PRIEST in CHARGE – Revd Dr Naomi Wormell, The Rectory, 132 High Street, , CB8 9DG 01638 730857 [email protected]

AUTHORISED LAY MINISTERS (ALM) Tracy Grimster, 6 Walton Close, Fordham (Pastoral for Children, Families & Baptism) 01638 721150

READER-IN-TRAINING Dr Tony White, Wayside, Fordham Rd, Newmarket CB8 7AQ 01638 662044


Ashley with Silverley Mrs Sam Bowker-Laing 17 The Green, Ashley CB8 9EB 07483 959722 [email protected] Mrs Michelle Boss 16 Silverley Way, Ashley CB8 9DY 07908 421918 [email protected] Cheveley Mr James Hadlow, St Swithins, Church Lane, Cheveley, CB8 9DJ 07908 224866 [email protected] Mrs Celia Bruce 34 Newmarket Road, Cheveley CB8 9EQ 01638 731601

Kirtling with Upend Lord Fairhaven, Tower, Kirtling CB8 9PA (pa) 01638 732250 Mrs Veronica Aspland, 35 The Street, Kirtling CB8 9PB 01638 730405

Woodditton and Saxon Street Mrs Sheila Bailey, 3 Park Cottage, Kirtling Road, 01638 730815 Mrs Gillian White, Wayside, Fordham Rd. Newmarket CB8 7AQ 01638 662044

ORGANIST - Vacancy

GROUP WEB PAGE: www.cheveleygroup.org

Items for inclusion in 'THE LINK' should be emailed to; [email protected] by the tenth (10th) day of the month before the month of publication. ~ ~ ~ Whilst every effort is made to exclude unsuitable material from this, a parish magazine, responsibility for content remains with the author of any submissions published This magazine is printed and published monthly by; THE LINK – Cheveley Group of Parish churches: Ashley, Cheveley, Kirtling and Woodditton Page updated Oct 20



Contents: April 2021

2 Group Contacts

3 Index & Witnesses 4 From the Rectory Jesus’ appearances after His Resurrection 5 Easter Sunday 7 At the End of the Rainbow The following list of witnesses may help to put all those references in 11 Cheveley PC order….

14 Add to the Link Mary Magdalene 15 Tower Clock Mark 16:9-11; John 20:10-18 Other women at the tomb 17 2020 Quiz Matthew 28:8-10 18 Ashley Photo Competition Peter in Jerusalem Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5 19 A Page of Prayer The two travellers on the road Mark 16:12,13 20 Service Diary and Readings Ten disciples behind closed doors 21 Opening our Churches Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-25 22 Praying in Our Community Eleven disciples with Thomas 23 Woodditton & Saxon Street John 20:26-31; 1 Cor. 15:5 Seven disciples while fishing 25 Woodditton PC John 21:1-14 Eleven disciples on the mountain 28 Garden Club Matthew 28:16-20 29 All Saint’s Kirtling A crowd of 500 1 Corinthians 15:6 34 Uncle Eustace Jesus’ brother – James 36 Any Berry Jam 1 Corinthians 15:7 Those who saw the Ascension 37 The Funny Page Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:3-8 38 Useful Information

Cover picture: Sunrise by John Sheppard


WHAT DOES EASTER MEAN to you? A Double Bank-Holiday Weekend? Planting Potatoes? New life in the garden and fields? Resurrection to eternal life of Jesus from the dead? Family round for a roast lamb dinner, easter-egg hunt and simnel cake for tea? Whether or not we are Christians, Easter is as significant in the calendar as is Christmas. It may seem more low-key, but it still shapes the year; the traditions may seem smaller, but they are just as significant and just as set in the national psyche. Easter is coming, and we all notice it in some way.

This year Easter will seem different. Thank goodness it shouldn’t be like last year when there was a total lockdown, but it won’t be like any year before either.

This year there is just one Easter Sunday service, on Sunday 4th April at 11am in Woodditton. Most people will have to stay outside the church (there will be provision inside for those who really should not be sitting outside). There will be no singing, no catching up and mingling with friends, no coffee after the service, no exchange of the peace, no hugs and handshakes. In fact, it might not feel like much of a celebration at all. (Please check website/church noticeboards/social media in case weather or rising Covid infections mean we have to change worship plans)

This year we are reading St Mark’s Gospel, and there the first Easter day doesn’t feel like much of a celebration either! The women who hear that Jesus has risen just run away and forget to pass the message on to the rest of the disciples. Somehow, the muted non-celebratory style this year feels just like a Markan Easter; a bit flat if we are to be honest.

