
1000 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON -AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 25, NO. 6, 2006 Synthesis of Quantum-Logic Circuits Vivek V. Shende, Stephen S. Bullock, and Igor L. Markov, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The pressure of fundamental limits on classical com- I. INTRODUCTION putation and the promise of exponential speedups from quantum effects have recently brought quantum circuits (Proc. R. Soc. S THE ever-shrinking transistor approaches atomic pro- Lond. A, Math. Phys. Sci., vol. 425, p. 73, 1989) to the atten- A portions, Moore’s law must confront the small-scale tion of the electronic design automation community (Proc. 40th granularity of the world: We cannot build wires thinner than ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf., 2003), (Phys.Rev.A,At.Mol. atoms. Worse still, at atomic dimensions, we must contend with Opt. Phy., vol. 68, p. 012318, 2003), (Proc. 41st Design Automation Conf., 2004), (Proc. 39th Design Automation Conf., 2002), (Proc. the laws of . For example, suppose 1 Design, Automation, and Test Eur., 2004), (Phys. Rev. A, At. Mol. is encoded as the presence or the absence of an in a Opt. Phy., vol. 69, p. 062321, 2004), (IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided small region.1 Since we know very precisely where the electron Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., vol. 22, p. 710, 2003). Efficient quantum– is located, the Heisenberg dictates that logic circuits that perform two tasks are discussed: 1) implement- we cannot know its momentum with high accuracy. Without ing generic quantum computations, and 2) initializing quantum registers. In contrast to conventional computing, the latter task a reasonable upper bound on the electron’s momentum, there is nontrivial because the state space of an n- register is not is no alternative but to use a large potential to keep it in place, finite and contains exponential superpositions of classical bit- and expend significant energy during logic switching. A quan- strings. The proposed circuits are asymptotically optimal for re- titative analysis of these phenomena leads experts from North spective tasks and improve earlier published results by at least a Carolina State University (NCSU), Semiconductor Research factor of 2. The circuits for generic quantum computation constructed by Corporation (SRC), and Intel [38] to derive fundamental lim- the algorithms are the most efficient known today in terms of itations on the scalability of any computing device that moves the number of most expensive gates [quantum controlled-NOTs . (CNOTs)]. They are based on an analog of the Shannon decom- However, these same quantum effects also facilitate a radi- position of Boolean functions and a new circuit block, called cally different form of computation [14]. Theoretically, quan- quantum multiplexor (QMUX), which generalizes several known constructions. A theoretical lower bound implies that the circuits tum could outperform their classical counterparts cannot be improved by more than a factor of 2. It is additionally when solving certain discrete problems [17]. For example, a shown how to accommodate the severe architectural limitation successful large-scale implementation of Shor’s integer factor- of using only nearest neighbor gates, which is representative of ization [31] would compromise the Rivest Shamir Adelman current implementation technologies. This increases the number (RSA) cryptosystem used in electronic commerce. On the other of gates by almost an order of magnitude, but preserves the asymptotic optimality of gate counts. hand, quantum effects may also be exploited for public-key cryptography [4]. Indeed, such cryptography systems, based on Index Terms—Application specific integrated circuits, circuit single-photon communication, are commercially available from analysis, circuit optimization, circuit synthesis, circuit topology, design automation, logic design, matrix decompositions, quantum MagiQ Technologies in the U.S. and IdQuantique in Europe. effect semiconductor devices, quantum theory. Physically, a quantum bit might be stored in one of a variety of quantum-mechanical systems. A broad survey of these implementation technologies, with feasibility estimates and forecasts, is available in the form of the roadmap [1]. Sample carriers of include top electrons in hyperfine energy levels of either trapped atoms or trapped ions, tunneling currents in cold superconductors, Manuscript received October 31, 2004; revised March 7, 2005. This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) nuclear polarizations in nuclear magnetic , and Quantum Information Science and Technology (QuIST) program and by a polarization states of single photons. A collection of n such National Science Foundation (NSF) grant. The work of S. S. Bullock was systems would comprise an n-qubit register, and quantum-logic supported by a National Research Council (NRC) postdoctoral fellowship. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor L. Stok. gates (controlled quantum processes) would then be applied to V. V. Shende is with the University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 the register to perform a computation. In practice, such gates USA, on leave from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer might result from rotating the electron between hyperfine levels Science, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2212 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). by shining a laser beam on the trapped atom/ion, tuning the S. S. Bullock was with the Mathematical and Computational Sciences tunneling potential by changing voltages and/or current in a Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD superconducting circuit, or perhaps passing multiple photons 20899-8910 USA. He is now with Institute for Defense Analyses Center for Computing Sciences, 17100 Science Drive, Bowie, MD 20715-4300 USA through very efficient nonlinear optical media. (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). I. L. Markov is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2212 USA. (e-mail:[email protected]). 1Most current computing technologies use electron charges to store informa- Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCAD.2005.855930 tion; exceptions include spintronics-based techniques, e.g., magnetic RAM.

