10.5005/jp-journals-10064-0063 RESEARCH ARTICLE

Role of with Haritakyadi in Increasing Sperm Count in the Case of Oligozoospermia: An Open-labeled Clinical Trial 1Jitendra Varsakiya, 2Mandip R Goyal, 3Anup B Thakar, 4Shilpa B Donga, 5Divyarani Kathad

ABSTRACT hormone (LH) (19.84%), serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) (33.09%), and serum testosterone (20.56%). Aim and objectives: Infertility is often defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without Conclusion: Results of the present clinical trial indicates that the use of birth control. Around 10% of women aged 25–44 performing Shodhana (biocleansing) with the Haritakyadi Yoga years are estimated to have difficulty conceiving or staying procedure is effective in the case of oligozoospermia. pregnant. Worldwide, 8–12% of couples experience fertility Keywords: , Haritakyadi yoga, Oligozoospermia, problems. Between 45% and 50% of cases are thought to stem Shodhana, Total sperm count, Vajikarana. from factors that affect men. Oligozoospermia refers to semen with a low concentration of sperm and is a common finding in How to cite this article: Varsakiya J, Goyal MR Thakar AB, male infertility. Hence, the present clinical trial was planned Donga SB, Kathad D. Role of Shodhana with Haritakyadi Yoga in to assess the role of Shodhana (biocleansing) performed by Increasing Sperm Count in the Case of Oligozoospermia: An Open- Haritakyadi Yoga in increasing the sperm count in the case of labeled Clinical Trial. J Res Ayurvedic Sci 2018;2(4):233-239. oligozoospermia. Vajikarana therapy improves the nourishment Source of support: Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & and function of the reproductive organs and vitalizes tissues of Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, the reproductive organs, increasing semen potency specially India. administered after Shodhana (biocleansing). Haritakyadi Yoga is mentioned in the chapter of Charaka Samhita for Conflict of interest: None the purpose of Shodhana (biocleansing) before administration of Rasayana and Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) drugs. INTRODUCTION Materials and methods: For the clinical study, 93 male patients suffering from primary or secondary infertility for more than Today, man has achieved tremendous progress in every one year and having sperm count less than 15 million/mL were aspect. Society has become broad-minded, and yet there selected irrespective of religion and caste. The effect of the is no change in the approach toward couples without a therapy was assessed by the status of seminal parameters before and after the Shodhana procedure. child. Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy Results and discussion: Performing Shodhana (biocleansing) after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual with Haritakyadi Yoga induced Vamana (emesis) and Virechana 1 (purgation) with a moderate type of Shuddhi in a maximum intercourse. Worldwide, 8–12% of couples experience number of treated patients. It also provided a statistically fertility problems. Between 45% and 50% of cases are significant increase in the total sperm count (71.24%), sperm thought to stem from factors that affect men.2 Out of motility (16.82%), semen volume (47.14 mL), serum luteinizing these, in about 30–40%, the cause is unexplained and in the rest of the cases, critical illness, malnutrition, genetic abnormalities, pollution, and also side effects of some medicines, hormones, and chemicals are responsible. 1Assistant Professor, 2Associate Professor, 3Director, Professor and Head, 4Professor, 5Post Graduate Scholar In recent years, progress in medical technology has offered hope to many infertile couples, especially in the 1PG Department of Kayachikitsa, Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charaka Samsthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi, India developed world. However, the progress that has been made has raised new medical, ethical, and social issues 2Department of Kayachikitsa, 3Department of Panchkarma, 4Department of Stree Roga and Prasuti Tantra, Institute for Post that require attention not only from health professionals, Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved but also from the society as a whole.3 Further, Haritaki University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India itself is a Rasayana Ausadha, and administration of this 5Department of Shalakya Tantra, Government Akhandanand yoga is described as a preprocedure to Kutipraveshika and Ayurved Collage, Ahmedabad, India as such because of its ability to produce Srotosodhana and Corresponding Author: Jitendra Varsakiya, Assistant Deepana, which will render the body suitable for Professor, PG Department of Kayachikitsa, Chaudhary Brahm Rasayana or Vajeekarana Ausadha. So, curiosity arises to Prakash Ayurved Charaka Samsthan, Vill. Khera Dabar, New Delhi, India. Phone: 9879158817, e-mail: [email protected] seek the reason behind advising the consumption of this

Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, October-December 2018;2(4):233-239 233 Jitendra Varsakiya et al. specific preparation Haritakyadi( Yoga) only before Rasayana Roga (PTSR) Department of Institute for Post Graduate and Vajikarana. Otherwise, as a part of prior detoxification, Teaching & Research in Ayurveda (IPGT & RA) hospital, i.e., Shodhana Karma, any Anulomaka Kalpa could have been Jamnagar, and then were subjected to semen analysis. used. Hence, the present study was planned to evaluate Detailed semenogram along with biomarkers serum FSH, the effect of Shodhana (biocleansing) performed with serum LH, and serum testosterone (in selected cases) was Haritakyadi Yoga in the case of oligozoospermia. done in pathology and biochemical laboratory of IPGT & Shodhana (cleansing procedures/biopurification) is RA Hospital, Jamnagar. A detailed clinical research pro- one of the unique concepts of Ayurveda, which deals forma was filled incorporating all the points of history mainly with elimination of the aggravated from taking, physical examination, and assessment of the the body. These Doshas (toxins and waste material) should treatment. Before recruitment of subjects in the present be eliminated from natural as well as the nearest root of clinical trial, approval from the Institutional Ethics the body. Committee was taken. Ethical clearance was obtained It has been mentioned in Ayurveda that for a perma- from the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Institute nent and prolonged effect of drugs, proper Shodhana is for Postgraduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, must especially in the case of Rasayana (rejuvenate) and Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-361008; vide letter Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) treatment. Hence, all the classics No. PGT/7/-A/ethics/2015-16/2625, dated:11/12/2015. The of Ayurveda advocates the use of Shodhana (cleansing study has also been registered in Clinical Trial Registry, procedures) prior to Shamana therapy especially Rasayana India (CTRI; www.ctri.nic.in) vide CTRI/2016/01/006559. (rejuvenate) and Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) therapies. Shodhana (cleansing procedures) therapy not only increases Diagnostic Criteria6 the bioavailability of the drug, but also cures the ailments. Patients having sperm count less than 15 million/mL were Shodhana (biocleansing) procedures open the occluded selected for the present clinical trial (WHO recommended channels in the body and may enhance the therapeutic standard for normal semanogram 20107, 8). efficacy of the drug.4 Shodhana (biocleansing) prepares the body in such a way that maximum assimilation and utiliza- Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria tion of the Rasayana drugs may occur. Further, Haritakyadi Yoga is specially advised for Shodhana (biocleansing) to be For this study, male patients of age between 20 years and performed prior to the administration of Vajikarana drugs. 40 years having sperm count <15 million/mL (according A previous study on oligozoospermia concluded that to WHO-2010) were included, and patients not having Virechana Karma should be performed before administra- symptoms, i.e., Muktanal (complete prolapse of rectum), tion of Vajikarana drugs, and better and early changes in Kshatagud (fissure of anal), Adhog Raktapitta, Kamagi Vyagra the total sperm count can be achieved by Virechana Karma. (excessive desire of intercourse), Ajirna (indigestion), Nav In this study, significant results in sperm count and reduc- Jwara, Adhmana (raised tension in the abdomen), Ati Snigdha tion in the abnormal form of sperm along with a significant (excessive oiliness), Ati Sthoola (obese), Ati Krisha, Chinta effect on the serum LH hormone level were found.5 Prasakta (stressed), and Ati Sara (diarrhea)9 were eligible for Shodhana. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Known cases of azoospermia and aspermia, suf- fering from varicocele, accessory sex gland infection, To evaluate the effect of Shodhana Karma with Haritakyadi sexually transmitted diseases, severe systemic diseases, Yoga on seminal parameters in the case of oligozoospermia. etc., genetic disorders like Klinefelter’s syndrome, taking treatment for major psychiatric illness, history of previous MATERIALS AND METHODS medications, and trauma, leading to oligozoospermia, Selection of Subjects were excluded from the study. Also, patients not eligible for Shodhana were not included in the study. The present study was an open-labeled clinical trial with efficacy as the end point. For the clinical study, 93 male Laboratory Investigation patients having sperm count less than 15 million/mL were registered after taking their consent and were sub- Serum FSH, LH, and serum testosterone were used as jected to routine hematological, biochemical, and urine biomarkers before and after the treatment in selected examination to rule out any major illness, and if fulfilling patients. These tests were performed only in 40 patients criteria of inclusion for the present clinical trial were reg- due to financial restrictions. Routine hematological and istered from the outdoor patients (OPD) of Kayachikitsa urine examination was carried out to assess the status Department or referred from Prasruti Tantra and Stree of the patient and to exclude other pathologies. These

