\ This Comnilation of Looker Farrily Data Is the Result of Bringing Together Infor~Ation and Research from a Nuu.Ber of Different People
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\ This comnilation of Looker farrily data is the result of bringing together infor~ation and research from a nuu.ber of different people. knowing that each ~erson would wan~ to knew abou.t the findings of all the others. I am sending co~iea of thie material to each person who contributed material if the address •a obtainable. After receiving corrections and additions, hopefully within a month. from those .,..-. ;ontributors, my goal is to make a final revised compilation. Then I ~lan to place copies '-1.n the libraries of the Fairfield County Genealogical Society, housed in the Historical Room of the Fairfield County District Library, 219 North Broad St., Lancaster, Ohio 4JlJO; and of the Licking County Genealogical Society, P.O.Box 40)?, Newark, Ohio 4J055-80J?. library in Room 107 S.E. corner lower level at 743 East Ma.in St., Newark, phone 614-345-3571, o~en Tues-Wed-Thurs Sat 1-4 nm; 1,he Pataskala and Pickerington town libraries; and, of course, to members of our family. If the contributors do not object, I would like to also ~rovide co~ies to the GenealogJ Room of the Ohio State Library, 65 South Front St. (downtown) Columbus, Ohio, and to the Mormon Family History collection. I have a~preciated so much material ~laced in libraries and otherwi~ made available tha.t I have used, and would like in turn to trake my contribution. Contributors of infor111B.tion to this compilation can be found on the following J)8.ges by findix the following identifying numbers: JDljJ6,e,5a.Robert Moore, JDli4b2b •. Ha.zel Morey and her daughtE 3Dli4b2bl. Joanne Mustoe, JDli4b?.Nellie ~urns. 3Dld.2ela.Vera Ross Boyant, JDlJSbJa.Lois Ad.ams, 2Alalc4cJ. and 2CJc5a2c.David Bowers, 2C8a4fl.Cleo Richter, 2C8clal.Ruth Blis~inghoff, wife of 2B7b2cJb.Lucretia Arthur, 2B2olalal.Leallah Cban~erlain Franklin, 2Clb2b2d.Virginia Pickering, 2Clc2dJc.Betty Cook. 2Clelbla.Hazel Cook, 2Cle?bl.Ernestine Lemon and 2Cle?b4.Betty Armentrout, 2C9f___ .Helen Stone Wood.ruff, wife of 2C9glal.a.Joan Harrison Cul~, and this compiler whose hus- band is )Dljl2clb.~strid Pickering. While tY"Pill8 these -pages I was fortunate to receive more inforrration. This will be incorporate into u.y next revision along with corrections and additions from the above contributors1 1. Hazel Morey's daughter Joanne Mustoe, )101 26th Ave.N.E., Norman, Oklahoma 73071, accom ~anied and assisted Hazel in her genealogical research and has the information found. Hazel had shared all her data with navid Eowers. Joanne kindly uade copies of several pages Hazel . ma.de swr.nar1z1ng her research. I ma.de additional CO'Pies of these -pages which ap'Dear as an· appendix at the end of this compilation. · 2. New ~aterial came also from Marie K. Arrington, Rt.J Box 118, Broadway, VA 22815, the ~ author of Mou.n~ain Valle~oR!e which is out of ~rint at this time. She provided copies of 29 "D&ges of a booklet, "The Fa.mil.Y. of Thoma.a Looker" by Vera Roes :Soyatt, 1305 Big S'J)rings Rd Maryville, TN 37801, com~iled October 1989. This booklet is full of information which I will· try to suuuarize in the Addenda section starting on -page 41, but any Looker researcher would want their own co~y of the original. Anyone researching colonial records would probably wa.nt to com-oare erperiences with Joanne Mustoe and Vera Boyatt. Marie Arrington also sent a copy of "The Henry Cowan Family of ·Virginia". information collect ed by Frank :B. Lamb of Birmingham. Michigan. and compiled by Maude Pinney Kuhns, Perry Highwe R D 2. Waterford. Pa. This booklet reentions a number of ~eople named Looker. J. ~etty Cook has sent a lot more information on the fam.11.y of 2Clc.Mary Pickering Swayze. 4. Lucretia Arthur bas sent a lot more information on her family which does e~em to be cor• rectly ~laced under 2B7b. Her research on colonial and other early Looker fauily meu.bers introduces some new elements and ideas. See Addenda iection. NUJJ!ber 4. This is your co~y to keep. PreSUir.eably the genealogical society will photoco~y the final revised copy for you when I get it to their library. This Looker data may be -part of a Picker ing genealogy. To describe the central Ohio area.: Violet Township, Fairfield County (county seat Lancaster to the southeast). in which Pickerington is located;·is bordered on the north by Truro Township, Franklin County,in which ia Reynoldsburg; and on its east Etna Townehi~. Licking Cou.nty,which contains the villages of Wagram and Etna. Etna Township is bordered on the north.