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[WwZ5l.ebook] Doctor Who: Logopolis Pdf Free

Christopher H. Bidmead audiobook | *ebooks | Download PDF | ePub | DOC

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#198895 in Audible 2010-02-10Format: UnabridgedOriginal language:EnglishRunning time: 254 minutes | File size: 58.Mb

Christopher H. Bidmead : Doctor Who: Logopolis before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Doctor Who: Logopolis:

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. When Novelizations MatteredBy Jason A. MillerI first read the novelization of "Logopolis" when I was in the sixth grade. At that point, all I knew about "Doctor Who" was from the few 5th Doctor episodes I'd seen on PBS. I borrowed the book from a classmate who was trying to explain how the 5th Doctor came to be. Said classmate is now a life insurance agent in South Dakota and hasn't had any contact with "Doctor Who" in fifteen years. The book he loaned me, however, remains one of my enduring favorites.The novelizations of the "Doctor Who" TV adventures were an unusual breed: for many fans, they served as (at worst) a replacement for, or (at best) an improvement on the series itself. The condensing of a TV script into 120 pages gave rise to a peculiar richness of language that laid the groundwork for a dozen years (and counting) of original "Doctor Who" novels.Reading the back cover of the "Logopolis" novelization reveals a host of words you don't find any more in books aimed at 12 year-olds. "Precipitated", for instace. The opening paragraph of the story is unusually literate, presaging the 's death: "Events cast shadows before them...".The story's condensation is most keenly felt in author Bidmead's prose: a lot of on-screen dialogue is converted into plain text. This keeps the narrative moving without turning the novelization into a mere transcript, but also preserves the richness of the original script. In some instances, the story improves from the condensation: most of the shots of Tegan and running up and down the TARDIS corridors have been omitted; instead, we're given a scene were Adric reads from "Paradise Lost". introduces Adric to the TARDIS's "logic circuits", a visually striking piece of equipment never seen on-screen.Best of all is the restaging of the death scenes. When the Monitor dies on-screen, it's done through a straight visual effect, and doesn't make all that much sense. In the novelization, Bidmead makes the demise more graphic, in a manner that couldn't have been realized on television.The Doctor's death, too, is improved. On TV, he climbs along a tilting catwalk on a telescope high above the ground, and is knocked over the edge by an explosion of sparks from a cable he's unplugged. In the book, however, he falls from the catwalk first, and is left clinging to the cable for support. By unplugging the cable he effectively commits suicide; this adds dramatic heft to his final choice and turns the Doctor into, if possible, an even more heroic figure than he was on TV.Much of the relevance of the "Doctor Who" novelization has faded with time: video and DVD have made the stories more accessible than they were in the 1970s and '80s; the fan base has grown up and no longer needs to read books that are 120 pages long. _Logopolis_, however, in spite of a few instances of purple prose and some clunky similes, retains a poetry distinct from the TV story from which it was adapted, and thus still bears reading today.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Save the world or die tryingBy Bill HuebschQuite a good story. The Doctor is up against again and this time pays quite a price for his victory. He manages to save the world, actually the whole universe, but the cost is great for him and the Logopolitans. Aldric is his in this one, although he picks up from Traken again, and adds Tegan.The Master shows up early on and right away starts killing people by shrinking the to the size of dolls. The Doctor and Aldric accidentally bump into him on their way to Logopolis to get the TARDIS's chameleon circuit fixed. From there it is all downhill for the Doctor and his allies as the Master stays a step ahead, right up until the end, when the Doctor finally wins out.I loved the story and it moved along quickly. A short book as all these novelizations seem to be, and easily read in one sitting. Enjoy!4 of 5 people found the following review helpful. The last Fourth Doctor storyBy CustomerThe Doctor materialises the TARDIS by one of the last police boxes in England. His intention is to obtain the measurements of the real one to assist in repairing the TARDIS' chameleon circuit. But little do he and Adric realise that someone had arrived earlier, and an elaborate trap is about to be sprung...'Logopolis' is a very big story, featuring an enormous threat to the entire universe. The Doctor gains two companions (Nyssa, who first appeared in 'The Keeper of Traken', and Tegan), faces an old foe, and gives his life to save the universe.The story is quite clever, tying in with many events of the seventeenth season, and setting in motion the first story of the next season.The adaptation is by Christopher Bidmead, the author of the original script, and is quite worthwhile as well. Not everything makes perfect sense, but there is nothing which detracts from the enjoyment which the story should give you.

An unabridged reading of the final adventure for the Fourth Doctor, novelized and narrated by Christopher H. Bidmead from his original TV scripts. The meddling presence on Earth of the Doctor's arch enemy, the Master, ensures the disruption of normality. Even he is horrified by the threat of total chaos he unintentionally precipitatesmdash;until he finds a way to turn the imminent destruction of the universe to his own advantage. But the cost for the Doctor himself wiill be terrible...

"An atmospheric and engaging adventure" Saffron Walden Reporter "Bidmead's voice is crisp, his enunciation and pronunciation cultured, a combination of authority and intelligence that wins over the listener" http://www.eyeofhorus.org.ukAbout the AuthorChristopher Hamilton Bidmead was born in 1941. He trained as an actor at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) and subsequently played leading roles on the West End stage and television. For several years he was a regular voice on radio as a member of the BBC Drama Repertory Company. He began scriptwriting while working with the Royal Shakespeare Company, and by the early Seventies was writing television scripts for the Thames TV serials Harriet's Back in Town and Rooms. At the same time a long-standing interest in science drew him towards technical journalism. His articles in the New Scientist prompted BBC producer Robert Banks Stewart to recommend him for the post of script editor on Doctor Who when it was vacated by at the beginning of the '80s. After a year in that role he signed off on the job by delivering two stories, Logopolis and , and returned to freelance projects - including a Who story, , and novelisations of all three for the Target range of books. His stint on Doctor Who introduced him to the use of personal computers, and for the past quarter century he has continued to work as an IT journalist, writing for a range of publications including Wired magazine and The Daily Telegraph. Over the last decade he has been a regular columnist on PCPlus magazine. (Author biography by David J. Howe, author of The Target Book, the complete illustrated guide to the Target Doctor Who novelisations.)

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