Land for Sale in Stokenchurch, Buckinghamshire Land Off Mudds Bank, Stokenchurch, High Wycombe, HP14 3RS

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Land for Sale in Stokenchurch, Buckinghamshire Land Off Mudds Bank, Stokenchurch, High Wycombe, HP14 3RS v1.3 01727 817479 Land for Sale in Stokenchurch, Buckinghamshire Land off Mudds Bank, Stokenchurch, High Wycombe, HP14 3RS Grazing land for sale with paddock potential well situated near Princes Risborough, High Wycombe, Aylesbury, the M40 and M25 Motorways A unique opportunity to own a parcel of lush pasture land in the Chilterns area of Buckinghamshire - one of the most affluent parts of the UK. The land is gently sloping and enjoys elevated views over the picturesque surrounding villages and countryside. The area has a strong equestrian influence. The land is close to a large bridleway network and a parcel of the land to the east has been granted a change of use to equestrian with permission to erect a stable building consisting of four stables, feed / hay store and tack room. This land was sold by Vantage Land prior to planning permission being sought. The land is situated on the edge of the affluent village of Stokenchurch. Properties in the area have become increasingly sought after due to its Chilterns location and the improvement in rail and road connections to London, Oxford and Birmingham. This is also reflected in the rise in land values in the area where land has risen by around 10% in the past 6 months alone. The site is available freehold as a whole or in lots. Lot A: 3.43 acres SOLD Lot C1: 2.04 acres SOLD Lot B: 2.04 acres SOLD Lot C2: 2.04 acres SOLD POSTCODE OF NEAREST PROPERTY:HP14 3RS © COLLINS BARTHOLOMEW 2003 Travel Surroundedbypeacefulcountrysidewithinthe ChilternHillsthevillageisapopularplaceto OfftheA40 liveduetoitseaseofaccesstoLondonand 1.4milestoJunction5oftheM40 Birmingham.Stokenchurchissituatedonthe 2.6milestoSaundertonTrainStation* mainA40roadandhasitsownjunctionoffthe M40,whichconnectsLondontoBirmingham. 3.7milestotheA4010 5.7milestotheA404 ThelargetownofHighWycombeisnearbyand iscurrentlyundergoingextensiveredevelopment, 16.4milestoJunction16oftheM25 includingthedevelopmentofthetown’sexisting * JourneyTimes:6minstoHighWycombe; shoppingcentreandthecompletionofthenew 27minstoAylesbury;50minstoLondon Edenshoppingcentre. ThecountytownofAylesburycanbefoundto Location thenorth.Thetown’spopulationhasdoubled inthelast50yearsduetonewhousing OntheedgeofStokenchurch developments.Atthesametime,thecentre 5.0milestoPrincesRisborough ofAylesburyhasbeenredevelopedwithnew 6.0milestoHighWycombe shoppingareas,pubsandrestaurants. 7.4milestoMarlow Aylesbury’sgrowthisfarfromoverwith 8.5milestoHenley-on-Thames severalnewdevelopmentsduetotakeplace 11.3milestoAylesybury inthecomingyearsincludingamajorhousing developmentinthenorthandthe£100million 11.8milestoAmersham Watersideproject,whichwillcreateovera 12.0milestoChesham thousandnewjobs. 14.7milestoReading ThelandliesjustofftheA40,amajortrunkroad 17.3milestoOxford connectingLondontoWales.Theroadalso 34.0milestoCentralLondon connectsthesitetotheM40.BoththeA4010 towardsAylesburyandA404towardsMarlow Stokenchurchisalargevillagewithinthe andAmershamarecloseby.Thelatteralso countyofBuckinghamshireoneofthemost connectstheM40totheM4. affluentpartsoftheUK.Itislocatedjustinside thecountyborderwithOxfordshire,westof ThetrainstationatSaundertonoffersquickand HighWycombeandsouthofAylesbury. directtraveltoLondoninunderanhour. Tourist & Leisure Equestrian & Recreation SuperblylocatedontheBucks/Oxonborder Alargenetworkofbridlewayscanbefound andclosetotheroyalcountyofBerkshire,the inthelocalareaandthelandhastheunique siteiscentraltomanyshopping,touristand benefitofbeingclosetoabridlewaythatleads