WY *1



ITEFIqhED I [1Cl NO. __ Federa Elcto ommission 999 E Stret N.W. Washingo D.C.206

Devd ~ia Unbin Stats ial Suy regbmnd OYUIB w di ml. U SJS. Ctai reblpi I Z M~l UP 56. U.SJ'. Exlpim Ma Reep # 3F41232U. Dear Sir or Madam:

Please e this leter as my mwm forml coqplait filed in trlet acodn 00 the provisiom set forth in 2 U.S.C. Section 437g (a) (1) of the Federal Elcto Campaignu Act. I fully understad my re~ iility umler sustion (c) that all seaems made in this cwuplaim are subject to the federa statues goerin perjury. My uylai seeks a full inetgto by the FEC " of probable vioato of the Act by United Stte Sumter Kay Daule I ibsm a canlidme for re- , election in , the Kay Bailey Huehio for Seame Committe, anl Ray Huthmn

My mine iuRobin Ramugh. My full -m awl ofic ulks ae primd bedow my sigouur at the cml of this cosuplajL !am tim caqaaiP mmw for R u Fishe, the D.lemoca~tic nominee for Seint from Teas. At approximately 10:.0 am. on Monday, Jul 25, boarded Soudhwest Airlines flight fl09, S deparin Dalla Love Fiel airor for Austin.

The airlie has unassigned, open seatig. As I boarded the plane, most of the seats wer - already tken. ! apr achd pry of four seated in one of the lune areas" near the rear of the plane, and asked if ! could join them. One of the men seated there assured me it was all right to join them, so ! took the middle seat on the side facing the front of the plane, with two gentlemen in business suits on either side of me.

Across from me, die middle seat was empty. The aisle seat was occupied by a white-haired man wearing glasses and a business suit. The window seat was occupied by a young blonde woman wearing a red skin.

Shortly after takeoff, one of my fellow passengers in the lounge area began a conversation with the others, and it became obvious they knew each other. The white-haired gentleman spoke for some time, and the conversation turned to the subject of the race in Texas.

3850 W. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY, SUITE 500 * , TX 75220 * 214/357-0293 * FAX 214/357-6382 PAID FOR BY FISHER FOR SENATE '94.*JAMES HOWARD. TREASURER.* POU TICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE NOT TAX-ODEDUCTIBLE ,ersomi_t.odctio to m, I leanmd tha my JMlo pmsqw tudwl enagl in wvrslnwas Ray Hueicl ht~d e Humihn a~l the frmu' Cln of lb m Rp~*1lan Pary. With him were Teas Rep~huca Par amkr Tom PuR lbaadDDO u my Sheriff ii Bowles. Maolpari ,tn acivl Intlb ,avuis,- wu a you lady who itleied hersef as a campaign saffer for "Tex'Lemar, Tern RqwMican mdlcai for Listm atmGoiro.

1 knew from our campaign schedule that Mr. Hiuio was to qya on behalf of Semw Huechison at 1:30 p.m. that afeno in Austin at a meta of the state Shrifs Auociton so b folwdimmediately by Mr. Fisher. I surmised that lbe meeting was Sheriff Dowles' destiution as well.

Mr. Huhison spo alnthwithebtwole gmlemenseaed on eiflbrside of ma. Iwas ramble to move to anothe sea loato beas lb plane wm still aeling and lb seat belt sign were still lit. Mr. Hutcisn told lbe others in lbe loung area that 'We've had a spy over there intlb -- Fisher campaign since May. We know everythingthey're doing." c Mr. Hutchison quote figue from privat interna Democraic Pary polls, saying "weknw C- what's going on from East Dallas strething all lbe way out to Tyler.'

Mr. Hutchison dbn askd Mdr. Pah. to tak to due guys at lb NRA, aying, "We've got

- o get lbm to get down here into th~is ruce. They need tospeai - mam oei us.'

After a while, Mr. Hutchison addkemed ma diectl, asking 'Wht do you do fer a livingi, S yunglady?" I responded, 'Actually, i'm indl m lsm syou flsare.' ML~r. Huthio smiled and said, 'Who do you work tor?" !answered him tha !am lb campaign manage for Rihad Fisher. There followed a fairly log silence. Mr. Hutbio visily blushed. Then Mr. ' Hutchison exclaimed, 'Well that's just gr"eat!' He then asked me to repeat my name, and proceeded c.. to introduce me one by one to everyone seated in lbloh e area.

Ray Hutchison is a name partner in the law firm of Hutchison, Boyle, Brooks and Fisher in Dallas. My understanding is that his practice is based in public bond tractions. Inthe most recent reports to the FEC by the Legal Defense Fund, the firm of Hutchison, Price, Boyle and Brooks is listed as the recipient of payments totaling more than $17,500 for reimbursement of expenses, including 'meetings.' Ray Hu ko, Smor Hu'ebb m n, do erv -hirrl nm ip rqenwezlve, caqupga comultam, cmpsln oredisr and lega ind. Wedd Sen Huteho's lus avkr Ray Husabbon ither 4e mme. mer. lk kanwlugaof and Complicity Inthe 'spy" ctivty axmltbut viohtkin of"PDC iqutMki 11 C.F.R. Nt 110., (o), Paarah(2), which rei 'W'diuly an kuwnl prtcim Inor aiqw to pylcit In plan or design to violat paragrap (b)(1) of th section.'

Vl loin of hdea law.


Mr. Huochison's comme~m that 'We've had a spy over there in the Fisher campaign sice May. We kno~w everthn they're &oing," inmkum that a person or pomuom puprtn t be Fisher suprtr, votuaes andlor employees rove been engaged inFisher autmign activity n order to report interal information o thde Himhiion caqpuig. Or it could indicat that suvilao techn ology has been employe by th Huihio cmaqfgn.

"As a result of the 'spy' disckuure by the Fisher caqupg 3 diverting essenteial resouces of employee hours and hours to undertak additiouml mr t m ummto prv such activity. A camlpaign for public offie qates in a coiettv envku, e arnd casee afor

s"o have the security of inenal strategic -! coimi. . An exml of just such a coqwomamng disckomwn isdeucrbedin Mr. Huchiso. quota of N" figue from prvt iuieru Demami Party pol, sayng " kuww wlm's psng on from Da , De:l~llas stretching all the way out to Tyler."

The 'spy' activity reporte by Mr. Huchiso coamih~s a violakxm of th letter and the pirit C of FEC regulations in Title I1I of the Code of Federal Reglato, Part 110.9 (b), atitded SFrauder miirepresentaioui. The subsection reads (my editing): 'No person who is a candidate for Federal office or an employee or agent of such a candidate shall - (1) Frauduleatly misreprese Chimself .., as ... acting on behalf of any other candidate ... on a mtte" which isdamaging to such other candidate."m

Count UI.

During the same conversation, Mr. Hutchison urged Mr. Pauken to 'talk to those guys at the NRA," saying, 'We've got to get them to get down here into this race. They need to spend some money to help us.' My U&. ~1U~ 4

to mlat e cin,Besides the NRA PAC is co.mrbtwkibern kno~wn forand msiv la~kz "Intndetexpuditrns '(Hmlnd -e.m -----$,O0 ce beheifper of uuarsper' candidates. NR.A atvte usualy indude - uulan e uid~ fdrabh nuihp, uiwiseand radio a,,w,,semm and highway billboads.

By directl advising and solkting th administraor (Mr. Panken of a 'Part Committee (Un Trn Rq ia Puty) to ee "hxepmlen" exei from the NR, Mr. Hmichon and the Huechison camlsagn have violated 11 C.F.R. 109.1 regulating indepemlert exeulm . Section rad - flo s: '(a) !nepudr upada' means an expemltr by a person for a communicato expressy advocatin theton or defeat of a cll ideirile candidate whch as not made wih the coprto or with the prior comeat of, or incoumultaton with, or at the reuest or suggestin of, a candidate or any ager or authorized committe of such cauadidae.'

Paragraph (b)(4) (i) defu sthis 'cooperatio" ac., as 'Any ... dieto by th candidate or his or her agern pri o the ... communicaton ... An expenditur will be pumed to be so nme when it is- (A) red Won information ulact the candidate's plato, pe or anetk prvie t the eenigpence by the candidat, or by the caddt's astom, with a visw towar having an expenitur -- 'hese activitie by the NRA would heuucefonh be onahmbd by Uh. in.kind coam~utio limits as sd~ in 109.1l(c). C Regardless of whte th NR actuall doe Mtenq to engae n" dn"exa eu C benefiting the hio candidacy i Turs, the atep by Mdr. H iw to solicit such .- expenditures by €--. -:_the caqwin's p1ans and minds Ikmg the COmir of the Turns

.Prays- fur FE cto

C When Ray Hutchison, the defeico campatign maager for Senator Huechism, said that "We've , had a spy over there inthe Fisher campaign since May. We know everything they're doing,' he revealed a callous disregard for both the letter and the spirit of the 'Dirty Tricku/Segrett" provisions S of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Th'is knowing, willful and ongoing conduct islikely to persist if not immediately halted through FEC action.

! request that the FEC conduct a prompt and thorough investigation into this matter, and seek all civil and criminal remedies deemed appropriate by the FEC, including but not limited to monetary damages and administrative or injunctive cease and desist orders. wudm mm an apiihlx vei, braged to II Rl~lli Puty offich li cmla bid cafie llnorir, anameas dl povidesolatmity a wel for th - fa le--'....-"- aidl ahcbsf, 'bi bdiavo clely omudtius a biaa aid umina vlolstlo of'pmt-W'.w,- dl~ctl reforns.

Further, Usa fumiraiang all for Seno Hucisn Ray Huechso engage h an effor to unem theinen of th Feea Elcto Canqag Ac it regard to manann th Inert of

- 3850 West Notws Hihwy, ut 500, Dallas, Teras 75220 On Bailf of Fher for Saute '94

f. Subucribed aixi sworn to before ur " this 27tlh day of July, 1994

Revised as of JaimiaryI1, 1994 FEDFRAL F LIC(TI)N (M:%AISSION

AUGUST 3, 1994

Rtobin Dierdre Rorapaugh 3850 West Northwest Highway Suite 500 Dallas, TX 7S220 RE: MlUR 4018

Dear Ms. Rorapaugh:

This letter acknowledges receipt on July 28, 1994, of your comqplaint on behalf of Fisher for Senate '94 alleging possible violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ('the Act'). The respondent(s) will be notified of this complaint within five days.

