CHRYSOMELA newsletter Dedicated to information about the Chrysomelidae

Report No. 36 October 1998

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Hanoi, VIETNAM: 2-In Memoriam Institute of Ecology 2-Notes Up Front 3-Again, Bruchid Classification 4-Proposed Upper Classification Course 4-Green Algae & Chrysomelid Evolu- tion 5-Colombia Field Trip & Museum Tours 6-Fifth International Symposium on the Chrysomelids 6-ICE XXI Updates 7-The 1998 Mid-Atlantic States Field Trip 8-Far Eastern Entomology 10-The ICIPE WWW site 11-Literature on the Chrysomelidae 13-Book Notices 14-Literature (Available or Needed) Pierre and Siraj are hosted by our Vietnam collegues in Hanoi on his November ‘97 trip 14-Specimens(Available or Needed) to the Far East. from left: Siraj HASSAN (Phytopathologist), VU Quang Con (Director, 15-Member Directory, October ‘98 Inst. of Ecology), PHAM Van Lam (Entomologist), DANG Thi Dap (Deputy Director, Inst. of Ecology, Entomologist), and Pierre JOLIVET. (story, page 8)

Research Activities and Interests

Laurnet Amsellem (Bangkok, Pleurosticha; planning to revise subgen- outbreak of western corn rootworm, and Thailand) PhD student working in era Arctolina (Siberian and Arctic is interested in trying to develop an Thailand on the interactions between species), Ovosoma, Lithopteroides and identification guide or “key” that Rubus alceifolius and its associated Taeniosticha. Also finishing doctoral incorporates new world Diabrotica with pathogens: a rust and a chrysomelid... thesis, Biology of Palaearctic Donacii- the old world fauna. Anyone interested, The is actually a real weed in La nae (Chrysomelidae). please contact him (send an email note). Reunion Island, and in order to do Lech Borowiec (Wroclaw, Poland) Shawn M. Clark (Charleston, USA) biological control on it by releasing its current projects: world catalogue of the taxonomic studies of Chrysomelidae (all natural pathogens, we first must study ; monograph of afrotropical groups) in America north of Mexico and the biology of these organisms. Looking Cassidinae, vol. 3; revision of Oriental in the West Indies. Also, taxonomic for information about rearing specimens Aspidimorphini (with Jola Swietojanos- studies of galerucines from anywhere in of Phaedon fulvescens (or related leaf ka); and a revision of Australian and the Western Hemisphere. ). Papuan Notosacantha. Willing to Elisabeth Geiser (Salsburg, ) Andrzej O. Bienkowski (Moscow, identify world Cassidinae. continues her work on chrysomelids and Russia) reviewed the systematics of Laurence Chandler (Brookings, is currently working on an 8,000 year Chrysolina and: revised subgenera USA) is working cooperatively with old specimen found in an alpine glacier Anopachys (two new species) and individuals in eastern Europe on an (paper in press). cont. page 14 In Memoriam Tiago Ramos

We are all saddened to learn of the untimely work. Also, he was Treasurer of a São Paulo death of Tiago Ramos who died from a fall from based Entomological Society. a building in early June of this year. Another project of Tiago’s was Tree Gardin- Tiago was a masters student under Dr. er, an extremely useful program he wrote for Ubirajara Martins at Universidade Federal do IBM compatible computers in English and São Paulo. He did his undergraduate work on Portuguese for visualization of character state Hispinae (Clinocarispa) and was starting work data from phylogenetic analysis. on his PhD degree. In preparation, he went to Tiago’s quiet demeanor and friendly manner major European collections and photographed will be missed by friends and colleagues. all the necessary type material for his thesis —Catherine N. Duckett

Pierre Jolivet (Paris & Gainesville) NOTES Meetings and Communications Is fully recovered and back to work after ¥ U.S. Chrysomelidist 16th Annual breaking an upper arm bone while Up Front Meeting to be held in conjunction with the traveling near the Gobi Desert in Entomological Society of America and Mongolia. He was treated by the local American Phytopathological Society meet- shaman with plant extracts and then interest in a course in the upper classifi- ings at the Las Vegas Hilton and Las later underwent physical therapy at a cation of the Chrysomelidae, possibly to Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV hospital. He reports that he is fully be held about the time of the ICE in (8-12 November, 1998). recovered and back to work. 2000. Page 4 for more information. Ross Arnett (Gainesville) has been Also, Catherine has been updating • Brazil 2000—Updates from D. L. Gaz- spending quite a bit of time on the her molecular techniques; she studied zoni, President of the XXI International American Beetles manuscript despite with Karl Kjer at Rutgers University in Congress of Entomology—August 20-26, some health setbacks. We wish him Brunswick this summer. 2000 - Iguassu Falls. For more informa- well. tion, see; e- Catherine Duckett and Lenice mail or Medeiros want to know if there is any FAX: 55-43-371-6100 (see page 6).

The Newsletter CHRYSOMELAÐFounded 1979Ð is published semiannually in April and October by the California Department of Food & Agriculture, Plant Pest Diagnostics Center, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832-1448. E-mail: [email protected]; telephone (916) 262-1160; FAX (916) 262-1190. This newsletter is sent to students of the Chrysomelidae to encourage the exchange of ideas and to disseminate information on these . Editor: Terry N. Seeno, Sacramento. Advisors: Catherine Duckett, San Juan; Brian D. Farrell, Cambridge; R. Wills Flowers, Tallahassee; Elizabeth Grobbelaar, Pretoria; Pierre Jolivet, Paris and Gainesville; Chris Reid, Townsville; Ed Riley, College Station; G. Al Samuelson, Honolulu; Eric H. Smith, Lynchburg; Charlie L. Staines, Edgewater; and Kunio Suzuki, Toyama.

2 CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 depends on ones understanding of solution (e.g., giving up Linnean ranks) science. Whether science is seen as might not always be the best, but it could THE isolated from real human behavior (as in be better than the most “logical” one. In Poppers’s Third World, 1972) or as a addition, it makes sense to keep in mind social process (Hull 1988) it makes a that “changes in ranks in a classification FORVM difference in the role of “taxonomic do not solve any phylogenetic problem” stability.” If science is a social process, (Schmitt 1996a). Consequently, it Again, then sharing and communicating would be appropriate to present phyloge- scientific information forms an integral netic hypotheses without changing ranks Bruchid part of it. For information exchange, and names. stability of terms and names is a Lingafelter & Pakaluk (1997) ask Classification necessary prerequisite. Therefore, “why maintain a classification that Michael Schmitt, Bonn changing established names should not obscures this relationship,” meaning the only be a matter of adjusting a classifica- sister-group relationship between Based on Hennig's (1950) sugges- tion to the most recent phylogenetic Sagrinae and Bruchidae. “This relation- tion that sister-groups should be given hypotheses, but should also take into ship” is far from being well substantiat- the same rank, Bruchidae should be account the requirements for unequivo- ed (as I hope to have shown in my treated as a subfamily or Sagrinae as a cal communication. contribution to the Pajni-Festschrift), no family. The former solution was Violating formal logic by ranking matter how many coleopterists agree on already suggested by Monrós (1960), sister-groups differently or including a it. Transforming a weakly supported but did not find many followers until “family” in another one is but one phylogenetic hypothesis into a classifi- very recently. Normally, the Bruchidae disadvantage of retaining “traditional” cation pretends that there is stronger were treated as a family, regardless of classifications in spite of more recent evidence than there is, in fact, at hand. the phylogenetic relationships assumed. phylogenetic hypotheses. This disad- Instead of obscuring the weakness of a However, Hennig's 1974 claim that vantage may well be compensated for by hypothesis by mere renaming taxa, I classification should reflect phylogeny the advantage of easier information would prefer an allegedly logical was a permanent demand to all system- exchange and retrieval. Phylogenetics, inconsistency (after all, keeping the atists. as a part of science, yields hypotheses names Bruchidae and Sagrinae only When Reid (1995) published his waiting for their falsification and violates formal logic as long as we stick cladistic analysis which revealed that rejection. to Linnean ranks). The only sound Sagrinae and Bruchidae are sister- Reflecting “phylogeny” (i.e. the best solution could be reached through groups, he consequently lowered the supported phylogenetic hypothesis) including additional independent rank of the latter and listed the seed immediately after a published classifica- characters into our phylogenetic analy- beetles as subfamily Bruchinae within tion change means changes can occur at ses. the Chrysomelidae. Lawrence & rather short intervals. A solution to the Alfred Kaestner (author of a famous Newton (1995) adopted this ranking in conflicting aims of naming taxa is zoology textbook in Germany) warned their extensive classification of families suggested in De Queiroz & Gauthier’s Günther Osche not to include anything and subfamilies of Coleoptera which (1992) “phylogenetic nomenclature.” more recent than five years in a hand- appeared in the same volume as Reid's This procedure entirely abandons book chapter, arguing that nothing study. Kingsolver (1995) and Verma & Linnean ranks but retains the traditional should be mentioned in a handbook or a Saxena (1996) argued in favor of names including their endings, thus textbook which had not passed the retaining the Bruchidae as a family, formally but not substantially denoting purgatory of critique (Schmitt 1996b). while Reid (1996) and Lingafelter & ranks. Subordination of taxa is indicated Therefore, it would be sensible not to Pakaluk (1997) stressed the principles of by typographic means (e.g., indenting revise a classification according to a science and logic in order to support the lines, typing names in upper case letters, phylogenetic hypothesis too soon after subfamily rank. setting them in bold face, etc.). In such its publication. There should be some Duckett (1997) emphasized that a phylogenetic system of names, time for discussion. “taxonomic stability” is not a scientifi- “Bruchidae” could be used for a taxon Duckett (1997) argues that a cally defensible argument. The debate which is sister-group to Sagrinae, thus phylogenetic classification is “democrat- about the interrelationship of systemat- leaving the traditional meaning of ic as it does not favor any particular ics and classification dates back to the “Bruchinae” as a name for a subunit of discipline.” If we want to refer to papers of Mayr (1974) and Hennig Bruchidae and so on. democracy in a scientific dispute at all (1974), in which the former argued for Even if we admit that not all then we should, in my opinion, attempt separation of the two items while the possible problems of suprageneric to find a consensus through an extensive latter strongly proposed that a classifica- nomenclature are solved by De Queiroz discussion before making a decision. tion should exclusively reflect phyloge- & Gauthier's method, there are good Therefore, the long story about the ny. Whether or not “taxonomic reasons to take their suggestion into taxonomic position of the Bruchidae can stability” is scientifically defensible serious consideration. The simplest be brought to a very short point: At

CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 3 present, it seems best substantiated to & S. A. Slipinski. (eds.) Biology, A Proposed Course in regard Sagrinae and Bruchidae as sister- Phylogeny, and Classification of groups. However, the supporting Coleoptera: Papers Celebrating the 80th the Upper characters are, by far, not as convincing as Birthday of R. A. Crowson. Muzeum i Classification of the the advocates of the subfamily rank for Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa. Chrysomelidae the seed beetles want to make us believe. Reid, C. A. M. (1996): More on the family Bruchidae. Chrysomela Newsl. References Lenice Medeiros, Ijui 31:3. Catherine Duckett, San Juan DeQueiroz, K. & J. Gauthier Schmitt,, M. (1996a): The phyloge- (1992): Phylogenetic . Ann.. netic system of the Chrysomelidae - Is there any interest in a formalized Rev. Ecol. Syst. 23:449-480. history of ideas and present state of course on the upper classification of the Duckett, C. N. (1997): The scientific knowledge. Pp. 57-96 In:Jolivet, J. H. A. Chrysomelidae. The ‘course’ could be method and the predictive value of & Cox, M. L. (eds.) Chrysomelidae held either immediately before or after classification. Chrysomela Newsl. 34:3- Biology, vol. 1: The Classification, ICE 2000. If our chrysomelid col- 4. Phylogeny and Genetics. SPB Publish- leagues are interested in such a presenta- Hennig, W. (1950): Grundzüge einer ing bv, Amsterdam. tion, what we need to know is the Theorie der phylogenetischen Systema- Schmitt, M. (1996b): Günther Osche following information: how long should tik. 370 pp., Deutscher Zentralverlag, - a man of the spoken word. Zool. Anz. it be (one week, shorter or longer); who Berlin. 235:1-9. would be interested in active participa- Hennig, W. (1974): Kritische Verma, K. K. & R. Saxena (1996): tion (poss. 5-7 section leaders); and who Bemerkungen zur Frage “Cladistic The status of Bruchidae as a family. would like to attend (open to everyone analysis or cladistic classification ?.” Z. Chrysomela Newsl. 32:3. with an interest in chrysomelid classifi- zool. Syst. Evolutionsforsch. 12:279-294 cation)? (English: “Cladistic analysis or cladistic *Footnote: This text is part of a more Time is an important factor in classification ”? A reply to E. Mayr. extensive contribution to a Festschrift in planning such an event, so please let us Syst. Zool. 24:244-256, 1975). honour of Professor H.R. Pajni. I asked know your views on this proposal as Hull, D. L. (1988): Science as a the editor several times and through soon as possible. We especially need to process. University of Chicago Press, several media for the permission to hear from those colleagues who may Chicago. prepublish the final paragraphs of my serve as instructors. Kingsolver, J. M. (1995): On the manuscript in Chrysomela Newsletter, Because travel is usually the largest family Bruchidae. Chrysomela Newsl. but I did not receive an answer. part of the expense involved in long 30:3. distance training, the International Lawrence, J. F. & A. F. Newton Congress may be the best opportunity to (1995): Families and subfamilies of combine a class and attend the meetings Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, at the same time. references and data on family-group Green Algae and Send your thoughts to either of us via names). Pp. 779-1006 in: Pakaluk, J. & Chrysomelid email or regular post. S. A. Slipinski (eds.) Biology, Phyloge- ny, and Classification of Coleoptera: Evolution? Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of R. A. Crowson, Glasgow R. A. Crowson. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa. I have recently come to suspect that Lingafelter, A. & J. Pakaluk, Pleurococcus-type green algae growing (1997): Comments on the Bruchinae and on trunks of trees have been a significant Chrysomelidae. Chrysomela Newsl. source of food in some of the earlier 33:3-4. stages of chrysomelid evolution— Mayr, E. (1974): Cladistic analysis associated structural features include or cladistic classification. Z. zool. Syst. special modifications at the apex of Evolutionsforsch. 12:94-128. antennite 11 and glandular development Monrós, F. (1960): Los Géneros de in the mandibles, also a rather deflexed Chrysomelidae. 337 pp., Opera Lilloana head and emarginate eyes. Other III, Tucumán (1959). CHRYSOMELA readers might have Popper, K. R. (1972): Objective relevant evidence of these matters. If so, knowledge. Clarendon Press, London. please write to me. Reid, C. A. M. (1995): A cladistic analysis of subfamilial relationships in the Chrysomelidae sensu lato (Chry- someloidea). pp. 559-631. in: Pakaluk, J.

4 CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 Colombia Field Trip and fore, I made my way North to Villa de Leiva, northeast of Santafé de Bogotá. Museum Tour The Instituto Humboldt Colombia Biologische Bundesanstalt für (IHC) was moved from Bogotá to Villa Land- und Forstwirtschaft, de Leiva, in the Boyacá department. Institut für Vorratsschutz, Berlin The aim of the institute is the study and protection of in Colombia. Matthias Schöller, Berlin Fernando Fernandez, of the section, is Curator of insects. The well- Colombia’s geography is one of the Cali. Nora Cristina Mesa is currently organized collection contains three most diverse in South America, as is its reorganizing the collection, and a drawers with Chrysomelidae. Several of flora and fauna. Colombia claims to computerized specimen list is planned. the galerucines were determined by have the highest number of species of The main collection contains four Vilma Savini. Many of the specimens and per unit area of any drawers with about 850 specimen, with originate from the Amazons and Bolivia, country of the world, and in absolute about 200 more in a separate collection. which is valuable as there is little terms, it is second only to Brazil, even There are an additional 150 more material from these regions in the other though Colombia is seven times smaller. specimens sprinkled throughout other collections. Fernando collected in these It is the fourth largest country in South drawers of insects associated with regions using malaise and pitfall traps, America, after Brazil, Argentina and certain field crops or collected by and a section of the collection extends to Peru. However, relatively little is known individual students. All the insects the Pacific Region. For the number of about its Chrysomelid fauna, and the last originate from the local area. Only few specimens of Chrysomelidae, sensu lato, revisions of many leaf groups date specimens are determined to species, in this and the following collections (see back to the last century. In March 1998, and about half of the material to the table 2). I had the opportunity to travel three subfamily. Again, the material is Finally, I visited three collections at weeks through Colombia, and visited predominantly galerucine, but there are Bogotá. Gonzales Andrade is the many of the Museum collections as well some interesting cassidines and hispines. director of the Instituto de Ciencias as do some collecting. There are two more collections in Naturales of the Universidad Nacional In the Valle del Cauca area, I visited Cali which I was not able to visit; one at de Colombia (UNB), which houses this three collections. The first was in the the CORPOICA (Corporación Colombi- relatively large insect collection. There Biology Department of the “del Valle” ana de Investigación Agropecuaria), and are thirteen drawers of Chrysomelidae University in Cali, the Museo Entomolo- the other at the Natural History Museum and specimens preserved in alcohol gia Universidad del Valle. Margarita of Cali (Museo de Ciencias Naturales originating from the Amazons. Most Losano is responsible for the collection. “Federico Carlos Lehmann”). José specimens are determined only to the It is well preserved in an air conditioned Marin Riascos is the responsible subfamily level, with a few to and room and all specimen are computer biologist in charge of curation at the species. Again, Vilma Savini worked on listed. The Chrysomelidae, for the most Museum. some of this collection. Of the 1,641 flea part, are determined only to subfamily, Cali is set in the verdant Cauca beetles, 240 Macrohaltica, 200 Omophoi- with some to genus. There are 634 Valley. When you find a place in the ta, and 90 Systena are represented. specimen of Chrysomelidae, mostly valley that is not covered by sugarcane, The main institutes of CORPOICA . Most specimen in this it’s a Savannah type of vegetation with (CCB) are in Bogotá, containing the collection were collected near the Pacific Acacia trees and other leguminous largest insect collection I visited in Coast. arboreal plants on cattle pasture. At Colombia. The collection is located at The second collection is housed at least in March, species the Programa Manejo Integral de Plagas the International Centre for Tropical and Clytrinae seem to be predominant and Eduardo Espitia is the curator. Agriculture (CIAT) in Cali. R. E. White on these leguminous trees with only a There are sixteen drawers of leaf beetles worked on this collection. Most of the few alticines and Colaspis present in and an additional five drawers of seed specimens were collected from field small numbers. I found Euryscopa beetles. R. E. White, J. Bechyné, C. D. crops, a list of taxa is given in Table 1. cingulata (which stridulate when Johnson and J. M. Kingsolver all have Maria del Pilar Hernandez is responsible disturbed), Saxinis sp., Cryptocephalus identified material in this collection. for the collection, which is located in the anceps, Cryptocephalus sp. and The third collection is Museo de la ”Entomologia de Yuca”-section. This Pachybrachis dissolutus. Case bearing Salle (UDS), which is housed at the collection contained a new species of larvae were present under the trees in the Universidad de la Salle in the Candelaria Pachybrachis from the Cauca depart- leaf litter. It would have been nice to area of Bogotá where Brother Roque ment. spend more time in this location, but Casallas Lasso is the Director. The The third collection is located in the unfortunately, some of the most interest- zoological collections were founded by a Biology Department of the National ing places in Colombia are currently French Brotherhood, and some of the University in Palmira, 28 km east of inaccessible due to civil unrest. There- specimens date back to the turn of the

CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 5 century. The collection focuses on Lepidoptera. Unfortunately, most of the ICE and Chrysomelid Symposia historical collection was destroyed by a fire in 1948, however, it still contains Fifth International ED in participating in FISCB by some chrysomelids from France. The presenting a formal or informal presenta- insect collection is currently undergoing Symposium on the tion, please let me know soon so that I reorganization. Chrysomelidae can plan to include you in the program There is one more collection in because space for presentations will be Bogotá which I was not able to visit; the David G. Furth, Washington limited. I realize that some of you do Museo de Historia Natural at the not know at this time if you will be able Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, For over a year I began the organiz- to find the funding to attend; however, if Departamento de Biologia. Rodrigo ing process for the Fifth International you think you may be able to participate Torres is the responsible coleopterist. Symposium on the Chrysomelidae you should let me know now. If This collection is reported to be small, (FISCB) to be held at the XXI Interna- necessary I can provide you with a letter and probably does not have more than tional Congress of Entomology (ICE) in of invitation from me (as FISCB two drawers of chrysomelids. beautiful Iguassu Falls, Brazil (20-26 Organizer); however, such a letter does In the collections, I worked on August 2000). I have been in constant not promise any financial support. specimen of Pachybrachis. The last contact with the Organizers of the ICE in As with all previous chrysomelid revision of the neotropical species of order to best plan our FISCB. I have symposia (Hamburg, 1984; Vancouver, Pachybrachis was done by Eduard requested that FISCB be held on the 1988; Beijing, 1992; Firenze, 1996) the Suffrian. He was only able to give final two days of the ICE (Friday- Proceedings of FISCB will be published. ”Colombia” as locus typicus for the Saturday, 25-26 August). All previous I have been the Organizer of all previous species he described, and at that time Chrysomelid symposia were done this chrysomelid symposia and I promised to Gran Colombia united Venezuela, way and this schedule seemed to be very organize five such events; however, the Colombia, Ecuador and Panama. I was successful. The first day (Friday, 25 Brazil symposium will be the last one able to verify that four species which August) will be a full day of formal oral which I organize, afterwards someone were studied by Eduard Suffrian occur in presentations (ca. 15 minutes each), else will have to continue the organiza- what today is known as Colombia. Two Saturday (26 August) will be part of the tion if there is an interest to do so. of the four are Pachybrachis aegrotans day with informal presentations, and P. dissolutus, described in 1852 and discussions, etc. This schedule gives our XXI International 1866, respectively; the other two are colleagues who attend ICE the entire undescribed species which were in the week to get to know each other, espe- Congress of syntype series. Currently, eight species cially each evening at a specific restau- Entomology of Pachybrachis are known from rant, and for those who can only come Colombia. for the chrysomelid symposium they can Decio Gazzoni, Brazil come for the weekend. Also as before Acknowledgments we plan to have an all-day field/ May 15, 1998 My sincere thanks to all the curators collecting trip on Sunday (27 August). I We are pleased to inform you that responsible for the collections men- am the Organizer of FISCB and I have we have received several suggestions of tioned herein, and for enabling me to asked Prof. Joao Vasconcellos-Neto symposia for the scientific sessions of work on the material at their facilities. (Universidade Estadual, Campinas, the XXI ICE. We will still be open for All were very cordial and helpful. In Brazil) to be the Co-Organizer. suggestions up to the end of next June, addition, the following persons helped to At this time FISCB is listed on the when the sessions conveners will start to organize the visits and to overcome ICE World Wide Web Home Page under define which symposia will compose logistical problems: Eduardo Florez the Satellite Events. If you have access each session. And, next July we will (Villa de Leiva), Brigitte Dorn, Christina to the Web you can find out about many open for suggestions for the XXI ICE Schmal and Adriana Ortega (Cali), and aspects of the ICE. If not you can write Plenary Lectures, so start also thinking Fredy Castellanos (Bogotá). Special to the ICE Organizing Committee for about that. thanks to Andrés Varón, who accompa- written information (XXI International June 1, 1998 nied me to the different localities in Congress of Entomology; Caixa Postal, June will be your last chance to Bogotá. 231; 86001-970 Londrina PR; Brazil). submit symposia for the XXI ICE. We The visit to the research institutes You can also contact the President of the still have some opportunities on most of was supported by the Gemeinschaft der Scientific Committee, Dr. F. Moscardi the sessions. If you have a suggestion, Förderer und Freunde der Biologischen by email at: please call [email protected]. Bundesanstalt für Land- und [email protected] But, do not forget to go first to http:// Forstwirtschaft e. V. (GFF). At this time I am requesting that IF and check the rules you think you MIGHT BE INTEREST- for symposia.

6 CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 The 1998 Mid-Atlantic States Field Trip Zuzana Swigonova, New Brunswick and Catherine Duckett, San Juan

seated, l to r: Eric Smith, Emily Wryo, Suzy Staines, Charlie Staines standing, l ro r: Dave Furth, Dale Schwietzer, Catherine Duckett, Zuzana Swigonova and Karl Kjer

The Mid-Atlantic States Field Trip described yet. Eric noticed that all the rine was pleased to collect Capraita and commenced promptly at 9 am at the pupae were found on the shady side of Kushelina for her Oedyonychinae study, Cedar Light Cafe in Dividing Creek, the food plant (Baccharis halimifolia). at which point Eric, Dave, and Catherine Cumberland Co., NJ, on June 14th. Dave After briefly watching some night speculated that specimens of Kushelina Furth, Charlie and Susy Staines, and herons and nesting plovers, the group might be placed in Alagoasa because Emily Wryo from the Washington area proceeded to an abandoned dredging site American Kushelina lacks a characteris- joined Eric Smith, and Catherine and two miles west of Dividing Creek. The tic found in South American members of Francis Duckett for a hearty breakfast. high diversity and abundance of chry- the genus. After Dale Scheiwitzer (a lepidopterist at somelids satisfied all collectors. Criocer- In a salt marsh down the road from the Nature Conservancy) arrived, the inae and Cassidinae were the only major the meadow, Zuzana, Dave, and Eric hit group proceeded to a salt marsh at the subfamilies that were not represented. the jackpot collecting more than 70 end of Maple Avenue in search of Dave and Catherine were pleased to find adults of two species of Trirhabda (T. Trirhabda bacharidis. There they met adults and immatures of Blepharida bacharidis and T. canadensis). Feeding Zuzana Swigonova, her husband David, rhois. At the end of the field everyone damage from the two species on their and her advisor Karl Kjer, a trichopterist admired a large patch of Calypso orchids host plants (Baccharis halimifolia and at Rutgers University, who were delayed growing in a shallow marsh near the Solidago sp. respectively) was extensive. by a loose bolt in Karl’s 1969 Impala. shore. The large amount of T. bacharidis at this (love that car—ed.) The company was forced to break for site was intriguing given its physical Eric, Catherine, and Zuzana were lunch by a rainsquall, but no one proximity and apparent ecological eager to collect Trirhabda (the genus complained after they tasted the excel- similarity to the Maple Avenue site where Trirhabda is the subject of Zuzana’s lent crab cakes at the Cedar Light Cafe. only two adults and pupae were found. thesis, and collection of pupae and adults After lunch the group braved New After exchanging specimens and were expected). Frustratingly, only Jersey’s enemy (Lone Star ticks) to personal information the group was pupae were found, but these were very collect in a meadow east of Dividing dispersed by a big black rain cloud and desirable, as the pupal stage has not been Creek near Hansey Creek Road. Cathe- everyone drove home in a downpour.

CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 7 Far Eastern Entomology Altica and related genera. Several papers (Flowers & Tiffer, 1992; Hilje & Pierre Jolivet, Paris/Gainesville Coto, 1994) have been written on the topic. I went ‘exploring,’ with two col- alceafolius present in those areas. P. In several localities in Vietnam and leagues (Dr. Thomas LeBourgeois and fulvescens, a palaearctic relic, has a Northern Thailand (and probably also in Dr. Siraj Hassan), to North Vietnam and patchy distribution in Southern China the South), the alticine Chaetocnema Northern Thailand from November 4-27, (Kwantung area) and Eastern Taiwan, confinis Crotch was collected on 1997. In that Fall season, the leaf always in elevated areas. It seems to be Ipomoea aquatica Forsskal and I. beetles were rather rare and only rarer now in Taiwan batatas Poiret. It seems that this North multivoltine species were collected. The (S. Kimoto, pers. groups usually so abundant in the comm.). I was unable Spring—eumolpines, chlamisines and to find any in Hainan alticines—were practically absent this Island in 1995, time of year. Even the Aspidomorpha although I didn’t have spp. (Cassidinae) were uncommon on a chance to look for wild Ipomoea, which grows commonly them on the two high along the edges of the roads. mountains of the In two Vietnamese localities—Cuc Island, practically the Phuong National Park (300m) and Tam only place where it Dao National Park (900-1600m), both could have survived. adults and larvae of Phaedon fulvescens In the Spring time, Weise are active during the entire year. five species each of In various papers, Drs. Dang Thi Dap Chlamisus (Chlamisi- nae) and Basilepta (), as well Stopping for a rest near Lung Son, Vietnam (nearly more entomologists and pathologiets than insects) as the alticine Pseudoliprus aff. difficilis Chen, feed on Rubus annamen- American species (already noted by M. sis. L. Cox) has now invaded the lands of the During that trip, I found Chrysolina Indian Ocean (La Reunion, where I (Pierryvetia) aurata (Suffrian) in the found it in 1978 and Mauritius, Mada- Tam Dao and Yen Bai areas at an gascar) and the Pacific Islands (Palau, elevation of about 300 meters. The Taiwan, the Ryu-kyus, Galapagos, etc.). species seems to be monophagous since Outside the U. S. (where both sexes the beetles rejected Plantago lancelolata exist), only parthenogenetic females are Altica coerulea Olivier aggregation on L. and all the in Lamiaceae represented (M. L. Cox, 1996), and are Polygonum leaves, Tam Dao, Vietnam offered inn the laboratory. Normally, probably disseminated by typhoons and species of Plantago and Ranunculus (the hurricanes. Data on the beetle can be and L. N. Medvedev record this species last one not offered) found in Jolivet (1979-1998) and from other localities, always in the are accepted by that middle altitudes in North and Central group of beetles (this I Vietnam. P. fulvescens feeds only on hope to verify on two species of Rubus (Rosaceae): R. another trip.) alceaefolius Poiret and R. aff. annamen- In Tam Dao, adults sis Card. (?= moluccanus L.). Rubus of Altica coerulea taxonomy is difficult and a certain Olivier aggregate on confusion exists about the local species. leaves of Polygonum It does not seem that the beetle feeds (at chinense in a semi- least in the field) on any of the other social arrangement. thirteen species of Rubus known to They behave exactly Vietnam or the leaves of Fragaria, there like the Macrohaltica a mountainous species. jamaicensis (Fab.) on P. fulvescens is completely missing in Gunnera insignis in Northern Thailand and we looked for it Panama and Costa Dr. Pham points out Ipomoea aquatica L. along roadside in vain in Khao Yai National Park Rica. This tendency near Yen Bai, North Vietnam. (300m) and Doi Ithamon (2565m) on the to congregate seems various species of Rubus, including R. common to several 8 CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 Napompeth (Biological Control Center, Bangkok), who helped facilitate our Pacific Ins. Mon. 1A:1-299. research during the trip, and to Dr. Hilje, L. & D. Coto 1994. Gregarismo Tippan Sadakorn who identified the en Macrohaltica sp. (Col. Chrys.). Cayratia and to CIRAD, Montpellier Brenesia 41-42:107. who funded the expedition. Ho, P. H. 1970. An illustrated Flora of References: South Vietnam. Siagon. 1115pp. Hua, L. 1982. A checklist of the leaf Chen, S. H. 1935-1936. Recherches sur beetles of Guangdong Province. Can- les Chrysomèlides de la Chine et du ton. 61 pp. Tonkin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 104:127:158; Jolivet, P. 1979. Remarques sur 105:145-176; 106:283-323. l’écologie, l’origine et la distribution des Agetocera filiformis feeding on fruits of Cox. M. L. 1996. The unusual larva and Cayratia japonica near Doi Ithamon, Chrysomélides des Iles Mascareignes adult of the oriental Phaedon fulvescens Thailand avec la description de deux espèces Weise, a potential biocontrol agent of nouvelles. Bull. Soc. Linn. Lyon 48(9- Rubus in the Mascarenes. J. Nat. Hist. 10):524-528, 606-649. Takizawa (1996). 30: 135-151. Jolivet, P. 1984. Phaedon fulvescens On Doi Ithamon (2565m)—the Cox. M. L. 1996. Parthenogenesis in Weise, un auxiliaire possible dans le highest spot in Thailand—many Ageto- the . In: Chrysomelid contrôle de Rubus aux Tropiques. Bull cera filiformis Laboissière (a bluish Biology 3, pages 133-151; Jolivet & Cox Soc. Linn. Lyon 53(7):235-246. galerucine) were feeding on the fruits of eds., SPB Acad. Publs., Amsterdam. Jolivet, P. 1998. Les Nouveaux the vine Cayratia japonica (Thunburg) Dang, D. T. 1982. List of the host Envahisseurs ou les Chrysomèlides Gagnepain (Vitidaceae). The females plants of Vietnam, Hanoi. 11pp. voyageurs (Col.). L’Entomologiste have inflated abdomens (similar to Dang, D. T. 1995. Da Dang Sinh Hoc 53(7) in press. L.) and dig holes in the Bac Truong Son. Nanoi: 11pp. Jolivet, P. & T. J. Hawkeswood 1995. fruit in order to suck the juices inside. I Dang, D. T. 1996. Chrysomelids of Tam kept them alive in captivi- Host-plants of the Chrysomelidae of the ty with grapes, but World. Backhuys publ., Leiden. 281pp. evidently, they feed only Kimoto, S. & Y. I. Chu 1996. System- reluctantly on this fruit. atic catalog of Chrysomelidae of Cayratia japonica is Taiwan. Inst. Comp. Studies, Kurume already known as a host Univ. 16:141pp. for several other galeru- Laboissière, V. 1927. Contribution à cines including Oides l’étud des de l’Indo-Chine et tarsatus (Baly) and du Yunnan. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 96:49-50. Gallerucida flaviventris Medvedev, L. N. 1987. Faune des (Baly) (Yu, et al, 1996). Chrysomèlidees Vietnam. Acad. Sci. Several galerucines, URSS, Moscow. Pages 69-80. including many Oides, are Medvedev, L. N. & D. T. Dap 1982. Vitidacea specialists Trophic relationships of Vietnamese (Jolivet & Hawkeswood, Chrysomelids. Acad. Sci. SSR, Mos- 1995). But, other than cow. Pages 84-96. Doi Ithamon, Thailand, the group of insect collectors several eumolpines and Rabenstein, R. & M. Schöller 1996. stops for a rest and photo opportunity. alticines, that kind of Chrysomelid beetles on Vitidaceae in selection is rather rare Peninsular Malaysia with special regard among the Chrysomelidae. to Parastetha nigricornis Baly, 1879. Senckenbergia biol. 76(1-2):39-45. Rabenstein & Schöller (1996) also Dao. Plant Prot. Bull Hanoi 5: 9pp. Takizawa, H. & K. Kusigemati 1996. mention several galerucines on Vitidace- Flowers, R. W. and S. R. Tiffer. 1992. Notes on Chrysomelidae of the Palau ae in Malaysia, near Kuala Lumpur: Comportamiento gregario de la vaquita Islands (Ins. Col.). Occ. Papers Kagoshi- Parastetha nigricornis Baly, Galleruci- Hypolampsis sp. (Col. Alticinae) in ma Univ. Res. Cen. S. Pac. 30:23-25. da balyi (Duvivier) and Oides pectoralis Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Brenesia Tan, J., P. Yu, H. Li, S. Wang, & S. Clark on Cissus repens Lam.; and 37:135-136. Jiang 1985. Economic Insect Fauna of Semyloides pallicornis F. on Cissus Gregoire, J. C. 1988. Larval gregari- China. Chrysomelidae I. Beijing. repens, Tetrastigma lanceolarium ousness in the Chrysomelidae. In: 213pp., pls. col. Planch., T. pedunculare and Cayratia Biology of the Chrysomelidae, pages Yu, P., S. Wang, & X. Yang 1996. japonica. 253-260; Jolivet, Petitpierre, Hsiao, eds., Economic Insect Fauna of China. Sincere thanks to Drs. Dang (Institute Kluwer Acad. Publs. Chrysomelidae II. Beijing. 324pp., pls. of Ecology, Hanoi), Pham (Institute of Gressitt, J. L. & S. Kimoto. 1963. The col. Plant Protection, Hanoi), and Banpot Chrysomelidae of China and Korea. Additional photos, see page 10

CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 9 Announcing Sub-Saharan Africa African insects and biodiversity environm Scott Miller,Nairobi sampling methods ent/field_stations.html ¥ Integrated Pest Management Journal Insect Science and its The International Centre of Insect resources for Africa Application online: Physiology and Ecology now has its ¥ Natural product chemistry resources of our new World Wide Web site Library of Congress African bibliog- include: ICIPE is also hosting WWW pages raphies: ANNUAL REPORTS for sister organizations in Africa, ¥ 1997 ICIPE annual report [coming ¥ Searchable bibliographies on locnairboi soon] African literature from the U.S. ¥ publications lists Library of Congress ICIPE thanks USAID and other ¥ IPM Africa donors for supporting our Internet PROGRAMME INFORMATION ¥ IPM Zimbabwe infrastructure. ¥ Environment, including biodiversity and conservation ADDRESSES Scott E. Miller, Leader, Biodiversity ¥ Agriculture, including Integrated Main WWW: International Centre of Insect ¥ Health Biodiversity and conservation: Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) ¥ Field stations throughout Kenya Tel: +254-2-861680 [switchboard] - ¥ Publishing programmes [coming environment/ 861309 [direct] Fax: +254-2-860110 soon] biodiversity_index.html Email: [email protected] ¥ Library services [searchable Integrated Pest Management: — or — [email protected] database coming soon] African projects: STAFF LISTS AND CONTACT IPMAfrica/index.html environment/biodiversity_index.html INFORMATION Stemborer information system: New Guinea projects: ¥ Searchable resumes [coming soon] ng/newguinea.html SPECIAL FEATURES stemborers/introduction.htm Ecological data archive project www ¥ Searchable checklist of insects of Field stations: site: cont. from pages 8 & 9

Phaedon fulvescens Weise Phaedon fulvescens Weise (the real thing) on a leaf of Rubus (line drawing) moluccanus near Cuc Phuony, Vietnam

Rubus moluccanus A. flowering shoot & Be. vertical section of flower.

10 CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 Ellsbury, M. M., W. D. Woodson, S. Inoue, T. 1998. Life history of the Literature on the A. Clay, D. Malo, J. Schumacher, et al. , Argopistes coccinelliformis Chrysomelidae 1998. Geostatistical characterization of Csiki (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) the spatial distribution of adult corn VI. Overwintering and oviposition rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) abilities of adults which emerged late in Aslan, I. and H. Özbek. 1995. emergence. Environ. Entomol. the season. Appl. Entomol. Zool. Possibility of using Gastropysa viridula 27(4):910-917, 10 figs., 1 tab. 33(1):21-27, 3 tabs. caucasica Jolivet (Coleoptera, Chry- somelidae) in the control of Rumex Fleischer, S. J., M. D. Orzolek, D. Johnson, C. D. 1998. New host alpinus L. posing problems in forestry D. Mackiewicz and L. Otjen. 1998. records, distribution and notes on the rootstock nurseries in Borcka. ? :182- Imidacloprid effects on Acalymma behavior of some seed beetles (Co- 189. vittata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and leoptera: Bruchidae). Coleopts. Bull. bacterial wilt in cantaloupe. J. Econ. 52(2):147-149. Bezdek, J. and A. Bezdek. 1998. Entomol. 91(4):940-949, 7 figs., 3 tabs. bergeali Bordy, 1995 (Co- Jolivet, P. 1996. A la poursuite du leoptera, Chrysomelidae)-first record for Ford, E. J. 1998. Two new species Timarcha perdu Timarcha melitensis . Entomol. Probl. 29(1):18. of North American Anobiid beetles, with Weise (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). notes on the sexes of Stagetus grossus L’Entomologiste 52(6):203-211, 2 figs. Bienkowski, A. O. 1998. Revision White (Coleoptera: Anobiiidae). of the subgenus Anopachys Motschul- Coleopts. Bull. 52(2):150-154. Jolivet, P. 1998. Les nouveaux sky, 1860 of the genus Chrysolina envahisseurs ou les Chrysomélides Motschulsky, 1860 (Coleoptera: Chry- Furth, D. G. and V. Savini. 1998. voyageurs (Coleoptera). somelidae: ). Genus Corrections, clarifications, and additions L’Entomologiste 54(1):33-44, 3 figs. 9(2):95-153, 129 figs. to the 1996 checklist of the Alticinae of Central America, including Mexico Konstantinov, A. S. 1998. Revision Bordy, B. 1994. Où sont passés les (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Insecta of the Aphthona crypta group of species angles antérieurs du pronotum des Mundi 12(1-2):133-138. and a key to the species groups in Cassides? (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Aphthona Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Nouv. Revue Ent. (N. S.) 11(1):67-84, Gruev, B. and M. Döberl. 1997. Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). Coleopts. 58 figs., 1 tab. General distribution of the flea beetles in Bull. 52(2):134-146, 16 figs. the Palaearctic Subregion (Coleoptera, Borowiec, L. 1997. A monograph of Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). Scopolia Köpf, A., N. E. Rank, H. Roininen, the Afrotropical Cassidinae (Coleoptera: 37:1-496. R. Julkunen-Tiitto, J. M. Pasteels, et Chrysomelidae) Part II. Revision of the al. 1998. The evolution of host-plant tribe Aspidimorphini 2, the genus Hawkeswood, T. J. and H. Takiza- use and sequestration in the Aspidimorpha Hope. Warsaw: Polish wa. 1997. Taxonomy, ecology and genus Phratora (Coleoptera: Chrysomel- Taxonomical Society, 596 pp., 1184 descriptions of the larva, pupa and adult idae). Evolution 52(2):517-528, 4 figs., figs., ISBN 83-902025-0-6. of the Australian hispine beetle, Eurispa 5 tabs., 1 app.. vittata Baly. Spixiana 20(3):245-253, 3 Borowiec, L. 1998. Review of the fig. Köpf, A., N. E. Rank, H. Roininen Cassidinae of Ecuador, with a descrip- and J. Tahvanainen. 1997. Defensive tion of thirteen new species (Coleoptera: Hawkeswood, T. J., H. Takizawa larval secretions of leaf beetles attract a Chrysomelidae). Genus 9(2):155-246, and P. H. Jolivet. 1997. Observations specialist predator Parasyrphus nigritar- 36 figs. on the biology and host plants of the sis. Ecol. Entomol. 22:176-183, 4 figs, 1 Australian tortoise beetle, Cassida tab. Borowiec, L., V. Chikatunov and J. compuncta (Boheman), with a descrip- Halperin. 1997. The Cassidinae tion of the larva, pupa and adult (Insecta: Kuhar, T. P. and R. Youngman. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Israel. Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Mauritiana 1998. Olson yellow sticky trap: deci- Isr. J. Entomol. 31:147-152, 1 fig. 16(2):333-339, 3 figs. sion-making tool for sampling Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chry- Cízek, P. 1987. Príspevek k Poznání Inoue, T. 1996. Biology of two somelidae) adults in field corn. J. Econ. fauny Brouku celedi Chrysomelidae v Argopistes species in Japan (Chrysomel- Entomol. 91(4):957-963, 3 figs., 5 tabs. Ceskoslovensku. . idae: Alticinae). In: Chrysomelidae Biology, vol.3: General Studies, pages Lee, J. E. 1996. Systematic study of Costessèque, R. 1998. Une récolte 327-335,4 figs, 1 tab. P. H. A. Jolivet the Korean Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera: exceptionnelle de Cryptocephalus (Col. and M. L. Cox, (eds.). SPB Academic Chrysomelidae). Korean J. Entomol. Chrysomeloidea). L’Entomologiste Publishing, Amsterdam, The Nether- 26(2):125-134, 54 figs. 54(3):53. lands. CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 11 Lee, J. E. 1998. Leaf beetle larvae für Ökologie und Naturschutz 6:193- Classification, Phylogeny and Genetics, of Zeugophorinae from North America 206, 2 figs., 13 tabs. pages 57-96,20 figs, 4 tabs. P. H. A. and Europe (Coleoptera: Chrysomel- Jolivet and M. L. Cox, (eds.). SPB idae). Coleopts. Bull. 52(2):118-125, 25 Moura, L. A. 1998. Novo status de Academic Publishing, Amsterdam, The figs.? Chlorolochmaea (Coleoptera, Chry- Netherlands. somelidae, Galerucinae, Galerucini). Lee, J. E. & J. J. Park 1996. Iheringia Ser. Zool. 84:145-152, 17 figs. Schöller, M. (1997). Räumliche Immature stages of Korean Thlaspida Verteilung der Larven von Cryptoceph- Weise (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Petitpierre, E. 1997. Los Chry- alus moraei (Linnaeus, 1758) (Co- Korean J. Zool. 39:387-392, 2 figs. somelidae (Coleoptera) del Moncayo leoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephali- (Aragón). Zapateri (Revta. aragon. ent.) nae). Novius 22:511-514. Lee, J. E. & J. H. Shim 1997. 7:273-280. Systematic study on the Korean Criocer- Siede, D. K. 1998. Bestimmung- inae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) by Petitpierre, E., I. Carreras and J. shilfe für die mitteleuropäischen Altica- larval characters. Korean J. Entomol. Gómez-Zurita. 1998. Cytogenetic Arten (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). 27(1):1-10, 54 figs. analysis of European Casssida (Co- Entomol. Bl. Biol. Syst. Kaeffer 94(1- leoptera, Chrysomelidae). Hereditas 2):77-90, 6 figs. Lee, J. E. 1998. Leaf beetle larvae 128:1-8, 21 figs, 1 tab. of Zeugophorinae from North America Stavisky, J. and P. M. Davis. 1997. and Europe (Coleoptera: Chrysomel- Rank, N. E., A. Köpf, R. Julkunen- The effects of corn maturity class on idae). Coleopts. Bull. 52(2):118-125, 25 Tiitto and J. Tahvanainen. 1998. Host Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: figs.? preference and larval performance of the Chrysomelidae) phenology. J. Kans. salicylate-using leaf beetle Phratora Entomo. Soc. 70(4):261-271, 3 figs., 6 tabs. Lopatin, I. K. 1997. New species vitellinae. Ecology 79(2):618-631, 9 of leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomel- figs, 5 tabs. Topp, W. 1997. Survival in a hostile idae) in the Asian fauna. Entomological environment. Evaluation of the develop- Review 77(5):548-560, 43 figs. Reid, C. A. M. 1997. Chrysomel- mental success of the Oligophagous leaf idae from Kalimantan (Borneo) in the beetle Chrysomela vigintipunctata Medvedev, L. N. 1995. Zeugo- Museum of Zoology, Bogor, Indonesia. (Scop). Ecological Studies 130(9):147- phorinae (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae) of Serangga 2(1):29-47. 169, 9 figs, 2 tabs. New Guinea. Russian Entomol. J. 4(1- 4):67-68, 6 figs. Reid, C. A. M. 1998. The Chry- Verma, K. K. 1996. Cycloalexy in someloidea of Taman Nasional Gede- leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomel- Metcalf, R. L., R. L. Lampman and Pangrango and Environs, Jawa Barat, idae). Ins. Environ. 2(3):382-84, 1 P. A. Lewis. 1998. Comparative Indonesia. Serangga 3(2):269-315, 7 photo. kairomonal chemical ecology of figs, 2 tabs. diabroticite beetles (Coleoptera: Chry- Vig, K. 1991. Contribution to the somelidae: Galerucinae: Luperini: Reid, C. A. M. 1998. A new species knowledge of the Chrysomelidae Diabroticina) in a reconstituted tallgrass of Niasia Jacoby (Coleoptera: Chry- (Coleoptera) of the Carpathian Basin. prairie ecosystem. J. Econ. Entomol. somelidae: Galerucinae), with comments ?:602-606, 3 figs. 91(4):881-890, 1 fig., 6 tabs. on the systematic position of the genus. Serangga 3(2):191-202, 17 figs. Yildirim, E., I. Aslan and H. Mohamedsaid, M. S. 1998. Özbek. 1996. Describe, biology and Additional records of the Galerucinae Reid, C. A. M. 1998. Two new damage of alfalfa leafbeetle (Gonioctena from Sarawak, with descriptions of new genera of Cryptocephalinae (Coleoptera: fornicata (Brüggermann) (Coleoptera, species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Chrysomelidae) from Australia. J. Nat. Chrysomelidae)) a serious pest of alfalfa Serangga 3(2):247-268, 9 figs. Hist. 32:1169-1179, 35 figs. (Medicago sativa L.) in Erzurum and ErzÁncan. ? :816-822, 1 fig. Mohamedsaid, M. S. 1998. New Reid, C. A. M. 1998. Two new species of leaf beetles from the MNS- species of Zeugophora Kunze in Yu, P., X. Yang and S. Wang. 1996. Belum expedition (Coleoptera: Chry- Indonesia (Coleoptera: : Biology of Syneta adamsi Baly and its somelidae: Galerucinae). Serangga Zeugophorinae). Serangga 3(1):7-14, 10 phylogenetic implication. In: Chry- 3(2):227-238, 4 figs. figs. somelidae Biology, vol.3: General Studies, pages 201-216,38 figs, 3 tabs. Mölleken, H. and W. Topp. 1997. Schmitt, M. 1996. The phylogenet- P. H. A. Jolivet and M. L. Cox, (eds.). Die Insektenfauna auf Silberweiden ic system of the Chrysomelidae—history SPB Academic Publishing, Amsterdam, (Salix alba L.): einfluss des Geschlechts of ideas and present state of knowledge. The Netherlands. und der Pflegemassnahmen. Zeitschrift In: Chrysomelidae Biology, vol.1: The

