Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1959-03-03
,......, .. Report On SUI Presiclent VI,.II M. H~ rejlOrts on the pad y .... at SUI in a ..... rt Mriu .... Inni ... hi- 01 owon day on pa.. t. Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Five Cents a CIIPY Iowa city, towa. TUeSiGy. March 3. 1959 I Pro es aste oonwar ,• • • ata I'te Igna S n oar it Play Written Just To Provide Successful Belly Laughs: Author Sederholm Cape Firing By KAY KRESS associate prof sor or dramatic art. Staff Wrlt.r who is directing "Beyond Our Con· trol," ha added physical move· At Midnight " 'Beyond Our Control,' said its TINV TUBES WITH BIG RESPONSIBILITIES-Sil. or .pecl.lly sm.ller count,,. is enc.sed in le.d. to hllp scl.ntlsts to det.rmlne m nt lind slaging which add to how much shieldin, will be needed to pr.vl... .ar. P.... II. fer ~uthor, Fred Sederholm, "was writ the com dy effect. constructed lI.illlt' counters .board Pion", IV Is dr.matically ten simply to provide an audience All Four Stages Indinled by pencil .Iong side. Within the moon,sun probe th. the first m.n in sp.ce.-Ooily lowon Pheto, with several hours of belly Sed rholm aid he con Iders a Ignite Okay laughter." farce the mo t diCCicult to act be· cau e an actor can never "feel" II By JIM DAVIS "The play," he continued, "mere· comedy part. He must depend up· St.ff Write,. * * * ly presents a series oC, (! hope), on technique and concentrate on humorous incidents involving a 1300-Pound delivering lin .
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