leisureattractions. fromPophleysFarmthroughCrowellWood towardsChinnor. Thereisavarietyofexcellentshoppingfacilities inBuckinghamshirefromthelivelyurbancentres Thearea’sequestrianinfluenceisevidentbythe ofAylesburyandHighWycombetopicturesque numberofequestriancentresandridingschools markettownssuchasPrincesRisborough. nearbythatofferawiderangeoffacilities includingstabling. TheriversidetownofHenley-on-Thamesisjust ashortdrivefromthesiteandisbestknownfor StokenchurchislocatedwithintheChilternHills, theannualRoyalRegatta.Visitorscanenjoya astunningareaofcountrysidewithrollinghills boattripdowntheregattacourseorenjoythe andwoodland.Thesebeautifullandscapesoffer manyamenitiesafewstridesfromtheriverbank. visitorsawealthofattractionstoexperience. NearbyReadingishometoamajorshopping Horseridingisagreatwaytoexplorethehillson centre.ArecentpollplacedReadingasoneof anetworkofbridlewaysandthereareplentyof thetoptenretaildestinationsintheUK. ridingcentrestochoosefrom. TheRidgewayliestothenorth-westofthesite. Land Values Itisalongdistancepath,whichfollowsthe northernborderoftheChilternsformanymiles. ThelatestRICSRuralLandMarketSurvey Thewesternhalfofthetrailisamarvellousroute reportsthatland prices increased by forhorseridersandafurther9milestretch around 10% in the last 6 months alone throughTheChilternscanalsoberiddenwestof highlightingthecontinuedappreciationof PrincesRisborough. landasasafehavenforinvestment. Lookingforward,surveyors are very Local Authority optimistic about land price prospects WycombeDistrictCouncil over the next 12 months. QueenVictoriaRoad HighWycombe Land prices have increased by over Buckinghamshire 50% in the past five years, and more HP111BB than 200% in the last decade. Farmers lookingtoexpandareexpectedtocompete BuckinghamshireCountyCouncil fiercelywithinvestorsforlandasitbecomes WaltonStreet morewell-knownasanassetclasswitha Aylesbury proventrackrecordofcapitalgrowth. Buckinghamshire HP201UA Theglobaleconomicrecoveryisstillsporadic andlandisexpectedtoremainanattractive investmentassetoverthecomingyears. Planning ThelandissituatedwithintheChilterns, anAreaofOutstandingNaturalBeauty. House Prices Anydevelopmentwouldbesubjectto Stokenchurchisanextremelyaffluentarea theappropriateplanningpermission. withhouseprices75%abovethenational average.Thesehighpropertypricesshow apremiumthatreflectsthedesirability Method of Sale ofthelocalareaasaplacetolive. Thelandisavailablefreeholdbyprivatetreaty andsoldwithvacantpossession.Thissite isownedbytheownerofVantageLand. Access Thelandbenefitsfromgatedaccesson MuddsBankofftheA40WycombeRoad.Full Viewing vehicularaccessisgrantedtoalllotsviaan Toarrangeasitevisit,pleasecall01727817479 8measement(shown blue on the site plan). [email protected]. Planning for Stables on Land Nearby Change of use and planning permission to erect a stable building consisting of four stables, feed/hay store and tack room and measuring approx. 74 sq m. The land is situated within open countryside in the Metropolitan Green Belt and the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This land was sold by Vantage Land as four lots prior to planning permission being sought. SITE MAP ©CrownCopyright.Allrightsreserved.LicenseNumber100020449. THE PROPERTY MISDESCRIPTIONS ACT 1991 VantageLandLimitedhasproducedtheseparticularsingoodfaithbutcannotguaranteetotalaccuracy. Sizesareapproximate. Purchasersshould verifyanydetailofimportancepriortoviewingandpurchase. Theparticularsarenotanofferorcontract. Commentsmadeingeneraladvertisingmay notapplytothisparticularpropertyandofcourseplanningpermissioncannotbeguaranteed. VANTAGE LAND LIMITED, CHAUCER HOUSE, 4-6 UPPER MARLBOROUGH ROAD, ST ALBANS, HERTFORDSHIRE, AL1 3UR.
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