And yet, even though Mark tells a rather downbeat story, the reality of the resurrection was true and it is a triumph. Even though our Easter celebrations might seem rather downbeat (maybe lamb chops for two not a roast for the family; Zoom Easter Egg hunts rather than family fun at the National Trust; simnel cakes with only one marzipan ball for Jesus as the disciples are excluded under social distancing rules) we are celebrating and there is new life, whether that’s God’s eternal life or just the miracle of new growth in the spring.

No-one should feel forced to attend worship, but if you feel safe, please do come to the service on Easter Sunday (it is about the only “going out” we can do at the moment) and please bear with the down-beat tone of the service, but do celebrate in your own heart that new life is here. Revd. Naomi


Easter Sunday

This year we will hold just one service on Easter Sunday, April 4th, in Woodditton Church at 11am. This will be a service of Holy Communion and everyone from all our four villages – Cheveley, Ashley, Woodditton, Kirtling, is welcome to attend.

To enable social distancing in the church, it is likely that some of the congregation may have to sit or stand outside. We will therefore make the service as short as possible. It will however last at least 30 minutes.

Please can I encourage you to dress for the weather: wrap up warmly, wear wellies and bring an umbrella with you. You may also wish to bring a folding chair!

I know that some of you should not be sitting outside for a 30 minute service, and so if you really need to be inside, please let me know and I will book you a seat inside Woodditton church. If you are able to sit or stand outside church for the service there is no need to book, so please just turn up.

If terrible weather is forecast* for Easter Sunday we will make alternative arrangements, so please check the website, social media and church notice boards if the weather turns foul.

Revd. Naomi 01638 730857. [email protected]

* https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/cb8

The Christian church has the resurrection written all over it. - E G Robinson

There is not a single pessimistic note anywhere in the New Testament after the resurrection. - Andrew W Blackwood

Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime. - Martin Luther



St Mary’s Church, Cheveley ‘At the End of the Rainbow’ Appeal


After many years of fundraising, in 2020 we completed the first of our planned projects by installing a fully accessible toilet and upgrading the kitchenette. The long-term aim is for modernisation with enhanced heating, improved lighting and flexible seating options. This will provide a more adaptable and friendly space with better access for all the usual activities of a parish church (worship services, prayer meetings, youth events, baptism, weddings, funerals, etc.) and a wide range of community activities, school visits, concerts, exhibitions, performances, and meetings. The modernisation will be done in several phases as time and money allow. Firstly, we need to start with the repair and repainting of crumbling walls to protect them from further deterioration. The result will be a brighter more welcoming building. After that we hope to refurbish the Nave. The current space is inflexible with the late Victorian pews anchored to the floor. We would like to replace those in need of repair with chairs, the rest we would make free standing so we can re- configure the space to suit the occasion. Our church conservator has recommended that the Victorian wainscoting be removed to allow the plasterwork behind to be inspected and repaired as it is suffering from damp. We will also take the opportunity to repair some loose and damaged parts of the parquet flooring. We anticipate the cost of this phase of the project will be in the region of £20,000. We have already received one grant and have applied for several more, but we will still need to raise a substantial amount from donations – a task even more difficult in current circumstances.

Please will you help us to fund some of these costs? . Give a donation? . Sponsor the purchase of a new chair? With your own plaque. . Hold a fundraising event! . Consider joining our 200 Club Lottery?

You can pick up an appeal leaflet from the church, download a copy from the CG website or contact the appeal organiser, Celia Bruce on 01638 731601 or email [email protected]. Every penny raised will support our project plus all donations and grants will be publicly acknowledged.






