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Prosjektnummer: 193239/99 Prosjekttittel: EFA 2009 Kontraktspartner: Prosjektvarighet: Kristian R. Miltersen Startdato: Sluttdato: 2009 2009 Resultatsammendrag


European Finance Association’s (EFA) 36th Annual Meeting ble avholdt ved Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) i Bergen fra 19. til 22. august 2009. EFA-konferansen er en sentral møteplass for forskere innen hele spekteret av finans og den viktigeste arenaen for presentasjon av nyere forskning innen feltet utenfor Nord-Amerika. EFA-konferansen arrangeres årlig, og arrangøransvaret går på omgang blant europeiske universiteter og handelshøyskoler.

Papers Interessen for å presentere papers ved EFA-konferansen er generelt stor. Ved tidsfristen i februar 2009 ble det sendt inn totalt 1.210 papers til konferansen. Som vanlig for European Association’s Annual Meetings stilles det strenge kvalitetskrav, og kun 229 papers ble til slutt akseptert for presentasjon i parallelle sesjoner under konferansen dette året.

Vedlagt ligger en oversikt som viser aksepterte papers i forhold til insitusjonstilhørighet og nasjonalitet ved EFA2008, EFA2009 og EFA2010.

Deltakere Konferansen hadde til sammen 487 deltakere. Antall deltakere var dermed på samme nivå som ved tidligere EFA-konferanser. Deltakerne var i hovedsak akademikere, primært fra europeiske og nordamerikanske institusjoner. I underkant av 10 prosent av deltakerne var internasjonale og lokale næringslivsaktører. Selv om denne prosentandelen er lav er den likevel noe høyere enn det som har vært vanlig ved tidligere EFA-konferanser.

Deltakerliste er vedlagt.

Program EFA 2009 var organisert i åtte parallelle ”tracks” med 72 sesjoner. 11 av sesjonene var såkalte spesielle, tematiske sesjoner. Hver sesjon bestod av tre paperpresentasjoner og tilsvarende antall opponentpresentasjoner. I tillegg var det en plenumssesjon med foredrag av hovedforeleser, professor Richard Roll fra UCLA (University of California, UCLA).

Konferanseprogrammet er vedlagt.

Regnskap Budsjettet til EFA2009 var på rundt 2.900.000. Regnskapet viser ingen vesentlige avvik fra budsjettet.

Inntektene består i hovedsak av deltakeravgift og sponsorinntekter. Andre inntekter er knyttet til innsendingsavgift på papers og avgift på deltakelse ved konferansemiddagen. Når det gjelder sponsorinntekter utgjør støtten fra Finansmarkedsfondet og Norges Forskningsråd i underkant av halvparten. NHHs bidrag utgjør kr 100.000. Den resternde delen kommer fra lokale, nasjonale og internasjonale næringslivsaktører som Skagen Fondene, Den europeiske sentralbank, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS, Viz Risk Management Service AS, LECG, Commonfund, Nasdaq/Omx og Goldman Sachs.

Den største kostnadsposten er knyttet til mat (lunsj, pausemat, konferansemiddag) som til sammen utgjør 665.000. Deretter følger arrangmenttekniske og administrative kostnader på 630.000. I deltakerinntektene ligger en medlemsskapsavgift som ble trukket ut og betalt til EFA sentralt. Den ugjør rundt kr 550.000 i regnskapet. Resten av kostnadene er knyttet til web- og design, konferansebyrå, transport, priser, reisekostnader til hovedforeleser med mer.

Regnskapet er vedlagt sammen med en kortfattet rapport på engelsk.

Målsetninger og resultat Da NHH fikk tildelt arrangøransvaret for en så stor og viktig konferanse var det en viktig målsetning at bieffekten skulle være å øke den internasjonale anseelsen til det akademiske finansmiljøet i Norge og til NHH. Det var også viktig å bruke konferansen til å styrke det gjensidige forholdet mellom akademia og næringslivet lokalt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt.

Det er vanskelig å måle endringer i den internasjonale anseelsen til det akademiske finansmiljøet i Norge og til NHH. Likevel ser det ut til at EFA 2009 har bidratt til å øke kjennskapen og interessen for NHH internasjonalt. Institutt for foretaksøkonomi som var ansvarlig for konferansen ved NHH, rekrutterer årlig Assistant Professors fra det internasjonale jobbmarkedet for nyutdannete PhD-studenter. Dette jobbmarkedet settes opp i forbindelse med den årlige konferansen til American Finance Association (AFA), og jobbsøkerne kommer i hovedsak fra anerkjente institusjoner i Nord-Amerika og Europa. Under rekrutteringsrunden i 2010 viste rundt 120 internasjonale nyutdannede PhD-studenter interesse for NHH. Det er en øking på nærmere 35% i forhold til tidligere år. De fleste søkerne begrunnet sin interesse for NHH ved å vise til EFA-konferansen. I noen tilfeller hadde de selv deltatt ved konferansen. I andre tilfeller var det veilederene deres som hadde deltatt og nå anbefalte NHH som kommende arbeidsplass for sine studenter.

Når det gjelder forholdet til næringslivet har EFA sentralt lenge hatt et langsiktig samarbeid med internasjonale næringsaktører som Den europeiske sentralbanken, LECG og Commonfund. For EFA2009 utvidet vi samarbeidet til også å inkludere nasjonale og lokale aktører som Skagen Fondene, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS og Viz Risk Management Service AS.

Foredraget til Professor Richard Roll samt presentasjonene ved de spesielle sesjonene tok opp aktuelle temaer som var særlige anvendbare også for næringslivsaktører. De spesielle sesjonene ble utviklet i nært samarbeid med Den europeiske sentralbak og med lokale næringslivsaktører som Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS og Viz Risk Management Sevices AS. Samarbeidet med disse aktørene medvirket til å gjøre konferanseprogrammet tetter knyttet opp til næringslivsrelaterte problemstillinger.

At konferansen lyktes i å belyse næringslivsrelaterte problemstillinger kom også til uttrykk i presseomtalen og mediedekningen av konfreansen. NRK, TV2, Dagens Næringsliv og

The tables below provide summary statistics on accepted research papers since year 2008. Absolute points are calculated as follows: Each paper’s affiliation is weighted by one over the number of authors (each paper equals one point). Relative points are shown as the percentage to the total.

Year 2008 Points Rank Country Institution Absolute In %% 1 Tilburg University 7.67 3.45 2 London Business School 6.92 3.12 3 New York University 5.92 2.67 Boston College 4 5.17 2.33 Erasmus University Rotterdam 5 University of Amsterdam 4.33 1.95 6 McGill University 4.00 1.80 7 University of Maryland 3.75 1.69 8 York University 3.50 1.58 Lancaster University 9 3.33 1.50 University of Mannheim 10 University of Michigan 3.25 1.46 11 University of Pennsylvania 3.00 1.35 12 The University of Chicago 2.92 1.31 13 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2.83 1.28 14 BI Norwegian School of Management 2.75 1.24 15 University of Toronto 2.67 1.20 16 Goethe University Frankfurt 2.50 1.13 Arizona State University Indiana University 17 2.33 1.05 The Ohio State University University of California, Los Angeles 18 Harvard Business School 2.25 1.01 Rutgers University 19 2.17 0.98 Singapore Management University Catholic University of Leuven

Copenhagen Business School 20 2.00 0.90 Stanford University Stockholm School of Economics University of Illinois

The top 20 places represent roughly 45 % of the papers presented in the list (99 points out of 222 in total).

Year 2009 Points Rank Country Institution Absolute In %% 1 Columbia University 5.67 2.61 2 Tilburg University 5.42 2.50 3 London Business School 5.25 2.42

4 Copenhagen Business School 5.00 2.30 5 New York University 4.65 2.14 The University of British Columbia 6 4.08 1.88 University of Pennsylvania 7 The University of Chicago 4.00 1.84 8 University of Oxford 3.83 1.77 9 BI Norwegian School of Management 3.67 1.69 10 McGill University 3.50 1.61 11 The University of Texas at Austin 3.25 1.50 Goethe University Frankfurt 12 3.17 1.46 University of Southern California University of California, Berkeley 13 University of California, Los Angeles 2.83 1.31 University of Maryland 14 European Central Bank 2.75 1.27 University of Amsterdam 15 2.67 1.23 University of California, San Diego 16 Università Bocconi 2.58 1.19 17 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2.50 1.15 18 Washington University in St.Louis 2.37 1.09 19 Georgia Institute of Technology 2.25 1.04 20 University of Lausanne 2.08 0.96

The top 20 places represent roughly 40 % of the papers presented in the list (87 points out of 217 in total).

Year 2010 Points Rank Country Institution Absolute In %% 1 New York University 6.73 3.09 2 University of Michigan 6.33 2.91 3 University of Pennsylvania 6.13 2.81 4 Goethe University Frankfurt 5.83 2.68 London Business School 5.00 2.29 5 The University of Chicago 6 Tilburg University 4.42 2.03 7 Indiana University 3.83 1.76 8 Harvard Business School 3.75 1.72 9 London School of Economics 3.70 1.70 10 University of Mannheim 3.33 1.53 11 European Central Bank 3.17 1.45 12 INSEAD Business School 3.08 1.41 EDHEC Business School 13 The University of British Columbia 3.00 1.38 Università Bocconi Stockholm School of Economics 14 2.50 1.15 The Chinese University of Hong Kong The University of Warwick The University of Oklahoma University of Maryland 2.33 1.07 15 University of Zurich HEC Paris 2.17 0.99 16 University of Lugano 17 Columbia University 2.08 0.96 Arizona State University Erasmus University Rotterdam National University of Singapore 2.00 0.92 Texas A&M University The Federal Reserve Board The University of New South Wales 18 University of Southern California 19 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1.92 0.88 20 University of St.Gallen 1.83 0.84

The top 20 places represent roughly 50 % of the papers presented in the list (108 points out of 218 in total). DELTAKERLISTE, EFA2009

