\ This comnilation of Looker farrily data is the result of bringing together infor~ation and research from a nuu.ber of different people. knowing that each ~erson would wan~ to knew abou.t the findings of all the others. I am sending co~iea of thie material to each person who contributed material if the address •a obtainable. After receiving corrections and additions, hopefully within a month. from those .,..-. ;ontributors, my goal is to make a final revised compilation. Then I ~lan to place copies '-1.n the libraries of the Fairfield County Genealogical Society, housed in the Historical Room of the Fairfield County District Library, 219 North Broad St., Lancaster, Ohio 4JlJO; and of the Licking County Genealogical Society, P.O.Box 40)?, Newark, Ohio 4J055-80J?. library in Room 107 S.E. corner lower level at 743 East Ma.in St., Newark, phone 614-345-3571, o~en Tues-Wed-Thurs­ Sat 1-4 nm; 1,he Pataskala and Pickerington town libraries; and, of course, to members of our family. If the contributors do not object, I would like to also ~rovide co~ies to the GenealogJ Room of the Ohio State Library, 65 South Front St. (downtown) Columbus, Ohio, and to the Mormon Family History collection. I have a~preciated so much material ~laced in libraries and otherwi~ made available tha.t I have used, and would like in turn to trake my contribution. Contributors of infor111B.tion to this compilation can be found on the following J)8.ges by findix the following identifying numbers: JDljJ6,e,5a.Robert Moore, JDli4b2b •. Ha.zel Morey and her daughtE 3Dli4b2bl. Joanne Mustoe, JDli4b?.Nellie ~urns. 3Dld.2ela.Vera Ross Boyant, JDlJSbJa.Lois Ad.ams, 2Alalc4cJ. and 2CJc5a2c.David Bowers, 2C8a4fl.Cleo Richter, 2C8clal.Ruth Blis~inghoff, wife of 2B7b2cJb.Lucretia Arthur, 2B2olalal.Leallah Cban~erlain Franklin, 2Clb2b2d.Virginia Pickering, 2Clc2dJc.Betty Cook. 2Clelbla.Hazel Cook, 2Cle?bl.Ernestine Lemon and 2Cle?b4.Betty Armentrout, 2C9f___ .Helen Stone Wood.ruff, wife of 2C9glal.a.Joan Harrison Cul~, and this compiler whose hus- band is )Dljl2clb.~strid Pickering. While tY"Pill8 these -pages I was fortunate to receive more inforrration. This will be incorporate into u.y next revision along with corrections and additions from the above contributors1 1. Hazel Morey's daughter Joanne Mustoe, )101 26th Ave.N.E., Norman, Oklahoma 73071, accom­ ~anied and assisted Hazel in her genealogical research and has the information found. Hazel had shared all her data with navid Eowers. Joanne kindly uade copies of several pages Hazel . ma.de swr.nar1z1ng her research. I ma.de additional CO'Pies of these -pages which ap'Dear as an· appendix at the end of this compilation. · 2. New ~aterial came also from Marie K. Arrington, Rt.J Box 118, Broadway, VA 22815, the ~ author of Mou.n~ain Valle~oR!e which is out of ~rint at this time. She provided copies of 29 "D&ges of a booklet, "The Fa.mil.Y. of Thoma.a Looker" by Vera Roes :Soyatt, 1305 Big S'J)rings Rd Maryville, TN 37801, com~iled October 1989. This booklet is full of information which I will· try to suuuarize in the Addenda section starting on -page 41, but any Looker researcher would want their own co~y of the original. Anyone researching colonial records would probably wa.nt to com-oare erperiences with Joanne Mustoe and Vera Boyatt. Marie Arrington also sent a copy of "The Henry Cowan Family of ·Virginia". information collect ed by Frank :B. Lamb of Birmingham. Michigan. and compiled by Maude Pinney Kuhns, Perry Highwe R D 2. Waterford. Pa. This booklet reentions a number of ~eople named Looker. J. ~etty Cook has sent a lot more information on the fam.11.y of 2Clc.Mary Pickering Swayze. 4. Lucretia Arthur bas sent a lot more information on her family which does e~em to be cor• rectly ~laced under 2B7b. Her research on colonial and other early Looker fauily meu.bers introduces some new elements and ideas. See Addenda iection. NUJJ!ber 4. This is your co~y to keep. PreSUir.eably the genealogical society will photoco~y the final revised copy for you when I get it to their library. This Looker data may be -part of a Picker­ ing genealogy. To describe the central Ohio area.: Violet Township, Fairfield County (county seat Lancaster to the southeast). in which Pickerington is located;·is bordered on the north by Truro Township, Franklin County,in which ia Reynoldsburg; and on its east Etna Townehi~. Licking Cou.nty,which contains the villages of Wagram and Etna. Etna Township is bordered on the north.~y Lima. Townshi Licking County, which contains the villages of Summit/Summit Station and Columbia Center. The town of Pataskala is east of ColUJnbia Center with county seat Newark further east. Columbus stretching from north to sou.th borders the entire aforementioned area on the west and covers most of the rest of Franklin County. Dovel Memorial Cemetery is the old pa.rt of Violet Cemetery in Pickerington. . Silent Home Cemetery is the old town cemetery in Reynoldsburg. Glen Rest Ce~etery established --cl940'a is outside of Reynoldsburg to the east. · 1.00!.. ~".:r~ J:d.J: Hy ( Lck~r, Lokey. Luchr, Lucre, 1u.. k.er) Compiled ir.id l',?titJ by: ·M~~. ~ R~ger Fickeri~, 10650 Mink St.• Reynolds bur,:, Ohio 43065, Jros tly fror. extensiTe research by B.oltert Moore, 649 AllechaD¥ Ave., Staunton, VA 24401; Mrs. lfacAl Moro.)" who :ln J.CilS3a wae l'We•rin• h · ·'P\l~liah a book oa the Looker famil¥1 she died in 1989; and Mrs. Ruth »l1e~liJ1.4:hoft, 15 Fite Roac Wellesle¥ Rills, Massachusetts 02161. Also fror ~tensiTe recollectio•a abeut family tradition~ f.S;of Mrs. Willard Eurne of SUJUCit Station, Ohio, and Mrs. Cleo Rioter who lived in Pickeringtea. ~hio. This reTised cor.~ilation iR January, 1'91 includes extensiTe research of David Layten Jowers, 4723 w. Marcoai ATe •• Glendale, Arizona 85306. The reTisio~ alse includes l. Infe~- tioa l"l9licized co~cerning the l75th Anniversary Celebration of Pickerin~ton. Ohio i• 1'90 ia­ cludin& 1 ts Official Cor.r.er.era tive :Boulet of SO pa~ea; 2. Everten Publishers of THE GDEALOG­ ICAL HELPER (P .o. :Box 368, Lor;an, Utah 8'4-321) COll'p\l.terized fa.mil.Jr files and "Roots Cellera; and 3. from a:.•mber ef famiJ..7- deacemdants. Other possinle sources of inforr.atioa:A book aaout the hiator7 of Aucueta.Count7, Virciaia, &ad one about the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, both Gf which are available in various cenea­ locical society libraries. The llarrisonbur~-Rock~m Historical Society, P.O. ~ox 716, Da7ton, Vircinia. 22621 has an extensiTe library and .any \ooks for sale abeut families of the area includi111:; a book by Geneva ~ruba.ker: ns~it1er-Jones, Frank and Lydia, Ancestors-DesceAdantt 1322-19e,.n Allied fa~iliea include Xia~. Wean, Lokey, Oreba~h, Gordan, Wille, Arehart. 198,, ?' -pages, bard coTer, $20. . !istor7:In 1557 Thor:aa Trumbull, who owned a ~eat deal of ~roperty ia downtown Loadoa diei and left half of it te his d.aw:hter Johanne who bad married. Emanuel Lucar. Thor.as Tru.Jlbull (the onl.7 other heir) diet um;arried and willed his half of the Trumbull estate to his sister •nd her f&.11113'. It is said that the Lookers oace r;ave so~e land to the city of Loadon to be uset as a -park. If it is ever not used as a -park, it is to revert to the Loker heirs. The Lookers seem to have come first to Sudbury, Massachusetts in 1639. Some Looker family me~bera then liTed in ProTidence and iewport, Rhode Island. The eEigrant Lookers were associated with ao~er Willi&.118, and at least while they liTed in lewport, R.I. were Seventh Day :Baptista. Some were then in Gravesend., Lon~ Island, then Iew Jersey, then Shenandoah Valle7, Virginia. Mark Lucer helped found a SeTenth Da.JT. ~aptiet Church in Providence, R.I. The earl.r Lookers 1n Vir­ ginia ~ere definitel.T Quakers. Many early court records, iefore and after 1800, referre4 to ,.,"Thoms Looker,· the Quaker" and "James Looker, the Qi.taker." They were father and son. It is .!.,possi\le that old Thor:as first came to the Shenandoah Valley with a lar~e ~igration of Quaker£ in l7Jts. Mrs. :Burns-Mrs. Morey far.Hy owed ite~s said to haTe been used by the Dunkards in Vircinia in their reli~ious services. · The only chUrch in Tenth Legion, Vircinia, where the Loo~ ers and Laytone lived, ia·.,a Church of the :Brethren (Dunkard) and historians say that it 'Was bu.iJ in 1644 on the site of a for~er Quaker ~eeting house. (Most of this histor7 c&11e from Hazel Morey's research.) There were four Looker (brothers?) serving in the Revolutionary War from Ne~ Jeraey:Otbniel, Hathaniel, Eleazer, and John or Johnson. There were others with al'Proximately the sa~e na~e. Mre. Morey said their fau.ilT had a sword which their ancestor used in the Revol· utioa. Pedigree:and/or chronolocy:Thoras Trumbull died 155? had a dauchter Johanne who m Emmanuel Luce.J lived London, 1'n&land. Bad S children:El'J!l&nuel, Mark, Luke, John., Martha. Lookers ellllit;rated first to Sudbury, Mass. in 16),. Infor~.ation fro~ a different source tells about followhl«~fami~ lenry Loker (Glever) born 1e\.?,1S?6/7, JDarried ~lizaaftH ___ , a child: (Hannah) Anna Lokerb'iF.nBu.re8• St.Ma.ry,Bssex,Encland. &:.Dec.5,16'7 at Marborou~ (or Sudbury), Middlesex, Massachuaei\~~f i. Richard Kewtoa b 1601/9 in England, lived Sudbury c 1633-56, d A~.24,l?Ol Marj.borough, Middleaex,Ma.sa. 9 children, all born at Sudbury: · 1. John b Oct.20,1641, d Oct.16,1723 at Marlborouch, Mass., married JuneS,1666 at Marl'bor~ to Eliza\eth Larkin.

2. Mary Uewtoa b June22,1644, d Dec.28,1721 Marlbor~h, 11 Oct.141 1663 Marlbor~h to Jona than Johns on J. Moses lfewtoa b March26,1646, d May2J,17.36 Sou.thborou.gh.,Mdlsx,Mass., ml Oct.27,1668 Ma.rl­ borouch to Joanna Larkin, m2 AJ>r.14,1714 Marlboro to Sarah Joslin. 4. Jose~h \ between 1647-1652, d Sept.24,1727 Marlborough, ml Katherine Woods, m2 Au.c.J, 1719 Yarlboroueh Ruth Stone 5. Elizabeth liewton b c.16.50, buried MarchJ0,1718 llarshfield,Plymouth,Mass, in at Marlborou.:l

.!_,, to Jacob Dincle7 b c.1637 Marshfield, d AU£.l8 1 1691 Y..arshfield, son of John and Sarah_ D~ley. 8 children all born at Marshfield: ,SA. Mary b Dec .1, 166? Ma_;rshf ield 5». John Dingley b 1670, d Dec.12,1761, m Jan.27,1702 Marshfield Sarah Porter 5c. Jose1h Dingle1 b Aug.9,1672 SD. Ha..unah b May28,1675~eb.J,169e l·~rshfield Jaries Ford(ancestors of below-na.n:ed mbcittA 5£. _les b :.\ay 19, 1675 (a. f eirale) 51. Eliza.beth b .Aug.7,1681, r. Jan.31,1716/17 J.·:arshfield to Philip Delano SG. Sarah b Oct • .S,1684 (hmilitta named. NewJl'l&n wei-e anions bhe SlI. Abigail b Julyl6,1687 early settlers in Shenandoah Valley, V1 6. Sarah llewtoa b 16..5£ Sudbur7,. Mase., m c .1670 to Ja:rnes Taylor _ ?. Ha:nnah b AprillJ,16.54, d April 16,1654 Sudbury . 1:;·_.:,. ~:-~·~ W. :; .. ~~el b Dec.21,1655, d Dov.29,1739 Sou.thborau&h, m Dec.30,1679 Marlborough SusannaM"~·1 · '· Ia"aac b c.1656/7, d A~.12,1685 Marlbor~h, m Rebecca Above iaforn.atioa from computerized fa~i]J file of the publish;;; of THE GEIEALOGICAL HELPXB., submitted in 1983 by Shirley Burton, 4704 ~orr.a.n ATe., Toluca Lake, California 91602. A brother or cousin of Henry Loker, or some other "Looker" remaininc in En&land was perhaJ>B . tl ancester of Robert Luckey who ca.me to America ia 1753 and resided in the counties of CwnberlaJ Westmoreland and WashiD1:ton in Pennsylvania. He is the subject of "Arnold-Luckey Fa.mil.1' Ties 1 by Rev. LeoJlard Wilsoa Arnold and Ethel Zwick Lucker, a book in the genealo.;y sectio• of the Fair.field County District Library in Lancaster, Ohio. David Bowers• genealagy begins with: Henry looker ·b c.1625 London,England?, d Sudbury,Mass.?, m c 1650 wife's name unknown, chilc William Looker Sr "Vintner" b cl6.SO Londo».,:England, d 1717 Elizabethtown,ll.J.?, m cl670 Elizabethtown,l'.J. to Mary !li~gins · b Sept.27,1652 Eastham, Mass., d Jan.23,1729 E1·1zabeth1 H.J. (the daught•r of Riche.rd Higgins b c.1627 England?, d before Aug.20,1682 Janaica, LoJ Island,I.Y.?, m c.1650 Ea.sthall,Ma.ss? to V.ary Yates b cl627 Engla.nd7, d Jauaica,LI,BY?). Cl William Looker Jr b c 1675 Jama.ica,LI,NY?, d Elizabethtown,NJ?, m cl7PO Elizabethtown,Y~ Information about other Lookers datin& to approxi:ma.tely this generation:From the Patasla 11 Ohio STANDARD May 17, 1900 front page- ••• followin.g copied from Ohio State Journal Sat., Sept.6,1879 •• refers to Looker faJDiliea of this vicinity ••• move:rrent •••• den-and a settleu.ez of those families now in ~ossession ••• •Away back in early days Uew Jersey ••• fa~il.y from mountains of Wales (Old England) rade hor.e on site of now-flourishing Elizabeth, New J el ~urchased the property and lived on same for ~allJ'· years ••• years -passed ••• fa.mily ••• emigrE ing farther west ••• then \iestern lfew York •• u:an.J to Ohio, Indiana ••• some even now in this city, in Licking County and other pa.rte of the state ••• now comes .genealogical searcher and •• attorney ••• find original Looker owner of n:ost of the town site •• .-property thus "squatted" a.ir.ounta to 7 million dollars ••attorneys offer to -prosecute for 1/7 or one Jl.·.-~ ••• Lookers in this city a.re inm.ediate descendants of Judge Othnel Looker who earr.igral:Jlti 1796 to Northwest Territory with 7 sons ••• served as acting governor 1814-lS ••• This old Looker patriarch died about 20 yea.rs since aged 92 years ••• " Further inforn:a.tion on Othnel Looker from an encyclopa.edia:"Othniel Looker was born Oct.4,1757 on Lo~ Isl.and, Iew York. After his father John's death, his mother moved to Hanover,MorrisCounty, New Jersey. He enlisted May, 1776 and served aa a Private throughout the Revolutionary War1 (Perhaps there is genealogical data on him in D.A.R. files.) "He received a land grant for bis military service and moved in 1804 to Hamilton County, Ohio. He served as actiJ goTernor of Ohio from April 14 to Dec.8,1814, after Governor Meigs' resignation to acce] the position of Postr.aster General. Governor Looker then resigned to accept the office of United States Senator. The next governor was ThollEl.s Worthimgton. Othniel Looker later went to Palestine, Illinois where his daughter had married into the prominent Kitchell fa~ily. He is buried there. Othniel Looker b Oct.4,1751 Long Island, Yew York children: 1. James HarTey Looker b cl78S 2. Johll Looker be 1785 ). Rachel Looker b cl785 m Joseph Kitchell The unidentified Lookers (see page ) in Pickerington, Ohio ce~etery with first names Oriso, Oreri~ o. and America sound like they could be part of· the same pattern of family DB.Ir.ing as that of Othniel's. ~ To continue with David :Sowers' pedigree, repeating from above: ~illiaa Looker Jr. b cl675 Jaraica,LI,BY?, d Elizabethtown,X.J.?, m cl700 ~lzbtwn,VJ?,f Perha~s ~ore than one of his children migrated to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Th.4 only descendant specifically attributed to him is 2. Thomas Looker "The Quaker" thro·r · . David :Sowers 1 research. J. John Looker, see -page 24, may be a son wco uerha-ps came \..,..'../• Yalle7 later than Thomas. Descendants of these·two men refer to each other as cousins. 1. Randol-oh Looker, "DOS~ible descendant of William Jr. Ra.ndolr.>h is JT:entioned in the D~ Davidson ~state settieJnent Aug.23,1766 (see "Settlers by the Long Gray Trail", -oage 161 "To "Oaid Randolph Looker the Quit (Ouaker?) rents of the land." He could have been in Revolutionary War or had sons or grandsons in it. Could check D.A.R. records. 11i illia.m Looker Jr. b cl675 and unlmown wife descendants (continued) 2. Thomas Looker ":rhed °tfa.ker" b jl795 Elizabethtown, NJ?, d 1795 Tenth Legion, Rockinghar.Co, · Va., r cl730 NJ /vRa1ti1unf&iien°tnontt before 1795 Tenth L~gion, Va. As Hazel Morey said, "It is ~ossible that.Thomas first cau.e to the Shenandoah Valley with a large migration of Ouak­ ors in 1738." In 1756 Thomas Lokey, along with Jacob Wooly (Woodley) and Valentine Sevier, are recorded as landowners in the Shenandoah Valley "(from Settlers b_y the_1.o~rav Trail l ('?:.'. narrison, 'Dage 182). Ruth Bis'J)linghoff found that ThoJr.a~ Looker "the Ou.a.leer" in 1767 sold son James 421 acres, adjacent to Valentine Sevier, pa.tented 1749 in "Rockingham" County-, Ve In 1769 he bought land from Zebulon and Margaret Harrison, 'J)atented .1730; delivered to son James 1769 (from Chalkley:Annals of Augusta County, Virginia). The whole area of the SheD.P doah Valley began as A~sta County. In March 1778 a -pa.rt of Augu.eta Co. became Rockingham Co. · Tho~as Looker could have had sone or grandsons in the Revolutionary War, could check I files. <>n the Rockingham Co. 'Personal 'Property tax list ~·or 1787 the only Lokeys listed ar TholllS.s and John, who could have been either brothers or father and son. They are list~d Militia Company Area 11 along with William apickeren" and Jacob Woodley. The tax assessor called on Jacob Woodley A'!lril 7. He called on John and Thomas Lokey and William Pickeren all on April 16. Tho~as Looker wrote his will on May 29,1794 and died testate 1795. Bis land, given to son James in 1768, "now" given to James 1 son-in-law Abraham ~owers in 181). The Index to 1810 Census of Virginia for Rockingham Co. shows no Lookers at all, bu.t the families of Lokey there are: on Roll 22-John; on Roll 25-Sarah, John, William; and on Roll 27-Mar.garet, James. Thomas Looker The Qn.aker's will lists J children: 2A. Grace cl730 to clSOO, m cl?4S Jacob Woodley d 1804 (father James Woodley's estate is r.entioned in records of Orange Co.-later Rockingham Co.-Virginia Feb.26,1741). The earl7 Woodley and Pickering lands were at Mauzy, Va. Jacob Woodley was said to have ru.n an inn A constable was ar.>~ointed "in the room of Jacob Woodley" on May24,1779. Most informatiori from Settlers by the Lo~ra~ Trail, ~· 374. UriahJMa. iah? 6 children: ,e p.21 - 2Alo Uriah b Feb.lJ,1749 Tenth Legion,Va.- Ulricn?m 5onn Philli~s Sr. d 91807, child: 2Ala. Grace d 1844, m Junel2,1808 John Layton 1766-16)4 ~ chilt-WWII b 1918 Centerburg, d 1962 Medina,Oh, mElizabethXrame 2Alalc4c. Ruth Marie b Se'Pt.16,1913 Milford Center,UnionCo,Oh, m JuneS,lq40 Weeate Oh. 2Q3c~2.Charles DoTel Bowers b Feb.1,1911 Pickerington,Oh, d July2J,198) Lanae ter,Oh. children: 2Alalc4cl. Dovel Charles 2Alalc4c2. Matilda ml m2 1ives Lancaster' o~ 2Alalc4cJ. David La.,-ton :Bowe;s b Aug.27,1'46 Wooster m Mar.26,1971 Columbus,Oh to Sharon Lee !artsough He has provided extensive genealogical recerda, 2 chil ~ \j/ 2Al.alc4cJa. ?? 2Ala2. A*-Mt~~Rton ~ho m 3 Dl.11 Sarah Pickeriru?: belong here?? 2A2. Jacob wood!ey b Aug25,lrSJ d ~Oi.tng1 nelther he n~r descendants in father's will ~ L 2. ThoiiiaS Looker 11 The Quo.ker" b c 1'10.) and unkno'Wn wife, J known children (continued) 2A. Grace Looker cl?J0-1800 m Jacob Woodley d 1804, 6 children (continued) 2AJ. Barbara Jov.21,1758-cl514, ~ cl?75 William Pickering b England, d cFeb.1815. It is saio they operated the inn .belonging to her father. They are believed buried in a Pickering famil ce~etery at TenthLegion.va. See PICKERIMG Family for later generations. 13 children: 2A.)a.. Abraham 7-10-1?76to8-2-18J8 m 2Cl. Anna Looker 9-9-1776toll-J0-1840 m 1799. He found~ Pickerington,Ohio 1815. Their 5 children listed under 201. ~other's family. 11: 2A.Jb. Mary 8-27-1779toe-20-1s57, m 9-2?-lS08 John Cowan 178J-1869,rema.imii.ockinghan:Co, 2 ~~J 2AJc. Elizabeth 4-7-178ltoJ-2J-185l m4-8-1800 David Harrison, remainedRockinghamCo,9 childr 2AJd. Jacob l-26-1?8Jto_l4-1860 ml-9-1808 Hannah Miller 1792-1858,farmerFairfieldCo,Oh. 7 c 2AJe. John 8-21-1784tocl8JS mB-10-1808 NancyAruiBrown dl858, lived Pickerington,Oh. 8 child~ 2AJf. Daniel 6-29-1786to8-24-184J mB-17-1806 Hannah Du.nla'J), remainedRocki~hamCo, 7 childre 2A3g. Graee 8-13-1?89to)-16-l872 m2-l2-1a21 Michael Hiestand d9-29-1847,farmFa1rfteldCoOh,~ 2A3h. WilliamTr. bl2-27-l791 m6-ll-1816 Marthia Martz, liTed Cha.mpa.ignCo,Oh, 6 children 2A31. Richard ll-16-1793to_ rn4-18-1825 Lucy Iicholae, ia thought re~ainedRockinghamCo. 1 c 2AJj. Uriah b 3- 15-1795. is thought died young, before 1817 and did not marry 2AJk. Susannah j-J-1796to9-J0-1825 ml2-9-181J Jacob Cowan, liTed Pickerington,Oh, 6 childre 2Ajl. James 6-s-179eto_ l86J, :m )rd cousin Jl>lij. Mary "Poll.Y" Looker 180J-1B52, remai•ed 1 Rockingham Co,Va. 13 children listed under mother's famil7 branch 2AJm. Catherine ll-9-lSOlta,-1-1824 m8-10-1819 William Cowan bB-14-1794,liTedlairfieldCo,2 2A4. Grace b Jan.27,1762 m John. Harrison d 1819 son of Reuben. Her father bequeathed them tb land where they were liTing. 3 children: 2A4a. Phoebe 1791-18~ m12~2~15l2··Miller(Wm):Sewman.•.:i?9i.-cl832(Settler1 •• })1'453,505), 3 chi 2A.4al. Margaret 11 _Tallman? 2A.4a2. Jacob Smith :Bowman 6cl}ildren · 2A4aJ. Andrew Jackson ~owman b Aug.4,1e16 ml Ann WelshJ m2 1850Sarah Miller See-1 child, He r.oved c age 16 Bo~kinsTille, Kentucky, later to Centerville, Tennessee 2A4aJa. Rebecca 2A4a.Jb. John 2.A..4aJc. Jacob 2A4aJd. Virgiaia 2A4aJe. Callie ( child of m2), m Charles.deLisle Kane of St.Louis,Mo. 2A.4b. Lydia 11 1805 :Benjamin Tallran,Jr. u:oved to Tenn. 2A4c. Ann Jtl 1802 lienry King m2 J a.mes Suter 2A5. Mary "Polly" Woodley b Feb.16,1764, 111784 l'athaniel Harrison dl80?,son of Reuben,childr 2A5a. Lydia 1784-1869 m Michael Howard (info. from Settlers ••• ~ 375) 2A5b. Phebe m 1809 lloah Bowers (see -page 21 :Bowers sup-plement lfu.mber 2) 2A5c. Gracy m Abraham Harrison, son of John 2A5d. Anna m Jacob De1Jart m 1810 2A5e. Elisabeth m 1808 John Tall.ma.a, living Fairfield Co,Oh. in 1817 2A5f. Ma:ry m Oct.6,1812 Solomon Bowers, liTing Augu.staCo,Va in 1817(see p2llio.~owers ~1' 2A5g. Jerusba m Christopher Shults 2A5h. Edith m Milford l!annah 2A51. Lucretia m Abraham Leonard 2ASJ. Sall!llel m Mrs._Swnmers, went west in 1840 2A.5k. liathaaiel m Anna. 1\ight, moved to Indiana Oct.15,1835 2A6. John Woodley bNov.26,1767 mLydiaBarrisctnlleel.y, her 2nd husband, she was daughter of ReubenBarrisoa, moTed McMinnville,WarrenCo,!enn.. where they died. child.re•: 2A6a. Jacob Woedle7 b llov~l7S,. His grandfather Jacob Woodley bequeathed to Jacob and brot John the land upon which he, Jacob Woodley, was liTing. 2A6b. Mary b March 24, 1792 2A6c. John b Aug.2,,179_, was bequeathed land from grandfather Jacob Woodle7 2A6d. b Bov.25,1796 2A6e. Bets7 b Jul,y2? ,17'7 2A6f. Daniel b Oct.)0,1800 2A6,;. Barrison. b Aug.11,1602 ·~ 2.A6h. Gir~,~Jh~~~leb.l?,180.5 Grace? 2A6i. Jefferson b Dec.18,1806 2A6j. Abner b Oct.30,1808 2A6k. James b Oct.12,1812 11 1 1 1 0 0 ~: ~~~~ b"~~ ~~ e~~ • ~ 7~ ~~4;; ,.~ ufK ~~} ~~iS: ~ :'~ l ~6~ ~~im~w~ ~~ ~ i 7~/~ ~~ t~~ i i~~n ~~ ~ ~~~~ e~~~ or~" 813. Perhaps John's wife was Eliza Looker who Aug.26,1788 was paid for attendins- a co~~t 1rlal. !le nan::e Elizabeth is used frequently in following generations. John's father 2.'rhozna.e 11 0,ua.ker" e,queathed J·ohn the land on which they both lived. (In one -place in 2.Thomas"Quaker 11 Looker 1 s will he s-pecifically directs that rr.oney that rr.a.y not be used otl~erwise "be equally divided between ~~ three GrandChildren at their coming of age that is to say one third to u.y grandson Th~ma.s ~er son of Jarres Loker and the other two thirds to Wil'liam Loker and John Loker sons of John oker ••• " He had niany grandchildren but a-pparently only 3 (boys) not "of.age"(rnea.ning under211), t that time. So in 1794 when the will was written 2B.John 1 s son Thon:as was over 21, but William nd John were not. Also 2C.James has to have had a son Thomas older than James' nine other childrj lready known about but then not yet born. John&Eliza? possible 8 children: 2Bl. Thomas b by 1766 d before 1812, m cl790 Betsy Ann Bowers. (But there is marriage date Nov.: 182? for Thomas Looker&'9etty Ann Bowers daughter of Noah - different couple?) Grandfather Thoma: "Qu.aket'Looker bequeathed to this Thomas the land "where he now (1794) lives." children: 2Bla & 2Blb. Thoma.s&:setsy Ann Bowers "had twins •.11 • t?2Blc. Rachel b by cl810 (named for her father's then new sister-in-law?). There was a ma.rriag1 bond signed Nov.19,1825 for Rachel Looker and Jesse Looker with David Pitt as 11 consent only. 11• Thomas' brother 2BB.John had a son Jesse b cl808 who had a wife Rachel. What would be their aunt Eliza.beth ha.d married.2 into the Pi'tt family, so a member of her family could have been th1 guardian of the then fatherless Rachel. Thus some researchers attribute the above wife and twins to 2Bl.Thomas {as shown) QR One researcher ~laces the 'lhomas,whom I have numbered 3Dl~who ~.arried Sarah Reeves an~ their family here. That would move all the ~eople whose names alJPear on -pages 25 to 41 to · start here instead. The convincing evidence for this is that ThoJ11as&Sarah's heirs a~~ear? to have inherited the sau.e land from their father that 2.Thomas Quaker bequeathed to his grandso: Thomas. However both descendants of JDli.John Looker who m 2b~i.Mary Looker, and descendants bf)D'l.j;Muy'Looker who m 2A81.Ja.mes Pickering have always been under the impression that their ancestors' uarriages were between 3rd cousins not lst cousins. 2132. Elizabeth b cl760's ml lTov.lJ,1789 John Ma.thews-children Ann and William. m2 July22,l796 RogkinghamCo.Va. John Pittington(Pitt)-daughter Maha.la. Elizabeth's father was John Looker who ' iqcl820 Rockinghair.Co. Va. (ir.oved from JC. on .~ge 24. The naming pat.tern for the children fits ~etter here) . children: 2B2a. Ann Me.thews ~2b. william l·la.thews 2:B2c. Mary i·1a.hala Pi ttington b .A:pr. l, 1?99 Virginia. d llov .22, 1846 HardinCoOh, m Conrad S-pi tzer rr.oved with Lookers&S-pitzers to FarifieldCo.Oh, then HardinCo.Oh. Genealogy for spouses in this family is 1.also available. child:. 2B2cl. John Svitzer b Feb.11,1816 RockinghamCo.Va. d Aug.13,1890 HardinCo.Oh. m Se~t.25, 1835 HardinCo Sarah Cotterill b 1819 Virginia d Se~t.2,1887. child: ~2cla. Evaline Spij;zer b A'pr.?,1853 Ohio d June25,l921 HardinCo •. m Feb.16,1875. Wellingto L. \ietherill June26,1850-Ma.yll,1928 b&d HardinCo. child: 2B2clal. Margaret ~etherill JulylJ,18?8-Junel0,1946 d Kenton,HardinCo m Deo.24,1894 Henry c. Chamberlain JulyB,1874-Junell,1947 b&d HardinCo. child: 2B2clala. Williau. Henry Chamberlain b JuneJ0,1899 Ha.rdinCo. d Sept.20,1977 Tucson,Ari .~J zona, m Apr.4,1925 Zoa. Frances Dyer b Dec.15,1905 HardinCo. d Sept.10,1953Tucson,chi~ 2B2clalal. Leallah Mae Chamberlain b lfov.23,1927 Kenton,Ha.rdinCo. · m Jan.6,1946 Rob ert William Franklin Jan.25,1922-Sept.10,1983 b&d Tucson,AZ. She supplied da.ta on this ZB2.Elizabeth Looker farr.ily. Leallah's address Jan.5,1984: 822 Camino De Los Padres, Tuscon, Arizona. 85718. ?2:B3. James Looker b cl772 d before 17941 not mentioned in Grandfather Thomae wi!_~ 1794. ZB4. Ann b cl?78 m A-pr.10,1795 Ez-ikeil Green ., ~S. Mary Jr. July4,1811 Samuel Miller d cl8181 From Vera Ross :Boyatt1 s research 11 17 lfov 1818 Sam Miller was named guardian for William Miller, son of Samuel Miller deceased. John Looker an Willia.Jn :Beard posted $4000 bond. 6 May 1829, Samuel Miller executor of Jane Miller. John Looke and William Miller made $1200 bond. 11 :Boya.tt booklet -p.8: "William Philli~s. John Mills and Thoma. .. ~~iller were imnorted by Thomas Looker before 1742. They all had land in the Sxrith Creek area", ~kingha.mCoVa •. There is a book Genealogy and History of the Des~dants of Samuel Miller by J. Miller mio by F.J.HeeT PrintiniCQ, 1Ql2, a cop,Y is in FairfieldCo.DistrictLibrary,Lancast~r,O Title ~efers to Samuel Miller cl 1ti-1?89 whom Magdalena Wiley ha.d.10 children, brough~ their family to Rocki~ghan:Co.Va. in 17 2. They are the ancestors of the wives of 2A3d.Jacob Pickeri~ and 3Dljl2cl.La.wrence Pickering. . ' go to pa~ u.'-'1.;_,:., ..,l1