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Role of Shodhana with Haritakyadi Yoga in Increasing Sperm Count in the Case of Oligozoospermia investigations were done before and after the treatment. was taken. To it, 2 g of Guda was added. To this, half glass In suspected cases, ultrasonography of the scrotum of water was added and heated until it became lukewarm. was done to rule out hydrocele, varicocele, and other About 18 g of Haritakyadi Yoga was given to patients early pathologies. morning on empty stomach. Thereafter, according to the type of Shuddhi at the end Collection of Semen Samples of Shodhana, 3, 5, and 7 days of dietary regimen was given, which included Manda (rice water), Peya (thin gruel), Sexual abstinence of 3–5 days was strictly followed in Vilepi (thick gruel), and Yusha (seasoned pulse soup) in a collection of samples in the study to avoid natural fluc- sequential pattern.12 tuation in semen parameters with duration. Semen analysis was done on registering the patient, Assessment Criteria14 which was taken as baseline, thereafter it was repeated 15 days after completion of the Shodhana procedure. For the purpose of the effect on semen parameters, the semen status at baseline was compared with semen Method of Shodhana reports collected and analyzed after the completion of Samsarjana Krama. Similarly, serum FSH, serum LH, and For the purpose of Shodhana, after the patient qualified serum testosterone were analyzed with baseline and for inclusion criteria and has given consent, for the first endpoint status. 3 days, for Deepana and Pachana, 2 g of Trikatu powder was administered twice in a day with lukewarm water Data Presentation and Statistical Analysis after meal. On the 3rd day, after assessing the status of the patient, ghee in a dose of 40 mL was given10 early morning General data were subjected to suitable statistical analysis, on empty stomach with lukewarm water, and the patient’s such as the paired t test for quantitative paired data. response to it was observed, and accordingly for the next After preparing the master chart of all the required data 5–7 days, an increased dose of ghee was given (double in Microsoft excel worksheet, statistical calculations dosage than the previous day) till the patient achieved were made with the help of SigmaStat 3.5 software. The proper Snehana (internal oleation) features. After comple- results were interpreted as significant p <0.05, highly tion of Snehana, for the next 3 days, whole body massage significant p <0.01, very highly significant p <0.001, and and fomentation were done twice daily.11 During all this insignificantp >0.05. period, the patient was kept on normal diet with precau- tions, to avoid excessive oil or heavy food items. On the Effect of Shodhana day of Shodhana, after massage and fomentation early In 93 registered patients of the present clinical trial, Shod- morning, Haritakyadi Yoga was given for the purpose of hana was performed. These data show that maximum, Shodhana (Table 1). i.e. 49 (52.69%), patients required 5 days for Snehapana (internal oleation), followed by 7 (7.52%) patients who Method of preparation of Haritakyadi Yoga required 7 days for Snehana, and 27 (29.03%) patients For the preparation of Haritakyadi Yoga, 18 g (each in who required 6 days for achieving Snehana. Data the same amount) of fine powder of Haritaki (Terminalia observed during trial reveal that Snehodvega (aversion of chebula Retz.), Saindhava (rock salt), Amalaki (Emblica Sneha) was reported in 84 (90.33%) patients, followed by officinalis Gaertn), Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.), Vidanga Twaka Snigdha (moistening of skin) and Adhastad Sneha (Embelia ribes Burm. f), Rajani (Curcuma longa Linn.), Pippali Darshana (passing of fat in stool) in 28 (30.96%) and 66 ( longum Linn.), and Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) (70.76%) patients, respectively, during Snehapana. Among

Table 1: Details of the Shodhana procedure

Procedure Drug and dosage Duration Deepana and Pachana Trikatu (Shunthi, Maricha, Pippali)—2 g 3–4 days thrice a day with warm water after meal Snehapana Ghee (as per Koshtha and Agni) in increasing dose 3–7 days and Bashpa Bala Taila for massage and Vashpa Sveda 3 days Shodhana Yoga13 Haritakyadi Yoga which contains Haritaki, Saindhava, Amalaki, Guda, In average Vacha, Vidanga, Rajani, Pippali, dose Shunthi—in equal quantity—18 g Samsarjana Krama Regulatory diet regimen as per Shuddhi 3–7 days

Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, October-December 2018;2(4):233-239 235 Jitendra Varsakiya et al.