0278-0070/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE SHENDE et al.: SYNTHESIS OF QUANTUM-LOGIC CIRCUITS 1001

The logical properties of also differ significantly from Existing algorithms for n-qubit circuit synthesis remain a those of classical . Bits and their manipulation can be factor of 4 away from lower bounds and fare poorly for small n. described using two constants (0 and 1) and the tools of Boolean These algorithms require at least eight CNOT gates for n =2, algebra. Qubits, on the other hand, must be discussed in terms while three CNOT gates are necessary and sufficient in the of vectors, matrices, and other linear algebraic constructions. worst case [28], [29], [35], [36]. Further, a simple procedure We will fully specify the formalism in Section II, but give a exists to produce two-qubit circuits with minimal possible rough idea of the similarities and differences between classical number of CNOT gates [26]. In contrast, in three qubits, the and quantum information below. lower bound is 14, while the generic n-qubit decomposition in [22] achieves 48 CNOTs, and a specialty three-qubit circuit in 1) A readout (observation, measurement) of a quantum reg- [34] achieves 40. ister results in a classical bitstring. In this paper, we focus on identifying useful quantum- 2) However, identically prepared quantum states may yield circuit blocks. To this end, we analyze quantum conditionals different classical bitstrings upon observation. Quantum and define quantum multiplexors (QMUXs) that generalize physics only predicts the probability of each possible CNOT, Toffoli, and Fredkin gates. Such QMUXs implement readout, and the readout probabilities of different bits in if–then–else conditionals when the controlling predicate evalu- the register need not be independent. ates to a nonclassical state, e.g., coherent superposition of |0 3) After readout, the state “collapses” onto the classical and |1. We find that QMUXs prove amenable to recursive bitstring observed. All other quantum data are lost. decomposition and vastly simplify the discussion of many These differences notwithstanding, quantum-logic circuits, results in quantum-logic synthesis (cf., [9], [22], and [33]). from a high level perspective, exhibit many similarities with Ultimately, our analysis leads to a quantum analog of the their classical counterparts. They consist of quantum gates, Shannon decomposition, which we apply to the problem of connected (though without fan-out or feedback) by quantum quantum-logic synthesis. wires that carry quantum bits. Moreover, logic synthesis for We contribute the following key results. quantum circuits is as important as for the classical case. In 1) An arbitrary n-qubit can be prepared by a current implementation technologies, gates that act on three or circuit containing no more than 2n+1 − 2n CNOT gates. more qubits are prohibitively difficult to implement directly. This lies a factor of 4 away from the theoretical lower Thus, implementing a quantum computation as a sequence of bound. two-qubit gates is of crucial importance. Two-qubit gates may, 2) An arbitrary n-qubit operator can be implemented in a in turn, be decomposed into circuits containing one-qubit gates circuit containing no more than (23/48) × 4n − (3/2) × and a standard two-qubit gate, usually the quantum controlled- 2n +4/3 CNOT gates. This improves upon the best NOT (CNOT). These decompositions are done by hand for previously published work by a factor of 2 and lies less published quantum algorithms (e.g., Shor’s factorization algo- than a factor of 2 away from the theoretical lower bound. rithm [31] or Grover’s quantum search [17]), but have long 3) In the special case of three qubits, our technique yields a been known to be possible for arbitrary quantum functions circuit with 20 CNOT gates, whereas the best previously [3], [13]. While CNOTs are used in an overwhelming majority known result was 40. of theoretical and practical work in quantum circuits, their 4) The architectural limitation of permitting only nearest implementations are orders of magnitude more error prone neighbor interactions, common to physical implementa- than implementations of single-qubit gates and have greater tions, does not change the asymptotic behavior of our gate delays. Therefore, the cost of a can be techniques. realistically calculated by counting CNOT gates. Moreover, it has been shown previously that if CNOT is the only two-qubit In addition to these technical advances, we develop a theory gate type used, the number of such gates in a sufficiently large of QMUXs that parallels well-known concepts in digital logic, irredundant circuit is lower bounded by approximately 20% such as Shannon decomposition of Boolean functions. This new [28], [29]. theory produces short and intuitive proofs of many results for The first quantum-logic-synthesis algorithm to decompose n-qubit circuits known today. an arbitrary n-qubit gate would return a circuit containing The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In O(n34n) CNOT gates [3]. The study in [10] interprets this algo- Section II, we define quantum bits, , and quantum rithm as the QR decomposition, which is well known in matrix circuits, and we introduce the necessary mathematical formal- algebra. Improvements on this method have used clever circuit ism for manipulating them. In Section III, we introduce a novel transformations and/or Gray codes [2], [21], [33] to lower this circuit block, the QMUX, which immediately allows radical gate count. More recently, different techniques [22] have led to notational simplifications of the statements and proofs of previ- circuits with CNOT counts of 4n − 2n+1. The exponential gate ously known results. In Section IV, we give a novel asymptoti- count is not unexpected; just as the exponential number of n-bit cally optimal algorithm for register initialization and indicate Boolean functions ensures that the circuits computing them are its applications to more general problems in quantum-logic generically large, this is also true in the quantum case. Indeed, synthesis. In Section V, we use the cosine–sine decomposition it has been shown that n-qubit operators generically require (CSD), along with a novel decomposition of single-select-bit 1/4(4n − 3n − 1) CNOTs [28], [29]. Similar exponential QMUXs, to derive a functional decomposition for quantum lower bounds existed earlier in other gate libraries [21]. logic, which can be applied recursively. We obtain quantum 1002 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 25, NO. 6, 2006

