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Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera

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UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma-III Examination of the Diploma III English

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1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP) ______

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I am, DINDA ARINI, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

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Title of Paper : The Analysis Of Slang Used in the Lyrics Of Bruno Mars’s


Qualification : D-III / AhliMadya

Study Program : English

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Slang adalah struktur bahasa yang berkembang di zaman modern dan umum nya digunakan oleh kawula muda. Slang berkembang selaras dengan berkembangnya budaya yang ada di lingkungan tersebut sehingga slang tidak mempunyai batasan waktu, ataupun tempat. Slang sering ditemukan dalam penggunaan bahasa komunikasi sehari-hari, slang juga dapat kita temukan dihampir semua bahasa yang ada di dunia ini, dalam hal ini penulis membahas penggunaan kata-kata slang yang terdapat d idalam bahasa inggris. Di dalam kertas karya saya yang berjudul “ The Analysis of Slang Used in The Lyrics of Bruno Mars’s Song”, penulis akan mengulas penggunaan kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam lagu-lagu yang telah dipilih sebagai batasan masalah untuk dibahas di dalam kertas karya ini. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah metode perpustakaan, dan juga dilakukan pencarian sumber pembahasan melalui internet untuk mendukung penulisan kertas karya ini. Metode dokumentasi digunakan sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Semoga kertas karya ini dapat berguna untuk para pembaca dan dapat menjadi referensi untuk studi mengenai bahasa slang yang terdapat di dalam bahasa inggris.



Slang is structure of language that evolved in modern time which is particularly used by young people. Slang develops in tune with the evolving of existing culture the environment, so that slang does not have a time or place limit .slang often found in the use of communication language every day, slang can also be found almost every language in the world, in this case the writer discuses the use of slang words found in the English language. This paper entitled “The Analysis of Slang Used in The Lyrics of Bruno Mars’s Song”, The writer will review the use of slang words found in that that was chosen as the extent of the problem to be discussed in this paper. The methods used by the writer are library method and sourcing of the discussion over the internet to support the writing of this paper was also done. A documentation method is use as a method of data collection. Hopefully this paper can be useful for the readers, and can be a reference for the study of slang language found in the English language.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to Almighty God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength, and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Department

Faculty of Cultural Science, University of North Sumatera.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love, and appreciation to the dean Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S and the head of

Diploma III English Study Program, Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A who gives me a lot of knowledge about doing in a paper. Then I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor Dr.MasdianaLubis,M.Hum for her time, advice, and guidance to correct this paper during the process of writing and thanks to my reader. I also wish to thank all of the lecturers in English Diploma Study

Program for giving me the instruction, tuition, and knowledge.

I would like to say thank to my lovely family especially to my beloved parents, Sugianto andSalmiaty. Thank you for all your motivation, advice, prays and loves. I present this paper for you. Thank you my beloved brothers Dimas

Prabowo,and Dimas Saputra I really thank you for your support and love.

I would like to say thanks to my beloved friends, Ivo DwiFauziana, Vega

Tannya Marz, Ade Putri, Khairunnisa Nasution, Marys Yeremia, Yona

Marisa, Nur halimah Gurning, Cici Silvy, and Sis Gala .Thank you for your support, cares, and other things that help me to complete this paper. Thank you for the nice friendship during our study. I will be missing the days we spent together.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA I would like to say thanks to all my friends in Class A and B Diploma III

English Study Program/Solidas 2013. Thank you for your supports that help me to complete this paper. I will be missing you all.

Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore

I welcome any constructive criticism and suggestions towards this paper.

Hopefully this paper can inspire and give knowledge for anyone in the future.


The writer,

DindaArini Reg.No. 132202027




1. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of The Study ...... 1 1.2 Problem of The Study ...... 3 1.3 Purpose of The Study ...... 3 1.4 Scope of The Study ...... 4 1.5 Reason for Choosing The Topic ...... 4 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ...... 5 2.1 What is Slang ...... 5 2.2 Type of Slang ...... 7 2.3 Relevant of Study ...... 13 3. METHODOLOGY ...... 14 3.1 Research Method ...... 14 3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 14 3.3 Method of Data Collection ...... 14 3.4 Method of Analysis Data ...... 15 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ...... 17 4.1 Data Analysis ...... 17 4.2 Findings ...... 42 5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ...... 46 5.1 Conclusion ...... 46 5.2 Suggestion ...... 47 REFERENCES ...... 48 APPENDIX ...... 49



1.1 Background of Study

Language is very important for every people, since people cannot live without it. Moreover, language is very influential for communication and information. As Iswahyuni (1998:1) says that language is a medium to express the idea, opinion, and feeling in the science and education world. While, Supriyanto

(1991:1) says that language is arbitraty system of articulated sound made by a human as means of carrying on their society. As a social creature, people cannot stand alone without cooperating with other people. While cooperating here , one human making contact with the others, in doing this people use language.

There are times when the language used is unfamiliar and difficult to understood by the audience, because the writer uses a language that is poorly understood meaning.

Slang is exposed into spoken language. Slang is created based on such form as metaphor, simile, folk, etymology, hyperbole, and borrowing from foreign language. Slang is not use grammatical structure so slang is informal language. Lerner (1960:5) says that slang usually has short life, because it is invited to fit a particular situation at a given moment. Commonly, slang is used by teenagers informal situation. Nowadays teenagers develop a new language variety which is simple and ungrammatical in order to have easier conversation or communication. They may use it for communication to one others in making friendship that heard from their friend and song lyrics.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Slang refers to words or phrases that begin to be used in a widespread way. This way, our language reviews itself and changes with the times. Slang words show the attitudes of the group or sub-culture that uses them.

The history of American slang words is very interesting. by the 18th century the differences between America and other English speaking countries prompted the evolution of slang. For a time, any words not used in Britain were considered slang. Originally considered to be the language of foreigners and criminals, slang began to be used by the writers in the 1900s.

Song is easily found in daily life because song is universal, furthermore slang language in the lyrics of song is also used in communication. We know that every song has a text lyrics, the listener of song can get the message and know what the song is stalking about from the song lyrics as Rinehalt Holt and

Winston(1998:61) said that slang is a piece of music to be sung by human voice.

Some people have views on why we need to examine slang language, as Merriem

Webster (1828:2) said that words are not considered part of the standard vocabulary of a language and that are used very informally in speech especially by a particular group of people. So, people need to learn about the slang to intentions and the true meaning of the language.