12 CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 Book Notices: American Beetles Chrysomelidae Update Biology Update General Distribution of the Flea Beetles in Ross H. Arnett, Jr. P. H. A. Jolivet & M. L. Cox (eds.) the Palaearctic Subregion “Beetles of the United States” is The Chrysomelidae, along with being updated by a crew of 55 authors of Curculonidae and Bruchidae, include various family sections under the the most economically important by Blagoy Gruev & Manfred editorship of Ross H. Arnett, Jr. (the phytophagous Coleoptera, with at least Döberl. Scopolia, vol. 37/1997, 496 original author) and Michael C. Thomas 37,000 described species. Because of pages Produced by the Slovenian (Division of Plant Industry, Florida their economic importance and biologi- Museum of Natural History, SL-1000 Department of Agriculture, Gainesville, cal diversity, the Chrysomelidae Ljubljana, Presernove 20. Price, ca. Florida). Also the 2 editors are authors constitute an important taxonomic $20.00 (USD) + shipping. of substantial portions of this new group for scientific studies. Relatively Daily, I approach my mailbox with reference (approximately 50% of the little is known about eumolpine, caution, knowing it usually is filled new book). Most of the major families, galerucine and alticine biology, even with a stack of letters and packages and many of the small families are now though these groups often constitute the requiring urgent attention. Occasional- complete and set in final format. The highest proportions of the biota of rain ly, I am pleasantly surprised to find book will be published by CRC Press, of forest fogging samples. Chapters something that I immediately know will Boca Raton, Florida, the publisher of the dealing with pupae, insect predators, be useful and make my work easier for “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.” ricketssia-like organisms, fungal years to come; something that will As with all of their books, the beetle pathogens, weed biocontrol, radiation occupy a place on the reference shelf, to book will be available in both hard copy effects and the biology of Donaciinae, be used over and over. and on CD-ROM. Because of the nature Palophaginae, Synetinae, Megalopodi- This checklist is an excellent work. of the books this publisher produces, we nae, and Eumolpinae fill in the gaps in It deals with the currently known 87 are assured of the continuation of this our knowledge. genera and 1,354 species of the palae- book (and also, Arnett’s book, “Ameri- These books constitute a podium to arctic subregion in a straight forward, can Insects”) as a part of the same series help resolve conflicting questions no nonsense manner. It is obvious that of references as the famous “Handbook concerning leaf beetle biology. They some forethought was given to page of Chemistry and Physics.” provide the basis of information on the formatting and layout in order to make Of special interest to the readers of subject available today and point the such detailed information readable. All CHRYSOMELA is that the Chrysome- way for future research. listings are alphabetical, questionable or loidea, families Megalopodidae, Vol. 1 The Classification Phylogeny erroneous records are listed, first , and Chrysomelidae, has and Genetics (US$ 175). 444 pages, records are given, and changes in been revised under the direction of 119 figures, and 21 tables. taxonomy are noted in a clear and Edward G. Riley, with a crew helping Vol. 2 Ecological Studies (US$184). concise manner. him consisting of: Shawn M. Clark, R. 364 pages, 105 figures, and 32 tables. Part 5, the distribution summary Wills Flowers, and Arthur J. Gilbert. Vol. 3 General Studies (US$156). These families are done and will be peer chart (36 pages), shows distribution of 364 pages, 105 figures, and 32 tables. reviewed by other chrysomeloid each species in each of the 13 subdivi- Vols. 1-3 available at a special price specialists before publication. The much sions of the palaearctic subregion, with for the three volume set (US$450). disputed family Bruchidae has been an additional column for introduced Contact: SPB Academic Publishing bv, retained as a separate family, and revised species. This is a particularly handy P. O. Box 11188, 1001 GD Amsterdam. by John M. Kingsolver based on his section, and can be used in a variety of (Tel.) +31.20.627 8070, (FAX) +31.20 monograph of the family in North ways. 638 0524, or email: . America now in press at the USDA. To Last, but not least, the literature complete the Chrysomeloidea, Mike sources are painstakingly complete and Thomas is redoing the Cerambycidae, contains about 1,100 citations with a and will have this peer reviewed by the separate section for references with several active specialists on this family. Cyrillic characters. For more details, including the family It is obvious that the checklist is a classification, the specialists working on labor of love. It is a ‘must have’ source each family, and other information, a 32 book for all people who have an interest page booklet is available free for the in the alticines, and is a truly outstand- asking. (email Arnett at: ing bargain at the price. [email protected]. We expect the ÐT. N. Seeno work will be published in 1999. CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 13 Research Activities and Ross I. Storey (Mareeba, Australia) Michael Langer (Lichtenwald, Interests (cont. from page 1) continuing to work on Chrysomelidae Germany) Wants all Diabrotica, Diabro- Trevor J. Hawkeswood (Hastings and Scarabaeidae. ticites and Galerucinae literature and can Point, Australia) working on food plants Werner Topp (Köln, Germany) offer entomological literature in ex- and general biology of the Australian phytophagous insects living on Salix change. Chrysomelidae, host plants of the spp. Michal Ouda (Plasy, Czech Repub- Chrysomelidae of the world, and Robert H. Turnbow, Jr. (Ft. Rucker, lic) Would like all literature on World compiling all of the data published USA) completing an annotated checklist Hispinae, especially the publications on (world) on these topics. of the Coleoptera of Georgia. Anisoderini or the oriental region. Clarence Dan Johnson (Flagstaff, Thomas Wagner (Bonn, Germany) Andrzej Warchalowski (Wroclaw, USA) works on the systematics and working on afrotropical Monoleptites Poland) would like to receive all reprints ecology of the Bruchidae. and currently on a revision of afrotropi- dealing with palearctic Chrysomelidae. Halil Kasap (Calcali, Turkey) cal Monolepta. Any material (both J. S. Yadav (Kurukshetra, India) general interest in Chrysomelidae. determined and undetermined) of this Literature pertaining to cell cycle and to Natalie Keals (Nedlands, W. group (also Candezea, Barombiella, etc.) phylogenetic interrelationship of various Australia) works on Bruchidae—taxono- is highly welcome. groups. my, control, andpest/host quarantine. Andrzej Warchalowski (Wroclaw, Michael Langer (Lichtenwald, Poland) works on Chrysomelidae (all Germany) working on the classification, subfamilies) of the palearctic and phylogenetic and faunistic aspects of oriental regions, especially of the West SPECIMENS Diabrotica and Diabrocites (Galeruci- palearctic taxonomy, systematics, AVAILABLE OR NEEDED nae) and willing to identify/revise these morphology, zoogeography, and faunis- groups, worldwide. tics. Currently working on the 7th (and Lech Borowiec (Wroclaw, Poland) Susana Muruaga de L’Argentier final) volume of the Fauna Poloniae. My collection contains ca. 2,000 species (Jujuy, Argentina) working on the Donald Windsor (Panama) patterns (ca. 2,800 known species); afrotropical Lithraeus Bridwell of Argentina; of host plant association in Chrysomel- is the best represented; please write for a Bruchidae, Leguminosae feeders, idae, esp. Hispinae and Cassidinae; life list of available duplicates. species of Stator (Argentina) and history, immature stages, and phylogeny Natalie Keals (Nedlands, W. systematics of the larvae of Stator. of Cassidinae-Hispinae complex. Australia) wants any pest Bruchidae. Jong Eun Lee (Andong, Korea) J. S. Yadav (Kurukshetra, India) Michael Langer (Lichtenwald, continues to work on the systematic chromosomes of Coleoptera in general, Germany) Needs specimens of world- study of the larvae of Alticinae. and Chrysomeloidea in particular. wide Diabrotica and Diabroticites for a Guido Nonveiller (Zemun, Yugosla- Willing to collaborate with workers detailed anatomical study. Can offer via) continues his interest in the Altici- worldwide. Needs live specimens. specimens in many beetles families in nae of Yugoslavia. Methods for fixation of gonads on exchange. Michal Ouda (Plasy, Czech Repub- request. Robert H. Turnbow, Jr. (Ft. Rucker, lic) continuing to work in the Timarchi- Peiyu Yu (Beijing, China) current USA) Collection contains 17,000+ ni; currently interested in Hispinae, projects include Crioceridae of the Chrysomelidae from U. S., Central especially in the oriental region. Hainan Province. Future plans include America, Dominican Republic and T. K. Pal (Calcutta, (India) continues work on the Chinese Crioceridae Puerto Rico. work on the systematics of the cucujoid (including Megalopodinae, Zeugophori- Andrzej Warchalowski (Wroclaw, beetle families of the Indian subregion. nae, Sagrinae, Donaciinae, and Crioceri- Poland) would like to exchange speci- Developing interest and planning for nae). Also maintains an interest in mens (please contact first). work on the ecobiology, taxonomy and Carabidae. Peiyu Yu (Beijing, China) Crioceri- host plant relationship of the Indian nae: Lilioceris lilii (Scopoli). chrysomelid beetles. Francy Pedreros (San Juan, Puerto Rico) graduate student working with LITERATURE neotropical Chrysomelidae, especially AVAILABLE OR NEEDED from Colombian Andes. Aspicela, Alticinae, Cassidinae, and Hispinae. Andrzej O. Bienkowski (Moscow, Lisa Roberto (Firenze, Italy) Russia) would like to receive reprints of CRISOLINA—OREINA con riferimen- publications on the systematics of to all’areale italiano. Chrysolina, Chrysomelidae biology and Charlie Staines (Edgewater, USA) immature stages. current research projects are a revision Trevor J. Hawkeswood (Hastings of the genus Physocoryna and the Point, Australia) all reprints are available description of a new species of Cubispa. on request.