Cheveley Parish Council - Tuesday 9th March 2021

On Tuesday 9th March meetings of Cheveley Parish Council and Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity were again held via an online meeting platform. Parish Councillors, CCllr. Mathew Shuter, DCllr. Alan Sharp and members of the public were in attendance. Much of the meeting was dominated by matters relating to the Cheveley Parish Hall. Renovation work was nearing completion. However additional improvements would continue if and when funds were available. In order to help to assess this it was agreed to hold an Extra Ordinary meeting on Tuesday 23rd March by which time it was hoped that more accurate budget figures would be available. Presently the work was behind schedule by around one month but the main building work should be completed by 23rd April. Items including a large safe and an oil tank that were surplus to requirements would be offered for sale on e-Bay. Cllr. Marvin reported that she had undertaken a site visit and gave a rundown of the procedure involved in the reparation of the retaining wall between the neighbouring property and the Parish Hall. It was agreed that the floor of the garden room and kitchen would be covered in the same style of vinyl as that in the hall. Whilst extra work was being carried out it should be possible, subject to Covid-19 restrictions, to take some bookings for hiring the rooms at the hall. There are two rooms which would be suitable to hold meetings etc. – one on the site of the old Chapel and the other overlooking the garden. Once all the work had been completed the official opening event would take place and it was anticipated that this would be held on Sunday 1st August. In view of the expenditure on this project being more than originally anticipated, there would be limited spending available for other projects during the next financial year. Cllr. Fullerton had looked at the possibility of laying a new surface on the footpath from Brook Stud to Broad Green. Cllr. Treanor had attended a LHI Panel Meeting that considered speed reduction signs near Hobbs Warren in Oak Lane. The outcome of this would be known in June. Cllr. Day provided details of the cost of applying for a lamp post attachment licence for the Parish Council’s Moveable Vehicle Activated Signs. As it would save funds in the long run to apply for the licence in both North and South Wards, it was agreed to apply for all the proposed locations at the same time. Bird and bat boxes had been placed in various locations including the cemetery and the recreation ground. Thanks were given to Mr Alan Seager for providing these free of charge and to Matilda Malagueira and her team for making the arrangements. It was agreed to donate £50 towards the purchase of a sign indicating Oak Tree Corner which has been installed. cont/



The Neighbourhood Plan had not advanced as much as it had been hoped but it could still be a possibility that a consultation on it could take place in May which could result in it being published by the end of the year. CCllr. Mathew Shuter and DCllr. Alan Sharp gave their reports. East was still one of the least Covid-19 affected areas in the country. A programme of repairing pavements, drains and gullies would be undertaken throughout the area by Cambs County Council. Councillors were asked to warn residents that there had been a spate of dog thefts and also thefts of catalytic converters in the region recently. There had been excellent candidates nominated for the McCalmont Cup and the new award for Young Volunteer of the Year. Recipients for each category were chosen and would be awarded with their trophies at the Annual Parish Meeting which is due to take place on Tuesday 20th April.

At the meeting of Cheveley Pavilion and Recreation Ground Charity which followed the Parish Council meeting, Cllr. Fullerton reported that the damaged barbeque had been repaired by resident Mr Alan Lentle who was thanked for this. A new lock to a toilet door had been fitted. However since then further vandalism has taken place. Police ref: CF 35/14910/21. Work on the perimeter wall was expected to resume towards the end of May. English bluebells would be planted later in the year. Arrangements were in hand for a meeting to be held between representatives of Cheveley Sports Club and some Parish Councillors.

The next full meetings of the Parish Council and the Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity would take place on Tuesday 13th April. For full details of these or any other matters please contact: the Clerk, Mrs Marilyn Strand [email protected], tel. 01638 780835 or consult the website (www.cheveley-pc.gov.uk).



What can I add to The LINK?

We know that many people take much from The LINK but for the past year many activities which generate announcement notices, flyers and progress reports that can be of interest to the church and community at large have been ‘covid restricted’. Whilst recovery is on the horizon other items of interest are in demand. One helpful reader has suggested we attempt to find out what readers would like to see featured in the magazine. Some suggested features include….

word search: yes, did you like the one in the March edition? gardening tip: yes, although not strictly ‘in the group’ we publish ECG’s notices but have you a green fingered tip to share? recipe: yes, this has been tried in the past without reaction, but we can try again. (not banana bread) quiz: yes, I love a good quiz (see page 17) Could you set one? craft: yes, who, having found a new craft they enjoy, is willing to tell us all about it? photograph: yes, we do this for magazine’s cover page and colour can be a premium, but for the right picture we can find space. walks: yes, nowadays there are a lot more people doing so. What have you seen on a walk that you could share with us? History: yes, an article on church or village history perhaps with an old photo or two? ‘200 word’ story: yes, but only 200 words is the challenge! (This item is a little less than 300 words excluding footnote)

Hopefully you will have spotted an underlying theme here. What would you like to see and please, ask yourself, ‘what can I add to The LINK?’ Let us know by emailing [email protected] or using the contact form on the CG website www.cheveleygroup.org Thank you. Editor

Footnote: The LINK - history. It is believed that The LINK began as a ‘village newsletter’ in the latter years of the 1970’s when Revd Arthur Davis (’75 –‘87) was vicar for the parishes of Cheveley, Woodditton, Saxon Street, Kirtling and Upend. Later, towards the end of the 1980’s, that ‘village newsletter’ became The LINK after a ‘committee’ was formed by Revd Alan Homer (’87 to ‘96). The search for early copies goes on.


