Maryland Historical Magazine, 1911, Volume 6, Issue No. 4
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|s/\S/\5C BftftM-^ MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE VOL. VI. DECEMBER, 1911. No. 4. VESTEY PROCEEDINGS, ST. ANN'S PARISH, ANNAPOLIS, MD. [St. Ann's Parish, originally known as Middle Neck Parish, was one of thirty-five which were established by '' An Act for the service of Almighty God and the establishment of the Protestant Eeligion within this province," passed in 1692 (Archives, 13 : 425), but by reason of the loss of the first twelve pages of the Vestry records, the exact date of its organization cannot be established. In the Proceedings of the Council, October 23, 1696 (Archives, 23 : 19), the following appears : "Ann Arrundell County is Divided into fFour parishes viz' Herring Creek. South Kiver. Middle Neck & Broad Neck . Middle Neck Parish is Scituated betwixt South Kiver and Severn River. Vestrymen for the sa Parish Chosen &ca Viz* Mr Thomas Bland, Mr Richard Wharfield, Mr Jacob Harness, Mr. Wm. Brown, Mr. Corne Howard. Taxables 374" '' An Act for appointing persons to Treat with Workmen for the building a Church att the Porte of Annapolis" passed at the session of June-July, 1699, may be found in the Archives, 22:580. Fur- ther details as to this parish may be had from Rev. Ethan Allen's "Historical Notices of St. Ann's Parish" and Riley's "Ancient City," p. 68. Some notes concerning the Rev. Peregrine Coney, the first incumbent of St. Ann's were printed in this Magazine, 5:290, 291.] At a Vestry held for St. Ann's Parish the 14tl1 day of March An0 Dom. 1712. Present, The reverend Mr Edw* Butler, Sam1 Young, Esq ., Thos. Bordley, Esqr., Mr Jn0 Gresham, Mr Evan Jones. The reverend M1 Edwd Butler produced to the Vestry the following Instrum', viz. 325 326 MARYLAND HISTOEICAL MAGAZINE. Maryld ss. Edwa Lloyd Esq1"., Presid' of her Majesty's Honrable Council within this Province. To the Vestry of St. Ann's Parish in Ann Ard11 County, greeting. Whereas the reverend Mr Edw4 Butler as Orthodox minister of the Church of Engld is recommended to me as such from the P4 Honrable & right Reverend Father in God Henry by Divine permission Lord Bishop of London & Diocesan of this Province. I doe hereby appoint the sd Mr Edward Butler to be rector of the Parish and direct y0 to pay him the forty ^ poll therein ariseing allotted for the Support of the Clergy dated at the Citty of Annapolis the 7th day of March 1712/3. Edwd Lloyd. Wch being produced & read is ordered to be Entred as above and the sd Mr Butler is admitted into the Rectory of the Parish according to the tenor thereof. Ordered th* Mr Rich11 Martin be admitted as Clerk of the Vestry by takeing the oaths according to Law. [p. 2] At a vestry held for Snt Ann's Parish on the 6tb day of Aprill 1713. Present, The Reverend Mr Edwa Butler, Mr Thorn8 Bordley, Mr Joseph Hill, Mr John Gresham, Mr Evan Jones, Vestrymen. Severall of the Parishioners being met have dismiss'd from the Vestry (according to their own requests) Mr Gresham & Mr Jones, & in their Roome have Chosen Mr John Beale & Mr Thorn8 Major. They have Likewise Chosen instead of Mr Thorn8 Docwray & Mr Caleb Dorsey, Mr Albert Greening and Mr Cadwadr Edwards, Church Wardens for this present year. May 12: 1713. At a Vestry held for St. Ann's Parish. Present, The Revn<1 Mr Edward Butler, Mr Thorn8 Bordly, Mr John Beale, Mr Thorn8 Major. That Mr Cadwallader Edwards and Mr Albert8 Greening last Easter being elected Church wardens, and the above named Mr John Beale and Mr Thomas Major being then also Elected VESTRY PROCEEDINGS, ST. ANN'S PARISH. 327 Vestrymen, and having before Mr Thomas Bordly one of the Justices of Annapolis taken the oaths for the true performance of their Office of vestrymen, as also the other Oaths appointed by Law appear'd and took their places in the sd vestry as above. And the same vestry. [p. 3] Docf Major had an order upon the Shereife for nine hundred and twenty five pounds of Tobacco for nine ells and one quarter of fine Holland for the Parish use. Likewise that the Clerk of the Parish had an order for four hundred pounds of Tobacco for extraordinary Service in toleing the bell to Prayers. Likewise Eichd Martin being admitted Clerk of the Vestry at the same time tooke the oaths According to Law. Mr Edward Eumney of this Parish Ship Carpenter comes and says th* his Assignment of one Half of his