You will be notified as soon as the Federal Election Commission takes final action on your complaint. Should you receive any additional information in this matter, please forward it to the Office of the General Counsel. Such information must be sworn to in the same manner as the original complaint. We have numbered this matter MUR 4018. Please refer to this number in all future communications. For your information, we have attached a brief description of the Commission's procedures for handling complaints. Sincerely,


Mary L. Taksar, Attorney Central Enforcement Docket

Enclosure Procedures % FFDFRMI FII(CTION COMMISSION MUGLST 3, 1994

The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison 4646 Shedyvood Lane Dallas, TX 75209

RE: MUM 4018

Dear Senator Hutchison:

TRho Federal Election Comission received a complaint which indicates that you may have violated the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ('the Act'). A copy of the complaint is enclosed. We have numbered this matter MUR 4018. Please refer to this number in all future correspondence.

Under the Act, you have the opportunity to demonstrate in writing that no action should be taken against you in this matter. Please submit any factual or legal materials vhich you believe are relevant to the Commission's analysis of this matter. Where appropriate, statements should be submitted under oath. Your response, which should be addressed to the General Counsel's Office, must be submitted within 15 days of receipt of this letter. If no response is received within 15 days, the Commission may take further action based on the available information.

This matter will remain confidential in accordance with 2 U.S.C. S 437g(a)(4)(B) and S 437g(a)(12)(A) unless you notify the Commission in writing that you wish the matter to be made public. If you intend to be represented by counsel in this matter, please advise the Commission by completing the enclosed form stating the name, address and telephone number of such counsel, and authorizing such counsel to receive any notifications and other communications from the Commission. The Wonorable Kay Satley Uuchison ?age 2

It you have any questions, please contact Alva 3. Smith at (202) 219-3400. For your information, we have enclosed a brief description of the Commission's procedures for handling cmplaints.• Sincerely,

Nary L. Taksar, Attorney Central Enforcement Docket Enclosures 1. Complaint 2. Procedures 3. Designation of Counsel Statement SFL[DF RAL (IlFC(TION (.O. MI SION

.AU6iT 3, 199'

The Honorable Ray Bailey Hutchison 703 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-4303

33: MUR 4018

Dear Senator Hutchi5son:

The Federal Election Commission received a complaint which indicates that you may have violated the Federal Ilection - Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ('the Act'). A copy of the complaint is enclosed, Wie have numbered this matter M~UI 4018. ~Please refer to this number in all future correspondence. C under the Act, you have the opportunity to demonstrate in cwriting that no action should be taken against you in this matter. Please submit any factual or legal materials which you O believe are relevant to the Commission's analysis of this matter. Where appropriate, statements should be submitted under Noath. Your response, which should be addressed to the General Counsel's Office, must be submitted within 15 days of receipt of ~this letter. If no response is received within 15 days, the r Commission may take further action based on the available information. C" This matter will remain confidential in accordance with ~2 U.S.C. S 437g(a)(4)iB) and S 437g(a)(12)(A) unless you notify the Commission in writing that you wish the matter to be made C. public. If you intend to be represented by counsel in this matter, please advise the Commission by completing the enclosed form stating the name, address and telephone number of such counsel, and authorizing such counsel to receive any notifications and other communications from the Commission. Wht honorable Kay BaileT Wtutchison

If you have any questions, please contact Alva 3. Smith at (202) 219-3400. For your information, we have enclosed a brief description of the Commission's procedures for handling complaints.



Nary L. Taksar, Attorney Central Unforcement Docket

Inclosures ' 1. Complaint 2. ?rocedures ~3. Designation of Counsel Statement , FEIM RAt fLECTION CO\IMISSION

WA~4.!t EJI)% lull .Le.-I

AUGUST 3, 199J4

Kay Dailey Klutchison for Senate Committee Kenneth W. Anderson, Jr., Treasurer 20@0 Iering Drive. Suite 450 Nouston, TrJ 77057

RE: MIUR 4018

Dear lir. Anderson:

The Federal Election Coumission received a comlplaint which ~indicates that the Kay Dailey futchison for Senate Committee ('Committee') and you, as treasurer, may have violated the • - ,Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ("the Act"). A copy of the complaint is enclosed. We have numbered this C matter NUR 4018. Please refer to this number in all future C cor respondence.

C) Under the Act, you have the opportunity to demonstrate in writing that no action should be taken against the Committee and ~you, as treasurer, in this matter. Please submit any factual or , legal materials which you believe are relevant to the Commission's analysis of this matter. Where appropriate, ~statements should be submitted under oath. Your response, which should be addressed to the General Counsel's Office, must be ~submitted within 15 days of receipt of this letter. If no response is received within 15 days, the Commission may take L further action based on the available information.

This matter will remain confidential in accordance with 2 U.S.c. S 437g(a)(4)(B) and S 437g(a)(12)(A) unless you notify the Commission in writing that you wish the matter to be made public. If you intend to be represented by counsel in this matter, please advise the Commission by completing the enclosed form stating the name, address and telephone number of such counsel, and authorizing such counsel to receive any notifications and other communications from the Commission. sy Railey 3lut~chtson tfor senate Committee*: .... et W. Anderson, Jr., 'Treasurer

If you have any questions, please contact Alva E. Smith et (202) 219-3400. For your informtion, ye have enclosed a brief description of the Commission's procedures for handling compl aints. Sincerely,

Nlary L. Taksar, Attorney Central Enforcement Docket - IEnclosures 1. Complaint ~2. Procedures _. 3. Designation of Counsel Statement ° . .i ...... : *W i " : :... ' 77: j :...... ii


AUGUST 3, 1991

say Eutchison 4646 Shadywood Lane Dallas, TX 75209

33: KUIR 4018

Dear Kr. Kutchison: 'The Federal Election Commission received a complaint which indicates that you may have violated the Federal 3lection Campaign Act of 1971. as amended ('the Act'). A copy of the complaint is enclosed. we have numbered this matter mUB 4018. Please refer to this number in all future correspondence.

Under the Act, you have the opportunity to demonstrate in writing that no action should be taken against you in this matter. Please submit any factual or legal materials which you believe are relevant to the Commission's analysis of this matter. Where appropriate. sttents should be submitted under oath. Your response, which should be addressed to the General Counsel's Office, must be tubmitted within 15 days of receipt of this letter. If no response is received within 15 days. the Commission may take further action based on the available information. This matter will remain confidential in accordance with 2 U.s.c. S 437g(a)(4)(B) and S 437g(a)(12)(A) unless you notify the Commission in writing that you wish the matter to be made public. If you intend to be represented by counsel in this matter, please advise the Commission by completing the enclosed form stating the name, address and telephone number of such counsel, and authorizing such counsel to receive any notifications and other communications from the Commission. i

Uay Kutchison tage 2

If you have any questions, please contact Alva E. Smith at (202) 219-3400. For your information, we have enclosed a brief description of the Commission's procedures for handling complaint s.

Sincerely, IYhv, Tc.-r,

Mary L. Taksar, Attorney Central Enforcement Docket

Enclosures 1. Complaint 2. Procedures 3. Designation of Counsel Statement 'IIv') ViII, '1

August 17, 1994 1 "

Federal Election Commission oi 999 E Street NW . Washington, D. C. 20463 -,,.

Attn: Ms. Mary L. Taksar, Attorney.- " f General Counsel's Office

Re: MUR 4018

Ladies and Gentlemen:

On August 9, 1994, I received Ms. Taksar's letter, dated August 3, 1994, and its enclosure (the "Complaint"), dated July 27, 1994, at my home in Dallas. The Complaint was filed by Ms. Robin Dierdre Rorapaugh ("Rorapaugh") the campaign manager for Fisher For Senate '94 (the "Complainant").

The Complaint was delivered to the Texas press prior to its delivery to you, thus providing significant insight into its true purpose and credibility. The Complaint is totally devoid of even a minimal ethical foundation, using, as it attempts to do, the Imprat venue of the Federal Election Commission to gain newspaper headlines. (See news articles unader Inb_). The Complaint s a spurious campaign ploy fotmded on the concoctions, extrapolations, dedoctions and Inferences drawn by an admitted eavesdropper on private, but harmless and insignificant, conversations on board a noisy commercial aircraft, and represents a sorry attempt to bolster a sinking campaign for the United States Senate by injecting a cloak and dagger image of "Watergate" to achieve those results.

It is possible, of course, that Rorapaugh simply misheard and misinterpreted idle conversations. Eavesdroppers do that I suspect. In any event, the implications, inferences, deductions, and allegations drawn from the eavesdropped conversations as made by Rorapaugh are untrue, and I respectfully submit the following:

(1) I am a practicing attorney in Dallas, Texas, and have been for 35 years. I am the spouse of Kay Bailey Hutchison ("Kay"), United States Senator from Texas. While performing her services as an incumbent Senator, Kay is also, currently, the Republican candidate for reelection in the November, 1994, general election.

(2) Rorapaugh, I believe, is the paid campaign manager for Fisher for Senate '94, the current official campaign Committee of Richard W. Fisher ("Fisher"), Democratic candidate for the Senate in opposition to Kay in the 1994 general election. ("Pauken") is the Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. Kay Ryon ("Ryon") is a press aide for Tex Lezar ("Lezar"), Republican candidate for Lt. . Jim Bowles ("Bowles") is the incumbent Republican Sheriff of Dallas County, Texas.

(3) Kay's official reelection campaign committee is the "Kay Bailey Hutchison for Senate Committee." I have no official role, title, or position in Kay's campaign or Kay's Committee. Indeed, I would not accept one if offered. Contrary to Rorapaugh's gratuitous conclusions stated in the Complaint, I am not Kay's (a) campaign consultant, (b) campaign creditor, (c) legal counsel, or (d) "de facto" campaign manager.

It is true, as the Complaint seems to allege. that I am at least one of Kay's closest advisers for all purposes and her best friend. I am, for sure, her strongest supporter for whatever she desires and attempts to do. Sometimes, I am told, spouses are so. (4) On Monday, July 25, 1994, the Texas Sheriff's Association convened its annual State Convention in Austin, Texas. It had reserved time, beginning at 1:30 p.m. on that day for the purpose of hearing presentations from candidates for Texas statewide offices, beginning with Kay at 1:30 and Fisher at 1:50 p.m., to be followed by the candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor, including Lezar. The United States Senate was to be in session the next day. Thus, Kay's need to travel to Washington prevented her attendance. I was Kay's surrogate speaker at the Convention.

