CorYBiOHT,THE 1888, BT THB SPORTING L.IFK PXTBLISHIKO Co. SPORTING Ennuis ATLIFE. POST OFHOH AT PBILADKLPHIA AS SBOOMD CLASS MATTER. VOLUME 2. NUMBER s. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, DECEMBER .1, 1883. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. HOMING PIGEON NOTES. LATE CAItTKIDOK MAKKRS COM."INK. THE The Chambers- (Vliltely Match NEWS. SPORTING LIFE. falls Through LONDON Four LETTER. rUBLJSHED WEEKLY OUter Haoen. Large Companlefl HtopCom|ietitlon l>e- tweea In the Chambers-Whltely race it.rranir.ed for the porting Matters (lathered bj Telegraph Theiuaelven. AT 28th, the Philadelphia birds were not started. NKW HAVRN, Conn., Dec. 1. The 'rooked TransaetloiiN ou the EngllsU The For Our Header*. Howard reasons aligned by Mr. Chambers were that and Sallnbury Turf Pugilistic No. 2O2 South Ninth Street, Phllada. Mrs. Starr. tlm refeiee, bound him up with too pajicr and metallic shotgun »nd Other News. many conditions outside of the «Kreement; the 'log »hcll mak«rn of thlH city announced, u few ANP und foot handicap on ThnnkHKlvltiK Day, at Pas­ Below will be found the latent time I'ark, nportiny new* up dayH ago, thiit they worn going out of biiHi- JorrenpondenceNPOHTINO occupied his entire time and attention, to Sunday iiLornuii/, fiathfred by K-lrf/raph, Lire. No. 23 Park and, finally, his bird* were not In condition to fly, newt. Theru are HOVI ral Row. New York. and therefore cnrrex/iomli'iit*, and rtiiorten. Thin iifvt ar- of thU chuw of Jj<).NW)N, Nov. 17. When we ure through (DR. WILLIAM MORRISOli, he, on Tuesday, telegraphed Mr. Kea York Agent.) Whltely, of Newark, and alfto the referee, that rirnl loo late fur proper departmental t:lu»*\fl- inanufiicturerH In connection and they are In with the Warwick aud Maiichenter meet- he would forfeit. Mr. Whliely, however, eon- oa(ion,j conntant communication eluded with other cartridge mgn next wewk we can Hay good-bye to tho FOREION to fly his birds, and they were liberated at OFFICK : ten o'clock, standard time, In tlm exact njiot named makers throughout the country. An IIMCIIH.V ilat racing HeiiHon of IHH.'t. Not Unit turfite* Ko. 1 Scott'* Yard, Cannon St., by the referee, the London, K. C. nearest open space went of the UI-LIVAN ONCl'MOBK. feulitig IIIIH boen HIM! among them by a re­ inunt necennarlly lay hy their (f. K. GRIFFITH, Retidtnt Corretponilent.) railroad nitttlon at Hamburir, Pa. This was found betting books to be peven-elgbtliH of a mile beyond the point of port to the ull'uut, that thu hlg conceniH In the and retire into homo quurti'r.1 while the measurement, The Champion makliiK the air line distance cov­ Knocks out Another Anplrlnjj name l^ne of hunliieHH have Ireary ered 07^ mllen. In tbe absence of the timer In the foniiHil a combi­ winter prevalln, for Hteoplecliaslng IEKMS. Two dollars and fifty cent* a year, Chambers A mateur. nation Itrlctly In Interest the birds were countcrmarkod and will In future act together to ind hurdle racing will continue with llulo advance, filniflo copies, Hvo cent*. and started by a timer present In the Interest of ST. PAUT,, Mlnn., One. 1. John L. Sulll- Postage ft"00 'n *no United States. the referee. control the cartridge nmmifuctiirlng IndiiHtry l.crmiHHlon until the Hitdilllug bell »lmll At the home loft the time ami verifi­ au unit hlMHparrerH wero In thU city on thu SPECIAL, AKTICI..ES on Hunting, Fishing, cations of the returns were provided for In the of the country, regulate price* and the mip- ring out In Mar<:h, lf)H4, over tho Ourlhome Guo0, Tackle, Howlng, Horno Kuclnic, Hano Hall, mine iranncr. The arrivals w«re four birds to­ 5th. Sullivan tlmre otl'itred :iny man (1,(MK) uul gether ply and crunli out nmaller HrniH, W. W. at Miicoln. While few perfofinnnemt kindred subjucls are luvltod. If used will be at 12h. linn., but time wan not called until who would Mtand up hefom him for that paid fur. a minute later, when the first bird panned under four ConverKd, I'mnldent of tho Winchester liave gone on the bob wire ouiulK of thrmi Ue- record this HC;IHOII will live u» OORKESI'ONUENOKon sporting topics, from1 any Into thu loft. Tho time out, l.'li; ; nilnutcH each with glovuH. lotable nvnntH In the recordn IMllon minutes; the avoratfo spend I.SON yards a minute; peatlng Arum Coiupauv, In an Interview of tlm ICngll.Hli of the City, State or country, solicited. the mllelniibout lorrl.i Hef«y, ofthlH city, a mil way en^l- nayn: turf, he miiHt he Indeed an optlmlnt who COMMUNICATIONS. Manuscript Im. 'Oi». Seven other birds ar­ "The riimorn have little foundation, wjll Intended for rived before ihe tlrnt bird entered the loft, and a icer, nix feet lull, wel^hliif; 1HS pouniU, nnd and they art) BO distorted that Hcarcely a deny that there IH much to deplore In tho publication should bo written on one Hide of thu few seconds later the remaining icralii lilnlory paper only, and must two of the entry with a local reputation IIM a Hparrcr, under- of truth Is left In them. As tor the Idea of the turf during IMKI. Trim It l» liu accompanied by the dropped upon the roof, making all at home within ook to earn that we are KiiliiK" to freeze oot the smaller makers, that no tlajtranl. liiHtiince of WTUer'n name and address, not necessarily for 136 minutes after the start. The the 11,000. According to tlm malpractice oa nobllcatlon, but as a private tlrnt bird Is a blue "toitr/T 1'rtif, he reummed It Is absurd, because there arn no small makers to the part ol an owner or pulling on the guarantee of K°od checkerCoek. to hlniNelf that If frerte out. In the United Stales there are Tour part fclth, and all communications, upon any sub­ A. ifi c.imlil Htitixl ih lew knock-dowtiHand worry lari(e concerns only, which of a jockey hax brought, the oU'emlcr hemnttli ject, or for any department, muni bo addrofiiud 1'. lluldwln, Newark, anil A.C. Hutts, (truro make a full line of the bun lend, flew their birds from Iho Kant Klver Bridge, >hroii",h the t'enufclnder of the time by ammunition. Those are the I'nion Metallic Oom uf the .|nckey club, hut, on Mm In lartfc com- iiii|M>HHlble, If only becauno the OWIKM'H ADVKUTISKMKNTS and letter* of Correspon- tho (Icrmantown Kull'"K '" u blow on Hiilllvau'H nei k, panics competed to a ruinous degree. About nine them- dtnlK, to Insure Insertion, Club, Nov. HOlli. The point of when the champion months IIKO they arrived at an nelven would have deemed Midi leaguing idtould lie mailed KO ax liberation was Spring Harden ami Ninth streets, ugaln Hpriinx lorwanl amicable nmlnr to reach us by II i>. M., Saturday, an th IK paper and the average nnd Mr. ItnJ'ey WUH knocked HO hiuivlly Into nlandliiK. What we hnvu done Is simply what bus logelhur for the purpnno ol' depleting tho distance, In an air line, covered been done a number of times by the irnnk rail­ strong wan 6! mllen. The prl*o was not awarded, ami a corner that I.IIOHV neiirent behind thoti|[ht IIOXCH of the hookmuluTn as illslmiioro " KVKUY SATUUDAY KVKN1NO. the secretary roads. Thev have a cut-rate war and flight eaeh able .is the iloliign oftho Homing I'lgeou Federation, of lie mnit be Hurloimly hurt. As In iinuiii other, and then gel together ami are KOOI! of a confederacy of cartl New York, will be asked to give a deolnlou In the IIOJM. shurpn In their ellnrU to llghtvn matter. tried to gut to the front Im reeled mid The report thai we have honuht out Howard h the pocket* red IIke a Salisbury, the shot H-IIII nhell makers. Is without of IOHH experlem:rd playern. tl. han long ill i'luckl, Dm/ti, Monty Orden and Remittance! A fly of Hick mun, and hardly had foundation. MUlt be nuidv nome of the members of tho old South time to Htand up hefom h,« WHHagain I assure you that we have done been notorloiiH among those having: payable to the order vf wark II. f. Club look place on Thanksgiving Da knoekL'd IM.lhINK, ami will not do anythlnu that from Into u heap, and WUH wlllliiK lo ijull. Halt! Is not per- the entree hehlnil the Hcciien hi racing; The George's Hill, a distance of A miles, Ml!r? foeily rluhl and just, both from a lenal nnd moral thut the IKHIICH of Sporting Life PiiMlNliIuf? Company. yardn, air lino, to furthest tump.coon. Kosult:Koimlt: Hy Mr. Huf»,v, afterward, "If you want to know point of view. The association that we have at leant four noble lord* Tliumlnn K. I'clper. ash cock, IS mllen, tuu ydn., what it U lo IMI Klruck by lightning, junt formed Is callnd 'The United Stales OurtridKo have been jHU'slntently pooled In the hlg hatl* Hin. 47s.; II. Adams, blue check, t Maniifii«liirlnK Association,' dli apn mill i-las»le three -year-old PHlLADtl.l'IUA AND NEW YUKK, miles, :it)oyd«, 'ace Sullivan one nevoml." Thu bout IIIHIIH! anil It comprises the niees thin I)EU. D. Hm.'Ms. ;I(. Adams, blue cheek, F, miles, :iMyd»., |UHt thirty necondft. four large companies. I was elected president, iioiiMon. Hchetnen and doilies have been re- Hm. 6As. lly Thompson -11. Oukoy, blue check, and t null held that position." Uliiled to to 6 miles, 74U yds. ,7m. delude the public as to the condi­ 4Us.; H. Oakey, blno check, tion und r.ipalitlUlcH hy I Ills :u IxloerAlIc The bona flde Circulation 0 miles, 74oyds., 7m, :ios. Ity Tlinmlnti J. Thomji- KII.I.KI) WUIt-K OltOK-HIIOOTINO, i|ilur- of "THE son, arh, fi mllen, HH7 yds., Km. Vus.; I'. Coll, mealy Nhootlng at New Hunting Park. tette,which In days gone hy, were wont to b» SPORTING LIFE" ash, Millies, W yds , Hm. as.; I). Coll, red check, ljulte u large dele|;atliin of gentlemen In- annoctalcd with file name of ownern whom no Is 2O.OOO f. miles, s.17 yds., Hm. iris. Wind unfavorable. A Man Ai, Idnntmlly Nliot by IIU Mrutlier- holiest man would hike torcHfod In pigeon nhootlng aMxmnhled by the bund. HorneK copies weekly. An Interesting plKoon lly took place on Thanks an the l'ata|M«o Hirer. at the that were ciinentlv reported fo he Inllrm anil giving Day, between Oerioniitown pigeon llyers HAI.TIMOIM:, liec. 1, Kour men In the New Hunting I'urk on Thankx);lvln|; May In were dally paraded hefure the toutn with their The course WHS from the lialtlnioreHaltlmore l>epotl>' - to <}<}er wllm'Nt a Hweepxluke I'oiele^M H win he.I In liandiiges, Clrculiit«i« In th« mantowii, ami the owwners of Hi" birds oniploy of tlm Ilaltlumre and Ohio Itallrottd match, In which there liuvo suddenly following Suit : Now York, ami ti were nine coiiteHtantH. Although developed eiiiiipleleNoiilidmmH and confouiulctl made v%as as ('"Hows: left the city yesterday morning In not oxfiortH Pennxylvanliv, Nmv .Inrsry, Cciniirctlcnt. J.tlulinrs.Anlimi'Ud .St.(bird "bhol")..lo in. 47 sec a Hleain In the popular fporl, the exhibition, us a whole uibllc. barkers by Nvlnnlng Imporlalit men* Rbtxlo I'!. Marland, Jetternou Htreet...... 11 m. II sec for a duy'H duck-MhoolliiK on the 1'u- was complimentary lo allconnerned. The shoot n a canter. Again, ImrHes who r»lan in. 0 MOC were JtimeH II. one yard" n»". t.iiihiv yards boundary, The full W. Hallowoll, Mill n^eet...... lloiintou, chief ncore wan mercy, und who, moreover, were In excellent UUlo, Inilltiun, llllunlH, MUxourl, ...... lit in. tit clork, and I'erry H, HhitnVor, condition ami perfectly C). Went, Winter street...... 1(1 in. Pi chief inanlfeHl I'lork, of tlm Wcnt-hound K. Af. nountl, have been Kentucky, ami In Ciuiudii. I', lloyuc, Ashmeud "truol ...... '/; .lohn Frith...... Ill Hill KMdtl lool 1111-14 0 allowed to remain prominent I'avorlies in. 46 «> fmlnht depurtment. They MltCliell In tho were brothern-ln- SUtt,I ...... OHIIliniMIUllHMKIIHIOI K fj helling until law and both ucciipy lil(,'l' Hoehil Hr. llurlcli...... the nlable roiiiuilnnlon on other ponltloliH. lloliHilliloiHUIolluo u I) anlmalH belonging to the clli|iie had IT HHOlil.l> NOT UK. CurlliiK III CitusiilH. When oil' Hloiiy Creek, aUmt nnven ml ten A.Creese.,,..,...,.,.. Illllul I lnorov»nn«nt», country. The score: \v. <). Torrlng Shatfei Mr. HIIHTON, Mann., l>ec. I.--A Nix-round glove llnuer In the pie. I could adduce n number anil within th« «'l'y ton. W. (illean, C. (I. Andernon, wus lerrlbly aftrrled by the itivldent. lie J. Uruce fell on hlrt kilui-s iibHiuniae hlri friend und beuurd tight, under thu Mur<|iili ol' ({uoennherry of liisUimeH that huvo occurred thin neanoa llinim, ought to IMI, inulor thu *u|M>rvUlou ul' 1). McKwen, skip, 111; J. Muuro, U. hliu to npeak. Thcu he tried of double dealing to lake hln own fife, ruloM, for a purse on tbe Kngllnh turf that «\ In nrellilent, Alp. 10. cfttliiR wan annouiuieVj to inutatf w>*rlMj»rU. He »,»« gu'irdid by his nrivaie,rlvate, oiuoclub room msilast nigni.nluht iiviwocubetween York tkuni arn Home of Ilio fluent athletic Saturday night, Nov. l«mtn. All the building' .'IIUUIJ AmericaJimeiiea withoutv%iuioin theme owuoisOPIUMS Impllralciiin In- ITih, wnen several hundreds of the Italtlniore ami Cuniwrty, «f tMMo*,»nit rtrtrtler''' Neary, oV'Stw i nirrrlnk the aeverent mnniirn lYfttf ' clubn In tliu world, anil ull rau li"O»t of ix on|oyod their favorite wlnUr pastime, completely lilo Itallroad have flagn at half wast fur the dead York. Ihe nr»t bl«H»l wan won by Connelly. Both .... ,1!;, in,,,,.!!,,., destroying thA Ice, however, much an. Houston was forty year* of age. men wero rather "groggy" in the fourth round. nrnss H Otth nurpliiH, to the regret of He leaves In the ,, »I""»«K pronn. II ere In one notwitliHtaiulliiK tliry nrr the devotees of curling. The otncern recently sick wife and two children. lant round Comfcllv came a\/un smiling but 'hat may for the moment milneo. HKckuensi, aUid!ciipp«<1 elected are: President, \V. (I P, Cansels; vlov very weak. Nevertheless lie led oil who throii|{1> puylntf »xtoari>d for th» InrtdnntnU. Why didn't W. F. Intvlsoii, A.Naito, W. dunning Accident. IVHarnwIteh, to run lu a trumpery T.ylor,C. Cl. nurd by Ihe Icatllug nportiugman race at Uie ajiauclatlcm glv«iioti>« atliletlc mnetlngii tou, .1. liedley and T. MeCraken. of Phlla- While gunning last week near Delaware Krlghton, The nltible did not supjiurt tho Iphia, Arthur Chambers, to marc for a shilling, tht pas! mtanou. Tho only kind of H)M>rt that owners of run- City Dr. Hlckley, ol" I'hlludelphla, met with and her priro wan '.'II to took placi' on thttlr |{rouniU sixteen Thousand Dollars for a Kam. Ing dugs: 1 In a Held I write from memory -of loll I' a «us luuw bull, a nerloun accident, occasion-id hy the prema­ do/.en runners. Alter the Mil The l.uiulan Wnrlil says: "All Austral hi ritii.AHiii.rMi*, Dec. I, l»sa. horses reached tho that of iitiuh on Inferior olittrnotrr thut K.I 11 or of MroirriKU I.ICK I'fur ,v,r_| am open ture discharge of his gun. Hy some means Htm'tlng ponl, Charlie Head, I lie proprietor of wan aum/.od when, nine yearn ago, a ram wan i make any or all of the following matches: Hie hammer of the weapon was struck, theliritnd It only attracted tlm nonr ri'tuthoH of thr Irst 1 and a load Theatre, and one of the blggnnti nold at auction for the then unheard-of will matoh my black dog.lacK for fi&o a discharged Into his right arm. Tho goailoman, iHnikmakern here, loudly playern. ThlM IH not th« way to inaku an ile, to run 'Jisi yards, against any dog accompanied by his friends, returned to I'hitadel otl'ci-ed A to I that price of t'714. Hlnoe America, at & phi*, Hucknenndld not win. The mare did iiuO uthletli! club a HIICCIM. If thtiy would jilvu then llguren exceeding pounds weight. Sec- when It was feu ml that amputation w»s thin have ml I will match my barred mid nldle necessary. Tho operatli was performed i,y Hr. even IIulnh among Ihe llrnt three. Why "II two or thrw ftixxl ineetlnK" not been rare, and the maximum Itch, MMgtfl1*! to run 'jnu yards against any dog Mortou. earth wun during th« ymir price until the salon of the or she sniil to llrlghlou.' Mr. Peck, «nd oftVr iirenent year wan Itch lu America, at lu'-, Ibs. weight (or will give the iinlute owner, han trained 1>H/.«H worth i'oin|unu Hitch iiim-tiim would o a side,against any dog or bitch In America, Anno- run" The answer may be paltriness bif'oro the sensational nale, this year, of clatlon, found lu the tact. coxer tUx NcaHon'N i

uary, and after that I paid no further atten- BRADLEY'S CASE. Washington and Toledo. Naturally enough, the BAY CITY'S CLUB. ion to him. The men I have signed areMul- ilubs from the large cities ask: "How can you do ane, Jack Gleason, Dunlap, How Unjustly the Reserve ,hls and not lessen our home games at a serious Dickerson, Tay- Rule Work* in pecuniary loss to us. or by an extension of the The Team Engaged for Next Tear—The ( BASE BALL. or, Mike Mansell, , Shaffer, Bren- the Case of la Deserving Player. fames not overcrowd the season with contests?" look. nan and Wullfe, and, although President The injustice of the reserve rule was never That is the question which bears most directly Correspondence SroBTiso LIFE. Mills, of the League, says I am doing more to upon the admission of new clubs. If the problem Items of General Interest About njure ball playing than more clearly illustrated than in the case of o"arranging an extended schedule without Injury BAY CITY, Mich., Nov. 23. The Bay ( Clubs and anybody else, to the pecuniary prospect ;he club that I will put in the field will coat eorge Bradley. George received f 1,800 for of the clubs of large Base Ball Club, although experiencing "! Players. less cities can be satisfactorily solved, then there will than two-thirds of the clubs inthe League lis. services last year, and wants f2,200 for be no difficulty in adding the four clubs very disastrous season, has come to and American Association. The only regret to the existing list. It has next season, as every other man on the team been sug­ front again on as strong a financial basis! FKOM CALIFORMA. ;bat I have to express over my action is that I gested that »n extension of the sea­ did not start a week earlier. If I had I would got a handsome advance. The Athletic son by twenty days ten days in April and ten any club in the League, and, with In October would help to solve the difficulty; or Base Ball on the Pacific Coast—Eastern lave had my pick of the best ball players in managers consider this too much and have that the clubs of smaller cities might yield a ably good fortune, expect to come out s the country. President Mills com­ Favorites Playing Out There. may think his .ot yet signed him, he being the only man pensating share of home games as a bonus for next season, both financially and in play] League is doing great work in the Interest of b»» udmission. That the sphere of operations of the Correspondence SPORTING LI*K. kail, but he will sooner or later learn that the on the team unsigned, but keep him dangling American clubs could be advantageously extended The players thus far signed by Mani SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17. Sunday, Nov. ballplayers think differently. It is only a ques­ around Mason's headquarters in a most ag­ to include Brooklyn and Indianapolis there is but Watkins are: Foutz, Reccius and tion of time until the players revolt against the little doubt. No narrow-minded views should pre­ ; Crotty llth, was a beautiful day, and this brought reserve rule, which they despise, and will no more gravating manner, neither signing nor re- vail in this mutter; and Bignell, catchers; ( the greatest good for the great­ man, first base: Turbidy, short stop; a large throng to Recreation Park to see a submit to than to have rings putin their noses and easing him. George has any number est number should be the governing rule in con­ be led by them. The only question players ask of sidering the subject. Several .experienced club third base; Cud worth, right field; Mo_ game with a combination of the best local when approached for terms is, -What kind of back­ offers at his own figure from other clubs, managers of the American are at work at present centre field. The fielding average oft players and the visiting Eastern profes­ ing has your club?' Dunlap, when ho signed with ooth in and out of onschetulesforl884, on the basis not only of ten team is .900, batting average, .288. me. Bald he did not care anything for the reserve the , clubs as members, but also of twelve. It is a sionals and the champion Haverlys. rule, and intended to treat it as an imposition, and to keep him thus on tenterhooks, difficult problem is no doubt but this is one of the strong Denny, and while to solve,but It can be solved If the teams in the country. Sweeney and Bob his remarks convey a good idea of how the entire every day golden opportunities are passing, ;lubs of large cities will take a conservative view Foutz pitched here Blakiston made their ap­ profession feels about it. The public, too, sympa­ of the matter. last year and was a general favorite, as well thize with the players is unjust. Bradley is an honorable fellowand pearance. The latter came so quieffly upon and with every movement unwilling to jump the reserve as Porter. Reccius played in Evansville to organize associations that are hostile to the rule ordo any­ Ind., the field that he was not recognized at first, reserve rule. You would be astonished to hear thing to cloud his spotless reputation, extend­ AND ANOTHER. and is considered a remarkable ' but when ho captured the encouragement I have received, and that I ing over many years of ball playing, and having great speed, good curve and com! a high fly in his old know does maud is being extended to everybody interested In not deserve such treatment. While he at Organization of the Western Amateur of the ball. Crotty and Bignell at« style, a great shout of recognition for old Union Association clubs. The association is boom­ both good catchers and throw ing, and the whole times played badly, he always redeemed League of Ball Players. well to bases, "Silent" went up. The Combination easily country is enthusiastic over it. himself Goodman stood third in batting in the Inter- Its clubs have plenty of capital to back them, and by brilliant deeds, and to his good AtQuincy, 111., Nov. 15th, an organization won the game by the appended score: they have come to stay. The organization will be work in the St. Louis games, both here and State Association. Turbidy is the fastest of a "Northwestern Amateur base runner in the country. DBHXYOOH. 11. B. P.O. A. K HAVEBLY R. B. T.O.A.. K perfected on December 18th, when a meeting for in St. Louis, the victories over the tough League" was Davis and Cud. Blakiston, 3b, |Fogarty.3b. 1 1 1 that purpose will be held at the Blngham House, customers from effected. worth are fine batters and base runners and, Philadelphia." the Mound City were Dr. Drowne, of Missouri, was tem­ good all round players. 83...... 0 0 1 0 IjBarnes, Ib.. 0 0 11 largely due. In fact, to George's work, Morrison played centi* Sweeney, 2 12 0 Moegan, 1 4 "How will you play the men you have signed? as porary chairman. The following officers field during the whole of last season with thtPon p.. 4 1 p.. 1 "Mullane will pitch, much as to that of any two men in the nine, Denny, c, 3d 2 2 3 5 ' Levy, If..... 1 0 1 Taylor play first, Dunlap were elected: Vice-president, J. T. Johnson, Hurons. Watkins managed and played third bun Arnold, If... 2 1 0 0 Donohue ss. 1 1 0 second, Jack Gleason third, Mansell left, Dicker- can the result of the last few trying weeks of for Port Huron. Pope, 2b.... 1 1 3 1 Hanly, rf... 1 1 2 son centre and Shaffor right. I may put Dave the campaign be attributed. Where would of Chillicothe, Mo.; secretary, Charles Over- This team la selected for their batting and bin McCord, Ib. 2 0 12 0 McDonald,c 1 0 5 Rowo at short, and what will be done with Bren- running qualities, and the team nil through m nau aud Woullfo will have to the champions have, been but for Bradley, rocker, of Quincy, 111. A large number of Swanton.rf. 1 0 0 0 3heridau,cf. 1 1 1 be determined when when Matthews was very speedy runners, safe batters and good geoenl Moran, 0 2 3 (jagus, 2 the season boitins. They are both strangers to injured, and nobody but applications fielders, and I can assure you Bay City is going ss.c. 1 2b .. 1 1 me. Corey for admission to the League tt Mooney, of.. 3 2 0 0 There are a couple more men that I am fig­ left to do the pitching? But, were read by the secretary. It was decided make a push for first place next season. Ap­ Total..... 8 7 27 22 1C uring on, but 1 won't say anything about them at alas, poor George! the championship to extend pended is their record: Total.....16 7 28 21 present." season the limit of the League no farther is over and managers have north than Dubuque. The following cities Batting. Fieldtji Denuy Combination.. 20118131 1 16 ————•——— poor memories. All his fine work is forgot­ Foutz.p...... 205 °~ Haverly ...... 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 3 1 8 were elected to membership, viz.: Dubuque, Beccius, p...... 376 Earned run Haverlys. Three-base hits Uenuy, FROM PITTSBURG. ten, and only his misplays are remembered. Clinton, Rock .9Z7 In the Island, Keokuk, Peoria, Porter, p...... 321 .890 Pope, Oagus, Sheridan and Fogarty. First bass language of Shakespeare: Springfield, Quincy, Sedalia, Kansas Crotty, c...... 333 on errors Dennys 12, Haverlys 6. Left on bases Prospects of the Allegheny Club—Sensible City, .897 The evil that men do lives after them. Atchison, St. Joseph, Ottumwa and Chilli­ Ooodman, Ib...... 355 .936 Dennys 3, Haverlys 4. Struck out Dennys 1, Hav­ Words from BXcKnlght. The good IB oft interred with their bones. Turbidy, ss...... 211 erlys 2. Passed balls Denny S, McDonald 3, cothe, all being represented in person or by Davis, 3b...... 855 Moran 1. "Wild pitches Meegan 2. Eu­ President McKnight, of the Allegheny Club Bradley may not be worth |2,20« in the letter except .235 .890 three, which were taken in to Oudworth, rf...... 237 .890 gene Van Court. Time of game 2:46. has just signed four young player;, for the, opinion of the Athletic people, but he surely make the circuit complete, and they were Morrison, cf...... 331 On deserves some consideration. Every other Watkins,2b...... 95* the 12th inst. a large and enthusiastic reserve team. The club now has fifteen invited to correspond at once with the secre­ .301 .897 meeting of base ball players took place at man in the nine received a handsome in­ tary. The name adopted was "The Western Manager Watkins expects to sign another their rendezvous on Bush street. After players under contract. Of the fifteen, four crease, some of whom didn't half earn their Amateur League of Ball Players." The dele­ catcher in a few days, when the team will be com. pleasant converse and discussions of beer, are catchers, four are pitchers, six are in- large salaries last year, and who acted as if gate werealmost unanimously opposed to mak­ plete. The intentions are to open the season in tin they didn't care East on or about the fifth of April. W. I. H. etc., the meeting was called to order and the ftelders, while only one (Swartwood) is so whether "school kept in or ing the League a professional one.exceptas to purpose of the gathering not," and yet they were treated just as well pitcher explained. The far assigned to an out-field position. and catcher. It was provided that in Occidental Base Ball Club of San Francisco They in the matter of increase as if they had case of failure of any of the cities named in NEW YOKK NEWS. are as follows: Catchers Hayes, Cross, played their best to win. Nothing was organized. Waller Wallace was chosen Miller better list of those elected to membership in th« the its president and and Balsley; pitchers Carr, Fox, illustrates this than the cases of Rowen and League The Metropolitan's New Grounds and E*. manager, and Charles Neagle and Lauer; first basetnan Knowles; to send delegates to the next meeting, Stewart, secretary and treasurer. J. J. O'Brien. The former received $1,800 for the vacancy should be filled with some other ing's Contract. Smith was unauimously second bfisemen Creamer and Otterson; his services and he gave just about city. elected captain over third basemen Battin and The Northwestern constitution and by­ The Metropolitan Club will no longer play the following nine: liobert Blakiston, short White; short- two months and a half of work in laws were adopted, with the right reserved stop Albert; center-fielder Swartwood. In retnrn. This may or may on the Polo Grounds. Two clubs playing on stop; Fred Carrol 1, catcher; Edward Morris, addition not have to amend at the next meeting. It was de­ pitcher; John J. Smith, to the above fifteen men, the man­ been his fault, as he claimed to have very cided to adopt the same grounds last season proved to be first base; Arthmi agement are still hunting for six a guarantee of $50, with priv­ Pope, second; Edgar Bennett, third; Charles players, had hands. O'Brien received $1,200, and on ilege of 40 per cent., and on holidays 50 per ^satisfactory to the visiting clubs, and the namely; another , a short-stop, him fell the Stewart, left field; William Incull, centre burden of the work behind the cent. Membership fee was fixed at $25 per result was that the American Association another catcher, two left fielders and a general bat. But this was not all, as he was one re­ and change pitcher, and Frank Smith and player. of annum. The question of umpires was dis­ Charles Sullivan will The management has not yet given the finest outfielders and batters in the team. cussed quested the managers of the Metropolitan alternate at right field up its hold upon Mike Mansell and deferred till a future meeting. and on the gate. The playing terms of the and think He was pressed into service every day, and The meeting adjourned to meet at oall of tire team to find an inclosed ground elsewhere. that insideof a week they will have Michael's when he wasn't catching he was club in this city are thirty-three and a third signatu-e playing in president and secretary in January. There A suitable place has been found in the plot per cent, of the net receipts, affixed to a contract. Before the outfield. If ever a ball player earned was a general and each player Christmas the club expect to have feeling of interest manifested of ground bounded by One Hundred and.. is to share equally. The uniforms resemble twenty- his salary and an increase he did. Yet, at by all present, and it is not doubted that the two players under contract. The salary list the close of the Seventh and One Hundred and Ninth streets,! the old Calilbrnias, but are not the same; the season when the men were League formed will be a success. The and First-avenue for the two clubs will be over $25,000. This to be signed, Rowen demanded a still and the East River. Man-1 prevailing color is dark brown, relieved with does not fur­ schedule is to be arranged to make a circuit ager Mutrie has decided to begin light red trimmings. include a general and assistant ther increase of salary to $2,200, we think, instead of the work ' manager. President McKnight is jumping from one place to another of filling in the ground, and inclosing it at The enterprise of Andy Piercy to bring oul upinarms and got it with hardly a quibble. as other leagues do. against what he considers some of the bad When O'Brien once. On the 27th, the Board ot Aldermen an Eastern nine has fallen through by the demanded a deserved passed failure features of the reserve rule. In expressing increase, there was higgling and a resolution allowing kim the privilege of his backer to come to time. Mr. THE CINCINNATI CLUB. of closing «p One Piercy is considerably his objection, he said: "There are two or haggling and Jack was kept on a string Hundred and Eighth street out and injured by three clubs in the North-western from First Avenue to the river. A lease of euch failure. He has lost a great deal League for two weeks, which so exasperated him that of that have not paid their players for last sea­ When will It Get Grounds?