NOVATEUR PUBLICATIONS JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 - 4230 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 5, May -2020 DEVELOPMENT OF A MODEL FOR APPLYING CORRELATION CRYPTANALYSIS TO FILTERING GENERATORS ABDURAKHIMOV BAKHTIYOR FAYZIEVICH Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, National university of Uzbekistan, +998935143137,
[email protected] BOYKUZIEV ILKHOM MARDANAKULOVICH PhD Student, National university of Uzbekistan, +998909779300,
[email protected] SHONAZAROV SOATMUROD KULMURODOVICH Teacher, Termez state university, +998996760166,
[email protected] ZIYAKULOVA SHAKHNOZA ABDURASULOVNA Teacher, Termez state university, +998905208923,
[email protected] ABSTRACT: Proposed mathematical model and This article is devoted to problems of software can be used for estimation of cryptanalysis. Cryptographic analysis stability of the algorithm of the flow crypto results, got from using of correlation operation to correlation cryptanalysis, as cryptanalysis method to algorithm of the well as in scholastic purpose. flow crypto operation, founded on register of KEYWORDS: cryptanalysis, stream ciphers, the shift with feedback, were presented in shift registers, LILI-128, filtering, work. For estimation of the flow crypto correlation operation algorithm’s crypto stability by correlation cryptanalysis method, number INTRODUCTION: of important tasks was defined, purposes and problems of the study were determined. Ensuring information security requires As a result of defined tasks decision, relatively fast cryptographic tools, not only as mathematical model and software of the exchange of documentary information correlation cryptanalysis method to flow transmitted over the network increases, but crypto operation to filtering LILI-128 – were also as the exchange of multimedia, that is, video developed. Results has shown, that and audio, increases. Therefore, the use of characteristic of correlation immunity of stream encryption algorithms in local and global filtering functions, used in filtering networks has become an urgent problem[1,2].