Abuibid, Mohammed, Alaqsa University Adam, Tim, Humboldt University Berlin Agca, Senay, George Washington University Ahlström, Mikael, Procuritas Partners AB Aktas, Nihat, EMLYON Business School Alesii, Giuseppe, Universita' Dell'Aquila Almeida, Caio, Getulio Vargas Foundation Alpert, Karen, University of Queensland Business School Alshehri, Abdulrahman, King Khalid University Amble, Erik, Neomed Management Ampenberger, Markus, TU München Andersson, Jonas, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Andresen, Arne, NTNU ‐ Norwegian University of Science and Technology Andrikopoulos, Panagiotis, De Montfort University Andriosopoulos, Dimitrios, Cass Business School Aragon, George, Arizona State University Carey School Aranda, Carmen, University of Navarra Aslan, Hadiye, University of Houston C.T. Bauer College of Business Auer, Johannes, Humboldt University Berlin Axelson, Ulf, Stockholm School of Economics Baele, Lieven, Tilburg University Bajaj, Mukesh, LECG Bakke, Einar, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Balachandran, Balasingham, La Trobe University Management School Barras, Laurent, McGill University Bartholdy, Jan, Aarhus University, Aarhus School of Business Bartram, Sohnke, Lancaster University and SSGA Basak, Suleyman, London Business School Bauer, Gregory, Bank of Canada Beber, Alessandro, University of Amsterdam Bekaert, Geert, Columbia Business School Bena, Jan, U British Columbia Sauder School Bennett, Paul, U New Jersey Rutgers Business School Ben‐Rephael, Azi, Tel‐Aviv University Berg, Tobias, TU München Berglund, Tom, Hanken School of Economics Berrada, Tony, University of Geneva Bhattacharya, Sudipto, London School of Economics & Political Science Bienz, Carsten, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Bjerksund, Petter, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Bjørndal, Mette, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Bjørsvik, Marit, Skagenfondene Boer, Elke, University of Paderborn Boguth, Oliver, U British Columbia Sauder School Bohren, Oyvind, BI ‐ Norwegian School of Management Boissay, Frederic, European Central Bank Bongaerts, Dion, University of Amsterdam Boot, Arnoud, University of Amsterdam Borch Helsengreen, Nina, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS Borg, Miguel, Bank of Valletta Plc Braggion, Fabio, Tilburg University Brandt, Michael, Duke University Branger, Nicole, University of Münster Brenner, Menachem, NYU Stern School of Business Breuer, Claudia, Hochschule der Sparkassen‐Finanzgruppe Brevik, Frode, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Bris, Arturo, IMD International Brogaard, Jonathan, Kellogg School of Management Bruno, Lars, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Buehler, Wolfgang, University of Mannheim Bukhvalova, Barbara, Norwegian School Of Management BI Buraschi, Andrea, Imperial College Business School Burg, Valentin, Humboldt University Berlin Burkart, Mike, Stockholm School of Economics Buss, Adrian, Goethe University Frankfurt Bång, Joakim, SIFR and Stockholm School of Economics Cai, Jie, Drexel University Campbell, Rachel, Maastricht University Cao, Xiaping, Singapore Management Univeristy Carlo, Favero, Bocconi University Cartea, Álvaro, Universidad Carlos III De Madrid Castiglionesi, Fabio, Tilburg University Chabakauri, Georgy, London Business School Champonnois, Sylvain, UCSD Rady School of Management Chan, Andrew, Standard and Poors Compustat Chang, Bo Young, McGill University Chemla, Gilles, Imperial College Business School and CNRS Chen, An, University of Bonn Chen, Zhihua, HEC Lausanne Chiang, I‐Hsuan, UNC Charlotte Chiang, Min‐Hsien, National Cheng Kung University Choi, Darwin, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Chomsisengphet, Souphala, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Christensen, Bjørn, Alliance Venture Christoffersen, Peter, McGill University Christoffersen, Susan, McGill University Chun, Albert, Copenhagen Business School Cohen, Lauren, Harvard Business School Cohen‐Cole, Ethan, U Maryland Smith School Cohn, Jonathan, UT Austin McCombs School Cooper, Ian, London Business School Cooper, Ilan, BI ‐ Norwegian School of Management Cosemans, Mathijs, Maastricht University Cotter, John, University College Dublin Cremers, Martijn, Yale University Croitoru, Benjamin, McGill University Cui, Jiajia, University of Twente Cvitanic, Jaksa, Caltech Da Rin, Marco, Tilburg University D'amico Finardi, Alessandra, Universita' Degli Studi di Bergamo De Bodt, Eric, LSMRC ‐ Univ. Lille Nord de France De Roon, Frans, Tilburg University Della Corte, Pasquale, University of Warwick Detemple, Jerome, Boston University Diab, Osama, Al Azhar University , Economics Dimson, Elroy, London Dusiness School Dockner, Engelbert, Vienna University of Economics and Business Drehmann, Mathias, Bank For International Settlements Dutordoir, Marie, Manchester Business School Døskeland, Trond, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Eckbo, Espen, Dartmouth College and NHH Ehling, Paul, BI ‐ Norwegian School of Management Ekern, Steinar, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Eldor, Rafael, Arison School of Business Ellul, Andrew, Indiana University Kelly School Elton, Edwin J, NYU Stern School of Business Ericsson, Jan, McGill University Evanger, Martin, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Evenson, Kristina, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS Ewerhart, Christian, University of Zurich Favero, Carlo, Bocconi University Feldhütter, Peter, Copenhagen Business School Feldman, David, University of New South Wales Fernandes, Nuno, IMD International Fernando, Chitru, U Oklahoma Price College of Business Ferreira, Miguel, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Firwana, Hazem, The Arab Academy for Banking & Financial Sciences Fisher, Adlai, UBC Fladvaag, Trond, Fleten, Stein‐Erik, NTNU ‐ Norwegian University of Science and Technology Florakis, Chrisostomos, University of Liverpool Fluck, Zsuzsanna, Michigan State University Eli Broad College of Business Fontaine, Jean‐Sébastien, Banque Canada Fontana, Alessandro, Ca'Foscari University Fotak, Veljko, U Oklahoma Price College of Business & Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Foucault, Thierry, HEC Paris Fraiberger, Samuel, NYU Stern School of Business Franngard, Linus, Barclays Global Investors Freixas, Xavier, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Fresard, Laurent, HEC Paris Friewald, Nils, Vienna University of Economics and Business Fukuda, Toru, Japan Securities Research Institute Gabarro, Marc, London Business School Gal, Bat‐Sheva, Bar‐Ilan University Galkiewicz, Dominika, Humboldt University Berlin Gallmeyer, Michael, Texas A&M University Gamba, Andrea, University of Verona Garcia, René, EDHEC Business School Gerard, Bruno, BI ‐ Norwegian School of Management Gershun, Natalia, Lubin School of Business, Pace University Giannetti, Mariassunta, Stockholm School of Economics Gibson Brandon, Rajna, University of Geneva Gjerde, Øystein, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Golez, Benjamin, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Goncalves‐Pinto, Luis, USC Marshall School of Business Goyenko, Ruslan, McGill University Gozluklu, Arie, Bocconi University Green, Martin, Oxford University Press Gregg, Gordon, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Grishchenko, Olesya, Penn State University Groth, Sven, E‐Finance Lab Grytten, Sigurd, Burson‐Marsteller Guo, Jinqiang, Tilburg University Halling, Michael, University of Utah Halvorsen, Jørn Inge, Norges Bank and NHH Han, Jungsuk, London Business School Hansis, Alexandra, Goethe University Frankfurt Harris, Milton, Chicago Booth Hartmann, Philipp, European Central Bank Hassanin, Yossri, Ain Shams University Hatheway, Frank, Nasdaq OMX Haug, Jørgen, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Haugom, Svein Ivar, Grieg International AS Haukås, Harald, Skagenfondene Haukaas, Asle, Hauswald, Robert, American University Kogod School Hege, Ulrich, HEC Paris Heider, Florian, European Central Bank Henderson, Vicky, University of Oxford Henry, Darren, University of Stirling Hens, Thorsten, University of Zurich Hertzel, Michael, Arizona State University Carey School Hess, Dieter, University of Cologne Hetland, Ove Rein, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Heyerdahl‐Larsen, Christian, SIFR Hole, Sveinung, Sarsia Seed Management AS Hollifield, Burton, Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School Hoque, Hafiz, Cass Business School Hsu, Hung‐Chia, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Huang, James, Lancaster University Management School Huij, Joop, Erasmus University of Rotterdam Hvide, Hans, University Of Aberdeen Hvidkjær, Søren, Copenhagen Business School Hynne, Per, Burson‐Marsteller Hærem, Eirik Fjellså, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS Høegh‐Krohn, Joachim, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS Haaland, Jan, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Illeditsch, Philipp, U Penn Wharton School Immanuel, Daniel, Dynamic Corporation (Pty) Inghelbrecht, Koen, Ghent University College Ioannidou, Vasso, Tilburg University Jajuga, Krzysztof, Wroclaw University of Economics Jeanneret, Alexandre, HEC Lausanne Jenkinson, Tim, Oxford University Jensen, Bjarne Astrup, Copenhagen Business School Jimenez, Gabriel, Banco de España Johanson, Daniel, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Johansson, Erik, Nordic Investment Solutions Johnsen, Thore, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Jylhä, Petri, Helsinki School of Economics Jørgensen, Kjell, BI ‐ Norwegian School of Management Kadan, Ohad, U Washington in St. Louis Olin Business School Kamøy, Siri, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Kannel, Ene, EFA/ EIASM Kasch, Maria, University of Bonn Kaserer, Christoph, TU München Kaustia, Markku, Helsinki School of Economics Kawamura, Kohei, University of Edinburgh Kelly, Patrick, University of South Florida Khurshed, Arif, Manchester Business School Kim, Woochan, KDI School of Public Policy and Management Kjenstad, Einar Cathrinus, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Klaus, Benjamin, Goethe University Frankfurt Knutsen, Trond, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS Knüpfer, Samuli, London Business School Kogan, Shimon, UT Austin McCombs School Koijen, Ralph, Chicago Booth Kok, Christoffer, European Central Bank Kole, Erik, Erasmus University of Rotterdam Kostakis, Alexandros, University of Glasgow Kostovetsky, Leonard, University Of Rochester Simon School Kozhan, Roman, University of Warwick Koziol, Christian, WHU ‐ Otto Beisheim School of Management Kozlov, Roman, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Krahnen, Jan Pieter, Goethe‐University Frankfurt Kratz, Peter, Humboldt University Berlin Krishnamurti, Chandrasekhar, Auckland University Of Technology Kristiansen, Eirik Gaard, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Kubberud, Veronica, Storebrand Kumar, Praveen, U Houston C.T. Bauer College of Business Laffersova, Suzanna, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Lai, Sandy, Singapore Management University Lambrecht, Bart, University of Lancaster Lando, David, Copenhagen Business School Larrymore, Norris, Northwestern University Lasfer, Meziane, Cass Business School Lau, Lu, Standard & Poor's Lawrenz, Jochen, Innsbruck University Lazrak, Ali, HEC Paris Lee, Suzanne, Georgia Institute of Technology Leite, Tore, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Lensberg, Terje, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Leppämäki, Mikko, Helsinki School of Economics Levy, Haim, Ben Gurion University Levy, Haim, Ben Gurion University Linciano, Nadia, CONSOB Liu, Xuewen, Imperial College Business School Liu, Fang, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Ljone, Jan, Storebrand Lochstoer, Lars, Columbia Business School Longarela, Iñaki Rodríguez, Tromsø University Business School Lu, Hai, University of Toronto Lugo, Stefano, Politecnico di Milano Lund, Arne‐Christian, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Lyandres, Evgeny, Boston University Malinova, Katya, University of Toronto Manconi, Alberto, INSEAD Marechal, Marc, National Bank of Belgium Martin, Spencer, Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School Martos‐Vila, Marc, Ucla Mende, Alexander, RPM Risk & Portfolio Managemen Miklaszewska, Ewa, Economic University of Cracow Mikolajczyk, Katarzyna, Economic University of Cracow Miltersen, Kristian Risgaard, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Mizushima, Osamu, Musashi University Mjøs, Aksel, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Mobbs, Houston Shawn, University of Alabama Mohamud, Ahmed Alasow, Dole Moise, Claudia, Case Western Reserve University Molnar, Peter, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Montoriol‐Garriga, Judit, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Mooradian, Robert, Northeastern University Morse, Adair, Chicago Booth Mramor, Dusan, University of Ljubljana Murgia, Maurizio, Free University of Bolzano‐Bozen Myhre, Finn, Storebrand Myklebust, Tor Åge, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Mæland, Jøril, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Naeem Khan, Muhammad, Muhammad Akram & Sons Trading & Investment Naeem Khan, Muhammad, Muhammad Akram & Sons Trading & Investment Neumann, Sabine, Goethe‐University Frankfurt Neuthor, Laila, Ludwig‐Maximilians University and Institute of Risk and Insurance Management Nguyen, Thi Tuong Van, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Nguyen, Bang Dang, Chinese University Of Hong Kong Nielsen, Kasper Meisner, Chinese University of Hong Kong Nielsen, Mads Stenbo, Copenhagen Business School Nieto, Belen, University of Alicante Novaes, Walter, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Nyborg, Kjell G., University of Zurich/NHH Nysteen, Klaus‐Anders, Storebrand Officer, Micah, Loyola Marymount University Olsen, Trond E., NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Ongena, Steven, Center and Tilburg University Ornthanalai, Chayawat, Georgia Institute of Technology Ottaviani, Dario Flavio, Bank of Italy Oust, Are, Trondheim Business School Oyer, Paul, Stanford University Pagano, Marco, Università di Napoli Federico II Page, Jeremy, University of Texas at Austin McCombs School Palomino, Francisco, U Michigan Stephen M. Ross School Panayides, Marios, University of Utah Park, Kyoung Sun, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Park, Kyoung Sun, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Parlour, Christine, UC Berkeley Haas School Pastor, Lubos, Chicago Booth Pawlina, Grzegorz, Lancaster University Management School Pearson, Neil, University of Illinois Pegoraro, Fulvio, Banque de France Peleg, Ehud, USC Marshall School of Business Pelizzon, Loriana, University of Venice Penalva, Jose, Universidad Carlos III De Madrid Penas, M. Fabiana, Tilburg University Penttinen, Aku, Perez, Ander, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Perotti, Pietro, University of Graz Persson, Svein‐Arne, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Pfingsten, Andreas, University of Münster Phalippou, Ludovic, University of Amsterdam Pi, Lynn, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Ponce, Jorge, Toulouse School of Economics Porchia, Paolo, University of St. Gallen Priestley, Richard, BI ‐ Norwegian School of Management Qi, Yaxuan, Concordia University Rai, Prasad, Crystal Vision International Limited Rajan, Uday, U Michigan Stephen M. Ross School Ramadorai, Tarun, University of Oxford Ravid, S. Abraham, U New Jersey Rutgers Business School Reed, Pål, HitecVision Reiersmoen, Tone, Storebrand Resnick, Bruce, Wake Forest University Richardson, Scott, Barclays Global Investors Rieger, Marc Oliver, University of Zurich and Swiss Banking Institute Rinne, Kalle, Helsinki School of Economics Robe, Michel, American University Kogod School Rodriguez, Juan, Tilburg University Roll, Richard, UCLA Anderson, School of Management Rolnik, Zachary, Now Publishers Rotfuss, Waldemar, Centre For European Economic Research Rubia, Antonio, University of Alicante Rubio, Gonzalo, University CEU Cardenal Herrera Rud, Linda, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Ruffino, Doriana, U Minnesota Carlson School Ruthenberg, David, Bank of Israel Rytchkov, Oleg, UT Austin McCombs School Sani, Eli, The College of Management, School of Business Administration Santos, Joao, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Sarno, Lucio, Cass Business School Sauer, David, University of Dayton Schadt, Rudi, Chicago Quantitative Alliance Scheinert, Tobias, Humboldt University Berlin Schenk‐Hoppé, Klaus R, University of Leeds Schill, Michael, University of Virginia‐Darden Schindele, Ibolya, BI ‐ Norwegian School of Management Schjelderup, Guttorm, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Schmeling, Maik, Leibniz Universität Hannover Schmid, Lukas, Duke University Schmidt, Breno, Emory University Goizueta School Scholz, Frank, Vattenfall Europe AG Schornick, Astrid, INSEAD Schotman, Peter, Maastricht University Schroth, Enrique, University of Amsterdam Seppi, Duane, Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School Sercu, Piet, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Sevaldsen, Stig, Idevekst Energi AS Shackleton, Mark, Lancaster University Management School Shao, Pei, University of Northern British Columbia Shirasu, Yoko, Aoyama Gakuin University Shive, Sophie, University of Notre Dame Sigurdsson, Kari, Barclays Global Investors Siming, Linus, Stockholm School Of Economics Simonsen, Ola, Nasdaq OMX Simonyan, Karen, Suffolk University Singh, Ajai, Case Western Reserve University Sirevåg, Tore, KLP Sirnes, Espen, Tromsø University Buisiness School Smith, David C., University of Virginia Sojli, Elvira, Erasmus University of Rotterdam Sorensen, Carsten, Copenhagen Business School Stacescu, Leon Bogdan, BI Norwegian School of Economics Stambaugh, Robert, U Penn Wharton School Stamland, Tommy, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Staunton, Mike, London Business School Stefanova, Denitsa, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Steffen, Sascha, University of Mannheim Stenwig, Johannes, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Sterne, Gabriel, Bank of England Strobl, Günter, University of North Carolina Kenan‐Flagler School Strömberg, Per, SIFR and Stockholm School of Economics Støve, Bård, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Su, Xunhua, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Sunesson, Daniel, Stockholm School of Economics Swan, Peter, University of New South Wales Sæbø, Jørgen, Folketrygdfondet Sættem, Frode, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Sørensen, Lars Qvigstad, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Saar, Gideon, Cornell University Johnson School Tamoni, Andrea, Bocconi University Tang, Yongjun, University of Hong Kong Taylor, Luke, U Penn Wharton School Tedongap, Romeo, Stockholm School of Economics Teigland, Kristin, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Ter Horst, Jenke, Tilburg University Tham, Wing Wah, Erasmus University of Rotterdam Theissen, Erik, University of Bonn Thirumalai, Ramabhadran, Indian School of Business Thisadoldilok, Chatchai, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Thorburn, Karin, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Thurlin, Arto, Hanken School of Economics Toft, Pål, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS Tonks, Ian, University of Exeter Torous, Walter, UCLA Anderson School Tran, Anh, Drexel University Trautmann, Siegfried, Gutenberg‐Universitaet Tsesmelidakis, Zoe, Goethe‐University Frankfurt Tu, Jun, Singapore Management University Ullrich, Carl, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Ulrich, Maxim, Columbia Business School Uppal, Raman, London Business School Vale, Bent, Norges Bank Valsø, Karen, Valta, Philip, HEC Lausanne Van Achter, Mark, University of Bonn Van Der Grient, Bart, Robeco Asset Management Vassalou, Maria, SAC Capital Advisors, LP Vedolin, Andrea, University of Lugano Verardo, Michela, London School of Economics & Political Science Vergara‐Alert, Carles, IESE Business School Vik, Vegard, Norges Bank Investment Management Vilkov, Grigory, Goethe University Frankfurt Vilkov, Grigory, Goethe University Frankfurt Vissing‐Jorgensen, Annette, Kellogg School of Management Vladimirov, Vladimir, Goethe University Frankfurt Vlahu, Razvan, University of Amsterdam Vogl, Konstantin, Quoniam Asset Management GMBH Volpin, Paolo, London Business School Von Eije, Henk, University of Groningen Vorage, Marcel, University Of Amsterdam Vorst, Ton, Free University Amsterdam Wagner, Wolf, Tilburg University Wagner, Hannes, Bocconi University Walden, Johan, UC Berkeley Haas School Walnum, Alexander, NTNU ‐ Norwegian University of Science and Technology Walz, Uwe, Goethe University Frankfurt Wang, Zexi, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Wasumadee, Maytinee, Norwegian School Of Economics Wendt, Stefan, University of Bamberg Wermers, Russell, U Maryland Smith School Werner, Ingrid, Fisher College of Business Whited, Toni, University of Rochester Wiedner, Rene, Thomson Reuters Wohl, Avi, Tel Aviv University Yadav, Pradeep, U Oklahoma Price College of Business Yamamoto, Takeshi, Iwate Prefectural University Yeh, Shih‐Kuo, National Chung Hsing University Yonezawa, Yasuhiro, Waseda University Yook, Youngsuk, SKK GSB, Sungkyunkwan University Yorulmazer, Tanju, Federal Reserve Bank Of New York Yu, Jialin, Columbia Business School Zechner, Josef, Vienna University of Economics and Business Zhang, Hua, Chinese University of Hong Kong Zhao, Xinlei, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Zhong, Zhaodong, U New Jersey Rutgers Business School Ødegaard, Bernt Arne, University of Stavanger Östberg, Per, NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Østergaard, Charlotte, BI ‐ Norwegian School of Management Aase, Knut K., NHH ‐ Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Aasen, Johan, Skagenfondene


Finance ust 2009 Association g 36th Annual Meeting Bergen • 19–22 Au The European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting is presented in cooperation with:

),1$160$5.('6)21'(7 Contents

Dear Colleagues!...... 4 Practical information...... 52 Bergen Weather ...... 52 Committees...... 6 Currency ...... 52 Organizing Committe is...... 6 Exchange rate (Juli 2009)...... 52 Currency Exhange...... 52 Key Note Address...... 7 Traveller’s Cheques...... 52 Banks ...... 52 Post Office ...... 52 Sessions overview...... 9 Shopping (including Tax Free) ...... 53 Time...... 53 Social Events...... 48 Tipping ...... 53 Electricity ...... 53 General information ...... 50 Dress ...... 53 About Bergen...... 50 Water...... 54 Conference Venue...... 50 Useful telephone numbers ...... 54 How to get to the venue...... 50 Prizes...... 54 Registration...... 50 Swine Flu / Influenza A...... 55 Registration includes the following items:...... 51 Presentations...... 51 Maps...... 56 Assistance...... 51 Venue (NHH)...... 56 Internet...... 51 Bergen...... 57 Badges...... 51 Official Conference Management Company...... 51 Reviewers...... 58 Liability and Insurance ...... 51

Index...... 60

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 3 Dear Colleagues! On behalf of the Program Committee it is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to the 36th Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association.

It is the second time our school, The and Tommy Stamland, for their incredible effort in helping in the paper Norwegian School of Economics selection and allocation of Session Chairs and discussants. Let me and Business Administration, or just also thank the reviewers (see list elsewhere), the Session Chairs, and NHH, hosts the meeting. The first the discussants for their remarkable and unselfish effort to make the time the school hosted the meeting program as excellent as possible. was exactly thirty years ago when Jan Mossin organized the 6th Annual We are extremely happy to have Richard Roll from the Anderson Meeting in 1979. School at UCLA as our Key Note speaker. Not only is he contributing to the meeting by giving his Key Note Address. He is also an active We have tried our best to make Session Chair and discusses two papers at the meeting. In addition, the program as excellent as pos- he is a co-author of a contributed paper to be presented at the meet- Kristian R. Miltersen sible. Despite the submission fee ing and he was an active reviewer in the paper selection process. Program and Organizing Chair of Euro 50, we received more than 1200 high quality submissions for The EFA meetings build on a long tradition. The low acceptance rates, the program. We have only room for 216 presentations. Each the right selection of the accepted papers, and the great discussants submission was carefully reviewed by two expert reviewers. We are what have characterized the EFA meeting in the last years. It is spent a fair amount of time hand picking the best expert reviewers my hope and belief that we have been able to live up to this reputation for each paper. The panel of reviewers consists of more than 300 this year as well. About two years ago the Executive Committee of members. Based on the expert reviewers grades and comments the European Finance Association decided to start a process that we have selected the best papers for the program and then tried our should reduce the registration fees for the annual meetings. This best to set sessions of papers which hopefully connect well. Finally, year we have implemented a new fee structure. We have reduced with expert guidance from the Session Chairs we have appointed the registration fee considerably. If you are an academic and have expert discussants for each paper. submitted a paper your registration fee is as low as Euro 200. We hope that you will not experience that you get less value for your Let me take this opportunity to thank especially the rest of the program money this year than you have gotten in the past. committee, Carsten Bienz, Jøril Mæland, Kjell Nyborg, Per Östberg,

4 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Kristin R. Teigland, the head of our department’s administration, has I am also thankful to all our sponsors, Finansmarkedsfondet, The worked extremely hard and efficient the last years in order to make Research Council of Norway, SKAGEN Funds, European Central sure that every little detail has been taken perfectly care of for the Bank (ECB), Argentum Private Equity, Viz Risk Management, LECG, meeting and so that our school can be a proud and respectful EFA Commonfund, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Nasdaq/OMS, organizer. In the last few hectic months we have had great expert help and Norgesgruppen. from two of our students, Siri Kamøy and Johannes Stenwig. Both Siri and Johannes have been heavily involved in the NHH student Let me finally thank SSRN and its team for their invaluable contri- organization and Siri Kamøy was the chief organizer of the student’s last bution to the profession. Especially, I would like to mention Gail NHH Symposium. This symposium runs biannually and attracts more Chianese, her hard work and patience with me have been truly than 400 external participants from the Norwegian industry. Kristin, remarkable. Clearly there is room for improvements on the SSRN Siri, and Johannes, I cannot imagine that we could have arranged the system as most of you probably have experienced, but still the func- meeting without your professional experience and effort. tionality of the system is second to none. I hope we can continue the constructive collaboration and hopefully our frustrations will be The Doctoral Tutorial was efficiently (and almost independently) organ- channeled into improvements for future conferences. ized by Bruno Gerard, Loriana Pelizzon, and Frans A. de Roon as has been the case for now at least three years in a row. I hope you will enjoy the program and the organization. I can assure you that we have all tried to do our best. Let me also take this opportunity to thank all the Prize Committees for their diligent work. For the two LECG Prizes the committees were Pradeep Yadav (chair), Rajna Gibson, Arnoud W. A. Boot, and Sincerely, Jan-Pieter Krahnen. For the Commonfund Prize the committee was Kristian R. Miltersen Elroy Dimson (chair), Will Goetzmann, and John Griswold. For the Program and Organizing Chair Viz Risk Management Prize the committee was, Jøril Mæland (chair), EFA Bergen 2009 Duane Seppi, and Frank Carlsen. For the Argentum Symposia Prize the committee was Carsten Bienz (chair), Uwe Walz, and Joachim Høegh-Krohn.

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 5 Committees

The Program Committee • Carsten Bienz • Jøril Mæland • Kristian R. Miltersen (chair) • Kjell Nyborg • Per Östberg • Tommy Stamland

Organizing Committe is • Kristian R. Miltersen (chair) and • Kristin Reichel Teigland. The Organizing Committee works closely together with • Siri Kamøy and • Johannes Stenwig Kongress & Kultur AS is the conference bureau in charge of the local organization in Bergen.

