Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, EDITION 4 2015 A DIAMOND AWARD WINNING CLUB SINCE 1960 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS PRESIDENT Affiliated with the California Federation of Republican Women Beatrice Restifo [email protected] and the National Federation of Republican Women 805-230-2919 !

1st V.P. (PROGRAMS) Cav. Rosemary Licata [email protected] 818-889-4839

2nd V.P. (MEMBERSHIP) Susan Patena 219-775-0390 [email protected]

3rd V.P. (WAYS & MEANS) With New Vision Nancy Perry 805-494-8360 [email protected] Patrice Barlow 925-330-69 [email protected]

RECORDING SECRETARY Please join us! Connie Malmuth 805-498-2729 Annual Christmas Holiday Gala [email protected] “Beacon of Light Awards” TREASURER Isa Kendall Sherwood Country Club 818-640-2975 [email protected] 240 West Stafford Road PARLIAMENTARIAN Cav. Rosemary Licata Thousand Oaks, C.A., 91361 818-889-4839 [email protected] THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10. 2015

10:45 A.M. Reception & Boutiques NEWSLETTER Catherine Jayne, Ph.D. Noon Luncheon & Program 818-665-6630 [email protected] Information & Reservations Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839 805-230-2919 818-889-4839 [email protected] [email protected] President’s Message

This last quarter of the year is very full and very important. While we watch the musical chairs of the Presidential Candidates in the polls, we must remain aware of California legislative activity. Our October meeting will give us the opportunity to become current on legislative initiatives and what we can do to support our Republicans in the state assembly. November 19th features the Ventura County Republican Women’s Annual Harvest Festival, a fun event, featuring the excellent John Eastman, Ph.D., J.D. from Chapman University. You will have an opportunity to win tickets for four to Holiday on the Hill Dinner and Tour at the Presidential Library & Museum. December 10th is our very own Annual “Beacon of Light Awards” Christmas Holiday Gala Luncheon. You and your guests are cordially invited to all events. Information on pages 1 and 3. Your mailed invitations forthcoming. You are all encouraged to watch the upcoming debates listed on page 5. Even though we may have a favorite candidate now, we must support the winning Republican candidate in November 2016, whomever that may be. We must win the White House in 2016 as our liberty and freedom for the next generations depends on it. Will we leave the country in better condition for our children? I hope so.

The words published in a pamphlet in 1916 by conservative Presbyterian minister and motivational speaker, Rev. William J. H. Boetcker (1873-1963) are apropos today, especially the Seven National Crimes. We are charged as Republican Women to encourage citizen participation in getting out the vote; encourage teens to register; speak one- on-one with others, even elementary age children, including people with different ideas. Early in 2016 we will again actively register voters. You are all welcome to participate. Reverend William J.H. Boetcker wrote the following in 1916, the words incorrectly attributed to Abraham Lincoln. THE TEN CANNOTS THE SEVEN NATIONAL CRIMES You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. I don’t think. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. I don’t know. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. I don’t care. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. I am too busy. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. I leave well enough alone. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. I have no time to read and find out. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. I am not interested. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. You cannot build character and courage by destroying men’s initiative and independence. And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can do for themselves. Thank you to all members and associate members for your loyalty, participation and assistance this year. We are making inroads in turning California red with election of several Republican members in Sacramento. To all new members Welcome!. Your participation on our committees is encouraged. and very welcome. Anyone paying dues after October 5, will be a paid member for 2016. Dues are based on calendar year January 1st to December 31st. High school and college students can be encouraged to listen to the conservative talk show hosts, i.e. Mark Levin, John Batchelor Heritage Foundation Steve Moore; access Young Americas Foundation .org web site; read Mark A. Levin’s best seller, Plunder and Deceit: Big Government’s Exploitation of Young People and the Future; 2015

Beatrice Restifo


Legislation – Catherine Jayne, PhD, Campaign-Precinct-Voter Registration – Rosemary Licata Youth & Scholarship – Patrice Barlow Literacy – Nada Wall International Outreach – Debby Chang Americanism – Susan Patena Support the Troops – Christina Ning

2 Disclaimer: All information transmitted through the TORWF newsletter is for information only. Nothing is to be considered a position or endorsement by TORWF or its membership. No information supplied will be used for other than TORWF, CFRW or NFRW business. UpcomingEvents