~y Lima. Townshi Licking County, which contains the villages of Summit/Summit Station and Columbia Center. The town of Pataskala is east of ColUJnbia Center with county seat Newark further east. Columbus stretching from north to sou.th borders the entire aforementioned area on the west and covers most of the rest of Franklin County. Dovel Memorial Cemetery is the old pa.rt of Violet Cemetery in Pickerington. Silent Home Cemetery is the old town cemetery in Reynoldsburg. Glen Rest Ce~etery established --cl940'a is outside of Reynoldsburg to the east. · 1.00!.. ~".:r~ J:d.J: Hy ( Lck~r, Lokey. Luchr, Lucre, 1u.. k.er) Compiled ir.id l',?titJ by: ·M~~. ~ R~ger Fickeri~, 10650 Mink St.• Reynolds bur,:, Ohio 43065, Jros tly fror. extensiTe research by B.oltert Moore, 649 AllechaD¥ Ave., Staunton, VA 24401; Mrs. lfacAl Moro.)" who :ln J.CilS3a wae l'We•rin• h · ·'P\l~liah a book oa the Looker famil¥1 she died in 1989; and Mrs. Ruth »l1e~liJ1.4:hoft, 15 Fite Roac Wellesle¥ Rills, Massachusetts 02161. Also fror ~tensiTe recollectio•a abeut family tradition~ f.S;of Mrs. Willard Eurne of SUJUCit Station, Ohio, and Mrs. Cleo Rioter who lived in Pickeringtea. ~hio. This reTised cor.~ilation iR January, 1'91 includes extensiTe research of David Layten Jowers, 4723 w. Marcoai ATe •• Glendale, Arizona 85306. The reTisio~ alse includes l. Infe~- tioa l"l9licized co~cerning the l75th Anniversary Celebration of Pickerin~ton. Ohio i• 1'90 ia cludin& 1 ts Official Cor.r.er.era tive :Boulet of SO pa~ea; 2. Everten Publishers of THE GDEALOG ICAL HELPER (P .o. :Box 368, Lor;an, Utah 8'4-321) COll'p\l.terized fa.mil.Jr files and "Roots Cellera; and 3. from a:.•mber ef famiJ..7- deacemdants. Other possinle sources of inforr.atioa:A book aaout the hiator7 of Aucueta.Count7, Virciaia, &ad one about the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, both Gf which are available in various cenea locical society libraries. The llarrisonbur~-Rock~m Historical Society, P.O. ~ox 716, Da7ton, Vircinia. 22621 has an extensiTe library and .any \ooks for sale abeut families of the area includi111:; a book by Geneva ~ruba.ker: ns~it1er-Jones, Frank and Lydia, Ancestors-DesceAdantt 1322-19e,.n Allied fa~iliea include Xia~. Wean, Lokey, Oreba~h, Gordan, Wille, Arehart. 198,, ?' -pages, bard coTer, $20. !istor7:In 1557 Thor:aa Trumbull, who owned a ~eat deal of ~roperty ia downtown Loadoa diei and left half of it te his d.aw:hter Johanne who bad married. Emanuel Lucar. Thor.as Tru.Jlbull (the onl.7 other heir) diet um;arried and willed his half of the Trumbull estate to his sister •nd her f&.11113'. It is said that the Lookers oace r;ave so~e land to the city of Loadon to be uset as a -park. If it is ever not used as a -park, it is to revert to the Loker heirs. The Lookers seem to have come first to Sudbury, Massachusetts in 1639. Some Looker family me~bera then liTed in ProTidence and iewport, Rhode Island. The eEigrant Lookers were associated with ao~er Willi&.118, and at least while they liTed in lewport, R.I. were Seventh Day :Baptista. Some were then in Gravesend., Lon~ Island, then Iew Jersey, then Shenandoah Valle7, Virginia. Mark Lucer helped found a SeTenth Da.JT. ~aptiet Church in Providence, R.I. The earl.r Lookers 1n Vir ginia ~ere definitel.T Quakers. Many early court records, iefore and after 1800, referre4 to ,.,"Thoms Looker,· the Quaker" and "James Looker, the Qi.taker." They were father and son. It is .!.,possi\le that old Thor:as first came to the Shenandoah Valley with a lar~e ~igration of Quaker£ in l7Jts. Mrs. :Burns-Mrs. Morey far.Hy owed ite~s said to haTe been used by the Dunkards in Vircinia in their reli~ious services. · The only chUrch in Tenth Legion, Vircinia, where the Loo~ ers and Laytone lived, ia·.,a Church of the :Brethren (Dunkard) and historians say that it 'Was bu.iJ in 1644 on the site of a for~er Quaker ~eeting house. (Most of this histor7 c&11e from Hazel Morey's research.) There were four Looker (brothers?) serving in the Revolutionary War from Ne~ Jeraey:Otbniel, Hathaniel, Eleazer, and John or Johnson. There were others with al'Proximately the sa~e na~e. Mre. Morey said their fau.ilT had a sword which their ancestor used in the Revol· utioa. Pedigree:and/or chronolocy:Thoras Trumbull died 155? had a dauchter Johanne who m Emmanuel Luce.J lived London, 1'n&land. Bad S children:El'J!l&nuel, Mark, Luke, John., Martha. Lookers ellllit;rated first to Sudbury, Mass. in 16),. Infor~.ation fro~ a different source tells about followhl«~fami~ lenry Loker (Glever) born 1e\.?,1S?6/7, JDarried ~lizaaftH ___ , a child: (Hannah) Anna Lokerb'iF.nBu.re8• St.Ma.ry,Bssex,Encland.