Table 2: Shodhana overview of 93 patients of oligozoospermia Average for Sneha (ghee) 240 mL Average for days taken for Snehapana (ghee) 5 days Average time taken for the beginning of first Vega 46 minutes Average number of Virechana Vega (purgation) 17.18 Average number of Vamana Vega (emesis) 6 Average total time taken for Shodhana (complete cleansing procedure) 8 hours and 8 minutes Average days for Samsarjana Krama (controlled diet regimen) 5.38 days the patients registered for the present study, 92.47% statistically significant. The 47.14% increase in semen achieved Madhyama Shuddhi (moderate cleaning), 5.37% volume and 16.82% in sperm motility after were also of patients achieved Pravara Shuddhi (excellent cleaning), statistically significant (Table 3). Similarly, 19.84% increase and the remaining 2.15% patients achieved Avara Shuddhi was found in serum LH levels, 33.09% increase in the (least cleaning). Among the 93 patients, 89.24% patients serum FSH level, and 20.56% increase was found in the had Agnidipti (increased appetite), followed by Laghuta serum testosterone level. The findings were statistically (lightness) in 76.44% and Indriya Prasada (cheerfulness) in significant (Table 4). 94.62% patients. Vatanulomana (proper flatus and bowel movement) was observed in 93.54% of the patients after DISCUSSION the completion of the Shodhana procedure. The overall To produce progeny, four things are necessary, i.e., Ritu review of the data collected on 93 patients showed that (proper period), Kshetra (uterus), Ambu (nourishment), 240 g of average Sneha (ghee) was administered in and Beeja (sperm/ovum), and defect in any of these patients. After administration of Shodhana preparation, factors may lead to infertility; among these, Beeja Dushti an average time of 46 minutes was taken to initiate the (defective sperm/ovum) is the prime cause of infertility. firstbout of Vamana. As maximum patients had moderate Oligozoospermia is one of the most prevalent reasons for type of cleaning, an average of 17.18 Vega was reported for male infertility in clinical practice. In most of the cases, Virechana Karma and an average of 6 Vega was reported functional deformity in spermatogenesis is the major for Vamana with Haritakyadi Yoga. On average, 8 hours and reason for oligozoospermia, which involves either a defec- 8 minutes were taken to complete Shodhana. On average, tive mechanism of testosterone or excess production of 5.38 days were taken for Samsarjana Krama (controlled a reactive oxygen specimen or both.15 Acharya Charaka diet regimen) completion (Table 2). has mentioned the fruitfulness of Shodhana Karma as, by the administration of these therapies, the disease RESULTS AND DISCUSSION is cured and normal health is restored; mind becomes Analysis of the effect of the Shodhana procedure on semen clear,16 and helps achieve fertility and virility. Shodhana parameters showed that the mean total sperm count therapies (Fig. 1) play an important role in the manage- before performing Shodhana was 11.59 million/mL, which ment of Shukra .17 In the treatment of Klaibya (impo- was increased to 40.30 million/mL after the completion tency), Acharya Charaka has stated Sneha Virechana, which of the Shodhana procedure. Further, abnormal sperm supports the opinion of Acharya Kashyapa that by the use form was also reduced by 52.12%, which is also highly

Table 3: Effect of Shodhana on seminal parameters of 93 patients of oligozoospermia Mean value million/mL Paired t test Seminal parameters BT AS Diff. % SD (±) SE (±) t p Significance Sperm count (million/mL) 11.59 40.30 −28.71 71.24↑ 11.07 1.15 8.40 <0.001 HS Sperm motility (%) 44.29 51.75 7.45 16.82↑ 21.01 2.19 2.35 <0.01 S Normal sperm form (%) 45.03 84.73 39.70 88.12↑ 14.31 1.49 23.98 <0.001 HS Abnormal form of sperm (%) 36.70 1.57 19.13 52.12↓ 14.78 1.54 10.21 <0.001 HS Semen volume (mL) 1.47 2.80 −1.32 47.14↑ 0.069 0.072 11.35 <0.01 S BT—before treatment, AS—after Shodhana, SD = standard deviation, SE = standard error, HS = highly significant, and ↑ = increase

Table 4: Effect of Shodhana on hormones of 40 patients of oligozoospermia Mean value (ng/mL) Paired t test Hormone BT AT Diff. % SD (±) SE (±) t p Significance Serum FSH (n = 40) 8.43 12.60 4.17 33.09↑% 5.91 0.93 −2.25 0.02 S Serum LH (n = 40) 5.11 6.40 1.27 19.84%↑ 2.14 0.34 −2.43 0.01 S Serum testosterone (n = 40) 526.79 663.17 136.38 20.56↑ 198.64 31.40 2.99 0.001 HS n = 40. S = significant and HS = highly significant 236 JRAS