Many people like to hear pop song, Bruno Mars is an American pop song and his song uses a lot of slang. Therefore I am interested to analysis slang and

Bruno mars is chosen as the sample of study. As an example of the use of slang in a piece of Bruno mars song :

“I dunno’ “ means “ I don’t know ” (In Click Clack Away lyrics song)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “wannayo “, means “ want you”.(in Gold lyrics song)

“yo’retossin “, means “ you are tossing’.( in Count on me lyrics song)

A study on the use of slang needs to be conducted by which one can learn the meaning of slang. As the slang is found in a song, a study on the use of slang is beneficial to all.

1.2 Problems of Study

The problems of the study are formulated as follows:

1. What kind of slang is used in the lyrics?

2. What is the meaning of slang used in the lyrics?

1.3 Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study are :

1. To find out the kinds of slang used in the Bruno Mars’s lyrics song.

2. To find the meaning of slang word used in the lyrics.

1.4 Scope of Study

As we know there are many song in the world, and some of them used slang language especially in American songs . In this study not all part analyze of language but from Bruno Mars’s namely Click Clack , the writer analyzed the seven songs of the ten songs contained in the album and only slang found in

Bruno Mars’s song lyrics.



1.5 Reason for choosing the topic

The writer chooses to analyze Bruno Mars’s song lyrics because the song lyrics is interesting and slang words are often used in American song’s. In every lyrics can be found slang language in the form sentences or words, so the writer has the reason to understand the meaning of slang.




Hornby (1974:807) says that slang is words, phrases, meaning of words, etc.

Kis (1997:241) states that slang is a linguistics universal because presumably it is found in every language and in every area of the language. One of the basic conditions of its birth perhaps the most important one is a community the member which area in a daily relationships of intensive verbal communication exist, slang phenomena occur in the language.

Slang, then includes not just words but words used in a special way in a certain social context. Dumas and Lighter (1987-14-15) argue that an expression should be considered “True Slang” if it meets at least two of the following criteria:

1). It lowers, if temporarily,”The dignity of formal or serious speech of writing”,

in the other words, it is likely to be seen in such contexts as a “glaring misuse

of register.”

2). Its use implies that the user is familiar with whatever is referred to, or with a

group of people that are familiar with it and use the term.

3). It is taboo term in ordinary discourse with people of a higher social status or

greater responsibility .


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4). It replaces “A well know conventional synonym.” This is done primaly to

avoid “the discomfort caused by the conventional item (or by) further


According to Meriam Webster collegiate dictionary (2003:1170), slang is language peculiar to a particular group; an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed typically of coinages, arbitrarily changed words, extravagant , forced , or facetious figures of speech .

Although the term ”slang” is sometimes use with more or less intentional inexactness, and has often been carelessly defined, the notion to which it corresponds in general use seems to be tolerably precise. There are two principal characteristics which, taken in conjunction, may serve to distinguish what is properly called slang from certain other varieties if diction that in some respect resemble it. The first of these is that slang is a conscious offence against some conventional standard of propriety. A more vulgarism is not slang, expect when it is purposely adopted, and acquires and artificial currently , among some class of persons to whom it is not native. The other distinctive feature of slang is that it is neither a part of the ordinary language, nor an attempt to supply its deficiencies.

The slang word is a deliberate substitute for a word of the vernacular, just as the characters of a cipher are substitutes for a personal name. Thus, slang is not simply one of words that can be used the same way in all situations. There are many ways to say the same things, depending on where are you are, whom you are talking to , and how you fell. It is usually used by a group of a society in informal situation to make a new identity and to identification a member of group.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA There are still many definitions of slang, and none of them define in the same as another. Since different source has different, definition of slang it depends on from which angle is viewed. However, one important point, which is always mentioned is that slang is informal language, informal for it has not been widely and fully accepted by a society from all level because it is mostly spoken by young people.

2.2 Type of Slang

Partidge and Burke (2001:27-30) divide slang according to the field the slang is used, it can be seen as follows :

1). Abbreviation

Some of abbreviations are used in the novel, magazine, also comics. Some of them are very popular and always expressed by Americans. Some of abbreviations are slang but not all abbreviations are used as slang expressions.

The example: He ain’t love me means he does not love me

2). Grammatical slang

Grammar refers to the logical and structure rules that govern the composition of the sentences, phrase, and words in any give natural language. The term refers to also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatic.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The example: We done hit the lottery means “ We have done hit lottery”.

3). Baby’s expressions

Baby’s expressions are used by parents to their baby or children in order to make simple communication. The example : “My birdie so cute” means “ My bird so cute”.

4). Word repetition

Word repetition is used by people who are likely repeated the words that used by them .The example: “Again and again” means “ Repeatedly” .

5). Cockney slang

Cockney slang well known as the slang of Londoners. This slang is characterized by a very pronounced accent. The example : The change of th to f or y, as in “fing” for thing”, “farver” for “father” ; the vowel- sound change from ou to ah as in “abhat” for “about”, and the most marked change of vowel- sound is that eio for ai or ay as in “dayly” for “daily”. The following passage is the example of cockney slang using taken from “ cockney literature” .

6). Public-House Slang

The characteristics of slang terms on this type are cheery, materialistic, but not gross nor cynical, The example, “ Boozer” means “ A public house”, “ second liker” means “ another drinks,the same as first”, and “ballon-juice” means “soda water”.



The example : “Brass, chips, dust, feathers, brads “ means “money, “ saint

Monday” means “ the favourite day of the week”, “screw” means “salary” and

“get a sack” means “to be discharge”.

8). Tradesmen’s slang

Many of this type are now jargon, The example : “bread basket” means

“belly”, “coal up” means “to feed”, “take a trip” means ”giving a job”, and “chuck a dummy” means “ to faint”.

9). The slang of commerce

The characteristics of this kind is to abbreviate the words, The example :

“deb” means “debentures” , “ex div” means “without the dividend” , “com” means “commercial traveler” , and “sec” means second”.

10). Publicity

Characterized by catchy phrases and rhymes, The example : “ Use sunlight” means “soap”, “grateful and comforting” means “ epps cocoa” .

11). Journalism

A little humor is desired here, The example : “ The thunderer” means “ the times, “mrs.gamp” means “ the standard”, and “fiery cross” means “ warning of danger” .



The example :” Balaam box” means “ to fill up spaces in newspaper”,

“blueroses”means “something unobtainable”, “forest of fools” means “ the world, and “sun-clear” means “obvious” .