circuits to simulate any (quantum evolution) the column vector whose bth entry is αb. As for a single 2 U and present competitive gate counts. In Section VI, we show qubit, |αb| represents the probability that a readout of |ψ that our techniques adapt well to severe implementation con- yields the bitstring |b; thus, the αb are subject to the relation 2 straints representative of many quantum-circuit technologies. b |αb| =1. Our results are summarized in Section VII, which concludes the Suppose we concatenate an -qubit register L and an m-qubit paper. Additionally, two highly technical aspects of our paper, register M to form an + m = n-qubit register N. Assuming which are required to achieve the best gate counts, are described L and M have not previously interacted (and remain indepen- in the Appendix. dent), we may describe them by state vectors |ψL∈H and |ψM ∈HM II. BACKGROUND AND NOTATION |ψL = βb|b|ψM  = γb |b . (5) The notion of a qubit formalizes the logical properties of an b∈B b∈Bm ideal quantum-mechanical system with two states. The two states are labeled |0 and |1. They can be distinguished To describe the state of N, we must somehow obtain from by quantum measurement of the qubit, which yields a single |ψL and |ψM  a state vector |ψN ∈Hn. Quantum mechan- classical bit of information, specifying which state the qubit ics demands that we use a natural generalization of bitstring was observed in. However, the state of an isolated (in par- concatenation called the . To compute the tensor ticular, unobserved) qubit must be modeled by a vector in a product of two states, we write |ψN  = |ψL|ψM , and expand 2 two-dimensional complex H1, which is spanned it using the distributive law by the basis states |ψL|ψM  = βbγb |b|b . (6) H1 = spanC {|0, |1} . (1) b∈B,b∈Bm

We identify |0 and |1 with the following column vectors: Let · denote concatenation; then, |b|b  and |b · b  represent n the same bitstring state. As b · b ∈ B ,wehave|ψL|ψM ∈ 1 0 H |0 = |1 = . (2) n, as desired. 0 1 Perhaps counterintuitively, the quantum-mechanical state of N cannot, in general, be specified only in terms of the states |φ∈H1 k Thus, an arbitrary state can be written in either of the of L and M. Indeed, Hk is a 2 -dimensional vector space, two equivalent forms given below and for n 2, we observe 2n 2m +2. For example, three α independent qubits can be described by three two-dimensional |φ = α |0 + α |1 = 0 . 0 1 α (3) vectors, while a generic state vector of a three-qubit system 1 is eight dimensional. Much interest in quantum computing is The entries of the state vector determine the readout probabil- driven by this exponential scaling of the state space, and the ities: If we measure a qubit whose state is described by |φ, loss of independence between different subsystems is called 2 we should expect to see |0 with probability |α0| and |1 with . 2 probability |α1| . Since these are the only two possibilities, α0 2 2 and α1 are required to satisfy |α0| + |α1| =1. B. Quantum-Logic Gates By a quantum-, we shall mean a closed-system A. Qubit Registers evolution (transformation) of the n-qubit state space Hn.In particular, this means that no information is gained or lost By a qubit register, we shall simply mean a logical qubit during this evolution; thus, a quantum gate has the same number array with a fixed number of qubits in a fixed order. A readout of input qubits as output qubits. If |ψ is a state vector in Hn,the of a qubit register amounts to readouts of each component operation of an n-qubit quantum-logic gate can be represented qubit; thus, a readout of an n-qubit register might take the form n n by |ψ → U|ψ for some unitary 2 × 2 matrix U. To define |b0|b1 ...|bn−1 for each bj ∈{0, 1}. We shall abbreviate this , we first introduce the adjoint of a matrix. to |b0b1 ...bn−1, and call it a bitstring state. Just as for a single † Notation: Let M be an n × m matrix. By M ,wewillmean qubit, the state of an isolated qubit register is modeled by a the m × n matrix whose (i, j)th entry is the vector in the complex vector space spanned by the bitstring † of the (j, i)th entry of M. In other words, M is the conjugate states of M. † A square matrix M is unitary iff M M = I for I an × Hn = spanC {|b; b a bitstring of length n} . (4) . This is the matrix equation for a symmetry: M n M Writing B for the of length-n bitstrings, an arbitrary is unitary iff the vector images of have the same complex vector |ψ∈Hn may be expressed as b∈Bn αb|b,oras inner products as the original vectors. Thus: 1) identity matrices are unitary; 2) a product of unitary matrices is unitary; and 3) the inverse