You and Your Guests Are Cordially Invited to Attend

State of California Roundtable Discussion Assemblyman Scott Wilk Assemblyman Wilk, 39AD representing Simi Valley, north - west San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita, was elected in November 2012 and re-elected in 2014. His priority is job retention in our state. Assemblyman Wilk will discuss his legislation, the present and future state of California. He sits on the Budget, Business and Professions Committees and is a great advocate of transparency in government. Michael Shires, Ph.D. Dr. Shires is professor at Pepperdine School of Public Policy specializing in California state, regional, local, higher education, technology policies; ethics and accountability for government officials. He is often consulted on state government issues related to finance, education policy, and international trade policy. Friday, October 30, 2015 5:30 P.M. Hors d’oeurves 6:00 P.M. Roundtable Discussion Westlake Village Inn, Vintage Room 32001 Agoura Road, Westlake Village, CA. 91361 $20.00 per person, $15.00 students Please R.S.V.P. by October 22, 2015 805-230-2919, or 818-230-2919, or [email protected]. VCFRWPresents Harvest Festival Luncheon

Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:30 A.M. Reception & Boutiques, 12:00 P.M. Luncheon & Program Spanish Hills Country Club, 999Crestview Avenue, Camarillo,93010 Enjoy the *Cabrillo Music Theater Musical Revue*

KEYNOTE SPEAKERJohn Eastman, J.D., Pd.D. is the Henry Salvatori Professor of Law & Community Service at Chapman University Fowler School of Law. He previously served as law clerk with Justice Clarence Thomas at the Supreme Court of the ; Director of Congressional Affairs at the United States Commission on Civil Rights during the Reagan administration; Chair of the National Organization For Marriage.

$35.00 Per person Please R.S.VP. by November 12, 2015 805-230-2919 [email protected]

3 Member Spotlight Long time TORWF member NATASHA TRENEV, developmental scientist, probiotic scholar, author, and health activist, along with husband Yordan Trenev, in 1982 founded Natren, Inc., manufacturer of probiotic products, in Westlake Village. Natasha speaks around the world on benefits of holistic approaches to health and longevity. As a girl, with her family, Natasha emigrated from Yugoslavia where her family produced legendary yogurt prized by the Royal Family. A graduate of U.C.L.A., Natasha is an excellent example of determination, leadership, and entrepreneurship in building a worldwide company with over 100 employees. She and Yordan participate in many philanthropic endeavors and we appreciate their great support of our club events. Natasha and Yordan have one daughter. Their products are shipped worldwide. "Probiotics are my life's work, and I consider this approach to be the most important healthcare concept of the 21st century... people don't realize how important beneficial bacteria are to human health and longevity." See Natren, Inc for Natasha's book list. On recent tour of Natren, Inc, Westlake Village were Thousand Oaks Mayor, Al Adam; Natasha Trenev, President; Yordan Trenev, CEO; Thousand Oaks Council Member Claudia Bill De La Pena, TORWF Program Chair Rosemary Licata; TORWF President Beatrice Restifo On recent tour of Natren, Inc, Westlake Village were Thousand Oaks Mayor, Al Adam; Natasha Trenev, President; Yordan Trenev, CEO; Thousand Oaks Council Member Claudia Bill De La Pena, TORWF Program Chair Rosemary Licata; TORWF President Beatrice Restifo Salute to Law Enforcement

Many recent news stories have disparaged law enforcement. We are very proud of our law enforcement members who have kept our local areas some of the safest in the nation. On August 16, 2015 TORWF honored Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean and Thousand Oaks Chief of Police Tim Hagel for their hard work, devotion to our citizens in keeping Thousand Oaks the safest city in the state. Mayor Al Adam presented them with a City of Thousand Oaks Commendation. Commander Hagel gave us a spirited talk and powerpoint presentation on the work of Cops Running For Charity. A group of police have for years run marathons around the world, the latest this spring was a run in Antartica, while supporting various charities. All at their own expense. Ventura County Clerk & Recorder/ Registrar of Voters Mark A Lunn in his prior career in law enforcement was a leader in the funeral of President Ronald Reagan, ‘Operation Serenade.’ TORWF gave Mr. Lunn a special commendation for his exceptional work for improvements and innovations in the Ventura County Clerk’s office. He is only one of three percent of election officials in the nation to hold the special designation of Certified Election/ Registration Administrator which requires courses of study at Auburn University. Mr. Lunn encouraged us to follow the legislation in Sacramento on changes for on line voting, same day registration, and voter registration at the DMV. Winston Spencer Churchill