13). Publishers and Printers

The example : “mag” means “ a magazine”, O.P means “out of print”,

“yellow backs” means “ cheap two shilling editions of novels, “to ghost” means

“to write”, and T.O means “to over” .

14). The Law

The example : “Six and eight pence” means “ a holicitor-whose fee used often to amount to that surm” , “pettifogger” means “ a little dirty attorney” , and

“crump” means “false witnesses”.

15). Medicine, Initials, Abbreviations and Euphemisms are the characteristics of this type, as the tendency of medical persons to clothe their actions, words and prescriptions in mystery.

The example : D.D.A (the Dangerous Drug Act), TB (Tuberculosis), med lab (medical laboratory), mike (microscope) , pussy (female), friends to stay (the menstrual period).



The example : “Candle shop” (a broad church), “dolly worship” (roman catholic religion), “holy js” (the shallow, circular-crowned hat worn by elergymen).

17). Parliament and Politics

The example : “Cabbage garden patriots” (cowards), “dish” (to overcome),

“disguised public house” (a workmen’s political club), “make all right” (by promising to pay for a vote), “old gang” ( uncompromishing ).

18). Public School and Universities

This type of slang is very influential because an important source of slang mostly from the language of students, it is the expressions of students its. The example : “Crib” (house) , “governor” (a male parent), “skull” (the head), “leccer”

(lecturer), “accer” (exercise).

19). Society

Novelty as leisure of society is the characteristics of this type. The example: “Birdeage” (four-whel cab), “cold tub” (a cold morning bath),

“Rothschild” (a very rich man).



The artistic slang is fun. The example: “Artistic merit” (a satirical way of saying that a portrait is flattering), “signed all over” (said of a good picture which instantly reveal its creator in every inch).

21). The Theater, characterized by apt and striking passage

The example : “Acting lady” (an incapable actress), “tabs” (an ageing woman), “early turner” (an inferior music-hall artist).

22). Sports and Games

Many slang words from this type have already incorporated in standard speech, The example : “Batty” (very large), “doin” (to ask), “rot ” (panic),

“sitter” ( an extremely easy catch).

23). The Turf

This type is mostly about horse racing or people. The example : “Getright”

(to cure a horse) , “lifter” (a horse much given to kick), “tin man” (a millionaire) , and “up” (riding).

From all types mentioned and explained above, this research use nineteen typed of slang by Patridge and Burke, and as deemed appropriate.




Yanchun Zhou

Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China

Yanhong Fan

Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, China


Slang is widely used by people from all walks Of life. American slang is formed and developed withAmerican history. It has its unique characteristics and functions. American slang reflects American culture. A sociolinguistic study of

American slang helps peopleknow more about American culture and society. This paper discusses American slang from the following perspectivesfeatures of

American slang, individual factorinfluencing American slang, social factors influencing American slang as well asthe social functions of American slang.

Index Terms American slang, Sociolinguistics, American culture.


An informal style of speech often sees the frequent occurrence of slang, which may be a single word, a group of words or a sentence. Slang is highly informal and is oftenused in colloquial speech. It is a part of a language that is


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA usually outside of conventional or standard usage and that may consist of both newly coined words and phrases and of new or extended meanings attached to established terms (Chen Linhua, 2006, p.260).



3.1 Research Method

This studies uses a qualitative method. Bungin (2007:6) says “qualitative method is research method that captures the fact or social phenomenon, make observations, and then analyze it and then seek to theory based on what was observed”. Meanwhile, according to Strauss (1990:9) qualitative method is a research method that requires three basic components therein, namely the absence of data, data analysis and data analysis. The qualitative method is a method of study for that using sentences and words as data.

3.2 Data and Data source

Data are sentences or lyrics contained slang in the Bruno Mars’s lyrics used the album entitled ‘Click Clack Away’ by Bruno Mars in 2011 as a data source, it consists 10 songs in the album but only 6 songs use slang in the lyrics language.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3.3 Method of Data Collection

This study uses observations method as data collecting method. According to Ridwan (2004:104) that observation is data collecting technique, where the authors do the research directly in the object of research. Basically, the observation technique is used to see changes of social phenomenon that keep grow and more develop and then it can be done based on the change of value to see specific object and then it can be apart between the things that necessary and unnecessary Margono (2007:159) .

3.4 Method of Analysis Data

This study applies descriptive analysis method. Descriptive analysis according to Zikmund (2003:2) is the transformation of raw data into a form that will make them easy to understand and interpret; rearranging, ordering, and manipulating data to generate descriptive information. There are some steps to analyze the data:

1. Reading the lyrics of song

2. Identifying the sentences and containing slang.

3. Classifying the types of slang found.

4. Using the dictionaries to translate the sentences lyrics that containing slang, to understand and describe each meaning or find the original meaning that consisted in the lyrics.



4.1 Data Analysis

From 10 songs in the Bruno Mars album namely’ Click Clack Away” the author analyzed six songs that contained slang. Among there are six songs is :

1) Click Clack Away = 15 lyrics

2) = 7 Lyrics

3) = 10 Lyrics

4) Billionaire = 12 Lyrics

5) Count On Me = 6 Lyrics

6) Gold = 6 Lyrics +

56 Lyrics

So, from 6 songs of Bruno Mars all the lyrics had sum total amounts to 56 lyrics contained slang.

Data 1 “Click Clack Away”

You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes So I might die a happy man today Just empty out your barrel Girl, it’s alright Click clack away


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Click clack away Click clack away Click clack away Go’ head Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea Pull it, pull it, pull it Go ahead and make my day Click clack away

You got weapons of mass seduction If I was broke, I’d give you half of nothing Or give it all, then I’d give you more I’m no decorator but the writing’s on the wall Winter, summer, fall; april, may, and, june You shot me through the heart, but I don’t have a wound You got a good aim’ cause I could have sworn I moved When it comes to relationships, I don’t have a clue Love a first sight, I dunno, I zoom You put a hit out on me; badabingbada boom If this is pain let me hurry up and suffer What doesn’t kill me should make my love tougher I’m tough now, wassup now? Fire at me, I swear I won’t duck down Wow, you had me in awe You ain’thave to shoot girl, you had from your draw.