of a , given by the adjoint, is 2Complex, rather than real, coefficients are required in most applications. For example, in certain optical implementations [23, Sec. 7.4.2] real and imaginary also unitary. These may be restated in terms of quantum logic. parts encode both the presence and phase of a photon. The quantum-logic operation of “doing nothing” is modeled by SHENDE et al.: SYNTHESIS OF QUANTUM-LOGIC CIRCUITS 1003 the identity matrix, serial composition of gates is modeled by the matrix products, and every quantum gate is reversible. We shall often define quantum gates by simply specifying their matrices. For example, the following matrix specifies a quantum analog of the classical : It maps |0 →|1 and |1 →|0. 01 σ = . Fig. 1. Typical quantum-logic circuit. Information flows from left to right, The inverter x 10 and the higher wires represent higher order qubits. The quantum operation per- formed by this circuit is (U7 ⊗ U8 ⊗ U9)(I2 ⊗ V3)(V2 ⊗ I2)(U4 ⊗ U5 ⊗ Many quantum gates are specified by time-dependent ma- U6)(I2 ⊗ V1)(U1 ⊗ U2 ⊗ U3), and the last factor is outlined above. Note that trices that represent the evolution of a quantum system (e.g., when the matrix A · B is applied to vector v, this is equivalent to applying the a radio-frequency electromagnetic pulse affecting the nuclear matrix B first, followed by the matrix A. Therefore, the formulas describing quantum circuits must be read right to left. spin of an atom) that has been “turned ON” for time θ.For example, the following families of gates are the one-qubit C. Quantum Circuits gates most commonly available in physical implementations of quantum circuits: A combinational quantum-logic circuit consists of quantum gates, interconnected by quantum wires—carrying qubits— cos θ/2 i sin θ/2 without fan-out or feedback. As each quantum gate has the 1) the x-axis rotation Rx(θ)= ; same number of inputs and outputs, any cut through the circuit i sin θ/2cosθ/2 cos θ/2sinθ/2 crosses the same number of wires. Fixing an ordering on 2) the y-axis rotation Ry(θ)= ; and these, a quantum circuit can be understood as representing the − sin θ/2cosθ/2 e−iθ/2 0 sequence of quantum-logic operations on a quantum register. z R (θ)= 3) the -axis rotation z 0eiθ/2 . An example is depicted in Fig. 1, and many more will appear throughout the paper. Fig. 1 contains 12 one- and two-qubit gates applied to a three- An arbitrary one-qubit computation can be implemented as a qubit register. Observe that the state of a three-qubit register is sequence of at most three Rz and Ry gates. This is due to the described by a vector in H3 (an eight-element column), whereas ZY Z decomposition:3 Given any 2 × 2 unitary matrix U, there one- and two-qubit gates are described by unitary operations on exist angles Φ, α, β, and γ satisfying the following equation: H2 and H1 (given by 4 × 4 and 2 × 2 matrices, respectively). iΦ In order to reconcile the dimensions of various state vectors and U =e Rz(α)Ry(β)Rz(γ). (7) matrices, we introduce the tensor product operation. Consider an + m = n-qubit register, on which an -qubit The nomenclature Rx, Ry, Rz is motivated by a picture of V m W one-qubit states as points on the surface of a sphere of unit gate acts on the top qubits, with an -qubit gate acting |ψ∈H n radius in R3. This picture is called the [23], and on the remainder. We expand the state n of the -qubit may be obtained by expanding an arbitrary two-dimensional register as follows: complex vector as follows: |ψ = αb|b = αb·b |b|b . (10) b∈Bn b∈B,b∈Bm it − iϕ θ iϕ θ |ψ = α |0 + α |1 = re 2 e 2 cos |0 +e 2 sin |1 . 0 1 2 2 Then, denoting by V ⊗ W the operation performed on the (8) register as a whole it/2 The constant factor re is physically undetectable. Ignoring V ⊗ W |ψ = αb·b (V |b)(W |b ) . (11) it, we are left with two angular parameters θ and ϕ, which b∈B,b∈Bm we interpret as spherical coordinates (1,θ,ϕ). In this picture, |0 |1 and correspond to the north and south poles, (1,0,0) Here, V |b∈H and W |b ∈HM are to be concatenated, or and (1,π,0), respectively. The Rx(θ) gate [Ry(θ), Rz(θ), tensored, as per (6). It can be deduced from (11) that the 2n × respectively] corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation by θ 2n matrix of V ⊗ W is given by x y z around the ( , , respectively) axis. Finally, just as the point  m (V ⊗ W ) = V W r, c ∈ B ; r ,c ∈ B . given by the spherical coordinates (1,θ,ϕ) can be moved to r·r ,c·c r,c r ,c for the north pole by first rotating −ϕ degrees around the z-axis, (12) then −θ degrees around the y-axis, so do the following matrix equations hold: D. Circuit Equivalences