Pew in this Parish being numbred 17 to M1 Caddw Edwards his heires and Assignes may be Entred upon the Registry Book. Which upon the Sd Edwd Eumney Prays an acknowledgm' of having recd from the sd Caddr Edwards a sufficient Consideration, therefore is Ordrd to be Entred accord- ing to the end th' such half part may for Ever hereafter be to be the Proper Estate of the sd Caddr Edwards and his heires. May the 14tb 1713. Eecd of Edwd Butler two silver Flaggons, two pattens, one Chalice, one large plate, one Holland Table cloath and Three Napkins, being the furniture of the Communion Table of the Parish of St. Ann. Witness my hand Caddr Edwards. [p. 4] Att a Vestry held for S* Ann's Parish on friday the 4th of Decemb1' 1713. Present, Sam11 Young Esqr.,Mr Thorn8 Bordley, Mr Joseph Howard, M1 John Beale. Ordered th* the Sherreife of An Arrundell County Pay to Eichard Bickerdike the sum of one Thousand Pounds of Tobacco for Efficiating the Office of a Clerke of the sd Parish out of the forty f Poll. The Vestry Dr to Mr Caddr Edwards to two Posts and a sill for the Church Gate. 328 MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. To a Locusts Sill and new Tennants for the Church doore to mending the Funt, £2: 6s. 88 To Eleven Bottles of Wine at four shill f Bottle, £2..4!. At a Yestry held for S' Ann's Parish Decte 12, 1713. Present, Sam1 Young Esqr., Mr Thorn8 Bordley, Mr John Beale. At the same vestry was Chosen instead of Dr Thorn8 Major who is dead & Mr Joseph Howard retnovd out of this Parish Mr Kob* Lusby and George Yalentine vestrymen in their roome. Isabella Moore Complaines th' tho' she has had an order from the Late Eev*1 Edwa Butler1 Minister of the Parish drawn upon the Sheriff of the County to pay her one thousand pounds of Tobacco out of the forty ^ poll in his hands due the sd Butler for the year 1713 wch order he has Eefus'd to accept Tho' he had [p. 5] sufficient thereof in his hands. And upon her Complaint it is declared by the vestry herof th' as the forty ^ pole was due to the sd Butler it was Likewise due to his Order and th' on the Sheriffs Refusall to Pay the sd Order It be deem'd a deniall of Payment of such sume as Part of the forty "p Pole. And there- fore tis ordered th' He be prosecuted for such non payment in Case he further Refuses to make the same Payment. The Yestry having made application to the Revd Mr Jacob Henderson to serve this Parish now in this time of vacancy. And having assured him of their utmost Endeavours to Procure for him the Just dues to such Service and the utmost of what the Law will allow. Do Hereby Resolve th' the full forty ^ Pole be allowed to the sa Mr Henderson from this time for such service in proportion to the time of service. Th' the same shall be approved of by the Honble President and her Majesty's Councill here as a Legal Allowance, on which Proposall the sd Mr Hender- son promises his service. The vestry adjourned till Saturday being the 19'h of this Impr. Ordered th' notice be given to the sheriff to bring in his Acca' on Penalty of being shed. At a Yestry held for St. Ann's Parish on Saturday 19'h 1713. 1 Died Noyember 9, 1713. VESTEY PEOCEEDINQS, ST. ANN'S PARISH. 329 Present, Sam11 Young Esq1., Mr Thorn' Bordley, Mr John Beale. Ordered that the Sheriff of Ann Arrundell County have once more notice given him of the meeting of the Vestry which is [p. 6] Appointed to be on Saturday the 2d day of January next & th* notwithstanding the frequent dissappointments the Vestry have met with for want of his accounting with thm they are yet desirous to deferr the taking any vigourous Course of Law Against him on th* occasion untill the next meeting afore men- tioned, but th* unless he meet thm and Accnt with thm or lodge his Accounts under his hand with the Register of the Vestry in the mean time such manner of proceeding be no longer delayed against him. Ordered th* the Vestry be adjourned till the 2d day of January next. At a Vestry held for S* Ann's Parish on Saturday 2d day of Jonuary 1713. Present, Sam11 Young Esqr., Mr Thorn8 Bordley, Mr Joseph Hill, Mr John Beale. At which Vestry the Sherriff brought in his Ace*9 and was ordered by the above Vestrymen to be entred. 1711. Mr Thorn8 Gassaway High Sheriff of A. A11 County Dr to the Vestry of St. Ann's parish. To the ball, due from Mr Ju0 Gresham late Sheriff in 1710 if allow'd by sd Gassaway is of the 40 f pole, 2652 Of the 10 f pole in 1710, ...