You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes So I might die a happy man today Just empty out your barrel Girl, it’s alright Click clack away Click clack away Click clack away Click clack away Go’ head Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea Pull it, pull it, pull it Go ahead and make my day Click clack away

You take way my very breath Call nine one one, mary bless No need to ask if I’m ready, yes Ill got get my tux , and you go get your dress And we gone do it big although we just met I was just bein’ fresh Yea I know I’m a mess But I like spontaneity, continuity Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow,just you and me Haha; and I’m not pressin’ charges


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Don’t want you to ricochet and hit another target You take me to the edge , right up to the margin All I see is fireworks , I can feel it sparkin’ Hope you keep me at the center of your bulls-eye And you know its more beneficial full time Haha: you are everything and more You ain’thave to shoot girl, you had me from your draw.


You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes So I might die a happy man today Just empty out your barrel Girl, it’s alright Click clack away Click clack away Click clack away Click clack away Go’ head Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea Pull it, pull it, pull it Go ahead and make my day



No Slang words/Sentences Classification slang meaning

1. Empty out your barrel Tradesmen slang Single/nothing relationship

2. Mass seduction Tradesmen slang Said the poet

3. I’m no decorator Abbreviations I am not decorator

4. Shot me Tradesmen slang Give your love to me

5. I dunno Cockney slang I do not know

6. Wassup Cockney slang What’s up

7. Ain’t Abbreviations Is not

8. Go’head Tradesmen slang Try to me

9. Make my day Grammatical slang Disobey me

10. Mary bless Grammatical slang God bless

11. Bein’ Abbreviations Being

12. Pressin’ Abbreviations Pressing

13. Sparkin’ Abbreviations Sparking

14. Bulls-eye Pounce


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 15. Go ahead Tradesmen slang continue

Analysis of data 1 :

1) Tradesmen slang

Tradesmen slang is many of this type are now jargon, in data 1

tradesmen slang be found in number 1,2,8,and number 15. In number 1

“empty out your barrel” means that single or nothing status about relationship.

In number 2 “mass seduction” means that people want to said the poet. In

number 8 “go head” means that try to our self. And in number 15 “go ahead”

means that continue.

2) Abbreviations

Abbreviations is a shortened form a word or phrase in slang. In data 1

abbreviations be found in number 3,7,11,12 until 13. “I’m no decorator”

means I am no(t) decorator, “ain’t” means is not , “bein” , “pressin” , and

“sparkin” means must be add (+g) to be being, pressing, and sparking.

3) Cockney slang

Cockney slang well known as the slang of Londoners. This slang

characterized by a very pronounced accent. In data 1 cockney slang be found


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA in number5 and number 6. “I dunno” means I don’t know or I do not know,

and “wassup” means what’s up.

4) Grammatical slang

Grammar refers to the logical and structure rules that govern the

composition of the sentences, phrase, and words in any give natural

language..In data 1 grammatical slang be found in number 9 and number 10.

In number 9 ”make my day” means disobey me . and in number 10 “marry

bless” means god bless in Christian religion.

Data 2 “Talking to the moon”

I know you’re somewhere out here Somewhere far way I want you back I want you back My neighbors think I’m crazy But they don’t understand You’re all I had You’re all I had [chorus;]

At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself talking to the moon Trying to get to you


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?

Ohoo… I’ feeling like I’m famous The talk of the town They say I’ve gone mad But they don’t know what I know Cause when the sun goes down Someone’s talking back Yeah, they’re talking back [chorus:]

At night when the stars light up my room I sit by myself talking to the moon Trying to get to you In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?

Ahh..ahh…ahh… Do you ever hear me calling? (ahh…ahh…ahhh) Oh ohhohh oh ohh ‘cause ever night I’m talking to the moon

Still trying to get to you In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Or am I fool who sits alone talking to the moon I know you’re somewhere out there Somewhere far away

Data 2. Talking to the moon

Slang words/ No. Classifications of slang Meaning Sentences

1. You’re all I had Workmen slang Everything

2. Stars light up Tradesmen slang Turn on the lamp

3. I sit by my self Tradesmen slang Dreamy

4. I a fool Workmen slang Stupid

5. I’ve gone mad Workmen slang I have been crazy

6. Sun goes down Workmen slang Sunset

7. Talking back Tradesmen slang Argue

Analysis of data 2 :

1) Workmen slang

workmen slang is a slang used to made a word or a sentence hard to

understood factually has a original meaning had people often said. In data 2

workmen slang can be found in number 1,4,5,and number 6.in number 1


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “you’re all I had” means that “you are my everything”, in number 4 “I a fool”

mans that “I am a stupid”, in number 5 “I’ve gone mad” means that “I have

been crazy” and in number 6 “sun goes down” means that “sun set” because

“goes down” has almost similar meaning with “set” .

2) Tradesmen slang

Tradesmen slang is many of this type are now jargon, in data 2

tradesmen slang be found in number2,3,and number 7. In number 2 “stars

light up” means that “turn on the lamp”, in number 3”I sit by my self” means

that a people have a dream or means ”dreamy”, and in number 7”talking back”

means that “argue” .

Data 3 “The Lazy Song”

Today I don’t feel like doing anything I just wannalay in my bed Don’t feel like picking up my phone So leave a message at the tone ‘cause today I swear I’m not doing anything.

Uh! I’m gonna kick my feet up Then stare at the fan Turn the tv on, throw my hand in my pants


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Nobody’s gonna tell me I can’t

I’ll be lounging on the couch Just chillin’ in my snuggie Click on , so they can ‘cause in my castle I’m the freaking man

Oh,yes I said it I said it I said it cause I can

[chorus;] Today I don’t feel like doing anything I just wannalay in my bed Don’t feel like picking up my phone So leave a message at the tone ‘cause today I swear I’m not doing anything.