Role of Shodhana with Haritakyadi Yoga in Increasing Sperm Count in the Case of Oligozoospermia

oxidative stress and maintain an endogenous hormone level, which is helpful to achieve progeny to couple. Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) possesses antioxidant activity, which is attributed to its high phenolic contents, and also has aphrodisiac action. Pippali21 (Piper longum) mainly acts on catalase enzyme. Piper longum possesses aphrodisiac property and has a good carminative property, which is helpful in digesting food in a proper way and leads to better nourishment of Rasa to Shukra Dhatu (all tissue contents), resulting in improvement in Shukra Dhatu.22 Owing to all these properties, Shodhana performed spe- Fig. 1: Mode of action of Shodhana therapy cially with Haritakyadi Yoga may have provided additional benefits to the status of oligozoospermia. of Virechana/Shodhana, Shukra gets the ability to perform proper functioning. CONCLUSION The Shodhana process helps in removing the free radi- cals (oxidants) present in the microcirculatory channels It can be concluded that administration of Haritakyadi of Shukravaha Srotasa (a system related to reproduction), Yoga induces simultaneous Vamana and Virechana and which interferes with the function of Shukra and, by doing can be used as a choice of drug for Shodhana (biocleans- so, increases the activity18 of Shukra (motility). Vajikarana ing) before administration of aphrodisiacs. Findings of drugs (aphrodisiac recipes) should be administered the present clinical trial have given a clue that Shodhana after purifying the body,14 i.e., proper Shodhana either alone can provide statistically significant improvement by Vamana or Virechana. No adverse effect raised in any in the seminal parameters. Thus, it can be concluded from patient during therapy. the present clinical trial that the Shodhana (biocleansing) For the present clinical trial, Haritakyadi Yoga19 was procedure specifically with Haritakyadi Yoga can be per- selected, which has been mentioned by Charaka for the formed before administration of Vajikarana drugs and purpose of Shodhana (biocleansing) to be performed better early changes in total sperm count can be achieved. before administration of Rasayana drugs. From the A significant result in sperm count and reduction in the observations of the present study, it can be said that abnormal form of sperm along with a significant effect administration of 18 g of Haritakyadi Yoga after proper on the serum LH hormone level prove the efficacy of Snehapana, Abhyanga, and Svedana induces Madhyama type Shodhana (biocleansing) as a part of treatment for patients of Shuddhi. As Haritakyadi Yoga contains Vacha, an average of oligozoospermia. of 4 to 6 Vega of Vamana was reported in the initial stage of administration of this Yoga, which was followed by REFERENCES 18 to 20 Virechana Vega in all patients. 1. http://www.charaka.org/oligospermia-low-sperm-count/, Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) has been found to be accessed date: 17/1/2019, 2.50pm effective in breaking the chain reaction and also proved 2. http://www.charaka.org/oligospermia-low-sperm-count/, to have the best hydroxyl radical scavenging activity accessed date: 17/1/2019, 2.50pm 3. https://academic.oup.com/humupd/article/10/4/317/635694, among all. Thus, “Karshana Guna” (scavenging property) accessed date: 21/12/2017, 3.45pm 20 of Haritaki is proved and is helpful in cleansing the 4. Pandit Hemaraj Sharma Vriddha Jivaka Tantra, Kashyapa channels or vessels, and elimination of Dosha corrects Samhita, Vidhotin commentary, Pandit Hemaraj Sharma. the derangement of Apana Vayu, which is responsible for Chaukhmbha Sanskrita Sansthan, Varanasi. edited reprinted ejaculatory function of sperm. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) 2013. Sutra Sthana Adhyaya-2, p.7. is the richest source of ascorbic acid and is needed for the 5. Jitendra Varsakiya et al. Role of virechana karma in increasing sperm count in the case of oligozoospermia: an open labelled smooth functioning of glutathione. An increase in the clinical trial. Int J Res Ayurveda Pharm 2017;8(Suppl 2):134138 concentration of vitamin C increases the concentration http://dx.doi.org/10.7897/2277-4343.08298 of glutathione. Vitamin C increases the cellular content 6. http://www.who.int/rpc/research_ethics/pdf, accessed of glutathione and ameliorates apoptosis. Thus, vitamin date: 11/1/2019, 9:00pm C acts an antiaging agent and immune-booster. Also, 7. WHO Crieteria for normal semenogram 2010. Impact of the vitamin C helps improve the status of male reproductive new WHO Guidelines on diagnosis and practice on male infertility, Open Reprod Sci J 2010;3:7-15. hormones. Polyphenols in Vidanga (Embelia ribes) have 8. Cooper TG, Noonan E, von Eckardstein S, Auger J, Baker shown a positive neuroprotective function and increase HW, Behre HM, Haugen TB, Kruger T, Wang C, Mbizvo MT, the glutathione (GSH) levels of brain, and thus relieve the Vogelsong KM. “World Health Organization reference values