—The Club In a the placefor a term of five years has been granted time, railroad -fares, hotel expenses, to say he came near signing with a Union Associa­ the Metropolitan stockholders. The grounds se­ nothing of his son, and they are still holding these players tion club. And after all he still gets about Serious Quandary. lected are very suitable for playing, labor in getting the nine to­ on the reserve list. but are not gether. Following is the nine he succeeded Now, I think this wrong, $200 less than Rowen, whose superior he is in The Cincinnati Base Ball Club is as yet adjacent to the different elevated railroads lik« and the should put its the Polo Grounds. They can in engaging: Clinton, McCormick, Hender- foot playing and batting skill. The difference in without grounds, although the directors are be reached con­ down on such action. I wrote to the treatment of the veniently, however, by the Second Avenue road, son, Emslie, Rowe, Stearns, Say, Hankiu two men can probably be now taking steps toward Thich has stations at One Hundred and Fifth and son President Mills, of the League, to that effect. accounted for by the fact one is a securing a place and Lynch. These are all well known I hold Philadel­ One Hundred and Eleventh streets. Manager and first-class players that when at the end of the season a phia player playing in a Philadelphia club. for the team to play next season. Last week Mutrie says he has a winning nine and that and would have given club can not pay its players they us good games. Mr. Piercy fulfilled his part for work already It's a way Philadelphians have, you know. Mr. Kramer, one of the directors, called on an willdraw if they played in Astoria. done, they have no right to reserve any of "A prophet is not without honor, The manager of the new St. Louis Club Is again of the contract to the letter, and it is entirely save official of the Cincinnati Street Railroad Com­ looking for New York plavers. He the fault of his soi disant its players. There is the Springfield Club; in his own country." There are enough has entered backer (so he in­ they are still holding their pany in reference to the Bank Street Park, into negotiations with William En-ing, theotclier forms us) that he was unable to bring on the reserve players fine Philadelphia ball players scattered of the New York Club. The latter isonecrftae and have not as yet paid their players for last sea­ about the but did not receive a definite answer. The nine. son. Further, they nave not even reorganized country to give Philadelphia best catchers in the country, and last season ho for the greatest team in the country matter, as far as this park is concerned, is just commanded the highest salary paid any b>U Bob Blakiston is in excellent health next season, and I don'tthink they will. Notwith­ composed the same as it was player, and will put standing this, we can not approach one of solely of local talent; of course, it is not pos­ a'week ago. The club is in receiving $3,200 for his work. His salary in the winter at his th"ir a quandary in regard to what it shall do. It has been lowered somewhat, but officers of tie favorite game. He was warmly welcomec men, and I tell you that there are two or three very sible to get them together. But even were it New York League Club, say that good ones In that club, who would greatly sp, more than has be»n ascertained by the directors that Ewing has too l)y his friends, among whom he is qiyte a strengthen half of them would positively flbe much sense to break his contract with the New the Alleghenys. Another bad feature refuse to play in this, their native party in possession of the lease on the York Club and accept an engagement with lion. His tales of his Eastern adventures anc of this is, that by their action they are forcing city, at Lincoln Park lot is the an experience would those players any price. Bradley expresses regret that he same one holding !,he organization that cannot afford to pay him the sum fill a large-sized volume into clubs in the Union Association. refusal of the Bank Street Park. It is un­ he receives in New York. Besides this, by You know, I presume, what a talker Why, they are forcing men to act dishonorable in- ever came back to Philadelphia, and the leav­ Bob is stoad of trying to make derstood that a pressure will be brought to ing the New York Club he would be debarred from The medal presented to him by his Philadel­ them stick to our rules. If treatment he has received both on and off the playingln clubs of any of the recognized associa­ the question is left entirely to the North-western ball field here seems to justify such bear to induce the lessees of these two lots tions. phia friends he constantly wears proudly Association, they, of course, will not expel the regret. to release one of them This would naturally make Ewing remain upon his manly We have no personal interest in his case in favor of the old or­ where he Is, even if the St. Louis manager breast, where it attracts club, for when so many clubs are backing their ganization. Failing in this, the Cincinnati promised great deal of attention. salary they would break the association up if they except that we are loth to see a deserving him -a much larger salary than that now were to expel all who ball player so Club will endeavor to locate grounds on giv«n. A member of the New York team, a friend Clarence Whistler, the wrestler, who gave were backward in paying shabbily treated. If the Ath­ of Ewing, said, in speaking of the matter: "When salaries. At the meeting of our association I In­ letic managers consider Bradley worth one of the steam railroads leading from the such a grand exhibition of Gneco-Roman tend to bring the matter re­ city. This last you catch Ewing asleep you will know it. He usei wrestling at the up, and will try to gel taining, they should grant him the deserved scheme would doubtless more judgment In making out his contracts than Pavilion,is a clever base bal! both the American and League to adopt a rule prove diastrous to its financial interest, player. He formerly played with the Louis­ whereby that evil will bo remedied." increase; if they do not think so, they should any other player in the League, and, In kusinen remember his past services and grant as it has already been proved that a base matters, he is more like a banker than a ball ville Club, of Kentucky. As soon as his in­ him his 'ball club depending player. You can depend on jury will permit, release, in order that he may better himself. entirely on railroad it, if Ewing plars at it will be on the cards to FITCHKRS' DELIVERY. accommodations for reaching its playing all next year, it will be as a member of the'Ne» have him engage in a bass bull game. His This is the proper course to pursue. York Club." Another ' well-known ball player grounds cannot survive in Cincinnati. In thinks that the men signing with plucky encounter with Muldoon has gainec What Effect the Abolition the first the St. Louis him a great many friends of the "Fou place the fare charged by the steam Club are doing it for the advance money thev will here, and when he Balk" THE SCHEDULES. cars would doubtless be receive, and that they appears a "big gate" will be the result. Will Hare." in excess of what is will refuse to plav "there The asked by the street car companies, and to when the season opens, as was the case with Fred Carroll, the noted catcher, is conval­ question of the pitcher's delivery of A Work tkat Requires Much Consid«ratl*> several American Association! clubs last year. escent from obviate this the club would have to make typhoid fever. He will make the ball, which has been productive, pos­ and Care. a corresponding reduction his re-entree to-morrow with the Occidentals in the price sibly, of more turmoil on the hall field than A New York contemporary well says thai of admission. Admitting, however, that THE FEMALE PLAYERS. any one cause, has at last been taken up, making out the championship schedules for the fare should be the same, the THE NEW ST. LOUIS CLUB. street car plan is by far The Managers Skip and Let the Hapless and the League, at its meeting last week, professional associations the most has come to be advantageous. The steam cars could have Females Shift for Themselves. Mr. Lucas Interviewed—He definitely settled the much-mooted point quite an important Outlines His business. Even in the only one or two places for stopping to take As predicted in these columns when the Position. for one season, at least. The "fou matter of the ordinary arrangement on passengers. To patrons of the game living of dates at a distance from these points it would be a source scheme was first broached, the female in Henry Lucas returned to St. Louis from balk" clause of the by-laws, which was for a schedule the task is no easy one; but to of much iuconvlenceln the loss of time, as well as the penalty to be sntailing extra base ball has once more proved a signal the East last week, looking hearty auc imposed by umpires lay out a circuit so as to secure all the ad­ car fare, in order to even get started in case a pitcher should break the rule to the grounds. This inconvenience will also be failure. At first a little money was made, cheerful, and expressing perfect satisfaction by raising vantages of specially attractive periods of heightened after fames as they would be com­ bis hand too high when delivering pelled but the public quickly tired of the disrepu­ over the results of his trip. In the after the ball to the bat, has been the season, and at the same time to avoid to contribute another extra fart to again virtually a deac reaeh their homes at a distance from the depot. table spectacle, and then the'clubs, piloted noon a reporter had an interview with letter since its introduction. It is a question conflicting with rival attractions, needs a On him, the other hand the new club at the Bank by the and whether this penalty was ever inflicted by an pretty clear head, as well as experience in street ground.", if one should be formed to play at adventurers who managed it, made a obtained the following story of his work this park, would for the new ball club while awayi umpire in a professional game. The League the business. Then there is the additional have the advantage of half a Western trip. In Cincinnati they first did difficulty to be avoided in the matter dozen lines of street oars. These lines are so lo­ "First of all, I want to say three things well to take cognizance of this fact, but of pre­ cated that there are very struck a snag. From there they managed to whether the plan they have venting a rival club from obtaining an un­ few places in the city that I want distinctly understood, because o: adopted wil more than a few blocks distant from one or the get to St. Louis, where prove satisfactory remains to be seen. Nexl due share of holiday dates, etc. In this re­ other of the routes leading their misfortune cul­ a mass of contradictory reports that have to the Bank street minated. The newspapers there refused from been given general circulation season in the League, to use a commoB ex­ spect the best-paying course to pursue is that grounds. It would be a serious mistake to locate by the press of sound "business a ball park out of the reach of street car the start to give them local notice, and one They are: The club that I am interested in pression, "everything goes," in the way of principles," which carries accommo­ pitching. A twirler will with it the "live-and-let-live" policy, dations in opposition to a club having all the paper suggested that the managers and will belong to the Union Association and uoi be allowed to pitch, facilities for the convenience of a public that an players be all ridden jerk or toss the ball to the bat. He car Almost invariably the club which strives to out of town. They the Union League. I have signed Mik» Man- opposition club would enjoy at the Bank Street were refused the base ball park sell and I have signed Dave have his hand as high as it suits him when monopolize the best days of theseas&n, with­ Park. for their Itowe. The Union out regard exhibitions, but rented a large hall. One League will form an Eastern circuit ano in the act of pitching, and it will be useless to what is due other club mem­ for the hoodlums bers ot the association it belongs to, ulti­ performance was given there and then they none of its clubs will come West, while the on the bleaching board to Notice to Association Clubs. had try and break up the twirlers of a mately finds its greediness a costly indul­ to find other quarters. The club re­ Union Association will have Western as well rival team COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 25. You are hereby mained ten days waiting as Eastern members, by their hoots and yells of "Keep your arm gence; while that organization that pursues fcr the papers to and, consequently, will notified come to their rescue in the way of favorable play games in both sections. I signed Man- down," "Don't pull of your ear, there," and the fair and manly course gains most in that I have approved the following other expressions the end. In the laying-out of the sched­ notices, but, of course, without getting them, sell as I went East, at Buffalo, where he met of this kind. Under these contracts for 1884: Allegheny with W. J. and conditions a swift overhand thrower, ules for 1884 a very important question come* then they were completely stranded, me in response to a telegram that I had pre­ Otterson, Jos. V. Battin, W. D. White and and couldn't get out of the city. Their viously sent him. with a knowledge of the different curves, up for consideration, and that is how the From Buffalo I went to basis Jno. C. Lane; St. Louis with Al. Streuve, trunks are held by the Indianapolis and St Louis New York. I signed Rowe at Baltimore, will be placed on the same basis as 9 of the schedule as regards the total W. H. Goldsby and A. Railroad for expressage. A hotel-keeper straight-arm number of games to be played C. Hungler; Cincin­ at­ see it stated that Secretary Williams has pitcher or an underhand is to be pro­ nati with Gus Shallix, Thomas Mansell and tached everything visible in the way of jewelry officially reported thrower, and will possibly have the advant­ perly arranged. The League basis has for and light baggage, and the transfer company had Rowe as signed with the George Miller. Metropolitans with Ed. a big bill against them for carriage St. Louis Club, but I can assure you he will age of greater speed at his command. This some years past been on the existence of Kennedy. hire the flrrt new style of eight clubs, with the proportionate twooC three days after their arrival. The first nlay with my nine. A contract with the St. delivery, which will be a nov­ number I have received notice of the following day the players paraded the streets with music Louis Club was sent on to Baltimore elty, will doubtless have quite a serious ef­ of games given that basis, which last year contracts: and in carriages. On the 27th the manager for was extended to fourteen. J. A. Hines and B. Gilligan ap­ Rowe to sign, but when it arrived he was fect on heavy batting, as it will take some The American with Providence; E. Moriarity, W. H. Crow- plied to Mayor Owing for railroad passes to New under contract to me, time for batsmen to get used to the over­ schedule of 1883 was constructed on a similar York City, but the mayor refused to assist them, aud sent It back basis, ley and M. Bassett with Boston; E. L. Ford, and then the girls were left to shift for themselvei, without his signature. Now that fact hand method of delivering balls. Georg* but this year a new question enters W. N. Chatfield, Lawrence Wright into the calculation; and that is, Daniels, J. J. the managers having disappeared and the club makes it imperative on Mr. Williams to rise is quoted as saying this concession an addition Healy and J. W. Knight with Philadelphia; disbanded. This left the girls in such destitute cir­ and explain why he reported to pitchers would eventually ruin the game, to the number of clubs entering the lists, cumstances that the sympathy of some charitably- that he had from eight Jacob Goodman, Jos. Crotty, Phil. Reccius signed Rowe for the St. Louis Club. In all and he would not be surprised if at the clos< up to ten, or perhaps twelve. In and Jas. Davis with Bay City. disposed persons, was aroused, who subscribed my negotiations with players of next season the League retraced its steps 1883 the schedule of both the League and the a fund towards defraying the traveling expenses I have neither Also that the Baltimores have released of the women from St. Louis to Philadelphl*. talked nor written to any one of them after and put restrictions on the pitchers' de­ American Association gave a total of 44 home Jas. McCormick games. Now, in cities from reserve, November They left for Philadelphia on the 29th, sadder and he had informed me that he was under con­ livery. that draw a large 8th, and the Alleghenys Norman L. Baker wiser women. tract, or had made a verbal agreement patronage, it becomes a very important mat­ from contract, to ter that the number Nov. 24th. Boston has re­ sign a contract. After signing RoWe I went The Fort Wayne Club. of these home games leased P. A. Radford from reserve. should not be lessened, Secretary Nick Young'8 Notice. back to New York, where I closed a contracl Correspondence SPORTING Lira. especially as regards The Secretary of the National League with Dunlap. Rowe brought him the American schedule, for under their rules Secretary N. E. Young announces the fol­ there to FORT WAYNE, Nov. 26. The directors of the withdraws the notice of contract of L. S. meet me at my request. While I remained receipts of home games are not divided, Moffitt with Cleveland. lowing list of players as signing contracts: the Fort Wayne Base Ball Club have as in the League. Therefore, in considering ju New York the only local ball players that secured You are also notified that this association E. L. Ford, W. N. Chatfield, the" following the question of an increase of membership ol L. Daniels, Jamei }I saw were Clapp and Kennedy. I was in­ players for the season of 1884 has ratified and approved the National J. Heally. Joseph W. Knight with Philadelphia. formed that Kennedy was not engaged, and the American Association for 1884, the mat­ agreement Joe Brown, pitcher; B. F. Horner, Baltimore, ter of the lessening (so callejd), and that from and Thomas Deasley with St. Louis. asked him his terms. I had previously ob­ pitcher and third the number of home after the 23d day of November, 1883, JohnCorcoran. J. J. Farrow, S. J. KImber, W. base; G. S. Smith, Altoona, games becomes quite an important factor all tained terms from Shafler, and when Ken­ Pa., pitcher and short stop; Joe W. H. Brown, in clubs of this association will be governed by H. Terry. C. W. Householder, W. F. Cireenwood, nedy gave me his terms, it became the laying out of the season's schedule. With J. P. Cassidy, Oscar Walker with Brooklyn. a ques­ Altoona, Pa., pitcher and fielder; William clubs its provisions. You should be very careful W. H. Hofbert, C. Reipgchlager, T. J. tion which I would take. I finally de­ Oeisae, Chicago, pitcher and fielder; that draw but a moderate patronage at in releasing or signing players Keefe, D. James W. home the question is to follow the Orr, S. N. Crane, T. J. E?terbrook, Stephen Brady, cided to take bhafl'er, and did so. I have Harmon. Kcene, N. H., pitcher and baseman: not of such vital im­ exact letter of the law and thus avoid the John Nelson, James Koseman with the Bletio- not yet signed him, but have John McDonough, Flint, Midi., catcher; W. A. portance. But when Philadelphia, New polltans. made a verbal Wood, Altoona, Pa., eatcherand York, complications that may follow any disobedi­ contract with him before witnesses, which is left fielder: David St. Louis and Cincinnati are taken ence or evasion of its provisions. J. D. MoLaughlln, J. A. Roxbangli with Balti­ McKercher, Detroit.centre fielder; Charles Barber, into the calculation, a lessening ot more. just as good. I did not at any time ask any Philadelphia, third baseman; M. P. Scott, Chicago, I have received notice that the National A. of the first baseman: home games means just BO many hundreds or W. Atklnson with the Athletics Philadelphia players to sign with m«. Marr Phillips, Pittsburgh, short- thousands of dollars less to the club treasury by League, at its last meeting, adopted the Curtig Welch, Joseph Miller, H. M. O'I>ay. O. I telegraphed Gross, asking his terms. He stop; S. A. Behel, Kocktord, III., left fielder the change. Inthe American arena it has been National agreement, and will be governed M. Lane, S. W. Barkley, M. F. Walker. J. C. Charles Warren, Baltimore, catcher; Kobert Tin- Tilley with Toledo. answered that he would not decide until Jan­ dill, Hamilton, proposed to increase the membership by the addi­ by it. Very respectfully, Out., baseman, tion, of Brooklyn anil Indianapolis, and latterly of Phil Keccius, Joseph Crotty, Jacob Goodman, J. A. WILLIAMS, Sec'y, James Davil with Bay City. pec. 5. THE SIPOKTIZSTG

VON DEK ABE'S CI-UB. engaged Woullfe, of the Brennan Club, for the were $2,641.87, and Lucas Club. This Is tho Individual who last year the expenditures $2,116 t'j A was affixed to theeontrnctonthemhult. Energetic Teutonic beat Wllllameon, nine will be placed In the Held next season. Andrews one President of the St. of tho Chicago. In a running Is to till tho vacancy at second base, and will. It Is of these turned outto bea was Louis Club race. Mr. Sullivan thinks he will develop into A contemporary says: "Most of tho NcwOrleans said, receive adifllnult task, Heard From. greatplayer. a players are facing $1,200 for the season. This Is a very but the newcomer not only Correspondence All the members of the combination lln-shoots' over mahogany barf high Ilgure for a semi-professional, made the iJager strike SPORTING LIFK. are in good health and tine form. at ton cents a shoot. It was ;thls kind of projec­ Andrewslsanneaml though her colors in the first tiles' that Improving player, Hcpluycd match race they sailed together, gT. Louis, Nov. 29. Dave Rowe and atlocted the Chicago players last sea­ part of last season with Toledo at third base, but she son." excels. In and roved beyond a doubt to be the fastest Von derAhe are on the outs. Mr. Ua«e Ball In New Orleani. fielding. Von der MoCormlek Is with Mr. Bancroft up In Boston. Sawyer will § I'locn-foot boat ever built in Philadelphia. Ahe claims At New Orleans, Nov. 26th, the Cincinnati He Is In excellent probably go to the St. Louis Ameri­ This little that Kowe agreed to sign with Com­ health. His arm Is as strong al can Association Club next season. Ho has an clipper was the Willie Klein/. bination team defeated tho (lore team with ever; he Is pitching for practice, and says ho will oiler to pitch for Tho constructor of the iis club, but when the contract and advance the make batters not flelders "hump the club for $2.000, with (500 ad­ famous yacht was greatest ease. The universal opinion of specta­ to Ilnd the ball vance. Hut his hcail Is level. If hu goes it will (leorijo W. Itarnes, n well-known boat- money were sent to him, ha returned next season." not he to pitch onSunduys, builder of them tors was that tho Cincinnati nine put up one of and with an agreement the old district of Sonthwark. His flrst and signed with the prettiest Hick Carpenter and Macullar were several years that he Is not to be reserved. He thinkutho Ameri­ attempt was the production of the Dodger. the Lucas Club. Of the names ever played there. Only six ago Inveigled Into can Association batsmen are llovlng Ho- latter fact there is no Innings could bo played, rain putting an going to Cuba to play ball at not so strong as those tho catfish to have remarkably fnst pro­ doubt, but the fight has the game. end to Havana. They did not realize lunch money out of of the League, and that his work will Improve and pelling powers he modelled the caused Mr. Lucas to publish The score was: their winter's engagement, his command grow Dodger alter that Rowe's tele­ elKO'XATI. n. B. P.O. A. »'OB'80'TCITT. and were glad to reach better with a season's work nsh, but the tmut proved to bit u failure for speed. grams to him. In one of them Eowe refers Jonel, cf.... 0 R. B. P.O. A. « New York alive. against them. He tan be recommended to St, In sailing to thu windward tho yiiehlwasu success, 0 o'Wlso, us.... 0 Louis as a tine pitcher and gentleman. but upon going W ft "good man" that he can secute, and in (*erh'rdt,lb. 1 0 0 (tore. 2b.... As M-c(>lnnl» will have to dothe greater part of free she stopped us If becoming another Welhe, rf... 0 the pitching with Speaking of the engagements anchored. Mr. Humus' next eltort was the that he had contracts awaiting him 2 0 O.WouKTe, of. 1 You dor AhcV team, since made hy Ad Sul­ M. I'owell. John from Cleveland, Providence and Sotnmer, 3b. a " 0|W'uu'n,3b,oO the desertion of Mullane, he will go Into tho gym­ livan at New Orleans for the Lucas nine, MolHnuls whlsli was built as large us the rule* the St. Nava,c..... o nasium at once and get himself in said: "Wolfe Is a fair batter and excellent for such class of boats permitted, anil modelled |nst Louis. American Association Club. 1 O.O'rp'nt'r, Ib. 0 1 g hard shape for the and fielder the reverseof tho Dodger. Thel'owell This McPhoe, 2l>. 2 1 OjKUnt, rf.....O -2 work he has ahead of him. one of the best runners I have ever seen. He suooiicde'd In ort from throwing. At the hat he moderate sucr. s.i. The difficulty was In sailing him $200 ad- bases Cincinnati 6. (lore Combination o. ui well as elxnwheru home Is a strong man." free; nuce tiumoy. I then sent on a contract and a ritchen' assists Heckor for the place. Wttkt I)uirni/i says: "Just lu the windward she was all that was desired.- draft for $200. The draft, which 1. Hales on ball* (Jure, Hlgnall, before a glove light re­ The yachl WHS soon afterward purchased has eomu back, Keeiler. Passed bulls Nava 1. Wild pitches ofTaunton, Maxs., In sought for by tho cently at The. Alien's, that gentleman announced J. Frank by Mr. its dated Nov. 14th. On the 17th Williams wrote Uoaglo. Time 1:30. Haglnaws an catcher, liurlng the jm»t snaiion that a woman with Klolni, who, at once seeing the Imper­ ae that he was afraid Uowe Umpire John Hlsgen. covered tie two small children was on the fections, took her lo Kensington, and under iruultl nut keep his that position very creditably for the premises, that they were friendless and PM Mess direction the agreement, and, to settle the mutter, he hnel writ­ Andenons. ofKynn, Mum., catching after and had jusl been served of James Wlunull was "tucked up" aft. ten him a sharp loiter, requesting whom the,St. Mavis, with a dispossess war­ Then It was that the Wllllu Klclny. soon him tu either The Athletic*' !. » «. Louis Cluh now have. rant. Alien said, '1 never allow a collecilon lo be noted hucumo IlKD or refuse to. The next day hu wrote that Work made In my house us a perfect whirlwind, and U wus not lung How had signed with ariuther A sub-committee of the Councils' Com­ on the new SI Louis Union Association but this Is a lady, and I will before the entire river front fairly swurmcd club, and that he I 'lull's grounds was commenced last weok. eunsont.' and putting 920 In tho hat ho collected fin new bouts with hid black and white on him, and would present mittee on City Properly Nov. 30, considered hundred One additional f;>4 which built expressly lo beat the newly- the case to the annual men tiro at work and the grounds will he niudo*74. Tho beneficiaries of miula champion. It was after tho victory meeting at Cincinnati. the application leveled and enclosed within ten days; then thlschurlty were the wife iind children of John Hat of tho Koirewrote, as well ;u telegraphed to Williams, ot'the directors of the Athletic carpenters the Held,the base bull Willie Klnln* over the Duger that the Interest In mil there Is where will hegln wurk on the grand stand. player, widely known In (Chicago, the first class fifthon loot yachts ceased. we have got him fast. H* Is fluse Hall Club for a renewal of the lease of The Cincinnati, St. Louis, and In fact, all over I lie Tnek- pretty slippery. Ho fooled Huriile uut of reserv­ HrooklynClub will not boable to play the country. After ups,"wllh Ihe same length, lint less beam, of which ing him thu grounds at Twenty-sixth I.eitKue clubs next season without thu content Hnineld gave up base ballplavlng thn Thomas Lodyurd Is now tho reeognUed »y assuring him that there was no anil Jefferson the of he turned bookmaker, and Is now oil In the West king, necessity for naming Mm, us he wanted to streets. Nuw York Club. A strong effort was made at leaving his family were speedily Introduced by Ihnyunhlsmen ofKen- play The rent paid for 1H83 was 11,000, the recent mooting to amend the to shin for themselves." slngUn, and the llttln bouts toll lo Baltimore nuxt season. Harulo had made and tin* directors II ruin I In rule In I'eorla correspondence: seem to be growing dim a sort of assistant manager, ami desired to increaie this to Brooklyn's favor but the amendment fell on a tl* Swevney ami Mc.Horlcy mure popular every year. hud great £2,000 per annum for vote. will remuln here until after the holiday*., when Starling olt In a regatta eooflilenoo in him, and so all that hu hud tu do to a term of three years. thev leave on May 20th, l«7.'i. In getoff was to say to Harnle: 'You CoiiiinlHHloner |)lxey announced Itoblnson, of last year's Sagluaws, for I'exus. where they will inuel 1'helan which she was the winner, up to the period of her needn't ru- that the who Is winter­ and Stock well, ufthe Urand Uuplds; Scott, of the last porformunce iipun Ihn iim tile. I know that you need more than eleven property had been reserved for school pur­ ing at Nallck Mass., denies the statement In the Kort Wiiynes, Deluwnre, the Wllllo net), ftfiil as I want to remain with last edition ol TIIK ScoiiriNO and a number of other League play Klnlnx Is credited with having participated lu yuu there Is nu poses, and It was agreed that further con­ I.IKK, that he has ers, for tne purpose of playing a number of games forty live races. Of this number Mention to reserve me. I'll sign wllh you any- sideration signed wllh the llalllmoro Union Association In the Southwest thirty twu were bet.' Harnle took him at his of the matter should be postponed Club, and »ays "he lias no during the early spring months. complete victories. In the balance of Ihe races she word and did nut lor one week, thoughts of playing at Matters are moving along merrily In huso ball won third nrUe three times, nwrohlm. That was tho way Itowo tied up the to heiir from parties who had Haltlmore." circles. There four times she cup- Giber Hultlraoro players and intimated that they Is scarcely any doubt Dial the slKed and six times she f.tlled to get uny tumors. got free himself. For would pay a higher The parties Interested In the revival of the old project of raising the slock lo *7.wsi will meet Thirteen runes were aj part I don't cure about a violation of the re- annual rental. Athletic Club hail success. with sailed between the linger Mrrerule. I never a secret meeting recently. There are hut 92,00') In all LO raise (Ihe and Ihn Klein/., Including u big sweepstuKes for did approve of It, and don't Thomas.I. Smith occupied the ulialr. The meet­ Central (Mty Coinpuny taking 92,000). four lioats. Of these Ihllk It will stand; bul when a man Lumen terms ing was well plan The new the linger was but successful to I manager and liiler-Ht»teClub attended, and several aggressive of furnishing ouch snbserlber who takes one uneo. Is accepted, ami then signs with Avem(*i. measures were Introduced and discussed, hut shale ofstoek (9'4i) with a season ticket, In her forty aothDr club, that Is too much." Dual action no II ye races Ihn Klelnx was com­ At a late meeting of the luter-Htitte Base taken. him lo admission anil amphitheatre privileges manded by John Itulter In thirty seven, In all but Mr. Von der Abe was then The coming meeting during the Leuguo season, works well. Tha four of wnlnh hn was questioned as Hail Association, Secretary Klchtcr submit­ of the American Associa­ scrlber sub a winner, (lenrge Alken to what truth there was lu the Htatemont tion In Cincinnati on the luth of this month will not only shows his public spirit In this handled her eleven Minos, Tom Close three anil that James O'Nell, ted the batting and ileldlug averages of the be tho most Important ever held hy that organltu direction, but, as there will be between sixty and "Swallow" Martin onee. of the New York Metro­ lion. A number seventy games played here next season, After her victory politans, had signed a members of the association. Merrltt of Important questions will be his secures uvor the Lls/leLls/l Anils la contract to play with heailn discussed, and probably some new clauses added admission at less than the regular rales. The August, 1*76, Mr. Klein/, sold a half Interest In thoSt, Louis Club. tlringlng your the lUt during thdr connection with tha as- tu the cuiiNtltutlon. coming season bids fair lo be an Interesting the yaeht lo Mr. William corriw- all lovers one to Thompson, of Oloucosler pendent into his private olllcu he showed the Hociatlon, both In luitllng and Holding, The The hopes of the uowNl. of base ball. The management of the Clly, and nonllniilng In these gnuilnmen's hand* record Louis Club are largely elub Is corresponding now with prominent until th« fall vf IssJ.nho iijnuturo of O'Nell, which, In bold, round then Htamls us follows: founded on Its ability to dnfeut Von dor Aim's In tho players wus finally sold to Mr. kind, Hunk. Hattin Rank Club for the championship lOist. A first class llrst busemun Is one of Nerwootl lilies, of North Carolina. Since her ad­ wan attached to a contract which gave I KUldlng. of Nt. Louis. If this the needs of the club, and measures are vent In Southern waters hlsMrvlces to the Mnrrllt...... 1 Merrltt...... 174 can he dona the managers think the team can taken In being the Klelnz has fully main­ St. Louis Club in IHM. The •I Aetlve...... 2t>t>2 Harrlsburg.. make money enough hay* the nine strengthened i,t mis re- tained her champion reputation, and u number uf Mntract wns dated ...... HIM to run It right through thu spent. The same may b« said of the uutnclders. larger boats bare been Nov. '£1, and Von ,1 llarrlshurg.. ..228:3 Actlv*...... Hut Heason In St. Leuls. '1 he eumpeltod lo succumb lib derAhe was asked If. the contract 4 Trenton...... 