Council Meeting/Minutes/5 September /2013 1



Minutes: of the Meeting of the Council held at the Hall Clease Road Camelford on Thursday 5 September 2013 at 19.15 hrs. Minute Nos:

202/2013 Persons Present/Apologies Present: Councillors: A Shaw (Chairman/Town Mayor) R Rotchell (Vice Chair/Deputy Town Mayor) A Crosby Mrs S Elford Mrs J Finch Mrs S Goodman Mrs B Grills P Lessels C Williams

Apologies: Councillors: Ms L Crockford K Harris

In attendance: PCSO C Krolik – Devon & Police M Sedgwick (Town Clerk) C Gregory – Cornish Guardian Reporter 25 members of the public

203/2013 Declarations of Interest Councillor Mrs S Elford declared a Non-Reportable interest in Planning Application PA13/06809 (Minute No: 209 /2013). Councillor Mrs S Goodman declared a Non-Reportable interest in Planning Applications PA13/06751 and PA13/06809 (Minute No: 209/2013).

204/2013 Dispensations None

205/2013 Public Participation  A member of the public invited Members to the property associated with Planning Application PA13/05420 to note the views prior to any proposed windfarm installation (PA13/03743). The Council were also invited to see the replaced windows of the property by virtue that the Council had objected to PA13/05420.  A member of the public objected to PA13/00022 proposed wind turbine on the basis of noise nuisance.  The applicant for PA13/00022 - did not agree that there would be a noise problem. The proposed wind turbine height was to be reduced. The project would provide green energy and address the carbon footprint. Local organisations would receive funding and there would be scrub clearance at Castle Goff. These would benefit the area.  A member of the public objected to PA13/03743 on the basis of the impact on the view, tourism, noise and environmental pollution.  A member of the public objected to PA13/03743 on the basis of the height of the structure and the impact on Camelford.  A representative of Camelford Windfarm Action Group informed that a public meeting was to be held on 25 September 2013 at Camelford Hall from 7pm-10pm to consider the proposed windfarm PA13/03743.

Signed as a true record…………………………………………………..Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/5 September /2013 2

 A representative of Camel Valley and Moor Protection Society commented on PA13/03743 informing that the Planning Application was being determined by the Strategic Planning Committee in November/December 2013 and suggested that CTC held a full consultation meeting.  A member of the public handed to the Council photos of the area taken from St Breward detailing the impact the proposed windfarm would have.  The Applicant for PA13/03743 informed that consultation with parish councils within a 10 mile radius had taken place; public consultations had been undertaken and leaflets had been distributed. The project would inject £240,000 into the community for the life of the windfarm.  A member of the public objected to the Council’s proposal to build a cover/roof on the bandstand suggesting that the space in front of the park was a community space.

206/2013 Council Meeting: Minutes 1 August 2013 RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of Camelford Town Council held on Thursday 1 August 2013 at 19.15 hours having been previously circulated, be taken as read, approved and signed.

Cllr Mrs S Elford proposed/Cllr A Crosby seconded the motion Cllrs R Rotchell and C Williams abstained

207/2013 Devon & Cornwall Police: Crime Figures RESOLVED to bring agenda item 10 forward on the agenda in order for the PCSO to continue with his duties. RECEIVED the police report for the last month (full report available from the Council Office).  The PCSO was encouraged by the figures which were less than the previous month.  The Chair was encouraged by the PCSO’s presence in the town.  A Member related that a traffic obstruction had been attended by the police and the obstruction cleared.  A Member commented that it was encouraging to note the presence of police with speed guns in the lay-by at Valley Truckle.  Concern was voiced regarding cars reversing from the petrol station at Valley Truckle and it was suggested that the Council brought the matter to the attention of the petrol station owners.

208/2013 Matters Arising from the Minutes None

209/2013 Planning Applications for Consultation RECEIVED the following Planning Applications and respond to the Planning Authority accordingly:

Application: PA13/03743 Proposal: Renewable energy project comprising the erecting of 16 wind turbines each with a maximum tip height of 130 metres, together with associated access track, hard standing areas, a substation/control room building and compound, borrow pits, a meteorological mast and a temporary construction and site storage compound Location: Land Including and South West of Woods Trewassa Camelford Signed as a true record…………………………………………………..Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/5 September /2013 3

Applicant: Community Windpower Limited Grid Ref: 214599/83627

RESOLVED unanimously to defer making a decision in order to fully consider all public comments, dependant on the Planning Authority granting an extension of time, and to discuss the application on a single item agenda. ------Application: PA13/0022 Proposal: Siting of a 500kw Wind Turbine with a hub height of 40 metres and a maximum height to tip of 67 metres with three blades and maximum rotor diameter of 54 metres and formation of access track for renewable energy self sufficiency at the 600 cow dairy unit

Location: Bodulgate Farm Trewalder Delabole PL33 9EY

RESOLVED unanimously to notify the Planning Authority that the Town Council opposes the application for the following reasons: 1. Possible noise pollution from the turbines; 2. Possible light flicker due to the lowering of the masts; 3. Possible flora and fauna damage; 4. Possible problems with access onto the land through Trevia.