(5) On July 25, I took a flight to Austin (that I had scheduled) on Southwest Airlines, leaving from Airport at about 10:50 a.m. A flight to Austin consumes about 50 minutes. I arrived at Love Field Airport at about 9:15 a.m., parked my car and walked through the typical security screening devices. As is my custom, I bought a machine-generated round-trip ticket (for which I was reimbursed by Kay's Committee). As I always do, I then proceeded to the newsstand near the ticket machine and bought, from personal, unreimbutrsed funds, the day's editions of the Chronicle and the Fort Worth Star Telegramn. I then walked directly to the waiting area for the flight, checked in. sat down and began reading the purchased newspapers.

(Boarding on Southwest Airlines is conducted by direct order of appearance at the gate. As an early arrival, I received a low number and was thus permitted to board the plane in the first group of 30 passengers.)

(6) While reading the Houston__Chronicle and the Fort Worth Star Telegr"am in the w'aiting area, I was joined by Bow'les, as a traveler on the same flight to and as a member of the Sheriff's Association. Shortly thereafter, we were joined by Ryon, likewise traveling to the Sheriff's Convention to join Lezar. who was also speaking to the Convention. Shortly thereafter. Pauken appeared in the waiting area in route to the Austin office of the Texas Republican Party. Having a lower boarding number, 1 advised Pauken that I would try to save him a seat on the plane. All of these arrivals were totally coincidental. In other v ords. we ere not traveling together.

(7) Rorapaugh was not recognizable or known by me or. I believe. by any of Pauken, Ryon, or Bowles. I. Pauken, and Bowles are. howe'er. reognizable figures to many persons in the Dallas area who are active :n partisan political matters. When plane boarding commenced, I. along with Bowles an d Rvon. entered S 0

in the first boarding group. We proceeded to the rear section of the plane in order to occupy a 6-seat area (3 facing forward and 3 to the rear) and saved a seat for Pauken. Pauken and Bowles faced forward. Ryon and I occupied seats facing the rear of the aircraft. While several other seats were available, a young woman moved to the seat located between Pauken and Bowles. She was welcomed by the group. About 20 minutes after take-off, the group learned that this was Rorapaugh.

(8) The sporadic conversations engaged in by me. Bowles, Ryon, and Pauken took place over a time span of about 20 minutes, and probably consumed a total of about 10 minutes. They were typical, light, unfocused and non-serious during the flight. At one point, ! inquired of Pauken generally as to how things were going as to phone bank planning for the campaigns of 1994, and I probably referred to what we know of as "coordinated expenditures" to Kay if phone banks were employed on her behalf. We had discussed that subject before. The conversation was trivial. At another point, I completed reading the day's editions of the Fort Worth_ _xar Tekeramn and the Houston Chronicle. One article, about the NRA and appearing in that day's edition of the Houston Chronicle, was specially noted by me and was torn from the paper for use in my speech to the Sheriff's Convention. It is possible that I even showed this article to Pauken. A copy of the actual article that I had torn from the paper is enclosed under Tab 2. 1 underlined a portion of it on the airplane (in Rorapaugh's presence), folded it and placed it in my pocket, after, perhaps, showing it to Pauken. I did in fact use the article in my speech, reading specifically the underlined last paragraph.

A reading of the Houston Chronicle article under Tab 3, reveals that, on Sunday, July 24, the day before, an official of the NRA appeared in Houston and forcefully argued that her audience should support candidates who are supportive of NRA positions on various gun control issues. It specifically mentions Kay as a supported candidate. I do not know, nor had I ever heard of, the person representing the NRA and mentioned in the article and know absolutely nothing about the event that was reported in the article.

In the context of the Complaint, however, Rorapaugh either misheard my comments about the article in the eavesdropped conversation, or she concocted the story recited in the Complaint. There is reason to believe the latter, as noted below.

The article reveals on its face that the NRA was, at that time. already involved in Texas. I haven't the slightest idea as to how, when. or by whom the activities reported in the article are paid for or were arranged.

I have not contacted, directly" or indirectly, any person associated with the NRA regarding any subject, much less about any planned or possible "independent" expenditures in Texas for any candidate. Additionally. I hav0e not suggested to, urged, stated to, or proposed to any other person that the NRA undertake expenditures of _an8, kind in Texas. either as direct contributions or as independent expendi tures.

I believe that the reason for Rorapaugh's concoction here i's obvious when all facts are know'n. She and the Fisher campaign, by the Complaint, are attempting to launch a pre-emptive strike against the NRA shoulId it decide :,o make further independent expenditures in th e cur,'rent Senate race. .A copy of" se'ecz:ed pages of the May/June, 1994, issue of the TSRA Sportsmen are enclosed herewith under Tab j. That is a magazine published by The Texas State Rifle Association, of which I am a subscriber. On page 7, you will note that the NRA, in June, "graded" all Texas candidates for Senate and Congress. You will note that Kay received a grade of "A." Fisher received a grade of "F." Clearly, Rorapaugh and the Fisher campaign are concerned. Texas is a large state. Its roots in support of the Second Amendment are deep and wide. You will note that most Texas Congressmen support NRA positions. So does Kay. Fisher does not.

(9) On July 20. 1994, during the week prior to the Austin flight of July 25, the so-called "Mason-Dixon Poll" was released statewide to the Texas media. This poll is an independent poll done for television stations throughout Texas. (See, excerpts under Tba!_). The poll contained bad news for Fisher. It showed that Kay was leading Fisher by 16 points and that Fisher's negatives had doubled since April, while Kay's favorable ratings had increased substantially.

It is probable that I referred to this poll in the eavesdropped conversation. It is equally probable that I referred, as well, to a poll that covered the "eastern half of Dallas and extending in East Texas to Tyler" that shows Kay doing extremely well in that traditionally Democratic area of the State.

Contrary to the Complaint, however, l did not say, hint, or imply that such a poll came from the "Democratic Party" or the Fisher campaign. Indeed, it did not. The reference, if one was made, was to a poll done for a Republican State Senate candidate whose State Senate District runs from East Dallas to Tyler, approximately 90 miles away. I had been told of this poll by a Republican pollster. Rorapaugh either misheard or concocted the story.

Rorapaugh's assertions or conclusions taken from this observation are preposterous! Is it really likely that Fisher's sttewide campaign would be expending funds to poll the voters in a part of the State that represents 1/31st of the State's voters? Or that the Democratic Party of Texas would do so? Rorapaugh implies in the Complaint that the Democratic Party had such a poll and that I implied or said that my "spy" saw it. Outrageous! A close reading of Rorapaugh's allegation says that I said the poll was that of the "Democratic Party." I thought the "spy" was placed in the Fisher campaign, not the Democratic Party".

At no time, by any combination of words used by me during the eavesdropped conversation, did I suggest, imply, gesture, signal. or state that this polling information came from inside the Fisher campaign or the Democratic Party. It didn't.

(10) 1 did not, in the eavesdropped conversation. state. suggest or imply, nor did 1 use any combination of words that w'ould lead any reasonable eavesdropper to infer (a) that I w'as myself a "spy" in the Fisher campaign, or (b that I conspired with, consulted with, induced, conversed with, forced, urged, or asked another person to function as a "spy" in the Fisher campaign or e&se Dere or :o ".. misrepresent himself ... as acting on behalf of any other candidate ... cn a matter which is damaging to such other candidate," or (c) that "e've had a sw-'v o'er there in the Fisher campaign since May. W\e know everything they're doing." or td) ".., that surveillance technology has been employed by the Hutchison campaign."

The fact is. I do not, and "w'e do not" (w'home'er "v e" may be). know what is going on in the Fisher campaign except for w'hat is reported in the media and public

-4- @ records. I do not, nur, to e the best of my knowledge, does Kay's Committee have a "spy" in the Fisher campaign or any place else. Indeed, I do not really care. Moreover, I do not kno w what "surveillance technology" means. But, whatever it means, I or "we" have not employed any.

C£aexhkm =a! ,R-qpest jurisdictionsThe Complaint and processes is totally without merit, both legally and factually. FEC were not intended to provide a convenient forum tO supply "official" legs to campaign gimmicks of candidates for federal offices. Nor were they designed for use as a tool for investigating alleged but lawful speech of spouses of candidates for federal office allegedly overheard by eavesdroppers on noisy commercial airlines or elsewhere. the FECI respectfullyshould take nosubmit other that action the with Complaint respect it~reto..hould be dismissed out of hand and

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of August, 1994.

Notary Puic in and for the State of Texas .o

cc: Mr. Ken Anderson, Treasurer Kay Bailey Hutchison For Senate Committee

Washington,Senator Kay D.Bailey C. Hutchison Fisher campI gnacu , Hutchison team of spj l

GOP .&mh &ny wbm Dumaaw aide ml die o.dm By Anne Itrde Kilday mmpr mm mm - A~ mlw in's p mm. retsi atoqm hm"hb .mam- q -psmm mq ae. 3ul. - mm *m MW~mm - Im' -nm bhind pn - by. md .b~ GO h anm mmpdm IIm mnm Mnmn1 rote n.s - ' ' 1 /1 0 " '