it Rather than begin the statement of every theorem with “Let Ry(−θ)Rz(−ϕ)|ψ = re 2 |0 U1,U2,... be unitary operators...,” we are going to use dia- i(t−π) grams of quantum-logic circuits and circuit equivalences. An Ry(θ − π)Rz(π − ϕ)|ψ = re 2 |1. (9) equivalence of circuits in which all gates are fully specified can be checked by multiplying matrices. However, in addition 3This decomposition is well known and finds many proofs in the literature, to fully specified gates, our circuit diagrams will contain the e.g., in [3]. We shall derive another as a corollary in Section IV. following generic or underspecified gates. 1004 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 25, NO. 6, 2006

Notation: An equivalence of circuits containing generic this case, we denote U in quantum-logic circuit diagrams by gates will mean that for any specification (i.e., parameter val- “” on each select qubit, connected by a vertical line to a gate ues) of the gates on one side, there exists a specification of on the remaining data (read–write) qubits. the gates on the other such that the circuits compute the same In the event that a multiplexor has a single select bit, and the operator. Generic gates used in this paper are limited to the select bit is most significant, the matrix of the QMUX is block following. diagonal A generic unitary gate. U0 U = . (13) U1

An Rz gate without a specified angular parame- ter; conventions for Rx, Ry are similar. The multiplexor will apply U0 or U1 to the data qubits accord- ing to whether the select qubit carries |0 or |1. To express such A generic diagonal gate. a block-diagonal decomposition, we shall use the notation U = U0 ⊕ U1, which is standard in linear algebra. More generally, A generic scalar multiplication (uncontrolled gate let V be a multiplexor with s select qubits and a d-qubit-wide implemented by “doing nothing”). data bus. If the select bits are most significant, the matrix of V will be block diagonal, with 2s blocks of size 2d × 2d.Thejth We may restate (7) as an equivalence of generic circuits. block Vj is the operator applied to the data bits when the select Theorem 1—ZY Z Decomposition [3]: bits carry |j. In general, a gate depicted as a QMUX need not read or modify as many qubits as indicated on a diagram. For example, a multiplexor that performs the same operation on the data bits regardless of what the select bits carry can be implemented Similarly, we also allow underspecified states. as an operation on the data bits alone. We give a less trivial Notation: We shall interpret a circuit with underspecified example below: A multiplexor that applies a different scalar states and generic gates as an assertion that some specification multiplication for each value of the select bits can be imple- of the generic gates creates a circuit that performs as advertised mented as a diagonal operator applied to the select bits. for any specification of the underspecified input and output Theorem 3—Recognizing Diagonals: states. We shall denote a completely unspecified state as |, and an unspecified bitstring state as |∗. For example, we may restate (9) in this manner. Theorem 2—Preparation of One-Qubit States:

Indeed, both circuits represent diagonal matrices in which each diagonal entry is repeated (at least) twice. In the former We shall use a backslash to denote that a given wire may case, the repetition is due to a multiplexed scalar acting on the carry an arbitrary number of qubits (). In the least significant qubit, and in the latter, there is no attempt to sequel, we seek backslashed analogs of Theorems 1 and 2. modify the least significant qubit. We now clarify the meaning of multiplexed generic gates in circuit diagrams, like that in the above circuit equivalence. III. QUANTUM CONDITIONALS AND THE QMUX Notation: Let G be a generic gate. A specification U of G Classical conditionals can be described by the if−then− a multiplexed gate can be any QMUX that effects a po- G else construction: if the predicate is true, perform the action tentially different specification of on the data qubits for specified in the then clause, if it is false, perform the action each bitstring appearing on the select qubits. Select qubits specified in the else clause. At the gate level, such an operation may carry a superposition of several bitstring states, in which might be performed by first processing the two clauses in paral- case the behavior of the multiplexed gate is defined by lel, then multiplexing the output. To form the quantum analog, linearity. we replace the predicate by a qubit, replace true and false by |1 and |0, and demand that the actions corresponding to clauses A. QMUXs on Two Qubits be unitary. The resulting “quantum conditional” operator U will then be unitary. In particular, when selecting based on a Perhaps the simplest QMUX is the CNOT gate coherent superposition α|0 + β|1, it will generate a linear combination of the then and else outcomes. Below, we shall use the term QMUX to refer to the circuit block implementing a quantum conditional. Notation: We shall say that a gate U is a QMUX with select qubits S if it preserves any bitstring state |b carried by S.In (14) SHENDE et al.: SYNTHESIS OF QUANTUM-LOGIC CIRCUITS 1005

On bitstring states, the CNOT flips the second (data) bit if the exemplified by comparing two expressions involving condition- first (select) bit is |1, hence, the name CNOT. The CNOT is so als in terms of a classical bit s. common in quantum circuits that it has its own notation: a “•” 1) if (s) A0 · B0 else A1 · B1. on the select qubit connected by a vertical line to an “⊕”onthe 2) As · Bs. Here, As means if (s)A0 else A1,withthe data qubit. This notation is motivated by the characterization of syntax and semantics of (s?A0 : A1) in the C program- |b |b  →|b |b XOR b  theCNOTbytheformula 1 2 1 1 2 . Several ming language. CNOTs are depicted in Fig. 3. The CNOT, together with the one-qubit gates defined in Indeed, one can either make a whole expression conditional s s Section II, forms a universal gate library for quantum circuits.4 on or make each term conditional on —the two behaviors In particular, we can use it as a building block to help construct will be identical. Similarly, one can multiplex a whole equation more complicated multiplexors. For example, we can imple- (with two different instantiations of every term) or multiplex each of its terms. The same applies to quantum multiplexing by ment the multiplexor Rz(θ0) ⊕ Rz(θ1) by the following circuit: linearity. MEP: Let C ≡ D be an equivalence of quantum circuits. Let C be obtained from C by adding a wire that acts as a multiplexor control for every generic gate in C, and let D be obtained from D similarly. Then, C ≡ D . In fact, the exact same statement holds if we replace Rz Consider the special case of QMUXs with a single data bit, by Ry (this can be verified by multiplying four matrices). We but arbitrarily many select bits. We seek to implement such summarize the result with a circuit equivalence. multiplexors via CNOTs and one-qubit gates, beginning with Theorem 4—Demultiplexing A Singly Multiplexed Ry or Rz: the following decomposition. Theorem 6—ZY Z Decomposition for Single-Data-Bit Multiplexors:

A similar decomposition exists for any U ⊕ V where U and V are one-qubit gates. The idea is to first unconditionally apply V on the less significant qubit, and then apply A = UV †, conditioned on the more significant qubit. Decompositions for A such controlled operators are well known [3], [10]. Indeed, Proof: Apply the MEP to Theorem 1, and Theorem 3 to A =eitR (α)R (β)R (γ) if we write z y z by Theorem 1, then the result.  U ⊕ V is implemented by the following circuit: The diagonal gate appearing on the right can be recursively decomposed. Theorem 7—Decomposition of Diagonal Operators [9]:

Since V is a generic unitary, it can absorb adjacent one-qubit boxes, simplifying the circuit. We re-express the result as a circuit equivalence. Theorem 5—Decompositions of a Two-Qubit Multiplexor Proof: The first equivalence asserts that any diagonal gate [3]: can be expressed as a multiplexor of diagonal gates. This is true because diagonal gates possess the block-diagonal structure characteristic of multiplexors, with each block being diagonal. The second equivalence amounts to the MEP applied to the obvious fact that a one-qubit gate given by a diagonal matrix Proof: The first equivalence is just a restatement of what is a scalar multiple of an Rz gate. The third follows from we have already seen; the second follows from it by applying Theorem 3.  a CNOT on the right to both sides and extracting a diagonal What remains is the decomposition of the other gates ap-  operator. pearing on the right in the circuit diagram of Theorem 6. We 5 shall call these gates multiplexed Rz (or Ry) gates, as, e.g., the B. Multiplexor Extension Property (MEP) rightmost would apply a different Rz gate to the data qubit for each classical configuration of the select bits. While efficient The theory of n-qubit QMUXs begins with the observation implementations are known [9], [22], the usual derivations that whole circuits and even circuit equivalences can be mul- involve large matrices and Gray codes. tiplexed. This observation has nonquantum origins and can be

4This was first shown in [13]. The results in the present work also constitute 5Other authors have used the term uniformly controlled rotations to describe a complete proof. these gates [22]. 1006 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 25, NO. 6, 2006

Theorem 8—Demultiplexing Multiplexed Rk Gates, k = y,z V. F UNCTIONAL DECOMPOSITION FOR QUANTUM LOGIC [9], [22]: Next, we introduce a decomposition for quantum logic that is analogous to the well-known Shannon decomposition of (f = x f + x f ) Boolean functions i xi=1 i xi=0 . It expresses an arbitrary n-qubit quantum operator in terms of (n − 1)-qubit operators (cofactors) by means of QMUXs. Applying this de- composition recursively yields a synthesis algorithm, for which Proof: Apply the MEP to Theorem 4.  we compute gate counts. It is worth noting that since every gate appearing in Theorem 8 is symmetric, the order of gates in this A. Cosine–Sine Decomposition (CSD) decomposition may be reversed. Recursive application of 6 Theorem 8 can decompose any multiplexed rotation into basic We recall the CSD from matrix algebra. It has been used gates. In the process, some CNOT gates cancel, as is illustrated explicitly and regularly to build quantum circuits [22], [32] and in Fig. 2. The final CNOT count is 2k,fork select bits. has also been employed inadvertently [6], [34]. The CSD states that an even-dimensional unitary matrix U ∈ × C can be decomposed into smaller unitaries A1, A2, B1, B2 C S C2 + S2 = I IV. PREPARATION OF QUANTUM STATES and real diagonal matrices , such that /2 We present an asymptotically optimal technique for the ini- A C −S A U = 1 2 . tialization of a quantum register. The problem has been known B1 SC B2 for some time in quantum computing, and it was considered in [12], [21], and [27] after the original formulation [11] of the For 2 × 2 matrices U, we may extract scalars out of the left quantum-circuit model. It is also a computational primitive in and right factors to recover Theorem 1. For larger U,theleft designing larger quantum circuits. and right factors Aj ⊕ Bj are QMUXs controlled by the most Theorem 9—Disentangling a Qubit: An arbitrary (n +1)- significant qubit that determines whether Aj or Bj is to be qubit state can be converted into a separable (i.e., unentangled) applied to the lower order qubits. The central factor has the state by a circuit shown below. The resulting state is a tensor same structure as the Ry gate. A closer inspection reveals that product involving a desired basis state (|0 or |1)ontheless it applies a different Ry gate to the most significant bit for each significant qubit classical configuration of the low order bits. Thus, the CSD can be restated as the following equivalence of generic circuits. Theorem 10—CSD [16], [25]:

Proof: We show how to produce |0 on the least signif- icant bit; the case of |1 is similar. Let |ψ be an arbitrary (n +1)-qubit state. Divide the 2n+1-element vector |ψ into It has been observed that this theorem may be recursively 2n contiguous two-element blocks. Each is to be interpreted as applied to the side factors on the right-hand side [32]. Indeed, a two-dimensional complex vector, and the cth is to be labeled this can be achieved by adding more qubits via the MEP, as shown below. |ψc. We now determine rc, tc, ϕc, and θc as in (9) Theorem 11—Multiplexed CSD [32]:

itc Rz(−ϕc)Ry(−θc)|ψc = rce |0. (15)

Let |ψ  be the n-qubit state given by the 2n-element row vector it with cth entry rce c , and let U be the block-diagonal sum R (−θ )R (−ϕ ) U|φ = |φ |0 U c y c z c . Then, , and may be We may now outline the best previously published generic R implemented by a multiplexed z gate followed by a multi- quantum-logic synthesis algorithm [22]. The iterated applica- R  plexed y. tion of Theorem 11 to the decomposition of Theorem 10 gives a (n +1) We may apply Theorem 8 to implement the -bit decomposition of an arbitrary unitary operator into single-data- 2n+1 circuit given above with CNOT gates. A slight optimiza- bit QMUX gates, some of which are already multiplexed Ry tion is possible given that the gates on the right-hand side in gates. Those that are not can be decomposed into multiplexed Theorem 8 can be optionally reversed, as explained above. Indeed, if we reverse the decomposition of the multiplexed 6 Ry gate, its first gate (CNOT) will cancel with the last gate The source code for computing the CSD can be obtained from Matlab R by typing “which gsvd” at a Matlab command prompt. On most laptops, this (CNOT) from the decomposed multiplexed z gates. Thus, numerical computation scales to ten-qubit quantum operators, i.e., 1024 × 1024 n+1 only 2 − 2 CNOT gates are needed. matrices. SHENDE et al.: SYNTHESIS OF QUANTUM-LOGIC CIRCUITS 1007

Fig. 2. Recursive decomposition of a multiplexed Rz gate. The boxed CNOT gates may be canceled. rotations by Theorem 6, and then all the multiplexed rotations can be decomposed into elementary gates by Theorem 8. One weakness of this algorithm is that it cannot readily take advantage of hand-optimized generic circuits on low numbers of qubits [26], [28], [29], [35], [36]. This is because it is not recursive on generic operators, but rather on multiplexors. Fig. 3. Implementing a long-range CNOT gate with nearest neighbor CNOTs.