The Doctoral Tutorial Committee • Loriana Pelizzon (University Ca’Foscari of Venice), • Bruno Gérard (BI, Oslo), and • Frans de Roon (Tilburg University) • Marion Hebbelynck is the EIASM contact person. Key Note Address O/S: The Relative Trading Activity in Options and Stock

Professor Richard Roll holds the Japan In addition to all his own contributions he is truly dedicated to improve Alumni Chair in Finance at the Anderson the general research environment for the benefit of all of us. The UCLA School at UCLA. Professor Roll is prob- finance faculty lunch break spirit is a legacy. In addition, he hosts a ably most known for his contributions yearly visit for all UCLA finance faculty and visitors to his ranch and to Asset Management and Portfolio vineyard close to Ojai, where his wife, Suzanne, also owns a restaurant. Theory. The Roll’s Critique of the Capital Asset Pricing Model is a fundamental He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering from lesson in Professor Roll’s deep and early Auburn University in 1961, and his MBA from University of Washington understanding of both the economic in 1963 while working for Boeing in Seattle, Washington. In 1968, theory and the empirics. He has this he received his PhD from the Graduate School of Business at the unique combined insight of economic University of Chicago in economics, finance, and statistics. His PhD Professor Richard Roll theory, empirical methods, and, not thesis, “The Behavior of Interest Rates: An Application of the Efficient Keynote Speaker the least, the knowledge of the data Market Model to U.S. Treasury Bills,” won the Irving Fisher Prize as themselves and the history behind the best American dissertation in economics in 1968. Professor Roll them. He has more than anyone helped us all better understand how took an Assistant Professor position at Carnegie-Mellon University in challenging and difficult it is to test our economic theories using real 1968, a professorship at the European Institute for Advance Studies in data. He was among the first to use the CRSP database to analyze Management (EIASM) in 1973, and Centre d’Enseignement Superiéure asset prices, he more or less invented the event studies. In general, des Affaires in 1975. In this period he was very active in the founding of he has done fundamental work in all sub-disciplines in finance from the European Finance Association. In 1976, Professor Roll joined the liquidity, market microstructure, over information, to corporate finance. faculty at UCLA. In 1987, he was elected President of the American Finance Association. In addition, he has industry experience from, He is/has been associate editor of a number of journals including among other firms, Goldman, Sachs and Co., and he runs more than Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and American one asset management and consulting firms. Economic Review. He is the series Editor of Edward Elgar series The International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics and We are deeply honored to have Professor Richard Roll as our Key he has won numerous rewards. Note Speaker.

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 7 The conference venue is the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH). NHH is located in the outer part of the city centre, around 4 km north of “Bryggen”. Sessions overview How to read the session codes: Day T1A Auditorium T = Thursday A = Dag Coward’s Aud. E = Aud. E F = Friday B = Jan Mossin’s Aud. F = Aud. 14 S = Saturday C = Agnar Sandmo’s Aud. G = Aud. 24 Session # D = Finn E. Kydland’s Aud. H = Karl Borch’s Aud. Thursday 20 August 2009

08:30–10:00 10:30–12:00 13:30–15:00 15:30–17:00

T1A T2A T3A T4A Special Session on Argentum Symposium on Argentum Symposium on Argentum Symposium on the Role of Sovereign Private Equity and Funds of Private Equity and Funds of Private Equity and Funds of Wealth Funds Private Equity: Private Equity: Private Equity: Pricing and Performance Value Creation Special Topics T1B T2B T3B T4B Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Incomplete Information Liquidity I Liquidity II Derivatives in Incomplete Markets

T1C T2C T3C T4C Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Fund Return Predictability Predicting (Components Asset Pricing Volatility Individual Investors of) Stock Returns and Macroeconomics

T1D T2D T3D T4D Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Stocks and Interest Rate Factor Models and Discount Factors Asset Pricing Equilibrium Markets Analysis and Macroeconomics

T1E T2E T3E T4E Corporate Finance, Corporate Finance, Corporate Finance, Corporate Finance, Theoretical: Theoretical: Theoretical: Theoretical: Asymmetric Information Corporate Debt and Dynamic Investments and Competition Credit Risk Capital Structure T1F T2F T3F T4F Corporate Finance, Empirical: Corporate Finance, Empirical: Corporate Finance, Empirical: Corporate Finance, Empirical: Boards CEOs New Evidence on Takeovers Corporate Governance

T1G T2G T3G T4G Financial Intermediation Financial Intermediation Financial Intermediation Financial Intermediation and Institutions: and Institutions: and Institutions: and Institutions: Liquidity Rating Agencies Regulation Fund Managers and Analysts T1H T2H T3H T4H Market Microstructure: Market Microstructure: Market Microstructure: Behavioral Finance: Matching Agents Liquidity Market Design Educating Investors

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 9 How to read the session codes: Day T1A Auditorium T = Thursday A = Dag Coward’s Aud. E = Aud. E F = Friday B = Jan Mossin’s Aud. F = Aud. 14 S = Saturday C = Agnar Sandmo’s Aud. G = Aud. 24 Session # D = Finn E. Kydland’s Aud. H = Karl Borch’s Aud. Friday 21 August 2009

08:30–10:00 10:30–12:00 13:30–15:00

F1A F2A F3A ECB Sessions on Liquidity ECB Sessions on Liquidity Special Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises: and Financial Crises: and Financial Crises: Money Markets and the Key Aspects of the Stability Transmission of Instability Financial Crisis F1B F2B F3B Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Equilibrium Models of the General Equilibrium Ambiguity Term Structure of Interest Models Rates F1C F2C F3C Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Fund Managers Hedge Funds Asymmetric Information

F1D F2D F3D Financial Econometrics: Financial Econometrics: International Finance: Return and Interest Rate Asset Pricing Volatility of International Forecasting Stock Markets

F1E F2E F3E Corporate Finance, Corporate Finance, Empirical Corporate Finance, Empirical: Theoretical: Bankruptcy and Financial Corporate Investments Debt Covenants Distress

F1F F2F F3F Corporate Finance, Empirical: Corporate Finance, Empirical: Corporate Finance, Empirical: Equity Offerings Investing in Firms Active Stake Holders with Debt

F1G F2G F3G Financial Intermediation Financial Intermediation Financial Intermediation and Institutions: and Institutions: and Institutions: Foreign Borrowing Access to Credit Syndicated Loans

F1H F2H F3H Viz Risk Management Sessions Viz Risk Management Sessions Behavioral Finance: on Energy Markets, Securities, on Energy Markets, Securities, Attracting Investor Types and Prices: Empirical Analysis and Prices: of Energy Markets Electricity Markets

10 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Saturday 22 August 2009

09:00–10:30 11:00–12:30

S1A S2A Special Sessions on Liquidity Special Sessions on Liquidity and Financial Crises: and Financial Crises: Asset Pricing Funding

S1B S2B Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Active ( Smart ) Investors Reestablishing Efficient Markets

S1C S2C Asset Pricing, Empirical: Asset Pricing, Empirical: Investments in Corporate Implications of Corporate Bonds Decisions on Asset Pricing

S1D S2D International Finance: International Finance: International Stock Currency Markets Markets

S1E S2E Corporate Finance, Empirical: Financial Econometrics: Dividends Volatility

S1F S2F Corporate Finance, Empirical: Corporate Finance, Empirical: Catering Stake Holders Family Firms

S1G S2G Financial Intermediation Financial Intermediation and Institutions: and Institutions: Borrower-Lender Conflicts Governance Structure

S1H S2H Behavioral Finance: Behavioral Finance: Documenting Behavioral Explaining Behavioral Biases Biases

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 11 Thursday 20 August 2009


Special Session on the Role Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment Patterns and Performance T1A of Sovereign Wealth Funds Bernardo Bortolotti, Veljko Fotak, William L. Megginson and William Miracky Chair: Elroy Dimson Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), University of Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma and Monitor Group Dag Coward's Auditorium Discussant: Bruno Gerard

Sovereign Wealth Funds: Investment Choices and Implications Around the World Nuno G. Fernandes, IMD International Discussant: David Chambers

The Dynamics of Sovereign Credit Risk Alexandre Jeanneret, University of Lausanne Discussant: Engelbert Dockner


Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Incomplete Information, Idiosyncratic Volatility and Stock Returns T1B Incomplete Information Julien N. Hugonnier and Tony Berrada, University of Lausanne and Chair: Jerome Detemple University of Geneva Discussant: Marcel Rindisbacher Jan Mossin's Auditorium Relative Wealth Concerns and Complementarities in Information Acquisition Diego Garcia and Günter Strobl, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Discussant: David Feldman

* WITHDRAWN DUE TO Information, Expected Utility, and Portfolio Choice* UNEXPECTED CHANGE OF PLANS Jun Liu, Ehud Peleg and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, University of California, FOR THE PRESENTER San Diego, University of California, Los Angeles and University of California, Los Angeles Discussant: Ali Lazrak

12 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Thursday 20 August

Thursday 20 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Hedge Fund Predictability Under the Magnifying Glass: Forecasting T1C Fund Return Predictability Individual Fund Returns Using Multiple Predictors Chair: Rossen Valkanov Doron Avramov, Laurent Barras, Robert Kosowski and University of Maryland, McGill University, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Imperial College London Agnar Sandmo’s Auditorium Discussant: Jialin Yu

Mutual Fund’s R2 as Predictor of Performance Yakov Amihud and Ruslan Goyenko, New York University and McGill University Discussant: Antonio Rubia

The Performance of European Equity Mutual Funds Allan G. Timmermann, Ayelen Banegas, Benjamin J. Gillen and Russ Wermers, University of California, San Diego, University of California, San Diego, University of California, San Diego and University of Maryland Discussant: K.J. Martijn Cremers


Asset Pricing, Empirical: The Determinants of Stock and Bond Return Comovements T1D Stocks and Interest Rate Geert Bekaert, Lieven Baele and Koen Inghelbrecht, Columbia University, Markets Columbia Business School - Economics Department, Tilburg University and Chair: Geert Bekaert Ghent University Discussant: Francisco Palomino Finn E. Kydland’s Auditorium The Cross-Section and Time-Series of Stock and Bond Returns Ralph S. J. Koijen, Hanno N. Lustig, Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh and University of Chicago, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), University of California, Los Angeles and New York University Discussant: Lars Lochstoer

The Price of Interest Rate Variance Risk and Optimal Investments in Interest Rate Derivatives Anders B. Trolle, Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Claudia Moise

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 13 Thursday 20 August 2009


Corporate Finance, Corporate Fraud, Governance and Auditing T1E Theoretical: Giovanni Immordino and Marco Pagano, Università degli Studi di Salerno and Asymmetric Information University of Naples Federico II Chair: Milton Harris Discussant: Evgeny Lyandres

Auditorium E Signaling in Tender Offer Games Mike Burkart and Samuel Lee, Stockholm School of Economics and New York University Discussant: Alan Morrison

Some Unpleasant General Equilibrium Implications of Executive Incentive Compensation Contracts John B. Donaldson, Natalia Gershun and Marc Giannoni, Columbia University, Pace University and Columbia University, Columbia Business School - Economics Department Discussant: Kohei Kawamura 08:30–10:00

Corporate Finance, Costs and Benefits of “Friendly” Boards during Mergers and Acquisitions T1F Empirical: Breno Schmidt, University of Southern California – Marshall School of Boards Business – Finance and Business Economics Department Chair: Ulf Axelson Discussant: Lucian Taylor

Auditorium 14 The Value of Independent Directors: Evidence from Sudden Deaths Bang Dang Nguyen and Kasper Meisner Nielsen, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Discussant: Lauren Cohen

Hiring Cheerleaders: Board Appointments of 'Independent' Directors Lauren Cohen , Andrea Frazzini and Christopher J. Malloy Harvard Business School, University of Chicago and Harvard Business School Discussant: Joakim Bång

14 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Thursday 20 August

Thursday 20 August 2009


Financial Intermediation The Dark Side of Financial Innovation T1G and Institutions: Brian J. Henderson and Neil D. Pearson, George Washington University and Liquidity University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chair: Tommy Stamland Discussant: Mark Shackleton

Auditorium 24 The Inefficiency of Diversification in Economies With Endogenous Liquidation Costs Wolf Wagner, Tilburg University Discussant: Philipp Illeditsch

The Optimality of Interbank Liquidity Insurance Fabio Castiglionesi and Wolf Wagner, Tilburg University and Tilburg University Discussant: Knut Heen


Market Microstructure: Arbitrage Opportunities: A Blessing or a Curse? T1H Matching Agents Roman Kozhan and Wing Wah Tham, University of Warwick and Erasmus Chair: Ingrid Werner University Rotterdam (EUR) Discussant: Thierry Foucault Karl Borch's Auditorium Liquidity Cycles and Make/Take Fees in Electronic Markets Thierry Foucault, Ohad Kadan and Eugene Kandel HEC Paris, Washington University, St. Louis and Hebrew University of Jerusalem Discussant: Marios Panayides

Market Makers as Information Providers: The Natural Experiment of STAR Pietro Perotti and Barbara Rindi Bocconi University and Bocconi University Discussant: Ola Simonsen

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 15 Thursday 20 August 2009


Argentum Symposium on Informational Hold-Up and Performance Persistence in Venture Capital T2A Private Equity and Funds of Yael V. Hochberg, Alexander Ljungqvist and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen, Private Equity: Northwestern University, New York University and Northwestern University Pricing and Performance Discussant: Ulf Axelson Chair: Carsten Bienz Leverage and Pricing in Buyouts: An Empirical Analysis Dag Coward's Auditorium Ulf Axelson, Per Strömberg, Tim Jenkinson and Michael S. Weisbach, Institute for Financial Research (SIFR), Institute for Financial Research (SIFR), University of Oxford and Ohio State University Discussant: Marco Da Rin

Private Equity Investments: Performance and Diseconomies of Scale Florencio Lopez de Silanes, Ludovic Phalippou, EDHEC Business School, University of Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam Discussant: Uwe Walz


Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Dynamic Margin Constraints T2B Liquidity I Oleg Rytchkov, University of Texas at Austin Chair: Michael Brandt Discussant: Astrid Schornick

Jan Mossin's Auditorium How Does Illiquidity Affect Delegated Portfolio Choice? Luis Goncalves-Pinto, University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business - Finance and Business Economics Department Discussant: Michael Gallmeyer

Keynes Meets Markowitz: The Tradeoff between Familiarity and Diversification Phelim P. Boyle, Lorenzo Garlappi, Raman Uppal and Tan Wang, Wilfrid Laurier University, University of British Columbia, London Business School and University of British Columbia Discussant: Johan Walden

16 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Thursday 20 August

Thursday 20 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Oil Price Shocks and Stock Return Predictability T2C Predicting (Components of) Lars Qvigstad Sørensen, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Stock Returns Administration (NHH) Chair: Walter N. Torous Discussant: Ralph Koijen

Agnar Sandmo's Auditorium Forecasting Stock Market Returns: The Sum of the Parts is More than the Whole Miguel A. Ferreira and Pedro Santa-Clara, New University of Lisbon and New University of Lisbon Discussant: Jialin Yu

How Predictable are Components of the Aggregate Market Portfolio? Aiguo Kong, David Rapach, Jack Strauss, Jun Tu and Guofu Zhou, Fudan University, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis University, Singapore Management University and Washington University, St. Louis Discussant: Oliver Boguth 10:30–12:00

Asset Pricing, Empirical: The Diminishing Liquidity Premium T2D Factor Models and Analysis Azi Ben-Rephael, Ohad Kadan and Avi Wohl, Tel Aviv University, Washington Chair: Annette Vissing-Jorgensen University, St. Louis and Tel Aviv University Discussant: Richard Roll Finn E. Kydland's Auditorium Should Benchmark Indices Have Alpha? Revisiting Performance Evaluation Martijn Cremers, Antti Petajisto and Eric Zitzewitz, Yale School of Management, Yale School of Management and Dartmouth College Discussant: Lauren Cohen

Option-Implied Correlation and Factor Betas Revisited Adrian Buss and Grigory Vilkov, Goethe University Frankfurt - House of Finance (HoF) - Graduate Program in Finance and Monetary Economics and Goethe University Frankfurt Discussant: Ralph Koijen

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 17 Thursday 20 August 2009


Corporate Finance, Liquidity and Feasible Debt Relief T2E Theoretical: Josef Zechner and Chris Hennessy, Vienna University of Economics and Corporate Debt and Business Administration and University of California, Berkeley Credit Risk Discussant: Robert Hauswald Chair: Dirk Hackbarth Leverage Choice and Credit Spread Dynamics When Managers Risk Shift Auditorium E Murray Carlson, Ali Lazrak, University of British Columbia, HEC Paris and University of British Columbia Discussant: Jochen Lawrenz

Optimal Design of Rating-Trigger Step-Up Bonds: Agency Conflicts versus Asymmetric Information Christian Koziol and Jochen Lawrenz, University of Mannheim and University of Innsbruck Discussant: Bart Lambrecht


Corporate Finance, Empirical: The Pay Divide: (Why) are U.S. Top Executives Paid More? T2F CEOs Nuno G. Fernandes, Miguel A. Ferreira, Pedro P. Matos and Kevin J. Murphy, Chair: Paul Oyer IMD International, New University of Lisbon, University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business - Finance and Business Economics Department Auditorium 14 and University of Southern California Discussant: Mariassunta Giannetti

Why are CEOS Rarely Fired? Evidence from Structural Estimation Lucian A. Taylor, University of Pennsylvania Discussant: Marc Martos-Vila

CEOs Under Fire: Pressure from within – The Effects of Inside Directors on CEO Compensation and Turnover H. Shawn Mobbs, University of Alabama Discussant: Breno Schmidt

18 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Thursday 20 August

Thursday 20 August 2009


Financial Intermediation The Failure of Models that Predict Failure: T2G and Institutions: Distance, Incentives and Defaults Rating Agencies Uday Rajan, Amit Seru and Vikrant Vig, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Chair: Rajna Gibson University of Chicago and London Business School Discussant: Loriana Pelizzon Auditorium 24 The Credit Ratings Game Patrick Bolton, Xavier Freixas and Joel Shapiro, Columbia University, Columbia Business School - Economics Department, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universitat Pompeu Fabra Discussant: Christian Ewerhart

Multiple Ratings and Credit Spreads Dion Bongaerts, Martijn Cremers and William N. Goetzmann, University of Amsterdam, Yale School of Management and Yale School of Management Discussant: Paolo Porchia 10:30–12:00

Market Microstructure: Can Liquidity Shifts Explain the Lockup Expiration Effect in Stock Returns? T2H Liquidity Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti, Avanidhar Subrahmanyam and Tiong Yang Chair: Erik Thiessen Thong, Auckland University of Technology, University of California, Los Angeles and Singapore Management University Karl Borch's Auditorium Discussant: Maria Kasch