14 CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 Chrysomela Telephone and Email Directory Name Work Phone FAX Phone Email Address

Laurent AMSELLEM shared email, use name [email protected] Pamela ANDERSON 57-2 445-0000 57-2 445-0073 [email protected] Robert S. ANDERSON (613) 364-4060 (613) 364-4027 [email protected] Ross, H. ARNETT, Jr. 352-371-9858 352-371-0962 [email protected] Ulf ARNOLD 49-30-5623072 Ingolf S. ASKEVOLD [email protected] Irfan ASLAN 442 2184120/1468 442 2183647 George E. BALL (403) 492-2084 (403) 492-1767 [email protected] Mariá Fernanda BARBERENA (787) 764-0000 x.7558 (787) 764-3875 [email protected] Robert J. BARNEY (502) 227-6178 (502) 227-6381 [email protected] Grace F. BARROGA (049) 563-2351 [email protected] Yves BASSET +592 2 72954 +592 2 62846 Miriam BECKER (051) 228-1633 (051) 316-3391 Michel BERGEAL [email protected] María BERIO (787) 764-0000 x7558 Nicole BERTI [email protected] Jan BEZDEK [email protected] Andrzej O. BIENKOWSKI [email protected] Maurizio BIONDI +39 (862) 433206 +39 (862) 433205 [email protected] Javier G. BLANCO [email protected] Paul BOLDT [email protected] Michael BOPPRE +49 761 203 3663 +49 761 203 3661 [email protected] Arnaldo BORDONI (055) 222.451/2 Lech BOROWIEC [email protected] John K. BOUSEMAN [email protected] Carlo BRIVIO 039/389518 0039-39-2300702 Zundir José BUZZI (041)366.3144 R141 (041)266.2042 [email protected] Nora CABRERA (54)-021-25.7744 (54)-021-25.7527 Clinton CAMPBELL (619) 698-0211 John L. CAPINERA (904) 392-1901 x111 (904) 392-0190 [email protected] Shannon CARTER (205) 348-4883 [email protected] J. F. CAVEY (301) 734-8547 (301) 734-8700 Caroline S. CHABOO (212) 769-5616 (212) 769-565277 [email protected] Laurence D. CHANDLER 605-693-5239 605-693-5240 [email protected] Petr CíZEK 0446 2441 Shawn M. CLARK (304) 558-2212 (304) 558-2435 [email protected] William H. CLARK 208-459-5507 [email protected] Shaoguang CONG [email protected] Michael L. COX 0171 938 9468 0171 938 9309 [email protected] R. A. CROWSON 041-330-4432 041-330-5971 Mauro DACCORDI 011/ 011/ Roy DANIELSSON 46-46-222 8456 46-46-222 4541 [email protected] David W. De LITTLE +61 3 6434 3420 +61 3 6434 3400 [email protected] Susanne DOBLER (49) 761-2032531 (49) 761-2032596 [email protected] Catherine N. DUCKETT (787) 764-0000 x7558 (787) 764-3875 [email protected] Franck DUHALDEBORDE Astrid EBEN ++52 (5) 622 90 33 ++52 (5) 622 89 95 [email protected] J. Gordon EDWARDS (408) 924-4876 (408) 924-4840 [email protected] Jean R. E. FAGOT 32 (0) 87-376301 32 (0) 87-376940 Brian D. FARRELL (617) 496-1057 (617) 496-1844 [email protected] Ilena FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA 44 6335 or 6927 (537) 331325 [email protected] R. Wills FLOWERS (904) 561-2215 (904) 561-2221 [email protected] Peter A. FOLLETT (808) 956-8774 (808) 956-2428 [email protected] Frank FRITZLAR +49 684311 +49 684222 [email protected] Daniel J. FUNK (520) 626-8155 (520) 621-9190 [email protected] Victor FURSOV (044)- 244-9333 (044)- 224-1569 [email protected] David G. FURTH (202) 357-3146 (202) 786-2894 [email protected] Douglas J. FUTUYMA (516) 632-8608 (516) 632-7626 Elisabeth GEISER ++43-662-870905 [email protected] Arthur J. GILBERT (209) 445-5031 (209) 445-6638 [email protected] Ali GOK [email protected] Jesús GOMEZ-ZURITA 34 71 173332 34 71 173184 [email protected] David GRIMALDI (212) 769-5615 (212) 769-5277 [email protected] Elizabeth GROBBELAAR (012) 323-8540/8/9 (012) 325-6998 [email protected] Jürgen GROSS 0049/30/838 59 07 0049/30/823 09 691 [email protected] Blagoy A. GRUEV 359 32 224147 Maylin P. GUERRERO [email protected] Don HARRINGTON (214) 562-5566 (214) 548-9119 Trevor J. HAWKESWOOD [email protected] Lee HERMAN (212) 769-5603 (212) 769-5277 [email protected] Henry A. HESPENHEIDE (310) 825-3170 (310) 206-3987 Monika HILKER 0049 30 8383918 0049 30 8383897 Cristina D. HOINIC (40) 01 650-5250 Pavel HOSEK [email protected] Ting H. HSIAO (408) 268-6591 [email protected] J. HUIGNARD 33 67 36 69 65 33 67 36 69 65 [email protected] Takenari INOUE 0888-44-1121 0888-44-1130 Viviane JEREZ 204965 244805 [email protected] Clarence Dan JOHNSON (520) 523-2505 (520) 523-7500 [email protected] Paul J. JOHNSON (605) 668-4438 (605) 668-4602 [email protected] Pierre H. A. JOLIVET 01 46 28 87 49 01 46 28 87 49 [email protected] Pierre H. A. JOLIVET (352) 372-3505 x197 (352) 955-2301 Walter J. KAISER (509) 335-1502 (509) 335-6654 [email protected] Frantisek KANTNER +42 38 7312787 +42 38 7312793 Jay B. KARREN (435) 797-2514 (435) 797-1575 [email protected] Halil KASAP 90-322-338-6897 90-322-338-6572 [email protected] Natalie KEALS (08) 9368 3755 (08) 9368 3223 [email protected] John M. KINGSOLVER (352) 372-3505 x197 (352) 955-2301 [email protected] Horst KIPPENBERG 09132-61355 [email protected] Seniz KISMALI 00 90 0232 3884000 x2667 00 90 0232 3881864 [email protected] Alfred KOEPF ++41-1-8107402 ++41-1-8107191 [email protected] Alexandr KONSTANTINOV (202) 382-1794 (202) 786-2894 James L. KRYSAN (301) 231-8712 Michael LANGER +49-37206-70685 +49-37206-70685 [email protected] John F. LAWRENCE [email protected] Douglas G. LeDOUX (314) 445-7685 (314) 573-884-1469 [email protected] Jong Eun LEE 571-50-5618 571-841-1629 [email protected]

CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998 15 Chrysomela Telephone and Email Directory Name Work Phone FAX Phone Email Address Vincent LEE (415) 750-7230 Laurent LeSAGE (613) 759-1770 (613) 759-1926 [email protected] Richard LESCHEN +64 9 849 3660 x.6102 +64 9 849 7093 [email protected] Steve LINGAFELTER (202) 382-1793 Igor K. LOPATIN (17) 229-39-21 [email protected] Jean-Michel MAES (505) 311-6586 (505) 311-5700 (x527) [email protected] Agenor MAFRA-NETO (909) 787-6328 (909) 787-3681 [email protected] Santiago N. MALDONADO 91(131)-2-70-65 [email protected] Jasbir S. MANN (604) 585-7387 (604) 951-8806 - Joachim MAUSER 0049 7634 69255 Lenice MEDEIROS (055)332 7100 x220 (055)332 9100 [email protected] Fernando MEJIA (506) 236-7690 (506) 236-2816 [email protected] Ayres MENEZES Jr. [email protected] Frank J. MESSINA (801) 797-2528 (801) 797-1575 [email protected] Scott E. MILLER +254=2=861680 +254-2-860110 [email protected] Mohamed S. MOHAMEDSAID 03-829 2872 03-825 2698 [email protected] Gilson MOREIRA (051) (051) Geoff MORSE (617) 496-8146 (617) 495-5667 [email protected] Luciano de Azevedo MOURA (5551) 336 1511 R.151 (5551) 336 1778 [email protected] Sandra MOYÁ-GUZMÁN (787) 764-0000 x.7667 (787) 764-3875 [email protected] Susana MURUAGA de L’ARGENTIER 54-88-221544 54-88-221547 [email protected] Alfred F. NEWTON, Jr. (312) 922-9410 x263 (312) 663-5397 [email protected] Jan A. NILSSON 956-668-6407 956-668-6413 Flávia NOGUEIRA de SÁ +019-239-7022 +019-239-3124 [email protected] Guido NONVEILLER [email protected] Charles J. O’KELLY (703) 306-1481 x.6417 (703) 306-0367 [email protected] Karen OLMSTEAD (605) 677-6172 (605) 677-6557 [email protected] Michal OUDA 0420/182/2025 0420/182/2025 [email protected] H. R. PAJNI 0172-541942 0172-541801*1081 staff%[email protected] Jim PAKALUK (202) 382-1790 (202) 786-9422 [email protected] T. K. PAL (0091) 33-400-3925 Stephanie PAPPERS 024-3652337 024-3652134 [email protected] Jacques M. PASTEELS 02/650.40.14 32-2-650.2445 [email protected] Renaud PAULIAN [email protected] Francy PEDREROS 787-764-0000 x.7667 787-764-3875 [email protected] Jörg PERNER +49 3641 630352 +49 3641 239245 [email protected] Eduard PETITPIERRE 34-71-17.31.51 34-71-17.31.84 [email protected] K. D. PRATHAPAN 080 3330 153 x.288 91 080 3330277 Martine RAHIER 41 32 718 3137 41 32 718 3001 [email protected] Tiago C. RAMOS (5511) 274-3455 (5511) 535-3785 [email protected] or [email protected] Nathen E. RANK (707) 664-2995 (707) 664-3012 [email protected] Renato REGALIN +39-2-23691933 +39-2-26680320 [email protected] Chris REID [email protected] Research Library 213-763-3387 Cibele S. RIBEIRO-COSTA 55-41-3663144 x100 55-41-2662042 [email protected] Edward G. RILEY (409) 845-9711 (409) 845-6305 [email protected] Lisa ROBERTO 039 55-2382025 039 55-2382027 William G. RUESINK (217) 244-2163 (217) 333-4949 [email protected] Antoni SACARÉS MAS (971) 17 33 32 G. A. SAMUELSON (808) 848-4197 (808) 847-8252 [email protected] Luigi SANNINO 081/850 61 68 081/850 62 06 Jorge A. SANTIAGO-BLAY (312) 702-3234 (312) 702-9740 [email protected] Davide SASSI [email protected] Michael SCHMITT +49-228-9122-286 +49-228-9122-286 [email protected] Matthias SCHOELLER 0049 83 04 2573 0049 30 296673 [email protected] William T. SCHULTZ (614) 297-2630 (614) 297-2233 Radoslaw SCIBIOR +48 (81) 445-66-73 [email protected] Virginia SCOTT (303) 492-6279 [email protected] Terry N. SEENO (916) 262-1160 (916) 262-1190 & 1191 [email protected] Andrew W. SHEPPARD (61) 6 246 4135 (61) 6 246 4000 [email protected] Sharon L. SHUTE 0171 938 8763 0171 938 8937 [email protected] David H. SIEMENS (406) 243-5722 (406) 243-4184 [email protected] Hans SILFVERBERG +358-9-1917432 +358-9-1917443 [email protected] Václav SILHA 02-6114 3361 (Prag) 02-426 563 S. Adam SLIPINSKI (48 22) 628-73-04 (48 22) 629-63-02 [email protected] Eric H. SMITH (804) 847-9051 (804) 847-2034 Angel SOLêS (506) 236-7690 (506) 236-2816 [email protected] Eva SPRECHER +61 266 55 81 +61 266 55 46 [email protected] Peter SPRICK 0511/97852-29/ C. L. STAINES (202) 357-1318 [email protected] Walter R. STEINHAUSEN 0049 89 8107102 0049 89 8107300 Vernon STIEFEL 253-535-8002 [email protected] Ross I. STOREY 0740922555 0740923593 [email protected] Rev. James M. SULLIVAN (573) 459-6441 Kunio SUZUKI +81-764-45-6626 [email protected] Zuzana SWIGONOVA (732) 445-3032 [email protected] Haruo TAKIZAWA 0285-25-7078 0285-25-4460 Regina TEO (61) 077-81-5740 (61) 077-25-1570 [email protected] Arturo Luis TERAN (81) 230056 (81) 330868 Gérard TIBERGHêEN [email protected] Werner TOPP +49-221-470-3152 +49-221-470-5032 [email protected] Ferit TURANLI 00 90 232 388 40 00/2668 00 90 232 388 18 64 [email protected] Robert H. TURNBOW, Jr. 334-255-3710 334-225-2058 [email protected] Fredric V. VENCL (516) 632-8661 (516) 632-6660 Peter VERDYCK 32-2-627-4295 32-2-646-4433 [email protected] Alfredo VIEGA FERNáNDEZ maristasmo@pl ???? J. H. VISSER *31 317 476001 *31 317 410113 [email protected] Michael J. WADE (312) 702-9638 (312) 702-9740 [email protected] Thomas WAGNER +49-228-9122-298 +49-228-216979 [email protected] Shu-yong WANG (861) 2565680 James E. WAPPES 830-980-2631 [email protected] Andrzej WARCHALOWSKI (48 71) 22-50-41 [email protected] Donald M. WINDSOR 011 (507) 227-6022 011 (507) 232-5978 [email protected] J. S. YADAV 91-01744-20410 x.498 91-01744-20046 [email protected] Xing-ke YANG (861) 2565680 Peiyu YU 6256-2719 (861) 6256-5680 [email protected] Stefano ZOIA +39-2-2362880 +39-2-26680320 [email protected] Miroslav ZUBER +420 326 812452

16 CHRYSOMELA no. 36, October 1998