St Marys Church Cheveley The Future of the Tower Clock

Have you ever stopped near the church to check the time of day? Do you hear it strike the hour? Would you miss it if it stopped?

Interesting facts: The clock is more than 120 years old. The current mechanism was installed to celebrate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. The clock strikes the bell 156 times a day or 1064 times a week. Over its lifetime this is nearly 7 million strikes. Each strike releases 39.545mm of cable. In those 120 years the weight has descended (and been wound back again) more than 160 miles. 120 years is nearly 4 billion seconds, the pendulum swings once a second. It needs to be wound every two or three days. That means a round trip of 86 steps each occasion which equates to over 10500 steps per year.

General information: The clock is by “Smith and Sons” of Derby, installed in 1897-1898. The much older clock (circa 1750) it replaced is housed in a case alongside. The hour is struck on the Tenor bell, one of a ring of five bells that no longer ‘swing’. They are all rung by ropes attached to the clappers via pulleys in the clock chamber. The clock has not been serviced professionally for several years and many parts are in need of repair or replacement. As our team of volunteers are getting smaller in number, and in order to keep the clock working for the next century, we think the way forward would be to have the clock repaired, the clockfaces cleaned and re-gilded and the mechanism fully automated.

Would you help us raise the £18000 needed? If so, please contact Celia on 01638 731601 or [email protected]




St Mary’s Church, Ashley Photographic Competition

For all you budding photographers: We would like you to send to us a photograph that depicts each month of the year. Each month the photographs will be displayed within the church and the top five will be featured on our Facebook page. You will then have a chance to vote for your favourite.

The winner for each month will be featured within our St Mary's Church calendar for 2022. The calendars will be printed in A4 and will be available to purchase at end of January 2022.

So we need your photographs for January, February and March. Please send your entries to: [email protected] The deadline for these entries is 31st March 2021. We will start the display within the church from the 15th April 2021 and this will continue until the end of January 2022.

The closing date for January, February and March is 31st March 2021 and thereafter the last day of each month.

If you would like more details please do not hesitate in contacting us. Sam

Pastoral Care

We have a flourishing Pastoral Care Group which serves our four parishes: Cheveley, Ashley, Woodditton and Kirtling. We visit the bereaved, people who are ill, either in hospital or at home, and help in any way we can.

Please telephone me – Revd. Naomi Wormell 01638 730857


The club bar is available within our usual opening hours. (we have social distancing in place) Until further notice we are unable to stage our usual music events. We hope to return to normal later in the new year.



The nice thing about becoming forgetful is that you can hide your own Easter eggs.


Opening our Churches in April Updated 13th March 2021

In the light of the gradual lifting of some lockdown measures, we hope to reopen all our churches for public worship on Sundays in April. There will be a united service in the churchyard at Woodditton on Sunday 4th April at 11am; thereafter we hope to hold services in each church every Sunday. Please check the website and social media to see if we are able to meet together.

Please remember that we must continue to wear masks, maintain social distancing and practice good hand hygiene, in church as much as anywhere else.

Cheveley and Ashley Churches are now open for private prayer on Wednesdays 10am-4pm.

Once the churches reopen there will no longer be a Sunday Zoom service, but these resources are available for non-contact worship:

A short service and reflection can be downloaded from the Cheveley Group website, please follow this link: https://www.cheveleygroup.org/index.php/worship/this-week-s-home-service

You may like to join in with worship from the Cathedral https://www.elycathedral.org/public-worship/ live-streamed-services-concerts

You may like Bishop Dagmar’s Sunday reflections on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= PLNTXQ0WgBGVbVCQmPz6ILXvrZ14lsYo2z

You may like to use the resources on the Church of website https://www.churchofengland.org/news-and-media/church-online

Or to phone the Church of England Freephone number for prayers and hymns 0800 804 8044

There is a service on Radio 4 on Sundays at 8.10am and daily worship on Radio 4 LW at 10.45am. There is also ‘Songs of Praise’ on the television on Sundays at 1.30pm and some morning services. Here is a link to the Radio Times https://www.radiotimes.com/ Note: All the above links can easily be selected from the CG website


Praying in Our Community

Every Sunday we pray for the residents of two streets in the group.