228,4 Brooklyn correspondence now gulng on Is for the pur her qualities. which 6 ...... W4 A prominent olnclal of the League writes that peso of securing good players In these O'Nell had signed with the Metro­ llrooklyn...... 221 ft Anthracite ...... 824 he has no doubt depart­ B llu.»k*t«p... ..2146 Uulckstop.... tho rule punishing jumpers of the ments. I'eorla wants the best nine In tho League politans did not take precedence over It. 7 ...... ill reserve rule' will " . ass ui Ihe Ilulfalii meeting. " the coming year, and the munagement asserts Us replied Anthracite.. ..208,7 Trenton,.... for his eluh.guu runlet . , that the Ripple*. that It did not, and that the con- it tosta I shnulderloshoulder prospects are now good for having u. UIISM ami rialstetl mot was Illegal for the wllh Cleveland In an eilort t pilnlfh the men who Kent, r'ulmer and I'owell have already slgnou. are thriving In their new reason that It was Wtilild wreck base ball. I'ltlshurg heui|i|uarler^. mailo before tlin regular season was at au Hole* anil Comment*. The Luulsvlllo nine next y*ur, according The new club house of the Now Huven(Ot.)Yacbl end, and was like thu contract which Kowen Hunter goes tu Washington, I>. o., next season. (lerhurdt, , to Joe Club will soun hu finished. iknod with the St. will be: Hooker, llrlscoll. pltiih«(timers, and Louis last year, ami Hobby Matthews Is lu Philadelphia on a short Hunter, ufSMglniiw,... ehaiiK* catelier; I^ithajithuiii, ih.: AQUATIC. I'urtlen In Liverpool, Kng., parchased the Al. wnluh did not count against thn contract visit. Oorhiirdt, 2b.; llruwnlng, lib; *McLuughlln, ss.; Dtger lor one hundred dollars. which he made with the Athletics Kust Liberty, Ohio, Muskrey, Wolf anil Cllno In the outfield. Tim ihlrd'Clais later In li to have u strong nlno no.u Walsh hits been Mike THK IfAKVAHK upon bout, I'oit, of the Quaker Ihesenson. The new SI. Louis Cluh deny season, signed us niunuxcr. IKIAT-I1OIII4IC. City Vaoht Club, tins been sold tugu tu luiruegat^ ihst they have entered Into a contract with Hilly Tuylornnd Lots Dlokerson will winter In A Mr. Williams, uf Iliintlngton, I'u , writes Two "Duck" Kwlng, of St. Louis. Hi-mrriMi Lira lhat he Ims invented ami put ln*|ie«lor of Iliillillng* Damrell uu the Cuuse The I'l'iDiuue Hunt Club, of Washington, the New York League eutod a bat made of paper, which 1). ().,. tMtn, but say they have as good Fred Corey, of the Athletic Club, has Joined he clalnm Is In- of the Atielilellt. liavn secured r.iums for winter ipjarters lu the Cor- a man. It Order uf Hlks. the doftii netlhlu, ami also a first huso linllcator, whleh eorau hulldlug. Is thought dross, of thn I'htliulelphlan, IN Ihn Indicates lu an absolute eertalnly whether a ruu- The report of John H. Iminrell, lloston's "iv player. Pete HruwnlitK will prubahly \vlnt»r In Jackson­ her has reached his base before the ball. (leargn llubeiir has challenged William Klllutt, ville, Florida. Insjwetor of buildings, upon tbe CUIIMHN (if the uf Illylli. tu ruw him uyer the Thainus ehamplon- Tetl Sullivan's eoinblnutlun played the I'ensa- shlp course for X2HO u shlo. Curcoran will probably join oolu, Flu., Mullorey accident at (he Harvard hfiut-hniiNo, at HALTIMOHK I.KTTK.K. thtbt. Louis Union Club iiHiiln un the Ml h, ami ('am- Mr. West, the vlcturluus Association Club. beat llieill by 12 tu u. Hu the Mil Ihn Mitllumvs bridge, Is given below. struk of tho (Xfunl danmtvtt Ihe prtifesslotials; There Is no attempt University limit lor two voari, will he In residence Mctluunlgl*, formerly of Uulfalu, will play In on the ^4th they unly ite tit term, and again The Situation of Affair* In lUUIuxu-ii llu>« Clilcagu fur next year. lust by II to 1, hence this 12 lu 0 defeat Is a crusher made In this report (o fix the ri'iponnlblllty take a seat In the bout. and takes the outieoli cumpklcly out of them. on Six rowing machines have been urdcrod by Ihv 11*11 Circles. Alcott, lain Anthruoltn, has signed with the Al- any person or persons, lint simply to stule IMtlsburg Athletic (orreipondimoe l*ntown nine next sousuii, With iho oxeeptluti uf tho twu men scoured Club, who Intend putting a fuur Si-oit-riNii Line. the Metropolitan, by the physical causes wlilcli brought about utired amateur *row tm the water next season. Lynch, fur some reason the New Yurk Club will re- the BAl/riMDKK, Nov. .'10. The developments or othor, tins not yet oKgugo all uf Its lust yeur's ptuyors. Sumo accident, and to show The members i.f the upon bo»t Illnnca are now slgnetl with the Metropolitans. players guud how such accidents owners or the at the week In the liusu ball hut o boon engnged lo strengthen th* eld Wllllu Wing, of Chester, whose line begin In Ijm.lls. of last year's Actives, ha* signed wllh w«»k points of tho team. The now may be avoided In the future. It wus at dm I, name has been changed tu tho Hlanca uf uncover/inme the MunuiuonUtlsuf Club Mt. Jpracticingdallyonsnow tUlphla un the i|uli-y, and who would be willing to run the neetl lo cancel the lease, Mlarjr, Induced that worthv to accept. Well, Mill ult. Thu llultulo Cluh can risk of Involving the court deciding in their favor, shoes at tnelr home lu IAIIIUO'J,IIUO!!, Cunatla, onlyhad blame Itsolf for losing tills Un* player, as Ihoy liluiselfln posslbln con­ Trott is u Kixxl man, and IliilthnoreanH will pleirit) uf" time" ' ' troversial or Iwgul I'oiiipllciillons; A slx-uured rueliiii barge!I2 feet IOIIH, 4 feet beam, be clod to Slovey writes that he will enter tho gymnasium lu sign him and ho wus willing secondly, and IS. iiiehes HC<> him where the Orioles were In a week ur two. H» provided.toil they.... . gave - him a suUrv cuiitinensiirale the Impossllilllty of compelling deep, Is being built lu Suu Kranclsco Ib weakest last Is In good health. i.ltli his the ulteud fur parties reshllng In the (4uiulwtch Islands, season. With tills position The members services. Lucas gives him fJ.Mxi; »70« in ancc t I wltnenxcs anil of tivklng testluiony will be It itrtmgthflued and Warner, of tho Mt. Louis team wliloh w«nl advance. Uttotl with all the latest Improvement. of the I'hlladel- lo New Orleans, cleared only fJ.t.o apiece. ninlcr t'lllli, an.I flnall.v the probitlily liiincn If Mr. phlas, at third base, liKHlilos several The Providence .VI says: "Huntgan, ufthe Man- KUI.y, ol the Narruganseti lluat Cluh, other t>tlersun, of last season's Ncshanuooks, has UatUll College, result to be obtained by such an Inquiry. will make anuiher atleiupt at reinstatement nirprlstis Unit un> pnunlsrrl, It looks very signed with tho ...... I...... whoslguntl with the Metropolitans The rnpwrt thn Nutlunal In. Allegheny reserve loam. early this full, has broken liUeunlruet. The-,, lire,.*.,... Is as lot lows; Assuclullun, the manager of (ho Sara " much n» though the patrons of Oriole Park Sun Francisco will ivnsare trying I. f.'. tugu regatta ut Issu will come to tint Hunt fur him would furnlih eight playvrs to the tu enxiiKo him fur ISN4. Ilo has S'ri'dm, I'.ij., /'r»«(,lr«J u/ '/)> lluii'iirU I HI hnve something to please them next tfirtoronl elubs In thu Kasl tho eomlng seustin. cti first hesooit tho Manhattan* for twusousuns, emift/ llvttt i'luti; Tho Himlaii-Stevenstui bout race at San Krun- MM>D. York antl Is UsiAHSin elseo, ThaiiksKlylng has been striving to secure a Thu CrescontClty team lust wrek matlo a trip their heavy batter. Mr. Hanlgan's hume Is In response to yuiirUtter under dale Day, did not c.unti oil, «s lha «!-« « with the object of coinlnK to this through Alabunta, Al. l>upru Is nmniigliig lit I'rvvltlenoe." ofNuv. 12, IHUI, 1 vl.lie,' tho site of the Harvard hay was loo rough. The two ourstnen gave an «x> them. t'nlverslty Heal Club hoiisn hlbltlun race, Haitian city, Imi !ip to this writing, although It Is The huso ball campaign uu Fiissclhuch stronutisly oh|octs to being assigned In Cambridge, Mass, receiving 9000 and Slo\*u- paper and by tol»- tu Halllmuro. Ho nas signed anil examined the building ami platforms un the suit 9100. rumored that he succeeded on Wednesday, gruph vlos In curnosi with thai tif iho pluylng sea­ hy Mr. Hvudersoii w«st ur water sttlo nothing son. to play wllh the Chlcugolinloii Club, ami nut In of snniu with a view of ascer­ Poter Johnson utters tu nnttcli his tluughter detliiile is known. It Is believed Huitlmoreami considers taining the cause uflhou, Itlonl of Oct. 'JU, INS:I, Theresa, who ttiat £vans, Larry Corooran, of that If any attempt Is The I' recently won the ciiumpionshlp of who Is a native of this city and the Chicago Club, Is pulling made tt> eumpol him lu play In tho Mumnitcntul I fuuml In a wrecked euinliilun KII*laiui, toswliu any lady In thn world one nulo, l» v»nr mix Ions In his tluio Iralniug tho team of l>urtmuuth Col­ City thut his (hat is, a certain oreentral section uf the same furiroin to piny here, has ottered contract Is Invalid. Wo consider anil al once |Auo tu tn.ooii; or he will match her tu tl» Olevelunds tlve hiindrrd lege. Ills ub|oetlutl well taken. concluded that the ill rent causes tif Iho swim MariMil« liibl>eiu. ilolllnrH to Hilly Harnle stupped accltlent were fium the giving way ufur pressure nl«Me him, feeling assured that the dllVer- In Philadelphia last week Ill answer to numerous liu|Ulrles w* would say utilwurd Juhn Muiphy, of lluston, Mass., tins ah»ndaRt>o) jirlur to going Intu winter quarters at Hrook!yn,hls that the Clnelnnatl of the pile support and Improper con his liitentlun ncn in cost of living at home lu.steail iiuiiie. Itotl Stuck ings' feat uf passing slrttctioit In allowing tno serond ur upper plat ef giving up eompetlllvo ruwlng ami ollothe O«nt«n tliruiigh a season without lusing a gam* Is nut tho form to mil tltnutlng his spnre ttmti tu bicycling, and City, and nil Increased s»lnry Nava. tlin best un record. wllh Us human weight, i ouiblned with uni'uiiueed It Is now le. Ileslde* !>oui|uot during last Sunday's gumo lu Now Or­ of llrooklyn, who wuit every game pluyml during would ret | u I re piunshlp uf the N. A. A. O. In Ins4. being uu exciellenl player. leans. ISOI iin.l Isoti, and e,|Uullei( inure than Ihe ordinary conatriicllon JUeliu julcl, steady mini and a great livmHe bv tile Kekf\ird Club, ufthe luwrr lilullorui lo resist. I'hls style of pint .l.iseTiuen are rupltlly carrying otf th* craok Ithtlin people of The Hartford Club uf llrtiuklyn, which aceuiiipllshod III* sauto ftal furm shutiltl ue bunts of I'lillutlnlphiii, tho Muiiiimeutnl City who has four players signed tluring Iho suasuii uf INOH. bulltits a wharf, Ihestrinuers, sum Sumors Point Is tho latest vulil hull his nppearaueii with f that town. ami Fnssolbaeh as tho should lie braced together. In been dlseuvoretl th«l the K< > tcllt. Dad to eemmence. Messrs, llouok iiu.l Murnte have the battery,tlofeated the tluwii-lownors lu a live tlitpeudont of the pile sutipurl Hie stiiiiiners sup Kllek, Chris, t'aunen, IWcaased Ilm house and lot liiinO'Leury Is as happy asa oluuiovor Ihe prob­ Inning game bv « score »r purling ouch plutfurm cap,. . i«d etl the at the northwest able success uf his clubs T tu .1. Hovl* of Ust tr prttperly braced to tho laurels In tho class uf "luck HIM, wun the CUarln* wniet of the grounds, which will give additional In b*lng u.lmlllod tu Iho seastm's Active'Club, of Heading, pltehed fur the osts tif the building and carried Intu and bolted K. lleutun, ufthe loo. Tho diamond will American Assoclullou. ilowu-lownclub, and Uyun, i tho girder Inside Sonthwark Club, setHind. be moved northeast, the tho bonetlelary.eaughl. K of the same, salt) gird or being Thn gruuittls Mae plain resting In the vicinity of what was the Jim Mulrle Is as busy a* a bee aruund a sugar The following ar* socurod properly kneed ami hulled tu the posts, the aeol. tif tho I'uclftti Yacht ('tub near San> Ifclles' entrance to the barr«l organising by Iho llarlvllle Club ditiit ruiiltt 'raiielmiu, Cal., aro lu bo beautified by a laildscopa grand stand. The grand fur tss4. He InUuds lu win the for n*xt soason: IH.IIIel.l, llrumn, Donnelly, nut have happened. «nlell*r. Hind will be let down to the ground and u tower utexl Association pennaul. Slgvous, Hols and Avory. From further exatiilnullun It appears from The elub huuse, which will be kept open wwtiul In the oentre, '1 hi> club Is now making Ings submitted draw fiiruiighuul tho winter, Is a favorite which will contain boxes The weather has boon oven more fnvurabl* for rrangemoul" wllh Ihreo other playors uf gwxl that tho :i by to plunk was resurt fur btudes comfortable accommodations fur the press uulduur roputatlun. Tho shuultlorvd Into the pile anil hulled tu the Itinehlitg parlies tin pleasant Sumtuy aftornotxis. Arrangements play during most uf November than It directors ami muiiagttr are spar and carried saute, hitvo already been made with most was during Iho flrst part of October. Ing uu olturts tu make tho elub a success. There Is up under* by tu summers and nailed Talk uf revlung tlin lately tleftiuet I'lMUdelphlA Ulhe League dabs to play here lit April. a gnat demand fur tu same. Tho manner in which the girders ur Yachl Club, under entirely tllfterenl Tbo Cleveland ffrriiU thinks It Is very pruhable slook eul the lucky on** won't mors suppurllng sum from autpio** that the Nurthwvstern soil. Th* club will .0011 i(lv*a bon*ut al Iho W»l tho second plulfurut are eon whluh It was fttrtnerly conducted, Is being re* LCHKIIO will uul llv* tu nulaud will neetetl with tho main building Is linperfeel vlved. ana the piirtles Inierestetl In the play another ehamplunihlp season uut. mako It asuccoss. Insecure. and It movement. AltentowB, *ner th» Harrlsburg Tho whole structure is of a llghl nulurti, Is said, will Imw tholr plans mutured within a F»., Not4M. A Fleetwuod, PH.. nonius has luvvutod a ball Haso Hall Assut-latlun hud and would suggest that tho roof rafters nave mure short lliuo. Corrtipondencia wtllioul stitches, and mad* abartialn with Oi* city fur tho filling of iho suKsble ties in Srottrnta Lim. perfectly smooth seams. All rink wllh water fur »T5, a cuuplo tl*u uf cellar beams now In us«. There ar« hauled up fbr 1)4*1 winter, UUXTOWN, !'»., Nov. th* stitches arouu the Inside of Iho cover. ur tho tHiuiiollintn Thrse lies or collars sh.mid be placed as l"»r as th* Hoslon, at South ». The lover* of the tli.iiiHlit theprleo was to,, low. and a walor meter lop uf Ihe purllnes the fulluwlng yneiits --On AmUrson'a "Ulentl game in Franklin iPmin.'s) erack nlno fur noxt season was allacti*tl lu measure suppttrtlng the rafters. Utt- bench, 1C; nil Wobbor's lieaoh.ati; un this city ar* anxiously waiting will Include th* water u*e*l. Thobas* tnl,2lv vessels. « recently lulinllto.l Into thnlnterSulo Assocla- trying cuittnct, Deputy Inspvctur, Old State House. 'luo, tu "itiaki) a dam wllh sumo travelling theatrical without regard lo IhemoKr. John Teemer's challenge tu Hnnlan Is salil to lutend to present a bold front n»xt season, company in th*capacity of business Tho Metropolitan An examination lift* also IKMUI nmdc of the have been the nittcotno uf a lit are waking all ellurts to secure manager. Club has nearly completed its discussion between the a strong Next season promises to be u Uuui, which will he as follows: lloloert uml Kelp boMt-house ruUis by Mr. V. II, Knu fWiiicr anil a ctileau11 sptirling man, ititrinii which «»»nli»llon. None but tha best malorliil will be "flush" on* fur sehUgttr,catchors:O'Neill auperlutendelit tho lalUir ulltro.l lu wager . W»oed. Tho board of managers Is composed amateurs. Any one that can ulay ball Just » little antl KeetV, pl(ehers;tirr, of the college buildings, ",11s fift).dollars the Mo- "»«m»n of th* till can cumo pretty near getting an Crano and ou the bases; »uj Hrad.v, report, which Is not nmde K*csporler would nut issue a challenge tu toe> In tho eommunlty, all ofwhom urv either engagement. Nelson »nd Uusouian pnbllf, but which ehaiiiplun. Ttiut was money easily ^liable business or professional men, McUuerv, Hollniiin and Pressman, In the nel.l. wllh Pearce and natunilly bus a bins toward thn won, or hold son's of last sea­ Kenned)- as subltllutes O'Nelll ami Peurce corporation, l>r, Cunnlngltain. cf Castbaurnc, 'J'Volllllilo positions. The grounds leased are Kriiliuts, luivt) signed with tho F.vunsvlllo pluyitd wllh Iho divides the responsibility, lioltlltig tlmt tltn, Eng,, >> Dvst desirable for such purpose Club, F.d I'endloton will probably New Yurk team last season, aod had arranged lu run his .schooner yacht Vestal, ?u In the city, bo the man dltlgotMl work, Tho othor men uf tho utuo ar* fortHiratlou Is, not entirely resiHinsltde, As tons, against the futly rigited clipiiec t>ub9Uuilal fence has already been erected and agor. nearly all fr»iu ship North­ '"Hew partly graded Mid when last year's Metropolitan team. U Is niulerstixMl that no suits are to be ern Monarch, from t'l.vmuulh, hug., lu l{m«k. finished there The American Alliance Is virtually a thing of Ihe Ij\ncaster liroiittht the hanipliiii. Morlhein Uueeusland. J"l b< n« Bner or larger huso ball ground In tho past, us the American Association correspondence:>: AlAla a meeting ofuf thetno matter will be allowed to rest. Australia, about s»t«. So fur Ihe following players nave will undoubt­ Ironsides Haso Hull Association,elation, hold FrltUy,Friday, The examination made by Cupf. miles. Tho start was lo have boon made. been en- edly abolish It at their mooting uu Iho 12th of this liolirrt Clark was l>nmnt|| Nov. IT. !JlN: I)ehlm«n,uf iheSt.Louls llrown Stockings; ui'iiith. oloctod manugor In ideeo uf F. was ut th' liistanoe of Mr. I.. K. Kextnn, 'H4, >*>Bhain, formerly of thcTrentuns; Dalllgan.of the Illlleuderfer, whu lately resigned. The ussoclB pntsldttnt The intern.illenul match betwvon IUM. Lnlit Mt»n»; iMvlnney of resident Lucas, of thn St. Luuls Association Hun decided tu Issue adiUUutiul (tuck, of thn boat club, who has taken and |j»crulx. Purls AUonlown. and Alcott.Ixmg club hulled a hook which Is great (utlns to nave Kowlng club, and MM. J*l Ualbnlth, of tho Anthracites, als.. Harvey fur Captain Murrtll, of tho I'u lug rapidly taken. The club have thus fur the affair thoroughly in- Mathieu antl He ('lent, lHinnl Nuutlcul Club, wa* 2°''ri the plienumenal lfaistiinCluli.wlUtt3.ltut>, but so far Murrlll has signed Sieltlun, Into uf Iho Tulodus; Hradley. Tiwtigatwl. As it ri'Slilt of the act'ldont ruwe ! on Sunday, scoond bajeumn of the refused th* ..f iv now ^fuv. 4, upon the Wlllobrtx-k « « Stockings, of this city. to bite. Trenluns, ami Or con, short slup «f iho lH>i»t-liou»e will doubtless bo built In tb.itn«nr Canal, Hour Hrussols, llelglum. The dlstatu'o was Dthhnan will captain, and In all probability Mr Hanortifl says his fv.uth»rn trip Is uncertain. Fusions. Additional players will bo engaged future. about autllc ami three quarters, mid M. IKinUS, «ljwanl IWnlmm manigte the new nine. Viilcss he gets n good guarantee h* will toast soon. ox t'hnmplun, ut-ted as umpire. Tho match . Th* ttuUtlo stilus his .» wait Club have been booked for two days beforu a good lire North, and read about The New Orleans I'icauunr says: 11 won without much difficulty by Lulu and Luorolx. " ft*"1- sunny ollinos, etc. blessings Is on* of Ihe A FAMUl'N YACHT. who h»v« secured maiiv vle'torlos. J< II reported that of nmiiv professional players to hav* Hales and Drlsooll, this year's Sain Weaver reserved by Ihe Koltp«e Club, thoughtful fulksu't home. This is th* eas* with J?«»rr of the Allentown nine, will pluy with th* Ims llecker. c«U«aqiHn n*xt julued the jumper*. OilOn the 27th ull. he slgn*d. Dropping urt'tind (lonslnger's th* othor t»eveu Ye«r» a* flmui|>lon of the Delaware season. AI.L*». with Tern f'ratfs Keystone Club, fur 9*400. tf« re- day he found u package from Oil < lly.!'»., Hon. II. C. Crwmnn, Jersey City, says: "I suf- he resides. where Illviir. fwnxl with rheumutlsm fur yeiirs; unable ceived 9700 In advance. There were several dollars charges fur he W I*«T« The the bundle, and Hecker trembled as he opened H«-twe»n ten antl f \\, \, v, ;irs> ajjo Hie liunso fur months; tried uliuust everything The St. l.ouls Combination. Cincinnati Knyuirrr Is of the opinion lhat thinking it, without relief: tlmtlly ttiuk Dr. Kliuure's there Is every Indication that there will lhat It contained sumo article uf value. yachtsmen of the |ici.t\>.»:i' K.-O.,, V« hj»ve receivwl a letter from T. I'. SulH- lar monkey be a regu­ Aft*r ho carefully unwrapped the paper, lluur, particu­ which siKiu cured mu." and parrot time In base Ball circles he found larly **»! of the new St. Louis verywhere tho an untlorshlrt. thotfo in Kensington, wore exceedingly Mr. J. K. Harvey, 140 Ilrldgo street. Brooklyn, Club. At the time coming season says: "1 hav* no mure dread uf Inrlamnuuury °f mailing the missive, Hum's libel suit against a Harrlsburg Sunday Providence, H. T. correspondence: Hanlgan of jubilant over the fast Nailing i|uallti«i.i of tho rheunatlsm slnco Dr Nov. 24th, Mr. Sulli- paper came this city formerly wllh the Manhattan Klmora's liheuuiatlne-Oout- up fur trial last week In Harrlsburg. College Hfteen-foot yacht, Al. Dager. There allne brought mo out of th* terrible cuiullllon I **" was in 1'ensacola, Fla., with tho St. } »., but was (wstpunod. A largo number uf nine Is wanted In Brooklyn next season...... Tit* was was In last year." ball quostlun uf establishing u college nothing on the river to approach her. Tho Louis Combination, which he took to players wore present as witnesses. gymnasium at Mr. J. r'jiger, New Nuw Brown I'ulvtrtlty in tho basement uf Memorial crew, composed off!. W. Simon*,CiipUUn.miil Importer. 34 CHIT street, N. Y., Weans. The combination, which Includes thai tho Union League Inn received the Hull Is bolng agitate.I ..... a picked tolls all his sick friends If Ihey take thrco bottlen cold shoulder from the National League Henley, a lucal player, set of inon, ISAUIH! challen^rti after of l)r. Klmore'i Duly, Mullane, Cliff Carroll, truest, what will engaged byll.wrlght for Philadelphia, was with challenge, but K.-H., and It finis to cure them h» g. Houti ltdo'f Tho American Association will most likely the InillanapullsClub In 1»7».... then* were only one or two will imy for It. because three ciirvd his wife anil and Shcppard, played a game take the same action as the ..Frank Itunc-roft acceptances and the races ethers. Dit. cultt .beating thu local club 3 to 1. The League. Is the Ideal tuislness manager uf a nine. He Is al­ proved to lie easy Ki.»oita. loft William street, N. Y. y»o w»i to bave played one more game In I'ensn- Ohio Is ahead i-n has* ball as well as every thin*; ready busily engaged with filling up dales for conquests for the recognized champion. An­ '°l». and then was billed for two weeks In Jack- else. With Its threooluhs In Cincinnati, Colum­ next spring. other year rollitl around ;vnd still the J?''''!*, bus and Tuledo, the Dacer A member uf a Kentucky church offered tho after which they leave for home. Mr. State has the largest repre­ George K. "Kd." Andrews, retained the champion honors. In the win­ Littles' Aid Society *i If Its nieinturs b»vi*in adds that they were treated very sentation iu the American Associatlun. i a Cleveland hull would meet "/.""Southern kindly player of note, has signed with Ihe Philadelphia ter uf 1H7'.', however, several attempts wero .uul tuak* a <|ullt wlthuut saving a wurtl. Two people, who evinced appreciation The AndersonstufLyun, played thirty-two gamed Uluo for next season. The deal was ruadi) byiy practiea dosen of the hullcs met at the pariotiage, "'the National game. While in New Orleans lust season, winning made by cor­ practical liont bulld«ni to perfect a two and In he sixteen. The total receipts respondence with Harry Wrigbt, and the signature yacht t.o beat "FlFishtowu's" hours theie 411111ullllt wu* finished, but they all say pride, but only tlu.t they woulti no

the most entirely consistent characters of the Claude Frollo, Mr. Leslie Miller impressed NEW ARCH STREET OPKRA HOUSE. At this Joe Jefferson has, through a heavy cold ul MUSIC drama, Mr. Barton Hill gave a fine performance, popular resort for lovers of light opera the revival AND DRAMA. illustrating well the smooth, well. It is a gloomy but strongly marked ost his voice. He is now confined to his ' dissolute and cruel creation, and in his acting jf "Pinafore" has proved so much greater a suc­ a Peoria, 111., hotel. man depicted by the author. In the acting of Mr. of the part Mr. cess than was anticipated that it is deemed wise What is Hill the Abbev&s thoroughly expressed, and his Miller displayed a knowledge of the subject. to postpone the production of "Estrella" and give John Stetson is convinced that burlesone i« »v . Going on in the Mimic World impersonation was the great feature of the per­ Mr. Chas. D. Herman and Mr. Claytou ap­ another week to the most popular comic opera New York wants, and New York will get it at J? FootligM Flashes. formance. As the Count de St. Valere Mr. Hart peared as Captain P/uebus and Captain Ernest, en­ ever produced. "Pinafore" possesses a strange Fifth Avenue Theatre. I8t Conway was very satisfactory, as may be said of acting the same fairly. As Esmeralda, Miss Lillie vitality and seems never to pall upon tne popular Mapleson's company appears In Boston ah«M Mr. George Howard as Toupee, the role being well Hinton was at her best in the scene of the first act, taste. The manner in which it is cast and staged if Abbey's, and the gallant colonel hopes to «? adapted to the humor of the comedian. Mr. Jos. in wh ich she denounces Frollo, the monk, and was at the Arch Street Opera House brings out all he cream of the business there. sn PHILADELPHIA THEATRES. T. tannin was effective as Jacquet, and Mr. A. H. forcible in the interview with Sister Gudule. In there is in H. and amply satisfies Canby fair as and delights the It is said that Pat Booney, while on one nfki Jocrisse. In the character of Cather­ Lillie Hinton lies the germ of a fine actress, and if patrons of the little gem of a theatre. periodical drunks, at Alton, III., last week i? Mr. Henry Irving ine Duval Miss Louise Davenport was pleasing In she will but exercise that earnestness of purpose as "Louis XI." and "Shy- her and Buotr THEATRE. The historical play of "Cath­ enipted to shoot his wife and daughter. lock"—"The appearance, but lacked in her acting the spirit that alone can nurture talent, she will erine Howard." presented Dead Heart"—"Princess of genuine feeling and expression required to im­ doubtless, in the not far distant future, leave the at the iiiatinee of Sat­ Lotta's motive in breaking her proposed year a Trebizonde"—"Esmeralda, press. Ceresette urday, will be repeated Monday afternoon and est and appearing upon London boards, is aaldta the Hunch­ is but a small part, but it was Bijou to be numbered among the stars of the evening and on Tuesday night back of Notre Dame"—"Pinafore"—"Prin­ enacted intelligently by Miss Isabel Morris. In dramatic firmament. Carelessness in any pro­ for the last time. e sinalljealousy of Minnie Palmer's success. "The The play belongs to the romantic school, contains Dead Heart" an unbroken series of strong fession is like rust and corrodes. To become a strong scenes and is Isidore Davidson hag withdrawn from the an. cess Chuck," Etc. dramatic situations and effective grouping is member of a stock company of which there are favored with an excellent uore, Gallagber and Gardner Devil's found cast, which embraces Miss Lillie Hinton in the Anctiw and it is a play in which the Interest la well so few should be regarded by a young actor or role of Catherine, Mr. Combination. They desired to reduce nia salary sustainodjthroughout. actress with especial favor, for it is there, IT the Wm. N. Griffith as Athel- CHESTNUT STREET OPEKA HOUSE. will be decided wald and Mr. Chas. D. Herman as Henry VIII. Alice Wilkins and Lizzie Dixon, variety actm. HAVEBLY'S THEATRE. and the ambition true, that a On Wednesday afternoon "Never too Late to es, were among the occupants of a Chinese oniun Mr. Henry Irving's first appearance in strong foundation can be laid, for, however tedious Mend," a dramatization den which was raided in New Although less known to the stage of this it may appear, it is in the creation of many char­ of Charles Heade's novel, York, on the24tf ^ Philadelphia on last Monday evening, at­ will be presented, the cast including the leading John C. Hicks deserted his troupe country than very many of M. Offenbach's acters that dramatic art is taught and perfected. members of the company. The same tracted a large audience and bill will be minstrels in Bethlehem. Pa., Nov. called forth a merry operettas, "The Princess of Trebi- CHESTNUT STREET THEATKE. repeated until Friday evening, when, for the bene­ vithhim all the cash, leaving them in destltutiiJJ feeling of keen interest to witness the per­ zonde" is one of the most amusing and, as fit of the popular and talented Lillie Hinton, the Mr. E. J. Swartz's western comedy drama fine comedy of "The Love Chase" will be per­ Del Puente, tenor, has settled with Mapleson b» formance of one who has, in his own country, presented on Monday evening by McCaull's of the "The Princess Chuck," written he payment of 15,000 francs and the gallant Col Opera Comique Company, by the formed. one! has withdrawn won rich laurels. a performance author for Miss Lizzie Harold (Mrs. Corn- ACADEMY or Mreic. The the iuit for breach of contract Admiration of a mere that compares favorably with the best opera Initial performance E. K. Marshall, stage machinist of the Baiab, theatrical name ley), was performed on Monday night for the in this city of the great spectacular play of Company, fell from is a shallow test of judg­ bouffe representation ever given in this city, first time in this city "Jalma," will be given on December 24tfi, and a the second story of the was enjoyed and was kindly re­ Southern Hotel, Selma, Ala., Nov. 30th, andwu ment. To judge Henry Irving fairly is to and applauded by an audience ceived. The play is of the conventional great treat may be anticipated in the advent of nstantly killed. that crowded the theatre in every part. Over ;he wonderful show piece now crowding the Bos­ attend a performance unbiased by prejudice type of western drama, presenting the gen­ ton Museum, and which is named as the greatest No good actor, except Irving, has ever succeeded one hundred operas were written by Offen­ eral characteristics as or any written or expressed opinion which bach, peculiar to the produc­ of all spectacular plays. a manager of his own theatre or as owner oft and half a dozen at least were com­ tions of theschool named. Although different newspaper: those who have succeeded financially is by no means a law like that of the Medes posed before "The Grand Duchess," which in story, "Princess were only third-rate performers. made Chuck" recalls "M'liss," and Persians, but simply individual thought, him so famous, was presented. The "Carrots" and "49," and compares favorably Local Jottings. Jennie Yeamans, now Mrs. Frank Daniels, ij |« controlled not uufrequently by manifold in­ name of Mile. Schneider is associated with with all three. Chuck Dawson, alias Prin­ "The Hoop of Gold," Chestnut Street Theatre Boston with her husband. She is not in a hurrjta the early success of the composer, but while this week. start on the road anew, and will probably not trr fluences, any one of which suffices to warp cess, sails triumphantly through a wild, jolly another starring tour before next an estimate. A her nods, winks, augcestive antics and gen­ Go and hear Fred Roberts at the Club Theatre season. criticism, for or against, backwoods life into wealth, being discovered Edwin Booth decided to take that is not clearly defined does not represent erally eccentric doing paved the way, the in the end to be an heiress. Miss Harold is seen this week. a two weeks' rest merit, at the conclusion of his Boston engagement. Brooks opinion, but is mere hedging. As Loins XI, of the music of Offenbach secured for in a dual part, appearing as Sammy and Chuck, Ai Tremolini, Mr. Francis Wilson has made a big and Dickson offered him a surety of $12,060i/he Mr. Henry Irving appeared first before him a more than ephemeral popularity, one, and plays successfully the untutored girl, and the . Mr. Wilson is a strong card. would play the two weeks, but he declined. this wild tease of a boy. The supporting company 'The public. It would seem that from a patent in fact, that will live as long as the taste for Beggar Student" is in preparation at Hav­ Sydney Rosenfeld is to attend to all of music was satisfactory, and one of the chief features of erly's Theatre. A fine cast will be offered, E. £ tact there should be no appeal; hence it is of the school to which he belongs. the performance was Mr. Mill's impersonation of Rice's libretto business in the future. He has Ig difficult to understand Schneider, now no longer young and grown Jim Keedles, the song Colleen Bawn" at the Bijou packed the house, preparation a burlesque on Irving for Nat Good- the hesitancy in and dance business with the afternoon and evening, Thanksgiving Day. «f|n and acknowledging Henry Irving's absolute portly and stout, is no more seen upon the Princess being one of the elements o( success in the a burlesque on "Fedora" for Geo. K. Pot. Parisian