Kamalini Ramdas

Kamalini Ramdas is an expert in . Kamalini’s research, teaching and consulting focus is on examining new ways to create value through business model innovation in service delivery and operations. Another stream of her research examines how entrepreneurial opportunities can move from seed to implemented product or service. She has served as co- principal investigator on a $1.2M grant to model and implement profitable cardiac preventive care via delivery innovation. She has also examined delivery innovation in an array of service industries supported by a grant from the UK Economic and Social Research Council. Kamalini’s research has been published in Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production & Operations Management, the New England Journal of Medicine, Harvard Business Review, and other journals. She has served as Departmental Editor of the & Innovation Department of Management Science. She teaches Business Model Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Operations Management, Healthcare and Econometrics. Kamalini has been a faculty member at the and the University of Texas at Austin, and a visiting faculty member at the Wharton School and the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. She has spoken at the World Economic Forum Davos, TEDx London Business School and at a variety of other executive and professional audiences. Her TEDx talk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fPUIXJzZewd) describes her interest in business model innovation. Kamalini holds a BSc (Hons) Mathematics from St. Stephens College, an MS in from the University of Delaware; and a PhD in Operations Management from the University of Pennsylvania.