2Clbl. Jacob MarchJ,1827 to June3,1886,mOct.2?,18SJ Sama.nth& Ford Mayl 1 1826 to Oct.8,1902 age76 daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Callaban Ford. He apparently built Pickerington Mill Educated all their children at Ohio Wesylan. Buried at Pickerington. S children: 2Clbla. Virginia. Eliz!beth "Jennie" d June6,1888, 111 Charles E. E]Jr 2Clblb. CharletJri~~ola~it son, d afterl912, law¥er in La.ncaster,Ohio . 2Clblc. Ja~es ~J b June7/17,1858 dafterl9l2, m 1895 JeaeeD.Cha.ney. He was one of well mown "Lancaster lawyers of.generation or two preceeding the present''(f'lj~r-9S¥oter,O Eagle-Gazette Sesquicentennial ~dition,JuneJ,1950,Sec.R,~.24).Also postmad(er~iD:rancaate~& 2Clblcl. William c., his widow lives(l97J) at 813 LanrecoDr.,Lancaster 2Clblc2. Eleanor C. · 11 ~Holt, lived in Lancaster 2ClblcJ. Doroth.r P. 2Clbld.~lmma d Oct.2,1862 age Smonths, stone Pickerington Cem. near Lafayette Pickering, says daug of J and S Pickerin& 2Clble. Etta. s.(Miss Etta) ~ after 1912, never m, assistant postJr.&ster Lancaster,o. 2Clb2. Lafayette 11 La.f 11 1 Pickering b 1828, d Dec.14,1865 of "camp fever 11 -Union Army officer, ~ m March 1858 Margaret Mary 11 Magcie" Winters b cl8J4. She JD2 E. Co-peland in Westerville. l86i Census.' Laf .&Maggie lived Violet'£wp., he was e tockdea.ler. :Buried Pickeri».gtoa; .~.a .. c.h.1ldren: 2Clb2a. Fred Pickering b 1859 m Eva :a_ '.I. child: ·· ~- 2C lb2al. Hazel Ir. __Sands 11 .!.. '.ihor:.a~ ~u11}~er ••·..1:lie .,\w.Ker a i·;~.;). a.nll unknown wife, 3 known children (~ontinued): J' 2C. Jaires 11 The Quaker" Looker b 1743 d lBlJ m Frances Russell, 10 children (continued): 2Cl. Ann Looker 1776-1840 ~Abraham Pi~kering 1??6-l8JJ, 8 children (continued): . 2Clb. J&Jnes Pickering Sr. 1801-1876 in "'atherine ''iilliams 1801-1860, 5 children (continued): 2Clb5. Elizabeth Jan.17,1834 to 1921, m Jan.?,186Z,?(Elizabeth still in pa.rents' household 1 llf""·l860 Census) Alexander Hamilton Dovel Apr.l?,1831/2 to Aug.10,1903/lJ son of Abraham&lia.rrie ~{Short)Dovel, PageCo.Va. Elizabeth&Ale.xander are buried in grou~ with Ja~es&Catherine Picke and J onatha.n&Cyrene Pickering. 3 children( info.-D.Bowers & "Methodism in Pickerington •• "): 2Clb,5a. JattesP.Dovel bl861 m AnaiceOra"Icey"Ricketts 18.Z!7-l9l9(from ~ickettsCousins b LephiaFrenchOnclay,198?,FuirfieldCo.Dist.Library,Lancaster,Oh).Lived ~irmingham,Al.a..1905. 2Clb.5&l. Pickering Dovel b 1882? 2Clb5a2. James Dovel 2Clb5aJ. Jack 2Clb5a4. Joy Dovel m Philip Mulane 2Clb5aS. Drucilla m Albert Sears 2Clb5b. Laura Dovel 1863-1955 m Charles Sands b 1860, lived Columbus 1905 eon: 2ClbSbl. Harry Sanda b 1886 2Clb5c. Andrew Jackson Dovel 1871-1910 m Ma.tilda 11 Tillie"Moore, lived Columbus 1905, chil 2ClbScl. Edith Dovel b 1889 2Clc. Mary"Polly"Pickerin& b cl602/10~ m Mathias Swa7ze d 1835 FairfieldCo.Oh. tton .. of.•.John?& Margre,t .. Swayze. Mary&Ma.tthia.s Swayze and Ann Pickering sold shares of Abraham's estate to James Pickering in 1833. Methodist. (Infortr.a.tion from Betty Cook, 19944DoylePlaceEa.st,Grosse Pointe,MI 48236.through Putnam Co. History and deeds, wills at Lancaster,Oh.) * 4 child.re 2Clcl. Sarah Ann Dec.20,1827 to June6,1912 bu.ried.MonroeCem,PutnamCo.Oh. m Aaron Donaldson 2ClcJ. Elizabeth A~r.5,1830 to March7,1915 d EagleTwp,Findlay,Oh. buried Bishop Cemetery, Ha.ncockCo,Oh. m John Donaldson 2Clc4. Jacob lived in Fairfield County. Ohio 2Clc2. Maria Swayze b Deo.J,1828 FairfieldCo.Oh, d Me.y29,1903 Pu.tnamCo.Oh, m Feb.21,1850 Ke Samsal b Ma3ll,l829 CanalWincheater,Oh., d A~r.7,1898 PutnamCo, son of Paul Sameal(aon of P &Jane) and Elizabeth McVaugh cl790-Sept.24,l8,34(dau. of John&Ann). Maria and Ker.p buried . Hughes Cemetery,PutnamCo.,Oh. 7 children: (_, 2Clc2a.. 9on b and d June20.1a50 Putnam .CQ. 2Clc2b. Syreptia Jane b Oct.23.1852 2Clc2c. Ellen Sept.1,1858 to Aug.5,1860 2Clc2e. ~lizabeth b Nov.23,1864 m Edward Holt 2Clc2f. Lafayette Aug.5,1868 to Ma.rchl5.1896, buried HughesCem. m HancyireneClevenger 2Clc2g. Or-pha l'artha Se~t.13,1872 to _1931. m Nov.19,1893 Sa.mu.el David Best 2Clc2d. John bA~r.11,1861 UnionTwp,Pu.tna.mCo,Oh. d July8,19l6 PleasantTw~,PutnamCo. farr.er m Oct.1),1887 Annie Elizabeth Holt b Sept.l?,1869 PutnamCo, d Aug.29,194-9 Lima.,AllenCo,Oh (daughter of CyrusHolt,Jr Jul.731,1836 to Jan.31,1899 b&d Ha.rrisonCo,Oh. who was son of Cy cl805-1870 & Hannah Webb? 1800-1890: and of Martha Nichols b Junel0,1845 PutnamCo, d Jan. 1924 ColumbuaGrove,Oh who was daug. of Ed~ardl823-l863 & Margaret lrwinl818-1893). John & Annie buried Truro Cem.,PutnamCo. 4 children: 2Clc2dl. Ora L. b A~r.29,1891 m 58.Jmlel Miller who is bu.riedTruroCem.Columbu.sGrove,Putna. 2Clc2d2. Freeman Feb.27,1893 to Dec.3,1962 b&d PutnamCo,buriedTruroCem,mlfov.28,19l7Edn.el 2Clc2d4. Mildred b Aug.8,1906 m Paul Trietch

2Clc2d3. Clarence b June22 1 l89S PutnamCo, d.A-u&.8,19?2 Lima.Oh farmer,carpenter,:nailcarri sr.l Sarah Allla.nda Sroufe bJan.31,1893 Pu.tnamCo, dMay4,1924 ColumbusGrove,Oh. Sarah's fath GeorgeWashingtonSrou.fe Jan.?,1846-Aug.4,1936 b&d PutnamCo.(son of George bJan.ll,18l3Cb -paignCo,Oh. d.Dec.l7,l887J~cksonTwp,Putna.mCo. who was son of Davidl784-182J & Rebecca To sendl??B-1879. GeorgeWaehingtonSroufe'a father m A'J>r.?,1845 .GWS's mother_P~tberine Ayer bc1826 MuskingumCo,Ohio, dJunel0,1861 Pu.tnamCo. who was daughter of JohnAyers dl852 & S Walla.ban). Sara.hAma.ndaSroufe's mother:EmiJ..yJaneAllgire bllov.26,1857 PutnamCo. dApr.10,l

Del'J>hos.oh. 1 m G.W.Sroufe Nov.14,1875. EmilJrJaneAllgire(da.ug. of Joshua. Allgire bDec.28 1828 Fairfield.FranklinCo,Oh d CivilWar, son of JacobAlgire dl839 &Sarah__ • Emily Allgir father m Feb.22,1849 EJA'a mother Lavina.Ayer bDec.10,1830 FairfieldCo.Ohio). Clarence a L, Sarah Sasr.eal buried Tru.roCem. ,PutnamCo. 4 children. Clarence m2 1935 Laure.MillerRoberts 2Clc2d3a.. Mary Mar~erite Samsal b Dec.10,1914 PutnamCo. mAaronFra.ncis~a.wr.ga.rd_nel;lA~ 2Clc2dJal. · · • iwtuch more inforrr.ation has been received on Mar~&Ma.thias Swayze family which will be incor'Po ated into the Pickering fa~ily history or into a later revision of this Looker family histo 'rhoxr~s Looker 111l1he <.µaker" d l'/9) and unknown wife, J known chi.id.~e~ (continued): ·c. Jau:es Looker "The Quake~: 1 .J.?4J-1813 m Frances Russell, 10 children (continued): 2Cl. Ann Looker 1??6-1840 iil/a~taham Pickering l7?6-l8JJ, 8 children (continued): 2Clc. Mary 11 Polly11 Pickering b cl802/10 m Mathias SwS¥ze d 18JS, 4 children (continued): 2Clc2. Maria Swayze 1828-1903 m Xemp Samsal 1829-1898, ? children (continued): 2Clc2d. -~.lohn Se.ms&l 1861-1916 m Annie (l Holt 1869-1949, 4 children (cont,!~~ed); .. ·201ic2dj-~ Clarence 1895-19?2 m Sarah Sroufe 1893-1924, 4 children (contilit.'~a) :·:~ :. 2Clc2d)b. Beva Lucille b Aug.9,1916 Tru.mbullCo,Oh, m :Ralph Jolley,Jr. 2Clc2dJd. Clarence Donald b llov.6,1921 Pleasa.ntTwp,PutnamCo, 11 July?,1942 Greeta Fisher 2Clc2d)c. Eetty Jean b Marchl8,19~Qj~lea.santTwp,Putna.Jr.Co,Oh, ro A~r.6,1941 Frederick SolOl Cook b Julyl?,1920 Lima,AllenCo,o~. Professor of Education, at u.ofMichi~n? 2 children 2Clc2dJcl. Lind.a Jean Cook b Oct.26,1942 Lima,Oh, ml Lloyd Russell Xiclono.n b A~r.18,19' 2Clc2dJcla. Jeffrey David Hickma.n b Apr.l?.1964 Stanford. &.ntaClaraQoCa.lif. 2Clc2dJclb. Marcia Aileen b July28,1969 Princeton, MercerCo,IewJersey, pre-veteri.nar~ 2Clc2d)clc. Michelle Marie b Hov.?,1972 Hanover, HewHampshire ballet student 2Clc2d)c2. Marcia Diane P Apr.4,1948 Lima., Oh. 2Cle. Jona.than Pickering Sept.15,1808/J to Sept.2?,187J, m Cyrene/Sirene Miller Sept.9,1813 to Jul7l8,l868, they are buried Pickerington Cem. near brother James&Catherine Pickering. 9 child­ ren (research on children compiled by EvelynRuskTa.nn, l08MarseilleDrive,Maples,FLJJ~62, and 1n· formation from ErnestineLemmon and familT and from Hazel Cook): 2Clel. Mar7 May)l,1831 to Aug.27,l85?(childbirth), m Jacob Bish Sept.14,1825 to Jan.18,1909,Jc 2Clela. ll&tilda. Elizabeth "Eett1e11 :Bish m Richard Ashton, no children 2Clelb. Jona.than Eish 1852-1933 m Samantha J. Eversole 18SS-l9J?. "Prior to 1940.·. Mail had t• be transported from the post office to the (railroad) depot and from the depot to the post office aix times a day. This was done by wheelbarrow. In JDJ"(Dr.KennethW.Taylor) mexory, datil .to 1910,.task.performed b7 only three men-Douglas Phillips. Jonathan Eish.Simeon Stemen ... "fl "Official Commemorative :Booklet" ~~Rferington's l'7Sth A:nniversary •• l990,p32. l child onl.J 2Clelbl. Frank Eieh 1879-1955 m!fEJDJJJ8, Mosier d 1940-1 child, m2 J!/'.R~: 1~2 Viola Good 2Clelbla. Hazel ~ish b Ma.rch22,1906 ml Sept.2J,l925 StrohmctY1~2? had twina, m.2 Bov.2?,1929 Bewark,Oh. Arthur lfarvey Cook Marchl0,1906 to Aug.5,1990, celebrated 60th wee din4;'· anniversary 1989. Address:25 Horth Hill Road, Pickerington.oh. 2 child.reJJ~: 2Clelbla.l. &2. twins stillborn 1926 · · ·... ;.

2ClelblaJ. Richard Lowell Coqk b Sept.141 .1930 m Lucy live Houston, Texas,no 2Clelbl.a.4. Theodore "Ted" b Ma.rch28,l935 m Jean Schafer b lfov,,8,1939,42W.Columbu~~~~t~ 2Clelbla.4a. John Micha.el Cook b May23,195? m Laura Maggard, 4 children 2Clelbla.4al. Jennifer Cathleen b Nov.21,1917 2Clelbl.a.4a2. Julie Elizabeth b Dec.22,1979 2Clelbla.4a3. Benjamin b April 10,1984 2Clelbla.4&4. Adam Job.a 1March 19, 1988 2Clelbl.&4b. Keith Edward twin b May 29, 1959 2Clelbl.&4c. Karen Ela.iae b May 29,1959 m Daniel Hutson child: 2Clelbla4cl. Andrew David b Sept. 1990 2Clelbla44. Richard Todd Cook b 196o 2Clelc. Oliver Sept.28,1854-Feb.10,193?, m Marchl6,l876 Maryliuntwork Oct.?,185?-Jul.y2,19)1,6c 2Clelol. George »ish d unmarried 2Clelc2. Dul.a cl8?0-cl960 ml Ed Whitsel, 1 child: r.2 Alpha Lane child: 2Clelc2a. EveJ..rn Whi teel bcl908 m Ralph Hicks 4 children: 2Clelc2al. Donnie d in teens, killed on railroad 2Clelc2a2. Shirley m Altman children: 2Clelc2a2a. Wayne 2Clelc2a2b. girl 2Cle lc2a2c. 2Clelc2a.3. Roger lived Akron,6h. 2Clelc2a)a. Kenneth? 2Clelc2aJb. son .. 2Clelc2a4. Eobby served in WWII umcarried 2Clel~2b. _ Lane 2Clelc:3. Jacob m "Dess" children: 2Clelc)a. Florence ~ish b cl900-cl980, m Mike Pierpoint, no children 2ClelcJb. Lillian Bish d 1990 m ___ Smith, no children . · . l 't.' .J..v 'l'hoJrii.6 Looker 11 Tl•rJ t.._\l.u.ker" d 1795 and unknown wife, 3 known children (continued): lo '.C. J&Jr.68 Looker "The Quaker" 1743-1813 Di ~,ranees Russell, 10 children (continued): 2Cl. Ann Looker 17?6-le.40 tt 2A3a. Abra.ham Pickering 1776-1833, 8 children (continued): · 2Cle. Jonathan Pickering 1808/J-18?3 m Cyr•me Miller 1813-1868. 9 children (continued): .· 2Clel. Mary Pickerin&-lSJl-1857 m Jacob Bish 1825-1909, 3 children (continued): C;2Clelc. Oliver Bish 1854-1937 m Mary Hu.ntwork 1857~1931, 6 children (continued):

2Clelc4. CbarlesOtterbeinBish Aug.lJ,1887-Mar.22 1 1966 mOct.22,1905EthelFayFisherSe~t 11 1a 2Clelc4a. Bernice b 1907 ml Morris Root-1 child, m2 Herman Bickle,m3 Homer Cla~]Cl'le 17, 197' 2Clelc4al. Keith Root · 4 children: 2Clelc4al&.. Richard m lives Groveport,Oh. child: 2Clelc4alal. girl 2Clelc4alb. !renda Jll ~ives Canal Winchester.Oh. 2Cl~lc4albl. girl 2Clelc4alb2. girl 2Clelc4albJ. girl 2Clelc4alc. "Susie" u.mna.rried, lives Columbus 2Clelc4ald. boy m 2Clelc4aldl. boy 2Clelc4ald2. bo1 2Clelc5. Laura m Arthur Hannah child: 2ClelcSa. Dorothy Hannah m Henry Spa.the S children: 2Clelc5al. Dorothy Ann m no children 2Clelc5a2. Fritz m no children, lives HockingHills;Oh. 2ClelcSa3. Carl 2Clelc5a.4. :Betty "Bets" twin never m 2Clelc5aS. girl twin to :Betty m lives Texas 2Clelc6. Vallie 2Cle2. Elizabeth b 1835 2Cle3. Lydia b 183B 2Cle4. Saluda Pickerin« Jan.l,l839-March6,1905, m 1858 Jacob Bish 1825-1909 sisterM&ry•sw~~! ( 2Cle4e.. William m .Mollie Campbell S children: .___./ 2cie4al. Jay :Siah m · · living 1973 Toledo,Oh. child: 2Cle4ala. :Sett7 2Cle4a2. Ezra UJUJarried 2Cle4aJ. Al.ua m Earl Myers an undertaker, lived ColUinbus no children 2Cle4a4. Fannie m living 1973 in Florida. c: 2Cle4a4e.. child d as infant 2Cle4a5. Harvey m lived California no children 2Cle4b. Matilda "Tillie" d )'oung m _ Knapper. no children 2Cle4c. George :Bish 1867-1925 unmarried 2Cle4d. Fred P. Bish 1872-1951 . umnarried 2Cle4e. Rhoda 1865-1943 m John David Eversole 1863-1922 J children: 2Cle4el. Ray Eversole Jn Harriet _ children: 2Cle4el&. :lileen 2Cle4elb. Pauline 2Cle4e2. Ralph Eversole m Martha Hampson, lives Pleasantville,Oh. no children 2Cle4eJ. Gertrude m Harley Fishbaugh children: 2Cle4eJa. Inez b c 1910, she and next J siblings all unma.rried, all 4 live together in 2Cle4eJb. Mildred Gaba.nu., Ohio 2Cle4eJc. Carl 2Cle4eJd. Woodrow 2Cle4eJe. Therman d before 1990 m had children 2Cle4e3el. 2Cle5. Mariah b 1842 2Cle6. Kathan b 18Lf4 lived in Illinois, visited regularly for Pickerington HomecomiDJ?:S cl920'a 11 • 'l'hot:..L:J lJookt!r "'l'lrn (.,~uker d l'/~j) u.nu uuknown \tJ Ho, J known childre~ (con Unued) : /( . ZC. Ja1res Loo_ker "The Quaker" l74J-l81J··m Frances Russell, 10 children (continued): 2Cl. Ann Looker 1??6-1840 m 2AJa. Abraham Pickering l?76-lSJ3, 8 chil4ron (gontirt~~4)c 2Cle. Jonathan Pickerin& l808/J-l87J m Cyrene Miller 181:3-1868, 9 children (continued): 2Cle?. Lucinda 1846-1889, m JuneJ,1869 ~iilliam D. Ma.son l849-1920(son of John Yaao·n b MarylaD d Feb.l?,1888 in Feb.25,1841 Elizabeth Bish b Virginia d Feb.28,1868). farmed on Tolleate Rr··-~ !ickerington, land still in family 1991. Lucinda&h"illiaJn buried Pickeringt6rtVior~:tcem,Lo~6~ 2Cle?a. Johnathon Pickering Mason Dec.21,18?1-July 1958, m Julia Ann_ buried Piclter'iru Violet Cem. Lot 120 Sec.; . ~~~ 2Cle7b. Charles Vincent Ma.son Jan.21,18?5-Apr.1,1949, m Ma.rch9,l908 Georgia Martha Steele Feb.l6,1889-July2,19?6, buried PickeringtonVioletCem.LotlJ2,Sec.J. 4 children: 2Cle7bl. Ethel Ernestine Ma.son ·b Oct.25,1909 Bexley,Oh. m Warren Creighton Lemon Aug.10,~ 190?...A.pr.20,1981. Farmed 12648 TollgateRd.J.TW,Pickerington · l child: . 2Cle?bla. Marilyn June Lemon b Jan.31,1928, m Calvin Grant Rostorfer, 4 children: 2Cle?blal. Richard Warren Rostorfer b m Rhonda Lou Davis 2Cle?bla2. Roxanne b m 2Cle7bla3. Roberta Louise b m Arthur Crouse 2 children: 2Cle?blaJa.. Jamie Lee 2Cle?bla,3b. Jason Laurence 2Cle?bla4. Randall Grant 2Cle?b2. Paul Pickering Mason b Dec.S,1911 Pickerington, ml Junel6,1940 Mary Fern Gra.umli, Oct.29,1916-A-pr.26,1987, residence 13515.HighSt,Columbus,2 ch. JD2FlorenceEvelynl{onkler 2Cle?b2a. Charles Russel Mason b Mar.22,1941 Columbus,· ml Dec.30,1965 BaerbelSafranek,m 2Cle?b2b. Kathryn June b Ma.yl?,1945 ColWI!bus, m Dec.2,1967 Francis Michael Lorz, 4 chil 2Cle?b2bl. Deborah 2Cle7b2b2. Elizabeth Ann 2Cle?b2bJ. Mathew b twin to: 2Cle?b2b4. Daniel (twin) ~ 2Cle7bJ. Helen Lucinda b Uov.23,1913 Pickerington, m Vov.JO,l94o Columbus Burl Porter Wag ner, celebrated 50th Wedding Ann.,residences:lOS?RoundelayRd.E,Reynoidsburg,Oh and Clear­ water, Florida.. no children ,:i 2Cle?b4. Betty June b A~r.l),1922 Pickerington m Oct.16,1948 Columbus Harry Walter Arme"~ trout Aug.22,1918-0ct.4,1962 . J children; 2Cle?b4a.. Gary Lee Armentrout b JulylJ,1950, tt. Janet Reiss of Pickerington, l child: 2Cle?b4al • .A.tr.y Michelle b Dec.21,l9?B 2Cle7b4b. Jerry Dean b Dec.1,1952, ml no children, u2 no chileren, mJ Julyl8,1987 Susan Bartley Coster(who had H~ther, Stacey and Yathenial b cl985 fro~ previous u.) 2Cle7b4c. Paul Alan b Atr.5,1957, m Monie Bukey, 2 children: 2Cle?b4cl. Jeremey Alan b Aug.25,19?9 2Cle?.b4c2. Christopher Michael b Aug.8,1980 2Cle8. Sarah Pickering b 1850 2Cle9. Hannah Pickering b 18571 d c1930 1 e, m Jim____ lived ColUJDbus 202. Thomae. A-ppa.rently not mentioned in James• will, but specifically mentioned in 2. Thomas " Qualcer 11 Looker's will is Thoma.a the son of James. Thoma.a was "underage" in 1794 when his grand­ father wrote his will. There appears to be a large difference in the birthda.tee of Ann Looker, 1776, and the next previously identified child of Jau.es, Grace b 1?83, thus leaving room for Thou.as b cl778. Perhaps there were different mothers? (A descendant of Elizabeth Looker Bowers cl?95 identified Frances Russell as the wife of James). Accordin& to Marie K. Arrlngton, Rt.3 Box 118, Broadway,VA 22815, author of l:Lountain Vallez...R.!oJ?le, with infor~.a.tion in conjunction with Vera Rosa Boyatt, .1305 :Big Springs Road, Maryville TlJ 37801, Ja.mesLooker 11 Qua.ker 11 hs.d a son Thomas (born by cl?93) m Oct.12,1a13 RockingbacCoVa Mary. Cowan (4th child of Henry(Jowan). child 2C2a. Henry b cl815 n: lfov.26,1841 Rockingha.mCoVa Mary Koontz b Rockingha.n:Co. She was daug. of John Koontz 1?80/8-1852, his will probated Ma.y,1852 RockingbatrCo., his father Peter Koontz. Mary's mother was Catherine Koontz b 1785 daughter of Philip Koontz. Henry&Mary n:oved to Ohio. :But David :Bowers• data refers to this Thoma.a who m Mary Cowan as Thomas ~. and pla.ces him und family of J.John Looker who also had at least one descendant named Thomas Looker b c 1800 w~· "18.)' have 1r.oved to Ohio. Licking County,Ohio real estate records and ~skala Standard fi .. .:.s a newspauer covering the area where members of this fa~ily lived have the following items v~ of course could be about soEe otr.er H~nry.Looker. Henry Looker -purchased l acre in LiuaTw:p, · L·ic.kingCo. between 1864-18?5. Mink Street News Aug.2~ 1 1889-"Henry Looker and family of Y..ansas visiting his sister Jt!zrs.l'..aryliughes and other friends."Se-pt.19,1889-Mr.&Mrs.Henry Looker and lob: Mrs.Y11f.Mc!ntosh were visiting the fcrir.er's daughter ;.irs.Bell St.Clair of Morrow County.Ohio. '.·~er·t.1.G, lf'b9-Henry ~ · ri}rpr h:J.s "houer.t Jno !la.lay' s rww ~t,rr,. hui ·1c~in,°'.' and lot. 11 • 'l"hvu~~!.i. .LouKt:!' '1'lte ~u;..~t.er" u l'/'J) a.ml uii.h"no"'n wilt!, j kno't."n children (continued): 12- .:~C. Jair.es 19oker 11 The Quaker" 1743-1813 n: ~,ranees Russell, 10 children (continued): 2CJ. Grace]'tooker b March21,1783 Rocking'.'la~CoVa, d Dec.12,18,34 PickeringtonFairfiftldCoOhio, ml .__ Morton.b a?78 AugustaCo.Va., m2 Ma.y29.l817 RockinghamCoVa John Dovel b Se~tlS,1?76 Al.Jr.a,PageOc Virginia d Feb.2J,18S9 Pickerir~tonOh? son of David&Barbara,bur.DovelMeF..Cem. 3 children: ~Ja. Anna m 2C9c • .James Looker her 1st cousin, J? children under father• s fairily ~Jb_. Frances Dovel b 1820 RockingbamCoVa,d 1899 Pickerington?, m Andrew French b 1818, Schild ~~CJbl. Lucinda French bcl845 d Brice,Oh? m Joe Powell p· ~eri ton 2C3b2. George Dovel French Sept.15,1848-June21,1908, m Feb.24,1s?l1Me ~isa Ma.tell.a Ricketts Ma.y21,1850-Feb.15,l9J5dElDorado,Kansas buried BrownlowCeu.etery,ButlerCo,Kansas, l child: 2CJb2a. Harley Ira ]'rench m Cora Fuller, he was ButlerCoKansae Superintendent of Schools,c 2C)b2al. daughter 2CJb2a2. daugnter 2CJbJ. :~etty French m Oliver Baker 2C3b4. Jenny French m Joseph :Bayes 2C3b5. Frank French m Bell Patrick 2CJc. Elizabeth Dovel b Nov.29,1821 RockinghamCoVa, d Oct.26,1896 PickeringtonOh, m Jan.ll,183' Luray,PageCo.Va. Jacob Benjamin Dovel b 1816 Honeyville,Luray,Va, d 1901 Pickerington,Oh. Artie in La.ncaster(Ohio)Ee.gle-Gazette Sesquic~ntennial Edition, JuneJ,1950, Section H, p 29, said thB -the Dovels had built all the old brick houses around Piokerill8ton. " ••East of the village atop the hill on Route 256 is the 1home place' built just a century ago. The bricks were formed frc clay south of the house, burned in a kiln, then carried up the hill and the house built. (low owned by grandson Charles Dovel, Manistee,Mich.) West of Pickerington, Jacob Dovel built about 1866 a·· large brick house with circular stairs winding up to the cupola. This was for daughter Lucinda (now owned by l~.R.Hansen). Two daughters were xr.arried in a double ceremony to the BoweI brothers •• arou.nd 187S. Jacob fitted the~ with brick houses and far~s on the Refugee Road west of Rou.te 256. Florence received the corner place (Graceland, now owned by granddaughter, Mrs. O.C.Belt). The west far~ was given Virginia lPerry Smith ~resent owner). Frank Dovel received B farn and brick house south of Pickerington on about 1880. (His daughters Mrs.Rost Xallies and Miss May Dovel live there). Finally, Jacob Dovel was so instrucenta.l in building t} TJ.~.Church on east edge of Pickerington in 1883 that it is na.n:ed Dovel Memorial. Other Dovel~ \ iilt four other brick houses on farms about.Pickerington; so you're safe to bet about Picker~ ington: 1 If it's an old brick, Dovel built it, 1 And the brick CBJr,e from 'the ho~e place on the 111 hill by the Indian Jr.ound. • 9 children: 2CJcl. hdelaide 1837-1838 b and d in Pickerington A r 1 2c3c2. Lydia _1840-Se"Dt.19,1865 m William Ma.xmillian Ricken'R /.I84J-Dec.2,192l son of ChaneJ &Phebe Bowers Ricketts. Lydia&William m Junel6,1864. She d in childbirth, child survived. w~ ~2 Jan.8,1868 Frances A. Curtis, 6 children:~ffie,Joseph,Edward,Charles,Mamie,Willia~.Lydia~ 2C3c2a. John Lydia Dovel Ricketts Sept.19,1865-May4,1928 b&d Pickerington ml Etta May Rick· etts Sept.7,1866-Dec.21,1888 his cousin dau.ofWm Wallace&Ora. buried VioletCem. l child. Jc m2 Jessie Elizabeth' Soliday b 1870 librarian at Pickerington Library, 2 children. John dro1 'J)ed the "Lydian from his name. He was raised by the Dovel f8.J!lily and did not know that he was a Ricketts until he C8.Jile of age. 2CJc2al. Harry Earl Ricketts b CJune,1888 Pickerington, d Hopkinsville,Ky?. He was raisec by Florida Ann Dovel. ml Mabel Patrick b 1888,l child, ~.2 Mae U~ton b 1890, l child: 2CJc2ala. Merele Evelyn Ricketts b 1910 ml Arthur Yale bl895, m2 Erwin Dreese bl895 2CJc2a.lb. Jacob Byron Ricketts b 1913 Pickerington m ~'anda Luetta Martin 2CJc2a2. Richard Dovel Ricketts b Dec.lS.1908 m lielene A. Patrick b Sept.25,1906 2CJc2a.J. John Todd Ricketts Feb.8,1898-~ov.?.1958 b&d Pickerington bur VioletCem, m Yov.~ 1924 Groveport,Oh to Kathyrn Brison b Ma.yl0,1898 Millersport,Oh,livingPicltergtnl982, 2 cl 2CJc2a3a. Bonni~ b Sept:9 •. 192S, m Junel?,1950 Dr. Albert VanFossen b Ja.n...2,1925, 2 ch: 2C)c2a)al. Robert Derek VanFoseen (adopted) 2CJc2aJa2. John Todd VanFossen (adopted) 2CJc2a)b. John Thomas Ricketts b Junel?.1929, m June22,1952 Lancaster,Oh Rita Joan l3ade b Dec.1,1931 Carroll,Oh. She is Mayor of Pickerington. 4 children: 2CJc2a3bl. J ohni ta. m _ Bawngardner 3 children: (_) 2CJc2a)bla. Troy b cl980 2C)c2a)blb. Scott b cl982 2C)c2a3blc. Karil (girl) b cl985 2CJc2aJb2. Cheryl m Basinger 2 children: 2CJc2aJb2a. Christopher b cl980 2C1c2a1b2b, Kimberly b c1qa2 2CJc2a3b3. Richard · 2C'1c2a1b4. C1:i.rla D' Moore })'i 1·e lj • Thomas Looker "j~he Ouaker 11 d 1795 and unknown wife, .3 known childr~n (continued): } .3. 2C. James Looker 11 The Quaker" 1743-1813 m Frances ltussell, 10 children (continued): 2CJ. Grace M. Looker 1?8J-18j4 ~John Dovel l(76-l8S9, 3 Ohildran (continued): 2CJc. Elizabeth Dovel 1821-1896 m Jacob Benjamin Dovel 1816-1901, 9 children (continued): 2CJcJ. John b 1842 Pickerington d 1863 Prison Camp, Louisville, Kentucky - Civil \tiar 2C3~4.• · )1~tzabeth 1847-1895 n: Anthony Morton bcl847 ~·j~~· ... ·.. ~rchild: \.. 2C3c4a~"'·o11ve Elizabeth 1867-1915 b&d Pickerington, m Jacob Randolph 11Jake" Dovel b 1856 Stanley,PageCo,Va, d 1920 Pickerington, Jake Jn2 Alice Valentine child: 2CJc4al.n~ri~ Dovel b 1901 m Russell Wagner b 1895 Baltimore,Ohio 2c3c5. Loucintti1fhedosia E. Dovel Feb.8,1848-Sept.22,1913, b&d. Pickerington, m Maycj,1865 Pie erington Abra.ham Bowers ~une5,1843-0ct.20,192l son of Evan&Ma.ryE.Buckingha.niBowers. Received the Dovel brick house west of Pickerington on Columbus Street. (See also ~.23.) child: 2C3c5a. Charles Dovel Bowers Sr b Sept.20,1866 Pickerington, d Feb.5,1949 Lancaster,Oh, m Oct._1907 Hilliard,Oh. Helen Matilda nMaisy" HoJlll'Ilon b Oct.31, 1879 Hilla.rd d Jan.2, 1928 Pckt 2C3c,5a.l. Marion Elizabeth Bowers b 1908 Pickerington, m Floyd Ackley "Pete" Hanna 2C)c5a2. Charles Dovel Eowers Jr. b Feb.l,1911 Pickerington, d July2J,1983 Lancaster, m June5,l940 Wooster,Oh. '2Alalc4co. Ru.th Marie Layton b Sept.16,1913 Milford Center.Oh. 3 c~ 2C3c.5a2a. (2A.lalc4cl.) Dovel Charles Bowers 2CJc5a2b. (2Alalc4c2.) Matilda Bowers 2C3c5a2c. (2AlAlc4cJ.) Da.vid Layton Bowers b Aug.27,1946 Wooster,Oh, m Ma.r.26,1971 Col~ bus,Oh Sharon Lee Hartsough. Be has ~rovid~d e~tenaive Renealo~ical records. 2 childx 20Jc,Sa.~cl. (&2Alalc4c3a.) an.dress .q; 7~J w.MB.rconlAve. ,u::ienda.L~ ,Ariz. 853o6 2c3c5a2c2.(&2Ala.lc4c3b.) 2C)c6. Andrew Jackson Dovel b 1850 Pickerington d 1928 Manistee,Michiga.n, ml Harriett Recto ! Rietz, m2 Sophronia D. Harmon. Received Dovel brick house east of Pickerington that was the "home 'Place." children: 2CJc6a. infant b&d 1868 at Pickerington 2C3c6b. Charles Dovel living in Manistee, Michigan in 1950 2CJc7. Florida/Florence? Ann~. Dovel 1851-1926, m cl875(in a double wedding with Olive Virgj ia)irPickerington,Irvin Eowen 1850-1922. Received Dovel brick house and farm at corner of Rout 256 and Refugee Road. It was torn down in l980's to u.ake way for business construction expe ing along Route 256 toward Columbus. child: '""-· 2C3c7a. Grace Dovel :Bowen b 1881 · m Orrien Carrollton 11 0.c. 11 Belt. He was a car dealer in Columbus. They owned a prominent registered Guernsey herd. 2CJc8. Olive Virginia Dovel 18.54-1913? b&d Pickerington, m cl8?5 (in double ~edding with Floz ence) to Oliver Bowen 1854-1913? brother of Florence's husband Irvin. Received the Dovel bric house and fa.rr. west on Refugee Road from Route 256. It is still standing, in use, and in ver~ good condition in 1991. child: 2C3c8a. :Bea.drchis (Beatrice??) Bowen 1885-1937 b&d Pickerington, m Ivan Green 2CJo8b, Elizabeth Dovel Bowen b 1893 b&d Pickerington 2c3c9. Frank Dovel m "Gentz"_(known to Hazel Cook as having following house and famil,y). Are Frank&Gentz nicknames for following people from D.Bowers records to whom the same children al a.ttributed:Jacob Eenjamin _r. Dovel 1857-1936 m Missouri J. Smith 1855-1932. Frank received a farm and brick house south of Pickerillgton on Waterloo Road about 1860 from his pa.rents. His daughters were living there in 1950. The "Official Cor.memorative Booklet" of Pickerington' s 1?5th Ann •• 1990. ',P.30 has an article, "Ma.y Dovel Home" :"Long a landmark in the commu.nity but now standing empty, the Dovel home is on Hill Road South, Just north of the Pickerington Higl School The house was built by Jacob Dovel and first occupied by his son Frank and his family 1881. Two yea.rs were required to complete its construction. -pJacob Dovel was a native of .Roel ingbam County, Virginia, and the estate was develo~ed after the fashion of the_plantations oj the South. w The house consists· of 10 rooms with ceilings 10 feet high upstairs and ll feet high downstairs. There were 180,000 handmade bricks used in its construction. The house has four chimneys and four fireplaces. The handsome mantles were brought from Chicago, the one 11 the drawing room bein& of inlaid SJ)8.Ilish JDarble. The woodwork throughout the house is of whi' ~ine with walnut trim.'JPThe front hallway merits s~eoial attention with its double doors and windows of exquisite ruby glass. From this hallway rises a beautifully curved staircase wit. alternating ~osta of walmut and white ~ine. This staircase is unique in that it is self au~~i ing and was designed by the saue architect who designed tho8e in the State House in Columbus In 1991 the house and yard are undergoing ezteneive refurbishment. children: ~,..: ~l:, i:: _L•t . • 'l'hor.·as 100kc1" 11 ·.1.'hc l~~.i~ker" d 1795 and unknown wife, J known children (continued): 1r.J 1 ZC. Jair.es Looker 11 ~ he Quaker" 174)-1813 Jr Frances Russell, 10 children (continued): I 2CJ. Grace M. Looker 1783-1834 m John Dovel 1776-1859, 3 children (continued): · 2CJc. Elizabeth Dov&l 1821-1896 tr. Jacob Benjamin Dovel 1816-1901, 9 children (continued): 2CJc9. ),rank Dovel m"Gentz"_ , ·children (continued): /JP'\ 2CJc9a. Myrtle Daisy "Dolle" Dovel 1879-1920 ~ 2CJc9b. Darley Boynton "Boyd" ":Boy" Dovel 1881-1920 b&d Pickerington, :u. Clara_ d young? 2CJc9c. Rose 1885-1960, ~l __Hamilton, l child, Jn2 .Lawrence K. Kallice 2CJc9cl. Ted Hamilton · 2CJc9d. May Pansy Dovel 1886-1970 b&cl Pickerington umna.rried 772CJc.1Q.. Jacob Benjamin F. Dovel 1857-1936 b&d Pickerington, m Missouri J. Smith 1855-1932 b&d Pickerington. Same as 2c3c9. Frank: and "Gent~n?; another son in addition to Frank?; the Jacob, ~ 2CJc4a.. Olive Elizabeth dau. of Elizabeth Dovel&A.nthony Morton?& or a Jacob belonging to s~ other Dovel family? Known in Pickerington to Hazel Cook in addition to Frank Dovel and family was a Jacob Dovel who ml Grace ___ , m2 _____ had a child they named Grace,lived east on Rt.256. 2CJclQa. Grace Dovel Is this the same Grace Dovel known to Betty ¥.ta.son Armentrout? That Gri