A lhusudy, July 5. IW4 15 & Fisher campaign accuses Hutchison of planting'"p' Contmue fro Pa IA. knowledg idby Mr Pauken and M Mr Pauken also denied taking top Republican Party fficials that "l'isbehvior clearly conati. spaker. He is her best friend end psiah uked the Fedral Ihection Ryon. but they denied MntRore- part In such a conVersatiOn his campaign bed desined end Im. tutes a blatat and arrogant viol.- husen Sa he is ad he Commlmion for a prompt and thor. peugh. recollection of the conver. "1 never heard that term 'spy' plemented a mean to Infiltrate the tlan of post.Wsteraie election re- ')nBh investigation." mation used," Mr Pauken said "We talked Fisher camptin in plrlsuit of pri|. forma." seis ThliiS an tisIs She cited a conversato tha sh Aillt tons of spying have sur-. about Ricar taking PA cotrit. vale and confidenltial information, esponding. Mr Seclthm id mid sh Inadvertently overeMIII bauld beto ire in Texas poiticl rac- Ion an bow we sa him emre an aces that provides opportunity that Mr Hutchio is not theses date has to g tr "hbei muon Mr. Hutchisp a Dala law- , mosIt reIcently In the liPN gubr. 1ng (Predoit) Clinto at that es well for the spread of nmisinfor. torse de facto campign msaapr kaf wlsr Weu maJind Ver. Texas OOP rliialbmrtl 1 At/erl Washington fad~rsimr," mlln ard Isci~ef "He is ocasionlliy a surogae *en of Dels laCae hf ttne 4. Sownla and Kay nyeemI cusIal apoet. Deorat An for publicty If they ar using to gI adde for rex LeIn, te3epehb Richards, fplantin a spy in his make a commatlo out of this." Mr can candidate for Ileuteet gay- headquarti irs. Sh denied the ale Md Rya. the press secreay * Msa Rorpeg mi sh ber Ms Re'rapegh aid she had Mr Hlutchion my,"Woavea d Ispy joined th ao Republicans in the Mr Laser, saId e idn't hea say over there In the Fihe capig loungo (eeating) are" Monday for dnce May We kno evrth the 1010 talk of a sp. "l did no hea sy. a m Southwest Airline thing of the kind." sh sid. "Its from Dallas to AusIn eming wht thell sto toths She sid Mr. Huthle qute Se i d the pln wascowe I1 took her met, and sh was Jim Ul. spksa for Sherff oratic Party po e and be i. "We unaible to mao fro the are e kniow everyhingl theta' gi0ng en cause set belt ala wer onS th from last Dalla stretch~ng all the alio sad ffc Wededa n wesun- she Idntifled herself aa~il hr comet. Hisofe *aey to Tryler.- when Mr.I lutchison later esa her Ms Rorapeugb si/d M. Hultchi- whelt shetlid for a iIng. meting mn encourage Mr Pauke to eoalic- Whe i of th ShrfsAalto hJeInformed him that she of Texa it funds from the National Rifl As was Mr leherse campalign na. sociation for the seatorsn er, Ms. Rot,rapag mid In the cam. Mr. Huichisos could not be ImpIg. "1 plaint If. Hutchioml visbly reah for comen eier. Calls "We've got to get them to get bluhe. '1hen Mr. Hutciou a. 4own here Into this race. They need claimed. '1el., tht's jus g~roat weenot reandWensa. * spend some money to help us." Mr B.etkwlth called Ms Dr Als. ofiil of the Fad 1 lrHutchieon said to Mr. Pauken, peuigh's P!KCcomint "frivoous" Ihectoa Camie sea not be cording to Ma Roraeeugh'a ac. He dea ad that there was aa sp, reaced. Th qano ma dleycv. sent in theJlisi or campg aond mid. "A II ie-h- m v is f SSheo said. "iy trck lik thes loSta dq aInnled l~amm who 4smanthe offceqI4pasto find tm h , ,naml th .t no at id~iem.e. , Sat p.- Thiher aide files II I complaint about I campaign 'spy' I r AUtRTU4 - After umwit~gy" bay the ro~lg cqWmthe c€impoa. pUaa. UJ.Ed I q - em geul baa bee moopia or Dmereu qpoeMt Rnchhzl Fishr Usoes hed a spy o .e trr i the FIbbeR mumMa."Ray Hetchsa alleui a . dudt _bweea" Atrae Irl:gtit 20 1ru Daillash'. Ato ls o aday. ecm',er Robin Rorapeugth 1Perb tarn- mea~or.l said the baows Kutchiso magec tie bee.. m happeaM to sd ac"ros from hm d's th abort hop "bantk o I was" Roraaug said setil he dllb"r partway ,brough the fi~iit lugaemgli seat a complai't Weded "o :l, ?uul octi. om zzaan askig i"to :nvest2-

oerSm • ,&y vaueykthw.ie e-a rdorn b.-' murt m pi/tbe veigw breggernto dito'Rb. Imp imta me&.' to :ntalrafe the Fher ca.-.

toltbthe srea of na rdeorliI~wn ad iLL'h.. anregaat violation of post.Waterga~e elcctI,.i

U leto laws x-&gIse, for a,-,' wwku from oppsin camps itatae ca~z qxu~ma f~rL'wRepublican =mte. 4dmd Rorapeug s air, The uhat obvo,.s y Lake.. ever "be asy- liM te thercmpag s"Beckwtth .. ,C -Im airred i do':'aces Ray of steal n: .er i alt- z;,c_S'"PY. A-OS

..'! adenr,(x'ec a spy but ax SPY~ Fisher txs reaaigaec its l to 1: •rug4ar colunteers, created official files ; ts wer. for it.s computers ar. xi p..r,g :ocion filing accusation cab~nets asceg Pajken to ".'.ak :hose gu:. a'ts.e. Natao.-a ed peanuts on toe p~.ne B, Asc-caK'ato~ aliegeii) Ray Hwtchacn R:ra- pauglh Texas Rcpoblkxii Party Chazrnaan Ton-. Pa.- ;. Thc - r~eei to spen~d ken. Da lias Coxnt Sierff: sc. emc.',, e- o p. Jurn Bodles and Kay Rvx-r * Bckw: , said oap g press secretary for C CP %Oi5trtiog tO'z~ee' the NRA lieutenant g~o~e.'o- nolra:ee Tex Lazar wero s.+tec , Sex-ate ra e gether on the morr~rg r];': PEor .n ['auger. east utroute to a Texas $..era'.x ! .:.SF,'.n te e came up :- "'i sure the. wcajd r.o" :, a ux~v,.abe c-- .ha.'e iac t. : v'rversa':- •, , ,.~ ha d the" kraowr- whc aa s,: 6 C .q'aume:.IT.eP. .,.:?'r :e ~a wag{ .'cX; : t,+T'.T R,.- pegl sac P.oS4 ETP- - 1 4 11: 23AM r. uf/8

Hutchison cumphgn of spying of spying Cemlasd bon Al saM Dis 3sw Sm. 14teW- oft tapn TZj,,j, 'aa s mem-~Ios

m mr sarb.n mu bsis .r m smm

S- -- - e~t mM mlm -_ ,"..- --

mnmi atMc to om ot ba& m hm'OO m-

was Della' C,unty USrItW Jim Ulowhson.as isabse - et l~a g~~m~ si4she was abt wr so cgourosms . drn..w, ru In th mm abou1 ain-ul Clinton at that !uG hadU." otbw~ wn IPauOim, who wrnmetw flowic waiu't staflabi. gbr so. BHsmmom, Al? km oe I*. whatpm aid.n -askeds ths'amtl.tt I~r- -jsMid, i-t's a cm mremv ,lso mts@ I 11;w mw row as ~iait minow.TEM 15 m.&oub Ra ithison was Kay iRyan. In W km what I heard-

Oat Ww'vm had a spy ovr thn ii Fsherl eampaign sic May., We knwertlgb Afl. rights r5UeY~n. S )P 07-27-94 18:14 EST 72 I inam. Copyright 1994. ~N-ff--IenstO Spying, 0570' Rtas ttinlgc Denies Itc vihr Accuses Fo of Spying: llutehiscoi By MIOIaL HOlME1S Associated Press Writer U.S. Senate candidate Richard AUSTIN CAP) DemocratiC Kay manager wednesday accused Republican Sen. Fish.?' s campaign j__. Railey Wutchison' 5 campaign of :. ... she ed abo _t th- campaign manager Robin RorapaUignha learn a conversation on a crowed airliner, -py-when sh .verheardo Hutchison' s hreshe was inadvertently seated near Mrs. officials. husbnd, Ray, and other GOP and called the A spokesman for the senator denied the charge pisher camp " paranoid.'" frivolous. I'm surprised she didn't accuse Ray ' 'It's totally said David of stealing her salted peanuts on the plane, ' press secretary. Beokwith, s. Hutchison'S filed with the Ma. Rorapaugh made the charges in a complaint Federal Election Comission. these demean the office of U.S. senator '',Dirty tricks like said. "'This and the entire electoral process,'' Ms. Rorapaugh PRESS RETURN TO CNTINUE OR FgrR A REQUEST. reinforces kind of cloak-and-dagger backroom dealing merely ' voter cynicism about government.' she found According to her complaint, Ms. Rorapaugh said on the airliner near Ray Hutchison, state GOP herself seated Jim Bowles and Kay Chairman Tcm~ Pauken, Dallas County Sheriff lieutenant governor candidate Tel Lezar. PRyon, an aide to GOP to Austin, Ms. During the Monday morning flight from Dallas Thutchison told the others: " We'Ve had asy itorapaugh said, We knov everything over there in the Fisher campaign since May. fr te"rdon.Ms.Rorapaugh alleged that Hutchison also quoted figurs Democratic Party polls'' and asked Pau~cen to ''private internal spend some mny help get the Wational Rifle Association ''"to senator's re-election bid. to help us'' in the occupation After a time, Hutchison asked what Ms. Rorapaugh's him she managed tThe complainlt says that when she told ' 'There followed a fairly long silence. Mr. Fisher's campaign, her to others Hutchison visibly blu.shed.'' He then introduced seated in the area. mention of any Repondinlg, Beckwith said, ' 'There was no

PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE OR ENTIER A REQUEST. taken by a He said the poll under discussion was one candidate, and that they also were Republican state legislative given Sen. talking about an NRA ''report card'' which had an 'F'. Hutchison ar. 'A' and Fisher to unseat said Fisher has grown desperat e in his bid Beckwith that they're taking the incumbent, adding, ''It's so pathetic .t kind of garbage.'' time typing o this offices Wednesday Both Paui~en and Bowles were out cf their and not irnnediately available to ccrment. weren't t-rtie- Ms. Ryon said the charces certainly did ''I have never heard . y :-uchison say that. levei.' ptfl that th5YVe UJ to thi sZ:Ia se of the denials, Ms1. Rtorepeughl sidA, "It sedabout in my mind what I Il4' C 1nr1ieft UmoZ. There 1. no domab for an In asking the Federal ElectiOn Cmimi~ln wrote- inlVelt gationl, Ms. Rorapaugh msenaggr of Ssa. Kay Htchisofl, the de facto capagIl "Ral~y uomet £7' a public v ,s Bailey Rutchisona, in an ugurded the Fse and implemented a means to infilrat deind A INQUST. PUS.RTORN TO CONTINUe OR ENTER mn of private and €o~fidefltilil inforI~ltionl. cawLagn in p ursuit for the spread of accesS tha!t provides opportunity as weal anid mischief. arrogatnt misinriormiationl clearly const itutes a blatant end •"This behavior reforms. '' violation of post-wtrgte election

copyight 1994. All rights reseve. 10 130 07-27-94 18:18 ES? 235 Lines. 2NDAD D t3361 BC.ALBX -RHERITAGE SERVICE THE FEDERAL NEWS REUTERS TRANSCRIPT

x x x congressmen. to try to limit the gro of the We've tried a lot of things budgjet Washington - - term imis, balanced - government in but nothing' s worked. amlen dent. All of these are good ideas, :, known as a revolutionary in the jioward Baker, not particularly for this sense, was really the prime spokesman C congressional paid uch attention. idea back in the early ' O0s. Mo one at that time was selecte Senator Baker, if you'l remembr, PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE OR ENTER A RBES. 'ThEXAS A SOUT WES Ma

nay uthio me ligt of a,,eation;pus adte

we 83 gTUIuruu. rm l da... W~ew~. hwa as arem o b'rlt l , c ._de_ a._ ..u ..M . am,Mar ,elu