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Role of Shodhana with Haritakyadi Yoga in Increasing Sperm Count in the Case of Oligozoospermia

हिंदी सारांश हरितक्याद योग के साथ शोधन की ओलिगोस㔪र्뤿या मᴂ उपयोगिता - एक चिकित्य परीक्षण

जीतᴂद्र वरसाकिया, मनदीप आर गोयल, ुपअन बी ठाकर, शिल्प बी दⴂगा, दिव्यरानी काथड

सार: जन् नियंत्रण साधन के उपयोग के बिना नियमित संभोग के 12 महीनⴂ के बाद गर 㔭 धारण करने मᴂ अक्षमता को वन㔧्त् के 셂प मᴂ परिभाषित किया जाता है। 25 से 44 वर् की आयु की लगभग 10 प्रतिशत महिलाओं को गर 㔭 धारण करने मᴂ कठिनाई होने का अनुमान है। दनु िया भर मᴂ 8 से 12 प्रतिशत जोड ़ प्रजनन क्षमता की समस्यओं का अनुभव करते हℂ। उनमᴂ से 45 से 50 प्रतिशत मामलⴂ मᴂ पु셁ष को प्रभावित करने वाले कारणⴂ से के लिए सोचा जाता है। ओलिगोस्पर्या शु啍रणु की अल्संख्ता के साथ वीर् को संदर्भत करता है और पु셁ष वन㔧्त् एक कारण है। इसलिए वर्मान नैदानिक ​​परीक्षणक ी योजना बनाई गई थी कि ऑलिगोजोस्पर्या के मामलⴂ मᴂ शु啍रणुओं की संख्य बढ़ने मᴂ हरितकयादि योग द्वरा किए गए शोधन की भूमिका का आकलन किया जाए। वाजीकरन थेरेपी प्रजननअंगⴂ क े पोषण और कार् मᴂ सुधार करती है और प्रजननअंगⴂ क े ऊतकⴂ को महत्पूर् बनाती है, जो वीर् पोटᴂसी को बढ़ते हℂ, विशषे 셂प से शोधन के बाद। हरितकयादि योग का उल्लख चरक संहिता के रसायण अध्यय मᴂ रसायण और वाजीकरण योग के देना से पहले शोधन का उ饍दश् किया गया है। साम嵍र और विधि: नैदानिक ​​अध्यन के लिए, प्राथमिक या द्वतीयक वन㔧्त् से पीड़त 93 पु셁ष रोगियⴂ मᴂ एक वर् से अधिक और 15 मिलियन/एमएल से कम शु啍रणुओं की संख्य होने को चिकित्सय परीक्षणक े लिये चुना गया। चिकित्स के प्रभावक ा आकलन शोधन प्रक्या से पहले और बाद मᴂ सेमिनल मापदंडⴂ की स्थित से किया गया । परिणाम: हरितकयादि योग प्रेरित विरेचन (शुद鴿करण) के साथ अधिक से अधिक उपचारित रोगियⴂ मᴂ मध्म प्रकार की शुद鴿 के साथ शोधन का परिणाम मिले । इसमे कु ल शु啍रणुओं की संख्य (71.24%), शु啍रणु गतिशीलता (16.82%), वीर् की मात्रा (47.14), सीरम LH (19.84%), सीरम FSH (33.8%) और सीरम टेस्टस्टरोन (20.56%) मᴂ सांख्यिीय महत्पूर् वदृ 鴿 प्रदान की। निष्र:् वर्मान नैदानिक ​​परीक्षण के परिणाम इंगित करते हℂ कि ऑलिगोज़स्पर्या के मामले मᴂ (हरितकयादि योग) प्रक्या के साथ शोधन प्रभावी है। शब् कँु जी: आयुर핇द, हरितकयादि योग, ओलिगोस्पर्या, शोधन, कु ल शु啍रणु गिनती।

Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, October-December 2018;2(4):233-239 239