was b cl921 1 attended Pickeri~chools and was thought to live east on Columbus St 1 Pickerii ton. She also lived on West Columbus Street and had a stepfather Lester Patrick. This Grace JD&.rried, ~roba.bly bad children and d.cl990 in Florida.

2C4. "Fran.key" Frances? Looker Jan.29,178?-JuJ..Yl2,18441 m 1803 Jacob Martz son of Sebastian&:Ma.r~ Martz. Remained in Rockingham Co. Va. children: 2C4a. Jacob Martz died young 2C4 b. Joseph d age 26 2C4c. Frances d age 21 2C4d.. Mary n: John Homan 2C4e. Elizabeth m Ecimun~7itdsenberger children: 2C4el. Stephen Rosenberger d young 2C4e2. Elizabeth m Me.Jor Christian Shirley child: 2C4e2a. Laura m 1897 JDla.4f .»icholaa Ha.rner(descendant ofTho~.as&SarhReevesLooker) ch~ 2 __ 2C4e2.al. Charles Harner, has Jaco~,rankey Martz Faxnily :Bible ~~~ Banna.h Martz m John Zirkle l. ~. Anna. n; Harrison Homan (Anna b cl81S) · .· · their child: 1 ?2C4gl. Harrison Homan b 1845-1896 b&;d. Hilliard,F)-anklinCo,Oh., m Oct.20,1870 Rachel L. Dildine 1840-192q (?16 descendants in 1990?7) a child: 2C4gla. delen Matilda/Maisy Hor-.ma.n b Oct.Jl,1879 Hilliard, d Jan.2,1928 Pickerington, m Oct. 1907 Hilliard 2CJc5a.Charles Dovel BowersSr. 1866-1949, descendants listed under father 2C4h. Looker Martz d young 2C4i. Bersha.ba ~ Andrew Artz (Martz?) 2C4J. Katherine 2C4k. Grace m 2C?b. Jackson Rhodes, her lst cousin 2C41. Dorial 2C4m. Lydia 2CS. Jonathan Looker b 1790 RockinghamCo,Va. d cl8SS. m cl810 Phebe___ b 179J Rockingha.mCo. In 1820 ap~eared inVioletTwp,FairfieldCo,Ohio census married with J sons under 10 and l daughter a little older. Jonathan Looker was the first president of Universaliat Church organized July22, 1848. His daughter .Martha was a charter member (from H.Morey research, History of Fa.!,tfield and Pi.£kaway Counties.Ohio, ~.465). R.Moore research.census records & Jona.tha~ooker 1 s will finds 4 c 2csa.. daughter b before 1810 not in Jonathan's will - ·· 2CSb. Moab b c 1812 not in Jonatha.n•s will 2CSc. Joel b 1816 FairfieldCo, m __ b Pickerington, farmer living with })Brents 18SOCeneu9,~ona! 2C5cl. Jonathan bl~J6, in JonathanLooker household 1850Census, listed as grandson? age 14, a John Looker(eamel) m L.rdia Ricketts b 1840 youngest listed daughter of Col.Jobn&Mary(Ricketts) Ricketts(ist cousins, Mary-dau.ofReasonRicketts). froD1 Our Ri~tts Cou!.!Jl! by Lephia French Onclay, 1987, in Fairfield Co. District Library Genealogy Room, Lancaster, Ohio. 2CSo2. Cyru.e/Siru.a b 1841,in J$nathan.Looker household 18SOCensue, listed as grandson? age 9 2r.~d. Joab b 1817 FairfieldCo, farmer living with parents 1850 Census ( .. J. Noah ltfill1au;1) b 1827 FairfieldCo, m cl8501 Elizabeth bl8J2, farJLer both in J .Looker ~&~hold 1850Census. In Canal Winchester,Oh. Cemetery:Koah Look~r Ma.rchlS,1833-Feb.l?,1899 and Angeline Looker Aug.6,1849-Apr.2,1923 - same Noah 2nd narriage?? 2C5f. Martha b 1828 Fairfield Co., ~between 1850-1855 to Elisha.Brown (Hazel ~orey aaid(1q70 1 s) was corresponding with Rev.CharlesE.Looker, Warsaw,Indiana., United of Chriet minister descended.:ffrom .Jonathan Looker who lived in j!'ai:rfield Co. on a fartr. which -was a Mili tar:,.. land grant fror ?res. Madison,) / JJci.GC 1) 1::> .!. Thon.as looker "The qt.w.ker" d 17~5 and unk"nown wife, J lmown children (continued): 2C. Jaues Looker "The ~ker" 1743-1813 :rr. Frances RussP.ll, lO children (continued): i 2C6. Lydia b cl792 Rockinghau.CoVa d 1871 PickeringtonOH unrarried. Cleo Richter said that Lyd.1~ f.ca~e to the land her father had given her by Sycau-cre ~reek, liked it and stayed. She had been ~~engaged in Virginia, but her fiance refused to cou:e to such an uncivilized place. Her father ... · ~ravelefi_)o Ohio to bring her hon:e, she refused. He said to either go °baQf ~~¥tih.'¥.hi:tr., or n~ 1!-"1 th~rez;ana_; root with the -pigs. 11 She stayed. had a cabin on her land and raised pigs. She took ;her grandneice, Elizabeth Fleck, whom she raised. C.Richter had a gavel, ma.de from the walnut wood from Aunt Lydia's cabin. 18.50Census lists household 90: Lydia Looke·r age 58 born in Virgix and Elizabeth Flick age 10 b FairfieldCo. Lydia's will named several neices and nephews and a grandnephew James Joseph Beard, son of Ma.thew Alan Beard. She also left land in Violet Townshi1 to Phili~ Fenst~rmak:er. 2C?. Barshaba. Looker Nov.17,1792-Junel?,1668 dFa.irfieldCoOh, m 1812 George Rhodes RockinghamCo, 2C7a. Jonathan Rhodes died young unmarried 2C7b. Jackson m 2C4k.Grace Martz A descendant still lives on 2C?c. Lydia m Barnet Speck the land inherited from 2C.J8Jl 2C7d. Phili'P Looker, 2C?e. Harvey 2C7f. Oliver 2C?g. Jacob Perry Rhodes· grandchild is Mr. Roy Rhodes 2C?h. John H. 2071. Frances Catherine Rhodes tt 18.56 Abraham Rosenberger 2C?J. possibly other Rhodes children died as infants 208. Elizabeth "Bet" Looker b cl795 d 1858, m March_l813 Abraham :Bowers d 1850 FairfieldCoOh. J:: sister Rachel Bowers ~ Oct.12.1803 ~2.William Looker,father of Mary-ancestors of H.Morey and~ Burns. (See Sup'Plezr.ent-Bowers farrily~ .. p.21) Rlizabetb&Abraham' s J children: 2C8a. Mary npolly11 b JulyJ,1816 Muskingu.mCo,Ohio d Sept.19,1849 age JJ Picker1ngtonTbur1ed"~Cl oman Bowers• Cemetery. ~ cl8JS Abraham Flick. After Mary's death, Abraham took ~llen and Johll 1r.oved to HardinCo.Oh, narried and had ir.ore children. · ·Ma.ry&Abraha.m' e S childre 2C8a.l. Barbara b cl8J6. Unknown to C.Richter, but mentioned in abraham Bowers 1 will(Fairfi~i Co. court redords) as having reached la.wfU:l age in 1857. " . 2C8a2. Ellen R. b cl839 m Phillip Burkett. Oldest child of Mary&Abraha.Iri Flick known to C-le Richter. She was about age 10 at ·her D.other•s· death. Lived Rawson & Mt.Cory, nearFindley,O. 2C8a2a • .Albert m Eupheir.ia_ lived Rawson chil 2C8a.2al. daughter m __Gibbs chil 2C8a2ala. Albert 2C8a2b. Cora m __ Hartu.an, lived Findley chil 2C8a2bl. Avery m _ no children 2C8a2c. Sadie ~ T.W. Keel, lived Mt.Cory childre 2C8a2cl. Beulah m Charles Henning chi 2C8a2cla.. Mary Lou m lives Toledo, has children 2C8a.2c2. Russell m Emmaline_ lives West J efferson,Oh. chil 2C8a2c2a. Eugene m _____ feotball coach WestJefferson 1970's has children 2C8aJ. John b cla40 m Went also with his father to HardenCo, bad a farm coverin.g the only place in Ohio where 4 counties came together-Wood,Ha.ncock,Allen&liarden {paid taxes 4 counties). Had children. 2C8a4. Elizabeth Oct._1841--Apr.22,1887, m John W. Mason. Her great-aunt Lydia Looker asked raise her and father Abraham Flick agreed. She grew up in her Aunt Lydia's cabin. The infor tion later told to her granddaughter Cleo came from Elizabeth that her other great aunts in Pickerington were Ann Looker Pickering, Grace Morton and Catherine Rice. Cle.o .. Richter pro­ nounced the family name 11 Lu.ker 11 but spelled it looker. John Ma.son was from Ba.ltimore,Maryla {his pa.rents were Eliza.&John-this John came from Stra.tford,England. Eliza&John were m Balti more,MD; were last of the original settlers on the Refugee Lands, buried Etna Ce~etery).10 2C8a4a. George Washington Mason, oldest child, Jral Elizabeth Brown-3ch. ,m2Lorettal

1842? Thouas Jefferson Flick llov.12'.1812-_1884 brother of wife's sister•·s husband Abra.ha.n.Fli 1 '!'hey were sons of John&Barba.raCKiblinger)Flick who ca.Ire froir RockinghamCo.Va 1802 to Pleasant T·•• ;-p.FaiffieldCo.Oh - from Thoir.asFlick biography, Hist.Q!:Y of x,t:.irfield and PerryCounties,Ohio, pub.188J, p.JOO. Farner Violet Twp., Jr.el!":ber Evangelical Church. 11 children 2C8bl. Abrahair: Packett Flick Aug.27,18J8-Y.i.a.y9/June6,1909, never n., lived east of Pickeringto: on home farm, had many blackberries, would not permit killing of blacksnakes on his farm. 2C8b2. Isaac b Feb.J.1840 m___ , served in army Jyears?m, lived in Greenup, Kentucky 2C8bJ. Jacob l.4a.y2S.1841-Apr.16,191J, m Jan.11,1864 ~lizabeth Yeager, lived Pickerington, l··c: 2C8bJa. Valtine 11 Val" m Lessie Shoeir.aker, lived Columbus 2C6b4. Elizabet~ b Aug.7,1844 m Daniel Yeager, lived Basil, Ohio 2C8b5. Sa.rah Ann Marchl,1847-Dec.7,1856 d of scarlet fever 2C8b6. twin boy b March 1,184?, d 1847 2C8b7. Polly/Mary Ann "Molly" lTov.19,lBSO-Oct.25,1926, m A~r.3,1879 Peter D•. Snyder Feb.19, 1852-Aug.11.1926, buried Snid&rs 1 Church, Basil,Oh. 3 sons: 2C8b?a. Dayle Jan.4,1884-July4,1884 2C8b?b. Walter Stonewall Jan.ll,18~6-iAug.19,1961, never m, lived on Snyder homestead betwe Canal Winchester and Baltin.ore, Ohio 2C8b7c. Ja.Jr.es Monroe Aug.16,1889-JuneJ,1962, m Sept._1916 s. Pearl Groves Julyl6,1884-June' 197?. Both teachers, she had Masters degree. lived on Flick homestead in a converted log house. still standing 2 sons: 2C8b7cl. James Russell Jr. b July29,l924, ml Pauline Weiu.er b 1927, Kirkersville lst Gra1 teacher 19?0's, livedMingoEstates,Pickerington, 2 sons, James ir2 .J.c.;dith_ 2C8b7cla. Ja.Ir.es Russell b 194?, m _ , graduate Stanton Military School, child: 2C8b7clal. son 2C8b?clb. Paul David b June20,1949 m lives Reynoldsburg 2 childr 2li8b?c lbl. son 2C8b7clb2. son .·.L'hcl!:.:.:;.i 1 ooker '' .. •H' \.:U'-1.h.er 11 d. l'/•1) urn1 unknown w11e, J knovm chilcire~1 (continued): 2C. Jal!'.es Looker "The Qµaker" 174J-181J r: ~,ranees Russell, 10 children {continued): 17 2C8. Rlizabeth LookPr cl?95-l858 m Abrahan Bowers d 1850, J children (continued): 2C8b. Bersheba :Bowers 1818-1<;04 m 'J.'homas J. Flick 1812-18~. ll children (continued): 2C8b7. ?J.a.ry Ann l'lick 1850-1926 Jr. Feter Snyder 1852-1926, J children (continued): 2C8b7c.JaJr.es M. Snyder 18ts9-1962 m Pearl Groves 1884-1977. 2 children (continued): (';.\ ;. :: , 2U~'.97c2. John Wilbur b July22,1927, re Apr.ll,1953 HildaL.Ma.nuel, liv&.owrtf~wn, Va. l~ 2C8b7c2a. John Wilbur l.L b Aug.27, 1961 2C8b8. Thomas Jefferson Flick Sept.3,185J-__194l, ~Ellen G__ 1851-1923, 1 chil 2C8b8a. Eltter Roy 1881-1934, m ~dna.B.Goss l882-1966tsee GOSS fa.mily),lived Newark, l chil 2C8b8al. Pauline L. b Mar.l,1915 Columbus, d Jan._,1979 age6J, m William Harlow, lived Newark, William er.player SearsRoebuck, lived Ashtabula. 21 years. 2 childr 2C8b8ala. Thozr.a.s F. :Bay Village, Ohio Pauline was survived 2C8b8alal. 1979 by 4 grandchildren 2C8b8a.lb. Linda m Donald E. Brail, Aahtabula.,Oh. 2C8b9. Lydia Ellen"Doll.y" Jan.15,1856-Jan.16,1940 m Frank Schaeffer, lived Millers-port,Oh. 2C8blO.Lucinda Ma.rchl6,1860-J'ulyll,1860 d of whoo~ing cough 2C8bll.Ecu:na Ma.y2,1861-Jan.Jl,1887 d of consumption 2C8c. Solomon Bowers b Feb.18,1824 Pic~erington, d Jan.28,1895 71¥11ml4d Pataska..M\., ml Oct.17 1850 Phebe Ann Bowers Jan.20,18Jl-July26,1859 (see"Sup'Pleir.ent -:Bowers Family" /~6t~een section on fa~ilies of 2.Thoma.s and 3.John), 3 children. m2 Jan.25,1860 Rowena c. Salts l840-June26, 1922, tombstone Pataskala Cemetery, 3 children. Solo~on lived east of Pickerington adjoining Flick's land. S.Bowers land owned 1970 1 s by Mr.Suver, Solomon Bowers Cer.etery is maintained. 2C8cl. Mary Ellen July20,1851-Dec.19,l896, m Aug.23,1888 William Wesley Doherty b Aug.25,184 VioletTwp, d ~.ayl2,19JO Cincinnati. Both buried VioletCem.Pickerington, 2 children 2C8cla. Murphy James Ma.rch27,1889-Julyl7,1975 (raised by Olive Nessley, his mother•s 1st cousin on her mother's side), m Dec.27,1916 LinnieV.Sprague b Julyl8,1890 Clathe,Ka.n, live Cincinnati, 2 children: 2C8cla.l. Ruth b Dec.8,1917 m June20,1944 Raymond L. Bis~linghoff b Feb.7,1917, live 15 Fife Road, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 2 children: 2C8clala.. Ross Lee b July25,1951, r. Jan.8,1977 Virginia. T. Perry b Aug.4,1954 ·. .:' 2C8clalb. Ron S-prague b Se-pt.19, 1955 'Playing -professional hockey in Sweden in 19?9 \:...' ... 2C8cla.2. Carl Sprague Doherty b May27,1922, m June27,1q53 Judith I. Brackett b Oct.18, 1930, live Seattle, \.a.shington·, · 4 children: 2C8cla2a. Mark Mur~hy Doherty b A'Pr.25,19.54 2C8cla2b. Patrick ~homas b May2q,1956, Jr. Julyl8,1981 Karen Kelly 2C8cla2c. John Kelley b June22.1959 2C8cla2d. Ann S-prague b Apr.5,1962 2C8clb. Ruth Bathsheba. Dec.14,1892-Apr.9,1954, m Dec.28,1916 Tho~.as E. Fowler Sept.2,1893- Dec.9,1968, lived Wooster,Ohio 2 children: 2C8clbl. Kenneth E. b JulyJ,1918, m Nov.28,1947 Anna Frances Power·bOct.23,1918,0rJa.ndq, 2C8clbla. Thomas Robert b Sept.1,1949 2C8clblb. David Power b Feb.28,1951, m M3.rchlO,l978 Linda__ 2C8clb2. Robert Rex b Aug.14,1919, ml 1949 Marcia. Wood, m2 1975 Andria Burroughs,Winter~ 2C8c2. Amanda B. "V.a.ndy" 1856-1860 age 4 years (tombstone in Solomon Bowers• Cemetery) 2C8c3. Willy b 1858, d Dec.30,1858 . 2C8c4. Willy Wallace (2ndwife 1 s first child) b 1861 d Oct.5,1870. Killed by a pet bear the family ha.d who smelled and tried to get eome candy the child was carrying. On the cover of a rifle association magazine cl970 wa.s a re~lica of a poster advertising a. shooting contest at Pickerington, Ohio in 18?1. The prize was a live bear owned by Solomon Bowers. 2C8cS. Nerva Blanche Aug.20,18?1-Nov.5,1936, m Ma.rch21,1895 Charles Stimson Bishop d JulyJl, 1932 Pa. taskala Jr.ail· carrier, his zr.a.11 buggy is in Ohio State Museum ·· 3 childr 2C8c5a. Claudia Mae Bishop b Ma.yl9,1896 near Pickerington, m July24,l915 Uewark,O. Carl Ca lisle Harsh b Apr.?,1894 FallsTwp.HockingCo.Oh, d Dec.24,1982 Columbu.s,Oh. He was teacher Indiana.&Ohio. Joined Fa.ru:ers&Mercha.nts Bank, Logan,Oh 1934-64 l child 2C8c5al. Dr.Robert Carlyle Harsh b Ma.y24,1916 0.xford,:BentonCo.India.na, m Jan.6,1940 Clar May Hickox b Oct.l,1918 Oxford,ButlerCo,Ohio, dau. of JayGillrore&LuraGraceMorr~wu~k'.· Robert earned MD 1941, served hos~itals Michiga.n,Ohio,S.Carolina. They a.re fina1.: 1c~ile of The lia.rsh Famil~nealogY 1740-19§.Z, -pub. Columbus,0.1987,514 -pages. (He and his chi ren a.re the only known D!Utual relatives of Hoger&Aatrid Pickering~) 9 children: t ·:.· ·.hor:~~s J..OuKt!r 11 1·he lAl:..1.kt~r 11 a l'/<.~.'.:> arid unknown wife, J known children (continued): I "j' · ~C. Jarr.es Looker "'ihe Quaker" 174J-181J Ir. lt1rances liussell, 10 children (continued): 2C8. Elizabeth Looker cl?95-1858 m 4braha~ Bowers d 1850, J children (continued): .'2C~~. Solomon Bowers 1824-1895 m2 Rowena Salte 1840-1922, 3 of his 6 children (continued): 2C8c5. Herva Blanche Bowers 1871-1936 m Charles Bishop d 1932, J children (continued): If!"": 2C8cSa.Claudia Bishop b.1896 m Carl c. Harsh 1894-1982, l child (continued): ~ 2C8c5al. Dr. Robert Harsh b 1916 m Clara Hickox b 1918, 9 children (continued): · 2C8c5ala. Carol Ma.urine Harsh b Aug.26,1940 Columbus,Ohio d Sept. 1940