Nothing at all! Oh hoohoohoo… Nothing at all Oh hoo… hoo…

Tomorrow I’ll make up do some p90x Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex And she’s gonna scream out: ‘this is great’ (oh my god, this is great”) Yeah



I might mess around , and get my college degree I bet my old man will be so proud of me But sorry pops, you’ll just have to wait Haha Oh, yes I said it I said it I said it cause I can

[chorus;] Today I don’t feel like doing anything I just wannalay in my bed Don’t feel like picking up my phone So leave a message at the tone ‘cause today I swear I’m not doing anything. No ain’t gonna comb my hair ‘cause I ain’t going anywhere No, no, no, no, no, no, no I’ll just strut in my birthday suit And let everything hang loose Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Today I don’t feel like doing anything I just wannalay in my bed Don’t feel like picking up my phone So leave a message at the tone ‘cause today I swear I’m not doing anything.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Nothing at all! Oh hoohoohoo

Data 3. “The lazy song”

No. Slang words/Sentences Classification of Slang Meaning

1. Gonna Abbreviations Going to

2. Chillin’ Abbreviations Chilling

3. Dougie Baby expressions Dog style

4. Freaking man in my castle The turf slang I am a king

5. Nice girl Baby expressions Beautiful

6. Nice sex Baby expressions Passionate

7. My old man The turf slang Father

8. Pops Tradesmen slang Shit

9. Ain’t Abbreviations Is not

10. Hang loose Tradesmen slang Looseness

Analysis of data 3:

1) Abbreviations

Abbreviations are a shortened form a word or phrase in slang. In data

3 abbreviations be found in number 1,2,and number 9. In number 1”gonna” is


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA shortened form a word “going to”. In number 2”chillin” is shortened form a word “chillin (+g)” means that “chilling”. and in number 9”ain’t” is shortened form a word “is+not” in American “isn’t” means “ain’t” .

2) Baby expressions

Baby’s expressions are used by parents to their baby or children in order to make simple communication. In data 3 baby expressions be found in number 3,5, and number 6. In number 3”dougie” means that like a dog or act like a dog “dog style”, in number 5”nice girl” means that “beautiful”, and in number 6”nice sex” means that “passionate” because in American, passionate is vulgarism.

3) The turf slang

Turf, this type is mostly about horse racing or people. In data 3,the turf slang be found in number 4 and number 7. In number 4”freaking man in a castle” means that a king in a castle , in number 7” my old man” means that old man = father so “my old man” means that “my father”.

4) Tradesmen slang

Tradesmen slang is many of this type are now jargon, in data 3 tradesmen slang be found in number 8,and number 10 . in number 8”pops” means that “shit” because it is a dirty word. And in number 10”hang loose” means that “looseness”.



I wanna be a billionaire so freakin’ bad Buy all of the things I never had Uh, I wanna be on the covere of forbes magazine Smilling next to oprah and the queen

Oh every time I close my eyes I see my name in shinning lights Yeah, a different city every night oh right I swear the world better prepare For when I’m a billionaire Yeah I would have a show like oprah I would be the host of everyday Christmas Give traviea wish list I’d probably pull an Angelina and brad pitt And adopt a bunch of babies that I ain’t never had shit Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this And last but not least grant somebody their last wish It’s been a couple months that I’ve been single so You can call me travieclausminus the ho ho Get it he he , I’d probably visit where Katrina hit And damn sure do a lot more than fema did Yeah can’t forget about me stupid Everywhere I gonna have my own theme music oh every time I close my eyes I see my name in shinning lights


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA a different city every night oh right I swear the world better prepare For when I’m a billionaire Ohhohhh oh ohhh when I’m billionaire Ohhohhh oh ohhh when I’m billionaire

I’ll be playing basketball with the president

Dunking in his delegates Then I’ll compliment him on his political etiquette Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it But keep the five , twenties tens and bens completely separate And yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket We in recession but let me take a crack at it I’ll probably take whether left and just split it up So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was Eating good sleeping soundly I know we all have a similar dream Go in your pocket pull out your wallet And put it in the air and sing

I wanna be a billionaire so freakin’ bad Buy all of the things I never had Uh, I wanna be on the covere of forbes magazine Smilling next to oprah and the queen

Oh every time I close my eyes


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA I see my name in shinning lights Yeah, a different city every night oh right I swear the world better prepare for when I’m a billionaire Ohhohhh oh ohhh when I’m billionaire Ohhohhh oh ohhh when I’m billionaire

I wanna be a billionaire so fuckin’ bad!

Data 4 “Billionaire”

No. Slang words/Sentences Classification of Slang Meaning

1. Freakin’ Abbreviations Freaking

2. A billionaire The turf slang A rich man

3. Travie Cockney slang Trophy

4. A bunch of babies Baby expressions Children

5. Mercedes lady The turf slang A rich woman

6. Dunking on his delegates Politics slang Damned

7. Political etiquette Politics slang Applicable law

8. Toss Baby expressions Put

9. Single tummy Baby expressions Rumbling

10. Go in your pocket Politics slang Save your money


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 11. Fuckin’ Abbreviations Fucking

12. Shit Baby expressions Nice or rubbish

Analysis of data 4 :

1) Abbreviations

Abbreviations is a shortened form a word or phrase in slang. In data 4

abbreviations be found in number 1 and number 11. In number 1”freakin’ is a

shortened form a word freak(+ing) so means that “freaking”. And in number

11”fuckin” is a shortened form a word fuck(+ing) so means that “fucking”.

2) The turf slang

Turf, this type is mostly about horse racing or people. In data 3,the

turf slang be found in number 2 and number 5. In number 2”a billionaire”

explain that a man have much money and means that “a rich man”. In number

5 “mercedez lady” explain that mercedezisa expensive and luxurios, so

“mercedz lady” means that “rich woman”.

3) Baby expressions

Baby’s expressions are used by parents to their baby or children in

order to make simple communication. In data 4 baby expressions be found in


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA number 4,8,9 and number 12.in number 4”bunch babies” means that

“children”, in number 8”toss” means that “put”, in number 9”single

tummy”means that ”rumbling or hungry”, and in number 12 “shit” means that

wanna say “nice or rubbish”.

4) Politics slang

Politics slang is a jargon often used in a politics and parliament

course. In data 3, politics slang be found in number 6,7and number 10. In

number 6”dunking on his delegates” means that “damned” , in number

7”political etiquette” means that an applicable law, and in number 10”go in

your pocket” means that “save your money” because pocket is related with


Data 5 “Count On Me”

Oh uhh huh If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea I’ll sail the world to find you If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can’t see I’ll be the light to guide you

We find out what we’re made up When we are called to help our friend in need


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA [chorus;] You can count on me like 1,2,3 I’ll be there And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2 And you’ll be there Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do , oh yeah Ooooohhhhh,ooooooh,ooohh yeah yeah

If you’re tossin’ and you’re turnin’ And you just can’t fall asleep I’ll sing a song beside you And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me Every day I will remind you

Ooh We find out what we’re made up When we are called to help our friend in need

You can count on me like 1,2,3 I’ll be there And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2 And you’ll be there Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do , oh yeah Ooooohhhhh, ooooooh, ooohh yeah yeah


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA You’ll always have my shoulder when you cry I’ll never let go, never say goodbye You know

Data 5 ” Count on me”

No. Slang words/Sentences Classification of slang Meaning

1. Lost in the dark Grammatical slang Trapped in the past

2. We’re made of Grammatical slang We are came from

3, Tossin’ Abbreviations Tossing

4. Turnin’ Abbreviations Turning

5. Friends in need Grammatical slang Need friends

6. You’ll always have my Grammatical slang Lean on my shoulder shoulder

Analysis of data 5 :

1) Grammatical slang

Grammar refers to the logical and structure rules that govern the

composition of the sentences, phrase, and words in any give natural

language..In data 1 grammatical slang be found in number 1, 2,5and number

6. In number 1”lost in the dark” means that ”trapped in the past”, in number

2”we’re made of” means that ”we are came from” . in number 5”friends in


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA needs” means that “need friends”. And in number 6” you’ll always have my

shoulder” means that you can lean on my shoulder.

