Illinois State Senate Districts 98Th General Assembly (2013-2014) First Session, 2013

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Illinois State Senate Districts 98Th General Assembly (2013-2014) First Session, 2013 Illinois State Senate Districts 98th General Assembly (2013-2014) First session, 2013 This document includes: • Illinois State Senate districts map, statewide • Illinois State Senate districts map, northeast Illinois • List of Illinois State Senate districts, numerically by district, 2012 • List of Illinois State Senate districts, alphabetically by senator, 2012 Post-Census 2010 districts After the 2010 Census, the Illinois state house and senate districts were redrawn in 2011. The number of districts remained the same as for the post-Census 2000 districts, but the boundaries of the districts changed. These new districts were used as the basis for the general election held in November 2012. The new districts took effect with the beginning of the 98th General Assembly, Session One, in January 2013. They remain in effect through the end of the 102nd General Assembly, Session Two, in 2022. For additional information: Illinois General Assembly Illinois State Senate districts, senators listed numerically by district, 2013 Terry Link 30 D Senator Dist. Party Melinda Bush 31 D Antonio Muñoz 1 D Pamela J. Althoff 32 R William Delgado 2 D Karen McConnaughay 33 R Mattie Hunter 3 D Steve Stadelman 34 D Kimberly A. Lightford 4 D Dave Syverson 35 R Patricia Van Pelt 5 D Mike Jacobs 36 D John J. Cullerton 6 D Darin M. LaHood 37 R Heather A. Steans 7 D Sue Rezin 38 R Ira I. Silverstein 8 D Don Harmon 39 D Daniel Biss 9 D Toi W. Hutchinson 40 D John G. Mulroe 10 D Christine Radogno 41 R Martin A. Sandoval 11 D Linda Holmes 42 D Steven M. Landek 12 D Pat McGuire 43 D Kwame Raoul 13 D William E. Brady 44 R Emil Jones, III 14 D Tim Bivins 45 R Napoleon Harris, III 15 D David Koehler 46 D Jacqueline Y. Collins 16 D John M. Sullivan 47 D Donne E. Trotter 17 D Andy Manar 48 D Bill Cunningham 18 D Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant 49 D Michael E. Hastings 19 D Wm. Sam McCann 50 R Iris Y. Martinez 20 D Chapin Rose 51 R Michael Connelly 21 R Michael W. Frerichs 52 D Michael Noland 22 D Jason A. Barickman 53 R Thomas Cullerton 23 D Kyle McCarter 54 R Kirk W. Dillard 24 R Dale A. Righter 55 R Jim Oberweis 25 R William R. Haine 56 D Dan Duffy 26 R James F. Clayborne, Jr. 57 D Matt Murphy 27 R David S. Luechtefeld 58 R Dan Kotowski 28 D Gary Forby 59 D Julie A. Morrison 29 D Illinois State Senate districts, alphabetically by senator, 2013 Pat McGuire 43 D Senator Dist. Party Julie A. Morrison 29 D Pamela J. Althoff 32 R John G. Mulroe 10 D Jason A. Barickman 53 R Antonio Muñoz 1 D Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant 49 D Matt Murphy 27 R Daniel Biss 9 D Michael Noland 22 D Tim Bivins 45 R Jim Oberweis 25 R William E. Brady 44 R Christine Radogno 41 R Melinda Bush 31 D Kwame Raoul 13 D James F. Clayborne, Jr. 57 D Sue Rezin 38 R Jacqueline Y. Collins 16 D Dale A. Righter 55 R Michael Connelly 21 R Chapin Rose 51 R John J. Cullerton 6 D Martin A. Sandoval 11 D Thomas Cullerton 23 D Ira I. Silverstein 8 D Bill Cunningham 18 D Steve Stadelman 34 D William Delgado 2 D Heather A. Steans 7 D Kirk W. Dillard 24 R John M. Sullivan 47 D Dan Duffy 26 R Dave Syverson 35 R Gary Forby 59 D Donne E. Trotter 17 D Michael W. Frerichs 52 D Patricia Van Pelt 5 D William R. Haine 56 D Don Harmon 39 D Napoleon Harris, III 15 D Michael E. Hastings 19 D Linda Holmes 42 D Mattie Hunter 3 D Toi W. Hutchinson 40 D Mike Jacobs 36 D Emil Jones, III 14 D David Koehler 46 D Dan Kotowski 28 D Darin M. LaHood 37 R Steven M. Landek 12 D Kimberly A. Lightford 4 D Terry Link 30 D David S. Luechtefeld 58 R Andy Manar 48 D Iris Y. Martinez 20 D Wm. Sam McCann 50 R Kyle McCarter 54 R Karen McConnaughay 33 R .
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