Peer Co-Movement in Crypto Markets G. Schwenkler and H. Zheng∗ February 4, 2021y Abstract We show that peer linkages induce significant price co-movement in crypto markets in excess of common risk factors and correlated demand shocks. When large abnormal return shocks hit one crypto, its peers experience unusually large abnormal returns of the opposite sign. These effects are primarily concentrated among smaller peers and revert after several weeks, resulting in predictable returns. We develop trading strategies that exploit this rever- sal, and show that they are profitable even after accounting for trading fees and frictions. We establish our results by identifying crypto peers through co-mentions in online news using novel natural language processing technologies. Keywords: Cryptocurrencies, peers, co-movement, competition, natural language pro- cessing. JEL codes: G12, G14, C82. ∗Schwenkler is at the Department of Finance, Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business. Zheng is at the Department of Finance, Boston University Questrom School of Business. Schwenkler is corresponding author. Email:
[email protected], web: yThis is a revision of a previous paper by the two authors called \Competition or Contagion: Evidence from Cryptocurrency Markets." We are grateful to Jawad Addoum (discussant), Daniele Bianchi (discussant), Will Cong, Tony Cookson, Sanjiv Das, Seoyoung Kim, Andreas Neuhierl, Farzad Saidi, and Antoinette Schoar, seminar participants at Boston University and the Society for Financial Econometrics, and the participants at the 2020 Finance in the Cloud III Virtual Conference, the 2020 MFA Annual Meeting, the 3rd UWA Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and FinTech Conference, and the 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting for useful comments and suggestions.