stage, but entertainment. The drama introduces several Have you seen the "Animated Wax Works" at tescue. greatness as an actor, nor yet to qualify in her successors the Haverlys? They are the roles she created still find favor and retain good character parts, all of which took well with regular button-busters. The Mackaye chair, which received its fat ^ same by the superlative as regards the audience. Flying Dutchman" public trial at the Union Square in New York laft the school of acting, of which their charm. As a c»mposer Offenbach was at the Chestnut, 17th. i he is so fine an NEW Then comes John McCullough, the tragedian. week, is not an unqualified success and will re- ' exponent. Henry Irviug is a peculiar actor. for a long time, in his own line, unap- CENTRAL THEATBE. quire considerable perfecting before it will become proached, but The managers of Many people were turned away at the New Cen­ popular. He is wedded to the psychological drama, MM. Delibes, Lecocq, Vasseur this popular family resort tral Theatre, Philadelphia, Thanksgiving Day. and all that he essays represents curious and Herve rivals have arisen to dispute his succeeded in presenting one of the most Col. Mapleson is unfortunate in that he hu pre-eminence. refined Mr. E. E. Rice's connection with the Arch Street >laced the management studies, containing far more than ever occurs During his life Offenbach companies last week that has visited Opera House, will, it is said, cease in three weeks. of his operatic season hen to the mere superficial was ever eagerly welcomed by the Parisians, Philadelphia this season. The olio was well n the hands of one T. B. Pugh. A worse selection actor who simply Robson and Crane will brine their "Boarding could not have been made. Abbey makes no rack skims the surface. It therefore becomes idle notwithstanding the fact that he was said to selected, the most promiuent of whom were House" to the Walnut Street Theatre for Christ­ blunders. to find fault with an artist of his tempera­ cast the gcttutura (evil eye) on those who Laura Lee, a most accomplished ballad mas. offended The total receipts of Mr. Irving's season atH» \ ment for using his great gifts in the way that him. One of his great de­ vocalist; Prank and Lillian White, Bonnie Joe Emmet will shortly appear at the Opera Star Theatre, as furnished by the manager, sn : reflection, analysis and experience tell him lights was to mimic the works of Kuunells, the Electric Quartette, and the House in his new play, entitled "Fritz, the Bohe­ is follows: First week, $15,772; second week, til. i they should bo used. In the performance of famous composers, and this very cunning Burtons, all of whom were cordially re­ mian." 714: third week, $18,880; fourth week, $22,321.50, to- I any play in which Mr. Irving is seen, the art led to his reproducing many a strain that in ceived. Juan A. Caicedo on the tight cable This is Irving's last week, and all who have not tal, $75,687.50. . : exercised illustrates power in a general their reminiscent character won for him the wire elicited rounds of well deserved ap­ yet seen him are advised to embrace the oppor­ Clara Louise Kellogg sang "Home, Sweet name of being a musical plause. The entertainment tunity. Home" to the convicts In an Eastern prison, and sense, and the result derived is as rare as it is plagiarist. "La closed with it so worked upon peculiar. The Princesse de Trebizonde" was produced first Harry Montague in his original creation, The Walnut, Chestnut, Opera House and the their feelings that seven of thea strength of Irving, as an Bijou show an increase of over 25 per cent, over last escaped aud struck out for the parental roof-tret .actor, is not confined to the limits of his own at baden in the summer of 1809, and subse­ "The Dude," assisted by Bonnie Eunnells season. the same night. individual interpretation, butisdemonstrated quently brought out in Paris, where the work and Prank White, who tended to enliven the Squire McColgan will open the International Mrs. Percy's injunction restraining her husband, beyond contradiction in centralizing in him­ scored a great success. Mile. Marie Aiinee in­ entire act with their funny sayings and im­ Comique about Christmas with a first-class vari­ Townsend Percy, and John A McCaull, from dis­ self the motive power of the entire representa­ troduced theopercttein this country and Alice personations. ety showl posing of a hall interestshe claims in"The Queen'1 tion in so Gates was the first to present an English ver­ 'Jalma" will be produced a t the Academy by Lace Handkerchief" has been continued by the much that the result reached is CLUB THEATRE. New York Court. mainly derived through him as the leading sion. The "I rincess of Trebizonde" is ade- Messrs. Nixon and Zimmerman for the Christmas lightfuly amusing burlesque This up-town theatre was well patronized holidays. At Cleveland, Nov. 26th, ManMjer ChaunceyO. light. Not a word is spoken or any atom ol opera and while during Pulsifer, the entire representation containing much pretty music gives in its Thanksgiving week, the company Two disgusting spectacles are on exhibition at of Bartley CampbelPs Sibaris company, enjoyed but is being select and amusing. Harry Vaughn, the Museum. The elastic skin Dutchman and a was married to Miss Minnie E. Shay. The taidi delivered or carried out according to bis rich elements of fun making a balanced tattooed woman. is a daughter of Marshall L. Shay, a well-knows account. Throughout the performance in his imitations of all the aumial creation, citizen theories and ruled by his methods, and so of­ is a gifted artist, Gus Williams In his new play, "One of the of Cleveland. perfected in every detail fered by McCaull's clever company no single and, in conjunction with a 'Confusion," that the entiie cage of trained canaries, makes a Finest," will be the Christmas attraction at the a comedy by Joseph Derrick, WM working is as accurate as mechanism, but point was slighted, and while in the English pleasing Chestnut Street Theatre. successfully produced for the first time in Amer­ version the laughter-provoking entertainment. Torretti, on a wire stretched ica by Stetson's Fifth Avenue Theatre Company, nevertheless so rounded and harmonized, qualities of from gallery Storms of applause from crowded and delighted that no jarring suggestion the operetta are fully illustrated, the objec­ to stage, does a clever perform­ audiences greeted the "Princess of New York, at the Academy of Music, at Bin*, of the mechanical ance without the aid of a balance pole. of Trebizonde" at hampton, N. Y., Nov. 28th. disturbs the infinite completeness. Mr. tionable suggestireness of the French text is The Haverly's Theatre last week. avoided. As liegina, cream of the olio were Wayne and Wilson, The Club Theatre did elegant Lotta will soon make her first appearance in Irving is, in fact, seen not alone in the Raphael and Tremolini Nellie St. business during London. She is not so young or so lovely as Mary role of Louis XL, Miss Catharine Lewis, Miss Jennie Winston John ann the Howard sisters. The Thanksgiving week, thanks to Harry Wood for but in every character performance concluded with providing such an Anderson, but she can kick twice as high, and of the drama, it being his idea ol and Mr. Francis Wilson are the prominent a laughable excellent show. Albert Edward is cautioned to hold his bat on features of the farce entitled "A Tramp Among the That "Pinafore" still has a strong' claim upon tight when he goes fooling around in her each part that is realized. It is admirable representation. Cranks," the public, locality. liis wonderful power Miss Lewis, who merits well the distinction with Wayne and Wilson as the is shown by the large houses nightly, Mrs. Zelda Seguln, who has to direct, his ap­ principals, which was well received. at the New Arch Street Opera House. a young husband preciation of the unities, his clear sense ol of being the Aiinee of the American stage, and a baby, says there is discord in the Emma Mr. J. H. Haverly says he isgoing to reseat the Abbott Opera troupe, caused by Mr. Wctherill liarmony and keen mental appreciation that played Kegina with the vim and easy grace orchestra of the Broad Street Theatre with peculiar Programme This Week. the new billing her as on a farewell tour, when her give him singular distinction and have placed to her and sang the music with in­ patent chair invented by Mr. Steele Mackaye. voice is as fresh as a daisy. Mr. W. should g» him in the front ranks of dramatic art. His finite taste.being in excellent voice. A warm Below will be found a description of the "Ruth's Romance" will precede "The Great armed. reception individual impersonation does not outweigh greeted both Miss Catherine Lewis attractions set forth by the best Philadel­ Divorce Case." It is a charmiag comedietta de­ "Lords and Commons" a new play by Pinero was in strength the conceptions and Miss Jennie Winston. The lightfully enacted by the Wyndham Company. produced and portrayals of latter in the phia theatres at London. Nov. 24th. The play dealt other great actors; greatness applies only to role of Prince liaphael is seen in a part well for popular amusement: Arrangements are being made for the annual with improbable Americans and impossible Eng­ the few who could suited to her and played the same HAVERLY'S THEATRE. "The Princess of Trebi­ benefit of Philadelphia Lodge. No. 2, B.P.O.of Elks. lishmen, but being excellent from a literary point be named, but it is in a for all it zonde," M. Offenbach's of view and perfectly acted, .general sense as actor, artist and director was worth. The rendering of the romance merry operetta, so ad­ The Academy of Music has been engaged for Jan­ it will achieve a fair "I'm Loved, and Love Again,"was mirably presented by McCaull's Opera Comique uary 24. success. that he must be conceded the palm. very finished Company, has made a great hit. The initial per­ Lillian The character of the and effective and warmly applauded. The duet formance, Agnes Booth and Mr. Harry Lee will appear In Russell, who is to appear In Gilbert and old king is full of deep "All is Possible When one Loves," was cleverly held on last Monday evening, struck TheStranjrlersofParis"atthe Opera House on Sullivan's new opera, hag had her salary reduced contrast, all of which Mr. Irving is ever sung by the keynote of popular fancy and hence success, Monday, December loth. Fine, o £25, and Teddy Solomon has been left ont Catharine Lewis and Francis Wilson, and and »igbtly Colonel Haverly's Theatre echoes and scenery is being in mindful. His Louis XL is a subtle study, '' am on prepared. the cold altogether. This is a big drop from the aud it is difficult re-echoes with laughter and enthusiastic applause. £75 which they received jointly at the Gaiety, to find fault with any single quaint Everywhere Is heard, "Oh, go see 'The Princess of "The Princess of Trebizonde " as rendered by London. point of the portrayal, even if the concep­ i belongs Trebizonde.' " Wilson as Tremolini is Immense. the McCaull Opera. Comique Company, at Hav­ to the type of characters In which Mr. Francis erly's Theatre last week, scored Booth's Theatre in New York le being replaced tion which (lifters essentially from any Wilson While Mr. Francis Wilson is the most entertain­ another hit for given excels and bis performance was rich ing of bouffe comedians, each and every member the new management. by four to six stores costing in all $200,000. The heretofore of the part be, in certain in entertainment throughout. He is a clever materials of the old theatre sold for the cost of re­ respects, questioned. In the fourth comedian, one who of the company merits individual praise. The The scenery tor the production of "The Strang- and fifth is entirely alive to every scene of the "animated wax works" is one of the lers of Paris" on the road is to be constructed moving it. The stores will bring $80,000 rent. Tin actsof the drama Mr. Irving achieved the great ray of fun that can be squeezed out most ludicrous ever witnessed at the ground is 184 feet by 80, seven full lots, probably triumph of his artistic performance, calling into of any word, situation or bit of business, on any stage. Chestnut Street Theatre, where the com­ worth $75,000 a lot. play a reserve force that was as surprising as it and his impersonation exceeds in humor CLUB THEATBE. Some of the best artists now pany appears for two weeks, commencing Dec. that of traveling will make their appearance 10th. H. E. Wheeler, agent of the Farmer's Daughter was powerful, and the death scene loft upon the theDiifcein '-Prince Methusalem." As Zannette at this cosy Company, has invented mind an impression difficult to efface. If, in the Miss Emma Carson is very attractive, and lit le theatre during the present week, headed by Wyndham and Co.s1 season in Boston lasted six and patented a letterhead a ludi­ Harry LeClair and W.J. Russell weeks calendar, which is designed to save managen early scenes of the drama, a certain lack of kingly crous portrayal of Paola, the strong woman, was in their refined at the Bijou, and was a very great artis­ much time in the dignity is apparent, in the last scene of all the given by Mme. De Kuyther. Cabriole is the best musical comedy, "A Practical Joke." As regards tic and pecuniary success. We may look for transaction of their business. It ability these two gentlemen another is so arranged that all the open dates of a theatre monarch was realized fully, as wag the sense ol impersonation Mr. Arthur Bell has as yet offered stand supreme, Le­ triumph at the Walnut the next three can be seen at a absolute, although temporal, power. Stagfness is and may be named as capital. The score of "The Clair impersonating five different female charac­ weeks. glance. denied room where Henry Irving holds Princess of Trebizonde" contains ters during the time they occupy the stage. The At his prayer meeting, Nov. 24, Henry Ward sway, and many pretty mu­ Leonzo At the National good houses are the rule, mere volume of sound is never permitted to serve sical numbers, conspicuous among which are "The Brothers, accompanied by their sagacious although no money is made. All the way from 70 Beecher, in answer to an inquiry as to how he con­ as the exponent of artistic force. Of Mr. Song of the Broken Nose," "The Adieu,"the finale dogs, Lion and Tiger; Fred Roberts, author and to 85 per cent, of the gross receipts must be paid sidered the propriety of visiting theatres, ad­ Irving's company only the highest praise of the first act; "The Quintette of Plates." a composer, in a new and select repertoire of to attractions, owing to the poor reputation ox the dressed his hearers to "go and see the best acton can be spoken. As Duke dc Kcmours Mr. Terriss merry selection; "The Hunting Chorus," the duet comic and topical songs. This gentleman Is miserable theatre. they can find." At the same time he himself went gave a fine performance, as jnaj be said of Mr. A. "Oh, What Transport," and much else written ID too well known in Philadelphia to need description. to see Irving on a complimentary ticket. Andrews as the Dauphin. The the true spirit Mack and Marston, mystic change artists, Mabel Manager George Wood, of the Bijou, presented individual eflort ol of all the compositions of Offen­ to his patrons "Catherine Howard" 'Storm-Beaten," was produced at the Union «>ich member of the company is, in fact, accurate bach, the father of opera bouffe. Not the least of Myrtle, vocalist; Hume and Lindsay, in comedy Saturday Square Theatre, Nov. 26th. It is not of and finished. "The Merchant the attractions sketches; Florence French, in a choice selection of afternoon and evening. It was placed upon the much ac­ of Venice" was at Havcrly's Theatre is the fine £tage in a pleasant manner and well count from a literary point of view, but the excel­ performed on Wednesday evening, and in his im­ orchestra, which, on Monday night, was led bv songs, etc.; James Dilks and Nellie Gray, instru­ performed. lent stage effects and the good acting of the com­ personation of Shylock Mr. Henry Irving dupli­ Mr. Jessc Williams. mentalists; Lydta Gardner, the character change The Frohinans have been in tewn trying to in­ pany which includes McKee Rankin. John Par- cated in excellence his portrayal of Louis XI. The artist, and the old favorites, Harry Budworth, duce Nixon and Zimmerman to cancel "The selle, Maud Harrisson and Effle Ellsler, will make role of Portia introduced Miss Ellen'Terry, who ARCH STREET OPERA HOUSE. Harry Wood and stock company. The olio con- Stranglers' " date, to enable them to keep this It a popular success. is a graceful, interesting and exceedingly 'cludes with Harry Budworth's laughable farce, piece on in New York, effec­ "H. M. S. Pinafore" was revived on Mon­ where it is drawing over­ Charles B. Palmer, of tive actress. Herart is full of delicacy and most day evening and "Don'tTake Advantage," the author's name being flowing houses. Nixon and Zimmerman wouldn't Hartford, Conn., has as­ «xprcssive, and as Portia Miss w,as effectively rendered by sufficient to guarante a fair amount of drollery have sumed the management of Little Corinne fortune- Terry is, in the full E. E. Kice's Standard Opera and it, however. years. Fred acceptation of the term, Shakespeare's heroine, Company, the fun, making altogether a very select and refined "The noblest Marsden will write a play for her, to and in no sense allied cast including Mr. Edward P. Temple as K. company. Roman of them all" is Mr. T. B. be finished by next July. The salary of the mid­ to the conventional st Pugh, wh* has made it known tlm he is willing get and her mother, creations of the character. In Miss Terr C. B. Porter, Mr. Eugene Clarke as Captain CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE For the sec­ to advertise in all the Jennie Klmball, will be $500 impersonation of Portia, as in all else papers around and about a week. A Pullman sleeper and a coach, footman over which C'orcoran, Wm. A. Morgan as liackstraw, Mr. ond and final week of his engagement Mr. Henry Philadelphia, provided ne can do so without and maid will be provided Mr. Henry Irving reigns, the light shed by the Knorr Irving will offer "Charles I" and "Hamlet," and paying. This is a in addition. etar pervades. Tile mise as Deadeye, and the Misses Amy Gor­ profound liberality In thought Miss Ellen en scene was very artistic don, Florence Bemister will, in Philadelphia, appear for the first time in that is worthy of T. B. P. Terry, of Mr. Irving's company, wal and picturesque but did not surpass the beautiful aud Fannie Kice as America as the Royal Dane. "The Belle's Strata­ born in 1S48,and married first, when only 18, Mr. {production of the comedy Josephine, Buttercup and Hebe. The old There is in this midst a young violinist named Watts, with which we were gem" and "Charles I" is announced for Monday Berty Shelley who the celebrated painter, who was by many favored during Mr.O-emmill's management of the familiar strains of "Pinafore" were heard evening. Mr. W. G. Wills' drama deals with gives remarkable promise. Al­ years her senior, and, secondly, Mr. Charles Kelly Chestnut Street Theatre. the though only a boy of about ten years of age he (nom It would.indeed, be dif­ again with pleasure, the picturesque scene story of the fortunes of Charles Stuart, the scene already wields de theatre), an actor, son of the Kev. Mr. ficult to offer anything finer from a scenic point of being laid in the last days of his reign and ter­ his bow with great skill, playing Wardell, an Episcopalian clergyman In the Nort* view than has been presented from and bright pretty costumes pleased the eye as with accuracy and taste and without notes some of of time to time by of yore, and minating with his execution. Miss Ellen Terry the most difficult England. Ellen, when eight years old.mada the managers of our own country. It is in the per­ as each personage appeared upon will enact the role of Queen Henrietta. Henry music written for the violin. her first appearance with vivacious precocity as fected detail of the acting throughout the play,the the stage the greeting offered was as that to Irving is an actor of rare power,andthe beautifully A new English opera company is talked of. Mr. Mamilius in Charles Kean'srevival of the"Wintert business, by-play, etc., that Mr. Henry Irving an old friend. Few light operas of the Gil­ harmonious performances giving under his rule S. Behrens, the able orchestral conductor of Phila­ Tale," at the Princess'. Her after career was a can offer a strong contrast. His performances pre­ bert and Sullivan stamp have won the great have never in their entirety been equalled on the delphia, now the musical critic af the Evening continued success. sent a perfected whole and a picture without a American stage. Owing to the length of the per­ Call, will be one of the directors. It is said that mar. favor that crowned the initial production the enterprise will It is somewhat too soon to decide about Mr. Ir­ of formance of "Hamlet" the doors will be open on be under the management of ving's position WALNUT STREET THEATRE. "H. M. S. Pinafore," aud the craze, al­ Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at Max Strakosh,backed by ample financial support. in this country. He cannot shut though it has burnt out, has left behind it a seven o'clock and our eyes to his comparative failure here, but an Watts Phillips' interesting and powerful the curtain will rise at a quarter The services of Miss Anna Hall have been se­ explanation of that failure is cot easy. good will for the pretty operetta that still before eight. cured for a star course at Meadville, in which will Mr. Ir­ melo-drama of "The Dead Heart," was pre­ appear Mr. ving's company and Mr. Irving's management sented at the lives and renders a revival, from time to time, WALKTJT STREET THEATBE. Mr. Charles Wynd Joseph Cook, Hon. Wm. Parsons, Ell have, however, been more than successful. They Walnut Street Theatre on Wed­ of the work a happy bam, the talented English comedian, and Perkins, Stuart Rogers and others. Anna Hall, nesday evening, Mr. W. E. Sheridan thought. Miss Amy his first known have been useful to the public in telling them how imper­ Gordon gave a sprightly and attractive im­ clever company, will commence an engagement on as "Nana Hall," has become dis­ Dlays should be produced, and have furnished sonating the role of the hero, Robert Landry,i\ Monday evening, inaugurating the same with two tinguished as a reader. She not only reads with hints which our quick-witted managers will not b« character noted personation of Josephine, rendering the pieces a comedietta, entitled "Ruth's exceeding taste and intelligence, but interests an in the repertoire of the late music with good effect. Romance/ audience. slow to appreciate. Mr. Irving has some claim to Edwin Adams, who invested the play withso In the role of But­ and the farcical play, "The Great Divorce Case, our gratitude, if as yet he has aroused little of our much tercup Miss Bemister had ample opportunity translated from the" French by the late Arthur As great diversity of opinion regarding the merits admiration. romance and interest that throughout to display her rich Matthison, and a play full of humor. The cast will of Irving as an actor his career as a star it was regarded contralto voice and ac­ exists among Philadelphia as a piece quitted herself with exceeding credit. In include Mr. Wyndhani in his original role of Geof­ critics as among the New York scribes. It will be Frank Wilson, who has made a hit as the clown In de resistance. "The Dead Heart," a transla­ frey Gordon, which is said to be one of the most so whereever he appears. Even in London the opera of "The Princess of Trebizonde." gains Miss Fanny Eice a very lovely representative entertaining applause in the rule by tion from the French, was produced first in of Hebe was seen, and the of his repertoire. The star will be unanimity does not prevail.extravagant praise and falling off a pedestal in the its surrounding cousins of ably seconded by Mr. William Blakely, as Samuel unjust condemnation, in about equal propor­ wax works scene. "One weeK more of such pros­ English version at the Adelphi Theatre, Sir Joseph made a pretty picture. As the Pilkie; Mr. Geo. perity and I shall be a cripple Xondpn, in November, Admiral Mr. Edward Giddens, as Weathertby Grandi- tion, dividing the English critics. On one point for life," he it 1859, Mr. Webster Temple amused, son; M. H. H. Teesdale, as Sir Francis Hamerton; however, all agree he is a perfect master of stage quoted as saying. "Talk of knock-about clowning creating the role of Lanclry. The play was and as the Captain Mr. Eugene Clark* Mr. F. G. Richards, as the Detective; Miss Rose mechanism. in the circus and high kicking on the variety introduced to the American stage in the same appeared to advantage and sang with good taste Saker. as Mn. Graham; Miss C. Stanhope, as Lady stage, they're not a circumstance to a bumptious and effect the romance of the second act and other Hamerton; Miss Norreys, as Mrs. Gordon; opera role. You have heard the poem about the year, Mr. F. B. Conway impersonating the numbers. The choruses were excellent and the Mrs. hero. It was Edmund Phelps, as Mrs. Sharpe; Miss E. Vining, FootUght Flickering*. actor who kept on with his comedy business when not, however, until Edwin mise en scene all that could be desiied. One of the as Mrs. Tucker; Miss Morganti, as Caroline, and be knew that his child was dying? I was like him Adams became identified with the part that great charms of "H. M. S. Pinafore" exists in the A new foreign pianiste, Helen Hopekirk, has ar­ Miss Kate Rorke, as/tarter. To witness a perfor­ rived in every time I tumbled off that box with a doll it grew to be so prominent an attraction. oevy of pretty girls numbered among the "Aunts mance given by Mr. Charles Wyndham and his this country. thud. Oh, the public has no idea of the sacrifice! Until revived by Mr. Sheridan, and Cousins." It was in much the fresh young excellent, well-balanced company O'Nelll, in "Monte Cristo," has so far had a that artists are called upon to make." the old play faces and bright eyes that introduced "Pinafore" is a genuine lias laid on the shelf ever since the death of treat, and tile Wyndham season will be most wel­ most successful season. so successfully in Philadelphia when produced at come. Ellen A company of Liliputian actors arrived last Adams. The story told weaves an interest the Broad, now Haverly's, Theatre and at the Terry has several children, the oldest of week In New York from Germany. The smal lest injr romance. The Arch Street Ojiera House. Pretty CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. Mr. Mortimer whom is now fitting for college. of the troupe is Mr. Franz Nicsler, opening scene is bright, girls are always Murdoch's melodrama, "The twenty yean but soon changes to gloom; like Edmund in evidence in the chorus to enrich the scene. W. Hoop of Gold," the Mr. Samuel Colville's opinion is that good actors old, who acts as first juvenile. He was born in the Park and Luscombc Searelle's new and original celebrated English play, will be produced on Mon­ are not worth more than $25 a week. Province of Brandenburg. The other members of Dantes, Robert Lundry is immured in aprison, day evening for the first time in Philadelphia. the and after comic opera, entitled "Estrella," will be produced The Ferguson. in the "Friendly Tip," is reported aa company are Miss Ada Mover, eighteen yean having been incarcerated in the on Monday evening for the first time in this plot of the piece hinges upon the theft of two playing to bad business everywhere. old, only 40kin. high; Richard" Dora, 46in., tw'enty- Bastile for seventeen years, is finally liber­ country. fifty pound notes, of which one Richard Wrench two years old; Reinhold Fischer, twenty yearsold, ated through is accused and of which he is made to appear HenriCorri, an ex-opera singer and manager, 45in. high: Johann Wolf, forty years the destruction of the great BIJOU THEATRE. guilty through died at the Forrest Home, Nov. 25th. old, tfin. prison of France the machinations of a villain; in high; Ignatz Woll, thirty years old, 3»in. high; by the populace. He re­ the end. of course, all is made clear. The com­ Anton Rubenstcin has been offered Albert Huebler, turns to the world as from the "Esmeralda; or, the Hunchback of Notre pany 500,000 marks nineteen years old. 45}-.r J Third Nerim. SKTTKit.s Oath beat St. Elmo The attend- since thut time she has been le exception of a new addition W. Murphy, of Centrovlllo Del., u three-year old ,ani:« was very largo and betting in the mod almost uninterruptedly upon the road and :arters The chestnut coll named Jim, by Long Island Chief, IV; Koreman beat Sue. I-OINTKJIH Don beat track. She Is u game wore: Mr. Theodore Justice's rg Hen. dam Vision. majority of the racws was quite heavy. The little pleco of homo Hush, as hades I. Crugln's b g Ward Medium. by old Moscow. The colt I* well broken, and track, fast as a ghost at times, while at the pole there tregg's W, with hi* itylo, shape and manner of going, On Monday, however, wan a sea of mud. The fol­ run bo no bettor, lliinnlng b in I,siily Almont, Frank llunpt's blk m usffurunco give* Nov. I'Oth, with unfavorable; lowing is a summary: In the largo Held at lltle Nell and James K. Cooper's b g Jim Harp. of becoming au unusually line horse. went her, tbn third series was tlnlshnd. Mr. Dohle's Is a grny mare nameit Clara H, four he conditions-wore Mr. .Innles Hang »flvi> furlongs years old. Mr. Hower seems mile hnats. best two In three. T. Klrkpalrlck's bay mare Uidy Hang beat Lallu Kookh; Pink H. beat Sau Ubortu (111) Jut, Kiddle (105) 2d; to be greatly attached on again captured the race In two straight heats, Crossun, record 'i:W, and the rhnstnut mure Tidal time, 1:00. MX furlong! Kungor (111) 1st, Con­ to tho young mare for several reasons. She dunes ut It was only after Wavo, by Wild l!ov; Don beat Lady Komp; Oath beat Fore­ rad Otle (U2) of an excellent family of a hard struggle, Ward Mo­ Wagoner, record 11:31, have been man. 2d; turn,, 1:21. (Jne mile Little trotters. Her sire was urn lapping him at the wire In iiolh Instances. lent to Kentucky lo be bred lo Dictator, full i'red (106) 1st, Hotochliuie (V6) 3d: time. 1:4;% Klflnnian, a grandson of tho liunous Volunteer. he latter horse acted brother of Dexter's r'nnrik A'rriVx Don beat One mile Her mother was the noted gray admirably, and many rapl- and tho groat son of Kysdyk'x Hung Hang; Oath Frank K. (V>6) lit, 1'. H. («) 2d; time mare Uypsy, sup­ 1 judges thought that had ho been pressed a llanibletoolan and Clara, by Neely's American beat Pink H.; (lulh limit Don and won posed to be of Messenger descent. Oypsy was tile harder, the winner Niar. ll Is Mr. Klrkpairlrk'* Ilrst owned by Mr.Thompson,of WllminKlon. would hum been com- Intention to breed prlxe and the setter cup; and Don won both WKDNHSDAY, Out., and ellcd to have gone somewhat faster or else suf the mure* Imrk to Dictator for »OVITU| years. NOV. 28. In her palmy days has been driven iiilleu In 'J:'rt red defeat. pointer nips. In running for second place, ami 2:£). and over Sullolk In the second und last heal Ward Quartered at tho HtilinoM Avenue stable* of Mr, (/rouse \>"e(lne«day was thii fourth day of the Park trotted a half [edlum received at least twenty yards the worst Dofile, Is u fine sized, Dale bent, St. Klmo IV.; Pink II. owners' mo-ting mile In 1:00; Clura II. has been bred to Santa ' the start a) 1st, l(. Monee built with a view double team racu hetwuttn the bay teams of the Old Man. and Don were ospcrlally linn. (106) 2d; tliav, 1-30' :. (Inu mile Little Fred (lofi) for comfort und health. The stull* Mo|or I). P. N. Nluhols and Mr. Alien, was lit. Little are roomy and each of the noted animal*, when at n.ti the A match recently lit Newmarket between the TMK IIKIIIIV, Dan (US) Id; time, 1:410..,. Mllo niul u home, has event, the former winning the first limit und Duke of Westminster's The Eastern Field Trials furlong Hrunswlck (106) 1st, Henry II. (06) it box of It* own. The entire manage­ [r. Alien the second. A cnnteit,to road wagons.hc- Duke of Uiehmoml and thn Derby has had a tune. ild; ment of the *tahln Is In charge of an experienced ffoon Duke of Portland'sSt. Niinon created great larger number of starters In proportion 2:08-\. (Ino mllt> ( lolilon Hover (114) lit, man, Mr. James K IJooper's br in Hattle Koss, est. Inter­ to Cliirenoe (Uajj M, tluiu, 1:6:1. well known by the numo ofAdelaldo .Mm." 