C. Recursive Gate Counts for Universal Circuits B. Demultiplexing Multiplexors, and the Quantum Shannon Decomposition (QSD) We present gate counts for the circuit-synthesis algorithm implicit in Theorem 13. An important issue that remains is to We now give a novel simpler decomposition of single-select- choose the level at which to cease the recursion and handle end bit multiplexors whose two cofactors are generic operators. As cases with special-purpose techniques. will be shown later, it leads to a more natural recursion, with Thus, let cj be the least number of CNOT gates needed known optimizations in end cases [26], [28], [29], [35], [36]. to implement a j-qubit unitary operator using some known Theorem 12—Demultiplexing a Multiplexor: quantum-circuit-synthesis algorithm. Then, Theorem 13 im- plies the following:

j−1 cj ≤ 4cj−1 +3× 2 . (17)

One can now apply the decomposition of Theorem 13 recur- Proof: Let U = U0 ⊕ U1 be the multiplexor of choice; we sively, which corresponds to iterating the above inequality. If formulate and solve an equation for the unitaries required to -qubit operators may be implemented using ≤ c CNOT gates, implement U in the manner indicated above. We want unitary one can prove the following inequality for cn by induction: V , W and unitary diagonal D satisfying U =(I ⊗ V )(D ⊕ D†)(I ⊗ W ) . In other words n− −1 n−1 cn ≤ 4 (c +3× 2 ) − 3 × 2 . (18) U1 V D W = † . (16) We have recorded in Table I the formula for cn with recursion U2 V D W bottoms out at one-qubit operators (l =1and cl =0), or two- qubit operators (l =2and cl =3, as in [28], [29], [35], and Multiplying the expressions for U1 and U2, we cancel out † 2 † [36]). In either case, we improve on the best previously pub- the W -related terms and obtain U1U = VD V . Using this 2 lished algorithm (cf., [22]). However, to obtain our advertised D V U U † equation, one can recover and from 1 2 by a standard CNOT count of (23/48) × 4n − (3/2) × 2n +4/3, we shall W = computational primitive called diagonalization. Further, need two further optimizations. Due to their more technical DV †U D 2. We are left with the fact that for diagonal, the matrix nature, they are discussed in the Appendix. D ⊕ D† R is in fact a multiplexed z gate acting on the most Note that for n =3, only 20 CNOTs are needed. This is the  significant bit in the circuit. best known three-qubit circuit at present (cf., [34]). Thus, our Using the new decomposition, we now demultiplex the two algorithm is the first efficient n-qubit circuit-synthesis routine, side multiplexors in the CSD (Theorem 10). This leads to which also produces a best practice circuit in a small number the following decomposition of generic operators that can be of qubits. applied recursively. Theorem 13—QSD: VI. NEAREST NEIGHBOR CIRCUITS A frequent criticism of quantum-logic synthesis (especially highly optimized circuits, which nonetheless must conform to large theoretical lower bounds on the number of gates) is that the resulting circuits are physically impractical. In particular, Hence, an arbitrary n-qubit operator can be implemented by naïve gate counts ignore many important physical problems a circuit containing three multiplexed rotations and four generic that arise in practice. Many such are grouped under the topic of (n − 1)-qubit operators, which can be viewed as cofactors of quantum architectures [5], [24], including questions of: 1) how the original operator. best to arrange the qubits and 2) how to adapt a circuit diagram 1008 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOL. 25, NO. 6, 2006