_ r. NU ~thlo ie hudnnd M Mr --,--im,,, uMr n, a.li "" kpbbc •e.Ky~iyH~lCo -' Ji ow,.=r- m m - th bad enm Ka cimno o l" c.dsr' a.y .. r---,-w..... ais . hei hodu e l brn a m &m ang.a., j,-.wewqsy' -- th " ramro.uh ate at th mar. Whlin Mr. UmL r .. ~amihe - . evninl a--d--d.- N~4P~r e - Mr. rnUP~ ~qr. w m. di fr a ]livlig .' lebilagi r i a idelie her.l -n'~aler baeadyJ~l hammm~m. be mid that.she sh mod"r. Humlhn viti, dinig a isnea I ,

el' ]u lcn dhea e a u , -ii a ,. ~~ In tire P e camp. "---- On Thursday,-~~nz~weu, inrau Mr. Jat Hutchlson e •b w, -q l i.bow an an irlne flight ab, oveher when T1vi outy Ics £m ney Rbnie Brie declined Sowurn Mrb. Hutchlim my:."We'v, had a spy over cain afer a dnuts over ev.m ther In th, iPsbe. campaig hild. "Iknow pned ed inm May. We "Surely, Il l had a sp, the well ping ini know everythi first this that no on,dinn there wlb gnent wulond have been, "7e1 subetantate me who Roi Rtorapugh that comment," eke Mdr. Hutchison and the other Re. s.' "Mr. miod. "But I ws publicans o Hutchison quipped. shocked whem I the flight denied the - relie who I we itta After a metn Thusday morn. with, end OcumiNOn. they didn't rgcossme I Monwhlla. Mis. Rotraauh tng with Texas €onstiuents I her wee maid Senate even more shocked they woumd Thursday that top aides at the Pub. office, Msb Hutchison also have made that conversation on a plame." er's campig were tkin Icn light of the accusatons Ms. Rorapaugh precautions. "I will tall you that If we mi that ft' She mid staffer at the have a potble that Mr. Hutchisa headquarers were spy. it's the peron who advised we gettng new hime merely bragging cOmuter pesuwords, (Mr. Pushr) to do that FB com- filn cabinets plaint." "The way the comment waa were being locked and copyin ma. the senator miJd. "l am my. made, ing lt's the stillest it was ike oast," ahe amid chines monitored thin I'e ever "It may have been In her complaint. heard'" a boest So the Ms.Rorapeugh party chairman that also mid that Mr. Sheriff Bowles declined corn. the Huthm Hutchison had campaign bad not supported" urged Texas Republican Chairman merit Thursday A spokesoman Tom "In the likelihood for the PU id Pauken to get the National Ri- he wil be Thursday that a co=" fle Association called as a material witness, .alt had been Involved in Texas as pub. flied at the agenc) but lished reports sugges?. Sheriff wee kept confidential under federal law. * rh Horsta, POst/fidsy.l0 J4 rT29.194,/x-23

Ray ilutchison calls Fisher campaign's spy allegation a joke

H (;ARDX R Srt.nv lawyer whose wile, Kay, a Re- Rorapa.Kb said she heard the Rorapaugh tiled a sworn ctin- puik~lan, seeks re-election to thc emlark, allegedly made to Texas plaint seekingl an Imvetlgalko. Senate in November aanst Republican Party Chairman by the lederal Flections Corn- AUXST]N --Answering his tele- Democratic. nomnee Richard 1'one Pauken. hecause she was mimic.. Ago~o"lent007." Hay Hut~li- Fi'lw-r qeated across from Hutchison on ilutelhison, who was mvail- ':oe' ,i:'hur~cav called a sworn Ilobin Hlorapaugh. lisher's a Southwest Airlines flight .Mon- able for comment Wednesdlay. Il:;n whatl' heo{asted aboiut ;pv ctampatgn manager. said day from Dallas to Au. lin Sihe said Thursday "Believe mc. I ing on his wife'.s hallenger Iar Wednesd.ay that I{ay Httihsn said, and Hfutclhiwn confirmed, don't care wbt's InthIeir cam- U," !I S,riafe a lodicroJs jote. said during an airplasle flight: (hai hie did not haouw whu *t will patgn or whlat they d. Who I think I ye got a new call- "We've bad a spy over there inl until lie asked her partway cares? ... i wodn't ipn my ini.. kibd lut'hin|, a 1),,llis the Fisher campaign since May." through (he trip. ismeI fiddling uiil with a ,ie)." * .1 -., =-, . : i ' 7 n *~ tg~II~i1Sb...dm *\ 2 ______- 9 !

Senate spy saga adds spice to nonhtwal capag season

n4 we'r sN Tf.he Nvmber ftana vlue In pdzw a UV

Coy. am,ricdis mu G.UWWada Nteo.e lo, t akTe hA a. trad nt shot maoaily oi cn ~ u arhn theyve bm ro tbol lae waru~ut abogg a capw Itthey st ,cmpe an/dnleals/a the U.S. know bow and whe, t t ts LI.- f0. .eng. hoe ,risnt the stna eult be.m, tht Rob~nDl mt*, who vunjU=mkTf m De~ocS 3kdd Flab-

.., ayRf ae

RAY /4 Fr- Ii'

Aathedt~. A - tow to N a~U a mayoral ber SMPptLD - Page WIA.

- ! tac'nkem crim bill

Stttckedat NRA rally nts I ,Fbys_..mlssg oup'plthl. enosm_ .,.; e I th .... Jack hocks D4tb, Jack Flelm R4tlh. Dil Arcmer. R-7th, Green D.t. and Tom

IhWe NR ll corim to msuecsah ci Im ewr to d e tem~pauis wh thnoe th em ul ofU mu Ik C) I - mots .m J w regler pmer-by to vote. 'G co .nt the onl 1mm that hrm the NI1R Mhmea s msttsrs said D. Athim. who ha bee. a Asestata ahe Ntmord n flintm police officer for 10 years. 'but lrs CO a good barmeter of bow a candidate feels abu crime" Re said cu-rent laws make him feel hiemi 0 fighin crime stamdung on one foot wuth one hand tied behnd hs back. Iq Back to court -.I Ruiz claims worker retaliation in new lawsuit

AssociatedI Press claimsThe Ruirretaliation has been lawsuit, denied filedmedical in care,198. z, that his mail has been interfered with and - - The inmate whose lawsuit le that he has been wrongly classified as a gang -ead reforrm of the Texas pris:,- member, irns to court today for a trial c- priso emlye have reta " "'~di,''v: MESSAGE As all of you know, our with thltimat goal to at least demte sw iNSW eleced .r.unths pessd -. I have heard hlm sei a bill in the House of who wided to vohnute" to work on the edi zepreenatves (by. a arow had I shd pas alon their atm to the reqoedvo 2 vote nurgin) to "l many conitte chirma.I ther widh to elp phm aug-automatic weapons. As let me Ieow. On a relate note, I have heard la~m I write this message the one of our lif ember who would l'ke to eadih details of what the final law a Hitus Progra withet TSRA to provide auvhus will entail as yet to be worked and prpn that would apea to llmters ad ote out between a Senate and gun owner. Tis in turn would attrat additional House conference conmmtee. menba who have ituests other than eeunysive The House version is shooting I need several more volunteers to help evidently quite similar to the so-called "Feinstein develop this area Anwadment" previously passed by the Senate as part of the "rime Bill". Elsewhere in this issue a In support of the grass roots effort, I have written a sununary of how the Texas Delegation voted is letter pIRle elswher inthis issu that appeal to provided. Please let your representative know that all gun clubs and gun stores in the state to provide name and telen - you will reebr how he or she voted when its the TSRA with a club ofiils time for re-election Semi-auto rifles have been number for legislative contact purposes. Local gun around since the early 190('s Even so, only 12 out dubs and gun stores are the grass roots" already F of 810 law enforcement deaths reported in a nine and need to be tied into the TSRA Telephone Tree C' year period resulted from crinals using rifles on the ast soon as; pOssbl. bunne list according to FBI statistics In fact, more :' officers have been killed by knives than have been Texas rifle and pistol "bunlseye" shooters need to killed with these type rifles One officer's death by take note that the anti-gunners have another effot all funding for theDC -anty means as too many, but the government's motive underway to cancel Sin passing this law is to divert's people's attention Program. Among other things, the DCM sponsor • awy from their failure to effectively deal with crime thie National Matches at Camp Perry, the "Leg" On a similar note, the Houston City Council also match program and the sale of the Mil Garands along '"passed a non-binding resolution to ban "assault' with many junior shooter training programs. wapons by a vote of 9 to S Local TSRA- members Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) has made and other gun owners showed up in force to oppose the cancellation of this $2 5 million annual program the resolution but to no avail We obviously have a personal crusade Too bad she can't find not done enough as a state association or as something useful to do in Washington The individuals to prevent these bad laws from Department of Defense is also backing out on its happening support of the program I'm sure the Clinton Administration has applied pressure there By the One way to do more is to build our membership and time you read this it may be too late to save the to establish a more efficient statewide network to program but please write to your congressman and activate our members In line with this goal. I hax e ask for his support established the Grass Roots Coordinating Committee headed b,, our Legislative Director. Dr Jim Brow~n Good progress has been made in the revision to the to assis: and work vwP~h a2l local activists in, TSRA- Bylaw~s The proposed revision has been sup'ortng gun ownersh ? f'or law,,u: purposes In reviewed by the Board of Directors and has been add:tic',n, I have appo'inted Paul Bartlett to head a revised to incorporate their comments The final Membership Committee to work .u.h "Grass Roots' Continued on Page 6