As a boy Winston suffered with a lateral lisp and his speeches accommodated that difficulty. He was listed as a poor student at Harrow partly because, although he was good in mathematics, he disliked it and did not study the classics as required. He went on to a very illustrious career in the military, parliament, and as prime minister in Great Britain during World War 11, he encouraged the nation to victory. In one speech before the Battle of Britain he said “ ..... we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, ”This was their finest hour.”“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

4 Republican Presidential Debate

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum was the scene of the second Presidential Debate arranged by CNN/Salem Broadcasting on Wednesday, September 16, 2015. Guests attended by invitation only. I was honored to be invited to this most exciting afternoon and evening. Beatrice Restifo and I enjoyed every minute. Salem Radio was a sponsor so we were able to speak with Salem Radio KRLA 870 AM The Morning Answer team, Brian Whitman, Elisha Krauss and . The Library was a beehive of activity with news people, trucks with satellite antennas, TV personalities, The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation played a large part in the entire program. I must commend them for excellent detailed planning during every phase of the event from the guest list, candidate’s entourage, guest and candidate security, receptions, and dinner after the debate. Command Performance superior job of planning and executing the various receptions and dinner in the south garden for and estimated 1000 people.

Because of the excellent planning all went very smoothly. CNN built a three story scaffolding in the Air Force One Pavillion to provide a floor and arena for the actual televised debate. As Docents at the Library we were able to view the building and extensive preparations for the broadcast. Guests were seated on the first floor as well and news media were assigned to the specially built tent and Presidential Learning Center for the spin room. After the post-debate dinner on the lawn near the Berlin Wall, overlooking the beautiful sunset, we took the opportunity to go to the ”Spin Room” where the candidates and staff are interviewed by radio and TV. It was bedlam but we were able to meet Dr. Ben Carson and Hugh Hewitt, one of the debate panel members. All in all it was exciting to see democracy in action.

The 2016 Presidential election is critical. We must all be informed and involved. The next Presidential Debates are: October 25th, CNBC; November TBA; Fox News/ Wall Street Journal; December 15th, CNN/.Salem Broadcasting Rosemary Licata, Campaign & Precinct Chair

Critique of the Presidential Debate

September 23, 2015 TORWF’s evening meeting took place at the North Ranch Country Club, Westlake Village where members and guests enjoyed a magnificent buffet dinner. As part of our Community Outreach Program, we were entertained in the adjoining meeting room by the Cabrillo Music Theater Troupe. The Cabrillo gives complimentary concerts to the Military, children, and senior groups throughout the year. Their actors and singers donate their time to these endeavors. Their presentation to us included music from their next production “Damn Yankees” and upcoming “Children of Eden.” The Cabrillo is a community treasure and TORWF supports the efforts of Lewis Wilkenfeld, musical and artistic director, who devotes many hours in community service. Our main speaker Robert G. Kaufman, Ph.D., J.D., Professor, School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University, gave us an outline of the presidential election, candidates and critiqued the September 16th Presidential Debate. His assessment was that Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio would most likely be the lasting primary candidates. Dr. Kaufman’s long experience in the political field gives the audience the information and the ability to be able to compare the numerous candidates. The members’ and guest’s questions were excellent, pertinent, timely and showed a great knowledge and interest in the election and the candidates. Dr. Kaufman is always a very willing participant to our group and he is always most welcome. As we get closer to the elections, we hope to have more discussions such as this so we can keep abreast of the serious issues involved for our country’s future. Rosemary Licata, Program Chair

“A wise and frugal government … shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”

Thomas Jefferson, Inaugural Address, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1801