'rank llanpi's brown mare and another The two colt*, coiinidered the best of the »oa- the nominations than bus before been seen This title was given him by reu*on ofhls long startor son, wore, by somu 111 luck, not entered THl'lt.HDAY, con­ ound up the day's sport, llaltle Uoss, In the for the In this country, llo less than twenty-one of NOV. 29. nection with the celebrated mare Adelaide now kuds of William llrowu, Derby; so the two lluki-l agreed to give pleasure owned by John II. Phillips , won the only iwo boats to the public by mulching the sixty-eight entries tilling. Hnlow nrothe TUefire day«' meeting for the benefit of ofSullolk Park. rotted In -I'M und 2:M. them. The rife wus starters nnd poor owners won by "The Sulnt," ridden hy Arohor. Cannon the order In which they went at. Brighton ]teach wuMouThurs- rode Iho Dilko. drawn to run. There wero twelve u»y brought to a successful A IIANKKH'S KVPKKIKNCK. setters close. Tim at­ Track Talk. According to tho rules laid dowirfor the govern­ and nine pointers, which were drawn lu tendance waif very large, owing to the excep­ Jim. Daniels ha* bought Henry II. ment of the rucns ut the (lontleiiiou's Driving braces alternately, tionally Only *II,OOO I'ark commencing with till) tine weather, The following lit a Commission for the Mule of » Tbe death of t'latbu*h Maid Is announced. In connection with tbe Alhurgnr mid HurrT sellers. lummiiry: Kn.t ion cupi, Ihe winning nor»e niuking Ihe fastest Uurae. Horace Uravun has lot Scotland up for tho win- time In tho race* Maiden, K. S. \Vitninatfor, Klmwood, N. C.; Six furlong Kiddle (108) or. ftom October I, is*!, to October I, hollon blue lit, Sugar Plum <7i>) Tho Denver 'frihimn, »ay«: Homo men are lust, nhull be nwurdod the cup pro«i,tiled by Col. Kugllsh soller blleh, February, (Darkle 3d;time, l:'tll i. Seven furlongs Barbarian (U2) Tho Albergor, Ho*y Morn), ugalnil May Dawn, .los* M. lit, P. II. (1U7) M: tlme,l:aow. untUtedby milnre to be the owner of Dwyor Hru*. havo given War fie Id to John und the fastest time mud" hy winning Chester,*. Whalto, One milo-l 'urumol a font annlgau. double team* will entitle the pulr to the cup C.: bluck and white rlngllsh setter dog, .(87) lit, Charley Kompland (UOJIM; limn, l:4u. line home, and Mr. offered by Mr. Feb. Iv.lCuuiit Noblo--Muy Luveraekl. inife Frank I). (128) Mutlior, who recently cold the Charley risk pulled up lame at Thomas S. Hurrlson. Ned. 1st, I'nknown (lou) 2,1: no uturdoy, Brighton, on The J. A. Kugllsh, Mount ollvo, N, (1.; Union tlmo. One mile and a i|Uiirt«r Tennyson (ut},) 1st, ]iiir«r ilohinuin toOomnioiloreKlttmm, IHOUU Nov. -U. best performance* to harness, to wagon and and white pointer dog, July w, (St. Valentine Little Dan (HIM) ad; time, 2:10. Tbo vuluo of tlioShrupihlre under *addlo nr Trotting to harm'**, rtfaud N lleulab).ugulii*t Jilt, oi'thein. Mr. Mather N a banker at Herlln, Handicap, won by In 1IHI, Paolng, A. K. (lodoffroy, Muyinurd. hohlil*, was £747. Johnson, v: |o, |M»a, Trot- N. Y.: liver and while pololor bitch, April la, Win., and dlncovertiil the Illlg lo wagon, lloliefiil, J:llH,J, In ISTH. Pacing FHII.ADKM'IIIA now tuinciiiB pucor A. Kll«w,,rlli hn* bought Ida II and Harry Mann (Iwoolnor. 11:1111,, IsfH. Doublo KOA1J IIOKftKS. In that Hylvaii niM>k some three years ago. go tu New Iirloan*. team*, Mr. Win. I?.' Illuoholl. Kd. L. Mill*, Wa*bliigton, D. C.: blue V'aiidorbllt'* Miiu.l N. and Alilino 'j:!:, 1 .,. in IHS.I, bolton Kngllsh Setter blteh, Marob At that time Mr. Mather was the owner l.nliall, the lockey Trotting with 'U, (Da*hlng Mr. Frank Hower'K Valuable Collevtlon of ha*hi purchased Holyrood, running male, Mr. James Kronau's I.I.HI Armldu). iigalnslSan Hoy, II. II. Mullock, ef a pair ol' gray driving Imrscs, whonn npued le will tak* liar to Mleh Igan. frank, ll-iml.j, In lisa. Trotting under mi,I.Ho, Klcevlllo, Tonn.; Trotteri. Charles S, Oroen's lemon and whit* Kngllsli seller, bit rated nl about a mllo In three iiiliiiilon. It Snow will MOOII b« In ordor. The proiiuocu are (Irout Kunluni, *lf>>4, In 1H77, dog. Miir.'h. (Count Nolilo Spurk). THK SHOKTINU LIKK eommeuces tbls wns while driving thimn rimdvratnlv mpld ocomliiK daily moro favornhlo. A doctor, a grocer and u wool nierchunt, nil of Pride, S. Vvorthliigtoii, (llonora, Ml**.: liver anil nteeila up Kdwln Hurl's slnblo, mot ut the tleiilloiiien'i while poluler dog, (Ctoxtoth Fun), week the tlrst of a series of articles pertaining the road one day that he lirst'nnw Mr. Ooorge A. Slngnrly ha* lent lilt fait road Driving ngnln»t Johnson The owner of the uro, Lady Wilkes, to Kentucky. PiirK recolilly, und ugreed to sottlo a ill* Drake, A. K. OudoAroy.lluyinanl, N. Y ; liver und 4o the road horses of Philadelphia. It Is purer, a man imtn liotwoen the !|unllly of ifielr horsns there und whlto pointer dog, Aug la, (CroKtelh Ijl**). la. of moderate meiiiiH, conveyed to l>r. Mather Plnnforo, Slddurtha and Touch-me-Not have then. The first lluihOludilonn, tended to glvo a rrlvod )u*t two hcuis was u itruggla between .1. M. Avont. Hlokory Vulltr, thorough and accurate the Information that the bay gelding could from Kngland und are now ut Knnoocu*. the doctor and grocer, each being iTodltod with u Tenn.; hlaek and white F.ngll*h sottor dog, July description of go along pretty wnll, Mr. Kllswortli will take H. J. Woo,lford'« heat. The doctor finally downed the grocor, Is, (i llu,l«li,in, lloiiua J.) ngulnx K'utle D., every horse who, by merit, mid suggest,H| that the slnblo and Suuhoru, D t. owuershlii of a halflnterent In btni wuiililbn f horsos to Now Orloau* In company with his there was a groat tiimblo In tho trade next dav. IKiwIlug, Mleb.: blui'k and whlln Fugllsh deserves recognition, Including a brief his­ wu. Tho wool merchant enjoyed iho race botween >otlor bitch, Miiy.(Count Noble Hushing Novice). a good thing,even for a banker. Mr! Mather, opponents his Nidllo, tory of Its owner, »Vo,, besides noting the Mr. MnDanlel*' stallion Champion far In the roar. J. Heron Crn'muit. New York; louion und judging everything In the way of horse llesh Morrlll, The whlto pointer I,lleh, February, i.Son*atlon l.lllj, regulations and convimlxiicosof thoestaollsh- from ,'ord 'J:5I7, I* u clover road*ter, and a* docile a* a Coney lilunil Jockey Club will otter magnl again*! llangor, lunnt the standard of the gray team, told Ills liton. fti'enl prUes lii'Vt *ea*on to bo cottle«iad at Sheops. K. B. Downing. Wlliiilngton. Dot.; with which they are connected. neighbor In »tart up heud llvi,i and whilo pointer dog, July lo, (l'..yliner Undoubtedly the rond with thopacer Mr. Kdwln Hurt's new Silver ilelgh Buy. Owner* unit trainers will note tliul on- Bung ~ Joun), 1* the most prominent owner of while he (Mather) kept alongside ha* boon tries close on Juiiuury 1*1, IN.H4, In iho fallowing Choice roinl stuck Is .Mr. with the nrgoly und crltlcully o«4inlued und pruuouncod rare*: Couiilo** <',, I. Yourily, Jr., Coato*vlllo, Pa.; Frank Hower, Ilia gt,i.v.i, and noted how the horse wi nt. H U boauty. Autumn Stake* und Itreut KANtern Hundl black, while leading member of tlio firm of Joha Hower A, cup, for two year-olds: iScpleniliiT Nlukos und and tan Kngllsh *otter bitch, March hiirdly necessary to say (hut Mr. Mttther Mr. Fred, (lu.-korhiis dl*lKisod of his handsomo Bridge Handicap, U, (Ha*blng l.loo -Armlilul, ugulost Princes* Co., u.xfeiish'0 ham citrers aud pork packers. viewed the onv Fannlo, for Iliren year old*, the lufl«r lleb'ii, .1. into Doiinor Commencing porformilllca from n considerable full *l*tor lo SuJIo lloll, lo Mr. u nulwlltnio for liioUrand Hii«l,iru llundlcup. For New \ork: lomonand while in an humble way about twenty dUlaiicn lutlie rear, but Iwln Hart. throo your old.iund npwurds Kngllsh .loflorhilch, Marches, Cniuinlor-Hcssln). years »go with thlsfact so Impres.snl there in ttio Autumn Hyriin, F. U. Hitchcock, an ordinary brovvji mare,who him thnt hebeciimeahulfowner Inthepacqr, After a nonson'* campaign upoa tho track Cup in litloe mile* aud tho (treat l*mg Uluiid Now York; tun and could not show better than a three obnrt llarner hu* ouco Stukos. whllK pointer dog, Juno II, (Smisutlon -While's mtmito playing less than f.VM) for his »hant of tkn uior« lu hand hi* gruy Ornoo), aiialnit l^unlon Hen, alula half clip, Mr. Rower bas by good dls- unlmaL ueur Jack Unbhltt. Illthor, Ihe drlvor of .Iiiy KyeHoe. II. S Vnndevort, Ctlmlnutlon Later he nucured the other half, Plntllu* and Plltsbuig, Pn.i liver and white polutor dog, April i ollected a »t n I ile of horses,which and In the summer of IHH'j found Captain Hanbury, the rising young Kiigllih other of Mr. l'a*o'* hor*o«, wa* ollorod a liuiuUomo », (Don I.uckl. ill that very essential himself tbe ooplochase jockey, mot with an aecldoiit laloly udvunoo ovor hi* presenl sulury to bundle u promt. 81. F.lmo V.,llr. quality, speed, may be o\vuer of a horse that could go n mile lu tut caused limit string of troltoi* M. Flool Hpolr, Brooklyn, N, Y.| classed high up among the trotting his death. lu California. When up- black, while and lun F.ngllsh letter dog, (let. iwh. hone about 'J:l.". Ill* now dollnlli'ly reached upon the »ub|oct by Mr. Cuse Illthor »o (St. Klmo IV. Connie** talent of the country. selllod that (Niinmodoro Kill itowt«,dgoii Iho offer, Louise). uguln*t Pride of Ijiist spring the aultual wanplnced In Peter ,n will wlnlor hi* I'eleliralod ilablo* of ilyor* al t bill stutod ho would ralhor Dixie, C. K. Wullln, Montgomery, Al» ; hhlii Tbe really Ilrst Intimation Mr. Bower had Johnson's hester retuln bin hresoni poslllon thun go uwuy. Mr. bolii'ii lloulKh «oltor hands for training, and snou after Park, Cincinnati. Caso took the dog, May '.1)1 h, ( Punch Howl. After the Johnson win his race with nine. At the lloadlng, ha* bred tho Illllo excluded from betting belton KiiulKii sottor toll had berti thoroughly broken, luck mure llunnuh t>, by Muguu Cburta, record i|ilnrlors. Kxpul«lou Is tho i>mi«lly of any one dog, April, (Young I«uvei'nok - l*udy Miiy). Mr, Mower Chicago ntces Mr. Matlier again hud the ft! t, to tho grout Volunteor. ohVrlng moiioy lo a Jockey, iruiuoror nttendant (In the'Jilth live heats uwd her upon the road with telling effect, pleaaure any of In the Derby wero of beholding Johnson win, and at Councilman iVlillIck upparontly lukos stnble without Ihe perml**lon of Die ownor. run, Ihe following dugs running aud soon afterward n roan horse mu«h on- OulllhllUH upon the ground* by ctllployeo* together: was the end of the second hent the entire Held i) mont In bundling Hi" ribbon* behind a ihupoly Is puir St. Klmo IV. mid Oath, Hung-Hang piirciiMieil to mate her to the pole. The tlml started against lid spoody little Murk homo. hy expulsion or *u*pen*ioit.. . .. Ten_ of tho and loung him had been distanced. nrtevti axoclatlons liuvo adoplod Ihe Litlla Kookh, and Pink II. and San Itoy. Tho Moscow maro was found to Then came a cloud on the hitherto Tbo roll ofiiioiulinrship of tho new rules, D« too Meet for her companion, rosn- iloiitlouiou'* Driv which ure to go Into efli'd on .luii. I, DM. winners worn Dr. Spnlr's Kngllsh setter Ht. but a remedy tlnled horUon of Mr. Mather's turf expert- ng Park comprises 414 numo*, which represent* Ttio American Klmo IV., from llrooklyn; was soon applied lu the shape of a sorrel eno. At Pittsburgh subscription !l»t atono or»lo,:i6o. .lockoy .Mutt, Iho Coney Ulund Westminister the horse was taken Jockey Club and Monmoiith Purk A*soelutlou ha\o Kennel Club's Hang-Hang, Hiibvlou, L. I., horse, who proved to be a thorough male for sick. Mr. Smith, the other partner, Tlio niacadamlilng of Hrouil tlroot from I'uu. ralsod tho welglit* for two'your old tho mare. wuntcd unk Uoml to old raoo* and Iho mill Mullory's Kngllsh setter I'lnV II., Mem­ The team soon be, nine widely to buy or sell. Mr Mather rollectod aud Mucuiiil »lreot, ha* made driving rule now read*: -"The wolghi* for two year old* In phis, Tenn. known upon Ihe road, n Point Breoto Park more popular. ruci'« to Ho 119 pounds in»ti'itd of llo In the Derby, Muldrn defeatml aud upon one occasion bought out Smith. At C'hlciigo llils tall pounds." and Nliiy Dotin; Nml defeated Mr. Hower drove them to a road wagon Johnson (I. Taylor, J. Collln* and U. Mi Kwon will bo tho following puragruph ha* boon added to rule Jilt; San Itoy de- over paced 11 mile In '-'MO. In the mean­ non In llu> pig skin on Ihn Amorlcau SO 'Tlio lop nnliiht lu u liniidli'up not excluolvely I'mtted Hlnc-Hcll: Drake defeated Stunner Suffolk I'ark In LV-Iti or 3:47. For six years time.Mr. Smith bad secured Irack* uoxl for two yoar many pound* a* the and J. II. tli»t to be his com mission on tho Driving- Park. hlghe*! accopllng noight." Oawford's English setter tialh, from Mem- Jesso Wales and l>»rkness electrified transaction. Negotiations with Jer*oy Hoy and hl«*labl« couipanloa, phis, the world 4'ommndoro 3, Mould Tbo tireudth of Itimgittutloit umong somo pooplo won the atakesand setter cups. On by trotting In Bi'JTiV The tram Klttson'wern opened, the price of Johnson are wiiilrring at Iho (loiitlomon * thriving l^trk, upon Iho »uh|oct the '.Tth, heats In the had two other competitors ' ind ure In cliargoort)ourti» Scutiorgood. of hor*olli,sh, noil ull thut I* con* first and second series for tbo g°."n. Imlnu placed ut c'-O.^oo. Ihese figures were noclod Iherowllh, Is *omelhlog romurkuhlo. it for the Derby slakes were run. Honest Alien and mate and The. Wulloii must buvo had *ome only recently I* In th« llrst Monitor and satlstuctoi v, provided tbe horse could show *evero IOMOI thul u young gciitlomaii, closely series Princess Helen bout CountessC., llryail Blauk Hurry. The latter team performed three good n Kugluiid tbl< noixon. t unity »'ul> lays there Idotiiinod with ttio intcre*t*of a slick farm In heats. Ile did that, mid then urn cvodltoi-i uwuillng Mr. Wullou's Philadelphia, bent London Hen: Pride of Dixie Ixuu'St. Tory creditably, lapping tho winner* out in nothing remained but to ploaiure lo guvo out thut tho fiimous pacors, Elmo the tho n best pav the money, etllo. Johnson and l.itllo Mrown .lug, huvo boon hitched IV., nnd Pouter beat Hob White, lit double team time on record. linn \\ oodiuansoo wu* the puynin*ter. Mr. up togi'ilinr, nnd their the second series Soon, afterward Monitor, who, Mathor iiiugcilod that the enure rJti.unobo Indian Chlof Mui'itlch ha* roeontly conic into etlort* resultinl In Hie won Sail Itoy boat Maiden and by the way, over hamlod uiMtsiioii of a trottor, *orrol In color, of good ilorful llmo of'J:li. It wn* also said Dial Splun, Drake bent Nod. Oil the°'JMth, In the second Was bred and raised by Samuel Wilson, of to him and ho nould soitlo with Smith. Mr. ill,,, duo their drlvor, lvus contldrnt ho Smith objected gcntlv, but appearance aud a modcrulkly llvoly oould drive ttio pulr series for the Derbv Slakes; Katie D. Philadelphia, and Black Harry, were ltd- firmly. Ho nollli1 loppor. In t i>s toK^lber. The tteutlomun to whom this beat luko J'J.oiMi uiol Mr. blather could huve lls.too story was told happened I'rlile of Dixie; Nellie beat llryan, and l'o»- Terttsed to bo sold at Horkuoss' lla/.aar At this iiiticturoo Mr. Mathor Mr. John Hurt ha* i|Ulto* lino representative to bo lit tho West some ter as the property sought coiisolalloi YOUIIK of llmo ago, and mooting Splun, with whom In, I* Iwat Pilncess llelt>n. Drake beat NellU) of WlllUm D. France, who utidudvico from John Splan, who was one oflh Vuluuloor,; awful commi**iini." Tho lu II." Derby Stakes was continued. Sun Itoy ll.ittlo Woodward, '.MO).,; Enchantress, llroal Long lulum! Slake*. Inaiiguralrd at Four trolling races Iwttt lV>o* 117" ropllod Splan. "1 think you are got Tour mllo ueat* nnd Ihon rodncnd to a du*h were dooldod at tho Woit Poater nnd Drake bent Kntle D. Sail Itor '.' .11*4. Desiring a change for something ting oil remarkably cheap. A* mile*, of four Sldo Driving Park, Jor»oy Clly, oirrhunday Nov. a rule, whon the him now hootnllll furthor roduood lo iwo. 3Vth. Inlho pro*onco ofUHood won the llrst stake, Poater beat Drake and faster Mr. Bower attended the gale of the N,j« toll a hor»o for * tuan, Ihoy ju*t iplll Ihe mllo hoali. number of spectators. won the black team and they uuiotinl In two with tbo owner " Thn first wu*a tuatoh race for f JIKI, bi,tnoon Victor second stake, nnd Drake won thu were tlinilTy knocked "Whalt Itr. L.llerr hat bought of Mr, Kllpalrlok, Now ami \\illio. und Victor noiilh,< llrnl throe third. This brought the Held dowu to him for $-',000. I'KOII the same Is that roiilly Iho cuntomT" York, tho heals In trial* to un end. day "Certainly. Whon Kuril* WHS *old for Wtf,000, chostimt ilulllon Sir Waller, record S 111,, 3:oH., i»u,|3 o'J. Thoioi'oud rnco wusu^woop- of purchase the team w.-ie ial>. n to Point got *17,»«>for my part." 3:»i«. by Abordron, duui by Kdward Kvorott; take* of ££> ouch, bolwooll four hone*. C. llollOV Brtwzn Park, and to aro:nl Mr. Mathor wanted prloo im'.ooo. br g Nod Colo won Iho nr-l, third uud Vrlckot Note*. onveylug lo hear no inaro, but won hout* fourth both Mr. France, who tipped the beam at 'Jli acre** to the I'nlmcr Home rotunda, at u S:'JO gal Mr. Ooorge Willing has an unuiiiully proiuUltig In '.' »'J'..: 'J.:iuS and '1 Wt. Tho *ocon,l houl Tin' t'nlvcmlty uf Ponnsylvanla cricket eleven Pounds, In order to sign lh« bill of *ale. buy coir, till, yoars old, out of Iho old m»ro MOIIII- was won by II U. mib*»n'* Hero In «;W. A uialoh fool pnmd of tnelr record thl* *o**on. Of Iho aud Mr. Hower, who weighed about Aftor tho sal lain r«co. niilehonl*. bo*t two three gauios pluyed ISO pou u i Is, trotted had lioon concluded and tho drnfl for Iho mono Muld. which, II I* *uld, c»u Irot it mllo vory In throo, wa* won by they won two, defeating lh« a mile without any un- bandod over and vouohod lor by u bunk, Iho part; murly li>'J:4u Mary W. after !j»dy Cooporhad won tho beat. Harvard apd lluverford College ICAUI*. They Wnial persuasion lu J:4J'.;. H was while lu again loll lo chatting. Tlllio, 8:07'.,, S:"4, S-07. The flmrth event wi*ulso a wore dofoatod by the Morion*. I*.««'o Pule Is aiiituu* Chat building uperallou* match rucoot mllo > foeaeesion of tbls team that Mr. Hower b.<- Ikon you think," said Mr. Smith lu Mr Iliould commonco m ouco at llolmoiit heats, b«*l two lu Ihroo, und J. Tho Arlington Cricket Club ha*nnl>hed Us third iYtulher, "thut now that Park. It O'NeU's Moiitgnttiery won tho first two boat* In onson, came specially conspicuous as being one of you havo got all Ilia appear* tliul owr> thing now dopoudt upoa Iho X:&s und 'J M. during which It played thlrly-lwo games, lie money you could afTord to buy u* » nice clgurt" luiurauco cvuupauy. Jofoatlog O. llroughton'* I.liilo H. losing only fonr. most expert handlers of double loam* "I should like to," was Plungor among tho gentlemen tho reply, "lull I huv Two trotting mco* wore contorted Wallon wa* pro*ont >t Nowmarkot, Acconllng to the .VyJary Mail tho leant of Au* of bis native city. In only tlwo to oulcu my train, aud a grab wa at Newport, F.uglund, during tho Cambridgeshire weok. Mr. trnllau* who addition to tills c|uallnV»tloii. made for tils K. I., on Thursday. Nov. aiilh. The winner* bolng Muu*or, an ownor will visit Kngland Next season wll his plain, but *alebel, CharloyTliurnoantl Swoet Milk, and trainer, having A maro Include Oarrett. A. Haiinertiiuii. Sooltortli, Mur W»tljr carriages, style of harness You'd bolter look out." nltl John Splan bt»l tiuio*. 1:4* called C»n» as Hack entered uud alniul to run In dovh, Ihe and other "Kvery «andbagg«r and U:4o ro*poctlvoly. soiling r»co, u two (llffi'iis, Illackhum, noylo, IMclKui. !coulreineiits, were very frwcly commented In Chicago bus boon waltlo iho ovor Indomitable Plunger sought netl, Honnor, Palmer, Hruce and W. H. Cooper. for you to got that money, mid they »re lining la Cha*. T. Yorko*. Jr.'* clio»tnut loam, J. (I. Mor- stime information regurdlnu tho suld animal, nnd It I* not pon and frequently Imitated. During road from hero rill and CuHlu.t Prmco, havo accordingly yet decided whether the eleven will play Hi" Onteuulul to tho depot now." proved Ihomwlvo* approached Mr. Mauser with tho A series of u.ntiMn'* uuulnst colonial toum* boforo> the team, which bad l«>- Oh. I havou't got tlio money." replied M »>*uoco*,ifnl upon tho road* tu Chlougo a* when pertinent nuery: "You huvo a maro, t guess. In they slurl for *0me quite a favorite Miilher. earnestly. "1 driven In Philadelphia. this race. Hu* »he any Kuglatid. In Philadelphia, . put It all in tho bunk o«0| chunco'f" "Well." ropllod Jimmy Smith, wan broken up. Hlaok tilt ttood day. m>ntl»m«D. Mr. Charlo* Bowor. who »lw«y* Mauser, "there she I* with the bridle und saddle a vetornn cricketer of the olil Harry was ... i ... .1.. .. >* _^..llu.l M r ' exerolnod such New York Cricket presented to Mr. Svl Town*end, "el.. with the pro- you. out hi* fust and humlsomo roudslor Sll»* Wrlghl, your own order* " The Nov. 'jo, after Jim Uuu he wu* to keep him record »:S74, for Plntigor theroupon wilbdrow, not much fancying a lingering Illness. Ho was well a» long as ho llvod. the wlutor. so low prlcod an known to tho frnleriilly of thn MotropolU, chiefly »» Know about twonty-seveti ye»r» old and Is In Milkmen Mr. Doblo has a beautifully animal and bucked another ono, of late fMsably gooil health. Monitor «ml riiiteher* Conte«llo«. *haped chostmit Noliolto, 1 bcllovo. belonging to or trained by Mr. year* «* un umpire, lu which position be wa* sold tu Peter ftlly. a vearold. by Klflomuii. out of a May m»y Kobt. Prck. stood very high for his good judgment and Ihor- "tUni, of Baltimore, who subsequently dl*po«od North 1'enu Village, a rather nnt*tl maro. which I* thoroughly Mucn to tho chagrin of Waltou, ouirh Impartiality. «'hlmtoa broken, and I* a good l^nnva* lUck won by n head, I oluri* *econd. a He was a genial old-time gentlomanln Maine. suburb of tho Tweuty-elgbth Wartl, uoa»t drlvor, ollbor single or double. head In front cricketer, A favorite with all the old follow* In tho full of ",t the veteran reln*m»n. n . H. of Noisette who sturted Hivorlto. day. of hi* ~ ', Sr. hud In bis string of trollor*. Ihon of a quantity of fast horseflesh, particularly Mr. Ju«tlco'» Hen bus Ihu* nir Ihe best record. Poor Walton ! lie was Hulled oil, but Iho Mauser Batlulk at >.,, for tbo single loam cup at tho (lenllemon'i party hud tlio plunder ln*teud. Punne!, of Surrey, Kng.. ha» ».ou>, I'iVkwould 'a very dark cho«tnul maro.. or black, th« stoek belonging Moral: Tho been secured a* »ou>e would term It," named""-- 1"-'"- ' IJood- to butcher*, milktueu, Drivingvlng Park, ror tho double team prlle there Kngll*hninn iloos not always toll all he knows. conch by the PItlshurg, !'»., Cricket Club fur the »»r»0ha'»Oli»mul,.ii. bred aKiiraMniKn not u.i jret boon a single race. Tho marc was tnbsequently bought In at a season of Iss-t. and raised In the Northwest. ami others. The boast U not figure. big f.. Howe.Bower's ...... attention was.... called to tho maro, but made no much upon Mr McUforg,, has been "severely severely reprimanded Sliof tho Philadelphia cricket club* hare *logoom>lder«d the good looks, shape or and caiuloiH'ir clo*cd ground* to- too small In slie for quality of the horse, but l>y t he stewards of tho.WkoyCluh, as follows: The llolmoiit,nt Forty- U>» protocols of Mr Bower purchasing her at thai when it come* to for his Irregularu'v I" slartlng the hor«« for the >eventh itreel and lUtltluioroaveiiue;Uoriiniiltown, tine wire not speod the villagers, It Is said, will bark Hunters' Mr. L. Key, 44 Nostrand arenae, Hrooklrn, at Nicolonn; vory Mattering. "Well, but 1 want their Hurdle Bairo at Uncoln, Eug., ou the says Dr. Klmore's H.-U. saved his life; four Olrard. at Harruwgato; Morion, at «r tor the track/ replied Mr. Doble. Sho had animals against any of a similar kind lu Idult. bottle* Arditiore; Oxford, at Frankfurd, and "Con), no section any cured till dyspepsia, kidney and liver diseases, Young hut gave every evidence of becoming a of the city. After much discussion » num­ With a liberality thatredoundi to their which six dooiors had fulled to help, America, nt Sieuton. "WfMful performer. The mure ber of prominent business IIHMI In that section tho credit, and of which ko wa.< finally rldad d«- Manchester H»c» Course Company have deter­ ho expected to die. u*tit by Mr. Bower, and In the spring of 1H7T she to twst the merit* of their respective bors«» mined to add tho large mini of H'ifKO C. Farley, city marshal, »43 Mwayne'a IMIli Comforting to the .-idea tour of the Michigan upon the track, and Now Hunting to a race for Broodway. N. Y., Sick. Trotting Circuit, Park was se­ two-year-old*, lo bo run ut the net I »hltsuullde says: "1 had rheumatic gout 'il yean; tried Thousands die from neglect to properly "itc»ni« out (till with no record. The succeeding lected as the place. meeting. everything: now take Dr. Ktniuro'i treat Im­ J«»rsh« obtained a record of Wi According tu arrangement!, K.-O, It has pure Illood, Conitlpatlon. Dyspepjla, Mulnrlu, A|HI- In Philadel­ tbe parties to the Injustice to» popularund oiperlon cured my crippled foot and bent* all other uiedl- niexy, Liver, Kidney, Heart Dl»ea»es, phia. In ls;» Mr. Bower purchased a black horse race met at the park upon tlic afternoon of Thanks­ ceUolBclal, clues and treatments In the world." Dropsy and. Bumcd Nigger K»by. who then giving Day, and In the presence the members of the Holmonl prlrlun Park As­ Kheumutlsm. Hut to tho debilitated, burdened hud a record of of between four sociation are u unit regarding Mr. J. Ki>ehsler, '.1W Court strwft, Brooklyn, says: with such serious sickness, we conscientiously »7«>rl:j«, since reduced to *S7<{, as a mato for and live hundred spectators u settlement of the the re-election of "1 had suffered for year*; paid re­ Wellle, and by their achleremen'ts. dispute was there Mr. .1. H. Buttorworth to the presidency of the as­ over fl.uuo for doo- commend "SWAYNK'S PII.I.S," which contain both upon tbe and then made. sociation. tor* und medicines, without help to my terrible medicinal tmnicrtlcs possessed bv J"«dand track, have proven themselves to be the The contestants wore W. Kdmundson « gr m iclatlca, after which nine bottles no other remedy. "«t«n double team I.adv Oray: t). C. Sawyer's Dr. Hutchinion, who Is favorably of Dr. Klmore'i Sent bv mull for 'ii cents, box of;io ]>lll«: S boxe/. fl ever owned in tho (Quaker bay paoer Ueorge; J. known In oon- K.-O. cured me." DH. I). At. £LMOK>, 104 William (In stumps). Addre**. DK. SWAYNE l"7. the horsei ure small la slie, being bu, J. Kiufa br g Pat; 1». f- iUaioa/i b f Oeurge, aud ntctiuu "llli tbu ttwaoMlily of Ui« loam yj'Jtcr Ovy treat, N. T, ft, 6 THE SPOTTING LIFE. Dec. 5 j

iuners in the open events were as follows: Fifty and $250 a side, at the Howard Athenaeum, Boston, one between a black Spanish and an Irish era* ards dash J. E. Rennie, first; H. AV. Kralt, Mass., on Dec. 13. The articles provide that the CHICKEN DISPUTES. (or *200 a side. Grav was from the South Side and ATHLETIC. econd. One mile run T. J. Murphy, scratch, winner shall also receive all the receipts, from the other from Allegheny. The gray sank hie rst: T. Brockaw, 80 yards start, second. Two every source, and shall pay all expenses. Dufur spur Into the black's head in short order. At undred and twenty yards race J. Wheeler. 15 has the selection of the referee from a list of per­ COCKING MAIN. least $l,gOO changed hands on the night's pitting. Wrestling, Pedestrianlsm, and other Ath­ ards, first; J. Moliter, 12 yards, second. One- sons named by McMahon, and the party chosen is aile walk E. A. Kraft. first. Two hundred and to be made known lour days before the match is letic Sports Chronicled. wenty yards hurdle race G. C. Austin, 8 yards, decided. Prominent New York Club Men Witness an A Challenge- rst; J. Mason, scratch, second. Four hundred W. G. George, although he again altered the Interesting Cblcken Controversy. John \V. Clark, of Circleville, O., Nov. 24,. nd forty yards race J. Mason, scratch, first; A. amateur record for ten miles on Saturday About fifty gentlemen well known in Now FOOT RACING. unningham, 25 yards start, second. Running beating his previous fastest^viz.52iuin. 66%sec., by issued the following challenge: igh jump E. E. Flynt, first. Tug-of-war won by 3%sec, did not run up to his trial, and the times York society and prominent as club men, "I do hereby challenge any parties to fight a, he Thirteenth Regiment team. A. H. Rehage W. Irrlne Wins Arthur Chambers' *5 OO Foot accomplished by Deerfoot, Levltt and Jackson lawyers, brokers and politicians formed a main of cocks, seventeen or nineteen, weights t» ave a dumb-bell exhibition, putting up an 85- still head the poll. The amateur, however, had a range from four pounds eight ounces to six pounds Handicap. oundbell twenty times In exceeding fair style. cold day, and it is possible he may do the trick on elect coterie that witnessed a cocking main two ounces, and fight all falls in for one hundred Monday, Nov. 26, commenced the first Vt the conclusion of the sports the visiting ath- a more favorable opportunity. At all events we near New York City dollars a battle, and the odd fight for $500, to me etes were handsomely entertained by the com­ may confidently anticipate a nearer approach to during the early hours from one and one-half to two and one-quarter heels .round of heats for Arthur Chambers' 135 mittee. the professional time at his next essay. of NOT. 25. Admittance to the pit was but would prefer one and one-half heels if it will yards foot handicap and 200 yards dog handi- In the Carlton-Murphy 110 yards foot race at gained only by a card of invitation. The suit. The parties who accept this, and the time the heavy rain and darkness only a por- Beacon Park, Boston, on Saturday, Nov. 27th. the and place to De agreed upon the acceptance of this A FINANCIAL FAILURE. main was announced as being for $2,500 a challenge, and rules to govern, $100 a side, forfeit cap at Pastime Park, Phila., but owing to conditions were a five yards scratch start, which upon the signiDg of the article. tion of the dog race was concluded, the last accounts for the time being so fast, 10% seconds. side, and it is claimed that $25,000 changed Cocks, main and The West Philadelphia Athletic Association Carlton had a yard the best of the start, but money ready to fight at any time. seven heats being postponed until the follow­ in Distress. hands on the result. The main was between ing Thursday, Thanksgiving Murphy caught him at sixty-five yards, when he Day. The foot The West Philadelphia slipped on a stone and lost another yard, which birds raised in Tace needs little description. Suffice it to say Athletic Associa- was the cause of losing the race, never again being Westchester county and that Irviue has considerably improved since ion, which started out at the beginning of able to get up. $4,000 changed hands. Murphy- others raised on Long Island. The condi­ THE RING. his last appearance on the track, and won in ast summer with blooming prospects, is in offers to run Carlton again on the same conditions tions were that each side was to show thir­ a hand canter by three yards. The following ancial straits. The site of the old Globe la two weeks. teen birds and to fight all that fell in be­ HARD GLOVJ5 FIGHT. is the summary: Centennial Hotel, on Belmont avenue, was At the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Nov. 29th, tween 3 pounds 10 ounces and 4 pounds 10 the cadets held athletic games. A speed race for Two Brooklyn Sporting Men Found Each FIRST HEAT. nclosed, a grand stand erected and the 950 yards was won by Cadet Slocum, and the three- ounces. The result was that New York, J. H. Meehan, Falrmouut...... W J ;rouiul admirably prepared forathletic sports, fighting the 'Westchester-bred birds, won Other for Six Bounds. v West Height, Mt. Airy. leggeded race was won by Slocum and Churchill. ...^...... 12^-2 ieveral thousand dollars were thus expended. The sa,ck race.. 100 yards,, was won by Darley,ey, and seven battles and the main. About fifty men assembled, Nov. 26th, in.* SECOMD HBAT. the one W. Irvine, Kensington...... »X J ?he membership included the leading poli- hundred yards dash was won by MeGin-Me The first fight was between a pair of light a small room at a hotel a few miles H.Milton, icians, cattle dealers and business men of ness; time, 10% seconds. Throwing of base ball weights weighing 3 pounds 11 ounces. fronv Philadelphia...... ltyi—2 was won by Plunkett, who threw 343J4 feet. In New THIRD HBAT. he Twenty-fourth and Twenty-seventh York showed a handsome black red and Jamaica, L. I., to witness a fight between. C. A. Colford, Philadelphia. pole vaulting (high) Dashiell and Billing were ...... 12-1 vards. . The season, however, was a failure, tied at 7 feet 10 Inches. The tug of war was won Long Island a brown red. At the first fly David Williams, of Greenpoint, L. I., and. J. Glbson, Trenton, late Phoenixville...... 13% 2 md in August by the first JfOURTH HEAT. an assessment was levied upon and third divisions. One hundred New York drove his gaft's into the throat of Sam McDonald, of Brooklyn. The contest­ .he members to appease clamorous creditors. cadets were on each side and a great uproar D. McConnell, Richmond...... IS 1 his red antagonist and a moment later began ants are well known in J. J. Bradley, Frankford...... 18 ^ Chis has, however, been placed to the mem- greeted the victors. to tear his breast away. The fighting was sporting circles in. ,' -S. Cavanaugh, Fairmount...... n%—3 >ers' credit for next year's due?. Of late On Monday, Nov. 12th, about SOOpersons assem­ very fast and hard. Long Island was game the latter city and have won considerable FIFTH HBAT. James Lynch, the contraetor who erected the bled to witness H. Hutchens, the champion sprin­ and fought desperately, but the black red notoriety as W. Campbell, W. Philadelphia...... grand stand, hag been pressing the associ- ter, essay the taskof beating theSOOyards record- sparrers, although neither, prior Jas. Mitchell, Philadelphia...... 