2) Abbreviations

Abbreviations is a shortened form a word or phrase in slang. In data 4

abbreviations be found in number 3 and number 4. In number 3”tossin” is

shortened from “tossin(+g) means that “tossing”. And in n umber 4 “turnin” is

shortened from “turn(+ing) means that “turning”

Data 6 “Gold”

There’s no light in this room It’s all right we got you You shine like gold You walk by Cause a scene all the guys They agree you shine like gold

[verse 1]

Hey baby I spy with my little eye Pretty lady A dream about you and i Lady and I know This might make no sense But you’re the first girl I met



Baby girl you’re shinning like a star Come and give me some of that gold I can see you shine from a far I’ma come and give you some love Cause you know that girl That I can’t lie in my world, oh no

There’s no light in this room It’s all right we got you You shine like gold You walk by Cause a scene all the guys They agree you shine like gold

Hey baby I spy with my little eye Pretty lady A dream about you and i Lady and I know This might make no sense But you’re the first girl I met

Baby girl you’re shinning like a star Come and give me some of that gold I can see you shine from a far I’ma come and give you some love


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Cause you know that only you girl That I can’t lie in my world, oh no

Data 6 “Gold”

No. Slang words /Sentences Classification of Slang Meaning

1. Hey baby Baby expressions Hi dear

2. Spy with my little eye Tradesmen slang Stalk carefully

3. Pretty lady Baby expressions Beautiful

4. Baby girl Baby expressions My girlfriend

5. I’ma come Grammatical slang I am coming

6. No lights in this room Tradesmen slang Darkness

Analysis of data 6 :

1) Baby expressions

Baby’s expressions are used by parents to their baby or children in

order to make simple communication. In data 6 baby expressions be found in

number 1,3and number 4. In number 1 “hey baby” means that “hi dear”

because baby is related with love conditions. In number 3”pretty lady” means

that “beautiful” because pretty is more cute than beautiful. And in number 4


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “baby girls” means that “girlfriend” because in a relationship a girls like a baby cute.

2) Tradesmen slang

Tradesmen slang is many of this type are now jargon, in data 6 tradesmen slang be found in number 2,and number 6. In number 2 “spy with my little eye” means that stalk or look with little eye or “stalk carefully”. And in number 6 “no lights” explained that in a room no lighting or means that


3) Grammatical slang

Grammar refers to the logical and structure rules that govern the composition of the sentences, phrase, and words in any give natural language..In data 1 grammatical slang be found in number 5. In number 5

“I’ma come” means that “I am coming” because “ma=am” and “came” changed be continuous tense “coming”.




1. I’m no decorator 1. I am not


2. Bein’ 2. Being 1.Abbreviations 3.Pressin’ 3. Pressing

4.Sparkin’ 4. Sparking

5. Ain’t 5. Is not

2.Grammatical 1. Make my day 1. Disobey me

Slang. 2. Mary bless 2. God bless

1. Click Clack 1.Empty out your barrel 1.Single/nothing Away relationship 2.Mass seduction. 2. Said the poet 3.Tradesmen 3. Shot me. 3. Give your love to me Slang 4. Go’ head 4. Try to me

5.Go ahead 5. Continue

6. Pounce 6. Bulls eye

4.Cockney 1. I dunno 1. I do not know

Slang 2. Wassup 2.What is up

2.Talking to the 1.Workmen 1.You’re all I had 1. Everything


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Moon Slang 2. I a fool 2. Stupid

3. I’ve gone mad 3.I have been crazy

4. Sun goes down 4. Sunset

1. Turn on the lamp 1.Stars light up. 2.Tradesmen 2. Dreamy 2. I sit by myself Slang 3. Talking back 3. Argue

1. Gonna 1. Going to

1.Abbreviations 2. Chillin’ 2. Chilling

3. Ain’t 3. Is not

1. Dog style 1. Dougie 2.Baby 2. Beautiful 2. Nice girl Expressions 3. Passionate 3.The Lazy Song 3. Nice sex

1.Freaking man in my 1. I am king 3.The Turf castle Slang 2. My old man 2.My father

4.Tradesmen 1.Pops 1.Shit

Slang 2.Hang Loose 2. Loosenes

1. Freakin’ 1. Freaking 4.Billionaire 1.Abbreviations 2. Fuckin’ 2. Fucking


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.The Turf 1. A Billionaire 1. A Rich Man

Slang 2. Mercedez Lady 2. A Rich Woman

3.Cockney 1. Travie 1. Trophy Slang

1. A bunch of Babies 1. Children

4.Baby 2. Toss 2. Put

Expressions 3. Single Tummy 3. Rumbling

4. Shit 4. Nice or rubbish

1. Damned 1. Dunking on his

5.Politics Slang Delegates 2. Save your 2. Go in your Pocket Money

1.Lost in the dark 1. Trapped in the past

1. Grammatical 2. We’re made of 2. We are came 5. Count on Me from Slang 3. Friend in need 3. Need friends

4. You’ll always have 4. Lean on my my shoulder shoulder

1. Hey Baby 1. Hi Dear 1. Baby 6.Gold 2. Pretty Lady 2.Beautiful Expressions 3. Baby Girl 3. My Girlfriend


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.Tradesmen 1. Spy with my little eye 1. Stalk carefully

Slang 2. No lights in this room 2.Darkness

3.Grammatical 1. I’ma Come 1. I am Coming



5.1 Conclusions

Having analyzed the data, conclusions are drawn as following

a) There are eight classifications of slang in six songs namely; abbreviations,

grammatical slang, tradesmen slang, workmen slang, baby expressions, the

turf slang, politics slang, and cockney slang.

b) Abbreviation were found in each of the lyrics in six songs of Bruno Mars.