2C8c5alb. Robert Carlyle Harsh Jr. b Jan.14,1943, d July26 1 1969 tractor accident on Calico Ridge farm, m Apr.26,1969 Sandra Buckner of Asheville,v.c., no children 2C8c,5alc. unnamed stillborn infant b Feb,1945 at Detroit,Michigan 2C8c5ald. Yancy Jane b Dec.27,1947 Marquette,MI, ml Aug.3,19?0 Acree Herbert Lunsford 2C8c5ale. Rebecca Maurine b Feb.lJ,1949'PontiacMI, ml Mar.12,1977 Matthew Brian Thorn- ton of Scotia, New York 1 child: 2C8c.5alel. Robert David Thornton b Junel4,1978 at Colun:bia, S.Carolina 2C8c5alf. Carol Louise b Jan.23,1951 Pontiac ,MI, librarian Monroe,liC(l987) 2C8c)alg. Deborah Grace b Junel2,1955 Mansfield,OH, lives New Jersey (1987) 2C8c5alh. Claudia Elizabeth b Aug.8,1957 Mansfield,OH, earned M.D. 1985, Resid.O:S..GYN CincinnatiBethesdaHos~., m May24,1981 Columbus Roy Allan Auerbach b NewYorkCity son of Louis&Charlotte(Blattberg)Auerbach,Gueens,NY. Roy Assoc.Prof .Chemistry,Tu.la.ne Un. 2C8cSal1. David Charles b Sept.16,1959Mansfield, Proj.Engineer,Coal Biotech,Columbu.s,OH 2C8cSb. M. ~fa.urine b Oct.10,1900 Pataskala, d Ma.rch27,19?3 age?2 Newark,OH. not m. was teacl er Hewark for 52 years, member Pataskala United Methodists, buried Pataskala Cem. 2C8cSc. Dr.CbarlesS.Bishop b Feb.29,1908 Pataskala, d July_l9?9age71 Newark, m Katharine McCoy. He was conroany physician 38 years OwensCorningCo,Newark. buried Pataskala Cem. 2C8c5cl. Nicholas Bisho~ b Feb.11,1945 (adopted) 2C8c5c2. Thomas Bishop b Oct.20,1948 (adopted) 2C8c6. Roy Bowers June25,18?4-_1951, m June_l896 l{ettie Morrow "Mam" b Feb.5,18?9 LickingCc d lateFeb.1979 age 100 Celina,Oh. dau. of Jacob&Harriett King Morrow. Roy was first custodian of Pataskala. Cemetery and solAl.y responsible for ~lanting many of the beautiful trees there (according to Pataskala Stand~, Ma.rch;J.4,1979). Buried Pata.ska.la Cem. 3 children: ~ 2C8c6a.. Bessie b Oct.24,1897, ml Sept.28;l92l Peter Charles Krouse, lived Dayton,Oh. 2 chilc ren, m2 A~r.17,1942 Edwin Louis M~rgan, living SanAntonio,Te.xas 1979 2C8c6al. Daniel Joseph Krouse b Aug.27,1922, rr. June26,1942 Jeanette M. Saunders, 3 childrr 2C8c6ala. Patricia .Ann b Oct.8,1944 lllettie Bowers was survived in 2C8c6alb. Larry Roy b Jan.14,1947 1979 by 2 great grandchildren & 2C8c6a.lc. Daniel J. Jr. b June21,1948 4 gr.gr. grandchildren) 2C8c6a.2. Elizabeth Ann Krouse(changed her na.tte to Morgan) b Feb.27,1924, m June4,1949 Ervin Bruce Hiser 2C8c6b. Audrey Oct.4,1900-0ct.14,1989 age89 Tallahassee,FL, m James A. Malick d beforel989, she was schoolteacher Columbue&Celina,OH, buried Pataskala. Cem. 2 children: 2C8c6bl. Richard Everett b ~ov.5,19JO, Talla.hassee 2C8c6b2. Nancy Jacqualine b Feb.--4,1932, m ___ Clapper, living Tallahassee 1989 child: 2C8c6b2a. Lorelei 2C8c6c. Rowena Jeannette B. b },eb.22,1906, m _Case, living Tallahassee 198%l?Q4. Va ~C9. Jose~h Looker b cl796 ml March2,1818 RockinghamCo.Va. Charlotte 0 1 Kean/O~Xane/, 8.8.u. of :ienr7 O'Kane. They moved to FairfieldCo,Oh by l8JO. In "Officail Comme1r.orative Booklet" for Pick­ lrington' s l75th Anniversary •• 1990, page 16 in telling about early roads and a stagecoach route 3urveyed in 1816:"This road now State Route 256 in Pickerington, ~assed by the oldest inn in the Tillage •••Jacob Looker owned this site until he sold to James o. Kane in 1829." Should this read r oseph instead of Jacob since ther~ is not yet any record of a Jacob Looker of that~ age, the one i•~e handwritten could easily be mistaken for the other, and the transaction involved a probable nember of Jose~h 1 s wife's fa~il.y. Since father 2C~Jamea gave each of his children pa.rt of the lioletTllp. land, perhaps Joseph sold his and established or bought the inn. Joseph & Charlotte filed for divorce Julyl6,183J. Jose-ph in his petition states they have 7 children, he says he \vns land in Pickaway Co.Oh and the petition was signed in FranklinCo. Charlotte states they have '·~6 children. (Information from Helen Stone Woodruff ,806 SouthState,Tahlequah,OK 74464 in 1988.) lf19 children (R.Moore 1 s list, collaborated with by D.Bowers with additional detaile..'~~e:xcept Bowere list doesn't include 2C9a.Elijah.) l" ~i~e .i. ·1 .• 'lhonas Looker 111.fhe Ouaker 0 d 1795 and unknown wife, J known children (continued): \ '\ . zc. Ja1r;es looker "The Quaker" 1743-1813 n: Frances Russell, 10 children {continued): 2C9. Jose-ph looker b cl?96 ir.l Charlotte 0 1Kane, 8 of hie 19 ch1ldrnn (continued): 2c9a. Elijah Looker b cl8l9 FairfieldCo.Oh, d Oct._1896? SUJnmit Station,Oh.?, m cl849 Mary~ Jane ___ b 1822 Maryland. Three items all applying to same ~liJah?: l. 1850 Census Elijah ag~ 39. ~.. ~r~P:!. age 28 a-ppear in Fair!,ield Co, no children, dwelling next to Ji+lll,,s: .. :·1:~9~er age 4<· .. ': who may 'tie 2B?-c.James. Perhaps ~lijah was working for him? 2. 1860 Census ·Elijah&Sarah J. ~ 5 children appear in LimaTwp,LickingCo. living next to Mathias Young whose ~ife was descend~ from 2A3.Barba.ra Woodley Pickering. His two sons a-p-pear in 1880 Census Lima.Tw-p. ). Files of !1U.askala Stand~, Oct.2211896 Summit (in Lima.Twp.)news:"EliJah Looker who has been spendiJ the surmer with his daughter Mrs. Geo Todd, while walking on the railroad between this plac~ and Taylors Station was struck by fast :B&O No 105 and instantly killed. The deceased was mol than 70 years of age and ha.s one daughter and two sons residing here." S children:. 2C9al. Mary J. b 1850 Ohio m George Todd and lived at Summit,OH? 2C9a2. Henry b cl853. ·1880Census LimaTwp:Henry Looker 26, Lottie 22· and an ado-pted daughtt in their own dwelling. Pat.Stand~ files 1889 mentions Henry Looker of SUJnmit, but at leE -pa.rt of his activities sound like those of a man older than 35, see 2C2a.Henry Looker. 2C9aJ. David C. b 1855 2C9a.4. Lafayette P. b 1857. 1880 Lima.Twp.Census he is 24, a farmer with wife Flora 19? in ·their own dwelling. Pat.Standard files Summit Station news: Jul.y25,l889-"Lafe Looker has hauled the shingles for his new barn. t• Ma.rch, 1893-Lafe Looker traded farn:s with John Beem The new Looker faru. is.across from Hawkeye Sc~ool. Ltf~~Rthgattig~fLu~r~~~~·~ttRi~·~ 1~~C 2c9a5. Charles P. b 1859. In Reynoldsburg CeF.etery is Charles Looker 1860-1945 and Amanda 1870-1959. Also in EliJah Looker household 186Q Census: Oscar 14 male born in Ohio 2C9b. Robert b 1820, d 1897 Clark County, Ohio 2C9c. James bcl819 FairfieldCo./Va?, m 2CJa.Anna Dovel b cl819, l850Census living VioletTwpj 2C9cl. Grace b 1836 2c9c2. John b&d 18)7 Pickerington, buried Solonon Bowers Cemetery,on Allen Road 2c9c3. twin? b 1837 2c9c4. Mary b 1840 2C9c5. Andrew b&d 1843, buried S.Bowers Cam. on Allen Road-Oris Suver farm 1990. 2C9c6, Scott b 1845 2C9c7. Jau.es b 1849 2C9d. Rebecca b Fairfield Co. 2C9e. Martha b 11 11 2C9f. Jonathan b 1833? Fairfield Co. JD Jose-phine_ b 183? Ohio. In 1860 bis occu:oation farJ labor, and they were living with bis mother Charlotte Looker age 66 occu-pation milliner b Vi lnfor~ation from 186o Census Pickerington, page 187, dwelling no. 757, provided by Helen Stone \ti oodruff ~ 806 S. State, Tahlequah• Oklahoma ?4464. 2C9g. Jeremiah b 1826 Val m _ b Pennsylvania. Data. from Joan Harrison Uulp, 4175 AuroraR~ EauGallis,Florida 32935(0rlando postu.ark). Jeremiah's child: 2C9gl. JaF.es Looker b 1848 LickingCo.,Oh., m 1875 TruroTwp(Reynoldsburg)FranklinCoOh. Cari Orendorf b 1852 Pa? Two items either of which could, but probably don't, a~ply to this Ja.i 1. James Looker between 1864-75 purchased 80 acres in :BurlingtonTwp. in northwest Licki~ 1 where in 1980 s there are still people named Looker. 2. Pat.Standard files March29,1894 C1 lwr.biaCenter(Lima.Twp.LickingCo.)-the hoEe of J.W. Looker, a one and one-half story frame dwelling op-posite the Congregational Church burned down. Loss included 175 bushels oats .a: 35 bushels wheat. It left him, his wife and 6 children destitu.te&homeless. James&Carolyn•· 2C9gla., Bertha b Dec.24,1883 Ga.ha.nna,Oh, d Aug.ll,1957 bu.r.WestPioneerCem_.~esterville,o: m Jan.14,1905 Forest Clayton b A-pr.1,1874/76 Hartford,Oh d Uov.4,1944 Westerville. chi 2C9glal. Violet Viola Clayton b Aug.6,1905 Sunbury0h7 d Apr.21,1980 bur lihapelilillCem Orlando,FL, m Jun.21,1929 FranklinCoOh Arthur William Culp b Jan.20,1906 Hilliard,Oh. of Vernelia Houchard&John Henry Culp. Violet&Arthur's child: 2c9glala.. Robert Wayne Culp b Oct.27,1931 m Oct.27,1953 .Joan Marie Harrison b Nov. 1931 Columbus,Oh. 2C9h. Mary b FairfieldCoOh. She and ~receeding siblings b cl8l9tol8J31 '• '· v ~t: t~ ~ l: • '.rhotras Looker 111l1the t.\laker" d 1795 and unknown wife, 3 known children (continued): 2C. Jair:es Looker "The Quaker 11 1743-1813 n: Frances Russell, 10 children (continued): 2C9. Jose~h Looker b cl?96 (continued), ~2 Margaretta Hann, lived in Fairfield and Madison ·;.Counties, Ohio rexraining 11 of his 19 children: 1 • 2c91. Jose!Jh b 1836 Ma.diBon Co,Oh · d 1853 Madison ·co. · t( ~9J. George b 1838 Madison Go. d 1853 Madison Co. LC9k. Levi b c 1839 ¥ia.dison Co d 1902 Madison Co., m Rebecca Bennett, child:· · 2C9kl. Laura Looker m James Willia.m Hu~e child: 2C9kla. Horace Huu.e n: Hildrith Riddle child: 2C9klal. Yvonne Hun:e ~ J~JI}.e.e E. Miller. Their address:Box 483, ~alboa Island, Californj 92662.·she.has her line complete & some info. on Looker cousins which she will send la~ 2C9l. Na.than b cl841 Madison Co d 1934 Madison Co.{A Nathaniel Looker d Jan.19?6 Worthingtmlt 2C9m. Delila.h b cl843 Madison Co d 1858 Na.dison Co · 2C9n. Angeline b c 1845 Madison Co 2C9o. Elizabeth b cl84e Madison Co d 1862 Madison Co 2C9p. Thomas b c 1850 Madison Co d 1940 Madison Co.-ancestor of Mrs.Roland Woodard, London (Madison Co.), Ohio 2C9Q.. Joshua b clBS3 2C9r. Emily b cl857 Madison Co d 186o Madison Co 2c9a. Sarah b and d 186J Madison Co. 2ClO.Catherine "Aunt Katy" Looker b cl?97 d 1862 age6S, m Feb.1816 .RockiIJghamCoVa to John Ed­ ward B. Rice b cl782 d 1846 age 64. Buried across road from Violet Cem. Pickerington,Oh. in a small family cemetery on south side of road west of Sycamore Creek bridge on top of hill, cannc be seen from road. Also buried there are:Franois Rhodes d 1858 age 64, Jonathan L.Beard dl650 age J.y. In 1965 those stones were down & others "may be hidden by underbrush." child: 2ClOa.Katherine m____ Beard t~ronounced :Baird) child: 2Cl0al.Katherine ~ John Robinson Their house was on lot where C,Richter lived. 3 childreD 2Cl0ala~ Charles m ___ had children, lived Baltimore, Oh. 2Cl0alb. John one-~rmed post~.a.ster Pickerington 1912-22, went to live with daughter at Union City, Indiana and was buried there child: 2Cl0albl. Do~ m lived Union City, Indiana, has children C' 2Cl0alc. Artbur71> Marchl2, 1881 d Indiana: bur Washington Park Cem., Indianapolis. had news -paner route as a child, very ambitious, worked as window decorator, graduated from Ohio frorthern, ~racticed law, sent his rother a ~ercent of his salary every ~onth, went to In­ diana~olis, ~racticed la.v, was appointed u.s. Senator from Indiana iq30 1 s, ~entioned as dark horse candidate for President. His biography in "Official Cor.meir.ore.tive Booklet" of Pickerington' a 175th Ann. 1990, p46 under "Noted Pickerington Citizens." 12Cl0a2.Mathew Alan ~eard child: 2ClOa.2a. Jamee Joseph ]ea.rd 2C6.Lydia Looker u.entioned this grandnephew in her will. 2Cl0a2b. Jonathan L. Beard d 1850 age l year. Buried near vatherine & Edward Rice. 2C]:l. Jarnes b c 1?70-80 attributed as a son of James in"The family of Thoms Looker" by Vere. Ross Eoya.tt, 1305 Big S~ringsRd.,Maryville,TN 37801, 29 page booklet co~piled Oct.1989. He is not u.entioned in either wills of 2.Thomas or 2C.James, bu.t his birthdate and name do fit very logically into James' family. 2C~. Polly b cl779 d before 1812, m Sept.12,1797 Shenandoah Co Corneilus Oneal d before Nov.18 1806 when Ezekial Harrison was ~a.de guardian of his da~hter. Polly is also at~ributed to James in the above Boyatt booklet, but is not mentioned in James• will. Perhaps she died before he wrote it, but her daughter is not mentioned either. Polly's birthdate and name also fit well in James• family. child: 2Cl2. Elizabeth "Betsy"

L. .ooker faLily lContinued) SUPPLEMENT: Bowers thower, Eowyer, ~owyers, liowen) farily. See ~lers Qy,Lo~ray Trail; ~1so there is a history of the Eowers family in the Fall and winter 1989 issues of the newslette ~f the Harrisonbu.rg-hockingham Historical Society, P.O.Box ?16, Dayton, Virginia 22821, telephon, 103-8?9-2616. The faidly is included here: l.~";recause of their connection with the main section o· the ~og~f.})ickering fa1rily farm; 2 •. because sevaral of their. are s-pouses ot·t~o~~~~ookers ~ J.·~.J' -.-se they were one of the early colonial families in the Shenandoah Valley. In that presumeaO":!'y ~losed society of a few fa~ilies, each with a large nu.reber of children, there possibly/~robably ~Qre uarriages u.aking as yet·unrecorded Bowers or Looker women direct ~aternal ancestors of the >thers 1 families • .fichael :Bowyer received land in Rockingham tiounty, Va. in 1?69. Later same -page they called him 3'ower. He conveyed land to Sebastian Martz lp.146~ .Settlers by~ Gray Trail). tary Harrison g~{~ 1733 married Henry :Bowyers who died 1?60 at sea. She m2 William Kavanaugh. ~ .Jlenry•a child~t~~~o9) were l. Henry b.l?SO's, m Agatha Madison.· 2. Emiline b l?SO's, m Judg~ -!liu Johnson, they were grand-pa.rents of Mary Johnson the novelist. Mary and Johl.J ohnson deeded Land in l??O to William Bowyer. ·'rom Ru th Blisplinghoff research: .awrence? Andrew and Mary {Polly)? .Bowers children: 1. Rachel Bowers 1rarried Oct.12,1803 Looker NUJJlber 2B?.William Looker d 1812. 2. Noah? he or brother Solomon died of cholera. Same? Noah Bowers who r 1809 to 2A5b.Phebe Harrison, the granddaughter of Grace Looker Woodley. child: 2A. Diana B. 1810-1835 m SF.Evan Bowers, her lat cousin 3. Solomon? Same? Solomon Bowers who~ Oct.6,1812 to Looker family No.2ASf .Mary Harrison and living in Augusta(Co.?) Virginia in 181?. 4. Abra.ha.I& Bowers d 1850, m 1813 Looker family llo.2C8 • .h:lizabeth11 Bet"Looker, 3 ch.under mother• 1 S. John? William Bowers b l??S d Ma.y29,182?, m 1800 Rachel Phillips b 1?78 d Aug.4,1828 Picker: ton daughter of Johnl Evan, and L~oker lfo.2.Al.Uriah Woodley Phillips.{Other daughters of Eva.n Philli'DB 1. Ann who n: 1810 Daniel Zerkle, 2.(also Looker No.2Ala)Grace who ir. Junel2,1808 John Layton:) So ap-pa.rently, combining data. of R.Blisplinghoff with D.Bowers, should add to the chi: ren of Looker lfo.2Al.Uriah Woodley m John Phillips(-pa.ge J)in addition to 2Ala..Grace, also 2Alb, ~un and 2Alc. Rachel b 1??8 m John? William Bowers and their following 6 children: • SA. Phebe Ann Bowers b 1800 Va d and bur.C.olwnbusOh (FranklinCo. Records Vol, 2 'P.256), .a,·~ Anr.6,18J8 ~haney/Chency Ricketts b cl800 Pa/FairfieldCoOh d cl8SO aged 50(1e50Census) bur VioletCem,?ickerington son of Reason&Mary Long Ricketts. Chaney ml his cousin Millison Ricke· cl804-18J? had 2 children ?·iary & Jere~iah. Phebe&Cha.ney had 4 children (co~bining »lisplingh4 data with Our..l!icketts Cousins): sn,1. Jane ,5A2 • E l.myra 5A3. Alvin SA4. WilliaF. Maxir.illia.n Ricketts b Apr.1,1843 Pickerington d Dec.2,1921, it Lookerlfo.2C)c2. Lydia Dovel-1 child, re2 Jan.~,1868 Frances A. ~urtis-6 children: SA4a. (Looker 2C3c2a) John Lydia Dovel Ricketts, see page 12 SA4b. Effie M. SA4c. Joseph c. SA4d. Edward Maximillian 5A4e. Charles c. SA4f. Mamie E. SA4g. William M. SB. John 1811-18?2 bequeathed apx. 400 acres to Evan Bowers and the S 11 heirs of bis body. 11 SC. William l81J-18JJ SD. Betty ":Bet" m·William Kraner .children: SDl. Darwin m children: SDla. ~harlie 5Dlb. Jim 5Dlc. Maud SDld. Tom "" 5D2. Adaline It Jesse Hagle llia.ger'l) ·.,:,) SE. Mary (Polly) b ieo1 d before 1872, m Thomas Byrd children: 5El. _ ir. Bailey SEla. ___ 'Bailey m __Outcalt 5R2. __ •"··i .l' · oke:r fau ily {continued) ~uppleJJ.ent:.ijowt!rS iarrily tcontinued): wrence? Andrew n· i·\a.ry (Polly)?_:Bo'Wers, children (continued): • John? 'tw'illiatr. Bowers 1775-1827 m Looker Mo. 2Alc. Rachel Philli-ps 1778- , 6 children leant.): 5F. Evan lEvin) b 1803 Harrisonburg, Va. d Jan.18,1885 Pickerington,Oh. ml llst cousin) ·2.A. (also Looker llo.2A5bl~Dia.na E. Bowers 1810-1835-2 children. }~van tr2 Aug.3, 1837 Mary Buckingha.n: b ltilJ ~~reverfa?? Virginia (her grandu.other ~as Mary Learwood)-8 children. Hie 10 children: ~Fl. lLooker No.2A5bla.) William 18)4-1836 5F2. \Looker Uo.2A5blb.) Phoebe Ann ltiJ0-1859 lli 1850 her Bowers lst cousin once ren:oved 40. also (Looker No.2C8c.)Solomon Bowers 1824-1895 and they had Atta.nda, Willy, and Mary Ellen who m. Wesley Voherty. See ~.17. 5FJ. John Bowers 18J8-1918 ttl June26,1861 Lydia Ricketts-2 children, ~2 Oct.18,1866 Uatha.rine 11 Kate 11 Steel 184ts-19Jl-5 children. From his uncle John Bowers' will, he was specifically beques· ed the 62 acres in northeastern VioletTwp.(Section 25),FairfieldCo. on which in 1872 he was living and farming. In 1887 he received another tll acres east of his pa.rents' home farm from his father's estate, which had come from the older John Bowers• bequest. His 7 children: SFJa.. ~zra 1862-1925 SFJb. Jim Powhatan Bowers children: 5F3bl. l!'rank 5FJb2. Eva m Allie 5FJc. George 5FJd. Mary Adella b 1871 Jr. Will Fishpaw 5FJe. Clara SFJ!. May b 1878 SFJg. Wallace o. b 1870 SF4. ~.ary Catharine Bowers 1840-1924 m Vec.S,1865 George w. Nessley 1836-1900. ~'hey were.liv­ ing in Licking vounty when on Dec.10,1887 received title from her father's estate to the tlO­ acre far~ in ~tnaTw~.,LickingUoOh on which the main buildings of the Roger Pickering fwr.ily Rustling Brook Farm now stand. Her uncle John ~owers had lJU.rChased this land Dec,19,ltl59 from Henry and ~arah Ann Spangler. J children: 514a. Lydia Olive Uessley Aug.9,1866-Apr._1951. Was living in ~tnaTwp. when on Sept.25,1901 ·- she lJUI"Chased the tlO-acre farir from her mother and 2 brothers. The -pu.rcha.se document was (_,;witnessed by Jacob Pickering, Justice of the Peace and Ljovinona Pickering. The title trans­ fer was recortied Dec.10,1924 frolli .Mary C. Uess:l.ey to Lyda Olive liessley of Reynoldsburg. Jan.30,1q26 (filed Feb.6) Olive llessley sold the ~ro~erty to I.awrence J. and Zoe. B. Pickerin with -pa.yu.ents to Olive Nessley to be completed in 19)4. Their ~ortgage to her was 'OB.id off Oct.l),1Q42. During the ~epression they were unable to ~.ake the scheduled -pa.yirents. She ~oat ~honed the -pa.yir.ents, not even charging the interest some years. The results of this kindness have reached at present to the 4th generation of Pickerings! 5F4b. George Bowers Uessley n:l 3.achel E. Mauger (their signatures on 1901 land transfer document were notarized in Franklin Co.)-2 children, m2 Lula Ashton 5]~bl. Earl m Grace Spangler SF4b2. Catherine m Richard Hunter, child: 5F4b2a. Jerry SF4c. Charles James "Charley" m Claudia G. Tussing, 3 children: SF4cl. Bal~h D. b cl898 d cl980 age 82, m Fern Bauman lived Reynoldsburg, 3 children: 5F4cla. Charles d before 1980, m Florence Wolfe, no children SF4clb. Ann d before 1980 m John Gundy, no children SF4clc. Nancy b cl9JO d Ma.rch28,1980 age SO, m Robert Warren "Bill" Herriott b cl92S, three children: (Nancy was survived in 1980 by 6 grandchildren) 5F4clcl. Stanley w. b cl952, lived Westminister, Mass in 1980 SF4clc2. Ted R. b cl955, lived Rejmoldsburg 1980 ··5F4clcJ. Joseph c. b cl957, lived lm:rlington, N.C. 1980 5F4c2. Carl d before 1980, n: Martha _ child: 5F4c2a. Carol 5F4cJ • .Mary m Earl Diley farmer Pickerington children: SF4cja. Ruth Ann 5F4cJb. Jane 5F4cJc. Lyle m child: S:~'4c)cl. Karen Jr. Jim King children: 5F4c)cla. Jason b cl987 5F4cJclb. Jinuny b 1990 puce 23 Joker fatr.ily (continued) ~up1>leir.ent:.Bo\'Jers Farrily (continued) ~wrence? Andrew u Mary (Polly)? ___ Bowers, children (continued): 5. John? William Bowers 1?75-1827 m Looker No. 2Alc. Rachel Philli~s 17?8- • 6 children·(con SF. Evan Bowers 180)-1885 u2 Mary Buckingha~, his 10 children (continued): SFS. Lydia 1846-18~? ......

;i;~ !~~:a!i;~:~~~~J=~~- 20 .1921 b&d Pickerington. ir. Ma.y9 / JuneB.1865 L~~~~r i;~'.2CJcS .Lou~ cinda/Lucinda Thedosia Dovel Feb.8,1848-Se~t.22,1913 b&d Pickerington. In 1887 he received th1 west 80 acres of the farm his father lived on in Section 3 of VioletTwp. From t1Qff .Com.:Bklt. 11 of Pickerington's 175thAnn. 1990, p.27, telling ~bout the ~lant of the Excelsior Creamery Co. at the "corner of Fast Church Street and the alley east of Center Street" in Pickerington:"In 1886 Abraham Bowers -purchased this prop~rty and converted it to a cider and feed mill which h1 operated until Nov.1,1890 ••• The old mill was torn down in 1<)42 ·to·make way for Noel Cramer's -plumbing sho'P•" child: .5F?a. (Looker lfo.2C3cSa. )Charles Dovel Bowers 1866-1949 m Helen Hommon, see -p.13-deooeDdan t: .5F8. Elizabeth 18.50-18?0, m July 8,1869 Andrew Miller .5F9. James m Ka.tie Kahn, in 188? received 8J-acre eastern pa.rt of farm his father lived on in Section 2 of VioletTwp. 3 children 5F9a. Fred b 18.§.2? .5F9b. Florence 1876-1920 5F9c. Louis SFlO.Julius M. ml Nov.J,1878 Anne Pickering 1852/551-1881 In PickeringtonCem.:Anne Pick ering ]owers - beloved mother of Joseph and Faye, beside a baby's ~.arker. (Is she a descend.an of Looker No.2Cl.Ann Looker & Abraham Pickering? Perhaps Looker No.2Cle8.Sara.h Pickering bl851 might have middle name Anne?) Anne had 3 children. Julius m2 Ma.rch9,l882 Laura Rader, l child In 1887 Julius received 83-acre central part of farm his father lived on Sec.2,VioletTwp. 4 c: SFlOa.Julius b 1879 5FlOb. ____l D. b 18801 (Joseph?) SFlOc.Faye b 1881 d 18811? 5FlOd.Olive b Dec.25,1882 d 1978

). John Bowyers(Boyers)Eowers? cl?85-cl852 m Sept~26,18ll ~3Dld. Darcus/Dorcas Looker cl?93- jpring,183B, 12 children. See p. 26