16 2 ition for a debt of $373, and threatened an viz, 30%scc, accomplished by himself in May, 1881. again drove his spurs into the brown red's to Monday night, had been engaged in a The day, however, was cold and misty, throat and cut his head Oeo. Coy, Camden, N. J...... 1» execution. In order to forestall him. thus pre- and al­ almost off. Th« prize fight. SIXTH HEAT. -entlnga sale and keeping the property In the though lie had two well-known runners, A. Spald- brown red died in three minutes. Betting They fought for a purse of J. Flynn, Southlngton, Conn...... 8 — 1 association, Sellers Kite, one of the leading mem- inK and G. T. O-urney, to assist him by making the was 2 to 1 in favor of Long Island. $50, with hard gloves, Marquis of Qaeens- W. Denny, Philadelphia...... 16 tersand a creditor to the extent of $911, nad an pace, he failed, finishing badly, and occupying Four pounds: Both birds were black reds, that SBVBNTH HBAT. execution Issued. Mr. Kite says that there is no 32J4sec in accomplishing the distance. He started shown by New York having as distinguishing berry rules, six rounds. Jack Dempsey acted W. Sheppard, Philadelphia...... 9 ntention to abandon the project, and that the at a rare pace, too fast, indeed, to last, and, more­ marks greenish tail and wing feathers. They were as second for McDonald, while that duty : J. Hergott, Qermantown...... W lesoclatlon will undoubtedly extricate itself from over, at the first corner his right shoe burst. J. a pair of hurricane fighters, and when let go came EIGHTH BEAT. White, the Gateshead clinper.was pistol flrer, and was performed for Williams by Jim Glynn, of 1 ts difficulties by the payment of its debts, whioh together with a clash. There was a shower of J. V. Honan, N. Providence, Del. Co...... IT amount to $1,300. A meeting of the association Nat Perry took the official time. feathers and the blood flowed freely. The New New York. John Shanley, of Brooklyn, wag. Harry Thomas, colored, New York...... 8 ras called for the 25th, at Daly's Hall, oa Lancas- Yorker was a high flyer and did considerable dam­ referee, and Alfred Skidmore acted as time­ Andrew Smith, Philadelphia, never ran... . 9 .er avenue, for the purpose of taking steps to ex­ age to his antagonist's head. In NINTH HBAT. one of the keeper. Hard gloves were used. Williams tricate Its grounds from the hands of the sheriff. THE WHEEL. buckles the Long Island bird had an eye torn out, is the heavier and stronger of the W. Elsenhower, Philadelphia...... 11% wo Although there are 150 active members on the and at the end of seven minutes he was laid low by two. He> TENTH HBAT. roll, there was not sufficient Interest displayed to a brain thrust. Second battle for New York. Bet­ had contracted to knock McDonald out in J. Bell. Kensington...... 15 make a quorum for the transaction of business. SOMETHING NEW. six rounds, but in this he hopelessly failed. Fred Ernest, Germantown...... 8 ting was even from the start and two to one on W. Broadbent, late Oldham, New York after the birds had fought two minutes. Both men were equally used up at the end of ! Eng...... 3 An Englishman Four pounds four ounces: New York showed a ELEVENTH HEAT. ' Sporting Life Puppy Stakes. who will Bide Around the the sixth round, and each gladly left the Jno. Thomas, World on a Bicycle. spangled pyle and Long Island one pure white. ring when ordered to Newark, N. J...... 17 The fifth deposit for THE SPORTING LIFE It was a terrific battle and before they had fought do so. The fight was TWELFTH HEAT. Puppy Stakes becomes due on Tuesday, Dec. According to the San Francisco (Cal.) two minutes their feathers were dyed red with an intensely fierce one, and both men sus­ J. Wheat, colored, Philadelphia...... » blood. The men around the pit grew wild with tained severe punishment. Williams did < J. Buck, colored, Mt. Holly, N. J...... 11 4th. "The meeting will take place at Artkur Call there is now in that city a young Eng­ excitement E. Cogan, Paterson, N. J...... 12 3 Cambers', 922 Kidge avenue, at and much money was bet at "evens." considerable dodging and planted the greater 8 o'clock, lishman who has set himself a task whose The New Yorker killed his opponentppo In 15m.. by number of his blows on the body of his op­ A. Miller, Philadelphia...... 11 sharp. All puppies will have to be shown, cutting his throat. The New York bird THIRTEENTH HEAT. magnitude, difficulties and dangers might died soon ponent. McDonald dealt his blows on the J. Coogan, as usual, under » penalty of flO. after being removed from the pit. Fairmount...... 8% wo appal the stoutest heart. His programme Four pounds 8 oz.: New York pitted a blue red face and neck of Williams and did rather (he THUBSDAY, THANKSGIVING DAY. is as follows: He intends to winter in San against a white pyle by Long Island. The red wai better fighting. The weather being everything that could Pointers. Francisco, and in the spring proposes to a savage bird and the Long Islander as game as the traditional rea cock. The red was a be desired on Thursday, between 3,000 and The 72-hour Astley Belt takes place at Sheffield start from that city on his wheel eastward slashing Sullivan Challenged. 4,000 people assembled to witness the con­ Dee. 24. by way of Ogden, Omaho and Chicago, and fighter, and tore his antagonist to shreds. After J. Tobin defeated fighting fifteen minutes, the pyle went to the Some time ago it was announced that Prof. cluding heats of the foot and dog handicaps. Slatterly at Weymouth.Mass., crossing the Atlantic from New carpet with a broken back, and the odds against The betting before the trial heats for the foot Nov. 24th. York, will ride from Liverpool to him were 100 to 1. He tried hard to fight, however, Wm. Miller, the Australian nljampion, was. race was 1 to 1 Irvine, 5 to 1 Flynn and 1C Donald Dinnie will wrestle Tom Nolan before he Dover. He will cross the English and pecked pluoklly at the red until at the end of desirous of con testing with John L. Sullivan. and 20 to 1 the remainder. After the second eaves for Australia. Channel to France and ride through 21 minutes, he was despatched with a brain thrust. round of heats was over the handicap Billy Irvine says: "I'm doln'to del a new tetof Europe into Asiatic Turkey, thence through Four pounds six ounces: Long Island again At thai time nothing was thought of this, but j became teedth on Chambers." showed a white pyle, a brother to the one in the now Mr. Miller has shown himself to be in a foregone eouclusion, as Irvine had run so Persia and Turkestan into the Chinese Em­ preceding battle, and New York pitted a brown red. fast N. Co c is the coming long-distance runner of pire, and make his way down the earnest by the publication of the following that only an accident could prevent him England. It is said he can do four miles in 21m Valley of The battle was the shortest of the main. In the challenge: winning. The summary follows: the Yang-tse-Kiang to Shanghai, and thence third buckle the red drove his gaffs into the brain I hereby challenge Hoylefc. Acton announce a foot handicap for of the pyle and won the fifth battle for New York. Mr. John L. Sullivan, of Bos­ FIRST HEAT. Christmas Day, and a dog handicap for January 1. by vessel to San Francisco, consuming a year ton, champion of America, to box with small or W. Sheppard, Philadelphia...... in the traveling. He says he considers the Time, 2m. ordinary sized boxing gloves, one to win, for X500 C. A. Colford, Philadelphia...... 12 2 Edwin Bibby has a customer in Chas. Connors,of Four pounds four ounces: New York's repre­ a side, which is as nearly as possible J. Bell, Kensington...... 16 Scranton, Pa., who has put up a forfeit to wrestle trip from Sacramento to Keno (he most diffi­ sentative was a magnificent high-standing, black- $2,500 a side, cult piece of road for and the championship of the world: the match to- 8ECIOXD HBAT. him. a bicycle, and looks red, and Long Island pitted a slashing-looking take place iu Australia or New Zealand, and the TV. Irvine, Kensington...... 18 Llpplncott, of Berlin, N. J., won the one hour with some dismay at his proposed trip brass-back. regular rules of the ring to govern the contest. J. Flynn, Southtngton...... 8 through Asia, where a bicycle The birds were, however, slow fighters, but did I jo-as you-pleaee race at Echo Park, Philadelphia, has never been a will allow Sullivan £100, which is nearly $500. for J. V. Honan, N. Providence...... 17 Thanksgiving Day. seen, or perhaps heard of. great deal of damage at every fly. At the end of expenses. An answer through the New York Clip­ THIRD ten minutes the brass-back's wing was broken, HEAT. The Williamsburg Athletic Club Intend making per or the Melbourne Sportsman, Melbourne, Vic­ J. Coogan, Fairmount...... 9% and after a desperate battle, lasting 29 minutes, toria, Australia, will receive prompt attention. J. Thomas, Newark N. J...... 17 2 extensive alterations and improvements In their Wheel Notes. New York won by cutting the brass-back's throat. grounds next spriug. The betting was 5 to 2 on New York. If Sullivan accepts this challenge and wishes the W. Elsenhower.Philadelphia...... UK 3 Warren Wood and John O'Connell have been New York, £600 deposited with S.V. Winter, proprietor of FOURTH HEAT. Macdonald. of Weston, easily defeated Wake- giving 6: Long Island, 0. the Melbourne Sportsman, prior to J. H. Meehan, Fairmount...... 18 ' leld, of Carlton, in a half-mile race, for $400, at exhibitions of fancy riding In Cleveland. Four pounds 8 ounces: A brown red for New his starting for C. E. Danforth, Australia, by sending a letter to that effect to the J. Wheat, Philadelphia...... »%— 2 Toronto, Ont., Nov. 21st. formerly of the Massachusetts York and a black for Long Island. This was New York Clipper or the Melbourne W. Campbell, W. Philadelphia...... 14 Bicycle Club, has been elected captain of the another victory for New York, and gave the main Sportsman, the T. C. Herbert wants to run Ted Johnson, of Pitts- Providence Club. to the whole of the money will at once be deposited, and D. McConnell, Richmond...... 15 urs-, half a mile even, or he will give 30 yards in a Westchester-bred birds. There was no bet­ Sullivan, if he desires it, can receive a wire by Previous to the final heat the betting Quota­ mile, or 50 in two miles. Shelly Jones, on a Columbia, defeated Mr. Det- ting on the result, as the backers of Long Island cable to that effect. Y'oura obediently, tions were 1 to 5 Irvine, 7 to 1 Meehan and willer, on a Star, In a half-mile race at Mr. Hun­ wanted to back the New York bird and could find WILLIAM MILLER, Champion of Australia. P. G. Griffin and Michael Horrlgan are matched ter's track, Elm Station, on Thanksgiving Day. no takers. The New Yorker was a superior look- Sheppard and 10 to 1 Coogan. At the pistol to wrestle in oollar-and-elbow fashion, for $250 a Ing bird, and slashed his opponent from theontset. shot all the men left their marks well to­ side, In East Boston, Dec. 21st. About seventy-five Philadelphia bicyclers met at He blinded the black in the second buckl*, and Shoulder Hits. James Fifty-second street and Lancaster avenue Thaiiks- thereafter the black flew viciously gether, with Meehan slightly the best, but Welch will attempt to kick six feet, hltch- iving Day morning, and Indulged in a spin out but aimlessly Jack Looney Is reported as lying at death'* the back men never had a chance with Ir­ and-kiok, at Andy Carr's, 2614 Callowhill 8treet,on all oveirthe pit. The New Yorker finally brained d»or In St. Louis. Monday, Dec. 3, for a bet of $40. £ancaster Pike to Bryn Mawr and return. his opponent in 10m. vine, as he won by nearly as much start as Edward P. Burnham, on Nov. 18th, rode on his After the main the entire party partook of a John Flood will not box Pendergast. John say* he was Charles Keeble challenges any man in the tricycle he is out of the business. conceded. world to walk six weeks, night and day, or he will from Newton, Mass., to the City Hall, champagne lunch, and It was broad daylight when FINAL HBAT. wager that he can go 2,500 miles In 1,000 hours. Lynn, by way of Cambridge, Medford, Maiden, they left for their respective homes. At Alien's resort in New York,Jim Barryb«at Al W. Irvine, Kensington, 18%, ($350) ...... Saugus and West Lynn, in an hour and a half. May in a three-round contest for a purse and tn» J. Meehan, Fatrmonnt, 16, ($75)...... Tbe New York Hare and Hounds Club had a F. de Civry won a door receipts. W. Sheppard, Philadelphia, UK ($50) ... good run for three hours and twenty minutes on bicycle race of ten kilometres! Another Main. for the championship of Paris, at the Quai St. Alf. Greenfield, N. Bruce, J. Probert, H. Taylor, J. Coogan, Fairmount, »%, ($25)...... Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Treadwell was first In. James, Neuilly, Nov. A cocking Arthur Chambers 4th, defeating G. Pihan by main between Connecticut birds, Jim Carney, Jim Hipkiss and J. Waldron, all acted as pistol firer a in In English handicaps non-tilers are either warned three lengths. Guhraner was third, C. H»mney noted pugilists, will visit America next March. Wat Booth was referee and haudicapper. off the track or their entries refused. This Is fourth and G. Homney fifth. principally from Bridgeport and New Haven, Mervine Thompson and Jack King, of Cleveland, business and should be adopted in this country. Messrs. Poole. Maurer and Fulton, of the Wash­ and Staten Island fowls, took place at New Tbe have been matched for a glove fight, In the near DOG RACING. Thames Hare and Hounds Club have ington Bicycle CHub, left Washington, Nov. 29th Brighton, Nov. 27. The conditions were $50 future. A second deposit of the cash was mad» adopted the system of handicapping by weleht, arriving at Wheeling, W.jVa., in 4h. 30m. Seven­ last week. in cross-country runs, after the style of race horses. teen miles of the for each battle and $200 for the main. ' Only way was made in Ih. 35m. The Alf Greenfleld A Dead Heat Between Soot and Beauty for A Philadelphia contemporary says Irvine Is the Wheeling Club visited Washington on Thanks­ four battles were fought, when someone and Jack Davis, both of Birming­ giving. raised the cry of "police," which ham, are matched for £100 a side. Mace is put­ Arthur Chambers' S1OO Handicap fastest 200-yard runner In America, bar Johnson, broke up the ting up fa- Davis, who has just arrived in England All the best running dogs of America took of New York. A blast Use this is liable to make The racing board of the League of American main. The results were: from tnis country. part in Arthur Chambers' dog handicap on him think so. Wheelmen have barred W. J. Smith, American First battle. Bridgeport produced a Dempsey AdrianIselln, the banker, has given a valuable Star B. C., from competing in any race held under Derby, a black-red, weighing 4 pounds i) ounces. Miroellus Baker and Jack Connelly have been, Monday, Nov. 26, and Thanksgiving Day the auspices of that Staten Island pitied a pure white pyle of equal matched to do battle with hard gloves in modem plot of land to the New Rochelle Athletic Club in body, and suspended John style within twenty-five Nov. 29tb, at Pastime Park, Phila. Onlj New York. He also topped the list with $500 for A. Green, same club, from racing for a period of weight, Betting was free, with odds on the Con­ miles of New York inside- < six boats were contested on Monday, owiii] the building fund. six months from Sept. Ssth. necticut bird. At the first fly the black-red of three weeks from date. '• lapped his gaffs in the neck of thepyle,leaving to darkness, and the dogs that won were The walking match at San Francisco was con­ The members of the Cleveland Bi. Club had a the Henry Rice, late of Jem Mace's combination ar­ road race Nov. 29. The distance was ten miles. It latter motionless for u time on the floor. Ten to rived In New York from England, Nov. 25th and again run over the track on Thursday so a cluded at 10:05 P.M., Nov. 24, with the following one was offered on Bridgeport, with no takers. was immediately arrested on a charge of cheating to make all the dogs do the same amount score: Hart, 500 miles; Harriman, 481; Mclntyre, was covered by G. H. Potter in fifty minutes, E. P. o 481; O'Leary, 475. Koot in fifty-three minutes, J. H. Colllster in fifty- The black-red at the next fly jumped so high that Robert Solomon at caras, while at sea. He settled running ou the one clay. The handicap on six minutes, and C. E. Dennlson and George Collis- he struck over the head of the pyle, but turned the case by refunding $2,780. the whole was very close, only The Westchester, N. Y"., Hare and Hounds Club ter followed hard quickly, and drove a spur through the brain of the two fee travelled the Greenville country on Thanks­ upon them. Island bird. John Dempsey, of Brooklyn.who recently fought separating the four dogs in the final heat A bicycle race from the Northern Hotel, Pough- Boylan, says he will accept Jimmy Murray's chal­ giving Day. They were out about forty minutes, Second battle. Bridgeport produced a blue lenge to fijjht any light-weight for $250 a side, but and the two first dogs were so close that the covering six miles. keepaie, N. Y., to Hyde Park and return, nearly pyle and tile Richmond county men a, bright rod thirteen miles, came off Nov. 20th, the battle must be fought according to the London referee could not separate them, his decision A wrestling tournament for the wrestling cham­ and was won Seabright. Betting started at odds on the Con­ prize ring rules. Tjeing a dead heat. pionship of Connecticut, took place at Ansonia, by T. W. Roberts in 50m. 47s.; H. Perkins second, necticut representative, with few investors. The The winners of the first round of heat Conn., Nov. 22, 23 and 24, and was won by Paddy in 52na. 23s.: Winthrop Simpson third, in 53m. 25s.; Richmond bird slashed the blue pyle and fought "Funny"Cook, Paddy Lee, Bill Davis and Geo. Crowley, of New Haven. C. K. La Rose fourth, in Ih. 3m. Judges, A. N. It to its side ol the pit. It finished the battle in a Young, four English light-weight pugilists, ar­ were as follows: Let-Her-Come, scratch Vail, C. F. Cossum and Park Fltchett; time-keep­ few seconds by driviag its spurs so deep int<5 its rived at New York, on the Wyoming, ot the Guion Johnson's Beauty, 16; Tooclles, 27; Jack, 1 Tne American Athletic Club Harriers, of New ers, W. I. Marble and Richard Kenworthy: referee, adversary's body that the fatter died instantly, Line, from Liverpool, Nov. 28th. All four men Jeannette, 8; Maggie York, had a pretty run of twelve miles on Thanks­ T. H. Robinson; starter, James Ostrandcn and the victor's gaffs have good records. 6'^; Rose, 8; Shotover giving Day. The first up was A. Campbell, who had to be pulled out before 24, Soot, Z%; Diamond, ll^Jj Hamlet, 58 arrived five minutes after the hares. Mr. Mick Moran has accepted the offer of Mr. it could rise. Dan Gusty, of Long Island, and Jack Sweeney, Bestwick's Beauty, 23; Fruit Boy, 9. Thomas Hayes, of Beloit. Wis., to back W. J. Third battle. Staten Island showed a spotted of New York, were matched to fight for a purse or The race between J. H. Murphy, of New Bed­ Morgan, of Canada, against W. M. Woodside, pyle, with silver hackle, weighing five pounds four $100, on Long Island, Nov. 29th. Before the battle Speculation at this point was very brisk ford, and M. C. Murphy, of Natick, ttiat was to champion of Ireland, for $100 a side; three dis­ ounces, against another Dempsey Derby from began it was discovered that the stakeholder had at the odds of 2 to 1 against Fruit Boy ani have taken place on the 28th, at South Framing- tances, one-fourth, one-half, and one mile; the Bridgeport, a light red with white hackle. The kipped with the cash, which led to a free fight. Soot, and 5 to 1 bar two. The following ar -ham, is off, J. H. Murphy not agreeing to a pistol- race to take place as soon as a fit track can be Island pyle slashed away fiercely, and the Derby, The fight is off. firer. the results of the second round of heats: found within one hundred miles of Chicago. Mor­ after a fly or two. turned and flew over the side of Moran and McCoy, of Pittsburar. were matched FTBST HBAT. Lbs. Yd*. Madame Green, announced as "the colored lady gan says it will be a hot race, aud don't care much the pit, pursued by the Islander. When the birds to fightatPittsburg.Nov. 28th. before a numberof J. Johnson's b b, Beauty...... 14% 16 champion long distance walker of South Ameri­ about the match on account of Woodside's arm were brought back into the pit the light red re­ gentlemen who subscribed a purse of $100. Moran, S. Berry's b dog, Hamlet, 15 weeks old. .12 68 ca," has arrived in Liverpool, Eng., and chal­ being not exactly well. The match was arranged fused to fight, and the stakes went to Staten Island. However, appeared uoon the scene with a number SKCOSDHEAT. lenges Miss Kate Brown to walk for six days, six through a bluff of Moran, who seemed infatuated Fourth battle. Bridgeport sent in a dark red of outsiders and McCoy refused to fight owing to A Chambers' blue bitch, Let-Her-Come.24 or ten hours daily. at Woodsides' riding: hence the bluff, hence the with black back, a very handsome bird. Staten the violation of the agreement. D. Hoyle'sfawn bitch, Jeanette...... 20 The match. Island pitted a white pyle. Each 6 pounds 8 Coliseum Gymnasium, of Pittsburg, Pa., ounces. The two parties were greatly excited over An interesting sparring entertainment took THIRD HBAT. was opened on Nov. 24th. A pleasing and On Thanksgiving eve the new bicycle track In place at Harry Hill's Theatre, Nov. 26th. After J. Howard's blk dog, Soot...... varied programme of the Institute Building, Boston, was dedicated by this battle, which was between their best birds. At athletic exercises was pre­ one time it seemed evident that there would be some very clever amateurs had finished, Joe Fow­ T. Bestwick'sb b Beauty...... sented. Fred Plaisted was present and did some a number of racing events and fancy riding. A ler, the English l%ht-weight champion, and Bill FOURTH HEAT. excellent club swinging.' one mile amateur race, in which there were four serious trouble between the respective backers. After a severe struggle for twenty minutes, during Barnes had three lively rounds. They were fol­ A. Chambers' blk dog, Jack...... 24 At contestants, was won by H. M. Sabin, of Newton, lowed by the Irish giant and Hill's Fat P.Raflerty'sb dog, Diamond...... 20 ".f New York, November 26, in a collar-and- In 3m. 23 l-5s. A two mile race, three starters, was which the birds fought until almost completely Bahv and elbow wrestling match, in the Bowery, P. J. Ring, exhausted, the dark red pecked the life out of his George Taylor, the colored pugilist, and McCarty. D. Hoyle's blk and w dog, Shotover.... .13 won by C. W. Clapp in 7m. 8s. the third event Tom Alien and The crowd was so great all along the trac of Staten Island, threw Joe Ryan. The match was a mile race on roller skates, between Kenneth prostrate competitor, and the match was awarded BobFarrell wound up. lasted but one fall, as Ryan refused to come up to Bridgeport. Jem Mace, baring issued a challenge that it was with difficulty that the dogs coul again after the heavy A. Skinner, the one mile champion roller skater, for his- tumble he met. and J. W. Wilson, the champion star rider, and Fifth battle. A stoutly-built red, with gray rotoge Jack Davis to fight any man in Great get through. Fruit Boy was drawn in th Lacaisse, of Paris, offers to wager Muldoon $1,000 was won by Wilson in 3m. 43s., the best time on hackle, faced a Santa Anna black from Staten gritain, William England offers to box "his third heat but did not get to the sta'rtin that the French wrestler Pletro. who weighs 188 record for roller skating. Obstacle races and ex­ Island, The Spanish bird, by quick and good novice" for $600 a side in any style; but he stipu­ point in time, and was therefore ruled oul pounds, will throw him in a Grajco-Roman match, hibitions of fancy riding filled out the programme. hitting, nearly defeated the Yankee at the begin­ lates that only six men shall be allowed on a The final heat was very the gate money to go to the winner and the match ning of the fray, but after ten minutes the pluck he"does not wish to have a gate-money ex­ close, resulting ii to take place either In Paris or New York. The Cincinnati Club gave its second tournament and endurance of the latter left him the victor hibition " He appointed a time to meet Mace for a dead heat between Soot and Beauty, wit' at Power Hall. Nov. 27. A one mile handicap was after an exhausting struggle. the purpose of signing At the Clnncinnati ball park Thanksgiving Day won by J. R. Ritohell, scratch, in 3m. 40s. This articles and posting all the Jack and Let-Her-Come close up. iiisteat an unknown, who is said to be Tom C. Herbert, the money, but Jem declined to do so until his deposit of running gentleman also won the two mile race In 7m.28s. The of $250 was covered. Alf Greenfield has also ac­ the dead heat over again the tw English runner, defeated Maxwell by one hundred three mile free-for-all was won by E. F. Landy In Thanksgiving Day Battles. owners concluded to divide the first an yards in a two mile foot race for cepted the challenge. $1,000. The track llm. 27s. The boys' half-mile race was won by At Pittsburg, on Thanksgiving second money, $90, Chambers taking thirc was soft and sticky, and the unknown's time was Kinney Lowe in 1m. 47^8- John Barclay won the Day, not less Mike O'Leary and Bill Donohuc on Nov. "A $10, with Jack. 10m. 32s. half-mile obstacle race, defeating Scarborough and than a dozen cock fights were In full blast. At fought for a subscribed purse of one hundred dol­ FINAL HEAT. The Athletic Association of the University of Scudder; time, 4m. lls. P. N. Myers was the win­ one of the pits there was a contest between a fine lars, using skin gloves, at Greenville, N. J. Neither contestant possesses any science, bat J. Howard's blk d Soot, 3%...... Pennsylvania, has secured new grounds at Thirty- ner of the slow one hundred yard race in 2m. lls. yellow pyle and » thoroughbred Lancashire red. J. Johnson's b b Beauty, 16...... sixth and Spruce streets, and expects to have the The most exciting race was the run-off of the dead both were eager and gritty and fought with a will A. Chambers' blk d Jack, 1...... lot inclosed with a high board fence by May next. heat in the five mile race between M. L. Pierson It was for $100 a side, and over $1,500 changed until Donohue knocked his antagonist down In the A. Chambers' bl b Let-Her-Come, scratch...... Among the features will be a quarter-mile run­ and W. E. Galway Nov. 15. Pierson won this time hands. This battle lasted twenty minutes, and sixth round, fell over him, and then struck him The ning track. with ease in 17m. 48>£s. the yellow pyle was killed...... At a point out on while down, whereupon foul was claimed and al­ handicaps on the whole were a grw the West Pennsylvania Railroad birds from Pitts­ lowed, the referee declaring O'Leary the winner. success and proves that, when well conducts James Quirk has issued a sweeping challenge to At the Merchantville Driving Park, Nov. 29th, burg and Temperanceville a were pitted against Time, aimin. The winner was seco'nded by Bill things cannot fail to be appreciated. As re all the fast flyers of America, Rogers included. number of bicycle races took place in the mud. each other. About one hundred sports were as­ Mct'ooney, while Dan Collins attended to Dono­ If these two men do make a match we should ad­ W. Parke won a three mije club race in 18m. 50s. sembled at this place. The first battle was be- hue. gards dog racing, many prominent gentleme Lincoln Moore won have decided to become vise sensible people to keep their money in their the mile silver cup race in tween a pyle from Temperanceville and a red owners, and in cours pocket. Wo dreamt about their last race the 5m. The half mile club race was won byJ.R. brown from Pittsburg. It was for a purse of $60, The New York Clipper says: "We are authorized of time dog running will become one of th other night. Esterbrook in 2m. 37s. The two mile race was for testate that parties in this city stand ready to at and was won by Temperanceville after a tough any time provide a purse of $300 to most popular sports in America. John O'Grady defeated Ralph Wolfcndale In a a diamond pin, presented by C. E. Updegraff, of contest of one hour and ten minutes. Five hun­ be contended Philadelphia, open only to membersof the League dred for by the recently arrived English boxer Jim Lancashire wrestling match for a purse, best two dollars changed hands. Six more battles Goode, of London, and anv man In three falls, at Pittsburg. Pa., Nov. 21st. O'Grady of American Wheelmen, Charles Frazer, of were fought and Temperanceville carried off the in the country at Brooklyn Regimental Athletes. won the first fall in Smithville, N. J., winning In llm. 60s. J. W. At- palm in each case. The Pittsburgors had a fancy .£150. The men to fight with gloves, and tie six minutes, and the second in kinson w«n a mile club race in 7m. 20s. The con­ conttst to Inst till one of them is beaten. There The Thirteenth Kegiment, N. G. 8. N. Y four. The winner now challenges any man in Dreed of birds fr»m Nashville, Tenn., but the re­ are several boxers of the middle-weight of Brooklyn, gave a series of athletic game Allegheny County at 133 pounds. solation club race, half a mile, was won by G. W. sult shows they didn't amount to much. Fully division Buzby In 3m. 59s. The officers were: Clerk of the $2,500 changed hands on the whole main...... Alle­ who are at present without anything to do, and it at their armory in the City of Churches o James Grant defeated Choppy Warburton in a course, Joseph Pfelffer; starter, Joseph Frarklin; will be u surprise if one or other of them do not six mile race at Beacon Park, Boston. gheny and Chartiers pitted their cocks against the 28th ult. The attendance was good an Thanksgiv­ scorer, F. F. Mlchellon; time-keepers. E. S. Titus, each other out the Hew Brighton road, as did signify hfs readiness to try conclusions with Goode. ing Day. The former was allowed 220 yards start D. Holland. E. Baker; judges John S. Good, Pittsburg. results satisfactory. The athletic game and when half the distance was covered Cbartiers and Mansfield at the former place. Be­ Pa., correspondence: On Friday after­ were just enough to fill up the allotted had in­ Joseph W. Watson and Charles E. Hires; referee, sides those mentioned there were seven others, at noon two mill workers had a lively mill on Hare's tw creased his lead to a quarter of a mll«. when War- George L. Frey. Several Pblladelphlans, having Island, wliich lagted hours and were very interesting. They in burton quit. Very which the purses were not unusually large, or any an hour. Both were severely little money changed hands. good records, refused to enter, owing to the condi­ considerable amount of money bet on the results. punished...... Commencing with last Saturday eluded an exhibition mile run by T. F. Di The running race between L. C. Smith's mus­ tion of the track. evening, Ross and Plaisted present a silver medal laney, a mile walk by I?. P. Murray and tang pony Ned and A. R. Ladd's unknown sprin­ to the best sparrer that wins in three successive 'half-mile ter, who proved to be James Henderson, was de­ A Pittsburg; Cock Fight. run by L. E. Myers. all of which wer Conroy's "Crack" and J. Andrews' "Don," rounds against his opponent. A gold medal worth well received. The lap was a very small one o cided on Tuesday, Nofc 27th, at Echo Park, the There was a cocking main in a saloon in $150 will be given to the winner of the most silver fourteen circuits to the mile, hence fast time wa former wining easily. The pony is matched again twenty-six pound|bull terriers, fought an hour and medals...... Jimmy Weeden hai another unknown out of the question, and neither of the champion to run against Fred Rodgers 50 yards and turn twenty minutes in Camdem N. J., Nov. 29th. for Lawrenceville last Sunday night, that was and first-class athlete who will take part in the fully extended himself. Delaney ran his mile i on Monday, Dec. 3d, 1100 a fide. At the end of the time mentioned next sparring contest that will take place in Pitts­ 6m. 16s.. Myers took "Crack" refused to scratch and tried to leave the very largely attended by local sports. There 2rn. 13 2-5s. for the half-mil H. M. Dufur. champion, and John McMahon are pit. The referee awarded the fight to "Don." burg...... McCoy is not making satisfactory pro­ and Murray walked a mile in "in. 19 2-5e. Th to wrestle for the collar-and-elbow championship was some game fighting, and a good deal of gress in his training for his forMicoming fight with Conroy'e dog was terribly punleheu. money changed handsi The principal battle was Moran. Dec. 5. THE SJPORTHSTG LIFE.