Tradesmen and workmen slang were found in eleven lyrics from six songs,

there are; Talking to the moon, The lazy song, and Gold. The turf slang

were found in two lyrics from six song, there are ; The lazy song and

billionaire. After the writer had analysis the data, abbreviations and

tradesmen slang is the most using in the Bruno Mars’s song lyrics.

c) - Abreviations did not have the different meaning,it just different about

writting. For example : “freakin”’ (freak+ing) = freaking

- Grammatical slang have the different meaning in the composition of

word, phrase,or sentences. For example : “lost in the dark” means that

trapped in the past.

- Tradesmen slang have the different meaning in a jargon words. For

example : “pops” means that shit.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA - Workmen slang have the different slang because it used made a word or

a sentence hard to understood factally has a original meaning had people

often said. For example : “sun goes down” means that sunset.

- Baby expressions have the different meaning bacause it used by parents

to their baby in order to make simple communication. For example : “baby

girl” means that gilrfriend.

- The turf have the different meaning for people. For example : “freaking

man in a castle” means that king.

- Politics have the different meaning in politics jargon. For example :

“political etiquete” means that applicable law.

- Cockney slang have the different meaning because cockney slang well

known as the slang of Londoners. For example : “i dunno” means that i do

not know.

4.2 Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, suggestions are stated as the following :

a) It is advised to listeners of pop song, the public and the learners of the

English to be more careful in using songs as media of learning English

because sometimes songs contain several slang languages.

b) Who interested in hearing Bruno Mars’s songs, could refer to this study to

help them understand slang meaning in Bruno Mars’s songs.



Burke , David.1997.Biz Talk-2 more American Business Slang and Jargon,United states of America

Edward, Jim .1992.Languange and Society, American

Hornby, As . 1945. English Languange, Oxford UniversityPress

Kenneth, Leonard and and walker. 1971. The Play of Languange, Oxford University press

Lerner, 1960.Slang usually has short life, American

Sembiring, Matius C.A 2014. Buku Panduan Program D3 Bahasa Inggris.Medan: University of Sumatera Utara

Winston and Rinehart. 1993.Languange, : Leonard Publishing History of slang accessed on Sunday,08 may 2016 at 8:30 PM http://www.Alphadictionary.com/American-slang-languange126150 library research method accessed on Tuesday, 10 may 2016 at 5:25 PM http://www.Ph.answers.yahoo.com/English-Slang-Words-36813465

Slang word accessed on Tuesday, 10 may 2016 at 5:50 PM http://www.popsugar.com/tech/Popular-Internet-Slang-word-37912438

Slang dictionary accessed on Friday, 27 may 2016 at 4:20 PM http://www.dictionary.com/American-Slang-Dictionary -36816467



Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), professionally known by his stage name Bruno Mars (/ˈmɑːrz/), is an American ,

Peter Gene Hernandez (born October 8, 1985), professionally known by his stage name Bruno Mars (/ˈmɑːrz/), is an American musician, singer- , multi-instrumentalist, , and choreographer. Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, by a family of , Mars began making music at a young age and performed in various musical venues in his hometown throughout his childhood. He graduated from high school and moved to Los

Angeles to pursue a musical career. After being dropped by Records,

Mars signed a recording contract with Atlantic in 2009. Mars began composing songs for other artists since the Motown stint.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Mars, in 2009, co-founded the production team , which helped him becoming recognized as a solo artist, responsible for the songs

"Nothin' on You" by B.o.B and "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy, for which he was featured on their hooks. His debut studio album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans (2010), was anchored by the U.S. BillboardHot 100 chart-topping singles "Just the Way

You Are" and "Grenade", as well as the number-four single "The Lazy Song". His second album, , released in 2012, peaked at number one in the United States. The album spawned the international singles "Locked Out of

Heaven", "" and "Treasure". In 2015, Mars lent his vocals to Mark Ronson's "". Throughout his career, he has sold over 100 million singles and worldwide, making him one of the best- selling artists of all time.[1] Mars has landed six number-one singles on the

BillboardHot 100 since his career launched in 2010, attaining the first five faster than any male singer since Elvis Presley.

Mars has received many awards and nominations, including four Grammy

Awards, and was named one of Time's 100 most influential people in the world in

2011. In December 2013, he ranked number one on the Forbes 30 under 30 list.

Mars is known for his stage performances and retro showmanship. He is accompanied by his band, The Hooligans, playing a variety of instruments such as electric guitar, bass, , keyboards, drums and horns, also serving as dancers and background singers. On stage, Mars is able to sing, dance and play in a wide range of musical styles.



“Click clack away”

You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes

So I might die a happy man today

Just empty out your barrel

Girl, it’s alright

Click clack away

Click clack away

Click clack away

Click clack away

Go’ head

Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea

Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea

Pull it, pull it, pull it

Go ahead and make my day

Click clack away

You got weapons of mass seduction

If I was broke, I’d give you half of nothing

Or give it all, then I’d give you more

I’m no decorator but the writing’s on the wall

Winter, summer, fall; april, may, and, june


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA You shot me through the heart, but I don’t have a wound

You got a good aim’ cause I could have sworn I moved

When it comes to relationships, I don’t have a clue

Love a first sight, I dunno, I zoom

You put a hit out on me; badabingbada boom

If this is pain let me hurry up and suffer

What doesn’t kill me should make my love tougher

I’m tough now, wassup now?

Fire at me, I swear I won’t duck down

Wow, you had me in awe

You ain’thave to shoot girl, you had from your draw.

You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes

So I might die a happy man today

Just empty out your barrel

Girl, it’s alright

Click clack away

Click clack away

Click clack away

Click clack away

Go’ head

Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea

Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea

Pull it, pull it, pull it


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Go ahead and make my day

Click clack away

You take way my very breath

Call nine one one, mary bless

No need to ask if I’m ready, yes

Ill got get my tux , and you go get your dress

And we gone do it big although we just met

I was just bein’ fresh

Yea I know I’m a mess

But I like spontaneity, continuity

Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow,just you and me

Haha; and I’m not pressin’ charges

Don’t want you to ricochet and hit another target

You take me to the edge , right up to the margin

All I see is fireworks , I can feel it sparkin’

Hope you keep me at the center of your bulls-eye

And you know its more beneficial full time

Haha: you are everything and more

You ain’thave to shoot girl, you had me from your draw.