Page 1 LEGISLATIVE REPORT lad LUoyd Bentie irsi citn Janet Reno) c1s by due NRA bewe nowIw .inlet tb*m ywm w.s om 53struack a mjor blow to the U.S. inNovu e. i i. hpen the Bill of Rights in the recet Coinisand aDl odhie tete of the gu control amnmenmt to the crime have alist of v, fu org pi~ plus the (owal= Il Lt. bl.All of this wsdone inthelme of rime for dhe Sulle uia Hmue, ...... ---" contro which we know is a sham and will change oawm. There are seeal They are: nothing in the way of reducing crime. The gun is which we should concentae. weed to divert attention from their inability to beig ui real problem, the criminal. The 19 Distrit Sin the Daflasareal deal with the IByat (D) list to ban are no different than the ones one, with ani-gun John gunsonthe (1t). they have exempted. Only the looks. It's only against pro-gun that has long been the wors matter of time until most of the firearms they Brya a anin Texas for supportng exempcedwiflbe added tothe list to ban. It willibe onu ., mach easier now since it will be up to Janet Reno gun control. Uloyd Bentsen to reclassfy any weapon they and 11 in the Waco area with to. The vote by the Texas delegation held only District want Edwards (D) rated an "F' with rel wrpnse and that was inDistrict 16, El Paso, Chet * one against "A" rated June. Ron Coleman has now earned a "F"rating the NRA where Broyles (R). We need to defeat "- from the NR.A. The El Paso coalition of Sportsmen Cp have indicated they will oppose is re-election as Edwards. well. His opponent in November, Bobby Ortiz, is District l6 in the El Paso are with " rated an "A"with the NRA Ortz deserves all the give him. In Ron Coleman (D) rated an "'" with -. support the NRLA and TSRA can ad TSRtA agis Boby O 11, proved how he really NRA District (R), an "A" rated candidate with both stands as well, by supporting the ban He has never and TSRA been totally on our ide He has been rated a "B" by NRA the NRKA which he does not deserve He has now District 2Sis anopen seat We have earned his "F" rating by the NRLA. and it has been a chance to keep out another anti- long overdue He tells his voters he is not for gun gunner in the name of Ken Bentsn control, but then does as he pleases in Washington (D), nephew of Treasury Secretary He has been getting by with this for years, in spite of Lloyd Bentien Bentsen israted an we have a lot of hunters, gun owners. NRA-. the fact "F"with the NRA and the TSRA. and TSRA members in his district His opponent in Gene Fontenot (R), rated an "A", has November is James Broyles. rated an "A" with the a chance of beating Bentsen with our NRA Maybe this will be the election that he will get help Bentsen is counting on the wh at he deserves, removed from office Broyles as a name recognition with Lloyd clear choice for gun owners in District 11 When Bentsen, who joined the anti-gun you stop and think about it these two votes, of administration of President Clinton. Coleman's and Edwards'. would have made a big difference in the final vote on the g,,n ban There are many other races that are listed where we would like to beat the incumbent, but the ones listed Included in this report is a hs" of all the congressional above are those in which we have the best districs and the grade given thenm by the NRA as of opportunity Give us some help if you are in those date Keep this list where you can refer to it in this this list of grades for those running ho\~exer, that these districts Check November Keep in mind. Continued on Page 3 grades were made in ,Ma\,of 19 4 and could be LEGISLATIVE REPORT.-Cont froma Pg. 2 for Cogrs and help get rid of our enemies efforts fro)m this office ar 100% dediated to - - , riuril on th stat basi uud w Trhere is more than one way to help a candidate with federal races We are tryrnlg to get mars Moneyt one thing and they all can use it, bttyou involved infederal raw s our meures t can be of vest help by volunteering to help their Our PAC is limited and we most budget otw Imey campaign durin these election months Ayhn to beureedwhereki11do the mostgIood. Wehbare you do to help defeat one of these anti-gnnr an some 27,000 memb)ers of TSRA, and should have Congress is just like giving them money. twice that mny or owe. The people who domete to the PAC rersn a very small percutage of our Deieof the recent problems in Houston and San membershp. eenl this has improved butun the Antonio with their city councils regarding gun past it was the same names coming up agi ad ontrol I have received mieru calls from activists again tha help Bind the PAC and we thak tlhem. By in both cities. The gun owners and citizens of both the end of this year, we will have pretty uch cities have finally been insulted enough by the city depleted the PAC money for state wideleiate councils to say we have had enough They began to races It has to be relenished. It's anosgon .--fight back, mny for the first time. Houston passed thing Money can be stretche only so far by our a non-binding referendum to support the ban on so members. They are perhaps donating to no less than -called "assault weapons", or in other words, the a half dozen worthy caises I wggest that we wol .. semi-automtic ban. This fight was led by anti- be better off to concentrate on a few well etbse gunner , who was elected to organizations that are completely acotal fbr C replace on the ballot this fall The every dime taken in and spent We are one of those c'- vote was 10 to5, we lose Lee who is rateda "F" orgamizations Last session for instance, there were will oppose Jerry Burley, an "A" Budey will need about 24 bills we were following that in some way :," lots ofhelp since Lee is favored to win easily. If she had a real impact on our cause None of them we ":does she will make Craig Washington seem like a passed The CCW bill was only a small peat of our pro-gunner, and he was always rated a 'F" activity, yet some think it was all we really did. Not so This session will be even worse on anti-gun bills. In , the council passed an ordinance to We must be prepared and we will be You get help ban gun shows from city owned buildings This fight from legislators by giving help to legislators. Right was led by Nelson Wolfe. the mayor Although the or vTong, it the way' it works' Sordinance violates pre-emption the passed it anyway Who not" If the Federal Government can ignore the Now. a word about the U S Senate race in Texas. Constitution, why should they worry about breaking Kay Bailey Hutchinson against Richard Fisher. " Texas laywn The mayor of"San Antonio hopes this Make no mistake about it, a vote for Fisher is like a move will spread throughout Texas big cities, and it vote for Howard Metzenbaum or . He i could The will try' and repeal the pre-emption laNA is a well known and outspoken gun hater He we passed under Governor Mark White supported both the Brady' Bill and the recent gun ban If sent to the U S Senate he will support any These two losses in tw~o big cities has brought to rnx gun control bill this administration can dream up He attention how little people have been following our is rated a "F"with the NRA and deserves it Maybe activity for the past number of years WVe hate been you do like Kay Bailey Hutchinson over the Brady goingheadto hed ,,h this for a long time It has Bill vote, but that is histor'v, ye must support her been suggested v-e should do more on political races now, If Fisher somehow gets in offce we in Texas and get more involved Excuse me. bu: if the ,had are in for six v. ars of riser' He is trying tO buy thiS been following the bi.-mon:hl\ pubh cation of TSRA- election, so don't be fooled k,h~s ney the\ w~ould know whFa: we have been doir.g Our Continued on Page 6

Page 3 / LEGISLATIVE REPORT -Cont. from Pg. 3 PRESIDENTrS MESSAGE -Prem Pg. 1 He as a Clintoite all the way. Perhaps our recen reic has been lreed for fial approva. The tome at both atat ad federal level will wake up the Bylaws hare beat totall ovrae to hoowrpre 6 glut of th meia publi gu ower to chages too mnwmus to it here. Of psitbar ieqik to be the fact that their civil rights have been challengd note is the adimm of'st tare Diretr could lose a lot more. We are fast becoming dected by muB-in bmait to repesn the ara of wan and we ad a socialistic country, and you must have people collecting law enforcemnt, woman's ima. be a • _ * , .L _ - I -- 4.'l hutn/idie management. This will of our many evawhr it has been tried, we are determined to signfcn step towards rersetton do not participate in fomal frms takeorol our toturn suce. under this£~ow administration. vm5V~l5Tso u aiaume mmeswho L coptiin My thanks to the Bylaws Comnee a to prepare the reison to the I sometimes wonder how the disarming of America thi ra effort will take place. How can the governmnt take 200 Bylaws nman phis guns from about 80 million people when thank the many members who have • , these sane people have said they will not give them I also wish to fund to support the lawsui in up? The righw answer to that isit won't happen. The contributed to the against the "Brady JAw'. You have -- wrong aswer is that if it could happen. America West Texas $4000. so far in the support of this ,. would be in for another revolution. Somehow, I just donated over We even received a donation of $50. from a can't see the bashing down of doors, unwarranted effort arrests, illegal search and seizure, and raiding of life member living in . homkes and business. It happened in Nazi Germany, As a final note, I wish to congratulate TSRA it won't happen here. Right9 but Director Ralph Talbot from San Antoni ad Cobb from Hoso for mking the - I not Governor who claims to be an Meme Midiad twnt-five Outdoor Pistol shooter avid hunter, wholeheartedly supported the recent gun list of the top the NRA in the hoig ":' ban on 'assault weapons" or semi-autos we all use in for 1993 as tabulated by Sports USA, May, 1994 issue. Good shotn sad •* hunting He ultra liberal past will not let her stra too far away from the Clinton Administration keep up the fight.