Managerial Decisions, Asset Liquidity, and Stock Liquidity Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Ohad Kadan and Mikhail Pevzner, Washington University, St. Louis, Washington University, St. Louis and George Mason University Discussant: Erik Thiesen

Optimal Liquidation in Dark Pools Peter Kratz and Torsten Schoeneborn, Quantitative Products Laboratory, Humboldt University of Berlin and AHL (Man Investments) Discussant: Mark van Achter

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 19 Thursday 20 August 2009


Argentum Symposium on Are Buyout Sponsors Market Timers in RLBOs? T3A Private Equity and Funds of Jerry Cao, Singapore Management University and Boston College Private Equity: Discussant: Tim Jenkinson Value Creation Chair: Ulrich Hege Private Equity and Long-Run Investment: The Case of Innovation Morten Sorensen, Per Strömberg and Josh Lerner, Columbia University, Dag Coward's Auditorium Institute for Financial Research (SIFR) and Harvard Business School Discussant: Paul Oyer

Managerial Incentives and Value Creation: Evidence from Private Equity Phillip Leslie and Paul Oyer, Stanford Graduate School of Business and Stanford Graduate School of Business Discussant: Per Strömberg


Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Vanishing Liquidity, Market Runs, and the Welfare Impact of Tarp T3B Liquidity II Christian Ewerhart, University of Zurich - Faculty of Business Administration Chair: Christine Parlour - Institute for Empirical Research in Economics (IEW) Discussant: Frode Brevik Jan Mossin's Auditorium Consumption, Liquidity and the Cross-Sectional Variation of Expected Returns Elena Marquez, Belen Nieto and Gonzalo Rubio, Complutense University of Madrid, Universidad de Alicante and University Cardenal Herrera-CEU Discussant: Carles Vergara-Alert

Corporate Bond Liquidity Before and after the Onset of the Subprime Crisis Jens Dick-Nielsen, Peter Feldhütter and David Lando, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen Business School and Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Jonathan Cohn

20 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Thursday 20 August

Thursday 20 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Consumption Volatility Risk T3C Asset Pricing Volatility and Oliver Boguth and Lars-Alexander Kuehn, University of British Columbia and Macroeconomics Carnegie Mellon University Chair: Lars Lochstoer Discussant: Lukas Schmid

Agnar Sandmo's Auditorium Carry Trades and Global Foreign Exchange Volatility Lukas Menkhoff, Lucio Sarno, Maik Schmeling and Andreas Schrimpf, University of Hannover, City University London, University of Hannover and Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Discussant: Ralph Koijen

Dynamic Bond Portfolio Choice with Macroeconomic Information Alexandros Kostakis and Peter Spencer, University of Glasgow and University of York (UK) Discussant: Georgy Chabakauri


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Commonality in Disagreement and Asset Pricing T3D Discount Factors Jialin Yu, Columbia University, Columbia Business School - Economics Chair: Frans de Roon Department Discussant: Rachel Campbell Finn E. Kydland's Auditorium Assessing Misspecified Asset Pricing Models with Empirical Likelihood Estimators Caio Almeida and Rene Garcia, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and EDHEC Business School Discussant: Olesya Grishchenko

The Role of Heterogeneity in Asset Pricing: The Effect in Clustering Approach Olesya V. Grishchenko and Marco Rossi, New York University and Pennsylvania State University Discussant: Frans de Roon

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 21 Thursday 20 August 2009


Corporate Finance, Valuing Corporate Financing Strategies T3E Theoretical: Andrea Gamba and Alexander J. Triantis, George Washington University and Dynamic Investments and University of Maryland Capital Structure Discussant: Joril Maeland Chair: Kristian Miltersen The Effect of Investment and Financing Policies on Credit Risk Auditorium E Andrea Gamba and Mamen Aranda, George Washington University and University of Navarra Discussant: Jochen Lawrenz

Credit Constraints, Firms’ Precautionary Investment, and the Business Cycle Ander Perez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Discussant: Eirik Kristiansen


Corporate Finance, How Corporate Governance Affects Firm Value: T3F Empirical: Evidence on Channels from Korea New Evidence on Corporate Bernard S. Black, Woochan Kim, Hasung Jang and Kyung Suh Park, Governance University of Texas at Austin, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Chair: Paolo Volpin Korea University and Korea University Discussant: Hannes Wagner Auditorium 14 The Effect of Search Frictions in Mergers Marc Martos-Vila and Filippos Papakonsantinou, University of California, Los Angeles and Princeton University Discussant: Marc Gabarro

Dividends and Stakeholder Conflicts: A Cleaner Test Pål Erik Steen, Morten G Josefsen and Øyvind Bøhren, Jo Tankers, Norwegian School of Management (BI) and Norwegian School of Management (BI) Discussant: Kasper Nielsen

22 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Thursday 20 August

Thursday 20 August 2009


Financial Intermediation and Internal Reporting Systems, Compensation Contracts, and Bank Regulation T3G Institutions: Gyongyi Loranth and Alan D. Morrison and London Business School, Regulation University of Cambridge and University of Oxford Chair: Trond E. Olsen Discussant: Uday Rajan

Auditorium 24 Optimal Casualty Insurance, Repair and Regulation in the Presence of a Securities Market Philip H. Dybvig and An Chen, Washington University, St. Louis and University of Bonn Discussant: Knut K. Aase

The Credit Channel and Asset Prices Christine A. Parlour, Richard Stanton and Johan Walden, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Berkeley Discussant: Svein-Arne Persson 13:30–15:00

Market Microstructure: Hiding Behind the Veil: Pre-Trade Transparency, Informed Traders and Market Quality T3H Market Design Kiran Kumar Kotha, Pradeep K. Yadav and Ramabhadran S. Thirumalai, Chair: Gideon Saar National Institute of Securities Markets, University of Oklahoma and Indian School of Business Karl Borch's Auditorium Discussant: Ingrid Werner

Do Financial Analysts Restrain Insiders’ Informational Advantage? Marios A. Panayides and Andrew Ellul, University of Utah and Indiana University Bloomington Discussant: Erik Theissen

Liquidity, Volume, and Price Behavior: The Impact of Order vs. Quote Based Trading Katya Malinova and Andreas Park, University of Toronto and University of Toronto Discussant: Ohad Kadan

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 23 Thursday 20 August 2009


Argentum Symposium on Venture Capital and Sequential Investments T4A Private Equity and Funds of Dirk Bergemann, Ulrich Hege and Liang Peng, Yale University, HEC Paris and Private Equity: University of Cincinnati Special Topics Discussant: Zsuzsanna Fluck Chair: Uwe Walz Club Deals in Leveraged Buyouts Dag Coward's Auditorium Micah S. Officer, Oguzhan Ozbas and Berk A. Sensoy, Loyola Marymount University, University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business - Finance and Business Economics Department and University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business - Finance and Business Economics Department Discussant: Yael Hochberg

Why SPAC Investors Should Listen to the Market Tim Jenkinson and Miguel Sousa , University of Oxford and University of Oxford Discussant: Jerry Cao


Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Dynamic Hedging in Incomplete Markets: A Simple Solution T4B Derivatives in Incomplete Suleyman Basak, Georgy Chabakauri, Centre for Economic Policy Research Markets (CEPR), London Business School and London Business School Chair: Suleyman Basak Discussant: Marcel Rindisbacher

Jan Mossin's Auditorium Expected Option Returns and the Structure of Jump Risk Premia Nicole Branger, Alexandra Hansis and Christian Schlag, University of Muenster, House of Finance (HoF) and Goethe University Frankfurt Discussant: Alfredo Ibanez

Are We Extracting the True Risk Neutral Density from Option Prices? A Question with No Easy Answer James Huang, Lancaster University Discussant: Grigory Vilkov

24 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Thursday 20 August

Thursday 20 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Individual Investor Trading and Return Patterns Around Earnings Announcements T4C Individual Investors Ron Kaniel, Shuming Liu, Gideon Saar and Sheridan Titman, Duke University, Chair: Susan Kerr Christoffersen San Francisco State University, Cornell University and University of Texas at Austin Discussant: Ruslan Goyenko Agnar Sandmo's Auditorium Heterogeneous Background Risks, Portfolio Choice, and Asset Returns: Evidence from Micro-Level Data Darius Palia, Yaxuan Qi and Yangru Wu, Rutgers University, Newark, School of Business- Newark, Department of Finance & Economics, Concordia University and Rutgers University, Newark, School of Business-Newark, Department of Finance & Economics Discussant: Shimon Kogan

Determinants of Outstanding Mortgage Loan to Value Ratios: Evidence from the Netherlands M. Ricardo Cunha, Bart M. Lambrecht and Grzegorz Pawlina, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Lancaster University and Lancaster University Discussant: Janis Berzins 15:30–17:00

Asset Pricing, Empirical: Inflation and the Stock Market: Understanding the ‘Fed Model’ T4D Asset Pricing Equilibrium Geert Bekaert and Eric Engstrom, Columbia University, Columbia Business and Macroeconomics School - Economics Department and Government of the United States of America Chair: Miguel Ferreira Discussant: Alessandro Beber

Finn E. Kydland's Auditorium The Federal Reserve and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns Erica X. N. Li and Francisco Palomino, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Discussant: Richard Priestley

What Does Equity Sector Orderflow Tell Us about the Economy? Alessandro Beber, Kenneth A. Kavajecz and Michael W. Brandt, University of Amsterdam, University of Wisconsin - Madison and Duke University Discussant: Soeren Hvidkjaer

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 25 Thursday 20 August 2009


Corporate Finance, Leaders, Followers, and Risk Dynamics in Industry Equilibrium T4E Theoretical: Murray Carlson, Engelbert J. Dockner, Adlai J. Fisher and Ron Competition Giammarino, University of British Columbia, University of Vienna, University of Chair: Bart Lambrecht British Columbia and University of British Columbia Discussant: Grzegorz Pawlina Auditorium E The Effect of Credit Rationing on the Shape of the Competition-Innovation Relationship Jan Bena, University of British Columbia Discussant: Xavier Freixas

Strategic IPOs and Product Market Competition Jiri Chod and Evgeny Lyandres, Boston College and Boston University Discussant: Ulrich Hege


Corporate Finance, Empirical: Management Quality and Anti-Takeover Provisions T4F Takeovers Thomas J. Chemmanur, Imants Paeglis and Karen Simonyan, Boston Chair: Karin Thorburn College, Concordia University and Suffolk University Discussant: Hans Hvide Auditorium 14 Negotiation Under the Threat of an Auction Nihat Aktas, Eric de Bodt and Richard Roll, EMLYON Business School, University of Lille II and University of California, Los Angeles Discussant: Enrique Schroth

Stock Option Grants to Target CEOs During Private Merger Negotiations Eliezer M. Fich, Jie Cai and Anh L. Tran, Drexel University, Drexel University and Drexel University Discussant: Aksel Mjøs

26 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Thursday 20 August

Thursday 20 August 2009


Financial Intermediation Conflict-of-Interest Reforms and Analysts’ Research Biases T4G and Institutions: Yuyan Guan, Hai Lu and M.H. Franco Wong, City University of Hong Kong Fund Managers and Analysts (CityUHK), University of Toronto and University of Toronto Chair: Josef Zechner Discussant: Michael Halling

Auditorium 24 Do Fund Managers Manipulate Share Prices? Evidence from Their Daily Trades Gang Hu, R. David McLean, Jeffrey Pontiff and Qinghai Wang, Babson College, University of Alberta, Boston College and Georgia Institute of Technology Discussant: Richard Roll

Gold Rush Dynamics of Private Equity Samuel Lee and Tage Daniel Sunesson, New York University and Stockholm School of Economics Discussant: Tore Leite 15:30–17:00

Behavioral Finance: Do Financial Counseling Mandates Improve Mortgage Choice and T4H Educating Investors Performance? Evidence from a Legislative Experiment Chair: Harrison Hong Sumit Agarwal, Gene Amromin, Itzhak Ben-David, Souphala Chomsisengphet and Douglas D. Evanoff, Federal Reserve Banks, Federal Reserve Banks, Ohio State Karl Borch's Auditorium University, Government of the United States of America and Federal Reserve Banks Discussant: Sophie Shive

Learning from the Outcomes of Others: Stock Market Experiences of Local Peers and New Investors Market Entry Markku Kaustia and Samuli Knüpfer, Helsinki School of Economics and London Business School Discussant: Michela Verardo

Information Disclosure, Cognitive Biases and Payday Borrowing Marianne Bertrand and Adair Morse, University of Chicago and University of Chicago Discussant: Victoria Ivashina

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 27 Friday 21 August 2009


ECB Sessions on Liquidity Rollover Risk and Market Freezes F1A and Financial Crises: Viral V. Acharya, Douglas M. Gale and Tanju Yorulmazer, London Business Money Markets and the School, New York University and Federal Reserve Banks Transmission of Instability Discussant: Sudipto Bhattacharya Chair: Kjell Nyborg Liquidity Hoarding and Interbank Market Spreads: Dag Coward’s Auditorium The Role of Counterparty Risk Florian Heider, Marie Hoerova and Cornelia Holthausen, European Central Bank (ECB), European Central Bank (ECB) and European Central Bank (ECB) Discussant: Kjell Nyborg

The Capital Structure of Financial Institutions and Liquidity Crisis Xuewen Liu and Antonio S. Mello, Imperial College London and University of Wisconsin - Madison Discussant: Mathias Drehmann


Asset Pricing, Theoretical: The Term Structure of Interest Rates in an Equilibrium Economy with F1B Equilibrium Models of the Short Term and Long Term Investments Term Structure of Interest Carles Vergara-Alert, University of Navarra Rates Discussant: Benjamin Croitoru Chair: Carsten Sørensen The Long-Term Discount Rate Jan Mossin’s Auditorium Christine A. Parlour, Richard Stanton and Johan Walden, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley and University of California, Berkeley Discussant: Nicole Branger

Term Premium Dynamics and the Taylor Rule Michael F. Gallmeyer, Burton Hollifield, Francisco Palomino and Stanley E. Zin, Texas A&M University, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and Carnegie Mellon University Discussant: Carsten Sørensen

28 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Friday 21 August

Friday 21 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Brain Drain: Are Mutual Funds Losing Their Best Minds? F1C Fund Managers Leonard Kostovetsky, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Chair: Michael Halling Administration Discussant: Evgeny Lyandres Agnar Sandmo's Auditorium High Water Marks in Competitive Capital Markets Susan Kerr Christoffersen and David K. Musto, McGill University and University of Pennsylvania Discussant: Darwin Choi

Pension Fund Performance and Risk-Taking Under Decentralized Investment Management David P. Blake, Allan G. Timmermann, Ian Tonks and Russ Wermers, City University London, University of California, San Diego, University of Exeter Business School and University of Maryland Discussant: Erik Kole 08:30–10:00

Financial Econometrics: Forecasting Interest Rates and Inflation: F1D Return and Interest Rate Blue Chip Clairvoyants or Econometrics? Forecasting Albert Lee Chun, Copenhagen Business School Chair: Ralph Koijen Discussant: Lieven Baele

Finn E. Kydland’s Auditorium No-Arbitrage Near-Cointegrated VAR(p) Term Structure Models, Term Premia and GDP Growth Caroline Jardet, A. Monfort and Fulvio Pegoraro, Banque de France, National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) and Banque de France Discussant: Scott Joslin

Long-Run Factors and Fluctuations in Dividend/Price Carlo A. Favero, Arie Eskenazi Gozluklu and Andrea Tamoni, Bocconi University, Bocconi University and Bocconi University Discussant: Michael Halling

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 29 Friday 21 August 2009


Corporate Finance, Empirical: Soft vs. Tough Bankruptcy Law. Evidence from the US and Germany F1E Debt Covenants Vladimir N. Vladimirov, Goethe University Frankfurt Chair: Kristian Miltersen Discussant: Mads Nielsen

Auditorium E The Defeasance of Control Rights Carsten Bienz, Antoine Faure-Grimaud and Zsuzsanna Fluck, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH), London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) and Michigan State University Discussant: Walter N. Torous

Creditor Control Rights, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value Greg Nini, Amir Sufi and David C. Smith, University of Pennsylvania, University of Chicago and University of Virginia Discussant: Carsten Bienz


Corporate Finance, Empirical: Seasoned Equity Offerings, Quality Signalling, and Private Benefits of Control F1F Equity Offerings Balasingham Balachandran, Robert W. Faff, Michael Theobald and Eswaran Chair: Samuli Knüpfer Velayutham, La Trobe University, Monash University, University of Birmingham and Monash University Auditorium 14 Discussant: Marie Dutordoir

IPO Lockup Arrangements and Trading by Insiders Hafiz Hoque and Meziane Lasfer, City University London and City University London Discussant: Scott H.C Hsu

Subscription Patterns, Offer Prices and the Underpricing of IPOs Arif Khurshed, Alok Pande and Ajai K. Singh, University of Manchester, IIM Bangalore and Case Western Reserve University Discussant: Petri Jylha

30 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Friday 21 August

Friday 21 August 2009


Financial Intermediation Foreign Currency Borrowing by Small Firms F1G and Institutions: Martin Brown, Steven Ongena and Pinar Yesin, Swiss National Bank, Tilburg Foreign Borrowing University and Swiss National Bank Chair: Mariassunta Giannetti Discussant: Linus Siming

Auditorium 24 Contracting Frictions and Cross-Border Capital Flows: Evidence from Venture Capital Laura Anne Lindsey, Ana Laura Balcarcel and Michael G. Hertzel, Arizona State University, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Arizona State University Discussant: Kasper Nielsen

The Real Effect of Foreign Banks Robert B. H. Hauswald, American University Discussant: Steven Ongena


Viz Risk Management Fundamentals, Trader Activity and Derivative Pricing F1H Sessions on Energy Markets, Bahattin Buyuksahin, Michael S. Haigh, Jeffrey H. Harris, James A. Overdahl and Michel Securities, and Prices: A. Robe, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), K2 Advisors, University of Empirical Analysis of Energy Delaware, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and American University Markets Discussant: Anders Trolle Chair: Álvaro Cartea Limits to Arbitrage and Hedging: Evidence from Commodity Markets Karl Borch’s Auditorium Viral V. Acharya, Tarun Ramadorai and Lars A. Lochstoer, London Business School, University of Oxford and Columbia University Discussant: Jose S. Penalva Zuasti

The European Commission and EUA Prices: A High-Frequency Analysis of the EC’s Decision on Second NAPs Christian Conrad, Daniel Rittler and Waldemar Rotfuss, University of Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg and Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Discussant: Carl Ullrich