following are the scores at 200 yards: Co. O, Fifth THE TRIGGER. Kezlment J. L. Fowle, 44; J. K Darmody, 37; W. F. Fowle, 46; B. J Barnum, 33; D. E. Barnum, 32; total, 182. Co. H, Slitli KeKlment T. Baxter, SB; SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. frafc Range and F. O. Berry, 35; (>. W. Laud, 34; If. Talbut. 84; W. Gallery Shooting The Peabody, 32; total, 174. Br.EFRAJSfZ Record of a Week. The competitive (hooting at tbe Walnut Hill THE WELL-KNOWN SPECIALIST, "~ ABBOTT, Kanire, Nov. 24, resulted thus: Creedmoor Prac­ tice Slatch IX Xlrkwood, 46; f. Chauucy (mil.), No. 1106 Market Street, Phlla. RIFLE MATCH. 45: C. B. Edwards, 44; C. F. MilU (mil.), 43; H. A. Uses Only Botanic Medicines, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Lewis jnill.), 41; L. A.^Harrlson (mll.J, 41; L. Her­ Dr. H. FKAN2. the l>roprlctor and Consulting BODS, REELS, LIKES, bert (mll.J, 3a. (Jreedmoor Prize iviatch CJ. A. Physician of tbo NKW YOHK BOTANIC MKDI- COLTS, PARKER'S,RElf' A New Philadelphia Club hag Its Initial Hunt, 47; «. DavlB, 47; .1. N. Frye, 47; N. F. John- CAIv ANDSUK01CAL 1NST1TUTK, has maAOB; 2 men BULL'S BVB. ditions: "Five traps screened to bo placed at Ir- that ruin tbe Hy*teiu. Shells Loaded to Order with DiHpatch Special Wallace M. Hotfner...... '... 5 5 4 regular point* In front of the looro, which uiuit MAHI(IKl) OK HINdLK MKN. Attention to Fine Repairing. Jno. l>. Vautlor...... _.,.. 3 4 4 6 20 roublod with NKHVOUS DKI11I.1TY, HHY- (»ood» Delivered to any 1'art of the City. be placed 3uyurdn from farthest trap.p. Tin trap NIXS, I.OSM Win. Klrclmer ...... t S 4 2 18 ill preparepare 13 folded dips of paper con­con OK MKMORY. TKKMHLINO-, Jno. T. Duiilap ...... 9 4 4 8 17 taining each a number from 8 to 16 respectively,respectively LOSS OK MANHOOD, WAST1NU OK HOIlY, Spratt's Uog .Biscuit arid Soap. W.W. Burns ...... 3 2 3 3 15 from which the shooter will draw one »Mp, PALPITATION OK IIKAHT, treated. Medi­ Joaoiih 1,1 nek...... 0 4 :> cines sent to any address. Advice at Instltule Suh-Heoretary Wost Jersey (lame 1'roteotlvo Asioolatloo. 3-14 which the judge will privately examine, and allow free. Kxamlnallon Jacob D.Uolfner.. 3 4 3 14 tho puller only to «ee. Tho shooter Is to H. Describe case, state oocu- Thomas Hnios...... 4 4 0-1J walk In ageneral rlirht line, from the score toward piillon, and bow long troubled, (llllce hours: THE OLDEST OUN HOUSE IN AMEKIOA-Eatabllshed 1811. Jacob Oroll...... i 3 3-13 u a. ui. to 4 p. m.; 0 lo 8 p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. m. lo the traps, unon rocelvlnK the rnply 'yen* from tbe '* p. in. Address, 100 vug. 4 IKCH BULL'S BVK. puller to tils query 'are you ready?' When Iiunlnp...... (85 the shooter In under way tne number of itepii DK. II. KKANZ. 4-21 indicated on EW YOKK HMTANIC, MEDICAL AND Vautlor...... 4 4 3 4-20 the drawn n!lp, the puller will SIJKO1CAL INSTITUTE, VI. HatSon...... ^ 8-17 pull any two traps, one after the other." EDW, No. tin Third AVO..NUW K, York city. TRYOI, Jr., & Co, J.lnck ...... 4 2 1« At Newark, N. J., tho fall gallery tournament of 1'loa.iit mention In what paper you saw tnll notice IV and 21 N. .Sixth Jenklns...... 4 3 14 the Association Ullte clubs wan begun '"> Nor. IVth when you write or call. Street, 2UO North Second Stroct,.PhIlailclplila. Hurm ...... 2 4 14 lant, and continued throughout the week. Tin J.I). Ho/fncr...... 3 13 scorfu thus far made are an follow*: Plymouth K. Oroll...... 8 2 13 I'ollard.45: J. L. Moiuuieri, 43; J. B. MoOullum, GUNS. ^a . RIFLES Moore...... 0 Mange Distemper. 4 12 43; U. M. Towtuond, 41; C. 11. Towiuoud, 46; H. GLOVER' Klrclmer...... 3 2-11 l.elbe, 41; I*. L. Sommers, 43; I). Klnnoy, 34; 11. 8 Rlohfirdaon, Winchester, 0-1U lirowur, 40. Total, 411. l>oine»tle Struble, 4'J; IMPERIAL MANGE CURE. Romlntfton, Bemlnfrtoo, 400 YOU., 10 eiluTH EAUH, 8 INOII IIVLL'H HVH. McOulnnesi, 40; Valentine. 43; J. Dainty, 43; .1. Ihmliip... 4 4 Velsor, 41; .1. I>olti, 40; W. Colt, 4 4 644 3 41 ('rocker, 43; H. .lullery, Mange and all othor Hkln IMsunsoi on Uoai, Parkor. Billiard, Vanlltr...... 3 3 4 6 346 3 3S 47; W. Wadam*, 40; Win. McComuiell. 42. Total, illornoH or Cattln. for Ucratcluts, Craukou Marlln, W. Hullnor..... 3 3 4 6 244 4 37 427. Collulold-M. Truder, 44; W. B. Wlllulr, 4S; HenU, Thrunh, Harruiim bualiln or Had Soott, Ju.Hoirn«r.... 634 3-36 W.t'oe, 44; V. Hrandt, 48; 11. llabbltt, 43; C. F. Bore* It ia n quick anil ell'ootual Oolt, J.D. Jacknon, Oreonor, Hutlner... 444 2 30 4t; W. Vruelumi, 47; M. Slmmouds, 46; cure. I'riuo, fiO Cents. Mooro, Stevens, Xlrehner...... 6-80 V Erbanl,42; W. Shlplcy. 46. Total. 446. Fre- (Hover'* Imvrrlttt Krnnrl and Stublr Ximp po**r**es Wesaon, Hsiei...... 3 2« llnxbuyxen-J. K. Walsb, 47; O. 1>. Wlenman, 47; n a nnxHHnd form all the medicinal prnperllc* of Etc. (». Williams, 46; H. Wenterman, 4s ; W. Mcl.eod, be Mange < 'nre. Is llmnnly *o»p made that will Etc. 40; ] :. O. Obaxe, 46; A. <-'. Neumann, 46; (I. Olm- positively cnri) manunand kill lieu*. I'rlnn, FIOKUN SHOOTING. M ct*. SportsincnH' RownlNltem of mer, 44; J. S. Tobln, 47; M. ShaokolforJ, 42. Total, ttlovrr i Itnitfrltil liiittmfitr ( 'ui'f I* a *afc and oer- sritAriT's DOC* mscnrr, Every Jhmcrlptioti «67. laln euro for distemper In Hor*u* or Ih'g*. It *ub- ixnt .-.-.,...... ,.....,..MKAI., MAMIE cuitr:, ami a full,,,,.., line of. .-,nou MKI MhelU Louiloil Thanksgiving I>ny Hport In New Jereey und Tbe Harvard SbootliiKOlub had a Klann-ball and lue* tbe fever at omm, nets unon all tbo organ*, tu Order. Mpeelul AtKuilluu to Kepalrlllg. I'ennnylvuiilit, I'luy-pla'on shout at Walnut Hill, Mimn., Nov. li. keeping up tbe appetite and general strength. KOU 1'ltlfK I.ISTDFAI.I. (V.^.V.St.S Of (IOOVH. KcHult: Klrit match (HuH.i ball, won by Slocuii, 'rleo»t. At Boa HUle Park, N. J., Nov. 211th, 'HI), by a Hcorn of 7 out of 10. Mncond For sale by druggist* and dealer* In Sportsmen'* a matitli (llaxs goods. «1*M ulu' interesting ball*, JotiiiK, '17. 7 out of 10. Third mateh <)lay ' INIpol, I'M'JIWil ilroiidwny,llri'iidwiiy, N.N.'Y Y. pignuti match wan wliot piteous, Nlocuni, 'Nil, 7 out of 10. On Nov. 17 tho Medicines for nil dogg disease*diseases and ssklllful treal fcetwwii William (Irlswolil, rnmpetltlnn* roiullud tbu*: ment by II. Clay Illowr, roprietor. Bi*OliTI N'Gr-" WE-A.RT of Now York, Creedmoor I'raeth'e Wo Keep a LARGE tod AJolpli AiiMlIn, of I'hUailiilpliiit. Match «'. A. Uordou, 46;C. II. Kdward*, 4,1: W. LINE of Tlm (Miarlen, (mil.), 44; U. A. Hunt, 43; (I. WalHh, 43; .1. F. CldjVB. KICHKL, KruiH of tho match weru fliOO, 30 blr«ln oiu:b, .1. Caruilelia«l.4l; I.. Herbert 1M)» AIM'H NTUKhT, Mcjvcr/i<: SHIRTS, ' V,_. VorMKNS' IIOVN 1 and YOUTHS', In Illiin, While 4 ground traps, B yards apart, HO yards rlitu, 3r?obt arid Slioo Btore. and Mixed Klannell. English ruli'H. Thn IdrilH weru Hwlfr llyi-rit Hoot, Shoes, runi|i* and hllpliers f^r tdnn and ~ "- BI FOOT I NCI SMIRTS, toil tliare wore but few Incomers among tho num- Ikiy*. AlNo, Oood'* OIlTutiniMl Moccasins. Camji 111 IIKAVY III.UK r I.ANNKI,. Nr. Mr. (Irlswulil was the favorite, as ho bad Hllppersaud Shoes for bunting, boating and llsblng. u tho lowest prices. the name dny a matcii was *liot ny A full flue vf WftUkonphasU MEN'S CARDIGAN I'hllmlelphlan bud made but olio liilnn. On IIMIIII* of the always on bun. I. All ^e ih- BHOOTINO JACKETS IN LAROB ASSORTMENT. ihenext round both men killed N birds, 1'reioi and Arllni(loil ('lub*, five men ea»h, Uii N. II. All the Alt of tho alx>ve.l^.«- «lilrl»-i.i».- are- ...... i In. our. - own . "- wo Ultu y^HM.juoHtly as they round* per man. above styles will he mad« to order dlil In the third round. In tbo next 10 bird* B wore the former winning by 'JuO lo 200 md (It guaranteed OlfAUANTKK A 1'KKrWT KIT. kllloil by Mr. Orlswidd, and but 0 by Mr. Austin. out of » possible 260, Tho butting wan then one hundred to Ufty on the . '«.^' m, -v'AJJI'J .A. ^.v^> ~T l'J 4 Now Yurker, alllinnxh the men w<>ro lied, e»ob Imported dlreet from tuvluii killed Ihe nirelitn manufaolureri. Our lino eml>races IIKAVY OKHMAN ItlHHEO :il bird". On tbo tlnal round Austin FISHING AND HUNTING. OOTTON, KMIMSII Co'IM'ON and CAMIIMKItK. SCoTdll MIXKD WOKSTKD. lieifitii with a miss and followed with another. Also, DOMKMTIO WOUSU'Wl KIIIHKD (Iriswold lost his fourth bird and Ihls dlsconcnrted IIICYCI.K HUSK In all Colon. tiliu d.iinuwbat, and be made two morn misses In Tbe cold weather of last week broiiKhl to our juei'oMion. Tbe rnlltidelphlan kept oil killing Ills dnckliiK shores a frenh supply of fowl. si IOOTINO i l>iM<, while tho elulitb was also mlssnd by (Iris- IN DOTH KUI.I. AN1I UAI.K I.KNUM1 M1/.KS. A III.ok of blackbirds, esllmatud at a mile In iiUi\TiNi> llOOTtt AND HUOHJb wulil. lloth in en killed their last bird, and this length. Hew southward over I'arsuns, Kan,, re­ loft Austin a winner by two birds, tbe score stand cently. Wholesale or lletall, lu<: .loiiN i>. iitrriini., STRAWBRIDGR & CLOTHIER, Auitln...... u RIO «-w Mr. Spinner has eaiiKht a snyenly live pound Manufacturer Sportsmen's Onods, Orliwold...... 7 i l a o-iT bass In the St. John's rlvnr. Tbo report thai bo Meiitlon "HriuiriNii I, trie." Send for price*. used bis slKiiature for ball Is denied. IvUclmnitier* streni. A I'KNNHYLVANIA MATCH. New \ork. A bill providing for a Forestry Commission lo MAC J 1C LAN At Shiimokln, Nov. uvtli, a pigeon shooltni have i'harjt» ofall Ibo Slate Woodlands, Is lo bo T K H N Dllch took place between William Smith, of Ml. Inlroduin'd In Iho Now York Legislature. <,'»rmul, and Klchurd Klnen)mrt, of Nhamokln, for Spoilsmen, Al!(inlion!!! « pur«enf f lot), riimillliiK Tin. Minni^ola duck neason has closed, not by In favor of Klsenliarl, reason of l he law, but bccans*' llmre urn no ducks, win) killed Hovon birds lo his opponenl's live mil as the ii, of* p.mslblo thirteen. '1'hi' I'nlliorios were all Idle Huh' taken aro all coated over with lee. M A'msoN, tnd lliu matoh wax lari(ely attended by sporting At Cvdar I.itko, Intl., thlrtv eight miles from GUNSM.NSMITH. men, whose hullliiK footed up uvnr «,OOO. Cliiciiu.i.on Hi" I..M.H&C. K. It., I here In oxccllenl 504 *'l/LTON BTUKfclT, llUUOKI.YN. duck IniiitliiK aboul tills lime. The llshlng also Is lluns, Itlllus,, Ammunition l-'lshlug 1'Hll.A IH'I I'UI A M A li KM MKN. good. Tackle and .sportsmen's Sundries of every Doserlptlon. At Uurliv. Nov. 'Ji'tli, Movcral members of the Virginia bus had her first frost of the season ami Uarhy and"Westrhllii.lolphla (Inn Clubs shot a Oils lias greatly Improved the limiting. Qnall* Shell* Loaded, flopping Speolelly. nuim>c|>lnic quarters scarce, I'tijuyeil a K"1"' tlay'H npurt Nov. 'JO In nlgi-on [FASHIONABLE HATS. Nliuotlny As a sboi'llng ground, etoeptlng fur shore birds at thi'ir ((riiiiiiiU at n«rK«ti In summer. Simiopuxmil Sound, near Ocean Clly, OASH &HIPKISS, I'olnt, S..'. Tlif .shootltiK rtuiNliiti'il prliit:!- may be mild te be a thing of tbo past, as the build 4:in, 4.'lll, 41^7, DIM) unU 1 imlly nf "optional" Ing of a biidgo has a(K) South HU s\voi.|ixtukiw, of which ijullo ruined tbe shooting. For Prlvatnor Exhibition Purpotos, Our Own Importation, at tho Lowmt Ponilbln Price* Mr. JiiuilMoii, tlii'otlnj; ul 1'H anil Iltl yunl*, The slaiiglilcr of deer In Canada Ihls year Is Mini-I, Mr. MIIIIII I, ami Mr. ('haiiln t. Tlm prodlgouM. The country I* overrun wlthspurt*mr>n J, D. WHITTING, -i^;;::r,;>r ' 60, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 5CO, 600 anil 700 l>lril» wore roleasod from live traps sltuatrd five who nut diiwn tbo game by score* and so inlsiiso SILK and STIFF PEJL.T HATS. I»Ms apart. I'lill. Ijimbrcyer's Iralnod doles. It ». to render It In umny canes unlit fur mod. I'll.l, l>\ KliS Tl) n|(|i|:i(. EXTRA VIEWS, from 50 ots. to $8,00 per Dozen, Kslntninil Hell retrieved lln> birds whenever "iiiit for tin'silver i'ii|> nf llin Vail Utvxr several years. llriincb Olllce: llou CidnnibU Avenue. Tbe Una ('lu!> took jihu'i', ami wn» won for the Michigan (Isbljig season has been iv very BELYI1A & TRADEK, Proprietors, R, H. a! short one, and Ihe several lake hatcheries may No. '-''J Suiith Co. flftuaml tlnal thin) by W. J. Hraloy, anil IInil Ibemselvcs scanl of tholr oipwlod egg crop Illtli Mrcot. Many tl-li were found to liavu spawned utuch now liccoliii'.H his protiorty. Karb mutch w«i sooner tliiiu Is usiiKl. WI ELAND'S Photograph Rooms, PAPER MANUFACTURERS 11) 1 North Tlilr.l Mlrn«f. and WHOLESALE DEALERS, »t 1.'uhi«M biillx .mil 10 I'luy pliiouii.i, 18 yiU. One of the largest swordnsh ever captured on I'hllailnlphln. Thin Paper (n Miimifttoturnd by ua. ti.w; balls I'nnii lloltloii trap, ami clar tho New Jersey coasl was cauglll by (lie crew of CABINET PICTURES A SPECIALTY, arrf'.v o.v i.iimt: |i|^'\ T*. liming Neon'* w<>re an fullewx: Hralny, 'JO, nc«r Somer's I'olnl Hay, Us body wasu feet long, aA'rtN viNitit rAitiNK'v en-rrutoi, vH.OO A IM>/.KN. ami Us .iwurd 4 feel. Life sue I'liotiigrapln In Cr.tven.l'aslel,! lll,,sc. !l, :M, L'4, 'Jli N.'KtiM, I!'.', aa, a4, a:ij Hall, 'J'J, Mn*l«ni'H*" ufttll A'(..i««f ' S, "I. Tho toltil minilim- Illegal bounding for deem Is being openly In - ' THEAMERICANSTAR lirokcii by tmcli dulgud In In Ibe counties uorth of Wllllam«i>orl, BICYCLE out of u mi*Nltdt« I'.OO \M'n*: Nr^u.s,'J.*\7; Mall, I'll, Tbe Tine Creek, Jersey Shore and lluttaln The J.M. BRUNSWICK 'M; llrultty,'J4.4. Nn|{»« tlitl thn scorn fuiir liallroad has opened up and nmdo easy of access IIA|l(.ll, Ct'UTlN & CO. wbal wus MA.M'Kj.l Tl'UKKS ANI> HK.At.tata IN C. E. UPDEGRAFF, A N n liuios uml lost »vi«ry tlmii, Hralcy llcil llv» formerly an l»olaled section, nnd a MIKNT. time* nnil won four ol' tuein, aiul [lull tbira wbolcnale violation of the law with dcg* is going on (lipro Hits season and many deer aro being Inutvt uiul won tn'too. killed. BALKE COMPANY. Halls. (Hay p'ttV T'l Hi accordance wltb the Hew rules of the W*st W.1,,,1...... tkiDluluoulOono t lotullrtlO »-ll Jcfwev'Oatoa I'rnlectire Society, (imce and U ; AKCH Street, Phlla, l ni.'ll ... UUIIlllOIOIH 13 1UHW1W ('ban. Ilaruard, l.ri'.-\ .. tlllMllolOUUlU of ulinitwsur. tbe lalely-ekctnd tre«sui«r. luv N., III 1101111010 7 17 laken Hi" iwlb ( omeo nod ulv«n tmuds lo tin T«leph«tie No, Jscl. . .'...... lumoiniouin u iiuiituiin-7-i« aiiiount oflJ.Ono for the r.kithlnl dlroharge of bis 3 lU1010IU-» 31 .Intl.-", Tlio sS.HMoty, *hl.'h appears to be pru* pefoun. mtv«li"'ir first annual dinner at I'luni 1. Hr«!cy...... IlllOUUIllno 13 1111011110-.".-- Hold, 111 lay. Magic Tricks Nl^HU"...... UlUllOOUUllUO-lU W Uargc in:. Rill...... lOlllllloluWIO 10 .re been flying fur ttK> l-roffssor Olio Maurer, the w past two «, .. eml r>r Lung Island. Old Kitablinlicd and Ctle- Tie on al balls. Hall., liitds. aliii nianv .'i il.iMii :. . .'M ' -\'i .'.I by the- * i ii : ' i '.iifi, i nrer o f TIIK MOST KXTKXSIVE Mrnlcv...... 101-a lll-J-4 sharpMliooter^ u.t tbe. tlielr way 1 Hslab- N ANl'KACTI'Kms t>K Hall.'...... 1U-S 010-1 4 si)iktbward. Dnrk H!UI. tbe bay* ; : . : .iy. New On Monuuk, »in 'In- So as K-. years, to f-nrnUb foo\l. ' IUHUIUJI ti w bo fid nd Stvloanjotn, It»n.| in.I ania At the nivtitliiK of the tuiloprndint Oun The Del . ,>..i . . , . . . ,],!,... i ".I lor HUH 261 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Phil'a, IN THBI WOHI.U. I'luli, of t'ltu'itinatl, >!.! '. Uoblnson was eleoted Of lll»St:l '.I.". . ..i ' ! : . Xlie, price 1W, t*uroh«UM)r. ll»4 MAItKKTSIr^l, Vhlln.lvlphU. !»». pnndent; A. llandlo, secretary, and .I, J. H»v« natives, n.ii.' i.. i ..;:., , > ;.i ,1,. ,. i<> purchasers II J HKKU.M A.N, M»ii»»«r. fctutp, Ireasuttir. The club Is now lncor)>oralecl. tlllqself witli a ceruiii'att. »l llie .\-...M'|IIIIOU. Tlie h*1 . Adtlress, Omom-New York, llalllumre, Md.;Ch(e»go, slumtitiK i.« found in the southern part ol (be III ; I'lii.Mnumi, si t,oul>, M»., l>«iroit,'Mlolilii«Di monthly medal match ol the Suit Ijiko Huflalo N. Y.; San (Vlah) Mhooilnit ('lub took place Nov. State; wtldfuwl shooting at Rehoboth and down Krnm-ljoo, ('at.; Wlnulueg, IS. The the ciiait line is unsuruasMMl. while i|iiall and rnt. Prof. OTTO MaAltuba: Windsor, UnUrlo. t«M mtuttvl wus won by .1. W . t'timpbel! and tbe bits MAURER, JvMUtt H*a4*d lo In flnl el*« itjrl*. «l«tr niedal by Louls'l irdner. Terms of match: will be found In auuoe'auce about i^eorjfetown uai ;ii:rilM'iirli man, 'Jiyds. rise, louyds. boundary, t or vicinity. |T"Uud traps. A wlenlilla writer.-la Hits that lhcl,.-n of Captain Do N«w York. A match was shot at tbe Vallejo (t'al.) ride and his compivnion^ Ut tbe Arctic rf«rb>ns All the leadlnK |dayen of the world us« only tM " one Mov. imh by Sergeant was In a great tuoasuro due lo tbo fact that none Seymour, U. ti. N.. of them knew how to hunt Iho polar haro. This a-l Capialu 1'. H. MoKlbfuny, each nnnir 40 species SEXfUEAN »»n at 3oo yards: and the former won by a wore of uf hare, he assort*, ean only bo hunted COLLENDER TABLES, W7 to 114 ,,H[ ,,| .joo |iulnta. successfully by walking in n dr.'to about the \Vatch Cnuvrn: nlmal, tbo* confining It. when it may be up Ov«r 26O.OOO NoiM-Subduora Sold. At Hratlloboro, Vt., Nov. ao., at Ihe U-t weekly proachcd. The .-j.-lcntliit alsi» nxerc Ibat nhot nuns \Vltbyoiir InlUal. Society Km A. J.Keaoh, * Uu., Uelobratml Spurring (llovos JOHN ORBAHAN, of tlio Hrattloboro Hltlo Club, at Oak Orov« would bavg l>«un pretprable for huutiuir liarvs and I'letu, Crest, or any special do , . ., v ^ ., . »"-tlu to »7.uu ,,er s«i of fuur. CONT1NKNT.U. IIOTKl. J''>wIKU,handsomely engraved tni>r«- A. J. Ki'iiOh h I o., IiupruTeil Indian olubs, 4 to lo «l«nj, Massachusetts tanret: A. S. Nu-holt lo«- Attic region, but the exploring l>arly Has, uofur on, sent poslpald fur aoe. ID iiuunds, WoluM.uuiwriHilr. ;»n. JU4; ro-eutry. 110; Ouoh, 1WI; re-entrv, 107; tumilely, aruiod "nly with rliles. stamps. A. J. Uoaob A. Co., Standard Siriklnit u»ti. M; r«-entry, lo»;Thoru,«»; Head, v>3; 1'ut- IUi««. GUNPOWDER. ««,*). ConnccUcut sportsmen my 11 Is simply mane). George Uibel, #J..V) tof rlno oneb uu.i tbe way iiuall elud" them this fall. A. J. Kearh )L Co.,Hk'kory Tr»uo«0 Ikir nlih ro|>ns Theoiovetend ( *euu pteuller lor year--*; there artf Kuli.Mi St.. New York, l th«Oak Orovc House grounds Nov. auih. Tticre tbouiiHndii of them, ttud >'ol It Is almost Impossi­ A. J. Keaeh* t'o,, Swlimluic roues with slvtnoli Western " 'oelUbt entries. (May I'liteons were shot from ble to gut it fair shot, t'pou being scared up Iron rlntis.. Ut»t» twr pair Sporting, ilhlten yards rise. Mr. Kau t". Towers won Ihe their llrst rise U a very short one, and luiiuollalvly A, J. Keaoh \ Co., llorliontnl Itirs fl.nA to M.6ti «f»l t)« ra.'h Wilt! Fowl Shooting, 'J<1 t C. Uahoun second by olxhleou out of Nor do they wblstlo to call themselves logetber A. J. Uvaoli & Co., Mb Huwnivr and Hickory <»«oty. The (hootInn was Koed all round. afterward,us bus been a pruuilueul Uall lUilhtn. lUn.lU'. ti'JSi'iieh Falcon Dttckiii!;. iU'Urksvllle. N. Y., Nov. H>lh, a live pigeon nor do they huddle togcUior ulgutl alter being Also a full lino of Heiwlnir Iiunlemontii and iistoh beiwoon Mr. Win. Hunt, of New York, and O.vmnaslum Dultlts. Hnwlux Mncblnes, Kunnlmr irnml Minin:; Powder. ShiKv. Wl|cs, Wblskert, Moustac-hrs In every r (has. H. Klsher. of the t'nlon Oun Club, of Tarlotv. Sprlnn Valley, N. Y.: 'J* birds each, 'JSyds. rlj«. ' fulled as follows: Chas. II. Fisher, lll'moonm Mrs. M. Itlklngton, '.'IJ »tb St., Brooklyn, says: " 111111111. 'J3; Wm. Hunt, loilliuoiiooioilllllll "1 was a rkeunmtlc cripple two year*; helpless for A..I. Uonch & Co. AL POWDI ILLS, ;?'.'" Judges, J.J. Lvdecker and W. H. Jersey. months, when my doet.'r, after trying In Factory. 1219-21-23-25 Bcich St. Phllt. HUSTOy.. M«s». " !« evi-ry- 6TAH NOVELTY CO AnKNoim at prrnrlnal ««(«««, Col. W. N. Thompson. t III UK else told uie to fret Dr. Ktmore's R.-l). 71t<< I Auxin. Wnutril! can cities and towns In the riu-nl mtf" vet 8 fulled states. K. K. TUVON, Jr., k Co., AgeuK ,_*'»n answer to the recent utterances of \V. T. For lonlera^ally tho yoar round Philadelphia. itciMrtl, ih«> crack pigeon shol of Klcbmond, Va., Mr-.J. S. IJttell, Newark, N. J., was badly AN OPTICAL WONDER ,** i>r«Iil on oaoh order out- Smd for llhalnlttl fnmpHtt jrlrt"? tin <(f | «r. J. frank Klelni.of 1'hlladelidila. will In a few aflU-tcd with HrlRht's kidney disease. .Three doc­ . nt tree. Maud at onoo for olr- JH*Issue a challenge to tbe bold Southerner, tors uavo her up to die: then Dr. Kra«er, '-M New oular ami tertii.t. SJ"Jln>rto match . lo tin t.. Hrower of Hammonlon, street, jrar« her Dr. Kltiiore's K. O. It relieved Scftont Ailanm ft Co.. 48 Tloiul Strtiot N. Y " J.,iinalnsthlm or shoot bhnself, al 60 or 100 her In a day aud cured her In three weeki. Pifjoons. under Knglish rules, for from *'JiO to »400 DOW TO WIN AT CARDS. DICE, &c. . Dr. Stlti-s. Urooklyn, N. Y., was cured by Dr. ^ A SURE THING! 8*nt Klnioro's Kheumatlne-Ooutallno of very severe ^^^- Anyone.-! Fr«eto^ "M A N'KW,, orltttnal,, (»r projecting mid r«- mmuiv-iuc^ .uj l,»i^^M AlStonoham, Mtiss., Nov. 34th, the flrst of a Rheumatism and kidney disease of several yours' lanrmg . «vnsluiijr on hin.1 e.orj «rtlci« ,«! S^^^ J.,'"* of matches between the Woburn an d tho etundlng, after trying everything else without pliotuirniphs, rhronmniril*. Jthot|K>rtiiig rr.nruni to WIN with IL ?""ii«tiam companies obj»-tiL Vtnrko like mairlD. and dcUzhtii ami W (*m»otcli>iiri' SinOfornijm.mmolh Irt PHOTON l'r Weautlful Ai-trt-ssei IQ of tho mllltla, resulted In a iH-nctlt. ELMOHK, ADiM8 4,Co.,lOtWllllaiu«treet, overrboitjr. Send for our full und fnv.Ti-Kwiillvrrf r*elreul«r. *ddr«.«. w^tl.'SI'YDAM I U> f fl\f I *'C> TltlHTS" imiH' r the vlBitors by a score of!S2 to 174. Tlis New York City. w. il. Ifiu. IX-U, CO., 13» Hy Bast *tli St., XO\Y i' N tail«ti-MU svw,%,, ii» W,",'(.T-' IllkU for 2M. AUOicM bvi 1M, Brvvklyj), i'.U., K.X t THE SPORTING JLIFE. 5. BILUARDS. THE CLUB THEATRE. ARTHUR CHAMBERS' "Champion's Rest" 92Z RIDGE AVENUE, 917 and 919 WOOD STREET. VINE STREET, BELOW EIGHTH. The Facts and Fancies Concerning the "Gentle­ MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3, 1883. Acknowledged Sporting Resort of America. MATINEES TUESDAY, SPARKING EXHIBITIONS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT by the very best talent THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. The finest SPORTING PICTURE man's Game." THE GREATEST, U-ALLERY in existence. The BAR Is stocked withlMPORTEn THE BESI VARIETY AND NOVELTY ENTERTAINMENT EVER GIVEN and DOMESTIC LIQUORS, SEGARS, &c. The LIGHT- WEIG-HT CHAMPION CUPS and IN PHILADELPHIA. BELTS.of England and America, won by ARTHUR CHAMBERS, always on exhibition SCHAEFER-VIGNACX. READ AND BE CONVINCED FOR YOURSELVES. A handsomely furnished, well ventilated and well lighted POOL ROOM is attached to the "REST " The Name of each and every Specialty Star is a guarantee that it is The American Defeated In Paris by the PROPRIETOR. Frenchman. Jacob Schaefer and Maurice Vignaux be­ THE FINEST, gan their great balk-line game of 3,000 AND CANNOT BE EQUALLED. THE A OILOGKR^PH. points, divided into nightly sections of GOO LE CLAIR AND RUSSELL, LEONZO BROS. AND ACTING DOGS, DICK HUME $4 SAMPLE FREE. Agents wanted to collect small Pictures to be copied and enlarged AND JEN- Send for circular and terms. Address UNION PHOTO points each, at the Grand Hotel, Paris, on NIE&NDSEY WALTER MACK AND GRACE MAHSTON THE LEON COMIQUE, COPYING HOUSE, 4 Mulberry St FRED ROBERTS, MISS MARBLE MYRTLE, DILKS AND GRAY. FLOR­ New York. ______' the evening of Nov. 26th. The match was ENCE FRENCH,MISSLIDAGARDNER,HARHY WOOD.HARRY for the alleged sum of $2,000 and the ad­ BUDWORTH, MINNIE WOOD AND A ROARING COMEDY Peoples' Prices; 16, 25, 60 and 76 cents. __ We are anxious to obtain tbe uaroes aod addressee of a jomber o mission receipts. On the opening night s, >eople In every town in (he U. S. »nd Canada to whom we Intend to mat U large and distinguished audience was [oar price H»t of Novelties, Tricks, Games, et«. ID order to do tbll wef /CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE. AVERLY'S THEATRE. *~o you the following offer t On receipt of 36 cts. P. O* Stamp*, tod tl»4 present, including many ladies. The contest­ \J ZIMMERMAN& _ea and addresses of 5 young ladles or gentlenit-n 1 D yonr vicinity we will! ants NIXON..Prop's, and Man's H BROADstreel (Opposite Academy of Music). _all you either of the above beiuttftU ROLLED GILD SOLID RINU. w b -L| strung for the lead and Schaefer won LAST SIX NIGHTS. LAST SIX NIGHTS. J. H. HAVEK^Y...... Proprietor and Manager for b6 cts. This offer 1« good nntUJnoe 1. 