- I noticed in a news article that Ron DeLord has Arnold J Granger - President criticized George W Bush for his statement that he would support a right to carry. for self defense DeLord is the President of CLEAT - legislation W. OaI'es, Garlovc, NesQlite Combined Law Enforcement Agency of Texas They did not openly oppose our bill last session. thinking of course the Governor would veto it anyway The Governor's latest comment was that WOMEN'S HANDGUN COURSE "we should not let ever'. Tom. Dick and Henrietta CINY JONES NRA CERTIFIEO WNISTRUCO carry a gun "Vet,, Clever L~t Me"'t'e P O 94 The PAC contributions have pizked up this month NRA TSRA RcowtT,1"7 SOS and we certainly apprec~:e it The monex will be well spent on ,,our beh_: Keep me posted on candidates and their conm :.s on. the gun issue in your area

James T Bro\ n,DV,'.I - Lecisla:;'e D~reztor / -A -_WU_--SS_- -- NRA IraFlissalkr Gemrd CmdliMs Vsetism

United States Snt

C)i dihaIrm ...... F= (K) OKyDily hm .. A U.. imse of RapueaUu

Dtc 11 IDs~t21 CD) * : Metmd... Cli) Lm b ... A CD) (R) CR) Jmh .1.. *mname km D~mrct 12 so ~mm . .. D CD) (D) •Pr Gev ... CD) (R) ...... A (R) D Peminm. CR) FEl. Aidero.. • TumDwy

Buil. ,/hus .... A CD) Remdo .im...... (_D) * Sa Jdmsws . (D) (K.)willa oimrvy . A (R) 'MmvFy 8ul...... A Didk 14 * Greg L gkl .... A CD) Mgdymvu...... C? C CD) * R.,A iI.. CR) CR) Davd Srdgs.. CR) JuzaD.u ...... A C Kjii gem.m...... F D~mr c S Diir 15 (D) Ki/bldel.Gwao.. A CD) C)( * S...... CR) Tom Hbe...... A CR) Gm Fem ...... A iDarkS26 (D) J3.os . (D) Terry (R) s*cAuy...... A S(K) *Joe~ano ... District 17 (13) *RChde s ha.. Dirc 27l 2 District7 (D) Se.$imnwOr...... A (R) "BiU Ard~er... CR) Phil Boone...... (R)

District 18 Distric 8 ...... A (I)) Shelia Jackson Lee "FvnkTejeda (R4) *Jock Fields. Dsvi Slatter ...... A C'R) Jerry Burley...... (D) District 19 (R) Distric 29 District 9 * Ge,,t Geen ...... A CR) • Lorry Co.P'&s! (1D) i ack Brooks . .. Harold Eldo...... C'R)Steve Stockrom. District 20 Distric 30 District 10 Eddi e B. Jdmso. .. F (D) Henr-i Gonaie:... (Di Lloyd Doggeu LucyCai ...... F (RP,Jo Ba. lor ...... (R' Car! Coher....

* N.ary-. ,i I~a.' c uidic:e', J,'i.~rrdbe.:~ NOTE: These grades could be subject do change before the November el ction'.

Pauc '7 " " pe .a.,


rqmm iq 164t31 MASON-DIXON ® TEXAS POLL



FORRV.L4 T*, pn 5 m.,WT, dey, 3wtb 3, 195


Th+ South's oom ctive public pcllin$ firm a sbsidisy or N~it6ca/,cd Recarch, Inc. "Jl&-O"4 T'HU 08:40 P.03/12


The Mason-Dixon Texas Poll was conducted by Mason-Oixon |Politioal/Kedia Iesearoh, Inc. of Columbia, I arylend tra Jly 13 tbu9I uly 6,1994. A total of 615 registered Texas voters were interviewed statewide by telephone. All stated they regujlarly vote in state elections. Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last tour digits of telephone numbers. A cross-section of exchanges were utilized--.n order to ensure an accurate ref leotion of the state. Quotas were assigned to reflect the voter registration distribution by county. The marin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 3.5 percentage -- points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the "true" figure would fall within that range 4f the entire " population were sampled. The margin for error is higher for any C subgroup, such as a regional or racial grouping.


7C Ken 403 (49%) Women 413 (51%)

Whites 610 (75%) Blackcs 88 (11%) Hispanics 116 (14%) ' Other 1 REGION

East Texas 111 interviews Houston/Galveston 148 interviews Dallas/Fort Worth 1631 interviews Central Texas 97 interviews Bouth Texas 142 interviews North Texas 79 interviews West Texas 77 interviews PLEASE N4OTE: This report is the property of Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research, Inc. It is not for duplication and/or redistribution. Copies of th~.a report are available Qnly throu.gh subscription. Subscribers are prohibitei fron providing this docunment to any third party. Any party in unauthorized possession, engaging in unauthorized use, or involved in the UnaUthorized duplication or transnission of this docur~ent is subject to all applicable@ crinmina3. and civil penaltiOS. Mason-Dixon Political/Meiia Research, inc. reserves all copyright and property rights associated with this report. JIti21-04 THU 09:42P./1 P.06/12

I ant gloinqg to read you the n&mgs Cf several indiLvifduals who may be " candidates for public of£h o. After I umntion each name, I voud simpliy like you to tell me it you recognise that individual. If you do recognize a hame, I viii then ask you if you have a favorable. unfavorable or nleuttal opinion of tatr person.

The first name is .______Do you reonize that name? (I? 138) Do you have-a gavorabimL, unfavorable or neutral opinion at


Kay Bailey Mutchison 50% 31% 18t

Richard Fisher RivardFiser27% 2%3% 34q lt7 JUPj21m04 THU 08:42 P.OW12

035110KO:toisy. vould It youthe 1194vote eleotonfor Rilchard for ?isher,Texas' tU.Sl. he Deso@Ta5-St* Sttot Kay WeQ eiG3aA2.y UuthiOn, the Rtepublican?

WiDD 12% STATS 36% HUTCI HSO ?ISME UIDUCxn3D Wi2!o last Texas 54% a8% 3% Nlous.onlGa iveson ba11ms/1ort Worth 47% 39% 14% Central Texas 53% 33% 14% South e.zas 10% North Texas 31% 11% West Texas 32%

S_I HUJTcHI6QN 16% Nan 5e% V~en 46% 39% 8% HUTCH! SON hilte 61% Slack 14% Hlispanic, 37% 47% 16% AUgUSt 22, 1994

Office of General Counsel Federal Election Comission 999 E Street, N. Wf. Washington, D.C. 20463 Attention: Mary L. Taksar Re: NUR 4018 (Kay Bailey Hutchison for Senate Coumittee) Gent lemen/Neadames:

On behalf of the Kay Bailey Hutchison for Senate Committee (the "Committee") and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, I am responding to the letter of August 3, 1994, which the Committee received on Monday, August 8, 1994 from Nary L. Taksar, Attorney, Central Enforcement Docket, Federal Election Comission (the "Cumision*), which formally notified the Comittee that the Commission had received a complaint (the "Complaint') from Fisher for Senate '94. The Complaint purports to allege two violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended (the "Act"), and the rules and regulations of the Commission. First, that the Comittee violated 11 C.F.R. 110.9 (b) and, second, that the Committee violated 11 C.F.R. 109.1.

Count I of the Com Dlaint. The Committee absolutely denies that it has or ever had any spy, agent or other representative on the staff of the Fisher campaign as alleged in count I of the Complaint. In addition, and without limiting in any way the foregoing denial, the undersigned has no personal knowledge of (and no reason to believe) that the Committee has or ever had any spy, agent or other representative on the staff of the Fisher campaign as alleged in count I of the Complaint. Furthermore, the Committee understands that Ray Hutchison, under oath, has unequivocally and emphatically denied making the statements that "We've had a spy over there in the Fisher campaign since May. We know everything they're doing".

Consequently, there is no factual bases to count I of the Complaint. Accordingly, there is no reason to believe a violation has occurred and the Commission should take no further action.

Because of the complete lack of factual basis for count I of the Complaint, the Committee will not at this time address the significant legal issue of whether Section 110.9 (b) even proscribes the actions complained of .by he ;Fiskhe/.r ~gn in count I. Padrieal election Comsion Augut 22, 1994 Page 2

Count II of the Cm-laint. Count II of the Complaint alleges that an agent of the Committee sought to have a third party, specifically the National Rifle Association ("NrRA"), make an "independent expenditure" in violation of Section 109.1 of the rules of the Commission. 11 C.F.R. 109.1 (1994).

The comittee absolutely denies that it, or to the best of its knowledge any of its agents, has urged, suggested or requested that the NRA make any "independent expenditure" for the purpose of benefiting the Comittee or the re-election effort of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison as alleged in count II of the Complaint, including (without limitation) taking any of the actions or engaging in any of the activity set forth in Section 109.1(b) (4) of the rules of the Commission. 11 C.F.R. 109.l(b)(4) (1994). In addition, and without in any way limiting the foregoing denial, the undersigne has no personal knowledge of (and no reason to believe) that the Commttee, or any of its agents, has ever urged, sugeted or requested that the NR make any ilndependent expenditure" to benefit the Cinittee or the re-election effort of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison as alleged in count II of the Complaint.

The Committee further understands that Ray Hutchison, under oath, (1) has stated that he has not contacted, directly or indirectly, any prson associated with the NRA regarding any matter, including, but not limited to, the making of any independent expenditure to benef it the Committee and (2) has unequivocally and emphatically denied making any statement in the presence of Ms. Rorapaugh that he suggested, urged or proposed any person contact the NRA on behalf of the Committee. In summary, the factual allegations in count II of the Complaint are not true. Accordingly, the Committee submits that there is no reason to believe that any violation of the Act has occurred and that the Commission should take no further action with respect to count II.

At her request, I am responding on behalf of Senator Hutchison. Senator Hutchison advises the Commission that neither she nor any agent authorized by her has requested the NRA to make any "independent expenditure" on her behalf, and that neither she nor any agent of Senator Hutchison has ever placed a spy in the Fisher campaign. AmW st 2, 144r

Dased on the foregoing, the Couutte. and the undersigned respectully request that the Couxision find that there is no reason to believe that a violation of the Act has occurred.

Very truly yours,

Kay Bai utchonfrSat Comitte KVA/ph cc: Nr. Dale Lamne WORETUEEDERL ~TON CURI ORITszUT

In the Matter of ) )Enforcement Priority ) GENERAL COUNSEL, S REPORT UflmVE

I. INTODCTION This report is the General Counsel's Report to recommend that the Commission no longer pursue the identified lover priority and stale cases under the Enforcement Priority System. II. CASES RECKREED FOR CLO)SING ~A. Cases Not Warranting Further Pursuit Relative to Other ~Cases Pending Before the Commission ~A critical component of the Priority System is identifying

C those pending cases that do not warrant the further expenditure 0 of resources. Each incoming matter is evaluated using rb. Commission-approved criteria and cases that, based on their

rating, do not warrant pursuit relative to other pending cases

are placed in this category. By closing such cases, the C Commission is able to use its limited resources to focus on more

important cases.

Having evaluated incoming matters, this Office has identified 34 cases which do not warrant further pursuit relative to the other pending cases. 1 A short description of

1. These matters are: PM 309 (Attachment 1); RAD 95L-12 (Attachment 2); HUE 4118 (Attachment 3); MUR 4119 (Attachment 4); HUE 4120 (Attachment 5); MUR 4122 (Attachment 6); HUR 4123 (Attachment 7); HUR 4124 (Attachment 8); HUR 4125 (Attachment 9); MUR 4126 (Attachment 10); HUR 4130 (Attachment 11); HUE 4133 (Attachment 12); HUE 4134 (Attachment 13); HUE 4135 (Attachment 14); HUE 4136 (Attachment 15); HUE 4137 each case and the factors leading to assignment of a relatively low priority and consequent recommendation not to pursue each case is attached to this report. See Attachments 1-34. As the Commission requested, this Office has attached the responses to the complaints for the externally-generated matters and the referral for the matter referred by the Reports Analysis Division because this information was not previously circulated to the Commaission. See Attachments 1-34. 3. Stale Cases Investigations are severely impeded and require relatively more resources when the activity and evidence are old.