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr A Shaw seconded the motion. ------Application: PA13/06751 Proposal: Single storey rear extension Location: Greenacres Roughtor Road Camelford Applicant: Mr M Matthews Grid Ref: 211432/83744

RESOLVED No objections to the application

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr Mrs J Finch seconded the motion Cllr Mrs S Goodman left the room when the application was discussed. ------Application: PA13/06809 Proposal: Extension to the existing garage/single storey extension Location: 8 Tregoodwell Camelford PL32 9PU Applicant: Dr M Blackwell Grid Ref: 211332/83600

RESOLVED No objections to the application

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr A Shaw seconded the motion Cllr Mrs S Elford and Mrs S Goodman left the room when this application was discussed. ------Application: PA13/07150 Proposal: Alterations and extension for disabled person including private indoor pool, exercise and relation area, conversion into utility and store room with bedroom and ensuite bathroom and erection of car port Location: 64 Beechwoood Drive Camelford PL32 9NB Applicant: Mr Tim Lamin Signed as a true record…………………………………………………..Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/5 September /2013 4

Grid Ref: 210840/84079

RESOLVED unanimously to object to the application and the proposed works by virtue that it would be an overdevelopment of the site, was inappropriate and would be detrimental to the area.

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr Mrs S Elford seconded the motion ------Application: PA13/07188 Proposal: Extension of time of PA10/05820 for the Change of Use of part of site for the installation of 3 No. holiday cabins and erection of a games room facility approved 1 November 2010. Location: Kings Acre Station Road Camelford Applicant: Mr Graham Powney Grid Ref: 210001/84282

RESOLVED to approve the application by virtue that it was the first extension of the original application.

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr Mrs S Elford seconded the motion

210/2013 Finance Report: 2 August - 5 September 2013 RESOLVED to adopt the Finance Report 2 August – 5 September 2013, including income and expenditure, the budget v actual income and expenditure to date and authorise the payments of Accounts Outstanding (Appendix A).

Cllr Mrs S Elford proposed/Cllr A Crosby seconded the motion

211/2013 Nat West Bonds: New Signatories RESOLVED that the Council authorises new signatories in order to service the Nat West Bond Accounts.

Cllr Mrs J Finch proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion


212/2013 Resident’s Complaint: Traffic Congestion A39 Camelford This item was deferred by virtue that the resident was not present.

213/2013 Market Committee: Minute No 026/095/188/2013 refer: RESOLVED that the Council re-instates the Market working party comprising Councillors P Lessels Mrs S Goodman and Mrs S Elford to meet once a quarter prior to a Council meeting the date to be agreed with the market organisers.

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion

214/2013 Enfield Park Public Conveniences: Minute No 190/2013 refers: NOTED the information to date from regarding a possible charging policy and RESOLVED to bring back further information to the next appropriate meeting for discussion.

Signed as a true record…………………………………………………..Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/5 September /2013 5 215/2013 Flower Beds: Minute Nos 165/191/2013 refer: RESOLVED that agenda items 14 & 18 be discussed simultaneously. RECEIVED a verbal report from the gardening working party on the proposed planting to the entrance of Enfield Park, entrances to the town, outside the Library and Valley Truckle.

216/2013 RESOLVED unanimously that the Council supports in principal the proposals from the gardening working party and instructs the gardening volunteers to draw up a schedule for planting and that the working party meets with the volunteers.

Cllr Mrs J Finch proposed/Cllr A Shaw seconded the motion

217/2013 ‘Go Local’ Leaflets: Minute Nos 166/192/2013 refer: RESOLVED the wording of the ‘Go Local’ leaflet.

218/2013 Car Parking Order and Procedures/Civil Enforcement/Parking Consultation with Cornwall Council: Minute No 177/193/2013 refers: RESOLVED to write to Cornwall Council requesting costs for employing a Civil Enforcement to enforce the Car Parking Order for Churchfield Car Park and Town Trust land. This item to remain on future agendas.

Cllr P Lessels proposed/Cllr Mrs S Goodman seconded the motion

219/2013 Bandstand: Minute Nos 177/193/2013 refers: NOTED that this item was ongoing and that the Chairman was to have discussions with Sanctuary Housing regarding the s106 agreement.

220/2013 Allotments: Minute No 198/2013 refers: NOTED that 4 allotment agreements had been terminated and re- allocated. To be revisited in 2 weeks.

221/2013 Pollarding/Crown Reduction of Trees in Market Place: Minute No 198/2013 refers: This item was deferred for further advice on pollarding and/or crown reduction of the trees in Market Place and for costs of works.

222/2013 Dispensation Requirement: Minute No 198/2013 refers: RESOLVED that all Members apply to Cornwall Council for a Dispensation in respect of Camelford Hall by virtue that the Town Council was the ‘Overarching Trustee’.