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 31 Friday 21 August 2009


ECB Sessions on Liquidity Securitization, Transparency and Liquidity F2A and Financial Crises: Marco Pagano and Paolo F. Volpin, University of Naples Federico II and Key Aspects of the London Business School Financial Crisis Discussant: Uday Rajan Chair: Philipp Hartmann Bank Lending During the Financial Crisis of 2008 Dag Coward’s Auditorium Victoria Ivashina and David S. Scharfstein, Harvard Business School and Harvard Business School Discussant: Gabriel Jimenez

On the Real Effects of Bank Bailouts: Micro-Evidence from Japan Mariassunta Giannetti and Andrei Simonov, Stockholm School of Economics and Michigan State University Discussant: Arnoud Boot


Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Multiple Trees Subject to Event Risk F2B General Equilibrium Models Paolo Porchia and Fabio Trojani, University of St. Gallen, Swiss Finance Chair: James Darrell Duffie Institute and Università di Lugano (USI) Discussant: Ethan Chiang Jan Mossin’s Auditorium Asset Pricing in General Equilibrium with Constraints Georgy Chabakauri, London Business School Discussant: Jerome Detemple

Generalized Transform Analysis of Affine Processes and Asset Pricing Applications Hui Chen and Scott Joslin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Discussant: Peter Feldhütter

32 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Friday 21 August

Friday 21 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Wealth Effects of Hedge Fund Activism F2C Hedge Funds Hadiye Aslan and Hilda Maraachlian, Cornell University and Chair: Bruno Gerard University of Houston Discussant: Bogdan Stacescu Agnar Sandmo’s Auditorium

On Tournament Behavior in Hedge Funds: High Water Marks, Managerial Horizon, and the Backfilling Bias Vikram K. Nanda and George O. Aragon, Georgia Institute of Technology and Arizona State University Discussant: Barbara Bukhvalova

Being Locked Up Hurts Frans de Roon, Jinqiang Guo and Jenke ter Horst, Tilburg University, Tilburg University and Tilburg University Discussant: Rudi Schadt 10:30–12:00

Financial Econometrics: Efficient Estimation of Firm-Specific Betas and its Benefits for F2D Asset Pricing Asset Pricing Tests and Portfolio Choice Chair: Frank de Jong and Mathijs Cosemans, Rik G.P. Frehen, Peter C. Schotman and Rob Bauer Jonas Andersson University of Maastricht, University of Maastricht, University of Maastricht and University of Maastricht Finn E. Kydland’s Auditorium Discussant: Adrian Buss

A New Class of Asset Pricing Models with Levy Processes: Theory and Applications Chayawat Ornthanalai, Georgia Institute of Technology Discussant: Tony Berrada

Jumps in Equilibrium Prices and Market Microstructure Noise Suzanne S. Lee and Per A. Mykland, Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Chicago Discussant: Bård Støve

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 33 Friday 21 August 2009


Corporate Finance, Empirical: What Gives? A Study of Firms’ Reactions to Cash Shortfalls F2E Bankruptcy and Financial Tor-Erik Bakke and Toni M. Whited, University of Wisconsin - Madison and Distress William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration Chair: B. Espen Eckbo Discussant: Bernt Ødegaard

Auditorium E Conflicts in Bankruptcy and the Sequence of Debt Issues Arturo Bris, S. Abraham Ravid, Ronald Sverdlove, IMD International, University of Pennsylvania, Rutgers University, Newark, School of Business- Newark, Department of Finance & Economics and New Jersey Institute of Technology Discussant: Paul Ehling

The Cost of Financial Distress and the Timing of Default Redouane Elkamhi, Christopher A. Parsons and Jan Ericsson, McGill University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and McGill University Discussant: Svein-Arne Persson 10:30–12:00

Corporate Finance, Empirical: Estimating Equity Premia from CDS Spreads F2F Investing in Firms with Debt Christoph Kaserer and Tobias Berg, Munich University of Technology and Chair: David Smith Munich University of Technology Discussant: Jan Ericsson Auditorium 14 Investing in Chapter 11 Stocks: Liquidity and Performance Yuanzhi Li and Zhaodong Zhong, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Discussant: Robert Mooradian

Does Debtor Protection Really Protect Debtors? Evidence from the Small Business Credit Market Allen N. Berger , Geraldo Cerqueiro and Maria Fabiana Penas, University of South Carolina, Tilburg University and Tilburg University Discussant: Ove Rein Hetland

34 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Friday 21 August

Friday 21 August 2009


Financial Intermediation The Costs of Being Private: Evidence from the Loan Market F2G and Institutions: Anthony Saunders and Sascha Steffen, New York University and Access to Credit University of Mannheim Chair: Charlotte Ostergaard Discussant: Frédéric Boissay

Auditorium 24 Forgive and Forget: Who Gets Credit after Bankruptcy and Why? Ethan Cohen-Cole, Burcu Duygan-Bump and Judit Montoriol-Garriga, University of Maryland, Federal Reserve Banks and Federal Reserve Banks Discussant: Jan Krahnen

Tests of Ex Ante versus Ex Post Theories of Collateral Using Private and Public Information Allen N. Berger, W. Scott Frame and Vasso Ioannidou, University of South Carolina, Federal Reserve Banks and Tilburg University Discussant: Bent Vale


Viz Risk Management Valuation of Electricity Futures: Reduced-Form vs. F2H Sessions on Energy Markets, Dynamic Equilibrium Models Securities, and Prices: Wolfgang Bühler and Jens Müller-Merbach, University of Mannheim and BHF- Electricity Markets Bank Aktiengesellschaft Chair: Petter Bjerksund Discussant: Stein-Erik Fleten

Karl Borch’s Auditorium Forward Hedging and Vertical Integration in Electricity Markets Arnaud Porchet, René Aïd, Nizar Touzi and Gilles Chemla, Citibank, N.A., Electricite de France, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris and Imperial College London Discussant: Linda Rud

Derivative Price Information Use in Hydroelectric Scheduling Stein-Erik Fleten, Jussi Keppo, Vivi K. Weiss and Helga K. Lumb, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, affiliation not provided to SSRN and affiliation not provided to SSRN

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 35 Friday 21 August 2009


Special Sessions on Liquidity Monetary Policy and Credit Crunch: F3A and Financial Crises: Identifying Simultaneously the Bank Lending and Balance Sheet Channels Stability Steven Ongena, Jose Luis Peydro, Jesus Saurina Salas and Gabriel Jimenez, Chair: Bent Vale Tilburg University, European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of Spain and Bank of Spain Discussant: Jørn Inge Halvorsen Dag Coward’s Auditorium Bank Competition and Economic Stability: The Role of Monetary Policy Sylvain Champonnois, University of California, San Diego Discussant: Ewa Miklaszewska

Funding Liquidity Risk in a Quantitative Model of Systemic Stability David Aikman, Piergiorgio Alessandri, Bruno Eklund, Prasanna Gai, Sujit Kapadia, Elizabeth Martin, Nada Mora, Gabriel Sterne and Matthew Willison, Bank of England, Bank of England, Bank of England, Bank of England, Bank of England, affiliation not provided to SSRN, American University of Beirut, Bank of England and Bank of England Discussant: Philipp Hartmann 13:30–15:00

Asset Pricing, Theoretical: Uncertainty Aversion and the Term Structure of Interest Rates F3B Ambiguity Frode Brevik, VU University Amsterdam Chair: Jørgen Haug Discussant: Philipp K. Illeditsch

Jan Mossin’s Auditorium Ambiguity Aversion, Risk Aversion, and Asset Pricing Philipp K. Illeditsch, University of Pennsylvania Discussant: Tommy Stamland

Inflation Ambiguity and the Term Structure of Arbitrage-Free U.S. Government Bonds Maxim Ulrich, Columbia University Discussant: Frode Brevik

36 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Friday 21 August

Friday 21 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Price Adjustment to News with Uncertain Precision F3C Asymmetric Information Dieter Hess, Nikolaus Hautsch and Christoph Müller, University of Cologne, Chair: Peter Christoffersen Humboldt University of Berlin and University of Cologne Discussant: Günter Strobl Agnar Sandmo’s Auditorium When Uncertainty Blows in the Orchard: Comovement and Volatility Risk Premia Andrea Buraschi , Fabio Trojani and Andrea Vedolin and Imperial College London, Università di Lugano (USI), Swiss Finance Institute and Università di Lugano (USI) Discussant: Chayawat Ornthanalai

Does Beta Move with News? Systematic Risk and Firm-Specific Information Flows Andrew J. Patton and Michela Verardo, University of Oxford and London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) Discussant: Grigory Vilkov


International Finance: Is There a Trend in Idiosyncratic Volatility? F3D Volatility of International Geert Bekaert, Robert J. Hodrick and Xiaoyan Zhang, Columbia University, Stock Markets Columbia Business School - Economics Department, Columbia University and Chair: Richard Roll Cornell University Discussant: Ian Cooper Finn E. Kydland’s Auditorium Contagion in the Presence of Stochastic Interdependence Clifford A. Ball and Walter N. Torous, Vanderbilt University and University of California, Los Angeles Discussant: Akiko Watanabe

Why Do Foreign Firms Have Less Idiosyncratic Risk than U.S. Firms? Sohnke M. Bartram, Gregory W. Brown and Rene M. Stulz, Lancaster University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Ohio State University Discussant: Piet Sercu

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 37 Friday 21 August 2009


Corporate Finance, Empirical: Corporate Savings and Price Informativeness F3E Corporate Investments Laurent Fresard, HEC Paris Chair: Toni Whited Discussant: Jan Bena

Auditorium E Political Uncertainty and Corporate Investment Cycles Brandon Julio and Youngsuk Yook, London Business School and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Discussant: Ethan Cohen-Cole

Agency Costs of Idiosyncratic Volatility, Corporate Governance, and Investment* * WITHDRAWN DUE TO Kose John and Dalida Kadyrzhanova, New York University and UNEXPECTED CHANGE OF PLANS University of Maryland FOR THE PRESENTER Discussant: Toni Whited


Corporate Finance, Empirical: Blockholder Intervention Versus Threat of Exit F3F Active Stake Holders David R. Gallagher, Peter Gardner and Peter L. Swan, University of Technology, Chair: Peter Swan Sydney, University of New South Wales and University of New South Wales Discussant: Jonathan Cohn Auditorium 14 Liquidity and Shareholder Activism Oyvind Norli, Charlotte Ostergaard and Ibolya Schindele, Norwegian School of Management (BI), Norwegian School of Management (BI) and Norwegian School of Management (BI) Discussant: Woochan Kim

Industry Technological Changes, Venture Capital Incubation, and Post-IPO Firm Innovation and Performance Scott H.C Hsu, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Discussant: Jerry Cao

38 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Friday 21 August

Friday 21 August 2009


Financial Intermediation and The Option Value of Consumer Bankruptcy: Can Uninsured Idiosyncratic F3G Institutions: Risk Explain Bankruptcy Patterns? Syndicated Loans Ethan Cohen-Cole, University of Maryland Chair: Carsten Bienz Discussant: Kay Park

Auditorium 24 Institutional Investment in Syndicated Loans Debarshi Nandy, Pei Shao, York University Discussant: Sascha Steffen

Controlling Shareholders and the Agency Cost of Debt: Evidence from Syndicated Loans Praveen Kumar and Hadiye Aslan, University of Houston and Cornell University Discussant: David Smith


Behavioral Finance: Red and Blue Investing: Values and Finance F3H Attracting Investor Types Harrison G. Hong and Leonard Kostovetsky, Princeton University and Chair: Marcin Kacperczyk William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration Discussant: Sophie Shive Karl Borch’s Auditorium Religious Beliefs, Gambling Attitudes, and Financial Market Outcomes Alok Kumar, Jeremy K. Page and Oliver G. Spalt, University of Texas at Austin, University of Texas at Austin and University of Texas at Austin Discussant: Lucian Taylor

The Dark Side of the Moon: Structured Products from the Customer’s Perspective Thorsten Hens and Marc Oliver Rieger, University of Zurich and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Discussant: Paul Ehling

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 39 Saturday 22 August 2009


Special Sessions on Liquidity Bond Liquidity Premia S1A and Financial Crises: Jean-Sebastien Fontaine and Rene Garcia, Government of Canada and Asset Pricing EDHEC Business School Chair: Andrea Buraschi Discussant: Neil Pearson

Dag Coward’s Auditorium The Same Bond at Different Prices: Identifying Search Frictions and Demand Pressures Peter Feldhütter, Copenhagen Business School Discussant: Rene Garcia

The Joint Pricing of Volatility and Liquidity Federico M. Bandi , Claudia E. Moise and Jeffrey Russell, University of Chicago, Case Western Reserve University and University of Chicago Discussant: Andrea Vedolin


Asset Pricing, Empirical: The Effects of Investor Sentiment on Speculative Trading and S1B Active ( Smart ) Investors Prices of Stock and Index Options Chair: Soeren Hvidkjaer Michael L. Lemmon and Sophie X. Ni, University of Utah and Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) Jan Mossin’s Auditorium Discussant: Maik Schmeling

Riding Bubbles Nadja Guenster, Erik Kole and Ben Jacobsen, University of Maastricht, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and Massey University Discussant: Sophie Shive

Modern Portfolio Management with Conditioning Information I-Hsuan Ethan Chiang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Discussant: Michael Gallmeyer

40 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Saturday 22 August

Saturday 22 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Correlation in Corporate Defaults: Contagion or Conditional Independence? S1C Investments in David Lando and Mads Stenbo Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School and Corporate Bonds Copenhagen Business School Chair: Peter Feldhütter Discussant: Wolfgang Bühler

Agnar Sandmo’s Auditorium Measuring and Modeling Default Dependence: Evidence from CDO, CDS and Equity Data Peter F. Christoffersen , Jan Ericsson , Kris Jacobs and Xisong Jin, McGill University, McGill University, McGill University and McGill University Discussant: David Lando

Why Ratings Matter: Evidence from Lehman’s Index Rating Rule Change Zhihua Chen , Aziz A. Lookman , Norman Schürhoff and Duane J. Seppi, HEC University of Lausanne, University of Pittsburgh, University of Lausanne and Carnegie Mellon University Discussant: Olfa Maalaoui 09:00–10:30

International Finance: Competing Capital Constraints S1D International Stock Markets Astrid V. Schornick, INSEAD Chair: Ian Cooper Discussant: Van Nguyen

Finn E. Kydland’s Auditorium Informed Trading Around the World Sandy Lai, Lilian K. Ng and Bohui Zhang, Singapore Management University, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and University of New South Wales Discussant: Patrick Kelly

Cross Listing Waves Sergei Sarkissian and Michael J. Schill, McGill University and University of Virginia Discussant: Masahiro Watanabe

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 41 Saturday 22 August 2009


Corporate Finance, Empirical: Capital Gains Tax Overhang and Payout Policy S1E Dividends Jonathan B. Cohn and Stephanie A. Sikes, University of Texas at Chair: Micah Officer Austin and Duke University Discussant: Andriy Bodnaruk Auditorium E Dividend Policies in an Unregulated Market: The London Stock Exchange 1895–1905 Lyndon Moore and Fabio Braggion, University of Montreal and Tilburg University Discussant: Balasingham Balachandran

The Shareholder Base and Payout Policy Andriy Bodnaruk and Per Östberg, University of Notre Dame and Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) Discussant: Miguel Ferreira


Corporate Finance, Empirical: A Servant to Many Masters: Competing Shareholder Preferences and Limits to Catering S1F Catering Stake Holders Massimo Massa and Alberto Manconi, INSEAD and INSEAD Chair: K.J. Martijn Cremers Discussant: Laurent Fresard

Auditorium 14 Why Do Convertible Issuers Simultaneously Repurchase Stock? An Arbitrage-Based Explanation Abe de Jong, Marie Dutordoir and Patrick Verwijmeren and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), University of Manchester and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Discussant: Darwin Choi

When Shareholders are Creditors: Effects of the Simultaneous Holding of Equity and Debt by Institutional Investors Wei Jiang and Kai Li, Pei Shao, Columbia University and University of British Columbia Discussant: George Aragon

42 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Saturday 22 August

Saturday 22 August 2009


Financial Intermediation The Effect of Litigation on Venture Capitalist Reputation* S1G and Institutions: Vladimir A. Atanasov , Vladimir I. Ivanov and Kate Litvak, College of William Borrower-Lender Conflicts and Mary, Vanderbilt University and Northwestern University Chair: Andrew Ellul Discussant: Jonathan Cohn

Auditorium 24 Bank Capital, Borrower Power, and Loan Rates João A. C. Santos and Andrew Winton, Federal Reserve Banks and University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Discussant: Florian Heider

Interest Rates in Trade Credit Markets Klenio Barbosa , Humberto Moreira and Walter Novaes, University of * WITHDRAWN DUE TO Toulouse 1, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and Pontifical Catholic University UNEXPECTED CHANGE OF PLANS of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) FOR THE PRESENTER Discussant: Zsuzsanna Fluck


Behavioral Finance: Prospect Theory, Partial Liquidation and the Disposition Effect* S1H Documenting Behavioral Vicky Henderson, University of Oxford Biases Chair: Thorsten Hens Managerial Biases and Corporate Risk Management Tim Adam, Chitru S. Fernando and Evgenia V. Golubeva, Humboldt University Karl Borch’s Auditorium of Berlin, University of Oklahoma and University of Oklahoma Discussant: Per Östberg

Is Investor Rationality Time Varying? * WITHDRAWN DUE TO Evidence from the Mutual Fund Industry UNEXPECTED CHANGE OF PLANS Vincent Glode, Burton Hollifield, Marcin T. Kacperczyk and Shimon Kogan, FOR THE PRESENTER University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University, New York University and University of Texas at Austin Discussant: Thorsten Hens

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 43 Saturday 22 August 2009


Special Sessions on Liquidity Funding Liquidity Risk: Definition and Measurement S2A and Financial Crises: Mathias Drehmann and Kleopatra Nikolaou, Bank for International Funding Settlements (BIS) and European Central Bank (ECB) Chair: Per Östberg Discussant: Ruslan Goyenko

Dag Coward’s Auditorium The Stabilizing Effects of Risk-Sensitive Bank Capital Frédéric Boissay and Christoffer Kok Sorensen, European Central Bank (ECB) and European Central Bank (ECB) Discussant: Bogdan Stacescu

Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers: The Role of Funding Risk Benjamin Klaus and Bronka Rzepkowski, Goethe University Frankfurt and ­affiliation not provided to SSRN Discussant: Claudia Moise


Asset Pricing, Empirical: A Unique View of Hedge Fund Derivatives Usage: S2B Reestablishing Efficient Safeguard or Speculation? Markets George O. Aragon and J. Spencer Martin, Arizona State University and Chair: Markku Kaustia Carnegie Mellon University Discussant: Joop Huij Jan Mossin’s Auditorium Are Stocks Really Less Volatile in the Long Run? Lubos Pastor and Robert F. Stambaugh, University of Chicago and University of Pennsylvania Discussant: Peter Christoffersen