Consequently, the Office of General Counsel recommends that the Commission focus its efforts on cases involving more recent C activity. Such efforts will also generate more impact on the ~current electoral process and are a more efficient allocation of r.our limited resources. To this end, this Office has identified v 11 cases that do not

(Footnote 1 continued from previous page) (Attachmrit 16); MtUR 4138 (Attachment 17); MUR 4140 (Attachment 18); MUR 4142 (Attachment 19); MUR 4143 (Attachment 20); MUR 4144 (Attachment 21); MUR 4145 (Attachment 22); MUR 4148 (Attachment 23); MUR 4149 (Attachment 24); MUR 4153 (Attachment 25); MUR 4155 (Attachment 26); MUR 4158 (Attachment 27); MUR 4163 (Attachment 28); MUR 4164 (Attachment 29); MUR 4169 (Attachment 30); MUR 4179 (Attachment 31); MUR 4195 (Attachment 32); MUR 4196 (Attachment 33); and MUR 4205 (Attachment 34). -3- warrant further investment of significant Commission resources.2 Since the recommendation not to pursue the identified cases is based on staleness, this Office has not prepared separate narratives for these cases. As the Commission requested, in matters in which the Commission has made no findings, the responses to the complaints for the externally-generated matters and the referrals for the internally-generated matters are attached to the report because this information was not previously circulated to the Commission. See Attachments 35-45. For cases in which the Commission has already made findings and for which each Commissioner's office has an existing file, this Office has attached the most recent General Counsel's Report. This Office recommends that the Commission exercise its prosecutorial discretion and no longer pursue the cases listed below effective October 16, 1995. By closing the cases effective October 16, 1995, CED and the Legal Review Team will respectively have the additional time necessary for preparing the closing letters and the case files for the public record.

2. These matters are: PM 250 (Attachment 35); PM 272 (Attachment 36); MUR 3188 (Attachment 37); MUR 3554 (Attachment 38); ?IUR 3623 (Attachment 39); MUR 3988 (Attachment 40); MUR 3996 (Attachment 41); MUR 4001 (Attachment 42); MUR 4007 (Attachment 43); MUR 4007 (Attachment 43); MUR 4008 (Attachment 44); and MUJR 4018 (Attachment 45). A. Decline to open a KUR and close th. file effective October 16, 1995 in the following matters: 1) PM 309 2) R&D 95L-12 3) PM 250 4) PM 272

B. Take no action, close the file effective October 16, 1995, and approve the appropriate letter in the following matters: 1) MU! 3554 2) MU! 3623 3) MU! 3988 4) MU! 3996 5) MRb 4001 6) MU! 4007 7) MU! 4008 8) M'U! 4018 9) MqU! 4118 10) 1WU! 4119 11) IMU! 4120 12) MUR 4122 13) MU! 4123 14) MUR 4124 15) MUR 4125 16) MUR 4126 17) MU! 4130 18) MU! 4133 19) MUR 4134 20) MU! 4135 21) MUR 4136 22) MU! 4137 23) MU! 4138 24) MU! 4140 25) MUR 4142 26) MUR 4143 27) MUR 4144 28) MUR 4145 29) MUR 4148 30) MU! 4149 7, .I , ....., -5-

32)31) m 4153 33) m 34) 4163 35) IU, 4164 36) 4169 37) RU, 4179 38) 4195 39) RU, 4196 40) 4205

C. Take no further action, close the file effective October 16, 1995 and approve the appropriate letter in MUR 3188.

if ~e

S.. General Counsel 313113U T?33 FUlDNEL 3iLUCTZOU1 CC:SSUKO !

Zn the Matter of ) ) Agenda Doc~int *19S | Enforcement Priority )


I, M1ar'jorie V. g~ns, recording secretary forte

Federal Election Cois ion1c ezecutive session on

October 17, 1995. do hereby certify that the Com~ision

decided by votes of 5-0 to take the following actiLocs:

A. Decline to open a MUK and close the file effective October 17, 1995 :in the following mtters:

1) PM 309 2) lAD 95L-12 3) PM 250 4) P1M 272

B. Take no action, close the file effective October 17, 1995, and approve the appropriate letter in the following mtters:

1) 1EUK 3554 2) MLUR 3623 3) MU 3988 4) MU 3996 5) MU3R 4001 6) MUR 4007 7) MUR 4008 8) MU1R 4018 9) MU 4118

(continued) 1gisal 3.ot lm Ciniuim Page 2

otbe17, 1995

10) NUN 4119 11) NUN 4120 12) NUN 4122 13) NUN 4123 14) NUN 4124 15) NUN 4125 16) NUN 4126 17) NUN 4130 16) NUN 4133 19) NUN 4134 20) NUN 4135 21) NUN 4136 22) NUN 413'7 23) NUN 4138 24) NUN 4140 25) NUN 4142 26) NUN 4143 27) NUN 4144 28) NUN 4145 29)) NUN 4148 30) NUN 4149 31) NUN 4153 32) NUN 4155 33) MnUN 4158 34) NUN 4163 35) NUN 4164 36) NUN 4169 3"7) NU0N 4179 38) NUN 4195 39) N(UJN 4196 40) N(ON 4205

C. Take no further action. clome the file effective October 17, 1995 and approve the appropriate letter in NUN 3188.

(continued) ? e l Election Cmission Certification: 3tnforoinet Priorty Page 3 Oatober 17. 1995

Cosonors Aikens, Elliott, McDonald. MeGarry, end Thomas voted affirutively for each of the deisions;

CinissiLonor Potter was not present.


rn0--,aa4-E€Date tearyKar~orie of theW. CciisieuB~R wzi


October 23, 1995

Robin Dierdre Rorepaugh 3850 West Northwest Highway Suite 500 Dallas, TX 75220 RE: MUR 4018

Dear Ms. Rorapaugh: received On July 28, 1994, the Federal Election Commission complaint alleging certain violations of the Federal your Act"). Election Campaign Act of 1971. as amended ("the the ~After considering the circumstances of this matter, its p rosecutorial discretion to take no Commission exercised objectively .-- action in the matter. This case was evaluated on the Commission's docket. In light relative to other matters of of the information on the record, the relative significance : the the case, and the amount of time that has elapsed, determined to close its file in this matter on C Commission of the public October 17, 1995. This matter will become part 0 record within 30 days. of the ~The Act allows a complainant to seek judicial review Commission's dismissal of this action. See 2 U.S.c. |S 437g(a)(8).

r ~sincerely,

Mary L. Taksar, Attore ~Central Enforcement Docket FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION


acti~n 994, te F:IcitiIor 23, otifie

Ray Hutchison 4646 Shadywood Lane Dallas, TX 50

Dear Mr. Hutchison: you ofacmlitalleging eraniotosofheFederalA copy of the Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended. compaintwasenclosed with that notification. the circumstances of this matter, the Atrconsideringits prosecutorial discretion to take no Commission exercised This case was evaluated objectively actonagainst you. docket. In light relative to other matters on the Commission's of on the record, the relative significance of heinformation the thease andtheamount of time that has elapsed, this matter on Comissondetermined to close its file in

S 437g(a)(1 2 ) no The confidentiality provisions of 2 U.S.C. this matter is now public. In addition, longer apply and public record the complete file must be placed on the although following 30 days, this could occur at any time within If you wish to submit certification of the Commission's vote. materials to appear on the public record, any factual or legal may be placed so as soon as possible. While the file please do additional public record prior to receipt of your on the will be added to the materials, any permissible submissions public record when received. Alva E. Smith at If you have any questions, please contact (202) 219-3400. Sincerely,

MyL.Taksar Attorney qpv


October 23, 1995

Kenneth V. Anderson, Jr., Treasurer Kay Baileys Nutchison for Senate Committee

P.O. Box 9190 Dallas, TX 75209 RE: MUR 4018

Dear Hr. Anderson: On August 3, 1994. the Federal Election Commission notified you of a complaint alleging certain violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended. A copy of the complaint vas enclosed vith that notification. After considering the circumstances of this matter, the Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion to take no action against the Ray Bailey Hutchison for Senate Committee and you, as treasurer. This case was evaluated objectively relative to other matters on the Cosmission's docket. In light of the information on the record, the relative significance of the case, and the amount of time that has elapsed, the Commission determined to close its file in this matter on October 17, 1995. The confidentiality provisions of 2 U.S.C. S 437g(a)(12) no longer apply and this matter is now public. In addition, although the complete file must be placed on the public record within 30 days, this could occur at any time following certification of the Commission's vote. If you wish to submit any factual or legal materials to appear on the public record, please do so as soon as possible. While thie file may be placed on the public record prior to receipt of your additional materials, any permissible submissions will be added to the public record when received.

If you have any questions, please contact Alva £. Smith at (202) 219-3400. Sincerely,


The Honorable Kay Dailey Hutchison Uniited States Senate 283 Russell Duilding Washington, D.C. 20510 RE: MtUR 4018

Dear Senator Rutchison: On August 3. 1994, the Federal Election Commission notified you of a complaint alleging certain violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. as amended. A copy of the complaint was enclosed with that notification. After considering the circumstances of this matter, the • Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion to take no action against you. This case was evaluated objectively v relative to other matters on the Commission's docket. In light of the information on the record, the relative significance of ~the case, and the amount of time that has elapsed, the ~Comission determined to close its file in this matter on October 17, 1995. ' The confidentiality provisions of 2 U.S.C. | 437g(a)(12) no longer apply and this matter is now public. In addition, although the complete file must be placed on the public record ~within 30 days, this could occur at any time following certification of the Commission's vote. If you wish to submit " any factual or legal materials to appear on the public record, please do so as soon as possible. While the file may be placed ~on the public record prior to receipt of your additional materials, any permissible submissions will be added to the ~public record when received.

If you have any questions, please contact Alva E. Smith at (202) 219-3400. Sincerely,

Mary L. Taksar Attorney ...i •. ...I