. •. __. J i 'l...l. _oc.t.1:r ;;"::l.l..,v t:.l'/lu two :.•on~~ i~. i\ho.tlLJ.t-i ' 1 l.~!..:.1.k.er 11 and J. John with kno\m deocendants (continued): 1.t-.!fohn jJooker b by c.1720 1 s d. n. by 1750 1 s __ Hazel Morey's data tP.lls about a. Looker family tradition backed by her research that "there werE two Looker brothers who ca~e early to the Shenandoah Valley. One was a ~rosperous farmer who wai ,,onstantly acquiring ir.ore land. The other one was a teamster who owned very g,ood hor~es and wag· ~~s. and carried loads of lun.ber and other ir.erchandise through the Valley to Roanoke, Atlanta, ~/or Pennsylvania. Our family bas a cow bell said to have been used on these tri~s to warn otl vehicles that someone was coming up or down the mountain on the other side. (Thomas Looker the Quaker a1JPB.rently was prosperous, and there is nuch evidence that he bought land often. There w~ a John Looker there at the same time with no record of his owning land. He could have been the tea.1r.s ter. ) " John could have had eons or grandsons? the right age to have served in the Revolutionary War. On the tax list of 1789 is Thomas, and listed se-pa.rately John Lokey with sons Thomas and James. This Jr!USt be J.John rather than Thomas "Quaker"'e son 2B.John because the latter so fa~ is not known to have had a son named James. The 1790 Census (reconstructed for Virginia) lists John Lookey in Rockingham ~o. Thomas Lookey j RockiJ1€ham Co., and Jamee Lokey in Shenandoah Co. Thou.as was in the same hau.sehold with his son John (according to the will Thomas wrote in 1?94). J.John was probably also living with sons, i1 alive. Was the James in Shenandoah ~o. 2C.JaJnes the "Quaker". or another James 'Perhaps the ~ro­ genitor of some of the nwr.erous unidentified Lookers listed at the end of this compilation? In the Index to 1810 Census of Virginia the families of Lokey in Rockinghatt County are:on Roll 22-John; on Roll 25-Sarah. John. William; on Roll 27-Marga.rat, James. l???) Nellie Burns' father said hle father's fa.Itily was the first generation in which the oldest son of the fan:ily had not been named John since the family caUie to America. Perhaps in generations where' it is known a younger son was nan:ed John, there had been a first baby who died who was named John and then the parents used the name again. On the strength of that Looker family tra­ dition space will be left for a John in JD.Thomas Looker,Sr.'s and for one in JDl.Thonae Jr's generations. This tradition could also indicate that J.John is older tba.n 2.Thoma.a the Quaker. : )A. John b c1750's d cl808, u--Mary Brian who ml A~r.26,1784 Gideon Harrison b cl7S0 1 s d cl797 (Gideon was probably son of Zebulon 1718-cl792 Jr. July2J,1747 Morristown,N.J. Margaret Cravens _l?ritr.rose Harrison d cl795). Gideon "migrated to North Carolina prior to 1788, and froJr: there, '.. :rior to 1790, to Georgia, where he settled in Green County, and died ••• Mary, the widow, Jrarrie -1n GrAen t;ounty, January, 1801, John Lucke.v:, whose will is dated in 1808. 11 from Sett~ •• p. 30.5 ?JB. Jau.es b cl750's m Sarah___ • H~Morey found a u.arriage license in Rockingham Co. dated 1801 for John, son of Jau.es&Sarah Lokey, and Susan, daughter of Obediah Layton. So child: )Bl. John b by 1780 u. 1801 Susan Layton, daughter of Obediah.(Oba.diah also had a son James, who was in the Revolutionary War and was father of John I.ayton whom 2Al.a.Grace Phillips). · Could some events attributed to life of 2l3J.John belong with a John Looker in this family? We Elizabeth b cl760'e ir.l lfov.13,1789 John ?I.a.thews-children Ann and Willia.JI:. m2 July22,1796 RockinghamCo.Va. John Pittington (Pitt)-daughter V.aha.la. Elizabeth's father was John Looker who d cl820 RockingbamCo.Va. She cat~ld ~ore likely be daughter of 2B.John. The naming pattern for the children fits better there. Also whe.t~would be her nephew in that family 2B2b.John m Edith Matthews ?F that is the right data for that John. children: JCl. Ann V.a thews jC2. 'William Mathews JC). Mary Mahal.a. Pittington b Apr.1,1799 Virginia d Nov.22,1846 BardinCoOh, m Conrad Spitzer, troved with Lookers&S~itzers to FairfieldCo,Oh. then Hard1nCo,Oh. Genealogy for spouses in this fa~ily is also available. child: JC3a. John Spitzer b Feb.11,1816 Rockingha.JnCo.Va d Aug.lJ,1890 HardinCo.Oh, m Se'Pf>.2S,183S HardinCo Sarah Cotterill b 1819 Virginia d Se~t.2,1887. child: JC)a.l. Eva.line Spitzer b A~r.7,1853 Ohio d June2S,1921 HardinCo, m Feb.16,1875 Wellington }fi L. Wetherill June26,1850-Ma.yll,1928 b&d Ha.rdinCo. child: o £.. JCJa,l.a. Margaret Wetherill JulylJ.1878-Junel0,1946 d Kenton,HardinCo m Dec.24,1894 ~ ./::;, Henry c. Cha.Jr:berlain JulyB,1874-Junell,1947 b&d F.a.rdinCo. child: P /tL' JCJalal. Willirur: Henry Chamberlain b June30,l899 HardinCo. d Sept.20,1977 Tucson,Ari~ o zona, m Apr.4,1925 Zoa. Frances Dyer b Dec.15,1905 HardinCo, d Sept.10,19SJTucson, chil JCJal.ala. Leall.a.h Mae Chamberlain b Nov.2),192? Kenton:HardinCo, m Jan.6,1946 Rob­ ert William Franklin Jan.25,1922-Sept.10,1983 b&d Tucson,AZ. She supplied data on this JC.Elizabeth Looker family. Leallah'a address Jan.5,1984: 822 08.ll'.ino De Los Pad.res, Tucson, Arizona 85718. '--__..;;'.:::::,,;::.,..__,_ .,. John Looker b b~· c.1·;~0 1 s wile unknown, 4 possible children (continued): J:.5 . 1 JD. 'lho1r.as Looker Sr b by 1750, -prob d after 1791, ~ _ . Fought in Revolutionary ·1iar with \'fc . 1ngton7 H.Morey said family had a sword that an ancestor bad in Rev.war (or was it th$1r anoec i from their other Looker line 2B.John? D.A.R. records u.ight help.) child: 1JD2. John oldest son? JDl. Tp()~as Looker Jr. b by 1770 1 s d early 1808 m Sept.lJ, 1791 Sarah Ret1v:es q by 1770 1 s d.' iw·eel:i-.:~~~.3-1840. Thomas Jr. witneesed a real estate transaction by -probably 'the':~bove JD.~ LookerSr. in 1791 {Settlers •.:p.J06). Se.rah was dall&hter of John-d 1799&Margaret-b by l750's d 1814-Reeves (see Reeves family). Sarah was a participant in litaga.tion Jan.6,1823 (Settle1 p.373). They lived somewhere near Tenth Legion and the Pickerings but no gravestone in the E bears his name. H.Morey said her mother said that Uncle Tom said when the old folks died thE "the old folks. had always been buried on the plantation. and tha.t 1 s where these would be buried." {E~~fia~~ ~g~~t~i~~h~~~~)calculated back from Jlllb. 9 children (Robert Moore dat~ ?JDla. John who d as infant. 3Dlb. Jehu Looker 1793-1855 m 1815 Elizabeth Laymon 1792-1853. Reuain Rockingh('.mCo(Elkton JDlbl. Mary Looker b 1817 m Isaac Dennit areal) 11 childrE )Dlb2. Daine Looker b 1818 m Moses Hinton )DlbJ. Benjamin (sometimes Berryir.an) Looker b 1821 )Dlb4. Catherine b 1823 m 1852 William Harner, lived nearElkton,Rockingha.mCoVa, childrE Jl>lbl.la. George Harner b 1853 3Dlb4b. Elizabeth b 1855 3Dlb4c. James P. b 1860 JDlb4d. Sarah E. b 186J m Charles Wyant JDlb4e. Mary c. b 1865 JDlb4f. Nicholas s. 1868-1948 m 1897 2C4e2a.Laura Shirley descendant of 11 Frankey"Loo~ Martz. In 1891 Nicholas Harner ca.me to live with the Misses Pickering of near Tenth LE gion and New Market,Va. He was a cousin. Laura Shirley was also a lst cousin of Annie Shirley Pickering wife of 3Dlj~.James X.P. Pickering 5 children: JDlb4fl. Christian Harner n: Martha House live Uew' lA.arket, Va. son: JDlb4fla. Jack m He is Superintendent of Schools, PageCo.Va 1972, 4 chiJ 3Dlb4flal. JDlb4f2. Katherine Harner .umrarried ·lives in NewMarket ~ JDlb4fJ. Charles Harner unmarried lives in NewMarket )Dlb4f4. ?l.ary m Elon Linhoss live UewMarket 2 childrE JDlb4f4a. Mary m :Dill Garber 3 children 3Dlb4f4b. Elon Linhoss,Jr. m 4 children ,3Dlb4f5. Margaret Harner unn:arried lives lfowMa.rket 3Dlb5. Caroline Looker b 1826 ~ 1843 John Sellers 3Dlb6. nillia.m Patterson Looker 1827-1902 m 1872 Sarah Harnsberger 3 childrE JDlb6a. Lucey Looker 1877-1882 JDlb6b. Charles Looker d 1927 unmarried JDlb6c. Robert 1875-1960 m Gertrude Layman 4 child.J JDlb6cl. Lester Looker ,3Dlb6c2. Vandelia b 1911 m _Baugher I I 3Dlb6c3. Lucy b 1913 m _ Russell JDlb6c4. Ruth b 1916 unmarried lives HarrisonburgVa, has family :Bib~e of JehuLookeJ 3Dlb7. Elizabeth Looker b 1829 JDlbB. Sarah b 1832 3Dlb9. Jackson Looker b lBJ4 m 1865 Mary Ann Jenkins 4 childrei JDlbC)a. William 1866-1946 m Maggie Long,lived RockinghamCo,fromDailyNewsRecord-Deca;~ JDlb9al. Frances Loker m ___Ashburn, lived Chicago 10 chil c )Dlb9a2. Sarah Umna.rried of Harrieonburg,Va. 3Dlb9aJ. Hazel unmarried of Staunton, Va. JDlb9a4. Lelia m __ Rogers, lived Elkton, Va. 3Dlb9a5. H. G. Loker of Penn Laird, Va. 11 JDlb9a6. Otis " " n 3Dlb9a7. Lewis Loker of Ohio ·.. .:.,,.-' JDlb9atl. William Loker of Richmond, Va. JDlb9a9. Maynard Loker of Shenandoah, Va. JDlb9alO.Warren Loker of Elkton, Va. .. , \ .. ,.;. John .i.ooker b b~· c.1·;~0 1 s w.;.1e unknown, 4 ponsible children {continued): JD. 1i1ho1ras Looker Sr b b~... 1750, prob d after 1791, rr. _ child {continued): JDl. Thouas Looker Jr. cl770-l80? m Sarah Reeves, 9 lal.own children {continu~d): JDlb. Jehu Looker 179)-1855 u Elizabeth Laymon 1792-1853, 11 children (continued): JDlb9 Jackson Looker b 1834 m Mary Ann Jenkins , 4 children (continued): ~,·. JDlb9b. John H. Looker 1870-1935 ururarried, shot frqm ambush and.robbed, had reputation ~ carrying large SUlilB of ~oney on him. -from Daily News Record, Dec. 1935. 3Dlb9c. Thomas R. Looker living in Harrisonburg,Va.. in 1946 JDlb9d. George Loker living in Houston, Texas in 1946 3Dlbl0.Nichles l1) Looker 3Dlbll.Trenton Looker b 1838 )Dlc. Archibald looker d by Se-pt.1843, m _ at least J children: JDlcl. Caroline Looker m 1843. Harvey Armentrout 3Dlc2. Sa.rah m 1844 Jacob Reed JDlcJ. Eliza.beth m 1846 Henry Davis · 3Dlch. David b after 18JOl Vera. liOsfJ .Boyatt: asks· 'Waa · th~e-·tlie Devid~:.Looker in the Civil War who married Jennie Koontz1 11 3Dld. Dorcas/Barcus Looker cl79J-S~ringl838 m Sept.26,1811 John Bowyers(Eoyers)Bowers? cl?~ cl852. Dorcas was under 21 when m. F.er father was dead, her guardian Henry Martz signed for her. {Data from Vera. Ross Boyant, 1305 BigSprings Road,Ma.ryville,TN 37801.) l2 children: 3Dldl. Willian: B. Boyer 1813-1880 m June_l84J Mary Hollingsworth ldau. of George&l:la.ncy a.i sister of Barbara whom John iia.rrison son of David&2A.Jc.Elizabeth Pickering. Some of Barbl: other siblings n:oved to VirgoCo.India.na.) Willia.n&Ma.ry lived "in the ea.stern section of L: ville lJistrict near the Keezletown Road. 11 11 children{ Settle~ •• p456): JDJd~. J OS eph 3Dldlb. Daniel JDldlc. George JDldld. David 3Dldle. John Newton Boyer (any ancestral connection to 1600 1 s family on page l 'HaDDAh/Anl Looker d Dec.5,1697 ~ Richard Newton, immigrants to Massachusetts from England??) )Dldlf. Haus ton l - )lJldlg. Willia.Jr. JDldlh. Luther 3Dldli. ~dward JDldlJ. lJorcas JDld lk. Maggie JDld2. John Hobert Boyer b March22,l815 Hockingha.mCoVa d Nov_l8tlJ SullivanCo.Tennessee. ml lfov.11,1846 Shenandoa.hlio.Va.. Maria Grindstaff Funk b Jan.20,1820 ~henandoahCoVa d Oct, 1854 Rockingha.ir.CoVa. '!'hey lived Rockingha.111, had 4 daugb ters. m2 washingtonCo. Va. Ka thariz ~assell, they u.oved to SullivanCo.Tennessee, bad 6 children. ~Data. on ml Maria and childrE from ~verton Publishers of The Genealogical Helner Corepu.terized Family Tile, submitted 19f by Mrs. A.D. Owings whose address in 1991 h8?92 Terry Road, Terry,Miss 391?0. ~be Boyer Fa.uily Association bas com~iled a book American Boyers Vol. 1. Mrs. Owings also listed sources:Robert Boyer's Will-SullivanCo.Tenn. Will Book l. ~p56?-8, and Inventory of Mary Susan Boyer's estate, SullivanCo Inventories Book 3, p.201) 10 children: 3Dld.2a. Mary Susan Boyer b Uov. 7, 184? Rockingha.mCoVa d l:fov_l889 SullivanC~Tenn. unma.rriec )Dld2b. Sarah Catherine b Dec.15,1849 Rockingha.mCo d After~l900 Sulliva.nCo, m Aug.18, 1869 SullivanCo Jonathan Hunter Steadman JDld.2c. Roda. Virginia b Feb.29,1851 Rockingha.mCo d 1930 Knoxville,KnoxCo.Tenn., m Oct.11, 1871 SullivanCo Samuel A. Repass . 3Dld2d. Annie Elizabeth B•. b A~r..2J,1852 Rockingha.mCo d Jan.5,1932 SullivanCo, m Apr.l, 1875 SullivanCo George w. Steadman )Dld2e. George Washington Boyer b Dec.25,1867 child: 3Dld2el. daughter F. _Ross child: )Dld.2:ela. Vera Ross m __ :Boyant. She is author of "The family of THOMAS LOOKER", October,1989, 29? pages. (... 3Dld.2f. son JDld2g. son )Dld2h. daughter 3Dld21. daughter 3Dld2j. daughter ). John l.ooker b by c.17;w•g wife unknown, 4 possible chil~~~~ (~o 1 1tinued): i1 · JD. 'i'honas Looker Sr b by 1750, prob d after 1791, m _ child (continued): JDl. Thozras Looker Jr. cl770-l80'7 m Sarah Reeves, 9 known children (continued): 3Dld. Dorcas Looker cl793-18J8 m John Bowyers(Boyers)Bowers?, 12 children (continued): 3DldJ. David Boyer b 1817 m Lucinda Hagy. lived SullivanCo.Tn. JDld4,._ J ose-ph R. 1821-cl860 m Rhoda Stepp ·" • ! ~· p.~ child:.: , '·· Jn1d.4a. Jason lived just north of Hlirrisonburg, Va on US 11. '' · ~ '. ": ,·~J. ~ JDld5. Richard b 1822 m Dianna. Deer. Sullivan Co, Indiana JDld6. Margaret Boyer 1824-1890 buried at Dayton, Va. Unmarried JDld?. Navina b ___ d before 1850 m Moses Hinton JDld8. Mary b 1826 m Peter Long JDld9. Permelia b 1828 m Samu.el Su.1th. child: )Dld9a. Margaret Virginia Smith m Jacob Franklin Higgs of Yellow Massanutten S~rings RoE JDldlO.Amanda b 1833 m Osker Keller. lived Kingsport,TN 3Dldll.Eliza Boyer 1831-1898 d in Dayton, Va. unmarried 3Dldl2.Martha b 1829 m James Simons, lived in Pennsylvania )Dle. David Looker d before May,1829 m Marchl6,1819 Mary Cowan, dau8hter of Henry-V.Boya.1 data. But Boya.nt data elsewhere coll'!bined with that of Frank B. Lamb in "The Henry Cowan Fa1d of Virginia" (40-'})8.ge booklet COJI11liled by Maude Pinney Kuhns, P.erry Highway R D 2, Waterforc Pa., available from Marie K. Arrington, Rt 3 Box 118, Broadway, VA 22815), and data from otl -peoJ>le says that Mary Cowan fourth child of Henry Cowa.nnlt Oct.12, 1811 Thomas Loker, son ~f Jan;es Loker, and bad a son Henry who Ir. Mary Koontz. So 5gg~C2~T:R8ma.~. ~~ and Mary m2 av: 3Dlf. Tho1r.as sold his share of his father's estate to his sister 3D1j.Ma.ry and her husba.nc (also their coU.s1D)2AJl.James Pickering. He uay be the Thomas Looker, buried in Fa.irfieldCo,C in Job Lutheran Cemetery between Pickerington and Canal Winchester. That Tho~as died July?, 1850 aged 51.Y9m thus b Oct.7,1798. He could be father of unidentified Lookers in central Oh~ who were born c 1825, 1835, etc. jDlg. Margaret d cl84J, reuained single, lived RockinghamCo. 3Dlh. Willia.Jn Looker d after 1872 ml? Aug.25,1826 Sally Robertson dau. of William. William:5 Sarah Loker sold 1/9 of Thomas Loker' a Smith Creek land to Richard Pickering. In 18J2~~1lli~ Sarah sold land on west side of Daniel James Creek. m2? soiretin:e after 1832 Hannah_( vnf1., < d Mayll/Nov.5,1872 Sn:ith Creek of su.a.llpox survived by William Loker husband and John and'u~ Herring. child: )Dlhl. Sarah ElizabeU. !:.oker d July31, 1862 daughter of William and Eannah of S1ri th Creel )Dli. John Varch25,1806-Feb._1874 (according to descendant's biogra~hy in county history bo~ Pataskala Cerr.etery gravestone says: died Dec.11,1874 aged 68y8ml6d. m Ma.rch5,1832 to his 3l cousin 2B'ifi.Mary "?olly" Looker l'eb.12,1812-Feb.25.1882{county history), gravestone says:di~ Feb.2,1881 aged 68. They were natives of Rockingha.mCo.Va where they had land. They ~oved Se1 1854 to LimaTwp.LickingCoOhio. Their fa.rm was it mile north of Wagram where they rerrained,dJ there. There were real estate transactions among J ohn&Mary Looke1· in period 1864-75 in Lima~ and Williatt, Thoma.a, Alonzo&Ma.ry Beam. Had 1 children, one obituary said 8: · JDlil. David ~ Sarah Long He did not come with rest of family to Ohio, fought in Civil War, 1870 Census lists 4 children: Jl>lila. Laura. 3Dlilb. Charles JDl 1 lc • Eir.ma 3Dlild. Cas-per JDli2. Rachel Ann Looker died before move to Ohio, buried on farm where they lived? 3D113. Margaret Looker died before move to Ohio, " 11 11 31>114. William M. Looker b Jan..28,18J8 Rockingha.mCoVa d Nov.25,1897 aged 59yl0m, m Dec.7, 1865 Hettie Marla Wickliff b May4,184S Ohio d Junel9,l909 aged 64ylml5d, botn buried Pata.1 ka.la Cemetery. 1870 Census-their dwelling next to his -pa.rents. 2 children: 3Dli4a. Howard Melvin b 1866 d Julyl6,1927 aged 6oy buried Pataskala. Ce~. Biography in~ tennial History of the city of Newark and Licking Co. 1909, p.JJ8, available in Pata.aka.'. Library:" •• s-pent entire life on the farm ••• ". unmarried. 3Dl14b. William Merit Looker Oct.l,1868-June30,l941 d Columbus, m Ma.y24,1894 2Ala.lcl.T'°'.4 Myrtle Layton Dec .20, 1873-MA.rchll.1957 both buried Pa task.a.la Cem. Leona. a descendant ._ ·_) Uriah/Maria?/Ulrich? m John Phillipa Sr. see -page J. Layton/Leighton family history:Fr1 Settlers •• ~.JJ2:tellinp, about sessions of two early Ba~tist Meeting Houses-the Linville Creek Church and Smiths Creek Church "June 8,1793 ••• 'lst. To the rece~tion of Brother 1H (Layton??) and .Kisandren his ~ife, who car.e forward with their letters of Disu.ission fr 1 Church of Christ of the sarr.e 1-'ai th and OrdP.r at Chapawarr.s ic in Stafford County, and was 11 C..=>~v••d i~to th~ ~·r·llnwsh7.~) 0" th:~ Cburc'::. }Pon:..!. 1 ~: rranrl:tl.t··if!T JCJ.J'.t:!!i }.;~·-+-.r•: ,r,:kn~ in John looker b by c.1{20 1 s, wife unknown, 4 po~sible children (continued):

1~ ThD~as ~ot:1ker Sr b b~: ~~50 ~~ob. d after 0 l?~l, tr c¥i§d (~gnRinAt:d): 1 --ir oua., 1.Jok"'Ker .ir c, 1 o-18 dr S,arar1 1;u.e veti • q kn-own. ch1 c.. Qn o '\;l • ( ) BI 1•• onn 1 oo er 1!)U 6- 18 4 IT 2 • •·iary .t'O 1J.y 1601Cer-·1 8J.2- tj 2 , c i ren cont 1nued : · )Dl14. ·~\illian: M•. Looker 18)8-1897 m hettie Maria Wickliff 1845-1909, 2 children (continued)': · JDli4b. William Merit Looker 1868-1941 re 2Alalcl. Leona Myrtle Layton, family history (cont): ~mill at about age 10. He came fro~ Charleston,Va(noww.Va?), lived around Flushing, BelmontCo, U Ohio, m Eliza.beth Patterson. They lived at Sugar Grove a.nd Utica,Ohio and n:oved to Surr.mit, Lima.Tw-p,LickingCo,Oh. before the Civil war. William&Leona lived Columbus 1909. 8 children: )Dli4bl. Francis Meret Looker b 1895 ColUJnbus d 1951, m Merle Edith Shibel.y b 1894 Ohio. He was in World War I 5 children: .)Dli4bla. Wesley M. b cl922 d Oct._1979 Columbus, WWII, m Mary Buck 1 child: ,3Dl14blal. Eugene m live Riclur.ond, Va. 2 children: )Dli4blala. son · )Dl14blalb. son Jl>li4blb. Marie m __Deist living Columbus 1979 2 sons: 3Dli4blbl. Russell m J children: JD114blbla. son 3Dli4blblb. son 3Dli4blblc. daughter j13Jlll~lb2. Francis m 2 children: jD114blb2a. son 3Dl14blb2b. son )Dli4blc. Dorothy d 1980's m Merrill Chilcote, lived near Ou.tville,Oh. l child: )Dl14blcl. Nava.da Jean m Jack Graeber 2 childrex JDli4blcla. Debbie b cl964 JDli4blclb. Eugene b cl972 )Dli4bld. Floyd d 196) m Margaret____ l child: 3Dli4bldl. Carol Jean )Dl14ble. Marian Manelia Looker m John Shatz live Williame~ort,Ohio )Dl14b2 •. Mayme Burdell Looker b 1897 Columbia Center,LimaTwp,LickingCo,Oh. d 1970, m Rich· a.rd Bruce Green 1899-1969 . 2 childret JD114b2a·. Robert Green m Doris Ra.r~ck, Dean of Nurees,RiversideHosp.Colun:bue,O. 4'.cl l. JDli4b2alv. Richard Lowell G~een b Junel~,1951 ml Judy Lynn-2 children, m2 Linda Listc lulay-2 children, live Powell,Oh. 3Dli4b2ala.·. Corey Lee Green b A~ril 7,1976 JDli4b2£.lb.~. Stacie Burdell b Uov.14,1977 JD114b2a.lc ·• Katie Arlene b l•ov.14,1985 JD1i4b2a.ld'.. Taylor Rene' b lfov.2§.7 1989 JD114b2.8.2:. Ste~hen Lowell Green b Sept.26,1952 d m Sandra Shook who m2 Gary Smith and has a child Nicholas Allen. Stephen&Sandra 1 s 2 children: JD114b2A2a·. Daniel Joseph JD114b2a.2b • Donald Jay JDli4b2a) ·• Thomas Eugene b Feb.12,1957 ml Christine Lynn r2 Debbie )Dl14b2a3a. ·... Brian Thonas )Dl14b2aJb: • :Brianne Lynn )Dli4b2a4'. Timothy Robert b Apr.241 1960 m Joanne "Jody" Fabish 2 childre1 .3Dl14b2.a.4e. • Stephen Timothy b May 6, 1985 JD114b~b~. Nathan Michael b Feb. 2, 1988 JD114b2b' •• Hazel Lucille Green Feb.7,1922-iA.ug.15,1989 m Robert Guy Morey Ja.n.14,1920- MayJl,19?9 Presbyterian minister. She has done extensive genealogical research. 3 chldJ 3Dli4b2bl·:..;..Lurilla Joa.I11le b June 28,1941 m 1964 .James Leslie Mu.stoe, li:ve 3101 26th Ave. NE, llorman, Oklahoma. 13071. Joanne a.ccotr.pa.nied and assisted her mother in her re­ search and has her data. JD114b2b2':.:.. David Robert "Rob" Morey b 1942 unmarried lives Columbus JD114b2b3~. Philip Roger b May21,194J m Janice Rae Hess, live Baltimore,MD. 2 childrt :3Dli4b2b:3a::.. John :Bruce Morey b April 6, 1971 ( :. 3Dli4b2b3b::-:. David Ro.rar b May 8,1973 )Dl14b3.:. William Melville? "Hugh" Looker b 1900 ColuJr.bia Center d June9,1969, bur.Pa.taekal.i Cemetery no children j. Joba .LOOKer b b~. c.1·;~u 1 s, \dfe unknown, 4 po~:sible chilaren (continued): JD. Tho~as Looker Sr b by 1750, ~rob.dafter 1791, m ___ child(continued): ·)~l. Thouas Looker Jr. cl??0-1807 m Sa.rah Reeves, 9 known children (continued): JDli. John Looker 1806-1874 m ~?/ti. Mary "Polly11 Looker 1812-1882, 8 children): JD114. ~illia~ M. Looker 18Jti-189? rr Hettie Maria Wickliff 1845-1909, 2 children (continued: )Dl14b. 't. illiar. Merit Looker 186tj-1941 m 2Alalcl. Leona M¥rtle Layton, 8 children (contin'~ · : 3Dli4b4. Howard Emerson Looker b 1903 Columbia. Center d 1963, xr.l Ma.beJf !:itclleson, m2 Rct~~ E.L. Russell, mJ Bessie :Butt, m4 ~•athena :Baker. J childleJ )Dli4b4a. Leona Mae d Dec.24,1971, m John Preston, lived St.Paris, Oh 2 childrei 3Dli4b4al. Phyllis b Nov._ 1940 JDli4 b4a2. Nancy J])li4b4b. Russell ml Gef~rude _ 6:f' :Sos.ton~Mass. had S children. She and S children J turned to Boston. Russell m2 Mary Ellen_ 1 child live Columbus. 3Dli4b4bl thru S. (returned to Boston) JDli4b4b6. Denese b cl952 3Dli4b4c. Norma. Jean m John James Smith. live River Road at Dublin, no children JDli4bS. Lawrence Merrell Looker b 1909 Columbus d Junel6,1988 age 79, m ~elva E. Jordan

Newark 1 0h. d Ma.Y9,1990 Grandview Heights, Columbus. He was very active-Ma.sonicLodge. 2 cl JD114b5a. Jerome Jordan Looker . m Linda. Shepherd, live Rochester, N. Y. J ch~ )Dl14bSal. Lynda m Gurzinsky 2 chilc 3Dli4b5ala. Matthew Gurzinsky JD114b5alb. Adam Gurzinsk.y )Dli4b.5a2. ~harles Looker JDli4b5aJ. Scott Looke:: JV114bSb. Elaine L. m Yorma.n Strutner a dentist, live Upper Arlington,Columbue. 2 cl JD114b5bl. Bradley Stru.tner JDli4bSb2. Scott Strutner JDli4b6. Mary Juanita b 1911 Logan,Oh Jr. Zane Watts b 1902 Ohio, live Veltt.aAve,Colwtlbus,1 J])l14b?. llellie Varian Looker b Oct.3,1913 Columbus, m Marchl4,1937 Willard Burns d Aug.J 1990 age 80, lived 92 Lincoln, Suxrmit Station,Oh. 4 childre1 JDli4b?a. William M. b 1941 n. Carolyn Williams, live Silver S-prings ,Maryland, 3 child1 JD1i4b?al. William Jr. Ma.yl0'-964-lfov·._1987, naval air:ma.n, d auto accident,Honolulu..~ .. JD1i4b7a2. David b 1966 . . ~ 3Dli4b7aJ. Mark b 1970 ).Dli4b7b. Gary E. b 1944 m Barbara Geiger, live ?ickerington,Oh. 3 chilc JD114b7bl. Michelle Rene b 196J m Keith Co~bs, liVP, Coshocton,Oh. J child1 JDli4b?bla. Jonathan b Feb. 1988 )Dli4b7blb. Jacob JD1i4b7blc. Adarr Michael b Jan.6,1991 JD114b?b2. Laura Su~ b 1966 m Douglas Lister child.rel )Dli4b?b2a. Nicholas b 1984 JDli4b?b2b. Sarah Elizabeth b Feb. 19~ 3Dli4b7bJ. Gary Ma.thew :Burns b 1968 3Dli4b?c. Denise b 1949, ~ David Roberts JDli4b7d. George L. b l9.54- 3Dli4b8. Leona Gertrude b Aug.16,1917 Vinton,Oh. m Stanton w. Parlett Sept.2S,1914-Ma.y26, 19?6, live Columbus · l chi: )Dli4b8a.. Larry Richard b Sept. 7,1940 m Judy Wunderlich, live Columbus 3 chil< 3Dl14b8al. Kelly Sue b Feb.12,1964 )Dl14b8a.2. Paula Jo b Dec. 13.1965 )D114b8a.J. Vada b Dec.26,1967 )DliS. Thomas Looker Feb.25,1840-RockinghamCoVa d Nov.20,1893 m Martha Slane b cl8J8 Rocki~

Co, lived Cleveland St. 1 Summit (Thomas survived by J grandchildren-1893) 3 childrei JD115a. Mary b cl870 JD115b. Myrt b cl8?J Licking Co. unmarried Jl)liSc. Besse ~ell Looker b cl872, uarriage license granted Dec.24,1891 BesseLooker&Burt Mcintosh b 1867? ':,:_j: t l. .. , i , \- .John looker·~ br c.17~0 1 s, wife unknown, 4 ;,Jossible children (continued): 3D. Thoias looker Sr. b by 1750, prob. dafter 1791, n: ____ child (continued): )Dl. Thorr.Et.6 Looker Jr. cl770-1807 t: Sarah Reeves, 9 known children {continued): · JDli. John looker 1806-1874 n: 2B7d. l·116. Katherine Looker b 18)4 RockingbamCoVa d young, m Junius Wolcott{rela.ted to Alonzo Bee and Isaac Tba.r-p) child: 3Dl16a. David Wolcott b 1856 raised ·by grandpa.rents, Jr. Margaret Pengeley(cba.nged toPettifour )Dl16al. Hazel m Terry 3n116a.2. Willard m ___ JDli?. Mary b May22,1844 RockinghamCo d 1924, m Alonzo Beem 1844-1916. His biography is in be forementioned·Licking Co history,"PUb1909, ~p564-?, lived near Summit, bur.PataskalaCem.,no ch JDli8. John Looker 185J-l9JO, m A1J€.l?,1877 LickingCo{byJohnE.Rudisill) Eleanor/Ellen Elizabe Headley/Headlee b Se-pt.22,1850 LickingCo d July29,1900 aged 49yl0m7d "at her late residence o Mink St."{Jersey-Swnmit area). John lived in Kentucky after wife's death. They are buried Pat kala Cem. Ellen had "7 children, 4 daughters, J eons all •• survive her." : )Dli8a. Naomi 3ell? Looker bl8?8 m _____ Combe 2 children: JD118al. Ueil Looker Combs b c 1915 3Dli6a2. Carl b cl915 lives Worthington ( JD1i8b. Clarence Jr Minnie Myers? raised sister i;aomi 1 s sons no children '- )Dli8c. Mary m ___Cummins, a dentist·& feed salesu.an, lived Coluirbus, had children JD118d. Ja'D (twin) m __ . railroad tr.a.n and rember of Masons JDliC.e. Jessie {fenale twin to Jap) m iiobert Corcanas 2 _irl m Fisher lives J child: JDli8el. Lawrence was monsignor with Catholic charities- ·firanviIIe,Oh • ..:J.son JDli8f. Carl iioy Looker 18q2-19J4 JJ: Marie_, lived Colunibus, buried Pataskala, .3 children: JD118fl. girl d cl9J4 {soon after her father) JD11tsf2. girl JDlitsfJ. girl )Dli8g. Susan Looker. baby at ~other's death, ado~ted by a fau.ily in Pickeri~ton,OH. )Dlj. Mary "Polly" Looker lBOJ-1852 b&d RockingbamCoVa. m Jrd cousin 2AJ1.James Pickering JuneS.1798-186). They are buried in the Pickering tor Strickler) Cemetery east of Tenth Legion They lived on a farm near ~enth Legion and about J miles south of New Market,Rockingba.mCo. 13 JDljl. Sarah Ann "Aunt Sallya Pickering Dec.?,1821-Sept.J0,1890 ir. Abraham Layton Aug.4,1808- JulyJ0,1884 they are buried Pataskala Cemetery. Abrahan: Layton was a lat cousin of 2Alal.Ja.me Layton. The Layton family called him Uncle Abe. Abrabau. Layton and his wife'~ uncle 3Dli.Jobn Looker had been freighters together.lA freighter was a man who drove big freight we.gens bauli raterial fro~ ~lace to place.)They came to Ohio together, had farms alir.ost adjoining and were lifelong friends. The Licking County land map of 1840 shows Abraham Layton already owned abou 80 acres on the north side of the recently built National Road lthe. first version of lntersta .70). Part of his land had been.surveyed for residential lots in the town of CtllDberland (later renamed Wagram) by Jeremiah Armstrong in 18Jl. Abraham Layton sold off at lea.st 9atqtgf 0~hQag~ He bought 2 lots in the village of Columbia Center on llov.14,1850. He bought the-i'arm/wnere Roger&Astrid Pickering home now stands on Jan.7,1856. By cl870 he owned 154 more acres north Wagram. ~he new land bordered on its western boundary the land he already owned. He bou~ht 40 · ~cre~Di1J.te ~agram area at auction Sept.22,1873. It is said that they told Sarah's 7ounger ~- orot~er·1 es on the birth of one of his sons that if he would nan:e the child after Abra.ham Layton that they would uake the ba.by their heir. Thus about 1900 Abraham Layton Pickering be- ca~e owner of their land and home north of Wagram. Sarah&Abrabam layton had no·child.ren. ; I 1 • John looker b .:.~· c.1?2G s 1 wife unknown, 4 possible childrt=::n (continued): '2( JD. Thomas Looker Sr. b by 1750, prob.dafter 1791, m ___ child (continued): J )Dl. Thomas Lookar Jr. cl770-1807 n~ Sarah ReP-ves, 9 known children (continued): )Dlj. Mary "Polly" Looker 180)-1852 m 2A31. James Pickering 1798-186), lJ children {continued JDlj2. Richard 1822-1847 ~ Lucinda Hoof, one child. They had only one child but he had a bal brother, so Lucinda 111Ust have m2. child: 3D1~J'2a;i Perry Richard Pickering .~fh · :.. ~',~~ chi~ JDlj2al. Jarees Henry,living cl940 Sardinia,BrownCo.Ohio lCincinnati area) JDljJ. Barbara Catherine 1824-1892 died umrarried )Dlj4. John 1826-1909 m Susan Hanna, moved to Greenbriar County,WestVirginia. Many of the de scendants still live there, some nan:ed Shisler, town is Fairlea,W.Va. lWhen JDljl2e~ucy Pick ing was visiting this fa.n:ily she met Leonard Smith whom she ~arried). 2 children: JDlj4a.· Mary · · JDlj4b. Thomas JDlj5. Elizabeth 1828-Aug.25,1892 age 68y4Jn28d m Ma.rchlO/lJ,1845 Rockingha.tr.CoVa Benjamin

Franklin Zirkle Oct.ll,1822-Ma.rcb28 1 1898 both buried Reynoldsburg town cemetery. Six of thei children were born in Virginia. Ca.r.e to Ohio c 1857. They lived in Wagram on the north side road lone descendant said west, one said east) about 2 city blocks from the intersection.The were twin houses, 2 story, fo8ft fBPmsd NfhP8fcJJ.A~a!toop. In 1880 Census they were living in ~resent Roger&A.strid Pickering house~ ~lley unite'a..'w1th Church of Christ, Reynoldsburg,18?0.l JDlj5a. Mary Catherine Zirkle Feb.lJ,1846-June26,1909 m James M. 11:Sogu.a" Layton 1848-1932 buried Etna Cemetery. He is supposed to be a nephew of Abraham Layton. Lived Summit. 1870 sue his occupation farmer. they did not yet have any children. 8 children: )Dlj,5al. infant son d Nov.18,1870 age l day, buried with parents 3DlJ5a2. Minnie M. Layton 1872-1947 m Sept._1890 Thomas McDowell 1860-1942 of Etna., buri Etna Cemetery. Minnie was survived only by l grandson. 1 chil 3DljSa2a. Mary J. 1893-1954 m ___Wortman 1886-1957, lived Grove City & Summit, 3 child 3Dlj5a2.al. lnza Wilma. 1911-1944 d unmarried, buried Etna, stone says "aunt" JDlj5a2a2. Harold w. 1913-1939 m _buried Etna with sister, stone says 11 father: 1 ch JDlj5a2a.2a. child, buried Etna? JDlj5a2aJ. Harry Jr. _ . had children JDlj5aJ. Nettie lNettybel) b 1874 ~ .Nor~an Weaver, 1 child 0 JDlj5aJa. Mary . . JDlj5a4. infant daughter ltwin?) d May 7. 1878 buried with -pa.rents JV1J5a5. Jose~h Herbert ltwin?) 1878-1903 killed at Bloo~ingburg,FayetteCo.Ohio,accordin to tombstone ~tna Cem., ~Laura Keller 1879-1914 buried Etna she ~2 ___Rinehart. 3 chil JDlj5a5a. Janes Harry died before 19?2 \Doris J. Moris,GroveCity is a. ) 3Dlj5a5b. Jose-ph Herbert, Jr. d before 1972 cousin )Dlj5a5c. Claude Eugene 1901-cDec.15,1972. lived 12~7 Hotte Acre Vr.,Columbus, retired -ployee of ShoeCor-poration ofA:n:erica.,. W\HI veteran, 0 survived by several cousins." JDlj5a6. Grace A. 1882-1934 m Edward R. Winters 1881-1955 buried· Etna ~em. 6 child JDlj5a6a.. Bessie May 1902-1903 buried Etna Cem. JDljSa6b. Stella b cl901 m 1920 William Wells. Stella. was a ttember of 1916 Summit Ele mentary 6th Grade as were also her 1st cousins Claude Leston and Minnie Saltz (frott a~ historic picture featured in Pata.ska.la Standard cl9B9). JDlJSa6c. Sarah d cl9JC Killed in fall at Rock House lpart of a state park area of cliffs and caves, HockingCo.Oh.) m ____ Sampson · l child: 3Dlj5a6cl. daughter b cl920 (age about 14 at mother's death) 3Jllj5a6d.. Minnie lCatherine) m !rvin Royer lStella. and Minnie:lI.Burnfl 3Vlj,5a.6e. infant who d says one lived Cincinnati,other JDlj5a6f. . married t"11ice) JDlj5a?. Harry b after 1870 m Stella Ayers, 5 children: JD1J5a7a. lrvin d 1970 u Katherine M. Hoffu.an b Oct.18,1912 Columbus d Julyl2,19?ij Crc Oh. buried Glen Rest Cem.Reynoldsburg,Oh. She was da.ug. of Jau.esW.&ElsieReeseHoffuan. Lived 26Ma.inSt.,Croton. In 1978 survived by 32 grandch.,19 gr.gndch. 5 childrer JDlj5a?al. Jane Ann b Ma.y21,19J2 Colwr.bus d Jan.16,1990 age 57 residento:fFredericY+< Oh. m Walter w. Wittman b Dec.24,1926 Columbus d Feb._1984 resident of Croton. He:.:.~­ son of Walter&AldeanCollins~~bittJr.an and brother of John and of Mrs. Von Hobbs. Jane~ Walter buried St .J o.se'Ph • s Gemetery • Johns town7 3 children: JDlj5a7ala. lJonald b cl95J · n· cl973 Annita _of near Etna.,Oh.b cl956. 3 childrt JDlj5a?alal. son b c iq74 3~lj5a7ala2.? son b cl976 ':· ••1C.t-..7alr.:i'l. cai_:;•}-:i:PT" ... , .,_.,.cf' 15, JC~~'.) J. John ioukt!r b b~· ~.l'/,:u•s, \'ilft! unKno\oin, 4 po~~sible children lCcntim.wdj: 3 ~ JD. Tl:orr.a.s Looker Sr. b b~.- 1750, "Orab. d after 1791, rr _ child \continued): ;n1. Thor.as Looker Jr. cl?70-1807 n Sarah Reeves, 9 known children \Continued):