Mispricing of Dual-Class Shares: Profit Opportunities, Arbitrage, and Trading Paul H. Schultz and Sophie Shive, University of Notre Dame and University of Notre Dame Discussant: Katya Malinova

44 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Saturday 22 August

Saturday 22 August 2009


Asset Pricing, Empirical: Is Shareholders’ Strategic Default Behavior Priced? Evidence from the S2C Implications of Corporate International Cross-Section of Stocks Decisions on Asset Pricing Giovanni Favara, Enrique J. Schroth and Philip Valta, HEC University of Chair: David Lando Lausanne, University of Lausanne and Swiss Finance Institute Discussant: Albert Chun Agnar Sandmo’s Auditorium Real Investment, Risk and Risk Dynamics Ilan Cooper and Richard Priestley, Norwegian School of Management (BI) and Norwegian School of Management (BI) Discussant: Engelbert Dockner

Capital Structure Effects on Prices of Firm Stock Options: Tests Using Implied Market Values of Corporate Debt* * WITHDRAWN DUE TO Robert L. Geske and Yi Zhou, University of California, Los Angeles and UNEXPECTED CHANGE OF PLANS University of Oklahoma FOR THE PRESENTER Discussant: Dion Bongaerts 11:00–12:30

International Finance: Spot and Forward Volatility in Foreign Exchange S2D Currency Markets Pasquale Della Corte, Lucio Sarno and Ilias Tsiakas, University of Warwick, Chair: Tom Berglund City University London and University of Warwick Discussant: Fulvio Pegoraro Finn E. Kydland's Auditorium Crash Risk in Currency Markets Emmanuel Farhi, Samuel P. Fraiberger, Xavier Gabaix, Romain Ranciere and Adrien Verdelhan, Harvard University, New York University, New York University, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Boston University Discussant: Aku Penttinen

Why are Some Currencies Viewed as Benchmarks? The Roles of Interest Rates, Economic Size, and Exchange-Rate Regime Fang Liu and Piet Sercu, Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) and Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) Discussant: Arto Thurlin

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 45 Saturday 22 August 2009


Financial Econometrics: Multi-Period Forecasts of Volatility: Direct, Iterated, and Mixed-Data Approaches S2E Volatility Eric Ghysels , Rossen I. Valkanov and Antonio Rubia, University of North Chair: Peter Schotman Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of California, San Diego and Universidad de Alicante-Dpto. Economía Financiera Auditorium E Discussant: Mathijs Cosemans

The Equity Premium and The Volatility Spread: The Role of Risk-Neutral Skewness Bruno Feunou , Jean-Sebastien Fontaine and Roméo Tédongap, Duke University, Government of Canada and Stockholm School of Economics Discussant: Nicole Branger

Realized Volatility and Price Spikes in Electricity Markets: The Importance of Observation Frequency Carl J. Ullrich, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Discussant: Jonas Andersson


Corporate Finance, Empirical: Inheritance Law and Investment in Family Firms S2F Family Firms Andrew Ellul, Marco Pagano and Fausto Panunzi, Indiana University Chair: Arnoud Boot Bloomington, University of Naples Federico II and Bocconi University Discussant: Thore Johnsen Auditorium 14 Capital Structure Decisions in Family Firms – Empirical Evidence from a Bank-Based Economy Markus Ampenberger, Thomas Schmid, Ann-Kristin Achleitner and Christoph Kaserer, Munich University of Technology, Munich University of Technology, Munich University of Technology and Munich University of Technology Discussant: Andrew Ellul

The Life Cycle of Family Ownership: A Comparative Study of France, Germany, Italy and the U.K. Julian R. Franks, Colin Mayer, Paolo F. Volpin and Hannes F. Wagner, London Business School, University of Oxford, London Business School and Bocconi University. Discussant: Marcel Vorage

46 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Saturday 22 August

Saturday 22 August 2009


Financial Intermediation Investment Banking Careers S2G and Institutions: Ulf Axelson and A. Philip Bond, Institute for Financial Research (SIFR) and Governance Structure University of Pennsylvania Chair: Steven Ongena Discussant: Ibolya Schindele

Auditorium 24 Social Capital and the Viability of Stakeholder-Oriented Firms: Evidence from Norwegian Savings Banks Charlotte Ostergaard, Ibolya Schindele and Bent Vale, Norwegian School of Management (BI), Norwegian School of Management (BI) and Central Bank of Norway Discussant: Maria Penas

Informed and Uninformed Investment in Housing: The Downside of Diversification* * WITHDRAWN DUE TO Elena Loutskina and Philip E. Strahan, University of Virginia and UNEXPECTED CHANGE OF PLANS Boston College FOR THE PRESENTER Discussant: Wolf Wagner 11:00–12:30

Behavioral Finance: Asset Market Games of Survival S2H Explaining Behavioral Biases Rabah Amir, Igor V. Evstigneev and Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé, Catholic Chair: Soeren Hvidkjaer University of Louvain, University of Manchester and University of Leeds Discussant: Shimon Kogan Karl Borch’s Auditorium Myopic Extrapolation, Price Momentum, and Price Reversal Long Chen, Claudia E. Moise and Shelly Zhao, Washington University, St. Louis, Case Western Reserve University and Kent State University Discussant: J. Spencer Martin

Do Investment Flows Drive the Disposition Effect on Fund Managers? Min-Hsieng Chiang and Hsin-Yi Huang, National Cheng Kung University and National Cheng Kung University Discussant: Susan Kerr Christoffersen

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 47 Social Events

Official Welcome

Wednesday, August 19, 2009, Departure time: 18:30 hrs Meeting point: the quai opposite the road from Radisson SAS Royal Hotel

The Welcome Reception is included in the registration fee. Delegates and accompanying persons must be pre-registered in order to attend the event.

How to get there: Two boats will pick us up at the quai oppo- site the road from Radisson SAS Royal Hotel at 18:30. From here we will take a 30-minute boat trip on the fjord before we arrive at the United Sardine Factory (USF).

If you are not able to make it to the boat Georgernes Verft. Photo: Evy Sørensen, USF Verftet trip USF at Georgernes Verft is just a 10- to 15-minute walk from “Bryggen”. For walking USF is located by the seaside at Georgernes Art and culture are produced, organized and directions please see the white dotted line on Verft and was once the largest cannery in passed on in several forms and genres in the map on page 57. Norway. In the early 1990s the old factory was a building that is more than 12,000 square transformed into a multiple arena – an art and meters. Please note that no transportation is cultural centre – which is unique in size and arranged for the return. variety, according to both Norwegian and inter- The official reception begins at 19:30. national standards.

48 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009

Conference Supper

Friday, August 21, 2009, Departure time: 19:45 hrs Meeting point: Lower station of the funicular, Fløibanen

Conference Supper fee: Delegate: €50 Fløien Folkerestaurant, Mt. Fløien Accompanying person: €50 Bryggen Both delegates and accompanying persons must show pre-purchased tickets to join Excursions the Conference Supper. For more information about The Conference Supper will take How to get there: what to do in Bergen, please place at Fløien Folkerestaurant The funicular, Fløibanen will carry us visit our website or go to on the night of Friday, August up to the restaurant. We will meet at 21. Located on Fløien, one of Fløibanen’s lower station at 19:45. As the seven mountains surrounding you will see from the map on page 57 the The Bergen Tourist informa- Funicular Fløien the city, the restaurant boasts the station is located at Vetrlidsallmenningen, tion Office is located in the most magnificent views of any close to the Fish Market. After the end city centre, opposite the fish restaurant in Bergen. of the evening, the funicular will bring marked. Here they can tell you The building was completed on July 13, 1925, forming a landmark for us down to the city centre again. There all you need to know about Bergen. The architecture was designed to the tiniest detail, including will be more departures. For those of you Bergen, in example attrac- ornamentation and interior, by Einar Oscar Schou (1877 – 1966). After who want to get some exercise before tions, night life, sightseeing comprehensive restoration, the restaurant reopened on June 13, 1992 going to sleep, we recommend a slow and guided fjord tours. The under the name Fløien Folkerestaurant. walk down. It will not take more than opening hours are 09.00- Here we will enjoy a small taste of Norway and there will be both 30–40 minutes. 20.00. speeches and entertainment during the evening

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 49 General information

About Bergen How to get to the venue Placed between the mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, Bergen Bus has always looked outwards and towards overseas markets. In the conference bag delegates will find a personal bus card for Through its harbor setting and early commercial importance, use on the buses between the city centre and the conference the city was a vital link in the Hanseatic League (an alliance of venue. NHH is less than a 10-minute bus ride from the city centre, European and Baltic common trading) in the Middle Ages and and the buses depart frequently. There are several bus stops in the early modern period. Bergen has made its living through trade in city centre. They are indicated on the map on page 57. The buses natural resources for nearly a thousand years, and is today a focal to NHH are marked with number 9, 20, 24, 71, 80, 90, 270, or 280. point for the offshore oil and gas industry. A successful combina- tion of culture and mercantile know-how, of finance and research, Taxi of tradition and enterprise, has made Bergen what it is today. Taxis are available at several designated taxi ranks in the city centre or Norway’s second largest city has the facilities and pace of a large you can ask the front desk at your hotel to order one for you. A taxi city yet the charm and atmosphere of a small city, with its wooden ride takes some 5–10 minutes and will cost around NOK 120–180. houses, alleys and narrow passages. Bergen Taxi: ...... 07000 Norgestaxi: ...... 08000

Conference Venue Walking The conference venue is the Norwegian School of Economics and On a nice day, delegates may choose to walk the 40-45 minutes Business Administration (NHH). Founded in 1936, NHH is the distance between the city centre and the venue, enjoying the open leading business school in Norway. The school is situated in the air museum of “Old Bergen” along the route. For walking instructions, outer part of the city centre, around 4 km north of “Bryggen”. It is please see the map on page 57. an impressive venue looking out over the sea towards the city of Bergen and the surrounding islands. The address is: Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Registration Tel: 0047 55 95 90 00, Email: [email protected] Please note that the EFA 2009 registration desk will operate at SAS Hotel Bryggen on Wednesday, August 19, 14:00–18:00. The fol- lowing days the registration will find place at NHH.

50 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Assistance Radisson SAS Royal Hotel Bryggen Contact one of our volunteers if you need help of any kind. They will Wednesday, August 19 ...... 14:00–18:00 all be wearing red badge lanyards.

NHH Thursday, August 20 ...... 08:00–17:00 Internet Friday, August 21...... 08:00–17:00 Wireless internet is available on campus. There will also be comput- Saturday, August 22 ...... 08:30–12:00 ers available in the lounge.

Badges Registration includes the following items: The delegate personal badge is the entrance ticket to all • EFA yearly membership Conference Sessions and Lunches; thus participants are kind- • Admissions to all conference sessions ly requested always to wear their badge. In case of loss • Coffee breaks of badge, the Conference Reception should be contacted. • Lunches on Thursday, Friday and Saturday • Admissions to the Welcome Reception on Wednesday • Personal bus card for rides between the city centre and NHH Official Conference Management Company The Organizing Committee works closely together with Kongress & Kultur AS, which is the conference bureau in charge of the registra- Presentations tion, accommodation and social events. All speakers are kindly asked to bring their presentations on a USB flash drive. Additionally, we recommend that the speakers have internet access to their presentations ( e.g email ). The speakers Liability and Insurance should seek their respective presentation location 15 minutes before Conference organizers cannot be held responsible for accidents the start of the session. involving conference participants or accompanying person, for dam- age, or loss of their personal property, or for cancellation expenses, regardless of cause. Participants are advised to organize their own travel insurance to cover them for their stay in Norway.

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 51 Practical information

Bergen Weather Credit Cards Thanks to the warming effect of the Gulf Stream, Bergen enjoys The use of credit cards is widespread in Norway, and they are mild weather compared to the rest of Norway. Temperatures can in accepted almost everywhere. Eurocard, MasterCard, VISA, August reach up to and beyond 20°C / 68°F and Bergensers and the American Express and Diners Club are the most common. It is many tourists that visit Bergen at this time of year may enjoy sunny a good idea to check with your credit card company about the days in their summer clothing. However, Bergen is wetter than other degree of acceptability and available services before you leave areas, due to rain clouds regularly being trapped by the surrounding home. Note that most food stores however only accept debit cards. mountains, and visitors are warned to bring their umbrellas!

Traveller’s Cheques Currency Traveller’s cheques are accepted and should be purchased before The official currency in Norway is NOK (Norwegian Kroner). One arriving in Norway. krone is divided into 100 øre. Coins of 50 øre, 1 NOK, 5 NOK, 10 NOK and 20 NOK are in circulation. Bills are issued in denomina- tions of 50 NOK, 100 NOK, 200 NOK, 500 NOK and 1000 NOK. Banks In summertime, the banks in Bergen are open between 10:00 and 15:00 hours during working days. On Saturday and Sunday the Exchange rate (Juli 2009) banks are closed. ATMs/cash dispensers are normally easy to find. The exchange rate of NOK 1 = 0,111 EURO = 0,156 USD = 0,095 GDB = 0,168 CHF = 1, 22 SEK Post Office Post offices are open from Monday to Saturday. The central post office Currency Exhange is located in Smaastrandgaten 3 (in the shopping center Exhibition). All Norwegian banks and major post offices exhange foreign ­currency. It is open between 10:00 and 20:00 hours from Monday to Friday Currency exchange offices are also located at Bergen Airport Flesland and from 10:00 to 18:00 hours on Saturdays. and at the train station. Please note that there are post offices in several of the super­markets

52 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 in Bergen. These post offices follow the opening hours of the super- cash refund of VAT when your purchases in one store exceed a markets and are generally open until late at night. certain amount.

Shopping (including Tax Free) Time In summertime, usual operating hours for shops in Bergen are as follow: Norway is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+1).

Shops on city streets Monday- Friday (except Thursday): 10:00 to 16:30 (or 17:00) Tipping Thursday: 10:00 to 19:00 Restaurants, hotels and taxi drivers include a service fee in their Saturday: 10:00 to 15:00 (some close as early as 14:00, whereas others charges. Customers who are satisfied with the service they receive don’t close until 18:00) normally tip an extra 5-10%.

Shopping centres Monday–Friday: 09:00 (or 10:00) to 20:00 (or 21:00) Electricity Saturday: 09:00 (or 10:00) to 18:00 Electricity in Norway is 220 V AC with 50 Hertz cycles. Plugs used are round-ended, two-pronged plugs such as those used in most Supermarkets of Europe (with the exception of UK). Adapters are required for Monday-Friday: 08:00 (or 09:00 or 10:00) to 20:00 (or 21:00, 22:00 appliances from USA, Canada or other non–European countries. or 23:00) Saturday: 09:00 (or 10:00) to 18:00 (or 20:00 or 22:00) Dress In Norway VAT is included in the retail price. As a visitor to a foreign Smart casual wear is suggested for all conference events, except country you are entitled to a VAT/GST refund on the purchases you the conference supper, where we suggest a more formal outfit. export from Norway. Approx. 300 shops in Bergen offer 12–19 % A jacket is advisable as it can get cooler in the evenings.

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 53 Water There will be water available at all times during the conference at Taxi Numbers NHH. The tap-water in Bergen is safe to drink. Bergen Taxi: ...... 07000 Norgestaxi: ...... 08000

Useful telephone numbers Tourist Information Emergency & Hospitals Vågsallmenningen 1, NO-5014 Bergen, Norway Fire: ...... 110 Tel.: ...... (+47) 55 55 20 00 Ambulance: ...... 113 Fax: ...... (+47) 55 55 20 01 Police: ...... 112 Airport and Transport Information Bergen emergency medical centre (Bergen Legevakt) Bergen Airport Flesland Vestre Strømkai. 19. Tel...... (+47) 55 56 87 00. Service Center: Open 24 hours Tel: ...... (+ 47) 55 99 81 55, Fax: ...... (+47) 55 99 81 58 Emergency Dental Care Vestre Strømkai 19, Tel...... (+47) 55 56 87 17. To call Bergen from abroad: ...... +47 Open daily. To order trunk calls abroad, dial ...... 115 Direct dialling ...... 00 + country code Duty Pharmacy, Apoteket Nordstjernen, AT&T ...... 80019011 Bus Station. Tel...... (+47) 55 21 83 84. Open daily.


LECG Prize for Best LECG Prize for Best Argentum Prize for Best Viz Risk Management Conference Paper Conference Paper by Symposium Paper on Prize on Energy Markets, The best overall paper presented Doctoral Students Private Equity and Funds of Securities, and Prices at the EFA Meeting will be rec- The best paper presented at the Private Equity The paper presented in the spe- ognized with the LECG Prize for EFA Meeting by doctoral students The best paper presented at the cial session on Energy Markets, Best Conference Paper. This prize will be recognized with the LECG Symposium on Private Equity and Securities, and Prices at the EFA is sponsored by LECG (Laws and Prize for Best Conference Paper Funds of Private Equity at the EFA Meeting will be recognized with Economics Consulting Group). by Doctoral Students. This prize Meeting will be recognized with the the Viz Risk Management Prize on is sponsored by LECG (Laws and Argentum Prize for Best Symposium Energy Markets, Securities, and Economics Consulting Group). Paper on Private Equity and Funds Prices . This prize is sponsored by of Private Equity. This prize is spon- Viz Risk Management. sored by Argentum Private Equity.

54 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Swine Flu / Influenza A Swine flu is a hot topic in the media in the Western World. The What do I do if I become ill? Norwegian Health Authorities assume that Norway now is entering If you have symptoms of the flu you should immediately call the the first wave, where as much as 30 % of the Norwegian population local emergency medical centre. Please, do not t just turn up at the (about 1.4 million people) can be infected within the next 3 months. emergency centre, always call in advance, so that the necessary For most people who get infected by swine flu, the disease will feel precautions can be taken. like a normal flu. But some people can get seriously ill. The disease is Phone number to Bergen emergency medical centre (Bergen Legevakt) transmitted in the same way as seasonal influenza through coughing, is: 55 56 87 60 sneezing or close contact with someone who is already infected. If you have been diagnosed with swine flu you should: Symptoms of swine flu: - Limit the number of people you are in contact with. Symptoms of swine flu in humans are similar to those of influenza - Remain at your hotel room. and of influenza-like illness in general, namely chills, fever, sore throat, - Notify the EFA 2009 Secretariat at [email protected]. muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort. Some also report of diarrhoea and vomiting.