You shot me through the heart staring in your eyes

So I might die a happy man today

Just empty out your barrel



Click clack away

Click clack away

Click clack away

Click clack away

Go’ head

Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea

Pull it, pull it, pull it yea yea

Pull it, pull it, pull it

Go ahead and make my day

Click clack away

“Talking to the moon”

I know you’re somewhere out here

Somewhere far way

I want you back

I want you back

My neighbors think I’m crazy

But they don’t understand

You’re all I had

You’re all I had


At night when the stars light up my room


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA I sit by myself talking to the moon

Trying to get to you

In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too

Or am I fool who sits alone talking to the moon?


I’ feeling like I’m famous

The talk of the town

They say I’ve gone mad

But they don’t know what I know

Cause when the sun goes down

Someone’s talking back

Yeah, they’re talking back


At night when the stars light up my room

I sit by myself talking to the moon

Trying to get to you

In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too

Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?


Do you ever hear me calling?


Oh ohhohh oh ohh

‘cause ever night I’m talking to the moon



Still trying to get to you

In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too

Or am I fool who sits alone talking to the moon

I know you’re somewhere out there

Somewhere far away

“The Lazy Song”

Today I don’t feel like doing anything

I just wannalay in my bed

Don’t feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone

‘cause today I swear I’m not doing anything.


I’m gonna kick my feet up

Then stare at the fan

Turn the tv on, throw my hand in my pants

Nobody’s gonna tell me I can’t

I’ll be lounging on the couch

Just chillin’ in my snuggie

Click on mtv, so they can teach me how to dougie

‘cause in my castle I’m the freaking man



Oh,yes I said it

I said it

I said it cause I can


Today I don’t feel like doing anything

I just wannalay in my bed

Don’t feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone

‘cause today I swear I’m not doing anything.

Nothing at all!

Oh hoohoohoo…

Nothing at all

Oh hoo… hoo…

Tomorrow I’ll make up do some p90x

Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex

And she’s gonna scream out: ‘this is great’ (oh my god, this is great”)


I might mess around , and get my college degree

I bet my old man will be so proud of me

But sorry pops, you’ll just have to wait



Oh,yes I said it

I said it

I said it cause I can


Today I don’t feel like doing anything

I just wannalay in my bed

Don’t feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone

‘cause today I swear I’m not doing anything.

No ain’tgonna comb my hair

‘cause I ain’t going anywhere

No, no, no, no, no, no, no

I’ll just strut in my birthday suit

And let everything hang loose

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Today I don’t feel like doing anything

I just wannalay in my bed

Don’t feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone

‘cause today I swear I’m not doing anything.

Nothing at all!



Nothing at all

Oh hoo… hoo


I wanna be a billionaire so freakin’ bad

Buy all of the things I never had

Uh, I wanna be on the covere of forbes magazine

Smilling next to oprah and the queen

Oh every time I close my eyes

I see my name in shinning lights

Yeah, a different city every night oh right

I swear the world better prepare

For when I’m a billionaire

Yeah I would have a show like oprah

I would be the host of everyday Christmas

Give travie a wish list

I’d probably pull an Angelina and brad pitt

And adopt a bunch of babies that I ain’t never had shit

Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this

And last but not least grant somebody their last wish


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA It’s been a couple months that I’ve been single so

You can call me travieclausminus the ho ho

Get it he he , I’d probably visit where Katrina hit

And damn sure do a lot more than fema did

Yeah can’t forget about me stupid

Everywhere I gonna have my own theme music

oh every time I close my eyes

I see my name in shinning lights a different city every night oh right

I swear the world better prepare

For when I’m a billionaire

Ohhohhh oh ohhh when I’m billionaire

Ohhohhh oh ohhh when I’m billionaire

I’ll be playing basketball with the president

Dunking in his delegates

Then I’ll compliment him on his political etiquette

Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it

But keep the five , twenties tens and bens completely separate

And yeah I’ll be in a whole new tax bracket

We in recession but let me take a crack at it

I’ll probably take whether left and just split it up

So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks

And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Eating good sleeping soundly

I know we all have a similar dream

Go in your pocket pull out your wallet

And put it in the air and sing

I wanna be a billionaire so freakin’ bad

Buy all of the things I never had

Uh, I wanna be on the covere of forbes magazine

Smilling next to oprah and the queen

Oh every time I close my eyes

I see my name in shinning lights

Yeah, a different city every night oh right

I swear the world better prepare for when I’m a billionaire

Ohhohhh oh ohhh when I’m billionaire

Ohhohhh oh ohhh when I’m billionaire

I wanna be a billionaire so fuckin’ bad!

“Count On Me”

Oh uhh huh

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I’ll sail the world to find you


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can’t see

I’ll be the light to guide you

We find out what we’re made up

When we are called to help our friend in need


You can count on me like 1,2,3

I’ll be there

And I know when I need it

I can count on you like 4,3,2

And you’ll be there

Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do , oh yeah

Ooooohhhhh,ooooooh,ooohh yeah yeah

If you’re tossin’ and you’re turnin’

And you just can’t fall asleep

I’ll sing a song beside you

And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me

Every day I will remind you


We find out what we’re made up

When we are called to help our friend in need


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA You can count on me like 1,2,3

I’ll be there

And I know when I need it

I can count on you like 4,3,2

And you’ll be there

Cause that’s what friends are supposed to do , oh yeah

Ooooohhhhh,ooooooh,ooohh yeah yeah

You’ll always have my shoulder when you cry

I’ll never let go, never say goodbye

You know


There’s no light in this room

It’s all right we got you

You shine like gold

You walk by

Cause a scene all the guys

They agree you shine like gold

[verse 1]

Hey baby

I spy with my little eye

Pretty lady


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA A dream about you and i

Lady and I know

This might make no sense

But you’re the first girl I met

Baby girl you’re shinning like a star

Come and give me some of that gold

I can see you shine from a far

I’ma come and give you some love

Cause you know that only you girl

That I can’t lie in my world, oh no

There’s no light in this room

It’s all right we got you

You shine like gold

You walk by

Cause a scene all the guys

They agree you shine like gold

Hey baby

I spy with my little eye

Pretty lady

A dream about you and i

Lady and I know


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA This might make no sense

But you’re the first girl I met

Baby girl you’re shinning like a star

Come and give me some of that gold

I can see you shine from a far

I’ma come and give you some love

Cause you know that only you girl

That I can’t lie in my world, oh no