Mr Harris for his assistance with the work to try to replace the bus service. c. Mrs Watson reported that there are estate agent signs on the Village Green. Mr Horsley stated that the signs are attached to a telegraph pole so are not the responsibility of the Parish Council. Mrs Watson reported that the garden of the house by the footpath on the corner of Manor Drive is like a dumping ground. Mr Clarke commented that it is his garden and he can do as he likes with it. Public: d. Ms Oakley asked what will happen if the school is locked and access to the defibrillator is required. Mr Peter Dobson stated that the defibrillator will be located at the main entrance which is accessible at all times. Ms Oakley asked if people will be trained to use the defibrillators. Mr Peter Dobson stated that the Parish Council can look at the cost involved and then advertise the course on the village website. Mr James Dobson stated that the current guidance is that no training is required. Ms Oakley asked if a grant was available for the defibrillators. The Clerk confirmed that 50% of the total cost will be paid by grant funding. e. Mrs Lewis commented that when she was the owner of the village shop, she was responsible for the cost of any repairs required. Mrs Lewis reported that she is no longer a member of Cancer Research but asked permission to use remembrance labels for the Christmas tree with all donations going to the Church. Councillors agreed to this request. f. A resident commented that if in the future Horspath did become part of Oxford, at least the bus service problem would be solved. g. Mr Gray asked if residents of the village will be consulted about the traffic calming plans as he felt that there is a lot of opposition to having speed humps installed. Mr Peter Dobson stated that with the volumes of traffic coming through the village the chicanes are now outgrown and are not adequate. Mr Gray stated that residents are wondering why they have not been consulted, and that the only way to stop speeding is by installing speed cameras. Mr Peter Dobson also stated that as traffic calming measures are already in place, further consultation is not required. Mr Ayres stated that at some point in the future there will be a planning application, so it will be an agenda item, so residents can come along to the Parish Council meeting. h. Mrs Gray stated that there are elderly people in the village who so not have access to the internet so they are unable to access the form on the village website for selecting the taxi service. Mrs Palmer stated that hard copies of the form will be available in the Hub and also the village shop. i. Mr Clarke reported that there is a problem in the village again with dog mess, including his garden at the front of his property. It was agreed that the Clerk will order signs and Mr Clarke will put them up. j. A resident asked if there is anything that can be done to stop people parking on pavements. Mr Peter Dobson stated that if the Police came around they can prosecute. Mr Brooks stated that unless the car is causing an obstruction it is not illegal. k. A resident asked if it is possible to have people trained to use speed cameras. Mr Peter Dobson stated that this has been suggested to but it was never implemented. The result of volunteers using a speed camera is a warning letter only, and not prosecution, a fine or points on licence, and is therefore not very effective.

213/16 DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS. Parish Council Planning Meeting – Tuesday 20th December 2016 (To be confirmed) Horspath Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 3rd January 2017.