Common Fund Prize on GSAM Prize for Best Paper Nasdaq/OMX Prize for Best Best Doctoral Tutorial Paper. Endowment and Foundation Published in Review of Doctoral Tutorial Paper This prize is sponsored by Management Finance The best paper presented at Nasdaq/OMX. The best paper on endowment and The best paper published in the Doctoral Tutorial at the EFA The best paper will be selected foundation management presented Review of Finance will be rec- Meeting will be recognized with by the faculty at the Doctoral at the EFA Meeting will be recog- ognized with the GSAM Prize for the Nasdaq/OMX Prize for Tutorial on Wednesday August 19 nized with the Commonfund Prize Best Paper Published in Review of in Bergen. on Endowment and Foundation Finance. This prize is sponsored Management. by GSAM (Goldman Sachs Asset This prize is sponsored by Management). Commonfund.

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 55 Maps 2. etVenueg (NHH)










56 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Bergen

1 Thon Hotel Bergen Brygge 2 Clarion Collection Hotel Havnekontoret 3 Radisson SAS Royal Hotel Bryggen 4 Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz 5 First Marin Hotel 6 Neptun Hotel 7 Thon Hotel Bristol 8 Radisson SAS Hotel Norge 9 Rica Hotel Bergen 10 City Apartment Hotel 11 Bergen Travel Hotel 12 Scandic Bergen City

Travelling to NHH from Bergen In the city centre buses marked 9, 20, 24, 71, 80, 90, 270 or 280 will take you to NHH in less than 10 minutes. The number for Bergen Taxi is 07000 and for Norgestaxi 08000. See page 50 and 51 for further information

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 57 Reviewers

Mark Van Achter Hans-Peter Burghof Joost Driessen Oystein Gjerde Hans Hvide Reena Aggarwal Mike C. Burkart Ariadna Dumitrescu David Goldreich Soeren Hvidkjaer Anup Agrawal José Manuel Campa B. Espen Eckbo Francisco J. Gomes Philipp K. Illeditsch Nihat Aktas Rachel Ann Jane Campbell Tore Ellingsen Radhakrishnan Gopalan Jean M. Imbs Rui A. Albuquerque Massimiliano Caporin Andrew Ellul Todd A. Gormley Joachim Inkmann Andres Almazan Andrew Peter Carverhill Edwin J. Elton Amit Goyal Ravi Jagannathan Jonas Andersson Wing H. Chan Bjorn Eraker Denis Gromb Rainer Jankowitsch George O. Aragon Gilles Chemla Jan Ericsson Martin J. Gruber Tim Jenkinson Stefan Arping Thomas J. Chemmanur Vihang R. Errunza Andre Güttler Bjarne Astrup Jensen Elena N. Asparouhova Mikhail Chernov Antonio Falato Massimo Guidolin Frank de Jong Doron Avramov Gail Chianese Michael W. Faulkender Andreas Hackethal Peter Løchte Jørgensen Ulf Axelson N. K. Chidambaran David Feldman Hendrik Hakenes Matthias Kahl Philippe Bacchetta Bhagwan Chowdhry Nuno Goncalves Gracias Michael Halling Avner Kalay Tor-Erik Bakke Peter Ove Christensen Fernandes Allaudeen Hameed Madhu Kalimipalli Matthias Bank Charlotte Christiansen Chitru S. Fernando Jacques Hamon Nikunj Kapadia Christina E. Bannier Peter Christoffersen Daniel Ferreira Robert S. Hansen Christoph Kaserer Nina Baranchuk Susan E. Kerr Christoffersen Michael Jay Fishman Jeffrey H. Harris Markku Kaustia Heski Bar-Isaac Albert Lee Chun Christian Riis Flor Philipp Hartmann Donald B. Keim Suleyman Basak Stijn Claessens Zsuzsanna Fluck Harald Hau Patrick J. Kelly Daniel Bauer Jerry Coakley Thierry Foucault Jørgen Haug Matti Keloharju Tom Patrik Berglund João F. Cocco Pascal Francois Robert B.H. Hauswald Aneel Keswani Elazar Berkovitch Alain Coen Guenter Franke Ulrich Hege Stefanie Kleimeier Fabio Bertoni Pierre Collin-Dufresne Hans Frimor Thorsten Hens Yrjo Koskinen Sreedhar T. Bharath Robert A. Connolly Paolo Fulghieri Julia Hirsch Roy R.P. Kouwenberg Utpal Bhattacharya Ian Anthony Cooper Andrea Gamba Yael V. Hochberg Holger Kraft Carsten Bienz Ilan Cooper Mark J. Garmaise Burton Hollifield Jan Pieter Krahnen Andriy Bodnaruk Francesca Cornelli Ian Garrett Jenke R. ter Horst Roman Kräussl Christa H. S. Bouwman K.J. Martijn Cremers Thomas Gehrig Armen Hovakimian Bart Lambrecht Michael W. Brandt Henrik Cronqvist Bruno Gerard Gayané Hovakimian David Lando Nicole Branger Stefano d’Addona Laurent Germain Scott H.C Hsu Kasper Larsen Michael John Brennan Thomas Dangl Ronald Giammarino Rocco Huang Meziane Lasfer Menachem Brenner Hans A. Degryse Mariassunta Giannetti Roger D. Huang Christian Laux Arturo Bris Jerome Detemple Rajna Gibson Georges Hubner Alfred Lehar Neil Brisley Elroy Dimson Javier Gil-Bazo Julien N. Hugonnier Tore Leite David P. Brown Robert F. Dittmar Edith Ginglinger Joop Huij Robert Lensink Andrea Buraschi Engelbert J. Dockner Pierre Giot Cynthia Van Hulle Mikko Leppamaki

58 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Bing Liang Stefan Nagel Sofia Brito Ramos Amit Seru Anders B. Trolle Erik Lie Vikram K. Nanda Jesper Rangvid Tyler Shumway Raman Uppal Tse-Chun Lin Debarshi Nandy S. Abraham Ravid Timothy T. Simin Sami Vähämaa Snorre Lindset M.P. Narayanan Adam V. Reed Johannes Atle Skjeltorp Aljosa Valentincic Abraham Lioui Giovanna Nicodano Haim Reisman Paolo Sodini Rossen Valkanov Jun Liu Kasper Meisner Nielsen Luc Renneboog Peter Norman Sorensen Maria Vassalou Xiaoquan Liu Mads Stenbo Nielsen Frank Riedel Carsten Sørensen Clara Vega Lars A. Lochstoer Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh Marco Da Rin Chester S. Spatt Laura Veldkamp Francis A. Longstaff George P. Nishiotis David T. Robinson Tommy Stamland Kumar Venkataraman Deborah J. Lucas Kjell Bjørn Nordal Juan Carlos Rodriguez Laura T. Starks Marno Verbeek Joril Maeland Oyvind Norli Richard W. Roll Ross M STARR Markku Vieru Pascal J. Maenhout Kjell G. Nyborg Frans A. de Roon Rune Stenbacka Paolo F. Volpin Jan Mahrt-Smith Terrance Odean Kasper F. Roszbach Gunnar Stensland Christian Wagner Dimitrios Malliaropulos Jacob Oded Lukas Roth Lars Stentoft Kuo-Chiang Wei Loriano Mancini Bernt Arne Ødegaard K. Geert Rouwenhorst Neal M. Stoughton Bas J.M. Werker Raphael N. Markellos Micah S. Officer Gonzalo Rubio Ilya A. Strebulaev Ingrid M. Werner Robert S. Marquez Steven R. G. Ongena Markus Rudolf Günter Strobl Toni M. Whited Marc Martos-Vila Per Östberg Stefan Ruenzi Per Johan Strömberg John O. S. Wilson Cesario Mateus Rogér Otten Kristian Rydqvist Avanidhar Subrahmanyam Andrew Winton Ernst G. Maug Paul Oyer Gideon Saar Marti G. Subrahmanyam Avi Wohl Rajnish Mehra Marco Pagano Frode Sættem Johan Sulaeman Daniel Wolfenzon Bertrand Melenberg Elias Papaioannou Jacob Sagi Shyam Sunder Youchang Wu Pierre Mella-Barral Ajay Patel Mark Howard Salmon Matti J. Suominen Jeffrey A. Wurgler Carlos A. Mello-e-Souza Loriana Pelizzon Klaus Sandmann Peter Lawrence Swan Pradeep K. Yadav Lukas Menkhoff Maria Fabiana Penas Sergey V. Sanzhar Dragon Yongjun Tang Yishay Yafeh Felix Meschke Francisco Perez-Gonzalez Oded H. Sarig Carsten Tanggaard Yosef Yagil Dag Michalsen Svein-Arne Persson Zacharias Sautner Geoffrey A. Tate Rui Yao Maria Michou Urs C. Peyer Olivier Scaillet Melvyn Teo Amir Yaron todd milbourn Ludovic Phalippou Ibolya Schindele Anjan V. Thakor Ayako Yasuda Kristian Risgaard Miltersen Stefan Pichler Christian Schlag David Thesmar Xiangkang Yin Claudia E. Moise Guillaume Plantin Erik Schloegl Dylan C. Thomas Youngsuk Yook Antonio Moreno R. Burt Porter Peter C. Schotman Karin S. Thorburn Tanju Yorulmazer Adolfo De Motta Rolf Poulsen Enrique J. Schroth Steven K. Todd Josef Zechner Dusan Mramor Paul Povel Paul Schure Walter N. Torous Holger M. Mueller Richard Priestley Duane J. Seppi Siegfried Trautmann Claus Munk Uday Rajan Piet M. F. A. Sercu Fabio Trojani

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 59 Index

Aase Knut K...... T3G Berglund Tom...... S2D Chambers David...... T1A Dybvig Philip...... T3G Acharya Viral...... F1A, F1H Berrada Tony...... T1B, F2D champonnois sylvain...... F3A Eckbo B. Espen...... F2E Achleitner Ann-Kristin...... S2F Bertrand Marianne...... T4H Chemla Gilles...... F2H Ehling Paul...... F2E, F3H Adam Tim...... S1H Berzins Janis...... T4C Chemmanur Thomas...... T4F Eklund Bruno...... F3A Agarwal Sumit...... T4H Bhattacharya Sudipto...... F1A Chen An...... T3G Elkamhi Redouane...... F2E Aid Rene...... F2H Bienz Carsten...... T2A, F1E, F3G Chen Hui...... F2B Ellul Andrew...... T3H, S1G, S2F Aikman David...... F3A Bjerksund Petter...... F2H Chen Zhihua...... S1C Engstrom Eric...... T4D Aktas Nihat...... T4F Black Bernard...... T3F Chen Long...... S2H Ericsson Jan...... F2E, F2F, S1C Alessandri Piergiorgio...... F3A Blake David...... F1C Chiang Ethan...... F2B Evanoff Douglas...... T4H Almeida Caio...... T3D Bodnaruk Andriy...... S1E Chiang I-Hsuan Ethan...... S1B Evstigneev Igor ...... S2H Amihud Yakov...... T1C Boguth Oliver...... T2C, T3C Chiang Min-Hsieng...... S2H Ewerhart Christian...... T2G, T3B Amir Rabah...... S2H Boissay Frédéric...... F2G, S2A Chod Jiri...... T4E Faff Robert W...... F1F Ampenberger Markus...... S2F Bolton Patrick...... T2G Choi Darwin...... F1C, S1F Farhi Emmanuel...... S2D Amromin Gene ...... T4H Bond Alan...... S2G Chomsisengphet Souphala...... T4H Faure-Grimaud Antoine...... F1E Andersson Jonas...... F2D, S2E Bongaerts Dion ...... T2G, S2C Christoffersen Peter...... F3C, S1C, S2B Favara Giovanni...... S2C Aragon George ...... F2C, S1F, S2B Boot Arnoud...... F2A, S2F Chun Albert Lee...... F1D, S2C Favero Carlo...... F1D Aranda León Carmen...... T3E Bortolotti Bernardo...... T1A Cohen Lauren...... T1F, T2D Feldhütter Peter...... T3B, F2B, S1A, S1C Aslan Hadiye...... F2C, F3G Boyle Phelim...... T2B Cohen-Cole Ethan...... F2G, F3E, F3G Feldman David...... T1B Atanasov Vladimir...... S1G Braggion Fabio...... S1E Cohn Jonathan...... T3B, F3F, S1E, S1G Fernandes Nuno...... T1A, T2F Avramov Doron...... T1C Brandt Michael ...... T2B, T4D Conrad Christian...... F1H Fernando Chitru...... S1H Axelson Ulf...... T1F, T2A, S2G Branger Nicole...... T4B, F1B, S2E Cooper Ian...... F3D, S1D Ferreira Miguel ...... T2C, T2F, T4D, S1E Baele Lieven...... T1D, F1D Brevik Frode...... T3B, F3B Cooper Ilan...... S2C Feunou Bruno...... S2E Bakke Tor-Erik...... F2E Bris Arturo...... F2E Cosemans Mathijs...... F2D, S2E Fich Eliezer...... T4F Balachandran Balasingham...... F1F, S1E Brown Martin...... F1G Cremers K.J. Martijn.....T1C, T2D, T2G, S1F Fisher Adlai...... T4E Balcarcel Ana Laura...... F1G Brown Gregory ...... F3D Croitoru Benjamin...... F1B Fleten Stein-Erik...... F2H Ball Clifford...... F3D Bukhvalova Barbara...... F2C Cunha M. Ricardo...... T4C Fluck Zsuzsanna...... T4A, F1E, S1G Bandi Federico...... S1A Buraschi Andrea...... F3C, S1A Da Rin Marco...... T2A Fontaine Jean-Sebastien...... S1A, S2E Banegas Ayelen...... T1C Burkart Mike...... T1E de Bodt Eric...... T4F Fotak Veljko...... T1A Barbosa Klenio...... S1G Buss Adrian...... T2D, F2D de Jong Frank...... F2D Foucault Thierry...... T1H Barras Laurent...... T1C Buyuksahin Bahattin...... F1H de Jong Abe...... S1F Fraiberger Samuel...... S2D Bartram Söhnke...... F3D Bång Joakim...... T1F de Roon Frans...... T3D, F2C Frame W. Scott ...... F2G Basak Suleyman...... T4B Bøhren Øyvind...... T3F Della Corte Pasquale...... S2D Franks Julian...... S2F Bauer Rob...... F2D Bühler Wolfgang...... F2H, S1C Detemple Jerome...... T1B, F2B Frazzini Andrea ...... T1F Beber Alessandro...... T4D Cai Jie...... T4F Dick-Nielsen Jens...... T3B Frehen Rik...... F2D Bekaert Geert...... T1D, T4D, F3D Campbell Rachel...... T3D Dimson Elroy...... T1A Freixas Xavier...... T2G, T4E Ben-David Itzhak...... T4H Cao Jerry...... T3A, T4A, F3F Dockner Engelbert...... T1A, T4E, S2C Fresard Laurent...... F3E, S1F Ben-Rephael Azi...... T2D Carlson Murray ...... T2E, T4E Donaldson John...... T1E Gabaix Xavier...... S2D Bena Jan...... T4E, F3E Cartea Álvaro...... F1H Drehmann Mathias...... F1A, S2A Gabarro Marc...... T3F Berg Tobias...... F2F Castiglionesi Fabio...... T1G Duffie James Darrell...... F2B Gai Prasanna...... F3A Bergemann Dirk...... T4A Cerqueiro Geraldo...... F2F Dutordoir Marie...... F1F, S1F Gale Douglas...... F1A Berger Allen...... F2F, F2G Chabakauri Georgy...... T3C, T4B, F2B Duygan-Bump Burcu...... F2G Gallagher David...... F3F

