Your Hometown Bookstore Read Between the Lynes Jun e / July 129 Van Buren 2013 Woodstock, IL 60098 Phone: (815) 206-5967 E-Mail us at: Most Anticipated New Novels
[email protected] And the Mountains The Silver Star Store Hours In her highly acclaimed memoir, Monday thru Saturday Echoed 10 am – 8 pm Khaled Hosseini’s previous novels, The Glass Castle, and previous Sunday 11 am – 4 pm The Kite Runner and A Thousand novel about her grandmother, Half- Splendid Suns, have been embraced Broke Horses, Jeanette Walls writes Shop Locally Online and adored by more than 38 million with an honesty and clarity that is GLIÀFXOWWRUHSOLFDWH1RZ:DOOV people worldwide. So it’s no wonder that we’re eagerly awaiting the release WXUQVWRRXWULJKWÀFWLRQLQThe Silver of his latest, And the Mountains Echoed Star ($26, Scribner, 978-1-451-66150-7), ($28.95, Riverhead, 978-1-594-63176-4). The story, spanning starting out in a small California town six decades, is again set in Afghanistan, but also tacks on in the 1970s. When their mother runs California, France and Greece. In this tale revolving around not RIIWR´ÀQGKHUVHOIµ\HDUROG%HDQDQGKHUROGHUVLVWHU just parents and children but brothers and sisters, cousins and /L]KDYHOLWWOHFKRLFHEXWWRÀQGWKHLUZD\WR8QFOH7LQVOH\·V caretakers, Hosseini explores the many ways in which families GHFD\LQJPDQVLRQLQ9LUJLQLD%HDQVRRQGLVFRYHUVZKRKHU QXUWXUHZRXQGEHWUD\KRQRUDQGVDFULÀFHIRURQHDQRWKHU father was, and hears many stories about why their mother and how often we are surprised by the actions of those closest OHIW9LUJLQLDLQWKHÀUVWSODFH:LWKPRQH\WLJKW%HDQDQG to us, at the times that matter most. How we love, how we take /L]VWDUWEDE\VLWWLQJDQGGRLQJRIÀFHZRUNIRU-HUU\0DGGR[ We’re Here to Help! care of one another, and how the choices we make can resonate IRUHPDQRIWKHPLOOLQWRZQ%XW/L]KDVWURXEOHDGMXVWLQJWR You can count on us for … through generations are all themes to which we can relate in their new life, and encounters some serious adult trouble.