5 National Federation of Republican Women N.F.R.W. Biennial Convention, Phoenix, Arizona

Rosemary Licata

President Beatrice Restifo, 1st V.P. Rosemary Licata, and member Mary Alice Burkhard attended the NFRW Convention September 10-13, 2015 held at the J.W. Marriott Desert Ridge Resort, Phoenix, AZ. The convention was hosted by the Federated Republican Women of Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. The highlight of each NFRW Convention is the opportunity to participate in leadership, political, and policy seminars with leading experts and of course networking and meeting Republican Women leaders from around the country. Numerous interesting speakers included Arizona Governor Douglas A. Ducey; First Lady of Arizona, Angela Ducey; Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio at a reception was very cordial to everyone. Presidential candidates for 2016 Carly Fiorina and Ted Cruz spoke passionately on their future programs and were overwhelmed by members for autographs and photos after their talks. Other candidates were represented by videos or proxies, including Mrs. Janet Huckabee, wife of Mike Huckabee, who gave a very excellent talk. A most interesting speaker was Kellyanne Conway, founder and CEO of The Polling Company. Inc./Women Trend, who gave pertinent information on each candidate. The straw poll she designed was taken by 82% of the members attending. Top results indicated Carly Fiorina 27%; Ted Cruz 20%; Dr. Ben Carson, 16%; Donald Trump, 14%. Mrs. Conway said “showing up” gave higher percentage. Kellyanne is well known and her surveys and polling information are sought by many political groups and are known for their accuracy. TORWF received the “Diamond Award” at a special Awards Reception. Any club awarded this level of accomplishment requires many volunteer hours in political and campaign activities, Caring For America, Community Involvement, Literacy, and other endeavors. Many thanks to TORWF members for participating in this great achievement. We are all members of NFRW and we can be proud of this most prestigious organization of nationwide Republican Women. We thank and are proud of President Kathy Brugger (CA.) and the NFRW staff for a fantastic convention and very important past two years. Kathy gave us A Seat At The Table with greater contact with our Washington legislators and the R.N.C. The Republican legislators respect and honor the Republican Women in their constituencies who are so crucial in getting them elected to office. Incumbent NFRW President Carrie Almond, Missouri, is extremely experienced and a devoted leader in NFRW affairs. She and her team were warmly welcomed. Refer to for details and weekly information.

Rosemary Licata, Carrie Almond, Beatrice Restifo Rt-Lt. Beatrice Restifo, Rosemary Licata, Mary Burkhard

6 Speakers at the Phoenix Convention

Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina Pollster Kellyanne Conway Presidential Candidate Senator Ted Cruz

Caring For America TORWF supports Women’s Health. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Ladies be sure you get your mammograms yearly. There is availability for anyone without insurance to keep up their health screenings. Conejo Free Clinic, 80 East Hillcrest Drive, Suite 102, Thousand Oaks, 805-492-3575 offers free mammograms. Cathy Cole, R.N.C, MPH Los Robles Medical Center, Nurse Navigator, [email protected], can assist anyone with breast cancer, especially newly diagnosed. You can register to attend THE POWER OF PINK Seminar Saturday, October 17, 2015,8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. presented by Los Robles Medical Center at the Ronald Reagan Library & Museum by calling 877-888-5746. Space is limited.

TORWF’s Sweet Walkin’ Women team participated in the Thousand Oaks American Cancer Society 5K Making Strides Walk on September 26, 2015 to raise funds to Finish the Fight against breast cancer. Susan Patena led the group. Members Annalise Iezza, Rosemary Licata and Beatrice Restifo took part as well as Nate Patena, Ben Walsh and others. It was a fun day for a good cause. President Beatrice Restifo Americanism

"Are we at the end? Well, I can't tell it any better than the real thing - a story recorded by James Madison from the final moments of the Constitutional Convention - September 17th, 1787. As the last few members signed the document, Benjamin Franklin - the oldest delegate at 81 years, and in frail health - looked over toward the chair where George Washington daily presided. At the back of the chair was painted the picture of a sun on the horizon. And turning to those sitting next to him, Franklin observed that artists found it difficult in their painting to distinguish between a rising and a setting sun. Well, I know if we were there, we could see those delegates sitting around Franklin - leaning in to listen more closely to him. And then Dr. Franklin began to share his deepest hopes and fears about the outcome of their efforts, and this is what he said: "I have often looked at that picture behind the President without being able to tell whether it was a rising or setting Sun: But now at length I have the happiness to know that it is a rising and not a setting Sun." Well, you can bet it's rising, because, my fellow citizens, America isn't finished- her best days have just begun."