. l JDlj. Mary "Polly" Looker lBOJ-1852 m 2AJ1. James Pickering 1?98-1863, 13 children {cont.): JDlJS. Elizabeth Pickering 1828-1892 m Eenjamin Franklin Zirkle .1822-1898, 13 children (con ~DljSa. Mary Catherine Zirkle 1846-1909 m JaJr·es M. 11 Bogus 11 Layton 1848-1932, 8 children (c C JDlj5a7. Harry Layton b after 1870 m Stella Ayers, 5 children (continued): JD1J5a7a. Irvin Layton d ~9Zg 1m ~thq~ine M. Hoffman 1912-1978, 5 children (continued): JD1J5a7al. Jane Ann Laytob71932-J.~9tl ~ walter w. ~ittman 1926-1984, J children {cont. JDlj5a?alb. Rebecca m _ Warner of Granville,Oh. · JDlj5a?ale. Sherri JI1 late 1980 1 s _ Oswalt 3Dlj5a?a2. Terri ~ ____ Wallace, lives Columbus 1990 children JD1J5a7a3. Irvin R. L::13ton,Jr. b cl930 d early 1985 age 55 Columbus buried Grayson,Ke tucky, m Leona. _ Survived by 14 grandchildren in 1985. 10 children: JD1J.5a7a.Ja.. Carl JDlJSa?aJb. Irvin 3Dlj5a?aJc. James )Dlj5a?aJd. Roger 3Dlj5a7a3e. Danny 3Dlj5a?a.Jf. Rickie JDlj5a7aJg. William JDlj5a7aJh. Carroll (female) JDlj5a7aJ1. Kathy JDlj5a7aJj. Saundra JDlj5a7a4. Lewis E. La.yton,Sr. b 1931 d Sept.?,1988 age 56 Tampa.,Florida. u.l Charlot Cherry-? children, n~ Grace E. __ had 4 children previous m. Lewis&Grace-lch. 8 ch. JDlj5a7a4a. Gary L. Layton living Centerbu.rg,Oh. 1988 JD1J5a7a4b • .Harry G. b Mayl3,1956 Columbus d Oct._1977 age 21 (after a lon& illness resident of 2721 N. County Line Road. Sunbu.ry,Oh. bur.GreenHillCem.,Johnstown,Oh. JDlj5a?a4c. Viky m by 1977 Thoma.a Looker, living Centerburg 1988 JDlj5a7a4d. Stella ml·cl977 ~teve Inskeep, r2 ___Smith. living Centerburg 1988 \, JDlj5a?a4e. Robert living Columbus 1988 JDlj5a7a.4f. Edward A. b ~1959 living Croton 1988 JDlj5a?a4g. Gregory living Centerburg 1988 )Dlj5a7a4h. Lewis E. layton Jr. living Ta~pa.,FL 1988 3DlJ5a7a5. James w. b July8,19J7 Columbus d _1qa2 age 44 residence 26Ma.inSt.Croton,Ob buried Glen Rest Cem.,Heynoldsburg,Oh. no childre~ JDlj5a7b. Russell Layton d before 1974 3Dlj5a7c. Glen R. 1915-Dec._1974 age 59 bur. ForestLawnCe~,Columbus. m Beatrice___ , li~ 2882:SS.s treoreland.Dr .Columbus, SU'f:lervisor Coir..xr.ercialMotorFreightCo. l child: JD1J5a7cl.· Darlene m _ Cook, lives Columbus 3 child.re JDlJSe. ?c la. JDlj.5a7clb. JDlj5a7clc. )Dlj.5a7d. Iva.dell d before 1974 m ____ )DlJSa?e. Lawrence lives Whitehall, retired engineer, ran train Worthington Railroad~ JD1J5a.8. Sarah Ann "Sadie Lee" A-pr.15,1885-June24,1904 bur with pa.rents,m' John Saltz, l c )Dlj.5a.8a. Minnie May Saltz b Junel.5,1904 Summit Station d Dec.26,1989 age 84 bur.Pa.task Cem. m Clyde Pickering d before 1970 (~erba.ps a reember Flushing,Bel.n:ontCoOh. Pickerin~ fa.trily who had other fau:ily connections with Suu.mit). Lived Summit. Survived by 3 great grandchildren and 6 great great grndchldn in 1988. l child: JDlj5a8al. IrJl'lB. M. ml ir2 Donald Pigg lives north Columbus ·· 4 childr JDlj5a8ala. JD1J5a8alb. JDlj5a8a.lc. JDlj5b. Nancy Virginia Zirkle 1849-1920 b RockinghamCoVa bur. Hebron,Oh Ceu.etery. Came to Ohio with family at age 8, m cl8?0 Thomas Newton Maddan, minister,lived Hebron, 10 childx (uost data. for this fareily as of early 1970's) JD1J5bl. Flora Indus m Dr.L.L.Ma.rriott, Licking Co. cororner, m cl900, no children 3PlJ5b2. Arthur G. d. 1968, ml Cleu:entine Leatherman, u2 Ollie Mae Sirythe, no children "~' • f I '- ' - •/ •) ). John 1.,)1.Jkt!r b o:; c.l'/21J 1 u, wife unknown, 4 po~.;sib.Le children (continued): 33. JD. Thorras Looker Sr. b by 1750, prob.dafter 1791, m__ child (continued): JDl. Thoras Looker Jr. cl??0-1807 m Sarah Reeves, 9 known children (continued): , JDlj. Mary "Pol~v" Looker 1803-1852 Jr 2AJ1. James Pickering 1798-1863, 13 children {continuE 3Dlj5. Elizabeth Pickering 1828-1892 ~ Benjamin Franklin Zirkle 1822-1898, 13 children (cor JDljSb. Nancy Virginia Zirkle 1849-1920 m Thomas 1lewton .Y.adden, 10 chB~f.:Ten (continued): . : JDlJSbJ. Lena m C.G.White, a minister, Lena. was only Madden child b in· wagram. 2 childr) 3DlJ5bJa. Lois m John H. Adams, writer Canton(O)ReP.ository many years,liveNorthCanton, Jl)lj5b)al. Thomas m "Andy" Anders, live Blythesville, Arkansas, J children: JDlj5bJala.. Avis JDlJSbJalb. John JDljSbJalc. Scotty JDljSbJa2.· Birke m Jean Anne Uwing, professor state university, Lincoln, Neb., 1 chl JDlj5bJa?..a. William JDljSbJb. Paul Newton White m Mary Ambers, has college bookstore, Betheny,W.Va., 2chil 3Dlj5bJbl. Craig, m ___ ~rofessor Morgantown University, W.Va. JDlj5bJb2. Gregory )Dlj5b4. Clara m A.A. Crecelius d 1971, J children: JDlj5b4a. Dorothy m Glen Sma.llsreed, live Newton Falls,Oh. J children: JDljSb4al. Mirium m ___Rattee, J children: )DlJSb4al.a. JJa.vid JDlj5b4a.lb. boy JDlj5b4alc. girl JDlj5b4a2. Arthur m_ , OSU grad c1964, has Glena.rt Farms(Holsteins)with father, JD1J5b4a2a. son b c1968 JDlJSb4a2b. son b cl970 JDlj5b4a.2c. son b cl9?S . JDlj5b4a.J. Wilma. grad dental technician OSU, m Mike Radick, engineering JDlj5b4b. Caryle A. Crecelius m Grace Brown, has engineering factory which J11B.kes com­ -puter l'&rts in Voshen, Washington, 4 children: JDlj5b4bl. ~ric m___ , engineer oceanography, teacher University of Washington, 1 q" JD1J5b4bla. Eric, Jr. JDlj5b4b2. Sylvia, a teach~r 3Dlj5b4bJ. Marsha 3Dlj5b4b4. Clara JDlj5b4c. Edward E. n: Edna_, Pan-.Am pilot, live Sarasota, Calif., 4 children: JDlj5b4cl. Catherine m Dale Berman, both teachers Principia College near St.Louis,Mo JDlj5b4c2. Nancy m UCI.A graduates JDlj5b4cJ. Elizabeth JD1J5b4c4. Ted JDlJ5bS. Ruth Mae Madden Jan.2),1882-Dec.23,1974 age 92 bur.Hebron Cemetery, teacher at Hebron High School, lived 108 S.SeventhSt.Hebron, never married JDlJSb6. Letha Rose Junel?,1884-July2,l972 age 88, twin sister of Luther, author of uany 'PUblished poems, teacher in Hebron, never married JDlj5b7. Luther b Junel7,1884 m 1908 3Dljl2d.Sally Pickering his1 lst cousin once remove1 4 children under mother's branch of family. . 3Dlj5b8. 11.a.rland E. d 1967, m Daisy M. Ensiminger Sept.17,1879-Nov.S,1972 age 93 buried Fultonham Cemetery, she was b near Mt.Perry. They lived Hebron, no children. 3Dlj5b9. Addie ~lanche m Clyde Capp, live Millersburg,Oh. 3 children: JD1J5b9a. Glen m Verna De~ey, security officer Dennison Un,b0'1ght ¥adden.housecl9?2,2 ~ JDlj5b9a.l .(his son) J e"I;ry Lee m Judy _ -·· 3Dlj5b9a2.(her eon) John R. Dewey, Pittsburgh 3DlJSb9b. Neil s. ~ Maxine Jones, 2 children: JD1J5b9bl. Karen m Gary Foster, l child: JD1J5b9bla. Gayle Marie )Dlj5b9b2. Stanton f rmer JD1J5b9c. Ruth m P.M.Ma.riner,7athletic coach Muskingba.m Col. livingEvansCity,Pa. 2 ~~, 3Dlj5b9cl. Melinda Sue. teacher JDlj5b9c2. Lynn b cl950 3Dlj5bl0.Flo:r:-ence b Oct.13,1889 d Aug.c20,1983 bur HebronCem. m Karl C ·white d March_l9 had furniture store and lived Miami,Jnorida, no children. , J • .John 1ock~r b b.. v c.1·1~0 1 s, wife unkno-wn, '~ po~sible children (continued): 3t( JD. Tho~as Looker Sr. b by 1750, ~rob. dafter 1791, rr. __ child (continued): JDl. Thouas Looker Jr.· cl??0-180? n Sarah Reeves, 9 known children (continued): )Dlj. Mary "Polly" Looker 1803-1852 m 2AJ1. Jatres Pickering 1?98-186), 13 children (continued )Dlj5. Elizabeth Pickering 1828-1892 m Benjamin Franklin Zirkle 1822-1898, lJ children (cont IP' .. 3Dlj5c. infant died in Virginia ~JDljSd. Jattes Lewis lived to a.ge 4 b&d in Virginia JDlj5e. Elizabeth Mariah b cl852 Virginia m Oct.25,1868 Steven Tucker d cl876 buried Fletc Cha~el (Kirkersville,Oh. area). 1880 Census:Elizabeth Tucker 27 a widow with her 5 children was living with her -parents. Later she lived Etna. 5 childr JD1J5el. Mary b cl869 m ~obert Petty, buried Fletchers Chapel, 2 children: )DlJSela. Lizzie m__ Cooperrider, lived between Hebron & Lancaster, her mother lived with them, Lizzie d August_1970. 3Dlj5elb. Fred Petty m Sarah Ruth 1899-1949 buried Fletchers Chapel, 1 child: 3Dlj5elbl. Catherine d ururarried, buried with pa.rents JDlj5e2. Virginia "Jennie" b 1870 m ~• illiam McCaulla (Pat.Standard files says that John and Rosie visited Jenny at Sniderville (south of Etna) on July 31, 1890. 9 children: 3DlJ5e2a. Ernest JDlj5e2b. Glen JDlj5e2c. Russel 3Dlj5e2d. Ural JDlj5e2e. Elizabeth JD1J5e2f. Dora 3Dlj5e2g. Catherine 3DlJ5e2h. William Howard 3Dlj5e2i. Ruth

JDlj5e3. Rosa "Rossy" b c 1872 su-ppoaed to be buried in a cemetery between Rushville 4

Pleasantville,FairfieldCo.Oh. ml William Miller, m2 Wesley England 2 chil1 JD1J5e3a. Clyde Miller JDlj5e3b. Helena England, living Monroe, Mich. 1970 1 s. 3Dlj5e4. John b cl874 d before 1947 m Ida Mae Rader d Al>r.2,1947 age 74. In Jan.1934 "JO: \~ JTucker was reelected -president of Lhrima- Twp. truNeteesk." Pa ;.standard file: 1936 nc omn:h.1sdsio . ohn Tucker gave a -progress 1ve euc e -party at ewar on riday evening. 12 c i 1 re 3Dlj5e4a. Nellie Zlizabe~h TUcker.ir. Earl M. Wickliff, both d before 1971, 2 childr 3DlJ5e4al. Lena M. Seµt.25,1928-lateOct.1971 age 43, m Paul Tho:urpson,lived.Rt.l,Pa.task 3Dlj5e4ala. John b Jan.14,1947 JD1J5e4alb. Donald 1'ugene Thomp~orJ. served in Vietnam 2 sons? JDlJ5e4albl. Jeffrey (wrong -place-11Jerry ~iickliffeA J~ffrey and Jeremy"attende1 JD1J5e4alb2. Jeremy Tucker facily reunion 19ol.Descendants of a son ~~Rn: JDlj5e4a2. Minta m _Geer, living Summerfield, Florida. 1971 child: 1~~lt~i~~o"'~a0 {male~nd d u.w. 1 ~ ::: l3ellview, Fla. 1981 JDiJS~o.°'.Beurati m Arthur-~enn1ngt«Bn both d before 1971 4 children JD1J5e4bl. Thelma m An:os Taylor living Croton 1978, Centerburg 1980 JD1J5e4b2. Pauline m _Smith living at Johnstown 1978 JDlJSe4b3. Arthur Bunnel ":Bu.n" Lennington MarchJ0,1917-Nov.lS,1971 b JerseyTwp.Lickin, WWII surviver of Bataan Death March, ml ___ l child, ~2 Hope ___ (who had 2 children from previous m including Gilbert Weaver whom Alma. Stecker).Lived DepotSt~Pataskala. chi JDlj5e4bJa. Lora Lee m Hurley, living Eellefonta.ine,Oh. 1971 3 childr JDlj5e4b)al. ---- . 3Dlj5e4b)a.2. 3DlJ5e4bJaJ. 3Dlj5e4b4. Alma. L. Sept.20,1920-_1978 bur Pataskala. Cem. Jn Robert ArbaU&h, lived 1477 MarketSt.Akron,Oh. Survived 1978 by 15 grandchildren, 1 gr.gch. 8 child.re JD1J5e4b4a. Thomas Arbaugh, Columbus laddresses in 19?8) JD1J5e4b4b. Larry, Marengo JDlj 5e4 b4c. Robert , Swr.mi t Sta. t ion \ JD1J5e4b4d. Richard, Akron JDlj5e4b4e. Arthur, Akron JDlj5e4b4e. Mary in _McCoy, Columbus JDlj5e4b4f. Patricia m ~Newberry, Greenfield JDlj5e4b4g. Joyce, Akron • Jull11 •. 0Ll-.1:r u :.... ~.1·,.:\.; 1 :..>, WJl1 ~!:.1.uuw1i., 4 µou~;ibl·~ t;ll.i.luren \~ont.inued··: )D. 1rho1T.a.s Looker Sr. b by 1750, prob. d after 1791, rr._ child (conti~ued): )Dl. Tho~as Looker Jr. cl??0-1807 ~Sarah Reeves, 9 known children (continued):

3Dlj. l'1a.ry "Polly" Looker 1803-1852 m 2AJ1. James Pickering 1798-1863 1 lJ children {continued 3Dlj5. Elizabeth Pickering 1828-1892 m :Benjamin Franklin Zirkle 1822-1898, 13 .chi;ldren (cont, JDlj5e •. Elizabeth M. Zirkle b c 1852 tr. Steven Tucker d cl876, S children (continued): .. )Dlj5e4;. John Tucker cl874-before 1947 m lda Mae Rader d 1947, 12 childi&n>'.(c·ontinued): ~ JDlJSe4c. Ruth d before 1977 · " 3DlJ5e4d. William J. b cl899 d Aug.22,1979 age 80 Reynoldsburg bur·Maplewood Cem, New~~ ba.ny, "former resident and businessman of New Alba.ny,Oh., survived by 7 grndch. child JDlj5e4dl. Irma. B. m _ Kinder living Reynoldsburg 1979 7 childrei JDlj5e4dla. 3DljSe4dlb. 3DlJ5e4e. George E. Oct.16,1900-Marchl?,1982 m Bertha__ d 19~3~ ~fd~plewoodCem.no chili 3Dlj5e4f. Herman H. b Dec.28,1901 SciotoCo,Oh d March l?,1989rta~1fornia bur GlenRestCem. Reynoldsburg,Oh. ml Ethel Mossholder 1902-Ma.y_1936-2 children lived Jersey,Oh. m2 Sylvia :

Sanders b Nov.6 1 1905 W.Va. d March21,1973(da.u. of JosephL.&Coluttbia.A.PolingSanders). HerJn1 &Sylvia. had 4 children. (lier~.an survived 1989 by 14 grandchildren, 26 gr.gndch.) 6 child~ 3Dlj5e4fl. Hazel b cl9JO m William Kellett live Pickerington JD1J5e4f2. Clarence R. b cl9~S lived Centerburg 1973, Newark 1989. Perhaps the followi~ his child · :.. •· · attended Tucker Family Reunion Julyl9, 1981. 3lJlj5e4f2a. Bill m __ living Concord 1981 JDl"J.5e4C. Dons.la E. ·.b after 1936 living California JDlj5e4f4. Herman " n " n " )DljSe4f5. Elizabeth 11 11 Jn Robert Walker, live Delaware,Oh. children:: JDlj5e4f5a. Leora JDlj5e4f5b. Cassandra JDlj5e4f6. Leona. b after 1936, ml John Townsend, m2 _Sharp, living Newark 1989, 7chilc 1 JDlj5e4f6a.. Jackie m Tim Sta~leton 3Dlj5e4g. Hester b cl9021 d between 1984-89? m Carl Cox lived Gahanna,Oh. )DlJ5e4h. Clayton b c1904 d Oct.6,1984 age 80 m Oct.1,1925 Newark,Dolly Ford, celebrated ~ wedding anniv., lived 952LancasterAve,Reynoldsburg. Supt.ReynoldsburgWa.terDept. 1 chil JDlj5e4hl. Helen m Eugene Johnson, live Bradenton,Fla. 1984 J chi~d~b] JDlj5e4hla. Donald c. liva:Reynoldsburg 1984 {Clayton&Dolly1 s great grand· JDlj5e4hlb. John lives Pickerington 1984 sons 1984 were Jason, Michae: JD1J5e4hlc. Rolland lives Pickerington 1984 Nathan and Andy) 3Dlj5e4i. John b 1905 d before 1977? m lq27 Essa ~ailey children? ?3DlJ5e4il. Phyllis m Roy Merchant, live Galena., hosted 1981 Tucker fareily reunion. 5 cl Jl>lj5e4ila.. Cathy m John Barcus JDlj5e4ilb. Suzanne 3DlJ5e41lc. Bobby 3Dlj5e4ild. Becky 3Dlj5e41le. Laura T3Dlj5e412. Nelson b cl932 remarried l970's to Jean A. (their lat m c 19547), liveAlexa~ 3Dlj5e4i2a.. Rebecca. Ann b cl956 m Carl Kevin Frampton {engagement announcemt Jan.1974. JDlj5e4i2al. Holly Frampton b cl976 JD1J5e4J. Floyd A. _1906-July28,1977 age 71 m Imogene cl913-Apr.3,1986 age 73 bur.Pionee: Cemetery, Westerville area. Lived 2703 Hiawatba,Colwr;bus. Survived by 10 grndch-1986. 4 cl 3DlJSe4Jl. Allen George? JD1J5e4j2. Gary lives ColWI'.bu.S 3Dlj5e4JJ. Bonnie Jean d between 1977-19861, or child of earlier marriage1.. (not listed a surviver of Imogene) Bon~ie m __ Work, lived La.rgo,Fl.a. in 1977 JD1J5e4J4. Judy m _Courtney, lives Baltimore,Oh. JDlj5e4k. Charles living Washington Court House, Oh. 1989. Also could be father of JD1J5e4i: 1Dlj5e41. infant who d ? 3Dlj5e5 Lottie l876-189S··m HoWa.rd··Da.ni~l McCulla. both bur. Fletchers Chapel. Years later ·- Boward ; Lottie's aunt Julia Zirkel Francis then a widow. Lottie&Howard 2 children: )Dlj5e5a. May or ~thel Marie m __Crown, 1 child: ~. __ ) JD1J5e5al. Howard d before 1970 3Dlj5e5b. Lottie m Leona.rd Lang/Laing? 2 children: 3Dlj5e5bl. Elizabeth or Catherine 3Dlj5e5b2 • .;-ioward, rune refrigeration business, Coluxr:bus l 1970 1 s) J cLu i.oor.er I> o. cl'/2l11 ~, iv.ift? un~.nown, 4 possible children (continued.): D, Thomas Looker, Sr. b by 1750, prob. d after 1791, m _ child (continued): )Dl. Thotias Looker, Jr. cl??0-1807 it Sarbh Reeves. 9 kno'Nn children (continued): ·:3Dlj. Mary "Polly" Looker 1803-1852 m 2A)l. Jan;es Pickering 1798-1863, 13 children (continued): · 3DlJS. Elizabeth Pickering 1828-1892 Jr. Benjamin }'ranklin Zirkle 1822-1898, 13 children lcont.) ~~ljSf. John Zirkle b 1856 he and ~receding 5 children were born Virginia before the family ~ame to Ohio. Sup~osed to be buried with pa.rents in family plot Reynoldsburg, he has no xnarkel but there is room for his grave. He never F.arried, lived with sister Lucy. 3Dlj5g. Sarah AhD.}Alice "Sadie" Zirkle 1858-1910 killed when struck by an interurban train in Wagram. Ir March 18,1877 (by Thos U Madden) to Darilas "Rile11 Looker cl858-cl921. They are sup· posed to be buried at Reynoldsburg in the sa.n:e ~lot with their son but there is no marker. In 1880 Abraham Layton bought 32 acres near his farm where the Zirkle family was living. Records are lost,. probably due to a tire in the Licking Co. courthouse cl875: but by 1889 Sarah A. Zirkle Looker owned the 32 acres. Sarah Looker bought 14 acres in 1885 and 6.~ acres in 1898 adjoining the 32 acres. Darilas' 2nd wife Elizabeth, after becoming his widow, sold the 3 ~arcels in 1923. Lawrence and Zoa Pickering in 1946 bought the 32 acre and 6.2 acre -pa.reels from Earl and Fern Dunlop, ma.king the acreage now -pa.rt of Rustling ]rook Farm. l child: 3Dlj5gl. Marvin June2J,l878-Sept.26,190l age 21 buried Reynoldsburg. m Daisy Slade. He "die< at the home of his father Rilas Looker of typhoid fever ••• leaves wife, child, father, motheJ and many friends." l child: 3Dlj5gla. daughter b cl900 JDljSh. Lucy Margaret b 1860 on Roger Pickering farE naybe in this house? bur Reynoldsburg CeJ r Louis Foskett, lived on farm about 4 miles south of Etna with ]altimore address. 2 children: 3Dlj5hl. Mildred d before 1986, m Homer Gray Hutchinson, lived Griffin,Georgia. 2 childre1 3Dlj5hla. Homer Gray Hutchinson,Jr. ·m Mary Emily_ • was high ranki~ officer Marine Ail Corps, living 1970's Talla.bassee, Florida, 2 children: JDlj5hlal. Ann JDlj5hla2. David? m in service in California 1970 1 s. child: 3DlJShl.a2a. JDlj5hlb. Roy m Helen Thompson of Danville, Va. living l970's London,England 5 childre1 JDlj5hlbl. son b cl950 3DlJ5hlb2. son {three of the children were in collegt '-· 3Dlj5hlb3 •• -4. sons in this country in 1971) 3Dlj5hlb5. daughter 3Dlj5h2. Clark o. cl895-Feb.21,1986 age 91 m Julia Wilson cl892-0ct._l97~ age 86 bur Silent Home Ce~.(Reynoldsburg to'Nn cerr.etery). Stayed on home farm, RefugeeRoad,Rt.2,Baltimore,Oh. No children, but adopted Robert "Bud" Foskett 'Nho I!. Irene_ , living 1986 Ferndale,Michiga.n1 had 5 children, 11 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren. 3Dlj5i. Lydia Jane 1861-1932 m George Staley 1858-1950 age 92, bur Reynoldsburg Ceu. beside sister Grace and James Robinson. Lived in ~•a.gram, later Hebron. l child:. JD1J5il. Arthur 1881-1902 about age 14, buried with parents, Reynoldsburg Cemetery. JDlj5j. Ewna. Grace 1863-1926 twin to Reuben, m James Robinson 1859-1938 bur Reynoldsburg CeE. He was tollhouse keeper on National Pike, no children. JDlj5k. Reuben H. b 1863 twin to Graced 1916 at sister Nancy Madden's house, m~early 18B0 1 s Stella Selvage d A~r.20,1947. They are bur Kirkersville Cemetery where her 2 brothers Lee & N.? Savage are also. According to Pa.t,S~~ news items, in 1887 and 18BtS~ Reuben&Stella were living in Wagrafbt~~Ah!£ m~~h~hta~an~~s~~36Mrs.w.W.White were living in Kirkersville. Reuben a.nd wife sold fa.rii]~on~fn!Hg presen~!'ioger&Astrid Pickering house JuneJ,1893 for $2,786.25 to Jacob and John Detwiler. Roger&A.strid purchased the same farm Dec.1959 from Rich· ard&Ma.rga.ret Harvey. Re'1ben lived in Kirkersville in 1900 and o~ened a skating rink at the armory in Hebron on New Yea.r's Eve in partnership with C.H.Jones.(Stella u2_VanCuyler) 3 ch.: JDlj5kl, Dawn d l920 1 s, m n.T.Steffey, no children 3Dlj5k2. Hazel Vaughn VanCuyler (took mother's new name) last known living at Eastern State Hos~ital, Williamsburg,Virginia JDlj5k3. Hope Zirkle, buried dt Kirkersville, d before 1918? . '3Dlj51. Julia "Julie" b 1866,L1l T~rancis, u2 Howard nHa.rry"? McCulla widower of 3Blj5eS•: t. iottie Tucker-Julia's neice. Julia is buried with Thomas Francis Reynoldsburg Cem. someplace --in front. Lived Etna house northeast of UoF.mons l~ story, had colored glass above buffet in dining room on west side of house, was dia.gona.liy across street from sister Elizabeth Tucker't 3Dlj5m. Cyrus Frank b 1869 contracted infantile paralysis a.s a child, left him e cri~ple and so~etiues bad te~~er. Letha took care of him and was always -patient. never rarried l,1~ l.~. ( • ...: •' John Looker b b:. cl720 1 s, wife un.~:.nown, 4 possible children (continued.): 37 >. ThoJilB.s Look~r,Sr. b by 1?50, ~rob. dafter 1791, u~ child (contin~ed): 3pl. Thomas looker,Jr. cl??0-180? ~Sarah Reeves, 9 known children (continued): ~DlJ. Mary "Polly" Looker 1803-18;:>2 m 2A81. JB.Iies Pickering. 1798-1863, 13 children (continued): ,; )DlJ6. Phoebe Pickering 1829-1847 died young urunarried . 3 ')DlJ7•: .. ~~C?~: Pickering 1832-1918~ lived in V~r~inia., urur.a.rried, left will a.~n~isit~+ed by J:~t0~i K.P. Pickering who received residue after g1v1ng money to ea.ch of sister Bettie's {Elizabe'~4 10 children-only 9 of whon: were living or had heirs livin~ a.t tiu.e of settlement, to each of her brother John 1 s 2 children, to er.Leh of her brother Reuben' a 2 children, and to her b:l'other Richard's grandson, also left ttoney to Hazel Zirkle and Mrs. D.T. Steffey who were nephew Reuben's daughters. )Dlj8. Jacob 18J4-183S J~lj9. Reuben b 1836, m Harriett Swaiitz, 2 children: (moved to GreenbriarCo, W. Va.des.cendants . 3Dlj9a. Reuben still there 3Dlj9b. Miller 3Dljl0.Lydia 1838-1907 lived in Virginia unmarried 3J)ljll.Mary Susan 1841-1902 unmarried, lived in Virginia JDlJlJ.William 1848-1852 BiCT AlTCESTOR: JDljl2.James Knox Polit Pickering b Oct.11,1844 on his pa.rents' farm 3 miles south of New Marke· near Tenth Legion. RockingbamCo. 1!a. d l!'eb.2, 1925. m MaylB,1875 :Barbara Anna Rebecca Shirley "Anniea b Feb.11.1853 PageCo.,Va d Aug.18,1935. ]oth buried ~nanuel Lutheran Church CH~Qt9A¥~. She was daughter of Zacheria&Ma.ry Koontz Shirley {see SHIRLEY fa.Fily and KOONTZ fan:ilies) • . _.:.?­ They lived on a farm on southwest edge of New Market. He wa.s about 6 foot tall and serious, sh4 was about S foot and jolly, when he held his ar.ir out straight she could walk under it. "James Knox Polle Pickering reportedly did not serve in the Army of the Conf edercy during the Wa.r be­ tween the States, but he did take cattle into the rr.ounta.in valleys to hide theF. from the North· ern Armies,"says Robert Moore in his booklet "The Vescendents of Jan:es Knox Polk Pickering son of JaF.es and Vary Looker Pickering and Barbara Anna. Rebecca Shirley daughter of Zacharia and Mary Koontz Shirley", an 1983 update, 22 pages. Almost all following inforJrAtion is from this booklet. Jarr.es and Annie had 6 children·· 3Dlj]g.a. Shirley Zacheria Pickering b Feb.21,18?6 New Market d JuneB,1964 Ma.ryville,'l'enn~.~·J.r Grand View l:em. ,Maryville. nil Apr.25,1906 Mary May Foster b Oct.2J,1875 'lJyandotCo. ,Oh d SeJ>t, 23,192) HewMarket,Va.-no children. m2 Vec.18,1924 Mary Letitia P..aley · Ma.y22,1e93-.itll.g.30'19'12 'b&d Maryville. 1 child: 3Dljl2al. Mary Shirley Pickering b Ma.y2ts, 1926 Newllarket m Aug.17, 1946 John Ca.r.J>bell Ster­ ling b May?,1926 Maryville, a rr.inister, live Maryville. 3 children: 3Dljl2ala. Alexander ~arpbell Sterling b Ma.y2?, 1951 Maryville m Aug.21, 19?1 Paula. Marie llorwood b Oc t.2J, 1951 J:Tashville, Tenn. 3Dljl2alb. Christopher Haley Sterling b Ma.r.23,1953 Maryville 3Dljl2a.lc •.Lloyd Pickering Sterling Apri1"6-April 7. 195'-I- b&d Ma.ryville,Tlf 3Dljl2b. John Thomas Pickering b Ma.yl6,18?7 UewMa.rket d Julyll,1964 Sarasota,F.lorida buried Ma.nasota Memorial Park, Sarasota. m Oct.17, 1903 Cora May "Dolly" Worme1-sl-91fts b Du tchHill,Cls.r­ ionCo.Pa d Sept.J0,1958 Sarasota. Dolly's child by ~revious m was En1a]Wno m __Lemay, lived Eradeton,Fl. Enid bas a son who in turn also has children. J.Thoma.s and Dolly had no chldn, 3Dljl2c. Abraham Layton Pickering "A.L." b Jan.16,1879 NewMarket,Va. d Junel?,1964 age ~5.. ·J_·. Wagram,Etna.Twp,LickingCo,Ohio. ml Jan.2,1901 Margaret Alice Myers Aug.14,18?8-Ma.rch26,1927 age 48 b&d Etna.Twp. buried Silent Home Cem. ,Reynoldsbu.rg,Oh. Margaret was daughter of Christ· ian Myers (b LetterkennyTwp,FranklinCo.Pennsylvania) and :Barbara Trish b central Ohio. See families of Myers, Trish. A.L.&Ma.rgaret had 4 children. A.L. m2 June26, 1930 El.~.~a.beth Myers Jan.2?,J.aZ2~u~3fi,1937 b&d EtnaTwp. She was Margaret's sister and is bur with A.-L.&Margaret, A.L. m3/~~ace'~Uiil.cer Anderson b Nov.7,1897 S~ringla,ke,Mich. who from previous m had son Ed Anderson who m Kay:_, live Mich. "Pj,ck" A.L.&Ma.rgaret 1 s 4 children: 3Dljl2cl. Lawrence James Pickering/Junel0,1902-Dec.5,1982 age 80 b&d EtnaTwpLickin~-OoOh. ml Zoa/Arzola Betty/Bertie EJr.swiler Nov.24,1900-0ct.20,196? age 66 b&d Etna.Twp. They a.r~ bur GlenRestCem.Reynoldsburg. Zoa was dau of Adam Emswiler whose father William Harrif . :i En:s.wiler caxr.e with his -pa.rents from RockinghamCoVa to Etna.Tw-pLickingCoOh in 1830 1 s. Zc,~Js mother was Elizabeth Seever whose ancestors-Sevier, Miller, Eversole-also had lived in Roel inghamCoVa area. See Adan:• s families-Emswiler, Corbin, Goss; and Eliza.beth's fau:ilies See­ ver /Sevier .. (.}"reC.erickCo, Va), :'!-~versole/Ebersole, Miller, Keller. La.wrence&Zoa had 2 childreJ 1..awrence ni2 Jan.4,1069 1',errie Katherine Dunlo"O b Au.22,1899 :PranklinCoOh d Dec.23,1078 bur '~nion GroveCerr,CaI1J::1.l·1~in'che~:;tP.~,Oh. <>he was dHu of •..Tolin ';,i111.nr.ic..~r!~·a('-·.eeks)?.in,~s. :·ern lw.d: , John ioo.{nr b by cl'/~u•s, wi;'e unknown, 4 po~~ible chil::tren (continut!d): • Thor.as Look:er,Fr. b by 1750, prob d after 1791, n: _ child (continued): .Dl. Thomas Looker,Jr. cl??0-1807 n: Sarah Reeves, 9 known children (continued): ~)Dlj. Mary "Polly" Looker l80J-1852 n: 2A81. Jan:es Pickering l798-l86J, lJ children( continued): )Dljl2. Ja~es K.P. Pickering 1844-1925 ~~B. Anna R. Shirley 1853-1935, 6 children (continued): •3Dljl2c. Abrahan: Layton Pickering 1879-1961+. and ml Margaret Myers 1878-192?, 4 children( cont): ill JDljl2cl. Lawrence Pickering 1902-1982 ml Zoa Errswiler 1900-1967, 2 ch, m2 history (cont): sons from her ml-1.Cha.rles Dunlo~ m Hetty Tam, da.u Karen m Dennis Glassburn, and 2.Richard 1r.l 3Dljl2c)a.3etty weaver-2 children, m2 Bea_ who has 2 children from 'Previous n:-Helen and Ronald Luellen. Lawrence&Zoa's 2 chil4~ti2a i~ 3Dljl2cla. James Abraham Pickering b A~r.14,1922 Etna.TwpLickingCoOh d Dec.9,195J7~Sliv~lle Pi9kawayCo,Oh bur Walnut Hill Cem,PickawayCo. m Marjorie Louise Peters b JuneJ0,1924 4sh- ville dau of Archie&Ha.zel(Rutherford)Peters. · . "D ~Q~~~ldren: JDljl2clal. James Leslie Pickering b Ma.rch25,1946. 'm" June3Q,l:978 Deborin/&mParsley,2 ch JDljl2clala. Christopher Jarr·es b March 19, 1987 3Dljl2clalb. David Ma.thew b Dec.8, 1989 3Dljl2cla.2. Richard Eugene b Apr.28,1949 m July29,l976 NewYork Linda Louise Bech.ad b Apr.l,1951 who has daughter Jennifer b c1973. Live Plattsbu.rg,N.Y. 3 children: JDljl2cla2a. Angela Marie b Aug. 6,1977 3Dljl2cla.2b. Laurie L.fhn b May 2, 1979 JDljl2cla2c. Lisa Margaret b Nov. 8,1983 )Dljl2cla3. Thoma.a Lee b Oct.24,1951 m 1978 Julie Lynn Waller b May2,1957,liveAshville~ ·3Dljl2cla.)a. Summer Colleen b&i May 22, 1979 c ' 3Dljl2cla)b. Archie stillborn c 1981 JDljl2cla.Jc. Margo Beth b Se~t. 1, 1984 3Dljl2clb. Roger Lee Pickering b A~nfS•~Rf~dEtna.Twp m Aug.29,1954 Barbara Astrid Winger1B b Ma.yl4,1932 BrownTwpCarrollCoOh dau/ot tester Joseph Wingerter (see families of WingerteJ Hagner, Rennie/Rennier, Perolla) and Lillian Elda Armstrong (see fan:ilies of Armstrong, Henderson, Rush, DeCanrp, Miller; Nihart, Shepherd, Mills, Harsh, Fee, Clear), almost all b and/or d BrownTwp or WashingtonTwp,CarrollCo,Oh. 4 children: JDljl2clbl. David Theodore Pickering b Sdpt.21,1955 m Roseanna Okulich b A~r.21,1950 Crum,WayneCo.W.Va. dau of F0ml1QIDilich (b Kentucky, whose father iir.migrated from Minsk, Russia) and Martha Perrellafo NewYorkCity, -parents from Italy). Rose from previous m ha~ Donna (who has son Mike b 1990), John, Cindy and Christina. Billingsley. 2 children: JDljl2clbla. Abraham James Pickering b Nov. 11, 1987 JDljl2clblb. Russel Brooke Pickering b June lJ, 1989 )Dljl2clb2. Joan Lee Pickering b June20,1959 m Ral"Ph Gary Burns b Feb.ll,1961 Columbusa son of Clyde Winford :Burns b CobelCo,W.Va. and Sarah Elizabeth Guffey Burns b Scott Co, Tenn. l child: JDljl2clb2a. Laura Kay Burns b Jan. 24, 1984 3Dljl2clbJ. Jonathan James Pickering b Oct. 11, 1962 "DeQi" 3])ljl2clb4. Joseph Lee Pickering b Dec.7,1964 m Apr.5,1983 Deborah/Ann Palmer b Dec.l, 1961 d.au of Haskell Newton Palmer ( b narrows, Virginia. son of Lonnie and Omy Fizer Palme: and Callie Marlene Lambert Palmer (b Narrows,Va. dau of Hobert&Stella :Bailey Lambert).ld )Dljl2clb4a.. Mandy Lynn Pickering b Oct. 10, 1984 Savannah,Ga. JDljl2c2. Infant daughter b&d April 27,19o4 bur Silent Home Cem.,Reynoldsbu.rg 3Dljl2cJ. Mary Louise Pickering Apr.24,1907 Wagram, d June7,1990 Bexley,Oh m June?,1928 War· ren Albert Weaver June7,1906-A~r.10,1986 ~ EtnaTvp,LickingCoOh. son of Francis Allen & Lou Ell.a Elsass Weaver.(LouElla's father immigrated from BrownTw-p,CarrollCo,Oh to LickingCo' Louise&\"/arren bur Pata.ska.la Cem, celebrated their 50th Wedd.ing Anniv. 4 children: 3Dljl2cJa. Betty Eilene Weaver b June29,1930 EtnaTwpLickingCoOh, ml Julyl,1950 Richard Dunlop b Ma.rch26,19JO FranklinCo,Oh.-2 children. ~2 Ma.ylS,1965 James Stotler b .Marchl8, 1923 Portsmouth,Oh who has from previous m Randy and Candi who m ~~n __has son Kurtis and baby b 1990. Live Vermillion, Oh. Betty and Dick's 2 children: JDljl2c)al. Steven Rich.a.rd Dunlop b June28,19Sl Columbus, m Aug.28,1973 Susan Bebler,2c JDljl2c)ala.. Micha.el James Du.nlop b Jan. 14, 1978 .. #. 3Dljl2cJa.lb. Timothy b Jan. 1987 )Dljl2c)a2. Victoria "Vicki11 Katherine Dunlop b Oct.Jl, 1955 m Oct.8, 1977 Robert Bruce - .Turner. 2 children: J])ljl2c)a.2a. Rachel Louise Turner b Oct. Jl, 1980 1Dljl2cJa2b. Robert Jan:es "Bobb.v" Turner b May 28, 1982 . John Looker b b.,.· cl720 1 s, wife unkaown, 4 uossible children (continued): 3/ 3D. Thoiras Looker,Sr. b by 1750, µrob d after 1791, ir. _ child. (continued): JDl. Thoras Looker,Jr. c 1770-180? n Sarah Reeves, 9 known children (continued): JDlJ. Mary 11 Poll,v" Looker lBOJ-1852 n: 2A81. Jar.'es Pickering 1798-186), lJ children {continued) JDljl2. Jazr.es K.P. Pickering 1844-1925-11~ B• .Anna' R, Shirley 185J-19JS, 6 children {continued): JP:\.J~fC:'.•'.'.fbraha!li Layton Pickering 1879-1964 and ~l Margaret lvtyers 1878-l~-?,.f)4'·~ .. children Cc:-"·~ 3Dijl2cJ. Louise Pickering 1907-1990 m warren Weaver 1906-1986, 4 children (continued):~ )Dljl2cJb. Patricia Ann Weaver b July22,19Jl m Aug.21,1955 Etna.Ob.Joseph Russell Palmex b Ma.rch22,193l Etna.Twp,LickingCo, live Colwnbus (Bexley),Oh. · 4 children: JDljl2cJbl. Mark Joseph Palmer iwin b Junel6,1957 m JuneJ0,1984 Xenia.,Oh. Laurie Sue Thompson dau of Mr.Mrs.RobertE.Thompson,Xenia. He is attorney. she a pharmacist, cbiJ 3Dljl2cJbla. Grant b Se~t.25,1989 3Dljl2cJb2. Matthew David twin b Junel6,1957, m Oct.20,1984 Columbus Lisa Anne MarablE dau of late Dr.SamuelA.Ma.rable and Mrs.J.W.J.llink,Dallas.Texas. Matt is a Harvard grad'U.E and banker and consultant. Lisa is an attorney. Live :a exley. 2 child? )Dlj12cJb2a. Layne Elizabeth b Dec. 6, 1986 3D1Jl2c)b2b. Catherine Madison b Feb. 12. 1990. 3Dljl2cJbJ. Andrew Jonathan Palmer b A~r.17,1960 Ea.stLansing.MI, lives Columbus :3Dljl2cJb4. Mary Elizabeth Palmer b May4,1962 Columbus m Maylo.1986 Columbus Michael Hugh Duffy son of Mr.Mrs. JamesR.Duffy of Pittsburgh,Pa JDljl2cJc. Larry Lawson Weaver b Nov.18,1935 Etna.Twp,LickingCo m Aug.4,1957 GroveCity,Ol Patricia Louise Geyer b Dec.6.1935 FranklinCo,Oh. dau of Charlotte&Louis Geyer. 2 chlc JDljl2c)cl. Julia Christine Weaver b Qct.J,1960 Loga.nCo,Oh m June22,1985 Columbus Dax iel Wesley Comer son of Mr.Mrs. Ronald Comer, Washington Court House, Ohio JDljl2c)c2. Larry Lawson Weaver, Jr. b&d June 2, 1959 HuronCo,Oh. bur Norwalk,Oh. 3Dljl2cJd. Mary Margaret Weaver b Ma.rchl2, 19J8 Etna.TwpLickingCo, ir. JulylB,1959 Etna.,Oh. Robert Lynn Fickle b May4,1935 FranklinCo,Oh. Live Bexley. 3 children: )Dljl2c)dl. Sarah Lucinda Fickle b Dec.4,1962 Columbus, m MayJ0.198? Timothy Alden Da' idson son of Dr.Juli&Brodie,Loudonville,Oh. & Albert Davidson,Granville,Oh • .Jl>ljl2cJd2. Martha Louise Fickle b March 11, 1967 Columbus JDljl2cJdJ. Margaret Lynn Fickle b March 10,1969 Columbus, ~~ cAug. 1990 Todd wellcer b 196?. . .· <:J JDljl2c4. Ral~h Abraham Pickering Junel2,1912-May2J,1982 age 69 ~ Wagram,EtnaTW]J,Lickin~ Oh bur GlenRestCem,3.eynoldsburg. m A-pr.17,1937 ~'/and.a Lee Lucas b Se-pt.11,1916 KirkersvillE Oh. dau of Odie Dan and Calla Ma.ria(Reelhorn)Lucas. Lived Wagram. 2 children: JDljl2c4a. Infant son b&d Feb.28,1942 LickingCo,Oh. JDljl2c4b. Ra.l~h Bruce Pickering b Apr.25,1943 LickingCo. Jr. Sept.12,1965 Veronica Sue 'norstell b Oct.l,1946 Columbus d.au of Daniel J .&Gloria.Vivian(Stewart)\lorstell. J childrE JDljl2c4bl. ~rian Scott Pickering b Dec,22,1973 JDlj12c4b2. Bradley Allan Pickering b Nov.18,1976 )Dljl2c4bJ. Brent James Pickering b Nov.J0,1982 JDljl2d. Sarah Katherine "Sally" Pickering July26,l881-July8,l943 b&d l{ewHarket, Va. m Dec.2:;: 1908 JDlj5b?.Luther Lee Madden b June17.1884 Hebron.Oh d Feb.28,1959 NewMa.rket,Va. bur E:mma.1 Lutheran ChurchCem,NewMarket,Va. 4 children: JD1jl2dl. James Elmore Madden b Se~t.27.1909 Lima.,AllenCo,Oh d Ma.yl7,1969 bur Mt.HebronCex Winchester,FrederickCo,Va. m Aug.27.1935 Sylvia Douglas Griu:m b Oct.l,1912 who m2 June20, 1970 Harold Havens Hilden. James was a dentist in Winchester,Va.. 2 childr~ JD1Jl2dla.. Sally Anna Madden b Jan.8,19'~0 Winchester.Va. m Aug.J0,1959 Marshall Flick Crisman b Jan.5,1939 Winchester, Va. 2 childrei JDljl2dlal. Cathy Scott Crisman b Oct.19,1960 Richniond,Va. m Ma.y_l987 in Yugoslavia i1 the srall village from whicn the groou: • s father had eu:igra ted. m _ .. _, JD1jl2dla.2. ~hristopher Knox Cris~an b Jan.26,1963 Winchester, Va. 3D1Jl2dlb. James Hugh Madden b M9.y27,1945 Winchester,Va m Feb.5,1970 Deborah Ann Va.ugh· b Aug.27,1950 Winchester, Va. 2 children JDljl2dlbl. James Keith Madden b Dec.2,1970 Winchester,Va.. JDljl2dlb2. Michael Douglas Madden b Aug.16,1974 Winchester,Va. JDljl2d2. Evelyn May Madden b Oct.l,1911 NewMarket, Va. m Oct.2,1934 Myers Lee Royster.·. ) Oct.24,1904 3edfordCo,Va d Sept.11,1970 NelsonCo.,Va. Be ~as warden VirginiaSt.PrisonFarm )Dljl2d2a.. Willian: Randolph Royster b June6,1939 Winchester, Va. 3Dljl2d2b. Marilyn Anne F.oyster b June28.1947 Richmond,Va.. rel Bryan Keith La.ndri.:.n b Aug, ic47 Haw.ptcn,Va.-no children. rr-2 June~,1982 Karl Gunther. JoL:~ 1.onLu· Db. cl/.~li 1 ~~. \,ifc' ux~xnc.wn. 4 µ0~;~:.ible <.!hilc.rtrn tconlinued):