60 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 Gallmeyer Michael...... T2B, F1B, S1B Hong Harrison...... T4H, F3H Kok Sorensen Christoffer...... S2A Manconi Alberto...... S1F Gamba Andrea ...... T3E Hoque Hafiz...... F1F Kole Erik...... F1C, S1B Maraachlian Hilda...... F2C Garcia Diego...... T1B Hsu Scott...... F1F, F3F Kong Aiguo...... T2C Marquez Elena...... T3B Garcia Rene...... T3D, S1A Hu Gang...... T4G Kosowski Robert...... T1C Martin Elizabeth...... F3A Gardner Peter...... F3F Huang James Xiaoping...... T4B Kostakis Alexandros...... T3C Martin J. Spencer...... S2B, S2H Garlappi Lorenzo...... T2B Huang Hsin-Yi...... S2H Kostovetsky Leonard...... F1C, F3H Martos-Vila Marc...... T2F, T3F Gerard Bruno...... T1A, F2C Hugonnier Julien...... T1B Kotha Kiran...... T3H Massa Massimo...... S1F Gershun Natalia...... T1E Huij Joop...... S2B Kozhan Roman...... T1H Matos Pedro...... T2F Geske Robert...... S2C Hvide Hans...... T4F Koziol Christian...... T2E Mayer Colin...... S2F Ghysels Eric...... S2E Hvidkjaer Soeren...... T4D, S1B, S2H Krahnen Jan...... F2G McLean Robert...... T4G Giammarino Ronald...... T4E Ibanez Alfredo...... T4B Kratz Peter...... T2H Megginson William...... T1A Giannetti Mariassunta...... T2F, F1G, F2A Illeditsch Philipp...... T1G, F3B Krishnamurti Chandrasekhar...... T2H Mello Antonio...... F1A Giannoni Marc...... T1E Immordino Giovanni...... T1E Kristiansen Eirik...... T3E Menkhoff Lukas...... T3C Gibson Rajna...... T2G Inghelbrecht Koen...... T1D Kuehn Lars-Alexander...... T3C Miklaszewska Ewa...... F3A Gillen Benjamin...... T1C Ioannidou Vasso...... F2G Kumar Praveen...... F3G Miltersen Kristian...... T3E, F1E Glode Vincent...... S1H Ivashina Victoria...... T4H, F2A Kumar Alok...... F3H Miracky William...... T1A Goetzmann William...... T2G Jacobs Kris...... S1C Lai Sandy...... S1D Mjøs Aksel...... T4F Golubeva Evgenia...... S1H Jacobsen Ben...... S1B Lambrecht Bart...... T2E, T4C, T4E Mobbs H...... T2F Goncalves-Pinto Luis...... T2B Jang Hasung...... T3F Lando David...... T3B, S1C, S2C Moise Claudia...... T1D, S1A, S2A, S2H Gopalan Radhakrishnan...... T2H Jardet Caroline...... F1D Lasfer Meziane...... F1F Monfort Alain...... F1D Goyenko Ruslan...... T1C, T4C, S2A Jeanneret Alexandre...... T1A Lawrenz Jochen...... T2E, T3E Montoriol-Garriga Judit...... F2G Gozluklu Arie...... F1D Jenkinson Tim...... T2A, T3A, T4A Lazrak Ali...... T1B Mooradian Robert...... F2F Grishchenko Olesya...... T3D Jiang Wei...... S1F Lazrak Ali...... T2E Moore Lyndon...... S1E Guan Yuyan...... T4G Jimenez Gabriel...... F2A, F3A Lee Samuel...... T1E, T4G Mora Nada...... F3A Guenster Nadja...... S1B Jin Xisong...... S1C Lee Suzanne...... F2D Moreira Humberto...... S1G Guo Jinqiang...... F2C John Kose...... F3E Leite Tore...... T4G Morrison Alan...... T1E, T3G Hackbarth Dirk...... T2E Johnsen Thore...... S2F Lemmon Michael...... S1B Morse Adair...... T4H Haigh Michael...... F1H Josefsen Morten...... T3F Lerner Josh...... T3A Murphy Kevin...... T2F Halling Michael...... T4G, F1C, F1D Joslin Scott...... F1D, F2B Leslie Phillip...... T3A Musto David...... F1C Halvorsen Jørn I...... F3A Julio Brandon...... F3E Li Erica...... T4D Mykland Per...... F2D Hansis Alexandra...... T4B Jylha Petri...... F1F Li Yuanzhi...... F2F Müller Christoph...... F3C Harris Milton...... T1E Kacperczyk Marcin...... F3H, S1H Li Kai...... S1F Müller-Merbach Jens...... F2H Harris Jeffrey...... F1H Kadan Ohad...... T1H, T2D, T2H, T3H Lindsey Laura...... F1G Nanda Vikram...... F2C Hartmann Philipp...... F2A, F3A Kadyrzhanova Dalida...... F3E Litvak Kate...... S1G Nandy Debarshi...... F3G Haug Jørgen...... F3B Kandel Eugene...... T1H Liu Jun...... T1B Ng Lilian...... S1D Hauswald Robert...... T2E, F1G Kaniel Ron...... T4C Liu Shuming...... T4C Nguyen Bang Dang...... T1F Hautsch Nikolaus...... F3C Kapadia Sujit...... F3A Liu Xuewen...... F1A Nguyen Van...... S1D Heen Knut...... T1G Kasch Maria...... T2H Liu Fang...... S2D Ni Sophie...... S1B Hege Ulrich...... T3A, T4A, T4E Kaserer Christoph...... F2F, S2F Ljungqvist Alexander...... T2A Nielsen Kasper...... T1F, T3F, F1G Heider Florian...... F1A, S1G Kaustia Markku ...... T4H, S2B Lochstoer Lars...... T1D, T3C, F1H Nielsen Mads...... F1E, S1C Henderson Brian...... T1G Kavajecz Kenneth...... T4D Lookman Aziz...... S1C Nieto Belen...... T3B Henderson Vicky...... S1H Kawamura Kohei...... T1E Lopez de Silanes Florencio...... T2A Nikolaou Kleopatra...... S2A Hennessy Christopher...... T2E Kelly Patrick...... S1D Loranth Gyongyi...... T3G Norli Oyvind...... F3F Hens Thorsten...... F3H, S1H Keppo Jussi...... F2H Loutskina Elena...... S2G Novaes Walter...... S1G Hertzel Michael...... F1G Kerr Christoffersen Susan...... T4C, F1C, S2H Lu Hai...... T4G Nyborg Kjell...... F1A Hess Dieter...... F3C Khurshed Arif...... F1F Lumb Helga...... F2H Officer Micah...... T4A, S1E Hetland Ove Rein...... F2F Kim Woochan...... T3F, F3F Lustig Hanno...... T1D Olsen Trond E...... T3G Hochberg Yael...... T2A, T4A Klaus Benjamin...... S2A Lyandres Evgeny...... T1E, T4E, F1C Ongena Steven...... F1G, F3A, S2G Hodrick Robert...... F3D Knüpfer Samuli...... T4H, F1F Maalaoui Olfa...... S1C Ornthanalai Chayawat...... F2D, F3C Hoerova Marie...... F1A Kogan Shimon...... T4C, S1H Maeland Joril...... T3E Ostergaard Charlotte...... F2G, F3F, S2G Hollifield Burton...... F1B, S1H Kogan Shimon...... S2H Malinova Katya...... T3H, S2B Overdahl James...... F1H Holthausen Cornelia...... F1A Koijen Ralph...... T1D, T2C, T2D, T3C, F1D Malloy Christopher...... T1F Oyer Paul...... T2F, T3A

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 61 Ozbas Oguzhan...... T4A Rubia Antonio...... T1C, S2E Steen Pål...... T3F Vilkov Grigory...... T2D, T4B, F3C Paeglis Imants...... T4F Rubio Gonzalo...... T3B Steffen Sascha...... F2G, F3G Vissing-Jorgensen Annette...... T2A, T2D Pagano Marco...... T1E, F2A, S2F Rud Linda...... F2H Sterne Gabriel...... F3A Vladimirov Vladimir...... F1E Page Jeremy...... F3H Russell Jeffrey...... S1A Strahan Philip...... S2G Volpin Paolo...... T3F, F2A, S2F Palia Darius...... T4C Rytchkov Oleg...... T2B Strauss Jack...... T2C Vorage Marcel...... S2F Palomino Francisco...... T1D Rzepkowski Bronka...... S2A Strobl Günter...... T1B, F3C Wagner Wolf...... T1G Palomino Francisco...... T4D Saar Gideon...... T3H, T4C Strömberg Per...... T2A, T3A Wagner Hannes...... T3F, S2F Palomino Francisco...... F1B Santa-Clara Pedro...... T2C Stulz Rene...... F3D Wagner Wolf...... S2G Panayides Marios...... T1H, T3H Santos João A.C...... S1G Støve Bård...... F2D Walden Johan...... T2B, T3G, F1B Pande Alok...... F1F Sarkissian Sergei...... S1D Subrahmanyam Avanidhar...... T1B, T2H Walz Uwe...... T2A, T4A Panunzi Fausto...... S2F Sarno Lucio...... T3C, S2D Sunesson Tage...... T4G Wang Tan...... T2B Papakonsantinou Filippos...... T3F Saunders Anthony...... F2G Sverdlove Ronald...... F2E Wang Qinghai...... T4G Park Kyung Suh...... T3F Saurina Salas Jesus...... F3A Swan Peter...... F3F Watanabe Akiko...... F3D Park Andreas...... T3H Schadt Rudi...... F2C Sørensen Lars...... T2C Watanabe Masahiro...... S1D Park Kay...... F3G Scharfstein David...... F2A Sørensen Carsten...... F1B Weisbach Michael...... T2A Parlour Christine...... T3B, T3G, F1B Schenk-Hoppé Klaus...... S2H Tamoni Andrea...... F1D Weiss Vivi...... F2H Parsons Christopher...... F2E Schill Michael...... S1D Taylor Lucian...... T1F, T2F Wermers Russell...... T1C, F1C Pastor Lubos...... S2B Schindele Ibolya...... F3F, S2G Taylor Lucian...... F3H Werner Ingrid...... T1H, T3H Patton Andrew...... F3C Schlag Christian...... T4B ter Horst Jenke...... F2C Whited Toni...... F2E, F3E Pawlina Grzegorz...... T4C, T4E Schmeling Maik...... T3C, S1B Tham Wing Wah...... T1H Willison Matthew...... F3A Pearson Neil...... T1G, S1A Schmid Lukas...... T3C Theissen Erik...... T2H, T3H Winton Andrew...... S1G Pegoraro Fulvio...... F1D, S2D Schmid Thomas...... S2F Theobald Michael...... F1F Wohl Avi...... T2D Peleg Ehud...... T1B Schmidt Breno...... T1F, T2F Thirumalai Ramabhadran...... T3H Wong M.H. Franco...... T4G Pelizzon Loriana...... T2G Schoeneborn Torsten...... T2H Thong Tiong Yang...... T2H Wu Yangru...... T4C Penalva Zuasti Jose S...... F1H Schornick Astrid...... T2B, S1D Thorburn Karin...... T4F Yadav Pradeep...... T3H Penas Maria...... F2F, S2G Schotman Peter...... F2D, S2E Thurlin Arto...... S2D Yesin Pinar...... F1G Peng Liang...... T4A Schrimpf Andreas...... T3C Timmermann Allan...... T1C, F1C Yook Youngsuk...... F3E Penttinen Aku...... S2D Schroth Enrique...... T4F, S2C Titman Sheridan...... T4C Yorulmazer Tanju...... F1A Perez Ander...... T3E Schultz Paul...... S2B Tonks Ian...... F1C Yu Jialin...... T1C, T2C, T3D Perotti Pietro...... T1H Schürhoff Norman...... S1C Torous Walter N...... T2C, F1E, F3D Zechner Josef...... T2E, T4G Persson Svein-Arne...... T3G, F2E Sensoy Berk...... T4A Touzi Nizar...... F2H Zhang Xiaoyan...... F3D Petajisto Antti...... T2D Seppi Duane...... S1C Tran Anh...... T4F Zhang Bohui...... S1D Pevzner Mikhail...... T2H Sercu Piet...... F3D, S2D Triantis Alexander...... T3E Zhao Xinlei...... S2H Peydro Jose Luis...... F3A Seru Amit...... T2G Trojani Fabio...... F2B, F3C Zhong Zhaodong...... F2F Phalippou Ludovic...... T2A Shackleton Mark...... T1G Trolle Anders...... T1D, F1H Zhou Guofu...... T2C Pontiff Jeffrey...... T4G Shao Pei...... F3G, S1F Tsiakas Ilias...... S2D Zhou Yi...... S2C Porchet Arnaud...... F2H Shapiro Joel...... T2G Tu Jun...... T2C Zin Stanley E...... F1B Porchia Paolo...... T2G, F2B Shive Sophie...... T4H, F3H, S1B, S2B Tédongap Nguefack Roméo Raymond.... S2E Zitzewitz Eric W...... T2D Priestley Richard...... T4D, S2C Sikes Stephanie...... S1E Ullrich Carl...... F1H, S2E Östberg Per...... S1E, S1H, S2A Qi Yaxuan...... T4C Siming Linus...... F1G Ulrich Maxim...... F3B Ødegaard Bernt...... F2E Rajan Uday...... T2G, T3G, F2A Simonov Andrei...... F2A Uppal Raman...... T2B Ramadorai Tarun...... F1H Simonsen Ola...... T1H Vale Bent...... F2G, F3A, S2G Ranciere Romain...... S2D Simonyan Karen...... T4F Valkanov Rossen...... T1C, S2E Rapach David...... T2C Singh Ajai...... F1F Valta Philip...... S2C Next Year’s Meeting: Ravid S...... F2E Smith David...... F2F, F3G Van Achter Mark...... T2H EFA 2010 will be in Rieger Marc...... F3H Sorensen Morten...... T3A Van Nieuwerburgh Stijn...... T1D Frankfurt am Main, Germany Rindi Barbara...... T1H Sousa Miguel...... T4A Vedolin Andrea...... F3C, S1A Rindisbacher Marcel...... T1B, T4B Spalt Oliver...... F3H Velayutham Eswaran...... F1F Conference Chair: Rittler Daniel...... F1H Spencer Peter...... T3C Verardo Michela...... T4H, F3C Jan-Pieter Krahnen Robe Michel...... F1H Stacescu Bogdan...... F2C, S2A Verdelhan Adrien...... S2D Dates: August 25—28, 2010. Roll Richard...... T2D, T4F, T4G, F3D Stambaugh Robert...... S2B Vergara-Alert Carles...... T3B, F1B Rossi Marco...... T3D Stamland Tommy...... T1G, F3B Verwijmeren Patrick...... S1F web: Rotfuss Waldemar...... F1H Stanton Richard...... T3G, F1B Vig Vikrant...... T2G

62 European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 EFA / EIASM Doctoral Tutorial in Finance Bergen, Norway 19th August 2009

Final Programme

08.45–09.00 Welcome 13.30–14.15 5. Sven Groth, Frankfurt University Further Evidence on ‘Technology and Liquidity Provision: 09.00–09.45 1. Jungsuk Han, London Business School The Blurring of Traditional Definitions’ Information Acquisition Chains Discussants: Faculty: Laurent Frésard, HEC Paris Discussants: Faculty: Tor-Erik Bakke, University of Oklahoma Student: Laila Neuthor Student: Jorge Ponce, Toulouse University 14.15–15.00 6. Jorge Ponce, Toulouse University 09.45–10.30 2. Laila Neuthor, Munich Ludwig-Maximilians University The Pricing and Quality of Credit Ratings: A Two-sided Collusion in Reinsurance Relationships with Broker Market Perspective Intermediation Discussants: Faculty: Ulrich Hege, HEC Paris Discussants: Faculty: Steven Ongena, Tilburg University Student: Jungsuk Han, London Business School Student: Sven Groth, Frankfurt University 15.00–15.15 Break 10.30–10.45 Break 15.15–16.00 7. Alessandro Fontana, Venice University 10.45–11.30 3. Andriosoupolous Dimitrios, Cass Business School The Relationship Between Credit Default Swap and Bond Share repurchases in europe. Underlying Signals and Spreads: Before and During The 2007 Financial Crisis Regulatory Frameworks. A Cross-country Analysis Discussants: Faculty: Juan-Carlos Rodriguez, Tilburg University Discussants: Faculty: Tom Berglund, Hanken School of Economics Student: Benjamin Golez, Pompeu Fabra University Student: Alberto Manconi, INSEAD 16.00–16.45 8. Benjamin Golez, Pompeu Fabra University 11.30–12.15 4. Alberto Manconi, INSEAD Options Implied Dividend Yield and Market Returns Mixing Wheat with the Chaff: Dividend Signaling, Pecking Discussants: Faculty: Martijn Cremers, Yale School of Management Order, and Style Investing Student: Alessandro Fontana, Venice University Discussants: Faculty: Ibolya Schindele, BI Oslo Student: Andriosoupolous Dimitrios, Cass Business School 16.45–17.00 Closure

12.15–13.30 Lunch

European Finance Association 36th Annual Meeting 19–22 August 2009 63 E: [email protected] E: 56 36 55 55 (47) F: 55 36 T:55 55 (47) Bergen N-5808 P.O.BoxSentrum 947 OrganiserCongress

IMP kommunikasjon | Sviggum Design, Photo: Bergen Tourist Board/Pål Hoff, Per Nybø

Summary Statistics:


Themes Submissions Accepted Presented Asset Pricing. Theoretical 107 23 21 Asset Pricing: Empirical 275 49 45 Corporate Finance: Theoretical 60 11 12 Corporate Finance: Empirical 257 42 39 Financial intermediation and Institutions: Theoretical 26 10 Financial intermediation and Institutions: Empirical 120 19 27 Market Microstructure 51 10 9 Behavioral Finance 72 12 12 International Finance: Theoretical 8 2 International Finance: Empirical 65 9 9 Financial Econometrics 49 8 9 Special Session: Private Equity and Funds of Private Equity 35 8 9 Special Session: Liquidity and Financial Crises 49 16 Special Session: Financial Architecture 14 1 15 Special Session: The Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds 4 2 3 Special Session Energy Markets, Securities, and Prices 18 7 6 Total 1210 229 216


Types Academics, submitters 197 Academics, non‐submitters 146 Ph‐d students, submitters 29 Ph‐d students, non‐submitters 45 Practitioners, submitters 3 Practitioners, non‐ submitters 37 Others 30 Total 487

See also the conference home page (which should be available (almost) indefinitely):

Income and Expenses (NOK)

Income NOK Sponsors Finansmarkedsfondet 300 000 The Research Council of Norway 225 000 Skagen Funds 165 000 The NHH Funds 100 000 The European Central Bank (ECB) 87 000 Argentum 64 000 Viz Risk Management 59 000 LECG 40 000 CommonFund 25 000 NASDAQ/OMX 25 000 Goldman Sachs 25 000 NorgesGruppen 5 000 Sponsors Total 1 120 000 Submission fees 493 000 Participation fees 1 100 000 Dinner fees 135 000

Total 2 848 000

Expenses NOK EFA Memberships 553 000 SSRN 46 000 Setup NHH 290 000 Administrative help at NHH 340 000 Program and WEB 283 000 Prizes 150 000 Plaques 9 000 Backs, nametags, etc. 63 000 Doctoral tutorial 19 000 Lunches 261 000 Breaks 24 000 Buscards 78 000 Keynote speaker 47 000 Opening reception 40 000 Conference supper 385 000 Conference bureau 260 000

Total 2 848 000

Income and Expenses (Euro)

Income Euro Sponsors Finansmarkedsfondet 37 500 The Research Council of Norway 28 000 Skagen Funds 20 400 The NHH Funds 12 500 The European Central Bank (ECB) 11 000 Argentum 8 000 Viz Risk Management 7 500 LECG 5 000 CommonFund 3 100 NASDAQ/OMX 3 100 Goldman Sachs 3 100 NorgesGruppen 600 Sponsors Total 139 800 Submission fees 61 500 Participation fees 137 500 Dinner fees 17 000

Total 355 800

Expenses Euro EFA Memberships 69 000 SSRN 5 800 Setup NHH 36 000 Administrative help at NHH 43 000 Program and WEB 35 250 Prizes 18 750 Plaques 1 100 Backs, nametags, etc. 7 900 Doctoral tutorial 2 300 Lunches 32 500 Breaks 3 000 Buscards 9 800 Keynote speaker 5 900 Opening reception 5 000 Conference supper 48 000 Conference bureau 32 500

Total 355 800

Media coverage at the Meeting (in Norwegian):

‐ BT har intervju med Kristian Miltersen på baksiden et par dager før konferansen (se vedlegg)

‐ TV2 sender direkte kl 10 i Økonominyhetene på Nyhetskanalen med intervju med Kristian Miltersen, Mette Bjørndal: De intervjuer keynote speaker Richard Roll til senere sending (vår medieovervåker har ikke dette oppslaget dessverre)

‐ NRK v/Her og Nå intervjuer Iver Bragelien og Knut Peder Heen samt amerikansk professor om topplederlønninger

‐ DN har Bård Bjerkholt (kommentarstoff) på konferansen i 2 dager som lager en rekke avtaler og gjerne vil delta på flere forskerkonferanser senere.

‐ BT sender Frode Buanes fredag 21. aug, ‐ nettsak om finanskrisesesjonen støttet av Den europeiske sentralbanken

Finanskrisen under lupen

‐ Oppslag på Paraplyen Klart for gigantisk finanskonferanse , EFA‐konferansen i gang for alvor , Uavhengighet i styrerommet

og sivilø EFA‐konferansen 2009