1884. If yon do aot cat* to toting and opened play, M. Piot acting as referee. Engagement of C. M. SOUTHWELL...... Business Manager at the adr. ont and gave it. MCBEAY MFG. Qo. 9 Mnrrsy St. N.Y.j Schaefer soon scored 10 points, and missed MR. HENRY 1RVING, the next stroke in consequence of the rolling MISS ELLEN TERRY, 2U AND LAST WEEK off of the cue ball. 2D AND LAST WEEK Vignaux followed for AND THE LYCEUM COMPANY, 2D AND LAST WEEK PASTIME PARK. three innings. Only small scores were made Under the direction of MR. HENRY E. ABBEY. OF THE SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. by either player until Vignaux got NOTICE. On TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY and a run of THURSDAY EVENINGS,H OF THE SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. S3, to which he quickly added another 49, AMLET. The PER­ OF THE SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. HOYLE& ACTON, FORMANCES WILL COMMENCE AT 7.46. HOUSES CROWDED which sent him to the front with the first MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3. AT KACH PERFORMANCE THE FIJfEST GROUNDS IN AMERICA hundred. At the fifth inning Schaefer HOUSES CROWDED AT KACH PKRFORMAKCE Will be presented W. G. Wills' Play, HOUBJiS CROWDED AT KACH PERFORMANCE FOR ALL KINDS OF SPORTS. In effect Oct. 29th, 1883. picked up U on pool leave and missed the CHARLES I. CHARLES TO WITNESS THE Foot Racing, Dog fifteenth by somewhat careless play. Vig­ I...... MR. HENRY IRVING McCAULL OPERA COMIQ.UE COMPANY, Racing, MAIN LINE. naux, with great Queen Henrietta Maria. ..MISS ELLEN TERRY McCAULL OPERA COMIl*UE COMPANY, Trotting, Shooting, deliberation, ran 49, failed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, on a masse, and then Schaefer drove the McCAULL OPERA COMIQUE COMPANY, and Base Ball. Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill stg. HAMLET. McCAULL OPERA COMIQ.UE COMPANY, Trains leave white ball down by the corner, where it HAMLET...... MR. HENRY IHVING Ninth and Green Streets every hour. 4:30 a. m. Mall and Accommodation, Phoenix. OPHELIA--""...... MISS McCAULL, OPERA COMIfclUE COMPANY, ville, Reading, turned, came back and nestled lovingly KLLKN TERRY ITf THE Pottsviile. Allentown (via Head, against the red, which the cue ball had FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7, PRINCESS OF TREBIZONDE. STRANGERS VISITING THE CITY ing), Columbia. Laucaster, Slatington, Lebanon, CHARLES I. PRINCESS OF TREBIZONDE, SHOULD REMEMBER Harrisburg, Tamaqua. already touched. There was every prospect CHARLESI...... MR. HENRY IRVING 7:40 a. m. Way, Phoenixville, Reading, Potti. of a big run, but after he had made PRINCESS OF TRKBIZONDE, 29 his Queen Henrietta Maria. ..MISS ELLEN TERRY PRINCESS OF TREBIZONDE, ville, Allentown, and Branch Roads. opponent claimed a foul, which the referee Matinee SATURDAY at 2 and SATURDAY PRINCESS OF TREBIZONDE, ASHBY'S SALOON, 8:50 a. m. Express, Phcenixville, Reading. An. at once allowed, and the run was ended. EVENING. Last Performances, WITH THE FOLLOWING STRONG CAST, NO. 253 NORTH EIGHTH ST., denreid. Willlamsport. Harrisburg. Sunburr "Now he's got 'em," said the Prince THE BELLS. INCLUDING Hae the FINEST MUSICAL CONCERTS In the city. Lewisburg, Pottsville, Tamaqua. Mahanoy City MATHIAS...... MR.HENRY IRVING MISS CATHARINE LEWIS. Ashland. Shenandoah, Shamokin, and Lancaster de Ligne, referring to the good posi­ To be followed by Mr. Cowley's Comedy, in 2 acts, Choicest WINES, WHISKIES, LIQUORS and Jersey Shore. Waterville ami Weilsboro. tion of the MISS JENNIE WINSTON. SEGARS furnished to guests. ivories. He had them, THE BELLE'S STRATAGEM. MISS EMMA CARSON. 1:00 p. m. Way, Phomixville, Heading, Pott*, however, for no more than 48, failing in DORICOURT...... MR. HEN Y IRVING MME. DE. RUYTHER. The Most Enjoyable Resort in the City. ville, and Branch Roads. LETIT1A HARDY...... MISS ELLEN TERRY 4:00p.m. Express, Phoenixville,Reading,HarrU. his forty-ninth stroke in a draw. Schae­ MR. FRANCIS WILSON, DEWITT O. ASHBY. Proprietor. fer then scored a blank; Vignaux made WEEK OF DECEMBER 10 MR. A. H. BELL, burg. Pottsville, Tamaqua, Mahanoy City, Ash. Grand production of Spectacular Melodrama, MR. Jay TAYLOR. land. Shenandoah, Shamokin. and Lancaster. 1, Schaefer following with 28, and then, now playing with great success at the Park Thea­ 6:16 p. m. Way. Phoenixville, Reading, Pot* slipping between MR. A. W. MAFFLIN the red ball and the cushion, tre, New York. AND A CHORUS OF FIFTY VOICES. TOM EAVES' ville, and Allentown. it was such a tight squeeze that an ex­ THE STHANGLEKS OF PARIS. 5:50 p. m. Express. Phoenixville. Reading, Leba. The Sportino- Life Hotel, perienced looker-on said it could not possibly cast will Include, by special engagement, REGULAR MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2. non, Harrisburg Williamsport. Sunbury. Lewis- , happen AGNES BOOTH and MR. HARRY LEE. General Admission...50c. | Second No. 823 Callowhill St. burg. Pottsville, Tamaqua, Mahanoy City, Sben. again once in a hundred times. Balcony....25c Books open on all popular events in this country andoah, Ashland,and Shamokin. Thereupon the Frenchman sent his ball /CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE Carriages may be ordered at 4:45 and 10:45. and England, Commissions executed on all local 7:45 p. m. Way, Phoenixville, Reading and Har- through the very same place, to the great VyNlxon & Zimmerman.Sole Props, and Mangrs. sports. Printed articles of agreements always on risburg. merriment of all present. Twenty-nine points S. M. Hellburn...... Business Manager MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, hand for match-making. Parlor cars to Pottsville on 9:50 a. m., 4:00 anij then fell to the American, and Vignaux did Week Commencing Monday, Dec. 3. Opening of the regular season by the McCaull Cribbage and 5.50 p. m. trains. the same, with one better, Every Evening Wednesday and Saturday Matinees Opera Comlque Company in Phi ladelphia. Wnist Parties Nightly, SUNDAYS. failing on a short Wednesday Matinee,Reserved 8:00 a. m., 3:30 p. m., Phoenixville, Pottsvillt, force shot. The leave was a splendid one for Seats.only 50 cts. Grand Production of the THE RAGE OF LONDON BEGGAR STUDENT. Allentown, and Branch Roads. Schaefer, and as he played the balls clicked AND THE LATEST SUCCESS IN AMERICA! With a Powerful Cast. JAMES H. ROBINSON'S 7:45 p. m. Fhoealxrille, Reading, and Harr& monotonously and kept clicking until a masse AN IMMENSE HUN! Seats now on Sale for the BEGGAR STUDENT, burg. __ stroke failed, after the player had made 98. CONSECUTIVE 700 "SAMPLE ROOM," It was in this, the fourteenth inning, that 700 TIMES, TITALNUT STREET THEATRE. 529 NORTH NINTH STREET. DEPOT, NINTH&GREEN STS, Schaefer made the following shot that brought The Finest Assortment of WINES. EnlUORS down the house. It was evident that Vig­ A HOOP OF FLEISHMAN & HALL.... Managers and Props. CIGARS AND IMPORTED GOOBS In the City. FOR NEW YORK. naux, although nervous, was not going to GOLD, Commencing, Monday. December 3. give up yet, and he slowly and laboriously BY MORTIMER MURDOCH, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. Eyery_ Sporting Paper Kept on File. New York, Trenton, and the East, 7:30 (Tw». piled up 79 points, which placed him at 321 PltESENTISft The Distinguished English Artist, Mr. hour train), 8:3O, 9:30, 11:OO (Fast Express)*. m., 1:15, 3:45, 6:40,6:45 p. m., and fl2:OO mid­ against 241 for his opponent. Two short MAUBURY & OVERTON'S CO, night. innings followed, CHAS. H. HIC'KS, Manager. JOE JOHNSON'S HOTEL, and then Schaefer COR. CRESSON & ADAMS STB., WISSAHICKON. Direct connection by "Annex" boat at Jersey City rolled up 125 without a single break. "With a Great Cast! The Best of ALES, WINES, LIQUORS & SEGARS. with Erie Railway and Brooklyn. There were a great many bravos when the Novel Stage Effects, &c.! CHARLES 49-Runnlng Shoes Elizabeth and Newark 8:3O, 9:3O, and 11:00 », made to order for Sprinters marker, an extraordinary Special arrangements have been made to pro­ and Long Distance Runners. m.. 1:15,3:45, 5:4O, 6:45 p. m.: for Elizabeth fellow, with an AND HIS only. argot pronunciation, which excited the spec­ duce this play with the same Scenery and Effects 18:00 midnight. used at its original production In New York. CELEBRATED Long Branch, Ocean Grove, and Spring Lake, tators to frequent laughter, called out the ARCHIE MACKENX1E...... Business Manager LONDON COMPANY. SPORTSMAN'S RETREAT. 11:00 a. m., 1:15, 3:45 p. in., 13:OO midnight. run. This gave the American a lead of 389 Next Week Special engagement of the original Will appear in ArthurMatthison's comedy, in 3 acts AND SUNDAY New York and Trenton, 8:3O a. m_ to 347, with the Frenchman still to play. RICE'S SURPRISE PARTY. THE 5:3O p. m., tl«:OO midnight. For Newark, 8:30 a. To complete the inning he scored 49, and FOP* POP* G Y M N ASIU M, 913 CAHPENTEB st. m., 5:3Op. m. For Long Branch 8:3O a. m. during this G'EO. W. LUTTON, Prop'r. Leave New York, Foot of Liberty St. (New York run made a difficult shot. Vig­ time), 7:45, 9:30,11:15 a. m . 1:30, 4:OO, 4:30, naux's run ended with a miss, which was XfEW ARCH ST. OPKRA HOUSE. Great Divorce Case. 5:30, 7:OO p. m., fl!S:OO midnight. pronounced by M. Rudolphe to be a "duffer J\ TENIH AND ARCH STREETS. SODAY 8:45 a. m., 5:3O p. m., f 12:00 mid­ MONDAY EVENING. DEC. 3d, 1883 As acted over 600 times in the Criterion Theatre, BELT OF LIFE. night. of a shot.'' Schaefer thereupon got the balls London. together and manipulated them to such good SECOND AND LAST WEEK OF Leave Newark, 8:55 a. m.. 5:3O p. m. The Performance will commence with the Come­ All trains stop ai Columbia Avenue and Wayne purpose that he had made 103 points before dietta. in One Act, Junction. the end came in the shape of a kiss. Vig­ H.M.S. PINAFORE, Parlors Cars are run on all day trains to and naux followed, but failed to count. Schaefer BY RICE'S STANDARD COMIC OPERA CO. from New York. scored a single point. Vignaux MATINEES Ruth's Romance. tSleeping Car open 10:30 p. m. to 7 a. m. then rattled WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. ByF. W. Brighton. Kt.MlftA, off 40 very cleverly. In the next inning Monday, December 10th, J.C. DUFF'S OPERi. BUFFALO AXD THJS WEST COMPANY in 9:00 a. m.. 4:15 and 8:OO* p. m. Principal points itt Schaefer made a shot which called forth a the Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys, via Bethle­ hearty round of applause. The inning netted CENTRAL THEATRE. hem, 8:00. 9:00 a. m., 4:lb. 5:25 and 8* p. m. him 27. Then Vignaux scored Daily.Parlor Car on 9:00a. in..and SleeplngCar 24, and then SUCCESSFUL Shaefer, with a run of 35, ended the first HEART AS A FAMILY RESORT. on 4:15 and 8:00 p. m. trains through to Buffalo. AND HAM Week Commencing Dec. 3, Nightly, and three EiiRton 8:00. 9:00 a. m., 4:15, 5:25 and 8:00 p. m. evening's play, the score at this time stand­ Bath. Wind Gap, and POPULAR PRICES, Matinees, Tuesday, Friday Bangor. 8:00 a. m.. 4:15p. m, ing 600 to 488 in his favor. Admission...... 25, 60 and 75 cents. and Saturday. Abington and Way Points 6:15,8:35, 9:10a.m., fcM, The game was resumed on Tuesday night. MATINEE PRICES, HARRY WILLIAMS. 4:15. 6:16 9:00 and 10:00p. m. Sunday.—1:00, 2:«, 6:» Schaefer finished with a score of 600, and Admissslon...... 25 and 50cents. p. m. Vignaux with 642. Schaefer's principal runs were Ft. Washington 7:00 p. m. 84 and 133, and Vignaux's were 83 and 91. Schaefer MANCHESTER & JENNINGS' Doylestown 8:00, 9:00,11:05 a. m., 1:16, 4:16, J:00. was much applauded. The total scores for the two GREAT STAR PLAY. 5:25, 6:16 and 11:46 p. m. Sunday—8:30 a. m., 3:» nights were: Schaefer, 1,200; Vignaux, 1,030. GREAT SPECIALTY COMPANY, and 10:00 p. m. On Wednesday night Vignaux made up for lost GERMANTOWN and CHESTUFT HILL. ground by a series of brilliant runs, the best being Read the List of Artists. §12:45. 6:OO*. G:3O», 7:00. 8:00. 9:10, 9:55, 11:10 a. m. 153,119 and 115. At the close of the night's play Sanford and Wilson, Miss Nellie Richards, The 12:05.1:15,2:30. S: 50,3:15,3:40,4:00.4:46.5:15.5:50,6:2«», Vignaux's score was 770 and Schaefer's 543. Each Drams in Five Acts. Great Harry Kennedy, Herbert Bros., Miss 7:00, 7:45, 8:50, 9:45.10:30, 11:15.11:50 p. m. Addi­ played fifteen Innings. Bv MRS. ANNIE LEWIS JOHNSON. Nellie Parker, Magee and Alien, Sweeney tional for Germantown, 6:45, 7:15, 7:30. 7:45 a. m,* On Thursday night Vignaux still further in­ and Ryland, Carl Hertz, Mason and 2:05,4:05 4:50. 5:30, *6:OO,*O3O,p.m. SUNDAYS. creased his lead. He completed the night's score Ott, Manchester and Jennings. 7:30, 9:10, 9:45 a. m., 12:50, 2:15. 3:10, 4:00, 5:15, 8:10- of 600 points, while Shaefer made only 163. Vig­ STORY TAKEN From REAL LIFE Each Performance Concluding with 7:00. 8:45, 9:45:10:45 p. m. naux made runs of 165,106, 77 and 69. Schaefer s MAN ACER WITH CAPITAL WANTED. Leave GERMANTOWN 6*, 6:19*. 6:54. 7:24.7:40, best scores were 75, 38 and 26. The total now stood; 7:59. 8:08. 8:10, 8:20. 8:30. 8:40. 8:54. 9:14,10:14,10:» Vignaux 2,400 and Schaefer 1,906. Address, Mrs. Lewis Johnson, SPORTING Lira. CROWLEY'S RECEPTION, a. m., 12:19,1:14, 2:34. 3:00, 3:29. 3:46. 4:39, 4:59, 5:20,. On Friday night, Nov. 30th, tbe great game Characters by the Entire Company. 5:33*, 5:55* 6:15, 6:39*. 7:05. 7:18. 7:30,7:58,8:88. MAGNETIC VEST. 9:53.10:53p. m., 12:07midnight. SUNDAYS.-«:14, 8:24, 9:34, 10:44 a. m., 12:44, 2:24, 4:la, 5:14, 6:14, 7:1*T ROLAND REED IJOU THEATRE, Eighth above Race. 8:04,9:44,10:53 IN A Fact For Sporting Men. p. m. ever the issue, he challenged Vignaux to play a B Monday, and Tuesday Evenings and Leave CHESTNUT HILL 6:05*. 6:40 7:10,7:tt new game, with cushions only, the points and II BIJOU Monday Matinee, The Belt of Life as manufactured by the Anglo- 8:00, 8:10, 8:40, 9:00,10:00.10:45 a. m.. 12:U5,1:00, 2.-»» stake to be the same as in the present match. Pro­ BIJOU The Great Historical Plav, American Electric Association will maintainevery 3:15. 3:30,4:26,4:45 5:2O*. 6:85*, 6:50, 7:05, 7:45, 8:4* fessor Kudolphe challenged the winner of the CHEEK," BIJOU CATHERINE HOWARD: person who wears it in perfect vigor down to old 9:40.10:40, 11:55 p. m. SUNDAYS. 6:00, 8:10, 9:20, present game to clay a similar game with BIJOU Or, TheThrOne.thelTomband the Scaffold! aire. Nervous prostration from any cause positively 10:36 a. m., 12:30, 2:10, 4:05. 5:00. 6:00. 7:00, 7:50, 9:30, him. Vignaux acceepted Schaefer's challenge. Under the Sole Management of BIJOU LillleHlnton, Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Herman, cured if you continue. To serve you right, send 10:40 p.m. Schaefer did not answer Rudolphe's challenge. BIJOU Mr. Nevins, Mrs. Kneass and Jay Hunt. us particulars of your case and we will advise as M AN A YUM K, CONSHOHOCKEN AND Vignaux began the play with a run of 62. Schae­ GUSTAVE A. MORTIMER. BIJOU Wednesday Afternoon and Evening to what you should wear. Note our address. NOKKISTOWN. fer then began to make up for the ground lost. BIJOU and Thursdav Night. The Anglo-American Electric Association. 6:O5», 7:15, 8:15,10,11:05 a. m., 12 noon, 1:38, 2:25. making runs of 164 and 156, and reaching a total of BIJOU NEVER TOO LA?E TO MEND. 2SG Fulton street, Brooklyn. N. Y 3:00 4:00 4:30 4:46, 5:10, 5:35 6:O5* 6:35*. 615. Vignaux having made 237. At this PROFi GEOi FREE| J BIJOU 7:35. 8:30, 9:40, 10:36, 11:20, 11:55 p. m. SUN­ point BIJOU Friday there was an intermission. When the game was Can be engaged for PARTIES, also CHURCH Evening, Dec. 7,1883. Benefit of DAYS. 7:30, 9, 8:46, 11:25 a. m., 1:30, 3. 4:20,6:16, resumed Schaefer made runs of 69, 47, 72 and BIJOU MISS LILLIE HINTON, 8:05, 9:40,10:40 p. m. , 81.. and LODGE ENTERTAINMENTS, with his BIJOU and Vignaux made runs of 110 and 78.. Vignaux MAGIC and VENTRILOQUIST figures. LOVE CHASE. Leave NORRISTOWN 5:30*, 6:40, 7:06, 7:30, 7:M finally won, leavlngSchaeferl24behlnd. Vignaux 1602 Chancellor St., below Walnut, Phila. 8:16, 8:45, 10. 11:25 a. m., 12:30. 2, 3:45, 4:34, played twenty-eight times and Schaefer twenty- 6:05. 5:a5*\ 6:20, 6:50, 7:35, 8:15, 9:10,10:06, 11:20 p. m. seven times. The total scores for the five nights SUNDAYS. 7:00, 7:50, and 9:00 a. m., 1:00,2:30. are: Vignaux, 3,000; Schaefer, 2,876. 'ATT. ENGLISH'S SUMMER GARDEN ARRIVAL OF JACK DICKENSON. 4:30, 6, 7:40.9:30,10:55 p. m. The above trains,exeept M;.and Gymnasium,, 2660 Callowhill street, Is al SON OF THE NOTED ENGLISH the 5:05. 6:20 and 7:35 p. m. week-day, and the 7:M a. m. Sunday trains, leave Main Street Depot fiyt Caroms. TIPSTER. minutes earlier. J. D.. being connected with one of the most pow­ Workmen's New York has the pool tournament fever very Board and Tenpmx. Sparring erful English stables possesses information re­ tickets taken. ^Except Mondays. bad. specting the DERBY OF PLYMOUTH BRANCH. 1884. Present price of 7:15 a. m., 12 noon and 5:36 p. m. &unaay.—9 a. H. W. Collender, who has been quite 111, is i m- A "niTITR TWFT contesttobeheldattre horse. 100-1. Information from England by mail m., and 4:20 p. m. proving in health. A 1IU JOLD-DXA LlLls F O H T 8 M E N' 8 and cable. J. D., Sr., through numerous successes Is now an owner POINTS BEYOND NORRISTOWN. There is to be a tournament among the members K E T K E A T , 913 Carpenter street for of horses. Refer to American Phoenixville, Pottstown and Way Points 1:35, and f the New York new turf club. sportsmen who have visited England. Address, 4:30 p. m.. connects ., enclosing $1,469 STATE Street, New Haven.Conn. with Chester Valley, Picker- A cushion-carom tournament in the spring in all who wish to enter the contest will please enter ing Valley. Colebrookdale Branches, and Perkio- Boston Is among the probabilities. their names as soon as possible. Call or addiess men Railroad. Sunday 4:30 p. m.. and additional for Colebrookdale Branch Thomas H. Green, of the Quaker City, has been GEORGE W. LUTTON. U WflUT nnirnflU PRACTICAL at 11:25 a. m. on the sick list, but is again about. Proprietor SPOKTSMEN'S KETHEAT, fli ffUflLujDIuUlfl FURBIER. UNFAILING ° FORAL ._... 913 Carpenter No. 305 N. SEVENTEENTH St., Philadelphia. Eugene Day hae been appointed superintendent Street. All kinds of furs cleaned, re-lined and altered. REMEDY suouft DISEASES Depot, Third and of Mussey's new room in Chicago. Seal skin sacques TETTER.ITCH.SORES. Berks Streets, CELECTFREE CONCERTS, at 127 GOTHIC re-dved and lengthened a PIMPLES. New York. Newark. Elizabeth, and Trenton, The National Hotel. Washington, D. C., specialty. Circulars ana dolmans repaired and PElAS->4 WRING WORM is fit­ O STRKBT, DAY AND EVENING. altered. 6:10. R:20. 9:OO a. m., §1:00. $3:30. 5:20, and 6:30 p. DU ting up with fifteen Collender tables. ______S. A. McKAY. Proprietor. I.C. ^Connect Jor Long Branch and Ocean Grove. The meeting of the N. B. A. takes place at SUNDAY New York, Newark, and Trenton, Estephe's room, Philadelphia, Sunday, Dec. 2. T71URNUTJRE REPAIRED, VARNISH- 8:15 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. , DOYEY'S INFALLIBLE. JTJ ed, Stained and Reupholstered. Chairs BETHLEHEM BRANCH. ' In a recent balk-line game in New Orleans. 160 He- 4:16 a. m. Mail points up, Louis Abrams beat John Oberlander, MANGE CURE & FLEA EXTERMINATOR caned or Perforated Seats put on. Furniture and Accom. for Bethlehem, Ea­ the winner making a run of 60. FOR HORSES, CATTLE, DOGS. &c. Bought and Sold. Orders called for and delivered ton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. Wllkesbam, A sure Antidote for all diseases of the Skin. free of charge. M. L. C. RHOADS, Hazleton, and points onLehigh Valley Railroad, Heiser Is busy practicing for the match with Mc­ Also, for Wounds and Venomous Bites; it immedi­ 460 North Tenth Street. 6:10 a. m. Express for Doylestown, Bethlehem, Laughlin. Last week he made an average of 38 Easton, Allentown and Coplay. at the ately destroys Fleas and all kinds of Vermin, thor­ regular three-ballgame. oughly eradicating Mange, at the same time 2:60 p. m. for Bethlehem. Easton. AllentowH, The Bingliampton, N. Y.. pool tournament has producing a rapid growth of the hair, healing all Mauch Chunk, Wilkesbarre and Scranton had its date changed from Dec. loth to Dee. 7th kinds of wounds, sores, &c., adding lustre and Unpture Cured. 1:30 p. m, Way for Bethlehem. Frey, King, Knight, Smith, Lambert, Van Bug- beauty to the 'coat. This is also a great preventive New appliance BEST IN THE WORLD Per USE FOR 7:10, 9:00, and 10:30 a. m.. 3:45,6:00 p. m. for Hart* kirk and Kuntzsch will be the contestants. against disease. Price, feet ease and comfort. Also varicocele; city refer­ ville and points on North-east Pennsylvania Rail­ $1 per bottle: small bottles road. Wallace has offered to give McLaugblln of 50 cents. ences of cures; book lOcts.. pay when cured. Or&n Philadelphia, the odds of twenty per cent.' at N. B. All kinds of fancy dogs for sale and for dally and evenings. WRIGHT, 44 W. llth St., 6:10. 7:10. 10:30 a. m., 2:00, 4:00, 4:50, 6:20, fcW cushion-caroms, or to play even at straight-rail if stock. Medicines for all Canine Diseases, &c. near Broadway, N. Y. IJCHINC p. m. for Doylestown. Symptom PILES 7:40 p. m. for Fort Washington. the Philadelphlan will lay $400 to $300. Just at Prepared food for mocking birds. are mobtnre, itinging, itching, worn at present McLaughlin has his hands full. B. G. DOVEY, Doctor and Surgeon, Bight; wemi u if pio-worma were crawling about 4:50 and 10:45 p. m. for Abington. 26 WEST FOURTH ST., near Broadway, N. Y. tile rectum; tbe private parts are often affected. Asa SUNDAYS. 9:10 a. in. and 6:48 p. m. for Hat- The heavy tax imposed upon pool and billiard pltuant, tconomical and positive cure, SWATKI'S boro and Hartsville. tables has had a degree of good effect In reducing CALL FOR Oimu'NTii superior to any article in the market , 11:00 a. m. for Abington. the temptations to gambling presented to young Sold by druggists, or *caIlr«-lli.ii».W nently cures all NKWTOWN RAILROAD. He is playing an excellent V\l- Kmmy8ftii««encllle.l Ciuirtoliilt r.H tlieRt.ol; 1 tM,-k-)U cases of Epilepsy. In the game and feels confident of defeating Heiser. The Druggists. Also have Jjffe C.'inlc C.iril* J 1 llliutr«M Cumli' lli«ik ; 1 PM-knee7 chronic or more trying cases will be found 8:40. 9:40 a. m., 1:25, 4:05, 6:K «35 P.«- first match will be played at the Assembly Room?, Ml»-;,iililiil Fl.ral Vlniine C.,nl<; 1 Iniiuiii.n J»|,.,.^., ») astonishingly^ M A| A A I I W efficacious. for Newtown. Tenth and Chestnut ASHLEY'S LIQUID PLASTER >!-|U HANOKEHCHttf i'i i'..-k Tr.,,.,.»r t AMM 8:16 a. m. and 2:36, 9:00 p. m.. and 12:00 streets, Philadelphia, Dec. ll'1 "'1 "" u"r''Ki l "AIITIfUl Quick "lief IfHIIII Ml I Vandspeedy midnigtt 12th. handy, best for Cuts, Hums, &c. No cloth CHROMO «ti»M.- M for Fox Chase only. I KI,-B,,[..; JOTn,kf lii Pur ..r M.i,-ii- '" cure guaran ItnirlVnbh m teed. Sam­ SUNDAYS 9:00 a. m.. 1:30 and 6:26 p. m., S* In the handicap tournament of the Aquarium, necessary. 25 cents. 4:1 !'liot<.K Ulh*,KlK will W- li-r ict' t-. I'. O.'A Ticket Offices: Nos. 434, 624, 836, 1361 Chestnut .'V-|:|1 1>8. We in ike thltifder to lntr..du«-e our Cau-JU BSKSS7 CO* 17 Veisy St, H. 7. street, and at the Depots. Baggage received 60 in 5,000 from , iMfnie* of collected ana W. Mitchell. beat him by (, Trick*, Novelties, etc. Ail'r'-ns '", CURED checked to destination by Philadelphia S71, when at the same odda Peall beat Mitchell by The match game of billiards between Daly and MURRAY MFG. CO. i HlltKAY ST., N. fc Heading 171, and when, even up, Peall beat Taylor by 410. Gamier ended Nov. 25th at Brussells in a victory Railroad Express. for the latter. The scores for the five nights stood: ERRORS of YOUTH Detailed time-tables at ticket offices and depot!. The amateur pool tournament, at Foley's Chi­ > A gjentleman, who suffered for years from Ner­ J. E. WOOTTEN, C. G. HANCOCK, cago, resulted in Gamier, 3000: Daly. 2839. Daly offered to play ties for first, second, third and again, and Gamier accepted the challenge. The vous Debilltj', Premature Decay, and all the effects Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agent- fourth prizes. The ties were played on the 19th game will take place at Lyons, Dec. 15th. The J f\ ! Checks in6 Hourt. of youthful indiscretion and excesses, will send free when Eckert beat Partridge 6 to 2, and Arlington game will be played to all who need it, the receipe and directions for beat White 0 to 2. Eckert therefore won first under new rules, by which the table Is to be divided into eight squares, in 4XFOR making the simple remedy, by which he was cured. I TOO rllMMV For Anything. 1* Spirited prize. $40: Partridge, second, $30; Arlington, third, each MEN Cures in 3 Days, SuHerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex­ $20; White, fcurih, $10. of which the player may carom only once ^»\J DRUG STORE, lUUrUININY Pictures shewing a Young without driving one of the balls outside tfce square. perience can do do so by addressing, in perfect con­ Married Couple in all sorts of Antics. By mail, 2t fidence, W. W. Jordan & Co., 42Cedar St., N. Y. J cent*. Addtese WABEBH & Co., Brooklyn, H. *