Apr 4 Mill Hill, Ashley Mill Road, Kirtling 11 Newmarket Road, Ashley Newmarket Road, Cheveley 18 Newmarket Road, Kirtling Moulton Road, Cheveley 25 Oak Lane, Cheveley Park Road, Cheveley

Sorry, but Covid regulations have suspended all ‘normal’ activities so, meanwhile, our What’s on page can only ‘hibernate’ awaiting events…

Date Locality Venue What may be on – Please check

27th Mar all Zoom The Easter Story (details on CG website) 4th Apr Woodditton Church Easter Sunday Service (see page xx)

First Tue Cheveley Parish Hall Time Out SUSPENDED ** Tue & Fri Kirtling Village Hall Bowls Club: Tue 2-4pm and Fri 7.30-9pm Tue & Thu Cheveley Somerset Ct. Arts and Craft (Tue 10am & Thu 1pm) Second & Cheveley Parish Hall Little Angels SUSPENDED ** Fourth Wed Wed & Fri Cheveley Rec.ground Cheveley Sports Club – Multi Sports First Thu Kirtling Village Hall The Thursday Care Group SUSPENDED Third Thu Kirtling Village Hall Coffee Morning – all welcome - 10.45am Fourth Thu Kirtling Village Hall Craft Group £3 – 1.45pm Saxon Methodist Saxon Street Camera Club at 7pm Last Thu Street Hall £2 each incl. Refreshments Third Sat Cheveley Church Saturday Special SUSPENDED ** ** more details can be found in event notices PUBLICISE YOUR EVENT ON THIS PAGE – AT NO CHARGE to include your event please forward the details by the 10th day of month prior to publication. Email: [email protected]


Saxon Street Methodist Preachers for April 2021. (subject to changes in Covid regulations…)

We regret that no services are planned whilst the current government restrictions remain.

Woodditton and Saxon Street Women’s Institute

We were still unable to meet during March, but our members are looking forward to a better future and are paying their subscriptions for the year, which now runs from April 2021 to April 2022.

The Federation has more online activities available for the more computer minded members: do check on the WI website: www.thewi.org.uk.

We are hopeful we might be able to meet as a group on our standard first Wednesday of the month on 7th July, 2021. Fingers crossed! Meanwhile any queries please contact me, Sandie Harris.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at Saxon Street Methodist Church at 7.30pm For further information, please contact Mrs Sandie Harris on 01638 730956 or email [email protected], or visit our website: http://www.wooddittonwi.org.uk/

St Mary’s, Woodditton - Cleaning and Flower Rota The rota is an 8 week rolling rota.

28th Mar, 4th Apr, 11th Apr Sue Street and Margie Bellamy 18th Apr, 25th Apr, 2nd May Jill Steggles and Sheila Bailey 9th May, 16th May Gillian and Tony White


You could write a 200 word story in this space.

Download a Link Subscription Form here www.chevlelygroup.org


Woodditton Parish Council Meeting Minutes 18th February 2021 7:30pm Attendees and Apologies: Apologies from Cllr June Surrage. All others in attendance Declarations of interest: None Minutes of Previous Minutes Approved Matters Arising West End/ Road - New Tree was planted by County Highways to replace another tree that the Parish Council is unaware of. Agreed by the Parish council to leave where it has been planted. Wetherby Crossing. Case has been won and will currently remain a public footpath however Network Rail are appealing the decision Public Forum District Cllr Alan Sharp: 1.99% general ECDC tax increase proposed. £4 million to be available for footway repair/improvement. District council meeting next Tuesday to discuss budget and council tax for next year. Housing delivery test is met so offers better protection for development envelopes. Walking and cycling group has met and looking at feeding in to County Council consultation – dates pending. Covid19 grants for businesses are still in process. Racecourse facilities offered and used for Covid vaccinations now Litter picking Woodditton Parochial Church Council are looking for volunteers to help support a litter pick. There is no formal arrangement however we can support / publicise a litter pick if one is arranged/coordinated. We will monitor and if required we can support. Cllr Guy Taylor will speak to those individuals who approached him to see if they deem there to be a need. The parish council is aware of the great efforts made by certain local residents in picking litter in Vicarage Lane/Woodditton Road/Kirtling Road, and expressed their gratitude to the individuals concerned. Highway Improvements Walkers Map for Woodditton. Planning permission has now been granted for the amended location in Camois Hall Lane. Cllr Terry Webb will request an updated quote for supply of the sign. Woodditton Road Speed Calming Scheme No update at the moment but on stand by to submit through the formal County Highways bid process in due course. Flooding in Saxon Street Has been resolved. Highways contractor attended and five gullies have been thoroughly cleaned and outfall pipes flushed. Displaced Kerbing will also be reset under traffic signal control shortly. The Parish Clerk to contact Godolphin to ask for the water course in the Saxon Street playground to be cleared to try to resolve some of the flood issues. cont/