>. '(hot:as 1.ooker 1 Sr. b by 1750 1 '})rob d after 1791, n· _ child (continued.): ~Dl. Thou.as I.-ooker,Jr. c 1770-1807 n· Sa.rah Reeves, 9 known children (continued): ~ :3Dl,j. Mary 11 Polly11 Looker 180.)-1852 xr: 2A81. James Pickering 17Q8-l86J • 1.3 children \continued): {·3Dljl2. James K.P. Pickering 1844-1925 u B.Anna R. Shirley 185.3-1935, 6 children {continued): ~: _JD1Jl2d. Sally Pickering 18~1-194J xr: JDlj5b7. Luther Ma.ddan 1884-1959, 4 children {continued) ~ JDljl2dJ. Grace Elizabeth Madden b July20,191J NewMarket,Va m July22,194l F.arry Leona.rd McCarthy b Nov.27,1911 Covington, Va. l"'.BI man. l child: JDljl2dJa. Harry Leonard McCarthy ,Jr. "Mac 11 b Ma.yl8, 1954 Norfolk, Va. ni July9, 19?7 :BarbarE E. Roberts b July J, 1955. J children: JDljl2dJal. Erin Elizabeth McCarthy b Feb.20,1979 Richmond,Va. JDljl2dJa2 •. Sara Mar.ie McCarthy ~ JunelJ,1981 Riclur.ond,Va.. JDljl2dJaJ. Mary Tucker McCarthy b Sept.8,1982 Richn:o~d JDljl2d4. Anna Virginia Madden b Apr.6,1922 NewMa.rket, m Dec.14,1947 Allen Driver Coffman Apr.10.1918-Feb.4,1973 b&d RockinghamCo.Va. He was a livestock broker. 2 children: JDljl2d4a. Joseph Lee Coffuan b Nov.14,1948 Harrisonburg,Va. JDljl2d4b. Allen Driver Coffu.an, Jr. b Jan.18,1952 Harrisonburg, Va. JDljl2e. Lucy Elizabeth Pickering Sept.29,1883-0ct.l0,1967 b&d NewMarket,Va. m July2,l907 Leonard Estelle Smith b Julyll,1884 MonroeCo,W.Va. d Jan.12,1957 NewMa.rket. They are bur Em- manuelLutberanCh.Cen:.NewMarket. They lived Pageton,W. Va. 5 children: JDljl2el. Anna Virginia Smith b Ma.y6,l908 RockinghamCoVa m Nov.29,1934 Charles Lee Burner Aug.22,1897-Dec.23,1977 b&d PageCo.Va. Had first 2 great grandchildren in 1987. 6 children: J])ljl2ela. Margaret -Elizabeth Eurner b MarchlJ,1936 NewMa.rket d Sept.23,1953 PageCoVa JDljl2elb. Robert Lee Burner b July20,19J? PageCoVa m Dec.30,1959 Margaret Norris Lowery b Marcb6,1941 WestreorelandCoVa. . JDljl2elc. Vary Anna Burner b Dec.1J,19JH PageCoVa u.l June24,1961 Robert Cecil Hoofna.gle b Dec.2,1939 Yakima.,Wash.-n0 children. n2 Ma.y28,1966 John David Waybright,Jr. b Nov.25, 19J8 llewMa.rketVa.. 1 child: JDljl2elcl. Joni Dawn Waybright b lfov .28,1966 Harrisonburg, Va. JDljl2eld. Charles Leonard :Burner b Sept.lJ,1941 NewMarket m JunelB,1961 Mary Arleen Atwood b lfov.2,1942 PageCoVa. 4 children: JDljl2eldl. ]ertha Ann Burner Jan.l7,l96J-Sept.29,l990 died auto accident JDljl2eld.2. Allen Leona.rd Burner b Junel7~964 PageCoVa JDljl2eldJ. Susan Elizabeth :Burner b May29,1968 Harrisonburg,Va. JDljl2eld4. Kathy Jo 3urner b Se~t.24,19?1 Ha.rrisonburg,Va. JDljl2ele. Carolyn Virginia b Se~t.5,1942 PageCoVa. ul ~.a.rch27,l962 Howard William Mies­ ter b 194J-no·children. m2 Oct.21,1968 Gerald Rollin Rothgeb b Jan.28,1935 FortMonJJ!outh, u .J. 2 children: JDljl2elel. Margaret Elizabeth Rothgeb b Nov.29,1971 Harrisonburg, Va. JDljl2ele2. Amy Lee Rothget b Feb.2J,1~?7 Harrisonburg, Va. JD1J12elf. Barbara Rebecca b Apr.14, 1949 Pa.geCo 1n Jul.yl, 19?2 Donald Wa)11e Phillips b June8,1948 Shenandoah Cova. :Both teachers. 2 children: JDljl2elfl. Stephanie Leigh Phillips b Jan.2,1977 Charlottesville,Va. JDljl2elf2. Dwayne Cameron Philli~s ·b Dec.27,19?9 Cbarlottesville,Va. JDljl2e2. Ja~es Robert Smith b Apr.l0,1911 McDowellCo,W.Va. d Dec.28,1931 bur Ell'iJD8,nuel Lutheran Churc~ Cemetery, New Market, Va. JDljJ.2eJ. ~.ary Elizabeth Dec.28,1914-Feb.10,1915 bur E~.ma.nuel Lutheran Cb.Cem.,NewMa.rketVa 11 11 11 JDljl2e4. Catherine Louise Jan.J,19l6-Ma.y29,l917 " " JDljl2e5. Mildred Sheets Smith b Junel4,1918 McDowellCo,W.Va. m.Aug.10,1946 John llewton Moore b Feb.l.1919 RockinghamCoVa. descendant of 2AJc. Elizabeth Pickering who m 1800 Davie Harrison. Far~er, address:Route #1, Ti~berville,Va.2285.3. ·-.3 children: JDljl2e5a. John Robert Moore b Ma.y26,l948 Harrisonburg, Va. m Aug.2,1986 Marjorie Anne Bates. He has done extensive genealogical research and is responsible for a large per­ centage of the uat1K1fl on these pa.gee, JDljl2e5b. Catherine lizabeth b Apr.6,1952 m July26,1974 William Clayton Baker b Sept.ll 1950 Harrisonburg, Va. son of Mr .Mrs. WilliamLoyBa.ker ,R t.2 ,Broadway, Va.. 3 children: ~Dljl2e5bl. Rebecca Elizabeth Baker b Se~t.22Al979 Harrisonburg,Va. )D1Jl2e5b2. Laura Catherine Baker b June24,l9o2 Harrisonburg, Va. JDljl2e5bJ. Krista b 1983 JDljl2e5c. Thomas Leonard Moore Ma.y27,195B-Nov.18,1964 bur Emmanuel luth.Ch.Cem.N.Ma.rket, j ..__,,. ). John Looker b by c172o•s, WHd unkno-wn, 4 possible children (c<,,1 ... ~nued): J.\ JD. Thomas Looker,Sr. b by 1750, prob d after 1791, m _ child (c..:·.1tinued): -\ 3Dl. Thomas Looker,Jr. c 1770-1807 ~ ~arah Reeves, 9 known children (continued) a jDlJ. Mary "Polly" Looker 1803-1852 m 2A81. James Pickering 1?98-1863, 13 children (oont·inue~ JDljl2. James K.P. Pickerin& 1844-1925 m B.Allll8. R. Shirley 1853-1935, 6 children (continued 3DlJ12f. James Samuel Pickering b Nov.23,1887 NewMarket,Va d Aug.14,1918.. ~~bus,Oh bur. ·' Eirdr&nuel Lutheran Ch.Cem.NewMa.rket,Va. m Ma.y22,1911 Jose-phine Blinskey ~b~~li'oYtllandover,~·.L JDljl2fl. Mary Rebecca Pickering b 1914 JDljl2f2. Infant boy b&d 1918 in Columbus,Oh.

ADDENDA 1. More on sources of information: Full descri'"Otion:Settlers by the Lo,!!g_J!rey Tra!l(Some Pioneers to Old Augusta liounty, Virginia and Their Descendants, of the FaJr.ily of HARR!SON and Allied Lines) by J. Houston Harrison, originally "PUblished Dayton, Virginia 1935, reprinted from a volume in the George Peabody BraJ Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Maryland 1975, reprinted Genealogica1·Pu.olishing Co.,Inc, :Baltirore, 1975,1984, Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number ?5-636, International Standar< Book Number 0-8063-0664-S, 666 pages. There is a book Lookers.-2L.!1rginia. on the rare book exchange. lt is quite expensive. Info. < from .Hazel Morey. Denise K. Moore, P .o. Box ?52, Gautier,MS 39553 ha.a COD!piled "work col)ies" of xra1l3" families oj Chanrpa.ign County, Ohio. Among those available a.re Cowan family 49 pages $9.80, Looker 18 pa.ge1 $).60, Martz 43 -pa.gee $8.60, Pickering 9 -pages $1.80. Cost for ~oeta.ge $3.00. Gene Houser of Pickerington has Cleo Riclter' s n~emorabilia. She or someone bad told me she had a Looker family Bible. She told ~e she had old letters and that her father bad kept notes witl dates of events. The con:rr.ittee for the SO page "Official Commemorative :Booklet" for Pickerington•s 175th Annivt sary Celebration 1815-1990 was Joan Heft, Barbara Taylor, Debbie Williamson. Headquarters of the Pickerington-Violet Twp. Historical Society are at the Mason-Richter Builc ·~g, 21 West Columbus Street, Pickerington, Ohio 4J147 i. Another family tradition: In 1.550 a person named Looker owned. a fisbJr.a.rket at the foot r ·· London Bridge. · · '~-:.J...­ J.. The Vera Ross Boyatt history begins in Burres, St. Marrie, Eaeex, England with the family < Robert Loker d between 156J and 1592 and wife, Lucye (Riddlesdale) who d Feb.J,1592/J, and thE children Danyell, Henry and "the other children" who rray include John Loker ba'J)tized .tt.ug.16,l! and "Edward, whose daughter Rebecca was ba.-ptized in 16JO." The just-~entioned Henry baptized Feb.7,1566/67 became a glover, married Elizabeth and he died around 1630 in Burres,England. Tl children were Henry the eldest, John, Bridget and Ann the youngest. "Between 1631 and 1639 Elj beth Loker came to Mass. with her children and ~any of the relatives." Henry b before 1618, d Oct.14,1688 Sudbury,Ma.as, m Hannah ~arber. Here the names seem to start ueshing with those OI ~age l of this Astrid Pickering compilation. The Boyatt data includes a great deal of work re~orting and interpreting records in :au.rres, St.Marrie,Essex,Engla.nd; Sudbury,Mass.: New Jersey; Maryland; and SmithCreek,Rockingba.mCo,Vir~ 4. Lucretia. Arthur's research introduces a new ~ossibility of family immigrants: brothers GovE (1633), Jacob and Pieter { 1642) Lokerma.ns/Loockerma.n 1 a froir. 'l'u.rnbaut, Antwerp, Holland to New Netherlands (New York). Fron: The History of Ro~nmam CoB:BtY by J .W.~iayland:"Muster roll of Rockingham soldiers:Com-ps H, 10th Virginia Cavalry:~rivates:Thou.a.s Loker, David Loker, Rash Looker. From Virginia Revolutionary War!!:!!!& by Samu.el M. Wilson: 11 Revolutiona.ry soldiers & sailors of Comu.onwealth of Virginia. to whom Land Bounty Warrants were granted by Virginia for Military SE vices in the War for Inde~endence. Offical records in the Kentucky State Land Office at Franld Kentucky." Warrant )20 for William Locke, warrant :395 for Joseph Locke, warrant 3557 John Locl4 Lucretia Arthur's research adds the names Locke, Lock, Locker, Locher, Loaher to the list of ~ossible s~ellinge of the name. ~.• David :Bowers genealogy on -page 2 prior to Thomas Looker "The Quaker" is based on a great .~~ of research. However ~roof of specific parent to child links between the eenerations has . ,, et been established. ·~~·' Addendll. (continu~d): ,2. 3ack to Boyatt data, this time on Tho111&a Looker "The Oµa.lcer• •. She says Thomae Looker came 1 Smith Creek, Rockingham Co.,Va "a.round 17)2. He was to have obtained title to his firat Valle7 land from old Mr. Burden who was the son of Benjamin Burden, an aeae~bl1Jn&ll with #illian: Looke! of ~lizabethtown, N.J., and had ma.de iD"provementa on the land before 1735." She ~xpl.e.ina how ~ fi th the chan&ing of count7 lines, the land 2. Thoznas gave his eon Jamee waa in Shenandoah Co. ~,~he describes the location of Thomas Looker's White House "still standing in the l940'a at Tenth Legion ••• near ••• 1ntersect1on of the Broadway Road with old u.s. 11. The area was also known as Long Meadows. I have tried to find the house (1989) ••• eatiuate ••• wou.ld have been on the cross road west from Bethlehem Church and destroyed by 1-81." She says Thoma.a Looker was b cl700, m before 1733. wife's name unknown. She probably died befox 1769 because she did not sign the deed for land given to son Jamee. Children: John cl7J6-l81~ married .Margaret __ , James cl74l-l81J m l"rancee, Grace b before 17)) d cl800 r. Jacob Woodley. Thomae Looker died at Smith Creek, Rockingham Co., Virginia. :z.. More on Mathewa family, see ZB2., -page S. Boyatt data says under the subject of Smith Creek, Rockingham Co. places, her -page 9:"Lotus Grove built in 1820 on US ll north of Harrisburg. It waa built by Dan Matthews son of Soloman who was a Pennsylvania Quaker living in Rockingham Co, before the RW. He had an iron works on Linville Creek 'Mount Ery': and a forge on S~ith Creek near Lacy S-pringe as S-pring Forge. Hanna .Matthews Jr.arried Hiran? Martz. 'F A county survey Book 8:102 1814-16 The road from Kreigs Mill on Linville Creek to go in a straight line its whole course thru the land of B, Salvages, John Houman, Soloman Matthews, \'lidow Reeves, Michael Sum­ mers and Colo Jn Koontz• a r.ill on Smith Creek. n On Boyatt -pa.ge 16: 11 Ma3 181:3 Daniel Pickerin& became guardian of \'iillia.m Me.thews, son of John. John Loker became guardian of Ann Matthews, dau of John in A'Pril. 11 JC.Elizabeth's second husband John Pitt d 1828 from flu accordin& to a letter written by John (.;owan re-produced in Frank B. Lamb's research. ft. In trying to locate farinl.and of 2c5.Jonathan Looker (page 14). The land na~ of Violet Twp. Fairfield Co. 1866 shows an s. Looker ~grandson Sirua7) haa 150 acres northwest of Pickeringto~ west of Route 256, weat of and borderin& A. French farm, and northwest of J.B. Dovel 239 acres. s. Looker alaol has 76 acres south of Pickerington bounded entirel.3 on hia west by J. Dovel lan 'Ud entirely on hie east by J. Ricketts land. L'l• It is still uncertain exactly who the ancestry of JDl.Thoma.a Looker who married Sarah Reeve 1a. Is -page5or -page 25 correct~ In sup-port of JDl.Thomaa in fact having different ancestry from the children of 2.ThoD'l&e Looker. "The Quaker": Firat:Nellie Burns' father said the family was in Elizabethtown, N.J. immediately after the Re~ olutionary War. ThoJr.a.a "Quaker" was well established in the Shenandoah Valley long before the Rev.War. So ~aybe JDl.Thomaa was descended from a Looker who came to Rockingham Go. JIUCh later. Second:Another ~oasibility-Bo1&tt data tells about a Thomae Looker d cl724 who m Francia Aequit lived St.Mary County, Maryland and had sons Thoma.a and William. Son Thomas received inheritance froni about three different sources, was ea.me age as Thomas the Quaker and she aaya "The Ma.ryl&l'I land would have been close to one of the uAin routes to the Valley." This Thoma.a could be the anceater. Third: In the 1700 1 & and 1800 1 s it seemed to be almost an ironclad custom for -parents to give their children famil.7 namea, with the first children receiving the nau.ea of their grand-parents usua113. Also aa the paternal famil.J' name was ~reserved thrQU&h the generations aa the la.at name, the namee of the maternal lines were ver7 much preserved in the children's first names. For example see the namea of children of all the daughters of 2C.Jamea "Qlaker11 Looker. From Boyatt data.:•1aoa Apr 20. Original minutea:Arch1ba.ld Loker, orphan of Thomas Loker dee, came into court and Jr&de choice of Henry March aa his guardian who is also appointed guardian for Darcus, David, Thoma.a, Poll7, John, and William Loker, children of t»e said Thomas Loker deed, who with security entered into bond aa the law directa. 9 (March is someti~es Martz.) Thia along with records of ad.ministration of )Dl.Thomaa' estate,verifiea the names of...the ycnmger children of Thomas and Sarah. Records indicate the7 also had a daughter Margaret who 'Perba;pa died before her father. Three -or four- of these given names, Archibald, Dorcas, David and Mar­ garet, are nau.ea that records so far indicate were never used by the known descendants of 2.'l'hom Looker "Quaker." Thia CO\lld all be Sarah Reeves' influence, or could establish that her huaban JDl.Thomae had ao~ewhat different ancestry from the descendants of 2.Thoma.a. Sarah's -parents jj,i «ere John and Margaret. Did the n&Jrea Archibald, Dorcas and David come from her ancestors or Thomaa 1 1 Finding earlier occurrences of these natces in families in the Shenandoah Va!le7 could help fill in missing anceetors. The ren:aining da~ combines information from Boyatt research and from Se~tlers by the Lo~ray Tr!!il. Add6nda. Nwr.ber ,2. tcontinued): 'I .) i.{3 Boyatt data givea the name Margaret to wife of 2B.John. b 17.35-40. Ma.rbe some other Jahn L~ok in mid-1700 1 & Shenandoah Valley had a wife Margaret since the narr.e does not a~ear agf\iA :ln M of 2.Thomae' or 2B.John'a descend.ante. It doea appear in Jl>l.Thoma.e• fa.mil.¥ but of course .. waa also the maternal grandmother's D.&D'le. Boyatt. J>&ge 10 data &a.f8 about 2.Thomae the Quaker: "he ia said to have married Dorcas Alfi.. ~d*i~~~ong Meadow. This is doubtful. Dorcas ••• to young" to be ir.other o~:JT~on\tii'*~ childrt.V "AleT..ander of Long Meadows a~pears to be in Staunton.not Harrisonburg area." Perhaps it was JD Thomas she IrArried especially since he has a granddaughter.na.med Dorcas. §.tltler.!.a..a..&. page 201 n:entions Archibald i\.lexa.nder in August, 17.54 who "was an a.gent of Borde. and had given Bowyer power to sign deeds to Borden's lands. 11 His brother Robert Alexander is u.entioned on ~.149. Page 2.36 says:"July 16, 1776. the first Court of Augusta County under the Commonwealth of Virginia was organized. The justices were Samu.el McDowell. 58Jr.'Pson Mathews, an Archibald Alexander ••• In August, Alexander was reco~~ended to Governor Henry for High Sheriff and on lfoveuber 19th, qualified as such••• 11 Also living in u.id-l700's in the Shenandoah Valley were Archibald Ho~kina and Archibald Huston u.entioned ree~ectively on -pagee 148 and 187 of Settlers ••• Boyatt data: "In 1734 Benjamin .Allen, Riley Moore and William White Ca.Jr.a froJr Monoccacy in Maryland to 12 n:iles south of Woodstock on the llorth branch of the Shenandoah River. Allen siblings: · 1. {ma.le) lived llevport R.I. in 1747 2. Reuben b cl7001 d 1741, child: 2A. Reuben oldest son {Thomas Moore and Ben Allen, uncle?, made bond for Reuben as executor of hie father's estate) 3. Benjamin b cl700 a Quaker, came to Woodstock area of Va. 1734 from Monoccacy Valley,Ma.ry 4. Mary m Thomas Moore the Quaker.