Ronald Reagan State of the Union Address from 1987 Susan Patena, Americanism Chair

7 Your Elected Representatives

CONGRESS______PRESIDENT______Julia Brownley – D – 26th CD Barak H. Obama - D U.S. House of Representatives Washington Office Longworth Office Building The White House Washington, D.C., 20512-6601 Washington, D.C., 20500 202-225-5811 Phone: (202) 456-1414 Comment Line : (202) 456-1111 P.O. Box 2018 Thousand Oaks CA., 91358 [email protected] STATE SENATOR______VICE PRESIDENT______Fran Pavley - D Joe Biden - D State Capital – Room 4035 Old Executive Office Building Sacramento, CA., 95814 Washington, D.C., 20500 Phone: (916) 651-4027 Phone: (202) 456-1414 [email protected] Fax: (202) 456-2461 [email protected]

GOVERNOR______Jerry Brown – D State Capitol Building FEDERATION WEBSITES Sacramento, CA., 95814 N.F.R.W. Info Phone: (916) 445-2841 Username: federation Fax: (916) 558-3160 Password: 1938 [email protected] C.F.R.W. Info Username your email U. S. Senate______Password: Enter member name Barbara Boxer - D to request password Phone: (202) 224-3553 REPUBLICAN PARTY WEBSITES Republican National Party - California Republican Party - Diane Feinstein – D Ventura County Rep. Party - Phone: (202) 224-3841

“To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his father has acquired too much, in order to spare to others who .... have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it. Thomas Jefferson

8 The Gender Gap

Dr. Catherine Jayne

Governor Jerry Brown recently signed into law California’s version of the anti-discrimination Paycheck Fairness Act, which Congress sensibly voted down last year. Statistics indicate women in California average 84 cents for every dollar earned by men, and the law is designed to get employers to pay men and women the same wages for “substantially similar work.”

What liberals fail to admit is that the wage gap is rarely due to discrimination in the workplace. Rather, it is most often due to people’s choices. Men tend to work more hours than women, choose more lucrative professions, and stay on their career paths rather than take long absences for family reasons. In 2010, Time magazine reported that in most of America’s largest cities unmarried women under 30 averaged 8% more pay than their male counterparts.

The tough new law makes it easier for female employees to bring discrimination claims against their employers in already regulation-heavy California, and it prohibits retaliation against employees who do so. Compliance with the new law will be complicated since claims will be made on factors such as salaries at different workplaces, which may be difficult to compare, and quality of work, which is highly subjective. Any law facilitating legal action will be costly to employers who could better spend their money paying their employees more and hiring new ones. Such a law will no doubt dampen an employer’s enthusiasm to hire any member of a minority who could potentially play the discrimination card.

Women’s position in the workforce hardly needs costly government regulation. Far more women than men receive college degrees, an important indicator of career success, and women comprise more than 50 percent of US workers.

Republicans have taken a deep interest in women’s issues with market driven solutions. Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison was the lead sponsor of a law that created the Homemaker IRA, which evened the playing field for women who absent themselves from the workforce to raise families by allowing homemakers to contribute as much to their individual retirement accounts as working spouses. Republican policies of lower and flatter taxes directly help women by reducing the marriage penalty and stimulating job growth.

The fastest way forward for gender equality is electing politicians who believe in the free market and realize that waging war on businesses with added regulations, burdens and higher taxes in the name of fairness is damaging to women and all Americans alike.