27 cont

Telephone Kiosk Security Update No action needed at this time and will continue to monitor Other Saxon Street, Kirtling Road approach 40mph Buffer zone Bid details submitted and waiting to make presentation to County Highways panel early march. Brick recess on New Cheveley Road – fly tipping Highways have agreed to look into this to see if it is their responsibility. PC would like it filled in. 61 New Cheveley works Deviation from Planning Application: Being investigated by the enforcement officer and they will provide an update. Cheveley Parish Council Speed Signs: Cllr White provided advice to Cheveley PC for their speed sign discussions, based on our experience. Trees Memorial Trees in School Road Playing Field. The Vincent family has donated £200 towards the purchase and planting of the Silver Birch tree in memory of the late Rodney Vincent. They have also provided suggested wording and supplier for the plaque which they have also offered to play for. It was agreed that the plaque should be located/anchored in the ground close to the tree, however it may not formally become a parish council asset unless subsequently agreed. Planning Issues (details omitted) Play Areas Request to grease the swings on the Jubilee playing field. Trying to continue leaf clearance at King’s Drive but waiting for some drier weather. Cllr Taylor to try to fix the damaged goal posts in Jubilee playing field. Accounts and Payments: All approved. Additional £75 invoice received for councillor training for playground safety/reopening. Latest correspondence and Publications: All distributed Next Meeting: March 18th 2021 @ 7.30pm (via Zoom platform).


Ellesmere Garden Club

What a treat is has been to have had the pleasure of some fascinating talks by Zoom this year. I’m pleased to say that we have been able to arrange another for April. So do join us Tuesday April 27th for a talk by Martin Fish from Simply Gardening on “Behind the Scenes as an RHS judge”.

Our Zoom meetings will take place at 7.30 pm on the appointed day, but it’s worth logging on to the link beforehand in case of any problems. Members will get an email nearer the time with the link to join the Zoom meeting. If you are not a member and would like to hear this, or any subsequent talks, please email our secretary [email protected] who will get you on to the list. We hope that joining in will then inspire you to join the Club – new members are always very welcome.

Looking ahead – we hope to have some sort of plant sale in May, but you will have to await news a little nearer the time to see what can be arranged within the prevailing guidelines for gatherings. However, let’s be positive and look forward to seeing each other very soon!

Church notice:

This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs Brown, our church warden, to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.

News from the Ellesmere Centre March 2021

Currently we are closed apart from the Shop and Post Office which is open from 9am-12pm weekdays only. Entrance is at the far end of the building.

We hope to be opening the outside facilities from the end of March but will not know for sure until after the next government announcement. Please call us or follow us on Facebook to keep up with the latest rules and regulations of what is permitted at the Centre. We cannot wait to have you all back with us.

Kirtling & Upend Parish Council

Editor: at the time of printing no minutes of meetings since Oct 2020 (included March 2021) have been published on the KPC web site


All Saints Church, Kirtling

Service Duty Rota – April 2021 (subject to changes in Covid regulations…)

Saturday 3rd Easter Eve at 19.00 Sidesman Mrs W Mendham Lesson 1 Mrs B Marks Lesson 2 Mrs W Mendham No prayer readers

Sunday 4th Easter Day Sidesman Mrs W Mendham Lesson 1 Mrs W Mendham Lesson 2 Mrs B Marks No prayer readers

Sunday 11th Sidesman Mrs W Mendham Lesson 1 Mrs B Marks Lesson 2 Mrs W Mendham State prayers Mrs B Marks Intercessions Mrs W Mendham

Sunday 18th Thursday Care Group Sidesman Mrs W Mendham suspended Lesson 1 Mrs W Mendham Lesson 2 Mrs B Marks until further notice No prayer readers If anybody would like to make Sunday 25th contact via email or the Sidesman Mrs B Marks telephone I am available. Lesson 1 Mr D Foister Wendy Mendham Lesson 2 Mrs S Foister 01638 730242 State prayers Mrs S Foister [email protected] Intercessions Mr D Foister






Advertising feature Budget 2021: What does it mean for you, your family and your business?

Those of us that are working in the office listened, with baited breath, to the Chancellor’s 2021 Budget announcement. We all know that Coronavirus has fundamentally changed the way we live. Our economy has shrunk to its lowest level in over 300 years – it’s going to be a long journey ahead to recovery.

The Chancellor's announced his three-step plan:

 to protect jobs and our livelihood;  to fix finances;  to lay firm foundations to begin work to rebuild our future recovery by introducing extended and new support for businesses.