Moore siblinga: l. Thoma.a The Quaker m Mary Allen 2. Riley Moore, child: 2A. Dorcas m 17.31 David Robinson d June,1785. Dorcas Robinson and John Thomas were hi executors. George S~eera and Reece Thoma.a ma.de bond. William Robinson and Dof~]!. R~~~ >n were executors of Mary Robinson d 179.3, Henry Stoll> made bond. Dorcas&Dav'fCl.1 f s"ch~l.d 2Al. Riley Robinson b cl7J51. d before 1H07. child: ?(2Ala. child Riley Jr.? b cl76o tr. cl780) child: 2Alal. Catherine "Caty" b cl795 Jn 1819 James Looker. In 1819 Caty was daughter of Riley Robinson deceased. JJavid Looker signed the marriage bond and was uade gua.rdia of the bride. ne would have been a father or brother of Ja.n:es Looker? 2Ala2. Dorcas ln 1807 Jesse Harrison waa ma.de her guardian. 2Ala.3. Betsy 1n 1815 Henry Martz was ~.ade her guardian. 2A2. Dorcas Robinson daughter of Dorcas and David Robinson {Settl!r!.a.•• p.284)MarchlS, 176J..Jan.2S,1840, m 4ug.29,1?80 Jacob Lincoln Nov.18.1751-Pa. d Feb.20,1822, they are old family burying ground near Linville, Virginia. He was son of John Lincoln. 12AJ. female ~erba~a m JD.Thomas Looker! Settlers •• ~. 148. mentioned.in addition to Archibald Hopkins, also Jane Robertson. " ~· .365 referring to Col. Koontz will, in 1826 codicil executor was Archibald Brock

'' 1 \. l\Od. l V ir6 .~.u.r 6 nl~lw.t" ~ oun t&v • inia: l-( '1 !.• .llescend&nts of 2.3.John named James Looker for whon-. thP.re is no further inforrration yet:213J. Jaues b cl??2, 2~7c.Ja~es b cl~lO, and 2BBaJa"mes b cl802. Placerrent of inforrration with 2B7b. ·John and 2B8.John Jr rrarriage 2 is very s~eculative. 2.,.. From 3oyatt data '0.24 unidentified marriaees: James Looker uarried FP.b.25.l?~l Mar~· Miller. osiah F.arrison, bond. James Looker m Nov.3,1803 Margaret Harrison, Jarees Harrison bond. ~~i~ker Jr Yiayl9.1819 Catherine Robinson, daughter of Riley, deceased. Ja~es Looker and Davi1 Loker signed. David Loker was JJlade guardian of Caty Robinson, dau of Riley Mayl9,1819.David Cumn-ins $100 bond. · l• From :Doj'S.tt data 'J).29 Unidentified records Rocki:r.gham Co Va: 1798 Martha Luker u.arried Henry Barroh. Nov.21,1827 Thonia.s Looker and Betty Ann Bowers. daughter of Noah. Thou.as William Loker (1805) died Hov.30,1879 Dayton,Rockingha.mCoVa. Wife Catharine, 74yr9u.13d. Aug.14,1826 John Looker (b cl805?) and Eliza Smith. daughter of John Smith. Oct.6,1810 Margaret Loke -- William McCoy was executor and Daniel Smith made $3000 bond. 1831 Benjamin Looker to E.H. Smith, :pa.rt of deed. ~. From "The Henry Cowan Family of Virginia" by Frank :a. Lan:b, compiled b~· Maud Pinney Kuhns, Perry Highway RD2, ~aterford, Pa.,p.10. Marie K. Arrington, Rt J Box 118, Broadway, Va has a co~ Elizabeth Cowan b Ma.yl9, 1?90 RockinghamCoVa d lfov .31, 18?0 Wallseeville,PlwnTwp, VenangcCo.ra. Jrd child of Henry Cowan m Jam~s Loker who d soon after 1827. She ~oved to Pa cl8J5. They had 3 children listed in above booklet. From a letter written 1832 (Lamb data) by John Cowan, he mentions John Looker's son Jonathan. the oldest son by his second wife. "Old John Looker is dead sometime since." Central Ohio: i. Willia.JT R. Looker in 1831, 18)3 ap~raised estates of Squire Bonet? and of Simeon nright some· where in Licking County,Ohio. (Any connection with No. 3?) .. §.. Priscilla Luckey. From Pataskala Standard Aug.15.1895 obitua.ry:Jair.es Brooke born in Fairfielc Co, Ohio 1815 and died in Pataskala Aug.l,1895, ~arried to Priscilla Lucky in 1838, had 8 child· ren, 3 d in infancy, one a young uan of 17 years d 1861, one died in arrr.y 1862. 3 still live. H1 was 11"2 to ~.{rs. Alice B. ~11 tt Ma.y 7, 1879. L• James R. Looker between 1848-1855 purchased land in Benington Twp,LickingCo,Oh (see Licking ~~. Courthouse. Newark, real estate recor~s. Volume 60, pages 12,lJ; between 1855-1864 he pur­ '-/1ased J more tracts of land in apx. sar.e are~ (Vol.69,p.4J9; Vol.75,p37:Vol.81,~85);between 1864-1875 he "Ollrchased fro~ Henry La.r~u-ore 79 acres in 3urlington Twp(Vol.96,~3.54). ~ere are still people narred l·ooker in that area around northern Licking Co. 8. Sarah Luckey 1816-1885 ir John~. \·iells 1813-1885 buried t4ethodist Cemetery, :Baltizr.ore,Oh.,

5 childrP.n:~,·ealthy ~·1. ~:ells n: John 1Uedy 1 Oruha A. ·... ells IP Dr. Hatha.n c. Grunder, Frances R. We: r Dr. John E. Goss of Dalti~ore.Oh. From Wells-liol.Ires genealogy. p.21, in Pataskala Library filt cabinet. The satr.e data on 'P.J7 n:entions Mrs. G.v;. Luckey cl890 1 s a daughter of Ja~es Holn:es, hel sister Ellen was wife of Postmaster Kraner of Pickerington. i. Thomas Looker d July?,1850 age 51 yr9m(thus b Oct.?,1798) Job Lutheran Cemetery between Pick· erington and Canal Winchester - presumed to be )Dlf .Thomas son of Thomas Jr.&Sarah ReevesLooker4 !Q.. VioletTw~ 1 FairfieldCo 1850 Census dwelling beside Elijah Looker is:James Looker b 1810 in Virginia with Sophia b c 1810 Va and children ~.a.ry Jane, William, John, James, Thomas, Lydia, E.Caroline, D. Wyendott. Could this be 2B?c.Jamee Looker? ll. Jacob Looker b 1825 Va m Elizabeth b Maryland with child !la.than age l b Fairfield Co and Eliza.beth Scott age 17 b Va. - five dwellings away from James Looker b 1810 be~ide Elijah LookeJ 1850 Census VioletTwp.Fairf ieldCo. Could be sar:e Jacob Looker age 66 a~pearing in Etna.Twp.Licki1 Co. Census 1880 in Milton Valentine household occu-pa.tion-attends stable • .l.2.. Thomas Looker 18)4-1916 m Rebecca J. 183?-1889, children:Laura J.· b 1858 d Sept.16,1859 age lyl~2d. Mary E. b&d. 1864, Carrie B. 1868-1893, Seymour w. d Oct,1870 ag~ Sm, Charles J. 18?6- 1958 m Ruth A. 1877-1935, Harriett A. d Oct.1,1880 age 6mo27d - ali in Pickerington Cemetery • .u_. William Looker (age JS) b 1825/28 Va m Maria. age 26 b 11.J. children JaF.es, John W.~186o Cen• sus VioletTwo.FairfieldCo. Their residence is 2 after Laf. Pickering and 3 before Jose~h Picker~ ing. Next they appear - William 52 fanr. laborer he and both parents b Va, with Maria 44 she and both 'P8.rents b N.J., with Sarah 17. Josiah 14, Mary 13. Samuel 9, Clara 6 - 1880 Census of Co­ twr.bia Center,Liir·aTwp.LickingCo. next: "William Looker is still in the fur and pelt business" . ~~om Pataskala Standard files, Colwrbia Center news cl893. Also Apr.3,1891 ColUJrbia Center - ~~ L9oke;-~as at Pickerington -pa.rt of week. Feb.ll,1e92 - Sam Looker s~ent a few days at 1reeinl• .131!.~ Josiah looker m Sent.12,1862 aeynoldsburg,FranklinCo. Lydia Ellen Young - Morrron record discovered by Lucretia Arthur. Centru.l Ohio lccr.:.inued): 14. All data attributed to 2C9a.Elijah Looker p.19 is quite sneculative. 12· Sau:uel Looker appeared in 1860 Census VioletTwn.FairfieldCo. as aged 22 born in Ol~io, ocou~ pa.tion faru. laborer in Ja~es (age 58) and Catherine Pickering household. In Pickerington Cemete is a. bronze -plate inscribed:San~uel Looker Kentucky Pvt Co :B 113 Regt. Ohio Inf Civil 'tiar "une.29,l~l8-Feb.7,1899 beside other stones -presurneably for his fa1r.ily:wif~~.Die~~;.~ Looker 184 .,.9_2' and .. cnildren: Oriso 1875-1885, Sruruel 1888-1898, George 1872-1912 with wlfe?' 'Ida 187~~~!.'·J_.: ·,·. Or~ o. d A-pr.14,1885. (Sa:ir.uel could be a grandson of 2C9.Joseph.) -~ 16. Frou. History of Licking_Q,o!!!!tY,Ohio by N.N.HillJr. 1881, p.378 - casualities of Civil War: "Hector Looker enlisted in the Tenth Ohio volunteer cavalry Ma.rch30,1864 and ~as killed Aug.21, 1864 at Lovejoy, Georgia." lZ• Nellie Burns -passes on the following information from her anceetors:JDli.John Looker and family, acco~-panied by JDljl.Sally Pickering.Layton's husband Abraham, traveled together in a large wagon train when they u.oved to Ohio. The grou~ stayed at an inn, still standing, at CUJnbe land Ga~, one night. Some of the people on the wagon train from present West Virginia, includi~ a man nau.ed Fishbawk Eill, didn't have a last name. John Looker, ·having some legal experience, eXJ>lained to them that they had to have a last name; so they took the name of Looker. All the people on the wagon train settled in this area -- so there may be Lookers living around here wfi are really no relation. 18. Darilas "Rile' Looker who m .)Dlj5g.Sarah Ann Zirkle. Nellie Burns thinks he was ~elated to her somehow. Between 1865-70 Ellen Looker bought from John w.Innis J acres south of Wagram. The land Sarah Zirkle Looker bought bordered it. The 1870 Census showed Ellen Looker age 63, she at both -pa.rents bad been born in Pa., living on this property with her granddaughter Jane Moore age 12, as they weie also in 1880. Could she have also been Darilas 1 grandmother? 1880 Census said his father was born in Maryla.~d, his mother in Virginia. Also the same u.inister T.N.Madde~ who u.a.rried Darilas and Sari..h, a ~onth earlier on Feb.11,1877, married Michael Looker and Mary Young linfo. from Licking Co. Genealogical Soc. newsletter, The 11.9,ki~ntern, Su1mner 1980, ~.80-48). Could Michael be a brother of Darilas? Beside Ellen was Boyer {Bowyer?) residence. 12· Cala1r.ie1 Looker age 25 lthus b 1855) works on Toll Mo1l (~ooth?)he and ~other born Ohio, father b Virginia. From 1880 Census Lima.Twp,LickingCo. t'~~bu ?&_. Mary Looker m !J.arvin Stires, had 2 c)lilcren:Clell Stires was born Feb.19,1896 in Co u:mbia Jenter e.nd d Je.n.1977 age 80 resident of Colu,mbia Center. Leon M. was b Feb.15,1900 in ll. I' d 1981 resident of Mayflower Addition. near Wagram~ Clell was a WWI veteran and had 4 children~: Charles(Jk) of Heynoldsburg, ~lden(Ike) of Alexandria, Mrs. Frank lJune)Ford of Wagrarr. and Mre Donald(lforira J ean)Brush of l'.ayflower .fidd. Leon 11Jas a retired err.-oloyee of Pennsylvania. nailroad and had a son ·,;ayne S. Stires of ColUL'1bus. lnforra ti on frov. obituaries. Frov. files of Pataskala ·standard cl890-1900: 21. Ite~s about Henry Looke;-;re very s-peculatively -olaced under 2C2a.HP.nry Looker. The list should include the iterr that in 1889 "Mrs. iienry Looker of Kansas is visiting her pa.rents." 22. Suu.rrit news: D.L.Looker entered the butchering business with James Steward in 1886. £,1. Flora Looker-Mink Street ne~s Sept.J0,1886 her sister Eu.ma Eeadley of Kirkersville is visi1 ing. Su.irEit news 1889 Flora sold a farm she owned on Broadway (~road Street also called Route ~ Must be referring to wife of JDli7. John. No! See 2C9a4.Lafayette Looker. 24. Jersey news: Emma Looker went to the Coshocton Fair with Mrs. ~.B. Harrison in 1886. E~~a mentioned again in 1896. gj. Jersey news: H. Estella Looker went to Ada,Ohio to attend school in 1888. She entertained l young friends at her home at R.B. Harrison's in 1890. She was engaged to conduct school at Jer~ for the coming year in June,1892. She was referred to as a teacher at Jersey A~r.5,1900. 26. l;olumbia Center March 1894: J .w. Looker house fire. This was attributed s-peculatively to2C~ hmes Looker -page 19. This J. W. is uore lile.y one of the older sons of Unidentified Looker Num~ lJ who was living in Colur.bia l;e~ter. £1. Reynoldsburg news July28,l892: "Thomas Lokey the •renowned sculpter• and indefatigable fly· ~ma.chine inventor was seen on our streets last week." ~Newark Apr.25,190l:John Looker for~erly an engineer for the B and 0 Railroad (.;ompa.ny bas a1 ~ted a ~osition as motorman on the Uewark and Granville system. ~Nellie Burns• father JDli4b.William Looker had cousins Uoah, Sam and Tom. Lookers from .around WashingtonGourtHouse,Oh. came to visit him for a cou~le months. They had a descend.P-~ J.n (.;olur.bus in the 1970' s nan~ed Uathaniel. ...__./ l:~n~r:Ll Cl:.i~ ..;ontc~l:~'o!":1ry l.ook1.~rs: '-·/(L.J J.Q.. Mrs. lfoah Moore who died cl0 8o•s and lived on :iioute 204, Pickerington is said to hs.ve had uaiden name Looker. :l~· Ray Looker d before 1989, wife Dottie d Sept.26,1989 Lancaster, formerly of Baltiu.ore &GrovE 'Port, daughter Mrs.Franklin (Louise) iUller, 224 Dela.ne Rd.Grove-port. 'Phone 8J69!'51L~~ •. ~?. Carl Looker whose son Jack Randall Looker d Nov.1982 age 67 Columbus.Sons Ra.ndal,Terry,Jer1 l-,i.1m.'tM.niel d Jan.1976 age 75 Worthington, had brothers Loren of KansasCity,Mo,and Delbert, Bloo~Oh. and 2 sons Dr.Jan:es and Gary. . .J,!t. Daniel d Seyt.1977 age 70 buried at Delaware, Ohio 15.· Mary (Eig Mary) C, Looker d Oct.1988 age 6J Worthington, son Wesley Eugene Looker. 12,. Neil L. Looker Sr., 400 Park »lvd,Worthington (197?) whose wife Katharine d 1981, sons Neil Jr. and Kevin. 32. Audrey Looker d Jan.1988 age 85, member Galena,Ohio, United Methodist Church. 1§,. Edward E. whose wife Louise d Jan.11,1984 age ?9. Associated with northern Columbus area. J.2. Raymond F. "Happy" Looker b Dec.8,1917 Mt.Vernon,Oh to Glendon&Nellie(Yoaka.m)Looker, d Nov. 1978, buried Hou.er,Oh.(LickingCo,). Son Raymond Jr. of Homer. 40. Ira s. b Dec.15,1887 BurlingtonTwp,LickingCo. d age 84 Utica,Oh. son, Floyd. ~. Roy Wesley Looker b A~r.10,1899 BurlingtonTwp,LickingCo. d Sept.1971 Homer,Oh. brother of Ira, sons Wesley of Gambier, Vincent of Mt.Vernon, Benja~in of Newark. ~. Ella Looker F- Carey E. Wince, Son Ralph w. Wince born Mayl7,1910 in Homer d April,1975 Utic~ age 64. . ~. Charles W. Looker m Jan.27,1941 Pataskala to Irene B.Boyd, celebrated 48th Wedding Annv,198~ live 3225 Morgan-Central Rd.,Utica •. Children:Mrs. Ronald(Shirley)Baker of Newark, Charles Lookel Jr. of Mt.Vernon, James of Wyoming, Thomas of Centerburg-husba~d of 3Dlj5a7a4c. Viky Layton?, Ronald of Colu~bus, Mrs. Wayne(Debbie)Raines of Homer, John of Newark, Robert of .NewGilford,Oh. !tf!. Bert Looker d 1974 whose wife Mabel of 10805 CooperRd.NW,Johnstown,Oh. d A~r.1977 age SJ, eon Hobert. Bert born Feb.14,1886 FranklinCo to Samuel&A~erica(Brakeville)Looker. See No.15. Be1 was member of Bennington Grange and Johnstown Sportsmen Club. He was survived also by a sister Mrs. Anna Herduan of Columbus, and a daughter Mrs. Giles(Betty) Salser of Johnstown. !t_i. Minnie ~. Looker b Junal4,1874 LickingCo. to Jattes and Rebecca Glover Looker, d July,1973 ?e 99, formerly of St.Louisville,LickingCo, Jr. Charles M.Moa.ts d 1947. \ ~.Carl D. Looker d Aug.15,19?1, whose wife· lforu.a E. of Route 2,Newark d cl97l age 56. Sons J)avid .a.• Roger G., Bruce M. . . . ~. Roger Looker m 1963 at St.Louisville Methodist Church to June 3shelu.an, li~e 548 Sherwood Downs Soutr., Uewark, children:Mrs. Earl(Deborah)Moss, Steve and Kris. 48. liorJrlB.n A. Luker b Jan.15,1906 Louisville.Kentucky to late Frederick&Louiee(lier~)Luker, d Anr.3,1983, uayor of Granville,LickingCo,Oh 1972-77, 2 daughters. ~. Harry Looker whose widow Mary L. Beaver Looker of 11994 \·lorthington Rd,Pataskala d Jul.yll, 19??, buried Jersey Presbyteria~ Cemetery • .5.Q.. An.na Gladys b Dec,21,1930 in Jersey to H.6.rry&Anna Looker,d Feb.19?5 age 44 Columbus buried Jersey Universalist Cemetery. Gladys was brought up in Columbia Center cou.rr.u.nity by her foster mother, Mrs. Georgia Green, attended Columbia Center CoDllJ!Unity Church, graduated from Licking Heights High School. m Gerald A. Brisker. Survived also by son Larry J. Howell of Jacksonville, Alabaua, brother Charles William Looker of Utica(see No.43), sister Lucille Ha.slow of Pataskala1 More re~ote Lookers: il· Reginald Earle Looker, author, journalist and speechwriter for Pres.Franklin D. Roosevelt 976 age 81 at Toccoa, Georgia. · Dr. Cloyd Looker d 1966 whose widow Frieda A. d Anril,1978 age 73 at Montour Fa.lls,llewYork, vived by nephew Delbert Looker, Yatesville. il· Dr. 'Evelyn Luckey was assistant SU1Jerintendent of Columbus Public Schools in 1989. Slt. Randy and Rhonda Luker became. parents of a girl Aug.2,1989 at Riverside Method~st Hoa~.Co:hm .ii· Russell B. Luker whose wife Suzanne J. of 6857 Gillette Dr.,Reynoldsburg was mother of brid~ Lisa Carol Luker whom Junel7,1989 Co~imbus Thomas Joseph Kac-pu.ra son of Mrs.Beverly K.a.c-pu.ra, Corry,Pa.

';1,' ··.·.··. ·. , .· ' ' ~ '., ,. ~ . p' ...... -~·'... · 11 April l lj (b LOCJrat FAH.ILY TlUDITICNS lf 7 l. The !andl.y name is Looker. but Loker and Lokay were used interchangeably'in Virginia. (Thi1 is certainly true. Sonietlmes all three forms or the name were used on one page. or a legal document! It vas also written Lucar, Lucre, and Luker, in :;,.w Jersey and in England. The earliest spelling I could !ind is Lucar.)

2. The Lookers are troai London, England, and carne to the Shenandoah Valley by was ot New Jersey. ·

(T31.s seems to be true. There were Lookers in Sudbury, Massachusetts, in 1639. Our line seems to begin "1th one \dllia111 Looker, brewer, Who sold land in Ja:iaica, Long Island, in 1676, and was an original proprietor or Elizabeth, New Jersey. Tbis Wllliam Looker's daughter, Ann, married Benjamn Wade on Long Island about 1670, so he was probabl.r there mw:h earlier than 1676.)

). The Lookers vere originall1 Quakers, then Dunkards, and then Oniversalists.

(This is all true. The im.:dgrant Lookers in Massachusetts vare associated with Roger Wllliams~ tnon !ell out with biM, and for a while were Seventh Day Baptists in Newport, Rhode Island. the early Lookers in D.izabetb, :iev -'ersey, were Presbyterians. the pioneer ot the tamil..r in t_he Shenandoah Valley was re!erred to in many court record.s be!ora a.nd alter 1800 as "'thoma.s Looker 1 the Qua..1cer". It is possible that 'l'homas came to Virginia with a large cdgration ot Quakers in 17)8, . thou.gti the tirst record or his living there so Sa.r is 1742••• ou.r taad.l.1 one• owned communion glasses (resembling crystal wine glasses) said to have been \i\Sed b1 the Dunkards in Virginia. There is also a pitcher, said to have been used in feet I' washing, and a "lamb's broth bowl.", into wbicb they dipped bread. The Bethlehem L: Church in Tentb Legion was a "!ree" church until 1851,. used b3" Dun..tker, vas said to have attended the UrU.versa.list church in' bis later years. His e>bitWLry says: •Ho never connected himself with any chU!'ch, but he was strong in tbe belie! 1n the holiness and happiness of all mankind which he supported by liberal contributions.•)

4.· The Lookers once gave some land to the city or London to be ~sed as a park. It it is ever not u.sed as a park, it is to revert to the Looker heirs.

(Sounds like a tall story, but I have tound that Lookers did ~nee own a great deal ot propei:t.r in "old London''. In 1557 one Thomas Tru:n.bull, a pro~perous ··tish :nerchant, le!t it to his daughter Johane, who had narried E:nmanuel Lucar.)

S. There were tbree or four Looker brothers who served in the Revolutionary ilar ~with General Washington". (Oid.'l't everybody?) Our branch or the !a.!ldly had a sword which our ancestor used in.the Revolution.

(There were several Lookers - by whatever spelling - vho served in the Revolution trom New Jersey and from Vi~ginia. Haven't been able to prove a connection yet.)

Our ta:nily is related to Othniel Looker, the only Revolutionary soldier to serve as Governor or Ohio. He was speaker or the senate when Governor Meigs resigned in 1814, and completed the unexpired ter:n. He ran in the next election. but was de!eated by Thomas 'Worthington. (At the moment, it appears that Othniel's father and Thomas the Quaker's father were brothers. We are getting close!) 1111


1. Tbat there were two Looker brothers who ca.me early to the Shenandoah Valley. One ~. was a prosperous far~er who was constantly acquiring more land. The other one was a teamster Who owned very good horses and wagons, and carried loads 0£ lU1'11ber and other merchandise through the Valley to Roanoke, Atlanta.. and/or Pennsylvania. Our tami.11 has a cow bell said to have been used on these trips to warn .otber vebicles t~at someone was condng up or down the moWltain on the oth~r side.

(Thomas Looker the Quaker apparently was prosperous, and there is much evidence tha.t he bought land often. There was a John Looker there at the same time with no record of bis owning land. He could have been t~e teAJllster.)

8. That the Lookers once owned so~e land in "Elizabethtown, New Jersey" (it vas cal19d that antU about 176o) and because ot some dispute over their claim, they had given up and moved to Virginia. Our tolks said that when they le Ct Virginia (1854) tb~t they vent first to New Jersey to see it they could claim their land, or receive money tor it. (The Lookers were indeed early settlers ot Eliza.beth, and bought more propert1 until just prior to the death 0£ one William Looker (called & vintner) in 1?17. In 171.8 "the town books were cra.ttily stole" atter it waa discovered that two agents ot the British crown vere selling the same land twice. In 1729 the original owners and/br their descendants hired lawyers and surveyors to prove their righttuJ. ownership. This agreement was signed by one Thomas Lucor, who

ve hope is our Thomas the Quaker: ·.'. ;(" . .) 0 Also, I tound a record or· some kind ot. controversy over the land in E:Lizabeth whictl reads as tollow:s: · ·

Index to Uber C (1740-1752)

Essex County Court Minutes

John Looker 4-0/.45 conEJ,,

William Look'!r 44/51, v

J,ucar 42/4J cona

(Genealogical. Magazine of New Jersey, Vol. ~9, p. 95) ! would guess that •conEL• refers to the controversy over the lands in Elizabeth; this dispute was in the courts for many years. I have written to the Essex and Onion County courthouses, and tney say that they do not h&ve these records. I asked.at the. New Jersey State Historical Library in Trenton when I was there, and they lalew nothing about them. It we could !ind these records, they would go !ar towards proving descent from the original owners. And there might be turther record or this it our tolks did indeed go there in. the l8SO's.) c omoil ed. b.v Hazt! l Li . Horey rv. • ~ "•, 1976 . 620 ·1.illiarr. Looker, apx. birthdate of r1L , father of Ann, who nd . 3enjair.in 11ade 1670 , Ann b . 1649, d. 1737 t:lo .o40 1-:illiair. Looker, apx birthdate of WL who de-posed in Elizabethtown, Uew Jersey in 1707, aged 67 UJA ~665 William Looker first ca~e to Hew Jersey Hat :t.673 ~' illiam Looker and Benjamin Wade ca.me to New Jersey together Ha. t L676 \Hlliam Looker, brewer, sold pr operty in Jamaica., Long Island L676 'Nilliam Looker, brewer, of Ja-:.10.ica, Long Island, bought land in \food.bridge , New Jersey, from James Heynes of Elizabethtown UJSL L677 William Looker, brewer, bought land in Woodbridge, N.J., from John Jones ITJ SL L677 Benjamin Wade bought .land in El izabethtown from Luke Wa tson, one of three origin.al pro"Prietors Hat L678 William Looker Sr. and wife Sarah bought land in Elizabethtown, "near William Looker's mill" from John Blanchard (lot no. 56) NJSL . 678 William Looker of Woodbridge signs call to John Allen of London, to be 1>13.stor of First Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, est. 1 675 L682 William Looker deceased; widow Mary Higgins "a laime and distracted '#Oman" to be cared for in \r'oodbridge; husband WL "late of Elizabethtown" NJSL t684 William Looker bought land in Elizabethtown: 60 acres at head of Eliz-T brook NJSL L685 William Looker sold land in Woodbridge to Miles Forster of Perth Arr.boy land bought from John Jones - 60 acres UJSL L693 hilliam Looker and John Looker mentioned as purchasers of land in Eliz-T Mon L694 ·,alliam Looker and John Looker subscribed su-pport of "PB.Star of First Presby- terian Church ot Eliz- T Hat L695 William Looker appointed deputy to legislature Hat L696 William Looker Jr.akes inventory of estate of Samu.el \\'illis of Eliz- T UJA L696 William Looker Sr. owned 282 acres in El1z-T. adjoining Jacob Melyn, Benjamin Wade , and the Governor Hat L699 '"'illiatr. and John Luke in conteir.pt of court, case of Samuel Carter, Eliz-T NJA · <99 William Looker listed first, Benjamin wade second HJA .?00 John Luker, Benjamin Wade Jr. and others "came up to Newark and riotously assaulted the Sheriff of ye count3 and forcibly took away the keys of the Frisson, and took a way a -orissoner out of the -prison, nan:ely one Jose-ph Parir.ator then in custody." NJA L702 Willian Looker Sr. and v. illiair. Looker Jr. witness to 't1ill of Henry Crosly of Middlese:x Co. UJA L 705 'n illiam '1t-113Mi!P- Looker witness to will of Benjau:in Meeker NJA .?O? 111illiaro Lucar plaintiff in court case in Eliz- T. llJA L707 William Looker "but whether the younger or older he knows not" mentioned by Sefty Grover in court testimony NJA L711 William Looker & John Looker witness to will of Edwa rd Osborne of Eliz-T. NJA L715 William Lucar Gent. (later spelled Looker) and Sa.rah his wife bought 108 acres, house, barn and stables from John Bailey of Nassau, L. I. NJSL L717 Williall' Looker vintner bought land from Robert Drummond in Jniz-T for "400 lbs. and one silver salt cellar" (Feb. 24) lfJSL L717 William Looker given letters of adKinistration in estate of his father \·/ illiam Looker (Aug. 20) NJSL L718 The "town books" of Eliz-T. were "craftily and Jr.a.liciously stole" MROS 1729 Tholl'AS Lukor signed (with an :x) agreeir.ent in Eliz-T. involving land of William Looker, agreeing to -pay lawyers and surveyors to prove rightful ownership MROS L7 32 William Looker recorded in ne~ surveys as owner of lots no.55&56(see entry,1678) MR OS l?41 William Looker residing in Morris County, New Jersey 1742 Thomas Looker 11 the ~k~r~ ' in Shenandoah Valley by 1742; could have come with a migfation ' of Qu.aktrs a.~ tarly a.a 1738 1742 Thomas Looker in ~~1..$~ "P&r~ Boone ca~d oll\ Linville Creek a year or two on the -w·ayt to ·~r ~h c\~~"\)~J · ·~ ~ \ : -,45 Thomas Looker gra·d~O acres "in cons ideration of the importation of \ ·,;illiam Ph illi~~ . ~~s) J.1il~ .....~~~-Os -,Miller" ,. (.;hilt ' L749 Grace ~Loo~r, d •. of f,bomas the ~ Mi~~d acbb :n'oodley•( b cl7JO proba f ,t.i.:. .• ""...lf'W _\ _j.') .J ~ ~ d b e tw ~e n l~ ctnd 18~2) • C" \ ~ ~ ~ ~>. ~, . ~ ~ C~ 111

~ l.1· .., no1 0 L-~' o :~: i ov K~i- , • Ur~

.CCR: Augusta ~aunty (Virginia) Circuit Court Records ha: Chalkley: Anna.ls of Augusta. County. Virginia le: Williarr. l·lontgomery Cleir.ens: Marriage Records before 'cen: Federal census of 1790 (reconstructed for Virginia) Rig: Higgins genealogy HHCV Wayland:~istory of Rockingham County, Virginia .ar: Harrison: Settlers by the Long Gray 'l'rail .otL: Eotten's List ofL: Inhabitants of London !on: First Se ttlers of Jjew Jersey at: Hatfield: History of Elizabeth lTew Jersey and Union JSL Original r ecords in New Jersey State Library JA New Jersey Archives tROS Manuscript of the Records of the Original Surveys of Elizabeth, N. Jersey 1729\on ~icrofilir rum: Trwr.bull genealogy of Henry Lee VR Wayland: Virginia Valley Records

This chronology is ~.y attempt to put down all the inforn:a.tion I could get rry hands on, in chronological order, so I could do further research. I take no responsibility for inferences or implications: I only call them as l see them. When more than one source mentioned the same information, the original source, or the ~ost reliable one, is given here. Apparently there were three, four, or five succesive William Lookers in Jamaica and Wood­ bridge and Elizabethtown. I f you, dear reader, can figure out any of this, please.- let n:e know! I'm still studying. · occGS RE.FE.REN...... ~ GE. ON~L-"' ~ 71'1- - 1

Looker-Luker Lucar Family