223/2013 Abbeyfield House: Address Sign Installation Request NOTED the request from Abbeyfield House for permission to install an address sign board on Camelford Bridge and RESOLVED to refer Abbeyfields back to the landowner.

Cllr Mrs J Finch proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion

Reports from Council Representatives:

224/2013 Town Forum None

225/2013 Camelford Hall None

Signed as a true record…………………………………………………..Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/5 September /2013 6

226/2013 Community Network Meeting NOTED the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 10 September 2013 at 7pm at Cornwall Council Offices College Road.

227/2013 Cornwall Association of Local Councils None

228/2013 Mayor’s Report NOTED that the Mayor had: . attended Camelford Youth Club Open Day; . attended Camelford Show; . presented the Cups and Certificates for Camelford in Bloom: o First Place Residential – Mr N Grills o Second Place Residential – Mr A Dawe o Third Place Residential – Mr J Cowen o First Place Commercial – Peckish o Second Place Commercial – Mason’s Arms o Highly Commended – The Darlington Arms The Liberal Club The Conservative Club  various meetings with the Community Network Manager;  replanted a plum tree in the orchard.

229/2013 Cornwall Councillor’s Report NOTED that the Cornwall Councillor: . had attended a meeting regarding the future use of the Gaia Centre and was due to meet the ex-Headmaster of the Academy using the centre concerning future use; . had spent 3 days at Cornwall Council and had attended the full Council Meeting and the Finance Advisory Group; . reported that Budget Roadshows were being organised to consult with the public in respect of the £19.5 m savings; . reported that following the Government Spending Review an extra £23m had to be saved during the next 4 years with £1.3b to be saved during the next 10 years; . reported that there was an issue concerning the perceived unfair funding for Cornwall; . was due to attend Tresmeer PC’s meeting to discuss the old Primary School site and the OSS College Road site; . had attended the inception of the new Vicar at St Teath Church and had invited him to attend a CTC meeting.

230/2013 Clerk’s Report NOTED updates on the following: 1. Churchfield Car Park: Line Marking 2. Enfield Park: Broken Equipment 3. Market Place: Missing Bollard 4. Clease Road: Bus Shelter 5. Fore Street: Bus Stop 6. Fore Street: Car Parking Offences 7. Victoria Road: Hedge & Brambles 8. Chapel Street: Graffiti 9. Camelford Show: Camelford Scouts 10. Flood Forum: Representative A full report is available from the Council Office

Signed as a true record…………………………………………………..Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/5 September /2013 7

Other Reports

231/2013 Luncheon Club NOTED the report from Cllr Lessels and Cllr Harris following consultation with organisations in the town. The consensus was that a

luncheon club was not supported but an afternoon tea club would be. To be placed on the next agenda for discussion.

232/2013 Town Team Meeting NOTED the following were discussed at the Town Team meeting:  logo for literature;  professional branding;  map of Camelford to highlight places of interest;  a letter to be sent to town businesses requesting that information leaflets be available in shops/premises denoted by a sticker in the shop/premises window;  a meeting with businesses to be held prior to the Town Forum AGM;  the provision of a grass cutting and weed spraying time table by the Community Network Manager;  landowners would be contacted regarding tourist information signs;  a banner pulley system with the option for organisations to use subject to planning;  quotes to be obtained for banners;  researching Events Insurance.

233/2013 Newsletters and Circulars Received: NOTED that the following journals had been received and was available from the Council Office: 1. WaterFuture – South West Water 2015-2020

234/2013 Notification of Meeting/Items For Agenda: 17 September 2013 NOTED the following agenda items for the Council meeting to be held on 17 September 2013: 1. Bus Stops Clease Road – Propose action to move the bus stops or extend the yellow lines (JF); 2. Events for 2014 – Enfield Park (RR); 3. Samuel Pollard - Camelford; 4. Electric Door Council Offices – Propose investigate costs of an electric door entry system (AS).

235/2013 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 RESOLVED that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it was advisable that the press and public be excluded and they were instructed to withdraw during the discussion for the following items: Contract/Quotations Cemetery Fees NALC Notification of Pay Award 2013/2014 Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr C Williams seconded the motion

236/2013 Wall – Churchfield Car Park: Minute No 454/2012 & 023/2013 refer: RESOLVED to defer this item to the next meeting by virtue that quotations had not been received. Contractors to be re-contacted. Signed as a true record…………………………………………………..Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/5 September /2013 8

237/2013 Cemetery Fees: Minute No 189/2013 refers: RESOLVED to defer this item to the next meeting by virtue that several responses were awaited.

238/2013 NALC Notification of Pay Award 2013/2014 RESOLVED to adopt and implement the Pay Award 2013/2014.

239/2013 CCTV Cameras Enfield Park: Minute Nos 635/667/2012 refer: RESOLVED to instruct Yetiserve to provide quotations for the required works.

The meeting closed at 10.05pm

Signed as a true record…………………………………………………..Chairman