We all recognise that Coronavirus has caused a huge economic shock to the UK. Our levels of borrowing are similar to post-WW2 levels and it will take many years (and many governments) to pay this back. The Chancellor is having to balance the provision of continued support with a solution to fix public finances although he did confirm, as they promised in their manifesto a couple of years ago now, not to raise Income Tax, National Insurance or VAT.

For a full summary of the changes including….

Help for businesses, employees and the self-employed Businesses are to be offered Value Added Tax (VAT) Businesses trading losses Tax relief on plant and machinery purchases Stamp Duty Land Tax Holiday (SDLT)

see: https://cklg.co.uk/blog

Significant tax rises, at this early stage, would undermine the recovery of our battered economy although significant fiscal measures will, no doubt, be required in the future. If you would like to know how Budget 2021 affects you, call one of our advisers on 01223 810100.

Dear Lord, please keep your arm around my shoulder – and your hand over my mouth.


On the best way to run a church council meeting

The Rectory, St James the Least of All

My dear Nephew Darren

Thank you for inviting me to speak at your church council yesterday. I began to suspect that my theme of why Eusebius’s dislike of Sabellianism led to his condemnation at the Council of Antioch in 324 was a little misjudged, when the only question I was asked after my lecture was if Eusebius was on Facebook.

I never realised how much technology is needed these days just to discuss church matters. It seemed that everyone had brought their laptop, so they could refer to all the diocesan briefing documents and reports that you mentioned. I’ve been in the diocese 40 years and have never heard of most of those papers. But then I find it too easy to delete the diocesan mailings, unread, with a click of my mouse.

Our church meetings are far more traditional. Since the church floor seems to have been carved out of permafrost, our meetings circulate round members’ houses. This introduces a nice element of competition, as each host tries to outdo the previous one in the baking of cakes. Meetings at Colonel Drinkwater’s – a more inappropriate name one cannot imagine – are the shortest, since we are always promised wine once the meeting is over. It is remarkable how unanimity is achieved on every subject within minutes, and nothing appears under “any other business”.

Mrs Eddington never troubles us with minutes, largely because she can rarely read the notes she takes. She just shares with us whatever she can decipher at our next meeting. Last month, she accidentally brought her shopping list instead, and so read that out. There followed a lively discussion on whether carrots from our local shop were better than those at the supermarket. When it was found out she intended to use them in a venison casserole, endless recipes were keenly debated.

We always leave our church meetings well fed, up to date with village gossip, and totally untroubled by any church council business. And the lack of any minutes ensures that I can then make all the decisions myself, between meetings. I think you will find our system has much to be commended.

Your loving uncle, Eustace




You can use fresh fruit when in season or frozen anytime. You will need the following: 125g blackberries 125g blueberries 250g raspberries 500g strawberries, hulled (OR 1kg bag frozen mixed fruit) 80ml lemon juice 880g granulated sugar Method: 1. Stir ingredients in large saucepan over high heat, without boiling, until sugar dissolves; bring to the boil. 2. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, without stirring for about 30 minutes or until the jam jells when tested.

3. Pour hot jam into warm, sterilised jars; seal immediately. Label and date jars when cold.

Preparation and Cook time: 40 minutes Makes 1 litre. Can be used to fill your sponge cakes, as a topping to ice-cream or with cream on scones.

Why not give it a try?……….


Funny page Miscellaneous observations on daily life…

Marathon runners with bad footwear suffer the agony of defeat.

If you think nobody cares whether you're alive or dead, try missing a couple of mortgage payments.

In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog to worship him and a cat to ignore him.

The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.

The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.

I ate a kid's meal at McDonald's today. His mum got really angry. The Drums of Borneo

A missionary went to Borneo. Accompanied by a local guide, he sought out a very remote clearing in the forest of Sumatra for building a church to reach the people living there. Around dusk on the first day, he was sitting by the campfire with his guide when in the distance, they heard tribal drums begin. As the minutes passed, the drums got louder. The guide was uneasy. "I don't like the sound of those drums."

Soon the dusk turned to evening. The drums get louder, and closer. The guide now kept glancing around him. He said again to the missionary, "I really don't like the sound of those drums."

Then evening turned to dead of night. The two men sat close to their fire, listening with dread. The drums got louder and louder, until it was obvious that the drummers must be almost upon them. The guide said again, "I really don't like the sound of those drums."

Suddenly the drums stopped, and a voice from the darkness cried out, "Hey man, he's not our regular drummer!"