9 Membership

If you are considering a membership in TORWF, we would WELCOME NEW MEMBERS love to hear from you! In addition to our wonderful events Eleanora Ballanger Shauna Gliberti that attract nationally known speakers, we also discuss highly Gleason relevant content on the most pressing current issues. Please Annabelle Darakjian Ann Shires use the form below to join. For more information contact me WELCOME NEW ASOCIATE MEMBERS at Susan Patena,(219)-775-0390, [email protected] Michael Shires, Ph.D. Shannon King Marshall Shires For members who wish to keep current, please use the form below to renew for 2015 at your earliest convenience. HONORARY MEMBERS Professor Robert G. Kaufman, Ph.D., J.D. Thank you for your continued support and participation. Thousand Oaks Mayor Al Adam Susan Patena, 2nd V.P., Membership


Name:______Address:______Phone:______Email:______Occupation:______Spouse:______Please Check One: New Member______Renewal______Associate______Please Name if Active Member of other Federated Club(s):______ANNUAL DUES $35 dollars Active Member, $20 Associate or Student Members, $45 Active Member and Spouse Checks payable to T.O.R.W.F. Credit Card Number (MasterCard or Visa)______Exp:______Signature:______Please Mail to:Susan Patena [email protected] 219-775-0390 Send application form to: Susan Patena,2239-6 Rolling River, Simi Valley, CA.,93063

Support Our Troops TORWF is supporting Military Wives at the CFRW Convention in Irvine on October 24, 2015 when they will be honored at a banquet. TORWF and some members have contributed funds for gift cards for the ladies. We continue to collect items and correspondence FOR THE TROOPS. We appreciate, thank and support our military.

Christina Ning, Chair

10 Classifieds

ADVERTISE WITH US! CALL (818) 889-4839

ADVERTISE WITH US! LIVEWHY OUT JOIN OF THETORWF AREA? Business Card Ad...... $35/year TORWFYou can member still subscribe speaks to about our newsletter, dangers of Quarter Page Ad...... $50/year Star Spangled Sponsorship...$100/year politicalContact: correctness, [email protected] Federation’s work and Enquiries benefits of membership. (818) 889-4839 CLICK HERE TO WATCH Mail Checks to Rosemary Licata LIVE OUT OF THE AREA? 4038 East Skelton Canyon Circle, Westlake Village, CA 91362 You can still subscribe to our newsletter, Ads to be sent to [email protected] Contact: [email protected] 818-584-5821

From Start to Finish... we leave our competition in the dust!

JoDee Carroll ,ICENSEDs"ONDEDs)NSURED [email protected] #HAMBER-EMBER "ETTER"USINESS"UREAU (805) 492-3835 %STABLISHEDIN www.astartto!

JAYNE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES Public Relations and Marketing Excellence

CATHERINE E. JAYNE, PH.D. (818) 665-6630 5655 Lindero Canyon Road, Suite 521-3 ADVERTISE WITH US! Westlake Village, CA 91362 [email protected] Ads start at $40 per year.

CALL TODAY! (818) 889-4839 In framing a government which is to be JAYNE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES Public Relations and Marketing Excellence administered by men over men, the great Send high res PDFs to difficulty lies in this: you must first [email protected] enable the government to control the CATHERINE E. JAYNE, PH.D. (818) 665-6630 governed; and in the next place, oblige it 5655 Lindero Canyon Road, Suite 521-3 v v Westlake Village, CA 91362 to control itself. -Alexander Hamilton [email protected] ADVERTISE WITH US! CALL (818) 889-4839

11 Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated 4038 East Skelton Canyon Circle Westlake Village, California 91362


With New Vision

CALENDAR OF EVENTS October, November, December 2015

Thursday, October 1 Friday-Saturday, November 13-14 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting CFRW Southern Division Biennial 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Convention, Knotts Berry Farm

Thursday, October 29, 5:30-8:30 P.M. Thursday, November 19 Luncheon TORWF Meeting VCFRW Annual “Harvest Festival” “State of California Roundtable” Spanish Hills Country Club, Camarillo Westlake Village Inn, Westlake Village John Eastman, Ph.D.,J.D. Assemblyman Scott Wilk; Michael Shire, PhD. Thursday, December 3, Friday-Sunday, October 23-25 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting CFRW Biennial Convention, Irvine, CA. 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant

Wednesday, October 28, Presidential Tuesday, December 15 Candidate Debate, CNBC Republican Presidential Candidate Debate, CNN / Salem Broadcasting Thursday, November 5 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, December 10 Luncheon 10:30 Boccaccios Restaurant TORWF Annual Christmas Holiday Gala Luncheon, ”Beacon of Light Awards” Sherwood Country Club, Thousand Oaks

For information call 818-889-4839 or 805-230-2919 or visit