to a particular physical layout. A spin chain7 is perhaps the most APPENDIX restrictive architecture: The qubits are laid out in a line, and ADDITIONAL CIRCUIT OPTIMIZATIONS all CNOT gates must act only on adjacent (nearest neighbor) Section V shows that recursively applying the QSD until qubits. As spin chains embed into two- and three-dimensional only -qubit operators remain produces circuits with at most grids, we view them as the most difficult architecture from the n− −1 n−1 4 (c +3× 2 ) − 3 × 2 CNOT gates. perspective of layout. The study in [15] shows how to adapt To obtain our advertised CNOT count, we apply additional Shor’s algorithm to spin chains without asymptotic increase in optimizations below, which reduce (4n− − 1)/3 CNOTs in gate counts. However, it is not yet clear if generic circuits can n−2 general, and an additional 4 − 1 in the case =2, c =3. be adapted similarly. This results in the following final CNOT count: As shown next, our circuits adapt well to the spin-chain limi- tations. Most CNOT gates used in our decomposition already 23 3 4 c ≤ × 4n − × 2n + . act on nearest neighbors, e.g., those gates implementing the n 48 2 3 (19) two-qubit operators. Moreover, Fig. 2 shows that only 2n−k k n CNOT gates of length (where the length of a local CNOT Observe that the leading term is slightly below 4 /2, whereas is 1) will appear in the circuit implementing a multiplexed the leading term in the lower bound from [28] and [29] is 4n/4. (n − 1) rotation with control bits. Fig. 3 decomposes a length- Thus, our result cannot be improved by more than a factor of 2. k CNOT into 4k − 4 length-1 CNOTs. Summation shows that 9 × 2n−1 − 8 nearest neighbor CNOTs suffice to implement the multiplexed rotation. Therefore, restricting CNOT gates to A. Implementing Multiplexed Ry With Controlled Z nearest neighbor interactions increases CNOT count by at most Recall the two-qubit controlled Z gate, given by the follow- a factor of 9. ing matrix:   VII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 1  1  Z =   . Our approach to quantum-circuit synthesis emphasizes sim- Controlled 1 (20) plicity, a well-pronounced top-down structure, and practical −1 computation via the CSD. By introducing the QMUX and optimizing its singly controlled version, we derived a quantum The controlled Z gate is commonly denoted by a “•” on each analog of the well-known Shannon decomposition of Boolean qubit, connected by a vertical line, as shown in the diagram functions. Applying this decomposition recursively to quantum below. This gate can be implemented using a single CNOT with operators leads to a circuit-synthesis algorithm in terms of the desired orientation, and one-qubit gates (whose physical QMUXs. As seen in Table I, our techniques achieve the best realizations are typically simpler). known CNOT counts, both for small numbers of qubits and asymptotically. Our approach has the additional advantage that it coopts all results on small numbers of qubits—e.g., future specialty techniques developed for three-qubit quantum-logic synthesis can be used as terminal cases of our recursion. We have also discussed various problems specific to quantum The statements and proofs of Theorem 8 and Fig. 3 still computation, specifically initialization of quantum registers and hold for multiplexed Ry gates if all CNOTs are replaced with mapping to the nearest neighbor gate library. controlled Z gates. Thus, the central multiplexed Ry in the CSD may be implemented with 2n controlled Z gates, of which Z 7The term arises since the qubit is also commonly thought of as an abstract one is initial (or terminal). As the initial controlled gate particle with quantum spin 1/2. is diagonal, it may be absorbed into the neighboring generic SHENDE et al.: SYNTHESIS OF QUANTUM-LOGIC CIRCUITS 1009

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[37] J. Zhang, J. Vala, S. Sastry, and K. B. Whaley, “Exact two-qubit universal Igor L. Markov (M’97–SM’05) received the M.A. quantum circuit,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 91, no. 2, p. 027903, Jul. 2003. degree in mathematics and the Ph.D. degree in com- [38] V. V. Zhirnov, R. K. Cavin, J. A. Hutchby, and G. I. Bourianoff, “Limits puter science, both from the University of California, to binary logic switch scaling—A gedanken model,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 91, Los Angeles, in 1994 and 2001, respectively. no. 11, pp. 1934–1939, Nov. 2003. He is currently an Associate Professor at the De- partment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Vivek V. Shende received the B.S. degree in mathe- He has published more than 100 refereed papers matics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in journals, magazines, and conference proceed- in 2006. ings. His interests include combinatorial optimiza- He is presently on an extended visit to University tion with applications to the design and verification of California, Berkeley, where he is working with the of integrated circuits, as well as quantum logic circuits. quantum computing . His work on the design He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and of (classical) reversible and quantum logic circuits the American Mathematical Society (AMS). He has served on the technical has appeared in Quantum Computation and Informa- program committees at the Design Automation Conference (DAC), Interna- tion, Physical Review A, and IEEE TRANSACTIONS tional Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Design Automation and Test in ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED Europe Conference, International Symposium on Physical Design, and several CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS. His present research in- other IEEE conferences and symposia. He served as the General Chair and the terests include the design of quantum circuits, and the estimation and correction Technical Program Committee Chair of the International Workshop on System- of error in quantum systems. Level Interconnect Prediction. Currently, he is a Guest Editor of Integration: Mr. Shende is a recipient of the 2004 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society The VLSI Journal, an Editor of the ACM Special Interest Group on Design (CAS) Donald O. Pedersen award. Automation (SIGDA) e-newsletter, and a Member of the advisory board of ACM SIGDA. In 2001, Dr. Markov was awarded the DAC Fellowship and received the IBM University Partnership Award. He is also a recipient of the 2004 IEEE Circuits Stephen S. Bullock received the Ph.D. degree in and Systems Society (CAS) Donald O. Pederson paper-of-the-year award and mathematics from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, in the 2004 ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award. He won the best paper May 2000. award at DATE 2005 in the Circuit Test category, the U.S. National Science He has spent three years as a Term-Assistant Foundation Career Award, the Synplicity Inc. Faculty Award, and the Technical Professor in the Mathematics Department of the Leadership Award from the ACM SIGDA. University of Michigan and two years working as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate of the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Since August 2006, he has been a Staff Researcher for the Institute for Defense Analyses Center for Computing Sciences, Bowie, MD. His efforts at Michigan cen- tered on differential geometry, while his current research concerns studies of multipartite entanglement and applying matrix factorization techniques to the design of quantum logic circuits. His work on these areas have been published in the New York Journal of Mathematics,theElectronic Journal of Numerical Analysis, Physical Review A and Physical Review Letters,theJournal of Math- ematical Physics,andtheProceedings of the Design Automation Conference.