USEFUL INFORMATION MEDICAL Addenbrookes Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge 01223 245151 Defibrillator CHT-10-518 (Cheveley pavilion CB8 9DQ) 999 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 NHS Choices www.nhs.uk Newmarket Hospital, Exning Road, Newmarket (no A&E) 01638 558400 Oakfield Surgery, Newmarket Hospital, Exning Rd. Newmarket 01638 662018 Orchard House Surgery, Fred Archer Way, Newmarket 01638 666887 Pregnancy Support Centre, Newmarket 0772 407 9484 Rookery Medical Centre, Newmarket 01638 664338 Rosie Maternity Hospital, Robinson Way, Cambridge 01223 245151 The Surgery, Wickhambrook - for appointments only 01440 820140 West Hospital, Hardwick Lane, Bury St. Edmunds 01284 713000

LOCAL GOVERNMENT Cambs. County Council, Shire Hall, Cambridge 0345 045 5200 East Cambs. District Council, Nutholt Lane, Ely 01353 665555 Ashley Parish Council Chair Sarah Howell 01638 730459 Clerk Kevin Dadds ([email protected]) 01638 731043 Cheveley Parish Council Clerk Marilyn Strand ([email protected]) 01638 780835 Kirtling Parish Council Chair John Kiteley 01638 730549 Clerk Sandra Dwan ([email protected]) 01638 552325 Woodditton Parish Council Chair Cliff Pettitt 01638 664921 Clerk John Theobald (www.woodditton.org.uk/contact.html) 01638 507675 District Councillors (Woodditton Ward) Amy Starkey (con) 07901 716233 Alan Sharp (con) 07794 292941 County Councillor Mathew Shuter (con) 01638 508729

TRAVEL Newmarket Tourist Information Centre (Palace House) 01638 667314 Railtrack Enquiries (Central Trains) 0845 748 4950 Stagecoach Cambus 01223 423578

POLICE PCSO - Annie Austin – (Police Community Support Officer) 101 Police (Newmarket) 01473 613500 Cambs. Police – for Non-Emergency calls 101

List updated Feb 2020


EDUCATION and RECREATION Ashley Art Group – Mr Keith Hill 01284 735544 Ashley Pavilion - Debbie Garrity [email protected] 01638 730263 Village College 01223 811250 Brownies and Guides - Claire Matthews 01953 861361 Cheveley Community Room - 01638 730273 or Jan Jones. 01638 730786 Cheveley School - Primary (Infants & Juniors from age 4 to 11) 01638 730273 Cheveley Sports Club (Ian Jackson) [email protected] 01638 730760 Cheveley Women’s Institute - Mrs Jenny Jermyn 01638 663658 Ellesmere Centre, Stetchworth 01638 508212 Ellesmere Gardening Club - Mrs Sandie Wilson 01638 507542

Five Parishes Walks (local) www.fiveparisheswalks.com Kirtling Village Hall - Bookings - Mrs Ann Bailey 01638 730253 www.kirtlingvillagehall.org.uk Kirtling Carpet Bowls - Mrs Ann Bailey (Secretary) 01638 730253 Kirtling Cricket Club - Mr James Godman - [email protected] 07816 172190 Little Angels (Baby & Toddler Group) - Tracy Grimster 01638 721150 Mobile Library 0345 045 5225 Newmarket Adult Centre, Foley House, Newmarket 01638 565520 Newmarket Day Centre, Fred Archer Way, Newmarket 01638 664262 Newmarket Library, The Rookery, Newmarket 01638 661216 Newmarket Leisure Centre, Exning Road, Newmarket 01638 782500 Ramblers Association 01353 723529 Parish Hall, Cheveley. [email protected] 01638 780385 Woodditton & Saxon Street WI - Mrs Sandie Harris 01638 730956

SHOPS and SERVICES Ashley Stores, High Street, Ashley (deliveries daily) 01638 730255 Cambridge Evening News / Weekly News. 01638 662581 Cheveley General Stores & Post Office 01638 730341 Citizens Advice Bureau, Newmarket 01638 665999 Milkman - Dairy Crest, Bury St. Edmunds 08456 063606 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90

SAXON STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev Seo Sangwoo, 4 Exning Road, Newmarket 01638 662837 OUR LADY & ST. PHILLIP CATHOLIC CHURCH, KIRTLlNG Fr Michael Griffin, The Presbytery, Newmarket Rd., Kirtling 01638 730603 STETCHWORTH & CHEVELEY UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Rev Nigel Uden [email protected] 01223 314589 Pat Stevens (Secretary) [email protected] 01638 507932

List updated May 2020